Assesment of on-wing engine health based on non-linear dynamic engine behaviour

Lead Research Organisation: University of Bristol
Department Name: Mechanical Engineering


There have been significant developments over the last 10 years in the field of predictive health sensing in the aerospace sector, with the majority of benefits realised from the prediction of aero engine performance deterioration. The area that has not yet been developed is the prediction of deterioration in the structural dynamics behaviour leading to unplanned engine maintenance. The purpose of this program is to develop a novel approach based on the sensing of non linear behaviour of engines on-wing as a measure of abnormal engine deterioration. The techniques developed will then be
subjected to a verification and validation program designed so that it will act as an enabler to claim maintenance credits with the airworthiness authorities and facilitate the use of prediction of remaining useful life in the management of assets. This project provides predictive algorithm and decision making techniques.

Planned Impact

We envisage the following impacts from the project:
1. Impact on the environment via the development of more efficient gas turbine engines, which in the longer term will contribute to reductions in noise and emissions.
2. Economic impact by assisting UK based gas turbine manufacturers to produce a more efficient fault detection system for their engine products. It is important for continued UK economic success and for future employment that the current position of the aerospace industry is protected through investment in new cutting edge technology.
3. Impact on quality of life by enabling airlines to reduce costs from more efficient engines and ultimately reduce costs to
the public.


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Description UoB have designed, built, developed and commissioned a new test rig that will have application far beyond its immediate role in HITEA. The test rig is designed to provide measured vibration data which can be used to validate Engine Health Monitoring (EHM) diagnostic methods, such as those used in jet engines to give early warning of imminent faults in the engine.
The test rig is on schedule and is about to deliver the measured vibration data required by other partners for EHM methods validation.
Exploitation Route The project has actually exceeded its original objectives in that the test rig will be suitable and available for further extensive research investigations on a whole range of vibration studies. With this in view, the Test Rig is to be submitted to a TRL6 review next month.
Sectors Aerospace

Defence and Marine