Novel X-ray methods for studying correlated quantum matter in the strong spin-orbit coupling limit

Lead Research Organisation: University College London
Department Name: London Centre for Nanotechnology


Although it is one of the most prosaic properties of a material, the response to an applied electrical voltage can be one of its most profound. Initial insight into why some materials are electrical conductors while others are insulators came from the early application of quantum mechanics. In this view, electrons in "simple" materials are treated as independent, and solids are classified according to the number of electrons filling the quantum states: for an even number the states are filled, resulting in an insulator, whereas for an odd number the states are partly filled allowing the electrons to conduct. Although this rule of thumb works for many "simple" materials, including e.g. aluminum and silicon on which a large fraction of our current technologies are based, it fails spectacularly for others. Simple oxides of transition metals, for example, exist with partially filled electron states. Mott first proposed that it was only by including electron interactions, which in materials such as oxides can be dominant, that the metal-insulator transition can be understood. Hubbard later proposed a deceptively simple model with just two parameters, describing the tendency of electrons either to localize (insulating behaviour) or delocalize (metallic). For more than 50 years, the Mott-Hubbard paradigm has provided the abiding theoretical framework for rationalizing the electronic and magnetic properties of "complex" quantum solids defined as those that exhibit explicit collective quantum effects, such as high-temperature superconductivity.

More recently, the relativistic coupling of an electron's intrinsic spin with its orbital motion - the spin-orbit interaction (SOI) - has come sharply into focus with the discovery that it can lead to qualitatively new types of electronic state. It has been shown that even for certain "simple" materials the SOI leads to surface metallic states on materials that in the bulk are insulating. These surface states are non-trivial, in that they are protected by symmetries - or topology - and therefore cannot be easily destroyed. The question then naturally arises as to the consequences of including relativistic effects in "complex" quantum materials in which the electrons interact strongly. The answer requires developing a new paradigm - beyond the Mott-Hubbard one - that treats interactions and the SOI on an equal footing. This proposal is to perform experiments that will be key to establishing this new paradigm. This new frontier has attracted considerable theoretical attention, and a plethora of predictions have been made for exotic electronic and magnetic states, some of which in the long run may lead to new technologies. Examples include novel types of insulators, metals, superconductors, quantum spin liquids, etc. However, history shows that although theory provides a useful guide, it cannot anticipate all possibilities, and many exciting discoveries will no doubt be made through experimentation.

Revealing the nature of the electronic and magnetic correlations in complex "quantum matter" through experimentation is very challenging, requiring techniques with extremely high sensitivity and specificity. A major theme of this proposal is the development of novel X-ray techniques which will offer unprecedented insights into the atomic scale order and excitations in solids. The techniques will be developed at large-scale central facilities, both nationally and internationally, which have dedicated particle accelerators for producing ultra intense X-ray beams. The recent advent of X-ray laser sources represent the pinnacle of this technology which deliver 20 orders of magnitude higher intensity than conventional sources in femto-second pulses (i.e. the time taken for light to transit a molecule). These sources are transformational enabling novel non-equilibrium electronic and magnetic states to be created and their evolution to be studied in real-time.

Planned Impact

The main impacts of the Fellowship will come from the significant advances in knowledge that will be achieved on both scientific and technical fronts.

Scientifically, the proposal is positioned at the new frontier between strongly correlated electron materials and strong spin-orbit coupling. This frontier is attracting considerable interest in the academic community as numerous predictions have been made for the realization of exotic electronic phases with new functionalities. The scientific results of the Fellowship will therefore have an impact on the broad academic communities working on the electronic and magnetic properties of functional materials.

Technically, novel X-ray techniques will be developed in collaboration with the central facilities Project Partners (Diamond, ESRF, PETRA III). These range from the significant enhancement of existing techniques to the development of entirely new methods for probing the non-equilibrium states of correlated quantum matter. These techniques will bring unprecedented insights into the electronic and magnetic correlations that endow functional materials with their properties. The new capabilities will uniquely reveal the evolution of the electronic and magnetic correlations in the vicinity of phase transitions induced by extreme conditions,
and in the non-equilibrium, transient states created in response to ultrafast laser stimulation. They will thus have considerable impact on the capabilities of the central facilities themselves, including allowing the UK to obtain better returns on the large investments it makes in X-ray sources, and will be of benefit to the wider community of central facilities' users across the physical and engineering sciences.

The Fellowship will also have a significant positive impact on the training and careers of early career researchers. The postdoctoral research assistants and PhD students will receive excellent training through the experience of working closely with world-leading laboratories for X-ray science.

The ongoing large-scale investments in central facilities for X-ray science demands active and effective advocacy by working with both research councils, learned societies, government agencies, etc., and also by explaining to the general public the exciting science that the facilities enable. Award of a prestigious EPSRC Established Career Fellowship will also allow me to significantly enhance my activities in advocacy and public engagement.

Finally, the Fellowship will have considerable impact on my career allowing me to achieve international leadership in the rapidly developing field of X-ray physics applied to understand quantum materials.


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Dashwood CD (2023) Strain control of a bandwidth-driven spin reorientation in Ca3Ru2O7. in Nature communications

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Donnerer C (2019) Selective probing of magnetic order on Tb and Ir sites in stuffed Tb2Ir2O7 using resonant x-ray scattering. in Journal of physics. Condensed matter : an Institute of Physics journal

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Haskel D (2020) Possible Quantum Paramagnetism in Compressed Sr_{2}IrO_{4}. in Physical review letters

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Mazzone DG (2021) Laser-induced transient magnons in Sr3Ir2O7 throughout the Brillouin zone. in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

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Rossi M (2019) Resonant inelastic X-ray scattering of magnetic excitations under pressure. in Journal of synchrotron radiation

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Vale JG (2019) Critical fluctuations in the spin-orbit Mott insulator Sr3Ir2O7. in Journal of physics. Condensed matter : an Institute of Physics journal

Description Significant progress has been made on all aspects of the award particularly considering limitations arising from the COVID pandemic.
Most of the original research was planned to take place at national and international facilities which became impossible during
the pandemic.

In total nearly forty publications have been produced arising from the fellowship.
To illustrate some of the most impotent key findings, examples are given for each of the original work packages of the fellowship.

1. Probing order and excitations of exotic electronic states.

Resonant elastic and inelastic X-ray experiments were developed to investigate the consequences
of the entanglement of spin and orbital degrees of freedom that characterise the materials that were the focus of attention during the fellowship.

One key example is the work on Spin and orbital dynamics through the metal-to-insulator transition in

Evolution of the magnetic excitations in NaOsO3 through its metal-insulator transition.
Vale et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 227203 (2018) (

2. Development of new methods for studying the electronic and magnetic properties of materials under extreme conditions.

The first successful neutron and X-ray scattering experiments using in-situ strain tuning of the electronic and magnetic properties.
At Diamond light source we implemented a new system to use in-situ strain to tune the electronic and magnetic properties of materials.
This allowed us to perform resonant X-ray scattering experiments while simultaneously controlling the strain.
While previous experiments have mostly monitored bulk properties under in-situ strain, our approach provides atomic scale details on alterations to the properties of the system under investigation.

An example of a publication from this work package is:
Strain control of a bandwidth-driven spin reorientation in Ca3Ru2O7 by Dahswood et al., 2023 Nature Communications (submitted) (

3. Ultra-fast control of correlated quantum matter.

This work package was concerned with developing new methods to control quantum materials using pump-probe techniques, with the pump being provided by an optical laser and the probe being a pulsed X-ray beam from a free-electron laser. Such experiments are capable of producing new non-equilibrium states of matter and are extremely challenging to perform. The experiments under this work package were planned to make use of free-electron lasers in Japan and the USA.
In spite of the pandemic we were able to successfully conduct some proof of principle experiments.

For example, using ultrafast resonant inelastic x-ray scattering we demonstrate that femtosecond laser pulses can excite transient magnons at large wavevectors in gapped antiferromagnets, and that they persist for several picoseconds which is opposite to what is observed in nearly gapless magnets. Our work suggests that materials with isotropic magnetic interactions are preferred to achieve rapid manipulation of magnetism.

Laser-Induced Transient Magnons in Sr3Ir2O7 Throughout the Brillouin Zone.
Mazzoone et al., PNAS 118 e2103696118 (2021) (
Exploitation Route The work is contributing to help develop the academic discipline it is concerned with ie in direct benefit to the academic community.
It is also helping the central user facilities through the development and exploitation of new techniques.
Sectors Other

Title Data for "Momentum-resolved lattice dynamics of parent and electron-doped Sr2IrO4" 
Description Data for the manuscript "Momentum-resolved lattice dynamics of parent and electron-doped Sr2IrO4" by C. D. Dashwood, H. Miao, J. G. Vale, D. Ishikawa, D. A. Prishchenko, V. V. Mazurenko, V. G. Mazurenko, R. S. Perry, G. Cao, A. de la Torre, F. Baumberger, A. Q. R. Baron, D. F. McMorrow, and M. P. M. Dean, Phys. Rev. B 100, 085131 (2019).The inelastic x-ray scattering (IXS) data is provided in individual text files in the 'Scans' folder, labelled by compound (parent/doped), temperature and Q-point. The first line of each file is the header, followed by the data. The columns are the energy in meV, the IXS intensity and the error in the intensity respectively. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title Data for "Spontaneous cycloidal order mediating a spin-reorientation transition in a polar metal" 
Description Data for the manuscript "Spontaneous cycloidal order mediating a spin-reorientation transition in a polar metal" by C. D. Dashwood, L. S. I. Veiga, Q. Faure, J. G. Vale, D. G. Porter, S. P. Collins, P. Manuel, D. D. Khalyavin, F. Orlandi, R. S. Perry, R. D. Johnson, and D. F. McMorrow, Phys. Rev. B 102, 180410(R) (2020).All the data is provided in text files, each containing a single header line followed by the data. All temperatures are in Kelvin, magnetic field strengths in Tesla, angles in degrees, and resistances in Ohms.The parent folder contains the in-plane resistivity and powder XRD data.Neutron scattering data is contained in the "Neutron" folder, with each file labelled by the magnetic field strength and Bragg peak (commensurate peak "001" or incommensurate satellite peak "d01").Resonant x-ray scattering data is contained in the "X-ray" folder, under four subfolders for the azimuthal dependences ("Azi_deps"), energy dependences ("E_deps"), reciprocal space scans ("H_scans") and theta scans ("Th_scans"). Files in all the subfolders are labelled by the temperature and Bragg peak (commensurate peak "005" or incommensurate satellite peak "d05"), followed by further labels for the x-ray polarisation ("sig-sig" or "sig-pi"), azimuthal angle ("psi90" or "psi180") and absorption edge ("L2" or "L3"). The azimuthal dependences folder also contains a file "Parameters" with the fitted values of Ma and Mb (defined in the manuscript) and their errors. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title Strain control of a bandwidth-driven spin reorientation in Ca3Ru2O7 
Description Here, we provide data for the manuscript "Strain control of a bandwidth-driven spin reorientation in Ca3Ru2O7" by C. D. Dashwood, A. H. Walker, M. P. Kwasigroch, L. S. I. Veiga, Q. Faure, J. G. Vale, D. G. Porter, P. Manuel, D. D. Khalyavin, F. Orlandi, C. V. Colin, O. Fabelo, F. Kruger, R. S. Perry, R. D. Johnson, A. G. Green, and D. F. McMorrow. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title Strain control of a bandwidth-driven spin reorientation in Ca3Ru2O7 
Description Here, we provide data for the manuscript "Strain control of a bandwidth-driven spin reorientation in Ca3Ru2O7" by C. D. Dashwood, A. H. Walker, M. P. Kwasigroch, L. S. I. Veiga, Q. Faure, J. G. Vale, D. G. Porter, P. Manuel, D. D. Khalyavin, F. Orlandi, C. V. Colin, O. Fabelo, F. Kruger, R. S. Perry, R. D. Johnson, A. G. Green, and D. F. McMorrow. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? Yes