Advanced Particle Image Velocimetry image processing near dynamic interfaces adopting unsteady CFD mesh technology

Lead Research Organisation: University of Bristol
Department Name: Aerospace Engineering


When air or water flows over an object, friction causes a thin layer to be formed in the immediate vicinity of the object's surface. In this boundary layer the relative flow velocity rapidly decreases to zero towards the body. This layer is of particular importance in air and fluid dynamics as it determines, for example, the amount of drag of an aircraft wing and therefore the overall fuel consumption. Moreover, viscous and turbulent effects in the boundary layer generate forces on the interface and, in case of flexible surfaces such as for example a flag or air bubble in water, can influence the shape of the object.
The flow of water or air over interfaces is encountered in many engineering and day-to-day applications. Boundary layers (e.g. the airflow in the near vicinity of an airplane wing) or turbomachinery (e.g. inside a jet engine) are examples of flows over stationary rigid or moving surfaces. The airflow within lungs or blood running through veins and arteries on the other hand involve deformable surfaces, as is the new generation of shape-changing airplane wing. Interfacial flows involve the interaction between different media such as e.g. bubbles in water, waves and free surface turbulence. All of the applications above are fluid-structure-related problems where the primary concerns are either the transport of momentum across or near the surface, the interactive coupling between fluid motion and surface deformation, or both. Although Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) has made considerable progress over the last decades, the inherent modelling of the fluid-structure interactions remains at the forefront of CFD development. To investigate the complex flow phenomena highly resolved and reliable experiments are therefore needed.

As an experimental measurement technique Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) allows the measurement of flow velocity of air or water by injecting small particles which reflect light when illuminated. Comparison of two consecutive images of that illuminated seeded flow then enables the calculation of the displacement of the particles' images and therefore the velocity of the flow in which they are transported. Its non-intrusive nature together with its intrinsic simplicity and capability of retrieving instantaneous planar velocity measurements have made PIV a mature, standardized measurement technique in the field of experimental fluid-related dynamics both in academic and industrial environments for a wide range of applications. While the majority of PIV image processing-related studies have been aimed so far at improving the accuracy of the fluid velocities extraction, PIV image analysis involving arbitrarily moving bodies has received limited to no attention. From both an experimental and image analysis point of view, it is considered a worldwide challenge to obtain reliable, accurate velocity measurements with sufficient resolution near moving objects. This fundamental limitation of PIV has driven typical experiments to be limited to fields of view that are free of interfaces or other boundaries, which hampers the understanding of observed phenomena as the coupling between boundary motion and fluid forces cannot be characterised. Especially in arterial, pulmonary or aero-elasticity research, this presents a stringent limitation.

It is the objective of the proposed work to introduce a new image processing technique in PIV image analyses to enable the extraction of high-fidelity, accurate and well resolved flow velocity fields near dynamic interfaces. This capability will allow proper characterization of flow phenomena in the vicinity of moving geometries, aiding understanding and providing experimental data for CFD validation.

Planned Impact

The ability to investigate complex flow phenomena in close vicinity of dynamic interfaces at higher accuracy and resolution is expected to have a broad impact in both industrial- and academic-driven research disciplines. Being a world first, the proposed research is expected to establish a UK-based world-leading research activity and fortifying the UK's international competitiveness with regards to PIV development. The improved understanding of the underlying physics behind fluid-structure interactions will furthermore enable the validation and development of related computational models ensuring the UK's leading position and fortify links between the experimental and computational fluid mechanics communities.

Major advances in green technology as a result of the improved measurement capabilities are expected in the field of wind power where experimental verification of aero-elasticity computations will progress the application of morphing blade technology in wind turbine design. Similarly, the ability to measure near moving objects will aid biologically inspired propulsion.

The impact of the proposed research further branches out to clinical technologies. By allowing a better characterisation of fluid-structure interactions in cardiovascular flows, the design of heart valves can be improved and previously impossible experimental measurements in flexible models will assist the understanding of the effect of arterial diseases (e.g atherosclerosis). Likewise, adequate experimental modelling of pulmonary flows in the (pulsating) alveolar lung region enhances pulmonary drug delivery (e.g. inhalers). Both cardiovascular and pulmonary flows have so far received attention from mainly the CFD community (often with limited verification) as a direct result of the ineffectiveness of experimental campaigns.
Description Our objective was to extract the velocity around a moving object. To this extent we looked at incorporating CFD meshing techniques to image analyses. We found 2 interesting points;
1/ We found a new way of detecting when a velocity estimate is wrong. The process is based on adaptively selecting the basis for comparison. The algorithm has been presented at 2 conferences and has recently been published (Open Access) in Experiments in Fluids.

2/ Using a CFD mesh, although elegant does not at all improve the accuracy of image analyses. Instead, because of the inherent artificial image deformations, in regions of strong interface curvature, results become worse. Overall it remains therefore more beneficial to resort to adaptive techniques. We presented these findings at the PIV symposium in 2015 and were invited to submit this paper for a journal publication. We have written a journal paper reporting these findings. The paper was submitted to Measurement Science and Technology in November 2016. Unfortunately the paper was refused with major corrections. We have now resubmitted the paper and are awaiting the outcome of the review process.
Exploitation Route Our findings will be used by any researcher performing experiments with regards to fluid dynamics. The study performed is fundamental as it investigates common concepts and warns researchers from the general misconceptions, advising, based on in-depth analyses, when not to use CFD techniques in PIV.
Sectors Aerospace

Defence and Marine

Description The funding allowed me to hire a Research Assistant (RA) during the project and produce multiple publications. The research has also instigated further collaborations.
First Year Of Impact 2015
Sector Aerospace, Defence and Marine
Description EPSRC Impact Acceleration Account
Amount £31,122 (GBP)
Organisation University of Bristol 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2016 
End 03/2017
Description Collaboration with VKI on PIV in sloshing phenomena 
Organisation von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics
Department Environmental and Applied Fluid Dynamics Department
Country Belgium 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution As part of the collaboration stipulated in the Case for Support, I have visited the von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics (VKI) for 3 days in September. During this period I worked on the development of PIV algorithms to extract velocity near moving water surfaces (sloshing). As part of the on-going collaboration I will have the opportunity to co-supervise interns at the VKI who will work on more advanced image processing algorithms.
Collaborator Contribution The VKI reimbursed any expenses (£300).
Impact Not yet
Start Year 2014
Description collaboration with VKI and Universidad de Madrid on POD 
Organisation Charles III University of Madrid
Country Spain 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution While at a conference the parties involved had an idea to improve image pre-processing in PIV applications. We are currently working together on understanding whether or not this idea is feasible and hope to be able to publish our findings. The collaboration is not official though.
Collaborator Contribution intellectual contributions only
Impact Journal publication : POD-based background removal for Particle Image Velocimetry, M.A. Mendez, M. Raiola, A. Masullo, S. Discetti, A. Ianiro, R. Theunissen, J.-M.Buchlin Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Volume 80, January 2017, Pages 181-192.
Start Year 2015
Description collaboration with VKI and Universidad de Madrid on POD 
Organisation von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics
Department Environmental and Applied Fluid Dynamics Department
Country Belgium 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution While at a conference the parties involved had an idea to improve image pre-processing in PIV applications. We are currently working together on understanding whether or not this idea is feasible and hope to be able to publish our findings. The collaboration is not official though.
Collaborator Contribution intellectual contributions only
Impact Journal publication : POD-based background removal for Particle Image Velocimetry, M.A. Mendez, M. Raiola, A. Masullo, S. Discetti, A. Ianiro, R. Theunissen, J.-M.Buchlin Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Volume 80, January 2017, Pages 181-192.
Start Year 2015