SALINA- SALine INntrusion in coastal Aquifers: Hydrodynamic Assessment and Prediction of Dynamic Response.

Lead Research Organisation: Queen's University Belfast
Department Name: Sch of Natural and Built Environment


The world's population likes living by the sea. Currently approximately 53% of us live on the 10% of the earth's surface that is within 200km of the coast; this is forecast to rise to 75% by 2050. This increased concentration of people in restricted areas will place greater stress on natural resources including water supplies. These resources must be used in a judicious manner if we are to live within our means. Meeting the needs for providing potable water to 75% of humanity from such a limited resource forms a major global challenge facing society in the 21st Century.

Groundwater has been recognised for some time for its capacity to provide good quality water, particularity in places where other water sources have either poor quality, requiring expensive (and environmentally unfriendly) treatment technologies, or are unavailable. However, it needs to be used cautiously. Over-pumping of coastal aquifers can lead to seawater contaminating groundwater supplies, thereby destroying otherwise valuable resources. Contamination by even 1% salt water can be enough to render freshwater unfit for use. This issue is of concern in the UK, where saline intrusion (SI) can affect the quality of water used for human consumption, as well as for industrial purposes (process water and irrigation). Further afield, this matter is of pressing concern across Europe, particularly in Mediterranean countries, as well as in other water-stressed arid and semi-arid regions of the planet where use of desalinisation technologies may not be viable over the long term.

The UK Water Research and Innovation Partnership has highlighted weaknesses in the UK water industry that could prevent it from maintaining its position against increasing external competition. In order to develop a 10% Global market share, worth $8.8 billion, the UK needs to invest in water research to maintain its competitive edge. The partnership has identified opportunities for developing innovative water technologies in 21 areas, where it believes that the UK can compete on the world stage. Developing these technologies requires a firm scientific underpinning. This proposal addresses developing expertise in the area of SI using accurate monitoring, prediction and control systems. Findings will underpin protocols that will increase the effectiveness of sustainable water infrastructure management through demand management tools.

The proposal's multidisciplinary research team from Queen's University Belfast and Imperial College London brings together expertise in the areas of experimental hydrodynamics, process engineering, numerical simulation, computational fluid dynamics, field hydro-geology and geophysics; this is further strengthened through active involvement of the British Geological Survey. The integration of experimentation with testing and monitoring in real world environments, along with improved numerical simulation that will lead to the development of an early warning system for salt water breakthrough to provide a sustainable managed approach for water abstraction in coastal areas.

Understanding the movement of seawater and freshwater within coastal aquifers, and the interactions that take place under naturally complex ground conditions, provides the key to unlocking suitable approaches for designing and maintaining effective water management systems needed to meet the ever growing demand for high quality freshwater in coastal areas. Our vision is to create a novel system capable of providing early warning of salt water intrusion within groundwater wells. This advance notification, of up to 8 days, will allow actions to be taken in advance of contamination occurring. A dynamic model, which will further help with the understanding of the transient processes that govern SI movement under real world conditions, will provide a novel practical management suite of tools for water suppliers and environmental regulators.

Planned Impact

Research into saline intrusion (SI) has been largely discipline specific. This approach, although leading to considerable advances, has often limited its wider impact. Multidisciplinary / cross university collaboration, implemented at a range of scales, lies at the core of SALINA. The diversity of expertise enables the proposed research's scope and objectives to go beyond the confines of discipline-specific investigation to develop a holistic approach to tracking SI. The QUB and ICL team's research methodology has been developed with the aim of making research outcomes accessible to scientists and engineers, in both academic and industrial settings, and fostering further collaboration across disciplines and with stakeholders from a range of backgrounds. The UK Water Research and Innovation Partnership (UKWRIP) have identified a number of weaknesses in the UK water industry that prevents it from maintaining its position in the face of increasing competition, despite considerable potential. In order to develop a 10% share in the water sector global market, worth $8.8 billion, the UK needs to define areas of expertise. In regard to opportunities for innovative water technologies UKWRIP identifies 21 areas where it believes the UK can compete competitively. This proposal addresses the fields of accurate monitoring, prediction and control systems and protocols that increase the effectiveness of sustainable water infrastructure management.

SALINA will provide advanced and world leading understanding of the processes that govern saltwater intrusions in coastal aquifers. It will develop and demonstrate the technology required to warn of imminent SI breakthrough, while facilitating asset owners to make sustainable management decisions to:

Provide the fundamental undertaking of the interactions that are required for SP to be used as an early warning system for intrusion,

Establish a fundamental understanding of the interactions and influence of the key drivers within an intrusion,

Provide detailed data, from both field and laboratory, that can be used to assist the validation of site specific simulations, and

Apply improved assessment techniques to assist with remediation studies.

Major beneficiaries will be asset owners (local authorities and regional water companies), regulators, engineering consultants and other researchers working within the water sector. While the research is of immediate impact within the UK, the principles and understanding will be world leading and applicable elsewhere including countries bounding the Mediterranean Sea and more generally in arid and semi-arid coastal regions across the planet.

The outputs and outcomes from the research will allow beneficiaries to:

Make a step change in the understanding of the interactions that control the transient nature, and the extent of, salt water intrusion within heterogeneous ground, beyond the present state-of-the-art which concentrates on
homogeneous conditions. This knowledge will be of fundamental value to regulators, utilities and consultants in developing more robust asset management systems that allow for the implementation of strategies to ensure
sustainable supplies of potable water from coastal aquifers.

Fulfil the requirement of asset management by providing notification of the imminent arrival of salt water at abstraction locations allowing them to develop area specific protocols to avoid SI.

It will integrate findings of highly controlled laboratory investigations with responses observed under real world conditions allowing the development fully transient 3D models (4D) of SI in naturally heterogeneous coastal
aquifers while providing methodologies for asset management across any given site.

Develop high quality / high impact methodologies that can be implemented in a variety of future research programmes beyond the duration of the research programme.


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Description The SALINA project brought together a team of multidisciplinary researchers to investigate the issues associated with saline intrusion (SI) in the supply of potable water from coastal aquifers. To date it has produced 23 published outputs, with 3 papers still under review / development. The research answered many of the fundamental questions that existed at the time of submission, and the team is confident that they have now demonstrated a way to extend society's capacity to manage SI in the real world. We now fully understand, and have published, how contrasts in rock properties control the nature and extent of SI, and associated geophysical responses, in aquifers. We also are fully confident that we can show how SI in heterogeneous systems affects geo-electrical properties and self-potential (SP) generation. The project has clearly demonstrated the capacity of SP to act as an early warning system for intrusion and has shown a link between saline intrusion movement within an aquifer and the variation of self-potential within an abstraction well, detectable both at laboratory and field scale, and within the numerical simulations undertaken. Having now determined that a correlation exists between SP and SI movement, it opens the door to extending SP research to understand how it can be used to track movement within a physical domain. This is something that, as a legacy to the SALINA projects, the field site at Magilligan and the experimental techniques that were developed as outcomes from the project could be employed to investigate. It also was apparent, as the study progressed, that there is a significant untapped resource of freshwater within near surface coastal aquifers which, due to the dynamic nature of the tide and tidal surge, remains untapped. The new research questions that now exist centre around how this resource can be exploited through development of the management systems developed by the SALINA team. That team of collaborators working on this area has also, as a direct response to the impact the published outcomes generated, grown significantly. Collaborations with researcher in Flinders University (Australia), University of Hannover (Germany) and the US Geological Survey are now seeding new research ideas and applications.
Exploitation Route The SALINA team, along with University College Dublin and Flinders University Adelaide are building new research initiatives that will address the climate adaptations required by society to ensure that adequate water sources can be deployed for coastal populations in line with the UN SDG's. In addition to this, separate US - Ireland projects are being envisaged to address other issues surrounding replenishment and surface / subsurface saline intrusions in estuaries.
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink




Title Visualisation of Saline Intrusion in Coastal Aquifers 
Description The team have established 3 unique ways in which the movement of saline water within a groundwater system can be tracked. While Electrical Resistivity Tomography is a well established method of looking at the profile of underground strata, it uses as a tool to track the dynamic movement of water within an aquifer is novel. The ability to take an ERT system and use it to determine the real time movement of the freshwater / saltwater interface within an acquire is highly significant and has been achieved by the team at our field site. This now directly allows stakeholders have live information upon which to enact decisions. Similarly the use of Self Potential Measurements have now been shown to react to the imminent arrival of salt water to a location. While this is still premilitary due to the lack of full scale testing because of COVID lockdown, the prospects are extremely positive for adoption by stakeholders as an early warning system on potable supply wells. The development of methodologies and software that allows fully automated and instantaneous measurement of contamination with laboratory sandbox style investigations is ground breaking for how such investigations take place in future. The system reduced human error, a significant consequence of standard visual inspection, and increased resolution of measurement to detect features previously only postulated from numerical simulations. 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact While the first two systems have yet to be fully outlined in the academic press, the lab system has been extensively reported and is growing in citations. 
Description GCRF: Health and Wellbeing solutions to saltwater intrusion in coastal Aquifers 
Organisation Government of Sri Lanka
Country Sri Lanka 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Funding was secured to expand the work of SALINA into areas across the globe that face significant challenge to health and wellbeing. Within Sri Lanka the Kalpitiya peninsula, located in the North West, has undergone significant population changes that have resulted in groundwater stress, the deterioration of groundwater quality, public health concerns and unsustainable water demands. Likewise in the eastern part of the island, from the dry zone at Polonnaruwa to the Ampara District, recent geophysical surveys show saltwater intrusion to depths of 10m below ground level. According to the 2008 national census, pipe-borne water coverage in Sri Lanka is around 34%, with the rest of the population depending on local sources such as wells and rain water harvesting tanks. There is a prevalence of local hand dug wells being used by local communities for their main water source, where repeated emptying of the well to reduce salinity contamination is leading to further saltwater intrusion into the aquifers. Th connection established in Sri Lanka have been extended into Bangladesh, Vietnam and Myanmar is and the SALINA team are working to embed our expertise and knowledge into these locations with a view to GCRF applications for pilot studies to take place on finding solutions to serious health an welfare issues that exist within these location as a direct consequence of salt water contamination of aquifer supplies.
Collaborator Contribution The partner institution and the Water Resources board in Colombo have been working to provide solutions to the unique impact that saline intrusion, and measure of prevention adopted, have had on both the economy and health of the country. As core partners these researchers have unique insight into the cultural aspects of life that dictates how solutions can be implemented.
Impact The propped work will be multi-disciplinary in nature cover heath and care professionals, engineers and hydrogeologists. Progress is ongoing and has had significant hurdles firstly with the bombings in Sri Lanka in 2019 and the COVID pandemic.
Start Year 2019
Description GCRF: Health and Wellbeing solutions to saltwater intrusion in coastal Aquifers 
Organisation University of Jaffna
Country Sri Lanka 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Funding was secured to expand the work of SALINA into areas across the globe that face significant challenge to health and wellbeing. Within Sri Lanka the Kalpitiya peninsula, located in the North West, has undergone significant population changes that have resulted in groundwater stress, the deterioration of groundwater quality, public health concerns and unsustainable water demands. Likewise in the eastern part of the island, from the dry zone at Polonnaruwa to the Ampara District, recent geophysical surveys show saltwater intrusion to depths of 10m below ground level. According to the 2008 national census, pipe-borne water coverage in Sri Lanka is around 34%, with the rest of the population depending on local sources such as wells and rain water harvesting tanks. There is a prevalence of local hand dug wells being used by local communities for their main water source, where repeated emptying of the well to reduce salinity contamination is leading to further saltwater intrusion into the aquifers. Th connection established in Sri Lanka have been extended into Bangladesh, Vietnam and Myanmar is and the SALINA team are working to embed our expertise and knowledge into these locations with a view to GCRF applications for pilot studies to take place on finding solutions to serious health an welfare issues that exist within these location as a direct consequence of salt water contamination of aquifer supplies.
Collaborator Contribution The partner institution and the Water Resources board in Colombo have been working to provide solutions to the unique impact that saline intrusion, and measure of prevention adopted, have had on both the economy and health of the country. As core partners these researchers have unique insight into the cultural aspects of life that dictates how solutions can be implemented.
Impact The propped work will be multi-disciplinary in nature cover heath and care professionals, engineers and hydrogeologists. Progress is ongoing and has had significant hurdles firstly with the bombings in Sri Lanka in 2019 and the COVID pandemic.
Start Year 2019