Acoustoelectric Methods for the Generation Manipulation and Detection of THz Radiation

Lead Research Organisation: University of Leeds
Department Name: Electronic and Electrical Engineering


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Description This grant has allowed a detailed investigation of the modulation of two dimensional acoustic waves and THz quantum cascade lasers using bulk acoustic waves. Light modulators for THz radiation are a fundamental component of many potential terahertz systems, and are key to transmission of information by a terahertz carrier wave. The main output from this grant was a Nature Communications paper which demonstrated fast modulation of light output from a THz QCL, a topic on which several further grants are now being written.
Exploitation Route Building new terahertz systems.
Fast modulation schemes for THz QCLs leading to new communications systems.
Sectors Electronics

Description The work on this grant led to significant academic Impact by nucleating the area of acoustic perturbation of superlattice structures. This work was report in Nature Communications, and was reported on by many news organisation internationally. The work led directly to additional funding by way of a joint Leeds / Nottingham EPSRC grants, EP/V004743/1 and EP/V004751/1. In addition, the establishment of the general area of modulation of terahertz quantum cascade lasers that this grant partly initiated later led to a Programme Grant with Cambridge and UCL, Teracom, EP/W028921/1, in which we are seeking to develop inter-satellite links and faster links within data centres enabled by fast modulation schemes for such quantum cascade lasers. While commercialisation is still some time away, this grant contributed to developing these areas as viable areas of exploration with ICT.
First Year Of Impact 2020
Sector Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)
Impact Types Societal