A Pragmatic Approach to Adiabatic Quantum Computation

Lead Research Organisation: University College London
Department Name: London Centre for Nanotechnology


The quantum world is innately parallel. Quantum objects may exist in many places at the same time and in general have a superposition of attributes that would be mutually exclusive for an object on the everyday classical scale. In 1982 Richard Feynman suggested that one might attempt to use this parallelism to speed up computation and in 1982 Peter Shor discovered an algorithm that could, theoretically, make use of it in a calculation.

Since these early theoretical works, there has been a dramatic effort in the theory of quantum computation while at the same time trying to find a physical system where these ideas could be realized. Taking the queue from the success of digital, gate-based, classical computation, much of this effort has focused on gate based digital quantum computation. There is an alternative, however, which harnesses our understanding of physical process rather more directly.

Nature is rather good at solving problems such as finding the most efficient way to arrange a collection of atoms into a crystal. Nature achieves this by gradually reducing the temperature of a system so that it can eventually settle to its lowest energy state - a process known as thermal annealing. This is used in a range of classical optimization algorithms.

A quantum version of this, originally known as quantum annealing - now known as adiabatic quantum computation - may ultimately prove to be more effective for quantum computation than the gate based model. Indeed, a Canadian company, D-wave Systems, has attempted to make just such a computer with some promising initial results. Interpreting such attempts is difficult, however, since the failure mode of an adiabatic quantum computation is a classical thermal anneal.

This project aims to develop a systematic way to test whether an adiabatic quantum computation has taken place using a pragmatic, physics based approach. In doing so, new insights into how to optimize the performance of such a system will result.

Planned Impact

Adiabatic quantum computation sits at the focus of several different areas: i. the fundamental physics of quantum systems out of equilibrium, ii. Quantum information and computer science, and iii. A broad base of potential users in areas as diverse as science finance, business and statistical consultancy, medicine and logistics.

The impacts in science and quantum information will be immediate. Out-of-equilibrium quantum systems have been identified as a grand challenge both in the US and the UK. Adiabatic quantum computation is a good example of interest to a broad range of physicists. The related classical annealing algorithms have benefitted greatly from physical understanding of spin glasses; insights about how to find the minimum energy state have led directly to new algorithms. Adiabatic quantum computation is ripe for a similar type of analysis. This approach will complement the progress made by quantum information theorists in understanding quantum computation.

Many areas of key economic and societal importance to the UK rely upon complex optimization and efficient computing resources to do it. The proposed work will seed a firm skills base for the development of future applications.

The links with Lockhead-Martin/USC will be of particular benefit in enhancing impact. It provides a new and uniquely controllable forum to investigate out of equilibrium quantum systems; an important task of the PDRA will be to learn to programme their Dwave machine. Indeed, engagement with Lockhead-Martin/USC will provide a clear link between theory, practice and application.

UCL and the LCN provide an ideal location for this project. The director of the LCN, Prof Gabriel Aeppli, was a PI on the early experimental demonstration of the principle of adiabatic quantum computation. In addition UCL and the LCN host world-leading theorists working in quantum information and so provides opportunity for cross-fertilization with the pragmatic, physics-based approach espoused here.
Several other groups in UCL are interested in adiabatic quantum computation and the university is slowly beginning to build a critical mass in this area. In particular, Dr Paul Warburton of Electrical Engineering and Physics, and Dr Simone Severini of Computer Science and Physics will shortly appoint a post-doc under EPSRC Global Engagement funding to explore applications of adiabatic quantum computation. This post-doc will complement the more fundamental aims of this programme. In March 2013, UCL will host the 2nd International Workshop on Adiabatic Quantum Computation.

The PI is engaged with broader efforts in the study of out-of-equilibrium quantum systems both through his core research supported by and EPSRC Leadership Fellowship and through his involvement in the TOPNES programme grant. Collaborative links with researchers experienced in the area of spin glasses - in particular with Prof Juan P Garrahan of Nottingham - are being forged to aid and benefit from this programme.

Propagation of results will be through the usual avenues of publication in high impact journals and conference presentation. With an eye to future application, the PI and LCN are forming a network of interested potential users in science, medicine, finance, business and statistical consulting. The business development officer in the LCN will play an active role in maintaining and developing these links. The general public will be kept informed of progress by accessible posts on the LCN website, occasional public lectures and interaction with popular science journals. The PI has extensive experience of public engagement with lectures at various Cafés Scientifique throughout the UK, at the Royal Institution as well as founding and running a Café Scientifique in St Andrews. The post-doc will be encouraged to engage with the public through forums such as UCL-based cosy science and other UCL outreach programmes.
Description The scientific world is currently witnessing a global effort to use some of the unusual effects of quantum mechanics to perform faster or more powerful computation. Attempts to do this are in their infancy. One thing that has become apparent - particularly in a type of computation known as adiabatic - is that when one has a system that you think might be using quantum mechanics, it is often very hard to really quantify this. In this work we have provided a conceptual and analytical framework in which to answer this question.

A recent collaboration with Philip Crowley and Vadim Oganesyan (CUNY) seeks to quantify the role of the environment in limiting entanglement resources available for adiabatic computation. This work has been continued by my current graduate student Fergus Barratt. We have made substantial progress and will submit a paper shortly showing how the failure of adiabatic computation can be understood as dynamical phase transition.

Moreover, a previous graduate student - James Morley - developed a new way to simulate open quantum systems with bounded entanglement resource that will be useful in addressing these issues further. My PhD student Fariha Azad is currently refining the code used for this so that it can be applied to these tasks
Exploitation Route in developing the conceptual framework in order to address the question of how much quantum mechanics is used in a calculation we have revealed both a gap in our existing analytical skills - a gap that we are actively working to fill - and possible ways to enhance the performance of adiabatic computations.
Sectors Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)



Description The results of this award have informed my continuing research. A paper is in late stage of preparation that follows directly from ideas first explored in this award and shows how the failure of adiabatic computation can be understood as a dynamical phase transition.
First Year Of Impact 2018
Sector Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software),Education
Impact Types Societal

Description Lockheed Martin AQC 
Organisation Lockheed Martin
Country United States 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution We have designed and run various test cases on the DWave machine designed to reveal the degree of quantum mechanics that it embodies.
Collaborator Contribution We have carried out research and supervised a post-doc funded by LMC. I took over this funding from Prof Gabriel Aeppli when he left UCL.
Impact Several papers are expected very soon
Start Year 2015
Description Q trajectory ensembles 
Organisation City University of New York (CUNY)
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution My graduate student Philip Crowley and I are collaborating with Vadim Oganesyan on a trajectory ensemble approach to understanding the effects of coupling to the environment on quantum dynamics. We have committed ideas and time to the project. This has continued with my PhD student Fergus Barratt who is part of the CANES DTC at KCL. We have drafted a paper showing how the failure of adiabatic computation due to dephasing noise can be understood as a dynamical phase transition. This will be submitted imminently.
Collaborator Contribution Prof Vadim Oganesyan has similarly committed time and ideas to this project.
Impact None so far: see above. A paper is expected in weeks.
Start Year 2015
Description Q trajectory ensembles 
Organisation King's College London
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution My graduate student Philip Crowley and I are collaborating with Vadim Oganesyan on a trajectory ensemble approach to understanding the effects of coupling to the environment on quantum dynamics. We have committed ideas and time to the project. This has continued with my PhD student Fergus Barratt who is part of the CANES DTC at KCL. We have drafted a paper showing how the failure of adiabatic computation due to dephasing noise can be understood as a dynamical phase transition. This will be submitted imminently.
Collaborator Contribution Prof Vadim Oganesyan has similarly committed time and ideas to this project.
Impact None so far: see above. A paper is expected in weeks.
Start Year 2015