2D Materials for Next Generation Healthcare Technologies (2D-Health)

Lead Research Organisation: University of Manchester
Department Name: School of Health Sciences


This Programme Grant capitalise on the world-leading expertise and research infrastructure on graphene and 2D materials available at the University of Manchester (UoM) to develop future therapies and generate innovative healthcare technology platforms by ascertaining UK leadership in biotech and pharmaceutical development.

There is an increasing need to develop new innovative technologies for healthcare, digital services and other innovation with the vision to deliver health services in more efficient ways and with benefits to patients and taxpayers. The National Health Services (NHS) is under increasing financial pressure in recent years, mainly due to population growth and an increased demand on NHS services. In addition to that, a growing ageing population associated with increased prevalence of pathologies such as cardiovascular disease, dementias, cancer and diabetes significantly add to the cost of care in the NHS. Innovative solutions for development of future therapies that could respond to such unmet clinical needs, reduce the cost burden on the NHS and provide a more effective, safer and patient-centred care is highly needed now.

2D materials are one atom thick materials. The family of these flat crystals is very large and includes transition metal dichalcogenides, hexagonal boron nitride, and graphene among many others. Altogether, they cover a large range of properties (from conductive to insulating, from transparent to opaque, from mechanically stiff to compliant) that can be exploited for the creation of new devices and technologies with a wide range of applications. Various innovative G2D based materials and technologies have been pioneered at the University of Manchester such as the super-hydrophilic graphene oxide based membranes, 2D material water based inks for printable electronics, and graphene based printed technology for wireless wearable communication applications. These newly developed materials and technologies have great potential for use in biomedicine can be exploited for the design and engineering of novel healthcare technologies towards solutions or improvements of unmet clinical needs.

In the 2D-Health research programme, we formed a team of internationally renowned and highly esteemed multi-disciplinary researchers and some of the world-leaders in G2D research in order to utilise selected unique properties offered by G2D materials and technologies and to develop innovative solutions for specific unmet clinical needs in wound care and management (relevant to diabetes); tissue rehabilitation by electrical stimulation (relevant to dementia); cell therapeutics (relevant to cardiovascular disease); and immunotherapeutics (relevant to cancer).

This programme directly aligns to the EPSRC Healthcare Technologies priorities by aiming to develop future therapies in specific applications of unmet clinical need and draws on several cross-cutting capabilities: a) custom-design G2D materials into advanced materials under specifications aimed at a precise industry-driven use, exploring different chemical modification strategies; b) development of novel imaging and sensing technologies for tracking and monitoring therapeutic intervention; and c) develop G2D-based technologies through the preclinical stage for each of the application areas using relevant cellular and animal models. Strong partnership with industrial partners for rapid clinical translation and in collaboration with ethicists and regulators aims to ensure responsible and societally-acceptable innovations.

Planned Impact

Based on the ambitious objectives aimed at within the 2D-Health Programme and the broad interest in efforts to exploit 2D materials in socially-needed application areas (such as healthcare) we will generate a significant impact at the levels of scientific knowledge, end-user (industrial and clinical) engagement and the broader society. Moreover, we included public and end-user engagement as an integrated part of the programme deliverables (WorkPackage 5) that is dedicated to engagement and communication to maximise impact from the outcomes of 2D-Health programme.

Public engagement: Developing new biomedical technologies and new therapies from emerging materials, such as 2D nanomaterials, is expected to attract significant attention from the wider public, particularly patient groups who may benefit from the successful outcomes of the Programme. The PI, Co-Is and members of their team are actively involved with various national and international public engagement outlets to describe and showcase some of the most intriguing uses of nanomaterials in medicine.

End-user engagement: We are planning on communicating the knowledge and expertise generated in this research programme to the industrial and clinical partners and through them to their wider communities. The role and contribution of the four Industrial Champions in 2D-Heath will spearhead end-user involvement and maximise the potential to develop clinically translatable technologies. They will subsequently transfer and translate the technology further for commercialisation and up-scaling. We expect that translation of such innovative technology will contribute to UK job creation, economic growth and leadership in the UK Pharma and Biotech industrial landscape.

Ethics: The PI has a long track-record of preclinical work using in vivo models of disease. All experimental procedures will be authorised by the UK Home office and approved by University of Manchester Ethical Review Committee. The establishment of an Ethics & Regulatory Board chaired by Prof Bensaude-Vincent (Sorbonne) a member of the CNRS (French National Centre for Scientific Research) Ethics Committee will guarantee integration of ethical issues within the Management structure of 2D-Health, so that all ethical matters raised during the course of the Programme to be timely addressed.

Regulation and Responsible innovation: Development of novel biomedical technologies and new therapies based on advanced materials is of great interest for regulators who want to ensure that the science and technology generated is in the public interest and is not detrimental to the environment and public health. Experts from the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and European Medicines Agency (EMA) will be invited to participate within the Management structures and Advisory Bodies of 2D-Health at a very early stage of the programme to secure incorporation of their advice in the vision/direction of the Programme.

Research project design: It is expected that the size of the market for products incorporating engineered nanomaterials, including 2D materials, will grow exponentially as more industrial applications adopt them. On the forefront of such developments and within that supply chain will be some of our SME commercial partners (Graphenea, 2DTech) that up-scale processes for 2D material production. These industries will also be beneficiaries of the outcomes of this programme that will allow them to de-risk their business by know-how in production of 2D materials at biological and/or clinical grade.


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Description The 2D-Health Programme consists of three pillar technologies, designated as Research Themes. Each of them aims to translate the unique features of graphene-based 2D materials in a specific biomedical application area. Our collaboration with the University of Cambridge interfaces with each Theme, to develop electro-conductive hydrogels as an electrically stimulating therapeutic modality for post-resection treatment of cancer.

The 2D-Health project is currently halfway through a 9-month no-cost extension for Research Theme III, the Preclinical Core and the University of Cambridge project. Themes I and II closed at the end of September 2022. We have the following key findings to report:
1) Research Theme I: Development of graphene-based membranes with limited swelling. We have developed a graphene-based smart membrane which responds to an external electric potential and thus controls the water transport through the membrane. Graphene is capable of forming a tuneable filter or even a perfect barrier when dealing with liquids and gases. New 'smart' membranes developed using an inexpensive form of graphene called graphene oxide, have been demonstrated to allow precise control of water flow by using an electrical current. The membranes can even be used to completely block water from passing through when required. These findings mimic several biological processes and hence have the potential to develop artificial biological systems and advanced nanofluidic devices for various applications.
We have additionally developed a silver-impregnated graphene oxide coating for antimicrobial applications. In order to display the technology's broad-spectrum application, the efficacy of the anti-bacterial silver ions was shown on both gram positive and gram-negative bacteria with the selected gram-positive bacteria. Both gram positive (S.aureus) and gram negative (E.coli) bacteria showed successful results for the 7-day challenge test in the full 100% FBS media. Developing safe and long-lasting antimicrobial coatings has enormous significance in the social and industrial sectors. This graphene-based coating can be potentially used for wound dressings and as a coating layer on implant surfaces to reduce the bacterial infection. Our study confirms that the developed graphene coating is even efficient in killing bacteria for an extended period of time due to its slow and efficient release of antimicrobial agents. The slow and efficient release of antimicrobial agents from this graphene-based coating could potentially avoid the overdose of antimicrobial agents currently being used in the commercially available bandages and implants. In conjunction, we also explored alternative bactericidal agents like copper and zinc ions and found that silver ions outperform them for long term studies. We also demonstrated the incorporation and release of calcium and magnesium can potentially accelerate healing processes. Further, more molecules like taurine and ectoine incorporated in GO enhance the uptake of these ions, to support the healing process.
Following on from a successful Orthopaedics and Wound Healing Clinical Workshop, run by 2D-Health in 2021, Theme I has been conducting pilot studies focusing on developing in situ bacterial sensing and treatment based on 2D-nanofluidics technology within a single device. The advantage of this design is that the antimicrobial is only released when an infection is detected, the release stops once the infection has resolved. We have developed a novel material which can sense the chronicity of wound infections and preliminary results show hope. We have incorporated a sensing material (from the family of 2D materials) which is pH responsive in a way that it can enable the sensing of the chronicity of the wound. The initial studies that have been performed with simulated wound exudate have been promising. The idea is to allow the release of more drugs (here, silver in the present study) to the wound which is tending towards chronic and also colorimetrically indicate the transition to a chronic infection with a suitable pH responsive dye.
We have developed a PDMS based microfluidic device, with channels and reservoirs, which can house the material (sensing and delivery) and we are primarily studying the release of silver and gentamycin. The material interacts with simulated wound exudates of different pH values, the dispensing of which is carefully controlled by syringe pumps (emulating a wound condition which dampens the dressing). The discarded test fluid is currently being studied for the silver elution. We have also ventured into bio-filtration to isolate/concentrate molecules of interest for efficient and early detection of bio-markers for wounds and potentially other diseases.
2) Research Theme II: Development of biocompatible graphene-based inks. Investigation of graphene exfoliation mechanisms, using positively charged pyrene derivatives, has enabled us to produce positively charged graphene dispersions in water for biomedical applications. We are able to compare its properties and interactions with existing negatively charged graphene dispersions. This approach has been further exploited to make hybrid 2D-material dispersions by using the opposite charge between different flakes. We have developed synthetic tools to make stabilisers that can be used to prepare graphene from simple graphite, with a higher exfoliation efficiency. The stabilisers confer graphene water solubility so that they can be used in in-vivo systems. We were able to separate the graphene dispersion according to size using cascade centrifugation and ongoing work is investigating their bio-compatibility since previous work using graphene oxide flakes, showed that the lateral size of the GO flake may affect their cytotoxic profile (Vranic et al., ACS Nano 2018, 12, 2, 1373-1389). We demonstrate that LCC can be used to fraction the graphene dispersions into stable and concentrated dispersions (concentration > 0.5 mg/mL) with nanosheets with narrow lateral size and thickness distributions, which do not depend on the initial stabilizer amount. Dose-escalation studies performed in the human epithelial bronchial immortalized cell line (BEAS-2B) demonstrated that the cytotoxicity profile strongly depends on the initial amount of stabilizer: below 0.4 mg/mL, the cytotoxicity is affected by the lateral size of the nanosheet, with the largest nanosheets (>200 nm) showing good biocompatibility (up to 75-100 µg/mL dose). Above a 0.4 mg/mL stabilizer concentration, the cytotoxicity does not show any dependence on the lateral size: all fractions show reduced biocompatibility, as compared to the ones obtained with lower stabilizer concentrations. This work was published in ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 2022, 5, 9, 12626-12636.
The particles can be functionalised with radio-active indium-111, which is essential for their imaging in vivo, thus enabling the tissue distribution of graphene oxide sheets to be determined. The functionalisation route is particularly novel because it avoids the use of chelating agents that are normally required to bind radiometals (such as indium). Graphene flakes functionalised with DOTA in water dispersions have also been produced and successfully used for imaging applications. Our results show that the graphene inks have good labelling efficiency, even after purification after addition of the serum. Biodistribution shows the flakes distribute in the liver of the mice, with very clear difference from the DOTA-Pyrene control that is mainly eliminated and GO, which ends up in the spleen. No obvious difference is observed between graphene inks with positive and negative charge according to pilot biodistribution results.
Graphene inks, as well as graphene oxide (GO) flakes with two different lateral sizes were investigated as carriers for lysosomal enzyme delivery, based on the previous observation that the material gets accumulated in the lysosomal compartment. We examined the interaction profiles of GBMs with human primary fibroblasts (HPF) and different lysosomal storage disorder (LSD) patient-derived cells, including mucopolysaccharidosis (MPS) VI and Pompe fibroblasts. MPS VI and Pompe disease are respectively characterised by the deficiency of arylsulfatase B and acid a-glucosidase. Our results show that all graphene inks are not toxic up to a dose of 100 µg/ml. However, a noticeable difference in the uptake profile of the materials was observed. Neither type of GO was taken up by any of the studied cell lines to a significant extent. In contrast, the two graphene inks were efficiently taken up. In particular, we demonstrate that cationic graphene can be used as arylsulfatase B (ARSB) carriers: the Gr:ARSB complex retained not only a higher enzyme activity, which potentially offers a better chance of delivering the effective dose of the enzyme to the cells, but also exerted a biological effect almost twice as effective than ARSB alone in the clearance of substrate in MPS VI fibroblast. This study has been accepted recently for publication in Nanoscale and will appear in print within 2023.

3) Research Theme III: Molecular engineering of graphene oxide with peptides. The possibility of binding protein molecules to graphene oxide is very promising for future clinical applications. We have developed a much better understanding of how innate immune cells, in particular dendritic cells, respond to different sizes and doses of graphene oxide sheets in vitro. We have also begun to understand how graphene influences the ability of such innate immune cells to activate T cells. We have revealed that graphene and 2D materials can be safely administered in living animals (under anaesthesia) for pharmacological purposes. This project has allowed the complex formation between graphene oxide sheets and protein-based biomolecules to be explored as therapeutic agents against cancer. We have moved into the establishment of three mouse models of cancer (melanoma, colon carcinoma and glioblastoma) to be used as the preclinical disease models of preference for the assessment of the technologies developed. In the final phase of the Programme Grant, we have investigated the therapeutic potential of functionalised GO on influencing immune response development and tumour growth in vivo using mice. Using this approach, we have found that GO complexed with immune adjuvants has the potential to enhance immune activation, and restrict tumour growth in vivo using mice.
Pre-clinical Core: Building on the research findings of Theme III, we have performed several tumour growth inhibition studies for several of the engineered graphene oxide complexes coming from this Theme in models of colon cancer and glioblastoma. This has allowed us to demonstrate the effectiveness of the complexes while also identifying limitations in their long-term efficacy, which we are working with Theme III to address. Additionally, further work in glioblastoma has enabled us to gain an understanding in how graphene oxide interacts with the tumour microenvironment and how this can be used for targeted therapies. Based on these new findings we have demonstrated that graphene oxide can be used to enhance the effectiveness of chemotherapy in animal models. Using similar engineered graphene oxide complexes we have also begun to demonstrate their use as immunomodulation platforms and have tested this extensively in a model of glioblastoma. This is a particularly novel finding and opens up opportunities to combine this approach with immunotherapies to improve their safety and efficacy. Finally, the preclinical core have established more refined and clinically relevant pre-clinical models of glioblastoma to continue the development and pre-clinical testing of graphene oxide cancer therapeutics in the remainder of the programme.

University of Cambridge: development of electro-conductive hydrogels as an electrically stimulating therapeutic modality for post-resection treatment of cancer. The team have developed and are currently finalising the testing of a graphene-based hydrogel which shows an increased electrical conductivity, an increased capacitance and a significant reduction in resistance/impedance compared to the current state of the art. Accelerated ageing tests are currently being performed on the electrodes.
Exploitation Route 1) The achievement of electrical control of water flow through membranes is a step change because of its similarity to several biological processes where the primary stimuli are electrical signals. Controlled water transport is a key for renal water conservation, regulation of body temperature and digestion. The reported electrical control of water transport through graphene membranes, therefore, opens a new dimension in developing artificial biological systems and advanced nanofluidic devices for various applications. Further extended research is needed to explore this research area further.
2) Currently, titanium-based implants suffer from deteriorating effectiveness over the post-surgical period due to bacterial infections. This leads to the removal of the prosthetics, creating both health and financial burdens. Our developments provide a robust technology to improve the life expectancy of the titanium-based implants. Our findings on stable and long-lasting antimicrobial activity of silver-impregnated graphene oxide allow its use in several applications such as wound dressing, coating for implants to reduce infections. Further research regarding cell toxicity and antimicrobial activity towards specific microbes are required before the clinical trials. The involvement of our Industrial Partners, Smith & Nephew, will guarantee that the outcomes of this research will be evaluated and taken forward by this industrial user.
3) Possible exploitation of the graphene-based inks in bioelectronics, for example through the new collaboration with the University of Cambridge (Professors Ferrari and Malliaras).
4) Possible exploitation of the graphene-based inks in mass cytometry imaging applications.
5) By showing that these materials will be safe for human use. Our novel method of radio-labelling graphene oxide will enable us, and others, to track the in-vivo distribution and fate of graphene-oxide. This will allow a better understanding of the pharmacokinetic action of GO and derivatives.

6) Others could replicate and use the stabilised graphene preparations.
7) Our findings provide a foundation for ongoing and future work addressing how graphene complexed with proteins, peptides and immune adjuvants alters innate immune cell and T cell activation and function in-vivo, in particular in the context of cancer therapy. The involvement of our Industrial Champions, Astra Zeneca, will guarantee that the outcomes of this research will be evaluated and scrutinised by this industrial user.
8) Possible commercial exploitation of the novel concept of dual sensing and antimicrobial treatment delivery in a wound dressing.
9) Possible exploitation of graphene inks as carriers for enzyme-replacement therapy in a range of Lysosomal disorders/diseases.
10) Possible further exploitation of graphene oxide complexes for local immunomodulation therapies or chemotherapy delivery systems in brain tumours.
Sectors Healthcare


including Industrial Biotechology

Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology

Description The graphene-based inks and the 2D-Health project were presented to the public at several festivals and shows, such as the Blue Dot Festival, enabling people to understand the potential impact of 2D materials. We are currently engaged in conducting a Patient and Public Involvement project and have designed and distributed a questionnaire which aims to assess the public's knowledge of nanomaterials and to understand their acceptance of using nanomaterials as therapeutic agents. The questionnaire was designed with the assistance and advice of our patient focus group. We received 242 responses to the Questionnaire, with 147 complete responses used for data analysis. The project is in the final stages of analysis and we aim to publish the results on our website and social media channels in addition to producing an article for a journal publication. We published an overview of the 2D-Health Programme grant entitled "Clinical Translation of Innovative Graphene-based Therapeutics" in Scientia (https://www.scientia.global/clinical-translation-of-innovative-graphene-based-therapeutics-2d-health/) (https://doi.org/10.33548/SCIENTIA845).This article is available on our website (http://2d-health.com) and is used as dissemination material at our events.
First Year Of Impact 2018
Sector Education,Healthcare,Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology
Impact Types Societal

Title Electrodeposition of Prussian Blue/Carbon Nanotube Composites at a Liquid-Liquid Interface 
Description The iron complex hexacyanoferrate (Fe4[Fe(CN)6]3), known as Prussian Blue (PB), was electrodeposited over a free-standing carbon nanotube (CNT) film assembled at the interface between two immiscible liquids, water and 1,2-dichlorobenzene. Polarization of the interface achieved through a fixed potential or under potential variation enabled iron present inside CNTs to generate a stable CNT/PB composite. We report herein on the observation that the deposition of PB is dependent on both the pH and applied potential. It was found that aqueous phases containing K3[Fe(CN)6] can decompose under an applied potential, while those containing K4[Fe(CN)6] presented more stable behavior making it a suitable precursor for PB synthesis. The electrodeposition and modification of the interface was followed by in situ spectroelectrochemical Raman spectroscopy, which indicated that an increase in signal due to PB formation was acompanied by changes in the CNT bands due to modification of the CNT walls by decoration with PB, forming a composite structure. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2018 
Provided To Others? Yes  
URL https://scielo.figshare.com/articles/Electrodeposition_of_Prussian_Blue_Carbon_Nanotube_Composites_a...
Title Electrodeposition of Prussian Blue/Carbon Nanotube Composites at a Liquid-Liquid Interface 
Description The iron complex hexacyanoferrate (Fe4[Fe(CN)6]3), known as Prussian Blue (PB), was electrodeposited over a free-standing carbon nanotube (CNT) film assembled at the interface between two immiscible liquids, water and 1,2-dichlorobenzene. Polarization of the interface achieved through a fixed potential or under potential variation enabled iron present inside CNTs to generate a stable CNT/PB composite. We report herein on the observation that the deposition of PB is dependent on both the pH and applied potential. It was found that aqueous phases containing K3[Fe(CN)6] can decompose under an applied potential, while those containing K4[Fe(CN)6] presented more stable behavior making it a suitable precursor for PB synthesis. The electrodeposition and modification of the interface was followed by in situ spectroelectrochemical Raman spectroscopy, which indicated that an increase in signal due to PB formation was acompanied by changes in the CNT bands due to modification of the CNT walls by decoration with PB, forming a composite structure. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2018 
Provided To Others? Yes  
URL https://scielo.figshare.com/articles/Electrodeposition_of_Prussian_Blue_Carbon_Nanotube_Composites_a...
Description 2D-Health Clinical Translation Workshop: Advanced Therapeutics Translation Workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact The workshop had a clinical and translational focus and explored the different regulatory requirements needed to translate medical devices and pharmaceutical agents from preclinical research through to a clinical setting with a particular focus upon advanced therapeutic agents (e.g. nanomedicine, gene therapeutics and cell therapeutics).The event combined a series of talks from experts in the regulatory field, alongside case studies where advanced therapeutics are being, or indeed have been, translated through to clinical use. Overall, the structure of the event worked well with plenty of networking opportunities and the inclusion of case studies particularly complimented the talks. Researchers were encouraged to consider the potential regulatory requirements at the early stages of their research projects in order to better navigate the regulatory process to clinical translation. The event also enabled the academics/researchers to understand the translational support available to them.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
URL http://2d-health.com/advanced-therapeutics-translation-workshop/
Description 2D-Heath Mini Symposium 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact The 2D Health Mini Symposium is an annual event, held virtually this year on 7th December 2020. The event was open to all 2D-Health researchers and collaborators. We had an excellent line-up of speakers including updates from our 2D-Health researchers and four keynotes talks from a wide range of institutions (University of Edinburgh, University of Cambridge, University of Liverpool and Abnovo Ltd. The event was a great success and we had excellent feedback from the attendees.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018,2019,2020
URL http://2d-health.com/2d-health-mini-symposium-2020/
Description 2D-Heath Mini Symposium 2018 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact The First 2D-Health Mini Symposium took place in London on the 24th of April 2018.

It was a very nice event and the first opportunity to have in the same place all the people involved in this project, PIs, Postdocs and the members of the Advisory Board. In these event the leaders of the four Research Themes gave an introductory presentation about the topics of the research focusing on the state of the art of the technologies studied. Three keynote speakers gave spoke about three important aspects of the biomedical technologies:

- Prof Michelle Bradbury from the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center of New York talked about her experience of Clinical Translation of Nanotechnology
- Dr Hannah Maslen from the University of Oxford gave her view on the ethics of the Nanotechnology
- Dr Daniel Chew from Galavni Bioelectronics gave his talk focusing on the industrial front of the Graphene based technologies.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018,2019
URL http://2d-health.com/2d-health-mini-symposium-2018/
Description 2D-Heath Research Ethics Workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact The 2D Health Research Ethics workshop was held on 21st January 2020 at the National Graphene Institute, Manchester. The event was open to all University of Manchester staff and postgraduate student. We also had attendees from the University of Liverpool. We had an excellent line-up of speakers who covered topics such as: Embedding Ethics and Society in Research Practice, Principles of Research Ethics, Dual-use Research and Export Controls, Bioethics, Ethics of Animal Research and Ethics and Regulatory Pathways. The event was a great success and we had excellent feedback from the attendees.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
URL http://2d-health.com/researchethicsworkshop/
Description ACS on Campus 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact ACS on Campus, the American Chemical Society's flagship outreach program, began in 2010 with events at a handful of universities. Today, we have been to hundreds of institutions around the world and continue to grow globally. We bring the leaders in chemistry, publishing, science communication, and career development to your institution's doorstep.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
URL https://acsoncampus.acs.org/events/university-of-manchester/
Description Bluedot Festival 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Joining the Bluedot festival for outreach activity was great fun experience, even compared to other outreach activities. There was variety of people coming to enjoy the festival, from families with toddlers to many others who were genuinely interested in development of science and technology. Lots of people showed interest in graphene and its possible applications, including A-level student couples who seemed to know much about graphene already, a few University of Manchester Alumni, and some people working in industry wanting to know how graphene can be used in their specific field. Many of adults already heard of graphene and its wonderful properties before and wanted to know more about possible applications and found it interesting to hear its possible applications in health applications and very much impressed with its potential uses in drug delivery, bio-imaging, sensors, etc. Moreover, the festival offered much more for us participants to enjoy, including many talks, exhibitions and music stages to go around to pick and listen. It was a weekend full of excitement and enjoyment to share with great people, especially our team members who shared the experience together.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018,2019
URL http://2d-health.com/bluedot-festival-2018/
Description European Researchers' Night - Science Uncovered at the Manchester Museum 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact The PDRAs involved in this research programme organising a research station on "Graphene and other atomically thin nanomaterials". The focus of this research station is to get chatting to the public and introduce the material that are used daily base in order to achieve the goals of this project.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017,2019
Description Manchester Museum Community Festival 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Our researchers hosted a research station entitled "Good things in Nano Packages". This festival enables members of the public to "go behind the scenes" at the University of Manchester to find out about the work we do and to provide a chance to meet the researchers. This was a fun-filled day of hands-on activities, with live experiments, interactive demonstrations, workshops, music and performances.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
URL http://2d-health.com/outreach/manchester-museum-community-festival-2019/
Description Neurosurgery-Immunology-Oncology Clinical Workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact 2D-Health organised this event in order to connect with clinicians in the Neurosurgery-Immunology-Oncology specialities. The aim of this event was to brainstorm solutions to their clinical problems and to discuss how 2D-Health technologies could benefit these areas. The main deliverables were to gain clinical input into our work and to identify potential collaborative opportunities. The Workshop was very useful to obtain clinical opinions on our work. We gathered information from the clinician's presentations and discussions that will be beneficial to the project going forward. The workshop has also set the foundations for potential collaborative projects beyond 2D-Health
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
URL http://2d-health.com/neurosurgery-immunology-oncology-clinical-workshop/
Description Orthopaedics and Wound Healing Clinician Workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact On the 28th January 2021 2D-Health ran a virtual Orthopaedics and Wound Healing Clinician Workshop. A selection of clinician's specialising in orthopaedics and wound healing presented key clinical problems relevant to their fields. The aim of this event was to brainstorm solutions to these clinical problems and to discuss how 2D-Health technologies could benefit these areas. Overall, it was an engaging event, which stimulated in-depth discussion of potential technological solutions to clinical problems faced by clinician's specialising in both orthopaedics and wound healing.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
URL https://2d-health.com/orthopaedics-and-wound-healing-clinician-workshop-2021/