Integrated safety strategies for onboard hydrogen storage systems

Lead Research Organisation: University of Ulster
Department Name: Sch of Built Environment


This proposal is focused at the main unresolved technological safety issues for hydrogen-powered vehicles, i.e. the fire resistance of onboard hydrogen storage. There are about 15,500 accidental car fires in Great Britain annually (Fire statistics. Great Britain, 2010-2011). The most widespread for car use Type 4 tanks are made of carbon-fibre reinforced polymer (CFRP) and can stand in fire up to 6.5 minutes before catastrophic failure.
To "prevent" catastrophic failure of tank in a fire it is equipped by temperature-activated pressure relief device (TPRD) with currently typical orifice diameter of about 5 mm. A release from 70 MPa storage tank from such TPRD produces a flame of up to 15 m long and separation distance to "no harm" criteria of 70 C of about 50 m. Moreover, due to so-called pressure-peaking effect a typical garage will be destroyed by such a release (about 300-400 g/s) in 1-2 seconds. Use of such onboard storage excludes evacuation of people from the car or safeguarding of people from the car by first responders. To reduce mass flow rate through TPRD and reduce flame jet length would require increased level of fire resistance of Type 4 tanks from today's 1-7 minutes to about or more than 30 minutes.

The project aims to develop novel safety strategies and engineering solutions for onboard storage of hydrogen. This aim will be achieved through realisation of the following objectives (work packages, leading partner is indicated):
- Hazard identification study and risk assessment (Kingston University (KU))
- Critical analysis of current safety strategies and engineering solutions (University of Ulster (UU))
- Numerical parametric study of potential fire attacks from adjacent vehicles (including gasoline vehicles) on road or in car parks (KU).
- Numerical parametric study of conjugate heat transfer from fire to storage tanks of different design and extent of fire protection by CFD technique, including IP of the University of Ulster in the field (UU)
- Parametric finite element analysis to simulate response of tanks of different design to external fire (KU)
- Experimental study of prototype designs to increase fire resistance of onboard storage without and with PRD (UU)
- Numerical simulations to evaluate the reduction in mass flow rate achievable with the proposed increase of cylinder fire resistance (KU).
- Novel storage and safety solutions, including materials for a liner (University of Bath)
- Development of engineering criteria of tank failure to formulate requirements to testing protocol (UU)
- Effect of safety strategies and novel engineering solutions on socio-economical aspects of hydrogen economy (UU).

The research will start with hazard identification study to assess the potential risks involved. Numerical simulations (fire dynamics CFD and structural analysis FEM) will be conducted on the basis of the proposed enhancement of cylinder fire resistance to evaluate the achievable reduction in mass flow rate. Experimental testing will be undertaken for validation of numerical simulations. Based on numerical and experimental studies the testing protocol for fire resistance of onboard storage tanks will be developed. The research will also include the use of materials efficient for hydrogen storage as a tank liner. Socio-economical study will crown the project outputs, translating the engineering safety strategies and solutions, such as higher fire resistance, lower mass flow rate through TPRD, shorter separation distance, provisions of life safety and property protection, into economical equivalents, e.g. cost of land use, insurance cost, etc. The output of this multi-disciplinary project will aim to inform wider public to underpin acceptance of HFC technologies. The project is complimentary to the EPSRC SUPERGEN Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Hub. Collaborators on this project include leading in the field experts and organisations from all over the globe: UK, USA, France, China, Korea.

Planned Impact

Hydrogen-powered cars and buses are hitting the roads and the full-scale commercialisation is announced for 2015. Safety is a paramount for public acceptance of hydrogen and fuel cell systems. The main unresolved safety issue is low fire resistance of onboard hydrogen storage of only 3.5-6.5 min. This project is focused on the development of safety strategies and engineering solutions for increased fire resistance of storage tanks. The ultimate goal is to provide at least the same level of risk as compared to fossil fuel vehicles. The project outcomes will have economical and societal impact as follows.

- Public will benefit by availability of safer hydrogen-powered transport with risk at least at the same level as fossil fuel vehicles, provisions of life safety and property protection. Inherently safer hydrogen-powered vehicles with increased fire resistance will provide conditions for self-evacuation of a driver and passengers from a burning vehicle, allow rescue operations by first responders, prevent collapse of civil structures like garages in case of hydrogen releases, etc. The project will demonstrate to the public that hydrogen is not more or less dangerous when dealt with professionally.

- Hydrogen industry will benefit by experimentally tested innovative engineering solutions able to improve fire resistance of onboard hydrogen storage drastically with little increase of manufacturing cost. The project results will be commercialised by tank manufacturers, including partners Lincoln Composites (USA) and CEA (France). The European Commission through its Joint Research Centre (Netherlands), overseas partners Zhejiang University (China) and Yonsei University (South Korea) will provide links to other tank manufacturers thus spreading the UK excellence in this field throughout the globe. The impact will be expanded far beyond the project partnership by channelling information on storage systems with improved fire resistance to various networks, including the Industrial Committee of the International Association for Hydrogen Safety, focusing on Daimler, BMW, Hyundai, Toyota, Honda, Kawasaki, Air Products, Air Liquide, ITM Power, Linder Group, Parker Domnick Hunter Ltd, AREVA, etc., industrial members of the UK Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association, Advisory Board of the EPSRC SUPERGEN Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Hub, etc. The research outcomes will be applicable to CNG/LPG vehicles industry.

- Regulators and standard developing organisations (SDO) will benefit from experimentally validated increased level of fire resistance that can be included into the regulations, developed and tested procedures of bonfire and TPRD testing protocols. This will ultimately benefit public safety and quality of life both in the UK and overseas.

- Academia will benefit from advancing multi-disciplinary research bringing together experts from safety science, computational fluid dynamics, heat and mass transfer, combustion, material science, and economics. Bonfire performance of thermally protected high-pressure tanks with TPRD, including that made of dual-purpose materials, has never been attempted before numerically with the use of finite element and CFD techniques. Experimental program alone will generate a wealth of data and basis for model validations and further research development. The developed and validated state-of-the-art models will be used then as contemporary tools for safety engineering design of competitive hydrogen storage tanks. Outreach activities within European projects with partners involvement, i.e. H2FC European Infrastructure, HyIndoor, HyFacts, HyResponse, will be used to bring together academia and other stakeholders.

The research findings will make a valuable contribution to research-led educational and training programs, e.g. MSc in Hydrogen Safety Engineering and International Short Course and Advanced Research Workshop series "Progress in Hydrogen Safety" at Ulster.


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Dadashzadeh M (2018) Risk assessment methodology for onboard hydrogen storage in International Journal of Hydrogen Energy

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Kashkarov S (2020) Blast wave from a hydrogen tank rupture in a fire in the open: Hazard distance nomograms in International Journal of Hydrogen Energy

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Kashkarov S (2018) Effect of a heat release rate on reproducibility of fire test for hydrogen storage cylinders in International Journal of Hydrogen Energy

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Molkov V (2019) Physical model of onboard hydrogen storage tank thermal behaviour during fuelling in International Journal of Hydrogen Energy

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Noguera-Díaz A (2019) Flexible ZIFs: probing guest-induced flexibility with CO 2 , N 2 and Ar adsorption in Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology

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Noguera-Díaz A (2016) Structure-property relationships in metal-organic frameworks for hydrogen storage in Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects

Description 1. Thermal protection solution allows to increase fire resistance rating from 3.5-6.5 minutes to beyond typical car fire duration - at least to 1 hour 50 min (with 20mm intumescent paint).
2. Longer FRR creates potential for safer TPRD design allowing passengers self-evacuation, first responders intervention, increased public safety.
3. Current bonfire codes and standards do not uniquely specify thermal tank condition and tank failure: dependence of fire resistance rating (FRR) of Type 4 tank (carbon-fibre reinforced plastic tank with polymer liner) on fire test heat release rate (HRR) was predicted numerically and confirmed experimentally. Proposal to Global Technical Regulation on hydrogen fuelled vehicles (GTR#13) and ISO TC 58 to specify fire test HRR is under development.
4. New nanoporous, flexible polymer systems that will act as adsorbents in hydrogen storage tanks to reduce operating pressure and hence reduce costs and improve safety are under development. These systems comprise an adsorbent polymer containing a high-surface area filler and we are currently combining mechanical property testing of these materials with adsorption characterisation. No such detailed work has been carried out before.
5. Quantitative risk analysis for onboard hydrogen storage was performed and revealed that current level of onboard storage fire resistance (6-12 min) results in unacceptably high risk of human life loss and increase of fire resistance to at least 45 min is essential (example of London area was used).
6. Work is underway to combine developed in the project safety engineering solutions for onboard storage systems as integrated safety strategy.
7. Breakthrough "leak-no-burst" technology, which excludes catastrophic tank rupture in a fire, was developed and patented by Ulster University. The developed technology is under experimental validation via other ongoing projects (InvestNI PoC 629, Interreg HYLANTIC, FCH-JU HyTunnel-CS, FCH-JU SH2APED).
Exploitation Route The research team is actively marketing the project findings between Advisory Board members, health and safety authorities (HSE), influential bodies (e.g. IEA-HIA Task 37), standard developing organisations (GTR#13, ISO TC 197, SAE J2579), tank manufacturers
- Lincoln Composites (USA),
- Optimum Composite Technologies (USA),
- Quantum (USA),
- HyPerComp Engineering (USA),
- Faurecia (France),
- Hexagon Raufoss (Norway),
- Luxfer (UK),
- Haydale (UK),
- Plastic Omnium (Belgium),
- Magna Steyr (Austria),
- Faber (Italy),
- others,

and OEMs:
- Audi (Germany),
- BMW (Germany),
- Daimler (Germany),
- Honda (Japan),
- Toyota (Japan),
- Hyundai (Korea),
- General Motors (USA),
- Ford (USA),
- Microcab (UK),
- Nikola Motor (USA).

Train manufacturers:
Sectors Energy


Description The project team achieved the anticipated impact in all targeted areas (apart of academia and research): 1) Regulations, codes and standards - amendments to "Global technical regulation on hydrogen and fuel cell vehicles" (GTR#13) were proposed and under discussion; 2) Public - according to information the research team receiving the car manufacturer BMW is introducing the developed within project solution (i.e. thermal protection of high-pressure hydrogen tank by intumescent paint) in his hydrogen fuelled vehicles; 3) Industry - the team continues development of engineering solution to improve fire resistance of onboard hydrogen storage. The project team is collaborating with composite tank producers in UK, Europe and USA for the prototype tank manufacturing. Next TRL level was achieved via: - InvestNI project "Composite tank prototype " (PoC 629), - Interreg HYLANTIC project (EAPA_204/2016), - FCH-JU HyTunnel_CS project (826193) projects. Further technology advancement is ongoing within InnovateUK CMDC2, NI DfE CASE (A1135), H2020 SH2APED (ID 101007182) projects. Another important project aim relevant to WP5 'Novel storage and safety solutions' led by University of Bath is to explore possibilities to integrate nanoporous materials into state-of-the-art high-pressure hydrogen gas storage tanks in order to reduce the operating pressure and hence reduce costs and improve safety. There is considerable industrial interest in this as tank costs and safety, especially, are a serious concern to OEMs delivering hydrogen-fuelled vehicles to the market. Results are reported, in particular, at: a) H2FC SUPERGEN Research Forum (Cardiff, 8-9 September 2015; St Andrews, 1-2 September 2016; St.-Andrews, 11-13 December 2017, 9 Dec 2022) attended by Advisory Board members coming from health and safety authorities and FCH industry, b) meetings of ISO TC 197 'Hydrogen Technologies' (2017), c) meetings of 'Int. Energy Association - Hydrogen Implementation Agreement' Task 37 'Hydrogen Safety' (November 2016, July 2017, October 2017, October 2018), d) meeting of Technical Panel of SAE J2579 (June 2017, September 2018, February 2019, others), e) meetings of UN WP.29 Global Technical Regulation on Hydrogen Fuelled Vehicles GTR#13 (October 2017, February 2018, June 2018, March 2019, others), f) Research Priorities Workshop of Int. Association for Hydrogen Safety (IA HySafe, September 2016, October 2018, October 2020, November 2022), many others.
First Year Of Impact 2017
Sector Energy,Transport
Impact Types Policy & public services

Description Contribution to work of standard developing organisation - Technical Panel SAE J2579. Prof V. Molkov reported project outcomes at the meeting 20 June 2017, Troy, USA
Geographic Reach North America 
Policy Influence Type Membership of a guideline committee
Description Contribution to work of standard developing organisation - Technical Panel of UN Global Technical Regulation on Hydrogen Fuelled Vehicles. Prof V. Molkov reported project outcomes at the meetings October 2017 and February 2018.
Geographic Reach Multiple continents/international 
Policy Influence Type Membership of a guideline committee
Description Contribution to work of standard developing organisation. Prof V. Molkov reported further research results at SAE and GTR#13 TF#4 meetings: (1) 5-7 February 2019, Torrance, USA; (2) 5-7 March 2019, Vancouver, Canada; (3) 10 October 2019, Troy, USA
Geographic Reach Multiple continents/international 
Policy Influence Type Membership of a guideline committee
Description Impact on future generation of hydrogen RCS. Dr D. Cirrone reported further research results at IEA-HIA Task 37 'Hydrogen Safety' meeting in 19th October 2018, Paris, France
Geographic Reach Multiple continents/international 
Policy Influence Type Participation in a guidance/advisory committee
Description Impact on hydrogen RCS via membership of IEA-HIA Task 37 'Hydrogen Safety' and presence at ISO TC 197 'Hydrogen Technologies'
Geographic Reach Multiple continents/international 
Policy Influence Type Participation in a guidance/advisory committee
Description Presentation given by Dr D. Makarov at "Hydrogen Vehicle Seminar" organised by Engineers Ireland, 27 March 2019, Ulster University
Geographic Reach Local/Municipal/Regional 
Policy Influence Type Influenced training of practitioners or researchers
Description Presentation given by Dr D. Makarov at Short Course in Hydrogen Safety for Airbus staff "Safety strategies and engineering solutions for on-board hydrogen storage" , 17 May 2019, Ulster University
Geographic Reach Europe 
Policy Influence Type Influenced training of practitioners or researchers
Impact Short course training in hydrogen safety for Airbus staff was organised on Airbus request. Project results including strategy for improvement of fire resistance of high-pressure Type 4 tanks were summarised in a presentation "Safety strategies and engineering solutions for on-board hydrogen storage".
Description "Composite tank prototype for onboard compressed hydrogen storage based on novel Ulster's leak-no-burst safety technology"
Amount £105,980 (GBP)
Funding ID PoC 629 
Organisation Invest Northern Ireland 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2016 
End 04/2018
Amount € 1,993,550 (EUR)
Funding ID 101007182 
Organisation European Commission 
Sector Public
Country European Union (EU)
Start 01/2021 
End 12/2023
Description Breakthrough safety technologies for hydrogen vessels from Northern Ireland
Amount £205,050 (GBP)
Funding ID PROJECT/ A1135 
Organisation Centre for Advanced Sustainable Energy 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2021 
End 09/2023
Description Clean Maritime Demonstration Competition, Strand 1, "Northern Ireland Green Seas"
Amount £434,564 (GBP)
Funding ID TS/W012243/1 
Organisation Innova UK 
Sector Private
Country United Kingdom
Start 08/2021 
End 03/2022
Description European regional development fund
Amount € 1,832,500 (EUR)
Funding ID EAPA_204/2016 
Organisation European Commission 
Sector Public
Country European Union (EU)
Start 09/2017 
End 09/2020
Description Improving Hydrogen Safety for Energy Applications through pre-normative research on vented deflagrations (HySEA)
Amount € 1,500,000 (EUR)
Funding ID 671461 
Organisation European Commission 
Sector Public
Country European Union (EU)
Start 08/2015 
End 11/2018
Description PNR for safety of hydrogen driven vehicles and transport through tunnels and similar confined spaces
Amount € 2,500,000 (EUR)
Funding ID 826193 
Organisation European Commission 
Sector Public
Country European Union (EU)
Start 03/2019 
End 02/2022
Description Pre-normative REsearch for Safe use of Liquide HYdrogen
Amount € 1,950,000 (EUR)
Funding ID 779613 
Organisation European Commission 
Sector Public
Country European Union (EU)
Start 03/2018 
End 03/2021
Description Research Challenge Fund 2014 / Strategic Award
Amount £29,540 (GBP)
Organisation Ulster University 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 05/2014 
End 05/2015
Title Data for cryocharging and cryokinetics analysis of hydrogen storage in MIL-101 (Cr) and AX-21. 
Description Data for high-pressure hydrogen adsorption in MIL-101 (Cr) and AX-21. Includes: - Excel files (.xlsx) with isotherm data as excess uptake of hydrogen in weight percent (mass of hydrogen divided by dry mass of sample) for the metal-organic framework material MIL-101 (Cr) at 77, 90, 100, 110, 130, 150, 200 and 292 K and up to 12 MPa and for the activated carbon AX-21 at 90, 100, 110, 120, 150, 200 and 298 K and up to 18 MPa. - Excel files (.xlsx) with rational fits to the compressibility of hydrogen using the Leachman's equation of state for 77, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 150, 200, 292 and 298 K, up to 20 MPa. - Excel files (.xlsx) with kinetic data for hydrogen excess uptake (micromols), pressure (MPa) and sample temperature (K) as a function of time for the MIL-101 (Cr) 77 and 90 K isotherm and for the AX-21 90 K isotherm. - Origin files (.opj) with the analysis of the isotherm data for the cryocharging - Origin files (.opj) with the analysis of the kinetic data using the linear driving force model - Image files (.tif) for the SEM micrographs for the MIL-101 (Cr) and AX-21, and image files (.tif) for the particle analysis using Image J. Manuscript for the results in this dataset (forthcoming): High-pressure adsorptive storage of hydrogen in MIL-101 (Cr) and AX-21 for mobile applications: cryocharging and cryokinetics by Nuno Bimbo, Wesley Xu, Jessica E Sharpe, Valeska P Ting and Timothy J Mays 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2015 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title Dataset for "Direct Evidence for Solid-Like Hydrogen in a Nanoporous Carbon Hydrogen Storage Material at Supercritical Temperatures" 
Description Dataset for Direct Evidence for Solid-Like Hydrogen in a Nanoporous Carbon Hydrogen Storage Material at Supercritical Temperatures journal paper. The data set includes inelastic neutron scattering data raw data files (.dat) collected on the TOSCA instrument at the ISIS neutron facility, at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratories, UK at the following hydrogen pressures (at 77 K) for activated carbon TE7: 0.016 MPa H2 at 77 K 0.074 MPa H2 at 77 K 0.168 MPa H2 at 77 K 0.300 MPa H2 at 77 K 0.630 MPa H2 at 77 K 0.998 MPa H2 at 77 K 2.071 MPa H2 at 77 K 3.500 MPa H2 at 77 K This data pertains to Figs 1, 2 and 3 in the paper " Direct Evidence for Solid-Like Hydrogen in a Nanoporous Carbon Hydrogen Storage Material at Supercritical Temperatures" (ACS Nano, 2015). The integrated intensities under the peaks were calculated from the raw data over the following ranges: - The total inelastic signal (integrated intensity from 2 to 500 meV). - Integrated intensity under the elastic peak from -2 meV to 2 meV. - Integrated intensity under the 14.7 meV rotor line fit using a Gaussian peak shape The data processing and peak integration was performed using the Mantid software (available from 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2015 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title Seachable database of literature on solid-state hydrogen storage materials 
Description The database of literature on solid-state hydrogen storage materials was created by University of Bath team as a part of the project (milestone M5.1) 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2015 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact The database provides a quick access to up-to-the-date knowledge on solid-state hydrogen storage materials 
Title Simplified failure criterion for load-bearing ability of carbon-fibre reinforced polymer (CFRP) tank for onboard hydrogen storage 
Description The model was developed within the research project by Ulster team and currently is under validation using data from project collaborators. The model allows to predict fire resistance rating of CFRP tanks, which is one of the major unresolved safety issues for roll-out of hydrogen-driven transport and energy applications into public domain. 
Type Of Material Computer model/algorithm 
Year Produced 2015 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact The model will be used to develop novel safety strategies and tested engineering solutions to increase fire resistance to the level that jet flame length will be reduced to allow self-evacuation and rescue operations on a car in case of fire. 
Description Advisory Board member - Air Liquide 
Organisation Air Liquide
Country Global 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Project team reported results to Advisory Board members at joint face-to-face Management Commitee, Advisory Board, and Technical Panel meetings: 24 October 2014 (Ulster University) - Dr Lucas Bustamante Valencia (Air Liquide, France); 16-17 April 2015 (Ulster University) - Pierre Blanc-Vannet (Air Liquide, France).
Collaborator Contribution Air Liquide contributed to the project with provision of thermal and kinetic properties of composite tank materials following results of the FCH-JU FireCOMP project. Dr Pierre Blanc-Vannet (Air Liquide) lead joint tank fire test experimental programme (project 2086) within "Transnational Access" activity of FP7 H2FC project.
Impact Results of tank fire testing (project 2086) passed to the project team, were analysed, publication is under development
Start Year 2013
Description Advisory Board member - Atomic and Alternative Energies Commission (CEA) 
Organisation Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
Country France 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Project team reported results to Advisory Board members at joint face-to-face Management Commitee, Advisory Board, and Technical Panel meetings: 23 October 2013 (Ulster University) - Dr Jean-Philippe Nikolai (CEA, France); 16-17 April 2015 (Ulster University) - Dr Stéphane Villalonga (CEA, France)
Collaborator Contribution Dr Jean-Philippe Nikolai, Dr Stéphane Villalonga (CEA, France) contributed with discussion on composite material degradation mechanism and its CFD modelling
Impact Makarov D., Kim Y., Kashkarov S., Molkov V. (2016) Thermal Protection and Fire Resistance of High-Pressure Hydrogen Storage, In Proceedings of 8th International Seminar on Fire and Explosion Hazards, Hefei, China, 25-28 April 2016 (in Press)
Start Year 2013
Description Advisory Board member - Joint Research Centre (JRC), the Netherlands 
Organisation European Commission
Department Joint Research Centre (JRC)
Country European Union (EU) 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Project team reported results to Advisory Board members at joint face-to-face Management Commitee, Advisory Board, and Technical Panel meetings: 23 October 2013 (Ulster University) - Dr Daniele Baraldi (Joint Research Centre) 16-17 April 2015 (Ulster University) - Dr Daniele Baraldi (Joint Research Centre)
Collaborator Contribution Dr Daniele Baraldi (Joint Research Centre, The Netherlands) - provision of composite tank CAD geometry, tank material properties, discussion of on CFD model development
Impact Makarov D., Kim Y., Kashkarov S., Molkov V. (2016) Thermal Protection and Fire Resistance of High-Pressure Hydrogen Storage, In Proceedings of 8th International Seminar on Fire and Explosion Hazards, Hefei, China, 25-28 April 2016 (in Press) Kim Y., Makarov D., Kashkarov S., Joseph P., Molkov V. (2016) Modelling heat transfer in an intumescent paint and its effect on fire resistance of on-board hydrogen storage. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (in press);;
Start Year 2013
Description Advisory Board member - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) 
Organisation Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Project team reported results to Advisory Board members at joint face-to-face Management Commitee, Advisory Board, and Technical Panel meetings: 24 October 2014 (Ulster University) - Prof Thomas Jordan, Mr Andreas Friedrich (KIT, Germany) 16-17 April 2015 (Ulster University) - Andreas Friedrich (KIT, Germany) 19-20 April 2016 (Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China) - Dr Michael Kuznetsov (KIT, Germany)
Collaborator Contribution KIT contributed to the development of the project in form of provisions for experimental fire testing at KIT site within "Transnational Access" activity of European FCH-JU "H2FC" project; "Transnational access" project 2038 (team lead by Prof Jennifer Wen, University of Warwick), project 2086 (team lead by Dr Pierre Blanc-Vannet, Air Liquide), project 2087 (Dr Michael Chadwick, Sherwin-Williams). Experimental programme was executed, results transferred to the EPSRC project participants, outputs reported below, external link:
Impact Makarov D., Kim Y., Kashkarov S., Molkov V. (2016) Thermal Protection and Fire Resistance of High-Pressure Hydrogen Storage, In Proceedings of 8th International Seminar on Fire and Explosion Hazards, Hefei, China, 25-28 April 2016 (in Press) Kim Y., Makarov D., Kashkarov S., Joseph P., Molkov V. (2016) Modelling heat transfer in an intumescent paint and its effect on fire resistance of on-board hydrogen storage. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (in press);;
Start Year 2013
Description Advisory Board member - Zhejiang University (China) 
Organisation Zhejiang University
Department Institute of Process Equipment
Country China 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Project team reported results to Advisory Board members at joint face-to-face Management Commitee, Advisory Board, and Technical Panel meetings: 16-17 April 2015 (Ulster University) - Prof Jinyang Zheng (Zhejiang University, China) 19-20 April 2016 (Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China) - Prof Jinyang Zheng (Zhejiang University, China)
Collaborator Contribution Zhejiang University (in the person of Prof Jinyang Zheng) co-organised and hosted International Conference "UK-China Hydrogen Bridge 2016" (21-22 April 2016, Hangzhou, China) Contribution was made to discussion and formulation of CFD simulations of composite high-pressure storage tank under combined pressure and thermal loads.
Impact Kim Y., Makarov D., Kashkarov S., Joseph P., Molkov V. (2016) Modelling heat transfer in an intumescent paint and its effect on fire resistance of on-board hydrogen storage. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (in press);
Start Year 2013
Description Advisory board member - University of Edinburgh 
Organisation University of Edinburgh
Department MRC Centre for Inflammation Research
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The team reported project results to Advisory Board members at joint face-to-face Management Commitee, Advisory Board, and Technical Panel meetings: 17 April 2014 (University of Warwick) - Dr S. Welch (University of Edinburgh) 16-17 April 2015 (Ulster University) - Mr Rorry Hadden (University of Edinburgh) 19-20 April 2016 (Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China) - Dr S. Welch (University of Edinburgh)
Collaborator Contribution Provision of thermal and kinetic properties of composite tank materials. Discussion of tank decomposition and failure modelling.
Impact Makarov D., Kim Y., Kashkarov S., Molkov V. (2016) Thermal Protection and Fire Resistance of High-Pressure Hydrogen Storage, In Proceedings of 8th International Seminar on Fire and Explosion Hazards, Hefei, China, 25-28 April 2016 (in Press)
Start Year 2014
Description Advisory board to the project 
Organisation Air Liquide
Country Global 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Project team reported results to Advisory Board members at joint face-to-face Management Commitee, Advisory Board, and Technical Panel meetings: 23 October 2013 (Ulster University) - Dr Per Sigurd Heggem (Lincoln Composites, USA), Dr Jean-Philippe Nikolai (CEA, France); 17 April 2014 (Ulster University) - Dr S. Welch (Edinburgh University, UK) 24 October 2014 (Ulster University) - Dr Thomas Jordan (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany), Mr Andreas Friedrich (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany), Dr Lucas Bustamante Valencia (Air Liquide, France); 16-17 April 2015 (Ulster University) - Dr Simon Butterfield (Sherwin-Williams, UK), Dr Stéphane Villalonga (CEA, France), Dr Warren Hepples (Luxfer Gas Cylinders, UK), Dr Per Sigurd Heggem (Lincoln Composites, USA), Andreas Friedrich (Pro-Science, Germany), Jonathan Hall (HSL, UK), Prof Jinyang Zheng (Zhejiang University, China), Dr Georg W. Mair (BAM, Germany), Dr Daniele Baraldi (Joint Research Centre, The Netherlands), Pierre Blanc-Vannet (AIR LIQUIDE, France); 19-20 April 2016 (Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China) - Prof Jinyang Zheng (Zhejiang University, China), Dr Michael Kuznetsov (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany), Dr Per Sigurd Heggem (Lincoln Composites, USA), Dr S. Welch (Edinburgh University, UK), Dr Stuart Hawksworth (HSL, UK), Dr Georg Mair (BAM, Germany), Dr Nha Nguen (DoT, USA).
Collaborator Contribution Dr Per-Sigurd Heggem (Lincoln Composites, USA) - provision of carbon-fibre reinforced tanks for fire testing (10 tanks); Dr Daniele Baraldi (Joint Research Centre, The Netherlands) - provision of composite tank CAD geometry, tank material properties, discussion of on CFD model development Dr Michael Chadwick, Dr Simon Butterfield (Sherwin-Williams, UK) - advice on intumescent paint choice for increased tank fire resistance, provision of intumescent paint, application of the coating to tanks for further fire testing Prof Jinyang Zheng (Zhejiang University, China) - host and co-organiser of Int. Conference "UK-China Hydrogen Bridge 2016" (21-22 April 2016, Hangzhou, China) Dr Jean-Philippe Nikolai, Dr Stéphane Villalonga (CEA, France), Dr Georg Mair (BAM, Germany), - discussion of composite material degradation mechanism and its CFD modelling Prof Thomas Jordan, Mr Andreas Friedrich (KIT, Germany) - provision of experimental fire testing at KIT site within "Transnational Access" activity of European FCH-JU "H2FC" project, "Transnational access" project 2038 (team lead by Prof Jennifer Wen, University of Warwick), project 2086 (team lead by Dr Pierre Blanc-Vannet, Air Liquide), project 2087 (Dr Michael Chadwick, Sherwin-Williams). Experimental programme was executed, results transferred to the EPSRC project participants, outputs reported below, external link: Dr Stephen Welch (Edinburgh University, UK), Pierre Blanc-Vannet (AIR LIQUIDE, France) - provision of thermal and kinetic properties of composite tank materials Dr Stuart Hawksworth (HSL, UK) - provision of experimental fire testing at HSL site (under development/ongoing) Dr Nguen Nha (DoT, USA) - discussion and advice on proposal for changes to Global Technical Regulation #13
Impact Makarov D., Kim Y., Kashkarov S., Molkov V. (2016) Thermal Protection and Fire Resistance of High-Pressure Hydrogen Storage, In Proceedings of 8th International Seminar on Fire and Explosion Hazards, Hefei, China, 25-28 April 2016 (in Press)
Start Year 2013
Description Advisory board to the project 
Organisation Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
Country France 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Project team reported results to Advisory Board members at joint face-to-face Management Commitee, Advisory Board, and Technical Panel meetings: 23 October 2013 (Ulster University) - Dr Per Sigurd Heggem (Lincoln Composites, USA), Dr Jean-Philippe Nikolai (CEA, France); 17 April 2014 (Ulster University) - Dr S. Welch (Edinburgh University, UK) 24 October 2014 (Ulster University) - Dr Thomas Jordan (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany), Mr Andreas Friedrich (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany), Dr Lucas Bustamante Valencia (Air Liquide, France); 16-17 April 2015 (Ulster University) - Dr Simon Butterfield (Sherwin-Williams, UK), Dr Stéphane Villalonga (CEA, France), Dr Warren Hepples (Luxfer Gas Cylinders, UK), Dr Per Sigurd Heggem (Lincoln Composites, USA), Andreas Friedrich (Pro-Science, Germany), Jonathan Hall (HSL, UK), Prof Jinyang Zheng (Zhejiang University, China), Dr Georg W. Mair (BAM, Germany), Dr Daniele Baraldi (Joint Research Centre, The Netherlands), Pierre Blanc-Vannet (AIR LIQUIDE, France); 19-20 April 2016 (Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China) - Prof Jinyang Zheng (Zhejiang University, China), Dr Michael Kuznetsov (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany), Dr Per Sigurd Heggem (Lincoln Composites, USA), Dr S. Welch (Edinburgh University, UK), Dr Stuart Hawksworth (HSL, UK), Dr Georg Mair (BAM, Germany), Dr Nha Nguen (DoT, USA).
Collaborator Contribution Dr Per-Sigurd Heggem (Lincoln Composites, USA) - provision of carbon-fibre reinforced tanks for fire testing (10 tanks); Dr Daniele Baraldi (Joint Research Centre, The Netherlands) - provision of composite tank CAD geometry, tank material properties, discussion of on CFD model development Dr Michael Chadwick, Dr Simon Butterfield (Sherwin-Williams, UK) - advice on intumescent paint choice for increased tank fire resistance, provision of intumescent paint, application of the coating to tanks for further fire testing Prof Jinyang Zheng (Zhejiang University, China) - host and co-organiser of Int. Conference "UK-China Hydrogen Bridge 2016" (21-22 April 2016, Hangzhou, China) Dr Jean-Philippe Nikolai, Dr Stéphane Villalonga (CEA, France), Dr Georg Mair (BAM, Germany), - discussion of composite material degradation mechanism and its CFD modelling Prof Thomas Jordan, Mr Andreas Friedrich (KIT, Germany) - provision of experimental fire testing at KIT site within "Transnational Access" activity of European FCH-JU "H2FC" project, "Transnational access" project 2038 (team lead by Prof Jennifer Wen, University of Warwick), project 2086 (team lead by Dr Pierre Blanc-Vannet, Air Liquide), project 2087 (Dr Michael Chadwick, Sherwin-Williams). Experimental programme was executed, results transferred to the EPSRC project participants, outputs reported below, external link: Dr Stephen Welch (Edinburgh University, UK), Pierre Blanc-Vannet (AIR LIQUIDE, France) - provision of thermal and kinetic properties of composite tank materials Dr Stuart Hawksworth (HSL, UK) - provision of experimental fire testing at HSL site (under development/ongoing) Dr Nguen Nha (DoT, USA) - discussion and advice on proposal for changes to Global Technical Regulation #13
Impact Makarov D., Kim Y., Kashkarov S., Molkov V. (2016) Thermal Protection and Fire Resistance of High-Pressure Hydrogen Storage, In Proceedings of 8th International Seminar on Fire and Explosion Hazards, Hefei, China, 25-28 April 2016 (in Press)
Start Year 2013
Description Advisory board to the project 
Organisation European Commission
Department Joint Research Centre (JRC)
Country European Union (EU) 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Project team reported results to Advisory Board members at joint face-to-face Management Commitee, Advisory Board, and Technical Panel meetings: 23 October 2013 (Ulster University) - Dr Per Sigurd Heggem (Lincoln Composites, USA), Dr Jean-Philippe Nikolai (CEA, France); 17 April 2014 (Ulster University) - Dr S. Welch (Edinburgh University, UK) 24 October 2014 (Ulster University) - Dr Thomas Jordan (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany), Mr Andreas Friedrich (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany), Dr Lucas Bustamante Valencia (Air Liquide, France); 16-17 April 2015 (Ulster University) - Dr Simon Butterfield (Sherwin-Williams, UK), Dr Stéphane Villalonga (CEA, France), Dr Warren Hepples (Luxfer Gas Cylinders, UK), Dr Per Sigurd Heggem (Lincoln Composites, USA), Andreas Friedrich (Pro-Science, Germany), Jonathan Hall (HSL, UK), Prof Jinyang Zheng (Zhejiang University, China), Dr Georg W. Mair (BAM, Germany), Dr Daniele Baraldi (Joint Research Centre, The Netherlands), Pierre Blanc-Vannet (AIR LIQUIDE, France); 19-20 April 2016 (Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China) - Prof Jinyang Zheng (Zhejiang University, China), Dr Michael Kuznetsov (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany), Dr Per Sigurd Heggem (Lincoln Composites, USA), Dr S. Welch (Edinburgh University, UK), Dr Stuart Hawksworth (HSL, UK), Dr Georg Mair (BAM, Germany), Dr Nha Nguen (DoT, USA).
Collaborator Contribution Dr Per-Sigurd Heggem (Lincoln Composites, USA) - provision of carbon-fibre reinforced tanks for fire testing (10 tanks); Dr Daniele Baraldi (Joint Research Centre, The Netherlands) - provision of composite tank CAD geometry, tank material properties, discussion of on CFD model development Dr Michael Chadwick, Dr Simon Butterfield (Sherwin-Williams, UK) - advice on intumescent paint choice for increased tank fire resistance, provision of intumescent paint, application of the coating to tanks for further fire testing Prof Jinyang Zheng (Zhejiang University, China) - host and co-organiser of Int. Conference "UK-China Hydrogen Bridge 2016" (21-22 April 2016, Hangzhou, China) Dr Jean-Philippe Nikolai, Dr Stéphane Villalonga (CEA, France), Dr Georg Mair (BAM, Germany), - discussion of composite material degradation mechanism and its CFD modelling Prof Thomas Jordan, Mr Andreas Friedrich (KIT, Germany) - provision of experimental fire testing at KIT site within "Transnational Access" activity of European FCH-JU "H2FC" project, "Transnational access" project 2038 (team lead by Prof Jennifer Wen, University of Warwick), project 2086 (team lead by Dr Pierre Blanc-Vannet, Air Liquide), project 2087 (Dr Michael Chadwick, Sherwin-Williams). Experimental programme was executed, results transferred to the EPSRC project participants, outputs reported below, external link: Dr Stephen Welch (Edinburgh University, UK), Pierre Blanc-Vannet (AIR LIQUIDE, France) - provision of thermal and kinetic properties of composite tank materials Dr Stuart Hawksworth (HSL, UK) - provision of experimental fire testing at HSL site (under development/ongoing) Dr Nguen Nha (DoT, USA) - discussion and advice on proposal for changes to Global Technical Regulation #13
Impact Makarov D., Kim Y., Kashkarov S., Molkov V. (2016) Thermal Protection and Fire Resistance of High-Pressure Hydrogen Storage, In Proceedings of 8th International Seminar on Fire and Explosion Hazards, Hefei, China, 25-28 April 2016 (in Press)
Start Year 2013
Description Advisory board to the project 
Organisation Hexagon Composites ASA
Department Lincoln Composites
Country United States 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Project team reported results to Advisory Board members at joint face-to-face Management Commitee, Advisory Board, and Technical Panel meetings: 23 October 2013 (Ulster University) - Dr Per Sigurd Heggem (Lincoln Composites, USA), Dr Jean-Philippe Nikolai (CEA, France); 17 April 2014 (Ulster University) - Dr S. Welch (Edinburgh University, UK) 24 October 2014 (Ulster University) - Dr Thomas Jordan (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany), Mr Andreas Friedrich (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany), Dr Lucas Bustamante Valencia (Air Liquide, France); 16-17 April 2015 (Ulster University) - Dr Simon Butterfield (Sherwin-Williams, UK), Dr Stéphane Villalonga (CEA, France), Dr Warren Hepples (Luxfer Gas Cylinders, UK), Dr Per Sigurd Heggem (Lincoln Composites, USA), Andreas Friedrich (Pro-Science, Germany), Jonathan Hall (HSL, UK), Prof Jinyang Zheng (Zhejiang University, China), Dr Georg W. Mair (BAM, Germany), Dr Daniele Baraldi (Joint Research Centre, The Netherlands), Pierre Blanc-Vannet (AIR LIQUIDE, France); 19-20 April 2016 (Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China) - Prof Jinyang Zheng (Zhejiang University, China), Dr Michael Kuznetsov (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany), Dr Per Sigurd Heggem (Lincoln Composites, USA), Dr S. Welch (Edinburgh University, UK), Dr Stuart Hawksworth (HSL, UK), Dr Georg Mair (BAM, Germany), Dr Nha Nguen (DoT, USA).
Collaborator Contribution Dr Per-Sigurd Heggem (Lincoln Composites, USA) - provision of carbon-fibre reinforced tanks for fire testing (10 tanks); Dr Daniele Baraldi (Joint Research Centre, The Netherlands) - provision of composite tank CAD geometry, tank material properties, discussion of on CFD model development Dr Michael Chadwick, Dr Simon Butterfield (Sherwin-Williams, UK) - advice on intumescent paint choice for increased tank fire resistance, provision of intumescent paint, application of the coating to tanks for further fire testing Prof Jinyang Zheng (Zhejiang University, China) - host and co-organiser of Int. Conference "UK-China Hydrogen Bridge 2016" (21-22 April 2016, Hangzhou, China) Dr Jean-Philippe Nikolai, Dr Stéphane Villalonga (CEA, France), Dr Georg Mair (BAM, Germany), - discussion of composite material degradation mechanism and its CFD modelling Prof Thomas Jordan, Mr Andreas Friedrich (KIT, Germany) - provision of experimental fire testing at KIT site within "Transnational Access" activity of European FCH-JU "H2FC" project, "Transnational access" project 2038 (team lead by Prof Jennifer Wen, University of Warwick), project 2086 (team lead by Dr Pierre Blanc-Vannet, Air Liquide), project 2087 (Dr Michael Chadwick, Sherwin-Williams). Experimental programme was executed, results transferred to the EPSRC project participants, outputs reported below, external link: Dr Stephen Welch (Edinburgh University, UK), Pierre Blanc-Vannet (AIR LIQUIDE, France) - provision of thermal and kinetic properties of composite tank materials Dr Stuart Hawksworth (HSL, UK) - provision of experimental fire testing at HSL site (under development/ongoing) Dr Nguen Nha (DoT, USA) - discussion and advice on proposal for changes to Global Technical Regulation #13
Impact Makarov D., Kim Y., Kashkarov S., Molkov V. (2016) Thermal Protection and Fire Resistance of High-Pressure Hydrogen Storage, In Proceedings of 8th International Seminar on Fire and Explosion Hazards, Hefei, China, 25-28 April 2016 (in Press)
Start Year 2013
Description Advisory board to the project 
Organisation Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Project team reported results to Advisory Board members at joint face-to-face Management Commitee, Advisory Board, and Technical Panel meetings: 23 October 2013 (Ulster University) - Dr Per Sigurd Heggem (Lincoln Composites, USA), Dr Jean-Philippe Nikolai (CEA, France); 17 April 2014 (Ulster University) - Dr S. Welch (Edinburgh University, UK) 24 October 2014 (Ulster University) - Dr Thomas Jordan (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany), Mr Andreas Friedrich (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany), Dr Lucas Bustamante Valencia (Air Liquide, France); 16-17 April 2015 (Ulster University) - Dr Simon Butterfield (Sherwin-Williams, UK), Dr Stéphane Villalonga (CEA, France), Dr Warren Hepples (Luxfer Gas Cylinders, UK), Dr Per Sigurd Heggem (Lincoln Composites, USA), Andreas Friedrich (Pro-Science, Germany), Jonathan Hall (HSL, UK), Prof Jinyang Zheng (Zhejiang University, China), Dr Georg W. Mair (BAM, Germany), Dr Daniele Baraldi (Joint Research Centre, The Netherlands), Pierre Blanc-Vannet (AIR LIQUIDE, France); 19-20 April 2016 (Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China) - Prof Jinyang Zheng (Zhejiang University, China), Dr Michael Kuznetsov (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany), Dr Per Sigurd Heggem (Lincoln Composites, USA), Dr S. Welch (Edinburgh University, UK), Dr Stuart Hawksworth (HSL, UK), Dr Georg Mair (BAM, Germany), Dr Nha Nguen (DoT, USA).
Collaborator Contribution Dr Per-Sigurd Heggem (Lincoln Composites, USA) - provision of carbon-fibre reinforced tanks for fire testing (10 tanks); Dr Daniele Baraldi (Joint Research Centre, The Netherlands) - provision of composite tank CAD geometry, tank material properties, discussion of on CFD model development Dr Michael Chadwick, Dr Simon Butterfield (Sherwin-Williams, UK) - advice on intumescent paint choice for increased tank fire resistance, provision of intumescent paint, application of the coating to tanks for further fire testing Prof Jinyang Zheng (Zhejiang University, China) - host and co-organiser of Int. Conference "UK-China Hydrogen Bridge 2016" (21-22 April 2016, Hangzhou, China) Dr Jean-Philippe Nikolai, Dr Stéphane Villalonga (CEA, France), Dr Georg Mair (BAM, Germany), - discussion of composite material degradation mechanism and its CFD modelling Prof Thomas Jordan, Mr Andreas Friedrich (KIT, Germany) - provision of experimental fire testing at KIT site within "Transnational Access" activity of European FCH-JU "H2FC" project, "Transnational access" project 2038 (team lead by Prof Jennifer Wen, University of Warwick), project 2086 (team lead by Dr Pierre Blanc-Vannet, Air Liquide), project 2087 (Dr Michael Chadwick, Sherwin-Williams). Experimental programme was executed, results transferred to the EPSRC project participants, outputs reported below, external link: Dr Stephen Welch (Edinburgh University, UK), Pierre Blanc-Vannet (AIR LIQUIDE, France) - provision of thermal and kinetic properties of composite tank materials Dr Stuart Hawksworth (HSL, UK) - provision of experimental fire testing at HSL site (under development/ongoing) Dr Nguen Nha (DoT, USA) - discussion and advice on proposal for changes to Global Technical Regulation #13
Impact Makarov D., Kim Y., Kashkarov S., Molkov V. (2016) Thermal Protection and Fire Resistance of High-Pressure Hydrogen Storage, In Proceedings of 8th International Seminar on Fire and Explosion Hazards, Hefei, China, 25-28 April 2016 (in Press)
Start Year 2013
Description Advisory board to the project 
Organisation United States Department of Transportation
Country United States 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Project team reported results to Advisory Board members at joint face-to-face Management Commitee, Advisory Board, and Technical Panel meetings: 23 October 2013 (Ulster University) - Dr Per Sigurd Heggem (Lincoln Composites, USA), Dr Jean-Philippe Nikolai (CEA, France); 17 April 2014 (Ulster University) - Dr S. Welch (Edinburgh University, UK) 24 October 2014 (Ulster University) - Dr Thomas Jordan (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany), Mr Andreas Friedrich (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany), Dr Lucas Bustamante Valencia (Air Liquide, France); 16-17 April 2015 (Ulster University) - Dr Simon Butterfield (Sherwin-Williams, UK), Dr Stéphane Villalonga (CEA, France), Dr Warren Hepples (Luxfer Gas Cylinders, UK), Dr Per Sigurd Heggem (Lincoln Composites, USA), Andreas Friedrich (Pro-Science, Germany), Jonathan Hall (HSL, UK), Prof Jinyang Zheng (Zhejiang University, China), Dr Georg W. Mair (BAM, Germany), Dr Daniele Baraldi (Joint Research Centre, The Netherlands), Pierre Blanc-Vannet (AIR LIQUIDE, France); 19-20 April 2016 (Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China) - Prof Jinyang Zheng (Zhejiang University, China), Dr Michael Kuznetsov (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany), Dr Per Sigurd Heggem (Lincoln Composites, USA), Dr S. Welch (Edinburgh University, UK), Dr Stuart Hawksworth (HSL, UK), Dr Georg Mair (BAM, Germany), Dr Nha Nguen (DoT, USA).
Collaborator Contribution Dr Per-Sigurd Heggem (Lincoln Composites, USA) - provision of carbon-fibre reinforced tanks for fire testing (10 tanks); Dr Daniele Baraldi (Joint Research Centre, The Netherlands) - provision of composite tank CAD geometry, tank material properties, discussion of on CFD model development Dr Michael Chadwick, Dr Simon Butterfield (Sherwin-Williams, UK) - advice on intumescent paint choice for increased tank fire resistance, provision of intumescent paint, application of the coating to tanks for further fire testing Prof Jinyang Zheng (Zhejiang University, China) - host and co-organiser of Int. Conference "UK-China Hydrogen Bridge 2016" (21-22 April 2016, Hangzhou, China) Dr Jean-Philippe Nikolai, Dr Stéphane Villalonga (CEA, France), Dr Georg Mair (BAM, Germany), - discussion of composite material degradation mechanism and its CFD modelling Prof Thomas Jordan, Mr Andreas Friedrich (KIT, Germany) - provision of experimental fire testing at KIT site within "Transnational Access" activity of European FCH-JU "H2FC" project, "Transnational access" project 2038 (team lead by Prof Jennifer Wen, University of Warwick), project 2086 (team lead by Dr Pierre Blanc-Vannet, Air Liquide), project 2087 (Dr Michael Chadwick, Sherwin-Williams). Experimental programme was executed, results transferred to the EPSRC project participants, outputs reported below, external link: Dr Stephen Welch (Edinburgh University, UK), Pierre Blanc-Vannet (AIR LIQUIDE, France) - provision of thermal and kinetic properties of composite tank materials Dr Stuart Hawksworth (HSL, UK) - provision of experimental fire testing at HSL site (under development/ongoing) Dr Nguen Nha (DoT, USA) - discussion and advice on proposal for changes to Global Technical Regulation #13
Impact Makarov D., Kim Y., Kashkarov S., Molkov V. (2016) Thermal Protection and Fire Resistance of High-Pressure Hydrogen Storage, In Proceedings of 8th International Seminar on Fire and Explosion Hazards, Hefei, China, 25-28 April 2016 (in Press)
Start Year 2013
Description Advisory board to the project 
Organisation University of Edinburgh
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Project team reported results to Advisory Board members at joint face-to-face Management Commitee, Advisory Board, and Technical Panel meetings: 23 October 2013 (Ulster University) - Dr Per Sigurd Heggem (Lincoln Composites, USA), Dr Jean-Philippe Nikolai (CEA, France); 17 April 2014 (Ulster University) - Dr S. Welch (Edinburgh University, UK) 24 October 2014 (Ulster University) - Dr Thomas Jordan (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany), Mr Andreas Friedrich (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany), Dr Lucas Bustamante Valencia (Air Liquide, France); 16-17 April 2015 (Ulster University) - Dr Simon Butterfield (Sherwin-Williams, UK), Dr Stéphane Villalonga (CEA, France), Dr Warren Hepples (Luxfer Gas Cylinders, UK), Dr Per Sigurd Heggem (Lincoln Composites, USA), Andreas Friedrich (Pro-Science, Germany), Jonathan Hall (HSL, UK), Prof Jinyang Zheng (Zhejiang University, China), Dr Georg W. Mair (BAM, Germany), Dr Daniele Baraldi (Joint Research Centre, The Netherlands), Pierre Blanc-Vannet (AIR LIQUIDE, France); 19-20 April 2016 (Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China) - Prof Jinyang Zheng (Zhejiang University, China), Dr Michael Kuznetsov (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany), Dr Per Sigurd Heggem (Lincoln Composites, USA), Dr S. Welch (Edinburgh University, UK), Dr Stuart Hawksworth (HSL, UK), Dr Georg Mair (BAM, Germany), Dr Nha Nguen (DoT, USA).
Collaborator Contribution Dr Per-Sigurd Heggem (Lincoln Composites, USA) - provision of carbon-fibre reinforced tanks for fire testing (10 tanks); Dr Daniele Baraldi (Joint Research Centre, The Netherlands) - provision of composite tank CAD geometry, tank material properties, discussion of on CFD model development Dr Michael Chadwick, Dr Simon Butterfield (Sherwin-Williams, UK) - advice on intumescent paint choice for increased tank fire resistance, provision of intumescent paint, application of the coating to tanks for further fire testing Prof Jinyang Zheng (Zhejiang University, China) - host and co-organiser of Int. Conference "UK-China Hydrogen Bridge 2016" (21-22 April 2016, Hangzhou, China) Dr Jean-Philippe Nikolai, Dr Stéphane Villalonga (CEA, France), Dr Georg Mair (BAM, Germany), - discussion of composite material degradation mechanism and its CFD modelling Prof Thomas Jordan, Mr Andreas Friedrich (KIT, Germany) - provision of experimental fire testing at KIT site within "Transnational Access" activity of European FCH-JU "H2FC" project, "Transnational access" project 2038 (team lead by Prof Jennifer Wen, University of Warwick), project 2086 (team lead by Dr Pierre Blanc-Vannet, Air Liquide), project 2087 (Dr Michael Chadwick, Sherwin-Williams). Experimental programme was executed, results transferred to the EPSRC project participants, outputs reported below, external link: Dr Stephen Welch (Edinburgh University, UK), Pierre Blanc-Vannet (AIR LIQUIDE, France) - provision of thermal and kinetic properties of composite tank materials Dr Stuart Hawksworth (HSL, UK) - provision of experimental fire testing at HSL site (under development/ongoing) Dr Nguen Nha (DoT, USA) - discussion and advice on proposal for changes to Global Technical Regulation #13
Impact Makarov D., Kim Y., Kashkarov S., Molkov V. (2016) Thermal Protection and Fire Resistance of High-Pressure Hydrogen Storage, In Proceedings of 8th International Seminar on Fire and Explosion Hazards, Hefei, China, 25-28 April 2016 (in Press)
Start Year 2013
Description Advisory board to the project 
Organisation Yonsei University
Country Korea, Republic of 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Project team reported results to Advisory Board members at joint face-to-face Management Commitee, Advisory Board, and Technical Panel meetings: 23 October 2013 (Ulster University) - Dr Per Sigurd Heggem (Lincoln Composites, USA), Dr Jean-Philippe Nikolai (CEA, France); 17 April 2014 (Ulster University) - Dr S. Welch (Edinburgh University, UK) 24 October 2014 (Ulster University) - Dr Thomas Jordan (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany), Mr Andreas Friedrich (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany), Dr Lucas Bustamante Valencia (Air Liquide, France); 16-17 April 2015 (Ulster University) - Dr Simon Butterfield (Sherwin-Williams, UK), Dr Stéphane Villalonga (CEA, France), Dr Warren Hepples (Luxfer Gas Cylinders, UK), Dr Per Sigurd Heggem (Lincoln Composites, USA), Andreas Friedrich (Pro-Science, Germany), Jonathan Hall (HSL, UK), Prof Jinyang Zheng (Zhejiang University, China), Dr Georg W. Mair (BAM, Germany), Dr Daniele Baraldi (Joint Research Centre, The Netherlands), Pierre Blanc-Vannet (AIR LIQUIDE, France); 19-20 April 2016 (Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China) - Prof Jinyang Zheng (Zhejiang University, China), Dr Michael Kuznetsov (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany), Dr Per Sigurd Heggem (Lincoln Composites, USA), Dr S. Welch (Edinburgh University, UK), Dr Stuart Hawksworth (HSL, UK), Dr Georg Mair (BAM, Germany), Dr Nha Nguen (DoT, USA).
Collaborator Contribution Dr Per-Sigurd Heggem (Lincoln Composites, USA) - provision of carbon-fibre reinforced tanks for fire testing (10 tanks); Dr Daniele Baraldi (Joint Research Centre, The Netherlands) - provision of composite tank CAD geometry, tank material properties, discussion of on CFD model development Dr Michael Chadwick, Dr Simon Butterfield (Sherwin-Williams, UK) - advice on intumescent paint choice for increased tank fire resistance, provision of intumescent paint, application of the coating to tanks for further fire testing Prof Jinyang Zheng (Zhejiang University, China) - host and co-organiser of Int. Conference "UK-China Hydrogen Bridge 2016" (21-22 April 2016, Hangzhou, China) Dr Jean-Philippe Nikolai, Dr Stéphane Villalonga (CEA, France), Dr Georg Mair (BAM, Germany), - discussion of composite material degradation mechanism and its CFD modelling Prof Thomas Jordan, Mr Andreas Friedrich (KIT, Germany) - provision of experimental fire testing at KIT site within "Transnational Access" activity of European FCH-JU "H2FC" project, "Transnational access" project 2038 (team lead by Prof Jennifer Wen, University of Warwick), project 2086 (team lead by Dr Pierre Blanc-Vannet, Air Liquide), project 2087 (Dr Michael Chadwick, Sherwin-Williams). Experimental programme was executed, results transferred to the EPSRC project participants, outputs reported below, external link: Dr Stephen Welch (Edinburgh University, UK), Pierre Blanc-Vannet (AIR LIQUIDE, France) - provision of thermal and kinetic properties of composite tank materials Dr Stuart Hawksworth (HSL, UK) - provision of experimental fire testing at HSL site (under development/ongoing) Dr Nguen Nha (DoT, USA) - discussion and advice on proposal for changes to Global Technical Regulation #13
Impact Makarov D., Kim Y., Kashkarov S., Molkov V. (2016) Thermal Protection and Fire Resistance of High-Pressure Hydrogen Storage, In Proceedings of 8th International Seminar on Fire and Explosion Hazards, Hefei, China, 25-28 April 2016 (in Press)
Start Year 2013
Description Advisory board to the project 
Organisation Zhejiang University
Country China 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Project team reported results to Advisory Board members at joint face-to-face Management Commitee, Advisory Board, and Technical Panel meetings: 23 October 2013 (Ulster University) - Dr Per Sigurd Heggem (Lincoln Composites, USA), Dr Jean-Philippe Nikolai (CEA, France); 17 April 2014 (Ulster University) - Dr S. Welch (Edinburgh University, UK) 24 October 2014 (Ulster University) - Dr Thomas Jordan (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany), Mr Andreas Friedrich (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany), Dr Lucas Bustamante Valencia (Air Liquide, France); 16-17 April 2015 (Ulster University) - Dr Simon Butterfield (Sherwin-Williams, UK), Dr Stéphane Villalonga (CEA, France), Dr Warren Hepples (Luxfer Gas Cylinders, UK), Dr Per Sigurd Heggem (Lincoln Composites, USA), Andreas Friedrich (Pro-Science, Germany), Jonathan Hall (HSL, UK), Prof Jinyang Zheng (Zhejiang University, China), Dr Georg W. Mair (BAM, Germany), Dr Daniele Baraldi (Joint Research Centre, The Netherlands), Pierre Blanc-Vannet (AIR LIQUIDE, France); 19-20 April 2016 (Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China) - Prof Jinyang Zheng (Zhejiang University, China), Dr Michael Kuznetsov (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany), Dr Per Sigurd Heggem (Lincoln Composites, USA), Dr S. Welch (Edinburgh University, UK), Dr Stuart Hawksworth (HSL, UK), Dr Georg Mair (BAM, Germany), Dr Nha Nguen (DoT, USA).
Collaborator Contribution Dr Per-Sigurd Heggem (Lincoln Composites, USA) - provision of carbon-fibre reinforced tanks for fire testing (10 tanks); Dr Daniele Baraldi (Joint Research Centre, The Netherlands) - provision of composite tank CAD geometry, tank material properties, discussion of on CFD model development Dr Michael Chadwick, Dr Simon Butterfield (Sherwin-Williams, UK) - advice on intumescent paint choice for increased tank fire resistance, provision of intumescent paint, application of the coating to tanks for further fire testing Prof Jinyang Zheng (Zhejiang University, China) - host and co-organiser of Int. Conference "UK-China Hydrogen Bridge 2016" (21-22 April 2016, Hangzhou, China) Dr Jean-Philippe Nikolai, Dr Stéphane Villalonga (CEA, France), Dr Georg Mair (BAM, Germany), - discussion of composite material degradation mechanism and its CFD modelling Prof Thomas Jordan, Mr Andreas Friedrich (KIT, Germany) - provision of experimental fire testing at KIT site within "Transnational Access" activity of European FCH-JU "H2FC" project, "Transnational access" project 2038 (team lead by Prof Jennifer Wen, University of Warwick), project 2086 (team lead by Dr Pierre Blanc-Vannet, Air Liquide), project 2087 (Dr Michael Chadwick, Sherwin-Williams). Experimental programme was executed, results transferred to the EPSRC project participants, outputs reported below, external link: Dr Stephen Welch (Edinburgh University, UK), Pierre Blanc-Vannet (AIR LIQUIDE, France) - provision of thermal and kinetic properties of composite tank materials Dr Stuart Hawksworth (HSL, UK) - provision of experimental fire testing at HSL site (under development/ongoing) Dr Nguen Nha (DoT, USA) - discussion and advice on proposal for changes to Global Technical Regulation #13
Impact Makarov D., Kim Y., Kashkarov S., Molkov V. (2016) Thermal Protection and Fire Resistance of High-Pressure Hydrogen Storage, In Proceedings of 8th International Seminar on Fire and Explosion Hazards, Hefei, China, 25-28 April 2016 (in Press)
Start Year 2013
Description Plastic liner of a properly designed composite pressure vessel becomes permeable at predetermined temperature before high-pressure Type 4 composite tank wall loses load-bearing ability, which excludes devastating tank rupture in a fire. The technology ensures safety of on-board hydrogen storage for passengers, first responders and public. 
IP Reference EP3583346 
Protection Patent application published
Year Protection Granted 2019
Licensed No
Impact Patent application for the same "leak-no-burst" technology progressed from national to European stage
Title Composite pressure vessel for hydrogen storage 
Description The discovery excludes high-pressure hydrogen storage tank rupture in a fire ("leak-no-burst technology"), eliminating associated life and property losses 
IP Reference GB1702362.3 
Protection Patent application published
Year Protection Granted 2017
Licensed No
Impact The discovery is expected to have impact on manufacturing of high-pressure hydrogen tanks. Potential to have "leak-no-burst" in a fire scenario is being communicated within industry (e.g. project Advisory Board), influential advisory bodies (e.g. IEA-HIA Task 37), standard developing organisations (ISoTC 197, SAE J2579, UN GTR#13), etc.
Description Engagement with ISO technical committee 197 'Hydrogen Technology' 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Presentation of project findings and their implication for regulation, codes and standards was made by Prof V. Molkov at ISO TC 197 'Hydrogen Technologies' meetings (USA, December 2015)
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015
Description International Conference UK-China "Hydrogen Bridge 2016", 21-22 April 2016 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact The conference was organised to exchange and promote advances in high-pressure hydrogen storage safety research between key and influential players in UK,Europe and China . Major findings of the EPSRC project "Integrated safety strategies of onboard hydrogen storage" were presented by representatives of all three collaborating Universities. Audience from academia, research and industry was actively engaged in discussions about on-board storage fire resistance, protocols for fire testing, current safety practices and perspective safety strategies.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Presentation "Effect of safety on socio-economics of hydrogen-powered vehicles" at the Joint European Summer School on Fuel Cells, Electrolysers and Battery Technologies 2017, 17-22 September 2017 (Athens, Greece) 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact Annual Joint Summer School took place in September 2017 (Athens, Greece). HySAFER Centre of Ulster University traditionally organises "Hydrogen Safety" session of the School. The session was attended by about 6-8 people. The presentation reported outcomes of the risk analysis study performed within the project (also presented later in Dadashzadeh et al., Risk assessment methodology for onboard hydrogen storage,. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2018).
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Presentation "Risk assessment of hydrogen-powered vehicles" at Joint European Summer School on fuel cell, electrolyser and battery technologies, Athens, Greece, 22-27 September 2018 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact Annual Joint Summer School took place 22-27 September 2018 (Athens, Greece). HySAFER Centre of Ulster University traditionally organises "Hydrogen Safety" session of the School. The session was attended by about 6-8 people. The presentation reported outcomes of the risk analysis study performed within the EPSRC project (also published in Dadashzadeh et al., Risk assessment methodology for onboard hydrogen storage,. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2018).
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Presentation "Safety strategies and engineering solutions for storage protection" at the Joint European Summer School on Fuel Cells, Electrolysers and Battery Technologies 2017, 17-22 September 2017 (Athens, Greece) 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact Presentation outlined project achievements in area of thermal protection of onboard hydrogen storage.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Presentation at the meeting of Int. Energy Agency - Hydrogen Implementation Agreement (IEA-HIA) Task 37 'Hydrogen Safety' (23 October 2015) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Presentation of project findings was made by Dr D. Makarov at the meeting of Int. Energy Agency - Hydrogen Implementation Agreement (IEA HIA) Task 37 'Hydrogen Safety' (Japan, 23 October 2015), presentation title "The increase of fire resistance rating of hydrogen storage beyond fire duration"
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015
Description Presentation at the meeting of Int. Energy Agency - Hydrogen Implementation Agreement (IEA-HIA) Task 37 'Hydrogen Safety' (23 October 2015) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Presentation was made by Prof V. Molkov, presentation title "A model for safety design of a system TPRD-storage tank"
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Presentation at the meeting of Int. Energy Agency - Hydrogen Implementation Agreement (IEA-HIA) Task 37 'Hydrogen Safety' (3-4 July 2017, Buxton, UK) 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Presentation title was made by Dr D. Makarov, presentation title "Fire resistance and risk acceptance of onboard hydrogen storage"
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Research Priorities Workshop of International Association for Hydrogen Safety, 10-11 Nov 2014, Washington, USA 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? Yes
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact The presentation given by Prof Molkov attracted attention to the need to improve regulation for bonfire test of onboard hydrogen storage.

It is expected that the presentation (together with other project activities) will cause further interest in the question and, eventually, improvement of current regulation.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2014
Description Research Priorities Workshop of International Association for Hydrogen Safety, 26 September 2016, JRC, Petten, the Netherlands 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Summary of research on onboard hydrogen storage fire safety was presented at Research Priorities Workshop of International Association for Hydrogen Safety, 26-27 September 2016, JRC, Petten, the Netherlands
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016