XUV and X-ray Probing of Warm Dense Matter

Lead Research Organisation: Queen's University Belfast
Department Name: Sch of Mathematics and Physics


In this research we are seeking to further investigate a very interesting form of matter called 'warm dense matter' or WDM. This is a state of matter that is expected to be found, for example, in the cores of giant planets like Jupiter and Saturn and to a lesser extent the Earth. The matter is characterized by being at high density (sometimes above normal solid density) and at an elevated temperature ranging from 10,000K to well above 1 million degrees. This means that the pressure is enormous, reaching several million times atmospheric pressure. Under these conditions the matter is not expected to behave either like a normal solid or like a classical plasma.

We will make samples of warm dense matter in a variety of ways. One of these involves using intense laser pulses to drive very strong shocks into solid samples, thus compressing and heating them. We will probe these samples with intense x-rays generated from another laser-plasma. This takes place on a timescale of less than a billionth of a second. The results will test the electronic structure of the matter under WDM conditions. In other types of experiment, we will heat solid foils with x-rays generated from laser-heated targets. This will raise the temperature of the solid matter to several thousand degrees. We will probe this matter with XUV radiation generated from gas-laser interactions using high harmonics of the initial laser wavelength. This will help to measure the degree to which XUV radiation is absorbed.

Planned Impact

The work proposed in this project is, by its nature, academic science and thus connection to potential economic impact is less obvious at present. However, we can consider the wider impact on the general public outside of the scientific community. There is a considerable public appetite for science, especially related to fundamental questions on the nature of the universe, for example the search for the Higgs Boson, Dark Matter and the recently resolved controversy over the speed of neutrinos. There is also a wide public interest in astrophysical sciences- with a very active amateur astronomy community.

Our work on the structure of warm dense matter is very closely related to the planetary and astrophysical sciences. An understanding of warm dense matter- be it water, hydrogen, ices or heavier materials such as iron, is essential to the understanding of planetary structure and crucically their formation. There are currently hundreds of known exo-solar planets. These are mostly large planets, probably gas giants. A better understanding of planetary formation and structure may help improve estimates of the number that may be Earth-like and understanding warm dense matter is a part of this process. Thus, we believe that our work is in general closely related to science that the public has an interest in. Such public interest is in turn good for science generally. The TARANIS laser, which forms a key part of the research programme is itself a significant part of our outreach programme in that, on open days, UCAS days and other events where young people visit our department, it is a key stop-off point on the tour of the department. It has hosted young researchers on summer internships and is well integrated into our 4th year MSci undergraduate projects programme.


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Brozas F (2018) Using a commercial mini-X-ray source for calibrating Bragg crystals in Journal of Instrumentation

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Denoeud A (2016) Dynamic X-ray diffraction observation of shocked solid iron up to 170 GPa. in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

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Dromey B (2016) Picosecond metrology of laser-driven proton bursts. in Nature communications

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Hyland C (2021) Measurements of free-free absorption in warm dense aluminium in Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion

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Riley D (2018) Generation and characterisation of warm dense matter with intense lasers in Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion

Description We have obtained some nice experimental data on the absorption of XUV radiation by warm dense matter. This data has been published in Physical Review E and now a new set of much improved data has been collected with a range of sample thickness and probe wavelengths. This data has now been submitted as part of a PhD thesis by C Hyland. It has highlited some experimental challenges and thrown light on how to improve data collection.

We have also obtained some key data on K-edge shifts in shock compressed matter. This data has clearly shown that a Stewart-Pyatt model better fits the data than an Ecker-Kroll model for continuum lowering for both Parylene-C and KCl shock compressed targets. However, the agreement is best when the polarisation of the electrons is allowed to be included as in the treatment of Crowley. DFT-MD simulations show the trend of the data but has an offset shift of a few eV for reasons that are not yet clear. A Phd and paper are at advanced stages of production for this work.
Exploitation Route Of use in inertial fusion research and also in understanding the equation of state of warm dense matter in planetary interiors.
Sectors Electronics



including Industrial Biotechology

Description This project is related to the study of warm dense matter, which is of key importance in planetary interiors and inertial fusion energy. The definition of warm dense matter is such that we are dealing with matter, typically at temperatures between 10,000 and one million degrees and pressures of order a million times atmospheric pressure. There are two main strands linked by the theme of probing warm dense matter with X-rays. In both cases, the literature had in recent years contained some disagreements amongst those developing theoretical descriptions. In the first case, the absorption of softer (longer wavelength) X-rays in samples of Al at solid density and temperatures of 10,000 degree and more had been calculated by several different methods that all, in some way depend on the rate at which the free electrons in the sample collide with the ions and the rate at which energy is transferred in such interactions. Our most recent data (Hyalnd et al 2021) allowed us to say that the experiment agreed better with two models that gave broadly similar answers than with a third model using different theoretical methods. The other strand of experiments involved the use of X-rays in the short wavelength region (a few Angstroms) to probe the so called K-edge of a sample that has been shock compressed to 100,000 degrees and several times sold density. What we expected to see was a shift in the energy threshold for ionisation of the inner shell (1s) electrons by a few electron volts. We did indeed see this and it is expected to be a result of several competing processes that act opposite to each other but are all larger than the net shift seen. It is one of these components, the so called ionisation potential depression, that arises from the effect of local electric fields in the sample, that was under contention. Our data agreed with the assumption of the well known Stewart-Pyatt model, which has been used for decades but was recently challenged by data taken on at an X-ray laser facility using samples heated but not compressed, but supported by experiments, including our own, using colliding laser shock compression. An unexpected outcome was the fact that with Density-Functional Molecular dynamics modelling of the data, we have determined that the equation of state used in hydro-dynamic modelling of the shock compression is likely to be in error and this is important since such equations of state are widely used, despite being often only theoretical in nature or based on single shock data. The most recent publication (2023) shows that the K-edge shifts of chlorinated plastics cannot be modelled using the hydrodynamic simulations using the SESAME equation of state database. A lower temperature and tus slightly higher density does lead to a better match, reinforcing our view that the equation of state needs further consideration.
First Year Of Impact 2020
Sector Education
Impact Types Cultural

Title Dataset for "K-edge structure in shock compressed chlorinated-parylene" 
Description Some supplementary data for paper in MDPI journal "Atoms". 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact The data indicated that current EOS models such as the SESAME database may have an overestimated temperature and underestimated density for some parylene cases. Important in modelling of warm dense matter experiments. 
URL https://pure.qub.ac.uk/en/datasets/28535cb5-c85c-42fb-9cca-48e511a12519