CO2 Post-Combustion Capture Using Amine Impregnated Synthetic Zeolites

Lead Research Organisation: University of Nottingham
Department Name: Faculty of Engineering


This proposal addresses Topic 4 in the Call: New innovative CO2 capture technologies. The proposed research will address using synthetic zeolites obtained from fly ash to support impregnated and immobilised amines to facilitate CO2 post-combustion capture (PCC) in both coal and natural gas power plants. One of the barriers to the widespread implementation of CO2 in power plants is the energy cost associated with solvent regeneration in the most mature PCC technology, amine scrubbing, which will be even greater for gas-fired power plants because of the lower CO2 concentration, higher O2 concentration and higher flue gas flow rate compared to similar sized coal-fired power plant. Hence, alternative or second generation PCC technologies need to be developed that have the potential to lower this energy penalty and also have lower capital and operating costs. Solid adsorbent looping technology (SALT) is a novel, potentially low-cost that can overcome the main drawbacks of amine absorption. The technology relies upon adsorbents that can achieve high CO2 uptakes at relatively low temperatures with short residence times. Amines either impregnated or immobilsed on mesoporous materials, particularly aluminosilicates, have been found to be particularly effective.

In the proposed research, zeolites produced from fly ash will be optimised for PCC as a route that will considerably reduce the preparation costs for basic adsorbents. The project will combine the respective strengths of MEERI/Lublin and the University of Nottingham in zeolite synthesis and developing basic adsorbents for PCC. The zeolites will be produced at Lublin on a scale of several kilograms to facilitate testing in a fluidised bed with real (gas-fired) flue gases at Nottingham. The production cost is estimated to be ca. 1 euro/kg of zeolite, which is considerably lower than using silicas and zeolites produced from traditional sources. The successful outcome of the proposed research will contribute to making SALT a more cost-effective process for PCC.

Planned Impact

Solid adsorbent looping technology (SALT) post-combustion capture (PCC) technology has considerable potential and can be usedfor both new installations and as retrofit to existing power plants as well as in process industries, particularly metallurgical industry, and can contribute to the acceleration and widespread deployment of CCS. If European emission targets are to be met, a very large world market for carbon mitigation technologies will evolve and grow from 2020 onwards. The development and commercialisation of SALT PCC technology will contribute to the expansion in the numbers of skilled professionals and the manufacturing base in the EU. Failure to keep pace with the development of new technologies in this field with other countries including the USA, China and Korea will have negative environmental and economic implications, particularly the competitiveness of EU industries for global commercial opportunities arising from the deployment of CCS. Considering the needs to develop environmental friendly technologies, application of zeolites to products in Poland will help to develop economy and widen the application of fly ash in high-value markets.

In order to maximize the economic impact of the proposed project, we will apply for patent protection for any adsorbents developed which have potential for commercial exploitation. Each academic partner has its own dedicated Knowledge Transfer Office (KTO) which has staff with specialist knowledge on IP protection and knowledge transfer.

Results will be presented at national and international conferences and will be published in in peer reviewed scientific journals with significant impact factors, including Fuel, Energy & Fuels, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control and Chemical Engineering Science. We will establish a website to report project progresses and preliminary results which are considered to be important for science and industry. Also, project results will be presented and discussed at the annual meetings of all partners in order to share information and assess the accuracy and use of the results.

The project will aid the development of CO2 capture technologies for coal-fired power plants in Poland and UK. The project results will contribute to better knowledge about the use for CO2 capture of the cheap zeolites made from fly ash. The project will be particularly beneficial for the organisations that are to implement industrial CO2 capture technologies and industrial plants that produce fly-ash as their by-products. The results obtained will also be of great interest to industrial/power plants that emit large amounts of CO2, which can potentially use CCS, particularly coal-fired plants which generate large quantities of both CO2 and fly ash.

The outcomes of the project will have a positive impact on the environment in two ways. Firstly, they help to use a major waste material, fly ash and, secondly, the materials developed and SALT will reduce CO2 emissions as an effective approach for post-combustion capture.


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Description The aim of the project was to develop amine-supported fly ash-derived zeolites treated with amine compounds and polymers for CO2 capture in post-combustion capture. The zeolite and silica adsorption properties with respect to CO2 have been optimised for polyethyleneimine (PEI) with rice husk ash proving to be a particularly effective precursor of large-pore silica. The results of the research were used to determine the most cost effective routes to use waste aluminosilicates in the form of fly ash to produce zeolites and silicas. The research is also identifying the equipment required for the synthesis of the zeolites and silicas on an industrial scale. One of the highlights has been demonstrating that the mesoporous silica, MCM41, synthesised from fly ash is just as an effective support for polyethyleneimine as much more expensive commercially available MCM41. As well as CO2 capture, other applications in oil refining have ben identified where fly ash-derived zeolites can be used. The findings from this research paved the way for further support from the Korean Institute of Energy and the UK Carbon Capture and Storage Research Centre to scale-up the PEI adsorbents and operate them at pilot-scale
Exploitation Route One of the barriers to the widespread implementation of CO2 in power plants is the energy cost associated with solvent regeneration in the most mature PCC technology, amine scrubbing, which will be even greater for gas-fired power plants because of the lower CO2 concentration, higher O2 concentration and higher flue gas flow rate compared to similar sized coal-fired power plant. Hence, alternative or second generation PCC technologies need to be developed that have the potential to lower this energy penalty and also have lower capital and operating costs. Solid adsorbent looping technology (SALT) is a novel, potentially low-cost that can overcome the main drawbacks of amine absorption. The technology relies upon adsorbents that can achieve high CO2 uptakes with relatively low temperatures with short residence times. Amines either impregnated or immobilised on mesoporous materials, particularly aluminosilicates, have been found to be particularly effective. This project gas identified low-cost precursors, such as rice husk ash for supporting high loadings of PEI and so increasing CO2 adsorption and the overall economics of solids adsorbents looping technology. The findings from this research paved the way for further support from the Korean Institute of Energy and the UK Carbon Capture and Storage Research Centre to scale-up the PEI adsorbents and operate them at pilot-scale
Sectors Energy

Description The findings have been used to identify low-cost precursors for preparing high surface area supports for strongly basic adsorbents, such as polyethyleneimine (PEI), used for post-combustion capture. In particular, rice husk ash has been identified, as a promising source of macroporous silica that can support high loadings of PEI. This findings have been forward as a route for preparing large batches of new adsorbents for pilot-scale testing via the Midlands Universities Energy Research Accelerator which provided £0.5M for a pilot-facility and a projects funded by the Korean Institute of Energy. and the UK CCSD Research Centre to prepare sufficiently large batches of silica-PEI for pilot-scale testing both in Korea and at Nottingham.
First Year Of Impact 2015
Sector Energy
Impact Types Societal


Description Korean Institute of Energy
Amount £1,000,000 (GBP)
Organisation Korea Institute of Energy Research 
Sector Academic/University
Country Korea, Republic of
Start 05/2015 
End 06/2018
Description Development of silica-polyethyleneimine adsorbents for CO2 capture 
Organisation Korea Institute of Energy Research
Country Korea, Republic of 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Conducted research on silica-polyethyleneimine and activated carbon adsorbents for CO2 capture. This included preparing 100 kilogram of silica-polyethyleneimine for pilot-scale testing at KIER.
Collaborator Contribution The Korean Institute of Energy carried out pilot-scale testing on the adsorbents prepared at the University of Nottingham
Impact Two joint peer-reviewed publications and a number of conference presentations. The research led to a reduction in cost for the silica-polyethyleneimine adsorbents investigated.
Start Year 2015