Quantum-enabled Enhancements in presence of Noise (QueEN)

Lead Research Organisation: University of Warwick
Department Name: Physics


The written word is one of the greatest inventions of the human mind. From clay tablets, through papyrus, paper, punch-cards, onto the magnetic hard-disks of computers, each has represented a revolutionary method of recording information -- a transformation in human civilisation. Allied to each of these, the ways of processing and transferring information have undergone dramatic changes. The latest in this line of change and innovation is our digital information age. This phenomenal advance it is not the culmination of our endeavours, and yet greater advances can be achieved by harnessing the idea that information is not an ephemeral notion, but an integral part of physical reality.

The best known theory describing physical reality is quantum physics, and this promises to be the next disruptive transformation in the process of recording, processing, transferring and even acquiring information. Quantum information science (QIS) has already demonstrated, in proof-of-principle experiments, the promise of super-efficient computation, unconditionally secure communication, super-precise measurements, and much more. These enhanced capabilities rely on the existence of quantum entanglement. Unfortunately, the laws of physics that underlie entanglement also make it extremely fragile and vulnerable. And this chasm divides the principle and practice of QIS.

My research will bridge this gap - by designing quantum protocols that rely on resilient forms of quantum correlations, using them to develop quantum enhanced measurement and communication protocols. To learn more about the resilience of nonclassical correlations, I will study their evolution in the noisiest of environments - a biological molecule. It will inform our ability to manipulate and maintain nonclassical correlations in noisy environments, and allow us to study the role of quantum mechanics in biological processes.

Robustness and scalability will be a central aspect in the design of the protocols developed in this project, and I will work closely with experimentalists to bring these advantages to the real world. I will concentrate on two particular applications. The first of these is quantum-enhanced precision measurements. It is known that quantum mechanics can measure single parameters with precisions impossible classically. Measuring several parameters simultaneously is however a very sophisticated problem, and forms the basis of sophisticated applications such as the development of microscopes and cameras. Not much is known about the quantum theory of measuring multiple parameters simultaneously, and my project will develop this mathematical theory. This will be followed by experiments demonstrating the quantum advantages promised by the theoretical developments - first in laboratory settings, and then in-situ biological samples.

My second objective is to develop quantum communication protocols relying resilient quantum correlations that are less fragile than quantum entanglement. I will begin by developing the theoretical principles underpinning recently identified forms of robust, nonclassical correlations such as quantum discord, which can provide quantum enhanced performance. This will enable the optimal manipulation of these correlations to deliver quantum advantages in the real world.

Finally, I will study nonclassical correlations in a very noisy biological system called a light-harvesting complex, a molecule transferring solar energy absorbed by photosynthetic organisms to a chemical reaction centre, being ~ 99% efficient. Clearer understanding of this process could have immense ramifications in developing artificial systems that can harness solar energy better than our best solar cells, which only operate at ~ 30% efficiency. Beyond this major technological and correspondingly societal change, my research will explore the intriguing question of whether quantum mechanical effects are directly used to confer selective advantage in life processes.

Planned Impact

Real world quantum-enabled technologies hold immense promise for the future. Even if it forms a mere 1% of just the UK manufacturing sector, it will be an industry worth more than a billion pounds annually. The key to unlocking this potential lies in the realisation of palpable quantum advantages in the presence of losses and imperfections -- predicated upon the identification of resources that provide quantum advantages in the presence of noise, and then designing protocols that harness these resources. This understanding will underpin developments in quantum communication, computation, sensing, imaging, and computing and beyond. Therefore, a prompt direction of efforts to the realisation of tangible quantum enhancements in the non-ideal environment of our day-to-day lives could return large dividends on scientific, practical and economic fronts.

The proposed project will develop a theoretical framework for achieving tangible quantum enhancements in the real world by going beyond the proof-of-principle experiments that observed some quantum advantages but overlooked the fundamental demand for scalability. Thus, the key road-block to the realization of the potential of quantum technologies is practicality, a shortcoming to be addressed in this project. This could underpin a technological revolution which will have a transformative impact on our ever more information-based society, both economically and in changing the way we live and connect.

The key first-stage beneficiaries will be those in academia, but this will have some indirect non-academic benefits. For example, surpassing the best known classical bounds in multi-parameter quantum metrology in the presence of losses and imperfections will lead to the development of quantum imaging. Addressing this issue is a central aim of my research and my publications will stimulate cross-disciplinary approaches involving biochemistry and medical physics. This will build momentum towards realising a real-world quantum imaging system, with important impacts outside the academic community in the health and biomedical sector. In the health sector, quantum imaging could provide novel diagnostic methods for malignant conditions in a decade's time.

The second-stage beneficiaries include non-academic industrial and commercial sectors, and indeed society as a whole. For instance, quantum simulations would transform methods of research and commercialization in the health, pharmaceuticals and green energy sectors. It could assist epidemiology and genetic research, cut costs in drug design, and improves artificial light-harvesting devices by permitting simulations of efficient photosynthesis. Indeed, this will have an impact in any area requiring innovation at the molecular scale, where classical computers are ineffectual and time-consuming, and where expensive empirical testing is currently the only option. Over a scale of 10-20 years, these endeavours should lead to the creation and growth of companies and jobs; enhancing business revenue and the UK's innovative capacity.

There are already known quantum computation algorithms operating on highly mixed states that have little or no entanglement, and yet provide exponential advantages over the best classical algorithms. Quantum discord is the resource for such enhancement. My early breakthroughs and continued contribution to this program places me in a prime position to capitalize on this understanding, leading to robust, scalable protocols with intellectual property and industrial development possibilities. In the long term, the commercialisation and exploitation of scientific knowledge could lead to spin out companies, and the creation of new processes, products and services.
Description Noise hinders all quantum technologies including quantum sensing. For quantum computing, fault tolerance is the standard way forward. This has not known to be possible for quantum sensing. Our work has now shown this for the first time (https://arxiv.org/abs/1807.04267). We show that better engineered devices can help counter noise beyond our control.
Exploitation Route Material fabrication and development can reach the numbers provided by us to improve quantum sensing in the real world.
Sectors Aerospace

Defence and Marine

URL https://arxiv.org/abs/1807.04267
Description QUEEN sought routes to achieve quantum enhancements in information in the presence of noise. It focussed on quantum computation and sensing. whose impact is presented sequentially. Computation: The central problem of efficiently determining the correctness of the outputs of noisy, error-prone quantum computers was solved. The method is called quantum accreditation (QA). QA is crucial to the fruitful use of real-world quantum computers. Without it, the outputs of noisy, error prone real-world quantum computers would be unreliable, and therefore not suitable for any application. QA is thus vital for real-world quantum computers to make a demonstrable contribution to society and the economy. The feasibility of QA was demonstrated in collaboration with industry. This work was supported by UK National Quantum Technology Programme as well as the EPSRC Impact acceleration award at Warwick. It forms a part of a report on 'Open Standards for Emerging Quantum Processors' for National Quantum Computing Centre, UK. QA is now being extended to others forms of quantum simulators. Establishing QA as a national and international standard should enhance wider economic performance. Sensing: Quantum-enhanced sensing in the presence of noise has has numerous applications. This ranges from healthcare to fundamental discoveries about Nature. QUEEN had an impact on the experimental demonstration of label-free quantum-enhanced imaging. The experiments themselves were supported by the UK National Quantum Technology Programme. QUEEN is also having an impact on the development of the next generation of sensors of fundamental physics- lately nucleating under the heading of 'quantum sensors for fundamental physics'. Two specific instances from QUEEN include the development of telescopes with no fundamental limit to their resolution and space-based optomechanical sensors to testing the interface of quantum mechanics and gravity. These also have societal and economic impact in the development of LIDAR for driver-less cars and accelerometers. Evidently, realising the full impact of these novel detectors and sensors requires further research.
First Year Of Impact 2021
Sector Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software),Healthcare,Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology
Impact Types Economic

Policy & public services

Description Open Standards for Emerging Quantum Processors
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Contribution to a national consultation/review
Amount € 2,662,604 (EUR)
Funding ID 101070700 
Organisation European Commission 
Sector Public
Country European Union (EU)
Start 09/2022 
End 09/2025
Description Quantum light spectroscopy of complex quantum systems
Amount £202,392 (GBP)
Funding ID EP/V04818X/1 
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2021 
End 02/2024
Description Quantum-enhanced interferometry for new physics
Amount £375,987 (GBP)
Funding ID ST/T006404/1 
Organisation Science and Technologies Facilities Council (STFC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 12/2020 
End 04/2025
Description Bach, the Universe and Everything event at Kings Place (London) 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Discussed quantum computation and quantum biology to the audience after a music concert organised jointly by the IoP.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
URL https://twitter.com/theoae/status/1190951782928789509
Description Participating in the design of quantum technologies public dialogue workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact Outlining the strategy for a quantum technologies public dialogue. The meeting in London was to prepare for the running of 4 public dialog workshops in Autumn 2017 in Birmingham, Oxford, Glasgow and York. The purpose of the public dialog workshops was to communicate to and raise awareness within the general public about the latest developments in quantum technologies. The meeting I attended in London was to decide the most effective and accessible way of organising and running these workshops.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Training of a Quantum Technologies Workforce 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Training of a Quantum Technologies Workforce at the NQIT quantum hub Skills and Training day.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016