Energy-related economic stress in the UK, at the interface between transport, housing and fuel poverty

Lead Research Organisation: University of Leeds
Department Name: Institute for Transport Studies


At present, home energy issues are framed in terms of reducing energy consumption and emissions while at the same time taking into account fuel poverty - an established area of interest for British policy and research. The same is not true for transport poverty and economic stress, which are currently under researched. This is despite transport costs being an increasingly significant item of household expenditure, and a major cause of public concern in the UK - notably for low income car-owning households, who spend 31% of their income on transport.
The project will develop the concept of transport poverty, exploring its relationships with housing and fuel poverty, and implications for energy demand reduction and social justice. It will develop connections between the British academic and policy debate and similar debates abroad, where issues of increasing transport costs and vulnerability to oil price spikes have been framed in terms of sustainable spatial development, highlighting the interlinkages between transport and housing affordability.
The following research questions will guide the study:
1. What are the systematic patterns of transport poverty and economic stress in the UK, in terms of socio-demographics, geographic distribution and relationships with housing and fuel poverty?
2. What do these patterns suggest for the distributional and total demand implications of energy demand reduction policies and scenarios for the UK?
The project has been designed to have a symbiotic relationship with other on-going work on qualitative understandings of transport needs and affordability within the DEMAND Centre ( It will inform DEMAND's work with hard figures on transport poverty and economic stress, while at the same time using their qualitative findings to inform a critical discussion of existing data sets and to orientate the quantitative analysis.
A set of 5 interdependent workpackages, mostly consisting of secondary quantitative analysis, will span 18 months. The specific goals are:
1. to conceptualise the relationships between transport, housing and fuel poverty in an interdisciplinary and international perspective, based on an international literature review
2. to explore patterns of transport spending and its relationship with spending on housing and domestic energy in the UK, by analysing recent family expenditure data (Living Costs and Food Survey 2012)
3. to explore material deprivation and economic stress in low-income car owning households in the UK and the EU, based on the EU-SILC dataset
4. to explore more geographically detailed patterns of transport poverty for a metropolitan area characterised by high levels of deprivation, by analysing the Merseyside Travel Poverty Survey
5. to exploit MOT Tests and Results Data to understand the potential role of technological lags for lower income groups in aggravating transport poverty and economic stress, and to produce UK-wide maps of the fuel-related economic stress and oil vulnerability of car users
The project aims to challenge the current "silo" approach of policy making, in which issues of transport, housing and fuel poverty are seen as separate. A series of written outputs (publicly available working paper and report, policy briefing) and public engagement events (2-day international interdisciplinary workshop and final dissemination event) will aim to highlight the significance of transport poverty and to bring together a cross-sectoral audience of stakeholders, with potential impacts in terms of cross-fertilization and knowledge sharing. The ambition is to contribute to the development of innovative cross-sectoral policies, along the lines of measures experimented abroad (e.g. location efficient mortgages, mobility-efficiency certificates for building, online tools for calculating the mobility costs of residential relocation).

Planned Impact

The project will add new understandings of cross sectoral, energy-related economic stress. By highlighting the distributional implications of energy demand reduction policies, which limit their public acceptability, it is of relevance to evidence-based policy making at a range of levels and departments, not least to DfT and DECC. By considering the interaction of transport and fuel poverty with housing affordability, it will also generate findings of interest to DCLG.
At the level of local authorities, the knowledge produced will benefit Integrated Transport Authorities and Passenger Transport Executives. The project will identify areas where economic stress is intensive, potentially informing the planning of subsidised public transport services. Therefore, efforts will be made to engage with the Passenger Transport Executive Group, Merseytravel and Transport for London (already a partner in DEMAND). The project will capitalise on other work in DEMAND on prices and justice, which is focussed on the engagement of stakeholders and transport policy makers at the local and national level, to enhance its economic and societal impact. The project will also add to the tools that the MOT project is developing for local authorities to evaluate policy interventions, by enriching the datasets with indicators of economic stress that allow a longitudinal 'tracking' of the distributional impacts of policies.
By adopting an international perspective, the project aims to arouse interest of policy makers for measures adopted abroad to reduce the transport expenditure of households. These include e.g. Location Efficient Mortgages (US) and online tools for calculating the mobility costs of residential relocation (Germany, Austria). While it is not always possible to import policies, this might contribute to the development of effective measures in the UK. This maps onto DEMAND'S priority of exploring the international experience of the governance of energy demand reduction. The analysis of an EU-level dataset on living conditions will allow comparison of the UK with other countries, generating findings of interest to policy communities in the EU.
Beyond policy-making, the project will benefit to a range of non-governmental organisations with interests in sustainable development and/or poverty and affordability, in the transport sector and beyond (e.g. Sustrans, Campaign for Better Transport, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, RAC Foundation). By showing which social groups and neighbourhoods struggle the most with the costs of motoring, the project will be of interest to public transport operators looking to expand their services.
The embedding of the project within DEMAND will ensure close cooperation with EDF R&D, which has an established interest in fuel poverty and will increase the project's non academic impact. Also, the project will benefit from DEMAND's stakeholder mapping exercise, which has set the goal to interact with over 150 stakeholders from the fields of energy, local planning and more.
By exploring the links between low fuel vehicle efficiency and transport poverty among low income households, the project will be of relevance to organisations such as the the Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership, informing their scenarios with social justice considerations.
Finally, engaging with the research communities working on housing affordability and fuel poverty will result in increased awareness of issues of transport poverty and economic stress, with cascading effects on the public awareness and understanding of this burning social issue, as well as on the design of future data collection exercises.
Overall, in the longer term, an improved understanding of economic stress in the transport sector will benefit wider society (including, crucially, future generations) in terms of increased resilience to oil price shocks, which is essential if the UK is to maintain economic competitiveness, social welfare and cohesion.


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Description Work package 1. The multinational literature review highlights the lack of connections being made in British research and policy-making between questions of affordability in the fields of housing, domestic energy and transport. This contrasts with the situation in France and Germany, where these connections are increasingly being made. On the other hand, the British debate on affordability has been dominated by an analogy between fuel poverty and "transport poverty" - which is assumed to be the transport equivalent of fuel poverty. Our work has highlighted a number of similarities and differences between the two issues, with important implications for how transport poverty is to be conceptualised, measured and tackled.
Work package 2. We have used Living Costs and Food Survey to develop a metric of "car-related economic stress" that is inspired by the "Low-Income-High-Cost" indicator of fuel poverty currently adopted by the English government. The results show that 9% of households (approximately 2.3 million) in Great Britain have low income and high running motor vehicles cost. Households with children, the 'working poor', and home owners are particularly likely to belong to this group. The incidence and the intensity of economic stress have worsened between 2006 and 2012, as motor fuel prices increased and in the wake of the economic crisis. LIHC households with low income and high motoring costs have lower price elasticity of fuel demand, i.e. they are less able to reduce consumption in response to price increases. This makes them more vulnerable to oil price market fluctuations and policy-driven tax increases.
Work package 3. We have used EU-SILC data to develop a material-deprivation-based measure of "car-related economic stress". Approximately 7% of the population of Great Britain (1.7 million) own a car despite being in "material deprivation". These are more likely to be working poor, households with children, living in thinly populated areas. These households tend to experience affordability problems in more than one area (car-related economic stress, housing cost overburden, fuel poverty), to curtail social activities and domestic energy consumption, and to be in debt.
Work package 5. We have used vehicle inspection (MOT) data, income data and accessibility statistics to develop a spatial indicator of vulnerability to fuel price increases in England. The methodology developed improves and extends previous international studies on 'oil vulnerability'. The findings show a divide at the national level between London and surrounding areas (low vulnerability as a result of high income and good public transport service) and a variety of suburban, peri-urban and rural areas in the rest of the country (highly vulnerable because of low income, high car dependence, or both). Unlike other international studies, however, we do not find a 'regressive' correlation between poverty and car dependence at the metropolitan level.
Exploitation Route The findings have already been shown to be of interest to government officials in housing, land-use, energy and transport. The information is hugely important in understanding how fair different energy transition pathways might be.

The methodology and the integration of new data sets can also be used for future policy analysis.
Sectors Energy


Democracy and Justice


Description The findings of the project have raised the interest of British policy-makers as attested by invitations to present findings to the Department for Transport (16th January 2017) and to Her Majesty's Treasury (29th August 2017), as well as as part of the Scottish Government Climate Change Seminar Series (3rd March 2016). The DfT event in particular was attended by over 70 policy-makers from various sectors within the Department. The project's publications have been cited in government reports including a 2019 evidence review on 'Transport and inequality' conducted by NatCen for the Department for Transport, and a 2019 Government Office for Science report into the 'Future of Mobility'. The interim results of the project were presented to a diverse set of stakeholders and policymakers at a dissemination event organised by the RAC foundation (24th November 2016). Findings from the project have been included in reports by think thanks and other third sector organisations at the national and international level including: a 2018 Discussion Paper of the International Transport Forum on "Assessing the Net Overall Distributive Effect of a Congestion Charge"; a 2020 OECD working paper on "Carbon pricing design"; a 2017 RAC report on the "lives of cars". Project publications are cited in a 2019 report by OpenExp on Energy Poverty, and have informed their efforts to develop quantitative indicators of transport energy poverty for the EU member states. The project's main researcher was invited to review the above-mentioned OpenExp report, as well as a 2019 report by the Frontier Group & U.S. PIRG Education Fund, into car-related debt. He was invited to contribute a Chapter to the 2020 report of the Italian National Energy Poverty Observatory. Findings of the project have also been cited in popular news websites such as the London Evening Standard, CityMetric and The Conversation, as well as on the opinion page of the British Medical Journal website. We have shared the spatial index of vulnerability to fuel price increases that we developed with local policy-makers from Leeds and Sheffield City Region, who have used it for mapping vulnerability within their areas, as well as with researchers at the UK Data Service, who have used it for creating new deprivation scores. As a result of this project, the project's main researcher has been invited to join the COST research network ENGAGER ("European Energy Poverty: Agenda Co-Creation and Knowledge Innovation", since 2018) and to be a consultant for the FAIR research project ('Fuel and transport poverty In the UK's energy transition', since 2020), both of which will result in further impact.
First Year Of Impact 2015
Sector Energy,Environment,Transport
Impact Types Policy & public services

Description Fuel and transport poverty In the UK's energy transition
Amount £1,250,000 (GBP)
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 12/2019 
End 12/2021
Description Memorandum of Understanding between LET Lyon and ITS Leeds for research and student exchange activities 
Organisation University of Lyon
Department National School of Public Works of the State
Country France 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution A Memorandum of Understanding is in the process of being signed between the Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds and the "Ecole Nationale des Travaux Publics de l'Etat" at University of Lyon (France). This covers research and student exchange activities. The drafting of the agreement was an indirect result of the International Workshop "Energy-related economic stress at the interface between transport poverty, fuel poverty and residential location" ( where a researcher from the University of Lyon (Dr. Jean-Pierre Nicolas) was one of the invited speakers.
Collaborator Contribution The "Ecole Nationale des Travaux Publics de l'Etat" at University of Lyon (France) proposed the signing of a MoU between the two institutions and contributed to the drafting of the MoU
Impact There are no outputs or outcomes so far apart from the drafting of a MoU which is due to be signed soon.
Start Year 2015
Description Briefing note for non-academic audience 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact A 2-page 'Research Insight' note was published on the DEMAND and (t)ERES websites in the fall 2016. It was reported on the EUED website ( and distributed to the audience in engagement events at RAC Foundation and DfT.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Cross-sectoral workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Type Of Presentation workshop facilitator
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact The two-day international workshop "Energy-related economic stress at the interface between transport poverty, fuel poverty and residential location" was held at the University of Leeds on May 20th-21st. 41 participants from four countries took part in the workshop over the two days, including 13 non-academic participants from DfT, DECC, DCLG, the Welsh Government, Leeds City Council, RAC Foundation, EDF R&D, CPT, ACE and the Centre for Cities.

The aim of the workshop was to make connections between issues of affordability in different areas (transport, housing and domestic energy) and how these have been conceptualised (or not) in three different EU countries (UK, France and Germany), while at the same time bringing together academic and policy perspectives. Over two intensive days we have discussed topics such as: transport-related economic stress among motorised lower-middle classes; the poor resilience and oil vulnerability of suburban and remote areas; urban households who cannot afford car ownership; the coping strategies of households and policy makers in the face of rising fuel and housing costs; how to develop a comprehensive approach to (transport and domestic) energy poverty; the definition and measurement of 'transport poverty'.

Request for subscriptions to project newsletter. A Special Issue of the 'Transport Policy' Journal will include some of the papers presented at the workshop (
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015
Description Interview for website Mobile Lives Forum 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact Giulio Mattioli was interviewed for the website 'Mobile Lives Forum', on the themes of the project (mobility of the poor). The bilingual website Mobile Lives Forum (French and English) presents discussions on themes related to mobility, in a way that is accessible to the non-academic public.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Presentation at Her Majesty's Treasury 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact A presentation was given to a team at Her Majesty's Treasury on 29 August 2017
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Presentation of research findings at Department for Transport seminar series (16 January 2016) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Following the 2016 seminar at RAC foundation (see other item in this section), we were asked to give a similar presentation at the Department for Transport on 16 January 2016. The presentation was attended by more than 100 policymakers from within DfT, as well as from other stakeholders. We are currently discussing with DfT the possibility that they will fund further research following up on the themes of this research project (transport and housing affordability).
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Presentation to policy makers as part of the Scottish Government Climate Change Seminar Series (3 March 2016) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact On 3 March 2016 Giulio Mattioli delivered a talk to Scottish policy-makers as part of the Scottish Government Climate Change Seminar Series. The seminar was attended by more than 20 policy-makers, was well received and led to an interesting discussion. The organiser of the Seminar Series has requested to kept abreast of our research activities.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Project website 
Form Of Engagement Activity A magazine, newsletter or online publication
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact The website for the research project was launched online in May 2015. As of 14th February 2017 it had 1,092 views from 524 visitors from 57 countries.

The website notably provided an outlet for the dissemination of the results of the international workshop (all presentations can be viewed online at and the "Sociology of Energy" conference paper. In informal discussions at conferences / meetings colleagues have mentioned that this enabled them to get an impression of the project's progress.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015,2016,2017
Description Seminar with stakeholders and policy-makers at RAC foundation (24 November 2016) 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact A seminar on "Transport Poverty" was held at the RAC foundation on 24th November 2016. It was jointly co-organized by RAC foundation and ITS (Prof. Karen Lucas, Dr Giulio Mattioli, Dr Ian Philips. It included presentations from our team on the findings of this research project, as well as of similar research from UCL Bartlett School of Planning and Sian Thornthwaite Consulting. The event was attended by stakeholders and policy-makers from OECD, DfT, FIA Foundation, RAC foundation, Community Transport Association, Transport for West Midlands, Transport for Scotland, CIHT, Transport for the North, HM Treasury.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Twitter profile for research project 
Form Of Engagement Activity A magazine, newsletter or online publication
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact The twitter profile is an outlet for dissemination of project-related news, with a link to the project website. As of February 2017 it had 185 followers.

From the profile activation in May 2015 to 8 October 2015 tweets from this profile have had 59 'followers', 7.9K 'impressions', 33 'link clicks', 50 'retweets', 18 'favorites' and 2 'replies'.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015,2016,2017