Particle-segregation in chutes, silos, conveyor belts and rotating drums

Lead Research Organisation: University of Manchester
Department Name: Mathematics


Particles of differing size or density often segregate in industrial flows such as chutes, silos, conveyor belts and rotating drums. This is the single biggest cause of material non-uniformity, which poses significant problems in handling and processing the grains, leading to plant downtime and product wastage. The most common form of segregation occurs in surface avalanches, which develop whenever a static granular material is tipped above its angle of repose. For example, pouring one's muesli into a bowl at breakfast! These avalanches are very efficient at sorting particles by size, with the large ones rising to the surface and the small ones percolating down to the base. The density of the grains may enhance or counteract this effect. When these flows come to rest a rich variety of particle size and density distributions develop in the deposit, sometimes with large regions of just one particle type. This naturally presents a major problem in processes that are supposed to be well-mixed. Understanding the segregation process and being able to model it effectively is the first step in being able to develop strategies to mitigate its effects. This proposal aims to use a powerful combination of small scale experiments, theory, continuum simulation and discrete element simulations (where the interactions of every single particle are modeled) to determine the functional dependence of the segregation rates on particle properties, as well as the applied shear-rate and pressure. The resulting mathematical model will then be applied to more complex flows, where there is mass transport between the the surface avalanche and the static, or slowly moving, grains beneath. This presents the project with its biggest challenge, because the rheology of granular materials is still very poorly understood, compared to fluids, which makes simulating the flow in a silo problematical. Over the past decade there has however been significant progress in the development of the so called mu(I)-rheology, which works over a large range of parameter space. Our aim is to regularize the model, by including additional physics, so that it can be applied in all regions of the flow and hence solve for the bulk velocity field. This will then allow the evolving particle-size and density distribution to be computed, so that we can understand in detail how pockets of just one particle type form. With our industrial partners we develop mitigation strategies, that use our knowledge of segregation to design clever chutes and silos that greatly reduce its effects.

Planned Impact

There about 7 billion people in the world all of whom will use a large variety of powders and grains on a daily basis. There are many common examples in our kitchens, including flour, cereals, rice, maize, tea, coffee, sugar and salt. Washing powder is another common example, which billions of people use throughout the world every day, but very few people will think about how it is made or what problems are associated in making it. In fact the single most important cause of poor quality powders is particle segregation, which occurs during the manufacturing process as well as en route to a customer. The propensity of the grains to segregate as they are transported is a major cause of product wastage and huge financial loss for the powder processing industry. It also hampers product innovation, because each time a product formulation is changed the degree to which the grains will segregate is unknown and extensive testing has to occur in pilot plants before it can go live at full industrial scale. This directly impacts on the time required to bring new products on stream as well as the time to construct new plants, which may not work correctly first time. Despite the huge quantities of granular materials that are used throughout the world each year, our ability to predict their behaviour is still limited and often relies on discrete numerical simulations that have to resolve each individual particle. This works well for small numbers of grains, but can not be scaled up to the realistic number of particles processed in a single silo, let alone a complete plant. This proposal aims to build on the recent advances in the continuum modelling of segregation and of the bulk flow to develop predictive models for common unit processing operations such as chutes, silos, conveyor belts and rotating drums. Having detailed knowledge about how the grains actually segregate is the first step to being able to design processes, or materials, to mitigate the chronic effects of segregation. This has the potential to significantly reduce start-up times as well as product wastage, making it easier for the powder processing industry to make a profit as well as for them to reduce prices to the customer. The applications of this research are not limited to everyday consumer products, but have important application to a wide range of powder processing industries including the bulk chemical, pharmaceutical and mining industry, as well as to agriculture and many food stuffs.


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Baker J (2016) Segregation-induced finger formation in granular free-surface flows in Journal of Fluid Mechanics

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Barker T (2020) Coupling rheology and segregation in granular flows in Journal of Fluid Mechanics

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Barker T (2017) Well-posed continuum equations for granular flow with compressibility and µ ( I )-rheology in Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences

Title Movies for the Journal of Fluid Mechanics paper on "Particle-size segregation in self-channelized granular flows" 
Description Geophysical mass flows such as debris flows, dense pyroclastic flows and snow avalanches can self channelize on shallow slopes. The confinement afforded by formed levees helps to maintain the flow depth, and hence mobility, allowing self-channelized flows to run out significantly farther than unconfined, spreading flows. Levee formation and self-channelization are strongly associated with particle-size segregation, but can also occur in monodisperse flows. This paper uses the monodisperse depth-averaged theory of Rocha, Johnson & Gray (J. Fluid Mech., vol. 876, 2019, pp. 591--641), which incorporates a hysteretic friction law and second-order depth-averaged viscous terms. Both of these are vital for the formation of a travelling wave that progressively deposits a pair of levees just behind the front. The three-dimensional velocity field is reconstructed in a frame moving with the front assuming Bagnold flow. This enables a bidisperse particle-size segregation theory to be used to solve for the large and small particle concentrations and particle paths in three-dimensions, for the first time. The model shows that the large particles tend to segregate to the surface of the flow, forming a carapace that extends over the centre of the channel, as well as along the external sides and base of the levee walls. The small particles segregate downwards, and are concentrated in the main channel and in the inner levee walls. This supports the contention that a low friction channel lining provides a secondary mechanism for run-out enhancement. It is also shown that the entire theory scales with particle diameter, so experiments with millimetre-sized particles provide important insights into geophysical-scale flows with boulders and smaller rock fragments. The model shows that self channelization does not need particle-size segregation to occur, but supports the hypothesis that particle-size segregation and the associated frictional feedback can significantly enhance both the flow mobility and the levee strength. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2023 
Description We are all familiar with pouring cereal into a bowl at breakfast. This is an example of a granular material. However, probably very few of us have thought about exactly how the grains flow out of the box. The process is very interesting. As the box is tipped most of the grains just rotate in a solid-like way with the box, and it is only when the free surface exceeds a critical angle that a thin surface layer of grains begins to flow. It is this liquid-like avalanche that transports the cereal from the box into the bowl. This project has developed the basic theory and the numerical methods necessary to calculate granular flows with transitions between solid-like and liquid-like behaviour. The free-surface avalanche that transport the grains is very effective at sorting particles by size. Rather counter intuitively, the larger grains rise to the surface, while the smaller ones percolate down to the base. A key step has been to develop an experimental law that governs how quickly the large and small particles will segregate depending on their size, their size ratio, how quickly they are sheared past one another and how much pressure from the surrounding grains they are subjected to. Putting this together leads to a coupled system of equations that can calculate how cereal will flow and segregate as it is poured out of the packet. Since 40% of all products use granular materials during their manufacture, this work has many potential applications. In particular, it is highly relevant for industry who want to know how particles with different properties will flow and segregate as they are mixed in tumblers, stored in heaps/silos, or transported down chutes. Avalanches also develop in nature and the results of this project are also directly relevant for natural hazards.
Exploitation Route The breakthroughs in this project potentially have wide ranging applications in process engineering, from the manufacture of bulk chemicals and pharmaceuticals, to food and agriculture. At present, these industries use process equipment that has been developed with limited access to predictive tools that might aid the design process. The best tools available are discrete particle simulations, which model the collisions of every grain in the flow. This simulation method is computationally very expensive and is limited to a few million particles. This is dwarfed by the actual number of particles in real industrial processes. For instance, just one cubic meter of sand contains 2-3 billion grains, and many industry process huge volumes of material each year. This project has developed continuum equations that govern the macroscopic behaviour of the grains as they flow and segregate, as well as numerical methods to solve the resulting equations. These continuum based methods can be easily upscaled to larger volumes of material, and have the potential to revolutionize the design of industrial equipment used to process granular material. It is now vital to make the connection to companies that specialize in developing granular process equipment and/or provide consulting to the bulk solids industry.
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink





including Industrial Biotechology

Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology

Description AstraZeneca have picked up on our ability to model granular flows in their industrial processes. They are currently supporting a PhD Case studentship to continue the work. This work is ongoing, and the PhD student is nearing the end of her PhD. In addition, the International Fine Particles Research Institute (IFPRI) has commissioned Nico to write a review on continuum methods for solving granular flows. IFPRI is a not for profit organization, which acts as a forum for a global network of multinational companies that have an interest in solving common issues that they encounter when handling or manufacturing granular materials and fine powders. Continuum modelling of granular materials is something new for industry, who have been reliant on computationally expensive discrete particle method (DPM) simulations. Although DPM methods can cope with several millions of particles, practical industrial problems commonly involve many orders of magnitude more than this, so continuum methods have the potential to be a very useful tool in the future. This interaction with industry is a direct impact of Nico's EPSRC Established Career Fellowship, which developed new rheologies for granular flow and showed that it is feasible to solve practical industrial problems with particle segregation using continuum models. There are still many challenges to overcome, but both Nico and IFPRI members greatly value this knowledge transfer, and IFPRI have invited Nico to give a keynote lecture at their workshop on "Powder Flow" at Purdue University, Indiana (USA) on June 9-10, 2023. Nico has also engaged with UMIP and was granted American patent (US 10,752,444 B2) for a "transfer chute to maintain a density of flow of granular material" in 2020. The results of the research also have crossover to other fields. In particular, the rheology of granular materials is important for the modelling of natural hazards such as debris flows and snow avalanches. This has sparked interest from researchers in Switzerland, who are responsible for assessing the hazards posed by such geophysical mass movements. We have linked up with the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL) and the Institute of Snow and Avalanches (SLF) in Davos, to apply our continuum models to these geophysical problems, and have recently received two NERC grants to support this work.
First Year Of Impact 2020
Sector Agriculture, Food and Drink,Chemicals,Construction,Energy,Environment,Healthcare,Manufacturing, including Industrial Biotechology,Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology,Transport
Impact Types Societal


Title Transfer Chute to Maintain a Density of a Flow of Granular Material 
Description The present invention relates to a transfer chute (100) for granular material, comprising a chute body defining a flow pathway (120) for granular material, a raised portion (110) having an inclined surface (111), and a splitter member (130) arranged proximal to the raised portion (110) for, in use, dividing a flow of granular material over the raised portion into first portion in first conduit (100) and a second portion in a second conduit (300). In some embodiments, a channel (150) is disposed between the first and second conduits (100; 300) to transpose a vertical arrangement of first and second portions of granular material within the chute (10). In this way, separation by particle size or density in the flow may be reversed. 
IP Reference US2019177090 
Protection Patent granted
Year Protection Granted 2019
Licensed No
Impact None as yet