REMOTE - (RuggEd Mirco-ECDL technology for cOld aTom applications in spacE)

Lead Research Organisation: University of Strathclyde
Department Name: Physics


The outcome of the project is to develop an optimised 780 nm micro extended cavity diode laser (micro-ECDL), which has a linewidth <100 kHz and output power in excess of 100 mW. The micro-ECDL module will be compact, rugged and low power consumption, making it suitable for a wide range of quantum technology applications relying on laser cooled Rb atoms. This includes compact, portable and low-power consuming atomic microwave clocks, accelerometers and rotation sensors both for terrestrial field applications and in space (e.g. low-Earth orbits). Additionally, the lasers will be a component in a growing plug-and-play component pool available for the quantum technology research and development labs.
The micro-ECDL module will be developed specifically for laser cooling of Rb and hence serves a substantial fraction of both the research market and the expected early commercial applications. However, it is a generic technology, that readily can be adapted to e.g. other alkali metal systems, where appropriate semiconductor gain media are available.
Within this project custom feedback servo loop locking electronics will also be developed, which will be designed and optimised with the particular end applications in mind.

Planned Impact

The potential disruptive nature of Quantum Technology has been recognised by the UK Government through its investment in the area announced in 2013. Through the ongoing translational work in e.g. atomic sensors and metrology it is becoming increasingly clear, that potential commercial devices will share a range of common components or build on shared platforms in areas such as laser sources, optical systems, vacuum technology and control electronics.
Close integration of component development between highly specialised technology providers and academia provide the foundation for the translation of some of the research-based outcomes (e.g. from the Quantum Technology Hubs) to the industrial environment and early adopters. This is also a key component in the strategic development of the UK supply chain, that will ultimately form the basis for a new Quantum Technology industry.
With the present proposal we seek to bring together a consortium with expertise in developing and packaging compact and robust laser technology. While the technology will be developed specifically for laser cooling of Rb, and hence aimed at a substantial fraction of both the research market and the expected early commercial applications, it is a generic technology, that readily can be adapted to e.g. other alkali metal systems, where appropriate semiconductor gain media are available. It is therefore anticipated that the impact of the work will extend beyond the immediate applications with significant potential for commercial exploitation to areas such as the basic research environment and space applications.
For additional information see Pathways to Impact statement.


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Description The successful demonstration of laser technology formed the basis for a commercial product by industrial partner and a much closer working relationship with them. This most recently led to the establishment of the Alter (formerly Optocap) Photonics Integration Centre on the Strathclyde campus, with close links to the research group.
Exploitation Route Already basis for commercial product by industrial partner
Sectors Aerospace

Defence and Marine




Description The findings of the project have formed the basis for a new generation of miniaturised laser sources for use in atomic based quantum technologies. In addition to this now being the basis for a commercial product by industrial partner it has also led to further collaborative projects between the partners. In the immediate future these laser sources will primarily find applications in the research labs, but the aim of the project of creating rugged sources will further enable non-laboratory based demonstrations of quantum technology sensors. A significant impact is also the resent establishment of the Alter (formerly Optocap) Photonics Integration Centre on the Strathclyde campus, with close links to the research group.
First Year Of Impact 2018
Sector Aerospace, Defence and Marine,Healthcare
Impact Types Economic

Description DISCOVERY: Developing UK Industrial Supply for Commercial Quantum Computing
Amount £7,160,242 (GBP)
Funding ID 50133 
Organisation Innovate UK 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 06/2020 
End 07/2023
Description UK National Quantum Technology Hub in Sensing and Timing
Amount £27,537,628 (GBP)
Funding ID EP/T001046/1 
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 12/2019 
End 11/2024