New Directions in Molecular Superconductivity

Lead Research Organisation: University of Liverpool
Department Name: Chemistry


The design of superconducting materials in order to achieve higher transition temperatures (Tc) to the zero-resistance state has been recognised by recent international and national reviews as at the extreme forefront of current challenges in condensed matter science with potential for transforming existing and enabling new technologies of tremendous economic and societal benefits in energy and healthcare. Achieving the zero-resistance state requires close control of the interactions of electrons with each other (known as electron correlation) and with lattice vibrations (phonons). This project addresses these challenges by building on EPSRC-supported collaborative work by the project team, which has shown that high Tc superconductivity, defined both in terms of transition temperature and the key role played by electronic correlations, is accessible in molecular systems. In the fullerene-based molecular superconductors, superconductivity occurs in competition with electronic ground states resulting from a fine balance between electron correlations and electron-phonon coupling in an electronic phase diagram strikingly similar to that of the atom-based copper oxide high Tc superconductors, where correlation plays a key role. A second molecular superconductor family with transition temperatures over 30 K, based on metal intercalation into aromatic hydrocarbons, has also been reported. It is therefore timely to optimise and understand superconducting materials made from molecules arranged in regular solid structures.

The scope of synthetic chemistry to tailor molecular electronic and geometric structure makes the development of molecular superconducting systems important, because this chemical control of the fundamental building units of a superconductor is not possible in atom-based systems. The molecular systems are the only current candidates for the important target of isotropic correlated electron superconductivity. We will exploit these opportunities by integration of new chemistry with new physical understanding, exemplified by revealing how changes in molecular-level orbital degeneracy driven by chemical control of molecular charge and overlap direct the electronic structure of an extended solid. We will develop the new chemistry of the molecular solid state that will be needed for this level of electronic structure control, in particular mastering the chemistry of metal intercalation into hydrocarbons. This new materials chemistry will include the use of new building blocks (such as endohedral metallofullerenes) and will harness the assimilation of defects to access new molecular packings, motivated by our discovery that different packings of the same molecular unit give different Tc and distinct electronic properties. Further structural control will be exercised by binding small molecules to the cations intercalated into the molecular lattices. The synthesis of metal-intercalated solids based on multiple molecular components will be undertaken to permit detailed optimisation of the electronic structure. We will thus specifically exploit the molecular system advantages of isotropy, packing and molecular-level electronic structure control by developing the new chemistry of the molecular solid state needed to establish the new electronic ground states.

Physical understanding of the structural and chemical origins of the new electronic states is essential to identify the factors controlling the electron pairing in the superconductors. This understanding will emerge from an integrated investigation of the insulator-metal-superconductor competition, spanning thermodynamic, spectroscopic and electronic property measurements closely linked to comprehensive structural work in order to produce the structure-composition-property relationships required for the design of next generation systems. The project benefits from an international multidisciplinary collaborative team to ensure all relevant techniques are deployed.

Planned Impact

Superconducting materials have the potential to play a leading role in addressing current global priorities such as energy and the environment. This project aims to extend the realm of superconducting materials by the discovery of new systems and the understanding of superconducting pairing mechanisms. This may enable technological breakthroughs which are of major economic value to society. For instance, ordinary metals such as copper are used for electricity transmission, but energy is wasted as heat because of electrical resistance. Superconductors have no electrical resistance and can carry electricity without losing energy, so finding new superconductors with enhanced performance limits - working at as high a temperature as possible and reducing electrical losses as far as possible - is of paramount importance for power transmission. Large scale applications of suitable superconducting materials can make a major contribution to the energy problem by enhancing energy efficiency, optimising power grid transmission through fault current limiting and superconducting magnetic energy storage and assuring an environmentally benign energy infrastructure. The issue of sustainability is a serious one. Metals such as copper are running short and becoming increasingly expensive while China recently announced its decision to cut export quotas for rare-earth minerals, producing a doubling in rare earth prices. Many superconducting materials, including the iron-based and the high-Tc superconductors, contain arsenic or heavy scarce elements which are also toxic. Fundamental research targeting sustainable sources for functional materials (here, superconductors made of sustainably-sourced carbon-based components) is essential to meet these challenges. Achieving this goal requires the long-term fundamental research proposed here to synthesise materials with the required properties. Advances in superconductivity will impact other sectors e.g. healthcare through the magnets used in magnetic resonance imaging.

The project has specific mechanisms in place to disseminate outputs to UK industry. The Knowledge Centre for Materials Chemistry at Liverpool working closely with the Knowledge Transfer Partnerships Office at Durham and the Molecular Engineering Translational Research Centre will disseminate outputs to companies working in relevant sectors on a regular basis. A dissemination showcase event will be held to encourage dialogue between the industrial and academic communities and foster new ideas generation to enhance UK superconductivity research. Exploitable opportunities will be identified through regular meetings with the KT teams. Identified Intellectual Property which is thought to be commercially exploitable will be protected by the Universities through Durham's Business and Innovation Services and Liverpool's Business Gateway.

Engagement with society will be at many levels ranging from press releases of major research breakthroughs to unsolicited highlights of our research findings in both prestigious specialised and popular scientific publications to outreach events showcasing EPSRC-supported research to various stakeholders - policymakers, industrialists, local community and school children. The synergic involvement of both Institutions is highly beneficial here and will utilise established local initiatives such as Science Week and Celebrate Science at Durham and Schools Labs at Liverpool as well as nationwide engagement functions such as the House of Commons KCMC events.

Society will further benefit from the effective cross-disciplinary training in an international setting of collaborations and state-of-the-art facility usage of the two PDRA scientists who will master the challenges needed to address to make progress in the area of superconductivity. This will provide the UK with high quality workforce needed, both in academia and industry, to ensure that it remains highly competitive globally in a key scientific area.


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Description We have identified a new state of matter, the Jahn-Teller metal, as the key electronic state responsible for unconventional superconductivity in the alkali metal fullerides. This demonstrates the control of an extended electronic state (the metallic state) by the electronic structure of a molecule.
We have found the superconductors with the highest critical fields known for three-dimensional structures.
We have identified the first structures reported in the field on metal (phen) acenes, a key advance for this field where superconductivity was reported in 2010, but until our work no crystal structures were known. This is essential information to place the entire field on a firm basis where properties can be linked to crystal structure and chemical composition.
Although we have not identified any superconductors, a quantum spin liquid ground state is displayed in an open shell organic-based material for the first time. The new metal-hydrocarbon chemistry we have developed is reported in two back-to-back Nature Chemistry papers. We have understood how to control the reaction conditions to avoid the chemically-driven decomposition of the hydrocarbon molecule while allowing the formation of the metal-hydrocarbon solids, which opens up a new set of opportunities for the synthesis of open-shell organic molecular materials beyond the C60 intercalation compounds.
Exploitation Route The advantage of molecular over atomic constituents of superconducting materials is that their electronic structures can be tailored by chemical synthesis. The identification of the molecular electronic feature that controls the unconventional superconductivity in these materials, in this case the orbital degeneracy of the C60 molecule (three electronic states in the molecule have the same energy) will allow the identification of new molecules as targets for synthesis in the quest for new superconducting materials, as their electronic structure can be expected to influence directly the electronic properties of the resulting extended solid. The observation of very high critical fields will enable new design motifs for three-dimensional superconducting systems. The four new metal (phen)acene solids are the first of this class of material to be isolated and studied. One of them displays a three-dimentional quantum spin liquid ground state, of interest for the development of new approaches to information storage. By further expanding this class of materials beyond the first four examples, we have shown in general how to allow the formation of these metal-hydrocarbon solids without chemical decomposition of the hydrocarbon, opening up a new field for study based on electron transfer to organic molecules.
Sectors Electronics




Description The identification of unsaturated hydrocarbons likely to form intercalation compounds of the type studied in this project has led to the development of machine-learning models to predict the formation of unsaturated cocrystals. The broad impact of these models for organic materials has formed the topic of several discussions with companies, informing their own internal data science strategies. The development of these models is directly attributable to the science developed in this project.
First Year Of Impact 2019
Sector Chemicals
Impact Types Economic

Title CCDC 1811701: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination 
Description Related Article: Craig I. Hiley, George F. S. Whitehead, Marco Zanella, Charlene Delacotte, Troy D. Manning, Matthew J. Rosseinsky|2019|J.Org.Chem.|84|8481|doi:10.1021/acs.joc.9b00671 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title CCDC 2006871: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination 
Description Related Article: Craig I. Hiley, Kenneth K. Inglis, Marco Zanella, Jiliang Zhang, Troy D. Manning, Matthew S. Dyer, Tilen Knaflic, Denis Arcon, Frédéric Blanc, Kosmas Prassides, Matthew J. Rosseinsky|2020|Inorg.Chem.|59|12545|doi:10.1021/acs.inorgchem.0c01635 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title Crystal structure and stoichiometric composition of potassium-intercalated tetracene 
Description KxTetracene (1 = x = 2) was prepared for the first time by the solid state reaction of K metal and tetracene. Synchrotron powder X-ray diffraction shows that only K2Tetracene forms under the reaction conditions studied, with unreacted tTetracene present for x < 2, and has a crystal structure analogous to K2Pentacene. The crystal structure data, and indirectly validated by 13C MAS NMR, of K2Tetracene show that the K+ cations reside in two sites that are not disordered due to the limited sites on which they can reside. No superconductivity was observed for K2Tetracene further questioning the nature of reported superconductivity in this class of materials. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact no known impacts 
Title Detection and crystal structure of hydrogenated bipentacene as an intermediate in thermally-induced pentacene oligomerization. 
Description 6,6',13,13'- tetrahydro-6,6'-bipentacene (HBP), the first intermediate molecule between pentacene and peripentacene and extended pentacene oligomers, is synthesised and crystallographically characterised for the first time. Heating pentacene to 300 ºC under vacuum for 200 hours results in pale golden crystals of HBP and amorphous material containing pentacene oligomers, and is the first experimental evidence that pentacene preferentially dimerises at the 6,6'- position. Continued heating of HBP results in co-crystals of 6,13-dihydrogenated pentacene (HP) and pentacene and further amorphous pentacene oligomers. The amorphous material consists of layered carbonaceous species with a graphenic nature, as determined by Raman spectroscopy and electron microscopy, and shows the importance of HBP as an intermediate to hydrogenated pentacene species and pentacene oligomers. The synthesis of HBP from pentacene could be useful as a starting material in the rational synthesis of peripentacene towards organic electronic devices. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact No known impacts 
Title The reactivity of solid rubrene with potassium: competition between intercalation and molecular decomposition 
Description We present the synthesis and characterization of the K+ intercalated rubrene (C42H28) phase, K2Rubrene (K2R) and identify the co-existence of amorphous and crystalline materials in samples where the crystalline component is phase pure. We suggest this is characteristic of many intercalated alkali metal-polyaromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) systems, in-cluding those for which superconductivity has been claimed. The systematic investigation of K-rubrene solid state re-actions using both K and KH sources reveals complex competition between K intercalation and the decomposition of rubrene, producing three K-intercalated compounds, namely, K2R, K(RR*), and KxR? (where R* and R? are rubrene de-composition derivatives C42H26 and C30H20, respectively). K2R is obtained as the major phase over a wide composition range and is accompanied by the formation of amorphous by-products from the decomposition of rubrene. K(RR*) is synthesized as a single phase and KxR? is obtained only as a secondary phase to the majority K2R phase. The crystal structure of K2R was determined using high resolution powder X-ray diffraction, revealing that the structural rear-rangement from pristine rubrene creates two large voids per rubrene within the molecular layers in which K+ is incor-porated. K+ cations accommodated within the large voids interact strongly with the neighbouring rubrene via ?6, ?3 and ?2 binding modes to the tetracene cores and the phenyl groups. This contrasts with other intercalated PAHs where only a single void per PAH is created and the intercalated K+ weakly interact with the host. The decomposition prod-ucts of rubrene are also examined using solution NMR, highlighting the role of the breaking of C-CPhenyl bonds. For the crystalline decomposition derivative products K(RR*) and KxR?, a lack of definitive structural information with regards to R* and R? prevents the crystal structures being determined. The study illustrates the complexity in accessing solvent-free alkali metal salts of reduced PAH of the type claimed to afford superconductivity. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2018 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact No known impacts 
Description Prof Rosseinsky gave an invited talk at Knowledge Centre for Materials Chemistry Industrial Steering Group meeting, Birmingham, 28 November 2019 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Presented on the topic of "Digital Materials Research and Innovation at the Materials Innovation Factory"
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Prof. Rosseinsky gave an invited lecture at Quantum Materials Synthesis 2018 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Talk on New approaches to the discovery of inorganic materials and interfaces, for the dissemination of results for academic discussion
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Prof. Rosseinsky gave an invited lecture at UKSR50 - 50 years of Synchrotron Radiation in the UK and its global impact, 2018 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Presentation on "Design of advanced materials? The importance of knowing where the atoms are.", for the dissemination of results for academic discussion
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018