Holographic Quantum Processing

Lead Research Organisation: University of Nottingham
Department Name: Sch of Physics & Astronomy


This project aims at developing a new paradigm for the experimental realisation of a quantum processor. Realising a scalable quantum processor has been a long-standing goal of current international research. Experimental and theoretical research efforts have seen impressive success over recent years and superb control over small numbers of quantum bits has been demonstrated. The probably most advanced approach has been implemented with trapped ions, and calculations with a full quantum byte are possible. Quantum computers are, however, still far from everyday use and it remains a major challenge to scale such devices to large numbers of qubits and thus to technological relevance. Up to now, large amounts of high-end research technology are required for every added bit.

This project will explore a potential way of circumventing this scaling of resources. Quantum bits are "traditionally" represented by individual constituents of matter, such as ions, atoms, or photons. Logical operations between qubits, required for a universal programming language, have been implemented by more or less direct interactions between these constituents. We take a different approach and represent quantum bits holographically. By taking a large amount of atoms, in this case a gas of laser cooled atoms, it is possible to encode quantum information in so-called spin waves, which are collective excitations of the gas. Here, the information is no longer stored and processed locally, but in the Fourier representation or momentum space of an ensemble. We want to experimentally demonstrate that it is possible to perform logical operations with these waves. We will assess the performance of a complete set of operations required for universal quantum computing, and thus investigate the possibility to run an arbitrary quantum algorithm on a very large number of quantum bits.

We will use ensembles of ultracold atoms and employ established quantum memory techniques to prepare two classes of qubits by generating single excitations of spin waves. As in the recently demonstrated gradient echo quantum memory, excitations will be shifted in Fourier space, effectively generating two linear qubit registers like a two-taped Turing machine. Four elements are then combined to achieve universal computing capability: A) Optical scattering processes combined with single photon detectors allow for the population of the virtual Turing tapes with qubits. B) State-dependent phase-imprinting introduces the flexibility to achieve independent control over the virtual tape positions. C) Phase matching conditions enable selective optical read-out of fixed register positions. D) Microwave driving couples the virtual tapes and realises beam splitter type operations between registers. The combination of these elements leads to an unconventional implementation of the celebrated proposal by Knill, Laflamme, and Milburn for universal quantum computing with linear optics. But here, no increasing material resources are required with greater number of qubits.

Ultimately, we envision a highly integrated device that links directly with fibre optics for access and communication. It will thus be compatible with applications in quantum communication which might be among the first uses of such a technology.

Planned Impact

This project aims at realising a scalable quantum processor, a goal shared by many publicly and privately funded research groups world wide. Interest in this topic derives from its prospects for applications ranging from secure communication to drug-development with great societal and economical consequences. Modern research has already seen remarkable progress and led to some commercial exploitation of secure communication devices protected by the laws of Physics. Limitations on performance and number of qubits, i.e. scalability, render this technology still far from becoming an everyday reality. Realistically, the number of controllable qubits will be limited also in this approach and assessing potential performance is part of this research project. First applications are thus likely to emerge in quantum communication and networks, where limited local processing power is required to implement advanced protocols, including secure long-distance communication. The ultimately envisioned device will be compatible with integrated fibre optics. Therefore, this project, although still on a rather fundamental side, has the potential of bringing global quantum links closer to technological feasibility and exploitation. Beyond these first applications, we expect significant improvements over current numbers of qubits, which will potentially lead to a paradigm shift in experimental quantum information science. The project will develop "Quantum Physics for New Quantum Technologies" and thus contribute directly to one of the "Grand Challenges in Physics" identified in the recent EPSRC consultation. The project is aligned with a worldwide endeavour to utilise quantum technology for the benefit of society and will contribute to maintaining Europe's and the UK's competitive position. Training of involved researchers and students, will enable them to play key roles in future innovation in this field, i.e. the development and elaboration of ideas for better or new technologies, processes, and products with particular consideration of industrial, economical, and societal needs, desires, and compatibility. The outcomes of the project will be disseminated through publication and communication of scientific results, and also find entry into various outreach activities. These will make this research accessible to the widest possible audience and potential beneficiaries in the most general sense.


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Description In this research project, we aimed at developing a new approach of building a quantum computer. The internationally most successful research in this direction works with laser cooled, trapped ions, where each individual ion can represent a quantum bit. Such projects usually require a vast amount of technological overhead for every additional quantum bit. For this reason, only quantum calculations with very few bits have been performed to date.
In this project, we work with laser cooled ensembles of neutral atoms. The advantage here is that we can easily operate with several 100 million atoms. The disadvantage is that individual atoms are not easily addressed.
We devised a scheme how we might represent a large number of quantum bits in such an ensemble without the need for individual atom control and access. This may work by using the atomic cloud in a similar way as a hologram, where information is not stored locally, but spread over the whole photographic plate. This is in stark contrast to a photo, a regular image, or a piece of paper. We could represent bits by plotting patterns on paper, e.g., as a bar code. The code can be read by looking at a particular region on the paper. But we can also produce a hologram of the paper with the bar code. In this case, even if a part of the hologram is scratched or blocked, we would still be able to recover the bar code from the rest of the hologram.
We translated this analogy to the cold atom world and quantum bits and develop magneto-optical methods for writing, reading, and manipulating individual bits.

We worked in collaboration with theorists from Freie Universität Berlin in Germany, to design protocols for quantum computation in such a device. We also developed experimental techniques to write and read quantum bits using these ultra-cold atom holograms.

However, we still have a more technical issues to solve than we anticipated. This is due to physical processes that happen due to the interaction between atoms and laser light in certain geometrical arrangements.
This work is currently taken forward by a team of two PhD students.
Exploitation Route The analysis of the situation led us to invent a new detection scheme for atoms in so-called clock states. Such a scheme may become beneficial in the operation of atomic clocks, where precise and accurate counting of atoms in these states is required for optimum performance.
Since our scheme is simple and easy to implement, it may find wider use atomic clocks.
Sectors Aerospace

Defence and Marine

Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)



URL http://www.dpg-verhandlungen.de/year/2016/conference/hannover/part/q/session/55/contribution/6
Description 2016 Conference of the German Physical Society (DPG) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact Scientific talk at scientific conference on general atomic and molecular physics, yearly spring meeting of the German Physical Society 2016 in Hannover. Requests for further details on the reported new method were made during and after the session.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
URL http://www.dpg-verhandlungen.de/year/2016/conference/hannover/part/q/session/55/contribution/6
Description FOMO 2016 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Scientific conference on mattterwave opics
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
URL http://www.matterwaveoptics.eu/
Description SPIE 2016 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Scientific conference on quantum technology
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
URL https://spie.org/EPE/conferencedetails/quantum-technologies