Lead Research Organisation: University of Nottingham
Department Name: Faculty of Engineering


Advanced composite materials consist of reinforcement fibres, usually carbon or glass, embedded within a matrix, usually a polymer, providing a structural material. They are very attractive to a number of user sectors, in particular transportation due to their combination of low weight and excellent material properties which can be tailored to specific applications. Components are typically manufactured either by depositing fibres into a mould and then infusing with resin (liquid moulding) or by forming and consolidation of pre-impregnated fibres (prepreg processing).

The current UK composites sector has a value of £1.5 billion and is projected to grow to over £4 billion by 2020, and to between £6 billion and £12 billion by 2030. This range depends on the ability of the industry to deliver structures at required volumes and quality levels demanded by its target applications. Much of this potential growth is associated with next generation single-aisle aircraft, light-weighting of vehicles to reduce fuel consumption, and large, lightweight and durable structures for renewable energy and civil infrastructure. The benefits of lightweight composites are clear, and growth in their use would have a significant impact on both the UK's climate change and infrastructure targets, in addition to a direct impact on the economy through jobs and exports. However the challenges that must be overcome to achieve this growth are significant. For example, BMW currently manufacture around 20,000 i3 vehicles per year with significant composites content. To replace mass produced vehicles this production volume would need to increase by up to 100-times. Airbus and Boeing each produce around 10 aircraft per month (A350 and 787 respectively) with high proportions of composite materials. The next generation single aisle aircraft are likely to require volumes of 60 per month. Production costs are high relative to those associated with other materials, and will need to reduce by an order of magnitude to enable such growth levels.

The Future Composites Manufacturing Hub will enable a step change in manufacturing with advanced polymer composite materials. The Hub will be led by the University of Nottingham and University of Bristol; with initial research Spokes at Cranfield, Imperial College, Manchester and Southampton; Innovation Spokes at the National Composites Centre (NCC), Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC), Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC) and Warwick Manufacturing Group (WMG); and backed by 18 leading companies from the composites sector. Between the Hub, Spokes and industrial partners we will offer a minimum of £12.7 million in additional support to deliver our objectives. Building on the success of the EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Composites (CIMComp), the Hub will drive the development of automated manufacturing technologies that deliver components and structures for demanding applications, particularly in the aerospace, transportation, construction and energy sectors. Over a seven year period, the Hub will underpin the growth potential of the sector, by developing the underlying processing science and technology to enable Moore's law for composites: a doubling in production capability every two years.

To achieve our vision we will address a number of research priorities, identified in collaboration with industry partners and the broader community, including: high rate deposition and rapid processing technologies; design for manufacture via validated simulation; manufacturing for multifunctional composites and integrated structures; inspection and in-process evaluation; recycling and re-use. Matching these priorities with UK capability, we have identified the following Grand Challenges, around which we will conduct a series of Feasibility Studies and Core Projects:
-Enhance process robustness via understanding of process science
-Develop high rate processing technologies for high quality structures

Planned Impact

There are numerous beneficiaries outside the six academic groups involved. The 18 initial industrial partners (OEMs, Tier 1 Suppliers and SMEs) and four HVM Catapult Centres (NCC, AMRC, MTC and WMG) who are financially supporting the Hub to the tune of £9M will benefit directly from the research outcomes through close interaction at project level, by representation on the Advisory Board, and by frequent engagement with the Hub's Business Development staff and Platform Fellows. This interface allows industry the best opportunity to support the research and advise on direction in order to best serve industry's productivity requirements for the medium to long term. The Hub will offer the understanding and fundamental technology developments necessary to deliver growth in established sectors, develop technologies and supply chains for increased volumes, and diversify to take advantage of emerging sectors. It will feed into the relevant HVM Catapult Centres, providing a rapid route to exploitation for UK industry. In particular, £1.3M funding from the NCC for a Technology Accelerator Fund will support the transfer and development of Hub technologies into the NCC with a strong UK industry involvement.

The wider composites manufacturing community will benefit by regular research updates via newsfeeds on our website, participation in national and international shows and events, and Open Days and sponsored conferences organised by the Hub. We will have a strong focus on ensuring cross-sector involvement: manufacturing advances resulting from the research will balance generic and process specific outcomes, ensuring benefits across a broad range of sectors. Many applications will offer opportunities for weight saving leading to, for example, significant improvements in performance and reduction in emissions in transportation, offering major benefits to society. Other societal benefits will include the development of recycling and re-use technologies to process waste and end-of-life components.

The Hub seeks to enable a step-change to the UK composites manufacturing industry by enhanced process robustness via understanding of process science and novel process technology developments. This will greatly enhance efficiency, quality and productivity in composites manufacturing technologies, therefore opening up a broad range of applications for advanced composites. This will assist UK industry to achieve the upper estimate of composites sector growth to £12 billion by 2030. All academic partners have an excellent track record of publication in high impact factor journals and of achieving real impact with industry, ensuring rapid take up of our ideas alongside a high standing within the international academic community. The training programme developed by the Hub's Industrial Doctorate Centre for its community of researchers will be extended to staff from key industrial partners. In addition new companies will be recruited as partners in the development of our research programme and as hosts for future EngD students. Our research students and staff will have opportunities to undertake both international academic and UK industrial placements, to support their personal development and to facilitate knowledge exchange. In this way the Hub will act as a focus for training of a new generation of composites engineers and will enhance the UK skills base in the vitally important Composites Manufacturing sector.



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Description Since January 2017, the Hub has funded 24 Feasibility Studies, 6 Core Projects, 3 Innovation Fellowships and 9 Synergy projects. Four of the Synergy Projects are ongoing and expect to be completed by June 2024. Below is a list of key findings:

Core Projects
New manufacturing techniques for optimised fibre architectures. Core Project. Completed.
1. Computational framework for multi-objective optimisation of fibre reinforcements has been developed.
2. A novel meshing technique was developed to aid the optimisation of complex 3D reinforcements of arbitrary complexity, while still maintaining reasonable accuracy and computational costs. The new algorithm was implemented as one of the features within TexGen open-source code and is now released in the public domain.
3. The optimisation framework was applied to two demonstrators provided by industrial partners.
4. Novel multiaxial preforming concepts have been demonstrated; new textile machinery was developed based on these concepts.
5. Novel cylindrical multi-axial preforms were developed for application of pressure vessel.
6. Two demonstrators multiaxial floor panel and braid wound pressure vessel developed using optimised architecture.
Technologies Framework for Automated DFP. Core Project. Completed.
1. Development of a network based flow modelling approach
2. Flow / permeability characterisation of gapped ADFP preforms
3. Development of knowledge of raw material behaviour - thermal, electrical and compaction characteristics
4. Increased understanding of the joule heating mechanism for carbon fibres
5. Development of a digital twinning methodology based on the HDF5 database format
6. A real-time control strategy combining multi-physics co-simulation of thermal and mechanical properties of carbon fibre tapes
7. Experimental trials and finite element (FE) models were conducted and developed to demonstrate the differences of steerability and formability between a representative continuous fibre and HiPerDiF prepreg preforms on different manufacturing environments.
8. High-fidelity and cost-effective forming simulations with embedded material model were developed and validated by double diaphragm forming (DDF) tests (a representative comparison between experimental and numerical results). In DDF simulation, the forming was modelled by changing the pressure load acting on the diaphragms.
9. The virtual "unforming" is realised by directly reversing process of forming. An initial forming simulation was first performed; nodal displacement histories of the diaphragms were extracted, stored and used for the un-forming simulation. During "unforming", these nodal displacement histories were reversed and assigned to the same nodes of diaphragm models but with the opposite sign so that both diaphragms can deform back from formed geometry to their original states and the preform model sandwiched between the diaphragms was also deformed from its 3D 'as-designed' shape.
10. Development of a set of validated numerical tools significantly reduced the amount of experimental trials, as well as to elevate productivity and production qualities of high-volume fibre-steered forming technology for both continuous and discontinues prepreg systems.
11. Development of a modified picture frame test rig to experimentally study the in-plane shear characteristic of unidirectional tape materials.- It successfully managed to introduce high shear strain without causing major tape buckling.
12. An in-house double-diaphragm forming rig was fabricated for forming trials. Test results successfully demonstrated the superior formability of the HiPerDiF preforms and its steerability using the CTS process. It was also demonstrated that multi-ply fibre steered preforms could have dual advantages of eliminating forming defects and optimally distribute the reinforcement fibres, which enables production of ultra-lightweight small and complex composites parts.
Manufacturing for structural applications of multifunctional composites. Core Project. Completed.
1. Demonstrated a method to mask/barrier multifunctional/monofunctional domains in the CAGed lamina facilitating complex part production.
2. Validated simulation tools have been created that allow functional and stabilising elements to be placed to control forming deformation and mitigate against defects. The process for manufacturing carbon aerogel-reinforced structural power devices has also been scaled up to about 1 m² per batch.
3. The use of electrochemical deposition to decorate the carbon aerogel with active elements to enhance the electrochemical performance, along with use of new separator materials, has allowed small-scale multifunctional devices to be made and tested, demonstrating energy and power performance (1.4 Wh/kg and 1.1 kW/ kg) that exceeded the original aspirations. Separator and current collection solutions have been identified and validated, but the issue of encapsulation is still outstanding and a suitable candidate that can provide a light-weight, impervious (and insulating) barrier whilst still transmitting mechanical load across the multifunctional/monofunctional interface, is yet to be identified. This is the subject of a joint ICL/UoB/DU proposal submitted to EPSRC last year.
4. A multicell structural beam has been manufactured, containing eight cells, stacking in two stacks of four. The total mass of the beam is 2.6 kg, whilst the total cell mass is 268g (i.e. 10% of component mass).
5. Consideration of the design of structural supercapacitors to predict the consolidation of dry CAGed lamina when assembled into a device were delivered. - These models were then utilised to predict the mechanical performance (elastic behaviour) of the devices under tensile and in-plane shear loadings. To a limited extent, these models were able to capture the influence of manufacturing defects on the mechanical performance, although further work is required in this area.
6. Current collection models were developed to formulate strategies to minimise the resistive losses associated with device scale-up. These models quantified the relative contributions from the in-plane, through-thickness and contact resistances, and hence indicated how best to minimise resistive losses for minimal mass: it should be noted that in conventional energy storage devices, the current collectors can account for as much as 25% of the device mass. For multifunctional design we have developed a means to compare between a multifunctional component and a current off-the-shelf assembly of power source and structure. This methodology will permit end-users to quantify the gains in adoption of structural power materials (such as weight or volume saving) over conventional systems. We have undertaken studies for different platforms as to the potential benefits of using structural power materials: in particular, structural power floor panels in the aircraft cabin to power the seat-back entertainment units and power sockets. This work demonstrated that using structural power materials at the performance levels expected to be reached in the next three years, will provide a mass saving of 260kg per aircraft for a 100 seat Airbus 220. This corresponds to an annual reduction of 28 tonnes of CO2 per aircraft. We have also undertaken studies into a fully electric airliner (220 seat aircraft) using a combination of conventional battery and structural power, demonstrating that structural power would be a critical enabler for fully electric aircraft by depressing the performance targets needed for conventional batteries. Finally, we have applied this methodology to other air vehicles, such as drones and air-taxis (four-seat vehicles). Our studies have demonstrated that using structural power in such vehicles has the potential to double the aircraft range.
7. Functional sub-reinforcement has been successfully incorporated using microbraiding and subsequent tufting of yarns containing metal filaments. Demonstration of sensing and accelerated heating using micro-braids and developed an approach to integrating functionalised resins into fabric without vacuum, has been achieved with high local functional properties.
8. A new methodology for testing heterogenous samples with dissimilar regions has been developed in this project. It allows assessing viscous and non-linear elastic properties of functional domains hosted in the dry preform. Deposition of functional resin is associated with difficulties related to high viscosity additive-rich resin suspension and filtration issues. Local resin deposition, such as liquid resin print, resolved this problem and allows an increase the additives content. However, these manufacturing methods are an out-of vacuum bag process which creates problems with voidage control. The new approach has been developed to create void free patches based on thermal conditioning of the resin, close monitoring of resin state using model-based rheo sensors, and elimination of voidage in the consolidation process.
9. Hybrid tufted braid consists of a complex architecture and there were no readily available tools for detailed assessment of their properties prior to manufacturing: such a tool has been created. It deployed an established tool for modelling flat textiles (WiseTex) and then used geometrical operations to roll an initial material form into a braided thread. The results structure is then created in standard FEA software (Abaqus), where its electrical conductivity is assessed.
10. Manufacturing trials on segmentation of formable/functional areas have been successfully conducted using two manufacturing approaches: a) Masking of the formable area with PLA film, infusion with functional precursor into remaining domain, with subsequent pyrolysis, removing the films, and creating the CAG in one go. b) Create separate domains by integrating barriers into the preform that would divide the preform during the infusion of the precursors. Various parameters of barrier integration - shape, sizes, and materials have been trialled. The infusions strategies were successfully managed the concept was proven feasible. One of the identified challenges was the deterioration of formable domain caused in the process of pyrolysis. The optimisation of the pyrolysis parameters has helped to address the issue.
Resin injection into reinforcement with uncertain heterogeneous properties: NDE and control. Core Project. Active.
The Active RTM project aims to reduce the scrap rate in the Resin Transfer Moulding (RTM) process. The project has developed an algorithm that can robustly detect local variations in porosity and permeability of fibre preforms. Coupled with Neural Networks, the algorithm can detect and map local variations in properties in less than 1 second, which makes it suitable for use in process control systems.
Process monitoring and control of RTM is taken further in a Researcher in Residence project in collaboration with AMRC.
1. An algorithm for analysis of in-process data has been developed and validated in the virtual and lab experiments. - This was shown to accurately capture both race tracking and other defects.
2. The inversion algorithm can be used either for characterisation of material or for defect detection to estimate the manufacturing process and product quality.
3. A new demonstrator has been developed - With the expectation to test inversion algorithms on detecting race tracking as well as layup and material defects within this new demonstrator, to be utilised by industry.
4. A three month impact exploration conducted (ended in December 2019; £8K of additional impact EPSRC funding was secured for that). Several companies were contacted, discussions were held with 7 of them. All expressed an interest in the project and provided valuable feedback for further shaping the project towards the industrial needs. With three companies (JLR, Surface Generation and ESI), where further collaboration is being developed.
5. EPSRC Case studentship granted Mar 2020 - ESI committed £32K cash and £260K in-kind contribution.
Layer by Layer Curing. Core Project. Active.
1. Development of Simulation Technology - incorporates a coupled thermo-chemo-mechanical solution and a strategy for addition of elements as the process evolves. The LbL simulation results in a 40% cure time reduction together with a 70% temperature overshoot reduction.
2. Development of constitutive modelling - constitutive models and associated characterisation currently for the 913 and 8552 systems have been extended to the fast cure M78.1 epoxy prepreg. Results show that the epoxy of the prepreg undergoes an autocatalytic reaction, with the cure becoming very fast (below 3 min) over 140°C.
3. Coupling of thermal cure model to residual stress development.
4. Cure kinetics characterisation.
5. The LbL concept has been expanded to a combination with 3D printing of continuous fibre thermosetting composites, where the coupled simulating demonstrated the significant benefits of this process variant.
6. Validation of law for development of interfacial properties as a function of pre-cure for a wide range of matrices.
7. Inverse problem solution of heating lamp response for accurate nip point temperature monitoring.
8. Cranfield university: Filament Winding setup and commissioning - dedicated lab prepared, transfer of equipment completed in August 2021.
Design simulation tools and process improvements for NCF preforming. Core Project. Active.
1. Two process improvements have been developed - Modification of inter-ply friction by local lubrication and the removal of intra-ply stitches to minimise the local shear angle across the surface of the ply.
2. Numerical tools have been developed to enable the design and forming of large industrial structures with greater confidence.
3. Fabric deformation during forming processes was advanced for uniaxial and biaxial NCF materials applied to automotive and aerospace components.- Two wrinkling mechanisms were discovered: via shear lockup and via compression.
4. Three numerical forming tools were developed to efficiently predict the manufacturing defects generated during the DDF of dry fabrics. In addition, an analytical tool based on the eigenvectors of lamina stiffness matrices was developed to rapidly calculate the ply compatibility in complex NCF multi-layer layups.
5. multi-scale finite element (FE) forming tool was designed to efficiently identify small critical defects (out-of-plane wrinkles magnitude of 1 mm) in large industrial components, i.e. +10m wing spars.
6. To improve the quality of NCF preforms and to reduce the forming forces during the DDF process, a range of process developments were proposed to industrial partners.
7. The friction modification methodology was also successfully applied to an automotive seatback geometry.
Feasibility Studies:
Rewinding Tape Laying: can Direct End-of-Life Recovery of Continuous Tapes be a Step-change in the Sustainability of Thermoplastic Composites? Feasibility Study. Completed.
1. Demonstrated that peeling of thermoplastic composites can be achieved with minimal force at temperatures close to the melting point of the matrix.
2. It was also discovered that some composite materials also lend themselves to cold peel. The peeled tapes had higher surface roughness than the virgin materials, but the recovered materials were successfully remoulded into new components. The stiffness of the components made with peeled tapes is almost identical to that of components made with virgin tapes, and the strength is still under investigation.
3. The opportunity for impact is considerable, but there remains research to be done with respect to peeling a more realistic component and doing so in a more automated fashion. Digital twinning and automation will also need to be considered in a future study in this area.
Manufacturing Value-Added Composites for the Construction Sector Using Mixed Waste Plastics and Waste Glass Fibre. Feasibility Study. Completed.
1. Thermoplastic composites were manufactured with wMP/wGF; the tensile, compressive and flexure properties were investigated for the wMP/wGF specimens.
2. Cee-section members were produced as demonstrator components with wGF/wMP (and wGF/wMP/waste carbon fibre hybrid) composites and their axial compressive performance was assessed.
3. There is a discussion ongoing for a patent application.
3. The preliminary results of this project have shown promising properties and two construction companies (end users) are interested in the work.
4. An EPSRC Impact Acceleration Award project (~£76,840) has been funded to continue this work and the project has started on 1st October 2022.
ADvanced Dynamic REpair Solutions for Sustainable Composites (ADDRESS). Feasibility Study. Completed.
1. Successful manufacturing of CAN-epoxy MMCRC for corner geometries and subsequent mechanical testing to generate controlled level of matrix damage. It has been shown that with relatively low processing requirements, which can be available in-field, the repair fully restores the mechanical performance of the MMCRC.
2. A resultant approach offers sustainable solution to improve life of complex composite structures, thus contributing to the priority Hub themes of "Reycling/Reuse".
3. The combination of compression moulding and resin infusion, seamless co-hosting of two matrices in one structure has been achieved. The produced samples exhibit acceptable quality of impregnation in the repairable area and undetectable matrix transition at the fibre-bridged interfaces, proving the feasibility of design and manufacturing integral CAN-epoxy parts.
Additively Manufactured Cure Tooling (ADDCUR). Feasibility Study. Completed.
1. Demonstrated potential to control composite curing with AM tooling to a level that is unachievable by conventional machining methods.
2. A design for AM workflow was defined linking together, simulation, design and manufacture specially for the generation of tailored AM composite cure tooling.
Furthering the uptake of Carbon Fibre Recyclates by converting into Robust Intermediary Materials suitable for Automated Manufacturing. Feasibility Study. Completed.
1. Successfully demonstrated an improvement in usability of the existing aligned fibre tapes at low TRL.
2. Development of a fibre alignment process to process various forms of short fibres (e.g. end of life components, NCF Hoover waste, woven trim scrap, chopped pyrolised fabric) into 300mm wide highly aligned tapes of 100-200gsm areal weight.
COMPrinting: Novel 3D Printing of Curved Continuous Carbon Fibre Reinforced Powder-based Epoxy Composites. Feasibility Study.Completed.
1. Modification of an existing towpregging tapeline for producing low-cost carbon fibre reinforced powder-based epoxy filament (1 to 3k tows, fibre Vf up to 65%) bringing a faster, more controlled and optimised way to manufacture composites.
2. Design and manufacture of a novel printer nozzle with a rectangular cross-section at the outlet.
3. 3D printing powder-based epoxy composites with identified performance-driven curved continuous fibre paths.
4. Testing and characterisation of the printed composites.
Optimised Manufacturing of Structural Composites via Thermoelectric Vario-thermal Tooling (VarioTherm). Feasibility Study. Completed.
1. The development of the VARIOTHERM prototype tooling systems was performed in a step-wise manner, delivering multiple tooling systems of increasing capability and complexity.
2. The '1-D' system was run without any TPC material and the heating/cooling and control characteristics were evaluated. Achieving heating/cooling rates of 1-3°C/s, dependent upon the temperature differential.
3. The Peltier technology as applied to a simple flat aluminium plate tooling system here has delivered typical heating/cooling rates of >1°C/s (peak rates of 3°C/s).
Incorporation of thermoplastic in situ polymerisation in double diaphragm forming. Feasibility Study. Completed.
1. Production of a small scale forming system- To minimise risks to users and to avoid damage to the existing larger system in early trials.
2. Production of a flat panel in rigid tooling using vacuum forming.
3. Production of a flat panel in flexible tooling, using the forming frame, with only the vacuum providing rigidity to the system (unsupported diaphragms).Infusion achieved excellent wet out and the resin successfully polymerised to produce approximately 60% fibre volume fraction composites. However, interlaminar consolidation was poor, essentially resulting in a stack of well wet out thermoplastic tapes. This was ascribed to potential loss of vacuum consolidation as a result of a blockage in the vacuum line and/or the action of gravity on the unsupported diaphragms. A number of solutions were investigated, including heated vacuum lines and angled fill, but with mixed success. Ultimately this proved to be a less significant issue when forming.
4. Production of formed components using the in situ polymerisation process and to demonstrate the benefits of filling prior to forming. Effectiveness is limited by the consumables and there is an apparent imbalance in pressure acting on the hemisphere. However, the result was well consolidated in the sections that did not experiencing fabric bridging. The Ph.D. student at Nottingham is continuing with this work and additional examples are expected soon. Further refinement of the infusion equipment would improve the result.
Incremental sheet forming of fibre reinforced thermoplastic composites. Feasibility Study. Completed.
1. Understanding of the forming limits of neat TP materials in relation to thinning and tearing.
2. Removal of rigid peripheral clamping systems to permit thermoforming of continuously reinforced TPs using vacuum pressure.
3. The ability to robotically manipulate fabric reinforcement under the constraint of vacuum clamping.
4. Recognition that forming of continuously reinforced TP sheet material as a superposition of fabric forming limits and plastic deformation limits of homogeneous materials.
5. Realisation that the combination of bulk diaphragm and detailed incremental forming of TP sheet is not sequential, but an iterative combination of both manufacturing processes.
6. The technology developed in the feasibility study (HyVR) has been submitted as a NCC Technology Pull Through project. It has progressed past the first round.
7. Hub funded PhD student is developing a thermo mechanical forming model to simulate the HyVR process. This model is an extension to the successful mechanical model developed by another Hub project.
Virtual un-manufacturing of fibre-steered preforms for complex geometry composites. Feasibility Study. Completed.
1. Development of a numerical framework for un-forming of an ideal 3D part design
2. Proof of concept of the feasibility of the forming of steered preforms for fast deposition and waste reduction in composite part manufacturing.
3. Development of double-diaphragm forming of steered preform onto complex shape mould
Microwave in line heating to address the challenges of high rate deposition. Feasibility Study. Completed.
1. Development of microwave cavities suitable for in line heating of tows at 2.45 GHz and to couple to an existing 2 kW microwave system was achieved.
2. Assessment of the potential heating rates achievable on narrow static tows in the laboratory using a sealed system was achieved.
3. Investigation designs of microwave choke or screening to ensure that the microwave radiation is contained during processing with conductive fibres were explored - the modelling showed that a choke would not be practical in an AFP system because it would need to be very large to work and a Faraday cage would be the best solution.
4. Access to equipment at UoB was not available due to the pandemic and so a rig to pass 8 mm tape through a microwave cavity operating at 200 W was manufactured at WGU. This showed that the process was feasible.
5. Consideration of methods for increasing the power delivered in follow on projects were explored- 2 most promising are the truncated waveguide and an open horn applicator. The latter would be compatible with a combination of microwave and diode laser heating.
Controlled Micro Integration of Through Thickness Polymeric Yarns. Feasibility Study. Completed.
1. Ability to produce through-thickness reinforced composites with no knock-down on in-plane properties.
2. Test results that validate the tensile properties.
3. Quality micrograph and CT images that can be used by modellers to build representative unit cell.
4. Ability to make a stabilised curved preform using the technique.
5. Ability to make a low bulk-factor preform with +- 45 deg fibres and through thickness reinforcement.
An innovative approach to manufacturing closed-section composite profiles. Feasibility Study. Completed.
1. A novel and feasible manufacturing technique to produce complex tubular composites by post-forming braided sleeves, which is promising to offer a step change in manufacturing rate
2. A numerical model to simulate braiding process based on FE method, enabling to design the braiding process and predict the production quality
3. An explicit FE model to simulate forming braids, suitable for process design
4. An excellent extension to the capability of braiding process by post-forming in producing concave features and axial curvatures
5. A feasible solution to manufacture an automotive cant rail
Evaluating the potential for in-process eddy-current testing of composite structures. Feasibility Study. Completed.
1. Demonstrated the relationship between applied pressure and carbon fibre inductive response, showing material relaxation over time is measurable via inductive signature.
2. Confirmation of absence of multi-layer response in un-cured composite layup. Proves that in-line ECT of CFRP would be require only simple analysis.
3. Developed a bespoke AFP environment simulation rig for ECT testing
4. Characterised ECT sensitivity to fibre angle as a function of material standoff
5. Identified most sensitive operating frequencies for un-cured CFRP
Acceleration of Monomer Transfer Moulding using microwaves. Feasibility Study. Completed.
1. Electromagnetic (EM) heating confirmed as being able to act as the sole heat source in an in-situ polymerisation reaction for a composite part
2. Dielectric measurements indicate a 6 cm penetration depth in this material (meaning a ~12 cm thick part could be cured)
3. Extremely rapid heating is achieved (< 3 mins to reach 180 °C) and this temperature maintained throughout
4. Microwave assisted pre-drying of glass fibres is extremely effective, resulting in an improved part (higher final molecular weight)
5. Process options limited by the behaviour of the monomer - e.g. poor fill under vacuum related to surface tension/viscosity. Positive pressure filling preferred
6. Heat loss profile different from conventional heating and more affected by the presence of the fibre.Control of the EM field was limited and requires optimisation
Affordable Thermoplastic Matrix CFC/Metallic Framework Structures Manufacture. Feasibility Study. Completed.
1. New joining concept for thermoplastic matrix composite laminates conceived
2. Novel joining concept demonstrated using PA6 matrix braided CFC tubing
3. Forming technique demonstrated using compression moulding and punched metallic plates for embedding metallic plates into thermoplastic matrix composite laminates
4. Concept for robotic joining of metallic joints to thermoplastic matric composite frame sections using induction heating and squeeze forming
Simulation of forming 3D curved sandwich panels. Feasibility Study. Completed.
1. FE models have been developed to simulate the process of forming curved sandwich panels with variable thickness.
2. The meso-scale model was employed to identify the relevant forming mechanisms, while the macro-scale model was used to replicate the overall forming response.
3. macro-scale model was developed to efficiently predict the homogenised behaviour, enabling process optimisation. A generic component was simulated, where a flat sandwich panel blank was formed into a 3D configuration.
4. The developed FE model was employed to optimise the blank shape for net-shape forming. The manufacturing solution determined by simulation shows a good agreement with experiment, indicating the suitability of the numerical tool for industrial applications.
Active control of the RTM process under uncertainty using fast algorithms. Feasibility Study. Completed.
1. Demonstrated, in virtual and lab experiments, that a novel Bayesian Inversion algorithm (BIA) can successfully estimate local permeability and porosity of a preform using in-process information.
2. The algorithm was able to determine locations and shapes of defects in fibre preforms. This outcome is important for making non-destructive evaluation (NDE) of composites faster and more robust, which in turn can deliver more reliable and cheaper manufacturing of composites.
3. Demonstrated feasibility of an Active Control System (ACS) based on the BIA to ensure that the RTM process satisfies one of the key requirements of the composite industry: to have repeatable production cycles.
Can a composite forming limit diagram be constructed? Feasibility Study. Completed.
1. Demonstrated that an experimental set-up using digital image correlation is able to provide data correlating fabric deformation with wrinkling.
2. The strain measurements can be manipulated to find strains in critical directions, for example along the tows or in the direction of maximum compressive strain. For the NCF fabric considered, there does not appear to be a simple correlation between the observed strains and the onset of wrinkling.
3. The hybrid approach, of using experimental characterisation in conjunction with a simple FE model, shows considerable promise as a way of defining the forming limits for composite fabrics. Further work is needed, particularly on extending the range of deformation processes and understanding better the link between changes in tow architecture and wrinkling.
Layer by Layer curing. Feasibility Study. Completed.
1. Delivered a 75% reduction in process time without degrading product quality by achieving equivalent interlaminar properties and porosity.
2. The above is accomplished within the actual stage of deposition of the material, which assuming a consolidation stage duration similar to curing means that the overall LbL process can be completed in less than one quarter of the duration of the conventional process.
3. LbL process can complete the cure of the 40 mm thick laminate with moderate or low temperature overshoot.
4. The LbL process can exploit process time savings found by eliminating thermal mass heat up/down of tooling by processing at isothermal conditions. This is not possible with conventional curing at this level of thickness with reactive thermosetting polymers.
5. The quality of the LbL laminates was investigated using microscopy and was found to be adequate with porosity kept at low levels, microstructure/morphology similar and finer than in conventional processing.
6. The mechanical behaviour of material produced using the LbL route was compared with that of conventional laminates and testing showed that laminates produced using LbL curing match those of conventional laminates.
Manufacturing Thermoplastic Fibre Metal Laminates by the InSitu Polymerisation Route. Feasibility Study. Completed.
1. New type of hybrid composites developed.
2. Low cost processing at room temperature.
3. Reshapable, repairable and recyclable. Scientific investigations are required in future projects.
4. Use of different metallic layers with varied thicknesses possible, leading to diverse range of performance.
5. Explore TP-FMLs as structural capacitors.
Multi-Step Thermoforming of Multi-Cavity, Multi-Axial Advanced Thermoplastic Composite Parts. Feasibility Study. Completed.
1. Demonstrated the principle of induction-melt forming of advanced composites using molten metal as the heating agent.
2. Demonstrated the principle of expelling the molten metal during the subsequent forming process
3. Designed and manufactures a multi-step forming tool allowing automatic incremental forming of advanced composites using a standard press.
4. Demonstrated a process of quantifying the residual tin inside the composite after the induction-melt process (subsequent to feasibility study - part of the PhD student's current project)
5. Currently in the process of assessing the influence of the residual tin on the interlaminar strength of the induction-formed composite
Novel strain-based NDE for online inspection and prognostics of composite sub-structures with manufacturing induced defects. Feasibility Study. Completed.
1. Proof-of-concept of the novel strain based NDE for assessment of evolving damage states in structural applications of composites.
2. Proof-of-concept of the novel strain based NDE for assessment of variability and heterogeneity in-situ in discontinuous compression moulded preforms.
3. Demonstration of simultaneous use and integration of DIC and TSA for quantitative assessment of evolving damage states, material heterogeneities and manufacturing defects.
4. Fundamental developments in the use of low cost cameras for TSA.
5. The groundwork to develop two successful high value EPSRC proposals, strongly supported by industry.
Microwave (MW) heating through embedded slotted coaxial cables for composites manufacturing (M-Cable). Feasibility Study. Completed.
1. A fractal antenna was manufactured on a PCB board and slotted in a ceramic tool. The resulting temperature distribution of cured laminates was within 10°C
2. The laminates manufactured using MW heating had the same glass transition temperature to laminates manufactured using conventional oven
3. The heating rates achieved using MW heating were between 7°C/min - 9°C/min. This is almost double to the 4°C/min achieved using conventional oven
Permeability Testing. Platform Fellowship. Completed.
Statistical analysis of a large data volume generated during the program allowed identification of most critical error sources in reinforcement permeability testing.
Human-Robot collaborative composite layup. Platform Fellowship. Completed.
1. Separated the process layup into activities better suited to Robots or humans based on their respective capabilities and task requirements.
2. Demonstrated how a human and robot can share a composite layup workspace
3. Reduced the physical effort exerted during manual layup
4. Created a human/robot layup process which users regarded as 'safe' and 'useful'
5. Developed a package to facilitate simultaneous working in a shared workspace which is safe and use friendly
Tactile sensing of defects during composite manufacture. Platform Fellowship. Completed.
1. Demonstrated the use of tactile sensing to find defects in composite layups.
2. Combined tactile sensing with application of significant force.
3. Demonstrated tactile sensing combined with composite layup.
4. Real time defect detection in composite layup.
5. The automated categorisation of composite defects using tactile sensing
Development of rapid processing routes for carbon fibre / nylon6 composites. Platform Fellowship. Completed.
1. Nylon melt viscosity is very low, allowing for simple film stacking compression moulding and capture of fine features
Local Resin Printing for Preform Stabilisation. Platform Fellowship. Completed.
1. Demonstration of localised resin deposition onto dry fibre textiles by use of printing methods.
2. Understanding the feasibility of various resin printing technologies.
3. Demonstration of textile deformation characteristics being modified by use of localised resin printing.
4. Tailored modification of textile deformation characteristics by use of localised resin printing.
5. Instigation of new multidisciplinary cooperation between Composites and Additive Manufacturing research groups.
Compression moulding simulation for SMC and prepreg. Innovation Fellowship. Completed.
1. Prepreg material characterisation and model development
Deliverable 1 - A prepreg compaction model is currently under development with the support from Bristol's former DefGen project. Correct force-displacement response has been achieved using the original hyperelastic model generated through the DefGen project. However, Bristol's original model was developed in ABAQUS/standard using a UMAT subroutine, which is being converted to a VUMAT for ABAQUS/explicit in this project, enabling ALE adaptive mesh (for SMCs undergo large deformation) to be applied in hybrid moulding simulations. Further experimental testing will be performed to characterise the material behaviour at much higher pressures, and the new model will be validated using the corresponding experimental data.
2. SMC material characterisation and model development
Deliverable 2 - A comprehensive assessment of existing SMC compression moulding simulation models has been conducted. Commercial software including Moldex3D, 3D TIMON and Moldflow have been compared where the accuracy of each software is benchmarked against experimental moulding trials in terms of the compression forces and filling pattern predictions. All commercial models assessed have adopted shear viscosity based constitutive material models which have failed to correctly predict the compression forces or the filling patterns in both in-plane and out-of-plane scenarios. It is difficult to fully understand the limitations of each the software due to the confidential nature of commercial products. Nevertheless observations from this study suggest that developing dedicated constitutive models for SMC compression moulding is necessary. A dedicated material model has therefore been developed for SMC flow simulation. The model describes the flow behaviour of SMC using a compressive stress-strain relationship and the squeeze flow test has been employed to determine the material input data. The squeeze flow testing results suggest that the material behaviour is both rate dependent and temperature dependent. The new material model has been implemented in ABAQUS using an in-built plasticity model and validated through simulation of the squeeze flow test. Due to the approximation used in the ABAQUS in-built plasticity model, the predicted compressive forces diverted from the experimental values towards the end of the test. The proposed model has demonstrated significant improvement compared to commercial.
A new squeeze flow rig has been manufactured of which the design is based on an existing rig at WMG. The new squeeze flow rig will be used for both SMC flow characterisation and prepreg compaction testing. The new rig features greater testing area, enabling representative sample sizes to be tested for long fibre based SMC, and various instrumentation such as LVDTs and pressure transducers can also be accommodated. The new squeeze flow rig also features guide columns to ensure parallelism between the plates during the tests.
3. SMC mechanical properties model development
Deliverable 3 - This was added to the project due to the ongoing Covid pandemic, which has been causing significantly delay to the experimental aspect of the project.
This work package aims to assess the predictive validity of existing fibre orientation models. The selected fibre prediction models include the Folgar-Tucker (FT) model and the Direct Fibre Simulation (DFS) model. The experimental data are obtained using CT scanning technique, developed through the feasibility study "Experimental investigation of fibre content and orientation distributions in compression moulded sheet moulding compound" Funded by the EPSRC Future Metrology Hub. Both models have demonstrated adequate accuracy when predicting the fibre orientation. The DFS model offers added benefit of taking into account the random nature of the material, although it cannot accurately capture the physical behaviour of individual fibres in the areas where high level of fibre/mould and fibre/fibre interactions present.
A meso-scale RVE modelling approach has then been developed where the fibre orientation resultant from the manufacturing process can be accounted for mechanical properties prediction. The new modelling approach has been demonstrated through a case study where the tensile properties of samples in the longitudinal and transverse to the flow direction are investigated. The results predicted using the new model show good agreement with the experimental data.
4. Process simulation model development for SMC/prepreg hybrid.
Powder-Epoxy Carbon Fibre Towpreg for High Speed, Low-Cost Automated Fibre Placement. Innovation Fellowship. Completed.
1. Production of carbon fibre tape "as is" for Coriolis Composites. (deliver a substantial length (over 200 meters) of tape of the right width (12.7mm) with a consistent FVF, for initial trials on Csolo©.)
Deliverable 1 - Tape "as is" was produced be December 2019 and delivered to Coriolis Composites in January 2020.
2. Automation and control of the tapeline to produce a high quality, homogeneous and optimized tape with low-cost, high-volume characteristics.
Deliverable 2 - The infrared sensors were installed and working in September 2020, the pandemic delayed this by 4 months due to non-access to the lab. Tension and speed sensors & regulators were installed in November 2020. The LabVIEW system was operational with full control of temperature, tension and speed by March 2021. The LabVIEW system is continually improving as the system is modified and optimised. (PID controls, new sensors for fibre volume fraction calculations).
3. Manufacture AFP grade tape and CFRP parts; compare cost and mechanical properties of TPTL based-CFRP to standard process-based CFRP and technology transfer.
Permeability variability of textile fabrics for liquid moulding. Innovation Fellowship. Active.
This project has developed an efficient numerical solver for dual-scale porous media flow problems. Leveraging the full potential of supercomputers, the method enables massively parallelised computations using high resolution 3D images of textile fabrics. Combined with an in-house image processing code dedicated for textile composites, the method offers an important building block for accurate calculations of permeability of fibre reinforcements. The developed method has the potential of being integrated into other software environments to create a seamless permeability calculation framework, such as AVIZO (using realistic microstructures) and TexGen (using virtual microstructures).
A large amount of 3D image data has been collected with X-ray computed tomography using both laboratory and synchrotron facilities. This rich dataset reveals the statistical variability of the textile microstructures under different compaction levels, which helps understand the source of uncertainty of the permeability in such dual-scale porous media.
The machine learning techniques explored in this project stand for the state of the art for surrogate models of dual-scale flow problems. It offers step-changing capabilities in predicting permeability of complex bi-porous structures, in terms of speed and accuracy.
Energy efficient Composite tooling with integrated self-regulating heating and curing capabilities based on recycled composite waste (ECOTOOL). Synergy Project. Completed.
The ECOTOOL project marks a significant advancement in sustainable composite manufacturing, redefining energy efficiency and environmental stewardship in the industry.
1. Demonstrated a feasible route to upcycle reclaimed composite waste (recycled carbon fibres) as functional materials in value added applications.
2. Developed an integral heated composites tooling consisting of recycled carbon fibres as the heating layer, with extremely high energy efficiency in composites manufacturing (90% energy consumption reduction compared to oven curing).
3. Thermal and mechanical modelling performed to optimise the design with guidelines provided for future composites tooling.
4. Life cycle assessment performed to evaluate the environmental impacts of developed tooling, in comparison with traditional tooling.
Thermoplastic in situ polymerisation (TPIP) and double diaphragm forming (DDF) for moulding of complex parts at scale. Synergy Project. Active.
This project will establish thermoplastic composite manufacturing via in-situ polymerisation of polyamide in double diaphragm forming, demonstrating the capability using a realistic geometry tool and supporting the process with a forming model. The project is still running and the technology is still in its early stages.
Q1) Assemble low-viscosity diaphragm forming system
Completed. Mixing systems at both sites. Successful infusion of DDF frame without significant race-tracking issues. Small modifications planned to mixer/frame integration to make this more robust. PDI control planned for heater system on mixer by end of project.
Q2) Establish forming model
Majority of experimental materials characterisation complete. Basic forming model was developed with ESI. Full model not achieved due to lack of software resource and then lack of personnel resource for alternative Abaqus approach.
Q3) Establish processing method
Final testing in progress. Extreme geometry on part of tooling proving challenging to bagging survival at reaction temperatures. Mitigation has been identified. UoN issue with gas availability has caused delay to final testing.
Q4) Quality assessment and validation of model
Apodius system use was delayed but is now available for assessment of parts.
A numerical tool to aid Design-for-Manufacture of injection over-moulded composite parts. Synergy Project. Active.
This project has developed and validated a new design-for-manufacturing tool to unlock the potential of this method for complex, industrial-scale components. Hence, this tool can help mitigate risks associated with the design and manufacture of prohibitively costly tooling. The tools developed have reached a good level of maturity and it is thought that further TRL elevation can only be done in partnership with industry.
Zero-waste manufacturing of highly optimised composites with hybrid architectures. Synergy Project. Active.
To date it has been demonstrated that the materials manufactured through the chip-SMC route exhibit similar levels of processibility (squeeze flow behaviour) compared to conventional SMCs, but the main challenge is to improve the strength of these materials by optimising the meso-scale fibre architecture. An automotive demonstrator geometry has been successfully manufactured using both chip-SMC and chip-SMC/continuous prepreg hybrid architecture composite.
Exploitation Route The National Composites Centre has developed a Technology Pull-Through scheme to take successful research at TRL1-3 and evaluate to transfer suitably mature technologies from CIMComp into the National Composites Centre (NCC), an advanced composites research hub based in Bristol. The NCC use their capabilities to industrialise lab-based technologies and increase their palatability to potential commercial users. The programme runs on an open call process, issued annually; proposals are assessed and selected through the input of NCC technical experts, supported by the Knowledge Exchange Committee of the CIMComp Hub.
Below is a summary of the CIMcomp projects that have been selected for NCC funding:

Braid winding - University of Manchester: A technology that combines braiding and filament winding combining beneficial properties from both capabilities
DiSenC - Cranfield University: linear and woven dielectric sensors that can be used for flow and cure monitoring respectively in liquid moulding processing carbon fibre thermosetting composites.
SimpleCure2 - University of Bristol: feasibility study of using a portable device that scans a material's fingerprint, defines a robust cure cycle and automatically programs the production equipment controller
Braiding Simulation - University of Bristol: Validated modelling capability for mapping local permeability in braided preforms
Global to local modelling for forming-related defect detection in aerospace parts - University of Nottingham

The dissemination process will include the exploitation of technologies into trademarked brands, showcasing demonstrators and processes at engineering shows (i.e. JEC/Advanced Engineering Show) and integrating the technology into industrial applications through CR&D / privately funded projects. As part of this dissemination process, the successful projects are advertised to the NCC's Tier 1&2 members at the monthly Research Committee meetings. This creates a seamless communication channel across the 'valley of death' between the academic innovators and the industrial users.
Sectors Aerospace

Defence and Marine




Leisure Activities

including Sports

Recreation and Tourism


including Industrial Biotechology


Description Over the course of the seven-year programme new technologies and processes have been investigated with the aim of helping composite suppliers and manufacturers establish new approaches to composite manufacturing processes. Since 2017 the Hub has funded six Core Projects, 24 Feasibility Studies, three Innovation Fellowships, eight Synergy Promotion projects, and seven Researcher Network Awards. The project teams from 16 UK universities (Hub Spokes) have to date delivered some innovative experimental and numerical solutions at low TRL, contributing to improved performance and knowledge of composite products, reduced energy use, manufacturing waste and design costs. We have seen several new projects emerge from our earlier investments and predict this trend will increase as our remaining projects end and look to further their research. Members of the Hub have been successful in securing £24m of leveraged grant funding since the start of the Hub in 2017. The Hub plays a key role in the composite manufacturing technology pipeline, pushing proven research outcomes through to the HVM Catapult Centres (National Composites Centre (NCC), Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC), Warwick Manufacturing Group (WMG) and Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC)) so that they mature through the Technology and Manufacturing Readiness Levels (TRL, MRL) into successful products and manufacturing activity, to be exploited by UK industry. As technologies developed within the Hub have matured, there has been increased activity with industry and the High Value Manufacturing Centres (HVMC) and in particular with the NCC, and amongst the Hub network who share their knowledge and expertise to look for further solutions to our research challenges. Instrumental to this network, are the connections made by our early career researchers who share their research and experience via the Hub platform to foster future collaborations and enhance job prospects. Support from our industry partners helps to ensure our research is industrially relevant and that outputs progress towards commercialisation. Industrial support has grown strongly over the life of the Hub. Research projects are supported by a network of 37 industrial partners and four centres within the HVM Catapult, providing £6.7m of leveraged support in the form of studentships, supervision, materials and access to equipment and expertise. The Hub network has grown considerably since 2017. Developing both domestic and international communities in composites manufacturing is of critical importance to us. We have representation at major national and international conferences which provides invaluable access to global companies and to the public. We host an annual Open Day which gives us the opportunity to showcase our research to a wider audience. This last year, we reached an audience of 5056 through attendance at conferences and outreach events which is a significant increase from earlier years and have published over 150 conference papers. Our international network partners are an important component of our network and offer opportunities for collaboration, cooperation, and postgraduate and researcher development. This is important not only for sharing information and developments in composites manufacturing, but also in our training aspirations, as Hub postgraduate students will have the opportunity to spend a three-month secondment at one of the linked institutions, accessing new expertise and facilities and developing their personal networks. We have successfully funded seven study placements within our international partner network, helping students to foster independence, expand their research experience and knowledge. We are currently training 45 PhD students, 55 EngDs and 51 postdoctoral researchers which helps support the anticipated growth in the UK composites sector over the next ten years. We assess the training needs of our students by conducting surveys and responding to feedback to provide appropriate professional development opportunities. The flexibility of our funding model offers an effective way for early-career researchers to develop and express their own ideas. Under our training remit, all Hub Spokes are eligible to study the taught EngD modules within the EPSRC Industrial Doctoral Centre in Composites Manufacturing (IDC), encouraging the Spoke members to continue to engage with the Hub beyond their initial project, widening their expertise and skills.
First Year Of Impact 2021
Sector Aerospace, Defence and Marine,Construction,Education,Leisure Activities, including Sports, Recreation and Tourism,Manufacturing, including Industrial Biotechology,Transport
Impact Types Cultural



Description Prof Nick Warrior - Member of UK Composites Leadership Forum
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Membership of a guideline committee
Impact UK Composites Roadmap
Description UK Composites Leadership Forum
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Membership of a guideline committee
Description (SORCERER) - Structural pOweR CompositEs foR futurE civil aiRcraft
Amount € 1,650,632 (EUR)
Funding ID 738085 
Organisation European Commission 
Sector Public
Country European Union (EU)
Start 02/2017 
End 01/2020
Description 2-D forming of low cost steered fibre laminates.
Amount £28,492 (GBP)
Funding ID EP/P021379/1 
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2017 
End 09/2021
Description Achieving a Predictive Design for Manufacture Capability in Composites by Integrating Manufacturing Knowledge and Design Intent
Amount £101,082 (GBP)
Funding ID EP/R021597/1 
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 02/2018 
End 07/2019
Description Advanced Continuous Tow Shearing in 3D (ACTS3D): Advanced fibre placement technology for manufacturing defect-free complex 3D composite structures
Amount £518,156 (GBP)
Funding ID EP/R023247/1 
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 02/2018 
End 01/2021
Description Beyond structural; multifunctional composites that store electrical energy
Amount £273,365 (GBP)
Funding ID EP/P007546/1 
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 02/2017 
End 07/2021
Description Carbon Fibre Axle (CaFiAx)
Amount £506,513 (GBP)
Funding ID EP/X038254/1 
Organisation University of Nottingham 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 11/2023 
End 04/2025
Description Chair in Emerging Technologies (Structural Power) awarded to Prof Emile Greenhalgh
Amount £2,700,000 (GBP)
Organisation Royal Academy of Engineering 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2020 
End 10/2030
Description CoTide - Co-design to deliver Scalable Tidal Stream Energy
Amount £7,363,043 (GBP)
Funding ID EP/X03903X/1 
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 06/2023 
End 06/2028
Description EP/S017038/1 Certification for Design - Reshaping the testing pyramid
Amount £6,900,000 (GBP)
Funding ID EP/S017038/1 
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 01/2019 
End 12/2025
Description EPSRC Impact Accelerator Grant - University of Manchester and Axon Automotive
Amount £210,000 (GBP)
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 01/2018 
End 01/2020
Description Enhanced Characterisation and Simulation Methods for Thermoplastic Overmoulding - ENACT
Amount £72,000 (GBP)
Funding ID 40546 
Organisation Surface Generation 
Sector Private
Country United Kingdom
Start 01/2020 
End 06/2021
Description European Commission H2020,Next generation methods, concepts and solutions for the design of robust and sustainable running GEAR (NEXTGEAR)
Amount £116,512 (GBP)
Funding ID 881803 
Organisation European Commission H2020 
Sector Public
Country Belgium
Start 12/2019 
End 12/2021
Description European Office of Aerospace Research and Development (EOARD), Damage Tolerance and Durability of Structural Power Composites
Amount £393,000 (GBP)
Organisation European Office of Aerospace Research & Development (EOARD) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 08/2017 
End 07/2020
Description Funding awarded by the DETI initiative; To further develop software simulation tools developed within CIMComp; The DefGen project
Amount £250,000 (GBP)
Organisation National Composites Centre (NCC) 
Sector Private
Country United Kingdom
Description GKN Aerospace: Characterisation of NCF materials and forming simulation
Amount £25,000 (GBP)
Organisation GKN 
Sector Private
Country United Kingdom
Start 08/2019 
Description HEFCE Composites Curriculum Development project
Amount £400,000 (GBP)
Organisation NIHR/HEFCE Higher Education Fund for England 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 01/2018 
End 01/2019
Description High Performance Discontinuous Fibre Composites (HiPerDiF)
Amount £1,036,426 (GBP)
Funding ID EP/P027393/1 
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 12/2017 
End 12/2020
Description High-Volume Composites Manufacturing Cell with Digital Twinning Capability
Amount £454,736 (GBP)
Funding ID EP/T006420/1 
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 12/2019 
End 02/2022
Description Horizon 2020 Multiscale Analysis of Airframe Structures and Quantification of Uncertainties System (MARQUESS)
Amount £591,000 (GBP)
Funding ID Project ID: 754581 
Organisation Clean Sky 
Sector Private
Country Belgium
Start 05/2017 
End 05/2020
Description I-CASE Award with Airbus
Amount £32,000 (GBP)
Organisation Airbus Group 
Sector Academic/University
Country France
Start 09/2024 
End 10/2028
Description Induction Melt Incremental Thermoforming of Advanced Thermoplastic Composites
Amount £670,161 (GBP)
Funding ID EP/X02766X/1 
Organisation University of Glasgow 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2023 
End 09/2026
Description Investigation of fine-scale flows in composites processing
Amount £938,435 (GBP)
Funding ID EP/S016996/1 
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2019 
End 01/2023
Description Low emission vehicle systems Integrated Delivery Programme 13 (IDP13)
Amount £1,637,086 (GBP)
Funding ID 103362 
Organisation Innovate UK 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2018 
End 02/2021
Description MAXBlade Horizon Europe and University of Edinburgh
Amount € 10,000,000 (EUR)
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 01/2023 
End 06/2028
Description Made Smarter Innovation - Materials Made Smarter Research Centre
Amount £4,049,203 (GBP)
Funding ID EP/V061798/1 
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 08/2021 
End 02/2025
Description Novel Tow termination technology for high-quality AFP production of composite structures with blended ply drop-offs
Amount £101,114 (GBP)
Funding ID EP/P027288/1 
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 06/2017 
End 06/2019
Description Novel flat optical fibre sensors for application in process control, evaluation and health monitoring of high value composite assets
Amount £598,103 (GBP)
Funding ID EP/Y016920/1 
Organisation University of Southampton 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2024 
End 03/2027
Description Realising Structural Batteries
Amount £300,000 (GBP)
Organisation European Office of Aerospace Research & Development (EOARD) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 07/2022 
End 07/2025
Description Realising Structural Power (with UoB/DU)
Amount £621,000 (GBP)
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2022 
End 09/2025
Description Researcher in Residence - EPSRC Innovation Launchpad Network+
Amount £50,000 (GBP)
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 08/2023 
End 12/2024
Description Researcher in Residence Innovation Launchpad Network+ Researchers in Residence Scheme and The National Composites centre (NCC).
Amount £50,000 (GBP)
Organisation University of Nottingham 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 01/2024 
End 06/2025
Description SIMulation of new manufacturing PROcesses for Composite Structures (SIMPROCS)
Amount £1,115,704 (GBP)
Funding ID EP/P027350/1 
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 04/2017 
End 04/2022
Description Structures 2025
Amount £1,200,000 (GBP)
Funding ID EP/R008787/1 
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 12/2017 
End 11/2020
Description Student internship: Estimation of permeability of composite materials using efficient Bayesian inversion algorithms
Amount £2,000 (GBP)
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 05/2018 
End 08/2018
Description Technology Pull Through
Amount £135,000 (GBP)
Organisation National Composites Centre (NCC) 
Sector Private
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2022 
Description Technology Pull Through Fund - University of Manchester - To develop braid-winding concept for producing wrinkle-free composite tubes
Amount £25,000 (GBP)
Organisation High Value Manufacturing Catapult 
Sector Private
Country United Kingdom
Start 06/2018 
End 12/2018
Description Thermoplastic fibre metal laminates for applications in renewable energy - CAMREG Flexi Fund Project awarded to Prof Vasileios Koutsos
Amount £50,000 (GBP)
Funding ID FP11 
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Description UKRI Interdisciplinary Circular Economy Centre for Textiles: Circular Bioeconomy for Textile Materials
Amount £4,436,877 (GBP)
Organisation University of Manchester 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 01/2021 
End 12/2024
Title A New Approach to Measuring Local Properties 
Description Data for the paper of M.Turk et al on measuring local properties in enhanced preforms 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact None to report to date (the award is still active) 
Title Data set for Thermoelastic Response Data 
Description Data to support article "On the source of the thermoelastic response from orthotropic fibre reinforced composite laminates. in the journal "Composites Part A". Data contains Thermoelastic Stress Analsys, Digital Image Correlation, strain gauges and test machine data for GFRP and CFRP samples tested. There is a readme file for each type of data inside the subfolders. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact None to report to date (the award is still active) 
Title Directional eddy current probe configuration for in-line detection of out-of-plane wrinkles 
Description Supporting data relevant to the journal publication: "Directional eddy current probe configuration for in-line detection of out-of-plane wrinkles" by Meirbek Mussatayev, Qiuji Yi, Mark Fitzgerald, Vincent K. Maes, Paul Wilcox and Robert Hughes, 2023, Composites Part B. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact None to report currently 
Title Electrical conductivity of hybrid threads and tufted composites 
Description Measurements of electrical conductivity evolution in tensile tests on hybrid carbon-copper braided threads (the tests and data processing are conducted by Caroline O'Keeffe). Measurements of electrical conductivity of panels tufted with the hybrid threads (measurements are conducted by Juan Cao) 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact None to report to date (the award is still active) 
Title Fortran code for permeability prediction with parallel computing capability (available upon request) 
Description Fortran code for permeability prediction with parallel computing capability (available upon request) 
Type Of Material Computer model/algorithm 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact None to report currently 
Title Modelling and inversion of carbon fibre composite structures using high-frequency eddy current imaging 
Description The fibre tow structure of each unidirectional ply is modelled using orientation dependant 2D conductivity tensor waveforms, and virtual 2D ECT scans are simulated by shifting the waveforms within the model mesh. The results demonstrate that idealised electromagnetic characteristics of the CFRP structure can be successfully modelled compared with experimental data and that 2D ECT data of complex CFRP layers structures can be simulated with improved computational speeds, up to 5x faster compared to standard approaches. Automated data-analysis tools, including Radon transform (RT) and 2D FFT, are employed to validate the simulated 2D scan data through the characterisation of fibre orientations and simulated 2D scans used to evaluate the orientation inversion techniques. The results demonstrate that RT analysis detects fibre orientations with better accuracy, precision and consistency than equivalent 2D FFT analysis techniques. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact None to report to date (the award is still active) 
Title Open-source code for full field prediction of composite mechanical behaviour, available on GitHub 
Description Open-source code for full field prediction of composite mechanical behaviour, available on GitHub 
Type Of Material Computer model/algorithm 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact None to report currently 
Title Open-source code for permeability prediction 
Description Open-source code for permeability prediction, available on GitHub 
Type Of Material Computer model/algorithm 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact None to report 
Title Suppression of Front and Back Surface Reflections in Ultrasonic Analytic-Signal Responses from Composites 
Description Supporting data and code for paper entitled "Suppression of Front and Back Surface Reflections in Ultrasonic Analytic-Signal Responses from Composites" to be published in the journal Ultrasonics 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact None to report to date (the award is still active) 
Description A Numerical Tool to Aid Design-for-Manufacture of Injection Over-Moulded Composite Parts 
Organisation University of Bristol
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a Synergy project grant to The University of Bristol and the University of Nottingham for twelve months on 'A Numerical Tool to Aid Design-for-Manufacture of Injection Over-Moulded Composite Parts'.
Collaborator Contribution None to date due to the project only recently commenced.
Impact None to date due to the project only recently commenced.
Start Year 2022
Description A Numerical Tool to Aid Design-for-Manufacture of Injection Over-Moulded Composite Parts 
Organisation University of Nottingham
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a Synergy project grant to The University of Bristol and the University of Nottingham for twelve months on 'A Numerical Tool to Aid Design-for-Manufacture of Injection Over-Moulded Composite Parts'.
Collaborator Contribution None to date due to the project only recently commenced.
Impact None to date due to the project only recently commenced.
Start Year 2022
Description ADvanced Dynamic REpair Solutions for Sustainable Composites (ADDRESS) 
Organisation Induction Coil Solutions
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to The University of Bristol for the six-month project 'ADvanced Dynamic REpair Solutions for Sustainable Composites (ADDRESS)'. The project demonstrated successful manufacturing of CAN-epoxy MMCRC for corner geometries and subsequent mechanical testing to generate controlled level of matrix damage. It has been shown that with relatively low processing requirements, which can be available in-field, the repair fully restores the mechanical performance of the MMCRC. Resultant approach offers sustainable solution to improve life of complex composite structures, thus contributing to the priority Hub themes of "Reycling/Reuse". This brings closer the creation of circular economy and more efficient recovery of materials. The feasibility and the strong promise of the suggested concept has been successfully demonstrated.
Collaborator Contribution Inductive Coil Solutions (the company produced bespoke coil designed by UoB and offered advice on the coil manufacturability). Mallinda Inc. (CAN resin at the first stage of the project has been supplied in kind), The project combined several novel concepts, pioneered by the project team, and devised new generic scalable repair methodologies applicable across a wide range of industries such as marine, aerospace, automotive and energy where non-recyclable polymer composites are deployed in high value assets.
Impact The outcome for this project is the fundamental manufacturing potential of the CAN-MMCRC which is being explored in a follow-on Composites Manufacturing Hub project at the University of Birmingham "De-risking manufacturing and enhancing structural efficiency with modular sustainable multi-material", which will examine application of this concept to simplify and control forming processes. Secondly, follow-up activities with the NCC Core Project on Modular Infusion which has a potential for the integration of various aspect of modular technologies in an integral manufacturing paradigm. The application to an NCC Technology Pull Through is also considered. In the current project we identified opportunities to co-operate with other Hub projects at the next stage of the development. For instance, the new synergy project on overmoulding of thermoplastic composites has potentially good affinity with the current follow-on project on modular forming of the MMCRC.
Start Year 2021
Description ADvanced Dynamic REpair Solutions for Sustainable Composites (ADDRESS) 
Organisation University of Bristol
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to The University of Bristol for the six-month project 'ADvanced Dynamic REpair Solutions for Sustainable Composites (ADDRESS)'. The project demonstrated successful manufacturing of CAN-epoxy MMCRC for corner geometries and subsequent mechanical testing to generate controlled level of matrix damage. It has been shown that with relatively low processing requirements, which can be available in-field, the repair fully restores the mechanical performance of the MMCRC. Resultant approach offers sustainable solution to improve life of complex composite structures, thus contributing to the priority Hub themes of "Reycling/Reuse". This brings closer the creation of circular economy and more efficient recovery of materials. The feasibility and the strong promise of the suggested concept has been successfully demonstrated.
Collaborator Contribution Inductive Coil Solutions (the company produced bespoke coil designed by UoB and offered advice on the coil manufacturability). Mallinda Inc. (CAN resin at the first stage of the project has been supplied in kind), The project combined several novel concepts, pioneered by the project team, and devised new generic scalable repair methodologies applicable across a wide range of industries such as marine, aerospace, automotive and energy where non-recyclable polymer composites are deployed in high value assets.
Impact The outcome for this project is the fundamental manufacturing potential of the CAN-MMCRC which is being explored in a follow-on Composites Manufacturing Hub project at the University of Birmingham "De-risking manufacturing and enhancing structural efficiency with modular sustainable multi-material", which will examine application of this concept to simplify and control forming processes. Secondly, follow-up activities with the NCC Core Project on Modular Infusion which has a potential for the integration of various aspect of modular technologies in an integral manufacturing paradigm. The application to an NCC Technology Pull Through is also considered. In the current project we identified opportunities to co-operate with other Hub projects at the next stage of the development. For instance, the new synergy project on overmoulding of thermoplastic composites has potentially good affinity with the current follow-on project on modular forming of the MMCRC.
Start Year 2021
Description Academic Partnership - Queen Mary University of London 
Organisation Queen Mary University of London
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution September 2022 welcomed new academic partner Queen Mary, University of London to the Hub network through a successful application for a Synergy promotion project on 'Energy Efficient Composite Tooling with Integrated Self-Regulating Heating and Curing Capabilities based on Recycled Composite Waste (ECOTOOL).' which will run for twelve months in conjunction with the University of Nottingham and Loughborough University. Queen Mary, University of London will bring the expertise of their research team and their facilities to benefit the Hub.
Collaborator Contribution None to date due to the project only recently commenced.
Impact None to date due to the project only recently commenced.
Start Year 2022
Description Acceleration of Monomer Transfer Moulding using microwaves 
Organisation The Mx Group
Country United States 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to the University of Nottingham for the six-month funded project 'Acceleration of Monomer Transfer Moulding using microwaves'. Contributions: 1. Electromagnetic (EM) heating confirmed as being able to act as the sole heat source in an in-situ polymerisation reaction for a composite part 2. Dielectric measurements indicate a 6 cm penetration depth in this material (meaning a ~12 cm thick part could be cured) 3. Extremely rapid heating is achieved (< 3 mins to reach 180 °C) and this temperature maintained throughout 4. Microwave assisted pre-drying of glass fibres is extremely effective, resulting in an improved part (higher final molecular weight) 5. Process options limited by the behaviour of the monomer - e.g. poor fill under vacuum related to surface tension/viscosity. Positive pressure filling preferred 6. Heat loss profile different from conventional heating and more affected by the presence of the fibre.Control of the EM field was limited and requires optimisation
Collaborator Contribution The project contributed to the Hub priority research theme 'High rate deposition and rapid processing technologies'. 3 days use of Vötsch oven at AMRC Additional personnel time on microwave polymerisation testing of matrix materials Additional personnel time on developing higher viscosity infusion mixture University of Edinburgh included in technical meetings and are providing materials to the project The development of relationships with AMRC and with the University of Edinburgh has been beneficial and has linked both into the development of the Hub thermoplastics working group and has directly into the feasibility project "Incorporation of thermoplastic in situ polymerisation in double diaphragm forming".
Impact The project investigated the feasibility of using microwave heating to accelerate in-situ polymerisation sufficiently that monomer solutions could be used directly to make composite articles. The project successfully achieved the objective of establishing benefits of using microwave heating for (a) glass fibre pre-preparation and (b) the resultant quality of matrix polymers produced when in contact with glass fibre. It also met the objective of defining benefits that are related to the preparation of composites from a monomer pre-solution rather than a polymer resin precursor system. The project partially achieved the objective of producing small scale flat panel via microwave polymerisation (Instrumented domestic microwave) The project was successful in delivering a mould designed and built to account for requirements/restrictions of both Monomer Transfer Moulding (MTM) and Microwave Heating/Processing, taking into consideration any manufacturing limitations due to materials choice. In addition, it successfully delivered manufacturing parameters determined for successful small-scale component.The project was considered to have achieved a Limited success overall. This also led to the submission of a joint EPSRC proposal (November 2019) by Nottingham, Sheffield, Aston and Bradford Universities. (£3.4 million) currently in review.
Start Year 2018
Description Acceleration of Monomer Transfer Moulding using microwaves 
Organisation University of Edinburgh
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to the University of Nottingham for the six-month funded project 'Acceleration of Monomer Transfer Moulding using microwaves'. Contributions: 1. Electromagnetic (EM) heating confirmed as being able to act as the sole heat source in an in-situ polymerisation reaction for a composite part 2. Dielectric measurements indicate a 6 cm penetration depth in this material (meaning a ~12 cm thick part could be cured) 3. Extremely rapid heating is achieved (< 3 mins to reach 180 °C) and this temperature maintained throughout 4. Microwave assisted pre-drying of glass fibres is extremely effective, resulting in an improved part (higher final molecular weight) 5. Process options limited by the behaviour of the monomer - e.g. poor fill under vacuum related to surface tension/viscosity. Positive pressure filling preferred 6. Heat loss profile different from conventional heating and more affected by the presence of the fibre.Control of the EM field was limited and requires optimisation
Collaborator Contribution The project contributed to the Hub priority research theme 'High rate deposition and rapid processing technologies'. 3 days use of Vötsch oven at AMRC Additional personnel time on microwave polymerisation testing of matrix materials Additional personnel time on developing higher viscosity infusion mixture University of Edinburgh included in technical meetings and are providing materials to the project The development of relationships with AMRC and with the University of Edinburgh has been beneficial and has linked both into the development of the Hub thermoplastics working group and has directly into the feasibility project "Incorporation of thermoplastic in situ polymerisation in double diaphragm forming".
Impact The project investigated the feasibility of using microwave heating to accelerate in-situ polymerisation sufficiently that monomer solutions could be used directly to make composite articles. The project successfully achieved the objective of establishing benefits of using microwave heating for (a) glass fibre pre-preparation and (b) the resultant quality of matrix polymers produced when in contact with glass fibre. It also met the objective of defining benefits that are related to the preparation of composites from a monomer pre-solution rather than a polymer resin precursor system. The project partially achieved the objective of producing small scale flat panel via microwave polymerisation (Instrumented domestic microwave) The project was successful in delivering a mould designed and built to account for requirements/restrictions of both Monomer Transfer Moulding (MTM) and Microwave Heating/Processing, taking into consideration any manufacturing limitations due to materials choice. In addition, it successfully delivered manufacturing parameters determined for successful small-scale component.The project was considered to have achieved a Limited success overall. This also led to the submission of a joint EPSRC proposal (November 2019) by Nottingham, Sheffield, Aston and Bradford Universities. (£3.4 million) currently in review.
Start Year 2018
Description Acceleration of Monomer Transfer Moulding using microwaves 
Organisation University of Nottingham
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to the University of Nottingham for the six-month funded project 'Acceleration of Monomer Transfer Moulding using microwaves'. Contributions: 1. Electromagnetic (EM) heating confirmed as being able to act as the sole heat source in an in-situ polymerisation reaction for a composite part 2. Dielectric measurements indicate a 6 cm penetration depth in this material (meaning a ~12 cm thick part could be cured) 3. Extremely rapid heating is achieved (< 3 mins to reach 180 °C) and this temperature maintained throughout 4. Microwave assisted pre-drying of glass fibres is extremely effective, resulting in an improved part (higher final molecular weight) 5. Process options limited by the behaviour of the monomer - e.g. poor fill under vacuum related to surface tension/viscosity. Positive pressure filling preferred 6. Heat loss profile different from conventional heating and more affected by the presence of the fibre.Control of the EM field was limited and requires optimisation
Collaborator Contribution The project contributed to the Hub priority research theme 'High rate deposition and rapid processing technologies'. 3 days use of Vötsch oven at AMRC Additional personnel time on microwave polymerisation testing of matrix materials Additional personnel time on developing higher viscosity infusion mixture University of Edinburgh included in technical meetings and are providing materials to the project The development of relationships with AMRC and with the University of Edinburgh has been beneficial and has linked both into the development of the Hub thermoplastics working group and has directly into the feasibility project "Incorporation of thermoplastic in situ polymerisation in double diaphragm forming".
Impact The project investigated the feasibility of using microwave heating to accelerate in-situ polymerisation sufficiently that monomer solutions could be used directly to make composite articles. The project successfully achieved the objective of establishing benefits of using microwave heating for (a) glass fibre pre-preparation and (b) the resultant quality of matrix polymers produced when in contact with glass fibre. It also met the objective of defining benefits that are related to the preparation of composites from a monomer pre-solution rather than a polymer resin precursor system. The project partially achieved the objective of producing small scale flat panel via microwave polymerisation (Instrumented domestic microwave) The project was successful in delivering a mould designed and built to account for requirements/restrictions of both Monomer Transfer Moulding (MTM) and Microwave Heating/Processing, taking into consideration any manufacturing limitations due to materials choice. In addition, it successfully delivered manufacturing parameters determined for successful small-scale component.The project was considered to have achieved a Limited success overall. This also led to the submission of a joint EPSRC proposal (November 2019) by Nottingham, Sheffield, Aston and Bradford Universities. (£3.4 million) currently in review.
Start Year 2018
Description Acceleration of Monomer Transfer Moulding using microwaves 
Organisation University of Sheffield
Department Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC)
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to the University of Nottingham for the six-month funded project 'Acceleration of Monomer Transfer Moulding using microwaves'. Contributions: 1. Electromagnetic (EM) heating confirmed as being able to act as the sole heat source in an in-situ polymerisation reaction for a composite part 2. Dielectric measurements indicate a 6 cm penetration depth in this material (meaning a ~12 cm thick part could be cured) 3. Extremely rapid heating is achieved (< 3 mins to reach 180 °C) and this temperature maintained throughout 4. Microwave assisted pre-drying of glass fibres is extremely effective, resulting in an improved part (higher final molecular weight) 5. Process options limited by the behaviour of the monomer - e.g. poor fill under vacuum related to surface tension/viscosity. Positive pressure filling preferred 6. Heat loss profile different from conventional heating and more affected by the presence of the fibre.Control of the EM field was limited and requires optimisation
Collaborator Contribution The project contributed to the Hub priority research theme 'High rate deposition and rapid processing technologies'. 3 days use of Vötsch oven at AMRC Additional personnel time on microwave polymerisation testing of matrix materials Additional personnel time on developing higher viscosity infusion mixture University of Edinburgh included in technical meetings and are providing materials to the project The development of relationships with AMRC and with the University of Edinburgh has been beneficial and has linked both into the development of the Hub thermoplastics working group and has directly into the feasibility project "Incorporation of thermoplastic in situ polymerisation in double diaphragm forming".
Impact The project investigated the feasibility of using microwave heating to accelerate in-situ polymerisation sufficiently that monomer solutions could be used directly to make composite articles. The project successfully achieved the objective of establishing benefits of using microwave heating for (a) glass fibre pre-preparation and (b) the resultant quality of matrix polymers produced when in contact with glass fibre. It also met the objective of defining benefits that are related to the preparation of composites from a monomer pre-solution rather than a polymer resin precursor system. The project partially achieved the objective of producing small scale flat panel via microwave polymerisation (Instrumented domestic microwave) The project was successful in delivering a mould designed and built to account for requirements/restrictions of both Monomer Transfer Moulding (MTM) and Microwave Heating/Processing, taking into consideration any manufacturing limitations due to materials choice. In addition, it successfully delivered manufacturing parameters determined for successful small-scale component.The project was considered to have achieved a Limited success overall. This also led to the submission of a joint EPSRC proposal (November 2019) by Nottingham, Sheffield, Aston and Bradford Universities. (£3.4 million) currently in review.
Start Year 2018
Description Active control of the RTM process under uncertainty using fast algorithms 
Organisation ESI Group
Country France 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub was awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to the University of Nottingham for the six-month funded project Active control of the RTM process under uncertainty using fast algorithms'. This project has now developed into a Core project. Contributions: 1. We developed novel Bayesian Inversion algorithms for detecting defects during the RTM process using in-process data. 2. The algorithms have been tested virtually and in laboratory and we demonstrated that we can estimate location of defects of arbitrary shape including race tracking
Collaborator Contribution The project contributes to the Hub priority research theme 'Design for manufacture via validated simulation'.
Impact The project achieved two main goals. First, the feasibility study demonstrated, in virtual and lab experiments, that a novel Bayesian Inversion algorithm (BIA) can successfully estimate local permeability and porosity of a preform using in-process information. In particular, the algorithm was able to determine locations and shapes of defects in fibre preforms. This outcome is important for making non-destructive evaluation (NDE) of composites faster and more robust, which in turn can deliver more reliable and cheaper manufacturing of composites. The project also demonstrated feasibility of an Active Control System (ACS) based on the BIA to ensure that the RTM process satisfies one of the key requirements of the composite industry: to have repeatable production cycles. Conference Paper: 1.M.Y. Matveev, A. Endruweit, A.C. Long, M.A. Iglesias, M.V. Tretyakov "Fast algorithms for active control of mould filling in RTM process with uncertainties", Proceedings of FPCM-14, Sweden, May 2018. 2. A talk by Mikhail Matveev at the 14th International Conference on Flow Processes in Composite Materials (30/05 - 01/06, Lulea, Sweden, audience approx. 150 people) 3. A talk by Marco Iglesias (as an Invited speaker) at Workshop on Frontiers of Uncertainty Quantification 2018 (FrontUQ18, Italy) (audience approx. 40) 4. (oral and poster) presentation (Mikhail Matveev) at the Hub Open Day in July 2018 which led to a number of industry and academic interactions.
Start Year 2018
Description Active control of the RTM process under uncertainty using fast algorithms 
Organisation LMAT Ltd
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub was awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to the University of Nottingham for the six-month funded project Active control of the RTM process under uncertainty using fast algorithms'. This project has now developed into a Core project. Contributions: 1. We developed novel Bayesian Inversion algorithms for detecting defects during the RTM process using in-process data. 2. The algorithms have been tested virtually and in laboratory and we demonstrated that we can estimate location of defects of arbitrary shape including race tracking
Collaborator Contribution The project contributes to the Hub priority research theme 'Design for manufacture via validated simulation'.
Impact The project achieved two main goals. First, the feasibility study demonstrated, in virtual and lab experiments, that a novel Bayesian Inversion algorithm (BIA) can successfully estimate local permeability and porosity of a preform using in-process information. In particular, the algorithm was able to determine locations and shapes of defects in fibre preforms. This outcome is important for making non-destructive evaluation (NDE) of composites faster and more robust, which in turn can deliver more reliable and cheaper manufacturing of composites. The project also demonstrated feasibility of an Active Control System (ACS) based on the BIA to ensure that the RTM process satisfies one of the key requirements of the composite industry: to have repeatable production cycles. Conference Paper: 1.M.Y. Matveev, A. Endruweit, A.C. Long, M.A. Iglesias, M.V. Tretyakov "Fast algorithms for active control of mould filling in RTM process with uncertainties", Proceedings of FPCM-14, Sweden, May 2018. 2. A talk by Mikhail Matveev at the 14th International Conference on Flow Processes in Composite Materials (30/05 - 01/06, Lulea, Sweden, audience approx. 150 people) 3. A talk by Marco Iglesias (as an Invited speaker) at Workshop on Frontiers of Uncertainty Quantification 2018 (FrontUQ18, Italy) (audience approx. 40) 4. (oral and poster) presentation (Mikhail Matveev) at the Hub Open Day in July 2018 which led to a number of industry and academic interactions.
Start Year 2018
Description Active control of the RTM process under uncertainty using fast algorithms 
Organisation National Composites Centre (NCC)
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub was awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to the University of Nottingham for the six-month funded project Active control of the RTM process under uncertainty using fast algorithms'. This project has now developed into a Core project. Contributions: 1. We developed novel Bayesian Inversion algorithms for detecting defects during the RTM process using in-process data. 2. The algorithms have been tested virtually and in laboratory and we demonstrated that we can estimate location of defects of arbitrary shape including race tracking
Collaborator Contribution The project contributes to the Hub priority research theme 'Design for manufacture via validated simulation'.
Impact The project achieved two main goals. First, the feasibility study demonstrated, in virtual and lab experiments, that a novel Bayesian Inversion algorithm (BIA) can successfully estimate local permeability and porosity of a preform using in-process information. In particular, the algorithm was able to determine locations and shapes of defects in fibre preforms. This outcome is important for making non-destructive evaluation (NDE) of composites faster and more robust, which in turn can deliver more reliable and cheaper manufacturing of composites. The project also demonstrated feasibility of an Active Control System (ACS) based on the BIA to ensure that the RTM process satisfies one of the key requirements of the composite industry: to have repeatable production cycles. Conference Paper: 1.M.Y. Matveev, A. Endruweit, A.C. Long, M.A. Iglesias, M.V. Tretyakov "Fast algorithms for active control of mould filling in RTM process with uncertainties", Proceedings of FPCM-14, Sweden, May 2018. 2. A talk by Mikhail Matveev at the 14th International Conference on Flow Processes in Composite Materials (30/05 - 01/06, Lulea, Sweden, audience approx. 150 people) 3. A talk by Marco Iglesias (as an Invited speaker) at Workshop on Frontiers of Uncertainty Quantification 2018 (FrontUQ18, Italy) (audience approx. 40) 4. (oral and poster) presentation (Mikhail Matveev) at the Hub Open Day in July 2018 which led to a number of industry and academic interactions.
Start Year 2018
Description Active control of the RTM process under uncertainty using fast algorithms 
Organisation University of Nottingham
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub was awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to the University of Nottingham for the six-month funded project Active control of the RTM process under uncertainty using fast algorithms'. This project has now developed into a Core project. Contributions: 1. We developed novel Bayesian Inversion algorithms for detecting defects during the RTM process using in-process data. 2. The algorithms have been tested virtually and in laboratory and we demonstrated that we can estimate location of defects of arbitrary shape including race tracking
Collaborator Contribution The project contributes to the Hub priority research theme 'Design for manufacture via validated simulation'.
Impact The project achieved two main goals. First, the feasibility study demonstrated, in virtual and lab experiments, that a novel Bayesian Inversion algorithm (BIA) can successfully estimate local permeability and porosity of a preform using in-process information. In particular, the algorithm was able to determine locations and shapes of defects in fibre preforms. This outcome is important for making non-destructive evaluation (NDE) of composites faster and more robust, which in turn can deliver more reliable and cheaper manufacturing of composites. The project also demonstrated feasibility of an Active Control System (ACS) based on the BIA to ensure that the RTM process satisfies one of the key requirements of the composite industry: to have repeatable production cycles. Conference Paper: 1.M.Y. Matveev, A. Endruweit, A.C. Long, M.A. Iglesias, M.V. Tretyakov "Fast algorithms for active control of mould filling in RTM process with uncertainties", Proceedings of FPCM-14, Sweden, May 2018. 2. A talk by Mikhail Matveev at the 14th International Conference on Flow Processes in Composite Materials (30/05 - 01/06, Lulea, Sweden, audience approx. 150 people) 3. A talk by Marco Iglesias (as an Invited speaker) at Workshop on Frontiers of Uncertainty Quantification 2018 (FrontUQ18, Italy) (audience approx. 40) 4. (oral and poster) presentation (Mikhail Matveev) at the Hub Open Day in July 2018 which led to a number of industry and academic interactions.
Start Year 2018
Description Additively Manufactured Cure Tooling (ADDCUR) 
Organisation Airbus Group
Country France 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to The University of Bristol for the six-month project 'Additively Manufactured Cure Tooling (ADDCUR)'. This project has demonstrated potential to control composite curing with AM tooling to a level that is unachievable by conventional machining methods. A design for AM workflow was defined linking together, simulation, design and manufacture specially for the generation of tailored AM composite cure tooling.
Collaborator Contribution The partners contributed expertise and intellect as well as access to facilities.
Impact While tooling has been identified as a priority to help the UK develop capability to digitally design and deliver future composite products, further challenges need to be overcome. Some non-exhaustive topics include: dimensional stability, size of mould tool, tessellation and joining of different tooling segments, lead-times, and in-process monitoring and control of temperature. Developing these approaches could have significant impacts on the UK mould tooling and composites sector. We are working with one of our partners to explore some of these concepts.
Start Year 2022
Description Additively Manufactured Cure Tooling (ADDCUR) 
Organisation GKN
Department GKN Aerospace
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to The University of Bristol for the six-month project 'Additively Manufactured Cure Tooling (ADDCUR)'. This project has demonstrated potential to control composite curing with AM tooling to a level that is unachievable by conventional machining methods. A design for AM workflow was defined linking together, simulation, design and manufacture specially for the generation of tailored AM composite cure tooling.
Collaborator Contribution The partners contributed expertise and intellect as well as access to facilities.
Impact While tooling has been identified as a priority to help the UK develop capability to digitally design and deliver future composite products, further challenges need to be overcome. Some non-exhaustive topics include: dimensional stability, size of mould tool, tessellation and joining of different tooling segments, lead-times, and in-process monitoring and control of temperature. Developing these approaches could have significant impacts on the UK mould tooling and composites sector. We are working with one of our partners to explore some of these concepts.
Start Year 2022
Description Additively Manufactured Cure Tooling (ADDCUR) 
Organisation LMAT Ltd
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to The University of Bristol for the six-month project 'Additively Manufactured Cure Tooling (ADDCUR)'. This project has demonstrated potential to control composite curing with AM tooling to a level that is unachievable by conventional machining methods. A design for AM workflow was defined linking together, simulation, design and manufacture specially for the generation of tailored AM composite cure tooling.
Collaborator Contribution The partners contributed expertise and intellect as well as access to facilities.
Impact While tooling has been identified as a priority to help the UK develop capability to digitally design and deliver future composite products, further challenges need to be overcome. Some non-exhaustive topics include: dimensional stability, size of mould tool, tessellation and joining of different tooling segments, lead-times, and in-process monitoring and control of temperature. Developing these approaches could have significant impacts on the UK mould tooling and composites sector. We are working with one of our partners to explore some of these concepts.
Start Year 2022
Description Additively Manufactured Cure Tooling (ADDCUR) 
Organisation National Composites Centre (NCC)
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to The University of Bristol for the six-month project 'Additively Manufactured Cure Tooling (ADDCUR)'. This project has demonstrated potential to control composite curing with AM tooling to a level that is unachievable by conventional machining methods. A design for AM workflow was defined linking together, simulation, design and manufacture specially for the generation of tailored AM composite cure tooling.
Collaborator Contribution The partners contributed expertise and intellect as well as access to facilities.
Impact While tooling has been identified as a priority to help the UK develop capability to digitally design and deliver future composite products, further challenges need to be overcome. Some non-exhaustive topics include: dimensional stability, size of mould tool, tessellation and joining of different tooling segments, lead-times, and in-process monitoring and control of temperature. Developing these approaches could have significant impacts on the UK mould tooling and composites sector. We are working with one of our partners to explore some of these concepts.
Start Year 2022
Description Additively Manufactured Cure Tooling (ADDCUR) 
Organisation Rolls Royce Group Plc
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to The University of Bristol for the six-month project 'Additively Manufactured Cure Tooling (ADDCUR)'. This project has demonstrated potential to control composite curing with AM tooling to a level that is unachievable by conventional machining methods. A design for AM workflow was defined linking together, simulation, design and manufacture specially for the generation of tailored AM composite cure tooling.
Collaborator Contribution The partners contributed expertise and intellect as well as access to facilities.
Impact While tooling has been identified as a priority to help the UK develop capability to digitally design and deliver future composite products, further challenges need to be overcome. Some non-exhaustive topics include: dimensional stability, size of mould tool, tessellation and joining of different tooling segments, lead-times, and in-process monitoring and control of temperature. Developing these approaches could have significant impacts on the UK mould tooling and composites sector. We are working with one of our partners to explore some of these concepts.
Start Year 2022
Description Additively Manufactured Cure Tooling (ADDCUR) 
Organisation Surface Generation
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to The University of Bristol for the six-month project 'Additively Manufactured Cure Tooling (ADDCUR)'. This project has demonstrated potential to control composite curing with AM tooling to a level that is unachievable by conventional machining methods. A design for AM workflow was defined linking together, simulation, design and manufacture specially for the generation of tailored AM composite cure tooling.
Collaborator Contribution The partners contributed expertise and intellect as well as access to facilities.
Impact While tooling has been identified as a priority to help the UK develop capability to digitally design and deliver future composite products, further challenges need to be overcome. Some non-exhaustive topics include: dimensional stability, size of mould tool, tessellation and joining of different tooling segments, lead-times, and in-process monitoring and control of temperature. Developing these approaches could have significant impacts on the UK mould tooling and composites sector. We are working with one of our partners to explore some of these concepts.
Start Year 2022
Description Additively Manufactured Cure Tooling (ADDCUR) 
Organisation University of Bristol
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to The University of Bristol for the six-month project 'Additively Manufactured Cure Tooling (ADDCUR)'. This project has demonstrated potential to control composite curing with AM tooling to a level that is unachievable by conventional machining methods. A design for AM workflow was defined linking together, simulation, design and manufacture specially for the generation of tailored AM composite cure tooling.
Collaborator Contribution The partners contributed expertise and intellect as well as access to facilities.
Impact While tooling has been identified as a priority to help the UK develop capability to digitally design and deliver future composite products, further challenges need to be overcome. Some non-exhaustive topics include: dimensional stability, size of mould tool, tessellation and joining of different tooling segments, lead-times, and in-process monitoring and control of temperature. Developing these approaches could have significant impacts on the UK mould tooling and composites sector. We are working with one of our partners to explore some of these concepts.
Start Year 2022
Description An innovative approach to manufacturing closed-section composite profiles 
Organisation Gordon Murray Design Ltd
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to The University of Nottingham for the six-month project ' An innovative approach to manufacturing closed-section composite profiles '. Contributions: 1. A novel and feasible manufacturing technique to produce complex tubular composites by post-forming braided sleeves, which is promising to offer a step change in manufacturing rate 2. A numerical model to simulate braiding process based on FE method, enabling to design the braiding process and predict the production quality 3. An explicit FE model to simulate forming braids, suitable for process design 4. An excellent extension to the capability of braiding process by post-forming in producing concave features and axial curvatures 5. A feasible solution to manufacture an automotive cant rail
Collaborator Contribution During the project, technical meetings were arranged with Andy Smith from Gordon Murray Design to discuss the up-to-date progress and the working plan in the next step. This really helps to understand the need directly for one of the UK automotive OEMs, which ensures a practical manufacturing solution for industry uptake.
Impact Journal Papers: 1. Chen S, McGregor O P L, Endruweit A, Harper L T, Warrior N A. Simulation of the forming process for curved composite sandwich panels [J]. International Journal of Material Forming, 2019: 1-14. 2. F. Yu, S. Chen, J.V. Viisainen, M.P.F. Sutcliffe, L.T. Harper, N.A. Warrior, A macroscale finite element approach for simulating the bending behaviour of biaxial fabrics, Composites Science and Technology, Volume 191, 2020. Conference Papers: 1. Chen S, McGregor O PL, Endruweit A, Harper L T, Warrior N A. Finite element forming simulation of complex composite sandwich panels [C], in 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials, 2019. 2. Yu F, Chen S, Harper L T, Warrior N A. Finite element modelling of bi-axial fabric with considering bending stiffness for composites preforming [C], in 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials, 2019.
Start Year 2019
Description An innovative approach to manufacturing closed-section composite profiles 
Organisation University of Nottingham
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to The University of Nottingham for the six-month project ' An innovative approach to manufacturing closed-section composite profiles '. Contributions: 1. A novel and feasible manufacturing technique to produce complex tubular composites by post-forming braided sleeves, which is promising to offer a step change in manufacturing rate 2. A numerical model to simulate braiding process based on FE method, enabling to design the braiding process and predict the production quality 3. An explicit FE model to simulate forming braids, suitable for process design 4. An excellent extension to the capability of braiding process by post-forming in producing concave features and axial curvatures 5. A feasible solution to manufacture an automotive cant rail
Collaborator Contribution During the project, technical meetings were arranged with Andy Smith from Gordon Murray Design to discuss the up-to-date progress and the working plan in the next step. This really helps to understand the need directly for one of the UK automotive OEMs, which ensures a practical manufacturing solution for industry uptake.
Impact Journal Papers: 1. Chen S, McGregor O P L, Endruweit A, Harper L T, Warrior N A. Simulation of the forming process for curved composite sandwich panels [J]. International Journal of Material Forming, 2019: 1-14. 2. F. Yu, S. Chen, J.V. Viisainen, M.P.F. Sutcliffe, L.T. Harper, N.A. Warrior, A macroscale finite element approach for simulating the bending behaviour of biaxial fabrics, Composites Science and Technology, Volume 191, 2020. Conference Papers: 1. Chen S, McGregor O PL, Endruweit A, Harper L T, Warrior N A. Finite element forming simulation of complex composite sandwich panels [C], in 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials, 2019. 2. Yu F, Chen S, Harper L T, Warrior N A. Finite element modelling of bi-axial fabric with considering bending stiffness for composites preforming [C], in 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials, 2019.
Start Year 2019
Description COMPrinting: Novel 3D Printing of Curved Continuous Carbon Fibre Reinforced Powder-based Epoxy Composites 
Organisation FreiLacke
Country Germany 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to The University of Edinburgh for the six-month project ' COMPrinting: Novel 3D Printing of Curved Continuous Carbon Fibre Reinforced Powder-based Epoxy Composites'. The project team made the following contributions: 1. A specially designed printer nozzle has been machined using CNC. 2. Recruitment for a 6 month RA for this project has been started. 3. Colin Robert and Dongmin has started to modify the existing tapeline for fabricating printing filament. The project team met the following aims and objectives: a) Modification of an existing towpregging tapeline for producing low-cost carbon fibre reinforced powder-based epoxy filament (1 to 3k tows, fibre Vf up to 65%) with a low viscosity and high deposition rate for use on FFF 3D printers. This project will increase the versatility of this manufacturing method, to bring forward a faster, more controlled and optimised way to manufacture composites. b) Design and manufacturing a novel printer nozzle with a rectangular cross-section at the outlet (To enable better compression of fibres and modifying a FFF printer head to enable up to 180° rotation to minimise fibre twisting and misalignment when turning). c) 3D printing powder-based epoxy composites with identified performance-driven curved continuous fibre paths (that are demonstrated in our previous numerical study, followed by vacuum bagging and curing in oven). d) Testing and characterisation of the printed composites (using digital image correlation (DIC), SEM as well as X-Ray µCT to evaluate the printing quality and elucidate the failure mechanisms of the printed composites with identified curved continuous carbon fibres).
Collaborator Contribution The Industrial partner Freilacke delivered the Epoxy powders.
Impact The project was multi-disciplinary as it was linked with an Edinburgh-Ulster synergy grant to inject short fibre thermoplastic into the 3D printed composite preforms so as to stabilise the curved fibres and keep them in the identified loading paths. There has also been a new collaboration between the PI and the HiPerDif team in Bristol composites group. PI has agreed to trial the rotational printing system to print Bristol's discontinuous long fibres and improve the fibre alignment. The next step is to develop a more robust dual-polymer (or multiple-polymer) printing system where two (or more) printer nozzles can be used for different regions of a composite part in a single step printing process. A robotic arm has been purchased using PI's other funding and it would be nice to scale up this technology using collaborative robotic arms. This would complement the current AFP/ATP technology and enable the manufacturing of composites with ultra-lightweight, more highly complex shapes and smart multi-functions by using smaller fibre tows and multiple material deposition. There has been output in the form of a journal publication -
Start Year 2020
Description COMPrinting: Novel 3D Printing of Curved Continuous Carbon Fibre Reinforced Powder-based Epoxy Composites 
Organisation University of Edinburgh
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to The University of Edinburgh for the six-month project ' COMPrinting: Novel 3D Printing of Curved Continuous Carbon Fibre Reinforced Powder-based Epoxy Composites'. The project team made the following contributions: 1. A specially designed printer nozzle has been machined using CNC. 2. Recruitment for a 6 month RA for this project has been started. 3. Colin Robert and Dongmin has started to modify the existing tapeline for fabricating printing filament. The project team met the following aims and objectives: a) Modification of an existing towpregging tapeline for producing low-cost carbon fibre reinforced powder-based epoxy filament (1 to 3k tows, fibre Vf up to 65%) with a low viscosity and high deposition rate for use on FFF 3D printers. This project will increase the versatility of this manufacturing method, to bring forward a faster, more controlled and optimised way to manufacture composites. b) Design and manufacturing a novel printer nozzle with a rectangular cross-section at the outlet (To enable better compression of fibres and modifying a FFF printer head to enable up to 180° rotation to minimise fibre twisting and misalignment when turning). c) 3D printing powder-based epoxy composites with identified performance-driven curved continuous fibre paths (that are demonstrated in our previous numerical study, followed by vacuum bagging and curing in oven). d) Testing and characterisation of the printed composites (using digital image correlation (DIC), SEM as well as X-Ray µCT to evaluate the printing quality and elucidate the failure mechanisms of the printed composites with identified curved continuous carbon fibres).
Collaborator Contribution The Industrial partner Freilacke delivered the Epoxy powders.
Impact The project was multi-disciplinary as it was linked with an Edinburgh-Ulster synergy grant to inject short fibre thermoplastic into the 3D printed composite preforms so as to stabilise the curved fibres and keep them in the identified loading paths. There has also been a new collaboration between the PI and the HiPerDif team in Bristol composites group. PI has agreed to trial the rotational printing system to print Bristol's discontinuous long fibres and improve the fibre alignment. The next step is to develop a more robust dual-polymer (or multiple-polymer) printing system where two (or more) printer nozzles can be used for different regions of a composite part in a single step printing process. A robotic arm has been purchased using PI's other funding and it would be nice to scale up this technology using collaborative robotic arms. This would complement the current AFP/ATP technology and enable the manufacturing of composites with ultra-lightweight, more highly complex shapes and smart multi-functions by using smaller fibre tows and multiple material deposition. There has been output in the form of a journal publication -
Start Year 2020
Description Can a composite forming limit diagram be constructed? 
Organisation Dassault Systemes UK Ltd
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to the University of Cambridge for the six-month funded project 'Can a composite forming limit diagram be constructed?'. This has now developed into a Core Project named 'Design simulation tools and process improvements for NCF preforming' commencing in 2020.
Collaborator Contribution The project contributes to the Hub priority research theme 'Design for manufacture via validated simulation'. The aim of the project is to demonstrate the feasibility of developing a forming limit diagram for textile composites, capturing the limits imposed by defects such as macro-wrinkling, tow level buckling and yarn sliding. March 2018 - Hexcel supplied £2000 worth of material February 2019 - Hexcel supplied £3000 worth of material 2018-2019 - Hexcel and Dassault Systèmes provided £3000 worth of advice each
Impact A successful output has been that we have been able to develop a technique to measure wrinkle formation effectively while forming, which will form the basis of a tool to understand how to avoid these defects. The feasibility study has demonstrated that an experimental set-up using digital image correlation is able to provide data correlating fabric deformation with wrinkling. The strain measurements can be manipulated to find strains in critical directions, for example along the tows or in the direction of maximum compressive strain. For the NCF fabric considered, there does not appear to be a simple correlation between the observed strains and the onset of wrinkling. While the experimental work provides the tools to explore wrinkle development, meso-scale architecture-based FE modelling will be needed to guide a wrinkling criterion which can be used in conjunction with these measurements. .In summary the proposed hybrid approach, of using experimental characterisation in conjunction with a simple FE model, shows considerable promise as a way of defining the forming limits for composite fabrics. Further work is needed, particularly on extending the range of deformation processes and understanding better the link between changes in tow architecture and wrinkling. The key objectives of the project were to: 1. Use existing measurements of wrinkle formation in woven and NCF fabrics to develop a preliminary forming limit diagram; The project has successfully developed measurement techniques in order to allow development of a preliminary forming limit diagram. Difficulties in identifying appropriate failure criteria highlight the need for a better micromechanical model of wrinkling to inform the forming limit diagram development. A process-specific forming limit diagram has been produced, which can form the basis for a proposed hybrid experimental and modelling approach to FLD development. 2. Extend the range of test configurations to explore the generality of the derived forming limit diagrams; Only preliminary work has been done in this area, due to the challenges of developing the forming limit diagram. However the FE model has successfully been applied to other test configurations, albeit without validation. 3. Examine the feasibility of using a range of canonical finite element calculations to interpolate and extrapolate the forming limit diagram from a limited set of tests; This objective has not been met, with the focus of research remaining on the first objective 4. Use the results to inform a full-scale proposal which will develop the concept of forming limit diagrams to include a wider range of materials and forming situations. The feasibility study has successfully identified an experimental route to forming limit diagram measurements, highlighting deficiencies in our understanding of wrinkling which need to be tackled to develop the concept further. Hence this key objective, of informing a full-scale proposal, has been met. Dr Zhou and Mr Viisainen have benefited from training in research methods associated with experimental and modelling of composites.
Start Year 2017
Description Can a composite forming limit diagram be constructed? 
Organisation Hexcel Composites Ltd
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to the University of Cambridge for the six-month funded project 'Can a composite forming limit diagram be constructed?'. This has now developed into a Core Project named 'Design simulation tools and process improvements for NCF preforming' commencing in 2020.
Collaborator Contribution The project contributes to the Hub priority research theme 'Design for manufacture via validated simulation'. The aim of the project is to demonstrate the feasibility of developing a forming limit diagram for textile composites, capturing the limits imposed by defects such as macro-wrinkling, tow level buckling and yarn sliding. March 2018 - Hexcel supplied £2000 worth of material February 2019 - Hexcel supplied £3000 worth of material 2018-2019 - Hexcel and Dassault Systèmes provided £3000 worth of advice each
Impact A successful output has been that we have been able to develop a technique to measure wrinkle formation effectively while forming, which will form the basis of a tool to understand how to avoid these defects. The feasibility study has demonstrated that an experimental set-up using digital image correlation is able to provide data correlating fabric deformation with wrinkling. The strain measurements can be manipulated to find strains in critical directions, for example along the tows or in the direction of maximum compressive strain. For the NCF fabric considered, there does not appear to be a simple correlation between the observed strains and the onset of wrinkling. While the experimental work provides the tools to explore wrinkle development, meso-scale architecture-based FE modelling will be needed to guide a wrinkling criterion which can be used in conjunction with these measurements. .In summary the proposed hybrid approach, of using experimental characterisation in conjunction with a simple FE model, shows considerable promise as a way of defining the forming limits for composite fabrics. Further work is needed, particularly on extending the range of deformation processes and understanding better the link between changes in tow architecture and wrinkling. The key objectives of the project were to: 1. Use existing measurements of wrinkle formation in woven and NCF fabrics to develop a preliminary forming limit diagram; The project has successfully developed measurement techniques in order to allow development of a preliminary forming limit diagram. Difficulties in identifying appropriate failure criteria highlight the need for a better micromechanical model of wrinkling to inform the forming limit diagram development. A process-specific forming limit diagram has been produced, which can form the basis for a proposed hybrid experimental and modelling approach to FLD development. 2. Extend the range of test configurations to explore the generality of the derived forming limit diagrams; Only preliminary work has been done in this area, due to the challenges of developing the forming limit diagram. However the FE model has successfully been applied to other test configurations, albeit without validation. 3. Examine the feasibility of using a range of canonical finite element calculations to interpolate and extrapolate the forming limit diagram from a limited set of tests; This objective has not been met, with the focus of research remaining on the first objective 4. Use the results to inform a full-scale proposal which will develop the concept of forming limit diagrams to include a wider range of materials and forming situations. The feasibility study has successfully identified an experimental route to forming limit diagram measurements, highlighting deficiencies in our understanding of wrinkling which need to be tackled to develop the concept further. Hence this key objective, of informing a full-scale proposal, has been met. Dr Zhou and Mr Viisainen have benefited from training in research methods associated with experimental and modelling of composites.
Start Year 2017
Description Can a composite forming limit diagram be constructed? 
Organisation University of Cambridge
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to the University of Cambridge for the six-month funded project 'Can a composite forming limit diagram be constructed?'. This has now developed into a Core Project named 'Design simulation tools and process improvements for NCF preforming' commencing in 2020.
Collaborator Contribution The project contributes to the Hub priority research theme 'Design for manufacture via validated simulation'. The aim of the project is to demonstrate the feasibility of developing a forming limit diagram for textile composites, capturing the limits imposed by defects such as macro-wrinkling, tow level buckling and yarn sliding. March 2018 - Hexcel supplied £2000 worth of material February 2019 - Hexcel supplied £3000 worth of material 2018-2019 - Hexcel and Dassault Systèmes provided £3000 worth of advice each
Impact A successful output has been that we have been able to develop a technique to measure wrinkle formation effectively while forming, which will form the basis of a tool to understand how to avoid these defects. The feasibility study has demonstrated that an experimental set-up using digital image correlation is able to provide data correlating fabric deformation with wrinkling. The strain measurements can be manipulated to find strains in critical directions, for example along the tows or in the direction of maximum compressive strain. For the NCF fabric considered, there does not appear to be a simple correlation between the observed strains and the onset of wrinkling. While the experimental work provides the tools to explore wrinkle development, meso-scale architecture-based FE modelling will be needed to guide a wrinkling criterion which can be used in conjunction with these measurements. .In summary the proposed hybrid approach, of using experimental characterisation in conjunction with a simple FE model, shows considerable promise as a way of defining the forming limits for composite fabrics. Further work is needed, particularly on extending the range of deformation processes and understanding better the link between changes in tow architecture and wrinkling. The key objectives of the project were to: 1. Use existing measurements of wrinkle formation in woven and NCF fabrics to develop a preliminary forming limit diagram; The project has successfully developed measurement techniques in order to allow development of a preliminary forming limit diagram. Difficulties in identifying appropriate failure criteria highlight the need for a better micromechanical model of wrinkling to inform the forming limit diagram development. A process-specific forming limit diagram has been produced, which can form the basis for a proposed hybrid experimental and modelling approach to FLD development. 2. Extend the range of test configurations to explore the generality of the derived forming limit diagrams; Only preliminary work has been done in this area, due to the challenges of developing the forming limit diagram. However the FE model has successfully been applied to other test configurations, albeit without validation. 3. Examine the feasibility of using a range of canonical finite element calculations to interpolate and extrapolate the forming limit diagram from a limited set of tests; This objective has not been met, with the focus of research remaining on the first objective 4. Use the results to inform a full-scale proposal which will develop the concept of forming limit diagrams to include a wider range of materials and forming situations. The feasibility study has successfully identified an experimental route to forming limit diagram measurements, highlighting deficiencies in our understanding of wrinkling which need to be tackled to develop the concept further. Hence this key objective, of informing a full-scale proposal, has been met. Dr Zhou and Mr Viisainen have benefited from training in research methods associated with experimental and modelling of composites.
Start Year 2017
Description Can a composite forming limit diagram be constructed? 
Organisation University of Nottingham
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to the University of Cambridge for the six-month funded project 'Can a composite forming limit diagram be constructed?'. This has now developed into a Core Project named 'Design simulation tools and process improvements for NCF preforming' commencing in 2020.
Collaborator Contribution The project contributes to the Hub priority research theme 'Design for manufacture via validated simulation'. The aim of the project is to demonstrate the feasibility of developing a forming limit diagram for textile composites, capturing the limits imposed by defects such as macro-wrinkling, tow level buckling and yarn sliding. March 2018 - Hexcel supplied £2000 worth of material February 2019 - Hexcel supplied £3000 worth of material 2018-2019 - Hexcel and Dassault Systèmes provided £3000 worth of advice each
Impact A successful output has been that we have been able to develop a technique to measure wrinkle formation effectively while forming, which will form the basis of a tool to understand how to avoid these defects. The feasibility study has demonstrated that an experimental set-up using digital image correlation is able to provide data correlating fabric deformation with wrinkling. The strain measurements can be manipulated to find strains in critical directions, for example along the tows or in the direction of maximum compressive strain. For the NCF fabric considered, there does not appear to be a simple correlation between the observed strains and the onset of wrinkling. While the experimental work provides the tools to explore wrinkle development, meso-scale architecture-based FE modelling will be needed to guide a wrinkling criterion which can be used in conjunction with these measurements. .In summary the proposed hybrid approach, of using experimental characterisation in conjunction with a simple FE model, shows considerable promise as a way of defining the forming limits for composite fabrics. Further work is needed, particularly on extending the range of deformation processes and understanding better the link between changes in tow architecture and wrinkling. The key objectives of the project were to: 1. Use existing measurements of wrinkle formation in woven and NCF fabrics to develop a preliminary forming limit diagram; The project has successfully developed measurement techniques in order to allow development of a preliminary forming limit diagram. Difficulties in identifying appropriate failure criteria highlight the need for a better micromechanical model of wrinkling to inform the forming limit diagram development. A process-specific forming limit diagram has been produced, which can form the basis for a proposed hybrid experimental and modelling approach to FLD development. 2. Extend the range of test configurations to explore the generality of the derived forming limit diagrams; Only preliminary work has been done in this area, due to the challenges of developing the forming limit diagram. However the FE model has successfully been applied to other test configurations, albeit without validation. 3. Examine the feasibility of using a range of canonical finite element calculations to interpolate and extrapolate the forming limit diagram from a limited set of tests; This objective has not been met, with the focus of research remaining on the first objective 4. Use the results to inform a full-scale proposal which will develop the concept of forming limit diagrams to include a wider range of materials and forming situations. The feasibility study has successfully identified an experimental route to forming limit diagram measurements, highlighting deficiencies in our understanding of wrinkling which need to be tackled to develop the concept further. Hence this key objective, of informing a full-scale proposal, has been met. Dr Zhou and Mr Viisainen have benefited from training in research methods associated with experimental and modelling of composites.
Start Year 2017
Description Compression moulding simulation for SMC and prepreg 
Organisation Toray
Department Automotive Center Europe
Country Germany 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub funded a 2 year Innovation Fellowship with the University of Warwick in 'Compression moulding simulation for SMC and prepreg'. The following contributions have been made: 1. The project helps material suppliers to better understand the processibility of their products and identify new methods for quality 2. control. It also helps software developer to understand the capabilities and limitations of their existing process simulation products. 3. It helps part manufacturers and OEMs to better engineer their designs, although this route has not been exploited to a great depth within this project. The impact of the contributions are: 1. Sustainability. Processing of discontinuous fibre composites is an important solution to sustainable composites manufacturing, particularly in the areas of recycling and reuse, as the waste materials typically have infinite fibre lengths, meaning that they can no longer be processed using conventional forming processes. 2. Promote the application of discontinuous fibre in other industries. The application of SMC has been limited to the automotive industry for decades, and primarily for non-structural applications, due to the poor understanding in the processing behaviour and mechanical properties of the material. The methodology developed in this project and the outcomes will provide better understanding in the material, and facilitate the development of robust and reliable design tools, enabling SMC to be adopted in other applications where the design requirements are more demanding. The new Innovate UK - NATEP project aims to introduce SMC compression moulding to the aerospace industry.
Collaborator Contribution Toray AMCEU and DowAksa supplied the materials used in this project and Toray Engineering D Solutions for provided a free software license for 3D TIMON. Toray has also provided invaluable support on setting up the squeeze flow test.
Impact 1. An Innovate UK project has been secured where WMG's role is to provide material input data for commercial simulation software developers. 2. Synergy - 2 proposals were submitted for hub synergy funds and 1 was successful. The successful project was based on the current innovation fellowship project and the former core project "Compression moulding of hybrid architecture composites". 3. Engagement with HVMC (WMG) on the research project's: • Interaction with Project CHAMELEON (APC 6) and TUCANA (APC 10), • Collaboration with DowAksa (direct funded research) and Toray (in-kind contribution) 4. Publications: DOI 10.4028/p-g9s2nr / ISSN: 1662-9795 DOI 10.1080/14658011.2022.2108984 DOI 10.3390/jmmp6060151 5. Associated Research Grants Awarded: • EPSRC Metrology Hub feasibility study "Investigation of fibre content and fibre orientation distributions in compression moulded carbon fibre SMC", £50,000 • EPSRC Metrology Hub Innovation Fund "3D fibre orientation characterisation for carbon fibre composite structures with hybrid architecture using micro-CT scanning technique", £80,000 • Henry Royce Institute Summer Internship Programme "Compression moulding compound manufactured from reclaimed prepreg waste", £3,600
Start Year 2020
Description Compression moulding simulation for SMC and prepreg 
Organisation Toray
Country Japan 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub funded a 2 year Innovation Fellowship with the University of Warwick in 'Compression moulding simulation for SMC and prepreg'. The following contributions have been made: 1. The project helps material suppliers to better understand the processibility of their products and identify new methods for quality 2. control. It also helps software developer to understand the capabilities and limitations of their existing process simulation products. 3. It helps part manufacturers and OEMs to better engineer their designs, although this route has not been exploited to a great depth within this project. The impact of the contributions are: 1. Sustainability. Processing of discontinuous fibre composites is an important solution to sustainable composites manufacturing, particularly in the areas of recycling and reuse, as the waste materials typically have infinite fibre lengths, meaning that they can no longer be processed using conventional forming processes. 2. Promote the application of discontinuous fibre in other industries. The application of SMC has been limited to the automotive industry for decades, and primarily for non-structural applications, due to the poor understanding in the processing behaviour and mechanical properties of the material. The methodology developed in this project and the outcomes will provide better understanding in the material, and facilitate the development of robust and reliable design tools, enabling SMC to be adopted in other applications where the design requirements are more demanding. The new Innovate UK - NATEP project aims to introduce SMC compression moulding to the aerospace industry.
Collaborator Contribution Toray AMCEU and DowAksa supplied the materials used in this project and Toray Engineering D Solutions for provided a free software license for 3D TIMON. Toray has also provided invaluable support on setting up the squeeze flow test.
Impact 1. An Innovate UK project has been secured where WMG's role is to provide material input data for commercial simulation software developers. 2. Synergy - 2 proposals were submitted for hub synergy funds and 1 was successful. The successful project was based on the current innovation fellowship project and the former core project "Compression moulding of hybrid architecture composites". 3. Engagement with HVMC (WMG) on the research project's: • Interaction with Project CHAMELEON (APC 6) and TUCANA (APC 10), • Collaboration with DowAksa (direct funded research) and Toray (in-kind contribution) 4. Publications: DOI 10.4028/p-g9s2nr / ISSN: 1662-9795 DOI 10.1080/14658011.2022.2108984 DOI 10.3390/jmmp6060151 5. Associated Research Grants Awarded: • EPSRC Metrology Hub feasibility study "Investigation of fibre content and fibre orientation distributions in compression moulded carbon fibre SMC", £50,000 • EPSRC Metrology Hub Innovation Fund "3D fibre orientation characterisation for carbon fibre composite structures with hybrid architecture using micro-CT scanning technique", £80,000 • Henry Royce Institute Summer Internship Programme "Compression moulding compound manufactured from reclaimed prepreg waste", £3,600
Start Year 2020
Description Compression moulding simulation for SMC and prepreg 
Organisation University of Warwick
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub funded a 2 year Innovation Fellowship with the University of Warwick in 'Compression moulding simulation for SMC and prepreg'. The following contributions have been made: 1. The project helps material suppliers to better understand the processibility of their products and identify new methods for quality 2. control. It also helps software developer to understand the capabilities and limitations of their existing process simulation products. 3. It helps part manufacturers and OEMs to better engineer their designs, although this route has not been exploited to a great depth within this project. The impact of the contributions are: 1. Sustainability. Processing of discontinuous fibre composites is an important solution to sustainable composites manufacturing, particularly in the areas of recycling and reuse, as the waste materials typically have infinite fibre lengths, meaning that they can no longer be processed using conventional forming processes. 2. Promote the application of discontinuous fibre in other industries. The application of SMC has been limited to the automotive industry for decades, and primarily for non-structural applications, due to the poor understanding in the processing behaviour and mechanical properties of the material. The methodology developed in this project and the outcomes will provide better understanding in the material, and facilitate the development of robust and reliable design tools, enabling SMC to be adopted in other applications where the design requirements are more demanding. The new Innovate UK - NATEP project aims to introduce SMC compression moulding to the aerospace industry.
Collaborator Contribution Toray AMCEU and DowAksa supplied the materials used in this project and Toray Engineering D Solutions for provided a free software license for 3D TIMON. Toray has also provided invaluable support on setting up the squeeze flow test.
Impact 1. An Innovate UK project has been secured where WMG's role is to provide material input data for commercial simulation software developers. 2. Synergy - 2 proposals were submitted for hub synergy funds and 1 was successful. The successful project was based on the current innovation fellowship project and the former core project "Compression moulding of hybrid architecture composites". 3. Engagement with HVMC (WMG) on the research project's: • Interaction with Project CHAMELEON (APC 6) and TUCANA (APC 10), • Collaboration with DowAksa (direct funded research) and Toray (in-kind contribution) 4. Publications: DOI 10.4028/p-g9s2nr / ISSN: 1662-9795 DOI 10.1080/14658011.2022.2108984 DOI 10.3390/jmmp6060151 5. Associated Research Grants Awarded: • EPSRC Metrology Hub feasibility study "Investigation of fibre content and fibre orientation distributions in compression moulded carbon fibre SMC", £50,000 • EPSRC Metrology Hub Innovation Fund "3D fibre orientation characterisation for carbon fibre composite structures with hybrid architecture using micro-CT scanning technique", £80,000 • Henry Royce Institute Summer Internship Programme "Compression moulding compound manufactured from reclaimed prepreg waste", £3,600
Start Year 2020
Description Controlled Micro Integration of Through Thickness Polymeric Yarns 
Organisation Ulster University
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to Ulster University for the six-month project' Controlled Micro Integration of Through Thickness Polymeric Yarns'. Contributions: 1. Ability to produce through-thickness reinforced composites with no knock-down on in-plane properties. 2. Test results that validate the tensile properties. 3. Quality micrograph and CT images that can be used by modellers to build representative unit cell. 4. Ability to make a stabilised curved preform using the technique. 5. Ability to make a low bulk-factor preform with +- 45 deg fibres and through thickness reinforcement.
Collaborator Contribution We have had very successful interaction with the hub members and have discussed potential for robotic assistance with Michael Elkington at Bristol. Assistance has been provided by Prof. Véronique Michaud; some interesting results were provided for comparison.
Impact -Presented at Advanced Engineering 2019 -Abstract accepted for ICCS23 and Mechcomp6. Journal paper to follow.
Start Year 2019
Description Design simulation tools and process improvements for NCF preforming 
Organisation Dassault Systemes UK Ltd
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The research team have made the following contributions: 1) Two process improvements have successfully improved the formability of biaxial NCFs: the modification of inter-ply friction by local lubrication and the removal of intra-ply stitches to minimise the local shear angle across the surface of the ply. 2) Numerical tools have been developed to enable the design and forming of large industrial structures with greater confidence. A multi-scale finite element model was designed to efficiently identify critical small defects developed in large structures during forming. The experimentally-validated numerical results were used to validate novel analytical and optimisation methods that facilitate rapid design changes. - Developing design simulation tools and process improvements will provide a step-change in the manufacturing of NCF preforms which fits with the Hub research theme: Design for manufacturing via validated simulation. 3) The fundamental science of fabric deformation during forming processes was advanced for uniaxial and biaxial NCF materials applied to automotive and aerospace components.- Two wrinkling mechanisms were discovered: via shear lockup and via compression. The macroscale shear wrinkling was triggered by the in-plane compressive forces generated from the pressure between adjacent parallel tows. The macroscale non-shear wrinkling, observed in the area of positive shear strains, was instead generated by lateral compression as shearing was restricted to a minimum by the stitching. 4) Three numerical forming tools were developed to efficiently predict the manufacturing defects generated during the DDF of dry fabrics. - For the optimisation of the component geometry, a less computationally demanding tool was created. A machine learning-based model was developed to provide rapid predictions of the location and severity of wrinkling defects during the DDF of large NCF preforms. In addition, an analytical tool based on the eigenvectors of lamina stiffness matrices was developed to rapidly calculate the ply compatibility in complex NCF multi-layer layups. 5) To improve the quality of NCF preforms and to reduce the forming forces during the DDF process, a range of process developments were proposed to industrial partners.- A local intra-ply stitch removal method showed improvement in the formability of pillar-stitched biaxial NCFs. A genetic algorithm coupled with a finite element model was implemented to identify the optimised stitch pattern that can reduce the local shear angle while minimising the total stitch removal area. In addition to eliminating macro-scale wrinkling, the optimum local stitch removal pattern produced a more balanced global material draw-in. Therefore, the stitch removal was not limited to the over-sheared regions, suggesting the optimum pattern to be non-intuitive. 6) The friction modification methodology was also successfully applied to an automotive seatback geometry. Although all the out-of-plane wrinkles could be eliminated, in-plane waviness could not be mitigated.
Collaborator Contribution Regular meetings with the industrial collaborators have been key to shaping the feasibility studies and main bid. The industry requirements for user-friendly tools for design of manufacturing are a priority for this project. But at the same time we feel that the objective of Universities is to develop the underpinning science. So our bid has combined these two elements. The details of the choices of manufacturing routes and materials have also been strongly influenced by the experience and wisdom of our collaborative colleagues. All partner companies (listed above) have attended ten 3-monthly project meetings (estimated contribution £1,000 x 10 x 4 = £40k). Additionally Hexcel have provided in-kind contributions in the form of materials (estimated contribution £10k). A Technology Pull-Through project has been awarded at the NCC, to help accelerate the research to higher levels of technology readiness (TRL).
Impact Output in the form of book chapters x2 within :ISBN: 9780128191606 Output in the form of Journal Publications: DOI:10.1016/j.compscitech.2020.108078 DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2021.106308 DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2020.106248 DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2021.106457 DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesb.2021.109464 DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2021.106611 DOI:10.1016/j.compositesa.2021.106536 DOI:10.1016/j.compositesb.2023.110536 DOI:10.1177/00219983221103637 DOI:10.1016/j.coco.2022.101107 DOI:10.1016/j.compositesa.2023.107426 DOI:10.1016/j.compositesb.2023.110590 Output in the form of Conference Publications: 1. Chen, S., McGregor, O., Endruweit, A., Harper, L., Warrior, N., Finite element forming simulation of complex composite sandwich panels, ICCM22, Melbourne, Australia, August 2019 2. V. Viisainen, J. Zhou, M.P.F. Sutcliffe. Development of a composite forming limit diaphragm: A feasibility study. 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM22), Melbourne, Australia, August 2019 3. J V Viisainen, F Yu, A Codolini, S Chen, L T Harper, M P F Sutcliffe, 'A Deep Learning Surrogate Model For Rapid Prediction Of Geometry-induced Wrinkles In Fabric Preforming', in ICMAC21, Online (2021) 4. A Codolini, J V Viisainen, F Yu, S Chen, L T Harper, M P F Sutcliffe, 'Numerical Assessment of Variability in Double Diaphragm Forming of Non-Crimp Fabric Preforms', in ICMAC21, Online (2021) 5. S Chen, A M Joesbury, F Yu, L T Harper, N A Warrior, 'Local Intra-Ply Stitch Removal for Improved Formability of Biaxial Non-Crimp Fabrics', in ICMAC21, Online (2021) 6. F Yu, S Chen, L T Harper, N A Warrior, 'Double Diaphragm Forming Simulation using a Multi-Resolution Modelling Strategy for Defect Detection in Complex Structures', in ICMAC 21, Online (2021) 7. A Codolini, M P F Sutcliffe, 'Influence of tool orientation on the drapeability of unidirectional non-crimp fabrics', in ACM5, Bristol, UK (2022) 8. C Aza, R Butler, E G Loukaides, A T Rhead, 'Fibre length effect on the design of formable laminates for complex geometries', in ACM5, Bristol, UK (2022) 9. G.D. Lawrence, S. Chen, N.A. Warrior, L.T. Harper, 'Inter-Ply frictional behaviour of a dry biaxial non-crimp fabric during semi-automated preforming', in ACM5, Bristol, UK (2022) 10. F Yu, X Chen, S Chen, L T Harper, 'Numerical Study on the Formation of Defects During Double Diaphragm Forming Using a Biaxial Non-crimp Fabric', 10th Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics Youth Forum, China, January 2023 Associated Research Grant Outcomes: 1. 2019-2020, JV Viisainen and MPF Sutcliffe, Cimcomp EPSRC Hub (£5k). Development of a loading rig to characterise the wrinkling of fabrics under combined tension and shear. 2.2021 - 2025 - Made Smarter Innovation - Materials Made Smarter Research Centre (£4.049m), EP/V061798/1. 3. 2022-2023, LT Harper, S Chen, NCC Technology Pull Through Programme (£132k), Global to local modelling for forming-related defect detection in aerospace parts. 4. 2022-2023, A Codolini, International Exchange Programme, CIMComp EPSRC Hub (£5k). Characterisation of the mechanical properties of unidirectional non-crimp fabrics using the multi-load test rig at the University of British Columbia. 5. 2023, G Lawrence and LT Harper, Royce@Cambridge (£5k) to access 3D X-Ray CT scanning machine at the Henry Royce Institute to investigate the inter-ply friction in dry composite preforming. - Support from Dassault Systemes will help develop demonstrator software within the project which can faciliate commercialisation. - An Innovate UK proposal will be submitted to continue the process developments with an automotive OEM in mind. This follows a similar exploitation path to the CIMComp Feasibility Study, which led to the ALPA (101879) project involving automotive industrial partners. - Synergy with other Hub Projects - The outputs of the core project addresses the research challenges that have been highlighted in the Hub's road mapping exercise: improved understanding of forming limits, defect formation mechanisms and significance, mixed-material architectures, geometrical constraints, multi-ply forming and friction. Several Hub cross collaborations were promoted. Current projects: • "Hemispherical forming trials of recycled nonwoven samples" in collaboration with Patrick Sullivan and Lewis Munshi from the University of Bristol and the National Composites Centre.
Start Year 2020
Description Design simulation tools and process improvements for NCF preforming 
Organisation GKN
Department GKN Aerospace
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The research team have made the following contributions: 1) Two process improvements have successfully improved the formability of biaxial NCFs: the modification of inter-ply friction by local lubrication and the removal of intra-ply stitches to minimise the local shear angle across the surface of the ply. 2) Numerical tools have been developed to enable the design and forming of large industrial structures with greater confidence. A multi-scale finite element model was designed to efficiently identify critical small defects developed in large structures during forming. The experimentally-validated numerical results were used to validate novel analytical and optimisation methods that facilitate rapid design changes. - Developing design simulation tools and process improvements will provide a step-change in the manufacturing of NCF preforms which fits with the Hub research theme: Design for manufacturing via validated simulation. 3) The fundamental science of fabric deformation during forming processes was advanced for uniaxial and biaxial NCF materials applied to automotive and aerospace components.- Two wrinkling mechanisms were discovered: via shear lockup and via compression. The macroscale shear wrinkling was triggered by the in-plane compressive forces generated from the pressure between adjacent parallel tows. The macroscale non-shear wrinkling, observed in the area of positive shear strains, was instead generated by lateral compression as shearing was restricted to a minimum by the stitching. 4) Three numerical forming tools were developed to efficiently predict the manufacturing defects generated during the DDF of dry fabrics. - For the optimisation of the component geometry, a less computationally demanding tool was created. A machine learning-based model was developed to provide rapid predictions of the location and severity of wrinkling defects during the DDF of large NCF preforms. In addition, an analytical tool based on the eigenvectors of lamina stiffness matrices was developed to rapidly calculate the ply compatibility in complex NCF multi-layer layups. 5) To improve the quality of NCF preforms and to reduce the forming forces during the DDF process, a range of process developments were proposed to industrial partners.- A local intra-ply stitch removal method showed improvement in the formability of pillar-stitched biaxial NCFs. A genetic algorithm coupled with a finite element model was implemented to identify the optimised stitch pattern that can reduce the local shear angle while minimising the total stitch removal area. In addition to eliminating macro-scale wrinkling, the optimum local stitch removal pattern produced a more balanced global material draw-in. Therefore, the stitch removal was not limited to the over-sheared regions, suggesting the optimum pattern to be non-intuitive. 6) The friction modification methodology was also successfully applied to an automotive seatback geometry. Although all the out-of-plane wrinkles could be eliminated, in-plane waviness could not be mitigated.
Collaborator Contribution Regular meetings with the industrial collaborators have been key to shaping the feasibility studies and main bid. The industry requirements for user-friendly tools for design of manufacturing are a priority for this project. But at the same time we feel that the objective of Universities is to develop the underpinning science. So our bid has combined these two elements. The details of the choices of manufacturing routes and materials have also been strongly influenced by the experience and wisdom of our collaborative colleagues. All partner companies (listed above) have attended ten 3-monthly project meetings (estimated contribution £1,000 x 10 x 4 = £40k). Additionally Hexcel have provided in-kind contributions in the form of materials (estimated contribution £10k). A Technology Pull-Through project has been awarded at the NCC, to help accelerate the research to higher levels of technology readiness (TRL).
Impact Output in the form of book chapters x2 within :ISBN: 9780128191606 Output in the form of Journal Publications: DOI:10.1016/j.compscitech.2020.108078 DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2021.106308 DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2020.106248 DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2021.106457 DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesb.2021.109464 DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2021.106611 DOI:10.1016/j.compositesa.2021.106536 DOI:10.1016/j.compositesb.2023.110536 DOI:10.1177/00219983221103637 DOI:10.1016/j.coco.2022.101107 DOI:10.1016/j.compositesa.2023.107426 DOI:10.1016/j.compositesb.2023.110590 Output in the form of Conference Publications: 1. Chen, S., McGregor, O., Endruweit, A., Harper, L., Warrior, N., Finite element forming simulation of complex composite sandwich panels, ICCM22, Melbourne, Australia, August 2019 2. V. Viisainen, J. Zhou, M.P.F. Sutcliffe. Development of a composite forming limit diaphragm: A feasibility study. 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM22), Melbourne, Australia, August 2019 3. J V Viisainen, F Yu, A Codolini, S Chen, L T Harper, M P F Sutcliffe, 'A Deep Learning Surrogate Model For Rapid Prediction Of Geometry-induced Wrinkles In Fabric Preforming', in ICMAC21, Online (2021) 4. A Codolini, J V Viisainen, F Yu, S Chen, L T Harper, M P F Sutcliffe, 'Numerical Assessment of Variability in Double Diaphragm Forming of Non-Crimp Fabric Preforms', in ICMAC21, Online (2021) 5. S Chen, A M Joesbury, F Yu, L T Harper, N A Warrior, 'Local Intra-Ply Stitch Removal for Improved Formability of Biaxial Non-Crimp Fabrics', in ICMAC21, Online (2021) 6. F Yu, S Chen, L T Harper, N A Warrior, 'Double Diaphragm Forming Simulation using a Multi-Resolution Modelling Strategy for Defect Detection in Complex Structures', in ICMAC 21, Online (2021) 7. A Codolini, M P F Sutcliffe, 'Influence of tool orientation on the drapeability of unidirectional non-crimp fabrics', in ACM5, Bristol, UK (2022) 8. C Aza, R Butler, E G Loukaides, A T Rhead, 'Fibre length effect on the design of formable laminates for complex geometries', in ACM5, Bristol, UK (2022) 9. G.D. Lawrence, S. Chen, N.A. Warrior, L.T. Harper, 'Inter-Ply frictional behaviour of a dry biaxial non-crimp fabric during semi-automated preforming', in ACM5, Bristol, UK (2022) 10. F Yu, X Chen, S Chen, L T Harper, 'Numerical Study on the Formation of Defects During Double Diaphragm Forming Using a Biaxial Non-crimp Fabric', 10th Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics Youth Forum, China, January 2023 Associated Research Grant Outcomes: 1. 2019-2020, JV Viisainen and MPF Sutcliffe, Cimcomp EPSRC Hub (£5k). Development of a loading rig to characterise the wrinkling of fabrics under combined tension and shear. 2.2021 - 2025 - Made Smarter Innovation - Materials Made Smarter Research Centre (£4.049m), EP/V061798/1. 3. 2022-2023, LT Harper, S Chen, NCC Technology Pull Through Programme (£132k), Global to local modelling for forming-related defect detection in aerospace parts. 4. 2022-2023, A Codolini, International Exchange Programme, CIMComp EPSRC Hub (£5k). Characterisation of the mechanical properties of unidirectional non-crimp fabrics using the multi-load test rig at the University of British Columbia. 5. 2023, G Lawrence and LT Harper, Royce@Cambridge (£5k) to access 3D X-Ray CT scanning machine at the Henry Royce Institute to investigate the inter-ply friction in dry composite preforming. - Support from Dassault Systemes will help develop demonstrator software within the project which can faciliate commercialisation. - An Innovate UK proposal will be submitted to continue the process developments with an automotive OEM in mind. This follows a similar exploitation path to the CIMComp Feasibility Study, which led to the ALPA (101879) project involving automotive industrial partners. - Synergy with other Hub Projects - The outputs of the core project addresses the research challenges that have been highlighted in the Hub's road mapping exercise: improved understanding of forming limits, defect formation mechanisms and significance, mixed-material architectures, geometrical constraints, multi-ply forming and friction. Several Hub cross collaborations were promoted. Current projects: • "Hemispherical forming trials of recycled nonwoven samples" in collaboration with Patrick Sullivan and Lewis Munshi from the University of Bristol and the National Composites Centre.
Start Year 2020
Description Design simulation tools and process improvements for NCF preforming 
Organisation Gordon Murray Design Ltd
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The research team have made the following contributions: 1) Two process improvements have successfully improved the formability of biaxial NCFs: the modification of inter-ply friction by local lubrication and the removal of intra-ply stitches to minimise the local shear angle across the surface of the ply. 2) Numerical tools have been developed to enable the design and forming of large industrial structures with greater confidence. A multi-scale finite element model was designed to efficiently identify critical small defects developed in large structures during forming. The experimentally-validated numerical results were used to validate novel analytical and optimisation methods that facilitate rapid design changes. - Developing design simulation tools and process improvements will provide a step-change in the manufacturing of NCF preforms which fits with the Hub research theme: Design for manufacturing via validated simulation. 3) The fundamental science of fabric deformation during forming processes was advanced for uniaxial and biaxial NCF materials applied to automotive and aerospace components.- Two wrinkling mechanisms were discovered: via shear lockup and via compression. The macroscale shear wrinkling was triggered by the in-plane compressive forces generated from the pressure between adjacent parallel tows. The macroscale non-shear wrinkling, observed in the area of positive shear strains, was instead generated by lateral compression as shearing was restricted to a minimum by the stitching. 4) Three numerical forming tools were developed to efficiently predict the manufacturing defects generated during the DDF of dry fabrics. - For the optimisation of the component geometry, a less computationally demanding tool was created. A machine learning-based model was developed to provide rapid predictions of the location and severity of wrinkling defects during the DDF of large NCF preforms. In addition, an analytical tool based on the eigenvectors of lamina stiffness matrices was developed to rapidly calculate the ply compatibility in complex NCF multi-layer layups. 5) To improve the quality of NCF preforms and to reduce the forming forces during the DDF process, a range of process developments were proposed to industrial partners.- A local intra-ply stitch removal method showed improvement in the formability of pillar-stitched biaxial NCFs. A genetic algorithm coupled with a finite element model was implemented to identify the optimised stitch pattern that can reduce the local shear angle while minimising the total stitch removal area. In addition to eliminating macro-scale wrinkling, the optimum local stitch removal pattern produced a more balanced global material draw-in. Therefore, the stitch removal was not limited to the over-sheared regions, suggesting the optimum pattern to be non-intuitive. 6) The friction modification methodology was also successfully applied to an automotive seatback geometry. Although all the out-of-plane wrinkles could be eliminated, in-plane waviness could not be mitigated.
Collaborator Contribution Regular meetings with the industrial collaborators have been key to shaping the feasibility studies and main bid. The industry requirements for user-friendly tools for design of manufacturing are a priority for this project. But at the same time we feel that the objective of Universities is to develop the underpinning science. So our bid has combined these two elements. The details of the choices of manufacturing routes and materials have also been strongly influenced by the experience and wisdom of our collaborative colleagues. All partner companies (listed above) have attended ten 3-monthly project meetings (estimated contribution £1,000 x 10 x 4 = £40k). Additionally Hexcel have provided in-kind contributions in the form of materials (estimated contribution £10k). A Technology Pull-Through project has been awarded at the NCC, to help accelerate the research to higher levels of technology readiness (TRL).
Impact Output in the form of book chapters x2 within :ISBN: 9780128191606 Output in the form of Journal Publications: DOI:10.1016/j.compscitech.2020.108078 DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2021.106308 DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2020.106248 DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2021.106457 DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesb.2021.109464 DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2021.106611 DOI:10.1016/j.compositesa.2021.106536 DOI:10.1016/j.compositesb.2023.110536 DOI:10.1177/00219983221103637 DOI:10.1016/j.coco.2022.101107 DOI:10.1016/j.compositesa.2023.107426 DOI:10.1016/j.compositesb.2023.110590 Output in the form of Conference Publications: 1. Chen, S., McGregor, O., Endruweit, A., Harper, L., Warrior, N., Finite element forming simulation of complex composite sandwich panels, ICCM22, Melbourne, Australia, August 2019 2. V. Viisainen, J. Zhou, M.P.F. Sutcliffe. Development of a composite forming limit diaphragm: A feasibility study. 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM22), Melbourne, Australia, August 2019 3. J V Viisainen, F Yu, A Codolini, S Chen, L T Harper, M P F Sutcliffe, 'A Deep Learning Surrogate Model For Rapid Prediction Of Geometry-induced Wrinkles In Fabric Preforming', in ICMAC21, Online (2021) 4. A Codolini, J V Viisainen, F Yu, S Chen, L T Harper, M P F Sutcliffe, 'Numerical Assessment of Variability in Double Diaphragm Forming of Non-Crimp Fabric Preforms', in ICMAC21, Online (2021) 5. S Chen, A M Joesbury, F Yu, L T Harper, N A Warrior, 'Local Intra-Ply Stitch Removal for Improved Formability of Biaxial Non-Crimp Fabrics', in ICMAC21, Online (2021) 6. F Yu, S Chen, L T Harper, N A Warrior, 'Double Diaphragm Forming Simulation using a Multi-Resolution Modelling Strategy for Defect Detection in Complex Structures', in ICMAC 21, Online (2021) 7. A Codolini, M P F Sutcliffe, 'Influence of tool orientation on the drapeability of unidirectional non-crimp fabrics', in ACM5, Bristol, UK (2022) 8. C Aza, R Butler, E G Loukaides, A T Rhead, 'Fibre length effect on the design of formable laminates for complex geometries', in ACM5, Bristol, UK (2022) 9. G.D. Lawrence, S. Chen, N.A. Warrior, L.T. Harper, 'Inter-Ply frictional behaviour of a dry biaxial non-crimp fabric during semi-automated preforming', in ACM5, Bristol, UK (2022) 10. F Yu, X Chen, S Chen, L T Harper, 'Numerical Study on the Formation of Defects During Double Diaphragm Forming Using a Biaxial Non-crimp Fabric', 10th Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics Youth Forum, China, January 2023 Associated Research Grant Outcomes: 1. 2019-2020, JV Viisainen and MPF Sutcliffe, Cimcomp EPSRC Hub (£5k). Development of a loading rig to characterise the wrinkling of fabrics under combined tension and shear. 2.2021 - 2025 - Made Smarter Innovation - Materials Made Smarter Research Centre (£4.049m), EP/V061798/1. 3. 2022-2023, LT Harper, S Chen, NCC Technology Pull Through Programme (£132k), Global to local modelling for forming-related defect detection in aerospace parts. 4. 2022-2023, A Codolini, International Exchange Programme, CIMComp EPSRC Hub (£5k). Characterisation of the mechanical properties of unidirectional non-crimp fabrics using the multi-load test rig at the University of British Columbia. 5. 2023, G Lawrence and LT Harper, Royce@Cambridge (£5k) to access 3D X-Ray CT scanning machine at the Henry Royce Institute to investigate the inter-ply friction in dry composite preforming. - Support from Dassault Systemes will help develop demonstrator software within the project which can faciliate commercialisation. - An Innovate UK proposal will be submitted to continue the process developments with an automotive OEM in mind. This follows a similar exploitation path to the CIMComp Feasibility Study, which led to the ALPA (101879) project involving automotive industrial partners. - Synergy with other Hub Projects - The outputs of the core project addresses the research challenges that have been highlighted in the Hub's road mapping exercise: improved understanding of forming limits, defect formation mechanisms and significance, mixed-material architectures, geometrical constraints, multi-ply forming and friction. Several Hub cross collaborations were promoted. Current projects: • "Hemispherical forming trials of recycled nonwoven samples" in collaboration with Patrick Sullivan and Lewis Munshi from the University of Bristol and the National Composites Centre.
Start Year 2020
Description Design simulation tools and process improvements for NCF preforming 
Organisation Hexcel Composites Ltd
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The research team have made the following contributions: 1) Two process improvements have successfully improved the formability of biaxial NCFs: the modification of inter-ply friction by local lubrication and the removal of intra-ply stitches to minimise the local shear angle across the surface of the ply. 2) Numerical tools have been developed to enable the design and forming of large industrial structures with greater confidence. A multi-scale finite element model was designed to efficiently identify critical small defects developed in large structures during forming. The experimentally-validated numerical results were used to validate novel analytical and optimisation methods that facilitate rapid design changes. - Developing design simulation tools and process improvements will provide a step-change in the manufacturing of NCF preforms which fits with the Hub research theme: Design for manufacturing via validated simulation. 3) The fundamental science of fabric deformation during forming processes was advanced for uniaxial and biaxial NCF materials applied to automotive and aerospace components.- Two wrinkling mechanisms were discovered: via shear lockup and via compression. The macroscale shear wrinkling was triggered by the in-plane compressive forces generated from the pressure between adjacent parallel tows. The macroscale non-shear wrinkling, observed in the area of positive shear strains, was instead generated by lateral compression as shearing was restricted to a minimum by the stitching. 4) Three numerical forming tools were developed to efficiently predict the manufacturing defects generated during the DDF of dry fabrics. - For the optimisation of the component geometry, a less computationally demanding tool was created. A machine learning-based model was developed to provide rapid predictions of the location and severity of wrinkling defects during the DDF of large NCF preforms. In addition, an analytical tool based on the eigenvectors of lamina stiffness matrices was developed to rapidly calculate the ply compatibility in complex NCF multi-layer layups. 5) To improve the quality of NCF preforms and to reduce the forming forces during the DDF process, a range of process developments were proposed to industrial partners.- A local intra-ply stitch removal method showed improvement in the formability of pillar-stitched biaxial NCFs. A genetic algorithm coupled with a finite element model was implemented to identify the optimised stitch pattern that can reduce the local shear angle while minimising the total stitch removal area. In addition to eliminating macro-scale wrinkling, the optimum local stitch removal pattern produced a more balanced global material draw-in. Therefore, the stitch removal was not limited to the over-sheared regions, suggesting the optimum pattern to be non-intuitive. 6) The friction modification methodology was also successfully applied to an automotive seatback geometry. Although all the out-of-plane wrinkles could be eliminated, in-plane waviness could not be mitigated.
Collaborator Contribution Regular meetings with the industrial collaborators have been key to shaping the feasibility studies and main bid. The industry requirements for user-friendly tools for design of manufacturing are a priority for this project. But at the same time we feel that the objective of Universities is to develop the underpinning science. So our bid has combined these two elements. The details of the choices of manufacturing routes and materials have also been strongly influenced by the experience and wisdom of our collaborative colleagues. All partner companies (listed above) have attended ten 3-monthly project meetings (estimated contribution £1,000 x 10 x 4 = £40k). Additionally Hexcel have provided in-kind contributions in the form of materials (estimated contribution £10k). A Technology Pull-Through project has been awarded at the NCC, to help accelerate the research to higher levels of technology readiness (TRL).
Impact Output in the form of book chapters x2 within :ISBN: 9780128191606 Output in the form of Journal Publications: DOI:10.1016/j.compscitech.2020.108078 DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2021.106308 DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2020.106248 DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2021.106457 DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesb.2021.109464 DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2021.106611 DOI:10.1016/j.compositesa.2021.106536 DOI:10.1016/j.compositesb.2023.110536 DOI:10.1177/00219983221103637 DOI:10.1016/j.coco.2022.101107 DOI:10.1016/j.compositesa.2023.107426 DOI:10.1016/j.compositesb.2023.110590 Output in the form of Conference Publications: 1. Chen, S., McGregor, O., Endruweit, A., Harper, L., Warrior, N., Finite element forming simulation of complex composite sandwich panels, ICCM22, Melbourne, Australia, August 2019 2. V. Viisainen, J. Zhou, M.P.F. Sutcliffe. Development of a composite forming limit diaphragm: A feasibility study. 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM22), Melbourne, Australia, August 2019 3. J V Viisainen, F Yu, A Codolini, S Chen, L T Harper, M P F Sutcliffe, 'A Deep Learning Surrogate Model For Rapid Prediction Of Geometry-induced Wrinkles In Fabric Preforming', in ICMAC21, Online (2021) 4. A Codolini, J V Viisainen, F Yu, S Chen, L T Harper, M P F Sutcliffe, 'Numerical Assessment of Variability in Double Diaphragm Forming of Non-Crimp Fabric Preforms', in ICMAC21, Online (2021) 5. S Chen, A M Joesbury, F Yu, L T Harper, N A Warrior, 'Local Intra-Ply Stitch Removal for Improved Formability of Biaxial Non-Crimp Fabrics', in ICMAC21, Online (2021) 6. F Yu, S Chen, L T Harper, N A Warrior, 'Double Diaphragm Forming Simulation using a Multi-Resolution Modelling Strategy for Defect Detection in Complex Structures', in ICMAC 21, Online (2021) 7. A Codolini, M P F Sutcliffe, 'Influence of tool orientation on the drapeability of unidirectional non-crimp fabrics', in ACM5, Bristol, UK (2022) 8. C Aza, R Butler, E G Loukaides, A T Rhead, 'Fibre length effect on the design of formable laminates for complex geometries', in ACM5, Bristol, UK (2022) 9. G.D. Lawrence, S. Chen, N.A. Warrior, L.T. Harper, 'Inter-Ply frictional behaviour of a dry biaxial non-crimp fabric during semi-automated preforming', in ACM5, Bristol, UK (2022) 10. F Yu, X Chen, S Chen, L T Harper, 'Numerical Study on the Formation of Defects During Double Diaphragm Forming Using a Biaxial Non-crimp Fabric', 10th Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics Youth Forum, China, January 2023 Associated Research Grant Outcomes: 1. 2019-2020, JV Viisainen and MPF Sutcliffe, Cimcomp EPSRC Hub (£5k). Development of a loading rig to characterise the wrinkling of fabrics under combined tension and shear. 2.2021 - 2025 - Made Smarter Innovation - Materials Made Smarter Research Centre (£4.049m), EP/V061798/1. 3. 2022-2023, LT Harper, S Chen, NCC Technology Pull Through Programme (£132k), Global to local modelling for forming-related defect detection in aerospace parts. 4. 2022-2023, A Codolini, International Exchange Programme, CIMComp EPSRC Hub (£5k). Characterisation of the mechanical properties of unidirectional non-crimp fabrics using the multi-load test rig at the University of British Columbia. 5. 2023, G Lawrence and LT Harper, Royce@Cambridge (£5k) to access 3D X-Ray CT scanning machine at the Henry Royce Institute to investigate the inter-ply friction in dry composite preforming. - Support from Dassault Systemes will help develop demonstrator software within the project which can faciliate commercialisation. - An Innovate UK proposal will be submitted to continue the process developments with an automotive OEM in mind. This follows a similar exploitation path to the CIMComp Feasibility Study, which led to the ALPA (101879) project involving automotive industrial partners. - Synergy with other Hub Projects - The outputs of the core project addresses the research challenges that have been highlighted in the Hub's road mapping exercise: improved understanding of forming limits, defect formation mechanisms and significance, mixed-material architectures, geometrical constraints, multi-ply forming and friction. Several Hub cross collaborations were promoted. Current projects: • "Hemispherical forming trials of recycled nonwoven samples" in collaboration with Patrick Sullivan and Lewis Munshi from the University of Bristol and the National Composites Centre.
Start Year 2020
Description Design simulation tools and process improvements for NCF preforming 
Organisation University of Bath
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The research team have made the following contributions: 1) Two process improvements have successfully improved the formability of biaxial NCFs: the modification of inter-ply friction by local lubrication and the removal of intra-ply stitches to minimise the local shear angle across the surface of the ply. 2) Numerical tools have been developed to enable the design and forming of large industrial structures with greater confidence. A multi-scale finite element model was designed to efficiently identify critical small defects developed in large structures during forming. The experimentally-validated numerical results were used to validate novel analytical and optimisation methods that facilitate rapid design changes. - Developing design simulation tools and process improvements will provide a step-change in the manufacturing of NCF preforms which fits with the Hub research theme: Design for manufacturing via validated simulation. 3) The fundamental science of fabric deformation during forming processes was advanced for uniaxial and biaxial NCF materials applied to automotive and aerospace components.- Two wrinkling mechanisms were discovered: via shear lockup and via compression. The macroscale shear wrinkling was triggered by the in-plane compressive forces generated from the pressure between adjacent parallel tows. The macroscale non-shear wrinkling, observed in the area of positive shear strains, was instead generated by lateral compression as shearing was restricted to a minimum by the stitching. 4) Three numerical forming tools were developed to efficiently predict the manufacturing defects generated during the DDF of dry fabrics. - For the optimisation of the component geometry, a less computationally demanding tool was created. A machine learning-based model was developed to provide rapid predictions of the location and severity of wrinkling defects during the DDF of large NCF preforms. In addition, an analytical tool based on the eigenvectors of lamina stiffness matrices was developed to rapidly calculate the ply compatibility in complex NCF multi-layer layups. 5) To improve the quality of NCF preforms and to reduce the forming forces during the DDF process, a range of process developments were proposed to industrial partners.- A local intra-ply stitch removal method showed improvement in the formability of pillar-stitched biaxial NCFs. A genetic algorithm coupled with a finite element model was implemented to identify the optimised stitch pattern that can reduce the local shear angle while minimising the total stitch removal area. In addition to eliminating macro-scale wrinkling, the optimum local stitch removal pattern produced a more balanced global material draw-in. Therefore, the stitch removal was not limited to the over-sheared regions, suggesting the optimum pattern to be non-intuitive. 6) The friction modification methodology was also successfully applied to an automotive seatback geometry. Although all the out-of-plane wrinkles could be eliminated, in-plane waviness could not be mitigated.
Collaborator Contribution Regular meetings with the industrial collaborators have been key to shaping the feasibility studies and main bid. The industry requirements for user-friendly tools for design of manufacturing are a priority for this project. But at the same time we feel that the objective of Universities is to develop the underpinning science. So our bid has combined these two elements. The details of the choices of manufacturing routes and materials have also been strongly influenced by the experience and wisdom of our collaborative colleagues. All partner companies (listed above) have attended ten 3-monthly project meetings (estimated contribution £1,000 x 10 x 4 = £40k). Additionally Hexcel have provided in-kind contributions in the form of materials (estimated contribution £10k). A Technology Pull-Through project has been awarded at the NCC, to help accelerate the research to higher levels of technology readiness (TRL).
Impact Output in the form of book chapters x2 within :ISBN: 9780128191606 Output in the form of Journal Publications: DOI:10.1016/j.compscitech.2020.108078 DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2021.106308 DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2020.106248 DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2021.106457 DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesb.2021.109464 DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2021.106611 DOI:10.1016/j.compositesa.2021.106536 DOI:10.1016/j.compositesb.2023.110536 DOI:10.1177/00219983221103637 DOI:10.1016/j.coco.2022.101107 DOI:10.1016/j.compositesa.2023.107426 DOI:10.1016/j.compositesb.2023.110590 Output in the form of Conference Publications: 1. Chen, S., McGregor, O., Endruweit, A., Harper, L., Warrior, N., Finite element forming simulation of complex composite sandwich panels, ICCM22, Melbourne, Australia, August 2019 2. V. Viisainen, J. Zhou, M.P.F. Sutcliffe. Development of a composite forming limit diaphragm: A feasibility study. 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM22), Melbourne, Australia, August 2019 3. J V Viisainen, F Yu, A Codolini, S Chen, L T Harper, M P F Sutcliffe, 'A Deep Learning Surrogate Model For Rapid Prediction Of Geometry-induced Wrinkles In Fabric Preforming', in ICMAC21, Online (2021) 4. A Codolini, J V Viisainen, F Yu, S Chen, L T Harper, M P F Sutcliffe, 'Numerical Assessment of Variability in Double Diaphragm Forming of Non-Crimp Fabric Preforms', in ICMAC21, Online (2021) 5. S Chen, A M Joesbury, F Yu, L T Harper, N A Warrior, 'Local Intra-Ply Stitch Removal for Improved Formability of Biaxial Non-Crimp Fabrics', in ICMAC21, Online (2021) 6. F Yu, S Chen, L T Harper, N A Warrior, 'Double Diaphragm Forming Simulation using a Multi-Resolution Modelling Strategy for Defect Detection in Complex Structures', in ICMAC 21, Online (2021) 7. A Codolini, M P F Sutcliffe, 'Influence of tool orientation on the drapeability of unidirectional non-crimp fabrics', in ACM5, Bristol, UK (2022) 8. C Aza, R Butler, E G Loukaides, A T Rhead, 'Fibre length effect on the design of formable laminates for complex geometries', in ACM5, Bristol, UK (2022) 9. G.D. Lawrence, S. Chen, N.A. Warrior, L.T. Harper, 'Inter-Ply frictional behaviour of a dry biaxial non-crimp fabric during semi-automated preforming', in ACM5, Bristol, UK (2022) 10. F Yu, X Chen, S Chen, L T Harper, 'Numerical Study on the Formation of Defects During Double Diaphragm Forming Using a Biaxial Non-crimp Fabric', 10th Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics Youth Forum, China, January 2023 Associated Research Grant Outcomes: 1. 2019-2020, JV Viisainen and MPF Sutcliffe, Cimcomp EPSRC Hub (£5k). Development of a loading rig to characterise the wrinkling of fabrics under combined tension and shear. 2.2021 - 2025 - Made Smarter Innovation - Materials Made Smarter Research Centre (£4.049m), EP/V061798/1. 3. 2022-2023, LT Harper, S Chen, NCC Technology Pull Through Programme (£132k), Global to local modelling for forming-related defect detection in aerospace parts. 4. 2022-2023, A Codolini, International Exchange Programme, CIMComp EPSRC Hub (£5k). Characterisation of the mechanical properties of unidirectional non-crimp fabrics using the multi-load test rig at the University of British Columbia. 5. 2023, G Lawrence and LT Harper, Royce@Cambridge (£5k) to access 3D X-Ray CT scanning machine at the Henry Royce Institute to investigate the inter-ply friction in dry composite preforming. - Support from Dassault Systemes will help develop demonstrator software within the project which can faciliate commercialisation. - An Innovate UK proposal will be submitted to continue the process developments with an automotive OEM in mind. This follows a similar exploitation path to the CIMComp Feasibility Study, which led to the ALPA (101879) project involving automotive industrial partners. - Synergy with other Hub Projects - The outputs of the core project addresses the research challenges that have been highlighted in the Hub's road mapping exercise: improved understanding of forming limits, defect formation mechanisms and significance, mixed-material architectures, geometrical constraints, multi-ply forming and friction. Several Hub cross collaborations were promoted. Current projects: • "Hemispherical forming trials of recycled nonwoven samples" in collaboration with Patrick Sullivan and Lewis Munshi from the University of Bristol and the National Composites Centre.
Start Year 2020
Description Design simulation tools and process improvements for NCF preforming 
Organisation University of Cambridge
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The research team have made the following contributions: 1) Two process improvements have successfully improved the formability of biaxial NCFs: the modification of inter-ply friction by local lubrication and the removal of intra-ply stitches to minimise the local shear angle across the surface of the ply. 2) Numerical tools have been developed to enable the design and forming of large industrial structures with greater confidence. A multi-scale finite element model was designed to efficiently identify critical small defects developed in large structures during forming. The experimentally-validated numerical results were used to validate novel analytical and optimisation methods that facilitate rapid design changes. - Developing design simulation tools and process improvements will provide a step-change in the manufacturing of NCF preforms which fits with the Hub research theme: Design for manufacturing via validated simulation. 3) The fundamental science of fabric deformation during forming processes was advanced for uniaxial and biaxial NCF materials applied to automotive and aerospace components.- Two wrinkling mechanisms were discovered: via shear lockup and via compression. The macroscale shear wrinkling was triggered by the in-plane compressive forces generated from the pressure between adjacent parallel tows. The macroscale non-shear wrinkling, observed in the area of positive shear strains, was instead generated by lateral compression as shearing was restricted to a minimum by the stitching. 4) Three numerical forming tools were developed to efficiently predict the manufacturing defects generated during the DDF of dry fabrics. - For the optimisation of the component geometry, a less computationally demanding tool was created. A machine learning-based model was developed to provide rapid predictions of the location and severity of wrinkling defects during the DDF of large NCF preforms. In addition, an analytical tool based on the eigenvectors of lamina stiffness matrices was developed to rapidly calculate the ply compatibility in complex NCF multi-layer layups. 5) To improve the quality of NCF preforms and to reduce the forming forces during the DDF process, a range of process developments were proposed to industrial partners.- A local intra-ply stitch removal method showed improvement in the formability of pillar-stitched biaxial NCFs. A genetic algorithm coupled with a finite element model was implemented to identify the optimised stitch pattern that can reduce the local shear angle while minimising the total stitch removal area. In addition to eliminating macro-scale wrinkling, the optimum local stitch removal pattern produced a more balanced global material draw-in. Therefore, the stitch removal was not limited to the over-sheared regions, suggesting the optimum pattern to be non-intuitive. 6) The friction modification methodology was also successfully applied to an automotive seatback geometry. Although all the out-of-plane wrinkles could be eliminated, in-plane waviness could not be mitigated.
Collaborator Contribution Regular meetings with the industrial collaborators have been key to shaping the feasibility studies and main bid. The industry requirements for user-friendly tools for design of manufacturing are a priority for this project. But at the same time we feel that the objective of Universities is to develop the underpinning science. So our bid has combined these two elements. The details of the choices of manufacturing routes and materials have also been strongly influenced by the experience and wisdom of our collaborative colleagues. All partner companies (listed above) have attended ten 3-monthly project meetings (estimated contribution £1,000 x 10 x 4 = £40k). Additionally Hexcel have provided in-kind contributions in the form of materials (estimated contribution £10k). A Technology Pull-Through project has been awarded at the NCC, to help accelerate the research to higher levels of technology readiness (TRL).
Impact Output in the form of book chapters x2 within :ISBN: 9780128191606 Output in the form of Journal Publications: DOI:10.1016/j.compscitech.2020.108078 DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2021.106308 DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2020.106248 DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2021.106457 DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesb.2021.109464 DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2021.106611 DOI:10.1016/j.compositesa.2021.106536 DOI:10.1016/j.compositesb.2023.110536 DOI:10.1177/00219983221103637 DOI:10.1016/j.coco.2022.101107 DOI:10.1016/j.compositesa.2023.107426 DOI:10.1016/j.compositesb.2023.110590 Output in the form of Conference Publications: 1. Chen, S., McGregor, O., Endruweit, A., Harper, L., Warrior, N., Finite element forming simulation of complex composite sandwich panels, ICCM22, Melbourne, Australia, August 2019 2. V. Viisainen, J. Zhou, M.P.F. Sutcliffe. Development of a composite forming limit diaphragm: A feasibility study. 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM22), Melbourne, Australia, August 2019 3. J V Viisainen, F Yu, A Codolini, S Chen, L T Harper, M P F Sutcliffe, 'A Deep Learning Surrogate Model For Rapid Prediction Of Geometry-induced Wrinkles In Fabric Preforming', in ICMAC21, Online (2021) 4. A Codolini, J V Viisainen, F Yu, S Chen, L T Harper, M P F Sutcliffe, 'Numerical Assessment of Variability in Double Diaphragm Forming of Non-Crimp Fabric Preforms', in ICMAC21, Online (2021) 5. S Chen, A M Joesbury, F Yu, L T Harper, N A Warrior, 'Local Intra-Ply Stitch Removal for Improved Formability of Biaxial Non-Crimp Fabrics', in ICMAC21, Online (2021) 6. F Yu, S Chen, L T Harper, N A Warrior, 'Double Diaphragm Forming Simulation using a Multi-Resolution Modelling Strategy for Defect Detection in Complex Structures', in ICMAC 21, Online (2021) 7. A Codolini, M P F Sutcliffe, 'Influence of tool orientation on the drapeability of unidirectional non-crimp fabrics', in ACM5, Bristol, UK (2022) 8. C Aza, R Butler, E G Loukaides, A T Rhead, 'Fibre length effect on the design of formable laminates for complex geometries', in ACM5, Bristol, UK (2022) 9. G.D. Lawrence, S. Chen, N.A. Warrior, L.T. Harper, 'Inter-Ply frictional behaviour of a dry biaxial non-crimp fabric during semi-automated preforming', in ACM5, Bristol, UK (2022) 10. F Yu, X Chen, S Chen, L T Harper, 'Numerical Study on the Formation of Defects During Double Diaphragm Forming Using a Biaxial Non-crimp Fabric', 10th Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics Youth Forum, China, January 2023 Associated Research Grant Outcomes: 1. 2019-2020, JV Viisainen and MPF Sutcliffe, Cimcomp EPSRC Hub (£5k). Development of a loading rig to characterise the wrinkling of fabrics under combined tension and shear. 2.2021 - 2025 - Made Smarter Innovation - Materials Made Smarter Research Centre (£4.049m), EP/V061798/1. 3. 2022-2023, LT Harper, S Chen, NCC Technology Pull Through Programme (£132k), Global to local modelling for forming-related defect detection in aerospace parts. 4. 2022-2023, A Codolini, International Exchange Programme, CIMComp EPSRC Hub (£5k). Characterisation of the mechanical properties of unidirectional non-crimp fabrics using the multi-load test rig at the University of British Columbia. 5. 2023, G Lawrence and LT Harper, Royce@Cambridge (£5k) to access 3D X-Ray CT scanning machine at the Henry Royce Institute to investigate the inter-ply friction in dry composite preforming. - Support from Dassault Systemes will help develop demonstrator software within the project which can faciliate commercialisation. - An Innovate UK proposal will be submitted to continue the process developments with an automotive OEM in mind. This follows a similar exploitation path to the CIMComp Feasibility Study, which led to the ALPA (101879) project involving automotive industrial partners. - Synergy with other Hub Projects - The outputs of the core project addresses the research challenges that have been highlighted in the Hub's road mapping exercise: improved understanding of forming limits, defect formation mechanisms and significance, mixed-material architectures, geometrical constraints, multi-ply forming and friction. Several Hub cross collaborations were promoted. Current projects: • "Hemispherical forming trials of recycled nonwoven samples" in collaboration with Patrick Sullivan and Lewis Munshi from the University of Bristol and the National Composites Centre.
Start Year 2020
Description Design simulation tools and process improvements for NCF preforming 
Organisation University of Nottingham
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The research team have made the following contributions: 1) Two process improvements have successfully improved the formability of biaxial NCFs: the modification of inter-ply friction by local lubrication and the removal of intra-ply stitches to minimise the local shear angle across the surface of the ply. 2) Numerical tools have been developed to enable the design and forming of large industrial structures with greater confidence. A multi-scale finite element model was designed to efficiently identify critical small defects developed in large structures during forming. The experimentally-validated numerical results were used to validate novel analytical and optimisation methods that facilitate rapid design changes. - Developing design simulation tools and process improvements will provide a step-change in the manufacturing of NCF preforms which fits with the Hub research theme: Design for manufacturing via validated simulation. 3) The fundamental science of fabric deformation during forming processes was advanced for uniaxial and biaxial NCF materials applied to automotive and aerospace components.- Two wrinkling mechanisms were discovered: via shear lockup and via compression. The macroscale shear wrinkling was triggered by the in-plane compressive forces generated from the pressure between adjacent parallel tows. The macroscale non-shear wrinkling, observed in the area of positive shear strains, was instead generated by lateral compression as shearing was restricted to a minimum by the stitching. 4) Three numerical forming tools were developed to efficiently predict the manufacturing defects generated during the DDF of dry fabrics. - For the optimisation of the component geometry, a less computationally demanding tool was created. A machine learning-based model was developed to provide rapid predictions of the location and severity of wrinkling defects during the DDF of large NCF preforms. In addition, an analytical tool based on the eigenvectors of lamina stiffness matrices was developed to rapidly calculate the ply compatibility in complex NCF multi-layer layups. 5) To improve the quality of NCF preforms and to reduce the forming forces during the DDF process, a range of process developments were proposed to industrial partners.- A local intra-ply stitch removal method showed improvement in the formability of pillar-stitched biaxial NCFs. A genetic algorithm coupled with a finite element model was implemented to identify the optimised stitch pattern that can reduce the local shear angle while minimising the total stitch removal area. In addition to eliminating macro-scale wrinkling, the optimum local stitch removal pattern produced a more balanced global material draw-in. Therefore, the stitch removal was not limited to the over-sheared regions, suggesting the optimum pattern to be non-intuitive. 6) The friction modification methodology was also successfully applied to an automotive seatback geometry. Although all the out-of-plane wrinkles could be eliminated, in-plane waviness could not be mitigated.
Collaborator Contribution Regular meetings with the industrial collaborators have been key to shaping the feasibility studies and main bid. The industry requirements for user-friendly tools for design of manufacturing are a priority for this project. But at the same time we feel that the objective of Universities is to develop the underpinning science. So our bid has combined these two elements. The details of the choices of manufacturing routes and materials have also been strongly influenced by the experience and wisdom of our collaborative colleagues. All partner companies (listed above) have attended ten 3-monthly project meetings (estimated contribution £1,000 x 10 x 4 = £40k). Additionally Hexcel have provided in-kind contributions in the form of materials (estimated contribution £10k). A Technology Pull-Through project has been awarded at the NCC, to help accelerate the research to higher levels of technology readiness (TRL).
Impact Output in the form of book chapters x2 within :ISBN: 9780128191606 Output in the form of Journal Publications: DOI:10.1016/j.compscitech.2020.108078 DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2021.106308 DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2020.106248 DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2021.106457 DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesb.2021.109464 DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2021.106611 DOI:10.1016/j.compositesa.2021.106536 DOI:10.1016/j.compositesb.2023.110536 DOI:10.1177/00219983221103637 DOI:10.1016/j.coco.2022.101107 DOI:10.1016/j.compositesa.2023.107426 DOI:10.1016/j.compositesb.2023.110590 Output in the form of Conference Publications: 1. Chen, S., McGregor, O., Endruweit, A., Harper, L., Warrior, N., Finite element forming simulation of complex composite sandwich panels, ICCM22, Melbourne, Australia, August 2019 2. V. Viisainen, J. Zhou, M.P.F. Sutcliffe. Development of a composite forming limit diaphragm: A feasibility study. 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM22), Melbourne, Australia, August 2019 3. J V Viisainen, F Yu, A Codolini, S Chen, L T Harper, M P F Sutcliffe, 'A Deep Learning Surrogate Model For Rapid Prediction Of Geometry-induced Wrinkles In Fabric Preforming', in ICMAC21, Online (2021) 4. A Codolini, J V Viisainen, F Yu, S Chen, L T Harper, M P F Sutcliffe, 'Numerical Assessment of Variability in Double Diaphragm Forming of Non-Crimp Fabric Preforms', in ICMAC21, Online (2021) 5. S Chen, A M Joesbury, F Yu, L T Harper, N A Warrior, 'Local Intra-Ply Stitch Removal for Improved Formability of Biaxial Non-Crimp Fabrics', in ICMAC21, Online (2021) 6. F Yu, S Chen, L T Harper, N A Warrior, 'Double Diaphragm Forming Simulation using a Multi-Resolution Modelling Strategy for Defect Detection in Complex Structures', in ICMAC 21, Online (2021) 7. A Codolini, M P F Sutcliffe, 'Influence of tool orientation on the drapeability of unidirectional non-crimp fabrics', in ACM5, Bristol, UK (2022) 8. C Aza, R Butler, E G Loukaides, A T Rhead, 'Fibre length effect on the design of formable laminates for complex geometries', in ACM5, Bristol, UK (2022) 9. G.D. Lawrence, S. Chen, N.A. Warrior, L.T. Harper, 'Inter-Ply frictional behaviour of a dry biaxial non-crimp fabric during semi-automated preforming', in ACM5, Bristol, UK (2022) 10. F Yu, X Chen, S Chen, L T Harper, 'Numerical Study on the Formation of Defects During Double Diaphragm Forming Using a Biaxial Non-crimp Fabric', 10th Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics Youth Forum, China, January 2023 Associated Research Grant Outcomes: 1. 2019-2020, JV Viisainen and MPF Sutcliffe, Cimcomp EPSRC Hub (£5k). Development of a loading rig to characterise the wrinkling of fabrics under combined tension and shear. 2.2021 - 2025 - Made Smarter Innovation - Materials Made Smarter Research Centre (£4.049m), EP/V061798/1. 3. 2022-2023, LT Harper, S Chen, NCC Technology Pull Through Programme (£132k), Global to local modelling for forming-related defect detection in aerospace parts. 4. 2022-2023, A Codolini, International Exchange Programme, CIMComp EPSRC Hub (£5k). Characterisation of the mechanical properties of unidirectional non-crimp fabrics using the multi-load test rig at the University of British Columbia. 5. 2023, G Lawrence and LT Harper, Royce@Cambridge (£5k) to access 3D X-Ray CT scanning machine at the Henry Royce Institute to investigate the inter-ply friction in dry composite preforming. - Support from Dassault Systemes will help develop demonstrator software within the project which can faciliate commercialisation. - An Innovate UK proposal will be submitted to continue the process developments with an automotive OEM in mind. This follows a similar exploitation path to the CIMComp Feasibility Study, which led to the ALPA (101879) project involving automotive industrial partners. - Synergy with other Hub Projects - The outputs of the core project addresses the research challenges that have been highlighted in the Hub's road mapping exercise: improved understanding of forming limits, defect formation mechanisms and significance, mixed-material architectures, geometrical constraints, multi-ply forming and friction. Several Hub cross collaborations were promoted. Current projects: • "Hemispherical forming trials of recycled nonwoven samples" in collaboration with Patrick Sullivan and Lewis Munshi from the University of Bristol and the National Composites Centre.
Start Year 2020
Description Developing automated manufacturing technologies for composite laminate structures 
Organisation University of Bristol
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub funded a Platform Fellow at The University of Bristol, in 'Developing automated manufacturing technologies for composite laminate structures'. Contributions: 1. Separated the process layup into activities better suited to Robots or humans based on their respective capabilities and task requirements. 2. Demonstrated how a human and robot can share a composite layup workspace 3. Reduced the physical effort exerted during manual layup 4. Created a human/robot layup process which users regarded as 'safe' and 'useful' 5. Developed a package to facilitate simultaneous working in a shared workspace which is safe and use friendly.
Collaborator Contribution The project was invited to present this work to Lockheed Martin, who provided crucial insights into the potentials and concerns around this technology. The project has presented a demonstration to Airborne Composites, and were aiming to complete a small scale demonstration although this did not happen due a management level policy change.
Impact 1. Conference Presentation M. Elkington, N. Gandhi, M. Libby, A. Kirby, C. Ward, Collaborative human-robotic layup, ICMAC 2018, Nottingham University, 11-12 July 2018
Start Year 2017
Description Development of rapid processing routes for carbon fibre / nylon6 composites 
Organisation Cranfield University
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub funded a Platform Fellow at The University of Nottingham, in 'Development of rapid processing routes for carbon fibre / nylon6 composites'. Contributions: 1. Nylon melt viscosity is very low, allowing for simple film stacking compression moulding and capture of fine features
Collaborator Contribution Bruggemann have provided advice on the in situ polymerisation of their nylon materials and are continuing to be involved and provide materials for the Ph.D./feasibility study. Engel provided significant advice in the area of in situ polymerisation of nylon through RTM and are open to collaborative work. There is a potential to work with them in the diaphragm feasibility study. AMRC were originally involved in the feasibility study "Acceleration of Monomer Transfer Moulding using microwaves" and have an ongoing interest with thermoplastics processing. The University of Edinburgh were also involved in this feasibility project and have since joined with the new feasibility project "Incorporation of thermoplastic in situ polymerisation in double diaphragm forming". Attendence at the TPRC 10th anniversary conference provided a good overview of cutting edge research in thermoplastic composites Interaction with Hub members at the synergy event has identified the value and opportunity of creating a thermoplastics working group
Impact 1. The Advanced Engineering show provided an opportunity to engage with a range of suppliers of thermoplastic specific materials e.g. sized carbon fibre, compatible vacuum consumables. 2. Innovate/IACME project "Enhanced Characterisation and Simulation Methods for Thermoplastic Overmoulding" - ENACT. Awaiting final offer letter, anticipated to start in March. 3. Feasibility study - Incorporation of thermoplastic in situ polymerisation in double diaphragm forming 4. Feasibility study - Incremental sheet forming of fibre reinforced thermoplastic composites
Start Year 2019
Description Development of rapid processing routes for carbon fibre / nylon6 composites 
Organisation Engel
Country Austria 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub funded a Platform Fellow at The University of Nottingham, in 'Development of rapid processing routes for carbon fibre / nylon6 composites'. Contributions: 1. Nylon melt viscosity is very low, allowing for simple film stacking compression moulding and capture of fine features
Collaborator Contribution Bruggemann have provided advice on the in situ polymerisation of their nylon materials and are continuing to be involved and provide materials for the Ph.D./feasibility study. Engel provided significant advice in the area of in situ polymerisation of nylon through RTM and are open to collaborative work. There is a potential to work with them in the diaphragm feasibility study. AMRC were originally involved in the feasibility study "Acceleration of Monomer Transfer Moulding using microwaves" and have an ongoing interest with thermoplastics processing. The University of Edinburgh were also involved in this feasibility project and have since joined with the new feasibility project "Incorporation of thermoplastic in situ polymerisation in double diaphragm forming". Attendence at the TPRC 10th anniversary conference provided a good overview of cutting edge research in thermoplastic composites Interaction with Hub members at the synergy event has identified the value and opportunity of creating a thermoplastics working group
Impact 1. The Advanced Engineering show provided an opportunity to engage with a range of suppliers of thermoplastic specific materials e.g. sized carbon fibre, compatible vacuum consumables. 2. Innovate/IACME project "Enhanced Characterisation and Simulation Methods for Thermoplastic Overmoulding" - ENACT. Awaiting final offer letter, anticipated to start in March. 3. Feasibility study - Incorporation of thermoplastic in situ polymerisation in double diaphragm forming 4. Feasibility study - Incremental sheet forming of fibre reinforced thermoplastic composites
Start Year 2019
Description Development of rapid processing routes for carbon fibre / nylon6 composites 
Organisation Evonik Industries
Country Germany 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub funded a Platform Fellow at The University of Nottingham, in 'Development of rapid processing routes for carbon fibre / nylon6 composites'. Contributions: 1. Nylon melt viscosity is very low, allowing for simple film stacking compression moulding and capture of fine features
Collaborator Contribution Bruggemann have provided advice on the in situ polymerisation of their nylon materials and are continuing to be involved and provide materials for the Ph.D./feasibility study. Engel provided significant advice in the area of in situ polymerisation of nylon through RTM and are open to collaborative work. There is a potential to work with them in the diaphragm feasibility study. AMRC were originally involved in the feasibility study "Acceleration of Monomer Transfer Moulding using microwaves" and have an ongoing interest with thermoplastics processing. The University of Edinburgh were also involved in this feasibility project and have since joined with the new feasibility project "Incorporation of thermoplastic in situ polymerisation in double diaphragm forming". Attendence at the TPRC 10th anniversary conference provided a good overview of cutting edge research in thermoplastic composites Interaction with Hub members at the synergy event has identified the value and opportunity of creating a thermoplastics working group
Impact 1. The Advanced Engineering show provided an opportunity to engage with a range of suppliers of thermoplastic specific materials e.g. sized carbon fibre, compatible vacuum consumables. 2. Innovate/IACME project "Enhanced Characterisation and Simulation Methods for Thermoplastic Overmoulding" - ENACT. Awaiting final offer letter, anticipated to start in March. 3. Feasibility study - Incorporation of thermoplastic in situ polymerisation in double diaphragm forming 4. Feasibility study - Incremental sheet forming of fibre reinforced thermoplastic composites
Start Year 2019
Description Development of rapid processing routes for carbon fibre / nylon6 composites 
Organisation L. Bruggemann KG
Country Germany 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub funded a Platform Fellow at The University of Nottingham, in 'Development of rapid processing routes for carbon fibre / nylon6 composites'. Contributions: 1. Nylon melt viscosity is very low, allowing for simple film stacking compression moulding and capture of fine features
Collaborator Contribution Bruggemann have provided advice on the in situ polymerisation of their nylon materials and are continuing to be involved and provide materials for the Ph.D./feasibility study. Engel provided significant advice in the area of in situ polymerisation of nylon through RTM and are open to collaborative work. There is a potential to work with them in the diaphragm feasibility study. AMRC were originally involved in the feasibility study "Acceleration of Monomer Transfer Moulding using microwaves" and have an ongoing interest with thermoplastics processing. The University of Edinburgh were also involved in this feasibility project and have since joined with the new feasibility project "Incorporation of thermoplastic in situ polymerisation in double diaphragm forming". Attendence at the TPRC 10th anniversary conference provided a good overview of cutting edge research in thermoplastic composites Interaction with Hub members at the synergy event has identified the value and opportunity of creating a thermoplastics working group
Impact 1. The Advanced Engineering show provided an opportunity to engage with a range of suppliers of thermoplastic specific materials e.g. sized carbon fibre, compatible vacuum consumables. 2. Innovate/IACME project "Enhanced Characterisation and Simulation Methods for Thermoplastic Overmoulding" - ENACT. Awaiting final offer letter, anticipated to start in March. 3. Feasibility study - Incorporation of thermoplastic in situ polymerisation in double diaphragm forming 4. Feasibility study - Incremental sheet forming of fibre reinforced thermoplastic composites
Start Year 2019
Description Development of rapid processing routes for carbon fibre / nylon6 composites 
Organisation Surface Generation
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub funded a Platform Fellow at The University of Nottingham, in 'Development of rapid processing routes for carbon fibre / nylon6 composites'. Contributions: 1. Nylon melt viscosity is very low, allowing for simple film stacking compression moulding and capture of fine features
Collaborator Contribution Bruggemann have provided advice on the in situ polymerisation of their nylon materials and are continuing to be involved and provide materials for the Ph.D./feasibility study. Engel provided significant advice in the area of in situ polymerisation of nylon through RTM and are open to collaborative work. There is a potential to work with them in the diaphragm feasibility study. AMRC were originally involved in the feasibility study "Acceleration of Monomer Transfer Moulding using microwaves" and have an ongoing interest with thermoplastics processing. The University of Edinburgh were also involved in this feasibility project and have since joined with the new feasibility project "Incorporation of thermoplastic in situ polymerisation in double diaphragm forming". Attendence at the TPRC 10th anniversary conference provided a good overview of cutting edge research in thermoplastic composites Interaction with Hub members at the synergy event has identified the value and opportunity of creating a thermoplastics working group
Impact 1. The Advanced Engineering show provided an opportunity to engage with a range of suppliers of thermoplastic specific materials e.g. sized carbon fibre, compatible vacuum consumables. 2. Innovate/IACME project "Enhanced Characterisation and Simulation Methods for Thermoplastic Overmoulding" - ENACT. Awaiting final offer letter, anticipated to start in March. 3. Feasibility study - Incorporation of thermoplastic in situ polymerisation in double diaphragm forming 4. Feasibility study - Incremental sheet forming of fibre reinforced thermoplastic composites
Start Year 2019
Description Development of rapid processing routes for carbon fibre / nylon6 composites 
Organisation University of Edinburgh
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub funded a Platform Fellow at The University of Nottingham, in 'Development of rapid processing routes for carbon fibre / nylon6 composites'. Contributions: 1. Nylon melt viscosity is very low, allowing for simple film stacking compression moulding and capture of fine features
Collaborator Contribution Bruggemann have provided advice on the in situ polymerisation of their nylon materials and are continuing to be involved and provide materials for the Ph.D./feasibility study. Engel provided significant advice in the area of in situ polymerisation of nylon through RTM and are open to collaborative work. There is a potential to work with them in the diaphragm feasibility study. AMRC were originally involved in the feasibility study "Acceleration of Monomer Transfer Moulding using microwaves" and have an ongoing interest with thermoplastics processing. The University of Edinburgh were also involved in this feasibility project and have since joined with the new feasibility project "Incorporation of thermoplastic in situ polymerisation in double diaphragm forming". Attendence at the TPRC 10th anniversary conference provided a good overview of cutting edge research in thermoplastic composites Interaction with Hub members at the synergy event has identified the value and opportunity of creating a thermoplastics working group
Impact 1. The Advanced Engineering show provided an opportunity to engage with a range of suppliers of thermoplastic specific materials e.g. sized carbon fibre, compatible vacuum consumables. 2. Innovate/IACME project "Enhanced Characterisation and Simulation Methods for Thermoplastic Overmoulding" - ENACT. Awaiting final offer letter, anticipated to start in March. 3. Feasibility study - Incorporation of thermoplastic in situ polymerisation in double diaphragm forming 4. Feasibility study - Incremental sheet forming of fibre reinforced thermoplastic composites
Start Year 2019
Description Development of rapid processing routes for carbon fibre / nylon6 composites 
Organisation University of Michigan
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub funded a Platform Fellow at The University of Nottingham, in 'Development of rapid processing routes for carbon fibre / nylon6 composites'. Contributions: 1. Nylon melt viscosity is very low, allowing for simple film stacking compression moulding and capture of fine features
Collaborator Contribution Bruggemann have provided advice on the in situ polymerisation of their nylon materials and are continuing to be involved and provide materials for the Ph.D./feasibility study. Engel provided significant advice in the area of in situ polymerisation of nylon through RTM and are open to collaborative work. There is a potential to work with them in the diaphragm feasibility study. AMRC were originally involved in the feasibility study "Acceleration of Monomer Transfer Moulding using microwaves" and have an ongoing interest with thermoplastics processing. The University of Edinburgh were also involved in this feasibility project and have since joined with the new feasibility project "Incorporation of thermoplastic in situ polymerisation in double diaphragm forming". Attendence at the TPRC 10th anniversary conference provided a good overview of cutting edge research in thermoplastic composites Interaction with Hub members at the synergy event has identified the value and opportunity of creating a thermoplastics working group
Impact 1. The Advanced Engineering show provided an opportunity to engage with a range of suppliers of thermoplastic specific materials e.g. sized carbon fibre, compatible vacuum consumables. 2. Innovate/IACME project "Enhanced Characterisation and Simulation Methods for Thermoplastic Overmoulding" - ENACT. Awaiting final offer letter, anticipated to start in March. 3. Feasibility study - Incorporation of thermoplastic in situ polymerisation in double diaphragm forming 4. Feasibility study - Incremental sheet forming of fibre reinforced thermoplastic composites
Start Year 2019
Description Development of rapid processing routes for carbon fibre / nylon6 composites 
Organisation University of Nottingham
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub funded a Platform Fellow at The University of Nottingham, in 'Development of rapid processing routes for carbon fibre / nylon6 composites'. Contributions: 1. Nylon melt viscosity is very low, allowing for simple film stacking compression moulding and capture of fine features
Collaborator Contribution Bruggemann have provided advice on the in situ polymerisation of their nylon materials and are continuing to be involved and provide materials for the Ph.D./feasibility study. Engel provided significant advice in the area of in situ polymerisation of nylon through RTM and are open to collaborative work. There is a potential to work with them in the diaphragm feasibility study. AMRC were originally involved in the feasibility study "Acceleration of Monomer Transfer Moulding using microwaves" and have an ongoing interest with thermoplastics processing. The University of Edinburgh were also involved in this feasibility project and have since joined with the new feasibility project "Incorporation of thermoplastic in situ polymerisation in double diaphragm forming". Attendence at the TPRC 10th anniversary conference provided a good overview of cutting edge research in thermoplastic composites Interaction with Hub members at the synergy event has identified the value and opportunity of creating a thermoplastics working group
Impact 1. The Advanced Engineering show provided an opportunity to engage with a range of suppliers of thermoplastic specific materials e.g. sized carbon fibre, compatible vacuum consumables. 2. Innovate/IACME project "Enhanced Characterisation and Simulation Methods for Thermoplastic Overmoulding" - ENACT. Awaiting final offer letter, anticipated to start in March. 3. Feasibility study - Incorporation of thermoplastic in situ polymerisation in double diaphragm forming 4. Feasibility study - Incremental sheet forming of fibre reinforced thermoplastic composites
Start Year 2019
Description Development of rapid processing routes for carbon fibre / nylon6 composites 
Organisation University of Sheffield
Department Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC)
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub funded a Platform Fellow at The University of Nottingham, in 'Development of rapid processing routes for carbon fibre / nylon6 composites'. Contributions: 1. Nylon melt viscosity is very low, allowing for simple film stacking compression moulding and capture of fine features
Collaborator Contribution Bruggemann have provided advice on the in situ polymerisation of their nylon materials and are continuing to be involved and provide materials for the Ph.D./feasibility study. Engel provided significant advice in the area of in situ polymerisation of nylon through RTM and are open to collaborative work. There is a potential to work with them in the diaphragm feasibility study. AMRC were originally involved in the feasibility study "Acceleration of Monomer Transfer Moulding using microwaves" and have an ongoing interest with thermoplastics processing. The University of Edinburgh were also involved in this feasibility project and have since joined with the new feasibility project "Incorporation of thermoplastic in situ polymerisation in double diaphragm forming". Attendence at the TPRC 10th anniversary conference provided a good overview of cutting edge research in thermoplastic composites Interaction with Hub members at the synergy event has identified the value and opportunity of creating a thermoplastics working group
Impact 1. The Advanced Engineering show provided an opportunity to engage with a range of suppliers of thermoplastic specific materials e.g. sized carbon fibre, compatible vacuum consumables. 2. Innovate/IACME project "Enhanced Characterisation and Simulation Methods for Thermoplastic Overmoulding" - ENACT. Awaiting final offer letter, anticipated to start in March. 3. Feasibility study - Incorporation of thermoplastic in situ polymerisation in double diaphragm forming 4. Feasibility study - Incremental sheet forming of fibre reinforced thermoplastic composites
Start Year 2019
Description Development of rapid processing routes for carbon fibre / nylon6 composites 
Organisation University of Warwick
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub funded a Platform Fellow at The University of Nottingham, in 'Development of rapid processing routes for carbon fibre / nylon6 composites'. Contributions: 1. Nylon melt viscosity is very low, allowing for simple film stacking compression moulding and capture of fine features
Collaborator Contribution Bruggemann have provided advice on the in situ polymerisation of their nylon materials and are continuing to be involved and provide materials for the Ph.D./feasibility study. Engel provided significant advice in the area of in situ polymerisation of nylon through RTM and are open to collaborative work. There is a potential to work with them in the diaphragm feasibility study. AMRC were originally involved in the feasibility study "Acceleration of Monomer Transfer Moulding using microwaves" and have an ongoing interest with thermoplastics processing. The University of Edinburgh were also involved in this feasibility project and have since joined with the new feasibility project "Incorporation of thermoplastic in situ polymerisation in double diaphragm forming". Attendence at the TPRC 10th anniversary conference provided a good overview of cutting edge research in thermoplastic composites Interaction with Hub members at the synergy event has identified the value and opportunity of creating a thermoplastics working group
Impact 1. The Advanced Engineering show provided an opportunity to engage with a range of suppliers of thermoplastic specific materials e.g. sized carbon fibre, compatible vacuum consumables. 2. Innovate/IACME project "Enhanced Characterisation and Simulation Methods for Thermoplastic Overmoulding" - ENACT. Awaiting final offer letter, anticipated to start in March. 3. Feasibility study - Incorporation of thermoplastic in situ polymerisation in double diaphragm forming 4. Feasibility study - Incremental sheet forming of fibre reinforced thermoplastic composites
Start Year 2019
Description Energy Efficient Composite Tooling with Integrated Self-Regulating Heating and Curing Capabilities based on Recycled Composite Waste (ECOTOOL) 
Organisation Loughborough University
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a Synergy project grant to Queen Mary, University London, University of Nottingham and Loughborough University a twelve month project 'Energy Efficient Composite Tooling with Integrated Self-Regulating Heating and Curing Capabilities based on Recycled Composite Waste (ECOTOOL)'.
Collaborator Contribution None to date due to the project only recently commenced.
Impact None to date due to the project only recently commenced.
Start Year 2022
Description Energy Efficient Composite Tooling with Integrated Self-Regulating Heating and Curing Capabilities based on Recycled Composite Waste (ECOTOOL) 
Organisation Queen Mary University of London
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a Synergy project grant to Queen Mary, University London, University of Nottingham and Loughborough University a twelve month project 'Energy Efficient Composite Tooling with Integrated Self-Regulating Heating and Curing Capabilities based on Recycled Composite Waste (ECOTOOL)'.
Collaborator Contribution None to date due to the project only recently commenced.
Impact None to date due to the project only recently commenced.
Start Year 2022
Description Energy Efficient Composite Tooling with Integrated Self-Regulating Heating and Curing Capabilities based on Recycled Composite Waste (ECOTOOL) 
Organisation University of Nottingham
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a Synergy project grant to Queen Mary, University London, University of Nottingham and Loughborough University a twelve month project 'Energy Efficient Composite Tooling with Integrated Self-Regulating Heating and Curing Capabilities based on Recycled Composite Waste (ECOTOOL)'.
Collaborator Contribution None to date due to the project only recently commenced.
Impact None to date due to the project only recently commenced.
Start Year 2022
Description Evaluating the potential for in-process eddy-current testing of composite structures 
Organisation University of Bristol
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to The University of Bristol for the six-month project 'Evaluating the potential for in-process eddy-current testing of composite structures '. Contributions: 1. Demonstrated the relationship between applied pressure and carbon fibre inductive response, showing material relaxation over time is measurable via inductive signature. 2. Confirmation of absence of multi-layer response in un-cured composite layup. Proves that in-line ECT of CFRP would be require only simple analysis. 3. Developed a bespoke AFP environment simulation rig for ECT testing 4. Characterised ECT sensitivity to fibre angle as a function of material standoff 5. Identified most sensitive operating frequencies for un-cured CFRP.
Collaborator Contribution There are no clear defined industrial partners for this project at this stage.
Impact This feasibility study has led to strong collaborative links with composite researchers and industrial partners. A PhD project has begun with support from Rolls-Royce plc. to further explore and characterise the inspection of uncured composite materials for in-line monitoring. A funding proposal is also in development for an EPSRC New Investigator Award (NIA) supported by Rolls-Royce and Airbus. The PI is actively engaged in supporting the CERTEST composite manufacturing project aligned with the Hub's goals. Numerous potential activities have been identified with other projects including Technologies framework for Automated Dry Fibre Placement, and the monitoring of layer-by-layer curing. Links with industrial partners including Rolls-Royce, GKN & Airbus have also been made.
Start Year 2019
Description Furthering the uptake of Carbon Fibre Recyclates by converting into Robust Intermediary Materials suitable for Automated Manufacturing 
Organisation CMT United Kingdom
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to The University of Nottingham and the University of Edinburgh for the six-month project 'Furthering the uptake of Carbon Fibre Recyclates by converting into Robust Intermediary Materials suitable for Automated Manufacturing '.
Collaborator Contribution The project has successfully demonstrated an improvement in usability of the existing aligned fibre tapes at low TRL. The development within this project is related to the underlying alignment technology which is an active area of research for the group. This project has enabled a pathway towards a scaled-up process which will be added to the existing alignment process flow.
Impact Discussions with potential partners are taking place. We hope to develop a process operating at commercial scale to compete with the other existing and developmental processes delivering intermediates to high performance applications in aerospace interiors and automotive. Remaining scientific challenges to be explored in future work: • Application method - how can the location of the binder within the core of the tape be controlled • What is the range of forming behaviour that can be achieved with different material combinations? • What is the performance of the developed materials at different temperatures? • Stability of material under processing parameters of downstream manufacturing processes, as well as temperature, tensile strength for material to be self-supporting (i.e., tapes will not break as they are fed though deposition machinery). • Dewatering and removal/management of 'temporary' binder i.e., viscosity modifier. • Chemical / Physical interactions of viscosity modifier and binder. • Incorporate intermediate processing stage that conditions the tapes to have a topology that is more suitable for downstream manufacturing processes, i.e., flatter and smoother. • Analysis methods for effective and efficient measurement of intra-tape binder content and localisation. • In-process behaviour not fully characterised • Laminate performance not fully characterised but dependent on underlying tape structure Synergy with other Hub projects The technology developed within this project will be employed on the Hub Synergy project ECOTOOL to develop low cost, high performance integrally heated tooling.
Start Year 2022
Description Furthering the uptake of Carbon Fibre Recyclates by converting into Robust Intermediary Materials suitable for Automated Manufacturing 
Organisation Teijin Aramid B.V.
Country Netherlands 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to The University of Nottingham and the University of Edinburgh for the six-month project 'Furthering the uptake of Carbon Fibre Recyclates by converting into Robust Intermediary Materials suitable for Automated Manufacturing '.
Collaborator Contribution The project has successfully demonstrated an improvement in usability of the existing aligned fibre tapes at low TRL. The development within this project is related to the underlying alignment technology which is an active area of research for the group. This project has enabled a pathway towards a scaled-up process which will be added to the existing alignment process flow.
Impact Discussions with potential partners are taking place. We hope to develop a process operating at commercial scale to compete with the other existing and developmental processes delivering intermediates to high performance applications in aerospace interiors and automotive. Remaining scientific challenges to be explored in future work: • Application method - how can the location of the binder within the core of the tape be controlled • What is the range of forming behaviour that can be achieved with different material combinations? • What is the performance of the developed materials at different temperatures? • Stability of material under processing parameters of downstream manufacturing processes, as well as temperature, tensile strength for material to be self-supporting (i.e., tapes will not break as they are fed though deposition machinery). • Dewatering and removal/management of 'temporary' binder i.e., viscosity modifier. • Chemical / Physical interactions of viscosity modifier and binder. • Incorporate intermediate processing stage that conditions the tapes to have a topology that is more suitable for downstream manufacturing processes, i.e., flatter and smoother. • Analysis methods for effective and efficient measurement of intra-tape binder content and localisation. • In-process behaviour not fully characterised • Laminate performance not fully characterised but dependent on underlying tape structure Synergy with other Hub projects The technology developed within this project will be employed on the Hub Synergy project ECOTOOL to develop low cost, high performance integrally heated tooling.
Start Year 2022
Description Furthering the uptake of Carbon Fibre Recyclates by converting into Robust Intermediary Materials suitable for Automated Manufacturing 
Organisation University of Edinburgh
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to The University of Nottingham and the University of Edinburgh for the six-month project 'Furthering the uptake of Carbon Fibre Recyclates by converting into Robust Intermediary Materials suitable for Automated Manufacturing '.
Collaborator Contribution The project has successfully demonstrated an improvement in usability of the existing aligned fibre tapes at low TRL. The development within this project is related to the underlying alignment technology which is an active area of research for the group. This project has enabled a pathway towards a scaled-up process which will be added to the existing alignment process flow.
Impact Discussions with potential partners are taking place. We hope to develop a process operating at commercial scale to compete with the other existing and developmental processes delivering intermediates to high performance applications in aerospace interiors and automotive. Remaining scientific challenges to be explored in future work: • Application method - how can the location of the binder within the core of the tape be controlled • What is the range of forming behaviour that can be achieved with different material combinations? • What is the performance of the developed materials at different temperatures? • Stability of material under processing parameters of downstream manufacturing processes, as well as temperature, tensile strength for material to be self-supporting (i.e., tapes will not break as they are fed though deposition machinery). • Dewatering and removal/management of 'temporary' binder i.e., viscosity modifier. • Chemical / Physical interactions of viscosity modifier and binder. • Incorporate intermediate processing stage that conditions the tapes to have a topology that is more suitable for downstream manufacturing processes, i.e., flatter and smoother. • Analysis methods for effective and efficient measurement of intra-tape binder content and localisation. • In-process behaviour not fully characterised • Laminate performance not fully characterised but dependent on underlying tape structure Synergy with other Hub projects The technology developed within this project will be employed on the Hub Synergy project ECOTOOL to develop low cost, high performance integrally heated tooling.
Start Year 2022
Description Furthering the uptake of Carbon Fibre Recyclates by converting into Robust Intermediary Materials suitable for Automated Manufacturing 
Organisation University of Nottingham
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to The University of Nottingham and the University of Edinburgh for the six-month project 'Furthering the uptake of Carbon Fibre Recyclates by converting into Robust Intermediary Materials suitable for Automated Manufacturing '.
Collaborator Contribution The project has successfully demonstrated an improvement in usability of the existing aligned fibre tapes at low TRL. The development within this project is related to the underlying alignment technology which is an active area of research for the group. This project has enabled a pathway towards a scaled-up process which will be added to the existing alignment process flow.
Impact Discussions with potential partners are taking place. We hope to develop a process operating at commercial scale to compete with the other existing and developmental processes delivering intermediates to high performance applications in aerospace interiors and automotive. Remaining scientific challenges to be explored in future work: • Application method - how can the location of the binder within the core of the tape be controlled • What is the range of forming behaviour that can be achieved with different material combinations? • What is the performance of the developed materials at different temperatures? • Stability of material under processing parameters of downstream manufacturing processes, as well as temperature, tensile strength for material to be self-supporting (i.e., tapes will not break as they are fed though deposition machinery). • Dewatering and removal/management of 'temporary' binder i.e., viscosity modifier. • Chemical / Physical interactions of viscosity modifier and binder. • Incorporate intermediate processing stage that conditions the tapes to have a topology that is more suitable for downstream manufacturing processes, i.e., flatter and smoother. • Analysis methods for effective and efficient measurement of intra-tape binder content and localisation. • In-process behaviour not fully characterised • Laminate performance not fully characterised but dependent on underlying tape structure Synergy with other Hub projects The technology developed within this project will be employed on the Hub Synergy project ECOTOOL to develop low cost, high performance integrally heated tooling.
Start Year 2022
Description Incorporation of thermoplastic in situ polymerisation in double diaphragm forming 
Organisation Engel
Country Austria 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to The University of Nottingham for the six-month project 'Incorporation of thermoplastic in situ polymerisation in double diaphragm forming'. Most aspects of the collaboration were demonstrated and the process was shown to be feasible at a small scale, but full success cannot be claimed since the infusion mixing system has not been fully combined with the forming frame. The research team made the following contributions: 1) Manufacture benchtop diaphragm former, suitable for TP liquid infusion 2) Produce 2D composite panels by vacuum infusion in rigid tooling (baseline) 3) Produce 2D composite panels between flexible diaphragms 4) Produce 3D composite components between diaphragms to at least rigid solid Deliverable 1 - This was to produce a small scale forming system. It was made at a small scale to minimise risks to users and to avoid damage to the existing larger system in early trials. The frame was made taking into account several of the risk factors to try and produce an effective solution and to make it suitable for all processing environments, from fume hood to oven. A three part frame with a vacuum channel provided the double diaphragm section and then a vacuum baseplate with removable hemisphere shape comprised the forming section. Deliverable 2 - This was to produce a flat panel in rigid tooling using vacuum forming. Some basic laboratory studies were performed to de-risk the process, determining pot life estimation, checking the process would run to completion and most importantly checking the combability of vacuum consumables with the reaction mixture. Most vacuum bagging materials are made of nylon, which is not compatible with the monomer, and so less common materials were considered in consultation with Tygavac and Vac innovation. Results identified two fluoropolymer films, normally used as release films but with reasonable strain characteristics (Tygavac A4000, Tygavac Wrightlon), and silicone were all suitable. Tubing was limited to PTFE in high temperature environments and silicone at room temperature. A silicone-based tacky tape was identified, however no suitable breather cloth was available. For the initial trials a slow catalyst was used, to ensure plenty of time to fill and form before polymerisation (30-60 mins). A much faster catalyst is available that would enable faster production (e.g. 2-3 mins). After considerable efforts in developing a suitable infusion protocol using simple resin mixing, flat panels were produced using both glass and carbon reinforcements. The glass and carbon both had specially adapted sizing treatments to suit the APA6 monomer. Infusion was performed between two flexible diaphragms, but was supported by a rigid tool Deliverable 3 - This was to produce flat panels in flexible tooling, using the forming frame, with only the vacuum providing rigidity to the system (unsupported diaphragms). Severe racetracking occurred and the original mitigation methods were either impractical or ineffective. Blocking off the vacuum gallery with tape or other material did not prevent the very low viscosity resin bleeding through. Modifications to the frame were considered, but were beyond budget in this early study. Instead, perimeter tacky tape was used as a temporary measure to isolate the reinforcement. Through-bag connections were avoided during the infusion stage, to prevent the likelihood of the diaphragm failing during forming due to any stress concentrations. While this proved to be entirely suitable for initial trials with an epoxy resin, there were limitations with the in situ polymerisation approach. The infusion was observed to progress rapidly and completely, where excellent wet out was achieved and the resin successfully polymerised to produce approximately 60% fibre volume fraction composites. However, interlaminar consolidation was poor, essentially resulting in a stack of well wet out thermoplastic tapes. This was ascribed to potential loss of vacuum consolidation as a result of a blockage in the vacuum line and/or the action of gravity on the unsupported diaphragms. A number of solutions were investigated, including heated vacuum lines and angled fill, but with mixed success. Ultimately this proved to be a less significant issue when forming. Deliverable 4 - was to produce formed components using the in situ polymerisation process and ideally to demonstrate the benefits of filling prior to forming. The benefits to forming were first demonstrated with epoxy, where hemispheres produced by first filling a flat reinforcement and then forming (fill-form) achieved better forming results (fewer wrinkles/less bridging) than hemispheres made by forming a reinforcement before infusion (form-fill). A successful form-fill experiment was conducted with carbon fibre and the in-situ polymerisation process. Effectiveness is limited by the consumables and there is an apparent imbalance in pressure acting on the hemisphere. However, the result was well consolidated in the sections that did not experiencing fabric bridging. The Ph.D. student at Nottingham is continuing with this work and additional examples are expected soon. Further refinement of the infusion equipment would improve the result.
Collaborator Contribution Industrial partners; Bruggemann and Tvgavac provided the materials for the collaboration and remain engaged. Discussions on the polymerisation process with an expert at Engel took place and discussions with a representative at Johns Manville with regards to the project review took place.
Impact The results of the project are in review with industry partners with a view to scoping out follow on studies. There are continuing activities at both sites at present, but funding is limited. Ideally with the removal of travel restrictions (the impact of covid) it would be possible to combine the equipment from both sites to demonstrate the process, as was originally intended. As well as process improvements, fundamental questions have been identified in relation to very low viscosity infusion and these would form the basis of an EPSRC supported study (either through a Hub Core Project or a Responsive Mode application). Opportunities are being explored in conjunction with the NCC, AMRC or industry. Talks are also taking place with Arkema to discuss the potential of using Elium in this system as well.
Start Year 2020
Description Incorporation of thermoplastic in situ polymerisation in double diaphragm forming 
Organisation Johns Manville
Country Slovakia 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to The University of Nottingham for the six-month project 'Incorporation of thermoplastic in situ polymerisation in double diaphragm forming'. Most aspects of the collaboration were demonstrated and the process was shown to be feasible at a small scale, but full success cannot be claimed since the infusion mixing system has not been fully combined with the forming frame. The research team made the following contributions: 1) Manufacture benchtop diaphragm former, suitable for TP liquid infusion 2) Produce 2D composite panels by vacuum infusion in rigid tooling (baseline) 3) Produce 2D composite panels between flexible diaphragms 4) Produce 3D composite components between diaphragms to at least rigid solid Deliverable 1 - This was to produce a small scale forming system. It was made at a small scale to minimise risks to users and to avoid damage to the existing larger system in early trials. The frame was made taking into account several of the risk factors to try and produce an effective solution and to make it suitable for all processing environments, from fume hood to oven. A three part frame with a vacuum channel provided the double diaphragm section and then a vacuum baseplate with removable hemisphere shape comprised the forming section. Deliverable 2 - This was to produce a flat panel in rigid tooling using vacuum forming. Some basic laboratory studies were performed to de-risk the process, determining pot life estimation, checking the process would run to completion and most importantly checking the combability of vacuum consumables with the reaction mixture. Most vacuum bagging materials are made of nylon, which is not compatible with the monomer, and so less common materials were considered in consultation with Tygavac and Vac innovation. Results identified two fluoropolymer films, normally used as release films but with reasonable strain characteristics (Tygavac A4000, Tygavac Wrightlon), and silicone were all suitable. Tubing was limited to PTFE in high temperature environments and silicone at room temperature. A silicone-based tacky tape was identified, however no suitable breather cloth was available. For the initial trials a slow catalyst was used, to ensure plenty of time to fill and form before polymerisation (30-60 mins). A much faster catalyst is available that would enable faster production (e.g. 2-3 mins). After considerable efforts in developing a suitable infusion protocol using simple resin mixing, flat panels were produced using both glass and carbon reinforcements. The glass and carbon both had specially adapted sizing treatments to suit the APA6 monomer. Infusion was performed between two flexible diaphragms, but was supported by a rigid tool Deliverable 3 - This was to produce flat panels in flexible tooling, using the forming frame, with only the vacuum providing rigidity to the system (unsupported diaphragms). Severe racetracking occurred and the original mitigation methods were either impractical or ineffective. Blocking off the vacuum gallery with tape or other material did not prevent the very low viscosity resin bleeding through. Modifications to the frame were considered, but were beyond budget in this early study. Instead, perimeter tacky tape was used as a temporary measure to isolate the reinforcement. Through-bag connections were avoided during the infusion stage, to prevent the likelihood of the diaphragm failing during forming due to any stress concentrations. While this proved to be entirely suitable for initial trials with an epoxy resin, there were limitations with the in situ polymerisation approach. The infusion was observed to progress rapidly and completely, where excellent wet out was achieved and the resin successfully polymerised to produce approximately 60% fibre volume fraction composites. However, interlaminar consolidation was poor, essentially resulting in a stack of well wet out thermoplastic tapes. This was ascribed to potential loss of vacuum consolidation as a result of a blockage in the vacuum line and/or the action of gravity on the unsupported diaphragms. A number of solutions were investigated, including heated vacuum lines and angled fill, but with mixed success. Ultimately this proved to be a less significant issue when forming. Deliverable 4 - was to produce formed components using the in situ polymerisation process and ideally to demonstrate the benefits of filling prior to forming. The benefits to forming were first demonstrated with epoxy, where hemispheres produced by first filling a flat reinforcement and then forming (fill-form) achieved better forming results (fewer wrinkles/less bridging) than hemispheres made by forming a reinforcement before infusion (form-fill). A successful form-fill experiment was conducted with carbon fibre and the in-situ polymerisation process. Effectiveness is limited by the consumables and there is an apparent imbalance in pressure acting on the hemisphere. However, the result was well consolidated in the sections that did not experiencing fabric bridging. The Ph.D. student at Nottingham is continuing with this work and additional examples are expected soon. Further refinement of the infusion equipment would improve the result.
Collaborator Contribution Industrial partners; Bruggemann and Tvgavac provided the materials for the collaboration and remain engaged. Discussions on the polymerisation process with an expert at Engel took place and discussions with a representative at Johns Manville with regards to the project review took place.
Impact The results of the project are in review with industry partners with a view to scoping out follow on studies. There are continuing activities at both sites at present, but funding is limited. Ideally with the removal of travel restrictions (the impact of covid) it would be possible to combine the equipment from both sites to demonstrate the process, as was originally intended. As well as process improvements, fundamental questions have been identified in relation to very low viscosity infusion and these would form the basis of an EPSRC supported study (either through a Hub Core Project or a Responsive Mode application). Opportunities are being explored in conjunction with the NCC, AMRC or industry. Talks are also taking place with Arkema to discuss the potential of using Elium in this system as well.
Start Year 2020
Description Incorporation of thermoplastic in situ polymerisation in double diaphragm forming 
Organisation L. Bruggemann KG
Country Germany 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to The University of Nottingham for the six-month project 'Incorporation of thermoplastic in situ polymerisation in double diaphragm forming'. Most aspects of the collaboration were demonstrated and the process was shown to be feasible at a small scale, but full success cannot be claimed since the infusion mixing system has not been fully combined with the forming frame. The research team made the following contributions: 1) Manufacture benchtop diaphragm former, suitable for TP liquid infusion 2) Produce 2D composite panels by vacuum infusion in rigid tooling (baseline) 3) Produce 2D composite panels between flexible diaphragms 4) Produce 3D composite components between diaphragms to at least rigid solid Deliverable 1 - This was to produce a small scale forming system. It was made at a small scale to minimise risks to users and to avoid damage to the existing larger system in early trials. The frame was made taking into account several of the risk factors to try and produce an effective solution and to make it suitable for all processing environments, from fume hood to oven. A three part frame with a vacuum channel provided the double diaphragm section and then a vacuum baseplate with removable hemisphere shape comprised the forming section. Deliverable 2 - This was to produce a flat panel in rigid tooling using vacuum forming. Some basic laboratory studies were performed to de-risk the process, determining pot life estimation, checking the process would run to completion and most importantly checking the combability of vacuum consumables with the reaction mixture. Most vacuum bagging materials are made of nylon, which is not compatible with the monomer, and so less common materials were considered in consultation with Tygavac and Vac innovation. Results identified two fluoropolymer films, normally used as release films but with reasonable strain characteristics (Tygavac A4000, Tygavac Wrightlon), and silicone were all suitable. Tubing was limited to PTFE in high temperature environments and silicone at room temperature. A silicone-based tacky tape was identified, however no suitable breather cloth was available. For the initial trials a slow catalyst was used, to ensure plenty of time to fill and form before polymerisation (30-60 mins). A much faster catalyst is available that would enable faster production (e.g. 2-3 mins). After considerable efforts in developing a suitable infusion protocol using simple resin mixing, flat panels were produced using both glass and carbon reinforcements. The glass and carbon both had specially adapted sizing treatments to suit the APA6 monomer. Infusion was performed between two flexible diaphragms, but was supported by a rigid tool Deliverable 3 - This was to produce flat panels in flexible tooling, using the forming frame, with only the vacuum providing rigidity to the system (unsupported diaphragms). Severe racetracking occurred and the original mitigation methods were either impractical or ineffective. Blocking off the vacuum gallery with tape or other material did not prevent the very low viscosity resin bleeding through. Modifications to the frame were considered, but were beyond budget in this early study. Instead, perimeter tacky tape was used as a temporary measure to isolate the reinforcement. Through-bag connections were avoided during the infusion stage, to prevent the likelihood of the diaphragm failing during forming due to any stress concentrations. While this proved to be entirely suitable for initial trials with an epoxy resin, there were limitations with the in situ polymerisation approach. The infusion was observed to progress rapidly and completely, where excellent wet out was achieved and the resin successfully polymerised to produce approximately 60% fibre volume fraction composites. However, interlaminar consolidation was poor, essentially resulting in a stack of well wet out thermoplastic tapes. This was ascribed to potential loss of vacuum consolidation as a result of a blockage in the vacuum line and/or the action of gravity on the unsupported diaphragms. A number of solutions were investigated, including heated vacuum lines and angled fill, but with mixed success. Ultimately this proved to be a less significant issue when forming. Deliverable 4 - was to produce formed components using the in situ polymerisation process and ideally to demonstrate the benefits of filling prior to forming. The benefits to forming were first demonstrated with epoxy, where hemispheres produced by first filling a flat reinforcement and then forming (fill-form) achieved better forming results (fewer wrinkles/less bridging) than hemispheres made by forming a reinforcement before infusion (form-fill). A successful form-fill experiment was conducted with carbon fibre and the in-situ polymerisation process. Effectiveness is limited by the consumables and there is an apparent imbalance in pressure acting on the hemisphere. However, the result was well consolidated in the sections that did not experiencing fabric bridging. The Ph.D. student at Nottingham is continuing with this work and additional examples are expected soon. Further refinement of the infusion equipment would improve the result.
Collaborator Contribution Industrial partners; Bruggemann and Tvgavac provided the materials for the collaboration and remain engaged. Discussions on the polymerisation process with an expert at Engel took place and discussions with a representative at Johns Manville with regards to the project review took place.
Impact The results of the project are in review with industry partners with a view to scoping out follow on studies. There are continuing activities at both sites at present, but funding is limited. Ideally with the removal of travel restrictions (the impact of covid) it would be possible to combine the equipment from both sites to demonstrate the process, as was originally intended. As well as process improvements, fundamental questions have been identified in relation to very low viscosity infusion and these would form the basis of an EPSRC supported study (either through a Hub Core Project or a Responsive Mode application). Opportunities are being explored in conjunction with the NCC, AMRC or industry. Talks are also taking place with Arkema to discuss the potential of using Elium in this system as well.
Start Year 2020
Description Incorporation of thermoplastic in situ polymerisation in double diaphragm forming 
Organisation University of Edinburgh
Department Edinburgh Genomics
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to The University of Nottingham for the six-month project 'Incorporation of thermoplastic in situ polymerisation in double diaphragm forming'. Most aspects of the collaboration were demonstrated and the process was shown to be feasible at a small scale, but full success cannot be claimed since the infusion mixing system has not been fully combined with the forming frame. The research team made the following contributions: 1) Manufacture benchtop diaphragm former, suitable for TP liquid infusion 2) Produce 2D composite panels by vacuum infusion in rigid tooling (baseline) 3) Produce 2D composite panels between flexible diaphragms 4) Produce 3D composite components between diaphragms to at least rigid solid Deliverable 1 - This was to produce a small scale forming system. It was made at a small scale to minimise risks to users and to avoid damage to the existing larger system in early trials. The frame was made taking into account several of the risk factors to try and produce an effective solution and to make it suitable for all processing environments, from fume hood to oven. A three part frame with a vacuum channel provided the double diaphragm section and then a vacuum baseplate with removable hemisphere shape comprised the forming section. Deliverable 2 - This was to produce a flat panel in rigid tooling using vacuum forming. Some basic laboratory studies were performed to de-risk the process, determining pot life estimation, checking the process would run to completion and most importantly checking the combability of vacuum consumables with the reaction mixture. Most vacuum bagging materials are made of nylon, which is not compatible with the monomer, and so less common materials were considered in consultation with Tygavac and Vac innovation. Results identified two fluoropolymer films, normally used as release films but with reasonable strain characteristics (Tygavac A4000, Tygavac Wrightlon), and silicone were all suitable. Tubing was limited to PTFE in high temperature environments and silicone at room temperature. A silicone-based tacky tape was identified, however no suitable breather cloth was available. For the initial trials a slow catalyst was used, to ensure plenty of time to fill and form before polymerisation (30-60 mins). A much faster catalyst is available that would enable faster production (e.g. 2-3 mins). After considerable efforts in developing a suitable infusion protocol using simple resin mixing, flat panels were produced using both glass and carbon reinforcements. The glass and carbon both had specially adapted sizing treatments to suit the APA6 monomer. Infusion was performed between two flexible diaphragms, but was supported by a rigid tool Deliverable 3 - This was to produce flat panels in flexible tooling, using the forming frame, with only the vacuum providing rigidity to the system (unsupported diaphragms). Severe racetracking occurred and the original mitigation methods were either impractical or ineffective. Blocking off the vacuum gallery with tape or other material did not prevent the very low viscosity resin bleeding through. Modifications to the frame were considered, but were beyond budget in this early study. Instead, perimeter tacky tape was used as a temporary measure to isolate the reinforcement. Through-bag connections were avoided during the infusion stage, to prevent the likelihood of the diaphragm failing during forming due to any stress concentrations. While this proved to be entirely suitable for initial trials with an epoxy resin, there were limitations with the in situ polymerisation approach. The infusion was observed to progress rapidly and completely, where excellent wet out was achieved and the resin successfully polymerised to produce approximately 60% fibre volume fraction composites. However, interlaminar consolidation was poor, essentially resulting in a stack of well wet out thermoplastic tapes. This was ascribed to potential loss of vacuum consolidation as a result of a blockage in the vacuum line and/or the action of gravity on the unsupported diaphragms. A number of solutions were investigated, including heated vacuum lines and angled fill, but with mixed success. Ultimately this proved to be a less significant issue when forming. Deliverable 4 - was to produce formed components using the in situ polymerisation process and ideally to demonstrate the benefits of filling prior to forming. The benefits to forming were first demonstrated with epoxy, where hemispheres produced by first filling a flat reinforcement and then forming (fill-form) achieved better forming results (fewer wrinkles/less bridging) than hemispheres made by forming a reinforcement before infusion (form-fill). A successful form-fill experiment was conducted with carbon fibre and the in-situ polymerisation process. Effectiveness is limited by the consumables and there is an apparent imbalance in pressure acting on the hemisphere. However, the result was well consolidated in the sections that did not experiencing fabric bridging. The Ph.D. student at Nottingham is continuing with this work and additional examples are expected soon. Further refinement of the infusion equipment would improve the result.
Collaborator Contribution Industrial partners; Bruggemann and Tvgavac provided the materials for the collaboration and remain engaged. Discussions on the polymerisation process with an expert at Engel took place and discussions with a representative at Johns Manville with regards to the project review took place.
Impact The results of the project are in review with industry partners with a view to scoping out follow on studies. There are continuing activities at both sites at present, but funding is limited. Ideally with the removal of travel restrictions (the impact of covid) it would be possible to combine the equipment from both sites to demonstrate the process, as was originally intended. As well as process improvements, fundamental questions have been identified in relation to very low viscosity infusion and these would form the basis of an EPSRC supported study (either through a Hub Core Project or a Responsive Mode application). Opportunities are being explored in conjunction with the NCC, AMRC or industry. Talks are also taking place with Arkema to discuss the potential of using Elium in this system as well.
Start Year 2020
Description Incorporation of thermoplastic in situ polymerisation in double diaphragm forming 
Organisation University of Nottingham
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to The University of Nottingham for the six-month project 'Incorporation of thermoplastic in situ polymerisation in double diaphragm forming'. Most aspects of the collaboration were demonstrated and the process was shown to be feasible at a small scale, but full success cannot be claimed since the infusion mixing system has not been fully combined with the forming frame. The research team made the following contributions: 1) Manufacture benchtop diaphragm former, suitable for TP liquid infusion 2) Produce 2D composite panels by vacuum infusion in rigid tooling (baseline) 3) Produce 2D composite panels between flexible diaphragms 4) Produce 3D composite components between diaphragms to at least rigid solid Deliverable 1 - This was to produce a small scale forming system. It was made at a small scale to minimise risks to users and to avoid damage to the existing larger system in early trials. The frame was made taking into account several of the risk factors to try and produce an effective solution and to make it suitable for all processing environments, from fume hood to oven. A three part frame with a vacuum channel provided the double diaphragm section and then a vacuum baseplate with removable hemisphere shape comprised the forming section. Deliverable 2 - This was to produce a flat panel in rigid tooling using vacuum forming. Some basic laboratory studies were performed to de-risk the process, determining pot life estimation, checking the process would run to completion and most importantly checking the combability of vacuum consumables with the reaction mixture. Most vacuum bagging materials are made of nylon, which is not compatible with the monomer, and so less common materials were considered in consultation with Tygavac and Vac innovation. Results identified two fluoropolymer films, normally used as release films but with reasonable strain characteristics (Tygavac A4000, Tygavac Wrightlon), and silicone were all suitable. Tubing was limited to PTFE in high temperature environments and silicone at room temperature. A silicone-based tacky tape was identified, however no suitable breather cloth was available. For the initial trials a slow catalyst was used, to ensure plenty of time to fill and form before polymerisation (30-60 mins). A much faster catalyst is available that would enable faster production (e.g. 2-3 mins). After considerable efforts in developing a suitable infusion protocol using simple resin mixing, flat panels were produced using both glass and carbon reinforcements. The glass and carbon both had specially adapted sizing treatments to suit the APA6 monomer. Infusion was performed between two flexible diaphragms, but was supported by a rigid tool Deliverable 3 - This was to produce flat panels in flexible tooling, using the forming frame, with only the vacuum providing rigidity to the system (unsupported diaphragms). Severe racetracking occurred and the original mitigation methods were either impractical or ineffective. Blocking off the vacuum gallery with tape or other material did not prevent the very low viscosity resin bleeding through. Modifications to the frame were considered, but were beyond budget in this early study. Instead, perimeter tacky tape was used as a temporary measure to isolate the reinforcement. Through-bag connections were avoided during the infusion stage, to prevent the likelihood of the diaphragm failing during forming due to any stress concentrations. While this proved to be entirely suitable for initial trials with an epoxy resin, there were limitations with the in situ polymerisation approach. The infusion was observed to progress rapidly and completely, where excellent wet out was achieved and the resin successfully polymerised to produce approximately 60% fibre volume fraction composites. However, interlaminar consolidation was poor, essentially resulting in a stack of well wet out thermoplastic tapes. This was ascribed to potential loss of vacuum consolidation as a result of a blockage in the vacuum line and/or the action of gravity on the unsupported diaphragms. A number of solutions were investigated, including heated vacuum lines and angled fill, but with mixed success. Ultimately this proved to be a less significant issue when forming. Deliverable 4 - was to produce formed components using the in situ polymerisation process and ideally to demonstrate the benefits of filling prior to forming. The benefits to forming were first demonstrated with epoxy, where hemispheres produced by first filling a flat reinforcement and then forming (fill-form) achieved better forming results (fewer wrinkles/less bridging) than hemispheres made by forming a reinforcement before infusion (form-fill). A successful form-fill experiment was conducted with carbon fibre and the in-situ polymerisation process. Effectiveness is limited by the consumables and there is an apparent imbalance in pressure acting on the hemisphere. However, the result was well consolidated in the sections that did not experiencing fabric bridging. The Ph.D. student at Nottingham is continuing with this work and additional examples are expected soon. Further refinement of the infusion equipment would improve the result.
Collaborator Contribution Industrial partners; Bruggemann and Tvgavac provided the materials for the collaboration and remain engaged. Discussions on the polymerisation process with an expert at Engel took place and discussions with a representative at Johns Manville with regards to the project review took place.
Impact The results of the project are in review with industry partners with a view to scoping out follow on studies. There are continuing activities at both sites at present, but funding is limited. Ideally with the removal of travel restrictions (the impact of covid) it would be possible to combine the equipment from both sites to demonstrate the process, as was originally intended. As well as process improvements, fundamental questions have been identified in relation to very low viscosity infusion and these would form the basis of an EPSRC supported study (either through a Hub Core Project or a Responsive Mode application). Opportunities are being explored in conjunction with the NCC, AMRC or industry. Talks are also taking place with Arkema to discuss the potential of using Elium in this system as well.
Start Year 2020
Description Incremental sheet forming of fire reinforced thermoplastic composites 
Organisation University of Bristol
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to The University of Nottingham for the six-month project ' Incremental sheet forming of fire reinforced thermoplastic composites '. The project team made the following contributions: a) Parametric study report on SPIF of composite sheets (in the format of unreinforced thermoplastic (TP), discontinuous and continuous FRTP composites) to characterise the forming limits and failure mechanisms. This was completed via cone study but not successful. b) An optimal processing window for ISF of continuous FRTP composites of varying textile architectures. This was completed via thermal study. c) A technical report on the optimised methods for ISF of continuous FRTP composite sheets. - This was completed via a journal paper. d) A working setup of a 6-axis robot capable of ISF to manufacture continuous FRTP composite demonstrator parts of complex (double curvature) geometry. - This was completed.
Collaborator Contribution The University of Bristol is a founding partner within the Hub and prior work by Mr Elkington on robotic assisted forming of prepreg material provides an excellent foundation to the forming of the reinforced TP sheet material. The Advanced Manufacturing Research Group at the University of Nottingham has an established track record in incremental sheet forming of metals. A new collaboration with Dr Ou within that Group allows leveraging and extension of the existing knowledge base founded on metallics into the field of polymers. The technology being developed in the feasibility study -HyVR-has been submitted as a NCC Technology Pull Through project (November 2021). It has progressed past the first round and is in the middle of being costed up/planned by the NCC. The PhD student has been developing a thermo mechanical forming model to simulate the HyVR process.
Impact The intended impact of a follow-on project is the embedding of the HyVR process within a manufacturing facility for the production of commercial FRTP components. With a focus on lightweighting, the transport sector is targeted. Prior work with Bombardier Transportation (BT) has identified large rail vehicle structures as being suitable for HyVR manufacture. Equally, interest by Lotus, AML and JLR have identified products for manufacture within the automotive sector. These organisations would be engaged in an Innovate UK funding competition. This project has synergy with The Hub Thermoplastic Working Group whose aim is to generate a thermoplastic core project and applications for external funding. Alignment exists with a Platform Activity in this Group, "Development of rapid processing routes for Carbon fibre/Nylon-6 composites." Particular synergy is evident with the feasibility study, "Incorporation of thermoplastic in situ polymerisation in double diaphragm forming (In-Situ TP-DDF)". The ISF component of this feasibility study links with the Platform Activity, "Tactile sensing of defects during composite manufacture". In effect, the CF prepreg used within this Activity is analogous to the FRTP above the melt temperature. Output in the form of publications: DOI: 10.1177/07316844221135211
Start Year 2020
Description Incremental sheet forming of fire reinforced thermoplastic composites 
Organisation University of Nottingham
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to The University of Nottingham for the six-month project ' Incremental sheet forming of fire reinforced thermoplastic composites '. The project team made the following contributions: a) Parametric study report on SPIF of composite sheets (in the format of unreinforced thermoplastic (TP), discontinuous and continuous FRTP composites) to characterise the forming limits and failure mechanisms. This was completed via cone study but not successful. b) An optimal processing window for ISF of continuous FRTP composites of varying textile architectures. This was completed via thermal study. c) A technical report on the optimised methods for ISF of continuous FRTP composite sheets. - This was completed via a journal paper. d) A working setup of a 6-axis robot capable of ISF to manufacture continuous FRTP composite demonstrator parts of complex (double curvature) geometry. - This was completed.
Collaborator Contribution The University of Bristol is a founding partner within the Hub and prior work by Mr Elkington on robotic assisted forming of prepreg material provides an excellent foundation to the forming of the reinforced TP sheet material. The Advanced Manufacturing Research Group at the University of Nottingham has an established track record in incremental sheet forming of metals. A new collaboration with Dr Ou within that Group allows leveraging and extension of the existing knowledge base founded on metallics into the field of polymers. The technology being developed in the feasibility study -HyVR-has been submitted as a NCC Technology Pull Through project (November 2021). It has progressed past the first round and is in the middle of being costed up/planned by the NCC. The PhD student has been developing a thermo mechanical forming model to simulate the HyVR process.
Impact The intended impact of a follow-on project is the embedding of the HyVR process within a manufacturing facility for the production of commercial FRTP components. With a focus on lightweighting, the transport sector is targeted. Prior work with Bombardier Transportation (BT) has identified large rail vehicle structures as being suitable for HyVR manufacture. Equally, interest by Lotus, AML and JLR have identified products for manufacture within the automotive sector. These organisations would be engaged in an Innovate UK funding competition. This project has synergy with The Hub Thermoplastic Working Group whose aim is to generate a thermoplastic core project and applications for external funding. Alignment exists with a Platform Activity in this Group, "Development of rapid processing routes for Carbon fibre/Nylon-6 composites." Particular synergy is evident with the feasibility study, "Incorporation of thermoplastic in situ polymerisation in double diaphragm forming (In-Situ TP-DDF)". The ISF component of this feasibility study links with the Platform Activity, "Tactile sensing of defects during composite manufacture". In effect, the CF prepreg used within this Activity is analogous to the FRTP above the melt temperature. Output in the form of publications: DOI: 10.1177/07316844221135211
Start Year 2020
Description Industrial Partnership 
Organisation PAC Group
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Meetings with 2 P.I's for follow-on activities from two Hub Feasibility studies have taken place. The aim is to involve PAC in funded programmes which will benefit them commercially.
Collaborator Contribution PAC will contribute their design and integration time as a general use of their expertise.
Impact No impact as yet
Start Year 2020
Description Industrial Partnership - Bitrez 
Organisation Bitrez Limited
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Meeting with Hub investigators with regard to customisation of polymer resins for research projects. Samples of resins have also been supplied for manufacturing trials.
Collaborator Contribution Bitrez have committed participation in networking events to promote research and collaboration activities within the Hub. They have also committed staff time, materials and facilities use to Hub research projects in need of novel polymer resin solutions.
Impact No impact at present
Start Year 2019
Description Layer by Layer Curing 
Organisation Airbus Group
Department Airbus Operations
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The research team have made the following contributions: 1) Development of Simulation Technology - incorporates a coupled thermo-chemo-mechanical solution and a strategy for addition of elements as the process evolves .In comparison to autoclave processing, the LbL simulation results in a 40% cure time reduction together with a 70% temperature overshoot reduction. 2)Development of constitutive modelling - constitutive models and associated characterisation currently for the 913 and 8552 systems have been extended to the fast cure M78.1 epoxy prepreg. Results show that the epoxy of the prepreg undergoes an autocatalytic reaction, with the cure becoming very fast (below 3 min) over 140°C. 3) Coupling of thermal cure model to residual stress development. 4) Cure kinetics characterisation. 5) Process envelope establishing 3D printing based on LbL. 6) Validation of law for development of interfacial properties as a function of pre-cure for a wide range of matrices. 7) Inverse problem solution of heating lamp response for accurate nip point temperature monitoring. 8) Cranfield university: Filament Winding setup and commissioning - dedicated lab prepared, transfer of equipment completed in August 2021.
Collaborator Contribution The partners have made the following contributions to the project: Airbus: co-funding a CDT-PhD studentship (Michael O'Leary) and supplied £10k worth of materials Rolls-Royce: co-funding a CDT-PhD studentship (Axel Wowogno) Heraeus: co-funding an EngD studentship (Anastasios Danezis) and making Humm3 flashlamp technology available to researchers NCC: Support on dissemination/exploitation with organisation of workshops and access to AFP facility to researchers Exel Composites: Access to pultrusion line to researchers Université de Nantes: studentship and co-supervision of PhD student (Adam Fisher)
Impact Outputs in the form of Associated Research Grants: 1) EPSRC IAA KTS with Airbus support PDRA Arjun Radhakrishnan 100% from 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2021. Received 3 months additional support Arjun Radhakrishnan 50% Apr-Jun 2022. Airbus supporting panel manufacture at NCC. Total value £200k. 2) EPSRC Core equipment (£72k) and Research England Equipment Allocation (£180k) for new thermal analysis and thermal conductivity suite. British Academy pump priming application for Horizon Europe project proposal titled ADdItive MAnufacture for next generation Composite applications (ADIMAC) (A Skordos, £9.6k) 3) British Academy pump priming application for Horizon Europe project proposal titled Recyclable Carbon fibre prepreg Tape for high performance multifunctional composites (RECAT) (G Voto, £9.6k) Outputs in the form of Journal Publications: DOI: 10.1177/0021998318818245. DOI: 10.1016/j.addma.2021.102458 Outputs in the form of Conference Publications: 1) A Fisher, A Levy, J Kratz. The significance of spatial temperature variations in large volume oven curing. ICMAC 2021, 20-22 October 2021 2) Belnoue J, Sun R, Cook L, Tifkitsis K, Kratz J, Skordos A. A layer-by-layer (LbL) manufacturing process for composite structures. ICMAC 2018, Nottingham . 3) J Kratz. LbL curing. Composites UK Webinar, November 2020 4) Composites UK webinar 4 November 2020 5) Cranfield Individual Research Project Exhibition 1/9/2021, Asish Kumar Patra: Poster titled 'Co-bonding in LbL processing of thermosetting composites' 6) Cranfield Individual Research Project Exhibition 1/9/2021, Adrien Gilbert: Poster titled 'Influence of pre-curing upon printability and interlaminar properties in thick composites manufactured by additive manufacturing
Start Year 2020
Description Layer by Layer Curing 
Organisation Coriolis Composites
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The research team have made the following contributions: 1) Development of Simulation Technology - incorporates a coupled thermo-chemo-mechanical solution and a strategy for addition of elements as the process evolves .In comparison to autoclave processing, the LbL simulation results in a 40% cure time reduction together with a 70% temperature overshoot reduction. 2)Development of constitutive modelling - constitutive models and associated characterisation currently for the 913 and 8552 systems have been extended to the fast cure M78.1 epoxy prepreg. Results show that the epoxy of the prepreg undergoes an autocatalytic reaction, with the cure becoming very fast (below 3 min) over 140°C. 3) Coupling of thermal cure model to residual stress development. 4) Cure kinetics characterisation. 5) Process envelope establishing 3D printing based on LbL. 6) Validation of law for development of interfacial properties as a function of pre-cure for a wide range of matrices. 7) Inverse problem solution of heating lamp response for accurate nip point temperature monitoring. 8) Cranfield university: Filament Winding setup and commissioning - dedicated lab prepared, transfer of equipment completed in August 2021.
Collaborator Contribution The partners have made the following contributions to the project: Airbus: co-funding a CDT-PhD studentship (Michael O'Leary) and supplied £10k worth of materials Rolls-Royce: co-funding a CDT-PhD studentship (Axel Wowogno) Heraeus: co-funding an EngD studentship (Anastasios Danezis) and making Humm3 flashlamp technology available to researchers NCC: Support on dissemination/exploitation with organisation of workshops and access to AFP facility to researchers Exel Composites: Access to pultrusion line to researchers Université de Nantes: studentship and co-supervision of PhD student (Adam Fisher)
Impact Outputs in the form of Associated Research Grants: 1) EPSRC IAA KTS with Airbus support PDRA Arjun Radhakrishnan 100% from 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2021. Received 3 months additional support Arjun Radhakrishnan 50% Apr-Jun 2022. Airbus supporting panel manufacture at NCC. Total value £200k. 2) EPSRC Core equipment (£72k) and Research England Equipment Allocation (£180k) for new thermal analysis and thermal conductivity suite. British Academy pump priming application for Horizon Europe project proposal titled ADdItive MAnufacture for next generation Composite applications (ADIMAC) (A Skordos, £9.6k) 3) British Academy pump priming application for Horizon Europe project proposal titled Recyclable Carbon fibre prepreg Tape for high performance multifunctional composites (RECAT) (G Voto, £9.6k) Outputs in the form of Journal Publications: DOI: 10.1177/0021998318818245. DOI: 10.1016/j.addma.2021.102458 Outputs in the form of Conference Publications: 1) A Fisher, A Levy, J Kratz. The significance of spatial temperature variations in large volume oven curing. ICMAC 2021, 20-22 October 2021 2) Belnoue J, Sun R, Cook L, Tifkitsis K, Kratz J, Skordos A. A layer-by-layer (LbL) manufacturing process for composite structures. ICMAC 2018, Nottingham . 3) J Kratz. LbL curing. Composites UK Webinar, November 2020 4) Composites UK webinar 4 November 2020 5) Cranfield Individual Research Project Exhibition 1/9/2021, Asish Kumar Patra: Poster titled 'Co-bonding in LbL processing of thermosetting composites' 6) Cranfield Individual Research Project Exhibition 1/9/2021, Adrien Gilbert: Poster titled 'Influence of pre-curing upon printability and interlaminar properties in thick composites manufactured by additive manufacturing
Start Year 2020
Description Layer by Layer Curing 
Organisation Cranfield University
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The research team have made the following contributions: 1) Development of Simulation Technology - incorporates a coupled thermo-chemo-mechanical solution and a strategy for addition of elements as the process evolves .In comparison to autoclave processing, the LbL simulation results in a 40% cure time reduction together with a 70% temperature overshoot reduction. 2)Development of constitutive modelling - constitutive models and associated characterisation currently for the 913 and 8552 systems have been extended to the fast cure M78.1 epoxy prepreg. Results show that the epoxy of the prepreg undergoes an autocatalytic reaction, with the cure becoming very fast (below 3 min) over 140°C. 3) Coupling of thermal cure model to residual stress development. 4) Cure kinetics characterisation. 5) Process envelope establishing 3D printing based on LbL. 6) Validation of law for development of interfacial properties as a function of pre-cure for a wide range of matrices. 7) Inverse problem solution of heating lamp response for accurate nip point temperature monitoring. 8) Cranfield university: Filament Winding setup and commissioning - dedicated lab prepared, transfer of equipment completed in August 2021.
Collaborator Contribution The partners have made the following contributions to the project: Airbus: co-funding a CDT-PhD studentship (Michael O'Leary) and supplied £10k worth of materials Rolls-Royce: co-funding a CDT-PhD studentship (Axel Wowogno) Heraeus: co-funding an EngD studentship (Anastasios Danezis) and making Humm3 flashlamp technology available to researchers NCC: Support on dissemination/exploitation with organisation of workshops and access to AFP facility to researchers Exel Composites: Access to pultrusion line to researchers Université de Nantes: studentship and co-supervision of PhD student (Adam Fisher)
Impact Outputs in the form of Associated Research Grants: 1) EPSRC IAA KTS with Airbus support PDRA Arjun Radhakrishnan 100% from 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2021. Received 3 months additional support Arjun Radhakrishnan 50% Apr-Jun 2022. Airbus supporting panel manufacture at NCC. Total value £200k. 2) EPSRC Core equipment (£72k) and Research England Equipment Allocation (£180k) for new thermal analysis and thermal conductivity suite. British Academy pump priming application for Horizon Europe project proposal titled ADdItive MAnufacture for next generation Composite applications (ADIMAC) (A Skordos, £9.6k) 3) British Academy pump priming application for Horizon Europe project proposal titled Recyclable Carbon fibre prepreg Tape for high performance multifunctional composites (RECAT) (G Voto, £9.6k) Outputs in the form of Journal Publications: DOI: 10.1177/0021998318818245. DOI: 10.1016/j.addma.2021.102458 Outputs in the form of Conference Publications: 1) A Fisher, A Levy, J Kratz. The significance of spatial temperature variations in large volume oven curing. ICMAC 2021, 20-22 October 2021 2) Belnoue J, Sun R, Cook L, Tifkitsis K, Kratz J, Skordos A. A layer-by-layer (LbL) manufacturing process for composite structures. ICMAC 2018, Nottingham . 3) J Kratz. LbL curing. Composites UK Webinar, November 2020 4) Composites UK webinar 4 November 2020 5) Cranfield Individual Research Project Exhibition 1/9/2021, Asish Kumar Patra: Poster titled 'Co-bonding in LbL processing of thermosetting composites' 6) Cranfield Individual Research Project Exhibition 1/9/2021, Adrien Gilbert: Poster titled 'Influence of pre-curing upon printability and interlaminar properties in thick composites manufactured by additive manufacturing
Start Year 2020
Description Layer by Layer Curing 
Organisation Exel Composites
Country Finland 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The research team have made the following contributions: 1) Development of Simulation Technology - incorporates a coupled thermo-chemo-mechanical solution and a strategy for addition of elements as the process evolves .In comparison to autoclave processing, the LbL simulation results in a 40% cure time reduction together with a 70% temperature overshoot reduction. 2)Development of constitutive modelling - constitutive models and associated characterisation currently for the 913 and 8552 systems have been extended to the fast cure M78.1 epoxy prepreg. Results show that the epoxy of the prepreg undergoes an autocatalytic reaction, with the cure becoming very fast (below 3 min) over 140°C. 3) Coupling of thermal cure model to residual stress development. 4) Cure kinetics characterisation. 5) Process envelope establishing 3D printing based on LbL. 6) Validation of law for development of interfacial properties as a function of pre-cure for a wide range of matrices. 7) Inverse problem solution of heating lamp response for accurate nip point temperature monitoring. 8) Cranfield university: Filament Winding setup and commissioning - dedicated lab prepared, transfer of equipment completed in August 2021.
Collaborator Contribution The partners have made the following contributions to the project: Airbus: co-funding a CDT-PhD studentship (Michael O'Leary) and supplied £10k worth of materials Rolls-Royce: co-funding a CDT-PhD studentship (Axel Wowogno) Heraeus: co-funding an EngD studentship (Anastasios Danezis) and making Humm3 flashlamp technology available to researchers NCC: Support on dissemination/exploitation with organisation of workshops and access to AFP facility to researchers Exel Composites: Access to pultrusion line to researchers Université de Nantes: studentship and co-supervision of PhD student (Adam Fisher)
Impact Outputs in the form of Associated Research Grants: 1) EPSRC IAA KTS with Airbus support PDRA Arjun Radhakrishnan 100% from 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2021. Received 3 months additional support Arjun Radhakrishnan 50% Apr-Jun 2022. Airbus supporting panel manufacture at NCC. Total value £200k. 2) EPSRC Core equipment (£72k) and Research England Equipment Allocation (£180k) for new thermal analysis and thermal conductivity suite. British Academy pump priming application for Horizon Europe project proposal titled ADdItive MAnufacture for next generation Composite applications (ADIMAC) (A Skordos, £9.6k) 3) British Academy pump priming application for Horizon Europe project proposal titled Recyclable Carbon fibre prepreg Tape for high performance multifunctional composites (RECAT) (G Voto, £9.6k) Outputs in the form of Journal Publications: DOI: 10.1177/0021998318818245. DOI: 10.1016/j.addma.2021.102458 Outputs in the form of Conference Publications: 1) A Fisher, A Levy, J Kratz. The significance of spatial temperature variations in large volume oven curing. ICMAC 2021, 20-22 October 2021 2) Belnoue J, Sun R, Cook L, Tifkitsis K, Kratz J, Skordos A. A layer-by-layer (LbL) manufacturing process for composite structures. ICMAC 2018, Nottingham . 3) J Kratz. LbL curing. Composites UK Webinar, November 2020 4) Composites UK webinar 4 November 2020 5) Cranfield Individual Research Project Exhibition 1/9/2021, Asish Kumar Patra: Poster titled 'Co-bonding in LbL processing of thermosetting composites' 6) Cranfield Individual Research Project Exhibition 1/9/2021, Adrien Gilbert: Poster titled 'Influence of pre-curing upon printability and interlaminar properties in thick composites manufactured by additive manufacturing
Start Year 2020
Description Layer by Layer Curing 
Organisation Heraeus
Department Heraeus Noblelight Ltd
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The research team have made the following contributions: 1) Development of Simulation Technology - incorporates a coupled thermo-chemo-mechanical solution and a strategy for addition of elements as the process evolves .In comparison to autoclave processing, the LbL simulation results in a 40% cure time reduction together with a 70% temperature overshoot reduction. 2)Development of constitutive modelling - constitutive models and associated characterisation currently for the 913 and 8552 systems have been extended to the fast cure M78.1 epoxy prepreg. Results show that the epoxy of the prepreg undergoes an autocatalytic reaction, with the cure becoming very fast (below 3 min) over 140°C. 3) Coupling of thermal cure model to residual stress development. 4) Cure kinetics characterisation. 5) Process envelope establishing 3D printing based on LbL. 6) Validation of law for development of interfacial properties as a function of pre-cure for a wide range of matrices. 7) Inverse problem solution of heating lamp response for accurate nip point temperature monitoring. 8) Cranfield university: Filament Winding setup and commissioning - dedicated lab prepared, transfer of equipment completed in August 2021.
Collaborator Contribution The partners have made the following contributions to the project: Airbus: co-funding a CDT-PhD studentship (Michael O'Leary) and supplied £10k worth of materials Rolls-Royce: co-funding a CDT-PhD studentship (Axel Wowogno) Heraeus: co-funding an EngD studentship (Anastasios Danezis) and making Humm3 flashlamp technology available to researchers NCC: Support on dissemination/exploitation with organisation of workshops and access to AFP facility to researchers Exel Composites: Access to pultrusion line to researchers Université de Nantes: studentship and co-supervision of PhD student (Adam Fisher)
Impact Outputs in the form of Associated Research Grants: 1) EPSRC IAA KTS with Airbus support PDRA Arjun Radhakrishnan 100% from 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2021. Received 3 months additional support Arjun Radhakrishnan 50% Apr-Jun 2022. Airbus supporting panel manufacture at NCC. Total value £200k. 2) EPSRC Core equipment (£72k) and Research England Equipment Allocation (£180k) for new thermal analysis and thermal conductivity suite. British Academy pump priming application for Horizon Europe project proposal titled ADdItive MAnufacture for next generation Composite applications (ADIMAC) (A Skordos, £9.6k) 3) British Academy pump priming application for Horizon Europe project proposal titled Recyclable Carbon fibre prepreg Tape for high performance multifunctional composites (RECAT) (G Voto, £9.6k) Outputs in the form of Journal Publications: DOI: 10.1177/0021998318818245. DOI: 10.1016/j.addma.2021.102458 Outputs in the form of Conference Publications: 1) A Fisher, A Levy, J Kratz. The significance of spatial temperature variations in large volume oven curing. ICMAC 2021, 20-22 October 2021 2) Belnoue J, Sun R, Cook L, Tifkitsis K, Kratz J, Skordos A. A layer-by-layer (LbL) manufacturing process for composite structures. ICMAC 2018, Nottingham . 3) J Kratz. LbL curing. Composites UK Webinar, November 2020 4) Composites UK webinar 4 November 2020 5) Cranfield Individual Research Project Exhibition 1/9/2021, Asish Kumar Patra: Poster titled 'Co-bonding in LbL processing of thermosetting composites' 6) Cranfield Individual Research Project Exhibition 1/9/2021, Adrien Gilbert: Poster titled 'Influence of pre-curing upon printability and interlaminar properties in thick composites manufactured by additive manufacturing
Start Year 2020
Description Layer by Layer Curing 
Organisation National Composites Centre (NCC)
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The research team have made the following contributions: 1) Development of Simulation Technology - incorporates a coupled thermo-chemo-mechanical solution and a strategy for addition of elements as the process evolves .In comparison to autoclave processing, the LbL simulation results in a 40% cure time reduction together with a 70% temperature overshoot reduction. 2)Development of constitutive modelling - constitutive models and associated characterisation currently for the 913 and 8552 systems have been extended to the fast cure M78.1 epoxy prepreg. Results show that the epoxy of the prepreg undergoes an autocatalytic reaction, with the cure becoming very fast (below 3 min) over 140°C. 3) Coupling of thermal cure model to residual stress development. 4) Cure kinetics characterisation. 5) Process envelope establishing 3D printing based on LbL. 6) Validation of law for development of interfacial properties as a function of pre-cure for a wide range of matrices. 7) Inverse problem solution of heating lamp response for accurate nip point temperature monitoring. 8) Cranfield university: Filament Winding setup and commissioning - dedicated lab prepared, transfer of equipment completed in August 2021.
Collaborator Contribution The partners have made the following contributions to the project: Airbus: co-funding a CDT-PhD studentship (Michael O'Leary) and supplied £10k worth of materials Rolls-Royce: co-funding a CDT-PhD studentship (Axel Wowogno) Heraeus: co-funding an EngD studentship (Anastasios Danezis) and making Humm3 flashlamp technology available to researchers NCC: Support on dissemination/exploitation with organisation of workshops and access to AFP facility to researchers Exel Composites: Access to pultrusion line to researchers Université de Nantes: studentship and co-supervision of PhD student (Adam Fisher)
Impact Outputs in the form of Associated Research Grants: 1) EPSRC IAA KTS with Airbus support PDRA Arjun Radhakrishnan 100% from 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2021. Received 3 months additional support Arjun Radhakrishnan 50% Apr-Jun 2022. Airbus supporting panel manufacture at NCC. Total value £200k. 2) EPSRC Core equipment (£72k) and Research England Equipment Allocation (£180k) for new thermal analysis and thermal conductivity suite. British Academy pump priming application for Horizon Europe project proposal titled ADdItive MAnufacture for next generation Composite applications (ADIMAC) (A Skordos, £9.6k) 3) British Academy pump priming application for Horizon Europe project proposal titled Recyclable Carbon fibre prepreg Tape for high performance multifunctional composites (RECAT) (G Voto, £9.6k) Outputs in the form of Journal Publications: DOI: 10.1177/0021998318818245. DOI: 10.1016/j.addma.2021.102458 Outputs in the form of Conference Publications: 1) A Fisher, A Levy, J Kratz. The significance of spatial temperature variations in large volume oven curing. ICMAC 2021, 20-22 October 2021 2) Belnoue J, Sun R, Cook L, Tifkitsis K, Kratz J, Skordos A. A layer-by-layer (LbL) manufacturing process for composite structures. ICMAC 2018, Nottingham . 3) J Kratz. LbL curing. Composites UK Webinar, November 2020 4) Composites UK webinar 4 November 2020 5) Cranfield Individual Research Project Exhibition 1/9/2021, Asish Kumar Patra: Poster titled 'Co-bonding in LbL processing of thermosetting composites' 6) Cranfield Individual Research Project Exhibition 1/9/2021, Adrien Gilbert: Poster titled 'Influence of pre-curing upon printability and interlaminar properties in thick composites manufactured by additive manufacturing
Start Year 2020
Description Layer by Layer Curing 
Organisation Rolls Royce Group Plc
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The research team have made the following contributions: 1) Development of Simulation Technology - incorporates a coupled thermo-chemo-mechanical solution and a strategy for addition of elements as the process evolves .In comparison to autoclave processing, the LbL simulation results in a 40% cure time reduction together with a 70% temperature overshoot reduction. 2)Development of constitutive modelling - constitutive models and associated characterisation currently for the 913 and 8552 systems have been extended to the fast cure M78.1 epoxy prepreg. Results show that the epoxy of the prepreg undergoes an autocatalytic reaction, with the cure becoming very fast (below 3 min) over 140°C. 3) Coupling of thermal cure model to residual stress development. 4) Cure kinetics characterisation. 5) Process envelope establishing 3D printing based on LbL. 6) Validation of law for development of interfacial properties as a function of pre-cure for a wide range of matrices. 7) Inverse problem solution of heating lamp response for accurate nip point temperature monitoring. 8) Cranfield university: Filament Winding setup and commissioning - dedicated lab prepared, transfer of equipment completed in August 2021.
Collaborator Contribution The partners have made the following contributions to the project: Airbus: co-funding a CDT-PhD studentship (Michael O'Leary) and supplied £10k worth of materials Rolls-Royce: co-funding a CDT-PhD studentship (Axel Wowogno) Heraeus: co-funding an EngD studentship (Anastasios Danezis) and making Humm3 flashlamp technology available to researchers NCC: Support on dissemination/exploitation with organisation of workshops and access to AFP facility to researchers Exel Composites: Access to pultrusion line to researchers Université de Nantes: studentship and co-supervision of PhD student (Adam Fisher)
Impact Outputs in the form of Associated Research Grants: 1) EPSRC IAA KTS with Airbus support PDRA Arjun Radhakrishnan 100% from 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2021. Received 3 months additional support Arjun Radhakrishnan 50% Apr-Jun 2022. Airbus supporting panel manufacture at NCC. Total value £200k. 2) EPSRC Core equipment (£72k) and Research England Equipment Allocation (£180k) for new thermal analysis and thermal conductivity suite. British Academy pump priming application for Horizon Europe project proposal titled ADdItive MAnufacture for next generation Composite applications (ADIMAC) (A Skordos, £9.6k) 3) British Academy pump priming application for Horizon Europe project proposal titled Recyclable Carbon fibre prepreg Tape for high performance multifunctional composites (RECAT) (G Voto, £9.6k) Outputs in the form of Journal Publications: DOI: 10.1177/0021998318818245. DOI: 10.1016/j.addma.2021.102458 Outputs in the form of Conference Publications: 1) A Fisher, A Levy, J Kratz. The significance of spatial temperature variations in large volume oven curing. ICMAC 2021, 20-22 October 2021 2) Belnoue J, Sun R, Cook L, Tifkitsis K, Kratz J, Skordos A. A layer-by-layer (LbL) manufacturing process for composite structures. ICMAC 2018, Nottingham . 3) J Kratz. LbL curing. Composites UK Webinar, November 2020 4) Composites UK webinar 4 November 2020 5) Cranfield Individual Research Project Exhibition 1/9/2021, Asish Kumar Patra: Poster titled 'Co-bonding in LbL processing of thermosetting composites' 6) Cranfield Individual Research Project Exhibition 1/9/2021, Adrien Gilbert: Poster titled 'Influence of pre-curing upon printability and interlaminar properties in thick composites manufactured by additive manufacturing
Start Year 2020
Description Layer by Layer Curing 
Organisation University of Bristol
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The research team have made the following contributions: 1) Development of Simulation Technology - incorporates a coupled thermo-chemo-mechanical solution and a strategy for addition of elements as the process evolves .In comparison to autoclave processing, the LbL simulation results in a 40% cure time reduction together with a 70% temperature overshoot reduction. 2)Development of constitutive modelling - constitutive models and associated characterisation currently for the 913 and 8552 systems have been extended to the fast cure M78.1 epoxy prepreg. Results show that the epoxy of the prepreg undergoes an autocatalytic reaction, with the cure becoming very fast (below 3 min) over 140°C. 3) Coupling of thermal cure model to residual stress development. 4) Cure kinetics characterisation. 5) Process envelope establishing 3D printing based on LbL. 6) Validation of law for development of interfacial properties as a function of pre-cure for a wide range of matrices. 7) Inverse problem solution of heating lamp response for accurate nip point temperature monitoring. 8) Cranfield university: Filament Winding setup and commissioning - dedicated lab prepared, transfer of equipment completed in August 2021.
Collaborator Contribution The partners have made the following contributions to the project: Airbus: co-funding a CDT-PhD studentship (Michael O'Leary) and supplied £10k worth of materials Rolls-Royce: co-funding a CDT-PhD studentship (Axel Wowogno) Heraeus: co-funding an EngD studentship (Anastasios Danezis) and making Humm3 flashlamp technology available to researchers NCC: Support on dissemination/exploitation with organisation of workshops and access to AFP facility to researchers Exel Composites: Access to pultrusion line to researchers Université de Nantes: studentship and co-supervision of PhD student (Adam Fisher)
Impact Outputs in the form of Associated Research Grants: 1) EPSRC IAA KTS with Airbus support PDRA Arjun Radhakrishnan 100% from 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2021. Received 3 months additional support Arjun Radhakrishnan 50% Apr-Jun 2022. Airbus supporting panel manufacture at NCC. Total value £200k. 2) EPSRC Core equipment (£72k) and Research England Equipment Allocation (£180k) for new thermal analysis and thermal conductivity suite. British Academy pump priming application for Horizon Europe project proposal titled ADdItive MAnufacture for next generation Composite applications (ADIMAC) (A Skordos, £9.6k) 3) British Academy pump priming application for Horizon Europe project proposal titled Recyclable Carbon fibre prepreg Tape for high performance multifunctional composites (RECAT) (G Voto, £9.6k) Outputs in the form of Journal Publications: DOI: 10.1177/0021998318818245. DOI: 10.1016/j.addma.2021.102458 Outputs in the form of Conference Publications: 1) A Fisher, A Levy, J Kratz. The significance of spatial temperature variations in large volume oven curing. ICMAC 2021, 20-22 October 2021 2) Belnoue J, Sun R, Cook L, Tifkitsis K, Kratz J, Skordos A. A layer-by-layer (LbL) manufacturing process for composite structures. ICMAC 2018, Nottingham . 3) J Kratz. LbL curing. Composites UK Webinar, November 2020 4) Composites UK webinar 4 November 2020 5) Cranfield Individual Research Project Exhibition 1/9/2021, Asish Kumar Patra: Poster titled 'Co-bonding in LbL processing of thermosetting composites' 6) Cranfield Individual Research Project Exhibition 1/9/2021, Adrien Gilbert: Poster titled 'Influence of pre-curing upon printability and interlaminar properties in thick composites manufactured by additive manufacturing
Start Year 2020
Description Layer by Layer Curing 
Organisation University of Nantes
Country France 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The research team have made the following contributions: 1) Development of Simulation Technology - incorporates a coupled thermo-chemo-mechanical solution and a strategy for addition of elements as the process evolves .In comparison to autoclave processing, the LbL simulation results in a 40% cure time reduction together with a 70% temperature overshoot reduction. 2)Development of constitutive modelling - constitutive models and associated characterisation currently for the 913 and 8552 systems have been extended to the fast cure M78.1 epoxy prepreg. Results show that the epoxy of the prepreg undergoes an autocatalytic reaction, with the cure becoming very fast (below 3 min) over 140°C. 3) Coupling of thermal cure model to residual stress development. 4) Cure kinetics characterisation. 5) Process envelope establishing 3D printing based on LbL. 6) Validation of law for development of interfacial properties as a function of pre-cure for a wide range of matrices. 7) Inverse problem solution of heating lamp response for accurate nip point temperature monitoring. 8) Cranfield university: Filament Winding setup and commissioning - dedicated lab prepared, transfer of equipment completed in August 2021.
Collaborator Contribution The partners have made the following contributions to the project: Airbus: co-funding a CDT-PhD studentship (Michael O'Leary) and supplied £10k worth of materials Rolls-Royce: co-funding a CDT-PhD studentship (Axel Wowogno) Heraeus: co-funding an EngD studentship (Anastasios Danezis) and making Humm3 flashlamp technology available to researchers NCC: Support on dissemination/exploitation with organisation of workshops and access to AFP facility to researchers Exel Composites: Access to pultrusion line to researchers Université de Nantes: studentship and co-supervision of PhD student (Adam Fisher)
Impact Outputs in the form of Associated Research Grants: 1) EPSRC IAA KTS with Airbus support PDRA Arjun Radhakrishnan 100% from 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2021. Received 3 months additional support Arjun Radhakrishnan 50% Apr-Jun 2022. Airbus supporting panel manufacture at NCC. Total value £200k. 2) EPSRC Core equipment (£72k) and Research England Equipment Allocation (£180k) for new thermal analysis and thermal conductivity suite. British Academy pump priming application for Horizon Europe project proposal titled ADdItive MAnufacture for next generation Composite applications (ADIMAC) (A Skordos, £9.6k) 3) British Academy pump priming application for Horizon Europe project proposal titled Recyclable Carbon fibre prepreg Tape for high performance multifunctional composites (RECAT) (G Voto, £9.6k) Outputs in the form of Journal Publications: DOI: 10.1177/0021998318818245. DOI: 10.1016/j.addma.2021.102458 Outputs in the form of Conference Publications: 1) A Fisher, A Levy, J Kratz. The significance of spatial temperature variations in large volume oven curing. ICMAC 2021, 20-22 October 2021 2) Belnoue J, Sun R, Cook L, Tifkitsis K, Kratz J, Skordos A. A layer-by-layer (LbL) manufacturing process for composite structures. ICMAC 2018, Nottingham . 3) J Kratz. LbL curing. Composites UK Webinar, November 2020 4) Composites UK webinar 4 November 2020 5) Cranfield Individual Research Project Exhibition 1/9/2021, Asish Kumar Patra: Poster titled 'Co-bonding in LbL processing of thermosetting composites' 6) Cranfield Individual Research Project Exhibition 1/9/2021, Adrien Gilbert: Poster titled 'Influence of pre-curing upon printability and interlaminar properties in thick composites manufactured by additive manufacturing
Start Year 2020
Description Layer by layer curing 
Organisation Airbus Group
Country France 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to Cranfield / Bristol University for the six-month project 'Layer by Layer Curing'. This had now developed into a Core Project in 2020.
Collaborator Contribution The project contributes to the Hub priority research theme 'High rate deposition and rapid processing technologies'. The project aim was to establish the capability of producing composites by processing in a single layer by layer (LbL) step. Contributions: 1. ~50% saving in cure times of thick components 2. Linear scaling of process time with thickness making manufacutirng of ultra thick components feasible 3. Merging of consolidation with curing through LbL processing of planar geometries results in equivalent quality to conventional processing 4. Interfacial properties preserved in partially cured interfaces for pre-cure below gelation
Impact This work has demonstrated that it is possible to manufacturing composite laminates by placing and partially curing sublaminates sequentially. This allows the manufacturing of thick structures to be carried out significantly faster compared to current processes, this project has now progressed into a Core project. Conference Paper: Belnoue J, Sun R, Cook L, Tifkitsis K, Kratz J, Skordos A. A layer-by-layer (LbL) manufacturing process for composite structures. ICMAC 2018, Nottingham CIMComp Grant Journal Paper: Mesogitis, T., Kratz, J. and Skordos, A. A. (2019) 'Heat transfer simulation of the cure of thermoplastic particle interleaf carbon fibre epoxy prepregs', Journal of Composite Materials, 53(15), pp. 2053-2064. doi: 10.1177/0021998318818245
Start Year 2017
Description Layer by layer curing 
Organisation Coriolis Composites
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to Cranfield / Bristol University for the six-month project 'Layer by Layer Curing'. This had now developed into a Core Project in 2020.
Collaborator Contribution The project contributes to the Hub priority research theme 'High rate deposition and rapid processing technologies'. The project aim was to establish the capability of producing composites by processing in a single layer by layer (LbL) step. Contributions: 1. ~50% saving in cure times of thick components 2. Linear scaling of process time with thickness making manufacutirng of ultra thick components feasible 3. Merging of consolidation with curing through LbL processing of planar geometries results in equivalent quality to conventional processing 4. Interfacial properties preserved in partially cured interfaces for pre-cure below gelation
Impact This work has demonstrated that it is possible to manufacturing composite laminates by placing and partially curing sublaminates sequentially. This allows the manufacturing of thick structures to be carried out significantly faster compared to current processes, this project has now progressed into a Core project. Conference Paper: Belnoue J, Sun R, Cook L, Tifkitsis K, Kratz J, Skordos A. A layer-by-layer (LbL) manufacturing process for composite structures. ICMAC 2018, Nottingham CIMComp Grant Journal Paper: Mesogitis, T., Kratz, J. and Skordos, A. A. (2019) 'Heat transfer simulation of the cure of thermoplastic particle interleaf carbon fibre epoxy prepregs', Journal of Composite Materials, 53(15), pp. 2053-2064. doi: 10.1177/0021998318818245
Start Year 2017
Description Layer by layer curing 
Organisation Cranfield University
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to Cranfield / Bristol University for the six-month project 'Layer by Layer Curing'. This had now developed into a Core Project in 2020.
Collaborator Contribution The project contributes to the Hub priority research theme 'High rate deposition and rapid processing technologies'. The project aim was to establish the capability of producing composites by processing in a single layer by layer (LbL) step. Contributions: 1. ~50% saving in cure times of thick components 2. Linear scaling of process time with thickness making manufacutirng of ultra thick components feasible 3. Merging of consolidation with curing through LbL processing of planar geometries results in equivalent quality to conventional processing 4. Interfacial properties preserved in partially cured interfaces for pre-cure below gelation
Impact This work has demonstrated that it is possible to manufacturing composite laminates by placing and partially curing sublaminates sequentially. This allows the manufacturing of thick structures to be carried out significantly faster compared to current processes, this project has now progressed into a Core project. Conference Paper: Belnoue J, Sun R, Cook L, Tifkitsis K, Kratz J, Skordos A. A layer-by-layer (LbL) manufacturing process for composite structures. ICMAC 2018, Nottingham CIMComp Grant Journal Paper: Mesogitis, T., Kratz, J. and Skordos, A. A. (2019) 'Heat transfer simulation of the cure of thermoplastic particle interleaf carbon fibre epoxy prepregs', Journal of Composite Materials, 53(15), pp. 2053-2064. doi: 10.1177/0021998318818245
Start Year 2017
Description Layer by layer curing 
Organisation Heraeus
Department Heraeus Noblelight Ltd
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to Cranfield / Bristol University for the six-month project 'Layer by Layer Curing'. This had now developed into a Core Project in 2020.
Collaborator Contribution The project contributes to the Hub priority research theme 'High rate deposition and rapid processing technologies'. The project aim was to establish the capability of producing composites by processing in a single layer by layer (LbL) step. Contributions: 1. ~50% saving in cure times of thick components 2. Linear scaling of process time with thickness making manufacutirng of ultra thick components feasible 3. Merging of consolidation with curing through LbL processing of planar geometries results in equivalent quality to conventional processing 4. Interfacial properties preserved in partially cured interfaces for pre-cure below gelation
Impact This work has demonstrated that it is possible to manufacturing composite laminates by placing and partially curing sublaminates sequentially. This allows the manufacturing of thick structures to be carried out significantly faster compared to current processes, this project has now progressed into a Core project. Conference Paper: Belnoue J, Sun R, Cook L, Tifkitsis K, Kratz J, Skordos A. A layer-by-layer (LbL) manufacturing process for composite structures. ICMAC 2018, Nottingham CIMComp Grant Journal Paper: Mesogitis, T., Kratz, J. and Skordos, A. A. (2019) 'Heat transfer simulation of the cure of thermoplastic particle interleaf carbon fibre epoxy prepregs', Journal of Composite Materials, 53(15), pp. 2053-2064. doi: 10.1177/0021998318818245
Start Year 2017
Description Layer by layer curing 
Organisation National Composites Centre (NCC)
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to Cranfield / Bristol University for the six-month project 'Layer by Layer Curing'. This had now developed into a Core Project in 2020.
Collaborator Contribution The project contributes to the Hub priority research theme 'High rate deposition and rapid processing technologies'. The project aim was to establish the capability of producing composites by processing in a single layer by layer (LbL) step. Contributions: 1. ~50% saving in cure times of thick components 2. Linear scaling of process time with thickness making manufacutirng of ultra thick components feasible 3. Merging of consolidation with curing through LbL processing of planar geometries results in equivalent quality to conventional processing 4. Interfacial properties preserved in partially cured interfaces for pre-cure below gelation
Impact This work has demonstrated that it is possible to manufacturing composite laminates by placing and partially curing sublaminates sequentially. This allows the manufacturing of thick structures to be carried out significantly faster compared to current processes, this project has now progressed into a Core project. Conference Paper: Belnoue J, Sun R, Cook L, Tifkitsis K, Kratz J, Skordos A. A layer-by-layer (LbL) manufacturing process for composite structures. ICMAC 2018, Nottingham CIMComp Grant Journal Paper: Mesogitis, T., Kratz, J. and Skordos, A. A. (2019) 'Heat transfer simulation of the cure of thermoplastic particle interleaf carbon fibre epoxy prepregs', Journal of Composite Materials, 53(15), pp. 2053-2064. doi: 10.1177/0021998318818245
Start Year 2017
Description Layer by layer curing 
Organisation University of Bristol
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to Cranfield / Bristol University for the six-month project 'Layer by Layer Curing'. This had now developed into a Core Project in 2020.
Collaborator Contribution The project contributes to the Hub priority research theme 'High rate deposition and rapid processing technologies'. The project aim was to establish the capability of producing composites by processing in a single layer by layer (LbL) step. Contributions: 1. ~50% saving in cure times of thick components 2. Linear scaling of process time with thickness making manufacutirng of ultra thick components feasible 3. Merging of consolidation with curing through LbL processing of planar geometries results in equivalent quality to conventional processing 4. Interfacial properties preserved in partially cured interfaces for pre-cure below gelation
Impact This work has demonstrated that it is possible to manufacturing composite laminates by placing and partially curing sublaminates sequentially. This allows the manufacturing of thick structures to be carried out significantly faster compared to current processes, this project has now progressed into a Core project. Conference Paper: Belnoue J, Sun R, Cook L, Tifkitsis K, Kratz J, Skordos A. A layer-by-layer (LbL) manufacturing process for composite structures. ICMAC 2018, Nottingham CIMComp Grant Journal Paper: Mesogitis, T., Kratz, J. and Skordos, A. A. (2019) 'Heat transfer simulation of the cure of thermoplastic particle interleaf carbon fibre epoxy prepregs', Journal of Composite Materials, 53(15), pp. 2053-2064. doi: 10.1177/0021998318818245
Start Year 2017
Description Local Resin Printing for preform stabilisation 
Organisation University of Bristol
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub funded a Platform Fellow at The University of Nottingham, in 'Local Resin Printing for preform stabilisation'. Contributions: 1.Demonstration of localised resin deposition onto dry fibre textiles by use of printing methods. 2. Understanding the feasibility of various resin printing technologies. 3. Demonstration of textile deformation characteristics being modified by use of localised resin printing. 4. Tailored modification of textile deformation characteristics by use of localised resin printing. 5. Instigation of new multidisciplinary cooperation between Composites and Additive Manufacturing research groups.
Collaborator Contribution This study has been a platform activity originating solely within the UoN Composites Research Group. From this start, collaboration began with another UoN research group external to the Hub: the UoN Centre for Additive Manufacturing (CfAM). This collaboration initially began as a means simply to access equipment but soon developed into a partnership to support two Nottingham Summer Engineering Research Programme (NSERP) students, with the output of these students' work directly contributing to the Local Resin Printing for Preform Stabilisation project. Furthermore, the work performed by one of the NSERP students was acknowledged by being awarded the 'Prize for Impact' out of the cohort of 27 NSERP students. The collaboration between the Composites Research Group and the CfAM is continuing with plans to submit journal publications, which will be jointly authored, for high impact due to the work's multidisciplinary theme. More recently, engagement has developed with a potential industrial collaborator, which has recently joined the Hub network (Bitrez Ltd.), who have an interest to understand resin property requirements for use in liquid printing techniques. Synergy has been identified between the Project and work being conducted at the University of Bristol, initial information sharing meetings have taken place and it has been agreed to regularly hold update meetings to identify mutually beneficial opportunities.
Impact Nottingham Summer Engineering Research Programme (NSERP) student's contribution towards the project was awarded the cohort's 'Prize for Impact.
Start Year 2019
Description Local Resin Printing for preform stabilisation 
Organisation University of Nottingham
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub funded a Platform Fellow at The University of Nottingham, in 'Local Resin Printing for preform stabilisation'. Contributions: 1.Demonstration of localised resin deposition onto dry fibre textiles by use of printing methods. 2. Understanding the feasibility of various resin printing technologies. 3. Demonstration of textile deformation characteristics being modified by use of localised resin printing. 4. Tailored modification of textile deformation characteristics by use of localised resin printing. 5. Instigation of new multidisciplinary cooperation between Composites and Additive Manufacturing research groups.
Collaborator Contribution This study has been a platform activity originating solely within the UoN Composites Research Group. From this start, collaboration began with another UoN research group external to the Hub: the UoN Centre for Additive Manufacturing (CfAM). This collaboration initially began as a means simply to access equipment but soon developed into a partnership to support two Nottingham Summer Engineering Research Programme (NSERP) students, with the output of these students' work directly contributing to the Local Resin Printing for Preform Stabilisation project. Furthermore, the work performed by one of the NSERP students was acknowledged by being awarded the 'Prize for Impact' out of the cohort of 27 NSERP students. The collaboration between the Composites Research Group and the CfAM is continuing with plans to submit journal publications, which will be jointly authored, for high impact due to the work's multidisciplinary theme. More recently, engagement has developed with a potential industrial collaborator, which has recently joined the Hub network (Bitrez Ltd.), who have an interest to understand resin property requirements for use in liquid printing techniques. Synergy has been identified between the Project and work being conducted at the University of Bristol, initial information sharing meetings have taken place and it has been agreed to regularly hold update meetings to identify mutually beneficial opportunities.
Impact Nottingham Summer Engineering Research Programme (NSERP) student's contribution towards the project was awarded the cohort's 'Prize for Impact.
Start Year 2019
Description Manufacturing Value-Added Composites for the Construction Sector Using Mixed Waste Plastics and Waste Glass Fibres 
Organisation Fibre Extrusion Technology
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to The University of Edinburgh for the six-month project 'Manufacturing Value-Added Composites for the Construction Sector Using Mixed Waste Plastics and Waste Glass Fibres '. Significant manufacturing challenges were encountered at the start of the project to produce wMP/wGF prepregs and the first trial was unsuccessful. however by the end of the project the prepregs could be produced successfully. The preliminary results of this project have shown promising properties and two construction companies (end users) are interested in the work.
Collaborator Contribution The partners contributed intellect, expertise and facilities to the project.
Impact 1. A discussion is ongoing for a patent application. 2. An EPSRC Impact Acceleration Award project (~£76,840) has been funded to continue this work and the project has started on 1st October 2022. Capvond is industrial partner in this commercialisation project. The prepreg produced in the Feasibility study project is being used in the IAA project as the starting material. 3. The work in the IAA project is being carried out in consultation with Capvond keeping in mind the possibility of translating these composites into real products. 4. A discussion is ongoing between University of Edinburgh, our industrial collaborators Johns Manville and Paltech for a possible patent application. 5. We are also in discussion with BMI group regarding the possibilities of applying such composites in their product line. They are coming to meet us on 13.02.2023. 6. An outline proposal has been submitted to EPSRC Call and we are awaiting the decision. 7. A discussion is ongoing with an industry to take forward the Cee-section work. 8. There is a strong potential of real societal impact as industrial partners are involved and highly interested in the work.
Start Year 2021
Description Manufacturing Value-Added Composites for the Construction Sector Using Mixed Waste Plastics and Waste Glass Fibres 
Organisation Johns Manville
Country Slovakia 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to The University of Edinburgh for the six-month project 'Manufacturing Value-Added Composites for the Construction Sector Using Mixed Waste Plastics and Waste Glass Fibres '. Significant manufacturing challenges were encountered at the start of the project to produce wMP/wGF prepregs and the first trial was unsuccessful. however by the end of the project the prepregs could be produced successfully. The preliminary results of this project have shown promising properties and two construction companies (end users) are interested in the work.
Collaborator Contribution The partners contributed intellect, expertise and facilities to the project.
Impact 1. A discussion is ongoing for a patent application. 2. An EPSRC Impact Acceleration Award project (~£76,840) has been funded to continue this work and the project has started on 1st October 2022. Capvond is industrial partner in this commercialisation project. The prepreg produced in the Feasibility study project is being used in the IAA project as the starting material. 3. The work in the IAA project is being carried out in consultation with Capvond keeping in mind the possibility of translating these composites into real products. 4. A discussion is ongoing between University of Edinburgh, our industrial collaborators Johns Manville and Paltech for a possible patent application. 5. We are also in discussion with BMI group regarding the possibilities of applying such composites in their product line. They are coming to meet us on 13.02.2023. 6. An outline proposal has been submitted to EPSRC Call and we are awaiting the decision. 7. A discussion is ongoing with an industry to take forward the Cee-section work. 8. There is a strong potential of real societal impact as industrial partners are involved and highly interested in the work.
Start Year 2021
Description Manufacturing Value-Added Composites for the Construction Sector Using Mixed Waste Plastics and Waste Glass Fibres 
Organisation University of Edinburgh
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to The University of Edinburgh for the six-month project 'Manufacturing Value-Added Composites for the Construction Sector Using Mixed Waste Plastics and Waste Glass Fibres '. Significant manufacturing challenges were encountered at the start of the project to produce wMP/wGF prepregs and the first trial was unsuccessful. however by the end of the project the prepregs could be produced successfully. The preliminary results of this project have shown promising properties and two construction companies (end users) are interested in the work.
Collaborator Contribution The partners contributed intellect, expertise and facilities to the project.
Impact 1. A discussion is ongoing for a patent application. 2. An EPSRC Impact Acceleration Award project (~£76,840) has been funded to continue this work and the project has started on 1st October 2022. Capvond is industrial partner in this commercialisation project. The prepreg produced in the Feasibility study project is being used in the IAA project as the starting material. 3. The work in the IAA project is being carried out in consultation with Capvond keeping in mind the possibility of translating these composites into real products. 4. A discussion is ongoing between University of Edinburgh, our industrial collaborators Johns Manville and Paltech for a possible patent application. 5. We are also in discussion with BMI group regarding the possibilities of applying such composites in their product line. They are coming to meet us on 13.02.2023. 6. An outline proposal has been submitted to EPSRC Call and we are awaiting the decision. 7. A discussion is ongoing with an industry to take forward the Cee-section work. 8. There is a strong potential of real societal impact as industrial partners are involved and highly interested in the work.
Start Year 2021
Description Manufacturing for structural applications of multifunctional composites 
Organisation Airbus Group
Country France 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £884,532 core project grant to the University of Bristol and Imperial College London for the three-year funded project 'Manufacturing for structural applications of multifunctional composites'. The following contributions have been made by the research team: 1) 1. Demonstrated a method to mask/barrier multifunctional/monofunctional domains in the CAGed lamina facilitating complex part production. 2) Validated simulation tools have been created that allow functional and stabilising elements to be placed to control forming deformation and mitigate against defects. The process for manufacturing carbon aerogel-reinforced structural power devices has also been scaled up to about 1 m² per batch. 3) The use of electrochemical deposition to decorate the carbon aerogel with active elements to enhance the electrochemical performance, along with use of new separator materials, has allowed small-scale multifunctional devices to be made and tested, demonstrating energy and power performance (1.4 Wh/kg and 1.1 kW/ kg) that exceeded the original aspirations. Separator and current collection solutions have been identified and validated, but the issue of encapsulation is still outstanding and a suitable candidate that can provide a light-weight, impervious (and insulating) barrier whilst still transmitting mechanical load across the multifunctional/monofunctional interface, is yet to be identified. This is the subject of a joint ICL/UoB/DU proposal submitted to EPSRC last year. 4) A multicell structural beam has been manufactured, containing eight cells, stacking in two stacks of four. The total mass of the beam is 2.6 kg, whilst the total cell mass is 268g (i.e. 10% of component mass). 5) Consideration of the design of structural supercapacitors to predict the consolidation of dry CAGed lamina when assembled into a device were delivered. - These models were then utilised to predict the mechanical performance (elastic behaviour) of the devices under tensile and in-plane shear loadings. To a limited extent, these models were able to capture the influence of manufacturing defects on the mechanical performance, although further work is required in this area . 6) Current collection models were developed to formulate strategies to minimise the resistive losses associated with device scale-up. These models quantified the relative contributions from the in-plane, through-thickness and contact resistances, and hence indicated how best to minimise resistive losses for minimal mass: it should be noted that in conventional energy storage devices, the current collectors can account for as much as 25% of the device mass. For multifunctional design we have developed a means to compare between a multifunctional component and a current off-the-shelf assembly of power source and structure. This methodology will permit end-users to quantify the gains in adoption of structural power materials (such as weight or volume saving) over conventional systems. We have undertaken studies for different platforms as to the potential benefits of using structural power materials: in particular, structural power floor panels in the aircraft cabin to power the seat-back entertainment units and power sockets. This work demonstrated that using structural power materials at the performance levels expected to be reached in the next three years, will provide a mass saving of 260kg per aircraft for a 100 seat Airbus 220. This corresponds to an annual reduction of 28 tonnes of CO2 per aircraft. We have also undertaken studies into a fully electric airliner (220 seat aircraft) using a combination of conventional battery and structural power, demonstrating that structural power would be a critical enabler for fully electric aircraft by depressing the performance targets needed for conventional batteries. Finally, we have applied this methodology to other air vehicles, such as drones and air-taxis (four-seat vehicles). Our studies have demonstrated that using structural power in such vehicles has the potential to double the aircraft range. We anticipate publishing this work in the next couple of months. 7) Functional sub-reinforcement has been successfully incorporated using microbraiding and subsequent tufting of yarns containing metal filaments. Demonstration of sensing and accelerated heating using micro-braids and developed an approach to integrating functionalised resins into fabric without vacuum, has been achieved with high local functional properties. 8) A new methodology for testing heterogenous samples with dissimilar regions has been developed in this project. It allows assessing viscous and non-linear elastic properties of functional domains hosted in the dry preform. Deposition of functional resin is associated with difficulties related to high viscosity additive-rich resin suspension and filtration issues. Local resin deposition, such as liquid resin print, resolved this problem and allows an increase the additives content. However, these manufacturing methods are an out-of vacuum bag process which creates problems with voidage control. The new approach has been developed to create void free patches based on thermal conditioning of the resin, close monitoring of resin state using model-based rheo sensors, and elimination of voidage in the consolidation process. 9) Hybrid tufted braid consists of a complex architecture and there were no readily available tools for detailed assessment of their properties prior to manufacturing: such a tool has been created. It deployed an established tool for modelling flat textiles (WiseTex) and then used geometrical operations to roll an initial material form into a braided thread. The results structure is then created in standard FEA software (Abaqus), where its electrical conductivity is assessed. 10) Manufacturing trials on segmentation of formable/functional areas have been successfully conducted using two manufacturing approaches: a) Masking of the formable area with PLA film, infusion with functional precursor into remaining domain, with subsequent pyrolysis, removing the films, and creating the CAG in one go. b) Create separate domains by integrating barriers into the preform that would divide the preform during the infusion of the precursors. Various parameters of barrier integration - shape, sizes, and materials have been trialled. The infusions strategies were successfully managed the concept was proven feasible. One of the identified challenges was the deterioration of formable domain caused in the process of pyrolysis. The optimisation of the pyrolysis parameters has helped to address the issue.
Collaborator Contribution The project contributes to the Hub priority research theme 'Manufacturing for multifunctional composites and integrated structures'. The overarching aim of the project is to investigate and address the design and manufacturing issues associated with multifunctional composites, addressing specifically the transport phenomena of heat and electrical conduction. Contributions to date: 1. BAE Systems have provided considerable advice and guidance over the life of the project, and particularly over the last six months with the potential for Tempest to provide a platform for utilising these materials. 2. Support from Airbus on demonstrator: Airbus have provided electrical and mechanical requirements and will provide tooling for the frame. 3. Support from NCC on tufting of microbraids to create test samples for Caroline O'Keeffe; gift of materials. 4. Assistance from Stanelco on induction heating. 5. Supply of Textreme spread tow fabric to Imperial College London 6. Supply of Chomarat fabric to Imperial College London. 7. Supply of Isola Group spread glass fabric to Imperial College London 8. Support from NCC on tufting of microbraids to create test samples for Caroline O'Keeffe; gift of materials. 9. Assistance from Stanelco on induction heating. 10.Regarding the microbraiding, University of Manchester are integrating microbraids into woven preforms for explore the feasibility for current collection.
Impact The issue of encapsulation is still outstanding and a suitable candidate that can provide a light-weight, impervious (and insulating) barrier whilst still transmitting mechanical load across the multifunctional/monofunctional interface, is yet to be identified. This is the subject of a joint ICL/UoB/DU proposal submitted to EPSRC last year. Progression with Industry outcome -Discussions are taking place with AVIC Cabin Systems, but the project has run into export control issues. Discussions are underway with various UK and European companies on future collaborations. Output has been in the form of the following journal publications: DOI:10.1016/j.compscitech.2019.107720 DOI:10.1016/j.compositesa.2019.105643 DOI:10.1016/j.compositesa.2020.105851 DOI:10.1088/2399-7532/ab8e95 DOI: 10.2514/1.C036205 DOI: 10.1088/2399-7532/ac1ea6 DOI: 10.3390/en14196006 DOI: 10.1186/s42252-021-00018-0 DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2022.106860 DOI: 10.1088/2399-7532/ac65c8 1. M Valkova, Predicting the performance of structural power composites, PhD Thesis, Imperial College London, (2021). 2. Chanhui Lee, Design, Characterisation and Application of Structural and Multifunctional Composites to Large Ship Structures, PhD Thesis, Imperial College London, (2021). 3. Radhakrishnan A. Towards creating multi-matrix continuous fibre polymer composites using an out-of-vacuum bag process, PhD Thesis, Bristol, (2021). Output in the form of outreach: 1. Greenhalgh, E.S., Asp, L.E., Zenkert, D., Vilatela, J, Linde, P., En route to "massless" energy storage with structural power composites, JEC Magazine, pp. 37-39, November, (2019). 2. D. Oberhaus, The Batteries of the Future Are Weightless and Invisible, Wired, November 2020, 3. Clean Sky 2 announces program updates, G. Nehls (ed), Composites World, November 2020, Output in the form of conference papers: 1. Gordon Research Conference on Multifunctional Materials and Structures, Ventura, CA, January 2020. 2. Clean Sky 2 Research Programme: Developments and Progress, AIAA SciTech 2021, Virtual Event, January 2021. 3.ICCM22 Conference, 11-16 August 2019, Melbourne, Australia. 4.Tri-Agency Symposium on Multifunctionality, System Endurance & Intelligent Structures, 36th Annual Technical Conference of the American Society for Composites, Texas A&M, 20th September 2021. 5. Multifunctional structural composites and the pursuit of 'massless' energy, E S Greenhalgh, Technical Briefing for the Royal Academy of Engineering, 11 May 2021. 6. Instrumentation Analysis and Testing Exhibition, Silverstone, 14 Sep 2021. 7. Design and Manufacturing Issues for Multifunctional Structural Composites, E S Greenhalgh et. al., CIMCOMP Webinar, 23 September 2021. 8. Structural Power in Future Transportation: Research Opportunities and Challenges, S N Nguyen, The Institution of Engineering Decarbonisation in Transport Webinar Series, 30 Sep 2021. 9. O'Keeffe C., Allegri G., Partridge I.K. Hybrid multi-materials microbraids for through-thickness multi-functionality, 1st European Conference on Crashworthiness of Composite Structures - ECCCS-1. There has been synergy with other Hub projects: - Feasibility Study, 'Evaluating in-process eddy-current testing of composite structures', by investigating the use of eddy current for inspection. - Core Project 'Optimise' is providing support to this project through provision of knowledge and braided fabrics - Feasibility Study 'Can a composite forming limit diagram be constructed?' which became Core Project 'Design simulation tools and process improvements for NCF preforming' has similar goals in terms of understanding wrinkle forming, so best practice is being shared. - Sharing good practice in inkjet printing with Platform Fellowship 'Local Resin Printing for preform stabilisation'. - Support around local preform stabilisation is being provided into the Feasibility study and Core project 'Layer by Layer'. - The use of algorithms developed by the Feasibility study and new Core Project 'Active RTM' was investigated, although not used. - Initial discussions have taken place around sharing of through-thickness know-how from Feasibility Study 'Controlled Micro Integration of Through Thickness Polymeric Yarns' to facilitate multifunctionality. - Forming modelling tools have been shared with the core project "Technologies framework for Automated Dry Fibre Placement".
Start Year 2017
Description Manufacturing for structural applications of multifunctional composites 
Organisation BAE Systems
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £884,532 core project grant to the University of Bristol and Imperial College London for the three-year funded project 'Manufacturing for structural applications of multifunctional composites'. The following contributions have been made by the research team: 1) 1. Demonstrated a method to mask/barrier multifunctional/monofunctional domains in the CAGed lamina facilitating complex part production. 2) Validated simulation tools have been created that allow functional and stabilising elements to be placed to control forming deformation and mitigate against defects. The process for manufacturing carbon aerogel-reinforced structural power devices has also been scaled up to about 1 m² per batch. 3) The use of electrochemical deposition to decorate the carbon aerogel with active elements to enhance the electrochemical performance, along with use of new separator materials, has allowed small-scale multifunctional devices to be made and tested, demonstrating energy and power performance (1.4 Wh/kg and 1.1 kW/ kg) that exceeded the original aspirations. Separator and current collection solutions have been identified and validated, but the issue of encapsulation is still outstanding and a suitable candidate that can provide a light-weight, impervious (and insulating) barrier whilst still transmitting mechanical load across the multifunctional/monofunctional interface, is yet to be identified. This is the subject of a joint ICL/UoB/DU proposal submitted to EPSRC last year. 4) A multicell structural beam has been manufactured, containing eight cells, stacking in two stacks of four. The total mass of the beam is 2.6 kg, whilst the total cell mass is 268g (i.e. 10% of component mass). 5) Consideration of the design of structural supercapacitors to predict the consolidation of dry CAGed lamina when assembled into a device were delivered. - These models were then utilised to predict the mechanical performance (elastic behaviour) of the devices under tensile and in-plane shear loadings. To a limited extent, these models were able to capture the influence of manufacturing defects on the mechanical performance, although further work is required in this area . 6) Current collection models were developed to formulate strategies to minimise the resistive losses associated with device scale-up. These models quantified the relative contributions from the in-plane, through-thickness and contact resistances, and hence indicated how best to minimise resistive losses for minimal mass: it should be noted that in conventional energy storage devices, the current collectors can account for as much as 25% of the device mass. For multifunctional design we have developed a means to compare between a multifunctional component and a current off-the-shelf assembly of power source and structure. This methodology will permit end-users to quantify the gains in adoption of structural power materials (such as weight or volume saving) over conventional systems. We have undertaken studies for different platforms as to the potential benefits of using structural power materials: in particular, structural power floor panels in the aircraft cabin to power the seat-back entertainment units and power sockets. This work demonstrated that using structural power materials at the performance levels expected to be reached in the next three years, will provide a mass saving of 260kg per aircraft for a 100 seat Airbus 220. This corresponds to an annual reduction of 28 tonnes of CO2 per aircraft. We have also undertaken studies into a fully electric airliner (220 seat aircraft) using a combination of conventional battery and structural power, demonstrating that structural power would be a critical enabler for fully electric aircraft by depressing the performance targets needed for conventional batteries. Finally, we have applied this methodology to other air vehicles, such as drones and air-taxis (four-seat vehicles). Our studies have demonstrated that using structural power in such vehicles has the potential to double the aircraft range. We anticipate publishing this work in the next couple of months. 7) Functional sub-reinforcement has been successfully incorporated using microbraiding and subsequent tufting of yarns containing metal filaments. Demonstration of sensing and accelerated heating using micro-braids and developed an approach to integrating functionalised resins into fabric without vacuum, has been achieved with high local functional properties. 8) A new methodology for testing heterogenous samples with dissimilar regions has been developed in this project. It allows assessing viscous and non-linear elastic properties of functional domains hosted in the dry preform. Deposition of functional resin is associated with difficulties related to high viscosity additive-rich resin suspension and filtration issues. Local resin deposition, such as liquid resin print, resolved this problem and allows an increase the additives content. However, these manufacturing methods are an out-of vacuum bag process which creates problems with voidage control. The new approach has been developed to create void free patches based on thermal conditioning of the resin, close monitoring of resin state using model-based rheo sensors, and elimination of voidage in the consolidation process. 9) Hybrid tufted braid consists of a complex architecture and there were no readily available tools for detailed assessment of their properties prior to manufacturing: such a tool has been created. It deployed an established tool for modelling flat textiles (WiseTex) and then used geometrical operations to roll an initial material form into a braided thread. The results structure is then created in standard FEA software (Abaqus), where its electrical conductivity is assessed. 10) Manufacturing trials on segmentation of formable/functional areas have been successfully conducted using two manufacturing approaches: a) Masking of the formable area with PLA film, infusion with functional precursor into remaining domain, with subsequent pyrolysis, removing the films, and creating the CAG in one go. b) Create separate domains by integrating barriers into the preform that would divide the preform during the infusion of the precursors. Various parameters of barrier integration - shape, sizes, and materials have been trialled. The infusions strategies were successfully managed the concept was proven feasible. One of the identified challenges was the deterioration of formable domain caused in the process of pyrolysis. The optimisation of the pyrolysis parameters has helped to address the issue.
Collaborator Contribution The project contributes to the Hub priority research theme 'Manufacturing for multifunctional composites and integrated structures'. The overarching aim of the project is to investigate and address the design and manufacturing issues associated with multifunctional composites, addressing specifically the transport phenomena of heat and electrical conduction. Contributions to date: 1. BAE Systems have provided considerable advice and guidance over the life of the project, and particularly over the last six months with the potential for Tempest to provide a platform for utilising these materials. 2. Support from Airbus on demonstrator: Airbus have provided electrical and mechanical requirements and will provide tooling for the frame. 3. Support from NCC on tufting of microbraids to create test samples for Caroline O'Keeffe; gift of materials. 4. Assistance from Stanelco on induction heating. 5. Supply of Textreme spread tow fabric to Imperial College London 6. Supply of Chomarat fabric to Imperial College London. 7. Supply of Isola Group spread glass fabric to Imperial College London 8. Support from NCC on tufting of microbraids to create test samples for Caroline O'Keeffe; gift of materials. 9. Assistance from Stanelco on induction heating. 10.Regarding the microbraiding, University of Manchester are integrating microbraids into woven preforms for explore the feasibility for current collection.
Impact The issue of encapsulation is still outstanding and a suitable candidate that can provide a light-weight, impervious (and insulating) barrier whilst still transmitting mechanical load across the multifunctional/monofunctional interface, is yet to be identified. This is the subject of a joint ICL/UoB/DU proposal submitted to EPSRC last year. Progression with Industry outcome -Discussions are taking place with AVIC Cabin Systems, but the project has run into export control issues. Discussions are underway with various UK and European companies on future collaborations. Output has been in the form of the following journal publications: DOI:10.1016/j.compscitech.2019.107720 DOI:10.1016/j.compositesa.2019.105643 DOI:10.1016/j.compositesa.2020.105851 DOI:10.1088/2399-7532/ab8e95 DOI: 10.2514/1.C036205 DOI: 10.1088/2399-7532/ac1ea6 DOI: 10.3390/en14196006 DOI: 10.1186/s42252-021-00018-0 DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2022.106860 DOI: 10.1088/2399-7532/ac65c8 1. M Valkova, Predicting the performance of structural power composites, PhD Thesis, Imperial College London, (2021). 2. Chanhui Lee, Design, Characterisation and Application of Structural and Multifunctional Composites to Large Ship Structures, PhD Thesis, Imperial College London, (2021). 3. Radhakrishnan A. Towards creating multi-matrix continuous fibre polymer composites using an out-of-vacuum bag process, PhD Thesis, Bristol, (2021). Output in the form of outreach: 1. Greenhalgh, E.S., Asp, L.E., Zenkert, D., Vilatela, J, Linde, P., En route to "massless" energy storage with structural power composites, JEC Magazine, pp. 37-39, November, (2019). 2. D. Oberhaus, The Batteries of the Future Are Weightless and Invisible, Wired, November 2020, 3. Clean Sky 2 announces program updates, G. Nehls (ed), Composites World, November 2020, Output in the form of conference papers: 1. Gordon Research Conference on Multifunctional Materials and Structures, Ventura, CA, January 2020. 2. Clean Sky 2 Research Programme: Developments and Progress, AIAA SciTech 2021, Virtual Event, January 2021. 3.ICCM22 Conference, 11-16 August 2019, Melbourne, Australia. 4.Tri-Agency Symposium on Multifunctionality, System Endurance & Intelligent Structures, 36th Annual Technical Conference of the American Society for Composites, Texas A&M, 20th September 2021. 5. Multifunctional structural composites and the pursuit of 'massless' energy, E S Greenhalgh, Technical Briefing for the Royal Academy of Engineering, 11 May 2021. 6. Instrumentation Analysis and Testing Exhibition, Silverstone, 14 Sep 2021. 7. Design and Manufacturing Issues for Multifunctional Structural Composites, E S Greenhalgh et. al., CIMCOMP Webinar, 23 September 2021. 8. Structural Power in Future Transportation: Research Opportunities and Challenges, S N Nguyen, The Institution of Engineering Decarbonisation in Transport Webinar Series, 30 Sep 2021. 9. O'Keeffe C., Allegri G., Partridge I.K. Hybrid multi-materials microbraids for through-thickness multi-functionality, 1st European Conference on Crashworthiness of Composite Structures - ECCCS-1. There has been synergy with other Hub projects: - Feasibility Study, 'Evaluating in-process eddy-current testing of composite structures', by investigating the use of eddy current for inspection. - Core Project 'Optimise' is providing support to this project through provision of knowledge and braided fabrics - Feasibility Study 'Can a composite forming limit diagram be constructed?' which became Core Project 'Design simulation tools and process improvements for NCF preforming' has similar goals in terms of understanding wrinkle forming, so best practice is being shared. - Sharing good practice in inkjet printing with Platform Fellowship 'Local Resin Printing for preform stabilisation'. - Support around local preform stabilisation is being provided into the Feasibility study and Core project 'Layer by Layer'. - The use of algorithms developed by the Feasibility study and new Core Project 'Active RTM' was investigated, although not used. - Initial discussions have taken place around sharing of through-thickness know-how from Feasibility Study 'Controlled Micro Integration of Through Thickness Polymeric Yarns' to facilitate multifunctionality. - Forming modelling tools have been shared with the core project "Technologies framework for Automated Dry Fibre Placement".
Start Year 2017
Description Manufacturing for structural applications of multifunctional composites 
Organisation Chomarat Group
Country France 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £884,532 core project grant to the University of Bristol and Imperial College London for the three-year funded project 'Manufacturing for structural applications of multifunctional composites'. The following contributions have been made by the research team: 1) 1. Demonstrated a method to mask/barrier multifunctional/monofunctional domains in the CAGed lamina facilitating complex part production. 2) Validated simulation tools have been created that allow functional and stabilising elements to be placed to control forming deformation and mitigate against defects. The process for manufacturing carbon aerogel-reinforced structural power devices has also been scaled up to about 1 m² per batch. 3) The use of electrochemical deposition to decorate the carbon aerogel with active elements to enhance the electrochemical performance, along with use of new separator materials, has allowed small-scale multifunctional devices to be made and tested, demonstrating energy and power performance (1.4 Wh/kg and 1.1 kW/ kg) that exceeded the original aspirations. Separator and current collection solutions have been identified and validated, but the issue of encapsulation is still outstanding and a suitable candidate that can provide a light-weight, impervious (and insulating) barrier whilst still transmitting mechanical load across the multifunctional/monofunctional interface, is yet to be identified. This is the subject of a joint ICL/UoB/DU proposal submitted to EPSRC last year. 4) A multicell structural beam has been manufactured, containing eight cells, stacking in two stacks of four. The total mass of the beam is 2.6 kg, whilst the total cell mass is 268g (i.e. 10% of component mass). 5) Consideration of the design of structural supercapacitors to predict the consolidation of dry CAGed lamina when assembled into a device were delivered. - These models were then utilised to predict the mechanical performance (elastic behaviour) of the devices under tensile and in-plane shear loadings. To a limited extent, these models were able to capture the influence of manufacturing defects on the mechanical performance, although further work is required in this area . 6) Current collection models were developed to formulate strategies to minimise the resistive losses associated with device scale-up. These models quantified the relative contributions from the in-plane, through-thickness and contact resistances, and hence indicated how best to minimise resistive losses for minimal mass: it should be noted that in conventional energy storage devices, the current collectors can account for as much as 25% of the device mass. For multifunctional design we have developed a means to compare between a multifunctional component and a current off-the-shelf assembly of power source and structure. This methodology will permit end-users to quantify the gains in adoption of structural power materials (such as weight or volume saving) over conventional systems. We have undertaken studies for different platforms as to the potential benefits of using structural power materials: in particular, structural power floor panels in the aircraft cabin to power the seat-back entertainment units and power sockets. This work demonstrated that using structural power materials at the performance levels expected to be reached in the next three years, will provide a mass saving of 260kg per aircraft for a 100 seat Airbus 220. This corresponds to an annual reduction of 28 tonnes of CO2 per aircraft. We have also undertaken studies into a fully electric airliner (220 seat aircraft) using a combination of conventional battery and structural power, demonstrating that structural power would be a critical enabler for fully electric aircraft by depressing the performance targets needed for conventional batteries. Finally, we have applied this methodology to other air vehicles, such as drones and air-taxis (four-seat vehicles). Our studies have demonstrated that using structural power in such vehicles has the potential to double the aircraft range. We anticipate publishing this work in the next couple of months. 7) Functional sub-reinforcement has been successfully incorporated using microbraiding and subsequent tufting of yarns containing metal filaments. Demonstration of sensing and accelerated heating using micro-braids and developed an approach to integrating functionalised resins into fabric without vacuum, has been achieved with high local functional properties. 8) A new methodology for testing heterogenous samples with dissimilar regions has been developed in this project. It allows assessing viscous and non-linear elastic properties of functional domains hosted in the dry preform. Deposition of functional resin is associated with difficulties related to high viscosity additive-rich resin suspension and filtration issues. Local resin deposition, such as liquid resin print, resolved this problem and allows an increase the additives content. However, these manufacturing methods are an out-of vacuum bag process which creates problems with voidage control. The new approach has been developed to create void free patches based on thermal conditioning of the resin, close monitoring of resin state using model-based rheo sensors, and elimination of voidage in the consolidation process. 9) Hybrid tufted braid consists of a complex architecture and there were no readily available tools for detailed assessment of their properties prior to manufacturing: such a tool has been created. It deployed an established tool for modelling flat textiles (WiseTex) and then used geometrical operations to roll an initial material form into a braided thread. The results structure is then created in standard FEA software (Abaqus), where its electrical conductivity is assessed. 10) Manufacturing trials on segmentation of formable/functional areas have been successfully conducted using two manufacturing approaches: a) Masking of the formable area with PLA film, infusion with functional precursor into remaining domain, with subsequent pyrolysis, removing the films, and creating the CAG in one go. b) Create separate domains by integrating barriers into the preform that would divide the preform during the infusion of the precursors. Various parameters of barrier integration - shape, sizes, and materials have been trialled. The infusions strategies were successfully managed the concept was proven feasible. One of the identified challenges was the deterioration of formable domain caused in the process of pyrolysis. The optimisation of the pyrolysis parameters has helped to address the issue.
Collaborator Contribution The project contributes to the Hub priority research theme 'Manufacturing for multifunctional composites and integrated structures'. The overarching aim of the project is to investigate and address the design and manufacturing issues associated with multifunctional composites, addressing specifically the transport phenomena of heat and electrical conduction. Contributions to date: 1. BAE Systems have provided considerable advice and guidance over the life of the project, and particularly over the last six months with the potential for Tempest to provide a platform for utilising these materials. 2. Support from Airbus on demonstrator: Airbus have provided electrical and mechanical requirements and will provide tooling for the frame. 3. Support from NCC on tufting of microbraids to create test samples for Caroline O'Keeffe; gift of materials. 4. Assistance from Stanelco on induction heating. 5. Supply of Textreme spread tow fabric to Imperial College London 6. Supply of Chomarat fabric to Imperial College London. 7. Supply of Isola Group spread glass fabric to Imperial College London 8. Support from NCC on tufting of microbraids to create test samples for Caroline O'Keeffe; gift of materials. 9. Assistance from Stanelco on induction heating. 10.Regarding the microbraiding, University of Manchester are integrating microbraids into woven preforms for explore the feasibility for current collection.
Impact The issue of encapsulation is still outstanding and a suitable candidate that can provide a light-weight, impervious (and insulating) barrier whilst still transmitting mechanical load across the multifunctional/monofunctional interface, is yet to be identified. This is the subject of a joint ICL/UoB/DU proposal submitted to EPSRC last year. Progression with Industry outcome -Discussions are taking place with AVIC Cabin Systems, but the project has run into export control issues. Discussions are underway with various UK and European companies on future collaborations. Output has been in the form of the following journal publications: DOI:10.1016/j.compscitech.2019.107720 DOI:10.1016/j.compositesa.2019.105643 DOI:10.1016/j.compositesa.2020.105851 DOI:10.1088/2399-7532/ab8e95 DOI: 10.2514/1.C036205 DOI: 10.1088/2399-7532/ac1ea6 DOI: 10.3390/en14196006 DOI: 10.1186/s42252-021-00018-0 DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2022.106860 DOI: 10.1088/2399-7532/ac65c8 1. M Valkova, Predicting the performance of structural power composites, PhD Thesis, Imperial College London, (2021). 2. Chanhui Lee, Design, Characterisation and Application of Structural and Multifunctional Composites to Large Ship Structures, PhD Thesis, Imperial College London, (2021). 3. Radhakrishnan A. Towards creating multi-matrix continuous fibre polymer composites using an out-of-vacuum bag process, PhD Thesis, Bristol, (2021). Output in the form of outreach: 1. Greenhalgh, E.S., Asp, L.E., Zenkert, D., Vilatela, J, Linde, P., En route to "massless" energy storage with structural power composites, JEC Magazine, pp. 37-39, November, (2019). 2. D. Oberhaus, The Batteries of the Future Are Weightless and Invisible, Wired, November 2020, 3. Clean Sky 2 announces program updates, G. Nehls (ed), Composites World, November 2020, Output in the form of conference papers: 1. Gordon Research Conference on Multifunctional Materials and Structures, Ventura, CA, January 2020. 2. Clean Sky 2 Research Programme: Developments and Progress, AIAA SciTech 2021, Virtual Event, January 2021. 3.ICCM22 Conference, 11-16 August 2019, Melbourne, Australia. 4.Tri-Agency Symposium on Multifunctionality, System Endurance & Intelligent Structures, 36th Annual Technical Conference of the American Society for Composites, Texas A&M, 20th September 2021. 5. Multifunctional structural composites and the pursuit of 'massless' energy, E S Greenhalgh, Technical Briefing for the Royal Academy of Engineering, 11 May 2021. 6. Instrumentation Analysis and Testing Exhibition, Silverstone, 14 Sep 2021. 7. Design and Manufacturing Issues for Multifunctional Structural Composites, E S Greenhalgh et. al., CIMCOMP Webinar, 23 September 2021. 8. Structural Power in Future Transportation: Research Opportunities and Challenges, S N Nguyen, The Institution of Engineering Decarbonisation in Transport Webinar Series, 30 Sep 2021. 9. O'Keeffe C., Allegri G., Partridge I.K. Hybrid multi-materials microbraids for through-thickness multi-functionality, 1st European Conference on Crashworthiness of Composite Structures - ECCCS-1. There has been synergy with other Hub projects: - Feasibility Study, 'Evaluating in-process eddy-current testing of composite structures', by investigating the use of eddy current for inspection. - Core Project 'Optimise' is providing support to this project through provision of knowledge and braided fabrics - Feasibility Study 'Can a composite forming limit diagram be constructed?' which became Core Project 'Design simulation tools and process improvements for NCF preforming' has similar goals in terms of understanding wrinkle forming, so best practice is being shared. - Sharing good practice in inkjet printing with Platform Fellowship 'Local Resin Printing for preform stabilisation'. - Support around local preform stabilisation is being provided into the Feasibility study and Core project 'Layer by Layer'. - The use of algorithms developed by the Feasibility study and new Core Project 'Active RTM' was investigated, although not used. - Initial discussions have taken place around sharing of through-thickness know-how from Feasibility Study 'Controlled Micro Integration of Through Thickness Polymeric Yarns' to facilitate multifunctionality. - Forming modelling tools have been shared with the core project "Technologies framework for Automated Dry Fibre Placement".
Start Year 2017
Description Manufacturing for structural applications of multifunctional composites 
Organisation GKN
Department GKN Aerospace
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £884,532 core project grant to the University of Bristol and Imperial College London for the three-year funded project 'Manufacturing for structural applications of multifunctional composites'. The following contributions have been made by the research team: 1) 1. Demonstrated a method to mask/barrier multifunctional/monofunctional domains in the CAGed lamina facilitating complex part production. 2) Validated simulation tools have been created that allow functional and stabilising elements to be placed to control forming deformation and mitigate against defects. The process for manufacturing carbon aerogel-reinforced structural power devices has also been scaled up to about 1 m² per batch. 3) The use of electrochemical deposition to decorate the carbon aerogel with active elements to enhance the electrochemical performance, along with use of new separator materials, has allowed small-scale multifunctional devices to be made and tested, demonstrating energy and power performance (1.4 Wh/kg and 1.1 kW/ kg) that exceeded the original aspirations. Separator and current collection solutions have been identified and validated, but the issue of encapsulation is still outstanding and a suitable candidate that can provide a light-weight, impervious (and insulating) barrier whilst still transmitting mechanical load across the multifunctional/monofunctional interface, is yet to be identified. This is the subject of a joint ICL/UoB/DU proposal submitted to EPSRC last year. 4) A multicell structural beam has been manufactured, containing eight cells, stacking in two stacks of four. The total mass of the beam is 2.6 kg, whilst the total cell mass is 268g (i.e. 10% of component mass). 5) Consideration of the design of structural supercapacitors to predict the consolidation of dry CAGed lamina when assembled into a device were delivered. - These models were then utilised to predict the mechanical performance (elastic behaviour) of the devices under tensile and in-plane shear loadings. To a limited extent, these models were able to capture the influence of manufacturing defects on the mechanical performance, although further work is required in this area . 6) Current collection models were developed to formulate strategies to minimise the resistive losses associated with device scale-up. These models quantified the relative contributions from the in-plane, through-thickness and contact resistances, and hence indicated how best to minimise resistive losses for minimal mass: it should be noted that in conventional energy storage devices, the current collectors can account for as much as 25% of the device mass. For multifunctional design we have developed a means to compare between a multifunctional component and a current off-the-shelf assembly of power source and structure. This methodology will permit end-users to quantify the gains in adoption of structural power materials (such as weight or volume saving) over conventional systems. We have undertaken studies for different platforms as to the potential benefits of using structural power materials: in particular, structural power floor panels in the aircraft cabin to power the seat-back entertainment units and power sockets. This work demonstrated that using structural power materials at the performance levels expected to be reached in the next three years, will provide a mass saving of 260kg per aircraft for a 100 seat Airbus 220. This corresponds to an annual reduction of 28 tonnes of CO2 per aircraft. We have also undertaken studies into a fully electric airliner (220 seat aircraft) using a combination of conventional battery and structural power, demonstrating that structural power would be a critical enabler for fully electric aircraft by depressing the performance targets needed for conventional batteries. Finally, we have applied this methodology to other air vehicles, such as drones and air-taxis (four-seat vehicles). Our studies have demonstrated that using structural power in such vehicles has the potential to double the aircraft range. We anticipate publishing this work in the next couple of months. 7) Functional sub-reinforcement has been successfully incorporated using microbraiding and subsequent tufting of yarns containing metal filaments. Demonstration of sensing and accelerated heating using micro-braids and developed an approach to integrating functionalised resins into fabric without vacuum, has been achieved with high local functional properties. 8) A new methodology for testing heterogenous samples with dissimilar regions has been developed in this project. It allows assessing viscous and non-linear elastic properties of functional domains hosted in the dry preform. Deposition of functional resin is associated with difficulties related to high viscosity additive-rich resin suspension and filtration issues. Local resin deposition, such as liquid resin print, resolved this problem and allows an increase the additives content. However, these manufacturing methods are an out-of vacuum bag process which creates problems with voidage control. The new approach has been developed to create void free patches based on thermal conditioning of the resin, close monitoring of resin state using model-based rheo sensors, and elimination of voidage in the consolidation process. 9) Hybrid tufted braid consists of a complex architecture and there were no readily available tools for detailed assessment of their properties prior to manufacturing: such a tool has been created. It deployed an established tool for modelling flat textiles (WiseTex) and then used geometrical operations to roll an initial material form into a braided thread. The results structure is then created in standard FEA software (Abaqus), where its electrical conductivity is assessed. 10) Manufacturing trials on segmentation of formable/functional areas have been successfully conducted using two manufacturing approaches: a) Masking of the formable area with PLA film, infusion with functional precursor into remaining domain, with subsequent pyrolysis, removing the films, and creating the CAG in one go. b) Create separate domains by integrating barriers into the preform that would divide the preform during the infusion of the precursors. Various parameters of barrier integration - shape, sizes, and materials have been trialled. The infusions strategies were successfully managed the concept was proven feasible. One of the identified challenges was the deterioration of formable domain caused in the process of pyrolysis. The optimisation of the pyrolysis parameters has helped to address the issue.
Collaborator Contribution The project contributes to the Hub priority research theme 'Manufacturing for multifunctional composites and integrated structures'. The overarching aim of the project is to investigate and address the design and manufacturing issues associated with multifunctional composites, addressing specifically the transport phenomena of heat and electrical conduction. Contributions to date: 1. BAE Systems have provided considerable advice and guidance over the life of the project, and particularly over the last six months with the potential for Tempest to provide a platform for utilising these materials. 2. Support from Airbus on demonstrator: Airbus have provided electrical and mechanical requirements and will provide tooling for the frame. 3. Support from NCC on tufting of microbraids to create test samples for Caroline O'Keeffe; gift of materials. 4. Assistance from Stanelco on induction heating. 5. Supply of Textreme spread tow fabric to Imperial College London 6. Supply of Chomarat fabric to Imperial College London. 7. Supply of Isola Group spread glass fabric to Imperial College London 8. Support from NCC on tufting of microbraids to create test samples for Caroline O'Keeffe; gift of materials. 9. Assistance from Stanelco on induction heating. 10.Regarding the microbraiding, University of Manchester are integrating microbraids into woven preforms for explore the feasibility for current collection.
Impact The issue of encapsulation is still outstanding and a suitable candidate that can provide a light-weight, impervious (and insulating) barrier whilst still transmitting mechanical load across the multifunctional/monofunctional interface, is yet to be identified. This is the subject of a joint ICL/UoB/DU proposal submitted to EPSRC last year. Progression with Industry outcome -Discussions are taking place with AVIC Cabin Systems, but the project has run into export control issues. Discussions are underway with various UK and European companies on future collaborations. Output has been in the form of the following journal publications: DOI:10.1016/j.compscitech.2019.107720 DOI:10.1016/j.compositesa.2019.105643 DOI:10.1016/j.compositesa.2020.105851 DOI:10.1088/2399-7532/ab8e95 DOI: 10.2514/1.C036205 DOI: 10.1088/2399-7532/ac1ea6 DOI: 10.3390/en14196006 DOI: 10.1186/s42252-021-00018-0 DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2022.106860 DOI: 10.1088/2399-7532/ac65c8 1. M Valkova, Predicting the performance of structural power composites, PhD Thesis, Imperial College London, (2021). 2. Chanhui Lee, Design, Characterisation and Application of Structural and Multifunctional Composites to Large Ship Structures, PhD Thesis, Imperial College London, (2021). 3. Radhakrishnan A. Towards creating multi-matrix continuous fibre polymer composites using an out-of-vacuum bag process, PhD Thesis, Bristol, (2021). Output in the form of outreach: 1. Greenhalgh, E.S., Asp, L.E., Zenkert, D., Vilatela, J, Linde, P., En route to "massless" energy storage with structural power composites, JEC Magazine, pp. 37-39, November, (2019). 2. D. Oberhaus, The Batteries of the Future Are Weightless and Invisible, Wired, November 2020, 3. Clean Sky 2 announces program updates, G. Nehls (ed), Composites World, November 2020, Output in the form of conference papers: 1. Gordon Research Conference on Multifunctional Materials and Structures, Ventura, CA, January 2020. 2. Clean Sky 2 Research Programme: Developments and Progress, AIAA SciTech 2021, Virtual Event, January 2021. 3.ICCM22 Conference, 11-16 August 2019, Melbourne, Australia. 4.Tri-Agency Symposium on Multifunctionality, System Endurance & Intelligent Structures, 36th Annual Technical Conference of the American Society for Composites, Texas A&M, 20th September 2021. 5. Multifunctional structural composites and the pursuit of 'massless' energy, E S Greenhalgh, Technical Briefing for the Royal Academy of Engineering, 11 May 2021. 6. Instrumentation Analysis and Testing Exhibition, Silverstone, 14 Sep 2021. 7. Design and Manufacturing Issues for Multifunctional Structural Composites, E S Greenhalgh et. al., CIMCOMP Webinar, 23 September 2021. 8. Structural Power in Future Transportation: Research Opportunities and Challenges, S N Nguyen, The Institution of Engineering Decarbonisation in Transport Webinar Series, 30 Sep 2021. 9. O'Keeffe C., Allegri G., Partridge I.K. Hybrid multi-materials microbraids for through-thickness multi-functionality, 1st European Conference on Crashworthiness of Composite Structures - ECCCS-1. There has been synergy with other Hub projects: - Feasibility Study, 'Evaluating in-process eddy-current testing of composite structures', by investigating the use of eddy current for inspection. - Core Project 'Optimise' is providing support to this project through provision of knowledge and braided fabrics - Feasibility Study 'Can a composite forming limit diagram be constructed?' which became Core Project 'Design simulation tools and process improvements for NCF preforming' has similar goals in terms of understanding wrinkle forming, so best practice is being shared. - Sharing good practice in inkjet printing with Platform Fellowship 'Local Resin Printing for preform stabilisation'. - Support around local preform stabilisation is being provided into the Feasibility study and Core project 'Layer by Layer'. - The use of algorithms developed by the Feasibility study and new Core Project 'Active RTM' was investigated, although not used. - Initial discussions have taken place around sharing of through-thickness know-how from Feasibility Study 'Controlled Micro Integration of Through Thickness Polymeric Yarns' to facilitate multifunctionality. - Forming modelling tools have been shared with the core project "Technologies framework for Automated Dry Fibre Placement".
Start Year 2017
Description Manufacturing for structural applications of multifunctional composites 
Organisation Hexcel Composites Ltd
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £884,532 core project grant to the University of Bristol and Imperial College London for the three-year funded project 'Manufacturing for structural applications of multifunctional composites'. The following contributions have been made by the research team: 1) 1. Demonstrated a method to mask/barrier multifunctional/monofunctional domains in the CAGed lamina facilitating complex part production. 2) Validated simulation tools have been created that allow functional and stabilising elements to be placed to control forming deformation and mitigate against defects. The process for manufacturing carbon aerogel-reinforced structural power devices has also been scaled up to about 1 m² per batch. 3) The use of electrochemical deposition to decorate the carbon aerogel with active elements to enhance the electrochemical performance, along with use of new separator materials, has allowed small-scale multifunctional devices to be made and tested, demonstrating energy and power performance (1.4 Wh/kg and 1.1 kW/ kg) that exceeded the original aspirations. Separator and current collection solutions have been identified and validated, but the issue of encapsulation is still outstanding and a suitable candidate that can provide a light-weight, impervious (and insulating) barrier whilst still transmitting mechanical load across the multifunctional/monofunctional interface, is yet to be identified. This is the subject of a joint ICL/UoB/DU proposal submitted to EPSRC last year. 4) A multicell structural beam has been manufactured, containing eight cells, stacking in two stacks of four. The total mass of the beam is 2.6 kg, whilst the total cell mass is 268g (i.e. 10% of component mass). 5) Consideration of the design of structural supercapacitors to predict the consolidation of dry CAGed lamina when assembled into a device were delivered. - These models were then utilised to predict the mechanical performance (elastic behaviour) of the devices under tensile and in-plane shear loadings. To a limited extent, these models were able to capture the influence of manufacturing defects on the mechanical performance, although further work is required in this area . 6) Current collection models were developed to formulate strategies to minimise the resistive losses associated with device scale-up. These models quantified the relative contributions from the in-plane, through-thickness and contact resistances, and hence indicated how best to minimise resistive losses for minimal mass: it should be noted that in conventional energy storage devices, the current collectors can account for as much as 25% of the device mass. For multifunctional design we have developed a means to compare between a multifunctional component and a current off-the-shelf assembly of power source and structure. This methodology will permit end-users to quantify the gains in adoption of structural power materials (such as weight or volume saving) over conventional systems. We have undertaken studies for different platforms as to the potential benefits of using structural power materials: in particular, structural power floor panels in the aircraft cabin to power the seat-back entertainment units and power sockets. This work demonstrated that using structural power materials at the performance levels expected to be reached in the next three years, will provide a mass saving of 260kg per aircraft for a 100 seat Airbus 220. This corresponds to an annual reduction of 28 tonnes of CO2 per aircraft. We have also undertaken studies into a fully electric airliner (220 seat aircraft) using a combination of conventional battery and structural power, demonstrating that structural power would be a critical enabler for fully electric aircraft by depressing the performance targets needed for conventional batteries. Finally, we have applied this methodology to other air vehicles, such as drones and air-taxis (four-seat vehicles). Our studies have demonstrated that using structural power in such vehicles has the potential to double the aircraft range. We anticipate publishing this work in the next couple of months. 7) Functional sub-reinforcement has been successfully incorporated using microbraiding and subsequent tufting of yarns containing metal filaments. Demonstration of sensing and accelerated heating using micro-braids and developed an approach to integrating functionalised resins into fabric without vacuum, has been achieved with high local functional properties. 8) A new methodology for testing heterogenous samples with dissimilar regions has been developed in this project. It allows assessing viscous and non-linear elastic properties of functional domains hosted in the dry preform. Deposition of functional resin is associated with difficulties related to high viscosity additive-rich resin suspension and filtration issues. Local resin deposition, such as liquid resin print, resolved this problem and allows an increase the additives content. However, these manufacturing methods are an out-of vacuum bag process which creates problems with voidage control. The new approach has been developed to create void free patches based on thermal conditioning of the resin, close monitoring of resin state using model-based rheo sensors, and elimination of voidage in the consolidation process. 9) Hybrid tufted braid consists of a complex architecture and there were no readily available tools for detailed assessment of their properties prior to manufacturing: such a tool has been created. It deployed an established tool for modelling flat textiles (WiseTex) and then used geometrical operations to roll an initial material form into a braided thread. The results structure is then created in standard FEA software (Abaqus), where its electrical conductivity is assessed. 10) Manufacturing trials on segmentation of formable/functional areas have been successfully conducted using two manufacturing approaches: a) Masking of the formable area with PLA film, infusion with functional precursor into remaining domain, with subsequent pyrolysis, removing the films, and creating the CAG in one go. b) Create separate domains by integrating barriers into the preform that would divide the preform during the infusion of the precursors. Various parameters of barrier integration - shape, sizes, and materials have been trialled. The infusions strategies were successfully managed the concept was proven feasible. One of the identified challenges was the deterioration of formable domain caused in the process of pyrolysis. The optimisation of the pyrolysis parameters has helped to address the issue.
Collaborator Contribution The project contributes to the Hub priority research theme 'Manufacturing for multifunctional composites and integrated structures'. The overarching aim of the project is to investigate and address the design and manufacturing issues associated with multifunctional composites, addressing specifically the transport phenomena of heat and electrical conduction. Contributions to date: 1. BAE Systems have provided considerable advice and guidance over the life of the project, and particularly over the last six months with the potential for Tempest to provide a platform for utilising these materials. 2. Support from Airbus on demonstrator: Airbus have provided electrical and mechanical requirements and will provide tooling for the frame. 3. Support from NCC on tufting of microbraids to create test samples for Caroline O'Keeffe; gift of materials. 4. Assistance from Stanelco on induction heating. 5. Supply of Textreme spread tow fabric to Imperial College London 6. Supply of Chomarat fabric to Imperial College London. 7. Supply of Isola Group spread glass fabric to Imperial College London 8. Support from NCC on tufting of microbraids to create test samples for Caroline O'Keeffe; gift of materials. 9. Assistance from Stanelco on induction heating. 10.Regarding the microbraiding, University of Manchester are integrating microbraids into woven preforms for explore the feasibility for current collection.
Impact The issue of encapsulation is still outstanding and a suitable candidate that can provide a light-weight, impervious (and insulating) barrier whilst still transmitting mechanical load across the multifunctional/monofunctional interface, is yet to be identified. This is the subject of a joint ICL/UoB/DU proposal submitted to EPSRC last year. Progression with Industry outcome -Discussions are taking place with AVIC Cabin Systems, but the project has run into export control issues. Discussions are underway with various UK and European companies on future collaborations. Output has been in the form of the following journal publications: DOI:10.1016/j.compscitech.2019.107720 DOI:10.1016/j.compositesa.2019.105643 DOI:10.1016/j.compositesa.2020.105851 DOI:10.1088/2399-7532/ab8e95 DOI: 10.2514/1.C036205 DOI: 10.1088/2399-7532/ac1ea6 DOI: 10.3390/en14196006 DOI: 10.1186/s42252-021-00018-0 DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2022.106860 DOI: 10.1088/2399-7532/ac65c8 1. M Valkova, Predicting the performance of structural power composites, PhD Thesis, Imperial College London, (2021). 2. Chanhui Lee, Design, Characterisation and Application of Structural and Multifunctional Composites to Large Ship Structures, PhD Thesis, Imperial College London, (2021). 3. Radhakrishnan A. Towards creating multi-matrix continuous fibre polymer composites using an out-of-vacuum bag process, PhD Thesis, Bristol, (2021). Output in the form of outreach: 1. Greenhalgh, E.S., Asp, L.E., Zenkert, D., Vilatela, J, Linde, P., En route to "massless" energy storage with structural power composites, JEC Magazine, pp. 37-39, November, (2019). 2. D. Oberhaus, The Batteries of the Future Are Weightless and Invisible, Wired, November 2020, 3. Clean Sky 2 announces program updates, G. Nehls (ed), Composites World, November 2020, Output in the form of conference papers: 1. Gordon Research Conference on Multifunctional Materials and Structures, Ventura, CA, January 2020. 2. Clean Sky 2 Research Programme: Developments and Progress, AIAA SciTech 2021, Virtual Event, January 2021. 3.ICCM22 Conference, 11-16 August 2019, Melbourne, Australia. 4.Tri-Agency Symposium on Multifunctionality, System Endurance & Intelligent Structures, 36th Annual Technical Conference of the American Society for Composites, Texas A&M, 20th September 2021. 5. Multifunctional structural composites and the pursuit of 'massless' energy, E S Greenhalgh, Technical Briefing for the Royal Academy of Engineering, 11 May 2021. 6. Instrumentation Analysis and Testing Exhibition, Silverstone, 14 Sep 2021. 7. Design and Manufacturing Issues for Multifunctional Structural Composites, E S Greenhalgh et. al., CIMCOMP Webinar, 23 September 2021. 8. Structural Power in Future Transportation: Research Opportunities and Challenges, S N Nguyen, The Institution of Engineering Decarbonisation in Transport Webinar Series, 30 Sep 2021. 9. O'Keeffe C., Allegri G., Partridge I.K. Hybrid multi-materials microbraids for through-thickness multi-functionality, 1st European Conference on Crashworthiness of Composite Structures - ECCCS-1. There has been synergy with other Hub projects: - Feasibility Study, 'Evaluating in-process eddy-current testing of composite structures', by investigating the use of eddy current for inspection. - Core Project 'Optimise' is providing support to this project through provision of knowledge and braided fabrics - Feasibility Study 'Can a composite forming limit diagram be constructed?' which became Core Project 'Design simulation tools and process improvements for NCF preforming' has similar goals in terms of understanding wrinkle forming, so best practice is being shared. - Sharing good practice in inkjet printing with Platform Fellowship 'Local Resin Printing for preform stabilisation'. - Support around local preform stabilisation is being provided into the Feasibility study and Core project 'Layer by Layer'. - The use of algorithms developed by the Feasibility study and new Core Project 'Active RTM' was investigated, although not used. - Initial discussions have taken place around sharing of through-thickness know-how from Feasibility Study 'Controlled Micro Integration of Through Thickness Polymeric Yarns' to facilitate multifunctionality. - Forming modelling tools have been shared with the core project "Technologies framework for Automated Dry Fibre Placement".
Start Year 2017
Description Manufacturing for structural applications of multifunctional composites 
Organisation Imperial College London
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £884,532 core project grant to the University of Bristol and Imperial College London for the three-year funded project 'Manufacturing for structural applications of multifunctional composites'. The following contributions have been made by the research team: 1) 1. Demonstrated a method to mask/barrier multifunctional/monofunctional domains in the CAGed lamina facilitating complex part production. 2) Validated simulation tools have been created that allow functional and stabilising elements to be placed to control forming deformation and mitigate against defects. The process for manufacturing carbon aerogel-reinforced structural power devices has also been scaled up to about 1 m² per batch. 3) The use of electrochemical deposition to decorate the carbon aerogel with active elements to enhance the electrochemical performance, along with use of new separator materials, has allowed small-scale multifunctional devices to be made and tested, demonstrating energy and power performance (1.4 Wh/kg and 1.1 kW/ kg) that exceeded the original aspirations. Separator and current collection solutions have been identified and validated, but the issue of encapsulation is still outstanding and a suitable candidate that can provide a light-weight, impervious (and insulating) barrier whilst still transmitting mechanical load across the multifunctional/monofunctional interface, is yet to be identified. This is the subject of a joint ICL/UoB/DU proposal submitted to EPSRC last year. 4) A multicell structural beam has been manufactured, containing eight cells, stacking in two stacks of four. The total mass of the beam is 2.6 kg, whilst the total cell mass is 268g (i.e. 10% of component mass). 5) Consideration of the design of structural supercapacitors to predict the consolidation of dry CAGed lamina when assembled into a device were delivered. - These models were then utilised to predict the mechanical performance (elastic behaviour) of the devices under tensile and in-plane shear loadings. To a limited extent, these models were able to capture the influence of manufacturing defects on the mechanical performance, although further work is required in this area . 6) Current collection models were developed to formulate strategies to minimise the resistive losses associated with device scale-up. These models quantified the relative contributions from the in-plane, through-thickness and contact resistances, and hence indicated how best to minimise resistive losses for minimal mass: it should be noted that in conventional energy storage devices, the current collectors can account for as much as 25% of the device mass. For multifunctional design we have developed a means to compare between a multifunctional component and a current off-the-shelf assembly of power source and structure. This methodology will permit end-users to quantify the gains in adoption of structural power materials (such as weight or volume saving) over conventional systems. We have undertaken studies for different platforms as to the potential benefits of using structural power materials: in particular, structural power floor panels in the aircraft cabin to power the seat-back entertainment units and power sockets. This work demonstrated that using structural power materials at the performance levels expected to be reached in the next three years, will provide a mass saving of 260kg per aircraft for a 100 seat Airbus 220. This corresponds to an annual reduction of 28 tonnes of CO2 per aircraft. We have also undertaken studies into a fully electric airliner (220 seat aircraft) using a combination of conventional battery and structural power, demonstrating that structural power would be a critical enabler for fully electric aircraft by depressing the performance targets needed for conventional batteries. Finally, we have applied this methodology to other air vehicles, such as drones and air-taxis (four-seat vehicles). Our studies have demonstrated that using structural power in such vehicles has the potential to double the aircraft range. We anticipate publishing this work in the next couple of months. 7) Functional sub-reinforcement has been successfully incorporated using microbraiding and subsequent tufting of yarns containing metal filaments. Demonstration of sensing and accelerated heating using micro-braids and developed an approach to integrating functionalised resins into fabric without vacuum, has been achieved with high local functional properties. 8) A new methodology for testing heterogenous samples with dissimilar regions has been developed in this project. It allows assessing viscous and non-linear elastic properties of functional domains hosted in the dry preform. Deposition of functional resin is associated with difficulties related to high viscosity additive-rich resin suspension and filtration issues. Local resin deposition, such as liquid resin print, resolved this problem and allows an increase the additives content. However, these manufacturing methods are an out-of vacuum bag process which creates problems with voidage control. The new approach has been developed to create void free patches based on thermal conditioning of the resin, close monitoring of resin state using model-based rheo sensors, and elimination of voidage in the consolidation process. 9) Hybrid tufted braid consists of a complex architecture and there were no readily available tools for detailed assessment of their properties prior to manufacturing: such a tool has been created. It deployed an established tool for modelling flat textiles (WiseTex) and then used geometrical operations to roll an initial material form into a braided thread. The results structure is then created in standard FEA software (Abaqus), where its electrical conductivity is assessed. 10) Manufacturing trials on segmentation of formable/functional areas have been successfully conducted using two manufacturing approaches: a) Masking of the formable area with PLA film, infusion with functional precursor into remaining domain, with subsequent pyrolysis, removing the films, and creating the CAG in one go. b) Create separate domains by integrating barriers into the preform that would divide the preform during the infusion of the precursors. Various parameters of barrier integration - shape, sizes, and materials have been trialled. The infusions strategies were successfully managed the concept was proven feasible. One of the identified challenges was the deterioration of formable domain caused in the process of pyrolysis. The optimisation of the pyrolysis parameters has helped to address the issue.
Collaborator Contribution The project contributes to the Hub priority research theme 'Manufacturing for multifunctional composites and integrated structures'. The overarching aim of the project is to investigate and address the design and manufacturing issues associated with multifunctional composites, addressing specifically the transport phenomena of heat and electrical conduction. Contributions to date: 1. BAE Systems have provided considerable advice and guidance over the life of the project, and particularly over the last six months with the potential for Tempest to provide a platform for utilising these materials. 2. Support from Airbus on demonstrator: Airbus have provided electrical and mechanical requirements and will provide tooling for the frame. 3. Support from NCC on tufting of microbraids to create test samples for Caroline O'Keeffe; gift of materials. 4. Assistance from Stanelco on induction heating. 5. Supply of Textreme spread tow fabric to Imperial College London 6. Supply of Chomarat fabric to Imperial College London. 7. Supply of Isola Group spread glass fabric to Imperial College London 8. Support from NCC on tufting of microbraids to create test samples for Caroline O'Keeffe; gift of materials. 9. Assistance from Stanelco on induction heating. 10.Regarding the microbraiding, University of Manchester are integrating microbraids into woven preforms for explore the feasibility for current collection.
Impact The issue of encapsulation is still outstanding and a suitable candidate that can provide a light-weight, impervious (and insulating) barrier whilst still transmitting mechanical load across the multifunctional/monofunctional interface, is yet to be identified. This is the subject of a joint ICL/UoB/DU proposal submitted to EPSRC last year. Progression with Industry outcome -Discussions are taking place with AVIC Cabin Systems, but the project has run into export control issues. Discussions are underway with various UK and European companies on future collaborations. Output has been in the form of the following journal publications: DOI:10.1016/j.compscitech.2019.107720 DOI:10.1016/j.compositesa.2019.105643 DOI:10.1016/j.compositesa.2020.105851 DOI:10.1088/2399-7532/ab8e95 DOI: 10.2514/1.C036205 DOI: 10.1088/2399-7532/ac1ea6 DOI: 10.3390/en14196006 DOI: 10.1186/s42252-021-00018-0 DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2022.106860 DOI: 10.1088/2399-7532/ac65c8 1. M Valkova, Predicting the performance of structural power composites, PhD Thesis, Imperial College London, (2021). 2. Chanhui Lee, Design, Characterisation and Application of Structural and Multifunctional Composites to Large Ship Structures, PhD Thesis, Imperial College London, (2021). 3. Radhakrishnan A. Towards creating multi-matrix continuous fibre polymer composites using an out-of-vacuum bag process, PhD Thesis, Bristol, (2021). Output in the form of outreach: 1. Greenhalgh, E.S., Asp, L.E., Zenkert, D., Vilatela, J, Linde, P., En route to "massless" energy storage with structural power composites, JEC Magazine, pp. 37-39, November, (2019). 2. D. Oberhaus, The Batteries of the Future Are Weightless and Invisible, Wired, November 2020, 3. Clean Sky 2 announces program updates, G. Nehls (ed), Composites World, November 2020, Output in the form of conference papers: 1. Gordon Research Conference on Multifunctional Materials and Structures, Ventura, CA, January 2020. 2. Clean Sky 2 Research Programme: Developments and Progress, AIAA SciTech 2021, Virtual Event, January 2021. 3.ICCM22 Conference, 11-16 August 2019, Melbourne, Australia. 4.Tri-Agency Symposium on Multifunctionality, System Endurance & Intelligent Structures, 36th Annual Technical Conference of the American Society for Composites, Texas A&M, 20th September 2021. 5. Multifunctional structural composites and the pursuit of 'massless' energy, E S Greenhalgh, Technical Briefing for the Royal Academy of Engineering, 11 May 2021. 6. Instrumentation Analysis and Testing Exhibition, Silverstone, 14 Sep 2021. 7. Design and Manufacturing Issues for Multifunctional Structural Composites, E S Greenhalgh et. al., CIMCOMP Webinar, 23 September 2021. 8. Structural Power in Future Transportation: Research Opportunities and Challenges, S N Nguyen, The Institution of Engineering Decarbonisation in Transport Webinar Series, 30 Sep 2021. 9. O'Keeffe C., Allegri G., Partridge I.K. Hybrid multi-materials microbraids for through-thickness multi-functionality, 1st European Conference on Crashworthiness of Composite Structures - ECCCS-1. There has been synergy with other Hub projects: - Feasibility Study, 'Evaluating in-process eddy-current testing of composite structures', by investigating the use of eddy current for inspection. - Core Project 'Optimise' is providing support to this project through provision of knowledge and braided fabrics - Feasibility Study 'Can a composite forming limit diagram be constructed?' which became Core Project 'Design simulation tools and process improvements for NCF preforming' has similar goals in terms of understanding wrinkle forming, so best practice is being shared. - Sharing good practice in inkjet printing with Platform Fellowship 'Local Resin Printing for preform stabilisation'. - Support around local preform stabilisation is being provided into the Feasibility study and Core project 'Layer by Layer'. - The use of algorithms developed by the Feasibility study and new Core Project 'Active RTM' was investigated, although not used. - Initial discussions have taken place around sharing of through-thickness know-how from Feasibility Study 'Controlled Micro Integration of Through Thickness Polymeric Yarns' to facilitate multifunctionality. - Forming modelling tools have been shared with the core project "Technologies framework for Automated Dry Fibre Placement".
Start Year 2017
Description Manufacturing for structural applications of multifunctional composites 
Organisation National Composites Centre (NCC)
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £884,532 core project grant to the University of Bristol and Imperial College London for the three-year funded project 'Manufacturing for structural applications of multifunctional composites'. The following contributions have been made by the research team: 1) 1. Demonstrated a method to mask/barrier multifunctional/monofunctional domains in the CAGed lamina facilitating complex part production. 2) Validated simulation tools have been created that allow functional and stabilising elements to be placed to control forming deformation and mitigate against defects. The process for manufacturing carbon aerogel-reinforced structural power devices has also been scaled up to about 1 m² per batch. 3) The use of electrochemical deposition to decorate the carbon aerogel with active elements to enhance the electrochemical performance, along with use of new separator materials, has allowed small-scale multifunctional devices to be made and tested, demonstrating energy and power performance (1.4 Wh/kg and 1.1 kW/ kg) that exceeded the original aspirations. Separator and current collection solutions have been identified and validated, but the issue of encapsulation is still outstanding and a suitable candidate that can provide a light-weight, impervious (and insulating) barrier whilst still transmitting mechanical load across the multifunctional/monofunctional interface, is yet to be identified. This is the subject of a joint ICL/UoB/DU proposal submitted to EPSRC last year. 4) A multicell structural beam has been manufactured, containing eight cells, stacking in two stacks of four. The total mass of the beam is 2.6 kg, whilst the total cell mass is 268g (i.e. 10% of component mass). 5) Consideration of the design of structural supercapacitors to predict the consolidation of dry CAGed lamina when assembled into a device were delivered. - These models were then utilised to predict the mechanical performance (elastic behaviour) of the devices under tensile and in-plane shear loadings. To a limited extent, these models were able to capture the influence of manufacturing defects on the mechanical performance, although further work is required in this area . 6) Current collection models were developed to formulate strategies to minimise the resistive losses associated with device scale-up. These models quantified the relative contributions from the in-plane, through-thickness and contact resistances, and hence indicated how best to minimise resistive losses for minimal mass: it should be noted that in conventional energy storage devices, the current collectors can account for as much as 25% of the device mass. For multifunctional design we have developed a means to compare between a multifunctional component and a current off-the-shelf assembly of power source and structure. This methodology will permit end-users to quantify the gains in adoption of structural power materials (such as weight or volume saving) over conventional systems. We have undertaken studies for different platforms as to the potential benefits of using structural power materials: in particular, structural power floor panels in the aircraft cabin to power the seat-back entertainment units and power sockets. This work demonstrated that using structural power materials at the performance levels expected to be reached in the next three years, will provide a mass saving of 260kg per aircraft for a 100 seat Airbus 220. This corresponds to an annual reduction of 28 tonnes of CO2 per aircraft. We have also undertaken studies into a fully electric airliner (220 seat aircraft) using a combination of conventional battery and structural power, demonstrating that structural power would be a critical enabler for fully electric aircraft by depressing the performance targets needed for conventional batteries. Finally, we have applied this methodology to other air vehicles, such as drones and air-taxis (four-seat vehicles). Our studies have demonstrated that using structural power in such vehicles has the potential to double the aircraft range. We anticipate publishing this work in the next couple of months. 7) Functional sub-reinforcement has been successfully incorporated using microbraiding and subsequent tufting of yarns containing metal filaments. Demonstration of sensing and accelerated heating using micro-braids and developed an approach to integrating functionalised resins into fabric without vacuum, has been achieved with high local functional properties. 8) A new methodology for testing heterogenous samples with dissimilar regions has been developed in this project. It allows assessing viscous and non-linear elastic properties of functional domains hosted in the dry preform. Deposition of functional resin is associated with difficulties related to high viscosity additive-rich resin suspension and filtration issues. Local resin deposition, such as liquid resin print, resolved this problem and allows an increase the additives content. However, these manufacturing methods are an out-of vacuum bag process which creates problems with voidage control. The new approach has been developed to create void free patches based on thermal conditioning of the resin, close monitoring of resin state using model-based rheo sensors, and elimination of voidage in the consolidation process. 9) Hybrid tufted braid consists of a complex architecture and there were no readily available tools for detailed assessment of their properties prior to manufacturing: such a tool has been created. It deployed an established tool for modelling flat textiles (WiseTex) and then used geometrical operations to roll an initial material form into a braided thread. The results structure is then created in standard FEA software (Abaqus), where its electrical conductivity is assessed. 10) Manufacturing trials on segmentation of formable/functional areas have been successfully conducted using two manufacturing approaches: a) Masking of the formable area with PLA film, infusion with functional precursor into remaining domain, with subsequent pyrolysis, removing the films, and creating the CAG in one go. b) Create separate domains by integrating barriers into the preform that would divide the preform during the infusion of the precursors. Various parameters of barrier integration - shape, sizes, and materials have been trialled. The infusions strategies were successfully managed the concept was proven feasible. One of the identified challenges was the deterioration of formable domain caused in the process of pyrolysis. The optimisation of the pyrolysis parameters has helped to address the issue.
Collaborator Contribution The project contributes to the Hub priority research theme 'Manufacturing for multifunctional composites and integrated structures'. The overarching aim of the project is to investigate and address the design and manufacturing issues associated with multifunctional composites, addressing specifically the transport phenomena of heat and electrical conduction. Contributions to date: 1. BAE Systems have provided considerable advice and guidance over the life of the project, and particularly over the last six months with the potential for Tempest to provide a platform for utilising these materials. 2. Support from Airbus on demonstrator: Airbus have provided electrical and mechanical requirements and will provide tooling for the frame. 3. Support from NCC on tufting of microbraids to create test samples for Caroline O'Keeffe; gift of materials. 4. Assistance from Stanelco on induction heating. 5. Supply of Textreme spread tow fabric to Imperial College London 6. Supply of Chomarat fabric to Imperial College London. 7. Supply of Isola Group spread glass fabric to Imperial College London 8. Support from NCC on tufting of microbraids to create test samples for Caroline O'Keeffe; gift of materials. 9. Assistance from Stanelco on induction heating. 10.Regarding the microbraiding, University of Manchester are integrating microbraids into woven preforms for explore the feasibility for current collection.
Impact The issue of encapsulation is still outstanding and a suitable candidate that can provide a light-weight, impervious (and insulating) barrier whilst still transmitting mechanical load across the multifunctional/monofunctional interface, is yet to be identified. This is the subject of a joint ICL/UoB/DU proposal submitted to EPSRC last year. Progression with Industry outcome -Discussions are taking place with AVIC Cabin Systems, but the project has run into export control issues. Discussions are underway with various UK and European companies on future collaborations. Output has been in the form of the following journal publications: DOI:10.1016/j.compscitech.2019.107720 DOI:10.1016/j.compositesa.2019.105643 DOI:10.1016/j.compositesa.2020.105851 DOI:10.1088/2399-7532/ab8e95 DOI: 10.2514/1.C036205 DOI: 10.1088/2399-7532/ac1ea6 DOI: 10.3390/en14196006 DOI: 10.1186/s42252-021-00018-0 DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2022.106860 DOI: 10.1088/2399-7532/ac65c8 1. M Valkova, Predicting the performance of structural power composites, PhD Thesis, Imperial College London, (2021). 2. Chanhui Lee, Design, Characterisation and Application of Structural and Multifunctional Composites to Large Ship Structures, PhD Thesis, Imperial College London, (2021). 3. Radhakrishnan A. Towards creating multi-matrix continuous fibre polymer composites using an out-of-vacuum bag process, PhD Thesis, Bristol, (2021). Output in the form of outreach: 1. Greenhalgh, E.S., Asp, L.E., Zenkert, D., Vilatela, J, Linde, P., En route to "massless" energy storage with structural power composites, JEC Magazine, pp. 37-39, November, (2019). 2. D. Oberhaus, The Batteries of the Future Are Weightless and Invisible, Wired, November 2020, 3. Clean Sky 2 announces program updates, G. Nehls (ed), Composites World, November 2020, Output in the form of conference papers: 1. Gordon Research Conference on Multifunctional Materials and Structures, Ventura, CA, January 2020. 2. Clean Sky 2 Research Programme: Developments and Progress, AIAA SciTech 2021, Virtual Event, January 2021. 3.ICCM22 Conference, 11-16 August 2019, Melbourne, Australia. 4.Tri-Agency Symposium on Multifunctionality, System Endurance & Intelligent Structures, 36th Annual Technical Conference of the American Society for Composites, Texas A&M, 20th September 2021. 5. Multifunctional structural composites and the pursuit of 'massless' energy, E S Greenhalgh, Technical Briefing for the Royal Academy of Engineering, 11 May 2021. 6. Instrumentation Analysis and Testing Exhibition, Silverstone, 14 Sep 2021. 7. Design and Manufacturing Issues for Multifunctional Structural Composites, E S Greenhalgh et. al., CIMCOMP Webinar, 23 September 2021. 8. Structural Power in Future Transportation: Research Opportunities and Challenges, S N Nguyen, The Institution of Engineering Decarbonisation in Transport Webinar Series, 30 Sep 2021. 9. O'Keeffe C., Allegri G., Partridge I.K. Hybrid multi-materials microbraids for through-thickness multi-functionality, 1st European Conference on Crashworthiness of Composite Structures - ECCCS-1. There has been synergy with other Hub projects: - Feasibility Study, 'Evaluating in-process eddy-current testing of composite structures', by investigating the use of eddy current for inspection. - Core Project 'Optimise' is providing support to this project through provision of knowledge and braided fabrics - Feasibility Study 'Can a composite forming limit diagram be constructed?' which became Core Project 'Design simulation tools and process improvements for NCF preforming' has similar goals in terms of understanding wrinkle forming, so best practice is being shared. - Sharing good practice in inkjet printing with Platform Fellowship 'Local Resin Printing for preform stabilisation'. - Support around local preform stabilisation is being provided into the Feasibility study and Core project 'Layer by Layer'. - The use of algorithms developed by the Feasibility study and new Core Project 'Active RTM' was investigated, although not used. - Initial discussions have taken place around sharing of through-thickness know-how from Feasibility Study 'Controlled Micro Integration of Through Thickness Polymeric Yarns' to facilitate multifunctionality. - Forming modelling tools have been shared with the core project "Technologies framework for Automated Dry Fibre Placement".
Start Year 2017
Description Manufacturing for structural applications of multifunctional composites 
Organisation Qinetiq
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £884,532 core project grant to the University of Bristol and Imperial College London for the three-year funded project 'Manufacturing for structural applications of multifunctional composites'. The following contributions have been made by the research team: 1) 1. Demonstrated a method to mask/barrier multifunctional/monofunctional domains in the CAGed lamina facilitating complex part production. 2) Validated simulation tools have been created that allow functional and stabilising elements to be placed to control forming deformation and mitigate against defects. The process for manufacturing carbon aerogel-reinforced structural power devices has also been scaled up to about 1 m² per batch. 3) The use of electrochemical deposition to decorate the carbon aerogel with active elements to enhance the electrochemical performance, along with use of new separator materials, has allowed small-scale multifunctional devices to be made and tested, demonstrating energy and power performance (1.4 Wh/kg and 1.1 kW/ kg) that exceeded the original aspirations. Separator and current collection solutions have been identified and validated, but the issue of encapsulation is still outstanding and a suitable candidate that can provide a light-weight, impervious (and insulating) barrier whilst still transmitting mechanical load across the multifunctional/monofunctional interface, is yet to be identified. This is the subject of a joint ICL/UoB/DU proposal submitted to EPSRC last year. 4) A multicell structural beam has been manufactured, containing eight cells, stacking in two stacks of four. The total mass of the beam is 2.6 kg, whilst the total cell mass is 268g (i.e. 10% of component mass). 5) Consideration of the design of structural supercapacitors to predict the consolidation of dry CAGed lamina when assembled into a device were delivered. - These models were then utilised to predict the mechanical performance (elastic behaviour) of the devices under tensile and in-plane shear loadings. To a limited extent, these models were able to capture the influence of manufacturing defects on the mechanical performance, although further work is required in this area . 6) Current collection models were developed to formulate strategies to minimise the resistive losses associated with device scale-up. These models quantified the relative contributions from the in-plane, through-thickness and contact resistances, and hence indicated how best to minimise resistive losses for minimal mass: it should be noted that in conventional energy storage devices, the current collectors can account for as much as 25% of the device mass. For multifunctional design we have developed a means to compare between a multifunctional component and a current off-the-shelf assembly of power source and structure. This methodology will permit end-users to quantify the gains in adoption of structural power materials (such as weight or volume saving) over conventional systems. We have undertaken studies for different platforms as to the potential benefits of using structural power materials: in particular, structural power floor panels in the aircraft cabin to power the seat-back entertainment units and power sockets. This work demonstrated that using structural power materials at the performance levels expected to be reached in the next three years, will provide a mass saving of 260kg per aircraft for a 100 seat Airbus 220. This corresponds to an annual reduction of 28 tonnes of CO2 per aircraft. We have also undertaken studies into a fully electric airliner (220 seat aircraft) using a combination of conventional battery and structural power, demonstrating that structural power would be a critical enabler for fully electric aircraft by depressing the performance targets needed for conventional batteries. Finally, we have applied this methodology to other air vehicles, such as drones and air-taxis (four-seat vehicles). Our studies have demonstrated that using structural power in such vehicles has the potential to double the aircraft range. We anticipate publishing this work in the next couple of months. 7) Functional sub-reinforcement has been successfully incorporated using microbraiding and subsequent tufting of yarns containing metal filaments. Demonstration of sensing and accelerated heating using micro-braids and developed an approach to integrating functionalised resins into fabric without vacuum, has been achieved with high local functional properties. 8) A new methodology for testing heterogenous samples with dissimilar regions has been developed in this project. It allows assessing viscous and non-linear elastic properties of functional domains hosted in the dry preform. Deposition of functional resin is associated with difficulties related to high viscosity additive-rich resin suspension and filtration issues. Local resin deposition, such as liquid resin print, resolved this problem and allows an increase the additives content. However, these manufacturing methods are an out-of vacuum bag process which creates problems with voidage control. The new approach has been developed to create void free patches based on thermal conditioning of the resin, close monitoring of resin state using model-based rheo sensors, and elimination of voidage in the consolidation process. 9) Hybrid tufted braid consists of a complex architecture and there were no readily available tools for detailed assessment of their properties prior to manufacturing: such a tool has been created. It deployed an established tool for modelling flat textiles (WiseTex) and then used geometrical operations to roll an initial material form into a braided thread. The results structure is then created in standard FEA software (Abaqus), where its electrical conductivity is assessed. 10) Manufacturing trials on segmentation of formable/functional areas have been successfully conducted using two manufacturing approaches: a) Masking of the formable area with PLA film, infusion with functional precursor into remaining domain, with subsequent pyrolysis, removing the films, and creating the CAG in one go. b) Create separate domains by integrating barriers into the preform that would divide the preform during the infusion of the precursors. Various parameters of barrier integration - shape, sizes, and materials have been trialled. The infusions strategies were successfully managed the concept was proven feasible. One of the identified challenges was the deterioration of formable domain caused in the process of pyrolysis. The optimisation of the pyrolysis parameters has helped to address the issue.
Collaborator Contribution The project contributes to the Hub priority research theme 'Manufacturing for multifunctional composites and integrated structures'. The overarching aim of the project is to investigate and address the design and manufacturing issues associated with multifunctional composites, addressing specifically the transport phenomena of heat and electrical conduction. Contributions to date: 1. BAE Systems have provided considerable advice and guidance over the life of the project, and particularly over the last six months with the potential for Tempest to provide a platform for utilising these materials. 2. Support from Airbus on demonstrator: Airbus have provided electrical and mechanical requirements and will provide tooling for the frame. 3. Support from NCC on tufting of microbraids to create test samples for Caroline O'Keeffe; gift of materials. 4. Assistance from Stanelco on induction heating. 5. Supply of Textreme spread tow fabric to Imperial College London 6. Supply of Chomarat fabric to Imperial College London. 7. Supply of Isola Group spread glass fabric to Imperial College London 8. Support from NCC on tufting of microbraids to create test samples for Caroline O'Keeffe; gift of materials. 9. Assistance from Stanelco on induction heating. 10.Regarding the microbraiding, University of Manchester are integrating microbraids into woven preforms for explore the feasibility for current collection.
Impact The issue of encapsulation is still outstanding and a suitable candidate that can provide a light-weight, impervious (and insulating) barrier whilst still transmitting mechanical load across the multifunctional/monofunctional interface, is yet to be identified. This is the subject of a joint ICL/UoB/DU proposal submitted to EPSRC last year. Progression with Industry outcome -Discussions are taking place with AVIC Cabin Systems, but the project has run into export control issues. Discussions are underway with various UK and European companies on future collaborations. Output has been in the form of the following journal publications: DOI:10.1016/j.compscitech.2019.107720 DOI:10.1016/j.compositesa.2019.105643 DOI:10.1016/j.compositesa.2020.105851 DOI:10.1088/2399-7532/ab8e95 DOI: 10.2514/1.C036205 DOI: 10.1088/2399-7532/ac1ea6 DOI: 10.3390/en14196006 DOI: 10.1186/s42252-021-00018-0 DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2022.106860 DOI: 10.1088/2399-7532/ac65c8 1. M Valkova, Predicting the performance of structural power composites, PhD Thesis, Imperial College London, (2021). 2. Chanhui Lee, Design, Characterisation and Application of Structural and Multifunctional Composites to Large Ship Structures, PhD Thesis, Imperial College London, (2021). 3. Radhakrishnan A. Towards creating multi-matrix continuous fibre polymer composites using an out-of-vacuum bag process, PhD Thesis, Bristol, (2021). Output in the form of outreach: 1. Greenhalgh, E.S., Asp, L.E., Zenkert, D., Vilatela, J, Linde, P., En route to "massless" energy storage with structural power composites, JEC Magazine, pp. 37-39, November, (2019). 2. D. Oberhaus, The Batteries of the Future Are Weightless and Invisible, Wired, November 2020, 3. Clean Sky 2 announces program updates, G. Nehls (ed), Composites World, November 2020, Output in the form of conference papers: 1. Gordon Research Conference on Multifunctional Materials and Structures, Ventura, CA, January 2020. 2. Clean Sky 2 Research Programme: Developments and Progress, AIAA SciTech 2021, Virtual Event, January 2021. 3.ICCM22 Conference, 11-16 August 2019, Melbourne, Australia. 4.Tri-Agency Symposium on Multifunctionality, System Endurance & Intelligent Structures, 36th Annual Technical Conference of the American Society for Composites, Texas A&M, 20th September 2021. 5. Multifunctional structural composites and the pursuit of 'massless' energy, E S Greenhalgh, Technical Briefing for the Royal Academy of Engineering, 11 May 2021. 6. Instrumentation Analysis and Testing Exhibition, Silverstone, 14 Sep 2021. 7. Design and Manufacturing Issues for Multifunctional Structural Composites, E S Greenhalgh et. al., CIMCOMP Webinar, 23 September 2021. 8. Structural Power in Future Transportation: Research Opportunities and Challenges, S N Nguyen, The Institution of Engineering Decarbonisation in Transport Webinar Series, 30 Sep 2021. 9. O'Keeffe C., Allegri G., Partridge I.K. Hybrid multi-materials microbraids for through-thickness multi-functionality, 1st European Conference on Crashworthiness of Composite Structures - ECCCS-1. There has been synergy with other Hub projects: - Feasibility Study, 'Evaluating in-process eddy-current testing of composite structures', by investigating the use of eddy current for inspection. - Core Project 'Optimise' is providing support to this project through provision of knowledge and braided fabrics - Feasibility Study 'Can a composite forming limit diagram be constructed?' which became Core Project 'Design simulation tools and process improvements for NCF preforming' has similar goals in terms of understanding wrinkle forming, so best practice is being shared. - Sharing good practice in inkjet printing with Platform Fellowship 'Local Resin Printing for preform stabilisation'. - Support around local preform stabilisation is being provided into the Feasibility study and Core project 'Layer by Layer'. - The use of algorithms developed by the Feasibility study and new Core Project 'Active RTM' was investigated, although not used. - Initial discussions have taken place around sharing of through-thickness know-how from Feasibility Study 'Controlled Micro Integration of Through Thickness Polymeric Yarns' to facilitate multifunctionality. - Forming modelling tools have been shared with the core project "Technologies framework for Automated Dry Fibre Placement".
Start Year 2017
Description Manufacturing for structural applications of multifunctional composites 
Organisation University of Bristol
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £884,532 core project grant to the University of Bristol and Imperial College London for the three-year funded project 'Manufacturing for structural applications of multifunctional composites'. The following contributions have been made by the research team: 1) 1. Demonstrated a method to mask/barrier multifunctional/monofunctional domains in the CAGed lamina facilitating complex part production. 2) Validated simulation tools have been created that allow functional and stabilising elements to be placed to control forming deformation and mitigate against defects. The process for manufacturing carbon aerogel-reinforced structural power devices has also been scaled up to about 1 m² per batch. 3) The use of electrochemical deposition to decorate the carbon aerogel with active elements to enhance the electrochemical performance, along with use of new separator materials, has allowed small-scale multifunctional devices to be made and tested, demonstrating energy and power performance (1.4 Wh/kg and 1.1 kW/ kg) that exceeded the original aspirations. Separator and current collection solutions have been identified and validated, but the issue of encapsulation is still outstanding and a suitable candidate that can provide a light-weight, impervious (and insulating) barrier whilst still transmitting mechanical load across the multifunctional/monofunctional interface, is yet to be identified. This is the subject of a joint ICL/UoB/DU proposal submitted to EPSRC last year. 4) A multicell structural beam has been manufactured, containing eight cells, stacking in two stacks of four. The total mass of the beam is 2.6 kg, whilst the total cell mass is 268g (i.e. 10% of component mass). 5) Consideration of the design of structural supercapacitors to predict the consolidation of dry CAGed lamina when assembled into a device were delivered. - These models were then utilised to predict the mechanical performance (elastic behaviour) of the devices under tensile and in-plane shear loadings. To a limited extent, these models were able to capture the influence of manufacturing defects on the mechanical performance, although further work is required in this area . 6) Current collection models were developed to formulate strategies to minimise the resistive losses associated with device scale-up. These models quantified the relative contributions from the in-plane, through-thickness and contact resistances, and hence indicated how best to minimise resistive losses for minimal mass: it should be noted that in conventional energy storage devices, the current collectors can account for as much as 25% of the device mass. For multifunctional design we have developed a means to compare between a multifunctional component and a current off-the-shelf assembly of power source and structure. This methodology will permit end-users to quantify the gains in adoption of structural power materials (such as weight or volume saving) over conventional systems. We have undertaken studies for different platforms as to the potential benefits of using structural power materials: in particular, structural power floor panels in the aircraft cabin to power the seat-back entertainment units and power sockets. This work demonstrated that using structural power materials at the performance levels expected to be reached in the next three years, will provide a mass saving of 260kg per aircraft for a 100 seat Airbus 220. This corresponds to an annual reduction of 28 tonnes of CO2 per aircraft. We have also undertaken studies into a fully electric airliner (220 seat aircraft) using a combination of conventional battery and structural power, demonstrating that structural power would be a critical enabler for fully electric aircraft by depressing the performance targets needed for conventional batteries. Finally, we have applied this methodology to other air vehicles, such as drones and air-taxis (four-seat vehicles). Our studies have demonstrated that using structural power in such vehicles has the potential to double the aircraft range. We anticipate publishing this work in the next couple of months. 7) Functional sub-reinforcement has been successfully incorporated using microbraiding and subsequent tufting of yarns containing metal filaments. Demonstration of sensing and accelerated heating using micro-braids and developed an approach to integrating functionalised resins into fabric without vacuum, has been achieved with high local functional properties. 8) A new methodology for testing heterogenous samples with dissimilar regions has been developed in this project. It allows assessing viscous and non-linear elastic properties of functional domains hosted in the dry preform. Deposition of functional resin is associated with difficulties related to high viscosity additive-rich resin suspension and filtration issues. Local resin deposition, such as liquid resin print, resolved this problem and allows an increase the additives content. However, these manufacturing methods are an out-of vacuum bag process which creates problems with voidage control. The new approach has been developed to create void free patches based on thermal conditioning of the resin, close monitoring of resin state using model-based rheo sensors, and elimination of voidage in the consolidation process. 9) Hybrid tufted braid consists of a complex architecture and there were no readily available tools for detailed assessment of their properties prior to manufacturing: such a tool has been created. It deployed an established tool for modelling flat textiles (WiseTex) and then used geometrical operations to roll an initial material form into a braided thread. The results structure is then created in standard FEA software (Abaqus), where its electrical conductivity is assessed. 10) Manufacturing trials on segmentation of formable/functional areas have been successfully conducted using two manufacturing approaches: a) Masking of the formable area with PLA film, infusion with functional precursor into remaining domain, with subsequent pyrolysis, removing the films, and creating the CAG in one go. b) Create separate domains by integrating barriers into the preform that would divide the preform during the infusion of the precursors. Various parameters of barrier integration - shape, sizes, and materials have been trialled. The infusions strategies were successfully managed the concept was proven feasible. One of the identified challenges was the deterioration of formable domain caused in the process of pyrolysis. The optimisation of the pyrolysis parameters has helped to address the issue.
Collaborator Contribution The project contributes to the Hub priority research theme 'Manufacturing for multifunctional composites and integrated structures'. The overarching aim of the project is to investigate and address the design and manufacturing issues associated with multifunctional composites, addressing specifically the transport phenomena of heat and electrical conduction. Contributions to date: 1. BAE Systems have provided considerable advice and guidance over the life of the project, and particularly over the last six months with the potential for Tempest to provide a platform for utilising these materials. 2. Support from Airbus on demonstrator: Airbus have provided electrical and mechanical requirements and will provide tooling for the frame. 3. Support from NCC on tufting of microbraids to create test samples for Caroline O'Keeffe; gift of materials. 4. Assistance from Stanelco on induction heating. 5. Supply of Textreme spread tow fabric to Imperial College London 6. Supply of Chomarat fabric to Imperial College London. 7. Supply of Isola Group spread glass fabric to Imperial College London 8. Support from NCC on tufting of microbraids to create test samples for Caroline O'Keeffe; gift of materials. 9. Assistance from Stanelco on induction heating. 10.Regarding the microbraiding, University of Manchester are integrating microbraids into woven preforms for explore the feasibility for current collection.
Impact The issue of encapsulation is still outstanding and a suitable candidate that can provide a light-weight, impervious (and insulating) barrier whilst still transmitting mechanical load across the multifunctional/monofunctional interface, is yet to be identified. This is the subject of a joint ICL/UoB/DU proposal submitted to EPSRC last year. Progression with Industry outcome -Discussions are taking place with AVIC Cabin Systems, but the project has run into export control issues. Discussions are underway with various UK and European companies on future collaborations. Output has been in the form of the following journal publications: DOI:10.1016/j.compscitech.2019.107720 DOI:10.1016/j.compositesa.2019.105643 DOI:10.1016/j.compositesa.2020.105851 DOI:10.1088/2399-7532/ab8e95 DOI: 10.2514/1.C036205 DOI: 10.1088/2399-7532/ac1ea6 DOI: 10.3390/en14196006 DOI: 10.1186/s42252-021-00018-0 DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2022.106860 DOI: 10.1088/2399-7532/ac65c8 1. M Valkova, Predicting the performance of structural power composites, PhD Thesis, Imperial College London, (2021). 2. Chanhui Lee, Design, Characterisation and Application of Structural and Multifunctional Composites to Large Ship Structures, PhD Thesis, Imperial College London, (2021). 3. Radhakrishnan A. Towards creating multi-matrix continuous fibre polymer composites using an out-of-vacuum bag process, PhD Thesis, Bristol, (2021). Output in the form of outreach: 1. Greenhalgh, E.S., Asp, L.E., Zenkert, D., Vilatela, J, Linde, P., En route to "massless" energy storage with structural power composites, JEC Magazine, pp. 37-39, November, (2019). 2. D. Oberhaus, The Batteries of the Future Are Weightless and Invisible, Wired, November 2020, 3. Clean Sky 2 announces program updates, G. Nehls (ed), Composites World, November 2020, Output in the form of conference papers: 1. Gordon Research Conference on Multifunctional Materials and Structures, Ventura, CA, January 2020. 2. Clean Sky 2 Research Programme: Developments and Progress, AIAA SciTech 2021, Virtual Event, January 2021. 3.ICCM22 Conference, 11-16 August 2019, Melbourne, Australia. 4.Tri-Agency Symposium on Multifunctionality, System Endurance & Intelligent Structures, 36th Annual Technical Conference of the American Society for Composites, Texas A&M, 20th September 2021. 5. Multifunctional structural composites and the pursuit of 'massless' energy, E S Greenhalgh, Technical Briefing for the Royal Academy of Engineering, 11 May 2021. 6. Instrumentation Analysis and Testing Exhibition, Silverstone, 14 Sep 2021. 7. Design and Manufacturing Issues for Multifunctional Structural Composites, E S Greenhalgh et. al., CIMCOMP Webinar, 23 September 2021. 8. Structural Power in Future Transportation: Research Opportunities and Challenges, S N Nguyen, The Institution of Engineering Decarbonisation in Transport Webinar Series, 30 Sep 2021. 9. O'Keeffe C., Allegri G., Partridge I.K. Hybrid multi-materials microbraids for through-thickness multi-functionality, 1st European Conference on Crashworthiness of Composite Structures - ECCCS-1. There has been synergy with other Hub projects: - Feasibility Study, 'Evaluating in-process eddy-current testing of composite structures', by investigating the use of eddy current for inspection. - Core Project 'Optimise' is providing support to this project through provision of knowledge and braided fabrics - Feasibility Study 'Can a composite forming limit diagram be constructed?' which became Core Project 'Design simulation tools and process improvements for NCF preforming' has similar goals in terms of understanding wrinkle forming, so best practice is being shared. - Sharing good practice in inkjet printing with Platform Fellowship 'Local Resin Printing for preform stabilisation'. - Support around local preform stabilisation is being provided into the Feasibility study and Core project 'Layer by Layer'. - The use of algorithms developed by the Feasibility study and new Core Project 'Active RTM' was investigated, although not used. - Initial discussions have taken place around sharing of through-thickness know-how from Feasibility Study 'Controlled Micro Integration of Through Thickness Polymeric Yarns' to facilitate multifunctionality. - Forming modelling tools have been shared with the core project "Technologies framework for Automated Dry Fibre Placement".
Start Year 2017
Description Manufacturing for structural applications of multifunctional composites 
Organisation University of Manchester
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £884,532 core project grant to the University of Bristol and Imperial College London for the three-year funded project 'Manufacturing for structural applications of multifunctional composites'. The following contributions have been made by the research team: 1) 1. Demonstrated a method to mask/barrier multifunctional/monofunctional domains in the CAGed lamina facilitating complex part production. 2) Validated simulation tools have been created that allow functional and stabilising elements to be placed to control forming deformation and mitigate against defects. The process for manufacturing carbon aerogel-reinforced structural power devices has also been scaled up to about 1 m² per batch. 3) The use of electrochemical deposition to decorate the carbon aerogel with active elements to enhance the electrochemical performance, along with use of new separator materials, has allowed small-scale multifunctional devices to be made and tested, demonstrating energy and power performance (1.4 Wh/kg and 1.1 kW/ kg) that exceeded the original aspirations. Separator and current collection solutions have been identified and validated, but the issue of encapsulation is still outstanding and a suitable candidate that can provide a light-weight, impervious (and insulating) barrier whilst still transmitting mechanical load across the multifunctional/monofunctional interface, is yet to be identified. This is the subject of a joint ICL/UoB/DU proposal submitted to EPSRC last year. 4) A multicell structural beam has been manufactured, containing eight cells, stacking in two stacks of four. The total mass of the beam is 2.6 kg, whilst the total cell mass is 268g (i.e. 10% of component mass). 5) Consideration of the design of structural supercapacitors to predict the consolidation of dry CAGed lamina when assembled into a device were delivered. - These models were then utilised to predict the mechanical performance (elastic behaviour) of the devices under tensile and in-plane shear loadings. To a limited extent, these models were able to capture the influence of manufacturing defects on the mechanical performance, although further work is required in this area . 6) Current collection models were developed to formulate strategies to minimise the resistive losses associated with device scale-up. These models quantified the relative contributions from the in-plane, through-thickness and contact resistances, and hence indicated how best to minimise resistive losses for minimal mass: it should be noted that in conventional energy storage devices, the current collectors can account for as much as 25% of the device mass. For multifunctional design we have developed a means to compare between a multifunctional component and a current off-the-shelf assembly of power source and structure. This methodology will permit end-users to quantify the gains in adoption of structural power materials (such as weight or volume saving) over conventional systems. We have undertaken studies for different platforms as to the potential benefits of using structural power materials: in particular, structural power floor panels in the aircraft cabin to power the seat-back entertainment units and power sockets. This work demonstrated that using structural power materials at the performance levels expected to be reached in the next three years, will provide a mass saving of 260kg per aircraft for a 100 seat Airbus 220. This corresponds to an annual reduction of 28 tonnes of CO2 per aircraft. We have also undertaken studies into a fully electric airliner (220 seat aircraft) using a combination of conventional battery and structural power, demonstrating that structural power would be a critical enabler for fully electric aircraft by depressing the performance targets needed for conventional batteries. Finally, we have applied this methodology to other air vehicles, such as drones and air-taxis (four-seat vehicles). Our studies have demonstrated that using structural power in such vehicles has the potential to double the aircraft range. We anticipate publishing this work in the next couple of months. 7) Functional sub-reinforcement has been successfully incorporated using microbraiding and subsequent tufting of yarns containing metal filaments. Demonstration of sensing and accelerated heating using micro-braids and developed an approach to integrating functionalised resins into fabric without vacuum, has been achieved with high local functional properties. 8) A new methodology for testing heterogenous samples with dissimilar regions has been developed in this project. It allows assessing viscous and non-linear elastic properties of functional domains hosted in the dry preform. Deposition of functional resin is associated with difficulties related to high viscosity additive-rich resin suspension and filtration issues. Local resin deposition, such as liquid resin print, resolved this problem and allows an increase the additives content. However, these manufacturing methods are an out-of vacuum bag process which creates problems with voidage control. The new approach has been developed to create void free patches based on thermal conditioning of the resin, close monitoring of resin state using model-based rheo sensors, and elimination of voidage in the consolidation process. 9) Hybrid tufted braid consists of a complex architecture and there were no readily available tools for detailed assessment of their properties prior to manufacturing: such a tool has been created. It deployed an established tool for modelling flat textiles (WiseTex) and then used geometrical operations to roll an initial material form into a braided thread. The results structure is then created in standard FEA software (Abaqus), where its electrical conductivity is assessed. 10) Manufacturing trials on segmentation of formable/functional areas have been successfully conducted using two manufacturing approaches: a) Masking of the formable area with PLA film, infusion with functional precursor into remaining domain, with subsequent pyrolysis, removing the films, and creating the CAG in one go. b) Create separate domains by integrating barriers into the preform that would divide the preform during the infusion of the precursors. Various parameters of barrier integration - shape, sizes, and materials have been trialled. The infusions strategies were successfully managed the concept was proven feasible. One of the identified challenges was the deterioration of formable domain caused in the process of pyrolysis. The optimisation of the pyrolysis parameters has helped to address the issue.
Collaborator Contribution The project contributes to the Hub priority research theme 'Manufacturing for multifunctional composites and integrated structures'. The overarching aim of the project is to investigate and address the design and manufacturing issues associated with multifunctional composites, addressing specifically the transport phenomena of heat and electrical conduction. Contributions to date: 1. BAE Systems have provided considerable advice and guidance over the life of the project, and particularly over the last six months with the potential for Tempest to provide a platform for utilising these materials. 2. Support from Airbus on demonstrator: Airbus have provided electrical and mechanical requirements and will provide tooling for the frame. 3. Support from NCC on tufting of microbraids to create test samples for Caroline O'Keeffe; gift of materials. 4. Assistance from Stanelco on induction heating. 5. Supply of Textreme spread tow fabric to Imperial College London 6. Supply of Chomarat fabric to Imperial College London. 7. Supply of Isola Group spread glass fabric to Imperial College London 8. Support from NCC on tufting of microbraids to create test samples for Caroline O'Keeffe; gift of materials. 9. Assistance from Stanelco on induction heating. 10.Regarding the microbraiding, University of Manchester are integrating microbraids into woven preforms for explore the feasibility for current collection.
Impact The issue of encapsulation is still outstanding and a suitable candidate that can provide a light-weight, impervious (and insulating) barrier whilst still transmitting mechanical load across the multifunctional/monofunctional interface, is yet to be identified. This is the subject of a joint ICL/UoB/DU proposal submitted to EPSRC last year. Progression with Industry outcome -Discussions are taking place with AVIC Cabin Systems, but the project has run into export control issues. Discussions are underway with various UK and European companies on future collaborations. Output has been in the form of the following journal publications: DOI:10.1016/j.compscitech.2019.107720 DOI:10.1016/j.compositesa.2019.105643 DOI:10.1016/j.compositesa.2020.105851 DOI:10.1088/2399-7532/ab8e95 DOI: 10.2514/1.C036205 DOI: 10.1088/2399-7532/ac1ea6 DOI: 10.3390/en14196006 DOI: 10.1186/s42252-021-00018-0 DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2022.106860 DOI: 10.1088/2399-7532/ac65c8 1. M Valkova, Predicting the performance of structural power composites, PhD Thesis, Imperial College London, (2021). 2. Chanhui Lee, Design, Characterisation and Application of Structural and Multifunctional Composites to Large Ship Structures, PhD Thesis, Imperial College London, (2021). 3. Radhakrishnan A. Towards creating multi-matrix continuous fibre polymer composites using an out-of-vacuum bag process, PhD Thesis, Bristol, (2021). Output in the form of outreach: 1. Greenhalgh, E.S., Asp, L.E., Zenkert, D., Vilatela, J, Linde, P., En route to "massless" energy storage with structural power composites, JEC Magazine, pp. 37-39, November, (2019). 2. D. Oberhaus, The Batteries of the Future Are Weightless and Invisible, Wired, November 2020, 3. Clean Sky 2 announces program updates, G. Nehls (ed), Composites World, November 2020, Output in the form of conference papers: 1. Gordon Research Conference on Multifunctional Materials and Structures, Ventura, CA, January 2020. 2. Clean Sky 2 Research Programme: Developments and Progress, AIAA SciTech 2021, Virtual Event, January 2021. 3.ICCM22 Conference, 11-16 August 2019, Melbourne, Australia. 4.Tri-Agency Symposium on Multifunctionality, System Endurance & Intelligent Structures, 36th Annual Technical Conference of the American Society for Composites, Texas A&M, 20th September 2021. 5. Multifunctional structural composites and the pursuit of 'massless' energy, E S Greenhalgh, Technical Briefing for the Royal Academy of Engineering, 11 May 2021. 6. Instrumentation Analysis and Testing Exhibition, Silverstone, 14 Sep 2021. 7. Design and Manufacturing Issues for Multifunctional Structural Composites, E S Greenhalgh et. al., CIMCOMP Webinar, 23 September 2021. 8. Structural Power in Future Transportation: Research Opportunities and Challenges, S N Nguyen, The Institution of Engineering Decarbonisation in Transport Webinar Series, 30 Sep 2021. 9. O'Keeffe C., Allegri G., Partridge I.K. Hybrid multi-materials microbraids for through-thickness multi-functionality, 1st European Conference on Crashworthiness of Composite Structures - ECCCS-1. There has been synergy with other Hub projects: - Feasibility Study, 'Evaluating in-process eddy-current testing of composite structures', by investigating the use of eddy current for inspection. - Core Project 'Optimise' is providing support to this project through provision of knowledge and braided fabrics - Feasibility Study 'Can a composite forming limit diagram be constructed?' which became Core Project 'Design simulation tools and process improvements for NCF preforming' has similar goals in terms of understanding wrinkle forming, so best practice is being shared. - Sharing good practice in inkjet printing with Platform Fellowship 'Local Resin Printing for preform stabilisation'. - Support around local preform stabilisation is being provided into the Feasibility study and Core project 'Layer by Layer'. - The use of algorithms developed by the Feasibility study and new Core Project 'Active RTM' was investigated, although not used. - Initial discussions have taken place around sharing of through-thickness know-how from Feasibility Study 'Controlled Micro Integration of Through Thickness Polymeric Yarns' to facilitate multifunctionality. - Forming modelling tools have been shared with the core project "Technologies framework for Automated Dry Fibre Placement".
Start Year 2017
Description Manufacturing for structural applications of multifunctional composites 
Organisation University of Sheffield
Department Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC)
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £884,532 core project grant to the University of Bristol and Imperial College London for the three-year funded project 'Manufacturing for structural applications of multifunctional composites'. The following contributions have been made by the research team: 1) 1. Demonstrated a method to mask/barrier multifunctional/monofunctional domains in the CAGed lamina facilitating complex part production. 2) Validated simulation tools have been created that allow functional and stabilising elements to be placed to control forming deformation and mitigate against defects. The process for manufacturing carbon aerogel-reinforced structural power devices has also been scaled up to about 1 m² per batch. 3) The use of electrochemical deposition to decorate the carbon aerogel with active elements to enhance the electrochemical performance, along with use of new separator materials, has allowed small-scale multifunctional devices to be made and tested, demonstrating energy and power performance (1.4 Wh/kg and 1.1 kW/ kg) that exceeded the original aspirations. Separator and current collection solutions have been identified and validated, but the issue of encapsulation is still outstanding and a suitable candidate that can provide a light-weight, impervious (and insulating) barrier whilst still transmitting mechanical load across the multifunctional/monofunctional interface, is yet to be identified. This is the subject of a joint ICL/UoB/DU proposal submitted to EPSRC last year. 4) A multicell structural beam has been manufactured, containing eight cells, stacking in two stacks of four. The total mass of the beam is 2.6 kg, whilst the total cell mass is 268g (i.e. 10% of component mass). 5) Consideration of the design of structural supercapacitors to predict the consolidation of dry CAGed lamina when assembled into a device were delivered. - These models were then utilised to predict the mechanical performance (elastic behaviour) of the devices under tensile and in-plane shear loadings. To a limited extent, these models were able to capture the influence of manufacturing defects on the mechanical performance, although further work is required in this area . 6) Current collection models were developed to formulate strategies to minimise the resistive losses associated with device scale-up. These models quantified the relative contributions from the in-plane, through-thickness and contact resistances, and hence indicated how best to minimise resistive losses for minimal mass: it should be noted that in conventional energy storage devices, the current collectors can account for as much as 25% of the device mass. For multifunctional design we have developed a means to compare between a multifunctional component and a current off-the-shelf assembly of power source and structure. This methodology will permit end-users to quantify the gains in adoption of structural power materials (such as weight or volume saving) over conventional systems. We have undertaken studies for different platforms as to the potential benefits of using structural power materials: in particular, structural power floor panels in the aircraft cabin to power the seat-back entertainment units and power sockets. This work demonstrated that using structural power materials at the performance levels expected to be reached in the next three years, will provide a mass saving of 260kg per aircraft for a 100 seat Airbus 220. This corresponds to an annual reduction of 28 tonnes of CO2 per aircraft. We have also undertaken studies into a fully electric airliner (220 seat aircraft) using a combination of conventional battery and structural power, demonstrating that structural power would be a critical enabler for fully electric aircraft by depressing the performance targets needed for conventional batteries. Finally, we have applied this methodology to other air vehicles, such as drones and air-taxis (four-seat vehicles). Our studies have demonstrated that using structural power in such vehicles has the potential to double the aircraft range. We anticipate publishing this work in the next couple of months. 7) Functional sub-reinforcement has been successfully incorporated using microbraiding and subsequent tufting of yarns containing metal filaments. Demonstration of sensing and accelerated heating using micro-braids and developed an approach to integrating functionalised resins into fabric without vacuum, has been achieved with high local functional properties. 8) A new methodology for testing heterogenous samples with dissimilar regions has been developed in this project. It allows assessing viscous and non-linear elastic properties of functional domains hosted in the dry preform. Deposition of functional resin is associated with difficulties related to high viscosity additive-rich resin suspension and filtration issues. Local resin deposition, such as liquid resin print, resolved this problem and allows an increase the additives content. However, these manufacturing methods are an out-of vacuum bag process which creates problems with voidage control. The new approach has been developed to create void free patches based on thermal conditioning of the resin, close monitoring of resin state using model-based rheo sensors, and elimination of voidage in the consolidation process. 9) Hybrid tufted braid consists of a complex architecture and there were no readily available tools for detailed assessment of their properties prior to manufacturing: such a tool has been created. It deployed an established tool for modelling flat textiles (WiseTex) and then used geometrical operations to roll an initial material form into a braided thread. The results structure is then created in standard FEA software (Abaqus), where its electrical conductivity is assessed. 10) Manufacturing trials on segmentation of formable/functional areas have been successfully conducted using two manufacturing approaches: a) Masking of the formable area with PLA film, infusion with functional precursor into remaining domain, with subsequent pyrolysis, removing the films, and creating the CAG in one go. b) Create separate domains by integrating barriers into the preform that would divide the preform during the infusion of the precursors. Various parameters of barrier integration - shape, sizes, and materials have been trialled. The infusions strategies were successfully managed the concept was proven feasible. One of the identified challenges was the deterioration of formable domain caused in the process of pyrolysis. The optimisation of the pyrolysis parameters has helped to address the issue.
Collaborator Contribution The project contributes to the Hub priority research theme 'Manufacturing for multifunctional composites and integrated structures'. The overarching aim of the project is to investigate and address the design and manufacturing issues associated with multifunctional composites, addressing specifically the transport phenomena of heat and electrical conduction. Contributions to date: 1. BAE Systems have provided considerable advice and guidance over the life of the project, and particularly over the last six months with the potential for Tempest to provide a platform for utilising these materials. 2. Support from Airbus on demonstrator: Airbus have provided electrical and mechanical requirements and will provide tooling for the frame. 3. Support from NCC on tufting of microbraids to create test samples for Caroline O'Keeffe; gift of materials. 4. Assistance from Stanelco on induction heating. 5. Supply of Textreme spread tow fabric to Imperial College London 6. Supply of Chomarat fabric to Imperial College London. 7. Supply of Isola Group spread glass fabric to Imperial College London 8. Support from NCC on tufting of microbraids to create test samples for Caroline O'Keeffe; gift of materials. 9. Assistance from Stanelco on induction heating. 10.Regarding the microbraiding, University of Manchester are integrating microbraids into woven preforms for explore the feasibility for current collection.
Impact The issue of encapsulation is still outstanding and a suitable candidate that can provide a light-weight, impervious (and insulating) barrier whilst still transmitting mechanical load across the multifunctional/monofunctional interface, is yet to be identified. This is the subject of a joint ICL/UoB/DU proposal submitted to EPSRC last year. Progression with Industry outcome -Discussions are taking place with AVIC Cabin Systems, but the project has run into export control issues. Discussions are underway with various UK and European companies on future collaborations. Output has been in the form of the following journal publications: DOI:10.1016/j.compscitech.2019.107720 DOI:10.1016/j.compositesa.2019.105643 DOI:10.1016/j.compositesa.2020.105851 DOI:10.1088/2399-7532/ab8e95 DOI: 10.2514/1.C036205 DOI: 10.1088/2399-7532/ac1ea6 DOI: 10.3390/en14196006 DOI: 10.1186/s42252-021-00018-0 DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2022.106860 DOI: 10.1088/2399-7532/ac65c8 1. M Valkova, Predicting the performance of structural power composites, PhD Thesis, Imperial College London, (2021). 2. Chanhui Lee, Design, Characterisation and Application of Structural and Multifunctional Composites to Large Ship Structures, PhD Thesis, Imperial College London, (2021). 3. Radhakrishnan A. Towards creating multi-matrix continuous fibre polymer composites using an out-of-vacuum bag process, PhD Thesis, Bristol, (2021). Output in the form of outreach: 1. Greenhalgh, E.S., Asp, L.E., Zenkert, D., Vilatela, J, Linde, P., En route to "massless" energy storage with structural power composites, JEC Magazine, pp. 37-39, November, (2019). 2. D. Oberhaus, The Batteries of the Future Are Weightless and Invisible, Wired, November 2020, 3. Clean Sky 2 announces program updates, G. Nehls (ed), Composites World, November 2020, Output in the form of conference papers: 1. Gordon Research Conference on Multifunctional Materials and Structures, Ventura, CA, January 2020. 2. Clean Sky 2 Research Programme: Developments and Progress, AIAA SciTech 2021, Virtual Event, January 2021. 3.ICCM22 Conference, 11-16 August 2019, Melbourne, Australia. 4.Tri-Agency Symposium on Multifunctionality, System Endurance & Intelligent Structures, 36th Annual Technical Conference of the American Society for Composites, Texas A&M, 20th September 2021. 5. Multifunctional structural composites and the pursuit of 'massless' energy, E S Greenhalgh, Technical Briefing for the Royal Academy of Engineering, 11 May 2021. 6. Instrumentation Analysis and Testing Exhibition, Silverstone, 14 Sep 2021. 7. Design and Manufacturing Issues for Multifunctional Structural Composites, E S Greenhalgh et. al., CIMCOMP Webinar, 23 September 2021. 8. Structural Power in Future Transportation: Research Opportunities and Challenges, S N Nguyen, The Institution of Engineering Decarbonisation in Transport Webinar Series, 30 Sep 2021. 9. O'Keeffe C., Allegri G., Partridge I.K. Hybrid multi-materials microbraids for through-thickness multi-functionality, 1st European Conference on Crashworthiness of Composite Structures - ECCCS-1. There has been synergy with other Hub projects: - Feasibility Study, 'Evaluating in-process eddy-current testing of composite structures', by investigating the use of eddy current for inspection. - Core Project 'Optimise' is providing support to this project through provision of knowledge and braided fabrics - Feasibility Study 'Can a composite forming limit diagram be constructed?' which became Core Project 'Design simulation tools and process improvements for NCF preforming' has similar goals in terms of understanding wrinkle forming, so best practice is being shared. - Sharing good practice in inkjet printing with Platform Fellowship 'Local Resin Printing for preform stabilisation'. - Support around local preform stabilisation is being provided into the Feasibility study and Core project 'Layer by Layer'. - The use of algorithms developed by the Feasibility study and new Core Project 'Active RTM' was investigated, although not used. - Initial discussions have taken place around sharing of through-thickness know-how from Feasibility Study 'Controlled Micro Integration of Through Thickness Polymeric Yarns' to facilitate multifunctionality. - Forming modelling tools have been shared with the core project "Technologies framework for Automated Dry Fibre Placement".
Start Year 2017
Description Manufacturing thermoplastic fibre metal laminates by the in situ polymerisation route 
Organisation Arkema
Country France 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to the University of Edinburgh for the six-month funded project 'Manufacturing thermoplastic fibre metal laminates by the in situ polymerisation route'. Contributions: 1.Originating the concept of TP-FMLs using liquid thermoplastic resins 2.Investigating various metal surface treatments 3.Identifying the optimum metal surface treatment conditions 4.Manufacturing TP-FMLs by liquid resin infusion 5.Applying novel bonding technique at the fibre-metal interface 6.Extensive characterisation of the interfacial bonding 7.Mechanical characterisation of the TP-FMLs 8.Identifying future possibilities such as reshaping, repairing and recycling.
Collaborator Contribution Arkema is the manufacturer and supplier of the liquid thermoplastic resin used in this project. Arkema provided us with valuable technical information about the resin, catalyst type and infusion charactreistics including the release agent. As this resin is new in market, all the technical information supplied by Arkema were very useful in carrying out the project work. Far UK was enthusiastic about this project. They identified and pointed out some essential properties of TP-FMLs which are worth investigating for their successful commercial in industries such as automotive. Eirecomposites supported with the guidance for TP-FML testing and characterisation.
Impact Society: Once successfully validated and commercialised, the thermopalstic FML technology can bring significant positive impact on the society, bringing in more recyclable, repairable products. This work has only been initiated in this Feasibility study, not fully explored. Economy: This Feasibility study clearly showed that such FMLs have potential to be explored in industrial application. The thermoplastic FML technology was close TRL 3-4. A follow-up project was required to investigate the mechanical properties of the FMLs and identify the key advantages, such as drop weight impact resistance and thermoformability, to take it to higher TRL, which could not be done. This could lead to various low-cost, real life FML products beyond aerospace. In future, a bigger proposal will be submitted to EPSRC seeking funding to take this technology forward. People: Dr Dimitrios Mamalis, PDRA of this Feasibility Study project, has been trained on FML manufacturing and he is actively participating in new project proposals where he can take this novel FML technology forward. One M.Eng student is now working on this FML technology and will be investigating some key properties. Knowledge: After our first paper was published in 'Materials and Design' journal, there has been several invitations from conferences and workshops from UK as well as from other parts of Europe for presenting our work on FML. This work has clearly generated interest in the scientific community. A follow-on project after the Feasibility project could establish the key properties and advantages/disadvantages of FMLs in comparison to general FRPs. A set of mechanical property data generated through testing could be of interest to the industrial partners. Unfortunately, that could not be done within that short tenure. The six months Feasibility Project was more focussed on achieving a strong interfacial bonding between the two dissimilar materials which was done successfully. There was no time to investigate mechanical properties and bring that to the attention of the industrial partners. Journal Paper: Dimitrios Mamalis, Winifred Obande, Vasileios Koutsos, Jane R Blackford, Conchúr M. ÓBrádaigh, Dipa Ray, Novel thermoplastic fibre-metal laminates manufactured by vacuum resin infusion: The effect of surface treatments on interfacial bonding, Materials and Design, 15 January, 2019, Pages 331-344. Conference paper: Dimitrios Mamalis, Winifred Obande, Vasileios Koutsos, Conchúr M. Ó Brádaigh, Dipa Roy Novel infusible thermoplastic matrix in fibre metal laminates - a feasibility study, ICMAC, July 2018. (EP/P006701/1)
Start Year 2017
Description Manufacturing thermoplastic fibre metal laminates by the in situ polymerisation route 
Organisation BeemCar Ltd
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to the University of Edinburgh for the six-month funded project 'Manufacturing thermoplastic fibre metal laminates by the in situ polymerisation route'. Contributions: 1.Originating the concept of TP-FMLs using liquid thermoplastic resins 2.Investigating various metal surface treatments 3.Identifying the optimum metal surface treatment conditions 4.Manufacturing TP-FMLs by liquid resin infusion 5.Applying novel bonding technique at the fibre-metal interface 6.Extensive characterisation of the interfacial bonding 7.Mechanical characterisation of the TP-FMLs 8.Identifying future possibilities such as reshaping, repairing and recycling.
Collaborator Contribution Arkema is the manufacturer and supplier of the liquid thermoplastic resin used in this project. Arkema provided us with valuable technical information about the resin, catalyst type and infusion charactreistics including the release agent. As this resin is new in market, all the technical information supplied by Arkema were very useful in carrying out the project work. Far UK was enthusiastic about this project. They identified and pointed out some essential properties of TP-FMLs which are worth investigating for their successful commercial in industries such as automotive. Eirecomposites supported with the guidance for TP-FML testing and characterisation.
Impact Society: Once successfully validated and commercialised, the thermopalstic FML technology can bring significant positive impact on the society, bringing in more recyclable, repairable products. This work has only been initiated in this Feasibility study, not fully explored. Economy: This Feasibility study clearly showed that such FMLs have potential to be explored in industrial application. The thermoplastic FML technology was close TRL 3-4. A follow-up project was required to investigate the mechanical properties of the FMLs and identify the key advantages, such as drop weight impact resistance and thermoformability, to take it to higher TRL, which could not be done. This could lead to various low-cost, real life FML products beyond aerospace. In future, a bigger proposal will be submitted to EPSRC seeking funding to take this technology forward. People: Dr Dimitrios Mamalis, PDRA of this Feasibility Study project, has been trained on FML manufacturing and he is actively participating in new project proposals where he can take this novel FML technology forward. One M.Eng student is now working on this FML technology and will be investigating some key properties. Knowledge: After our first paper was published in 'Materials and Design' journal, there has been several invitations from conferences and workshops from UK as well as from other parts of Europe for presenting our work on FML. This work has clearly generated interest in the scientific community. A follow-on project after the Feasibility project could establish the key properties and advantages/disadvantages of FMLs in comparison to general FRPs. A set of mechanical property data generated through testing could be of interest to the industrial partners. Unfortunately, that could not be done within that short tenure. The six months Feasibility Project was more focussed on achieving a strong interfacial bonding between the two dissimilar materials which was done successfully. There was no time to investigate mechanical properties and bring that to the attention of the industrial partners. Journal Paper: Dimitrios Mamalis, Winifred Obande, Vasileios Koutsos, Jane R Blackford, Conchúr M. ÓBrádaigh, Dipa Ray, Novel thermoplastic fibre-metal laminates manufactured by vacuum resin infusion: The effect of surface treatments on interfacial bonding, Materials and Design, 15 January, 2019, Pages 331-344. Conference paper: Dimitrios Mamalis, Winifred Obande, Vasileios Koutsos, Conchúr M. Ó Brádaigh, Dipa Roy Novel infusible thermoplastic matrix in fibre metal laminates - a feasibility study, ICMAC, July 2018. (EP/P006701/1)
Start Year 2017
Description Manufacturing thermoplastic fibre metal laminates by the in situ polymerisation route 
Organisation Composite Solutions UK Ltd
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to the University of Edinburgh for the six-month funded project 'Manufacturing thermoplastic fibre metal laminates by the in situ polymerisation route'. Contributions: 1.Originating the concept of TP-FMLs using liquid thermoplastic resins 2.Investigating various metal surface treatments 3.Identifying the optimum metal surface treatment conditions 4.Manufacturing TP-FMLs by liquid resin infusion 5.Applying novel bonding technique at the fibre-metal interface 6.Extensive characterisation of the interfacial bonding 7.Mechanical characterisation of the TP-FMLs 8.Identifying future possibilities such as reshaping, repairing and recycling.
Collaborator Contribution Arkema is the manufacturer and supplier of the liquid thermoplastic resin used in this project. Arkema provided us with valuable technical information about the resin, catalyst type and infusion charactreistics including the release agent. As this resin is new in market, all the technical information supplied by Arkema were very useful in carrying out the project work. Far UK was enthusiastic about this project. They identified and pointed out some essential properties of TP-FMLs which are worth investigating for their successful commercial in industries such as automotive. Eirecomposites supported with the guidance for TP-FML testing and characterisation.
Impact Society: Once successfully validated and commercialised, the thermopalstic FML technology can bring significant positive impact on the society, bringing in more recyclable, repairable products. This work has only been initiated in this Feasibility study, not fully explored. Economy: This Feasibility study clearly showed that such FMLs have potential to be explored in industrial application. The thermoplastic FML technology was close TRL 3-4. A follow-up project was required to investigate the mechanical properties of the FMLs and identify the key advantages, such as drop weight impact resistance and thermoformability, to take it to higher TRL, which could not be done. This could lead to various low-cost, real life FML products beyond aerospace. In future, a bigger proposal will be submitted to EPSRC seeking funding to take this technology forward. People: Dr Dimitrios Mamalis, PDRA of this Feasibility Study project, has been trained on FML manufacturing and he is actively participating in new project proposals where he can take this novel FML technology forward. One M.Eng student is now working on this FML technology and will be investigating some key properties. Knowledge: After our first paper was published in 'Materials and Design' journal, there has been several invitations from conferences and workshops from UK as well as from other parts of Europe for presenting our work on FML. This work has clearly generated interest in the scientific community. A follow-on project after the Feasibility project could establish the key properties and advantages/disadvantages of FMLs in comparison to general FRPs. A set of mechanical property data generated through testing could be of interest to the industrial partners. Unfortunately, that could not be done within that short tenure. The six months Feasibility Project was more focussed on achieving a strong interfacial bonding between the two dissimilar materials which was done successfully. There was no time to investigate mechanical properties and bring that to the attention of the industrial partners. Journal Paper: Dimitrios Mamalis, Winifred Obande, Vasileios Koutsos, Jane R Blackford, Conchúr M. ÓBrádaigh, Dipa Ray, Novel thermoplastic fibre-metal laminates manufactured by vacuum resin infusion: The effect of surface treatments on interfacial bonding, Materials and Design, 15 January, 2019, Pages 331-344. Conference paper: Dimitrios Mamalis, Winifred Obande, Vasileios Koutsos, Conchúr M. Ó Brádaigh, Dipa Roy Novel infusible thermoplastic matrix in fibre metal laminates - a feasibility study, ICMAC, July 2018. (EP/P006701/1)
Start Year 2017
Description Manufacturing thermoplastic fibre metal laminates by the in situ polymerisation route 
Organisation EireComposites Teo
Country Ireland 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to the University of Edinburgh for the six-month funded project 'Manufacturing thermoplastic fibre metal laminates by the in situ polymerisation route'. Contributions: 1.Originating the concept of TP-FMLs using liquid thermoplastic resins 2.Investigating various metal surface treatments 3.Identifying the optimum metal surface treatment conditions 4.Manufacturing TP-FMLs by liquid resin infusion 5.Applying novel bonding technique at the fibre-metal interface 6.Extensive characterisation of the interfacial bonding 7.Mechanical characterisation of the TP-FMLs 8.Identifying future possibilities such as reshaping, repairing and recycling.
Collaborator Contribution Arkema is the manufacturer and supplier of the liquid thermoplastic resin used in this project. Arkema provided us with valuable technical information about the resin, catalyst type and infusion charactreistics including the release agent. As this resin is new in market, all the technical information supplied by Arkema were very useful in carrying out the project work. Far UK was enthusiastic about this project. They identified and pointed out some essential properties of TP-FMLs which are worth investigating for their successful commercial in industries such as automotive. Eirecomposites supported with the guidance for TP-FML testing and characterisation.
Impact Society: Once successfully validated and commercialised, the thermopalstic FML technology can bring significant positive impact on the society, bringing in more recyclable, repairable products. This work has only been initiated in this Feasibility study, not fully explored. Economy: This Feasibility study clearly showed that such FMLs have potential to be explored in industrial application. The thermoplastic FML technology was close TRL 3-4. A follow-up project was required to investigate the mechanical properties of the FMLs and identify the key advantages, such as drop weight impact resistance and thermoformability, to take it to higher TRL, which could not be done. This could lead to various low-cost, real life FML products beyond aerospace. In future, a bigger proposal will be submitted to EPSRC seeking funding to take this technology forward. People: Dr Dimitrios Mamalis, PDRA of this Feasibility Study project, has been trained on FML manufacturing and he is actively participating in new project proposals where he can take this novel FML technology forward. One M.Eng student is now working on this FML technology and will be investigating some key properties. Knowledge: After our first paper was published in 'Materials and Design' journal, there has been several invitations from conferences and workshops from UK as well as from other parts of Europe for presenting our work on FML. This work has clearly generated interest in the scientific community. A follow-on project after the Feasibility project could establish the key properties and advantages/disadvantages of FMLs in comparison to general FRPs. A set of mechanical property data generated through testing could be of interest to the industrial partners. Unfortunately, that could not be done within that short tenure. The six months Feasibility Project was more focussed on achieving a strong interfacial bonding between the two dissimilar materials which was done successfully. There was no time to investigate mechanical properties and bring that to the attention of the industrial partners. Journal Paper: Dimitrios Mamalis, Winifred Obande, Vasileios Koutsos, Jane R Blackford, Conchúr M. ÓBrádaigh, Dipa Ray, Novel thermoplastic fibre-metal laminates manufactured by vacuum resin infusion: The effect of surface treatments on interfacial bonding, Materials and Design, 15 January, 2019, Pages 331-344. Conference paper: Dimitrios Mamalis, Winifred Obande, Vasileios Koutsos, Conchúr M. Ó Brádaigh, Dipa Roy Novel infusible thermoplastic matrix in fibre metal laminates - a feasibility study, ICMAC, July 2018. (EP/P006701/1)
Start Year 2017
Description Manufacturing thermoplastic fibre metal laminates by the in situ polymerisation route 
Organisation FAR-UK Ltd
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to the University of Edinburgh for the six-month funded project 'Manufacturing thermoplastic fibre metal laminates by the in situ polymerisation route'. Contributions: 1.Originating the concept of TP-FMLs using liquid thermoplastic resins 2.Investigating various metal surface treatments 3.Identifying the optimum metal surface treatment conditions 4.Manufacturing TP-FMLs by liquid resin infusion 5.Applying novel bonding technique at the fibre-metal interface 6.Extensive characterisation of the interfacial bonding 7.Mechanical characterisation of the TP-FMLs 8.Identifying future possibilities such as reshaping, repairing and recycling.
Collaborator Contribution Arkema is the manufacturer and supplier of the liquid thermoplastic resin used in this project. Arkema provided us with valuable technical information about the resin, catalyst type and infusion charactreistics including the release agent. As this resin is new in market, all the technical information supplied by Arkema were very useful in carrying out the project work. Far UK was enthusiastic about this project. They identified and pointed out some essential properties of TP-FMLs which are worth investigating for their successful commercial in industries such as automotive. Eirecomposites supported with the guidance for TP-FML testing and characterisation.
Impact Society: Once successfully validated and commercialised, the thermopalstic FML technology can bring significant positive impact on the society, bringing in more recyclable, repairable products. This work has only been initiated in this Feasibility study, not fully explored. Economy: This Feasibility study clearly showed that such FMLs have potential to be explored in industrial application. The thermoplastic FML technology was close TRL 3-4. A follow-up project was required to investigate the mechanical properties of the FMLs and identify the key advantages, such as drop weight impact resistance and thermoformability, to take it to higher TRL, which could not be done. This could lead to various low-cost, real life FML products beyond aerospace. In future, a bigger proposal will be submitted to EPSRC seeking funding to take this technology forward. People: Dr Dimitrios Mamalis, PDRA of this Feasibility Study project, has been trained on FML manufacturing and he is actively participating in new project proposals where he can take this novel FML technology forward. One M.Eng student is now working on this FML technology and will be investigating some key properties. Knowledge: After our first paper was published in 'Materials and Design' journal, there has been several invitations from conferences and workshops from UK as well as from other parts of Europe for presenting our work on FML. This work has clearly generated interest in the scientific community. A follow-on project after the Feasibility project could establish the key properties and advantages/disadvantages of FMLs in comparison to general FRPs. A set of mechanical property data generated through testing could be of interest to the industrial partners. Unfortunately, that could not be done within that short tenure. The six months Feasibility Project was more focussed on achieving a strong interfacial bonding between the two dissimilar materials which was done successfully. There was no time to investigate mechanical properties and bring that to the attention of the industrial partners. Journal Paper: Dimitrios Mamalis, Winifred Obande, Vasileios Koutsos, Jane R Blackford, Conchúr M. ÓBrádaigh, Dipa Ray, Novel thermoplastic fibre-metal laminates manufactured by vacuum resin infusion: The effect of surface treatments on interfacial bonding, Materials and Design, 15 January, 2019, Pages 331-344. Conference paper: Dimitrios Mamalis, Winifred Obande, Vasileios Koutsos, Conchúr M. Ó Brádaigh, Dipa Roy Novel infusible thermoplastic matrix in fibre metal laminates - a feasibility study, ICMAC, July 2018. (EP/P006701/1)
Start Year 2017
Description Manufacturing thermoplastic fibre metal laminates by the in situ polymerisation route 
Organisation National Physical Laboratory
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to the University of Edinburgh for the six-month funded project 'Manufacturing thermoplastic fibre metal laminates by the in situ polymerisation route'. Contributions: 1.Originating the concept of TP-FMLs using liquid thermoplastic resins 2.Investigating various metal surface treatments 3.Identifying the optimum metal surface treatment conditions 4.Manufacturing TP-FMLs by liquid resin infusion 5.Applying novel bonding technique at the fibre-metal interface 6.Extensive characterisation of the interfacial bonding 7.Mechanical characterisation of the TP-FMLs 8.Identifying future possibilities such as reshaping, repairing and recycling.
Collaborator Contribution Arkema is the manufacturer and supplier of the liquid thermoplastic resin used in this project. Arkema provided us with valuable technical information about the resin, catalyst type and infusion charactreistics including the release agent. As this resin is new in market, all the technical information supplied by Arkema were very useful in carrying out the project work. Far UK was enthusiastic about this project. They identified and pointed out some essential properties of TP-FMLs which are worth investigating for their successful commercial in industries such as automotive. Eirecomposites supported with the guidance for TP-FML testing and characterisation.
Impact Society: Once successfully validated and commercialised, the thermopalstic FML technology can bring significant positive impact on the society, bringing in more recyclable, repairable products. This work has only been initiated in this Feasibility study, not fully explored. Economy: This Feasibility study clearly showed that such FMLs have potential to be explored in industrial application. The thermoplastic FML technology was close TRL 3-4. A follow-up project was required to investigate the mechanical properties of the FMLs and identify the key advantages, such as drop weight impact resistance and thermoformability, to take it to higher TRL, which could not be done. This could lead to various low-cost, real life FML products beyond aerospace. In future, a bigger proposal will be submitted to EPSRC seeking funding to take this technology forward. People: Dr Dimitrios Mamalis, PDRA of this Feasibility Study project, has been trained on FML manufacturing and he is actively participating in new project proposals where he can take this novel FML technology forward. One M.Eng student is now working on this FML technology and will be investigating some key properties. Knowledge: After our first paper was published in 'Materials and Design' journal, there has been several invitations from conferences and workshops from UK as well as from other parts of Europe for presenting our work on FML. This work has clearly generated interest in the scientific community. A follow-on project after the Feasibility project could establish the key properties and advantages/disadvantages of FMLs in comparison to general FRPs. A set of mechanical property data generated through testing could be of interest to the industrial partners. Unfortunately, that could not be done within that short tenure. The six months Feasibility Project was more focussed on achieving a strong interfacial bonding between the two dissimilar materials which was done successfully. There was no time to investigate mechanical properties and bring that to the attention of the industrial partners. Journal Paper: Dimitrios Mamalis, Winifred Obande, Vasileios Koutsos, Jane R Blackford, Conchúr M. ÓBrádaigh, Dipa Ray, Novel thermoplastic fibre-metal laminates manufactured by vacuum resin infusion: The effect of surface treatments on interfacial bonding, Materials and Design, 15 January, 2019, Pages 331-344. Conference paper: Dimitrios Mamalis, Winifred Obande, Vasileios Koutsos, Conchúr M. Ó Brádaigh, Dipa Roy Novel infusible thermoplastic matrix in fibre metal laminates - a feasibility study, ICMAC, July 2018. (EP/P006701/1)
Start Year 2017
Description Manufacturing thermoplastic fibre metal laminates by the in situ polymerisation route 
Organisation Ultrawise Innovation Ltd
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to the University of Edinburgh for the six-month funded project 'Manufacturing thermoplastic fibre metal laminates by the in situ polymerisation route'. Contributions: 1.Originating the concept of TP-FMLs using liquid thermoplastic resins 2.Investigating various metal surface treatments 3.Identifying the optimum metal surface treatment conditions 4.Manufacturing TP-FMLs by liquid resin infusion 5.Applying novel bonding technique at the fibre-metal interface 6.Extensive characterisation of the interfacial bonding 7.Mechanical characterisation of the TP-FMLs 8.Identifying future possibilities such as reshaping, repairing and recycling.
Collaborator Contribution Arkema is the manufacturer and supplier of the liquid thermoplastic resin used in this project. Arkema provided us with valuable technical information about the resin, catalyst type and infusion charactreistics including the release agent. As this resin is new in market, all the technical information supplied by Arkema were very useful in carrying out the project work. Far UK was enthusiastic about this project. They identified and pointed out some essential properties of TP-FMLs which are worth investigating for their successful commercial in industries such as automotive. Eirecomposites supported with the guidance for TP-FML testing and characterisation.
Impact Society: Once successfully validated and commercialised, the thermopalstic FML technology can bring significant positive impact on the society, bringing in more recyclable, repairable products. This work has only been initiated in this Feasibility study, not fully explored. Economy: This Feasibility study clearly showed that such FMLs have potential to be explored in industrial application. The thermoplastic FML technology was close TRL 3-4. A follow-up project was required to investigate the mechanical properties of the FMLs and identify the key advantages, such as drop weight impact resistance and thermoformability, to take it to higher TRL, which could not be done. This could lead to various low-cost, real life FML products beyond aerospace. In future, a bigger proposal will be submitted to EPSRC seeking funding to take this technology forward. People: Dr Dimitrios Mamalis, PDRA of this Feasibility Study project, has been trained on FML manufacturing and he is actively participating in new project proposals where he can take this novel FML technology forward. One M.Eng student is now working on this FML technology and will be investigating some key properties. Knowledge: After our first paper was published in 'Materials and Design' journal, there has been several invitations from conferences and workshops from UK as well as from other parts of Europe for presenting our work on FML. This work has clearly generated interest in the scientific community. A follow-on project after the Feasibility project could establish the key properties and advantages/disadvantages of FMLs in comparison to general FRPs. A set of mechanical property data generated through testing could be of interest to the industrial partners. Unfortunately, that could not be done within that short tenure. The six months Feasibility Project was more focussed on achieving a strong interfacial bonding between the two dissimilar materials which was done successfully. There was no time to investigate mechanical properties and bring that to the attention of the industrial partners. Journal Paper: Dimitrios Mamalis, Winifred Obande, Vasileios Koutsos, Jane R Blackford, Conchúr M. ÓBrádaigh, Dipa Ray, Novel thermoplastic fibre-metal laminates manufactured by vacuum resin infusion: The effect of surface treatments on interfacial bonding, Materials and Design, 15 January, 2019, Pages 331-344. Conference paper: Dimitrios Mamalis, Winifred Obande, Vasileios Koutsos, Conchúr M. Ó Brádaigh, Dipa Roy Novel infusible thermoplastic matrix in fibre metal laminates - a feasibility study, ICMAC, July 2018. (EP/P006701/1)
Start Year 2017
Description Manufacturing thermoplastic fibre metal laminates by the in situ polymerisation route 
Organisation University of Edinburgh
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to the University of Edinburgh for the six-month funded project 'Manufacturing thermoplastic fibre metal laminates by the in situ polymerisation route'. Contributions: 1.Originating the concept of TP-FMLs using liquid thermoplastic resins 2.Investigating various metal surface treatments 3.Identifying the optimum metal surface treatment conditions 4.Manufacturing TP-FMLs by liquid resin infusion 5.Applying novel bonding technique at the fibre-metal interface 6.Extensive characterisation of the interfacial bonding 7.Mechanical characterisation of the TP-FMLs 8.Identifying future possibilities such as reshaping, repairing and recycling.
Collaborator Contribution Arkema is the manufacturer and supplier of the liquid thermoplastic resin used in this project. Arkema provided us with valuable technical information about the resin, catalyst type and infusion charactreistics including the release agent. As this resin is new in market, all the technical information supplied by Arkema were very useful in carrying out the project work. Far UK was enthusiastic about this project. They identified and pointed out some essential properties of TP-FMLs which are worth investigating for their successful commercial in industries such as automotive. Eirecomposites supported with the guidance for TP-FML testing and characterisation.
Impact Society: Once successfully validated and commercialised, the thermopalstic FML technology can bring significant positive impact on the society, bringing in more recyclable, repairable products. This work has only been initiated in this Feasibility study, not fully explored. Economy: This Feasibility study clearly showed that such FMLs have potential to be explored in industrial application. The thermoplastic FML technology was close TRL 3-4. A follow-up project was required to investigate the mechanical properties of the FMLs and identify the key advantages, such as drop weight impact resistance and thermoformability, to take it to higher TRL, which could not be done. This could lead to various low-cost, real life FML products beyond aerospace. In future, a bigger proposal will be submitted to EPSRC seeking funding to take this technology forward. People: Dr Dimitrios Mamalis, PDRA of this Feasibility Study project, has been trained on FML manufacturing and he is actively participating in new project proposals where he can take this novel FML technology forward. One M.Eng student is now working on this FML technology and will be investigating some key properties. Knowledge: After our first paper was published in 'Materials and Design' journal, there has been several invitations from conferences and workshops from UK as well as from other parts of Europe for presenting our work on FML. This work has clearly generated interest in the scientific community. A follow-on project after the Feasibility project could establish the key properties and advantages/disadvantages of FMLs in comparison to general FRPs. A set of mechanical property data generated through testing could be of interest to the industrial partners. Unfortunately, that could not be done within that short tenure. The six months Feasibility Project was more focussed on achieving a strong interfacial bonding between the two dissimilar materials which was done successfully. There was no time to investigate mechanical properties and bring that to the attention of the industrial partners. Journal Paper: Dimitrios Mamalis, Winifred Obande, Vasileios Koutsos, Jane R Blackford, Conchúr M. ÓBrádaigh, Dipa Ray, Novel thermoplastic fibre-metal laminates manufactured by vacuum resin infusion: The effect of surface treatments on interfacial bonding, Materials and Design, 15 January, 2019, Pages 331-344. Conference paper: Dimitrios Mamalis, Winifred Obande, Vasileios Koutsos, Conchúr M. Ó Brádaigh, Dipa Roy Novel infusible thermoplastic matrix in fibre metal laminates - a feasibility study, ICMAC, July 2018. (EP/P006701/1)
Start Year 2017
Description Microwave heating through embedded slotted coaxial cables for composites manufacturing (M-Cable) 
Organisation Brunel University London
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to Brunel University London for the six-month funded project 'Microwave heating through embedded slotted coaxial cables for composites manufacturing (M-Cable)'. Contributions: The potential for faster curing of composites has been shown compared to current manufacturing processes, without loss of quality. This means faster production rates and reduction of resources (energy and labour)
Collaborator Contribution The project contributes to the Hub priority research theme 'High rate deposition and rapid processing technologies'. The overall aim of the project was to test the feasibility of uniform MW heating of composites during manufacturing by using a number of slotted coaxial cables embedded in tools. The project has created a new market opportunity for RTM and infusion tooling that can process composites at faster rates than existing tooling technology
Impact The feasibility of utilising MW heating for composites manufacturing without the need of a dedicated MW Oven is the topic of this report. The initial concept of wires with slots that will act as MW applicators (waveguides) did not produce an acceptable thermal profile: local temperature variations were too high. The simple configurations tried in this study improved the local variations, but more work is needed to conclusively evaluate the idea and its practicality. A different approach was then tried: MW applicators that can be realised as printed circuit boards (PCBs). These boards can be slotted inside tooling. Their design can follow the heating requirement of the composite shape and size. The feasibility study showed that the PCB applicators fulfil two of the three concept feasibility criteria. The concept was validated by producing a number of composite laminates that were of similar quality to laminates produced in a convection oven.
Start Year 2018
Description Microwave heating through embedded slotted coaxial cables for composites manufacturing (M-Cable) 
Organisation KW Special Projects
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to Brunel University London for the six-month funded project 'Microwave heating through embedded slotted coaxial cables for composites manufacturing (M-Cable)'. Contributions: The potential for faster curing of composites has been shown compared to current manufacturing processes, without loss of quality. This means faster production rates and reduction of resources (energy and labour)
Collaborator Contribution The project contributes to the Hub priority research theme 'High rate deposition and rapid processing technologies'. The overall aim of the project was to test the feasibility of uniform MW heating of composites during manufacturing by using a number of slotted coaxial cables embedded in tools. The project has created a new market opportunity for RTM and infusion tooling that can process composites at faster rates than existing tooling technology
Impact The feasibility of utilising MW heating for composites manufacturing without the need of a dedicated MW Oven is the topic of this report. The initial concept of wires with slots that will act as MW applicators (waveguides) did not produce an acceptable thermal profile: local temperature variations were too high. The simple configurations tried in this study improved the local variations, but more work is needed to conclusively evaluate the idea and its practicality. A different approach was then tried: MW applicators that can be realised as printed circuit boards (PCBs). These boards can be slotted inside tooling. Their design can follow the heating requirement of the composite shape and size. The feasibility study showed that the PCB applicators fulfil two of the three concept feasibility criteria. The concept was validated by producing a number of composite laminates that were of similar quality to laminates produced in a convection oven.
Start Year 2018
Description Microwave in line heating to address the challenges of high rate deposition 
Organisation BAE Systems
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to Wrexham Glyndwr University for the six-month project 'Microwave in line heating to address the challenges of high rate deposition'. The aim was to study potential microwave techniques for increasing the throughput for placement of thermosetting and thermoplastic tows to increase the rate of automated tow placement and filament winding. To achieve this, there was a need to produce processes capable of placing 100 kg/hour. The research question was successfully answered. There is mileage in this approach which shows that a practical microwave system of heating during automated layup is possible and desirable. Furthermore it may be possible to combine this with other forms of heating to produce very significant layup rates. Contributions: - Retirement of the Co-I at Bristol meant that access to the AFP equipment did not materialise. To mitigate against AFP availability, bespoke equipment was manufactured in house at WGU to simulate the process and evaluate heating and layup rates. It also meant that the tape was scaled down to 8mm which could be handled in the space available. -Covid19 meant that the labs were out of bounds for seven months leading to very long project delays and the loss of some of the materials to be trialled. Nevertheless, with some modifications of the programme to build a rig to simulate the process on a lab scale, the majority of the aims of the work were achieved and deliverables met.
Collaborator Contribution The following deliverables were met with the contribution from the project partners at UoS and UoB. a) A laboratory assessment of the heating rates/deposition rates achievable using up to 2 kW microwave power for different types of tow at 2.45 GHz (WGU) b) Cavity and mounting system to be used for trials on an existing 2 kW 2.45 GHz microwave system (WGU and UoS) Since the system was not available, this deliverable was modified to be a cavity and mounting system for a laboratory based rig. c) Evaluation of potential shielding/choke approaches for the AFP system at Bristol (UoS) d) Numerical model of the process (UoS) e) Demonstration of process using laboratory AFP at the UoB(WGU, UoB)
Impact BMI/carbon material has now been received from our industrial partner; BAE systems to enable the higher frequency work. There is overlap with other work at Bristol and Southampton now part of a Synergy project looking at residual stress and temperature development during microwave cure. There is potential for collaboration with University of Nottingham and Bristol University since both are working on AFP projects and Nottingham have a project on direct heating. Discussions have taken place with Brunel University to further explore the M Cables project using the expertise at Wrexham Glyndwr University in antenna design to improve the uniformity of the heating. Also there have been discussions with Nottingham University to use this approach in over moulding of organofilms.
Start Year 2019
Description Microwave in line heating to address the challenges of high rate deposition 
Organisation Glyndwr University
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to Wrexham Glyndwr University for the six-month project 'Microwave in line heating to address the challenges of high rate deposition'. The aim was to study potential microwave techniques for increasing the throughput for placement of thermosetting and thermoplastic tows to increase the rate of automated tow placement and filament winding. To achieve this, there was a need to produce processes capable of placing 100 kg/hour. The research question was successfully answered. There is mileage in this approach which shows that a practical microwave system of heating during automated layup is possible and desirable. Furthermore it may be possible to combine this with other forms of heating to produce very significant layup rates. Contributions: - Retirement of the Co-I at Bristol meant that access to the AFP equipment did not materialise. To mitigate against AFP availability, bespoke equipment was manufactured in house at WGU to simulate the process and evaluate heating and layup rates. It also meant that the tape was scaled down to 8mm which could be handled in the space available. -Covid19 meant that the labs were out of bounds for seven months leading to very long project delays and the loss of some of the materials to be trialled. Nevertheless, with some modifications of the programme to build a rig to simulate the process on a lab scale, the majority of the aims of the work were achieved and deliverables met.
Collaborator Contribution The following deliverables were met with the contribution from the project partners at UoS and UoB. a) A laboratory assessment of the heating rates/deposition rates achievable using up to 2 kW microwave power for different types of tow at 2.45 GHz (WGU) b) Cavity and mounting system to be used for trials on an existing 2 kW 2.45 GHz microwave system (WGU and UoS) Since the system was not available, this deliverable was modified to be a cavity and mounting system for a laboratory based rig. c) Evaluation of potential shielding/choke approaches for the AFP system at Bristol (UoS) d) Numerical model of the process (UoS) e) Demonstration of process using laboratory AFP at the UoB(WGU, UoB)
Impact BMI/carbon material has now been received from our industrial partner; BAE systems to enable the higher frequency work. There is overlap with other work at Bristol and Southampton now part of a Synergy project looking at residual stress and temperature development during microwave cure. There is potential for collaboration with University of Nottingham and Bristol University since both are working on AFP projects and Nottingham have a project on direct heating. Discussions have taken place with Brunel University to further explore the M Cables project using the expertise at Wrexham Glyndwr University in antenna design to improve the uniformity of the heating. Also there have been discussions with Nottingham University to use this approach in over moulding of organofilms.
Start Year 2019
Description Microwave in line heating to address the challenges of high rate deposition 
Organisation University of Bristol
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to Wrexham Glyndwr University for the six-month project 'Microwave in line heating to address the challenges of high rate deposition'. The aim was to study potential microwave techniques for increasing the throughput for placement of thermosetting and thermoplastic tows to increase the rate of automated tow placement and filament winding. To achieve this, there was a need to produce processes capable of placing 100 kg/hour. The research question was successfully answered. There is mileage in this approach which shows that a practical microwave system of heating during automated layup is possible and desirable. Furthermore it may be possible to combine this with other forms of heating to produce very significant layup rates. Contributions: - Retirement of the Co-I at Bristol meant that access to the AFP equipment did not materialise. To mitigate against AFP availability, bespoke equipment was manufactured in house at WGU to simulate the process and evaluate heating and layup rates. It also meant that the tape was scaled down to 8mm which could be handled in the space available. -Covid19 meant that the labs were out of bounds for seven months leading to very long project delays and the loss of some of the materials to be trialled. Nevertheless, with some modifications of the programme to build a rig to simulate the process on a lab scale, the majority of the aims of the work were achieved and deliverables met.
Collaborator Contribution The following deliverables were met with the contribution from the project partners at UoS and UoB. a) A laboratory assessment of the heating rates/deposition rates achievable using up to 2 kW microwave power for different types of tow at 2.45 GHz (WGU) b) Cavity and mounting system to be used for trials on an existing 2 kW 2.45 GHz microwave system (WGU and UoS) Since the system was not available, this deliverable was modified to be a cavity and mounting system for a laboratory based rig. c) Evaluation of potential shielding/choke approaches for the AFP system at Bristol (UoS) d) Numerical model of the process (UoS) e) Demonstration of process using laboratory AFP at the UoB(WGU, UoB)
Impact BMI/carbon material has now been received from our industrial partner; BAE systems to enable the higher frequency work. There is overlap with other work at Bristol and Southampton now part of a Synergy project looking at residual stress and temperature development during microwave cure. There is potential for collaboration with University of Nottingham and Bristol University since both are working on AFP projects and Nottingham have a project on direct heating. Discussions have taken place with Brunel University to further explore the M Cables project using the expertise at Wrexham Glyndwr University in antenna design to improve the uniformity of the heating. Also there have been discussions with Nottingham University to use this approach in over moulding of organofilms.
Start Year 2019
Description Microwave in line heating to address the challenges of high rate deposition 
Organisation University of Sheffield
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to Wrexham Glyndwr University for the six-month project 'Microwave in line heating to address the challenges of high rate deposition'. The aim was to study potential microwave techniques for increasing the throughput for placement of thermosetting and thermoplastic tows to increase the rate of automated tow placement and filament winding. To achieve this, there was a need to produce processes capable of placing 100 kg/hour. The research question was successfully answered. There is mileage in this approach which shows that a practical microwave system of heating during automated layup is possible and desirable. Furthermore it may be possible to combine this with other forms of heating to produce very significant layup rates. Contributions: - Retirement of the Co-I at Bristol meant that access to the AFP equipment did not materialise. To mitigate against AFP availability, bespoke equipment was manufactured in house at WGU to simulate the process and evaluate heating and layup rates. It also meant that the tape was scaled down to 8mm which could be handled in the space available. -Covid19 meant that the labs were out of bounds for seven months leading to very long project delays and the loss of some of the materials to be trialled. Nevertheless, with some modifications of the programme to build a rig to simulate the process on a lab scale, the majority of the aims of the work were achieved and deliverables met.
Collaborator Contribution The following deliverables were met with the contribution from the project partners at UoS and UoB. a) A laboratory assessment of the heating rates/deposition rates achievable using up to 2 kW microwave power for different types of tow at 2.45 GHz (WGU) b) Cavity and mounting system to be used for trials on an existing 2 kW 2.45 GHz microwave system (WGU and UoS) Since the system was not available, this deliverable was modified to be a cavity and mounting system for a laboratory based rig. c) Evaluation of potential shielding/choke approaches for the AFP system at Bristol (UoS) d) Numerical model of the process (UoS) e) Demonstration of process using laboratory AFP at the UoB(WGU, UoB)
Impact BMI/carbon material has now been received from our industrial partner; BAE systems to enable the higher frequency work. There is overlap with other work at Bristol and Southampton now part of a Synergy project looking at residual stress and temperature development during microwave cure. There is potential for collaboration with University of Nottingham and Bristol University since both are working on AFP projects and Nottingham have a project on direct heating. Discussions have taken place with Brunel University to further explore the M Cables project using the expertise at Wrexham Glyndwr University in antenna design to improve the uniformity of the heating. Also there have been discussions with Nottingham University to use this approach in over moulding of organofilms.
Start Year 2019
Description Multi-step thermoforming of multi-cavity multi-axial advanced thermoplastic composite parts 
Organisation Forrest Precision Engineering
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to the University of Glasgow for the six-month funded project 'Multi-step thermoforming of multi-cavity multi-axial advanced thermoplastic composite parts'. Contributions: 1. Demonstrated the principle of induction-melt forming of advanced composites using molten metal as the heating agent. 2. Demonstrated the principle of expelling the molten metal during the subsequent forming process 3. Designed and manufactures a multi-step forming tool allowing automatic incremental forming of advanced composites using a standard press. 4. Demonstrated a process of quantifying the residual tin inside the composite after the induction-melt process (subsequent to feasibility study - part of the PhD student's current project) 5. Currently in the process of assessing the influence of the residual tin on the interlaminar strength of the induction-formed composite
Collaborator Contribution The feasibility project was completed. The team managed to successfully demonstrate the intended fundamental principles behind the method, which proceeded as envisaged in the original proposal. An induction heater capable of melting tin was successfully sourced and rented for a few months. A novel multi-step tool was manufactured allowing automatic incremental forming of the molten sheet. Several parts were manufactured from carbon-nylon advanced composites. Initially flat sheets were made, before manufacturing a ripple-type geometry. 1. The university team conducted all the forming experiments. We also designed and implemented the experimental setup including the design of the multi-step tool. 2. INEGI supplied pre-consolidated carbon-nylon sheet in a 0/90/90/0 layup. Induction Coil Solutions provided rental of the induction heating unit and induction coils. Forrest Precision Engineering manufactured the multi-step tooling following designs provided by the UoG team.
Impact The benefits to INEGI were in contributing towards a novel manufacturing process that, if perfected could be used in their own research ande development projects. The benefit to Induction Coild solutions is a potential new application of their induction heaters. The benefit to Forrest Precision Engineering is potential new business in manufacturing alternative versions of the multi-step forming tool
Start Year 2018
Description Multi-step thermoforming of multi-cavity multi-axial advanced thermoplastic composite parts 
Organisation Induction Coil Solutions
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to the University of Glasgow for the six-month funded project 'Multi-step thermoforming of multi-cavity multi-axial advanced thermoplastic composite parts'. Contributions: 1. Demonstrated the principle of induction-melt forming of advanced composites using molten metal as the heating agent. 2. Demonstrated the principle of expelling the molten metal during the subsequent forming process 3. Designed and manufactures a multi-step forming tool allowing automatic incremental forming of advanced composites using a standard press. 4. Demonstrated a process of quantifying the residual tin inside the composite after the induction-melt process (subsequent to feasibility study - part of the PhD student's current project) 5. Currently in the process of assessing the influence of the residual tin on the interlaminar strength of the induction-formed composite
Collaborator Contribution The feasibility project was completed. The team managed to successfully demonstrate the intended fundamental principles behind the method, which proceeded as envisaged in the original proposal. An induction heater capable of melting tin was successfully sourced and rented for a few months. A novel multi-step tool was manufactured allowing automatic incremental forming of the molten sheet. Several parts were manufactured from carbon-nylon advanced composites. Initially flat sheets were made, before manufacturing a ripple-type geometry. 1. The university team conducted all the forming experiments. We also designed and implemented the experimental setup including the design of the multi-step tool. 2. INEGI supplied pre-consolidated carbon-nylon sheet in a 0/90/90/0 layup. Induction Coil Solutions provided rental of the induction heating unit and induction coils. Forrest Precision Engineering manufactured the multi-step tooling following designs provided by the UoG team.
Impact The benefits to INEGI were in contributing towards a novel manufacturing process that, if perfected could be used in their own research ande development projects. The benefit to Induction Coild solutions is a potential new application of their induction heaters. The benefit to Forrest Precision Engineering is potential new business in manufacturing alternative versions of the multi-step forming tool
Start Year 2018
Description Multi-step thermoforming of multi-cavity multi-axial advanced thermoplastic composite parts 
Organisation Institute of Science and Innovation in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Country Portugal 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to the University of Glasgow for the six-month funded project 'Multi-step thermoforming of multi-cavity multi-axial advanced thermoplastic composite parts'. Contributions: 1. Demonstrated the principle of induction-melt forming of advanced composites using molten metal as the heating agent. 2. Demonstrated the principle of expelling the molten metal during the subsequent forming process 3. Designed and manufactures a multi-step forming tool allowing automatic incremental forming of advanced composites using a standard press. 4. Demonstrated a process of quantifying the residual tin inside the composite after the induction-melt process (subsequent to feasibility study - part of the PhD student's current project) 5. Currently in the process of assessing the influence of the residual tin on the interlaminar strength of the induction-formed composite
Collaborator Contribution The feasibility project was completed. The team managed to successfully demonstrate the intended fundamental principles behind the method, which proceeded as envisaged in the original proposal. An induction heater capable of melting tin was successfully sourced and rented for a few months. A novel multi-step tool was manufactured allowing automatic incremental forming of the molten sheet. Several parts were manufactured from carbon-nylon advanced composites. Initially flat sheets were made, before manufacturing a ripple-type geometry. 1. The university team conducted all the forming experiments. We also designed and implemented the experimental setup including the design of the multi-step tool. 2. INEGI supplied pre-consolidated carbon-nylon sheet in a 0/90/90/0 layup. Induction Coil Solutions provided rental of the induction heating unit and induction coils. Forrest Precision Engineering manufactured the multi-step tooling following designs provided by the UoG team.
Impact The benefits to INEGI were in contributing towards a novel manufacturing process that, if perfected could be used in their own research ande development projects. The benefit to Induction Coild solutions is a potential new application of their induction heaters. The benefit to Forrest Precision Engineering is potential new business in manufacturing alternative versions of the multi-step forming tool
Start Year 2018
Description Multi-step thermoforming of multi-cavity multi-axial advanced thermoplastic composite parts 
Organisation University of Glasgow
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to the University of Glasgow for the six-month funded project 'Multi-step thermoforming of multi-cavity multi-axial advanced thermoplastic composite parts'. Contributions: 1. Demonstrated the principle of induction-melt forming of advanced composites using molten metal as the heating agent. 2. Demonstrated the principle of expelling the molten metal during the subsequent forming process 3. Designed and manufactures a multi-step forming tool allowing automatic incremental forming of advanced composites using a standard press. 4. Demonstrated a process of quantifying the residual tin inside the composite after the induction-melt process (subsequent to feasibility study - part of the PhD student's current project) 5. Currently in the process of assessing the influence of the residual tin on the interlaminar strength of the induction-formed composite
Collaborator Contribution The feasibility project was completed. The team managed to successfully demonstrate the intended fundamental principles behind the method, which proceeded as envisaged in the original proposal. An induction heater capable of melting tin was successfully sourced and rented for a few months. A novel multi-step tool was manufactured allowing automatic incremental forming of the molten sheet. Several parts were manufactured from carbon-nylon advanced composites. Initially flat sheets were made, before manufacturing a ripple-type geometry. 1. The university team conducted all the forming experiments. We also designed and implemented the experimental setup including the design of the multi-step tool. 2. INEGI supplied pre-consolidated carbon-nylon sheet in a 0/90/90/0 layup. Induction Coil Solutions provided rental of the induction heating unit and induction coils. Forrest Precision Engineering manufactured the multi-step tooling following designs provided by the UoG team.
Impact The benefits to INEGI were in contributing towards a novel manufacturing process that, if perfected could be used in their own research ande development projects. The benefit to Induction Coild solutions is a potential new application of their induction heaters. The benefit to Forrest Precision Engineering is potential new business in manufacturing alternative versions of the multi-step forming tool
Start Year 2018
Description New manufacturing techniques for optimised fibre architectures 
Organisation Airbus Group
Country France 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £906,782 core project grant to the University of Nottingham and the University of Manchester for the three-year funded project 'New manufacturing techniques for optimised fibre architectures'. 1) Computational framework for multi-objective optimisation of fibre reinforcements has been developed. The framework employs multi-scale modelling to predict processing properties (such as permeability) of 3D fibre reinforcements as well as structural properties of composite components. 2) A novel meshing technique was developed to aid the optimisation of complex 3D reinforcements of arbitrary complexity, while still maintaining reasonable accuracy and computational costs. The new algorithm was implemented as one of the features within TexGen open-source code and is now released in the public domain. 3) The optimisation framework was applied to two demonstrators provided by industrial partners. An automotive component demonstrator, provided by the AMRC, was optimised to maximise its bending and torsional stiffness. It was shown that a novel multi-axial 3D fibre reinforcement can provide up to 10% improvement in properties when compared to the optimised non-crimp fabric component. The second demonstrator, a pressure vessel provided by Luxfer Gas Cylinders, was optimised for a novel fibre architecture. Similar performance was achieved; however, better delamination resistance is expected from the novel fibre architecture. 4) Novel multiaxial preforming concepts have been demonstrated; new textile machinery was developed based on these concepts 5) Novel cylindrical multi-axial preforms were developed for application of pressure vessel 6) Two demonstrators multiaxial floor panel and braid wound pressure vessel developed using optimised architecture
Collaborator Contribution The project contributes to the Hub priority research theme 'Design for manufacture via validated simulation'. This project aims to discover new 3D textile preform architectures. This will result in a step change in performance, leading to significant weight reductions and lower cycle times through routine use of automated manufacturing technologies. Partner contributions received to date: £17k of in-kind contribution from industrial partners (attendance of project meetings, help with development of demonstrators) £50k of in-kind contribution from industrial partners (through provided tooling and CAD files for demonstrators) Subcontract funding of £110k from ATI Future Landing Gear Programme for complex 3D woven architectures 1. AMRC for vehicle floor panel demonstrator 2. Luxfer for gas cylinder demonstrator 3. NCC for technology pull through programme 4. BAE systems for multiaxial technology demonstrator
Impact Associated Research Grants: 1) EPSRC Impact Acceleration Grant (£210k) from University of Manchester in collaboration with Axon Automotive 2) Technology Pull Through (TPT) funding from NCC for a joint UoM-NCC research project to develop braid-winding concept for producing wrinkle-free composite tubes. 3) Impact Acceleration Award (£37k) from Nottingham Impact Accelerator with support from Rolls Royce and Sigmatex - PI: Dr Louise Brown 4) Potluri P. - Subcontract (£110k) from ATI Future Landing Gear Programme for complex 3D woven architectures 5) UKRI Interdisciplinary Circular Economy Centre for Textiles (£4.5 million) Circular Bioeconomy for Textile Materials (EP/V011766/1) Outputs in the form of Patents: 1) Potluri, P., Jetavat, D., Sharma S. (2017) Method and apparatus for weaving a three-dimensional fabric, US Patent 9,598,798 2) Potluri, P, Koncherry, V, M. Bisset (2021) Inline Graphene Coating, UK Patent Application No. 2117987.4 in the name of Petroliam Nasional Berhad (Petronas) and University of Manchester Outputs in the form of Journal Publications: DOI: 10.1016/j.compscitech.2021.108935 DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2021.113676 DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2020.113325 DOI: 10.1002/adsu.202000228 DOI: 10.1016/j.compscitech.2020.108451 DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2020.112757 Outputs in the form of Conference publications: 1) S. Dhiman, P. Potluri, and K. B. Katnam, "Thermally induced residual stresses in orthogonal 3D woven composites: The role of binder architecture and cooling rate," in AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum, 2022, p. 1422. 2) K. Sowrov, A. Fernando, V. Koncherry, P. Withers, and P. Potluri, "Damage Evaluation in 3D Woven Composites with Warp-way and Weft-way Binders," in AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum, 2022, p. 1421. 3) Roy, S. S., Wu, Z., Atas, A. & Potluri, P. (2022). Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Braided Box Section With Optimised Axial Reinforcement In: International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS 24) 14 - 18 June, 2021 Porto, Portugal. 4) Roy, S. S., Liu, Y., Lloyd, b., Potluri, P. & Whitham, A. (2022). Structural Performance of Composite Tubes Developed Using 3D Complex Winding in Comparison to Braided and Filament Wound Architectures. In: International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS 24) 14 - 18 June (Presented online), 2021a Porto, Portugal. 5) Koncherry V., Park J.S., Sowrow K., Matveev M.Y., Brown L.P., Long A.C., Potluri P., Novel manufacturing techniques for optimised 3D multiaxial orthogonal preform ,22nd International Conference on Composite Materials, Melbourne, Australia, 2019. 6) Matveev M.Y., Koncherry V., Brown L.P., Roy S.S., Potluri P., Long A.C., Meso-scale optimisation of 3D composites and novel preforming techniques, 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials, Melbourne, Australia, 2019. 7) Matveev M.Y., Koncherry V., Roy S.S., Potluri P., Long A., Novel textile preforming for optimised fibre architectures, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 406 (1), 2018. 8) Matveev M., Koncherry V., Roy S.S., Potluri P., Long A, Novel textile preforming for optimised fibre architectures, September 2018, Tex-Comp-13 Milan, Italy 7) Koncherry V., Patel D., Yusuf Z., Potluri P., Influence of 3d weaving parameters on preform compression and laminate mechanical properties, 21st International Conference on Composite Materials, Xi'an, China, 2017. 9) Roy S.S., Yang D., Potluri P. Influence of Bending on Wrinkle Formation and Potential Method of Mitigation, 21st International Conference on Composite Materials, Xi'an, China, 2017. Outputs in the form of Journal Publications for EP/I033513/1 - EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacture in Composites (CIMComp) (projects funded from 01st July 2011 to 31st Dec 2016) Peer-review papers: 1. Yan S., Zeng X., Long A.C., Meso-scale modelling of 3D woven composite T-joints with weave variations, Composite Science and Technology, Vol 171, pp.171-179, 2019. 2. Yan S., Zeng X., A.C. Long A.C., Experimental assessment of the mechanical behaviour of 3D woven composite T-joints, Composites Part B, Vol. 154, pp.108-113, 2018 3. Yan S., Zeng X., Brown L.P., Long A.C., Geometric modeling of 3D woven preforms in composite T-joints, Textile Research Journal, Vol.88(16),pp.1862-75, 2018 4. Yan,S., Zeng, X., Long, A.C., Effect of fibre architecture on tensile pull-off behaviour of 3D woven composite T-joints, Composite Structures 242 (2020). There is the potential insertion of optimised 3D woven structures into future airframes and automotive chassis systems. Also, the braid-winding technology with optimised architecture could be adopted for hydrogen storage. Synergy with other Hub projects - Collaborative Braid forming research between University of Manchester and University of Nottingham as part of the Work stream 6 (Design simulation tools and process improvements for NCF preforming). University of Nottingham has developed a simulation tool for braid forming into complex shape. The collaboration aimed at experimental validation of the simulation tool. University of Manchester planned, prepared and executed the experimental activities. Braiding was carried out over an epoxy tool with a compressible foam and compression moulding method was used to form the braid into a cavity with a gradient at one end. As part of the post processing, angle measurement will be carried out using Apodius system at the University of Nottingham and the data will be compared with the simulation tool output.
Start Year 2017
Description New manufacturing techniques for optimised fibre architectures 
Organisation BAE Systems
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £906,782 core project grant to the University of Nottingham and the University of Manchester for the three-year funded project 'New manufacturing techniques for optimised fibre architectures'. 1) Computational framework for multi-objective optimisation of fibre reinforcements has been developed. The framework employs multi-scale modelling to predict processing properties (such as permeability) of 3D fibre reinforcements as well as structural properties of composite components. 2) A novel meshing technique was developed to aid the optimisation of complex 3D reinforcements of arbitrary complexity, while still maintaining reasonable accuracy and computational costs. The new algorithm was implemented as one of the features within TexGen open-source code and is now released in the public domain. 3) The optimisation framework was applied to two demonstrators provided by industrial partners. An automotive component demonstrator, provided by the AMRC, was optimised to maximise its bending and torsional stiffness. It was shown that a novel multi-axial 3D fibre reinforcement can provide up to 10% improvement in properties when compared to the optimised non-crimp fabric component. The second demonstrator, a pressure vessel provided by Luxfer Gas Cylinders, was optimised for a novel fibre architecture. Similar performance was achieved; however, better delamination resistance is expected from the novel fibre architecture. 4) Novel multiaxial preforming concepts have been demonstrated; new textile machinery was developed based on these concepts 5) Novel cylindrical multi-axial preforms were developed for application of pressure vessel 6) Two demonstrators multiaxial floor panel and braid wound pressure vessel developed using optimised architecture
Collaborator Contribution The project contributes to the Hub priority research theme 'Design for manufacture via validated simulation'. This project aims to discover new 3D textile preform architectures. This will result in a step change in performance, leading to significant weight reductions and lower cycle times through routine use of automated manufacturing technologies. Partner contributions received to date: £17k of in-kind contribution from industrial partners (attendance of project meetings, help with development of demonstrators) £50k of in-kind contribution from industrial partners (through provided tooling and CAD files for demonstrators) Subcontract funding of £110k from ATI Future Landing Gear Programme for complex 3D woven architectures 1. AMRC for vehicle floor panel demonstrator 2. Luxfer for gas cylinder demonstrator 3. NCC for technology pull through programme 4. BAE systems for multiaxial technology demonstrator
Impact Associated Research Grants: 1) EPSRC Impact Acceleration Grant (£210k) from University of Manchester in collaboration with Axon Automotive 2) Technology Pull Through (TPT) funding from NCC for a joint UoM-NCC research project to develop braid-winding concept for producing wrinkle-free composite tubes. 3) Impact Acceleration Award (£37k) from Nottingham Impact Accelerator with support from Rolls Royce and Sigmatex - PI: Dr Louise Brown 4) Potluri P. - Subcontract (£110k) from ATI Future Landing Gear Programme for complex 3D woven architectures 5) UKRI Interdisciplinary Circular Economy Centre for Textiles (£4.5 million) Circular Bioeconomy for Textile Materials (EP/V011766/1) Outputs in the form of Patents: 1) Potluri, P., Jetavat, D., Sharma S. (2017) Method and apparatus for weaving a three-dimensional fabric, US Patent 9,598,798 2) Potluri, P, Koncherry, V, M. Bisset (2021) Inline Graphene Coating, UK Patent Application No. 2117987.4 in the name of Petroliam Nasional Berhad (Petronas) and University of Manchester Outputs in the form of Journal Publications: DOI: 10.1016/j.compscitech.2021.108935 DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2021.113676 DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2020.113325 DOI: 10.1002/adsu.202000228 DOI: 10.1016/j.compscitech.2020.108451 DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2020.112757 Outputs in the form of Conference publications: 1) S. Dhiman, P. Potluri, and K. B. Katnam, "Thermally induced residual stresses in orthogonal 3D woven composites: The role of binder architecture and cooling rate," in AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum, 2022, p. 1422. 2) K. Sowrov, A. Fernando, V. Koncherry, P. Withers, and P. Potluri, "Damage Evaluation in 3D Woven Composites with Warp-way and Weft-way Binders," in AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum, 2022, p. 1421. 3) Roy, S. S., Wu, Z., Atas, A. & Potluri, P. (2022). Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Braided Box Section With Optimised Axial Reinforcement In: International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS 24) 14 - 18 June, 2021 Porto, Portugal. 4) Roy, S. S., Liu, Y., Lloyd, b., Potluri, P. & Whitham, A. (2022). Structural Performance of Composite Tubes Developed Using 3D Complex Winding in Comparison to Braided and Filament Wound Architectures. In: International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS 24) 14 - 18 June (Presented online), 2021a Porto, Portugal. 5) Koncherry V., Park J.S., Sowrow K., Matveev M.Y., Brown L.P., Long A.C., Potluri P., Novel manufacturing techniques for optimised 3D multiaxial orthogonal preform ,22nd International Conference on Composite Materials, Melbourne, Australia, 2019. 6) Matveev M.Y., Koncherry V., Brown L.P., Roy S.S., Potluri P., Long A.C., Meso-scale optimisation of 3D composites and novel preforming techniques, 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials, Melbourne, Australia, 2019. 7) Matveev M.Y., Koncherry V., Roy S.S., Potluri P., Long A., Novel textile preforming for optimised fibre architectures, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 406 (1), 2018. 8) Matveev M., Koncherry V., Roy S.S., Potluri P., Long A, Novel textile preforming for optimised fibre architectures, September 2018, Tex-Comp-13 Milan, Italy 7) Koncherry V., Patel D., Yusuf Z., Potluri P., Influence of 3d weaving parameters on preform compression and laminate mechanical properties, 21st International Conference on Composite Materials, Xi'an, China, 2017. 9) Roy S.S., Yang D., Potluri P. Influence of Bending on Wrinkle Formation and Potential Method of Mitigation, 21st International Conference on Composite Materials, Xi'an, China, 2017. Outputs in the form of Journal Publications for EP/I033513/1 - EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacture in Composites (CIMComp) (projects funded from 01st July 2011 to 31st Dec 2016) Peer-review papers: 1. Yan S., Zeng X., Long A.C., Meso-scale modelling of 3D woven composite T-joints with weave variations, Composite Science and Technology, Vol 171, pp.171-179, 2019. 2. Yan S., Zeng X., A.C. Long A.C., Experimental assessment of the mechanical behaviour of 3D woven composite T-joints, Composites Part B, Vol. 154, pp.108-113, 2018 3. Yan S., Zeng X., Brown L.P., Long A.C., Geometric modeling of 3D woven preforms in composite T-joints, Textile Research Journal, Vol.88(16),pp.1862-75, 2018 4. Yan,S., Zeng, X., Long, A.C., Effect of fibre architecture on tensile pull-off behaviour of 3D woven composite T-joints, Composite Structures 242 (2020). There is the potential insertion of optimised 3D woven structures into future airframes and automotive chassis systems. Also, the braid-winding technology with optimised architecture could be adopted for hydrogen storage. Synergy with other Hub projects - Collaborative Braid forming research between University of Manchester and University of Nottingham as part of the Work stream 6 (Design simulation tools and process improvements for NCF preforming). University of Nottingham has developed a simulation tool for braid forming into complex shape. The collaboration aimed at experimental validation of the simulation tool. University of Manchester planned, prepared and executed the experimental activities. Braiding was carried out over an epoxy tool with a compressible foam and compression moulding method was used to form the braid into a cavity with a gradient at one end. As part of the post processing, angle measurement will be carried out using Apodius system at the University of Nottingham and the data will be compared with the simulation tool output.
Start Year 2017
Description New manufacturing techniques for optimised fibre architectures 
Organisation ESI Group
Country France 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £906,782 core project grant to the University of Nottingham and the University of Manchester for the three-year funded project 'New manufacturing techniques for optimised fibre architectures'. 1) Computational framework for multi-objective optimisation of fibre reinforcements has been developed. The framework employs multi-scale modelling to predict processing properties (such as permeability) of 3D fibre reinforcements as well as structural properties of composite components. 2) A novel meshing technique was developed to aid the optimisation of complex 3D reinforcements of arbitrary complexity, while still maintaining reasonable accuracy and computational costs. The new algorithm was implemented as one of the features within TexGen open-source code and is now released in the public domain. 3) The optimisation framework was applied to two demonstrators provided by industrial partners. An automotive component demonstrator, provided by the AMRC, was optimised to maximise its bending and torsional stiffness. It was shown that a novel multi-axial 3D fibre reinforcement can provide up to 10% improvement in properties when compared to the optimised non-crimp fabric component. The second demonstrator, a pressure vessel provided by Luxfer Gas Cylinders, was optimised for a novel fibre architecture. Similar performance was achieved; however, better delamination resistance is expected from the novel fibre architecture. 4) Novel multiaxial preforming concepts have been demonstrated; new textile machinery was developed based on these concepts 5) Novel cylindrical multi-axial preforms were developed for application of pressure vessel 6) Two demonstrators multiaxial floor panel and braid wound pressure vessel developed using optimised architecture
Collaborator Contribution The project contributes to the Hub priority research theme 'Design for manufacture via validated simulation'. This project aims to discover new 3D textile preform architectures. This will result in a step change in performance, leading to significant weight reductions and lower cycle times through routine use of automated manufacturing technologies. Partner contributions received to date: £17k of in-kind contribution from industrial partners (attendance of project meetings, help with development of demonstrators) £50k of in-kind contribution from industrial partners (through provided tooling and CAD files for demonstrators) Subcontract funding of £110k from ATI Future Landing Gear Programme for complex 3D woven architectures 1. AMRC for vehicle floor panel demonstrator 2. Luxfer for gas cylinder demonstrator 3. NCC for technology pull through programme 4. BAE systems for multiaxial technology demonstrator
Impact Associated Research Grants: 1) EPSRC Impact Acceleration Grant (£210k) from University of Manchester in collaboration with Axon Automotive 2) Technology Pull Through (TPT) funding from NCC for a joint UoM-NCC research project to develop braid-winding concept for producing wrinkle-free composite tubes. 3) Impact Acceleration Award (£37k) from Nottingham Impact Accelerator with support from Rolls Royce and Sigmatex - PI: Dr Louise Brown 4) Potluri P. - Subcontract (£110k) from ATI Future Landing Gear Programme for complex 3D woven architectures 5) UKRI Interdisciplinary Circular Economy Centre for Textiles (£4.5 million) Circular Bioeconomy for Textile Materials (EP/V011766/1) Outputs in the form of Patents: 1) Potluri, P., Jetavat, D., Sharma S. (2017) Method and apparatus for weaving a three-dimensional fabric, US Patent 9,598,798 2) Potluri, P, Koncherry, V, M. Bisset (2021) Inline Graphene Coating, UK Patent Application No. 2117987.4 in the name of Petroliam Nasional Berhad (Petronas) and University of Manchester Outputs in the form of Journal Publications: DOI: 10.1016/j.compscitech.2021.108935 DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2021.113676 DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2020.113325 DOI: 10.1002/adsu.202000228 DOI: 10.1016/j.compscitech.2020.108451 DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2020.112757 Outputs in the form of Conference publications: 1) S. Dhiman, P. Potluri, and K. B. Katnam, "Thermally induced residual stresses in orthogonal 3D woven composites: The role of binder architecture and cooling rate," in AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum, 2022, p. 1422. 2) K. Sowrov, A. Fernando, V. Koncherry, P. Withers, and P. Potluri, "Damage Evaluation in 3D Woven Composites with Warp-way and Weft-way Binders," in AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum, 2022, p. 1421. 3) Roy, S. S., Wu, Z., Atas, A. & Potluri, P. (2022). Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Braided Box Section With Optimised Axial Reinforcement In: International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS 24) 14 - 18 June, 2021 Porto, Portugal. 4) Roy, S. S., Liu, Y., Lloyd, b., Potluri, P. & Whitham, A. (2022). Structural Performance of Composite Tubes Developed Using 3D Complex Winding in Comparison to Braided and Filament Wound Architectures. In: International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS 24) 14 - 18 June (Presented online), 2021a Porto, Portugal. 5) Koncherry V., Park J.S., Sowrow K., Matveev M.Y., Brown L.P., Long A.C., Potluri P., Novel manufacturing techniques for optimised 3D multiaxial orthogonal preform ,22nd International Conference on Composite Materials, Melbourne, Australia, 2019. 6) Matveev M.Y., Koncherry V., Brown L.P., Roy S.S., Potluri P., Long A.C., Meso-scale optimisation of 3D composites and novel preforming techniques, 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials, Melbourne, Australia, 2019. 7) Matveev M.Y., Koncherry V., Roy S.S., Potluri P., Long A., Novel textile preforming for optimised fibre architectures, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 406 (1), 2018. 8) Matveev M., Koncherry V., Roy S.S., Potluri P., Long A, Novel textile preforming for optimised fibre architectures, September 2018, Tex-Comp-13 Milan, Italy 7) Koncherry V., Patel D., Yusuf Z., Potluri P., Influence of 3d weaving parameters on preform compression and laminate mechanical properties, 21st International Conference on Composite Materials, Xi'an, China, 2017. 9) Roy S.S., Yang D., Potluri P. Influence of Bending on Wrinkle Formation and Potential Method of Mitigation, 21st International Conference on Composite Materials, Xi'an, China, 2017. Outputs in the form of Journal Publications for EP/I033513/1 - EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacture in Composites (CIMComp) (projects funded from 01st July 2011 to 31st Dec 2016) Peer-review papers: 1. Yan S., Zeng X., Long A.C., Meso-scale modelling of 3D woven composite T-joints with weave variations, Composite Science and Technology, Vol 171, pp.171-179, 2019. 2. Yan S., Zeng X., A.C. Long A.C., Experimental assessment of the mechanical behaviour of 3D woven composite T-joints, Composites Part B, Vol. 154, pp.108-113, 2018 3. Yan S., Zeng X., Brown L.P., Long A.C., Geometric modeling of 3D woven preforms in composite T-joints, Textile Research Journal, Vol.88(16),pp.1862-75, 2018 4. Yan,S., Zeng, X., Long, A.C., Effect of fibre architecture on tensile pull-off behaviour of 3D woven composite T-joints, Composite Structures 242 (2020). There is the potential insertion of optimised 3D woven structures into future airframes and automotive chassis systems. Also, the braid-winding technology with optimised architecture could be adopted for hydrogen storage. Synergy with other Hub projects - Collaborative Braid forming research between University of Manchester and University of Nottingham as part of the Work stream 6 (Design simulation tools and process improvements for NCF preforming). University of Nottingham has developed a simulation tool for braid forming into complex shape. The collaboration aimed at experimental validation of the simulation tool. University of Manchester planned, prepared and executed the experimental activities. Braiding was carried out over an epoxy tool with a compressible foam and compression moulding method was used to form the braid into a cavity with a gradient at one end. As part of the post processing, angle measurement will be carried out using Apodius system at the University of Nottingham and the data will be compared with the simulation tool output.
Start Year 2017
Description New manufacturing techniques for optimised fibre architectures 
Organisation GKN
Department GKN Aerospace
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £906,782 core project grant to the University of Nottingham and the University of Manchester for the three-year funded project 'New manufacturing techniques for optimised fibre architectures'. 1) Computational framework for multi-objective optimisation of fibre reinforcements has been developed. The framework employs multi-scale modelling to predict processing properties (such as permeability) of 3D fibre reinforcements as well as structural properties of composite components. 2) A novel meshing technique was developed to aid the optimisation of complex 3D reinforcements of arbitrary complexity, while still maintaining reasonable accuracy and computational costs. The new algorithm was implemented as one of the features within TexGen open-source code and is now released in the public domain. 3) The optimisation framework was applied to two demonstrators provided by industrial partners. An automotive component demonstrator, provided by the AMRC, was optimised to maximise its bending and torsional stiffness. It was shown that a novel multi-axial 3D fibre reinforcement can provide up to 10% improvement in properties when compared to the optimised non-crimp fabric component. The second demonstrator, a pressure vessel provided by Luxfer Gas Cylinders, was optimised for a novel fibre architecture. Similar performance was achieved; however, better delamination resistance is expected from the novel fibre architecture. 4) Novel multiaxial preforming concepts have been demonstrated; new textile machinery was developed based on these concepts 5) Novel cylindrical multi-axial preforms were developed for application of pressure vessel 6) Two demonstrators multiaxial floor panel and braid wound pressure vessel developed using optimised architecture
Collaborator Contribution The project contributes to the Hub priority research theme 'Design for manufacture via validated simulation'. This project aims to discover new 3D textile preform architectures. This will result in a step change in performance, leading to significant weight reductions and lower cycle times through routine use of automated manufacturing technologies. Partner contributions received to date: £17k of in-kind contribution from industrial partners (attendance of project meetings, help with development of demonstrators) £50k of in-kind contribution from industrial partners (through provided tooling and CAD files for demonstrators) Subcontract funding of £110k from ATI Future Landing Gear Programme for complex 3D woven architectures 1. AMRC for vehicle floor panel demonstrator 2. Luxfer for gas cylinder demonstrator 3. NCC for technology pull through programme 4. BAE systems for multiaxial technology demonstrator
Impact Associated Research Grants: 1) EPSRC Impact Acceleration Grant (£210k) from University of Manchester in collaboration with Axon Automotive 2) Technology Pull Through (TPT) funding from NCC for a joint UoM-NCC research project to develop braid-winding concept for producing wrinkle-free composite tubes. 3) Impact Acceleration Award (£37k) from Nottingham Impact Accelerator with support from Rolls Royce and Sigmatex - PI: Dr Louise Brown 4) Potluri P. - Subcontract (£110k) from ATI Future Landing Gear Programme for complex 3D woven architectures 5) UKRI Interdisciplinary Circular Economy Centre for Textiles (£4.5 million) Circular Bioeconomy for Textile Materials (EP/V011766/1) Outputs in the form of Patents: 1) Potluri, P., Jetavat, D., Sharma S. (2017) Method and apparatus for weaving a three-dimensional fabric, US Patent 9,598,798 2) Potluri, P, Koncherry, V, M. Bisset (2021) Inline Graphene Coating, UK Patent Application No. 2117987.4 in the name of Petroliam Nasional Berhad (Petronas) and University of Manchester Outputs in the form of Journal Publications: DOI: 10.1016/j.compscitech.2021.108935 DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2021.113676 DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2020.113325 DOI: 10.1002/adsu.202000228 DOI: 10.1016/j.compscitech.2020.108451 DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2020.112757 Outputs in the form of Conference publications: 1) S. Dhiman, P. Potluri, and K. B. Katnam, "Thermally induced residual stresses in orthogonal 3D woven composites: The role of binder architecture and cooling rate," in AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum, 2022, p. 1422. 2) K. Sowrov, A. Fernando, V. Koncherry, P. Withers, and P. Potluri, "Damage Evaluation in 3D Woven Composites with Warp-way and Weft-way Binders," in AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum, 2022, p. 1421. 3) Roy, S. S., Wu, Z., Atas, A. & Potluri, P. (2022). Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Braided Box Section With Optimised Axial Reinforcement In: International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS 24) 14 - 18 June, 2021 Porto, Portugal. 4) Roy, S. S., Liu, Y., Lloyd, b., Potluri, P. & Whitham, A. (2022). Structural Performance of Composite Tubes Developed Using 3D Complex Winding in Comparison to Braided and Filament Wound Architectures. In: International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS 24) 14 - 18 June (Presented online), 2021a Porto, Portugal. 5) Koncherry V., Park J.S., Sowrow K., Matveev M.Y., Brown L.P., Long A.C., Potluri P., Novel manufacturing techniques for optimised 3D multiaxial orthogonal preform ,22nd International Conference on Composite Materials, Melbourne, Australia, 2019. 6) Matveev M.Y., Koncherry V., Brown L.P., Roy S.S., Potluri P., Long A.C., Meso-scale optimisation of 3D composites and novel preforming techniques, 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials, Melbourne, Australia, 2019. 7) Matveev M.Y., Koncherry V., Roy S.S., Potluri P., Long A., Novel textile preforming for optimised fibre architectures, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 406 (1), 2018. 8) Matveev M., Koncherry V., Roy S.S., Potluri P., Long A, Novel textile preforming for optimised fibre architectures, September 2018, Tex-Comp-13 Milan, Italy 7) Koncherry V., Patel D., Yusuf Z., Potluri P., Influence of 3d weaving parameters on preform compression and laminate mechanical properties, 21st International Conference on Composite Materials, Xi'an, China, 2017. 9) Roy S.S., Yang D., Potluri P. Influence of Bending on Wrinkle Formation and Potential Method of Mitigation, 21st International Conference on Composite Materials, Xi'an, China, 2017. Outputs in the form of Journal Publications for EP/I033513/1 - EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacture in Composites (CIMComp) (projects funded from 01st July 2011 to 31st Dec 2016) Peer-review papers: 1. Yan S., Zeng X., Long A.C., Meso-scale modelling of 3D woven composite T-joints with weave variations, Composite Science and Technology, Vol 171, pp.171-179, 2019. 2. Yan S., Zeng X., A.C. Long A.C., Experimental assessment of the mechanical behaviour of 3D woven composite T-joints, Composites Part B, Vol. 154, pp.108-113, 2018 3. Yan S., Zeng X., Brown L.P., Long A.C., Geometric modeling of 3D woven preforms in composite T-joints, Textile Research Journal, Vol.88(16),pp.1862-75, 2018 4. Yan,S., Zeng, X., Long, A.C., Effect of fibre architecture on tensile pull-off behaviour of 3D woven composite T-joints, Composite Structures 242 (2020). There is the potential insertion of optimised 3D woven structures into future airframes and automotive chassis systems. Also, the braid-winding technology with optimised architecture could be adopted for hydrogen storage. Synergy with other Hub projects - Collaborative Braid forming research between University of Manchester and University of Nottingham as part of the Work stream 6 (Design simulation tools and process improvements for NCF preforming). University of Nottingham has developed a simulation tool for braid forming into complex shape. The collaboration aimed at experimental validation of the simulation tool. University of Manchester planned, prepared and executed the experimental activities. Braiding was carried out over an epoxy tool with a compressible foam and compression moulding method was used to form the braid into a cavity with a gradient at one end. As part of the post processing, angle measurement will be carried out using Apodius system at the University of Nottingham and the data will be compared with the simulation tool output.
Start Year 2017
Description New manufacturing techniques for optimised fibre architectures 
Organisation Hexcel Composites Ltd
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £906,782 core project grant to the University of Nottingham and the University of Manchester for the three-year funded project 'New manufacturing techniques for optimised fibre architectures'. 1) Computational framework for multi-objective optimisation of fibre reinforcements has been developed. The framework employs multi-scale modelling to predict processing properties (such as permeability) of 3D fibre reinforcements as well as structural properties of composite components. 2) A novel meshing technique was developed to aid the optimisation of complex 3D reinforcements of arbitrary complexity, while still maintaining reasonable accuracy and computational costs. The new algorithm was implemented as one of the features within TexGen open-source code and is now released in the public domain. 3) The optimisation framework was applied to two demonstrators provided by industrial partners. An automotive component demonstrator, provided by the AMRC, was optimised to maximise its bending and torsional stiffness. It was shown that a novel multi-axial 3D fibre reinforcement can provide up to 10% improvement in properties when compared to the optimised non-crimp fabric component. The second demonstrator, a pressure vessel provided by Luxfer Gas Cylinders, was optimised for a novel fibre architecture. Similar performance was achieved; however, better delamination resistance is expected from the novel fibre architecture. 4) Novel multiaxial preforming concepts have been demonstrated; new textile machinery was developed based on these concepts 5) Novel cylindrical multi-axial preforms were developed for application of pressure vessel 6) Two demonstrators multiaxial floor panel and braid wound pressure vessel developed using optimised architecture
Collaborator Contribution The project contributes to the Hub priority research theme 'Design for manufacture via validated simulation'. This project aims to discover new 3D textile preform architectures. This will result in a step change in performance, leading to significant weight reductions and lower cycle times through routine use of automated manufacturing technologies. Partner contributions received to date: £17k of in-kind contribution from industrial partners (attendance of project meetings, help with development of demonstrators) £50k of in-kind contribution from industrial partners (through provided tooling and CAD files for demonstrators) Subcontract funding of £110k from ATI Future Landing Gear Programme for complex 3D woven architectures 1. AMRC for vehicle floor panel demonstrator 2. Luxfer for gas cylinder demonstrator 3. NCC for technology pull through programme 4. BAE systems for multiaxial technology demonstrator
Impact Associated Research Grants: 1) EPSRC Impact Acceleration Grant (£210k) from University of Manchester in collaboration with Axon Automotive 2) Technology Pull Through (TPT) funding from NCC for a joint UoM-NCC research project to develop braid-winding concept for producing wrinkle-free composite tubes. 3) Impact Acceleration Award (£37k) from Nottingham Impact Accelerator with support from Rolls Royce and Sigmatex - PI: Dr Louise Brown 4) Potluri P. - Subcontract (£110k) from ATI Future Landing Gear Programme for complex 3D woven architectures 5) UKRI Interdisciplinary Circular Economy Centre for Textiles (£4.5 million) Circular Bioeconomy for Textile Materials (EP/V011766/1) Outputs in the form of Patents: 1) Potluri, P., Jetavat, D., Sharma S. (2017) Method and apparatus for weaving a three-dimensional fabric, US Patent 9,598,798 2) Potluri, P, Koncherry, V, M. Bisset (2021) Inline Graphene Coating, UK Patent Application No. 2117987.4 in the name of Petroliam Nasional Berhad (Petronas) and University of Manchester Outputs in the form of Journal Publications: DOI: 10.1016/j.compscitech.2021.108935 DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2021.113676 DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2020.113325 DOI: 10.1002/adsu.202000228 DOI: 10.1016/j.compscitech.2020.108451 DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2020.112757 Outputs in the form of Conference publications: 1) S. Dhiman, P. Potluri, and K. B. Katnam, "Thermally induced residual stresses in orthogonal 3D woven composites: The role of binder architecture and cooling rate," in AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum, 2022, p. 1422. 2) K. Sowrov, A. Fernando, V. Koncherry, P. Withers, and P. Potluri, "Damage Evaluation in 3D Woven Composites with Warp-way and Weft-way Binders," in AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum, 2022, p. 1421. 3) Roy, S. S., Wu, Z., Atas, A. & Potluri, P. (2022). Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Braided Box Section With Optimised Axial Reinforcement In: International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS 24) 14 - 18 June, 2021 Porto, Portugal. 4) Roy, S. S., Liu, Y., Lloyd, b., Potluri, P. & Whitham, A. (2022). Structural Performance of Composite Tubes Developed Using 3D Complex Winding in Comparison to Braided and Filament Wound Architectures. In: International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS 24) 14 - 18 June (Presented online), 2021a Porto, Portugal. 5) Koncherry V., Park J.S., Sowrow K., Matveev M.Y., Brown L.P., Long A.C., Potluri P., Novel manufacturing techniques for optimised 3D multiaxial orthogonal preform ,22nd International Conference on Composite Materials, Melbourne, Australia, 2019. 6) Matveev M.Y., Koncherry V., Brown L.P., Roy S.S., Potluri P., Long A.C., Meso-scale optimisation of 3D composites and novel preforming techniques, 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials, Melbourne, Australia, 2019. 7) Matveev M.Y., Koncherry V., Roy S.S., Potluri P., Long A., Novel textile preforming for optimised fibre architectures, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 406 (1), 2018. 8) Matveev M., Koncherry V., Roy S.S., Potluri P., Long A, Novel textile preforming for optimised fibre architectures, September 2018, Tex-Comp-13 Milan, Italy 7) Koncherry V., Patel D., Yusuf Z., Potluri P., Influence of 3d weaving parameters on preform compression and laminate mechanical properties, 21st International Conference on Composite Materials, Xi'an, China, 2017. 9) Roy S.S., Yang D., Potluri P. Influence of Bending on Wrinkle Formation and Potential Method of Mitigation, 21st International Conference on Composite Materials, Xi'an, China, 2017. Outputs in the form of Journal Publications for EP/I033513/1 - EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacture in Composites (CIMComp) (projects funded from 01st July 2011 to 31st Dec 2016) Peer-review papers: 1. Yan S., Zeng X., Long A.C., Meso-scale modelling of 3D woven composite T-joints with weave variations, Composite Science and Technology, Vol 171, pp.171-179, 2019. 2. Yan S., Zeng X., A.C. Long A.C., Experimental assessment of the mechanical behaviour of 3D woven composite T-joints, Composites Part B, Vol. 154, pp.108-113, 2018 3. Yan S., Zeng X., Brown L.P., Long A.C., Geometric modeling of 3D woven preforms in composite T-joints, Textile Research Journal, Vol.88(16),pp.1862-75, 2018 4. Yan,S., Zeng, X., Long, A.C., Effect of fibre architecture on tensile pull-off behaviour of 3D woven composite T-joints, Composite Structures 242 (2020). There is the potential insertion of optimised 3D woven structures into future airframes and automotive chassis systems. Also, the braid-winding technology with optimised architecture could be adopted for hydrogen storage. Synergy with other Hub projects - Collaborative Braid forming research between University of Manchester and University of Nottingham as part of the Work stream 6 (Design simulation tools and process improvements for NCF preforming). University of Nottingham has developed a simulation tool for braid forming into complex shape. The collaboration aimed at experimental validation of the simulation tool. University of Manchester planned, prepared and executed the experimental activities. Braiding was carried out over an epoxy tool with a compressible foam and compression moulding method was used to form the braid into a cavity with a gradient at one end. As part of the post processing, angle measurement will be carried out using Apodius system at the University of Nottingham and the data will be compared with the simulation tool output.
Start Year 2017
Description New manufacturing techniques for optimised fibre architectures 
Organisation Luxfer Gas Cylinders
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £906,782 core project grant to the University of Nottingham and the University of Manchester for the three-year funded project 'New manufacturing techniques for optimised fibre architectures'. 1) Computational framework for multi-objective optimisation of fibre reinforcements has been developed. The framework employs multi-scale modelling to predict processing properties (such as permeability) of 3D fibre reinforcements as well as structural properties of composite components. 2) A novel meshing technique was developed to aid the optimisation of complex 3D reinforcements of arbitrary complexity, while still maintaining reasonable accuracy and computational costs. The new algorithm was implemented as one of the features within TexGen open-source code and is now released in the public domain. 3) The optimisation framework was applied to two demonstrators provided by industrial partners. An automotive component demonstrator, provided by the AMRC, was optimised to maximise its bending and torsional stiffness. It was shown that a novel multi-axial 3D fibre reinforcement can provide up to 10% improvement in properties when compared to the optimised non-crimp fabric component. The second demonstrator, a pressure vessel provided by Luxfer Gas Cylinders, was optimised for a novel fibre architecture. Similar performance was achieved; however, better delamination resistance is expected from the novel fibre architecture. 4) Novel multiaxial preforming concepts have been demonstrated; new textile machinery was developed based on these concepts 5) Novel cylindrical multi-axial preforms were developed for application of pressure vessel 6) Two demonstrators multiaxial floor panel and braid wound pressure vessel developed using optimised architecture
Collaborator Contribution The project contributes to the Hub priority research theme 'Design for manufacture via validated simulation'. This project aims to discover new 3D textile preform architectures. This will result in a step change in performance, leading to significant weight reductions and lower cycle times through routine use of automated manufacturing technologies. Partner contributions received to date: £17k of in-kind contribution from industrial partners (attendance of project meetings, help with development of demonstrators) £50k of in-kind contribution from industrial partners (through provided tooling and CAD files for demonstrators) Subcontract funding of £110k from ATI Future Landing Gear Programme for complex 3D woven architectures 1. AMRC for vehicle floor panel demonstrator 2. Luxfer for gas cylinder demonstrator 3. NCC for technology pull through programme 4. BAE systems for multiaxial technology demonstrator
Impact Associated Research Grants: 1) EPSRC Impact Acceleration Grant (£210k) from University of Manchester in collaboration with Axon Automotive 2) Technology Pull Through (TPT) funding from NCC for a joint UoM-NCC research project to develop braid-winding concept for producing wrinkle-free composite tubes. 3) Impact Acceleration Award (£37k) from Nottingham Impact Accelerator with support from Rolls Royce and Sigmatex - PI: Dr Louise Brown 4) Potluri P. - Subcontract (£110k) from ATI Future Landing Gear Programme for complex 3D woven architectures 5) UKRI Interdisciplinary Circular Economy Centre for Textiles (£4.5 million) Circular Bioeconomy for Textile Materials (EP/V011766/1) Outputs in the form of Patents: 1) Potluri, P., Jetavat, D., Sharma S. (2017) Method and apparatus for weaving a three-dimensional fabric, US Patent 9,598,798 2) Potluri, P, Koncherry, V, M. Bisset (2021) Inline Graphene Coating, UK Patent Application No. 2117987.4 in the name of Petroliam Nasional Berhad (Petronas) and University of Manchester Outputs in the form of Journal Publications: DOI: 10.1016/j.compscitech.2021.108935 DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2021.113676 DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2020.113325 DOI: 10.1002/adsu.202000228 DOI: 10.1016/j.compscitech.2020.108451 DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2020.112757 Outputs in the form of Conference publications: 1) S. Dhiman, P. Potluri, and K. B. Katnam, "Thermally induced residual stresses in orthogonal 3D woven composites: The role of binder architecture and cooling rate," in AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum, 2022, p. 1422. 2) K. Sowrov, A. Fernando, V. Koncherry, P. Withers, and P. Potluri, "Damage Evaluation in 3D Woven Composites with Warp-way and Weft-way Binders," in AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum, 2022, p. 1421. 3) Roy, S. S., Wu, Z., Atas, A. & Potluri, P. (2022). Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Braided Box Section With Optimised Axial Reinforcement In: International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS 24) 14 - 18 June, 2021 Porto, Portugal. 4) Roy, S. S., Liu, Y., Lloyd, b., Potluri, P. & Whitham, A. (2022). Structural Performance of Composite Tubes Developed Using 3D Complex Winding in Comparison to Braided and Filament Wound Architectures. In: International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS 24) 14 - 18 June (Presented online), 2021a Porto, Portugal. 5) Koncherry V., Park J.S., Sowrow K., Matveev M.Y., Brown L.P., Long A.C., Potluri P., Novel manufacturing techniques for optimised 3D multiaxial orthogonal preform ,22nd International Conference on Composite Materials, Melbourne, Australia, 2019. 6) Matveev M.Y., Koncherry V., Brown L.P., Roy S.S., Potluri P., Long A.C., Meso-scale optimisation of 3D composites and novel preforming techniques, 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials, Melbourne, Australia, 2019. 7) Matveev M.Y., Koncherry V., Roy S.S., Potluri P., Long A., Novel textile preforming for optimised fibre architectures, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 406 (1), 2018. 8) Matveev M., Koncherry V., Roy S.S., Potluri P., Long A, Novel textile preforming for optimised fibre architectures, September 2018, Tex-Comp-13 Milan, Italy 7) Koncherry V., Patel D., Yusuf Z., Potluri P., Influence of 3d weaving parameters on preform compression and laminate mechanical properties, 21st International Conference on Composite Materials, Xi'an, China, 2017. 9) Roy S.S., Yang D., Potluri P. Influence of Bending on Wrinkle Formation and Potential Method of Mitigation, 21st International Conference on Composite Materials, Xi'an, China, 2017. Outputs in the form of Journal Publications for EP/I033513/1 - EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacture in Composites (CIMComp) (projects funded from 01st July 2011 to 31st Dec 2016) Peer-review papers: 1. Yan S., Zeng X., Long A.C., Meso-scale modelling of 3D woven composite T-joints with weave variations, Composite Science and Technology, Vol 171, pp.171-179, 2019. 2. Yan S., Zeng X., A.C. Long A.C., Experimental assessment of the mechanical behaviour of 3D woven composite T-joints, Composites Part B, Vol. 154, pp.108-113, 2018 3. Yan S., Zeng X., Brown L.P., Long A.C., Geometric modeling of 3D woven preforms in composite T-joints, Textile Research Journal, Vol.88(16),pp.1862-75, 2018 4. Yan,S., Zeng, X., Long, A.C., Effect of fibre architecture on tensile pull-off behaviour of 3D woven composite T-joints, Composite Structures 242 (2020). There is the potential insertion of optimised 3D woven structures into future airframes and automotive chassis systems. Also, the braid-winding technology with optimised architecture could be adopted for hydrogen storage. Synergy with other Hub projects - Collaborative Braid forming research between University of Manchester and University of Nottingham as part of the Work stream 6 (Design simulation tools and process improvements for NCF preforming). University of Nottingham has developed a simulation tool for braid forming into complex shape. The collaboration aimed at experimental validation of the simulation tool. University of Manchester planned, prepared and executed the experimental activities. Braiding was carried out over an epoxy tool with a compressible foam and compression moulding method was used to form the braid into a cavity with a gradient at one end. As part of the post processing, angle measurement will be carried out using Apodius system at the University of Nottingham and the data will be compared with the simulation tool output.
Start Year 2017
Description New manufacturing techniques for optimised fibre architectures 
Organisation M Wright & Sons Ltd
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £906,782 core project grant to the University of Nottingham and the University of Manchester for the three-year funded project 'New manufacturing techniques for optimised fibre architectures'. 1) Computational framework for multi-objective optimisation of fibre reinforcements has been developed. The framework employs multi-scale modelling to predict processing properties (such as permeability) of 3D fibre reinforcements as well as structural properties of composite components. 2) A novel meshing technique was developed to aid the optimisation of complex 3D reinforcements of arbitrary complexity, while still maintaining reasonable accuracy and computational costs. The new algorithm was implemented as one of the features within TexGen open-source code and is now released in the public domain. 3) The optimisation framework was applied to two demonstrators provided by industrial partners. An automotive component demonstrator, provided by the AMRC, was optimised to maximise its bending and torsional stiffness. It was shown that a novel multi-axial 3D fibre reinforcement can provide up to 10% improvement in properties when compared to the optimised non-crimp fabric component. The second demonstrator, a pressure vessel provided by Luxfer Gas Cylinders, was optimised for a novel fibre architecture. Similar performance was achieved; however, better delamination resistance is expected from the novel fibre architecture. 4) Novel multiaxial preforming concepts have been demonstrated; new textile machinery was developed based on these concepts 5) Novel cylindrical multi-axial preforms were developed for application of pressure vessel 6) Two demonstrators multiaxial floor panel and braid wound pressure vessel developed using optimised architecture
Collaborator Contribution The project contributes to the Hub priority research theme 'Design for manufacture via validated simulation'. This project aims to discover new 3D textile preform architectures. This will result in a step change in performance, leading to significant weight reductions and lower cycle times through routine use of automated manufacturing technologies. Partner contributions received to date: £17k of in-kind contribution from industrial partners (attendance of project meetings, help with development of demonstrators) £50k of in-kind contribution from industrial partners (through provided tooling and CAD files for demonstrators) Subcontract funding of £110k from ATI Future Landing Gear Programme for complex 3D woven architectures 1. AMRC for vehicle floor panel demonstrator 2. Luxfer for gas cylinder demonstrator 3. NCC for technology pull through programme 4. BAE systems for multiaxial technology demonstrator
Impact Associated Research Grants: 1) EPSRC Impact Acceleration Grant (£210k) from University of Manchester in collaboration with Axon Automotive 2) Technology Pull Through (TPT) funding from NCC for a joint UoM-NCC research project to develop braid-winding concept for producing wrinkle-free composite tubes. 3) Impact Acceleration Award (£37k) from Nottingham Impact Accelerator with support from Rolls Royce and Sigmatex - PI: Dr Louise Brown 4) Potluri P. - Subcontract (£110k) from ATI Future Landing Gear Programme for complex 3D woven architectures 5) UKRI Interdisciplinary Circular Economy Centre for Textiles (£4.5 million) Circular Bioeconomy for Textile Materials (EP/V011766/1) Outputs in the form of Patents: 1) Potluri, P., Jetavat, D., Sharma S. (2017) Method and apparatus for weaving a three-dimensional fabric, US Patent 9,598,798 2) Potluri, P, Koncherry, V, M. Bisset (2021) Inline Graphene Coating, UK Patent Application No. 2117987.4 in the name of Petroliam Nasional Berhad (Petronas) and University of Manchester Outputs in the form of Journal Publications: DOI: 10.1016/j.compscitech.2021.108935 DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2021.113676 DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2020.113325 DOI: 10.1002/adsu.202000228 DOI: 10.1016/j.compscitech.2020.108451 DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2020.112757 Outputs in the form of Conference publications: 1) S. Dhiman, P. Potluri, and K. B. Katnam, "Thermally induced residual stresses in orthogonal 3D woven composites: The role of binder architecture and cooling rate," in AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum, 2022, p. 1422. 2) K. Sowrov, A. Fernando, V. Koncherry, P. Withers, and P. Potluri, "Damage Evaluation in 3D Woven Composites with Warp-way and Weft-way Binders," in AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum, 2022, p. 1421. 3) Roy, S. S., Wu, Z., Atas, A. & Potluri, P. (2022). Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Braided Box Section With Optimised Axial Reinforcement In: International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS 24) 14 - 18 June, 2021 Porto, Portugal. 4) Roy, S. S., Liu, Y., Lloyd, b., Potluri, P. & Whitham, A. (2022). Structural Performance of Composite Tubes Developed Using 3D Complex Winding in Comparison to Braided and Filament Wound Architectures. In: International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS 24) 14 - 18 June (Presented online), 2021a Porto, Portugal. 5) Koncherry V., Park J.S., Sowrow K., Matveev M.Y., Brown L.P., Long A.C., Potluri P., Novel manufacturing techniques for optimised 3D multiaxial orthogonal preform ,22nd International Conference on Composite Materials, Melbourne, Australia, 2019. 6) Matveev M.Y., Koncherry V., Brown L.P., Roy S.S., Potluri P., Long A.C., Meso-scale optimisation of 3D composites and novel preforming techniques, 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials, Melbourne, Australia, 2019. 7) Matveev M.Y., Koncherry V., Roy S.S., Potluri P., Long A., Novel textile preforming for optimised fibre architectures, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 406 (1), 2018. 8) Matveev M., Koncherry V., Roy S.S., Potluri P., Long A, Novel textile preforming for optimised fibre architectures, September 2018, Tex-Comp-13 Milan, Italy 7) Koncherry V., Patel D., Yusuf Z., Potluri P., Influence of 3d weaving parameters on preform compression and laminate mechanical properties, 21st International Conference on Composite Materials, Xi'an, China, 2017. 9) Roy S.S., Yang D., Potluri P. Influence of Bending on Wrinkle Formation and Potential Method of Mitigation, 21st International Conference on Composite Materials, Xi'an, China, 2017. Outputs in the form of Journal Publications for EP/I033513/1 - EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacture in Composites (CIMComp) (projects funded from 01st July 2011 to 31st Dec 2016) Peer-review papers: 1. Yan S., Zeng X., Long A.C., Meso-scale modelling of 3D woven composite T-joints with weave variations, Composite Science and Technology, Vol 171, pp.171-179, 2019. 2. Yan S., Zeng X., A.C. Long A.C., Experimental assessment of the mechanical behaviour of 3D woven composite T-joints, Composites Part B, Vol. 154, pp.108-113, 2018 3. Yan S., Zeng X., Brown L.P., Long A.C., Geometric modeling of 3D woven preforms in composite T-joints, Textile Research Journal, Vol.88(16),pp.1862-75, 2018 4. Yan,S., Zeng, X., Long, A.C., Effect of fibre architecture on tensile pull-off behaviour of 3D woven composite T-joints, Composite Structures 242 (2020). There is the potential insertion of optimised 3D woven structures into future airframes and automotive chassis systems. Also, the braid-winding technology with optimised architecture could be adopted for hydrogen storage. Synergy with other Hub projects - Collaborative Braid forming research between University of Manchester and University of Nottingham as part of the Work stream 6 (Design simulation tools and process improvements for NCF preforming). University of Nottingham has developed a simulation tool for braid forming into complex shape. The collaboration aimed at experimental validation of the simulation tool. University of Manchester planned, prepared and executed the experimental activities. Braiding was carried out over an epoxy tool with a compressible foam and compression moulding method was used to form the braid into a cavity with a gradient at one end. As part of the post processing, angle measurement will be carried out using Apodius system at the University of Nottingham and the data will be compared with the simulation tool output.
Start Year 2017
Description New manufacturing techniques for optimised fibre architectures 
Organisation National Composites Centre (NCC)
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £906,782 core project grant to the University of Nottingham and the University of Manchester for the three-year funded project 'New manufacturing techniques for optimised fibre architectures'. 1) Computational framework for multi-objective optimisation of fibre reinforcements has been developed. The framework employs multi-scale modelling to predict processing properties (such as permeability) of 3D fibre reinforcements as well as structural properties of composite components. 2) A novel meshing technique was developed to aid the optimisation of complex 3D reinforcements of arbitrary complexity, while still maintaining reasonable accuracy and computational costs. The new algorithm was implemented as one of the features within TexGen open-source code and is now released in the public domain. 3) The optimisation framework was applied to two demonstrators provided by industrial partners. An automotive component demonstrator, provided by the AMRC, was optimised to maximise its bending and torsional stiffness. It was shown that a novel multi-axial 3D fibre reinforcement can provide up to 10% improvement in properties when compared to the optimised non-crimp fabric component. The second demonstrator, a pressure vessel provided by Luxfer Gas Cylinders, was optimised for a novel fibre architecture. Similar performance was achieved; however, better delamination resistance is expected from the novel fibre architecture. 4) Novel multiaxial preforming concepts have been demonstrated; new textile machinery was developed based on these concepts 5) Novel cylindrical multi-axial preforms were developed for application of pressure vessel 6) Two demonstrators multiaxial floor panel and braid wound pressure vessel developed using optimised architecture
Collaborator Contribution The project contributes to the Hub priority research theme 'Design for manufacture via validated simulation'. This project aims to discover new 3D textile preform architectures. This will result in a step change in performance, leading to significant weight reductions and lower cycle times through routine use of automated manufacturing technologies. Partner contributions received to date: £17k of in-kind contribution from industrial partners (attendance of project meetings, help with development of demonstrators) £50k of in-kind contribution from industrial partners (through provided tooling and CAD files for demonstrators) Subcontract funding of £110k from ATI Future Landing Gear Programme for complex 3D woven architectures 1. AMRC for vehicle floor panel demonstrator 2. Luxfer for gas cylinder demonstrator 3. NCC for technology pull through programme 4. BAE systems for multiaxial technology demonstrator
Impact Associated Research Grants: 1) EPSRC Impact Acceleration Grant (£210k) from University of Manchester in collaboration with Axon Automotive 2) Technology Pull Through (TPT) funding from NCC for a joint UoM-NCC research project to develop braid-winding concept for producing wrinkle-free composite tubes. 3) Impact Acceleration Award (£37k) from Nottingham Impact Accelerator with support from Rolls Royce and Sigmatex - PI: Dr Louise Brown 4) Potluri P. - Subcontract (£110k) from ATI Future Landing Gear Programme for complex 3D woven architectures 5) UKRI Interdisciplinary Circular Economy Centre for Textiles (£4.5 million) Circular Bioeconomy for Textile Materials (EP/V011766/1) Outputs in the form of Patents: 1) Potluri, P., Jetavat, D., Sharma S. (2017) Method and apparatus for weaving a three-dimensional fabric, US Patent 9,598,798 2) Potluri, P, Koncherry, V, M. Bisset (2021) Inline Graphene Coating, UK Patent Application No. 2117987.4 in the name of Petroliam Nasional Berhad (Petronas) and University of Manchester Outputs in the form of Journal Publications: DOI: 10.1016/j.compscitech.2021.108935 DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2021.113676 DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2020.113325 DOI: 10.1002/adsu.202000228 DOI: 10.1016/j.compscitech.2020.108451 DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2020.112757 Outputs in the form of Conference publications: 1) S. Dhiman, P. Potluri, and K. B. Katnam, "Thermally induced residual stresses in orthogonal 3D woven composites: The role of binder architecture and cooling rate," in AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum, 2022, p. 1422. 2) K. Sowrov, A. Fernando, V. Koncherry, P. Withers, and P. Potluri, "Damage Evaluation in 3D Woven Composites with Warp-way and Weft-way Binders," in AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum, 2022, p. 1421. 3) Roy, S. S., Wu, Z., Atas, A. & Potluri, P. (2022). Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Braided Box Section With Optimised Axial Reinforcement In: International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS 24) 14 - 18 June, 2021 Porto, Portugal. 4) Roy, S. S., Liu, Y., Lloyd, b., Potluri, P. & Whitham, A. (2022). Structural Performance of Composite Tubes Developed Using 3D Complex Winding in Comparison to Braided and Filament Wound Architectures. In: International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS 24) 14 - 18 June (Presented online), 2021a Porto, Portugal. 5) Koncherry V., Park J.S., Sowrow K., Matveev M.Y., Brown L.P., Long A.C., Potluri P., Novel manufacturing techniques for optimised 3D multiaxial orthogonal preform ,22nd International Conference on Composite Materials, Melbourne, Australia, 2019. 6) Matveev M.Y., Koncherry V., Brown L.P., Roy S.S., Potluri P., Long A.C., Meso-scale optimisation of 3D composites and novel preforming techniques, 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials, Melbourne, Australia, 2019. 7) Matveev M.Y., Koncherry V., Roy S.S., Potluri P., Long A., Novel textile preforming for optimised fibre architectures, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 406 (1), 2018. 8) Matveev M., Koncherry V., Roy S.S., Potluri P., Long A, Novel textile preforming for optimised fibre architectures, September 2018, Tex-Comp-13 Milan, Italy 7) Koncherry V., Patel D., Yusuf Z., Potluri P., Influence of 3d weaving parameters on preform compression and laminate mechanical properties, 21st International Conference on Composite Materials, Xi'an, China, 2017. 9) Roy S.S., Yang D., Potluri P. Influence of Bending on Wrinkle Formation and Potential Method of Mitigation, 21st International Conference on Composite Materials, Xi'an, China, 2017. Outputs in the form of Journal Publications for EP/I033513/1 - EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacture in Composites (CIMComp) (projects funded from 01st July 2011 to 31st Dec 2016) Peer-review papers: 1. Yan S., Zeng X., Long A.C., Meso-scale modelling of 3D woven composite T-joints with weave variations, Composite Science and Technology, Vol 171, pp.171-179, 2019. 2. Yan S., Zeng X., A.C. Long A.C., Experimental assessment of the mechanical behaviour of 3D woven composite T-joints, Composites Part B, Vol. 154, pp.108-113, 2018 3. Yan S., Zeng X., Brown L.P., Long A.C., Geometric modeling of 3D woven preforms in composite T-joints, Textile Research Journal, Vol.88(16),pp.1862-75, 2018 4. Yan,S., Zeng, X., Long, A.C., Effect of fibre architecture on tensile pull-off behaviour of 3D woven composite T-joints, Composite Structures 242 (2020). There is the potential insertion of optimised 3D woven structures into future airframes and automotive chassis systems. Also, the braid-winding technology with optimised architecture could be adopted for hydrogen storage. Synergy with other Hub projects - Collaborative Braid forming research between University of Manchester and University of Nottingham as part of the Work stream 6 (Design simulation tools and process improvements for NCF preforming). University of Nottingham has developed a simulation tool for braid forming into complex shape. The collaboration aimed at experimental validation of the simulation tool. University of Manchester planned, prepared and executed the experimental activities. Braiding was carried out over an epoxy tool with a compressible foam and compression moulding method was used to form the braid into a cavity with a gradient at one end. As part of the post processing, angle measurement will be carried out using Apodius system at the University of Nottingham and the data will be compared with the simulation tool output.
Start Year 2017
Description New manufacturing techniques for optimised fibre architectures 
Organisation Rolls Royce Group Plc
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £906,782 core project grant to the University of Nottingham and the University of Manchester for the three-year funded project 'New manufacturing techniques for optimised fibre architectures'. 1) Computational framework for multi-objective optimisation of fibre reinforcements has been developed. The framework employs multi-scale modelling to predict processing properties (such as permeability) of 3D fibre reinforcements as well as structural properties of composite components. 2) A novel meshing technique was developed to aid the optimisation of complex 3D reinforcements of arbitrary complexity, while still maintaining reasonable accuracy and computational costs. The new algorithm was implemented as one of the features within TexGen open-source code and is now released in the public domain. 3) The optimisation framework was applied to two demonstrators provided by industrial partners. An automotive component demonstrator, provided by the AMRC, was optimised to maximise its bending and torsional stiffness. It was shown that a novel multi-axial 3D fibre reinforcement can provide up to 10% improvement in properties when compared to the optimised non-crimp fabric component. The second demonstrator, a pressure vessel provided by Luxfer Gas Cylinders, was optimised for a novel fibre architecture. Similar performance was achieved; however, better delamination resistance is expected from the novel fibre architecture. 4) Novel multiaxial preforming concepts have been demonstrated; new textile machinery was developed based on these concepts 5) Novel cylindrical multi-axial preforms were developed for application of pressure vessel 6) Two demonstrators multiaxial floor panel and braid wound pressure vessel developed using optimised architecture
Collaborator Contribution The project contributes to the Hub priority research theme 'Design for manufacture via validated simulation'. This project aims to discover new 3D textile preform architectures. This will result in a step change in performance, leading to significant weight reductions and lower cycle times through routine use of automated manufacturing technologies. Partner contributions received to date: £17k of in-kind contribution from industrial partners (attendance of project meetings, help with development of demonstrators) £50k of in-kind contribution from industrial partners (through provided tooling and CAD files for demonstrators) Subcontract funding of £110k from ATI Future Landing Gear Programme for complex 3D woven architectures 1. AMRC for vehicle floor panel demonstrator 2. Luxfer for gas cylinder demonstrator 3. NCC for technology pull through programme 4. BAE systems for multiaxial technology demonstrator
Impact Associated Research Grants: 1) EPSRC Impact Acceleration Grant (£210k) from University of Manchester in collaboration with Axon Automotive 2) Technology Pull Through (TPT) funding from NCC for a joint UoM-NCC research project to develop braid-winding concept for producing wrinkle-free composite tubes. 3) Impact Acceleration Award (£37k) from Nottingham Impact Accelerator with support from Rolls Royce and Sigmatex - PI: Dr Louise Brown 4) Potluri P. - Subcontract (£110k) from ATI Future Landing Gear Programme for complex 3D woven architectures 5) UKRI Interdisciplinary Circular Economy Centre for Textiles (£4.5 million) Circular Bioeconomy for Textile Materials (EP/V011766/1) Outputs in the form of Patents: 1) Potluri, P., Jetavat, D., Sharma S. (2017) Method and apparatus for weaving a three-dimensional fabric, US Patent 9,598,798 2) Potluri, P, Koncherry, V, M. Bisset (2021) Inline Graphene Coating, UK Patent Application No. 2117987.4 in the name of Petroliam Nasional Berhad (Petronas) and University of Manchester Outputs in the form of Journal Publications: DOI: 10.1016/j.compscitech.2021.108935 DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2021.113676 DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2020.113325 DOI: 10.1002/adsu.202000228 DOI: 10.1016/j.compscitech.2020.108451 DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2020.112757 Outputs in the form of Conference publications: 1) S. Dhiman, P. Potluri, and K. B. Katnam, "Thermally induced residual stresses in orthogonal 3D woven composites: The role of binder architecture and cooling rate," in AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum, 2022, p. 1422. 2) K. Sowrov, A. Fernando, V. Koncherry, P. Withers, and P. Potluri, "Damage Evaluation in 3D Woven Composites with Warp-way and Weft-way Binders," in AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum, 2022, p. 1421. 3) Roy, S. S., Wu, Z., Atas, A. & Potluri, P. (2022). Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Braided Box Section With Optimised Axial Reinforcement In: International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS 24) 14 - 18 June, 2021 Porto, Portugal. 4) Roy, S. S., Liu, Y., Lloyd, b., Potluri, P. & Whitham, A. (2022). Structural Performance of Composite Tubes Developed Using 3D Complex Winding in Comparison to Braided and Filament Wound Architectures. In: International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS 24) 14 - 18 June (Presented online), 2021a Porto, Portugal. 5) Koncherry V., Park J.S., Sowrow K., Matveev M.Y., Brown L.P., Long A.C., Potluri P., Novel manufacturing techniques for optimised 3D multiaxial orthogonal preform ,22nd International Conference on Composite Materials, Melbourne, Australia, 2019. 6) Matveev M.Y., Koncherry V., Brown L.P., Roy S.S., Potluri P., Long A.C., Meso-scale optimisation of 3D composites and novel preforming techniques, 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials, Melbourne, Australia, 2019. 7) Matveev M.Y., Koncherry V., Roy S.S., Potluri P., Long A., Novel textile preforming for optimised fibre architectures, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 406 (1), 2018. 8) Matveev M., Koncherry V., Roy S.S., Potluri P., Long A, Novel textile preforming for optimised fibre architectures, September 2018, Tex-Comp-13 Milan, Italy 7) Koncherry V., Patel D., Yusuf Z., Potluri P., Influence of 3d weaving parameters on preform compression and laminate mechanical properties, 21st International Conference on Composite Materials, Xi'an, China, 2017. 9) Roy S.S., Yang D., Potluri P. Influence of Bending on Wrinkle Formation and Potential Method of Mitigation, 21st International Conference on Composite Materials, Xi'an, China, 2017. Outputs in the form of Journal Publications for EP/I033513/1 - EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacture in Composites (CIMComp) (projects funded from 01st July 2011 to 31st Dec 2016) Peer-review papers: 1. Yan S., Zeng X., Long A.C., Meso-scale modelling of 3D woven composite T-joints with weave variations, Composite Science and Technology, Vol 171, pp.171-179, 2019. 2. Yan S., Zeng X., A.C. Long A.C., Experimental assessment of the mechanical behaviour of 3D woven composite T-joints, Composites Part B, Vol. 154, pp.108-113, 2018 3. Yan S., Zeng X., Brown L.P., Long A.C., Geometric modeling of 3D woven preforms in composite T-joints, Textile Research Journal, Vol.88(16),pp.1862-75, 2018 4. Yan,S., Zeng, X., Long, A.C., Effect of fibre architecture on tensile pull-off behaviour of 3D woven composite T-joints, Composite Structures 242 (2020). There is the potential insertion of optimised 3D woven structures into future airframes and automotive chassis systems. Also, the braid-winding technology with optimised architecture could be adopted for hydrogen storage. Synergy with other Hub projects - Collaborative Braid forming research between University of Manchester and University of Nottingham as part of the Work stream 6 (Design simulation tools and process improvements for NCF preforming). University of Nottingham has developed a simulation tool for braid forming into complex shape. The collaboration aimed at experimental validation of the simulation tool. University of Manchester planned, prepared and executed the experimental activities. Braiding was carried out over an epoxy tool with a compressible foam and compression moulding method was used to form the braid into a cavity with a gradient at one end. As part of the post processing, angle measurement will be carried out using Apodius system at the University of Nottingham and the data will be compared with the simulation tool output.
Start Year 2017
Description New manufacturing techniques for optimised fibre architectures 
Organisation Shape Machining
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £906,782 core project grant to the University of Nottingham and the University of Manchester for the three-year funded project 'New manufacturing techniques for optimised fibre architectures'. 1) Computational framework for multi-objective optimisation of fibre reinforcements has been developed. The framework employs multi-scale modelling to predict processing properties (such as permeability) of 3D fibre reinforcements as well as structural properties of composite components. 2) A novel meshing technique was developed to aid the optimisation of complex 3D reinforcements of arbitrary complexity, while still maintaining reasonable accuracy and computational costs. The new algorithm was implemented as one of the features within TexGen open-source code and is now released in the public domain. 3) The optimisation framework was applied to two demonstrators provided by industrial partners. An automotive component demonstrator, provided by the AMRC, was optimised to maximise its bending and torsional stiffness. It was shown that a novel multi-axial 3D fibre reinforcement can provide up to 10% improvement in properties when compared to the optimised non-crimp fabric component. The second demonstrator, a pressure vessel provided by Luxfer Gas Cylinders, was optimised for a novel fibre architecture. Similar performance was achieved; however, better delamination resistance is expected from the novel fibre architecture. 4) Novel multiaxial preforming concepts have been demonstrated; new textile machinery was developed based on these concepts 5) Novel cylindrical multi-axial preforms were developed for application of pressure vessel 6) Two demonstrators multiaxial floor panel and braid wound pressure vessel developed using optimised architecture
Collaborator Contribution The project contributes to the Hub priority research theme 'Design for manufacture via validated simulation'. This project aims to discover new 3D textile preform architectures. This will result in a step change in performance, leading to significant weight reductions and lower cycle times through routine use of automated manufacturing technologies. Partner contributions received to date: £17k of in-kind contribution from industrial partners (attendance of project meetings, help with development of demonstrators) £50k of in-kind contribution from industrial partners (through provided tooling and CAD files for demonstrators) Subcontract funding of £110k from ATI Future Landing Gear Programme for complex 3D woven architectures 1. AMRC for vehicle floor panel demonstrator 2. Luxfer for gas cylinder demonstrator 3. NCC for technology pull through programme 4. BAE systems for multiaxial technology demonstrator
Impact Associated Research Grants: 1) EPSRC Impact Acceleration Grant (£210k) from University of Manchester in collaboration with Axon Automotive 2) Technology Pull Through (TPT) funding from NCC for a joint UoM-NCC research project to develop braid-winding concept for producing wrinkle-free composite tubes. 3) Impact Acceleration Award (£37k) from Nottingham Impact Accelerator with support from Rolls Royce and Sigmatex - PI: Dr Louise Brown 4) Potluri P. - Subcontract (£110k) from ATI Future Landing Gear Programme for complex 3D woven architectures 5) UKRI Interdisciplinary Circular Economy Centre for Textiles (£4.5 million) Circular Bioeconomy for Textile Materials (EP/V011766/1) Outputs in the form of Patents: 1) Potluri, P., Jetavat, D., Sharma S. (2017) Method and apparatus for weaving a three-dimensional fabric, US Patent 9,598,798 2) Potluri, P, Koncherry, V, M. Bisset (2021) Inline Graphene Coating, UK Patent Application No. 2117987.4 in the name of Petroliam Nasional Berhad (Petronas) and University of Manchester Outputs in the form of Journal Publications: DOI: 10.1016/j.compscitech.2021.108935 DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2021.113676 DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2020.113325 DOI: 10.1002/adsu.202000228 DOI: 10.1016/j.compscitech.2020.108451 DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2020.112757 Outputs in the form of Conference publications: 1) S. Dhiman, P. Potluri, and K. B. Katnam, "Thermally induced residual stresses in orthogonal 3D woven composites: The role of binder architecture and cooling rate," in AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum, 2022, p. 1422. 2) K. Sowrov, A. Fernando, V. Koncherry, P. Withers, and P. Potluri, "Damage Evaluation in 3D Woven Composites with Warp-way and Weft-way Binders," in AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum, 2022, p. 1421. 3) Roy, S. S., Wu, Z., Atas, A. & Potluri, P. (2022). Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Braided Box Section With Optimised Axial Reinforcement In: International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS 24) 14 - 18 June, 2021 Porto, Portugal. 4) Roy, S. S., Liu, Y., Lloyd, b., Potluri, P. & Whitham, A. (2022). Structural Performance of Composite Tubes Developed Using 3D Complex Winding in Comparison to Braided and Filament Wound Architectures. In: International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS 24) 14 - 18 June (Presented online), 2021a Porto, Portugal. 5) Koncherry V., Park J.S., Sowrow K., Matveev M.Y., Brown L.P., Long A.C., Potluri P., Novel manufacturing techniques for optimised 3D multiaxial orthogonal preform ,22nd International Conference on Composite Materials, Melbourne, Australia, 2019. 6) Matveev M.Y., Koncherry V., Brown L.P., Roy S.S., Potluri P., Long A.C., Meso-scale optimisation of 3D composites and novel preforming techniques, 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials, Melbourne, Australia, 2019. 7) Matveev M.Y., Koncherry V., Roy S.S., Potluri P., Long A., Novel textile preforming for optimised fibre architectures, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 406 (1), 2018. 8) Matveev M., Koncherry V., Roy S.S., Potluri P., Long A, Novel textile preforming for optimised fibre architectures, September 2018, Tex-Comp-13 Milan, Italy 7) Koncherry V., Patel D., Yusuf Z., Potluri P., Influence of 3d weaving parameters on preform compression and laminate mechanical properties, 21st International Conference on Composite Materials, Xi'an, China, 2017. 9) Roy S.S., Yang D., Potluri P. Influence of Bending on Wrinkle Formation and Potential Method of Mitigation, 21st International Conference on Composite Materials, Xi'an, China, 2017. Outputs in the form of Journal Publications for EP/I033513/1 - EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacture in Composites (CIMComp) (projects funded from 01st July 2011 to 31st Dec 2016) Peer-review papers: 1. Yan S., Zeng X., Long A.C., Meso-scale modelling of 3D woven composite T-joints with weave variations, Composite Science and Technology, Vol 171, pp.171-179, 2019. 2. Yan S., Zeng X., A.C. Long A.C., Experimental assessment of the mechanical behaviour of 3D woven composite T-joints, Composites Part B, Vol. 154, pp.108-113, 2018 3. Yan S., Zeng X., Brown L.P., Long A.C., Geometric modeling of 3D woven preforms in composite T-joints, Textile Research Journal, Vol.88(16),pp.1862-75, 2018 4. Yan,S., Zeng, X., Long, A.C., Effect of fibre architecture on tensile pull-off behaviour of 3D woven composite T-joints, Composite Structures 242 (2020). There is the potential insertion of optimised 3D woven structures into future airframes and automotive chassis systems. Also, the braid-winding technology with optimised architecture could be adopted for hydrogen storage. Synergy with other Hub projects - Collaborative Braid forming research between University of Manchester and University of Nottingham as part of the Work stream 6 (Design simulation tools and process improvements for NCF preforming). University of Nottingham has developed a simulation tool for braid forming into complex shape. The collaboration aimed at experimental validation of the simulation tool. University of Manchester planned, prepared and executed the experimental activities. Braiding was carried out over an epoxy tool with a compressible foam and compression moulding method was used to form the braid into a cavity with a gradient at one end. As part of the post processing, angle measurement will be carried out using Apodius system at the University of Nottingham and the data will be compared with the simulation tool output.
Start Year 2017
Description New manufacturing techniques for optimised fibre architectures 
Organisation Sigmatex
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £906,782 core project grant to the University of Nottingham and the University of Manchester for the three-year funded project 'New manufacturing techniques for optimised fibre architectures'. 1) Computational framework for multi-objective optimisation of fibre reinforcements has been developed. The framework employs multi-scale modelling to predict processing properties (such as permeability) of 3D fibre reinforcements as well as structural properties of composite components. 2) A novel meshing technique was developed to aid the optimisation of complex 3D reinforcements of arbitrary complexity, while still maintaining reasonable accuracy and computational costs. The new algorithm was implemented as one of the features within TexGen open-source code and is now released in the public domain. 3) The optimisation framework was applied to two demonstrators provided by industrial partners. An automotive component demonstrator, provided by the AMRC, was optimised to maximise its bending and torsional stiffness. It was shown that a novel multi-axial 3D fibre reinforcement can provide up to 10% improvement in properties when compared to the optimised non-crimp fabric component. The second demonstrator, a pressure vessel provided by Luxfer Gas Cylinders, was optimised for a novel fibre architecture. Similar performance was achieved; however, better delamination resistance is expected from the novel fibre architecture. 4) Novel multiaxial preforming concepts have been demonstrated; new textile machinery was developed based on these concepts 5) Novel cylindrical multi-axial preforms were developed for application of pressure vessel 6) Two demonstrators multiaxial floor panel and braid wound pressure vessel developed using optimised architecture
Collaborator Contribution The project contributes to the Hub priority research theme 'Design for manufacture via validated simulation'. This project aims to discover new 3D textile preform architectures. This will result in a step change in performance, leading to significant weight reductions and lower cycle times through routine use of automated manufacturing technologies. Partner contributions received to date: £17k of in-kind contribution from industrial partners (attendance of project meetings, help with development of demonstrators) £50k of in-kind contribution from industrial partners (through provided tooling and CAD files for demonstrators) Subcontract funding of £110k from ATI Future Landing Gear Programme for complex 3D woven architectures 1. AMRC for vehicle floor panel demonstrator 2. Luxfer for gas cylinder demonstrator 3. NCC for technology pull through programme 4. BAE systems for multiaxial technology demonstrator
Impact Associated Research Grants: 1) EPSRC Impact Acceleration Grant (£210k) from University of Manchester in collaboration with Axon Automotive 2) Technology Pull Through (TPT) funding from NCC for a joint UoM-NCC research project to develop braid-winding concept for producing wrinkle-free composite tubes. 3) Impact Acceleration Award (£37k) from Nottingham Impact Accelerator with support from Rolls Royce and Sigmatex - PI: Dr Louise Brown 4) Potluri P. - Subcontract (£110k) from ATI Future Landing Gear Programme for complex 3D woven architectures 5) UKRI Interdisciplinary Circular Economy Centre for Textiles (£4.5 million) Circular Bioeconomy for Textile Materials (EP/V011766/1) Outputs in the form of Patents: 1) Potluri, P., Jetavat, D., Sharma S. (2017) Method and apparatus for weaving a three-dimensional fabric, US Patent 9,598,798 2) Potluri, P, Koncherry, V, M. Bisset (2021) Inline Graphene Coating, UK Patent Application No. 2117987.4 in the name of Petroliam Nasional Berhad (Petronas) and University of Manchester Outputs in the form of Journal Publications: DOI: 10.1016/j.compscitech.2021.108935 DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2021.113676 DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2020.113325 DOI: 10.1002/adsu.202000228 DOI: 10.1016/j.compscitech.2020.108451 DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2020.112757 Outputs in the form of Conference publications: 1) S. Dhiman, P. Potluri, and K. B. Katnam, "Thermally induced residual stresses in orthogonal 3D woven composites: The role of binder architecture and cooling rate," in AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum, 2022, p. 1422. 2) K. Sowrov, A. Fernando, V. Koncherry, P. Withers, and P. Potluri, "Damage Evaluation in 3D Woven Composites with Warp-way and Weft-way Binders," in AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum, 2022, p. 1421. 3) Roy, S. S., Wu, Z., Atas, A. & Potluri, P. (2022). Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Braided Box Section With Optimised Axial Reinforcement In: International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS 24) 14 - 18 June, 2021 Porto, Portugal. 4) Roy, S. S., Liu, Y., Lloyd, b., Potluri, P. & Whitham, A. (2022). Structural Performance of Composite Tubes Developed Using 3D Complex Winding in Comparison to Braided and Filament Wound Architectures. In: International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS 24) 14 - 18 June (Presented online), 2021a Porto, Portugal. 5) Koncherry V., Park J.S., Sowrow K., Matveev M.Y., Brown L.P., Long A.C., Potluri P., Novel manufacturing techniques for optimised 3D multiaxial orthogonal preform ,22nd International Conference on Composite Materials, Melbourne, Australia, 2019. 6) Matveev M.Y., Koncherry V., Brown L.P., Roy S.S., Potluri P., Long A.C., Meso-scale optimisation of 3D composites and novel preforming techniques, 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials, Melbourne, Australia, 2019. 7) Matveev M.Y., Koncherry V., Roy S.S., Potluri P., Long A., Novel textile preforming for optimised fibre architectures, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 406 (1), 2018. 8) Matveev M., Koncherry V., Roy S.S., Potluri P., Long A, Novel textile preforming for optimised fibre architectures, September 2018, Tex-Comp-13 Milan, Italy 7) Koncherry V., Patel D., Yusuf Z., Potluri P., Influence of 3d weaving parameters on preform compression and laminate mechanical properties, 21st International Conference on Composite Materials, Xi'an, China, 2017. 9) Roy S.S., Yang D., Potluri P. Influence of Bending on Wrinkle Formation and Potential Method of Mitigation, 21st International Conference on Composite Materials, Xi'an, China, 2017. Outputs in the form of Journal Publications for EP/I033513/1 - EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacture in Composites (CIMComp) (projects funded from 01st July 2011 to 31st Dec 2016) Peer-review papers: 1. Yan S., Zeng X., Long A.C., Meso-scale modelling of 3D woven composite T-joints with weave variations, Composite Science and Technology, Vol 171, pp.171-179, 2019. 2. Yan S., Zeng X., A.C. Long A.C., Experimental assessment of the mechanical behaviour of 3D woven composite T-joints, Composites Part B, Vol. 154, pp.108-113, 2018 3. Yan S., Zeng X., Brown L.P., Long A.C., Geometric modeling of 3D woven preforms in composite T-joints, Textile Research Journal, Vol.88(16),pp.1862-75, 2018 4. Yan,S., Zeng, X., Long, A.C., Effect of fibre architecture on tensile pull-off behaviour of 3D woven composite T-joints, Composite Structures 242 (2020). There is the potential insertion of optimised 3D woven structures into future airframes and automotive chassis systems. Also, the braid-winding technology with optimised architecture could be adopted for hydrogen storage. Synergy with other Hub projects - Collaborative Braid forming research between University of Manchester and University of Nottingham as part of the Work stream 6 (Design simulation tools and process improvements for NCF preforming). University of Nottingham has developed a simulation tool for braid forming into complex shape. The collaboration aimed at experimental validation of the simulation tool. University of Manchester planned, prepared and executed the experimental activities. Braiding was carried out over an epoxy tool with a compressible foam and compression moulding method was used to form the braid into a cavity with a gradient at one end. As part of the post processing, angle measurement will be carried out using Apodius system at the University of Nottingham and the data will be compared with the simulation tool output.
Start Year 2017
Description New manufacturing techniques for optimised fibre architectures 
Organisation University of Manchester
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £906,782 core project grant to the University of Nottingham and the University of Manchester for the three-year funded project 'New manufacturing techniques for optimised fibre architectures'. 1) Computational framework for multi-objective optimisation of fibre reinforcements has been developed. The framework employs multi-scale modelling to predict processing properties (such as permeability) of 3D fibre reinforcements as well as structural properties of composite components. 2) A novel meshing technique was developed to aid the optimisation of complex 3D reinforcements of arbitrary complexity, while still maintaining reasonable accuracy and computational costs. The new algorithm was implemented as one of the features within TexGen open-source code and is now released in the public domain. 3) The optimisation framework was applied to two demonstrators provided by industrial partners. An automotive component demonstrator, provided by the AMRC, was optimised to maximise its bending and torsional stiffness. It was shown that a novel multi-axial 3D fibre reinforcement can provide up to 10% improvement in properties when compared to the optimised non-crimp fabric component. The second demonstrator, a pressure vessel provided by Luxfer Gas Cylinders, was optimised for a novel fibre architecture. Similar performance was achieved; however, better delamination resistance is expected from the novel fibre architecture. 4) Novel multiaxial preforming concepts have been demonstrated; new textile machinery was developed based on these concepts 5) Novel cylindrical multi-axial preforms were developed for application of pressure vessel 6) Two demonstrators multiaxial floor panel and braid wound pressure vessel developed using optimised architecture
Collaborator Contribution The project contributes to the Hub priority research theme 'Design for manufacture via validated simulation'. This project aims to discover new 3D textile preform architectures. This will result in a step change in performance, leading to significant weight reductions and lower cycle times through routine use of automated manufacturing technologies. Partner contributions received to date: £17k of in-kind contribution from industrial partners (attendance of project meetings, help with development of demonstrators) £50k of in-kind contribution from industrial partners (through provided tooling and CAD files for demonstrators) Subcontract funding of £110k from ATI Future Landing Gear Programme for complex 3D woven architectures 1. AMRC for vehicle floor panel demonstrator 2. Luxfer for gas cylinder demonstrator 3. NCC for technology pull through programme 4. BAE systems for multiaxial technology demonstrator
Impact Associated Research Grants: 1) EPSRC Impact Acceleration Grant (£210k) from University of Manchester in collaboration with Axon Automotive 2) Technology Pull Through (TPT) funding from NCC for a joint UoM-NCC research project to develop braid-winding concept for producing wrinkle-free composite tubes. 3) Impact Acceleration Award (£37k) from Nottingham Impact Accelerator with support from Rolls Royce and Sigmatex - PI: Dr Louise Brown 4) Potluri P. - Subcontract (£110k) from ATI Future Landing Gear Programme for complex 3D woven architectures 5) UKRI Interdisciplinary Circular Economy Centre for Textiles (£4.5 million) Circular Bioeconomy for Textile Materials (EP/V011766/1) Outputs in the form of Patents: 1) Potluri, P., Jetavat, D., Sharma S. (2017) Method and apparatus for weaving a three-dimensional fabric, US Patent 9,598,798 2) Potluri, P, Koncherry, V, M. Bisset (2021) Inline Graphene Coating, UK Patent Application No. 2117987.4 in the name of Petroliam Nasional Berhad (Petronas) and University of Manchester Outputs in the form of Journal Publications: DOI: 10.1016/j.compscitech.2021.108935 DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2021.113676 DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2020.113325 DOI: 10.1002/adsu.202000228 DOI: 10.1016/j.compscitech.2020.108451 DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2020.112757 Outputs in the form of Conference publications: 1) S. Dhiman, P. Potluri, and K. B. Katnam, "Thermally induced residual stresses in orthogonal 3D woven composites: The role of binder architecture and cooling rate," in AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum, 2022, p. 1422. 2) K. Sowrov, A. Fernando, V. Koncherry, P. Withers, and P. Potluri, "Damage Evaluation in 3D Woven Composites with Warp-way and Weft-way Binders," in AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum, 2022, p. 1421. 3) Roy, S. S., Wu, Z., Atas, A. & Potluri, P. (2022). Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Braided Box Section With Optimised Axial Reinforcement In: International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS 24) 14 - 18 June, 2021 Porto, Portugal. 4) Roy, S. S., Liu, Y., Lloyd, b., Potluri, P. & Whitham, A. (2022). Structural Performance of Composite Tubes Developed Using 3D Complex Winding in Comparison to Braided and Filament Wound Architectures. In: International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS 24) 14 - 18 June (Presented online), 2021a Porto, Portugal. 5) Koncherry V., Park J.S., Sowrow K., Matveev M.Y., Brown L.P., Long A.C., Potluri P., Novel manufacturing techniques for optimised 3D multiaxial orthogonal preform ,22nd International Conference on Composite Materials, Melbourne, Australia, 2019. 6) Matveev M.Y., Koncherry V., Brown L.P., Roy S.S., Potluri P., Long A.C., Meso-scale optimisation of 3D composites and novel preforming techniques, 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials, Melbourne, Australia, 2019. 7) Matveev M.Y., Koncherry V., Roy S.S., Potluri P., Long A., Novel textile preforming for optimised fibre architectures, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 406 (1), 2018. 8) Matveev M., Koncherry V., Roy S.S., Potluri P., Long A, Novel textile preforming for optimised fibre architectures, September 2018, Tex-Comp-13 Milan, Italy 7) Koncherry V., Patel D., Yusuf Z., Potluri P., Influence of 3d weaving parameters on preform compression and laminate mechanical properties, 21st International Conference on Composite Materials, Xi'an, China, 2017. 9) Roy S.S., Yang D., Potluri P. Influence of Bending on Wrinkle Formation and Potential Method of Mitigation, 21st International Conference on Composite Materials, Xi'an, China, 2017. Outputs in the form of Journal Publications for EP/I033513/1 - EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacture in Composites (CIMComp) (projects funded from 01st July 2011 to 31st Dec 2016) Peer-review papers: 1. Yan S., Zeng X., Long A.C., Meso-scale modelling of 3D woven composite T-joints with weave variations, Composite Science and Technology, Vol 171, pp.171-179, 2019. 2. Yan S., Zeng X., A.C. Long A.C., Experimental assessment of the mechanical behaviour of 3D woven composite T-joints, Composites Part B, Vol. 154, pp.108-113, 2018 3. Yan S., Zeng X., Brown L.P., Long A.C., Geometric modeling of 3D woven preforms in composite T-joints, Textile Research Journal, Vol.88(16),pp.1862-75, 2018 4. Yan,S., Zeng, X., Long, A.C., Effect of fibre architecture on tensile pull-off behaviour of 3D woven composite T-joints, Composite Structures 242 (2020). There is the potential insertion of optimised 3D woven structures into future airframes and automotive chassis systems. Also, the braid-winding technology with optimised architecture could be adopted for hydrogen storage. Synergy with other Hub projects - Collaborative Braid forming research between University of Manchester and University of Nottingham as part of the Work stream 6 (Design simulation tools and process improvements for NCF preforming). University of Nottingham has developed a simulation tool for braid forming into complex shape. The collaboration aimed at experimental validation of the simulation tool. University of Manchester planned, prepared and executed the experimental activities. Braiding was carried out over an epoxy tool with a compressible foam and compression moulding method was used to form the braid into a cavity with a gradient at one end. As part of the post processing, angle measurement will be carried out using Apodius system at the University of Nottingham and the data will be compared with the simulation tool output.
Start Year 2017
Description New manufacturing techniques for optimised fibre architectures 
Organisation University of Nottingham
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £906,782 core project grant to the University of Nottingham and the University of Manchester for the three-year funded project 'New manufacturing techniques for optimised fibre architectures'. 1) Computational framework for multi-objective optimisation of fibre reinforcements has been developed. The framework employs multi-scale modelling to predict processing properties (such as permeability) of 3D fibre reinforcements as well as structural properties of composite components. 2) A novel meshing technique was developed to aid the optimisation of complex 3D reinforcements of arbitrary complexity, while still maintaining reasonable accuracy and computational costs. The new algorithm was implemented as one of the features within TexGen open-source code and is now released in the public domain. 3) The optimisation framework was applied to two demonstrators provided by industrial partners. An automotive component demonstrator, provided by the AMRC, was optimised to maximise its bending and torsional stiffness. It was shown that a novel multi-axial 3D fibre reinforcement can provide up to 10% improvement in properties when compared to the optimised non-crimp fabric component. The second demonstrator, a pressure vessel provided by Luxfer Gas Cylinders, was optimised for a novel fibre architecture. Similar performance was achieved; however, better delamination resistance is expected from the novel fibre architecture. 4) Novel multiaxial preforming concepts have been demonstrated; new textile machinery was developed based on these concepts 5) Novel cylindrical multi-axial preforms were developed for application of pressure vessel 6) Two demonstrators multiaxial floor panel and braid wound pressure vessel developed using optimised architecture
Collaborator Contribution The project contributes to the Hub priority research theme 'Design for manufacture via validated simulation'. This project aims to discover new 3D textile preform architectures. This will result in a step change in performance, leading to significant weight reductions and lower cycle times through routine use of automated manufacturing technologies. Partner contributions received to date: £17k of in-kind contribution from industrial partners (attendance of project meetings, help with development of demonstrators) £50k of in-kind contribution from industrial partners (through provided tooling and CAD files for demonstrators) Subcontract funding of £110k from ATI Future Landing Gear Programme for complex 3D woven architectures 1. AMRC for vehicle floor panel demonstrator 2. Luxfer for gas cylinder demonstrator 3. NCC for technology pull through programme 4. BAE systems for multiaxial technology demonstrator
Impact Associated Research Grants: 1) EPSRC Impact Acceleration Grant (£210k) from University of Manchester in collaboration with Axon Automotive 2) Technology Pull Through (TPT) funding from NCC for a joint UoM-NCC research project to develop braid-winding concept for producing wrinkle-free composite tubes. 3) Impact Acceleration Award (£37k) from Nottingham Impact Accelerator with support from Rolls Royce and Sigmatex - PI: Dr Louise Brown 4) Potluri P. - Subcontract (£110k) from ATI Future Landing Gear Programme for complex 3D woven architectures 5) UKRI Interdisciplinary Circular Economy Centre for Textiles (£4.5 million) Circular Bioeconomy for Textile Materials (EP/V011766/1) Outputs in the form of Patents: 1) Potluri, P., Jetavat, D., Sharma S. (2017) Method and apparatus for weaving a three-dimensional fabric, US Patent 9,598,798 2) Potluri, P, Koncherry, V, M. Bisset (2021) Inline Graphene Coating, UK Patent Application No. 2117987.4 in the name of Petroliam Nasional Berhad (Petronas) and University of Manchester Outputs in the form of Journal Publications: DOI: 10.1016/j.compscitech.2021.108935 DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2021.113676 DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2020.113325 DOI: 10.1002/adsu.202000228 DOI: 10.1016/j.compscitech.2020.108451 DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2020.112757 Outputs in the form of Conference publications: 1) S. Dhiman, P. Potluri, and K. B. Katnam, "Thermally induced residual stresses in orthogonal 3D woven composites: The role of binder architecture and cooling rate," in AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum, 2022, p. 1422. 2) K. Sowrov, A. Fernando, V. Koncherry, P. Withers, and P. Potluri, "Damage Evaluation in 3D Woven Composites with Warp-way and Weft-way Binders," in AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum, 2022, p. 1421. 3) Roy, S. S., Wu, Z., Atas, A. & Potluri, P. (2022). Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Braided Box Section With Optimised Axial Reinforcement In: International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS 24) 14 - 18 June, 2021 Porto, Portugal. 4) Roy, S. S., Liu, Y., Lloyd, b., Potluri, P. & Whitham, A. (2022). Structural Performance of Composite Tubes Developed Using 3D Complex Winding in Comparison to Braided and Filament Wound Architectures. In: International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS 24) 14 - 18 June (Presented online), 2021a Porto, Portugal. 5) Koncherry V., Park J.S., Sowrow K., Matveev M.Y., Brown L.P., Long A.C., Potluri P., Novel manufacturing techniques for optimised 3D multiaxial orthogonal preform ,22nd International Conference on Composite Materials, Melbourne, Australia, 2019. 6) Matveev M.Y., Koncherry V., Brown L.P., Roy S.S., Potluri P., Long A.C., Meso-scale optimisation of 3D composites and novel preforming techniques, 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials, Melbourne, Australia, 2019. 7) Matveev M.Y., Koncherry V., Roy S.S., Potluri P., Long A., Novel textile preforming for optimised fibre architectures, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 406 (1), 2018. 8) Matveev M., Koncherry V., Roy S.S., Potluri P., Long A, Novel textile preforming for optimised fibre architectures, September 2018, Tex-Comp-13 Milan, Italy 7) Koncherry V., Patel D., Yusuf Z., Potluri P., Influence of 3d weaving parameters on preform compression and laminate mechanical properties, 21st International Conference on Composite Materials, Xi'an, China, 2017. 9) Roy S.S., Yang D., Potluri P. Influence of Bending on Wrinkle Formation and Potential Method of Mitigation, 21st International Conference on Composite Materials, Xi'an, China, 2017. Outputs in the form of Journal Publications for EP/I033513/1 - EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacture in Composites (CIMComp) (projects funded from 01st July 2011 to 31st Dec 2016) Peer-review papers: 1. Yan S., Zeng X., Long A.C., Meso-scale modelling of 3D woven composite T-joints with weave variations, Composite Science and Technology, Vol 171, pp.171-179, 2019. 2. Yan S., Zeng X., A.C. Long A.C., Experimental assessment of the mechanical behaviour of 3D woven composite T-joints, Composites Part B, Vol. 154, pp.108-113, 2018 3. Yan S., Zeng X., Brown L.P., Long A.C., Geometric modeling of 3D woven preforms in composite T-joints, Textile Research Journal, Vol.88(16),pp.1862-75, 2018 4. Yan,S., Zeng, X., Long, A.C., Effect of fibre architecture on tensile pull-off behaviour of 3D woven composite T-joints, Composite Structures 242 (2020). There is the potential insertion of optimised 3D woven structures into future airframes and automotive chassis systems. Also, the braid-winding technology with optimised architecture could be adopted for hydrogen storage. Synergy with other Hub projects - Collaborative Braid forming research between University of Manchester and University of Nottingham as part of the Work stream 6 (Design simulation tools and process improvements for NCF preforming). University of Nottingham has developed a simulation tool for braid forming into complex shape. The collaboration aimed at experimental validation of the simulation tool. University of Manchester planned, prepared and executed the experimental activities. Braiding was carried out over an epoxy tool with a compressible foam and compression moulding method was used to form the braid into a cavity with a gradient at one end. As part of the post processing, angle measurement will be carried out using Apodius system at the University of Nottingham and the data will be compared with the simulation tool output.
Start Year 2017
Description New manufacturing techniques for optimised fibre architectures 
Organisation University of Sheffield
Department Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC)
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £906,782 core project grant to the University of Nottingham and the University of Manchester for the three-year funded project 'New manufacturing techniques for optimised fibre architectures'. 1) Computational framework for multi-objective optimisation of fibre reinforcements has been developed. The framework employs multi-scale modelling to predict processing properties (such as permeability) of 3D fibre reinforcements as well as structural properties of composite components. 2) A novel meshing technique was developed to aid the optimisation of complex 3D reinforcements of arbitrary complexity, while still maintaining reasonable accuracy and computational costs. The new algorithm was implemented as one of the features within TexGen open-source code and is now released in the public domain. 3) The optimisation framework was applied to two demonstrators provided by industrial partners. An automotive component demonstrator, provided by the AMRC, was optimised to maximise its bending and torsional stiffness. It was shown that a novel multi-axial 3D fibre reinforcement can provide up to 10% improvement in properties when compared to the optimised non-crimp fabric component. The second demonstrator, a pressure vessel provided by Luxfer Gas Cylinders, was optimised for a novel fibre architecture. Similar performance was achieved; however, better delamination resistance is expected from the novel fibre architecture. 4) Novel multiaxial preforming concepts have been demonstrated; new textile machinery was developed based on these concepts 5) Novel cylindrical multi-axial preforms were developed for application of pressure vessel 6) Two demonstrators multiaxial floor panel and braid wound pressure vessel developed using optimised architecture
Collaborator Contribution The project contributes to the Hub priority research theme 'Design for manufacture via validated simulation'. This project aims to discover new 3D textile preform architectures. This will result in a step change in performance, leading to significant weight reductions and lower cycle times through routine use of automated manufacturing technologies. Partner contributions received to date: £17k of in-kind contribution from industrial partners (attendance of project meetings, help with development of demonstrators) £50k of in-kind contribution from industrial partners (through provided tooling and CAD files for demonstrators) Subcontract funding of £110k from ATI Future Landing Gear Programme for complex 3D woven architectures 1. AMRC for vehicle floor panel demonstrator 2. Luxfer for gas cylinder demonstrator 3. NCC for technology pull through programme 4. BAE systems for multiaxial technology demonstrator
Impact Associated Research Grants: 1) EPSRC Impact Acceleration Grant (£210k) from University of Manchester in collaboration with Axon Automotive 2) Technology Pull Through (TPT) funding from NCC for a joint UoM-NCC research project to develop braid-winding concept for producing wrinkle-free composite tubes. 3) Impact Acceleration Award (£37k) from Nottingham Impact Accelerator with support from Rolls Royce and Sigmatex - PI: Dr Louise Brown 4) Potluri P. - Subcontract (£110k) from ATI Future Landing Gear Programme for complex 3D woven architectures 5) UKRI Interdisciplinary Circular Economy Centre for Textiles (£4.5 million) Circular Bioeconomy for Textile Materials (EP/V011766/1) Outputs in the form of Patents: 1) Potluri, P., Jetavat, D., Sharma S. (2017) Method and apparatus for weaving a three-dimensional fabric, US Patent 9,598,798 2) Potluri, P, Koncherry, V, M. Bisset (2021) Inline Graphene Coating, UK Patent Application No. 2117987.4 in the name of Petroliam Nasional Berhad (Petronas) and University of Manchester Outputs in the form of Journal Publications: DOI: 10.1016/j.compscitech.2021.108935 DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2021.113676 DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2020.113325 DOI: 10.1002/adsu.202000228 DOI: 10.1016/j.compscitech.2020.108451 DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2020.112757 Outputs in the form of Conference publications: 1) S. Dhiman, P. Potluri, and K. B. Katnam, "Thermally induced residual stresses in orthogonal 3D woven composites: The role of binder architecture and cooling rate," in AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum, 2022, p. 1422. 2) K. Sowrov, A. Fernando, V. Koncherry, P. Withers, and P. Potluri, "Damage Evaluation in 3D Woven Composites with Warp-way and Weft-way Binders," in AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum, 2022, p. 1421. 3) Roy, S. S., Wu, Z., Atas, A. & Potluri, P. (2022). Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Braided Box Section With Optimised Axial Reinforcement In: International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS 24) 14 - 18 June, 2021 Porto, Portugal. 4) Roy, S. S., Liu, Y., Lloyd, b., Potluri, P. & Whitham, A. (2022). Structural Performance of Composite Tubes Developed Using 3D Complex Winding in Comparison to Braided and Filament Wound Architectures. In: International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS 24) 14 - 18 June (Presented online), 2021a Porto, Portugal. 5) Koncherry V., Park J.S., Sowrow K., Matveev M.Y., Brown L.P., Long A.C., Potluri P., Novel manufacturing techniques for optimised 3D multiaxial orthogonal preform ,22nd International Conference on Composite Materials, Melbourne, Australia, 2019. 6) Matveev M.Y., Koncherry V., Brown L.P., Roy S.S., Potluri P., Long A.C., Meso-scale optimisation of 3D composites and novel preforming techniques, 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials, Melbourne, Australia, 2019. 7) Matveev M.Y., Koncherry V., Roy S.S., Potluri P., Long A., Novel textile preforming for optimised fibre architectures, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 406 (1), 2018. 8) Matveev M., Koncherry V., Roy S.S., Potluri P., Long A, Novel textile preforming for optimised fibre architectures, September 2018, Tex-Comp-13 Milan, Italy 7) Koncherry V., Patel D., Yusuf Z., Potluri P., Influence of 3d weaving parameters on preform compression and laminate mechanical properties, 21st International Conference on Composite Materials, Xi'an, China, 2017. 9) Roy S.S., Yang D., Potluri P. Influence of Bending on Wrinkle Formation and Potential Method of Mitigation, 21st International Conference on Composite Materials, Xi'an, China, 2017. Outputs in the form of Journal Publications for EP/I033513/1 - EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacture in Composites (CIMComp) (projects funded from 01st July 2011 to 31st Dec 2016) Peer-review papers: 1. Yan S., Zeng X., Long A.C., Meso-scale modelling of 3D woven composite T-joints with weave variations, Composite Science and Technology, Vol 171, pp.171-179, 2019. 2. Yan S., Zeng X., A.C. Long A.C., Experimental assessment of the mechanical behaviour of 3D woven composite T-joints, Composites Part B, Vol. 154, pp.108-113, 2018 3. Yan S., Zeng X., Brown L.P., Long A.C., Geometric modeling of 3D woven preforms in composite T-joints, Textile Research Journal, Vol.88(16),pp.1862-75, 2018 4. Yan,S., Zeng, X., Long, A.C., Effect of fibre architecture on tensile pull-off behaviour of 3D woven composite T-joints, Composite Structures 242 (2020). There is the potential insertion of optimised 3D woven structures into future airframes and automotive chassis systems. Also, the braid-winding technology with optimised architecture could be adopted for hydrogen storage. Synergy with other Hub projects - Collaborative Braid forming research between University of Manchester and University of Nottingham as part of the Work stream 6 (Design simulation tools and process improvements for NCF preforming). University of Nottingham has developed a simulation tool for braid forming into complex shape. The collaboration aimed at experimental validation of the simulation tool. University of Manchester planned, prepared and executed the experimental activities. Braiding was carried out over an epoxy tool with a compressible foam and compression moulding method was used to form the braid into a cavity with a gradient at one end. As part of the post processing, angle measurement will be carried out using Apodius system at the University of Nottingham and the data will be compared with the simulation tool output.
Start Year 2017
Description Novel strain-based NDE for online inspection and prognostics of composite sub-structures with manufacturing induced defects 
Organisation GKN
Department GKN Aerospace
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to the University of Southampton for the project 'Novel strain-based NDE for online inspection and prognostics of composite sub-structures with manufacturing induced defects'.
Collaborator Contribution The project contributed to the Hub priority research theme 'Inspection and in-process evaluation'. The overarching aim of the project was a system deployed alongside current inspection approaches in the production environment. When defects or subsurface artefacts including variability of fibre volume fraction and fibre orientation have been detected, the system would be deployed to determine if the component is fit for service, requires repair or is scrapped. Contributions: 1. Proof-of-concept of the novel strain based NDE for assessment of evolving damage states in structutal applications of composites. 2. Proof-of-concept of the novel strain based NDE for assessment of variability and heterogeneity in-situ in discontinuous compression moulded preforms. 3. Demonstration of simulateneous use and integration of DIC and TSA for quantitative assessment of evolving damage states, material heterogeneities and manufacturing defects. 4. Fundamental developments in the use of low cost cameras for TSA. 5. The groundwork to develop two successful high value EPSRC proposals, strongly supported by industry
Impact Conference papers and International seminars: 1. Bull, D.J., Dulieu-Barton, J.M., Thomsen, O.T, Butler, R., Rhead, A.T., Fletcher, T.A. and Potter, K.D., "Reshaping the testing pyramid: utilisation of data-rich NDT techniques as a means to develop a 'high fidelity' component and sub-structure testing methodology for composites", Proc 21st International Conference on Composite Materials, Xi'an, China, 2017 2. Dulieu-Barton and Thomsen O.T., "Towards a new paradigm for high-fidelity testing and integrated multi-scale modelling of composite substructures and components". Invited presentation at International Symposium "Novel Composite Materials & Processes for Offshore Renewable Energy", Cork, September 2017 3. Dulieu-Barton and Thomsen O.T., "Towards a new paradigm for high-fidelity testing and integrated multi-scale modelling of composite substructures and components". Keynote presentation at 2nd International Symposium on Multiscale Experimental Mechanics (ISMEM 2017), DTU, Denmark, Nov 2017 4. Dulieu-Barton and Thomsen O.T., "Towards a new paradigm for high-fidelity testing and integrated multi-scale modelling of composite substructures and components". Seminar at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA, June 2017 5. Dulieu-Barton and Thomsen O.T., "Towards a new paradigm for high-fidelity testing and integrated multi-scale modelling of composite substructures and components". Seminar at Beijing Jiaotong University, August 2017 6. Dulieu-Barton and Thomsen O.T., "Towards a new paradigm for high-fidelity testing and integrated multi-scale modelling of composite substructures and components". Seminar at Beijing Institute of Technology, August 2017 7. Dulieu-Barton and Thomsen O.T., "Towards a new paradigm for high-fidelity testing and integrated multi-scale modelling of composite substructures and components". Seminar at Northwestern Polytechnic University, Xi'an, August 2017. 8. Bull, D.J., Thomsen, O.T and Dulieu-Barton, J.M., "Understanding heterogeneity in discontinuous compression moulded composite materials for high-volume applications", SEM Annual Conference, Greenville, 2018, USA. 9. I. Jiménez-Fortunato, Bull, D.J., Thomsen, O.T and Dulieu-Barton, J.M., "Towards integrating imaging techniques to assess manufacturing features and in-service damage in composite components ", SEM Annual Conference, Greenville, 2018, USA. 10. Jiménez-Fortunato, I., Bull, D.J., Dulieu-Barton, J.M. and Thomsen, O.T. "Towards developing a calibration technique to apply TSA with microbolometers", British Society for Strain Measurement 13th International Conference on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, Southampton, 2018, 2 pages. 11. Jiménez-Fortunato, I., Bull, D.J., Dulieu-Barton, J.M. and Thomsen, O.T. "Towards combining imaging techniques to characterise defects and damage in composite structures", SAMPE Conference on Large Structures in Composite Engineering, Southampton, 2018, 8 pages. 12. Jiménez-Fortunato, I., Bull, D.J., Dulieu-Barton, J.M. and Thomsen, O.T. " Damage characterisation of composite components using full-field imaging techniques", Proc 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials, Melbourne, Australia, 2019, 5 pages. Other relevant impacts: 1. EPSRC, 'Structures 2025', Strategic Equipment Grant (EP/R008787/1, £1.2M, 2017-2020) PI Barton) in collaboration with multiple industry partners that provide £1M of support. 2. EPSCR Programme Grant 'Certification for Design: Reshaping the Testing Pyramid' or 'CerTest' (EP/S017038/1, £6.9M, 2019-2024, PI Thomsen) in collaboration with the University of Bristol, University of Bath and University of Exeter, industrial partners Airbus, Rolls Royce, GKN Aerospace, CFMS, BAE Systems, the Alan Turing Institute, NCC as well as the European Aviation Safety Agency.
Start Year 2017
Description Novel strain-based NDE for online inspection and prognostics of composite sub-structures with manufacturing induced defects 
Organisation Siemens AG
Department Siemens Energy Management
Country Germany 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to the University of Southampton for the project 'Novel strain-based NDE for online inspection and prognostics of composite sub-structures with manufacturing induced defects'.
Collaborator Contribution The project contributed to the Hub priority research theme 'Inspection and in-process evaluation'. The overarching aim of the project was a system deployed alongside current inspection approaches in the production environment. When defects or subsurface artefacts including variability of fibre volume fraction and fibre orientation have been detected, the system would be deployed to determine if the component is fit for service, requires repair or is scrapped. Contributions: 1. Proof-of-concept of the novel strain based NDE for assessment of evolving damage states in structutal applications of composites. 2. Proof-of-concept of the novel strain based NDE for assessment of variability and heterogeneity in-situ in discontinuous compression moulded preforms. 3. Demonstration of simulateneous use and integration of DIC and TSA for quantitative assessment of evolving damage states, material heterogeneities and manufacturing defects. 4. Fundamental developments in the use of low cost cameras for TSA. 5. The groundwork to develop two successful high value EPSRC proposals, strongly supported by industry
Impact Conference papers and International seminars: 1. Bull, D.J., Dulieu-Barton, J.M., Thomsen, O.T, Butler, R., Rhead, A.T., Fletcher, T.A. and Potter, K.D., "Reshaping the testing pyramid: utilisation of data-rich NDT techniques as a means to develop a 'high fidelity' component and sub-structure testing methodology for composites", Proc 21st International Conference on Composite Materials, Xi'an, China, 2017 2. Dulieu-Barton and Thomsen O.T., "Towards a new paradigm for high-fidelity testing and integrated multi-scale modelling of composite substructures and components". Invited presentation at International Symposium "Novel Composite Materials & Processes for Offshore Renewable Energy", Cork, September 2017 3. Dulieu-Barton and Thomsen O.T., "Towards a new paradigm for high-fidelity testing and integrated multi-scale modelling of composite substructures and components". Keynote presentation at 2nd International Symposium on Multiscale Experimental Mechanics (ISMEM 2017), DTU, Denmark, Nov 2017 4. Dulieu-Barton and Thomsen O.T., "Towards a new paradigm for high-fidelity testing and integrated multi-scale modelling of composite substructures and components". Seminar at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA, June 2017 5. Dulieu-Barton and Thomsen O.T., "Towards a new paradigm for high-fidelity testing and integrated multi-scale modelling of composite substructures and components". Seminar at Beijing Jiaotong University, August 2017 6. Dulieu-Barton and Thomsen O.T., "Towards a new paradigm for high-fidelity testing and integrated multi-scale modelling of composite substructures and components". Seminar at Beijing Institute of Technology, August 2017 7. Dulieu-Barton and Thomsen O.T., "Towards a new paradigm for high-fidelity testing and integrated multi-scale modelling of composite substructures and components". Seminar at Northwestern Polytechnic University, Xi'an, August 2017. 8. Bull, D.J., Thomsen, O.T and Dulieu-Barton, J.M., "Understanding heterogeneity in discontinuous compression moulded composite materials for high-volume applications", SEM Annual Conference, Greenville, 2018, USA. 9. I. Jiménez-Fortunato, Bull, D.J., Thomsen, O.T and Dulieu-Barton, J.M., "Towards integrating imaging techniques to assess manufacturing features and in-service damage in composite components ", SEM Annual Conference, Greenville, 2018, USA. 10. Jiménez-Fortunato, I., Bull, D.J., Dulieu-Barton, J.M. and Thomsen, O.T. "Towards developing a calibration technique to apply TSA with microbolometers", British Society for Strain Measurement 13th International Conference on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, Southampton, 2018, 2 pages. 11. Jiménez-Fortunato, I., Bull, D.J., Dulieu-Barton, J.M. and Thomsen, O.T. "Towards combining imaging techniques to characterise defects and damage in composite structures", SAMPE Conference on Large Structures in Composite Engineering, Southampton, 2018, 8 pages. 12. Jiménez-Fortunato, I., Bull, D.J., Dulieu-Barton, J.M. and Thomsen, O.T. " Damage characterisation of composite components using full-field imaging techniques", Proc 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials, Melbourne, Australia, 2019, 5 pages. Other relevant impacts: 1. EPSRC, 'Structures 2025', Strategic Equipment Grant (EP/R008787/1, £1.2M, 2017-2020) PI Barton) in collaboration with multiple industry partners that provide £1M of support. 2. EPSCR Programme Grant 'Certification for Design: Reshaping the Testing Pyramid' or 'CerTest' (EP/S017038/1, £6.9M, 2019-2024, PI Thomsen) in collaboration with the University of Bristol, University of Bath and University of Exeter, industrial partners Airbus, Rolls Royce, GKN Aerospace, CFMS, BAE Systems, the Alan Turing Institute, NCC as well as the European Aviation Safety Agency.
Start Year 2017
Description Novel strain-based NDE for online inspection and prognostics of composite sub-structures with manufacturing induced defects 
Organisation University of Bath
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to the University of Southampton for the project 'Novel strain-based NDE for online inspection and prognostics of composite sub-structures with manufacturing induced defects'.
Collaborator Contribution The project contributed to the Hub priority research theme 'Inspection and in-process evaluation'. The overarching aim of the project was a system deployed alongside current inspection approaches in the production environment. When defects or subsurface artefacts including variability of fibre volume fraction and fibre orientation have been detected, the system would be deployed to determine if the component is fit for service, requires repair or is scrapped. Contributions: 1. Proof-of-concept of the novel strain based NDE for assessment of evolving damage states in structutal applications of composites. 2. Proof-of-concept of the novel strain based NDE for assessment of variability and heterogeneity in-situ in discontinuous compression moulded preforms. 3. Demonstration of simulateneous use and integration of DIC and TSA for quantitative assessment of evolving damage states, material heterogeneities and manufacturing defects. 4. Fundamental developments in the use of low cost cameras for TSA. 5. The groundwork to develop two successful high value EPSRC proposals, strongly supported by industry
Impact Conference papers and International seminars: 1. Bull, D.J., Dulieu-Barton, J.M., Thomsen, O.T, Butler, R., Rhead, A.T., Fletcher, T.A. and Potter, K.D., "Reshaping the testing pyramid: utilisation of data-rich NDT techniques as a means to develop a 'high fidelity' component and sub-structure testing methodology for composites", Proc 21st International Conference on Composite Materials, Xi'an, China, 2017 2. Dulieu-Barton and Thomsen O.T., "Towards a new paradigm for high-fidelity testing and integrated multi-scale modelling of composite substructures and components". Invited presentation at International Symposium "Novel Composite Materials & Processes for Offshore Renewable Energy", Cork, September 2017 3. Dulieu-Barton and Thomsen O.T., "Towards a new paradigm for high-fidelity testing and integrated multi-scale modelling of composite substructures and components". Keynote presentation at 2nd International Symposium on Multiscale Experimental Mechanics (ISMEM 2017), DTU, Denmark, Nov 2017 4. Dulieu-Barton and Thomsen O.T., "Towards a new paradigm for high-fidelity testing and integrated multi-scale modelling of composite substructures and components". Seminar at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA, June 2017 5. Dulieu-Barton and Thomsen O.T., "Towards a new paradigm for high-fidelity testing and integrated multi-scale modelling of composite substructures and components". Seminar at Beijing Jiaotong University, August 2017 6. Dulieu-Barton and Thomsen O.T., "Towards a new paradigm for high-fidelity testing and integrated multi-scale modelling of composite substructures and components". Seminar at Beijing Institute of Technology, August 2017 7. Dulieu-Barton and Thomsen O.T., "Towards a new paradigm for high-fidelity testing and integrated multi-scale modelling of composite substructures and components". Seminar at Northwestern Polytechnic University, Xi'an, August 2017. 8. Bull, D.J., Thomsen, O.T and Dulieu-Barton, J.M., "Understanding heterogeneity in discontinuous compression moulded composite materials for high-volume applications", SEM Annual Conference, Greenville, 2018, USA. 9. I. Jiménez-Fortunato, Bull, D.J., Thomsen, O.T and Dulieu-Barton, J.M., "Towards integrating imaging techniques to assess manufacturing features and in-service damage in composite components ", SEM Annual Conference, Greenville, 2018, USA. 10. Jiménez-Fortunato, I., Bull, D.J., Dulieu-Barton, J.M. and Thomsen, O.T. "Towards developing a calibration technique to apply TSA with microbolometers", British Society for Strain Measurement 13th International Conference on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, Southampton, 2018, 2 pages. 11. Jiménez-Fortunato, I., Bull, D.J., Dulieu-Barton, J.M. and Thomsen, O.T. "Towards combining imaging techniques to characterise defects and damage in composite structures", SAMPE Conference on Large Structures in Composite Engineering, Southampton, 2018, 8 pages. 12. Jiménez-Fortunato, I., Bull, D.J., Dulieu-Barton, J.M. and Thomsen, O.T. " Damage characterisation of composite components using full-field imaging techniques", Proc 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials, Melbourne, Australia, 2019, 5 pages. Other relevant impacts: 1. EPSRC, 'Structures 2025', Strategic Equipment Grant (EP/R008787/1, £1.2M, 2017-2020) PI Barton) in collaboration with multiple industry partners that provide £1M of support. 2. EPSCR Programme Grant 'Certification for Design: Reshaping the Testing Pyramid' or 'CerTest' (EP/S017038/1, £6.9M, 2019-2024, PI Thomsen) in collaboration with the University of Bristol, University of Bath and University of Exeter, industrial partners Airbus, Rolls Royce, GKN Aerospace, CFMS, BAE Systems, the Alan Turing Institute, NCC as well as the European Aviation Safety Agency.
Start Year 2017
Description Novel strain-based NDE for online inspection and prognostics of composite sub-structures with manufacturing induced defects 
Organisation University of Bristol
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to the University of Southampton for the project 'Novel strain-based NDE for online inspection and prognostics of composite sub-structures with manufacturing induced defects'.
Collaborator Contribution The project contributed to the Hub priority research theme 'Inspection and in-process evaluation'. The overarching aim of the project was a system deployed alongside current inspection approaches in the production environment. When defects or subsurface artefacts including variability of fibre volume fraction and fibre orientation have been detected, the system would be deployed to determine if the component is fit for service, requires repair or is scrapped. Contributions: 1. Proof-of-concept of the novel strain based NDE for assessment of evolving damage states in structutal applications of composites. 2. Proof-of-concept of the novel strain based NDE for assessment of variability and heterogeneity in-situ in discontinuous compression moulded preforms. 3. Demonstration of simulateneous use and integration of DIC and TSA for quantitative assessment of evolving damage states, material heterogeneities and manufacturing defects. 4. Fundamental developments in the use of low cost cameras for TSA. 5. The groundwork to develop two successful high value EPSRC proposals, strongly supported by industry
Impact Conference papers and International seminars: 1. Bull, D.J., Dulieu-Barton, J.M., Thomsen, O.T, Butler, R., Rhead, A.T., Fletcher, T.A. and Potter, K.D., "Reshaping the testing pyramid: utilisation of data-rich NDT techniques as a means to develop a 'high fidelity' component and sub-structure testing methodology for composites", Proc 21st International Conference on Composite Materials, Xi'an, China, 2017 2. Dulieu-Barton and Thomsen O.T., "Towards a new paradigm for high-fidelity testing and integrated multi-scale modelling of composite substructures and components". Invited presentation at International Symposium "Novel Composite Materials & Processes for Offshore Renewable Energy", Cork, September 2017 3. Dulieu-Barton and Thomsen O.T., "Towards a new paradigm for high-fidelity testing and integrated multi-scale modelling of composite substructures and components". Keynote presentation at 2nd International Symposium on Multiscale Experimental Mechanics (ISMEM 2017), DTU, Denmark, Nov 2017 4. Dulieu-Barton and Thomsen O.T., "Towards a new paradigm for high-fidelity testing and integrated multi-scale modelling of composite substructures and components". Seminar at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA, June 2017 5. Dulieu-Barton and Thomsen O.T., "Towards a new paradigm for high-fidelity testing and integrated multi-scale modelling of composite substructures and components". Seminar at Beijing Jiaotong University, August 2017 6. Dulieu-Barton and Thomsen O.T., "Towards a new paradigm for high-fidelity testing and integrated multi-scale modelling of composite substructures and components". Seminar at Beijing Institute of Technology, August 2017 7. Dulieu-Barton and Thomsen O.T., "Towards a new paradigm for high-fidelity testing and integrated multi-scale modelling of composite substructures and components". Seminar at Northwestern Polytechnic University, Xi'an, August 2017. 8. Bull, D.J., Thomsen, O.T and Dulieu-Barton, J.M., "Understanding heterogeneity in discontinuous compression moulded composite materials for high-volume applications", SEM Annual Conference, Greenville, 2018, USA. 9. I. Jiménez-Fortunato, Bull, D.J., Thomsen, O.T and Dulieu-Barton, J.M., "Towards integrating imaging techniques to assess manufacturing features and in-service damage in composite components ", SEM Annual Conference, Greenville, 2018, USA. 10. Jiménez-Fortunato, I., Bull, D.J., Dulieu-Barton, J.M. and Thomsen, O.T. "Towards developing a calibration technique to apply TSA with microbolometers", British Society for Strain Measurement 13th International Conference on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, Southampton, 2018, 2 pages. 11. Jiménez-Fortunato, I., Bull, D.J., Dulieu-Barton, J.M. and Thomsen, O.T. "Towards combining imaging techniques to characterise defects and damage in composite structures", SAMPE Conference on Large Structures in Composite Engineering, Southampton, 2018, 8 pages. 12. Jiménez-Fortunato, I., Bull, D.J., Dulieu-Barton, J.M. and Thomsen, O.T. " Damage characterisation of composite components using full-field imaging techniques", Proc 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials, Melbourne, Australia, 2019, 5 pages. Other relevant impacts: 1. EPSRC, 'Structures 2025', Strategic Equipment Grant (EP/R008787/1, £1.2M, 2017-2020) PI Barton) in collaboration with multiple industry partners that provide £1M of support. 2. EPSCR Programme Grant 'Certification for Design: Reshaping the Testing Pyramid' or 'CerTest' (EP/S017038/1, £6.9M, 2019-2024, PI Thomsen) in collaboration with the University of Bristol, University of Bath and University of Exeter, industrial partners Airbus, Rolls Royce, GKN Aerospace, CFMS, BAE Systems, the Alan Turing Institute, NCC as well as the European Aviation Safety Agency.
Start Year 2017
Description Novel strain-based NDE for online inspection and prognostics of composite sub-structures with manufacturing induced defects 
Organisation University of Nottingham
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to the University of Southampton for the project 'Novel strain-based NDE for online inspection and prognostics of composite sub-structures with manufacturing induced defects'.
Collaborator Contribution The project contributed to the Hub priority research theme 'Inspection and in-process evaluation'. The overarching aim of the project was a system deployed alongside current inspection approaches in the production environment. When defects or subsurface artefacts including variability of fibre volume fraction and fibre orientation have been detected, the system would be deployed to determine if the component is fit for service, requires repair or is scrapped. Contributions: 1. Proof-of-concept of the novel strain based NDE for assessment of evolving damage states in structutal applications of composites. 2. Proof-of-concept of the novel strain based NDE for assessment of variability and heterogeneity in-situ in discontinuous compression moulded preforms. 3. Demonstration of simulateneous use and integration of DIC and TSA for quantitative assessment of evolving damage states, material heterogeneities and manufacturing defects. 4. Fundamental developments in the use of low cost cameras for TSA. 5. The groundwork to develop two successful high value EPSRC proposals, strongly supported by industry
Impact Conference papers and International seminars: 1. Bull, D.J., Dulieu-Barton, J.M., Thomsen, O.T, Butler, R., Rhead, A.T., Fletcher, T.A. and Potter, K.D., "Reshaping the testing pyramid: utilisation of data-rich NDT techniques as a means to develop a 'high fidelity' component and sub-structure testing methodology for composites", Proc 21st International Conference on Composite Materials, Xi'an, China, 2017 2. Dulieu-Barton and Thomsen O.T., "Towards a new paradigm for high-fidelity testing and integrated multi-scale modelling of composite substructures and components". Invited presentation at International Symposium "Novel Composite Materials & Processes for Offshore Renewable Energy", Cork, September 2017 3. Dulieu-Barton and Thomsen O.T., "Towards a new paradigm for high-fidelity testing and integrated multi-scale modelling of composite substructures and components". Keynote presentation at 2nd International Symposium on Multiscale Experimental Mechanics (ISMEM 2017), DTU, Denmark, Nov 2017 4. Dulieu-Barton and Thomsen O.T., "Towards a new paradigm for high-fidelity testing and integrated multi-scale modelling of composite substructures and components". Seminar at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA, June 2017 5. Dulieu-Barton and Thomsen O.T., "Towards a new paradigm for high-fidelity testing and integrated multi-scale modelling of composite substructures and components". Seminar at Beijing Jiaotong University, August 2017 6. Dulieu-Barton and Thomsen O.T., "Towards a new paradigm for high-fidelity testing and integrated multi-scale modelling of composite substructures and components". Seminar at Beijing Institute of Technology, August 2017 7. Dulieu-Barton and Thomsen O.T., "Towards a new paradigm for high-fidelity testing and integrated multi-scale modelling of composite substructures and components". Seminar at Northwestern Polytechnic University, Xi'an, August 2017. 8. Bull, D.J., Thomsen, O.T and Dulieu-Barton, J.M., "Understanding heterogeneity in discontinuous compression moulded composite materials for high-volume applications", SEM Annual Conference, Greenville, 2018, USA. 9. I. Jiménez-Fortunato, Bull, D.J., Thomsen, O.T and Dulieu-Barton, J.M., "Towards integrating imaging techniques to assess manufacturing features and in-service damage in composite components ", SEM Annual Conference, Greenville, 2018, USA. 10. Jiménez-Fortunato, I., Bull, D.J., Dulieu-Barton, J.M. and Thomsen, O.T. "Towards developing a calibration technique to apply TSA with microbolometers", British Society for Strain Measurement 13th International Conference on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, Southampton, 2018, 2 pages. 11. Jiménez-Fortunato, I., Bull, D.J., Dulieu-Barton, J.M. and Thomsen, O.T. "Towards combining imaging techniques to characterise defects and damage in composite structures", SAMPE Conference on Large Structures in Composite Engineering, Southampton, 2018, 8 pages. 12. Jiménez-Fortunato, I., Bull, D.J., Dulieu-Barton, J.M. and Thomsen, O.T. " Damage characterisation of composite components using full-field imaging techniques", Proc 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials, Melbourne, Australia, 2019, 5 pages. Other relevant impacts: 1. EPSRC, 'Structures 2025', Strategic Equipment Grant (EP/R008787/1, £1.2M, 2017-2020) PI Barton) in collaboration with multiple industry partners that provide £1M of support. 2. EPSCR Programme Grant 'Certification for Design: Reshaping the Testing Pyramid' or 'CerTest' (EP/S017038/1, £6.9M, 2019-2024, PI Thomsen) in collaboration with the University of Bristol, University of Bath and University of Exeter, industrial partners Airbus, Rolls Royce, GKN Aerospace, CFMS, BAE Systems, the Alan Turing Institute, NCC as well as the European Aviation Safety Agency.
Start Year 2017
Description Novel strain-based NDE for online inspection and prognostics of composite sub-structures with manufacturing induced defects 
Organisation University of Southampton
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to the University of Southampton for the project 'Novel strain-based NDE for online inspection and prognostics of composite sub-structures with manufacturing induced defects'.
Collaborator Contribution The project contributed to the Hub priority research theme 'Inspection and in-process evaluation'. The overarching aim of the project was a system deployed alongside current inspection approaches in the production environment. When defects or subsurface artefacts including variability of fibre volume fraction and fibre orientation have been detected, the system would be deployed to determine if the component is fit for service, requires repair or is scrapped. Contributions: 1. Proof-of-concept of the novel strain based NDE for assessment of evolving damage states in structutal applications of composites. 2. Proof-of-concept of the novel strain based NDE for assessment of variability and heterogeneity in-situ in discontinuous compression moulded preforms. 3. Demonstration of simulateneous use and integration of DIC and TSA for quantitative assessment of evolving damage states, material heterogeneities and manufacturing defects. 4. Fundamental developments in the use of low cost cameras for TSA. 5. The groundwork to develop two successful high value EPSRC proposals, strongly supported by industry
Impact Conference papers and International seminars: 1. Bull, D.J., Dulieu-Barton, J.M., Thomsen, O.T, Butler, R., Rhead, A.T., Fletcher, T.A. and Potter, K.D., "Reshaping the testing pyramid: utilisation of data-rich NDT techniques as a means to develop a 'high fidelity' component and sub-structure testing methodology for composites", Proc 21st International Conference on Composite Materials, Xi'an, China, 2017 2. Dulieu-Barton and Thomsen O.T., "Towards a new paradigm for high-fidelity testing and integrated multi-scale modelling of composite substructures and components". Invited presentation at International Symposium "Novel Composite Materials & Processes for Offshore Renewable Energy", Cork, September 2017 3. Dulieu-Barton and Thomsen O.T., "Towards a new paradigm for high-fidelity testing and integrated multi-scale modelling of composite substructures and components". Keynote presentation at 2nd International Symposium on Multiscale Experimental Mechanics (ISMEM 2017), DTU, Denmark, Nov 2017 4. Dulieu-Barton and Thomsen O.T., "Towards a new paradigm for high-fidelity testing and integrated multi-scale modelling of composite substructures and components". Seminar at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA, June 2017 5. Dulieu-Barton and Thomsen O.T., "Towards a new paradigm for high-fidelity testing and integrated multi-scale modelling of composite substructures and components". Seminar at Beijing Jiaotong University, August 2017 6. Dulieu-Barton and Thomsen O.T., "Towards a new paradigm for high-fidelity testing and integrated multi-scale modelling of composite substructures and components". Seminar at Beijing Institute of Technology, August 2017 7. Dulieu-Barton and Thomsen O.T., "Towards a new paradigm for high-fidelity testing and integrated multi-scale modelling of composite substructures and components". Seminar at Northwestern Polytechnic University, Xi'an, August 2017. 8. Bull, D.J., Thomsen, O.T and Dulieu-Barton, J.M., "Understanding heterogeneity in discontinuous compression moulded composite materials for high-volume applications", SEM Annual Conference, Greenville, 2018, USA. 9. I. Jiménez-Fortunato, Bull, D.J., Thomsen, O.T and Dulieu-Barton, J.M., "Towards integrating imaging techniques to assess manufacturing features and in-service damage in composite components ", SEM Annual Conference, Greenville, 2018, USA. 10. Jiménez-Fortunato, I., Bull, D.J., Dulieu-Barton, J.M. and Thomsen, O.T. "Towards developing a calibration technique to apply TSA with microbolometers", British Society for Strain Measurement 13th International Conference on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, Southampton, 2018, 2 pages. 11. Jiménez-Fortunato, I., Bull, D.J., Dulieu-Barton, J.M. and Thomsen, O.T. "Towards combining imaging techniques to characterise defects and damage in composite structures", SAMPE Conference on Large Structures in Composite Engineering, Southampton, 2018, 8 pages. 12. Jiménez-Fortunato, I., Bull, D.J., Dulieu-Barton, J.M. and Thomsen, O.T. " Damage characterisation of composite components using full-field imaging techniques", Proc 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials, Melbourne, Australia, 2019, 5 pages. Other relevant impacts: 1. EPSRC, 'Structures 2025', Strategic Equipment Grant (EP/R008787/1, £1.2M, 2017-2020) PI Barton) in collaboration with multiple industry partners that provide £1M of support. 2. EPSCR Programme Grant 'Certification for Design: Reshaping the Testing Pyramid' or 'CerTest' (EP/S017038/1, £6.9M, 2019-2024, PI Thomsen) in collaboration with the University of Bristol, University of Bath and University of Exeter, industrial partners Airbus, Rolls Royce, GKN Aerospace, CFMS, BAE Systems, the Alan Turing Institute, NCC as well as the European Aviation Safety Agency.
Start Year 2017
Description Optimised manufacturing of Structural Composites via Thermoelectric Vario-thermal Tooling 
Organisation European Thermodynamics
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to The University of Warwick for the six-month project 'Optimised manufacturing of Structural Composites via Thermoelectric Vario-thermal Tooling'. The research team met the deliverables set that were set and made the following contributions: 1) Prototype construction as a technology demonstrator, allowing a feasibility determination of the proposed technology to a selected application. 2) Detailed performance data of the system in the context of rapid processing of thermoplastic composites. 3) A review of the benefits, limitations of proposed zone heating technology as compared to existing tooling technology. Deliverable 1 - The development of the VARIOTHERM prototype tooling systems was performed in a step-wise manner, delivering multiple tooling systems of increasing capability and complexity. Deliverable 2 - : The '1-D' system was run without any TPC material and the heating/cooling and control characteristics were evaluated. Using PA6 processing regime as a target, the system was shown to cool from 240°C to 170°C and heat back to 240°C in ~100s, achieving heating/cooling rates of 1-3°C/s, dependent upon the temperature differential. Deliverable 3 - The Peltier technology as applied to a simple flat aluminium plate tooling system here has delivered typical heating/cooling rates of >1°C/s (peak rates of 3°C/s). A commercially-available proprietary vario-thermal tooling system currently in use at WMG delivers peak vario-therm rates of ~0.6 °C/s. Further, effective temperature regulation using Peltier modules at around the crystallisation temperature could optimise growth of the crystal structures improving the mechanical properties of the sample. This optimisation for a given TPC matrix is now being considered for future projects. The Peltier system at present can operate at up to 250 °C which serves as a limitation against processing performance TPCs. The study successfully demonstrated the feasibly of using Peltier systems as active mould temperature control elements thus opening a window for further studies towards developing and optimising the technology for specific industrial applications.
Collaborator Contribution Selection of the appropriate TE element as well as design of the control unit was done in close collaboration with partner European Thermodynamics. They are interested in the project because this concerns a novel application with significant industrial potential. As a result of this project, WMG HVM-C has sponsored the manufacture of a larger tooling prototype for technology demonstration as part of WMG's National Polymer Processing Centre's TPCs sustainable lightweighting initiative (Peijs et al.). This currently under manufacture at the industrial project partner's premises. Additionally, WMG and the industrial partner have submitted a proposal into the recent May 2021 I-UK Smart Manufacturing call (PIXELTHERM - Precise Next Generation Localised Intelligent-heat control in thermoplastic moulding, Peijs/Reynolds). The technology will also be further explored by WMG through the recently awarded £6m ENLIGHTEN (Enabling Integrated Lightweight Structures In High Volumes) programme led by the University of Twente; an industrially funded project with Van Wees B.V. (Netherlands) on recycling of manufacturing waste of thermoplastic UD tapes; and - project pending - a recently submitted proposal on machine learning assisted recycling of thermoplastic compounds for the EPSRC Sustainable Manufacturing Call.
Impact As a result of this project, WMG HVM-C has sponsored the manufacture of a larger tooling prototype for technology demonstration as part of WMG's National Polymer Processing Centre's TPCs sustainable lightweighting initiative (Peijs et al.). This currently under manufacture at the industrial project partner's premises. Output has been in the form of a journal publication:
Start Year 2020
Description Optimised manufacturing of Structural Composites via Thermoelectric Vario-thermal Tooling 
Organisation University of Warwick
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to The University of Warwick for the six-month project 'Optimised manufacturing of Structural Composites via Thermoelectric Vario-thermal Tooling'. The research team met the deliverables set that were set and made the following contributions: 1) Prototype construction as a technology demonstrator, allowing a feasibility determination of the proposed technology to a selected application. 2) Detailed performance data of the system in the context of rapid processing of thermoplastic composites. 3) A review of the benefits, limitations of proposed zone heating technology as compared to existing tooling technology. Deliverable 1 - The development of the VARIOTHERM prototype tooling systems was performed in a step-wise manner, delivering multiple tooling systems of increasing capability and complexity. Deliverable 2 - : The '1-D' system was run without any TPC material and the heating/cooling and control characteristics were evaluated. Using PA6 processing regime as a target, the system was shown to cool from 240°C to 170°C and heat back to 240°C in ~100s, achieving heating/cooling rates of 1-3°C/s, dependent upon the temperature differential. Deliverable 3 - The Peltier technology as applied to a simple flat aluminium plate tooling system here has delivered typical heating/cooling rates of >1°C/s (peak rates of 3°C/s). A commercially-available proprietary vario-thermal tooling system currently in use at WMG delivers peak vario-therm rates of ~0.6 °C/s. Further, effective temperature regulation using Peltier modules at around the crystallisation temperature could optimise growth of the crystal structures improving the mechanical properties of the sample. This optimisation for a given TPC matrix is now being considered for future projects. The Peltier system at present can operate at up to 250 °C which serves as a limitation against processing performance TPCs. The study successfully demonstrated the feasibly of using Peltier systems as active mould temperature control elements thus opening a window for further studies towards developing and optimising the technology for specific industrial applications.
Collaborator Contribution Selection of the appropriate TE element as well as design of the control unit was done in close collaboration with partner European Thermodynamics. They are interested in the project because this concerns a novel application with significant industrial potential. As a result of this project, WMG HVM-C has sponsored the manufacture of a larger tooling prototype for technology demonstration as part of WMG's National Polymer Processing Centre's TPCs sustainable lightweighting initiative (Peijs et al.). This currently under manufacture at the industrial project partner's premises. Additionally, WMG and the industrial partner have submitted a proposal into the recent May 2021 I-UK Smart Manufacturing call (PIXELTHERM - Precise Next Generation Localised Intelligent-heat control in thermoplastic moulding, Peijs/Reynolds). The technology will also be further explored by WMG through the recently awarded £6m ENLIGHTEN (Enabling Integrated Lightweight Structures In High Volumes) programme led by the University of Twente; an industrially funded project with Van Wees B.V. (Netherlands) on recycling of manufacturing waste of thermoplastic UD tapes; and - project pending - a recently submitted proposal on machine learning assisted recycling of thermoplastic compounds for the EPSRC Sustainable Manufacturing Call.
Impact As a result of this project, WMG HVM-C has sponsored the manufacture of a larger tooling prototype for technology demonstration as part of WMG's National Polymer Processing Centre's TPCs sustainable lightweighting initiative (Peijs et al.). This currently under manufacture at the industrial project partner's premises. Output has been in the form of a journal publication:
Start Year 2020
Description Permeability variability of textile fabrics for liquid moulding 
Organisation University of Bath
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub have funded a 2 year Innovation Fellowship at the University of Bath, the project will study permeability variability of textile fabrics for liquid moulding. Accurate permeability data is key to high-fidelity resin flow simulations for Liquid Composites Moulding (LCM), yet remains an unsolved challenge due to variabilities at different length scales. This project will address this issue, by bringing powerful numerical methods for statistically accurate permeability calculations and filling fundamental knowledge gaps. Specific objectives are (i) develop multi-scale numerical models for massive simulations; (ii) study the permeability variability of textile fabrics using X-ray computed tomography and numerical simulations; (iii) develop stochastic surrogate model for fabric permeability.
Collaborator Contribution No partners recorded.
Impact The Fellowship is still active and in progress. The following synergies have already been identified: Active interactions are being conducted with two Hub core projects: 1. NCForm project Design simulation tools and process improvements for NCF preforming - The PI has been invited to the regular project meetings - The NCF materials being tested by the core project was provided to University of Bath for some in-situ tests with XCT 2. Resin injection into reinforcement with uncertain heterogeneous properties: NDE and control - The PI visited University of Nottingham (hosted by Dr. Andreas Endruweit and Dr. Mikhail Matveev) to discuss collaborations and to be trained and supported for resin flow experiments.
Start Year 2022
Description Powder-Epoxy Carbon Fibre Towpreg for High Speed, Low-Cost Automated Fibre Placement (2019 - 2022) 
Organisation Coriolis Composites
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub have funded a 2 year Innovation Fellowship at The University of Edinburgh on 'Powder-Epoxy Carbon Fibre Towpreg for High Speed, Low-Cost Automated Fibre Placement'. The following contributions were made from the project research team: The new tapeline was built during the project and addressed these issues: Tension, temperature and speed are now fully controlled and logged. Adding in-line dynamic controls, allowed for further control over the system. The robustness of the tapeline enables to be confident of the tape quality and homogeneity. It allowed to go much faster than previously, while retaining the quality, which was impossible before automation. Automation and speed it allowed to drive the production cost down, a lower operator cost and higher production speed. Finally, innovative aspects of the powder towpregging tapeline, such as the use of electrostatic deposition of powder epoxy (allowing for high-speed production); and the use of joule heating (using 50 times less energy than a 1KW IR lamp); allowed for low-cost production.
Collaborator Contribution Partner contributions to the project: - Freilacke (original powder epoxy manufacturer, spool sent) - Swiss CMT (powder system design) - Toray (carbon fibre provider) - Nottingham University (feasibility study on recycled carbon fibre, spool sent)
Impact Multiple collaborations have started with a special scope on industry, specifically Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs). 4 EPSRC research grants were awarded directly coming from the innovation fellowship for a total of about £183K. An outcome of the project has been a link with Additive manufacturing with Dr. Dongmin Yang (UoE). Much potential is coming from this low viscosity, non-tacky tape. We are working on the next steps, involving an innovate UK project as well as a High performance thermoplastic powder tapeline. Following this project, a collaboration was formed with another CIMComp PI at the University of Nottingham to co-ordinate the 2022 Feasibility study 'Furthering the uptake of Carbon Fibre Recyclates by converting into Robust Intermediary Materials suitable for Automated Manufacturing'. The fellowship has formed synergy with the following Hub projects: -CIMCOMP synergy study: Powder Epoxy for One-Shot Cure, Out-of-Autoclave Applications: Lap Shear Strength and Z-Pinning Study, in collaboration with Dr. Edward Archer from Ulster University. - COMPrinting: Novel 3D Printing of Curved Continuous Carbon Fibre Reinforced Powder-based Epoxy Composites, in collaboration with Dr. Dongmin Yang from UoE. - CIMCOMP feasibility study: Furthering the uptake of Carbon Fibre Recyclates by converting into Robust Intermediary Materials suitable for Automated Manufacturing, in collaboration with the University of Nottingham. Output via Publications DOI:10.1016/j.compositesa.2022.107285 DOI: 10.3390/jcs6030075
Start Year 2019
Description Powder-Epoxy Carbon Fibre Towpreg for High Speed, Low-Cost Automated Fibre Placement (2019 - 2022) 
Organisation FreiLacke
Country Germany 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub have funded a 2 year Innovation Fellowship at The University of Edinburgh on 'Powder-Epoxy Carbon Fibre Towpreg for High Speed, Low-Cost Automated Fibre Placement'. The following contributions were made from the project research team: The new tapeline was built during the project and addressed these issues: Tension, temperature and speed are now fully controlled and logged. Adding in-line dynamic controls, allowed for further control over the system. The robustness of the tapeline enables to be confident of the tape quality and homogeneity. It allowed to go much faster than previously, while retaining the quality, which was impossible before automation. Automation and speed it allowed to drive the production cost down, a lower operator cost and higher production speed. Finally, innovative aspects of the powder towpregging tapeline, such as the use of electrostatic deposition of powder epoxy (allowing for high-speed production); and the use of joule heating (using 50 times less energy than a 1KW IR lamp); allowed for low-cost production.
Collaborator Contribution Partner contributions to the project: - Freilacke (original powder epoxy manufacturer, spool sent) - Swiss CMT (powder system design) - Toray (carbon fibre provider) - Nottingham University (feasibility study on recycled carbon fibre, spool sent)
Impact Multiple collaborations have started with a special scope on industry, specifically Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs). 4 EPSRC research grants were awarded directly coming from the innovation fellowship for a total of about £183K. An outcome of the project has been a link with Additive manufacturing with Dr. Dongmin Yang (UoE). Much potential is coming from this low viscosity, non-tacky tape. We are working on the next steps, involving an innovate UK project as well as a High performance thermoplastic powder tapeline. Following this project, a collaboration was formed with another CIMComp PI at the University of Nottingham to co-ordinate the 2022 Feasibility study 'Furthering the uptake of Carbon Fibre Recyclates by converting into Robust Intermediary Materials suitable for Automated Manufacturing'. The fellowship has formed synergy with the following Hub projects: -CIMCOMP synergy study: Powder Epoxy for One-Shot Cure, Out-of-Autoclave Applications: Lap Shear Strength and Z-Pinning Study, in collaboration with Dr. Edward Archer from Ulster University. - COMPrinting: Novel 3D Printing of Curved Continuous Carbon Fibre Reinforced Powder-based Epoxy Composites, in collaboration with Dr. Dongmin Yang from UoE. - CIMCOMP feasibility study: Furthering the uptake of Carbon Fibre Recyclates by converting into Robust Intermediary Materials suitable for Automated Manufacturing, in collaboration with the University of Nottingham. Output via Publications DOI:10.1016/j.compositesa.2022.107285 DOI: 10.3390/jcs6030075
Start Year 2019
Description Powder-Epoxy Carbon Fibre Towpreg for High Speed, Low-Cost Automated Fibre Placement (2019 - 2022) 
Organisation National Composites Centre (NCC)
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub have funded a 2 year Innovation Fellowship at The University of Edinburgh on 'Powder-Epoxy Carbon Fibre Towpreg for High Speed, Low-Cost Automated Fibre Placement'. The following contributions were made from the project research team: The new tapeline was built during the project and addressed these issues: Tension, temperature and speed are now fully controlled and logged. Adding in-line dynamic controls, allowed for further control over the system. The robustness of the tapeline enables to be confident of the tape quality and homogeneity. It allowed to go much faster than previously, while retaining the quality, which was impossible before automation. Automation and speed it allowed to drive the production cost down, a lower operator cost and higher production speed. Finally, innovative aspects of the powder towpregging tapeline, such as the use of electrostatic deposition of powder epoxy (allowing for high-speed production); and the use of joule heating (using 50 times less energy than a 1KW IR lamp); allowed for low-cost production.
Collaborator Contribution Partner contributions to the project: - Freilacke (original powder epoxy manufacturer, spool sent) - Swiss CMT (powder system design) - Toray (carbon fibre provider) - Nottingham University (feasibility study on recycled carbon fibre, spool sent)
Impact Multiple collaborations have started with a special scope on industry, specifically Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs). 4 EPSRC research grants were awarded directly coming from the innovation fellowship for a total of about £183K. An outcome of the project has been a link with Additive manufacturing with Dr. Dongmin Yang (UoE). Much potential is coming from this low viscosity, non-tacky tape. We are working on the next steps, involving an innovate UK project as well as a High performance thermoplastic powder tapeline. Following this project, a collaboration was formed with another CIMComp PI at the University of Nottingham to co-ordinate the 2022 Feasibility study 'Furthering the uptake of Carbon Fibre Recyclates by converting into Robust Intermediary Materials suitable for Automated Manufacturing'. The fellowship has formed synergy with the following Hub projects: -CIMCOMP synergy study: Powder Epoxy for One-Shot Cure, Out-of-Autoclave Applications: Lap Shear Strength and Z-Pinning Study, in collaboration with Dr. Edward Archer from Ulster University. - COMPrinting: Novel 3D Printing of Curved Continuous Carbon Fibre Reinforced Powder-based Epoxy Composites, in collaboration with Dr. Dongmin Yang from UoE. - CIMCOMP feasibility study: Furthering the uptake of Carbon Fibre Recyclates by converting into Robust Intermediary Materials suitable for Automated Manufacturing, in collaboration with the University of Nottingham. Output via Publications DOI:10.1016/j.compositesa.2022.107285 DOI: 10.3390/jcs6030075
Start Year 2019
Description Powder-Epoxy Carbon Fibre Towpreg for High Speed, Low-Cost Automated Fibre Placement (2019 - 2022) 
Organisation Toray International Europe
Country Germany 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub have funded a 2 year Innovation Fellowship at The University of Edinburgh on 'Powder-Epoxy Carbon Fibre Towpreg for High Speed, Low-Cost Automated Fibre Placement'. The following contributions were made from the project research team: The new tapeline was built during the project and addressed these issues: Tension, temperature and speed are now fully controlled and logged. Adding in-line dynamic controls, allowed for further control over the system. The robustness of the tapeline enables to be confident of the tape quality and homogeneity. It allowed to go much faster than previously, while retaining the quality, which was impossible before automation. Automation and speed it allowed to drive the production cost down, a lower operator cost and higher production speed. Finally, innovative aspects of the powder towpregging tapeline, such as the use of electrostatic deposition of powder epoxy (allowing for high-speed production); and the use of joule heating (using 50 times less energy than a 1KW IR lamp); allowed for low-cost production.
Collaborator Contribution Partner contributions to the project: - Freilacke (original powder epoxy manufacturer, spool sent) - Swiss CMT (powder system design) - Toray (carbon fibre provider) - Nottingham University (feasibility study on recycled carbon fibre, spool sent)
Impact Multiple collaborations have started with a special scope on industry, specifically Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs). 4 EPSRC research grants were awarded directly coming from the innovation fellowship for a total of about £183K. An outcome of the project has been a link with Additive manufacturing with Dr. Dongmin Yang (UoE). Much potential is coming from this low viscosity, non-tacky tape. We are working on the next steps, involving an innovate UK project as well as a High performance thermoplastic powder tapeline. Following this project, a collaboration was formed with another CIMComp PI at the University of Nottingham to co-ordinate the 2022 Feasibility study 'Furthering the uptake of Carbon Fibre Recyclates by converting into Robust Intermediary Materials suitable for Automated Manufacturing'. The fellowship has formed synergy with the following Hub projects: -CIMCOMP synergy study: Powder Epoxy for One-Shot Cure, Out-of-Autoclave Applications: Lap Shear Strength and Z-Pinning Study, in collaboration with Dr. Edward Archer from Ulster University. - COMPrinting: Novel 3D Printing of Curved Continuous Carbon Fibre Reinforced Powder-based Epoxy Composites, in collaboration with Dr. Dongmin Yang from UoE. - CIMCOMP feasibility study: Furthering the uptake of Carbon Fibre Recyclates by converting into Robust Intermediary Materials suitable for Automated Manufacturing, in collaboration with the University of Nottingham. Output via Publications DOI:10.1016/j.compositesa.2022.107285 DOI: 10.3390/jcs6030075
Start Year 2019
Description Powder-Epoxy Carbon Fibre Towpreg for High Speed, Low-Cost Automated Fibre Placement (2019 - 2022) 
Organisation University of Edinburgh
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub have funded a 2 year Innovation Fellowship at The University of Edinburgh on 'Powder-Epoxy Carbon Fibre Towpreg for High Speed, Low-Cost Automated Fibre Placement'. The following contributions were made from the project research team: The new tapeline was built during the project and addressed these issues: Tension, temperature and speed are now fully controlled and logged. Adding in-line dynamic controls, allowed for further control over the system. The robustness of the tapeline enables to be confident of the tape quality and homogeneity. It allowed to go much faster than previously, while retaining the quality, which was impossible before automation. Automation and speed it allowed to drive the production cost down, a lower operator cost and higher production speed. Finally, innovative aspects of the powder towpregging tapeline, such as the use of electrostatic deposition of powder epoxy (allowing for high-speed production); and the use of joule heating (using 50 times less energy than a 1KW IR lamp); allowed for low-cost production.
Collaborator Contribution Partner contributions to the project: - Freilacke (original powder epoxy manufacturer, spool sent) - Swiss CMT (powder system design) - Toray (carbon fibre provider) - Nottingham University (feasibility study on recycled carbon fibre, spool sent)
Impact Multiple collaborations have started with a special scope on industry, specifically Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs). 4 EPSRC research grants were awarded directly coming from the innovation fellowship for a total of about £183K. An outcome of the project has been a link with Additive manufacturing with Dr. Dongmin Yang (UoE). Much potential is coming from this low viscosity, non-tacky tape. We are working on the next steps, involving an innovate UK project as well as a High performance thermoplastic powder tapeline. Following this project, a collaboration was formed with another CIMComp PI at the University of Nottingham to co-ordinate the 2022 Feasibility study 'Furthering the uptake of Carbon Fibre Recyclates by converting into Robust Intermediary Materials suitable for Automated Manufacturing'. The fellowship has formed synergy with the following Hub projects: -CIMCOMP synergy study: Powder Epoxy for One-Shot Cure, Out-of-Autoclave Applications: Lap Shear Strength and Z-Pinning Study, in collaboration with Dr. Edward Archer from Ulster University. - COMPrinting: Novel 3D Printing of Curved Continuous Carbon Fibre Reinforced Powder-based Epoxy Composites, in collaboration with Dr. Dongmin Yang from UoE. - CIMCOMP feasibility study: Furthering the uptake of Carbon Fibre Recyclates by converting into Robust Intermediary Materials suitable for Automated Manufacturing, in collaboration with the University of Nottingham. Output via Publications DOI:10.1016/j.compositesa.2022.107285 DOI: 10.3390/jcs6030075
Start Year 2019
Description Powder-Epoxy Carbon Fibre Towpreg for High Speed, Low-Cost Automated Fibre Placement (2019 - 2022) 
Organisation University of Nottingham
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub have funded a 2 year Innovation Fellowship at The University of Edinburgh on 'Powder-Epoxy Carbon Fibre Towpreg for High Speed, Low-Cost Automated Fibre Placement'. The following contributions were made from the project research team: The new tapeline was built during the project and addressed these issues: Tension, temperature and speed are now fully controlled and logged. Adding in-line dynamic controls, allowed for further control over the system. The robustness of the tapeline enables to be confident of the tape quality and homogeneity. It allowed to go much faster than previously, while retaining the quality, which was impossible before automation. Automation and speed it allowed to drive the production cost down, a lower operator cost and higher production speed. Finally, innovative aspects of the powder towpregging tapeline, such as the use of electrostatic deposition of powder epoxy (allowing for high-speed production); and the use of joule heating (using 50 times less energy than a 1KW IR lamp); allowed for low-cost production.
Collaborator Contribution Partner contributions to the project: - Freilacke (original powder epoxy manufacturer, spool sent) - Swiss CMT (powder system design) - Toray (carbon fibre provider) - Nottingham University (feasibility study on recycled carbon fibre, spool sent)
Impact Multiple collaborations have started with a special scope on industry, specifically Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs). 4 EPSRC research grants were awarded directly coming from the innovation fellowship for a total of about £183K. An outcome of the project has been a link with Additive manufacturing with Dr. Dongmin Yang (UoE). Much potential is coming from this low viscosity, non-tacky tape. We are working on the next steps, involving an innovate UK project as well as a High performance thermoplastic powder tapeline. Following this project, a collaboration was formed with another CIMComp PI at the University of Nottingham to co-ordinate the 2022 Feasibility study 'Furthering the uptake of Carbon Fibre Recyclates by converting into Robust Intermediary Materials suitable for Automated Manufacturing'. The fellowship has formed synergy with the following Hub projects: -CIMCOMP synergy study: Powder Epoxy for One-Shot Cure, Out-of-Autoclave Applications: Lap Shear Strength and Z-Pinning Study, in collaboration with Dr. Edward Archer from Ulster University. - COMPrinting: Novel 3D Printing of Curved Continuous Carbon Fibre Reinforced Powder-based Epoxy Composites, in collaboration with Dr. Dongmin Yang from UoE. - CIMCOMP feasibility study: Furthering the uptake of Carbon Fibre Recyclates by converting into Robust Intermediary Materials suitable for Automated Manufacturing, in collaboration with the University of Nottingham. Output via Publications DOI:10.1016/j.compositesa.2022.107285 DOI: 10.3390/jcs6030075
Start Year 2019
Description Resin injection into reinforcement with uncertain heterogeneous properties: NDE and control 
Organisation ESI Group
Country France 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The following contributions have been made by the research team: 1) An algorithm for analysis of in-process data has been developed and validated in the virtual and lab experiments. - This was shown to accurately capture both race tracking and other defects. Work on process control is in progress. 2) The inversion algorithm can be used either for characterisation of material or for defect detection to estimate the manufacturing process and product quality. 3) Currently developing a new demonstrator - stiffened panel equipped with sensors. With the expectation to test inversion algorithms on detecting race tracking as well as layup and material defects within this new demonstrator, to be utilised by industry. 4) Conducted a three month impact exploration (ended in December 2019; £8K of additional impact EPSRC funding was secured for that). Several companies were contacted, discussions were held with 7 of them. They all expressed an interest in the project and provided valuable feedback for further shaping the project towards the industrial needs. With three companies (JLR, Surface Generation and ESI), where further collaboration is being developed. 5) EPSRC Case studentship granted Mar 2020 - ESI committed £32K cash and £260K in-kind contribution.
Collaborator Contribution ESI is a Hub's partner and we are enhancing the strategic partnership for knowledge exchange with them. We are expecting to benefit from the ESI flagship software used across the composites manufacturing industry and from their knowledge of model order reduction techniques, while ESI will benefit from our expertise in Uncertainty Quantification (UQ). An EPSRC Case studentship was granted in March 2020. ESI committed £32K cash and £360K in-kind contribution. LMAT: its representative visited our team at Nottingham and we had a productive meeting, useful for our project in terms of making it closer aligned with industrial needs; further collaboration with LMAT is expected.
Impact - EPSRC Impact Exploration grant. Oct-Dec 2019, £8k. - Exploring industrial cases for active control RTM . - EPSRC Case studentship granted Mar 2020. ESI committed £32K cash and £360K in-kind contribution. - Nottingham Impact Accelerator (£8k, October - November 2019): Exploring industrial cases for active control RTM. - The I-CASE award (with Airbus; PI: A. Endruweit) "Sensor-driven process control for Resin Transfer Moulding of large aerostructures". Provisional start and end are 10/2023 and 10/2027. Value - TBC. Output in the form of collaborations with other Hub Projects - There is synergy between this project and the work done by Dr Andreas Endruweit (as Platform Fellow) in a worldwide joint effort on standardisation of permeability experiments (which culminated in formulation of the standard ISO/DIS 4410). - This project has established a collaboration with the work of Hub Innovation Fellow: Yang Chen, University of Bath. Outputs in the form of Journal Publications: DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2021.106323. DOI: 10.1088/1361-6420/abd29b/meta Output in the form of Conference publications: 1) M.Y. Matveev, A. Endruweit, A.C. Long, M.A. Iglesias, M.V. Tretyakov. Fast algorithms for active control of mould filling in RTM process with uncertainties. Proceedings of FPCM14, May 2018. 2) M. Y. Matveev, A. Endruweit, A.C. Long, M.A. Iglesias, M.V. Tretyakov. Defect detection in resin transfer moulding, ECCM-19. 3) M. Y. Matveev, A. Endruweit, A.C. Long, M.A. Iglesias, M.V. Tretyakov. Defect detection and process control in resin transfer moulding, ICMAC-12, 2021. 4) 2. M. Iglesias, M. Matveev, A. Endruweit, A. Long, M. Tretyakov, et al. Level-set parameterisations for Ensemble Kalman Inversion. SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification (UQ22), April 2022. 5.) M.Y. Matveev, A. Endruweit, M.A. Iglesias, M.V. Tretyakov. Minimisation of number of sensors for defect detection in resin transfer moulding. ECCM20, 2022. 6.) A. Endruweit, M.Y. Matveev, M.V. Tretyakov. Controlling resin flow in liquid composite moulding processes through localised irradiation with ultraviolet light. ECCM20, 2022.
Start Year 2019
Description Resin injection into reinforcement with uncertain heterogeneous properties: NDE and control 
Organisation GKN
Department GKN Aerospace
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The following contributions have been made by the research team: 1) An algorithm for analysis of in-process data has been developed and validated in the virtual and lab experiments. - This was shown to accurately capture both race tracking and other defects. Work on process control is in progress. 2) The inversion algorithm can be used either for characterisation of material or for defect detection to estimate the manufacturing process and product quality. 3) Currently developing a new demonstrator - stiffened panel equipped with sensors. With the expectation to test inversion algorithms on detecting race tracking as well as layup and material defects within this new demonstrator, to be utilised by industry. 4) Conducted a three month impact exploration (ended in December 2019; £8K of additional impact EPSRC funding was secured for that). Several companies were contacted, discussions were held with 7 of them. They all expressed an interest in the project and provided valuable feedback for further shaping the project towards the industrial needs. With three companies (JLR, Surface Generation and ESI), where further collaboration is being developed. 5) EPSRC Case studentship granted Mar 2020 - ESI committed £32K cash and £260K in-kind contribution.
Collaborator Contribution ESI is a Hub's partner and we are enhancing the strategic partnership for knowledge exchange with them. We are expecting to benefit from the ESI flagship software used across the composites manufacturing industry and from their knowledge of model order reduction techniques, while ESI will benefit from our expertise in Uncertainty Quantification (UQ). An EPSRC Case studentship was granted in March 2020. ESI committed £32K cash and £360K in-kind contribution. LMAT: its representative visited our team at Nottingham and we had a productive meeting, useful for our project in terms of making it closer aligned with industrial needs; further collaboration with LMAT is expected.
Impact - EPSRC Impact Exploration grant. Oct-Dec 2019, £8k. - Exploring industrial cases for active control RTM . - EPSRC Case studentship granted Mar 2020. ESI committed £32K cash and £360K in-kind contribution. - Nottingham Impact Accelerator (£8k, October - November 2019): Exploring industrial cases for active control RTM. - The I-CASE award (with Airbus; PI: A. Endruweit) "Sensor-driven process control for Resin Transfer Moulding of large aerostructures". Provisional start and end are 10/2023 and 10/2027. Value - TBC. Output in the form of collaborations with other Hub Projects - There is synergy between this project and the work done by Dr Andreas Endruweit (as Platform Fellow) in a worldwide joint effort on standardisation of permeability experiments (which culminated in formulation of the standard ISO/DIS 4410). - This project has established a collaboration with the work of Hub Innovation Fellow: Yang Chen, University of Bath. Outputs in the form of Journal Publications: DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2021.106323. DOI: 10.1088/1361-6420/abd29b/meta Output in the form of Conference publications: 1) M.Y. Matveev, A. Endruweit, A.C. Long, M.A. Iglesias, M.V. Tretyakov. Fast algorithms for active control of mould filling in RTM process with uncertainties. Proceedings of FPCM14, May 2018. 2) M. Y. Matveev, A. Endruweit, A.C. Long, M.A. Iglesias, M.V. Tretyakov. Defect detection in resin transfer moulding, ECCM-19. 3) M. Y. Matveev, A. Endruweit, A.C. Long, M.A. Iglesias, M.V. Tretyakov. Defect detection and process control in resin transfer moulding, ICMAC-12, 2021. 4) 2. M. Iglesias, M. Matveev, A. Endruweit, A. Long, M. Tretyakov, et al. Level-set parameterisations for Ensemble Kalman Inversion. SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification (UQ22), April 2022. 5.) M.Y. Matveev, A. Endruweit, M.A. Iglesias, M.V. Tretyakov. Minimisation of number of sensors for defect detection in resin transfer moulding. ECCM20, 2022. 6.) A. Endruweit, M.Y. Matveev, M.V. Tretyakov. Controlling resin flow in liquid composite moulding processes through localised irradiation with ultraviolet light. ECCM20, 2022.
Start Year 2019
Description Resin injection into reinforcement with uncertain heterogeneous properties: NDE and control 
Organisation LMAT Ltd
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The following contributions have been made by the research team: 1) An algorithm for analysis of in-process data has been developed and validated in the virtual and lab experiments. - This was shown to accurately capture both race tracking and other defects. Work on process control is in progress. 2) The inversion algorithm can be used either for characterisation of material or for defect detection to estimate the manufacturing process and product quality. 3) Currently developing a new demonstrator - stiffened panel equipped with sensors. With the expectation to test inversion algorithms on detecting race tracking as well as layup and material defects within this new demonstrator, to be utilised by industry. 4) Conducted a three month impact exploration (ended in December 2019; £8K of additional impact EPSRC funding was secured for that). Several companies were contacted, discussions were held with 7 of them. They all expressed an interest in the project and provided valuable feedback for further shaping the project towards the industrial needs. With three companies (JLR, Surface Generation and ESI), where further collaboration is being developed. 5) EPSRC Case studentship granted Mar 2020 - ESI committed £32K cash and £260K in-kind contribution.
Collaborator Contribution ESI is a Hub's partner and we are enhancing the strategic partnership for knowledge exchange with them. We are expecting to benefit from the ESI flagship software used across the composites manufacturing industry and from their knowledge of model order reduction techniques, while ESI will benefit from our expertise in Uncertainty Quantification (UQ). An EPSRC Case studentship was granted in March 2020. ESI committed £32K cash and £360K in-kind contribution. LMAT: its representative visited our team at Nottingham and we had a productive meeting, useful for our project in terms of making it closer aligned with industrial needs; further collaboration with LMAT is expected.
Impact - EPSRC Impact Exploration grant. Oct-Dec 2019, £8k. - Exploring industrial cases for active control RTM . - EPSRC Case studentship granted Mar 2020. ESI committed £32K cash and £360K in-kind contribution. - Nottingham Impact Accelerator (£8k, October - November 2019): Exploring industrial cases for active control RTM. - The I-CASE award (with Airbus; PI: A. Endruweit) "Sensor-driven process control for Resin Transfer Moulding of large aerostructures". Provisional start and end are 10/2023 and 10/2027. Value - TBC. Output in the form of collaborations with other Hub Projects - There is synergy between this project and the work done by Dr Andreas Endruweit (as Platform Fellow) in a worldwide joint effort on standardisation of permeability experiments (which culminated in formulation of the standard ISO/DIS 4410). - This project has established a collaboration with the work of Hub Innovation Fellow: Yang Chen, University of Bath. Outputs in the form of Journal Publications: DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2021.106323. DOI: 10.1088/1361-6420/abd29b/meta Output in the form of Conference publications: 1) M.Y. Matveev, A. Endruweit, A.C. Long, M.A. Iglesias, M.V. Tretyakov. Fast algorithms for active control of mould filling in RTM process with uncertainties. Proceedings of FPCM14, May 2018. 2) M. Y. Matveev, A. Endruweit, A.C. Long, M.A. Iglesias, M.V. Tretyakov. Defect detection in resin transfer moulding, ECCM-19. 3) M. Y. Matveev, A. Endruweit, A.C. Long, M.A. Iglesias, M.V. Tretyakov. Defect detection and process control in resin transfer moulding, ICMAC-12, 2021. 4) 2. M. Iglesias, M. Matveev, A. Endruweit, A. Long, M. Tretyakov, et al. Level-set parameterisations for Ensemble Kalman Inversion. SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification (UQ22), April 2022. 5.) M.Y. Matveev, A. Endruweit, M.A. Iglesias, M.V. Tretyakov. Minimisation of number of sensors for defect detection in resin transfer moulding. ECCM20, 2022. 6.) A. Endruweit, M.Y. Matveev, M.V. Tretyakov. Controlling resin flow in liquid composite moulding processes through localised irradiation with ultraviolet light. ECCM20, 2022.
Start Year 2019
Description Resin injection into reinforcement with uncertain heterogeneous properties: NDE and control 
Organisation National Composites Centre (NCC)
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The following contributions have been made by the research team: 1) An algorithm for analysis of in-process data has been developed and validated in the virtual and lab experiments. - This was shown to accurately capture both race tracking and other defects. Work on process control is in progress. 2) The inversion algorithm can be used either for characterisation of material or for defect detection to estimate the manufacturing process and product quality. 3) Currently developing a new demonstrator - stiffened panel equipped with sensors. With the expectation to test inversion algorithms on detecting race tracking as well as layup and material defects within this new demonstrator, to be utilised by industry. 4) Conducted a three month impact exploration (ended in December 2019; £8K of additional impact EPSRC funding was secured for that). Several companies were contacted, discussions were held with 7 of them. They all expressed an interest in the project and provided valuable feedback for further shaping the project towards the industrial needs. With three companies (JLR, Surface Generation and ESI), where further collaboration is being developed. 5) EPSRC Case studentship granted Mar 2020 - ESI committed £32K cash and £260K in-kind contribution.
Collaborator Contribution ESI is a Hub's partner and we are enhancing the strategic partnership for knowledge exchange with them. We are expecting to benefit from the ESI flagship software used across the composites manufacturing industry and from their knowledge of model order reduction techniques, while ESI will benefit from our expertise in Uncertainty Quantification (UQ). An EPSRC Case studentship was granted in March 2020. ESI committed £32K cash and £360K in-kind contribution. LMAT: its representative visited our team at Nottingham and we had a productive meeting, useful for our project in terms of making it closer aligned with industrial needs; further collaboration with LMAT is expected.
Impact - EPSRC Impact Exploration grant. Oct-Dec 2019, £8k. - Exploring industrial cases for active control RTM . - EPSRC Case studentship granted Mar 2020. ESI committed £32K cash and £360K in-kind contribution. - Nottingham Impact Accelerator (£8k, October - November 2019): Exploring industrial cases for active control RTM. - The I-CASE award (with Airbus; PI: A. Endruweit) "Sensor-driven process control for Resin Transfer Moulding of large aerostructures". Provisional start and end are 10/2023 and 10/2027. Value - TBC. Output in the form of collaborations with other Hub Projects - There is synergy between this project and the work done by Dr Andreas Endruweit (as Platform Fellow) in a worldwide joint effort on standardisation of permeability experiments (which culminated in formulation of the standard ISO/DIS 4410). - This project has established a collaboration with the work of Hub Innovation Fellow: Yang Chen, University of Bath. Outputs in the form of Journal Publications: DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2021.106323. DOI: 10.1088/1361-6420/abd29b/meta Output in the form of Conference publications: 1) M.Y. Matveev, A. Endruweit, A.C. Long, M.A. Iglesias, M.V. Tretyakov. Fast algorithms for active control of mould filling in RTM process with uncertainties. Proceedings of FPCM14, May 2018. 2) M. Y. Matveev, A. Endruweit, A.C. Long, M.A. Iglesias, M.V. Tretyakov. Defect detection in resin transfer moulding, ECCM-19. 3) M. Y. Matveev, A. Endruweit, A.C. Long, M.A. Iglesias, M.V. Tretyakov. Defect detection and process control in resin transfer moulding, ICMAC-12, 2021. 4) 2. M. Iglesias, M. Matveev, A. Endruweit, A. Long, M. Tretyakov, et al. Level-set parameterisations for Ensemble Kalman Inversion. SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification (UQ22), April 2022. 5.) M.Y. Matveev, A. Endruweit, M.A. Iglesias, M.V. Tretyakov. Minimisation of number of sensors for defect detection in resin transfer moulding. ECCM20, 2022. 6.) A. Endruweit, M.Y. Matveev, M.V. Tretyakov. Controlling resin flow in liquid composite moulding processes through localised irradiation with ultraviolet light. ECCM20, 2022.
Start Year 2019
Description Resin injection into reinforcement with uncertain heterogeneous properties: NDE and control 
Organisation University of Nottingham
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The following contributions have been made by the research team: 1) An algorithm for analysis of in-process data has been developed and validated in the virtual and lab experiments. - This was shown to accurately capture both race tracking and other defects. Work on process control is in progress. 2) The inversion algorithm can be used either for characterisation of material or for defect detection to estimate the manufacturing process and product quality. 3) Currently developing a new demonstrator - stiffened panel equipped with sensors. With the expectation to test inversion algorithms on detecting race tracking as well as layup and material defects within this new demonstrator, to be utilised by industry. 4) Conducted a three month impact exploration (ended in December 2019; £8K of additional impact EPSRC funding was secured for that). Several companies were contacted, discussions were held with 7 of them. They all expressed an interest in the project and provided valuable feedback for further shaping the project towards the industrial needs. With three companies (JLR, Surface Generation and ESI), where further collaboration is being developed. 5) EPSRC Case studentship granted Mar 2020 - ESI committed £32K cash and £260K in-kind contribution.
Collaborator Contribution ESI is a Hub's partner and we are enhancing the strategic partnership for knowledge exchange with them. We are expecting to benefit from the ESI flagship software used across the composites manufacturing industry and from their knowledge of model order reduction techniques, while ESI will benefit from our expertise in Uncertainty Quantification (UQ). An EPSRC Case studentship was granted in March 2020. ESI committed £32K cash and £360K in-kind contribution. LMAT: its representative visited our team at Nottingham and we had a productive meeting, useful for our project in terms of making it closer aligned with industrial needs; further collaboration with LMAT is expected.
Impact - EPSRC Impact Exploration grant. Oct-Dec 2019, £8k. - Exploring industrial cases for active control RTM . - EPSRC Case studentship granted Mar 2020. ESI committed £32K cash and £360K in-kind contribution. - Nottingham Impact Accelerator (£8k, October - November 2019): Exploring industrial cases for active control RTM. - The I-CASE award (with Airbus; PI: A. Endruweit) "Sensor-driven process control for Resin Transfer Moulding of large aerostructures". Provisional start and end are 10/2023 and 10/2027. Value - TBC. Output in the form of collaborations with other Hub Projects - There is synergy between this project and the work done by Dr Andreas Endruweit (as Platform Fellow) in a worldwide joint effort on standardisation of permeability experiments (which culminated in formulation of the standard ISO/DIS 4410). - This project has established a collaboration with the work of Hub Innovation Fellow: Yang Chen, University of Bath. Outputs in the form of Journal Publications: DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2021.106323. DOI: 10.1088/1361-6420/abd29b/meta Output in the form of Conference publications: 1) M.Y. Matveev, A. Endruweit, A.C. Long, M.A. Iglesias, M.V. Tretyakov. Fast algorithms for active control of mould filling in RTM process with uncertainties. Proceedings of FPCM14, May 2018. 2) M. Y. Matveev, A. Endruweit, A.C. Long, M.A. Iglesias, M.V. Tretyakov. Defect detection in resin transfer moulding, ECCM-19. 3) M. Y. Matveev, A. Endruweit, A.C. Long, M.A. Iglesias, M.V. Tretyakov. Defect detection and process control in resin transfer moulding, ICMAC-12, 2021. 4) 2. M. Iglesias, M. Matveev, A. Endruweit, A. Long, M. Tretyakov, et al. Level-set parameterisations for Ensemble Kalman Inversion. SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification (UQ22), April 2022. 5.) M.Y. Matveev, A. Endruweit, M.A. Iglesias, M.V. Tretyakov. Minimisation of number of sensors for defect detection in resin transfer moulding. ECCM20, 2022. 6.) A. Endruweit, M.Y. Matveev, M.V. Tretyakov. Controlling resin flow in liquid composite moulding processes through localised irradiation with ultraviolet light. ECCM20, 2022.
Start Year 2019
Description Resin injection into reinforcement with uncertain heterogeneous properties: NDE and control 
Organisation University of Sheffield
Department Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC)
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The following contributions have been made by the research team: 1) An algorithm for analysis of in-process data has been developed and validated in the virtual and lab experiments. - This was shown to accurately capture both race tracking and other defects. Work on process control is in progress. 2) The inversion algorithm can be used either for characterisation of material or for defect detection to estimate the manufacturing process and product quality. 3) Currently developing a new demonstrator - stiffened panel equipped with sensors. With the expectation to test inversion algorithms on detecting race tracking as well as layup and material defects within this new demonstrator, to be utilised by industry. 4) Conducted a three month impact exploration (ended in December 2019; £8K of additional impact EPSRC funding was secured for that). Several companies were contacted, discussions were held with 7 of them. They all expressed an interest in the project and provided valuable feedback for further shaping the project towards the industrial needs. With three companies (JLR, Surface Generation and ESI), where further collaboration is being developed. 5) EPSRC Case studentship granted Mar 2020 - ESI committed £32K cash and £260K in-kind contribution.
Collaborator Contribution ESI is a Hub's partner and we are enhancing the strategic partnership for knowledge exchange with them. We are expecting to benefit from the ESI flagship software used across the composites manufacturing industry and from their knowledge of model order reduction techniques, while ESI will benefit from our expertise in Uncertainty Quantification (UQ). An EPSRC Case studentship was granted in March 2020. ESI committed £32K cash and £360K in-kind contribution. LMAT: its representative visited our team at Nottingham and we had a productive meeting, useful for our project in terms of making it closer aligned with industrial needs; further collaboration with LMAT is expected.
Impact - EPSRC Impact Exploration grant. Oct-Dec 2019, £8k. - Exploring industrial cases for active control RTM . - EPSRC Case studentship granted Mar 2020. ESI committed £32K cash and £360K in-kind contribution. - Nottingham Impact Accelerator (£8k, October - November 2019): Exploring industrial cases for active control RTM. - The I-CASE award (with Airbus; PI: A. Endruweit) "Sensor-driven process control for Resin Transfer Moulding of large aerostructures". Provisional start and end are 10/2023 and 10/2027. Value - TBC. Output in the form of collaborations with other Hub Projects - There is synergy between this project and the work done by Dr Andreas Endruweit (as Platform Fellow) in a worldwide joint effort on standardisation of permeability experiments (which culminated in formulation of the standard ISO/DIS 4410). - This project has established a collaboration with the work of Hub Innovation Fellow: Yang Chen, University of Bath. Outputs in the form of Journal Publications: DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2021.106323. DOI: 10.1088/1361-6420/abd29b/meta Output in the form of Conference publications: 1) M.Y. Matveev, A. Endruweit, A.C. Long, M.A. Iglesias, M.V. Tretyakov. Fast algorithms for active control of mould filling in RTM process with uncertainties. Proceedings of FPCM14, May 2018. 2) M. Y. Matveev, A. Endruweit, A.C. Long, M.A. Iglesias, M.V. Tretyakov. Defect detection in resin transfer moulding, ECCM-19. 3) M. Y. Matveev, A. Endruweit, A.C. Long, M.A. Iglesias, M.V. Tretyakov. Defect detection and process control in resin transfer moulding, ICMAC-12, 2021. 4) 2. M. Iglesias, M. Matveev, A. Endruweit, A. Long, M. Tretyakov, et al. Level-set parameterisations for Ensemble Kalman Inversion. SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification (UQ22), April 2022. 5.) M.Y. Matveev, A. Endruweit, M.A. Iglesias, M.V. Tretyakov. Minimisation of number of sensors for defect detection in resin transfer moulding. ECCM20, 2022. 6.) A. Endruweit, M.Y. Matveev, M.V. Tretyakov. Controlling resin flow in liquid composite moulding processes through localised irradiation with ultraviolet light. ECCM20, 2022.
Start Year 2019
Description Rewinding Tape Laying: can Direct End-of-Life Recovery of Continuous Tapes be a Step-change in the Sustainability of Thermoplastic Composites 
Organisation Boeing
Country United States 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to The University of Nottingham for the six-month project 'Rewinding Tape Laying: can Direct End-of-Life Recovery of Continuous Tapes be a Step-change in the Sustainability of Thermoplastic Composites'. The feasibility study was able to successfully demonstrate that peeling of thermoplastic composites can be achieved with minimal force at temperatures close to the melting point of the matrix. It was also discovered that some composite materials also lend themselves to cold peel. The peeled tapes had higher surface roughness than the virgin materials, but the recovered materials were successfully remoulded into new components. The stiffness of the components made with peeled tapes is almost identical to that of components made with virgin tapes, and the strength is still under investigation. The opportunity for impact is considerable, but there remains research to be done with respect to peeling a more realistic component and doing so in a more automated fashion. Digital twinning and automation will also need to be considered in a future study in this area.
Collaborator Contribution The partners contributed their expertise and intellect as well as equipment.
Impact 2x Conference presentations and 1 x journal publication in process.
Start Year 2022
Description Rewinding Tape Laying: can Direct End-of-Life Recovery of Continuous Tapes be a Step-change in the Sustainability of Thermoplastic Composites 
Organisation University of Nottingham
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to The University of Nottingham for the six-month project 'Rewinding Tape Laying: can Direct End-of-Life Recovery of Continuous Tapes be a Step-change in the Sustainability of Thermoplastic Composites'. The feasibility study was able to successfully demonstrate that peeling of thermoplastic composites can be achieved with minimal force at temperatures close to the melting point of the matrix. It was also discovered that some composite materials also lend themselves to cold peel. The peeled tapes had higher surface roughness than the virgin materials, but the recovered materials were successfully remoulded into new components. The stiffness of the components made with peeled tapes is almost identical to that of components made with virgin tapes, and the strength is still under investigation. The opportunity for impact is considerable, but there remains research to be done with respect to peeling a more realistic component and doing so in a more automated fashion. Digital twinning and automation will also need to be considered in a future study in this area.
Collaborator Contribution The partners contributed their expertise and intellect as well as equipment.
Impact 2x Conference presentations and 1 x journal publication in process.
Start Year 2022
Description Round Robin study to evaluate fabric permeability testing methods 
Organisation Institute for Composite Materials
Country Germany 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub funded a Platform Fellow at The University of Nottingham, in 'Round Robin study to evaluate fabric permeability testing methods'. Platform funding allowed the University of Nottingham to participate in international activities on benchmarking of experimental techniques for characterisation of reinforcement processing properties. Since permeability characterisation is a prerequisite for design and optimisation of Liquid Composite Moulding processes, demand from the composites industry is high. The University of Nottingham has been providing experimental permeability characterisation as a service to the UK industry for more than 10 years. However, there is a lack of standardisation for measurement of the reinforcement permeability. Permeability data obtained using different methods are not necessarily consistent, which affects the usefulness of the data. Following discussions within the composites community, involving the National Composites Centre, the need for joint activities in the field of permeability characterisation was identified. Building on previous worldwide activities on benchmarking of permeability measurement (with participation of the University of Nottingham), two programs were launched: Measurement of in-plane permeability, focusing on the radial flow technique; led by Institut für Verbundwerkstoffe, Germany; 22 participating institutions worldwide. Measurement of through-thickness permeability and compressibility; led by National Physical Laboratory, UK; 30 participating institutions worldwide. The aim of these activities is to further improve understanding of experimental issues and work towards standardisation of characterisation methods.
Collaborator Contribution Both programs were completed in 2018. A full report on program A was published in 2019. A report on program B will be published in 2020. Prof Andy Long and Dr Andreas Endruweit, University of Nottingham acted as members of the steering committee for both programs. Platform funding paid for one Research Fellow (Dr Andreas Endruweit), University of Nottingham to work part-time on helping the program leaders with formulation of guidelines for experimental procedures, which were then distributed to all participants; - carrying out series of radial in-plane permeability tests, through-thickness permeability tests and fabric compaction tests; documenting and reporting the experimental work; - evaluating and compiling data acquired by other participants; - contributing to preparation of manuscripts and presentations. - involvement in joint activities allows the University of Nottingham to maintain a leading position in the worldwide composites research community. Other institutions had to find their own funding to participate in these activities. The studies were supported by Hexcel and Saertex, who provided reinforcement fabrics for the test series free of charge.
Impact Journal Paper: 1. May, D., Aktas, A., Advani, S.G., Endruweit, A., Fauster, E., Lomov, S.V., Long, A., Mitschang, P., Abaimov, S., Abliz, D., Akhatov, I., Allen, T.D., Berg, D.C., Bickerton, S., Bodaghi, M., Caglar, B., Caglar, H., Correia, N., Danzi, M., Dittmann, J., Ermanni, P., George, A., Grishaev, V., Kabachi, M.A., Kind, K., Lagardère, M.D., Laspalas, M., Liotier, P.J., Park, C.H., Pipes, R.B., Pucci, M., Raynal, J., Rodriguez, E.S., Schledjewski, R., Schubnel, R., Sharp, N., Sims, G., Sozer, E.M., Umer, R., Willenbacher, B., Yong, A., Zaremba, S., Ziegmann, G. In-Plane Permeability Characterization of Engineering Textiles Based On Radial Flow Experiments: A Benchmark Exercise. Composites Part A - Applied Science and Manufacturing, 2019; 121: 100-114.
Start Year 2017
Description Round Robin study to evaluate fabric permeability testing methods 
Organisation National Physical Laboratory
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub funded a Platform Fellow at The University of Nottingham, in 'Round Robin study to evaluate fabric permeability testing methods'. Platform funding allowed the University of Nottingham to participate in international activities on benchmarking of experimental techniques for characterisation of reinforcement processing properties. Since permeability characterisation is a prerequisite for design and optimisation of Liquid Composite Moulding processes, demand from the composites industry is high. The University of Nottingham has been providing experimental permeability characterisation as a service to the UK industry for more than 10 years. However, there is a lack of standardisation for measurement of the reinforcement permeability. Permeability data obtained using different methods are not necessarily consistent, which affects the usefulness of the data. Following discussions within the composites community, involving the National Composites Centre, the need for joint activities in the field of permeability characterisation was identified. Building on previous worldwide activities on benchmarking of permeability measurement (with participation of the University of Nottingham), two programs were launched: Measurement of in-plane permeability, focusing on the radial flow technique; led by Institut für Verbundwerkstoffe, Germany; 22 participating institutions worldwide. Measurement of through-thickness permeability and compressibility; led by National Physical Laboratory, UK; 30 participating institutions worldwide. The aim of these activities is to further improve understanding of experimental issues and work towards standardisation of characterisation methods.
Collaborator Contribution Both programs were completed in 2018. A full report on program A was published in 2019. A report on program B will be published in 2020. Prof Andy Long and Dr Andreas Endruweit, University of Nottingham acted as members of the steering committee for both programs. Platform funding paid for one Research Fellow (Dr Andreas Endruweit), University of Nottingham to work part-time on helping the program leaders with formulation of guidelines for experimental procedures, which were then distributed to all participants; - carrying out series of radial in-plane permeability tests, through-thickness permeability tests and fabric compaction tests; documenting and reporting the experimental work; - evaluating and compiling data acquired by other participants; - contributing to preparation of manuscripts and presentations. - involvement in joint activities allows the University of Nottingham to maintain a leading position in the worldwide composites research community. Other institutions had to find their own funding to participate in these activities. The studies were supported by Hexcel and Saertex, who provided reinforcement fabrics for the test series free of charge.
Impact Journal Paper: 1. May, D., Aktas, A., Advani, S.G., Endruweit, A., Fauster, E., Lomov, S.V., Long, A., Mitschang, P., Abaimov, S., Abliz, D., Akhatov, I., Allen, T.D., Berg, D.C., Bickerton, S., Bodaghi, M., Caglar, B., Caglar, H., Correia, N., Danzi, M., Dittmann, J., Ermanni, P., George, A., Grishaev, V., Kabachi, M.A., Kind, K., Lagardère, M.D., Laspalas, M., Liotier, P.J., Park, C.H., Pipes, R.B., Pucci, M., Raynal, J., Rodriguez, E.S., Schledjewski, R., Schubnel, R., Sharp, N., Sims, G., Sozer, E.M., Umer, R., Willenbacher, B., Yong, A., Zaremba, S., Ziegmann, G. In-Plane Permeability Characterization of Engineering Textiles Based On Radial Flow Experiments: A Benchmark Exercise. Composites Part A - Applied Science and Manufacturing, 2019; 121: 100-114.
Start Year 2017
Description Round Robin study to evaluate fabric permeability testing methods 
Organisation University of Nottingham
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub funded a Platform Fellow at The University of Nottingham, in 'Round Robin study to evaluate fabric permeability testing methods'. Platform funding allowed the University of Nottingham to participate in international activities on benchmarking of experimental techniques for characterisation of reinforcement processing properties. Since permeability characterisation is a prerequisite for design and optimisation of Liquid Composite Moulding processes, demand from the composites industry is high. The University of Nottingham has been providing experimental permeability characterisation as a service to the UK industry for more than 10 years. However, there is a lack of standardisation for measurement of the reinforcement permeability. Permeability data obtained using different methods are not necessarily consistent, which affects the usefulness of the data. Following discussions within the composites community, involving the National Composites Centre, the need for joint activities in the field of permeability characterisation was identified. Building on previous worldwide activities on benchmarking of permeability measurement (with participation of the University of Nottingham), two programs were launched: Measurement of in-plane permeability, focusing on the radial flow technique; led by Institut für Verbundwerkstoffe, Germany; 22 participating institutions worldwide. Measurement of through-thickness permeability and compressibility; led by National Physical Laboratory, UK; 30 participating institutions worldwide. The aim of these activities is to further improve understanding of experimental issues and work towards standardisation of characterisation methods.
Collaborator Contribution Both programs were completed in 2018. A full report on program A was published in 2019. A report on program B will be published in 2020. Prof Andy Long and Dr Andreas Endruweit, University of Nottingham acted as members of the steering committee for both programs. Platform funding paid for one Research Fellow (Dr Andreas Endruweit), University of Nottingham to work part-time on helping the program leaders with formulation of guidelines for experimental procedures, which were then distributed to all participants; - carrying out series of radial in-plane permeability tests, through-thickness permeability tests and fabric compaction tests; documenting and reporting the experimental work; - evaluating and compiling data acquired by other participants; - contributing to preparation of manuscripts and presentations. - involvement in joint activities allows the University of Nottingham to maintain a leading position in the worldwide composites research community. Other institutions had to find their own funding to participate in these activities. The studies were supported by Hexcel and Saertex, who provided reinforcement fabrics for the test series free of charge.
Impact Journal Paper: 1. May, D., Aktas, A., Advani, S.G., Endruweit, A., Fauster, E., Lomov, S.V., Long, A., Mitschang, P., Abaimov, S., Abliz, D., Akhatov, I., Allen, T.D., Berg, D.C., Bickerton, S., Bodaghi, M., Caglar, B., Caglar, H., Correia, N., Danzi, M., Dittmann, J., Ermanni, P., George, A., Grishaev, V., Kabachi, M.A., Kind, K., Lagardère, M.D., Laspalas, M., Liotier, P.J., Park, C.H., Pipes, R.B., Pucci, M., Raynal, J., Rodriguez, E.S., Schledjewski, R., Schubnel, R., Sharp, N., Sims, G., Sozer, E.M., Umer, R., Willenbacher, B., Yong, A., Zaremba, S., Ziegmann, G. In-Plane Permeability Characterization of Engineering Textiles Based On Radial Flow Experiments: A Benchmark Exercise. Composites Part A - Applied Science and Manufacturing, 2019; 121: 100-114.
Start Year 2017
Description Simulation of forming 3D curved sandwich panel 
Organisation Gordon Murray Design Ltd
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to the University of Nottingham for the six-month funded project 'Simulation of forming 3D curved sandwich panel'.
Collaborator Contribution The project contributes to the Hub priority research themes 'High rate deposition and rapid processing technologies' and 'Design for manufacture via validated simulation'. The process aims to form a 3D curved panel with varying thickness from a 2D sandwich format based on a matched tool forming set, offering an affordable high volume technology for carbon fibre chassis and other demanding structural applications. Gordon Murray Design contributed supervision time, materials and provided access to their laboratory for moulding trials. Their financial contribution to the project was £9000
Impact 1.Chen S, McGregor O P L, Endruweit A, Harper L T, Warrior N A. Simulation of the forming process for curved composite sandwich panels [J]. International Journal of Material Forming, 2019: 1-14. 2. Yu F, Chen S, Viisainen J V, Sutcliffe M P F, Harper L T, Warrior N A. A macroscale finite element approach for simulating the bending behaviour of biaxial fabrics. Composites Science and Technology. (accepted nut not yet online) Conference Papers 1.Chen S, McGregor O PL, Endruweit A, Harper L T, Warrior N A. Finite element forming simulation of complex composite sandwich panels [C], in 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials, 2019. 2.Yu F, Chen S, Harper L T, Warrior N A. Finite element modelling of bi-axial fabric with considering bending stiffness for composites preforming [C], in 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials, 2019.
Start Year 2017
Description Simulation of forming 3D curved sandwich panel 
Organisation University of Nottingham
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to the University of Nottingham for the six-month funded project 'Simulation of forming 3D curved sandwich panel'.
Collaborator Contribution The project contributes to the Hub priority research themes 'High rate deposition and rapid processing technologies' and 'Design for manufacture via validated simulation'. The process aims to form a 3D curved panel with varying thickness from a 2D sandwich format based on a matched tool forming set, offering an affordable high volume technology for carbon fibre chassis and other demanding structural applications. Gordon Murray Design contributed supervision time, materials and provided access to their laboratory for moulding trials. Their financial contribution to the project was £9000
Impact 1.Chen S, McGregor O P L, Endruweit A, Harper L T, Warrior N A. Simulation of the forming process for curved composite sandwich panels [J]. International Journal of Material Forming, 2019: 1-14. 2. Yu F, Chen S, Viisainen J V, Sutcliffe M P F, Harper L T, Warrior N A. A macroscale finite element approach for simulating the bending behaviour of biaxial fabrics. Composites Science and Technology. (accepted nut not yet online) Conference Papers 1.Chen S, McGregor O PL, Endruweit A, Harper L T, Warrior N A. Finite element forming simulation of complex composite sandwich panels [C], in 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials, 2019. 2.Yu F, Chen S, Harper L T, Warrior N A. Finite element modelling of bi-axial fabric with considering bending stiffness for composites preforming [C], in 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials, 2019.
Start Year 2017
Description Synergy Promotion Project: Compile a database of raw micro CT scans from current and past Hub projects 
Organisation University of Bristol
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub has awarded a Synergy Promotion project of £7000 To the development of database of raw micro-CT scans from current and past projects funded by the Hub and affiliated projects. The research team made the following contributions: 1) A well-defined format to record metadata of µ-CT samples - the defined format contains information about how each sample was manufactured and scanned. This ensures that the data remain usable. 2) A database of µ-CT samples at UoN and UoB - Microsoft Access database that stores the scans in the defined format. Database has several features: o Search over existing entries - by reinforcement structure, by PI name, etc. o Entry forms for new scans - automatic parsing of ctprofile and xteckct files 3) The database was not made available to other universities as it was planned initially. Some of the database entries were IP-sensitive and the security issues in MS Access were not resolved yet. At the moment, it was decided that instances of the database will remain at UoN and UoB with an option to merge them or transfer data between them when needed.
Collaborator Contribution As above
Impact The created databases (UoN and UoB) will be used internally for storing the new scans. Suitable routes for making some parts of these databases available to other universities will be explored.
Start Year 2021
Description Synergy Promotion Project: Compile a database of raw micro CT scans from current and past Hub projects 
Organisation University of Nottingham
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub has awarded a Synergy Promotion project of £7000 To the development of database of raw micro-CT scans from current and past projects funded by the Hub and affiliated projects. The research team made the following contributions: 1) A well-defined format to record metadata of µ-CT samples - the defined format contains information about how each sample was manufactured and scanned. This ensures that the data remain usable. 2) A database of µ-CT samples at UoN and UoB - Microsoft Access database that stores the scans in the defined format. Database has several features: o Search over existing entries - by reinforcement structure, by PI name, etc. o Entry forms for new scans - automatic parsing of ctprofile and xteckct files 3) The database was not made available to other universities as it was planned initially. Some of the database entries were IP-sensitive and the security issues in MS Access were not resolved yet. At the moment, it was decided that instances of the database will remain at UoN and UoB with an option to merge them or transfer data between them when needed.
Collaborator Contribution As above
Impact The created databases (UoN and UoB) will be used internally for storing the new scans. Suitable routes for making some parts of these databases available to other universities will be explored.
Start Year 2021
Description Synergy Promotion Project: Connecting the work on microwave processing of composites with expertise in sensor development for temperature and stress measurement 
Organisation Glyndwr University
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a Synergy Promotion project of £15000 To Residual stresses in microwave cured components and temperature evolution within microwave cured components between The University of Bristol, University of Southampton and Wrexham Glyndwr University. Most of the project objectives have been met and several papers successfully published from this work (see below) There is a final piece of work that links simulation (FEM strain-optic response) to experimental results, to extract residual stresses. Following these findings an engagement with the Hub an EPSRC grant is to be shortly submitted that shall advance on the sensor concept and utilise it to composite manufacturing exemplars that are aligned to objectives of the Hub.
Collaborator Contribution The partners contributed intellect and facilities.
Impact Proposed EPSRC funding for flat optical fibre development will help achieve full monitoring capability and drive towards eventual commercialisation. We have garnered industrial support (Airbus, GKN Aerospace, MacLaren F1) and other Hub members (University of Nottingham, University of Warwick, University of Hertfordshire) in addition to University of Southampton, University of Bristol and Wrexham Glyndwr, to further progress this work. The proposal shall enhance the sensitivity and selectivity of the sensor and apply to a series of exemplar composite systems from the Hub. We have identified future opportunities using the core sensor technology with other Hub members, following the Hub event hosted 23rd Feb 2022, where our work was presented. These members have been pulled together in our EPSRC proposal. Publications: DOI: 10.1016/j.optlaseng.2020.106111 DOI: 10.1016/J.OPTMAT.2022.113133 DOI: 10.1016/j.optlastec.2022.108105 DOI: 10.1109/JLT.2022.3186912
Start Year 2020
Description Synergy Promotion Project: Connecting the work on microwave processing of composites with expertise in sensor development for temperature and stress measurement 
Organisation University of Bristol
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a Synergy Promotion project of £15000 To Residual stresses in microwave cured components and temperature evolution within microwave cured components between The University of Bristol, University of Southampton and Wrexham Glyndwr University. Most of the project objectives have been met and several papers successfully published from this work (see below) There is a final piece of work that links simulation (FEM strain-optic response) to experimental results, to extract residual stresses. Following these findings an engagement with the Hub an EPSRC grant is to be shortly submitted that shall advance on the sensor concept and utilise it to composite manufacturing exemplars that are aligned to objectives of the Hub.
Collaborator Contribution The partners contributed intellect and facilities.
Impact Proposed EPSRC funding for flat optical fibre development will help achieve full monitoring capability and drive towards eventual commercialisation. We have garnered industrial support (Airbus, GKN Aerospace, MacLaren F1) and other Hub members (University of Nottingham, University of Warwick, University of Hertfordshire) in addition to University of Southampton, University of Bristol and Wrexham Glyndwr, to further progress this work. The proposal shall enhance the sensitivity and selectivity of the sensor and apply to a series of exemplar composite systems from the Hub. We have identified future opportunities using the core sensor technology with other Hub members, following the Hub event hosted 23rd Feb 2022, where our work was presented. These members have been pulled together in our EPSRC proposal. Publications: DOI: 10.1016/j.optlaseng.2020.106111 DOI: 10.1016/J.OPTMAT.2022.113133 DOI: 10.1016/j.optlastec.2022.108105 DOI: 10.1109/JLT.2022.3186912
Start Year 2020
Description Synergy Promotion Project: Connecting the work on microwave processing of composites with expertise in sensor development for temperature and stress measurement 
Organisation University of Southampton
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a Synergy Promotion project of £15000 To Residual stresses in microwave cured components and temperature evolution within microwave cured components between The University of Bristol, University of Southampton and Wrexham Glyndwr University. Most of the project objectives have been met and several papers successfully published from this work (see below) There is a final piece of work that links simulation (FEM strain-optic response) to experimental results, to extract residual stresses. Following these findings an engagement with the Hub an EPSRC grant is to be shortly submitted that shall advance on the sensor concept and utilise it to composite manufacturing exemplars that are aligned to objectives of the Hub.
Collaborator Contribution The partners contributed intellect and facilities.
Impact Proposed EPSRC funding for flat optical fibre development will help achieve full monitoring capability and drive towards eventual commercialisation. We have garnered industrial support (Airbus, GKN Aerospace, MacLaren F1) and other Hub members (University of Nottingham, University of Warwick, University of Hertfordshire) in addition to University of Southampton, University of Bristol and Wrexham Glyndwr, to further progress this work. The proposal shall enhance the sensitivity and selectivity of the sensor and apply to a series of exemplar composite systems from the Hub. We have identified future opportunities using the core sensor technology with other Hub members, following the Hub event hosted 23rd Feb 2022, where our work was presented. These members have been pulled together in our EPSRC proposal. Publications: DOI: 10.1016/j.optlaseng.2020.106111 DOI: 10.1016/J.OPTMAT.2022.113133 DOI: 10.1016/j.optlastec.2022.108105 DOI: 10.1109/JLT.2022.3186912
Start Year 2020
Description Synergy Promotion Project: Development of shared knowledge base and tool set for numerical optimisation research within the Hub. 
Organisation University of Nottingham
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub has awarded a Synergy Promotion project of £15,000 to provide software for numerical optimisation that will make 10 leading Genetic Algorithms and 5 Particle Swarm Optimisation codes easy to incorporate into projects with Hub and industrial partners. This project will include The University of Southampton, The University of Nottingham and Turing Institute.
Collaborator Contribution As above
Impact No impact as yet
Start Year 2021
Description Synergy Promotion Project: Development of shared knowledge base and tool set for numerical optimisation research within the Hub. 
Organisation University of Southampton
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub has awarded a Synergy Promotion project of £15,000 to provide software for numerical optimisation that will make 10 leading Genetic Algorithms and 5 Particle Swarm Optimisation codes easy to incorporate into projects with Hub and industrial partners. This project will include The University of Southampton, The University of Nottingham and Turing Institute.
Collaborator Contribution As above
Impact No impact as yet
Start Year 2021
Description Synergy Promotion Project: Host Workshop between the Hub and the Data centric Engineering community 
Organisation Alan Turing Institute
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub has awarded a Synergy Promotion project of £5K to PI: Dr. Adam Sobey (Turing Fellow), University of Southampton and The Turing Institute. The focus will be on forming synergies between Hub projects and current projects at the Alan Turing Institute and to generate new project ideas through hosting a workshop. The workshops aim was to initiate conversations on what the problems are and to share ideas on how to tackle them and to form new partnerships with the aim of more regular interactions, ensuring that the manufacturing sector is ready for future challenges. The event consisted of talks to introduce the state of the art work in AI and in digital manufacturing and brought together experts from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the University of Cambridge, the University of Nottingham, and the Alan Turing Institute with representatives from each organisation delivering talks to an audience of approx. 100 attendees
Collaborator Contribution As above
Impact No impact as yet
Start Year 2020
Description Synergy Promotion Project: Host Workshop between the Hub and the Data centric Engineering community 
Organisation University of Southampton
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub has awarded a Synergy Promotion project of £5K to PI: Dr. Adam Sobey (Turing Fellow), University of Southampton and The Turing Institute. The focus will be on forming synergies between Hub projects and current projects at the Alan Turing Institute and to generate new project ideas through hosting a workshop. The workshops aim was to initiate conversations on what the problems are and to share ideas on how to tackle them and to form new partnerships with the aim of more regular interactions, ensuring that the manufacturing sector is ready for future challenges. The event consisted of talks to introduce the state of the art work in AI and in digital manufacturing and brought together experts from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the University of Cambridge, the University of Nottingham, and the Alan Turing Institute with representatives from each organisation delivering talks to an audience of approx. 100 attendees
Collaborator Contribution As above
Impact No impact as yet
Start Year 2020
Description Synergy Promotion Project: Powder Epoxy for One-Shot Cure, Out-of-Autoclave Applications: Lap Shear Strength and Z-Pinning Study 
Organisation Ulster University
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub has awarded a Synergy Promotion project of £14,400 to PI: Dr Colin Roberts, University of Edinburgh. Hub partners: University of Edinburgh, Ulster University, University of Nottingham to investigate The Manufacture of powder epoxy composite preforms and bond them using both stitching and co-cure processes. The research team made the following contributions: This work investigated the lap shear strength of the four cases in accordance with ISO 4587:2003. Damage mechanisms and fracture behavior were explored using digital image correlation (DIC) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), respectively. VTFA400 adhesive had a load at break 24.8% lower than secondary bonding using powder epoxy. Co-curing increased the load at break by 7.8% compared to powder epoxy secondary bonding, with the co-cured and pinned joint resulting in a 45.4% increase. In the co-cured and co-cured plus pinned cases, DIC indicated premature failure due to resin spew. SEM indicated shear failure of resin areas and a large amount of fiber pullout in both these cases, with pinning delaying fracture phenomena resulting in increased lap joint strength. This highlights the potential of powder epoxy for the co-curing of large composite structures out-of-autoclave.
Collaborator Contribution The partnering institutions above were involved in the research team contributions. Ulster's university z-pining through-thickness reinforcement technology developed with the feasibility study: Controlled Micro Integration of Through Thickness Polymeric Yarns has been a major asset to this project.
Impact Output to date has been in the form of a publication -
Start Year 2020
Description Synergy Promotion Project: Powder Epoxy for One-Shot Cure, Out-of-Autoclave Applications: Lap Shear Strength and Z-Pinning Study 
Organisation University of Edinburgh
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub has awarded a Synergy Promotion project of £14,400 to PI: Dr Colin Roberts, University of Edinburgh. Hub partners: University of Edinburgh, Ulster University, University of Nottingham to investigate The Manufacture of powder epoxy composite preforms and bond them using both stitching and co-cure processes. The research team made the following contributions: This work investigated the lap shear strength of the four cases in accordance with ISO 4587:2003. Damage mechanisms and fracture behavior were explored using digital image correlation (DIC) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), respectively. VTFA400 adhesive had a load at break 24.8% lower than secondary bonding using powder epoxy. Co-curing increased the load at break by 7.8% compared to powder epoxy secondary bonding, with the co-cured and pinned joint resulting in a 45.4% increase. In the co-cured and co-cured plus pinned cases, DIC indicated premature failure due to resin spew. SEM indicated shear failure of resin areas and a large amount of fiber pullout in both these cases, with pinning delaying fracture phenomena resulting in increased lap joint strength. This highlights the potential of powder epoxy for the co-curing of large composite structures out-of-autoclave.
Collaborator Contribution The partnering institutions above were involved in the research team contributions. Ulster's university z-pining through-thickness reinforcement technology developed with the feasibility study: Controlled Micro Integration of Through Thickness Polymeric Yarns has been a major asset to this project.
Impact Output to date has been in the form of a publication -
Start Year 2020
Description Synergy Promotion Project: Powder Epoxy for One-Shot Cure, Out-of-Autoclave Applications: Lap Shear Strength and Z-Pinning Study 
Organisation University of Nottingham
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub has awarded a Synergy Promotion project of £14,400 to PI: Dr Colin Roberts, University of Edinburgh. Hub partners: University of Edinburgh, Ulster University, University of Nottingham to investigate The Manufacture of powder epoxy composite preforms and bond them using both stitching and co-cure processes. The research team made the following contributions: This work investigated the lap shear strength of the four cases in accordance with ISO 4587:2003. Damage mechanisms and fracture behavior were explored using digital image correlation (DIC) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), respectively. VTFA400 adhesive had a load at break 24.8% lower than secondary bonding using powder epoxy. Co-curing increased the load at break by 7.8% compared to powder epoxy secondary bonding, with the co-cured and pinned joint resulting in a 45.4% increase. In the co-cured and co-cured plus pinned cases, DIC indicated premature failure due to resin spew. SEM indicated shear failure of resin areas and a large amount of fiber pullout in both these cases, with pinning delaying fracture phenomena resulting in increased lap joint strength. This highlights the potential of powder epoxy for the co-curing of large composite structures out-of-autoclave.
Collaborator Contribution The partnering institutions above were involved in the research team contributions. Ulster's university z-pining through-thickness reinforcement technology developed with the feasibility study: Controlled Micro Integration of Through Thickness Polymeric Yarns has been a major asset to this project.
Impact Output to date has been in the form of a publication -
Start Year 2020
Description Tactile sensing of defects during composite manufacture 
Organisation Bristol Robotics Laboratory
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub funded a Platform Fellow at The University of Bristol, in 'Tactile sensing of defects during composite manufacture'. Contributions: 1.Demonstrated the use of tactile sensing to find defects in composite layups. 2. Combined tactile sensing with application of significant force. 3. Demonstrated tactile sensing combined with composite layup. 4. Real time defect detection in composite layup.. 5. The automated categorisation of composite defects using tactile sensing.
Collaborator Contribution The Bristol Robot Laboratory provided the Hardware for the Sensor, the underlying image analysis software and technical expertise. For WP1 the trials were all conducted at the BRL using preprepared Composite samples provided by Mike Elkington. For WP2 the end effector development was conducted by the Masters student and Technicians at the BRL, supervised by Mike Elkington and Nathan Lepora. For WP3 all the Testing and Programming was completed at the University of Bristol, with technical support from The BRL team The project has generated interested from the NCC via the Hub industrial advisory board meeting, which has no progressed in a Project as part of the NCC core research program. Representatives from Rolls Royce Metrology came to the university for a demo, following an internal NCC presentation.
Impact 1. The TacTip technology has recently (Feb 2020) been adopted as part of an NCC core project as a method for finding defects in an Automated Fibre Placment layup. 2. Representatives from Rolls Royce Metrology has visited the university to asses the technology for in process inspection 3. Conference presentation: Elkington M., Almas E., Ward-Cherrier B., Pestell N., Ward C., Lepora N., Layup end effectors with tactile sensing capabilities, Proceedings of the 4th Symposium on Automated composite Manufacturing, Concordia University, Montreal April 25th-26th 2019. 4. Journal paper has been published in 2021. M. Elkington, E. Almas, B. Ward-Cherrier, N. Pestell, J. Lloyd, C. Ward, N. Lepora, Real time defect detection during composite layup via Tactile Shape Sensing, Journal of Science and Engineering of Composite Materials, 2021.
Start Year 2017
Description Tactile sensing of defects during composite manufacture 
Organisation National Composites Centre (NCC)
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub funded a Platform Fellow at The University of Bristol, in 'Tactile sensing of defects during composite manufacture'. Contributions: 1.Demonstrated the use of tactile sensing to find defects in composite layups. 2. Combined tactile sensing with application of significant force. 3. Demonstrated tactile sensing combined with composite layup. 4. Real time defect detection in composite layup.. 5. The automated categorisation of composite defects using tactile sensing.
Collaborator Contribution The Bristol Robot Laboratory provided the Hardware for the Sensor, the underlying image analysis software and technical expertise. For WP1 the trials were all conducted at the BRL using preprepared Composite samples provided by Mike Elkington. For WP2 the end effector development was conducted by the Masters student and Technicians at the BRL, supervised by Mike Elkington and Nathan Lepora. For WP3 all the Testing and Programming was completed at the University of Bristol, with technical support from The BRL team The project has generated interested from the NCC via the Hub industrial advisory board meeting, which has no progressed in a Project as part of the NCC core research program. Representatives from Rolls Royce Metrology came to the university for a demo, following an internal NCC presentation.
Impact 1. The TacTip technology has recently (Feb 2020) been adopted as part of an NCC core project as a method for finding defects in an Automated Fibre Placment layup. 2. Representatives from Rolls Royce Metrology has visited the university to asses the technology for in process inspection 3. Conference presentation: Elkington M., Almas E., Ward-Cherrier B., Pestell N., Ward C., Lepora N., Layup end effectors with tactile sensing capabilities, Proceedings of the 4th Symposium on Automated composite Manufacturing, Concordia University, Montreal April 25th-26th 2019. 4. Journal paper has been published in 2021. M. Elkington, E. Almas, B. Ward-Cherrier, N. Pestell, J. Lloyd, C. Ward, N. Lepora, Real time defect detection during composite layup via Tactile Shape Sensing, Journal of Science and Engineering of Composite Materials, 2021.
Start Year 2017
Description Tactile sensing of defects during composite manufacture 
Organisation University of Bristol
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub funded a Platform Fellow at The University of Bristol, in 'Tactile sensing of defects during composite manufacture'. Contributions: 1.Demonstrated the use of tactile sensing to find defects in composite layups. 2. Combined tactile sensing with application of significant force. 3. Demonstrated tactile sensing combined with composite layup. 4. Real time defect detection in composite layup.. 5. The automated categorisation of composite defects using tactile sensing.
Collaborator Contribution The Bristol Robot Laboratory provided the Hardware for the Sensor, the underlying image analysis software and technical expertise. For WP1 the trials were all conducted at the BRL using preprepared Composite samples provided by Mike Elkington. For WP2 the end effector development was conducted by the Masters student and Technicians at the BRL, supervised by Mike Elkington and Nathan Lepora. For WP3 all the Testing and Programming was completed at the University of Bristol, with technical support from The BRL team The project has generated interested from the NCC via the Hub industrial advisory board meeting, which has no progressed in a Project as part of the NCC core research program. Representatives from Rolls Royce Metrology came to the university for a demo, following an internal NCC presentation.
Impact 1. The TacTip technology has recently (Feb 2020) been adopted as part of an NCC core project as a method for finding defects in an Automated Fibre Placment layup. 2. Representatives from Rolls Royce Metrology has visited the university to asses the technology for in process inspection 3. Conference presentation: Elkington M., Almas E., Ward-Cherrier B., Pestell N., Ward C., Lepora N., Layup end effectors with tactile sensing capabilities, Proceedings of the 4th Symposium on Automated composite Manufacturing, Concordia University, Montreal April 25th-26th 2019. 4. Journal paper has been published in 2021. M. Elkington, E. Almas, B. Ward-Cherrier, N. Pestell, J. Lloyd, C. Ward, N. Lepora, Real time defect detection during composite layup via Tactile Shape Sensing, Journal of Science and Engineering of Composite Materials, 2021.
Start Year 2017
Description Technologies framework for Automated Dry Fibre Placement (ADFP) 
Organisation Airbus Group
Department Airbus Operations
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £811,585 core project grant to the University of Nottingham and the University of Bristol for the three-year funded project 'Technologies framework for Automated Dry Fibre Placement (ADFP)'. The following contributions have been made by the research team: The work at Nottingham has focussed on barriers to uptake, identified in collaboration with industrial partners. Challenges this last year have centred on delays in the construction of the deposition test rig mainly due to lab closures and procurement issues associated with the pandemic. 1) Development of a network based flow modelling approach 2) Flow / permeability characterisation of gapped ADFP preforms 3) Development of knowledge of raw material behaviour - thermal, electrical and compaction characteristics 4) Increased understanding of the joule heating mechanism for carbon fibres 5) Development of a digital twinning methodology based on the HDF5 database format 6) A real-time control strategy combining multi-physics co-simulation of thermal and mechanical properties of carbon fibre tapes 7) The Digital Twin / Data Repository aspects of the project are now being worked on as part of the Materials Made Smarter Centre. A PDRA has been recruited for this project and he is working closely with the ADFP team. The work at Bristol has focussed on Fibre-steered preform design through Virtual Un-forming simulation: 8) Experimental trials and finite element (FE) models were conducted and developed to demonstrate the differences of steerability and formability between a representative continuous fibre and HiPerDiF prepreg preforms on different manufacturing environments. 9) High-fidelity and cost-effective forming simulations with embedded material model were developed and validated by double diaphragm forming (DDF) tests (a representative comparison between experimental and numerical results). In DDF simulation, the forming was modelled by changing the pressure load acting on the diaphragms. 10) The virtual "unforming" is realised by directly reversing process of forming. An initial forming simulation was first performed; nodal displacement histories of the diaphragms were extracted, stored and used for the un-forming simulation. During "unforming", these nodal displacement histories were reversed and assigned to the same nodes of diaphragm models but with the opposite sign so that both diaphragms can deform back from formed geometry to their original states and the preform model sandwiched between the diaphragms was also deformed from its 3D 'as-designed' shape. 11) Development of a set of validated numerical tools significantly reduced the amount of experimental trials, as well as to elevate productivity and production qualities of high-volume fibre-steered forming technology for both continuous and discontinues prepreg systems. 12) Development of a modified picture frame test rig to experimentally study the in-plane shear characteristic of unidirectional tape materials.- It successfully managed to introduce high shear strain without causing major tape buckling. 13) An in-house double-diaphragm forming rig was fabricated for forming trials. Wider HiPerDiF tapes are currently being produced to manufacture fibre-steered and multi-layered preforms for further validating the unforming simulation model.
Collaborator Contribution The following contributions have been made by the project partners: Solvay have supplied materials and we have also hosted a visit from a team from Dassault Systemes who were interested in development tools for Digital Twins. ESI have contributed £60K worth of software licenses and some other in-kind support through project meetings on the infusion work. The NCC produced and provided the HiPerDiF tape used in this project (3rd generation HiPerDiF machine). The HiPerDiF process is an environmentally friendly process using a water suspension with short carbon fibres. The suspension is injected into the fibre orientation head, and the machine can align the fibres along the production direction, which makes it very suitable for producing long tapes. In this work, 3 mm long carbon fibres were used to produce about 40-50 m long and 30 mm wide tapes for the CTS process. Its fibre steering tests are currently on going to produce multi-layered fibre-steered HiPerDiF preforms for forming trials. Coriolis and Hexcel (Leicester) have been consulted on direction of the project and current industry trends which has helped steer the aims and reduce overlap with other ongoing work. Industry partners supplied the Resin film for the HiPerDiF tape production, prepreg with the same resin matrix (TBC), and dry fibre tape sample rolls.
Impact Output is in the form of Journal Papers: 1. DOI: 10.1080/20550340.2018.1545377 2. DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2017.06.015 3. DOI: 10.1016/j.compscitech.2021.109060 Output is in the form of Conference Papers: 1. Anthony D. Evans, Thomas A. Turner and Andreas Endruweit, Development of Automated Dry Fibre Placement for High Rate Deposition, 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM22 2019), Melbourne, Austrailia, 2019. 2. Xiaochuan Sun*, Jonathan Belnoue, Byung Chul Kim, Wei-Ting Wang and Stephen Hallet, Virtual Un-manufacturing of Fibre-steered Preforms for Complex Geometry Composites, 23rd International Conference on Material Forming (ESAFORM 2020), Cottbus, Germany, 2020. 3. Shimin Lu, Anthony D. Evans, Andreas Endruweit and Thomas A. Turner, Model based control of automated dry fibre deposition, 12th International Conference on Manufacturing of Advanced Composites (ICMAC 2020), Edinburgh, UK, 2020. 4. Anthony D. Evans, Technologies Framework for Automated Dry Fibre Placement, EPSRC Future Composites Manufacturing Hub Annual Open Day 2019, Nottingham, UK, 2019. 5. Anthony D. Evans, Technologies Framework for Automated Dry Fibre Placement, Advanced Engineering Showcase 2019 - Composites Forum Presentation, Birmingham, UK, 2019. One hub PhD student (Shafique) has successfully defended his thesis entitled "A rapid flow assessment tool for automated dry fibre preforms - a numerical and experimental study".
Start Year 2017
Description Technologies framework for Automated Dry Fibre Placement (ADFP) 
Organisation Composites Integration
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £811,585 core project grant to the University of Nottingham and the University of Bristol for the three-year funded project 'Technologies framework for Automated Dry Fibre Placement (ADFP)'. The following contributions have been made by the research team: The work at Nottingham has focussed on barriers to uptake, identified in collaboration with industrial partners. Challenges this last year have centred on delays in the construction of the deposition test rig mainly due to lab closures and procurement issues associated with the pandemic. 1) Development of a network based flow modelling approach 2) Flow / permeability characterisation of gapped ADFP preforms 3) Development of knowledge of raw material behaviour - thermal, electrical and compaction characteristics 4) Increased understanding of the joule heating mechanism for carbon fibres 5) Development of a digital twinning methodology based on the HDF5 database format 6) A real-time control strategy combining multi-physics co-simulation of thermal and mechanical properties of carbon fibre tapes 7) The Digital Twin / Data Repository aspects of the project are now being worked on as part of the Materials Made Smarter Centre. A PDRA has been recruited for this project and he is working closely with the ADFP team. The work at Bristol has focussed on Fibre-steered preform design through Virtual Un-forming simulation: 8) Experimental trials and finite element (FE) models were conducted and developed to demonstrate the differences of steerability and formability between a representative continuous fibre and HiPerDiF prepreg preforms on different manufacturing environments. 9) High-fidelity and cost-effective forming simulations with embedded material model were developed and validated by double diaphragm forming (DDF) tests (a representative comparison between experimental and numerical results). In DDF simulation, the forming was modelled by changing the pressure load acting on the diaphragms. 10) The virtual "unforming" is realised by directly reversing process of forming. An initial forming simulation was first performed; nodal displacement histories of the diaphragms were extracted, stored and used for the un-forming simulation. During "unforming", these nodal displacement histories were reversed and assigned to the same nodes of diaphragm models but with the opposite sign so that both diaphragms can deform back from formed geometry to their original states and the preform model sandwiched between the diaphragms was also deformed from its 3D 'as-designed' shape. 11) Development of a set of validated numerical tools significantly reduced the amount of experimental trials, as well as to elevate productivity and production qualities of high-volume fibre-steered forming technology for both continuous and discontinues prepreg systems. 12) Development of a modified picture frame test rig to experimentally study the in-plane shear characteristic of unidirectional tape materials.- It successfully managed to introduce high shear strain without causing major tape buckling. 13) An in-house double-diaphragm forming rig was fabricated for forming trials. Wider HiPerDiF tapes are currently being produced to manufacture fibre-steered and multi-layered preforms for further validating the unforming simulation model.
Collaborator Contribution The following contributions have been made by the project partners: Solvay have supplied materials and we have also hosted a visit from a team from Dassault Systemes who were interested in development tools for Digital Twins. ESI have contributed £60K worth of software licenses and some other in-kind support through project meetings on the infusion work. The NCC produced and provided the HiPerDiF tape used in this project (3rd generation HiPerDiF machine). The HiPerDiF process is an environmentally friendly process using a water suspension with short carbon fibres. The suspension is injected into the fibre orientation head, and the machine can align the fibres along the production direction, which makes it very suitable for producing long tapes. In this work, 3 mm long carbon fibres were used to produce about 40-50 m long and 30 mm wide tapes for the CTS process. Its fibre steering tests are currently on going to produce multi-layered fibre-steered HiPerDiF preforms for forming trials. Coriolis and Hexcel (Leicester) have been consulted on direction of the project and current industry trends which has helped steer the aims and reduce overlap with other ongoing work. Industry partners supplied the Resin film for the HiPerDiF tape production, prepreg with the same resin matrix (TBC), and dry fibre tape sample rolls.
Impact Output is in the form of Journal Papers: 1. DOI: 10.1080/20550340.2018.1545377 2. DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2017.06.015 3. DOI: 10.1016/j.compscitech.2021.109060 Output is in the form of Conference Papers: 1. Anthony D. Evans, Thomas A. Turner and Andreas Endruweit, Development of Automated Dry Fibre Placement for High Rate Deposition, 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM22 2019), Melbourne, Austrailia, 2019. 2. Xiaochuan Sun*, Jonathan Belnoue, Byung Chul Kim, Wei-Ting Wang and Stephen Hallet, Virtual Un-manufacturing of Fibre-steered Preforms for Complex Geometry Composites, 23rd International Conference on Material Forming (ESAFORM 2020), Cottbus, Germany, 2020. 3. Shimin Lu, Anthony D. Evans, Andreas Endruweit and Thomas A. Turner, Model based control of automated dry fibre deposition, 12th International Conference on Manufacturing of Advanced Composites (ICMAC 2020), Edinburgh, UK, 2020. 4. Anthony D. Evans, Technologies Framework for Automated Dry Fibre Placement, EPSRC Future Composites Manufacturing Hub Annual Open Day 2019, Nottingham, UK, 2019. 5. Anthony D. Evans, Technologies Framework for Automated Dry Fibre Placement, Advanced Engineering Showcase 2019 - Composites Forum Presentation, Birmingham, UK, 2019. One hub PhD student (Shafique) has successfully defended his thesis entitled "A rapid flow assessment tool for automated dry fibre preforms - a numerical and experimental study".
Start Year 2017
Description Technologies framework for Automated Dry Fibre Placement (ADFP) 
Organisation Coriolis Composites
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £811,585 core project grant to the University of Nottingham and the University of Bristol for the three-year funded project 'Technologies framework for Automated Dry Fibre Placement (ADFP)'. The following contributions have been made by the research team: The work at Nottingham has focussed on barriers to uptake, identified in collaboration with industrial partners. Challenges this last year have centred on delays in the construction of the deposition test rig mainly due to lab closures and procurement issues associated with the pandemic. 1) Development of a network based flow modelling approach 2) Flow / permeability characterisation of gapped ADFP preforms 3) Development of knowledge of raw material behaviour - thermal, electrical and compaction characteristics 4) Increased understanding of the joule heating mechanism for carbon fibres 5) Development of a digital twinning methodology based on the HDF5 database format 6) A real-time control strategy combining multi-physics co-simulation of thermal and mechanical properties of carbon fibre tapes 7) The Digital Twin / Data Repository aspects of the project are now being worked on as part of the Materials Made Smarter Centre. A PDRA has been recruited for this project and he is working closely with the ADFP team. The work at Bristol has focussed on Fibre-steered preform design through Virtual Un-forming simulation: 8) Experimental trials and finite element (FE) models were conducted and developed to demonstrate the differences of steerability and formability between a representative continuous fibre and HiPerDiF prepreg preforms on different manufacturing environments. 9) High-fidelity and cost-effective forming simulations with embedded material model were developed and validated by double diaphragm forming (DDF) tests (a representative comparison between experimental and numerical results). In DDF simulation, the forming was modelled by changing the pressure load acting on the diaphragms. 10) The virtual "unforming" is realised by directly reversing process of forming. An initial forming simulation was first performed; nodal displacement histories of the diaphragms were extracted, stored and used for the un-forming simulation. During "unforming", these nodal displacement histories were reversed and assigned to the same nodes of diaphragm models but with the opposite sign so that both diaphragms can deform back from formed geometry to their original states and the preform model sandwiched between the diaphragms was also deformed from its 3D 'as-designed' shape. 11) Development of a set of validated numerical tools significantly reduced the amount of experimental trials, as well as to elevate productivity and production qualities of high-volume fibre-steered forming technology for both continuous and discontinues prepreg systems. 12) Development of a modified picture frame test rig to experimentally study the in-plane shear characteristic of unidirectional tape materials.- It successfully managed to introduce high shear strain without causing major tape buckling. 13) An in-house double-diaphragm forming rig was fabricated for forming trials. Wider HiPerDiF tapes are currently being produced to manufacture fibre-steered and multi-layered preforms for further validating the unforming simulation model.
Collaborator Contribution The following contributions have been made by the project partners: Solvay have supplied materials and we have also hosted a visit from a team from Dassault Systemes who were interested in development tools for Digital Twins. ESI have contributed £60K worth of software licenses and some other in-kind support through project meetings on the infusion work. The NCC produced and provided the HiPerDiF tape used in this project (3rd generation HiPerDiF machine). The HiPerDiF process is an environmentally friendly process using a water suspension with short carbon fibres. The suspension is injected into the fibre orientation head, and the machine can align the fibres along the production direction, which makes it very suitable for producing long tapes. In this work, 3 mm long carbon fibres were used to produce about 40-50 m long and 30 mm wide tapes for the CTS process. Its fibre steering tests are currently on going to produce multi-layered fibre-steered HiPerDiF preforms for forming trials. Coriolis and Hexcel (Leicester) have been consulted on direction of the project and current industry trends which has helped steer the aims and reduce overlap with other ongoing work. Industry partners supplied the Resin film for the HiPerDiF tape production, prepreg with the same resin matrix (TBC), and dry fibre tape sample rolls.
Impact Output is in the form of Journal Papers: 1. DOI: 10.1080/20550340.2018.1545377 2. DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2017.06.015 3. DOI: 10.1016/j.compscitech.2021.109060 Output is in the form of Conference Papers: 1. Anthony D. Evans, Thomas A. Turner and Andreas Endruweit, Development of Automated Dry Fibre Placement for High Rate Deposition, 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM22 2019), Melbourne, Austrailia, 2019. 2. Xiaochuan Sun*, Jonathan Belnoue, Byung Chul Kim, Wei-Ting Wang and Stephen Hallet, Virtual Un-manufacturing of Fibre-steered Preforms for Complex Geometry Composites, 23rd International Conference on Material Forming (ESAFORM 2020), Cottbus, Germany, 2020. 3. Shimin Lu, Anthony D. Evans, Andreas Endruweit and Thomas A. Turner, Model based control of automated dry fibre deposition, 12th International Conference on Manufacturing of Advanced Composites (ICMAC 2020), Edinburgh, UK, 2020. 4. Anthony D. Evans, Technologies Framework for Automated Dry Fibre Placement, EPSRC Future Composites Manufacturing Hub Annual Open Day 2019, Nottingham, UK, 2019. 5. Anthony D. Evans, Technologies Framework for Automated Dry Fibre Placement, Advanced Engineering Showcase 2019 - Composites Forum Presentation, Birmingham, UK, 2019. One hub PhD student (Shafique) has successfully defended his thesis entitled "A rapid flow assessment tool for automated dry fibre preforms - a numerical and experimental study".
Start Year 2017
Description Technologies framework for Automated Dry Fibre Placement (ADFP) 
Organisation Dassault Systemes UK Ltd
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £811,585 core project grant to the University of Nottingham and the University of Bristol for the three-year funded project 'Technologies framework for Automated Dry Fibre Placement (ADFP)'. The following contributions have been made by the research team: The work at Nottingham has focussed on barriers to uptake, identified in collaboration with industrial partners. Challenges this last year have centred on delays in the construction of the deposition test rig mainly due to lab closures and procurement issues associated with the pandemic. 1) Development of a network based flow modelling approach 2) Flow / permeability characterisation of gapped ADFP preforms 3) Development of knowledge of raw material behaviour - thermal, electrical and compaction characteristics 4) Increased understanding of the joule heating mechanism for carbon fibres 5) Development of a digital twinning methodology based on the HDF5 database format 6) A real-time control strategy combining multi-physics co-simulation of thermal and mechanical properties of carbon fibre tapes 7) The Digital Twin / Data Repository aspects of the project are now being worked on as part of the Materials Made Smarter Centre. A PDRA has been recruited for this project and he is working closely with the ADFP team. The work at Bristol has focussed on Fibre-steered preform design through Virtual Un-forming simulation: 8) Experimental trials and finite element (FE) models were conducted and developed to demonstrate the differences of steerability and formability between a representative continuous fibre and HiPerDiF prepreg preforms on different manufacturing environments. 9) High-fidelity and cost-effective forming simulations with embedded material model were developed and validated by double diaphragm forming (DDF) tests (a representative comparison between experimental and numerical results). In DDF simulation, the forming was modelled by changing the pressure load acting on the diaphragms. 10) The virtual "unforming" is realised by directly reversing process of forming. An initial forming simulation was first performed; nodal displacement histories of the diaphragms were extracted, stored and used for the un-forming simulation. During "unforming", these nodal displacement histories were reversed and assigned to the same nodes of diaphragm models but with the opposite sign so that both diaphragms can deform back from formed geometry to their original states and the preform model sandwiched between the diaphragms was also deformed from its 3D 'as-designed' shape. 11) Development of a set of validated numerical tools significantly reduced the amount of experimental trials, as well as to elevate productivity and production qualities of high-volume fibre-steered forming technology for both continuous and discontinues prepreg systems. 12) Development of a modified picture frame test rig to experimentally study the in-plane shear characteristic of unidirectional tape materials.- It successfully managed to introduce high shear strain without causing major tape buckling. 13) An in-house double-diaphragm forming rig was fabricated for forming trials. Wider HiPerDiF tapes are currently being produced to manufacture fibre-steered and multi-layered preforms for further validating the unforming simulation model.
Collaborator Contribution The following contributions have been made by the project partners: Solvay have supplied materials and we have also hosted a visit from a team from Dassault Systemes who were interested in development tools for Digital Twins. ESI have contributed £60K worth of software licenses and some other in-kind support through project meetings on the infusion work. The NCC produced and provided the HiPerDiF tape used in this project (3rd generation HiPerDiF machine). The HiPerDiF process is an environmentally friendly process using a water suspension with short carbon fibres. The suspension is injected into the fibre orientation head, and the machine can align the fibres along the production direction, which makes it very suitable for producing long tapes. In this work, 3 mm long carbon fibres were used to produce about 40-50 m long and 30 mm wide tapes for the CTS process. Its fibre steering tests are currently on going to produce multi-layered fibre-steered HiPerDiF preforms for forming trials. Coriolis and Hexcel (Leicester) have been consulted on direction of the project and current industry trends which has helped steer the aims and reduce overlap with other ongoing work. Industry partners supplied the Resin film for the HiPerDiF tape production, prepreg with the same resin matrix (TBC), and dry fibre tape sample rolls.
Impact Output is in the form of Journal Papers: 1. DOI: 10.1080/20550340.2018.1545377 2. DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2017.06.015 3. DOI: 10.1016/j.compscitech.2021.109060 Output is in the form of Conference Papers: 1. Anthony D. Evans, Thomas A. Turner and Andreas Endruweit, Development of Automated Dry Fibre Placement for High Rate Deposition, 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM22 2019), Melbourne, Austrailia, 2019. 2. Xiaochuan Sun*, Jonathan Belnoue, Byung Chul Kim, Wei-Ting Wang and Stephen Hallet, Virtual Un-manufacturing of Fibre-steered Preforms for Complex Geometry Composites, 23rd International Conference on Material Forming (ESAFORM 2020), Cottbus, Germany, 2020. 3. Shimin Lu, Anthony D. Evans, Andreas Endruweit and Thomas A. Turner, Model based control of automated dry fibre deposition, 12th International Conference on Manufacturing of Advanced Composites (ICMAC 2020), Edinburgh, UK, 2020. 4. Anthony D. Evans, Technologies Framework for Automated Dry Fibre Placement, EPSRC Future Composites Manufacturing Hub Annual Open Day 2019, Nottingham, UK, 2019. 5. Anthony D. Evans, Technologies Framework for Automated Dry Fibre Placement, Advanced Engineering Showcase 2019 - Composites Forum Presentation, Birmingham, UK, 2019. One hub PhD student (Shafique) has successfully defended his thesis entitled "A rapid flow assessment tool for automated dry fibre preforms - a numerical and experimental study".
Start Year 2017
Description Technologies framework for Automated Dry Fibre Placement (ADFP) 
Organisation ESI Group
Country France 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £811,585 core project grant to the University of Nottingham and the University of Bristol for the three-year funded project 'Technologies framework for Automated Dry Fibre Placement (ADFP)'. The following contributions have been made by the research team: The work at Nottingham has focussed on barriers to uptake, identified in collaboration with industrial partners. Challenges this last year have centred on delays in the construction of the deposition test rig mainly due to lab closures and procurement issues associated with the pandemic. 1) Development of a network based flow modelling approach 2) Flow / permeability characterisation of gapped ADFP preforms 3) Development of knowledge of raw material behaviour - thermal, electrical and compaction characteristics 4) Increased understanding of the joule heating mechanism for carbon fibres 5) Development of a digital twinning methodology based on the HDF5 database format 6) A real-time control strategy combining multi-physics co-simulation of thermal and mechanical properties of carbon fibre tapes 7) The Digital Twin / Data Repository aspects of the project are now being worked on as part of the Materials Made Smarter Centre. A PDRA has been recruited for this project and he is working closely with the ADFP team. The work at Bristol has focussed on Fibre-steered preform design through Virtual Un-forming simulation: 8) Experimental trials and finite element (FE) models were conducted and developed to demonstrate the differences of steerability and formability between a representative continuous fibre and HiPerDiF prepreg preforms on different manufacturing environments. 9) High-fidelity and cost-effective forming simulations with embedded material model were developed and validated by double diaphragm forming (DDF) tests (a representative comparison between experimental and numerical results). In DDF simulation, the forming was modelled by changing the pressure load acting on the diaphragms. 10) The virtual "unforming" is realised by directly reversing process of forming. An initial forming simulation was first performed; nodal displacement histories of the diaphragms were extracted, stored and used for the un-forming simulation. During "unforming", these nodal displacement histories were reversed and assigned to the same nodes of diaphragm models but with the opposite sign so that both diaphragms can deform back from formed geometry to their original states and the preform model sandwiched between the diaphragms was also deformed from its 3D 'as-designed' shape. 11) Development of a set of validated numerical tools significantly reduced the amount of experimental trials, as well as to elevate productivity and production qualities of high-volume fibre-steered forming technology for both continuous and discontinues prepreg systems. 12) Development of a modified picture frame test rig to experimentally study the in-plane shear characteristic of unidirectional tape materials.- It successfully managed to introduce high shear strain without causing major tape buckling. 13) An in-house double-diaphragm forming rig was fabricated for forming trials. Wider HiPerDiF tapes are currently being produced to manufacture fibre-steered and multi-layered preforms for further validating the unforming simulation model.
Collaborator Contribution The following contributions have been made by the project partners: Solvay have supplied materials and we have also hosted a visit from a team from Dassault Systemes who were interested in development tools for Digital Twins. ESI have contributed £60K worth of software licenses and some other in-kind support through project meetings on the infusion work. The NCC produced and provided the HiPerDiF tape used in this project (3rd generation HiPerDiF machine). The HiPerDiF process is an environmentally friendly process using a water suspension with short carbon fibres. The suspension is injected into the fibre orientation head, and the machine can align the fibres along the production direction, which makes it very suitable for producing long tapes. In this work, 3 mm long carbon fibres were used to produce about 40-50 m long and 30 mm wide tapes for the CTS process. Its fibre steering tests are currently on going to produce multi-layered fibre-steered HiPerDiF preforms for forming trials. Coriolis and Hexcel (Leicester) have been consulted on direction of the project and current industry trends which has helped steer the aims and reduce overlap with other ongoing work. Industry partners supplied the Resin film for the HiPerDiF tape production, prepreg with the same resin matrix (TBC), and dry fibre tape sample rolls.
Impact Output is in the form of Journal Papers: 1. DOI: 10.1080/20550340.2018.1545377 2. DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2017.06.015 3. DOI: 10.1016/j.compscitech.2021.109060 Output is in the form of Conference Papers: 1. Anthony D. Evans, Thomas A. Turner and Andreas Endruweit, Development of Automated Dry Fibre Placement for High Rate Deposition, 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM22 2019), Melbourne, Austrailia, 2019. 2. Xiaochuan Sun*, Jonathan Belnoue, Byung Chul Kim, Wei-Ting Wang and Stephen Hallet, Virtual Un-manufacturing of Fibre-steered Preforms for Complex Geometry Composites, 23rd International Conference on Material Forming (ESAFORM 2020), Cottbus, Germany, 2020. 3. Shimin Lu, Anthony D. Evans, Andreas Endruweit and Thomas A. Turner, Model based control of automated dry fibre deposition, 12th International Conference on Manufacturing of Advanced Composites (ICMAC 2020), Edinburgh, UK, 2020. 4. Anthony D. Evans, Technologies Framework for Automated Dry Fibre Placement, EPSRC Future Composites Manufacturing Hub Annual Open Day 2019, Nottingham, UK, 2019. 5. Anthony D. Evans, Technologies Framework for Automated Dry Fibre Placement, Advanced Engineering Showcase 2019 - Composites Forum Presentation, Birmingham, UK, 2019. One hub PhD student (Shafique) has successfully defended his thesis entitled "A rapid flow assessment tool for automated dry fibre preforms - a numerical and experimental study".
Start Year 2017
Description Technologies framework for Automated Dry Fibre Placement (ADFP) 
Organisation GKN
Department GKN Aerospace
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £811,585 core project grant to the University of Nottingham and the University of Bristol for the three-year funded project 'Technologies framework for Automated Dry Fibre Placement (ADFP)'. The following contributions have been made by the research team: The work at Nottingham has focussed on barriers to uptake, identified in collaboration with industrial partners. Challenges this last year have centred on delays in the construction of the deposition test rig mainly due to lab closures and procurement issues associated with the pandemic. 1) Development of a network based flow modelling approach 2) Flow / permeability characterisation of gapped ADFP preforms 3) Development of knowledge of raw material behaviour - thermal, electrical and compaction characteristics 4) Increased understanding of the joule heating mechanism for carbon fibres 5) Development of a digital twinning methodology based on the HDF5 database format 6) A real-time control strategy combining multi-physics co-simulation of thermal and mechanical properties of carbon fibre tapes 7) The Digital Twin / Data Repository aspects of the project are now being worked on as part of the Materials Made Smarter Centre. A PDRA has been recruited for this project and he is working closely with the ADFP team. The work at Bristol has focussed on Fibre-steered preform design through Virtual Un-forming simulation: 8) Experimental trials and finite element (FE) models were conducted and developed to demonstrate the differences of steerability and formability between a representative continuous fibre and HiPerDiF prepreg preforms on different manufacturing environments. 9) High-fidelity and cost-effective forming simulations with embedded material model were developed and validated by double diaphragm forming (DDF) tests (a representative comparison between experimental and numerical results). In DDF simulation, the forming was modelled by changing the pressure load acting on the diaphragms. 10) The virtual "unforming" is realised by directly reversing process of forming. An initial forming simulation was first performed; nodal displacement histories of the diaphragms were extracted, stored and used for the un-forming simulation. During "unforming", these nodal displacement histories were reversed and assigned to the same nodes of diaphragm models but with the opposite sign so that both diaphragms can deform back from formed geometry to their original states and the preform model sandwiched between the diaphragms was also deformed from its 3D 'as-designed' shape. 11) Development of a set of validated numerical tools significantly reduced the amount of experimental trials, as well as to elevate productivity and production qualities of high-volume fibre-steered forming technology for both continuous and discontinues prepreg systems. 12) Development of a modified picture frame test rig to experimentally study the in-plane shear characteristic of unidirectional tape materials.- It successfully managed to introduce high shear strain without causing major tape buckling. 13) An in-house double-diaphragm forming rig was fabricated for forming trials. Wider HiPerDiF tapes are currently being produced to manufacture fibre-steered and multi-layered preforms for further validating the unforming simulation model.
Collaborator Contribution The following contributions have been made by the project partners: Solvay have supplied materials and we have also hosted a visit from a team from Dassault Systemes who were interested in development tools for Digital Twins. ESI have contributed £60K worth of software licenses and some other in-kind support through project meetings on the infusion work. The NCC produced and provided the HiPerDiF tape used in this project (3rd generation HiPerDiF machine). The HiPerDiF process is an environmentally friendly process using a water suspension with short carbon fibres. The suspension is injected into the fibre orientation head, and the machine can align the fibres along the production direction, which makes it very suitable for producing long tapes. In this work, 3 mm long carbon fibres were used to produce about 40-50 m long and 30 mm wide tapes for the CTS process. Its fibre steering tests are currently on going to produce multi-layered fibre-steered HiPerDiF preforms for forming trials. Coriolis and Hexcel (Leicester) have been consulted on direction of the project and current industry trends which has helped steer the aims and reduce overlap with other ongoing work. Industry partners supplied the Resin film for the HiPerDiF tape production, prepreg with the same resin matrix (TBC), and dry fibre tape sample rolls.
Impact Output is in the form of Journal Papers: 1. DOI: 10.1080/20550340.2018.1545377 2. DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2017.06.015 3. DOI: 10.1016/j.compscitech.2021.109060 Output is in the form of Conference Papers: 1. Anthony D. Evans, Thomas A. Turner and Andreas Endruweit, Development of Automated Dry Fibre Placement for High Rate Deposition, 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM22 2019), Melbourne, Austrailia, 2019. 2. Xiaochuan Sun*, Jonathan Belnoue, Byung Chul Kim, Wei-Ting Wang and Stephen Hallet, Virtual Un-manufacturing of Fibre-steered Preforms for Complex Geometry Composites, 23rd International Conference on Material Forming (ESAFORM 2020), Cottbus, Germany, 2020. 3. Shimin Lu, Anthony D. Evans, Andreas Endruweit and Thomas A. Turner, Model based control of automated dry fibre deposition, 12th International Conference on Manufacturing of Advanced Composites (ICMAC 2020), Edinburgh, UK, 2020. 4. Anthony D. Evans, Technologies Framework for Automated Dry Fibre Placement, EPSRC Future Composites Manufacturing Hub Annual Open Day 2019, Nottingham, UK, 2019. 5. Anthony D. Evans, Technologies Framework for Automated Dry Fibre Placement, Advanced Engineering Showcase 2019 - Composites Forum Presentation, Birmingham, UK, 2019. One hub PhD student (Shafique) has successfully defended his thesis entitled "A rapid flow assessment tool for automated dry fibre preforms - a numerical and experimental study".
Start Year 2017
Description Technologies framework for Automated Dry Fibre Placement (ADFP) 
Organisation Hexcel Composites Ltd
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £811,585 core project grant to the University of Nottingham and the University of Bristol for the three-year funded project 'Technologies framework for Automated Dry Fibre Placement (ADFP)'. The following contributions have been made by the research team: The work at Nottingham has focussed on barriers to uptake, identified in collaboration with industrial partners. Challenges this last year have centred on delays in the construction of the deposition test rig mainly due to lab closures and procurement issues associated with the pandemic. 1) Development of a network based flow modelling approach 2) Flow / permeability characterisation of gapped ADFP preforms 3) Development of knowledge of raw material behaviour - thermal, electrical and compaction characteristics 4) Increased understanding of the joule heating mechanism for carbon fibres 5) Development of a digital twinning methodology based on the HDF5 database format 6) A real-time control strategy combining multi-physics co-simulation of thermal and mechanical properties of carbon fibre tapes 7) The Digital Twin / Data Repository aspects of the project are now being worked on as part of the Materials Made Smarter Centre. A PDRA has been recruited for this project and he is working closely with the ADFP team. The work at Bristol has focussed on Fibre-steered preform design through Virtual Un-forming simulation: 8) Experimental trials and finite element (FE) models were conducted and developed to demonstrate the differences of steerability and formability between a representative continuous fibre and HiPerDiF prepreg preforms on different manufacturing environments. 9) High-fidelity and cost-effective forming simulations with embedded material model were developed and validated by double diaphragm forming (DDF) tests (a representative comparison between experimental and numerical results). In DDF simulation, the forming was modelled by changing the pressure load acting on the diaphragms. 10) The virtual "unforming" is realised by directly reversing process of forming. An initial forming simulation was first performed; nodal displacement histories of the diaphragms were extracted, stored and used for the un-forming simulation. During "unforming", these nodal displacement histories were reversed and assigned to the same nodes of diaphragm models but with the opposite sign so that both diaphragms can deform back from formed geometry to their original states and the preform model sandwiched between the diaphragms was also deformed from its 3D 'as-designed' shape. 11) Development of a set of validated numerical tools significantly reduced the amount of experimental trials, as well as to elevate productivity and production qualities of high-volume fibre-steered forming technology for both continuous and discontinues prepreg systems. 12) Development of a modified picture frame test rig to experimentally study the in-plane shear characteristic of unidirectional tape materials.- It successfully managed to introduce high shear strain without causing major tape buckling. 13) An in-house double-diaphragm forming rig was fabricated for forming trials. Wider HiPerDiF tapes are currently being produced to manufacture fibre-steered and multi-layered preforms for further validating the unforming simulation model.
Collaborator Contribution The following contributions have been made by the project partners: Solvay have supplied materials and we have also hosted a visit from a team from Dassault Systemes who were interested in development tools for Digital Twins. ESI have contributed £60K worth of software licenses and some other in-kind support through project meetings on the infusion work. The NCC produced and provided the HiPerDiF tape used in this project (3rd generation HiPerDiF machine). The HiPerDiF process is an environmentally friendly process using a water suspension with short carbon fibres. The suspension is injected into the fibre orientation head, and the machine can align the fibres along the production direction, which makes it very suitable for producing long tapes. In this work, 3 mm long carbon fibres were used to produce about 40-50 m long and 30 mm wide tapes for the CTS process. Its fibre steering tests are currently on going to produce multi-layered fibre-steered HiPerDiF preforms for forming trials. Coriolis and Hexcel (Leicester) have been consulted on direction of the project and current industry trends which has helped steer the aims and reduce overlap with other ongoing work. Industry partners supplied the Resin film for the HiPerDiF tape production, prepreg with the same resin matrix (TBC), and dry fibre tape sample rolls.
Impact Output is in the form of Journal Papers: 1. DOI: 10.1080/20550340.2018.1545377 2. DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2017.06.015 3. DOI: 10.1016/j.compscitech.2021.109060 Output is in the form of Conference Papers: 1. Anthony D. Evans, Thomas A. Turner and Andreas Endruweit, Development of Automated Dry Fibre Placement for High Rate Deposition, 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM22 2019), Melbourne, Austrailia, 2019. 2. Xiaochuan Sun*, Jonathan Belnoue, Byung Chul Kim, Wei-Ting Wang and Stephen Hallet, Virtual Un-manufacturing of Fibre-steered Preforms for Complex Geometry Composites, 23rd International Conference on Material Forming (ESAFORM 2020), Cottbus, Germany, 2020. 3. Shimin Lu, Anthony D. Evans, Andreas Endruweit and Thomas A. Turner, Model based control of automated dry fibre deposition, 12th International Conference on Manufacturing of Advanced Composites (ICMAC 2020), Edinburgh, UK, 2020. 4. Anthony D. Evans, Technologies Framework for Automated Dry Fibre Placement, EPSRC Future Composites Manufacturing Hub Annual Open Day 2019, Nottingham, UK, 2019. 5. Anthony D. Evans, Technologies Framework for Automated Dry Fibre Placement, Advanced Engineering Showcase 2019 - Composites Forum Presentation, Birmingham, UK, 2019. One hub PhD student (Shafique) has successfully defended his thesis entitled "A rapid flow assessment tool for automated dry fibre preforms - a numerical and experimental study".
Start Year 2017
Description Technologies framework for Automated Dry Fibre Placement (ADFP) 
Organisation Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC)
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £811,585 core project grant to the University of Nottingham and the University of Bristol for the three-year funded project 'Technologies framework for Automated Dry Fibre Placement (ADFP)'. The following contributions have been made by the research team: The work at Nottingham has focussed on barriers to uptake, identified in collaboration with industrial partners. Challenges this last year have centred on delays in the construction of the deposition test rig mainly due to lab closures and procurement issues associated with the pandemic. 1) Development of a network based flow modelling approach 2) Flow / permeability characterisation of gapped ADFP preforms 3) Development of knowledge of raw material behaviour - thermal, electrical and compaction characteristics 4) Increased understanding of the joule heating mechanism for carbon fibres 5) Development of a digital twinning methodology based on the HDF5 database format 6) A real-time control strategy combining multi-physics co-simulation of thermal and mechanical properties of carbon fibre tapes 7) The Digital Twin / Data Repository aspects of the project are now being worked on as part of the Materials Made Smarter Centre. A PDRA has been recruited for this project and he is working closely with the ADFP team. The work at Bristol has focussed on Fibre-steered preform design through Virtual Un-forming simulation: 8) Experimental trials and finite element (FE) models were conducted and developed to demonstrate the differences of steerability and formability between a representative continuous fibre and HiPerDiF prepreg preforms on different manufacturing environments. 9) High-fidelity and cost-effective forming simulations with embedded material model were developed and validated by double diaphragm forming (DDF) tests (a representative comparison between experimental and numerical results). In DDF simulation, the forming was modelled by changing the pressure load acting on the diaphragms. 10) The virtual "unforming" is realised by directly reversing process of forming. An initial forming simulation was first performed; nodal displacement histories of the diaphragms were extracted, stored and used for the un-forming simulation. During "unforming", these nodal displacement histories were reversed and assigned to the same nodes of diaphragm models but with the opposite sign so that both diaphragms can deform back from formed geometry to their original states and the preform model sandwiched between the diaphragms was also deformed from its 3D 'as-designed' shape. 11) Development of a set of validated numerical tools significantly reduced the amount of experimental trials, as well as to elevate productivity and production qualities of high-volume fibre-steered forming technology for both continuous and discontinues prepreg systems. 12) Development of a modified picture frame test rig to experimentally study the in-plane shear characteristic of unidirectional tape materials.- It successfully managed to introduce high shear strain without causing major tape buckling. 13) An in-house double-diaphragm forming rig was fabricated for forming trials. Wider HiPerDiF tapes are currently being produced to manufacture fibre-steered and multi-layered preforms for further validating the unforming simulation model.
Collaborator Contribution The following contributions have been made by the project partners: Solvay have supplied materials and we have also hosted a visit from a team from Dassault Systemes who were interested in development tools for Digital Twins. ESI have contributed £60K worth of software licenses and some other in-kind support through project meetings on the infusion work. The NCC produced and provided the HiPerDiF tape used in this project (3rd generation HiPerDiF machine). The HiPerDiF process is an environmentally friendly process using a water suspension with short carbon fibres. The suspension is injected into the fibre orientation head, and the machine can align the fibres along the production direction, which makes it very suitable for producing long tapes. In this work, 3 mm long carbon fibres were used to produce about 40-50 m long and 30 mm wide tapes for the CTS process. Its fibre steering tests are currently on going to produce multi-layered fibre-steered HiPerDiF preforms for forming trials. Coriolis and Hexcel (Leicester) have been consulted on direction of the project and current industry trends which has helped steer the aims and reduce overlap with other ongoing work. Industry partners supplied the Resin film for the HiPerDiF tape production, prepreg with the same resin matrix (TBC), and dry fibre tape sample rolls.
Impact Output is in the form of Journal Papers: 1. DOI: 10.1080/20550340.2018.1545377 2. DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2017.06.015 3. DOI: 10.1016/j.compscitech.2021.109060 Output is in the form of Conference Papers: 1. Anthony D. Evans, Thomas A. Turner and Andreas Endruweit, Development of Automated Dry Fibre Placement for High Rate Deposition, 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM22 2019), Melbourne, Austrailia, 2019. 2. Xiaochuan Sun*, Jonathan Belnoue, Byung Chul Kim, Wei-Ting Wang and Stephen Hallet, Virtual Un-manufacturing of Fibre-steered Preforms for Complex Geometry Composites, 23rd International Conference on Material Forming (ESAFORM 2020), Cottbus, Germany, 2020. 3. Shimin Lu, Anthony D. Evans, Andreas Endruweit and Thomas A. Turner, Model based control of automated dry fibre deposition, 12th International Conference on Manufacturing of Advanced Composites (ICMAC 2020), Edinburgh, UK, 2020. 4. Anthony D. Evans, Technologies Framework for Automated Dry Fibre Placement, EPSRC Future Composites Manufacturing Hub Annual Open Day 2019, Nottingham, UK, 2019. 5. Anthony D. Evans, Technologies Framework for Automated Dry Fibre Placement, Advanced Engineering Showcase 2019 - Composites Forum Presentation, Birmingham, UK, 2019. One hub PhD student (Shafique) has successfully defended his thesis entitled "A rapid flow assessment tool for automated dry fibre preforms - a numerical and experimental study".
Start Year 2017
Description Technologies framework for Automated Dry Fibre Placement (ADFP) 
Organisation National Composites Centre (NCC)
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £811,585 core project grant to the University of Nottingham and the University of Bristol for the three-year funded project 'Technologies framework for Automated Dry Fibre Placement (ADFP)'. The following contributions have been made by the research team: The work at Nottingham has focussed on barriers to uptake, identified in collaboration with industrial partners. Challenges this last year have centred on delays in the construction of the deposition test rig mainly due to lab closures and procurement issues associated with the pandemic. 1) Development of a network based flow modelling approach 2) Flow / permeability characterisation of gapped ADFP preforms 3) Development of knowledge of raw material behaviour - thermal, electrical and compaction characteristics 4) Increased understanding of the joule heating mechanism for carbon fibres 5) Development of a digital twinning methodology based on the HDF5 database format 6) A real-time control strategy combining multi-physics co-simulation of thermal and mechanical properties of carbon fibre tapes 7) The Digital Twin / Data Repository aspects of the project are now being worked on as part of the Materials Made Smarter Centre. A PDRA has been recruited for this project and he is working closely with the ADFP team. The work at Bristol has focussed on Fibre-steered preform design through Virtual Un-forming simulation: 8) Experimental trials and finite element (FE) models were conducted and developed to demonstrate the differences of steerability and formability between a representative continuous fibre and HiPerDiF prepreg preforms on different manufacturing environments. 9) High-fidelity and cost-effective forming simulations with embedded material model were developed and validated by double diaphragm forming (DDF) tests (a representative comparison between experimental and numerical results). In DDF simulation, the forming was modelled by changing the pressure load acting on the diaphragms. 10) The virtual "unforming" is realised by directly reversing process of forming. An initial forming simulation was first performed; nodal displacement histories of the diaphragms were extracted, stored and used for the un-forming simulation. During "unforming", these nodal displacement histories were reversed and assigned to the same nodes of diaphragm models but with the opposite sign so that both diaphragms can deform back from formed geometry to their original states and the preform model sandwiched between the diaphragms was also deformed from its 3D 'as-designed' shape. 11) Development of a set of validated numerical tools significantly reduced the amount of experimental trials, as well as to elevate productivity and production qualities of high-volume fibre-steered forming technology for both continuous and discontinues prepreg systems. 12) Development of a modified picture frame test rig to experimentally study the in-plane shear characteristic of unidirectional tape materials.- It successfully managed to introduce high shear strain without causing major tape buckling. 13) An in-house double-diaphragm forming rig was fabricated for forming trials. Wider HiPerDiF tapes are currently being produced to manufacture fibre-steered and multi-layered preforms for further validating the unforming simulation model.
Collaborator Contribution The following contributions have been made by the project partners: Solvay have supplied materials and we have also hosted a visit from a team from Dassault Systemes who were interested in development tools for Digital Twins. ESI have contributed £60K worth of software licenses and some other in-kind support through project meetings on the infusion work. The NCC produced and provided the HiPerDiF tape used in this project (3rd generation HiPerDiF machine). The HiPerDiF process is an environmentally friendly process using a water suspension with short carbon fibres. The suspension is injected into the fibre orientation head, and the machine can align the fibres along the production direction, which makes it very suitable for producing long tapes. In this work, 3 mm long carbon fibres were used to produce about 40-50 m long and 30 mm wide tapes for the CTS process. Its fibre steering tests are currently on going to produce multi-layered fibre-steered HiPerDiF preforms for forming trials. Coriolis and Hexcel (Leicester) have been consulted on direction of the project and current industry trends which has helped steer the aims and reduce overlap with other ongoing work. Industry partners supplied the Resin film for the HiPerDiF tape production, prepreg with the same resin matrix (TBC), and dry fibre tape sample rolls.
Impact Output is in the form of Journal Papers: 1. DOI: 10.1080/20550340.2018.1545377 2. DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2017.06.015 3. DOI: 10.1016/j.compscitech.2021.109060 Output is in the form of Conference Papers: 1. Anthony D. Evans, Thomas A. Turner and Andreas Endruweit, Development of Automated Dry Fibre Placement for High Rate Deposition, 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM22 2019), Melbourne, Austrailia, 2019. 2. Xiaochuan Sun*, Jonathan Belnoue, Byung Chul Kim, Wei-Ting Wang and Stephen Hallet, Virtual Un-manufacturing of Fibre-steered Preforms for Complex Geometry Composites, 23rd International Conference on Material Forming (ESAFORM 2020), Cottbus, Germany, 2020. 3. Shimin Lu, Anthony D. Evans, Andreas Endruweit and Thomas A. Turner, Model based control of automated dry fibre deposition, 12th International Conference on Manufacturing of Advanced Composites (ICMAC 2020), Edinburgh, UK, 2020. 4. Anthony D. Evans, Technologies Framework for Automated Dry Fibre Placement, EPSRC Future Composites Manufacturing Hub Annual Open Day 2019, Nottingham, UK, 2019. 5. Anthony D. Evans, Technologies Framework for Automated Dry Fibre Placement, Advanced Engineering Showcase 2019 - Composites Forum Presentation, Birmingham, UK, 2019. One hub PhD student (Shafique) has successfully defended his thesis entitled "A rapid flow assessment tool for automated dry fibre preforms - a numerical and experimental study".
Start Year 2017
Description Technologies framework for Automated Dry Fibre Placement (ADFP) 
Organisation Rolls Royce Group Plc
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £811,585 core project grant to the University of Nottingham and the University of Bristol for the three-year funded project 'Technologies framework for Automated Dry Fibre Placement (ADFP)'. The following contributions have been made by the research team: The work at Nottingham has focussed on barriers to uptake, identified in collaboration with industrial partners. Challenges this last year have centred on delays in the construction of the deposition test rig mainly due to lab closures and procurement issues associated with the pandemic. 1) Development of a network based flow modelling approach 2) Flow / permeability characterisation of gapped ADFP preforms 3) Development of knowledge of raw material behaviour - thermal, electrical and compaction characteristics 4) Increased understanding of the joule heating mechanism for carbon fibres 5) Development of a digital twinning methodology based on the HDF5 database format 6) A real-time control strategy combining multi-physics co-simulation of thermal and mechanical properties of carbon fibre tapes 7) The Digital Twin / Data Repository aspects of the project are now being worked on as part of the Materials Made Smarter Centre. A PDRA has been recruited for this project and he is working closely with the ADFP team. The work at Bristol has focussed on Fibre-steered preform design through Virtual Un-forming simulation: 8) Experimental trials and finite element (FE) models were conducted and developed to demonstrate the differences of steerability and formability between a representative continuous fibre and HiPerDiF prepreg preforms on different manufacturing environments. 9) High-fidelity and cost-effective forming simulations with embedded material model were developed and validated by double diaphragm forming (DDF) tests (a representative comparison between experimental and numerical results). In DDF simulation, the forming was modelled by changing the pressure load acting on the diaphragms. 10) The virtual "unforming" is realised by directly reversing process of forming. An initial forming simulation was first performed; nodal displacement histories of the diaphragms were extracted, stored and used for the un-forming simulation. During "unforming", these nodal displacement histories were reversed and assigned to the same nodes of diaphragm models but with the opposite sign so that both diaphragms can deform back from formed geometry to their original states and the preform model sandwiched between the diaphragms was also deformed from its 3D 'as-designed' shape. 11) Development of a set of validated numerical tools significantly reduced the amount of experimental trials, as well as to elevate productivity and production qualities of high-volume fibre-steered forming technology for both continuous and discontinues prepreg systems. 12) Development of a modified picture frame test rig to experimentally study the in-plane shear characteristic of unidirectional tape materials.- It successfully managed to introduce high shear strain without causing major tape buckling. 13) An in-house double-diaphragm forming rig was fabricated for forming trials. Wider HiPerDiF tapes are currently being produced to manufacture fibre-steered and multi-layered preforms for further validating the unforming simulation model.
Collaborator Contribution The following contributions have been made by the project partners: Solvay have supplied materials and we have also hosted a visit from a team from Dassault Systemes who were interested in development tools for Digital Twins. ESI have contributed £60K worth of software licenses and some other in-kind support through project meetings on the infusion work. The NCC produced and provided the HiPerDiF tape used in this project (3rd generation HiPerDiF machine). The HiPerDiF process is an environmentally friendly process using a water suspension with short carbon fibres. The suspension is injected into the fibre orientation head, and the machine can align the fibres along the production direction, which makes it very suitable for producing long tapes. In this work, 3 mm long carbon fibres were used to produce about 40-50 m long and 30 mm wide tapes for the CTS process. Its fibre steering tests are currently on going to produce multi-layered fibre-steered HiPerDiF preforms for forming trials. Coriolis and Hexcel (Leicester) have been consulted on direction of the project and current industry trends which has helped steer the aims and reduce overlap with other ongoing work. Industry partners supplied the Resin film for the HiPerDiF tape production, prepreg with the same resin matrix (TBC), and dry fibre tape sample rolls.
Impact Output is in the form of Journal Papers: 1. DOI: 10.1080/20550340.2018.1545377 2. DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2017.06.015 3. DOI: 10.1016/j.compscitech.2021.109060 Output is in the form of Conference Papers: 1. Anthony D. Evans, Thomas A. Turner and Andreas Endruweit, Development of Automated Dry Fibre Placement for High Rate Deposition, 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM22 2019), Melbourne, Austrailia, 2019. 2. Xiaochuan Sun*, Jonathan Belnoue, Byung Chul Kim, Wei-Ting Wang and Stephen Hallet, Virtual Un-manufacturing of Fibre-steered Preforms for Complex Geometry Composites, 23rd International Conference on Material Forming (ESAFORM 2020), Cottbus, Germany, 2020. 3. Shimin Lu, Anthony D. Evans, Andreas Endruweit and Thomas A. Turner, Model based control of automated dry fibre deposition, 12th International Conference on Manufacturing of Advanced Composites (ICMAC 2020), Edinburgh, UK, 2020. 4. Anthony D. Evans, Technologies Framework for Automated Dry Fibre Placement, EPSRC Future Composites Manufacturing Hub Annual Open Day 2019, Nottingham, UK, 2019. 5. Anthony D. Evans, Technologies Framework for Automated Dry Fibre Placement, Advanced Engineering Showcase 2019 - Composites Forum Presentation, Birmingham, UK, 2019. One hub PhD student (Shafique) has successfully defended his thesis entitled "A rapid flow assessment tool for automated dry fibre preforms - a numerical and experimental study".
Start Year 2017
Description Technologies framework for Automated Dry Fibre Placement (ADFP) 
Organisation Solvay
Country Global 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £811,585 core project grant to the University of Nottingham and the University of Bristol for the three-year funded project 'Technologies framework for Automated Dry Fibre Placement (ADFP)'. The following contributions have been made by the research team: The work at Nottingham has focussed on barriers to uptake, identified in collaboration with industrial partners. Challenges this last year have centred on delays in the construction of the deposition test rig mainly due to lab closures and procurement issues associated with the pandemic. 1) Development of a network based flow modelling approach 2) Flow / permeability characterisation of gapped ADFP preforms 3) Development of knowledge of raw material behaviour - thermal, electrical and compaction characteristics 4) Increased understanding of the joule heating mechanism for carbon fibres 5) Development of a digital twinning methodology based on the HDF5 database format 6) A real-time control strategy combining multi-physics co-simulation of thermal and mechanical properties of carbon fibre tapes 7) The Digital Twin / Data Repository aspects of the project are now being worked on as part of the Materials Made Smarter Centre. A PDRA has been recruited for this project and he is working closely with the ADFP team. The work at Bristol has focussed on Fibre-steered preform design through Virtual Un-forming simulation: 8) Experimental trials and finite element (FE) models were conducted and developed to demonstrate the differences of steerability and formability between a representative continuous fibre and HiPerDiF prepreg preforms on different manufacturing environments. 9) High-fidelity and cost-effective forming simulations with embedded material model were developed and validated by double diaphragm forming (DDF) tests (a representative comparison between experimental and numerical results). In DDF simulation, the forming was modelled by changing the pressure load acting on the diaphragms. 10) The virtual "unforming" is realised by directly reversing process of forming. An initial forming simulation was first performed; nodal displacement histories of the diaphragms were extracted, stored and used for the un-forming simulation. During "unforming", these nodal displacement histories were reversed and assigned to the same nodes of diaphragm models but with the opposite sign so that both diaphragms can deform back from formed geometry to their original states and the preform model sandwiched between the diaphragms was also deformed from its 3D 'as-designed' shape. 11) Development of a set of validated numerical tools significantly reduced the amount of experimental trials, as well as to elevate productivity and production qualities of high-volume fibre-steered forming technology for both continuous and discontinues prepreg systems. 12) Development of a modified picture frame test rig to experimentally study the in-plane shear characteristic of unidirectional tape materials.- It successfully managed to introduce high shear strain without causing major tape buckling. 13) An in-house double-diaphragm forming rig was fabricated for forming trials. Wider HiPerDiF tapes are currently being produced to manufacture fibre-steered and multi-layered preforms for further validating the unforming simulation model.
Collaborator Contribution The following contributions have been made by the project partners: Solvay have supplied materials and we have also hosted a visit from a team from Dassault Systemes who were interested in development tools for Digital Twins. ESI have contributed £60K worth of software licenses and some other in-kind support through project meetings on the infusion work. The NCC produced and provided the HiPerDiF tape used in this project (3rd generation HiPerDiF machine). The HiPerDiF process is an environmentally friendly process using a water suspension with short carbon fibres. The suspension is injected into the fibre orientation head, and the machine can align the fibres along the production direction, which makes it very suitable for producing long tapes. In this work, 3 mm long carbon fibres were used to produce about 40-50 m long and 30 mm wide tapes for the CTS process. Its fibre steering tests are currently on going to produce multi-layered fibre-steered HiPerDiF preforms for forming trials. Coriolis and Hexcel (Leicester) have been consulted on direction of the project and current industry trends which has helped steer the aims and reduce overlap with other ongoing work. Industry partners supplied the Resin film for the HiPerDiF tape production, prepreg with the same resin matrix (TBC), and dry fibre tape sample rolls.
Impact Output is in the form of Journal Papers: 1. DOI: 10.1080/20550340.2018.1545377 2. DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2017.06.015 3. DOI: 10.1016/j.compscitech.2021.109060 Output is in the form of Conference Papers: 1. Anthony D. Evans, Thomas A. Turner and Andreas Endruweit, Development of Automated Dry Fibre Placement for High Rate Deposition, 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM22 2019), Melbourne, Austrailia, 2019. 2. Xiaochuan Sun*, Jonathan Belnoue, Byung Chul Kim, Wei-Ting Wang and Stephen Hallet, Virtual Un-manufacturing of Fibre-steered Preforms for Complex Geometry Composites, 23rd International Conference on Material Forming (ESAFORM 2020), Cottbus, Germany, 2020. 3. Shimin Lu, Anthony D. Evans, Andreas Endruweit and Thomas A. Turner, Model based control of automated dry fibre deposition, 12th International Conference on Manufacturing of Advanced Composites (ICMAC 2020), Edinburgh, UK, 2020. 4. Anthony D. Evans, Technologies Framework for Automated Dry Fibre Placement, EPSRC Future Composites Manufacturing Hub Annual Open Day 2019, Nottingham, UK, 2019. 5. Anthony D. Evans, Technologies Framework for Automated Dry Fibre Placement, Advanced Engineering Showcase 2019 - Composites Forum Presentation, Birmingham, UK, 2019. One hub PhD student (Shafique) has successfully defended his thesis entitled "A rapid flow assessment tool for automated dry fibre preforms - a numerical and experimental study".
Start Year 2017
Description Technologies framework for Automated Dry Fibre Placement (ADFP) 
Organisation University of Bristol
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £811,585 core project grant to the University of Nottingham and the University of Bristol for the three-year funded project 'Technologies framework for Automated Dry Fibre Placement (ADFP)'. The following contributions have been made by the research team: The work at Nottingham has focussed on barriers to uptake, identified in collaboration with industrial partners. Challenges this last year have centred on delays in the construction of the deposition test rig mainly due to lab closures and procurement issues associated with the pandemic. 1) Development of a network based flow modelling approach 2) Flow / permeability characterisation of gapped ADFP preforms 3) Development of knowledge of raw material behaviour - thermal, electrical and compaction characteristics 4) Increased understanding of the joule heating mechanism for carbon fibres 5) Development of a digital twinning methodology based on the HDF5 database format 6) A real-time control strategy combining multi-physics co-simulation of thermal and mechanical properties of carbon fibre tapes 7) The Digital Twin / Data Repository aspects of the project are now being worked on as part of the Materials Made Smarter Centre. A PDRA has been recruited for this project and he is working closely with the ADFP team. The work at Bristol has focussed on Fibre-steered preform design through Virtual Un-forming simulation: 8) Experimental trials and finite element (FE) models were conducted and developed to demonstrate the differences of steerability and formability between a representative continuous fibre and HiPerDiF prepreg preforms on different manufacturing environments. 9) High-fidelity and cost-effective forming simulations with embedded material model were developed and validated by double diaphragm forming (DDF) tests (a representative comparison between experimental and numerical results). In DDF simulation, the forming was modelled by changing the pressure load acting on the diaphragms. 10) The virtual "unforming" is realised by directly reversing process of forming. An initial forming simulation was first performed; nodal displacement histories of the diaphragms were extracted, stored and used for the un-forming simulation. During "unforming", these nodal displacement histories were reversed and assigned to the same nodes of diaphragm models but with the opposite sign so that both diaphragms can deform back from formed geometry to their original states and the preform model sandwiched between the diaphragms was also deformed from its 3D 'as-designed' shape. 11) Development of a set of validated numerical tools significantly reduced the amount of experimental trials, as well as to elevate productivity and production qualities of high-volume fibre-steered forming technology for both continuous and discontinues prepreg systems. 12) Development of a modified picture frame test rig to experimentally study the in-plane shear characteristic of unidirectional tape materials.- It successfully managed to introduce high shear strain without causing major tape buckling. 13) An in-house double-diaphragm forming rig was fabricated for forming trials. Wider HiPerDiF tapes are currently being produced to manufacture fibre-steered and multi-layered preforms for further validating the unforming simulation model.
Collaborator Contribution The following contributions have been made by the project partners: Solvay have supplied materials and we have also hosted a visit from a team from Dassault Systemes who were interested in development tools for Digital Twins. ESI have contributed £60K worth of software licenses and some other in-kind support through project meetings on the infusion work. The NCC produced and provided the HiPerDiF tape used in this project (3rd generation HiPerDiF machine). The HiPerDiF process is an environmentally friendly process using a water suspension with short carbon fibres. The suspension is injected into the fibre orientation head, and the machine can align the fibres along the production direction, which makes it very suitable for producing long tapes. In this work, 3 mm long carbon fibres were used to produce about 40-50 m long and 30 mm wide tapes for the CTS process. Its fibre steering tests are currently on going to produce multi-layered fibre-steered HiPerDiF preforms for forming trials. Coriolis and Hexcel (Leicester) have been consulted on direction of the project and current industry trends which has helped steer the aims and reduce overlap with other ongoing work. Industry partners supplied the Resin film for the HiPerDiF tape production, prepreg with the same resin matrix (TBC), and dry fibre tape sample rolls.
Impact Output is in the form of Journal Papers: 1. DOI: 10.1080/20550340.2018.1545377 2. DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2017.06.015 3. DOI: 10.1016/j.compscitech.2021.109060 Output is in the form of Conference Papers: 1. Anthony D. Evans, Thomas A. Turner and Andreas Endruweit, Development of Automated Dry Fibre Placement for High Rate Deposition, 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM22 2019), Melbourne, Austrailia, 2019. 2. Xiaochuan Sun*, Jonathan Belnoue, Byung Chul Kim, Wei-Ting Wang and Stephen Hallet, Virtual Un-manufacturing of Fibre-steered Preforms for Complex Geometry Composites, 23rd International Conference on Material Forming (ESAFORM 2020), Cottbus, Germany, 2020. 3. Shimin Lu, Anthony D. Evans, Andreas Endruweit and Thomas A. Turner, Model based control of automated dry fibre deposition, 12th International Conference on Manufacturing of Advanced Composites (ICMAC 2020), Edinburgh, UK, 2020. 4. Anthony D. Evans, Technologies Framework for Automated Dry Fibre Placement, EPSRC Future Composites Manufacturing Hub Annual Open Day 2019, Nottingham, UK, 2019. 5. Anthony D. Evans, Technologies Framework for Automated Dry Fibre Placement, Advanced Engineering Showcase 2019 - Composites Forum Presentation, Birmingham, UK, 2019. One hub PhD student (Shafique) has successfully defended his thesis entitled "A rapid flow assessment tool for automated dry fibre preforms - a numerical and experimental study".
Start Year 2017
Description Technologies framework for Automated Dry Fibre Placement (ADFP) 
Organisation University of Nottingham
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £811,585 core project grant to the University of Nottingham and the University of Bristol for the three-year funded project 'Technologies framework for Automated Dry Fibre Placement (ADFP)'. The following contributions have been made by the research team: The work at Nottingham has focussed on barriers to uptake, identified in collaboration with industrial partners. Challenges this last year have centred on delays in the construction of the deposition test rig mainly due to lab closures and procurement issues associated with the pandemic. 1) Development of a network based flow modelling approach 2) Flow / permeability characterisation of gapped ADFP preforms 3) Development of knowledge of raw material behaviour - thermal, electrical and compaction characteristics 4) Increased understanding of the joule heating mechanism for carbon fibres 5) Development of a digital twinning methodology based on the HDF5 database format 6) A real-time control strategy combining multi-physics co-simulation of thermal and mechanical properties of carbon fibre tapes 7) The Digital Twin / Data Repository aspects of the project are now being worked on as part of the Materials Made Smarter Centre. A PDRA has been recruited for this project and he is working closely with the ADFP team. The work at Bristol has focussed on Fibre-steered preform design through Virtual Un-forming simulation: 8) Experimental trials and finite element (FE) models were conducted and developed to demonstrate the differences of steerability and formability between a representative continuous fibre and HiPerDiF prepreg preforms on different manufacturing environments. 9) High-fidelity and cost-effective forming simulations with embedded material model were developed and validated by double diaphragm forming (DDF) tests (a representative comparison between experimental and numerical results). In DDF simulation, the forming was modelled by changing the pressure load acting on the diaphragms. 10) The virtual "unforming" is realised by directly reversing process of forming. An initial forming simulation was first performed; nodal displacement histories of the diaphragms were extracted, stored and used for the un-forming simulation. During "unforming", these nodal displacement histories were reversed and assigned to the same nodes of diaphragm models but with the opposite sign so that both diaphragms can deform back from formed geometry to their original states and the preform model sandwiched between the diaphragms was also deformed from its 3D 'as-designed' shape. 11) Development of a set of validated numerical tools significantly reduced the amount of experimental trials, as well as to elevate productivity and production qualities of high-volume fibre-steered forming technology for both continuous and discontinues prepreg systems. 12) Development of a modified picture frame test rig to experimentally study the in-plane shear characteristic of unidirectional tape materials.- It successfully managed to introduce high shear strain without causing major tape buckling. 13) An in-house double-diaphragm forming rig was fabricated for forming trials. Wider HiPerDiF tapes are currently being produced to manufacture fibre-steered and multi-layered preforms for further validating the unforming simulation model.
Collaborator Contribution The following contributions have been made by the project partners: Solvay have supplied materials and we have also hosted a visit from a team from Dassault Systemes who were interested in development tools for Digital Twins. ESI have contributed £60K worth of software licenses and some other in-kind support through project meetings on the infusion work. The NCC produced and provided the HiPerDiF tape used in this project (3rd generation HiPerDiF machine). The HiPerDiF process is an environmentally friendly process using a water suspension with short carbon fibres. The suspension is injected into the fibre orientation head, and the machine can align the fibres along the production direction, which makes it very suitable for producing long tapes. In this work, 3 mm long carbon fibres were used to produce about 40-50 m long and 30 mm wide tapes for the CTS process. Its fibre steering tests are currently on going to produce multi-layered fibre-steered HiPerDiF preforms for forming trials. Coriolis and Hexcel (Leicester) have been consulted on direction of the project and current industry trends which has helped steer the aims and reduce overlap with other ongoing work. Industry partners supplied the Resin film for the HiPerDiF tape production, prepreg with the same resin matrix (TBC), and dry fibre tape sample rolls.
Impact Output is in the form of Journal Papers: 1. DOI: 10.1080/20550340.2018.1545377 2. DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2017.06.015 3. DOI: 10.1016/j.compscitech.2021.109060 Output is in the form of Conference Papers: 1. Anthony D. Evans, Thomas A. Turner and Andreas Endruweit, Development of Automated Dry Fibre Placement for High Rate Deposition, 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM22 2019), Melbourne, Austrailia, 2019. 2. Xiaochuan Sun*, Jonathan Belnoue, Byung Chul Kim, Wei-Ting Wang and Stephen Hallet, Virtual Un-manufacturing of Fibre-steered Preforms for Complex Geometry Composites, 23rd International Conference on Material Forming (ESAFORM 2020), Cottbus, Germany, 2020. 3. Shimin Lu, Anthony D. Evans, Andreas Endruweit and Thomas A. Turner, Model based control of automated dry fibre deposition, 12th International Conference on Manufacturing of Advanced Composites (ICMAC 2020), Edinburgh, UK, 2020. 4. Anthony D. Evans, Technologies Framework for Automated Dry Fibre Placement, EPSRC Future Composites Manufacturing Hub Annual Open Day 2019, Nottingham, UK, 2019. 5. Anthony D. Evans, Technologies Framework for Automated Dry Fibre Placement, Advanced Engineering Showcase 2019 - Composites Forum Presentation, Birmingham, UK, 2019. One hub PhD student (Shafique) has successfully defended his thesis entitled "A rapid flow assessment tool for automated dry fibre preforms - a numerical and experimental study".
Start Year 2017
Description Technologies framework for Automated Dry Fibre Placement (ADFP) 
Organisation University of Sheffield
Department Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC)
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £811,585 core project grant to the University of Nottingham and the University of Bristol for the three-year funded project 'Technologies framework for Automated Dry Fibre Placement (ADFP)'. The following contributions have been made by the research team: The work at Nottingham has focussed on barriers to uptake, identified in collaboration with industrial partners. Challenges this last year have centred on delays in the construction of the deposition test rig mainly due to lab closures and procurement issues associated with the pandemic. 1) Development of a network based flow modelling approach 2) Flow / permeability characterisation of gapped ADFP preforms 3) Development of knowledge of raw material behaviour - thermal, electrical and compaction characteristics 4) Increased understanding of the joule heating mechanism for carbon fibres 5) Development of a digital twinning methodology based on the HDF5 database format 6) A real-time control strategy combining multi-physics co-simulation of thermal and mechanical properties of carbon fibre tapes 7) The Digital Twin / Data Repository aspects of the project are now being worked on as part of the Materials Made Smarter Centre. A PDRA has been recruited for this project and he is working closely with the ADFP team. The work at Bristol has focussed on Fibre-steered preform design through Virtual Un-forming simulation: 8) Experimental trials and finite element (FE) models were conducted and developed to demonstrate the differences of steerability and formability between a representative continuous fibre and HiPerDiF prepreg preforms on different manufacturing environments. 9) High-fidelity and cost-effective forming simulations with embedded material model were developed and validated by double diaphragm forming (DDF) tests (a representative comparison between experimental and numerical results). In DDF simulation, the forming was modelled by changing the pressure load acting on the diaphragms. 10) The virtual "unforming" is realised by directly reversing process of forming. An initial forming simulation was first performed; nodal displacement histories of the diaphragms were extracted, stored and used for the un-forming simulation. During "unforming", these nodal displacement histories were reversed and assigned to the same nodes of diaphragm models but with the opposite sign so that both diaphragms can deform back from formed geometry to their original states and the preform model sandwiched between the diaphragms was also deformed from its 3D 'as-designed' shape. 11) Development of a set of validated numerical tools significantly reduced the amount of experimental trials, as well as to elevate productivity and production qualities of high-volume fibre-steered forming technology for both continuous and discontinues prepreg systems. 12) Development of a modified picture frame test rig to experimentally study the in-plane shear characteristic of unidirectional tape materials.- It successfully managed to introduce high shear strain without causing major tape buckling. 13) An in-house double-diaphragm forming rig was fabricated for forming trials. Wider HiPerDiF tapes are currently being produced to manufacture fibre-steered and multi-layered preforms for further validating the unforming simulation model.
Collaborator Contribution The following contributions have been made by the project partners: Solvay have supplied materials and we have also hosted a visit from a team from Dassault Systemes who were interested in development tools for Digital Twins. ESI have contributed £60K worth of software licenses and some other in-kind support through project meetings on the infusion work. The NCC produced and provided the HiPerDiF tape used in this project (3rd generation HiPerDiF machine). The HiPerDiF process is an environmentally friendly process using a water suspension with short carbon fibres. The suspension is injected into the fibre orientation head, and the machine can align the fibres along the production direction, which makes it very suitable for producing long tapes. In this work, 3 mm long carbon fibres were used to produce about 40-50 m long and 30 mm wide tapes for the CTS process. Its fibre steering tests are currently on going to produce multi-layered fibre-steered HiPerDiF preforms for forming trials. Coriolis and Hexcel (Leicester) have been consulted on direction of the project and current industry trends which has helped steer the aims and reduce overlap with other ongoing work. Industry partners supplied the Resin film for the HiPerDiF tape production, prepreg with the same resin matrix (TBC), and dry fibre tape sample rolls.
Impact Output is in the form of Journal Papers: 1. DOI: 10.1080/20550340.2018.1545377 2. DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2017.06.015 3. DOI: 10.1016/j.compscitech.2021.109060 Output is in the form of Conference Papers: 1. Anthony D. Evans, Thomas A. Turner and Andreas Endruweit, Development of Automated Dry Fibre Placement for High Rate Deposition, 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM22 2019), Melbourne, Austrailia, 2019. 2. Xiaochuan Sun*, Jonathan Belnoue, Byung Chul Kim, Wei-Ting Wang and Stephen Hallet, Virtual Un-manufacturing of Fibre-steered Preforms for Complex Geometry Composites, 23rd International Conference on Material Forming (ESAFORM 2020), Cottbus, Germany, 2020. 3. Shimin Lu, Anthony D. Evans, Andreas Endruweit and Thomas A. Turner, Model based control of automated dry fibre deposition, 12th International Conference on Manufacturing of Advanced Composites (ICMAC 2020), Edinburgh, UK, 2020. 4. Anthony D. Evans, Technologies Framework for Automated Dry Fibre Placement, EPSRC Future Composites Manufacturing Hub Annual Open Day 2019, Nottingham, UK, 2019. 5. Anthony D. Evans, Technologies Framework for Automated Dry Fibre Placement, Advanced Engineering Showcase 2019 - Composites Forum Presentation, Birmingham, UK, 2019. One hub PhD student (Shafique) has successfully defended his thesis entitled "A rapid flow assessment tool for automated dry fibre preforms - a numerical and experimental study".
Start Year 2017
Description Technologies framework for Automated Dry Fibre Placement (ADFP) 
Organisation University of Warwick
Department Warwick Manufacturing Group
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £811,585 core project grant to the University of Nottingham and the University of Bristol for the three-year funded project 'Technologies framework for Automated Dry Fibre Placement (ADFP)'. The following contributions have been made by the research team: The work at Nottingham has focussed on barriers to uptake, identified in collaboration with industrial partners. Challenges this last year have centred on delays in the construction of the deposition test rig mainly due to lab closures and procurement issues associated with the pandemic. 1) Development of a network based flow modelling approach 2) Flow / permeability characterisation of gapped ADFP preforms 3) Development of knowledge of raw material behaviour - thermal, electrical and compaction characteristics 4) Increased understanding of the joule heating mechanism for carbon fibres 5) Development of a digital twinning methodology based on the HDF5 database format 6) A real-time control strategy combining multi-physics co-simulation of thermal and mechanical properties of carbon fibre tapes 7) The Digital Twin / Data Repository aspects of the project are now being worked on as part of the Materials Made Smarter Centre. A PDRA has been recruited for this project and he is working closely with the ADFP team. The work at Bristol has focussed on Fibre-steered preform design through Virtual Un-forming simulation: 8) Experimental trials and finite element (FE) models were conducted and developed to demonstrate the differences of steerability and formability between a representative continuous fibre and HiPerDiF prepreg preforms on different manufacturing environments. 9) High-fidelity and cost-effective forming simulations with embedded material model were developed and validated by double diaphragm forming (DDF) tests (a representative comparison between experimental and numerical results). In DDF simulation, the forming was modelled by changing the pressure load acting on the diaphragms. 10) The virtual "unforming" is realised by directly reversing process of forming. An initial forming simulation was first performed; nodal displacement histories of the diaphragms were extracted, stored and used for the un-forming simulation. During "unforming", these nodal displacement histories were reversed and assigned to the same nodes of diaphragm models but with the opposite sign so that both diaphragms can deform back from formed geometry to their original states and the preform model sandwiched between the diaphragms was also deformed from its 3D 'as-designed' shape. 11) Development of a set of validated numerical tools significantly reduced the amount of experimental trials, as well as to elevate productivity and production qualities of high-volume fibre-steered forming technology for both continuous and discontinues prepreg systems. 12) Development of a modified picture frame test rig to experimentally study the in-plane shear characteristic of unidirectional tape materials.- It successfully managed to introduce high shear strain without causing major tape buckling. 13) An in-house double-diaphragm forming rig was fabricated for forming trials. Wider HiPerDiF tapes are currently being produced to manufacture fibre-steered and multi-layered preforms for further validating the unforming simulation model.
Collaborator Contribution The following contributions have been made by the project partners: Solvay have supplied materials and we have also hosted a visit from a team from Dassault Systemes who were interested in development tools for Digital Twins. ESI have contributed £60K worth of software licenses and some other in-kind support through project meetings on the infusion work. The NCC produced and provided the HiPerDiF tape used in this project (3rd generation HiPerDiF machine). The HiPerDiF process is an environmentally friendly process using a water suspension with short carbon fibres. The suspension is injected into the fibre orientation head, and the machine can align the fibres along the production direction, which makes it very suitable for producing long tapes. In this work, 3 mm long carbon fibres were used to produce about 40-50 m long and 30 mm wide tapes for the CTS process. Its fibre steering tests are currently on going to produce multi-layered fibre-steered HiPerDiF preforms for forming trials. Coriolis and Hexcel (Leicester) have been consulted on direction of the project and current industry trends which has helped steer the aims and reduce overlap with other ongoing work. Industry partners supplied the Resin film for the HiPerDiF tape production, prepreg with the same resin matrix (TBC), and dry fibre tape sample rolls.
Impact Output is in the form of Journal Papers: 1. DOI: 10.1080/20550340.2018.1545377 2. DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2017.06.015 3. DOI: 10.1016/j.compscitech.2021.109060 Output is in the form of Conference Papers: 1. Anthony D. Evans, Thomas A. Turner and Andreas Endruweit, Development of Automated Dry Fibre Placement for High Rate Deposition, 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM22 2019), Melbourne, Austrailia, 2019. 2. Xiaochuan Sun*, Jonathan Belnoue, Byung Chul Kim, Wei-Ting Wang and Stephen Hallet, Virtual Un-manufacturing of Fibre-steered Preforms for Complex Geometry Composites, 23rd International Conference on Material Forming (ESAFORM 2020), Cottbus, Germany, 2020. 3. Shimin Lu, Anthony D. Evans, Andreas Endruweit and Thomas A. Turner, Model based control of automated dry fibre deposition, 12th International Conference on Manufacturing of Advanced Composites (ICMAC 2020), Edinburgh, UK, 2020. 4. Anthony D. Evans, Technologies Framework for Automated Dry Fibre Placement, EPSRC Future Composites Manufacturing Hub Annual Open Day 2019, Nottingham, UK, 2019. 5. Anthony D. Evans, Technologies Framework for Automated Dry Fibre Placement, Advanced Engineering Showcase 2019 - Composites Forum Presentation, Birmingham, UK, 2019. One hub PhD student (Shafique) has successfully defended his thesis entitled "A rapid flow assessment tool for automated dry fibre preforms - a numerical and experimental study".
Start Year 2017
Description Thermoplastic In Situ Polymerisation (TPIP) and Double Diaphragm Forming (DDF) for Moulding of Complex Parts at Scale 
Organisation University of Edinburgh
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a Synergy project grant to The University of Nottingham and the University of Edinburgh for the twelve month project 'Thermoplastic In Situ Polymerisation (TPIP) and Double Diaphragm Forming (DDF) for Moulding of Complex Parts at Scale'.
Collaborator Contribution None to date due to the project only recently commenced.
Impact None to date due to the project only recently commenced.
Start Year 2022
Description Thermoplastic In Situ Polymerisation (TPIP) and Double Diaphragm Forming (DDF) for Moulding of Complex Parts at Scale 
Organisation University of Nottingham
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a Synergy project grant to The University of Nottingham and the University of Edinburgh for the twelve month project 'Thermoplastic In Situ Polymerisation (TPIP) and Double Diaphragm Forming (DDF) for Moulding of Complex Parts at Scale'.
Collaborator Contribution None to date due to the project only recently commenced.
Impact None to date due to the project only recently commenced.
Start Year 2022
Description Thermoplastic Matrix CFC / Metallic Joint Framework Structure Manufacture 
Organisation Cranfield University
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to Cranfield University for the six-month project 'Thermoplastic Matrix CFC / Metallic Joint Framework Structure Manufacture'. Contributions: 1.New joining concept for thermoplastic matrix composite laminates conceived 2.Novel joining concept demonstrated using PA6 matrix braided CFC tubing 3.Forming technique demonstrated using compression moulding and punched metallic plates for embedding metallic plates into thermoplastic matrix composite laminates 4.Concept for robotic joining of metallic joints to thermoplastic matric composite frame sections using induction heating and squeeze forming
Collaborator Contribution The project contributed to the Hub priority research theme 'High rate deposition and rapid processing technologies'. The project investigated novel design and manufacturing techniques, which show the potential for manufacturing lightweight structural frameworks at high manufacturing rate using carbon fibre reinforced polyamide matrix laminate or tubing and metallic joints. Novel joining techniques have been developed to provide connection by interlocking so as to eliminate mechanical fasteners and adhesive bonding. The project aimed to establish the feasibility and potential affordability of the conceptual process in terms of frame section and joining piece manufacture and frame and joint attachment technique, and to propose framework designs based on the proposed approach for structural applications. Materials supply - from Tencate, Netherlands £5000 Guidance provided through meeting and materials - Braided carbon PA6 tubing manufacture by Dresden University - £4500 Discussions with Expert - 3 engineer days - £1800 Discussions with AMRC - 4 engineer days - £2400
Impact The project investigated novel design and manufacturing techniques, which show the potential for manufacturing lightweight structural frameworks at high manufacturing rate using carbon fibre reinforced polyamide matrix laminate or tubing and metallic joints. Novel joining techniques have been developed to provide connection by interlocking so as to eliminate mechanical fasteners and adhesive bonding. the project results are being utilised with the CIMComp project team involvement in a BAE systems led Innovate UK project. HITEA for fighter aircraft primary structure joints. The result of a successful partnership on the project is evidenced; By the research fellow on the project joining one of the project's industrial partners (Bighead) to develop new fastener types and application techniques initially investigated during the project. Envisaged market sectors for these are worldwide automotive bodies, lorry structures and wind turbine generators. Conference Paper: Conference ISCM Emmelord Netherlands Nov 2018 Affordable Thermoplastic Matrix CFC / Metallic Framework Structures Manufacture
Start Year 2017
Description Thermoplastic Matrix CFC / Metallic Joint Framework Structure Manufacture 
Organisation Expert Tooling & Automation Ltd
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to Cranfield University for the six-month project 'Thermoplastic Matrix CFC / Metallic Joint Framework Structure Manufacture'. Contributions: 1.New joining concept for thermoplastic matrix composite laminates conceived 2.Novel joining concept demonstrated using PA6 matrix braided CFC tubing 3.Forming technique demonstrated using compression moulding and punched metallic plates for embedding metallic plates into thermoplastic matrix composite laminates 4.Concept for robotic joining of metallic joints to thermoplastic matric composite frame sections using induction heating and squeeze forming
Collaborator Contribution The project contributed to the Hub priority research theme 'High rate deposition and rapid processing technologies'. The project investigated novel design and manufacturing techniques, which show the potential for manufacturing lightweight structural frameworks at high manufacturing rate using carbon fibre reinforced polyamide matrix laminate or tubing and metallic joints. Novel joining techniques have been developed to provide connection by interlocking so as to eliminate mechanical fasteners and adhesive bonding. The project aimed to establish the feasibility and potential affordability of the conceptual process in terms of frame section and joining piece manufacture and frame and joint attachment technique, and to propose framework designs based on the proposed approach for structural applications. Materials supply - from Tencate, Netherlands £5000 Guidance provided through meeting and materials - Braided carbon PA6 tubing manufacture by Dresden University - £4500 Discussions with Expert - 3 engineer days - £1800 Discussions with AMRC - 4 engineer days - £2400
Impact The project investigated novel design and manufacturing techniques, which show the potential for manufacturing lightweight structural frameworks at high manufacturing rate using carbon fibre reinforced polyamide matrix laminate or tubing and metallic joints. Novel joining techniques have been developed to provide connection by interlocking so as to eliminate mechanical fasteners and adhesive bonding. the project results are being utilised with the CIMComp project team involvement in a BAE systems led Innovate UK project. HITEA for fighter aircraft primary structure joints. The result of a successful partnership on the project is evidenced; By the research fellow on the project joining one of the project's industrial partners (Bighead) to develop new fastener types and application techniques initially investigated during the project. Envisaged market sectors for these are worldwide automotive bodies, lorry structures and wind turbine generators. Conference Paper: Conference ISCM Emmelord Netherlands Nov 2018 Affordable Thermoplastic Matrix CFC / Metallic Framework Structures Manufacture
Start Year 2017
Description Thermoplastic Matrix CFC / Metallic Joint Framework Structure Manufacture 
Organisation Technical University of Dresden
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to Cranfield University for the six-month project 'Thermoplastic Matrix CFC / Metallic Joint Framework Structure Manufacture'. Contributions: 1.New joining concept for thermoplastic matrix composite laminates conceived 2.Novel joining concept demonstrated using PA6 matrix braided CFC tubing 3.Forming technique demonstrated using compression moulding and punched metallic plates for embedding metallic plates into thermoplastic matrix composite laminates 4.Concept for robotic joining of metallic joints to thermoplastic matric composite frame sections using induction heating and squeeze forming
Collaborator Contribution The project contributed to the Hub priority research theme 'High rate deposition and rapid processing technologies'. The project investigated novel design and manufacturing techniques, which show the potential for manufacturing lightweight structural frameworks at high manufacturing rate using carbon fibre reinforced polyamide matrix laminate or tubing and metallic joints. Novel joining techniques have been developed to provide connection by interlocking so as to eliminate mechanical fasteners and adhesive bonding. The project aimed to establish the feasibility and potential affordability of the conceptual process in terms of frame section and joining piece manufacture and frame and joint attachment technique, and to propose framework designs based on the proposed approach for structural applications. Materials supply - from Tencate, Netherlands £5000 Guidance provided through meeting and materials - Braided carbon PA6 tubing manufacture by Dresden University - £4500 Discussions with Expert - 3 engineer days - £1800 Discussions with AMRC - 4 engineer days - £2400
Impact The project investigated novel design and manufacturing techniques, which show the potential for manufacturing lightweight structural frameworks at high manufacturing rate using carbon fibre reinforced polyamide matrix laminate or tubing and metallic joints. Novel joining techniques have been developed to provide connection by interlocking so as to eliminate mechanical fasteners and adhesive bonding. the project results are being utilised with the CIMComp project team involvement in a BAE systems led Innovate UK project. HITEA for fighter aircraft primary structure joints. The result of a successful partnership on the project is evidenced; By the research fellow on the project joining one of the project's industrial partners (Bighead) to develop new fastener types and application techniques initially investigated during the project. Envisaged market sectors for these are worldwide automotive bodies, lorry structures and wind turbine generators. Conference Paper: Conference ISCM Emmelord Netherlands Nov 2018 Affordable Thermoplastic Matrix CFC / Metallic Framework Structures Manufacture
Start Year 2017
Description Thermoplastic Matrix CFC / Metallic Joint Framework Structure Manufacture 
Organisation Tencate
Country Netherlands 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to Cranfield University for the six-month project 'Thermoplastic Matrix CFC / Metallic Joint Framework Structure Manufacture'. Contributions: 1.New joining concept for thermoplastic matrix composite laminates conceived 2.Novel joining concept demonstrated using PA6 matrix braided CFC tubing 3.Forming technique demonstrated using compression moulding and punched metallic plates for embedding metallic plates into thermoplastic matrix composite laminates 4.Concept for robotic joining of metallic joints to thermoplastic matric composite frame sections using induction heating and squeeze forming
Collaborator Contribution The project contributed to the Hub priority research theme 'High rate deposition and rapid processing technologies'. The project investigated novel design and manufacturing techniques, which show the potential for manufacturing lightweight structural frameworks at high manufacturing rate using carbon fibre reinforced polyamide matrix laminate or tubing and metallic joints. Novel joining techniques have been developed to provide connection by interlocking so as to eliminate mechanical fasteners and adhesive bonding. The project aimed to establish the feasibility and potential affordability of the conceptual process in terms of frame section and joining piece manufacture and frame and joint attachment technique, and to propose framework designs based on the proposed approach for structural applications. Materials supply - from Tencate, Netherlands £5000 Guidance provided through meeting and materials - Braided carbon PA6 tubing manufacture by Dresden University - £4500 Discussions with Expert - 3 engineer days - £1800 Discussions with AMRC - 4 engineer days - £2400
Impact The project investigated novel design and manufacturing techniques, which show the potential for manufacturing lightweight structural frameworks at high manufacturing rate using carbon fibre reinforced polyamide matrix laminate or tubing and metallic joints. Novel joining techniques have been developed to provide connection by interlocking so as to eliminate mechanical fasteners and adhesive bonding. the project results are being utilised with the CIMComp project team involvement in a BAE systems led Innovate UK project. HITEA for fighter aircraft primary structure joints. The result of a successful partnership on the project is evidenced; By the research fellow on the project joining one of the project's industrial partners (Bighead) to develop new fastener types and application techniques initially investigated during the project. Envisaged market sectors for these are worldwide automotive bodies, lorry structures and wind turbine generators. Conference Paper: Conference ISCM Emmelord Netherlands Nov 2018 Affordable Thermoplastic Matrix CFC / Metallic Framework Structures Manufacture
Start Year 2017
Description Virtual un-manufacturing of fibre-steered preforms for complex geometry composites 
Organisation Airbus Group
Country France 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to The University of Bristol for the six-month project 'Virtual un-manufacturing of fibre-steered preforms for complex geometry composites' 1. Development of a numerical framework for un-forming of an ideal 3D part design 2. Proof of concept of the feasibility of the forming of steered preforms for fast deposition and waste reduction in composite part manufacturing. 3. Development of double-diaphragm forming of steered preform onto complex shape mould
Collaborator Contribution The project was managed according to the usual model followed at Bristol where the project findings are shared with the industrial partners through quarterly review meeting (held in April and September 2019). Industrial partners were given the opportunity to steer the project direction at these meetings. However, the relationship with the industrial partners did not have much time to evolve during the time of a short feasibility study.
Impact 1. The activities from this feasibility study will be matured in the core ADFP replacement project. Journal Paper: 2. Xiaochuan Sun, Jonathan Belnoue, Byung Chul Kim, Wei-Ting Wang and Stephen R. Hallett, Virtual Un-manufacturing of Fibre-steered Preforms for Complex Conference Paper: 3. Geometry Composites, 23rd International Conference on Material Forming (ESAFORM 2020), 4th - 6th May, 2020, Cottbus, Germany.
Start Year 2019
Description Virtual un-manufacturing of fibre-steered preforms for complex geometry composites 
Organisation BAE Systems
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to The University of Bristol for the six-month project 'Virtual un-manufacturing of fibre-steered preforms for complex geometry composites' 1. Development of a numerical framework for un-forming of an ideal 3D part design 2. Proof of concept of the feasibility of the forming of steered preforms for fast deposition and waste reduction in composite part manufacturing. 3. Development of double-diaphragm forming of steered preform onto complex shape mould
Collaborator Contribution The project was managed according to the usual model followed at Bristol where the project findings are shared with the industrial partners through quarterly review meeting (held in April and September 2019). Industrial partners were given the opportunity to steer the project direction at these meetings. However, the relationship with the industrial partners did not have much time to evolve during the time of a short feasibility study.
Impact 1. The activities from this feasibility study will be matured in the core ADFP replacement project. Journal Paper: 2. Xiaochuan Sun, Jonathan Belnoue, Byung Chul Kim, Wei-Ting Wang and Stephen R. Hallett, Virtual Un-manufacturing of Fibre-steered Preforms for Complex Conference Paper: 3. Geometry Composites, 23rd International Conference on Material Forming (ESAFORM 2020), 4th - 6th May, 2020, Cottbus, Germany.
Start Year 2019
Description Virtual un-manufacturing of fibre-steered preforms for complex geometry composites 
Organisation National Composites Centre (NCC)
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to The University of Bristol for the six-month project 'Virtual un-manufacturing of fibre-steered preforms for complex geometry composites' 1. Development of a numerical framework for un-forming of an ideal 3D part design 2. Proof of concept of the feasibility of the forming of steered preforms for fast deposition and waste reduction in composite part manufacturing. 3. Development of double-diaphragm forming of steered preform onto complex shape mould
Collaborator Contribution The project was managed according to the usual model followed at Bristol where the project findings are shared with the industrial partners through quarterly review meeting (held in April and September 2019). Industrial partners were given the opportunity to steer the project direction at these meetings. However, the relationship with the industrial partners did not have much time to evolve during the time of a short feasibility study.
Impact 1. The activities from this feasibility study will be matured in the core ADFP replacement project. Journal Paper: 2. Xiaochuan Sun, Jonathan Belnoue, Byung Chul Kim, Wei-Ting Wang and Stephen R. Hallett, Virtual Un-manufacturing of Fibre-steered Preforms for Complex Conference Paper: 3. Geometry Composites, 23rd International Conference on Material Forming (ESAFORM 2020), 4th - 6th May, 2020, Cottbus, Germany.
Start Year 2019
Description Virtual un-manufacturing of fibre-steered preforms for complex geometry composites 
Organisation Rolls Royce Group Plc
Department Rolls Royce Submarines
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to The University of Bristol for the six-month project 'Virtual un-manufacturing of fibre-steered preforms for complex geometry composites' 1. Development of a numerical framework for un-forming of an ideal 3D part design 2. Proof of concept of the feasibility of the forming of steered preforms for fast deposition and waste reduction in composite part manufacturing. 3. Development of double-diaphragm forming of steered preform onto complex shape mould
Collaborator Contribution The project was managed according to the usual model followed at Bristol where the project findings are shared with the industrial partners through quarterly review meeting (held in April and September 2019). Industrial partners were given the opportunity to steer the project direction at these meetings. However, the relationship with the industrial partners did not have much time to evolve during the time of a short feasibility study.
Impact 1. The activities from this feasibility study will be matured in the core ADFP replacement project. Journal Paper: 2. Xiaochuan Sun, Jonathan Belnoue, Byung Chul Kim, Wei-Ting Wang and Stephen R. Hallett, Virtual Un-manufacturing of Fibre-steered Preforms for Complex Conference Paper: 3. Geometry Composites, 23rd International Conference on Material Forming (ESAFORM 2020), 4th - 6th May, 2020, Cottbus, Germany.
Start Year 2019
Description Virtual un-manufacturing of fibre-steered preforms for complex geometry composites 
Organisation University of Bristol
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to The University of Bristol for the six-month project 'Virtual un-manufacturing of fibre-steered preforms for complex geometry composites' 1. Development of a numerical framework for un-forming of an ideal 3D part design 2. Proof of concept of the feasibility of the forming of steered preforms for fast deposition and waste reduction in composite part manufacturing. 3. Development of double-diaphragm forming of steered preform onto complex shape mould
Collaborator Contribution The project was managed according to the usual model followed at Bristol where the project findings are shared with the industrial partners through quarterly review meeting (held in April and September 2019). Industrial partners were given the opportunity to steer the project direction at these meetings. However, the relationship with the industrial partners did not have much time to evolve during the time of a short feasibility study.
Impact 1. The activities from this feasibility study will be matured in the core ADFP replacement project. Journal Paper: 2. Xiaochuan Sun, Jonathan Belnoue, Byung Chul Kim, Wei-Ting Wang and Stephen R. Hallett, Virtual Un-manufacturing of Fibre-steered Preforms for Complex Conference Paper: 3. Geometry Composites, 23rd International Conference on Material Forming (ESAFORM 2020), 4th - 6th May, 2020, Cottbus, Germany.
Start Year 2019
Description Zero-waste manufacturing of highly optimised composites with hybrid architectures 
Organisation University of Nottingham
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a Synergy project grant to The University of Warwick and the University of Nottingham a twelve month project on 'Zero-waste manufacturing of highly optimised composites with hybrid architectures'.
Collaborator Contribution None to date due to the project only recently commenced.
Impact None to date due to the project only recently commenced.
Start Year 2022
Description Zero-waste manufacturing of highly optimised composites with hybrid architectures 
Organisation University of Warwick
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Hub awarded a Synergy project grant to The University of Warwick and the University of Nottingham a twelve month project on 'Zero-waste manufacturing of highly optimised composites with hybrid architectures'.
Collaborator Contribution None to date due to the project only recently commenced.
Impact None to date due to the project only recently commenced.
Start Year 2022
Title Inline Graphene Coating 
Description Potluri, P, Koncherry, V, M. Bisset (2021) Inline Graphene Coating, UK Patent Application No. 2117987.4 in the name of Petroliam Nasional Berhad (Petronas) and University of Manchester 
IP Reference 2117987.4 
Protection Patent application published
Year Protection Granted 2021
Licensed No
Impact unknown at this stage
Description A method and apparatus for weaving a three-dimensional fabric involves inserting simultaneously a parallel weft yarns into the sheds between multiple warp yarn layers and selectively inserting at least one group of binder yarns between parallel spaced warp yarns. The group of binder yarns are moved relative to the warp yarns between weft insertions. The yarns may be moved between more than two positions relative to the warp yarns during weaving of the fabric so as to insert binder yarns. In one embodiment the binder yarns are moved such that they extend in a direction that is not orthogonal to the warp yarns. 
IP Reference US2015107715 
Protection Patent application published
Year Protection Granted 2015
Licensed No
Impact Knowledge.
Company Name iCOMAT 
Description iCOMAT develops carbon fibre manufacturing machinery, aiming to create composite parts the are stronger, lighter and more cost effective. 
Year Established 2019 
Impact iCOMAT has created, through patented technology, two prototypes using continuous tow steering (CTS) heads and manufactured a range of components. With weight reductions of up to 30 per cent compared to traditional straight fibre composites, cost and productivity on the curved fibre components have been improved as less raw materials have been used.
Company Name Graphene Space Habitat Limited 
Year Established 2020 
Impact Too early to report
Description 11th International Conference on Manufacturing of Advanced Composites (ICMAC 2018) 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact It was with great honour that the EPSRC Future Composites Manufacturing Research Hub hosted the 11th International Conference on Manufacturing of Advanced Composites (ICMAC11) on 11th-12th July 2018. The conference was organised on behalf of the British Composites Society (a division of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining) and was held in the brand new Advanced Manufacturing Building at the University of Nottingham. ICMAC11 brought together composite manufacturing scientists, engineers and end users from academia and industry to hear about the latest developments from pioneers and emerging leaders in the composites field. The extensive programme was attended by over 120 delegates and featured 40 oral presentations across two parallel sessions, with a further 12 papers presented in a dedicated poster session. There was a truly international feel to the conference, with delegates travelling from as far as New Zealand, Japan and USA to present papers. Stimulating keynote presentations were delivered at the beginning of each day, inspiring and captivating attendees. The first was from Prof Remko Akkerman, University of Twente, who shared new thermoplastic processing developments at TPRC in the Netherlands. The second was from Prof Simon Bickerton, University of Auckland, who presented his work on preform quality assessment conducted during his 3 years at BMW, Munich. A full programme followed, with sessions focusing on areas such as Advanced Fibre Placement, Sensing and Inspection and Emerging Processes. Interactive workshops were held in the afternoon sessions, including training on TexGen, the University of Nottingham's Textile modelling software led by Dr Louise Brown, and a round-robin discussion on resin shrinkage measurement led by Dr Nicholas Boyard (Nantes). Networking opportunities were abundant and were formally recognised as a key motivating factor for conference attendance from the feedback received. The conference included an evening dinner reception at the Nottingham Council House, one of the region's most iconic buildings - which offered an opportunity for further networking, surpassed by the opportunity to watch England lose their World Cup Semi-final match against Croatia.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description 18 European Conference on Composite Materials- 25th June 2018 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Multifunctional project were invited to present a conference paper at the ECCM conference paper from multifuncitonal project
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description 2021 Hub Newsletter 
Form Of Engagement Activity A magazine, newsletter or online publication
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact The Hub generated and circulated quarterly a Hub Newsletters to the Hub community and further afield to those in academia external to the Hub and industry. The newsletter reached an audience of 300+. It prompts individuals to keep updated with the Hub's latest developments, showcases and events and potential future collaborations. As a result of the newsletters being circulated, The Hub has observed that some readers have contacted the Hub and expressed an interest in a future Hub funded collaboration.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description 2021 Hub Quarterly Newsletter 
Form Of Engagement Activity A magazine, newsletter or online publication
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Quarterly Hub newsletters are compiled and circulated to Hub distribution mailing list to keep the composite community updated with all Hub activities.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021,2022
Description 2022 Hub Quarterly Newsletter 
Form Of Engagement Activity A magazine, newsletter or online publication
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Quarterly Hub newsletters are compiled and circulated to Hub distribution mailing list to keep the composite community updated with all Hub activities.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description 2023 Hub Quarterly Newsletter 
Form Of Engagement Activity A magazine, newsletter or online publication
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Quarterly Hub newsletters are compiled and circulated to Hub distribution mailing list to keep the composite community updated with all Hub activities.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description 2nd International Symposium on Multiscale Experimental Mechanics (ISMEM 2017) 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Dulieu-Barton and Thomsen O.T conducted a key note presentation on "Towards a new paradigm for high-fidelity testing and integrated multi-scale modelling of composite substructures and components".
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description AMPERE Report publication invitation 
Form Of Engagement Activity A magazine, newsletter or online publication
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact Mihalis Kazilas, Feasibility project 'Microwave Heating through embedded slotted coaxial cables for composites manufacturing' were invited to write a small report on the project results and future prospects for the AMPERE (Association for Microwave Power in Europe for Research and Education)
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Advanced Engineering Show 2017 and 2018 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact The Leadership Team attended the Advanced Engineering Show 1st-2nd November at the NEC, Birmingham (UK). Advanced Engineering is the UK's largest meeting place for advanced engineers, and the flagship exhibition for the Hub. The event attracted over 16,000 visitors across two days, and the Hub exhibited alongside some of the industry's biggest names. The Hub hosted a drinks reception on the afternoon for partners across the supply chain, from a range of composite engineering specialisms including automation, design and test engineering, process control, and machining. The Hub also hosted an Open Forum event where Hub investigators presented their current research, outputs, and future direction to attendees. Dr Rob Backhouse, Engineering Specialist and Global Process Owner (Polymer Composites), at Rolls Royce Plc gave an industry viewpoint on the Future Composites Manufacturing Research Hub. New for 2017, the 3D backlit stand provided a talking point to attract visitors, who could view exhibits and samples, pick up a Hub brochure, watch video presentations, and network with the Hub team.
The Hub's Management Group and a selection of researchers attended the Advanced Engineering Show 2018, held on 31st October - 1st November at the NEC, Birmingham. This event is the UK's largest annual engineering and manufacturing event that connects OEMS, Tier 1 manufacturers and supply chain partners. It is also the primary networking and showcasing opportunity for CIMComp to engage with the industrial community within the UK.
With an attendance of 15,000 visitors over the two days, the Hub was pleased to exhibit the most recent developments during the one-hour open forum session, where project leads, researchers and postgraduates delivered their research to a full auditorium. The Hub was delighted to welcome Guy Atkins, Managing Director of Jo Bird & Co Ltd, who discussed their collaboration with the University of Bristol's Industrial Doctorate Centre (IDC). Jo Bird and Co currently sponsor Laxman Sivanathan, an EngD student who has been instrumental in helping them to win their second Queen's Award for Enterprise in 5 years.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017,2018
Description CAMX 2018 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact In October 2018, the Hub Director, Prof Nick Warrior, was invited to participate in an international expert mission to the USA to understand and benchmark the US composites materials landscape, as part of the NCMC addition to the NCC and UK High Value Manufacturing Catapult. Nick represented the UK academic community alongside UK industry experts, members of the HVMC, Innovate UK and BEIS. The group spent two days in Dallas at the CAMX exhibition before travelling to the Oakridge National Laboratory and the Institute for Advanced Composites Manufacturing Innovation (IACMI ). The trip was an excellent way to get an overview of the composite materials capabilities in the US in a short space of time.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Composites UK Conference - May 2018 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Thomas Turner was asked to be a keynote Composite Leadership Forum Skills event
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Conference Paper Presentation: AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum - January 2022 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Hub Core project 'New manufacturing techniques for optimised fibre architectures' research team presented the conference papers at the 2022 AIAA SCITECH forum on 3 - 7th January 202, titled; "Damage Evaluation in 3D Woven Composites with Warp-way and Weft-way Binders" and "Thermally induced residual stresses in orthogonal 3D woven composites: The role of binder architecture and cooling rate." The event allowed the opportunity to present an update to the community on their research progress and opened dialogue with others in attendance at the conference.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Conference paper Presentation - 24th International Conference on Material Forming - April 2021 in Liege, Belgium. 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Hub Innovation Fellow: Connie Qian presented a paper at the conference 24th International Conference on Material Forming on April 14-16, 2021 in Liege, Belgium. The paper was titled "A Comprehensive Review of Commercial Process Simulation Software for Sheet Moulding Compound". It created the opportunity to share the latest research developments on the project and network with others at the event.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Core Project webinar: Structural Power in Future Transportation: Research Opportunities and Challenges - 30 September 2021. 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact A webinar was hosted to present latest research from the Multifunctional Core Project, titled: Structural Power in Future Transportation: Research Opportunities and Challenges, S N Nguyen, hosted by the Institution of Engineering Decarbonisation in Transport.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description EDI Engagement Session 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact Twenty four Hub members attended an online training session on 'The Agile Inclusion Paradox: Lessons for inclusive, innovative teams', organised by the EDI Committee and delivered by Jo Stansfield of Inclusioneering. The session uncovered the research background of inclusion in technical teams, and shared findings from Jo Stansfield's original research that examines why our existing ways of working may not build inclusion and equality. The session prompted much discussion between Hub members about exploring ways to develop greater inclusion, and elevating the performance of the team. As a follow on activity, due to Hub member discussions and feedback, the Hub are organising an EDI workshop to promote self presentation and speaker skills to promote personal development.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description EPSRC Future Composites Manufacturing Research Hub Open Day September 12th 2019 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an open day or visit at my research institution
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact The Hub hosted their second annual Open day event in September 2019, it created the opportunity to showcase the achievements to both academia and industry. The event was well received by an attendance of over 130 delegates both industry, academics and public. Dr Nuno Lorenzo from Jaguar Land Rover was the invited key spokesperson at the event.
The PhD students presented 2 minute pitches on their current research to the audience, coupled with a poster presentation which was later judged by the audience in a competition for the best poster and prizes were awarded.
The Hub ran a composites 'Design and Make' competition in joint collaboration with SAMPE UK (YES) for all Young Enterprise Students to build the tallest tower from composite materials that was capable of holding a 1kg mass at it's top and the tower itself could only be 250g in weight. It was positive to see such innovative ideas in action from all 20 participants and created the opportunity for student engagement.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description EPSRC Future Composites Manufacturing Research Hub Synergy Workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact A series of synergy workshops have been hosted by the Hub (13th November 2019 and 18th February 2020) to develop and summarise interactions between Hub projects.
The aims of the workshop were to:
1. Improve researchers understanding of their role within the Hub
2. Strengthen project synergy between existing/previous Hub projects
3. Encourage Project leads and Hub members to identify new opportunities for collaboration
The workshops created interest as the attendance level was high and feedback received via an online survey proved that the workshop was useful in terms of networking, finding out more details about Hub projects and discovering possible future links between Hub projects.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019,2020
Description FPCM14 - June 2018 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Mikhail Matveev was asked to conduct a presentation at FPCM14 - June 2018
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Farnborough Air show 2018 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact In conjunction with colleagues at the University of Nottingham's Centre for Aerospace Manufacturing and Institute for Aerospace Technology, CIMComp was 1 of 1500 exhibitors that were invited to showcase at the Farnborough International Airshow 2018. With over 70,000 trade and public visitors over 7 days, Farnborough is the most significant aerospace event in the world, with impressive flight demonstrations and exhibits from Tier 1 suppliers and OEMs, as well as live STEM related activities, it provides an excellent opportunity to promote CIMComp and the work of our member institutions and partners
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description February 2021 - Hub presented a Webinar on 'Automated Fibre Deposition Technologies' 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact The Hub held a free to attend webinar, focused on 'Automated Fibre Deposition Technologies'. Three technical presentations were delivered, giving an insight into some of the latest research and development projects working towards that change.
It reached an audience of 100+ internationally. It involved 1 Core Project,1 current Feasibility study and 1 current Platform Fellow project.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description FrontUQ18 and Italian InterPore Chapter meeting (Pavia, Italy, 5-7 September 2018) 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Marco Iglesias gave a talk as an invited speaker at FrontUQ18 and Italian InterPore Chapter meeting (Pavia, Italy, 5-7 September 2018)
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Great Composites challenge 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an open day or visit at my research institution
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact An event, which included elements of lab training and solving composite manufacturing challenges, was organised for Hub researchers at the University of Nottingham in July 2018. Over 30 people took part in a resin infusion challenge, dubbed the 'Great Composites Bake Off', in which researchers had to work in teams to layup and infuse a complex composite component within two hours. The panel with the least visible defects was selected by members of the Researcher Network and the winning team (including researchers from Bristol, Cranfield and Nottingham) was awarded a prize. The event received very positive feedback from all participants and more competitions of this kind will follow in the future.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Hub Announces Funding for 2 New Core Projects 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact A press release was launched to announce the recent success of the Hub funding 2 new Core Projects in 2020. This channel allows the Hub to reach out to further audiences to keep people informed of the Hub developments, news and events.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Hub Annual Report 2021 
Form Of Engagement Activity A magazine, newsletter or online publication
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact The Hub released a formal Annual Report for 2021, detailing all of the Hub related research and developments over the course of 2020 -2021. This report was also published on the Hub website to target all audiences.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Hub Annual Report 2022 
Form Of Engagement Activity A magazine, newsletter or online publication
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact The Hub released a formal Annual Report for 2022, detailing all of the Hub related research and developments over the course of 2021 -2022. This report was also published on the Hub website to target all audiences.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Hub Annual Report 2023 
Form Of Engagement Activity A magazine, newsletter or online publication
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact The Hub released a formal Annual Report for 2023, detailing all of the Hub related research and developments over the course of 2022 -2023. This report was also published on the Hub website to target all audiences.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Hub Composites laboratory Tour - AMB 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an open day or visit at my research institution
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Undergraduate students
Results and Impact The Composites Hub were approached for a tour of the Composites laboratory for forty Indonesian final-year undergraduate students. The students currently studying with the University of Nottingham for a semester on a programme directly funded by the Indonesian Ministry of Education. The programme is part of a broader strategic engagement between the University and Indonesia.
Hub PhD students were on hand to introduce each piece of equipment, provide details of their use in their research, and answer questions. The visiting students (who were a mix of composite engineers, mechanical engineers, structural engineers, and business and economics students) were guided through the lab by members of the Hub management team where the following equipment was showcased: The double-diaphragm forming apparatus, a custom automated dry fibre deposition rig, a braider, a directed carbon-fibre preform cell, a recycling cell, an Instron testing rig, and the Langzauner press.
As a result of the visit, the feedback was very positive with offers to introduce the Hub to South-East Asian composites industry to facilitate potential business development and research collaborations.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Hub International Mission to Northern Ireland June 2019 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Hub representatives from the Universities of Nottingham and Bristol visited Northern Ireland to promote the activities of CIMComp and to learn more about the composites manufacturing landscape in the region. Over 2 days, the group visited a mix of industrial and academic institutions, these were: Queens University Belfast, Ulster University, CCP Gransden and NIACE.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Hub International Mission with DLR - May 2021 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Due to the pandemic, a virtual International Mission took place in May 2021 with DLR (German Aerospace Centre). This online event was well attended by over 80 delegates from academia and industry. Members of the Hub and DLR presented research overviews, including project outcomes focusing on Thermoplastics and Automated Dry Fibre Deposition. The Hub are looking forward to discussing potential collaboration opportunities with DLR.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Hub International Mission with UBC - February 2022 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Following the continued travel restrictions of the pandemic, the Hub completed a virtual international mission with the Composites Research Network (CRN) based at the University of British Columbia (UBC) in February 2022.
The virtual mission was very well attended, by more than 90 individuals from academia and industry (including automotive, composite manufacture, and software development), ranging from masters students to professors, engineers to CEOs.
Initial presentations by the Director of the Hub and Prof. Anoush Poursatip of the CRN provided an engaging insight into the two organisations and their activities.
Followed by presentations on major core projects from both parties and short quick fire student presentations.
All attendees utilised the break out rooms for informal discussions and facilitated conversations about potential future collaborations between the Hub, UBC and industrial partners. The session proved in a success, in exchanging dialogue between Hub researchers and our colleagues in Canada, and with scope for several international links already being discussed the Hub look forward to exploring new relationships and potential collaborative projects.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Hub Launch Event 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact In May, the Hub held its launch event in Nottingham to introduce current funded research and explain how the wider composites community can engage with the Hub. Half of the 135 registered delegates at the event represented the aerospace, automotive, defence, energy and rail sectors, from all aspects of the composites supply chain.
Andy Long opened the proceedings on 4th May with an introduction to the Hub, outlining the objectives over the next seven years and how they fit within the broader UK composites strategy. Enrique Garcia, Chief Technology Officer at the National Composites Centre (NCC) and member of the industrial Advisory Board, explained the importance of the Hub from an industrial perspective and talked about the role the NCC will play in pulling through promising technologies, in order to advance them through the Technology Readiness Levels in preparation for industrial adoption. Ivana Partridge discussed recent success stories from the Industrial Doctoral Training Centre in Composites Manufacturing and explained how the IDC will deliver the next generation of skilled composite engineers to support these fundamental developments in composites manufacturing. This event has provided us with the perfect platform to introduce the Hub to new potential stakeholders, in our effort to become the national centre of excellence in fundamental research for composites manufacturing.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Hub Media video 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact The hub launched its state of the art animated video showcasing its Core projects and Feasibility studies. The aim of the activity is to attract interest and promote the Hub, It was a great opportunity to hold the video launch at the Advanced Engineering event 2018 as was it watched by many of the 15,000 delegates that passed by the Hub stand. Many delegates stopped and held discussions with the hub stand representatives about the content.
The videos's promotion through Twitter also has attracted people to select it and view it.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018,2019
Description Hub Open Day 2018 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an open day or visit at my research institution
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact The Hub hosted it's first Open Day in July 2018, which was a great opportunity to celebrate the first year and showcase achievements to both academia and industry. The celebrations were well received by an attendance of over 120 delegates from UK and international academic institutions and companies. The Hub was delighted to welcome two keynote speakers to the event: Dr Turlough McMahon from Airbus UK who presented the manufacturing challenges for future composite aerostructures; and Andy Smith from Gordon Murray Design who spoke about sandwich panel composites in volume automotive applications. The event also recognised the work of 35 Hub-affiliated PhD and EngD students as they conducted poster presentations and delivered two minute summaries of their research, conveying that the future really is bright for composites and manufacturing. The posters were judged by attendees and prizes were awarded to the top three during a drinks reception following the event.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Hub Project dissemination through video presentations 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact The Hub launched project videos to disseminate individual projects and their developmental progress to a their audience, by launching them on the Hub website it reached a wide, international audience during the COVID 19 pandemic where face to face events were restricted.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Hub Quarterly Newsletter 
Form Of Engagement Activity A magazine, newsletter or online publication
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact The Hub generated and circulated quarterly Hub Newsletters to the Hub community and further afield to those in academia external to the Hub and industry.
On each occasion, the newsletter reached an audience of 300+. It prompts individuals to keep updated with the Hub's latest developments, showcases and events and potential future collaborations. As a result of the newsletters being circulated, The Hub has observed that some readers have contacted the Hub and expressed an interest in a future Hub funded collaboration.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Hub Release 2019 Annual Report 
Form Of Engagement Activity A magazine, newsletter or online publication
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact The Hub released a formal Annual Report for 2019, detailing all of the Hub related research and developments over the course of 2018 - 2019. Copies were also take to outreach events and offered to the audiences, to aim to bring an awareness into the Composites community about the work that the Hub conduct. Positive feedback has been received on the report by readers and the opportunity of promoting it at outreach events such as Advanced Engineering 2019 has led to contact / interest being received from individuals external to the Hub.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Hub Researcher Network Event - Composites at Manchester, 25 -26th June 2019 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact The Hub Researcher Network group attend the 4th annual workshop "Composites@ Manchester" conference at the University of Manchester on 25th and 26th June 2019.
Hub Representatives from the University of Nottingham, University of Edinburgh, Manchester University and AMRC attended the 2 day event and feedback has been unanimously positive about the event. The event consisted of presentations, where students showcased their latest research and a poster competition was conducted with prizes awarded.
The event prompted students to network and engage between institutions and discuss their current research projects in further details.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Hub Student Outreach: Participation in STEM Event "88 Pianists" 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact A Hub (EngD) Research Engineer from the University of Nottingham participated in the National STEM outreach initiative.
The initiative was led by Professor Julian Allwood at the University of Cambridge Department of Engineering, in collaboration with engineering academics from universities across the UK. The project aimed to break the current world record of the number of pianists that can play the piano collectively.
Through a combination of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, students and engineers have worked with the ideas from young children in local schools and communities to design and incorporate creative mechanical fingers, to allow 88 pianists to play the piano at once which proved a success as it broke the world record.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Hub Sustainability Workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact In conjunction with the National Composites Centre (NCC), the Hub participated in a Sustainability workshop at the NCC, Bristol & Bath Science Park in March 2022. A combination of presentations and interactive sessions gave delegates the opportunity to discuss Sustainability challenges and developments within the Composites Manufacturing sector. Sustainability is of key importance to the future of the composites industry. The workshop aimed to highlight the sustainability activities within the NCC, strengthen links with the Hub and identify ongoing and future research challenges.
The Hub held a second Sustainability session in October 2022, at the AMRC, Sheffield, with an aim to build upon the successes of the first workshop and gather fresh perspectives on the critical overarching sustainability themes in composites manufacturing. Similarly to the previous seminar, the topics of discussion were Lifecycle assessment, the design and manufacturing processes, sustainable materials, recycling methodologies and over eighty individual challenges were identified. The day was attended by representatives from several universities, research organisations, catapults and industry. The Hub has collated all workshop feedback under the Strategic Development Committee to implement the theme of sustainable composite manufacture into its research remit to ensure alignment with the present and future needs of the engineering community.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Hub annual Poster book 
Form Of Engagement Activity A magazine, newsletter or online publication
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact The Hub launched their annual Poster book report, this detailed outreach activities that the Hub have been involved in over the course of the year and showcasing student projects and the developments, these were demonstrated by each student submitting a poster to best represent their work.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Hub exhibit at MACH 2022 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact The Hub joined the Future Metrology Hub and the Future Electrical Machines Manufacturing Hub on a collective Hub stand sponsored by the EPSRC at The Manufacturing Technologies Association Exhibition in April at the National Exhibition Centre (NEC) Birmingham, UK. It was a great opportunity to engage with the other Hubs and connect on a national manufacturing level with the wider engineering community.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Hub host online industry session 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact The Hub engaged with the Composites community by presenting their findings to date, in addition to presenting an outline bid for potential submission to the EPSRC for £11M of funding. The next Hub plans to create world leading science to address sustainable composites manufacturing and transfer that knowledge to industry partners through innovation spokes in HVMC, in addition to training more than 100 future engineering leaders. The session allowed the opportunity for industrial partners to find out more about what the Hub does and the opportunity to engage in the current or the potential future Hub.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Hub hosted 2021 Annual Open Day (virtual) 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an open day or visit at my research institution
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact The Hub hosted its annual Open Day online due to the pandemic. It was a huge success with a virtual attendance of over 95 delegates from a range of international academic and industrial groups.
The programme welcomed keynote speakers Dr Adrian Gill, from Vestas Wind Systems, who gave an informative presentation on "Composites Manufacturing in the Wind Industry", and Dr Isabelle Paris from Bombardier Aviation, who gave an interesting presentation on "Industry Perspectives on Composite Airframe Structures Development and Certification".
The day was split into parallel sessions, each comprising a selection of presentations by Core Project leads and Innovation Fellows. This structure provided delegates with the opportunity to transition between sessions to listen to their preferred talks.
The quick fire student session consisted of 18 PhD Student and Researcher presentations, which was a great opportunity for them to showcase highlights of their current research and a student Design and make competition sponsored by SAMPE UK, which consisted of participants applying their engineering knowledge to build a composite bridge with allocated materials, to support a 1kg load at the mid-span, but with an overall structural mass of less than 250g.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Hub hosted 2022 Annual Open day 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact It was good to return to an on person annual open day in 2022. The Hub hosted its annual Open Day at the Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre, University of Sheffield. It experienced an attendance of over 130 delegates from a range of international academic and industrial groups. The programme opened with an AMRC and Composite Centre overview from Head of Innovation, Anthony Stevenson, followed by a high-level overview of the Hub from Professor Nick Warrior, Hub Director. Dr Stu Morris, Engineering Director at Pentaxia, led the first keynote presentation with a fascinating presentation on his background and connection with the composites sector. The second keynote speaker Josh Sherwood, Composites Research Engineer from GKN Aerospace, presented an informative, high-level overview of the ASCEND project, a cross-sector composite Technology and Supply-Chain development programme, joining the Aerospace and Automotive supply chains. Followed by interesting presentations on current Hub projects and developments on the Technology Pull Through Programme presented by Matt Scott from the National Composites Centre (NCC). Prior to lunch, delegates were invited on an impressive tour of the AMRC facilities at the 'Factory of the Future Laboratory'.
The Young Engineers and Student (YES) competition, hosted by The Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering (SAMPE UK & Ireland) invited students to participate in a 'Design and Make' competition to manufacture a composite crash structure that could protect an egg during a crash landing. The aim of the competition was to produce a structure that could be dropped from the highest height, whilst avoiding any damage to the content (in this case, an egg). There were three participating teams and the winning team were the 'University of Edinburgh Composites Group'. It was a fantastic opportunity for students to put their composites design and manufacturing experience into action and represent their institution.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Hub hosted 2023 Annual Open day 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact The Hub Open Day took place on 6 September 2023 at the Marshall Arena in Milton Keynes, held in parallel with the International Composites Summit (ICS). The Hub were pleased to have Hub academics, researchers and students presenting on their projects, as well as a poster competition and Quick-Fire session. The Hub were delighted with presentations from the National Composites Centre (NCC) and keynote speakers, Professor Ian Lane from Vertical Aerospace Group and Dr. Emer McAleavy from Artemis Technologies. Over 100 delegates both academia and industry members attended the Open Day and over 200 guests attended the delegate dinner following the event. Holding the Open Day alongside the ICS Composites conference presented an excellent opportunity for industry to hear about Hub research and gave delegates the opportunity to strengthen their links with many of the industrial exhibitors on site.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Hub launched 2020 Annual Report 
Form Of Engagement Activity A magazine, newsletter or online publication
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact The Hub released a formal Annual Report for 2020, detailing all of the Hub related research and developments over the course of 2019- 2020. This report was also published on the Hub website to target all audiences.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Hub newsletter 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Our quarterly newsletter reaches out to industrial partners and disseminates Hub news and activities. The newsletter currently has over 250 subscribers with over a quarter of readers outside the UK and nearly 20% of those outside Europe.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017,2018
Description Hub poster presentation: Poster presentation at SAMPE Europe Conference 2021 Baden/Zürich - Switzerland. 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact In relation to the Hub Innovation Fellow project 'Powder-Epoxy Carbon Fibre Towpreg for High Speed, Low-Cost Automated Fibre Placement' the following members of the connected research team; Murat Çelik, Thomas Noble, James Maguire, Colin Robert, Conchúr M. Ó Brádaigh, presented a poster = at SAMPE Europe Conference 2021 Baden/Zürich - Switzerland, titled "Optimised Joule Heating of Carbon Fibres in a Low-cost, High-speed Powder-Epoxy Towpregging Pilot Production Line".
It was an opportunity to presented the latest research to the community and create dialogue for with others.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Hub supported AMB Laboratory visit 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an open day or visit at my research institution
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact The Hub participated in the National Manufacturing Day, held in July at the Composites laboratory, University of Nottingham, where the Composites Lab and other labs within the Advanced Manufacturing Building open their doors to the public and local schools, who were treated to short presentations and demonstrations delivered by the University's Engineering researchers and PhD students giving an insight of the engineering community to over 150 school students.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Hub virtual conference AIAA SciTech 2021 - January 2021. 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Hub Core project research team- Manufacturing Multifunctional Composites attended and presented a paper on their latest work at the virtual conference ' AIAA SciTech 2021' January 11th - 22nd 2021, the focus of the event was on Clean Sky 2 Research Programme: Developments and Progress. The 2021 forum explored the role and importance of diversity in advancing the aerospace industry.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Hub visit to JEC World 2022 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact JEC is the leading international composites show and the Hub attended the show held in Paris in May 2022.
The event saw representation from more than one hundred countries and over a thousand exhibitors and 20,000 visitors. Key themes amongst the stands and speakers, notably were sustainability, the circular economy and turning waste and recycling into opportunities. Several contacts were made, for potential future collaboration and some early discussions and information sharing has already taken place.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Hub visit to JEC World 2023 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact JEC is the leading international composites show and the Hub attended the show held in Paris in April 2023. The event brought together the international composites community and showcased the latest advancements and innovations in composites materials, their manufacturing technologies, and their applications in industry. One of the key themes was sustainability with the increasing demand for environmentally friendly products. The Hub stand attracted a number of visitors and several new business relationships were formed.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Instrumentation Analysis and Testing Exhibition - September 2021. 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Hub Core Project exhibited at the Instrumentation Analysis and Testing Exhibition on 14th September 2021, Silverstone, UK. It was an opportunity to showcase current research and exchange information with interested parties.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS 24) - June 2021. 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact The core Project research team -New manufacturing techniques for optimised fibre architectures presented a paper 'Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Braided Box Section With Optimised Axial Reinforcement' and 'Structural Performance of Composite Tubes Developed Using 3D Complex Winding in Comparison to Braided and Filament Wound Architectures' at the International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS 24) 14 - 18 June, 2021 Porto, Portugal. It was an opportunity to showcase their latest research and network with the community.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description International Exchange visits for Hub Students - 2019 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an open day or visit at my research institution
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Hub student at University of Bristol undertook a 3 month planned International exchange to University of British Columbia, Canada to study high speed impact on composites to simulate bird strike events will be undertaken. UBC has specialised delivery and measurement capabilities within their Composite Research Network (CRN) facility.
Hub student at University of Edinburgh undertook a 3 month planned International exchange to to the University of Auckland, NZ based to study an investigation into the impact behaviour of carbon fibre reinforced thermoplastic composites. Equipment within the Centre for Advanced Composite Materials (CACM) including high speed camera recording of impact will permit a detailed study into damage initiation and progression.
It created the opportunity to engage with international partners, foster a relationship, develop their skill set and create further collaborations.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description International Exchange visits for Hub Students - 2022 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an open day or visit at my research institution
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Hub student at University of Bristol undertook a 3 month planned International exchange to Airbus, Hamburg, Germany to learn core competencies in structural design and contribute to the detailed design phase for A350F, including use of MPS
where appropriate. Furthermore, it informed the investigation of MPS integration within the design cycle, including both technical and organizational concerns, and ultimately will guide future MPS tool development.
Hub Post Doc Researcher at University of Cambridge undertook a 2 part trip of International exchange to University of British Columbia to advance the scientific understanding of composite manufacturing by characterising the mechanical behaviour of unidirectional non-crimp fabrics subjected to biaxial tension and a combined biaxial tension and picture frame shear load. The University of British Columbia (UBC) was selected because it is equipped with the most advanced composites testing equipment. Researchers at UBC have recently built a biaxial-shear testing fixture that can effectively measure fabric defects by digital image correlation.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description International Exchange visits for Hub Students - 2023 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an open day or visit at my research institution
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact Dr Andrea Codolini, Research Associate at the University of Cambridge and in September 2022 visited the University of British Columbia (UBC), Canada. At the Vancouver campus Andrea gave an update on the latest Hub activities and discussed his recent discoveries in using machine learning to design aerospace structures using dry fabrics. At the Okanagan campus, Andrea conducted mechanical characterization tests using the biaxial-shear testing fixture developed by the Composites Research Network group. From the UBC partnership, experimental data was collected to further understand the defect formation in complex loading conditions that are observed during unidirectional noncrimp fabric (UD NCF) forming. Novel postprocessing methods to extract normalised load and local strains for the unbalanced material are currently being compiled for future publication.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022,2023
Description International Exchange visits for Hub Students - 2023 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an open day or visit at my research institution
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact PhD researcher, Aiden Hawkins, Queens University, Belfast undertook an exchange to the USA where his research focused on 'Novel Layup Optimisation Methods in Design and Manufacture of Advanced Fibre-reinforced Laminated Composites'. Aiden travelled to Honolulu, Hawaii where he met with his external PhD supervisor Professor Stephen Tsai and shared discussions on his latest unpublished work on Double-Double (DD) laminates and proposed novel areas for investigation. Aiden shared his latest work on homogenisation and stiffness matching of DD laminates.
Aiden spent time in Boston, Massachusetts, presenting his work on DD laminates at the American Society of Composites Conference (ACS) which created the opportunity to build connections with people from US institutions and companies in the composites sector and visited NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Los Angeles, California. JPL were interested in the potential weight reductions and reduced launch costs achievable with DD laminates and the ability to accommodate new structural requirements late in the design process, with minimal to no disruption to the design schedule. Aiden concluded his visit by hosting a seminar on DD laminates, covering the basic theory, advantages of the layup method and latest developments at both Northrop Grumman and California Institute of Technology (Caltech) which led to interactive discussions about future collaborations and an interesting tour of the institution's lab facilities.
The exchange introduced several different leading institutions and corporations to DD laminates and formed new relationships for future collaborations.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description International Exchange visits for Hub Students - 2023 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an open day or visit at my research institution
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Hub Innovation Fellow Dr Yang Chen, University of Bath has recently completed his exchange to the Centre for Composites Materials (CCM) at the University of Delaware, USA, under the supervision of Prof. Suresh Advani and Dr. Pavel Simacek. Prof. Advani and Dr. Simacek are experts in composites manufacturing, with particular interests in liquid composites moulding and related numerical modelling. They have developed an advanced software (named as LIMS) for resin flow simulations. During his visit, Yang was trained on the LIMS software, and was provided two licenses for a duration of 1 year.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description JEC World 2018 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact In March 2018, Hexcel Reinforcements exhibited the results of a collaboration with the University of Nottingham at JEC World in Paris. This automotive demonstrator component was the result of a Feasibility Study funded by CIMComp in 2013, which aimed to develop a forming simulation tool for complex 3D preforms manufactured from multiple plies of non-crimp fabric. The simulation tool was used to assist in the development of more drapeable fabrics suitable for use in the low pressure Double Diaphragm Forming process. The demonstrator component and the simulation output was shown to over 40,000 visitors at the JEC event, the largest composites trade show in the world.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description July 2023 - Hub attended and supported the IOM3 International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM23), Belfast 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact The Hub attended and supported ICMAC which ran from 30 July to 4 August 2023 in Belfast - It was the 23rd edition of the International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM23) Approximately 1200 delegates from 57 countries attended the world's largest conference on composite materials, where 900 presentations were delivered over five days. Plenary and keynote presentations were given by preeminent members of the composites community from both industry and academia, in addition to tours to local industrial sites: Spirit AeroSystems, Artemis Technologies and the Northern Ireland Advanced Composites and Engineering Centre (NIACE). ICCM23 was an excellent forum for the Hub to engage and network with the global composite's community in both the technical sessions and the social activity. In total there were 36 presentations from academics and researchers presenting the latest findings from Hub research, as well as the chairing of several sessions, in addition to the organisation of special sessions and workshops. Conference sessions ranged from computational methods, fatigue, fracture and damage, liquid moulding, process modelling, and design and manufacture. There was a noticeable focus on circularity and sustainability with sessions on bio-composites, the circularity of composites, life cycle assessment and recycling.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description MARINCOMP International Symposium - Novel Composite Materials & Processes for Offshore Renewable Energy 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact Invited to present at the conference - Dulieu-Barton and Thomsen O.T., "Towards a new paradigm for high-fidelity testing and integrated multi-scale modelling of composite substructures and components".
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description March 2021 - Hub supported webinar for Core Project Active RTM and ENSAM Institute of Technology (Paris) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact The Hub Core Project 'Active RTM' welcomed guest speaker Prof Francisco Chinesta, Professor of Computational Physics at ENSAM Institute of Technology (Paris) and Scientific Director of ESI Group, to present his work on data-driven modelling in a virtual seminar 'Empowering Hybrid Twins from Physics-Informed Artificial Intelligence'. The webinar was part of a collaboration between ESI Group and the Active RTM project, in developing advanced uncertainty quantification tools for robust simulations of the resin transfer moulding process.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description May 2021 - Hub presented a Webinar on 'New manufacturing techniques for optimised fibre architectures' 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact The Hub held a free to attend webinar, focused on 'New manufacturing techniques for optimised fibre architectures'.
Technical presentations were delivered, giving an insight into some of the latest research and development projects working towards the step change in composites manufacturing. It reached an audience of 100+ internationally.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Media partnership 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Working with the Hub's media partner, NetComposites, the Hub reaches nearly 800 unique users per quarter via press releases disseminated to the wider commercial community. Press releases this year have announced the successful Feasibility Studies, advertised the Hub's involvement at the Advanced Engineering Show and strategic partnership with ICMAC 2018, and publicised our first annual free-to-attend Hub-IDC Open Day. 13.03.18 06.03.16 28.11.17 21.11.17 24.10.17 3.10.17 26.09.17 09.05.17 11.04.17 06.12.16
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Multicomp 2017 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Two-day conference involving a mix of academic and industry partners, providing an opportunity for awareness raising of the Hub initiative, dissemination of research, and networking with the intended purpose to generate new industrial and academic partner engagement.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Nottingham Festival of Science and Curiosity video and magazine article 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact The Hub Researcher Network led an outreach activity for the Nottingham Festival of Science and Curiosity in February 2021, raising awareness of composites in school aged children through a video and magazine article. The video reached an audience of 300 people and the magazine reached over 500 people. It was primarily targeted locally at Nottinghamshire however all of the information is available on the web for the general public to access.
Link to the magazine:
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description November 2020 - Hub presented Webinar on 'Rapid Composite Processing Technologies'. 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact The Hub held a free to attend webinar, focused on 'Rapid Composite Processing Technologies'. Three technical presentations were delivered, giving an insight into some of the recently funded research to an audience of 100+ internationally. It involved 2 Core Projects and 1 current Feasibility study.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description November 2021 - Hub attended and supported Advanced Engineering Exhibition 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact The Hub attended and exhibited at the Advanced Engineering Show on 3 - 4 November at the NEC, Birmingham, UK. It is the UK's largest annual engineering and manufacturing event that connects OEMS, Tier 1 manufacturers and supply chain partners.
As a result it provided the opportunity for Hub members to network and engage with the industrial community.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description November 2021 - Hub conducted Vitae training workshop for students 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact The Hub continually offers training to its staff and students for personal development. In August 2021 the Hub commenced membership with Vitae, an organisation which provides analysis tools and training to enhance professional development. Vitae provided Hub students and researchers with a half-day workshop in Nottingham as an introduction to the framework. It was an interactive, face to face session that looked at individual development needs and setting personal objectives. The session concluded with a reflection on individual progress, providing evidence and communicating effectively about professional competencies to a variety of audiences. Ten PhD and Post Doctoral students attended the workshop and feedback to the Hub management that it was a very helpful introductory session for the start of their development. As a result, the Hub will schedule a follow on workshop which Vitae will deliver in Q3 of 2022.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description October 2021 - Hub attended and supported the IOM3 Conference 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact The annual Hub Open Day was aligned with the IOM3 International Conference on Manufacturing of Advanced Composites (ICMAC). This three-day event was organised on behalf of the British Composites Society (a division of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining) and was held virtually due to the COVID pandemic. ICMAC21 brought together composite manufacturing scientists, engineers and end users from academia and industry to hear about the latest developments from pioneers and emerging leaders in the composites field. The programme was attended by over 120 delegates and featured over 60 oral presentations across two parallel sessions each day. The audience reached as far as delegates in New Zealand, Japan and USA to present papers.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Ongoing Interaction on Social Media channel 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact The Hub use the social media platform 'Twitter' as an ongoing method of interacting with their audience. twitter account @EPSRC_CIMComp in August. The Hub continue to disseminate news of Hub activity including announcement of upcoming project calls, promotion of event attendance, success stories, and Hub-related vacancies. These tweets are regularly seen by over 7,000 Twitter users, broadening our reach across both expert and general audiences.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020,2021
Description Ongoing Interaction on Social Media channels 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact The Hub continue to use the social media platform 'Twitter' as an ongoing method of interacting with their audience. twitter account @EPSRC_CIMComp in August. The Hub continue to disseminate news of Hub activity including announcement of upcoming project calls, promotion of event attendance, success stories, and Hub-related vacancies. These tweets are regularly seen by over 7,000 Twitter users, broadening our reach across both expert and general audiences. The Hub also commenced being a member of 'LinkedIn' in 2022 and the platform to extend connectivity to Composite professionals in academia and Industry.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Ongoing Interaction on Social Media channels & website updates 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact The Hub continue to use the social media platform's 'LinkedIn' and 'Twitter' as an ongoing method of interacting with their audience and attempt to extend connectivity to Composite professionals in academia and Industry. The Hub continue to disseminate news of Hub activity including announcement of upcoming project calls, promotion of event attendance, success stories, and Hub-related vacancies. These tweets are regularly seen by over 7,000 Twitter users, broadening our reach across both expert and general audiences.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Online event 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact The Hub Core project; Active RTM hosted an online industrial event in April 2022. It was a successful discussion with its industrial partners, with a focus on defect detection, associated sensing strategies and an innovative approach to process control.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Organisation and chair of the IMechE PostGrad Researcher Conference, Glasgow (6th/ 7th December 2018) 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact Dr Daniel Mulvihill organised and chaired the IMechE PostGrad Researcher Conference in Glasgow on the 6th and 7th December 2018.
International awareness-raising of Hub research and initiative
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Outreach to school students 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact Michael Elkington at the University of Bristol has led an outreach activity designed to promote engineering and higher education to secondary school students. A full one day program was developed, enabling students to gain hands-on experience with a mini project to design and build a rocket. Alongside the practical work, students were introduced to engineering and pathways to higher education. The event has been running for 3 years with a range of state schools across the Bristol area, involved 11 Hub PhD and EngD students to date.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016,2017,2018
Description Participation in an activity, workshop or similar - November 2022 - Hub attended and supported Advanced Engineering Exhibition 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact The Hub exhibited at the Advanced Engineering Show in November 2022. This show is the UK's largest annual engineering and manufacturing event, connecting OEMs, Tier 1 manufacturers, and supply chain partners with a host of interactive stands and demonstrations. The Hub's stand provided an effective and stimulating backdrop to Hub's activities, vision, and capabilities, attracting an array of visitors from students to consultants to academics to policymakers. The two-day event was a positive and engaging experience as new contacts were established and existing relationships were refreshed, which will provide a foothold for the next Hub iteration.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Presentations at The 20th European Conference on Composite Materials, Lausanne, Switzerland 2022 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact The 20th European Conference on Composite Materials, Lausanne, Switzerland, 26 - 30 June 2022 took place and Hub students, researchers and academics were involved by presenting their research to the audience. The Hub collectively presented a total of forty seven oral presentations at the event.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Presentations at The fifth International Symposium on Automated Composite Manufacturing (ACM5) 2022 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact The fifth International Symposium on Automated Composite Manufacturing (ACM5) Bristol UK, 6-7 April 2022 took place and Hub students, researchers and academics were involved by presenting their research to the audience. The Hub collectively presented seventeen oral presentations at the event.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Press Release 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact The Hub marketing providers, Fluency Marketing compiled several press releases on the Hub's behalf throughout 2022, including a focus on a student training opportunity at Pentaxia in Derby, The Advanced Engineering Show, Birmingham and The International Composites Summit, London. The press releases were directed through composites channels and featured in the national newsletter for Composites UK. This channel allows the Hub to reach out to further audiences to keep people informed of the Hub developments, news and events.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Press Release 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact The Hub marketing providers, Fluency Marketing compiled several press releases on the Hub's behalf throughout 2023, including a focus on, the Hub's attendance art JEC Paris, an Industry Online session hosted by the Hub, The Advanced Engineering Show and Hub Forum, Birmingham and The Hub Open Day and International Composites Summit, Marshall Arena, Milton Keynes. The press releases were circulated to the Composites community and featured in the national newsletter for Composites UK. This channel allows the Hub to reach out to further audiences to keep people informed of the Hub developments, news and events.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Researcher Network Event - May 2023 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact The Researchers Network (RN) organised an online event for Hub Students and Researchers. Seven RN members from different Hub spoke institutions each presented for five minutes on their research. It was an excellent opportunity to share research ideas, make connections and new collaborations within the Hub.
The presentations were judged by attendees and prizes were awarded to three students / researchers.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Researcher Network event 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an open day or visit at my research institution
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact The Researchers' Network (RN) aims promote research collaborations by organising regular social and professional events. The RN is steered by a dedicated committee with members from several Hub universities (Bristol, Manchester, Nottingham and Southampton) and is open to organising new exciting events and activities.

Hub researchers visited the Imperial War Museum, Duxford, to see inspiring examples of composite materials used on iconic aircraft such as Concord. The event was organised by the Researchers' Network in February 2019, gathering together almost 30 researchers from Bristol, Cambridge, Cranfield, Manchester, Nottingham and Southampton, including the new cohort of Hub PhD and EngD students. The researchers were shown how the aerospace industry adopted materials such as plywood and hardened fabrics for the WW1 Airco DH.9, filament winding for the Polaris missile in the 1960s, through to extensive use of carbon fibre composites on the Eurofighter Typhoon. The event concluded with dinner, providing an excellent opportunity for the group to network and reflect on their visit to the museum.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Researcher delivered presentation to International Online workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact Hub Post Doctoral Researcher Dr Jesús Molinar Diaz presented an Online Conference to Biomedical Engineering students from the UACJ (Autonomous University of Juarez City) in Mexico. The focus of Jesús's presentation was on the Composites Hub and his research and experience in the UK.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Road mapping Output from the Research Challenge Landscape with Industry 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact The Hub Sustainability Workshop series aim to develop a process for identifying and validating fundamental research challenges for composite manufacturing to be addressed within the next ten years. This will enable the Hub and the broader composites community to remain current with research trends and fund the most critical and timely research. It is envisaged that the data collected, and the analysis contained herein will play a key role in:
• Informing future funding decisions and shape calls for Hub Feasibility Studies
• Ensuring that Hub research themes remain relevant
• Identification of areas of research synergy between technology areas and Hub projects
• Underpinning knowledge & technology transfer into the High Value Manufacturing Catapult (HVMC) Centres Justification of resource needs for research projects
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022,2023
Description Royal Academy of Engineering - Multifunctional structural composites and the pursuit of 'massless' energy - May 2021 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Hub Core Project- Manufacturing Multifunctional Composites - presented a technical briefing for the Royal Academy of Engineering on 'Multifunctional structural composites and the pursuit of 'massless' energy,' on 11 May 2021 to provide the community with an update on the latest progress of the research undertaken.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description SAMPE Europe presentation 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Prof Andy Long invited as a keynote speaker to present at SAMPE Europe
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description STEM - 88 Pianists 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact An EngD student from Nottingham has been involved in a high profile STEM initiative to fuse engineering and art together, in an attempt to encourage more school pupils to consider a career in engineering. Preetum Mistry has been working on the "88 Pianists" project to try and break the current world record for the greatest number of people to play a single piano. Led by the University of Cambridge, the project is a collaboration involving numerous academic institutions across the UK to design mechanical fingers to enable 88 people to play the piano at once. Preetum has been involved in co-ordinating four half-day outreach sessions to Year 5 and 6 students at local schools, focusing on design, engineering and music. The project involves 2000 pupils from 35 schools throughout the UK, all trying to design and mechanical methods to play the piano from 5 metres away. Preetum was a member of the selection panel and is currently working on building the winning designs into full-size mechanisms. The students will then be taught how to use them to a play a newly commissioned piece of music composed by Martin Riley, conducted by Julian Lloyd Webber. This will be performed at the opening ceremony of the 69th CIRP General Assembly (The International Academy for Production Engineering) on 19th August 2019 in Birmingham, in an attempt to break the world record and mark the celebration of the 500th anniversary of Leonardo Da Vinci. This is a great example of how young engineers in manufacturing can foster creativity within school students and excite them about engineering.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018,2019
Description School visit to Composites Lab, University of Nottingham 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an open day or visit at my research institution
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact A School Open Day took place on 19 June at the University of Nottingham. Students from three local schools were introduced to the world-class manufacturing equipment in the Hub Composites laboratory. Academics, PhD students and researchers were on hand to discuss their research, answer questions and provide demonstrations of the equipment. These events are important in promoting STEM learning and careers, and the positive feedback received shows the students were inspired by what they heard and saw, the Hub hopes that this positive contribution shapes the next generation of young engineers.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description ScienceX 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact University of Manchester - School of Materials in the University of Manchester participated in a science festival (ScienceX on 14/4/2018) at Trafford centre introducing and promoting Textile Composites for advanced engineering applications.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description September 2021 - Hub presented a Webinar on 'Manufacturing for structural applications of multifunctional composites'. 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact The Hub held a free to attend webinar, focused on investigating the design and manufacturing issues associated with multifunctional composites. The presentation entitled 'Design and Manufacturing Issues for Multifunctional Structural Composites' gave an overview of emerging technologies, with a particular focus on structural power composites: Structural composites imbued with the capacity to store/deliver electrical energy.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description September 2022 - Hub attended and supported the IOM3 Conference 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact The annual Hub Open Day was aligned with the IOM3 International Conference on Manufacturing of Advanced Composites (ICMAC). This event was organised on behalf of the British Composites Society (a division of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining). ICMAC22 brought together composite manufacturing scientists, engineers and end users from academia and industry to hear about the latest developments from pioneers and emerging leaders in the composites field. The programme was attended by approximately 100 delegates and featured over 21 oral presentations alone from Hub students, researchers and post docs.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Student Training Opportunity with Industrial Partner 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact In conjunction with Hub Industrial partner; Pentaxia, a 5 day, hands-on intensive training workshop was organised for Hub students to attend. Students were given an insight into the processes used to manufacture prepreg components, including: Mould Design, CNC Programming, WI Creation, Kit Templating & Nesting, Laminating & Inspection.
The Hub received encouraging feedback from the attendees and the experience was considered to be a valuable addition to the students' concurrent engineering studies. The students highlighted the useful lessons learnt, such as the laminating process and exploring how composite components were manufactured for the real world. With this in mind, the Hub continues to offer the training programme quarterly to Hub members.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Synergy Promotion Workshop - February 2022 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact The event will officially launched the Synergy Promotion call - small projects up to £100k per institution with a minimum of 2 partners to be included for 12month projects/
The workshop also consisted of a combination of presentations and interactive group sessions to provide Hub members with opportunities to discuss their research and ideas for future Hub projects, and identify and build on current project synergies. Research outcomes from the previous round of Synergy promotion projects were also presented.
In addition, the workshop will provided an opportunity to explore and generate ideas for the next Composites Manufacturing Hub.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description The Composites Centre Research Showcase, Imperial College London, 24th September 2018 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an open day or visit at my research institution
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact The Composites Centre Research Showcase, Imperial College London displayed a wide range of oral and poster presentations which provided the opportunity to engage with industrial stakeholders and enhance awareness of the breadth and depth of Composites Research at the Composites Centre.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description The Hub attended and exhibited at the International Composites Summit Exhibition 2021 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact The Hub attended the 2-day International Composites Summit on 8 - 9th September at the ILEC conference centre, Earls Court, London. This forum was the first face to face event since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. The hub used the opportunity to display current project research and to explore networking with other academic institutions and industrialists.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description The Hub attended and exhibited at the International Composites Summit Exhibition 2022 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Following the success of exhibiting at the first International Composites Summit (ICS) in 2021 the Hub returned in 2022. ICS is the only exhibition focused solely on the global composites market, bringing together leading industry professionals to address the worldwide opportunities within the composites sector. The hub used the opportunity to display current project research and to explore networking with other academic institutions and industrialists
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description The Hub attended and exhibited at the International Composites Summit Exhibition 2023 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact The Hub returned for the third year running to exhibit at the International Composites Summit (ICS) 2023, the two day event was held closely alongside the Hub Open Day at Marshall Arena, Milton Keynes. It was a great opportunity to encourage academia and industrial members in one united space to aim to promote discussion, knowledge sharing and networking. The International Composites Summit is the only solely focused UK event for professionals involved in the composites industry.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description The UK's largest annual Advanced Manufacturing Engineering Show 2019 Forum 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact This event created the opportunity to showcase and network The EPSRC Future Composites Manufacturing Research Hub with other academics and industrial community attending the show. It allowed the Hub to exhibit to over 15,000 delegates and participate in a 1 hour open forum session where project leads, researchers and post graduates delivered their research to a full auditorium.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Twitter 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact We launched out twitter account @EPSRC_CIMComp in August. On the twitter story feed we disseminate news of Hub activity including promotion of event attendance, success stories, and Hub-related vacancies. These tweets are regularly seen by over 7,000 Twitter users, broadening our reach across both expert and general audiences.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017,2018
Description Virtual Online International Mission - UBC 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact The Hub hosted a virtual international mission with the Composites Research Network (CRN) based at the University of British Columbia (UBC) in 2022. CRN is a collaboration of academic and industry partners with a mission to translate research into practice for effective and low-risk knowledge-based composites manufacturing and design. The virtual mission was attended by more than 100 delegates from academia and industry (including automotive, composite manufacture, and software development). Initial presentations by Hub director Professor Nick Warrior, and Professor Anoush Poursatip of the CRN, provided an engaging insight into the two organisations and their activities. Members of the CRN described the exciting work of the Knowledge in Practice Centre (KPC), whilst Hub members presented the innovative research currently being undertaken relating to curing, digitisation of deposition, and forming technology, with collaboration invitations being suggested in each. Convergent Manufacturing Technologies, a spin-off from the University of British Columbia Composites Group, discussed their role in solving the needs of industrial businesses through unique sophisticated simulation hardware and software. Early-career researchers from both the Hub and UBC, gave short presentations outlining current research in key areas including digitisation, thermoplastics, simulation, and the globally important field of sustainability. The session proved a success in creating a dialogue between Hub researchers and our colleagues in Canada, and with scope for several international links already being discussed, the Hub look forward to exploring new relationships and potential collaborative projects.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Visit to 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM22) Melbourne, Australia 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact The Future Composites Manufacturing research Hub presented papers, posters and presentations at the international conference (ICCM22) Melbourne, Australia in August 2019. It was an annual conference that composite materials, covers polymer matrix composites, metal matrix composites, ceramic matrix composites, natural fibre composites, fibre metal laminates, fibres and resins and all the other classes of composites. ICCM22 provided a forum for the presentation, exchange and discussion of the latest research into composite materials and their applications and an opportunity for the Hub to showcase their research and network with international communities.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Visit to International Conference on Manufacturing of Advanced Composites- October 2021 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact The Future Composites Manufacturing research Hub presented 18 paper presentations at the International conference on Manufacturing of Advanced Composites (ICMAC), October 2021. The 2 day virtual event followed the Hub Open day. It was an annual event which provides a forum for academia and industry to share ideas and approaches, showcasing world-leading manufacturing research for advanced composites, recognising and responding to industry needs. It was an opportunity for Hub members to present their latest research into composite materials and their applications and network with international communities.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Visit to Tri-Agency Symposium on Multifunctionality, System Endurance & Intelligent Structures, 36th Annual Technical Conference of the American Society for Composites, Texas A&M - 20th September 2021. 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Hub Core project research team presented their latest research at The Tri-Agency Symposium on Multifunctionality, System Endurance & Intelligent Structures, 36th Annual Technical Conference of the American Society for Composites, Texas A&M in 20th September 2021. It was a great opportunity to showcase work that has been completed and initiate discussions with interested delegates.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Website 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact The Hub website - - reaching over 5,500 unique users over the last year. Visitors to the site can find out more about the Hub's vision, team, and research, and get involved by learning about recruitment opportunities, studying with the IDC, or by signing up to our quarterly newsletter.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017,2018