Erbium implanted silicon for solid state quantum technologies

Lead Research Organisation: University of Salford
Department Name: Sch of Computing, Science & Engineering


Silicon based information technology has revolutionized the modern world. As device features have decreased in size, integrated circuits (ICs) have become subject to quantum mechanical phenomena. Quantum technologies aim to exploit these quantum mechanical phenomena to perform tasks that are difficult or impossible with conventional technologies.

One of the main obstacles in developing quantum technologies is the rapid destruction of quantum superposition states caused by interference with the environment in a process called decoherence. Recently, extremely long coherence times (hours) have been demonstrated using small amounts of additives to silicon that have a "spare" electron (donor impurities). Although even longer times can be obtained for atoms in vacuum, an atom trapped permanently in a solid crystal such as silicon is much easier to handle. A major source of decoherence in solids is the nuclear spin of the atoms that make up the host crystals, as they often flop around uncontrollably. This has been eliminated by isotopically purifying the silicon (which normally contains a mix of isotopes, only a small number of which have nuclear spin). Even so, the donor impurities don't interact with telecoms wavelength light, and this is critical for many quantum technologies, quantum communication schemes in particular. There are currently no solid-state quantum technology platforms with long coherence times and optical fibre telecommunications compatibility. The optical transitions of the rare-earth atom erbium are, however, telecommunications compatible.

Rare-earth ions are also ideal systems for quantum technologies because the shielding of their electrons offers an atomic scale barrier to decoherence. When doped into relatively high nuclear spin metal oxide crystals, rare-earths show coherence times comparable to donor impurities in natural silicon, but are yet to be investigated in silicon themselves. Ion implantation is a well understood technology used in today's silicon IC manufacture and history has shown that commercial interest in new technologies favours those relying on established fabrication platforms and techniques. Given the expected improvement in coherence time from using erbium implanted isotopically pure silicon, it should be possible to develop a quantum technology platform that has a long coherence time, and is telecommunications and conventional IC tooling compatible.

Quantum computation schemes require the entanglement of quantum bits (qubits), this remains challenging in silicon based qubits but has been demonstrated in superconducting circuit qubits. As the latter has short coherence times and lacks optical addressability, I envisage a hybrid scheme where processing is performed with the superconducting resonators and erbium implanted silicon qubits are used as the quantum memory element and as a quantum transducer between telecommunications and microwave wavelength photons.

Through this project I will introduce a new quantum technology platform to the research community: erbium implanted silicon. This platform combines the telecommunication capability of erbium and integrated circuit capability of silicon, making it valuable for both quantum computing and quantum communication applications.

Planned Impact

My proposed research aims to develop a QT platform that utilises standard IC fabrication techniques. The QT platform that I will use (erbium implanted silicon) is novel and as yet unexploited, there is also a good justification for it being higher performance than other similar platforms. In the short term this research has the potential to generate a lot of public interest. It is likely that the media will be very interested in my research findings because I will be using the same fabrication technology that is used in everyday electronics. It is this connection with everyday items that will help the public engage with my research, and editors of media outlets will be aware of this. This public interest will help me to promote my research and quantum technologies in general, which will help to justify research expenditure to the public. With my UK based industrial collaborator, Ionoptika Ltd, I will be working towards the development of a single-ion implantation tool. The ability to place individual atoms is fundamental to most related quantum technology schemes, and with ion implantation this individual placement can be scaled up massively. The successful development of this tool will not only be of benefit for work related to my project, but a range of other researchers aiming to exploit impurities in solids for quantum technology applications, including researchers working on donors in silicon and NV centres in diamond. There would also be tremendous spin-off benefits in conventional electronics where ordered dopant arrays would lead to massive improvements in performance.

The benefits of quantum technologies to the UK economy are potentially huge. The value of the intellectual property itself will be large, however, development and manufacture is likely to happen in the UK too, so the UK would benefit from both intellectual and manufacturing income.

The award of this grant will have a significant impact on my career by helping me establishing my own research group. It will allow me to set my own research agenda and develop as a research leader. This would put me on the path to getting further grant awards and to train additional PhD students and post-docs and build a world leading team.


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Hughes M (2021) Spin echo from erbium implanted silicon in Applied Physics Letters

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Hughes M (2021) Coupling of Erbium-Implanted Silicon to a Superconducting Resonator in Physical Review Applied

Description We have developed a new characterization technique that we have called optically modulated magnetic resonance (OMMR). This technique can be used to link the optical and magnetic properties of a material. We have used OMMR to measure, for the first time, the splitting the the first excited state of erbium when it is implanted into silicon. We have also used it to determine that transitions can occur between silicon erbium energy levels.

In collaboration with the university of Manchester we have established, to the best of our knowledge, the UK's only currently functioning photon echo tool, which can determine how long optical excitations remain in a superposition of state.We have successfully measured some of our erbium doped crystals, and are using the photon echo tool to measure erbium doped materials from other researchers.
Exploitation Route Because the OMMR mechanism involves transitions from an extended state, it may be restricted to rare-earth doped semiconductors, but could be used by other researchers investigating this technologically important family of material systems. The photon echo tool is also available to other researchers.
Sectors Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)



Description Through the inclusion of results from this research program in undergraduate modules and research projects, as well as guest lectures at other universities and outreach programs at schools, this research has contributed to increased public awareness of quantum principles and their potential impact on technology and society.
First Year Of Impact 2023
Sector Education
Impact Types Societal

Description Erbium implanted silicon for enhanced quantum computers
Amount £61,681 (GBP)
Funding ID SEFA24 
Organisation Higher Education Innovation Funding (HEIF) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 01/2022 
End 07/2023
Title dataset for optically modulated magnetic resonance of erbium implanted silicon 
Description Dataset for the Scientific Reports publication on our optically modulated magnetic resonance of erbium implanted silicon experiment 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact no know impacts so far 
Description Photon echo tool 
Organisation University of Manchester
Department Photon Science Institute
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We took our photon echo system to the photon science institute to make use of their 7T/1.5K magnet/cryostat and establish a functioning high performance photon echo tool. We also provided a post doc and PhD student from Salford to commission and operate the photon echo tool.
Collaborator Contribution The photon science institute provided lab space and use of their 7T/1.5K magnet/cryostat, along with a PhD student from the photon science institute to operate the photon echo tool.
Impact Photon echo measurement from erbium doped crystals, including the first Zeeman splitting measured by photon echo. Erbium doped samples from QMUL also currently being measured on the photon echo tool.
Start Year 2019
Title Electro-optical Component 
Description The present invention relates to a means of connecting quantum computers. In particular, to providing a coherent interface between photonic and superconducting quantum computers. 
IP Reference GB2209709.1 
Protection Patent / Patent application
Year Protection Granted
Licensed No
Impact This patent application is still under consideration.