Multi-sensor in-process metrology of laser powder bed fusion additive manufacturing: Fusing form, texture and temperature measurement.

Lead Research Organisation: University of Nottingham
Department Name: Faculty of Engineering


This proposal is to develop a multi-sensor system for in-process metrology of parts made by the additive manufacturing (AM) process - laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF).
AM, also known as '3D printing', is changing the way that engineers solve the problems of today. Unlike subtractive manufacturing methods, where materials must be cut away to produce a finished part, AM processes build parts up layer-by-layer. This provides almost limitless design freedom, allowing the design of more organic, more lightweight, more bespoke solutions. However, the technology is not without its challenges. The current state of AM technology cannot produce parts with the consistency or geometric tolerances that are required for many applications. The production of metal parts by AM is particularly challenging. The most prominent technology for producing AM metal parts is L-PBF, also called selective laser melting. To produce parts economically the process must be fast with high laser power making L-PBF a highly energetic process that is sensitive to a changes in process variables. Defects can occur at any stage of the process: incomplete melting, aggregation of unmelted powder, pitting, balling, spattering, as well as defects caused by thermal or residual stresses: cracking, spalling and layer separation. Effective control of the L-PBF process is an extremely challenging task, and the subject of significant research both in the UK and global research communities. One aspect of that challenge that has become clear in the last few years is the need for step change improvements in in-process condition monitoring and metrology.
The key parameters for in-process control are the melt pool temperature, the powder bed temperature and the presence of physical defects in the powder laying and laser fusion stages. The laser fusion event that consolidates the powder takes place over a few hundreds of nanoseconds, making it very difficult to observe and control in real-time. Fortunately, a great deal of information about the melting conditions can be observed in the consolidated surface that fusion leaves behind; a so-called process signature or fingerprint. By capturing information on the form and the texture of the part surface it is possible to determine whether the laser and scan parameters have been chosen correctly, and critically it is also possible to monitor whether any major defects have occurred. AM processes, including L-PBF, are not yet mature enough that quality can be assured. Each machine will have slightly different performance characteristics, and the part quality can change from day to day, with small changes in the environment, the powder quality or the laser condition. For AM to be more widely adopted, industries need assurance, and that means highly robust in-process measurements.
Current in-process measurement methods are inadequate; 2D imaging methods cannot identify all of the common defects or measure surface texture in the process fingerprint. The few pre commercial 3D measurement systems that have been demonstrated, have been unable to accommodate the extreme range in texture observed for L-PBF. In simple terms the surfaces are either too reflective for some methods, or too diffuse for others, often producing misleading imaging artefacts or missing significant defects. This lack of robust in-process metrology, stymies development and slows the wider adoption of L-PBF. What is required is a robust measurement of form, texture and thermal distribution of the metal powder bed. This proposal will achieve that aim by the intelligent combination of measurement data captured by multiple sensor systems. Each sensor individually cannot capture the whole surface, but when combined, will offer the most complete in process measurement achievable to date. This multi-sensor system will have profound benefits for process control of L PBF processes as well as providing a wealth of in process data to feed into future research.

Planned Impact

The work in this proposal will have impact across the four domains identified by EPSRC: knowledge, commercial, personal and societal. As fundamental research, the immediate impact will be focused in the domains of knowledge and commerce. The field of AM is one of the largest and fastest growing fields in UK academia, up from £15m of research funding in 2012 to almost £30 million in 2014, across 244 research projects. The 2012 SIG report identified 81 organisations involved in research projects; tripled to 243 organisations by 2015. Similar growth has been seen in Europe, the US, China and Japan. The UK should work hard to maintain its position as a leader in AM technologies. As identified in the Academic Beneficiaries section, the outputs of this project will provide a step-change in AM process monitoring and a wealth of new knowledge that can catalyse new research. These outputs have impact beyond academic endeavour, with potential for great strides into new markets for companies that are able to leverage the new methods and insights that come from this work. The project partners will receive the greatest commercial impact from this work. Renishaw are keenly aware of the need to bring metrology in AM up to speed with other technological developments and are actively developing their own expertise in in-process measurement. This work will be greatly supported by Renishaw's experience, as likewise this work will provide Renishaw with a detailed understanding of a wholly novel multi-sensor measurement approach. Valuable IP generated by the project should be effectively exploited, and Renishaw are ideally situated to do so. Developing and selling L-PBF machines is a very competitive market; even a small edge in performance could mean a multi-million pound market advantage in a global sector worth £400m a year (Smartech 2014). The MTC will likewise benefit from the insights into the L-PBF process, alongside their own developments in the field. Previous collaboration between the University of Nottingham and the MTC yielded the development of a novel laser ultrasound measurement approach for sub surface defect detection in L PBF. The multi sensor in process measurement system is a perfect corollary to that work, offering as it does a limited means to assess sub surface defects, but much greater information on form, texture and thermal distribution. Partnership with the MTC, a hub for UK AM activity, also ensures wide commercial visibility, supported by their commitment to project output dissemination activities, see Pathways to Impact document.
The personal impact of this project will be mostly seen by the PI and named researcher, creating a strong foundation for future research activities in the development of improved AM processing methods, of multi-sensor measurement methods and of data fusion techniques. For the PI this work represents an opportunity to build on their success in European and industrial funding, and for the named researcher a mechanism by which to translate a successful career in research in Canada into the UK academic system and gain familiarity with the EPSRC. AM is going to be an important technology for societal change, driving development of new healthcare technologies, reducing carbon emissions through light weighting and creating jobs in enterprising new markets as the traditional manufacturing model is disrupted. But change through AM will only come about if the metrology is in place to ensure quality and confidence in the AM production process. This proposal provides a foundation for that change.


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Dickins A. (2018) Design of a multi-sensor in-situ inspection system for additive manufacturing in Proceedings - 2018 ASPE and euspen Summer Topical Meeting: Advancing Precision in Additive Manufacturing

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Dickins A (2020) Multi-view fringe projection system for surface topography measurement during metal powder bed fusion. in Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision

Description The award has now recently completed, and the majority of the impact is likely to occur in the period that follows the award but there have been some notable contributions to date.

Our work has demonstrated the viability of a multi-sensor system for the measurement of complex surfaces produced by laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF), with the establishment of a prototype measurement instrument compatible with the challenging constraints of the in-situ measurement of L-PBF environment. To date we have demonstrated the suitability of both fringe-projection imaging and photometric-stereo techniques and continue to work towards their fusion. This work has been published at the ASPE/Euspen Advancing Precision in Additive Manufacturing Special interest group meeting in Berkley, USA, in 2019. A journal publication is under development which expands significantly on the published work to date.
The award has demonstrated a number of novel developments in the calibration of a multiple camera fringe projection measurement system, which will form the basis of a future software package. Details of this software development are currently too sensitive to report.
The development of the prototype measurement instrument has allowed us to demonstrate the viability of this approach and created the opportunity to partner with a number of organisations to develop similar instruments for their own investigations.
Partnership with the University of Sheffield, UK, has generated collaboration and additional funding for the development of a sister instrument for the University of Sheffields Open Additive Manufacturing system.
This and other work from our group has led to engagement with a multi-partner research activity between the University of Nottingham, Imperial College London, NIST, University of Sheffield, University of Pittsburgh, and Renishaw PLC to tackle the problem of process parameter influence on additive manufacturing processes.
Exploitation Route We are already collaborating with the Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC) on the development of an true in-situ measurement device and similar activities with the University of Sheffield and the National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA. Additive Manufacturing is a very diverse and complex field, and there are many avenues to pursue to develop a deeper understanding of these processes. These partnerships will deliver a better understanding of this critically important additive manufacturing technology. In time these impacts will be seen in high value manufacturing, aerospace, defence and the energy sector.
Sectors Aerospace

Defence and Marine



including Industrial Biotechology

Description This work, as part of the wider landscape of novel data-driven metrology undertaken by the Manufacturing Metrology Team at the University of Nottingham, has led to the award of a £2.9m investment from Research England Development for the creation of the Midlands Centre for Data-Driven Metrology (MCDDM) between the University of Nottingham, University of Coventry and Loughborough University. The MCDDM will conduct research activities but it also exists to engage with Industry both in the midlands and Nationally and will have valuable economic impact for the region and UK.
First Year Of Impact 2020
Sector Aerospace, Defence and Marine,Manufacturing, including Industrial Biotechology,Transport
Impact Types Economic

Description Collaboration with National Institute of Standards and Technology (USA), The University of Pittsburgh, Imperial College London, The University of Sheffield and Renishaw PLC (UK) to develop an open-source instrument for in-situ characterisation of Additively Manufactured components 
Organisation Imperial College London
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The development of our multi-sensor in-process metrology methods supported by this grant have allowed the expertise within the University of Nottingham to be realised in a number of measurement instruments and demonstrated the capabilities of this measurement technology. This platform has allowed us to partner with the University of Sheffield and Renishaw PLC in the UK to develop further instruments and through those partnerships to engage with the National Institute of Standards and Technology in the US. The National Institute of Standards and Technology is the largest standards agency in the US and lead the world in the drive to develop and deep and robust understanding of how process parameters influence manufacturing and material behaviour in additive manufacturing.
Collaborator Contribution The University of Nottingham are collaborative partners in the development of a cutting edge open Additive Manufacturing instrument with a more complete set on in-process and post process measurements than have been realised before in any other research. The division of activity in this collaboration is as follows; Richard Leach, Adam Thompson, Andrew Dickins, Afaf Remani, University of Nottingham (surface measurement, X-ray CT) Paul Hooper, Imperial College London (functional, serial sectioning) Brandon Lane, Alkan Donmez, NIST (open machine, imaging) George Panoutsos, University of Sheffield (data crunching) Tevis Jacobs, University of Pittsburgh (TEM/SEM, scale modelling) Nick Jones, Renishaw (industrial steer)
Impact This collaboration is still in the very early stages of development.
Start Year 2019
Description Collaboration with National Institute of Standards and Technology (USA), The University of Pittsburgh, Imperial College London, The University of Sheffield and Renishaw PLC (UK) to develop an open-source instrument for in-situ characterisation of Additively Manufactured components 
Organisation National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST)
Country United States 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution The development of our multi-sensor in-process metrology methods supported by this grant have allowed the expertise within the University of Nottingham to be realised in a number of measurement instruments and demonstrated the capabilities of this measurement technology. This platform has allowed us to partner with the University of Sheffield and Renishaw PLC in the UK to develop further instruments and through those partnerships to engage with the National Institute of Standards and Technology in the US. The National Institute of Standards and Technology is the largest standards agency in the US and lead the world in the drive to develop and deep and robust understanding of how process parameters influence manufacturing and material behaviour in additive manufacturing.
Collaborator Contribution The University of Nottingham are collaborative partners in the development of a cutting edge open Additive Manufacturing instrument with a more complete set on in-process and post process measurements than have been realised before in any other research. The division of activity in this collaboration is as follows; Richard Leach, Adam Thompson, Andrew Dickins, Afaf Remani, University of Nottingham (surface measurement, X-ray CT) Paul Hooper, Imperial College London (functional, serial sectioning) Brandon Lane, Alkan Donmez, NIST (open machine, imaging) George Panoutsos, University of Sheffield (data crunching) Tevis Jacobs, University of Pittsburgh (TEM/SEM, scale modelling) Nick Jones, Renishaw (industrial steer)
Impact This collaboration is still in the very early stages of development.
Start Year 2019
Description Collaboration with National Institute of Standards and Technology (USA), The University of Pittsburgh, Imperial College London, The University of Sheffield and Renishaw PLC (UK) to develop an open-source instrument for in-situ characterisation of Additively Manufactured components 
Organisation Renishaw PLC
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The development of our multi-sensor in-process metrology methods supported by this grant have allowed the expertise within the University of Nottingham to be realised in a number of measurement instruments and demonstrated the capabilities of this measurement technology. This platform has allowed us to partner with the University of Sheffield and Renishaw PLC in the UK to develop further instruments and through those partnerships to engage with the National Institute of Standards and Technology in the US. The National Institute of Standards and Technology is the largest standards agency in the US and lead the world in the drive to develop and deep and robust understanding of how process parameters influence manufacturing and material behaviour in additive manufacturing.
Collaborator Contribution The University of Nottingham are collaborative partners in the development of a cutting edge open Additive Manufacturing instrument with a more complete set on in-process and post process measurements than have been realised before in any other research. The division of activity in this collaboration is as follows; Richard Leach, Adam Thompson, Andrew Dickins, Afaf Remani, University of Nottingham (surface measurement, X-ray CT) Paul Hooper, Imperial College London (functional, serial sectioning) Brandon Lane, Alkan Donmez, NIST (open machine, imaging) George Panoutsos, University of Sheffield (data crunching) Tevis Jacobs, University of Pittsburgh (TEM/SEM, scale modelling) Nick Jones, Renishaw (industrial steer)
Impact This collaboration is still in the very early stages of development.
Start Year 2019
Description Collaboration with National Institute of Standards and Technology (USA), The University of Pittsburgh, Imperial College London, The University of Sheffield and Renishaw PLC (UK) to develop an open-source instrument for in-situ characterisation of Additively Manufactured components 
Organisation University of Pittsburgh
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The development of our multi-sensor in-process metrology methods supported by this grant have allowed the expertise within the University of Nottingham to be realised in a number of measurement instruments and demonstrated the capabilities of this measurement technology. This platform has allowed us to partner with the University of Sheffield and Renishaw PLC in the UK to develop further instruments and through those partnerships to engage with the National Institute of Standards and Technology in the US. The National Institute of Standards and Technology is the largest standards agency in the US and lead the world in the drive to develop and deep and robust understanding of how process parameters influence manufacturing and material behaviour in additive manufacturing.
Collaborator Contribution The University of Nottingham are collaborative partners in the development of a cutting edge open Additive Manufacturing instrument with a more complete set on in-process and post process measurements than have been realised before in any other research. The division of activity in this collaboration is as follows; Richard Leach, Adam Thompson, Andrew Dickins, Afaf Remani, University of Nottingham (surface measurement, X-ray CT) Paul Hooper, Imperial College London (functional, serial sectioning) Brandon Lane, Alkan Donmez, NIST (open machine, imaging) George Panoutsos, University of Sheffield (data crunching) Tevis Jacobs, University of Pittsburgh (TEM/SEM, scale modelling) Nick Jones, Renishaw (industrial steer)
Impact This collaboration is still in the very early stages of development.
Start Year 2019
Description Collaboration with National Institute of Standards and Technology (USA), The University of Pittsburgh, Imperial College London, The University of Sheffield and Renishaw PLC (UK) to develop an open-source instrument for in-situ characterisation of Additively Manufactured components 
Organisation University of Sheffield
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The development of our multi-sensor in-process metrology methods supported by this grant have allowed the expertise within the University of Nottingham to be realised in a number of measurement instruments and demonstrated the capabilities of this measurement technology. This platform has allowed us to partner with the University of Sheffield and Renishaw PLC in the UK to develop further instruments and through those partnerships to engage with the National Institute of Standards and Technology in the US. The National Institute of Standards and Technology is the largest standards agency in the US and lead the world in the drive to develop and deep and robust understanding of how process parameters influence manufacturing and material behaviour in additive manufacturing.
Collaborator Contribution The University of Nottingham are collaborative partners in the development of a cutting edge open Additive Manufacturing instrument with a more complete set on in-process and post process measurements than have been realised before in any other research. The division of activity in this collaboration is as follows; Richard Leach, Adam Thompson, Andrew Dickins, Afaf Remani, University of Nottingham (surface measurement, X-ray CT) Paul Hooper, Imperial College London (functional, serial sectioning) Brandon Lane, Alkan Donmez, NIST (open machine, imaging) George Panoutsos, University of Sheffield (data crunching) Tevis Jacobs, University of Pittsburgh (TEM/SEM, scale modelling) Nick Jones, Renishaw (industrial steer)
Impact This collaboration is still in the very early stages of development.
Start Year 2019
Description Collaboration with the Manufacturing Technology Centre to Develop an in-situ prototype of the multi-sensor metrology system 
Organisation Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC)
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution We are bringing the knowledge and expertise developed in the production of our bench top multi-sensor instrument together with the expertise in laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF) at the MTC to produce an integrated prototype and demonstrate the suitability of the multi-sensor approach to in-situ L-PBF monitoring.
Collaborator Contribution The MTC are providing both their expertise and access to a range of equipment and facilities not available elsewhere in the UK HE infrastructure. This collaboration is a fantastic opportunity to accelerate the potential impact of the multi-sensor metrology system
Impact This new phase of work is still at an early stage. We expect to demonstrate impact and produce publication outputs in early 2020.
Start Year 2019
Description Collaboration with the University of Sheffield to develop an in-process metrology system for a novel open additive manufacturing system, UK 
Organisation University of Sheffield
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Partnership to develop an in-process metrology system for a novel open Additive Manufacturing system being developed at the University of Sheffield. The University of Sheffield have been developing their open source Additive Manufacturing system and needed support in the development of an in-process metrology tool, so partnered with the University of Nottingham to specify, design, source build and test a suitable metrology device.
Collaborator Contribution The University of Sheffield provided the technical expertise in the requirements of their system and funded to design, development and purchasing of the necessary hardware. Going forwards they will be using this system to study a number of aspects of the Additive Manufacturing process.
Impact While the work to develop the in-process measurement instrument is complete, the investigations that it has made possible are still underway and have not realised their impacts yet at this stage,
Start Year 2019