Quantum Dynamics of Radical Pairs Reactions in Membranes: Elucidating Magnetic Field Effects in Lipid Autoxidation

Lead Research Organisation: UNIVERSITY OF EXETER
Department Name: Physics and Astronomy


Radicals are ubiquitous short-lived reaction intermediates that contain a single unpaired electron and are usually created in pairs in a well-defined electronic spin state, either singlet ("anti-parallel spins") or triplet ("parallel spins"). For chemical reactions involving such pairs of radicals, quantum effects can induce a remarkable sensitivity to the intensity and/or orientation of external static magnetic fields as weak as the Earth's magnetic field. The underlying mechanism, the so-called Radical Pair Mechanism, has attracted widespread interest from the scientific community and general audiences owing to its putative relevance to animal magnetoreception and possibly adverse effects of weak electromagnetic fields on human health. Indeed, a multitude of studies have suggested an association between weak magnetic field exposure and increased levels of oxidative stress, genotoxic effects and apoptosis/necrosis. While detailed interaction models are still lacking - a factor that severely impedes the assessment of partly controversial literature on this subject and the advancement of guidelines for magnetic field exposure - the oxidative degradation of phospholipids appears as an overarching motif in many exposure studies. Indeed, reactive oxygen species and the free radicals they induce are known to attack polyunsaturated fatty acids in phospholipid membranes, thereby initiating lipid peroxidation reactions, which alter membrane characteristics and induce cell damage. Through termination and degenerate chain branching steps of this free-radical chain reaction, magnetosensitivity is feasibly imparted. Unfortunately, mechanistic details and a sound theoretical understanding of these effects are still lacking: the Radical Pair Mechanism has not yet been developed for systems confined to two dimensions, such as lipid bilayers, and the properties of the involved radicals have not been characterized with respect to magnetosensitive pathways and spin relaxation.

Here, I propose a theoretical and computational investigation of intricacies of the radical pair mechanism at two-dimensional interfaces and the exploration of related amplification mechanisms beyond the standard Radical Pair Mechanism that I have recently suggested in the field of magnetoreception, but which are utterly unexplored in this context. In particular, I will focus on:

a) the effect of confining the diffusion of coupled radical pairs to two dimensions,

b) the potential for molecular motion to result in noise-enhanced magnetic field effects (MFEs), and

c) the so-called chemical Zeno effect, by which MFEs are amplified by scavenging reactions with spin-carrying reaction partners.

I envisage to find support for the hypothesis that unexpectedly large MFEs could ensue in these confined systems, intrinsically and as a consequence of the abovementioned secondary amplification effects. In addition to providing a better, more complete understanding of MFEs, our work will also reveal how subtle quantum effects can be sustained and amplified in noisy environments. These insights are essential to the emerging field of Quantum Biology and could pave the way to enhanced quantum devices and sensors with improved resilience to environmental noise. Furthermore, if such amplification schemes are found to apply to biologically relevant reactions, it could prompt a reassessment of the health risks of weak magnetic field exposure and future research into the use of MFEs as therapeutics to boost the immune response via the radical pair mechanism.

Abbreviations: MFE = Magnetic Field Effect; RPM = Radical Pair Mechanism.

Planned Impact

This proposal addresses topics of fundamental research. I will provide novel theoretical and computational tools for radical pair reactions in two-dimensional confined systems, suggest (quantum) amplification pathways, elucidate mechanisms for maintaining quantum coherences in a noisy environment, and develop a sound theoretical model for the interpretation of biological effects of magnetic field exposure in general and those related to oxidative stress and lipid autoxidation in particular. These activities will provide immediate benefits in the academic and industrial research context and, in the long run, economic and societal benefits.

Economical and industrial impacts:
As radical species (e.g. superoxide) are an integral part of the immune response, MFEs on free radical recombination reactions could be of therapeutic use. Indeed, recent studies suggest that static magnetic fields can enhance the effects of antineoplastic drugs on cancer cells (probably by altering the cell membrane permeability and, possibly, Ca2+ influx). By providing an understanding of how MFEs function at membranes on the quantum and molecular level, this proposal will support the development of a new branch of non-invasive therapy, i.e. magnetoceuticals, which will be aimed at utilizing the effect of magnetic fields on radical pair dynamics for the benefit of human health. I anticipate that my ideas will impact upon the healthcare and pharmaceutical industry and lay the foundations for spin-out companies and intellectual property activity, thereby contributing to revived economic growth.
In addition, with the focus on establishing the theoretical foundation for amplification and decoherence protection of MFEs, my work will support an emerging innovation eco-system that extends far beyond the abovementioned healthcare sector. With an understanding of how feeble quantum effects can be sustained in noisy biological environments, we could build quantum devices that are much less at the mercy of decoherence than current designs. This would have tremendous impact on fields such as quantum information processing and sensing and spintronics. In addition, MFEs could be employed to control/enhance charge recombination/separation quantum yields, improving the efficiency of e.g. organic light emitting diodes and some organic photovoltaic cells.

Advising and influencing into policy making:
I expect to reach policy makers and regulatory bodies by providing the impetus for a reassessment of exposure studies and safety regulations on weak magnetic field exposure and anthropogenic electromagnetic emissions, thereby promoting the preservation and improvement of public health and animal wellbeing. Currently the lack of a rigorous mechanistic cause-and-effect chain hampers further activity. While the focus here is on radical pair reactions at membranes, our results will also yield transferable insights to the ongoing debate on whether electromagnetic fields can disturb human regulatory mechanisms in a presently unknown way (e.g. via radical pair reactions of the circadian regulator cryptochrome).

Societal impacts:
This project also impacts on society in ways that are less tangible but which nonetheless will contribute to future prosperity. Firstly, through our efforts a sharper public awareness of the significance of subtle quantum effects for physiological processes in living organisms, as well as for technology, will be established. Secondly, students and future academics acquainted with this project will acquire a deep understanding of quantum mechanics, spin chemistry and applied mathematics, which will qualify them as shapers of the Quantum Age, be it in quantum computing, communication or Quantum Biology. With quantum effects expected to revolutionise technological processes and manufacturing, these qualifications, as well as public awareness, will not only be relevant in underpinning a future academic career but also in the industrial context.


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Gerhards L (2023) Modeling spin relaxation in complex radical systems using MolSpin. in Journal of computational chemistry

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Kattnig DR (2021) F-cluster: Reaction-induced spin correlation in multi-radical systems. in The Journal of chemical physics

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Keens RH (2018) Magnetosensitivity in Dipolarly Coupled Three-Spin Systems. in Physical review letters

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Sampson C (2019) On the magnetosensitivity of lipid peroxidation: two- versus three-radical dynamics. in Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP

Description We have identified a new kind of magnetic field effect that originates from the magnetic interaction of three or more radicals. This mechanism provides a new pathway to magnetosensitive chemical reactions that is complimentary to the established radical pair mechanism. Interestingly, the new effect can give rise to spiky features in the magnetic field dependence of reaction yields, which could be relevant for the assessment of the effects of weak magnetic fields (such as those generated by household appliances) on biological systems. This effect appears to be particularly relevant for the magnetosensitivity of lipid autoxidation reactions, which is the core question of this research proposal. In fact, our recent model calculations show that the new mechanism surpasses the effects predicted by the radical pair mechanism, thus suggesting that, surprisingly, it provides the predominant magnetosensitive pathway. Recently, we have generalized the approach by accounting for n > 3 radicals interacting via their electron-electron dipolar interaction. For these larger systems, we find that the breaking of geometrical symmetry constraints can significantly enhance the sensitivity to weak magnetic fields. In order to model spin systems with many spin degrees of freedom, we have developed a Monte Carlo wavefunction approach that now allows us to model open system dynamics of realistic spin systems. We have studied the spin relaxation of lipid-peroxyl radicals in membranes using all-atom molecular dynamics simulations and realized. The predicted decoherence rates permit the sensitivity to weak magnetic fields, as originally hypothesized. More recently we have employed an approach based on the stochastic Schrödinger equation to model the interplay of spin dynamics and radical motion in n radical processes in two-dimensional systems, such as membranes.
Exploitation Route We have so far laid out the theoretical fundamentals and have started to apply the idea to models of lipid autoxidation, with the aim to predict the magnetic field dependence of the effect. We have so far studied three-radical effects. Future extensions will focus on effects of more than three-radicals, which is an entirely new pathway to magnetosensitivity suggested by us. Our research has and further will provide new insights and understanding essential for the assessment of health risks associated with the exposure to weak electromagnetic fields.
Sectors Environment


Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology

Description We have demonstrated how unexpected magnetosensitivity can result from the electron-electron dipolar interaction of three and more radicals. Based on this new mechanism, we have developed a model of lipid autoxidation that overcomes ostensible drawbacks and issues of the traditional radical-pair-based model. This new mechanism provides a tenable and experimentally testable hypothesis about the elusive interaction mechanisms of weak magnetic fields and biological systems. This will enable the assessment of magnetic field exposures and the development of corresponding exposure guidelines. This work has led to a follow-up project aiming at the experimental elucidation of the true nature of the putative magnetosensitivity of lipid autoxidation processes. We have engaged in public outreach projects, shaped the public opinion and influenced policy makers through scientific presentations. Details have been laid out in the specific summaries.
First Year Of Impact 2019
Sector Environment,Healthcare
Impact Types Societal

Policy & public services

Description Explaining the avian compass through sustained quantum dynamics in driven, open three-radical systems
Amount £202,263 (GBP)
Funding ID EP/V047175/1 
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2021 
End 09/2022
Description Research Grant
Amount £226,604 (GBP)
Funding ID RPG-2020-261 
Organisation The Leverhulme Trust 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2021 
End 02/2024
Description Spin biology under optimal quantum control
Amount $611,000 (USD)
Funding ID N62909-21-1-2018 
Organisation ONRG Office of Naval Research Global 
Sector Public
Country United States
Start 08/2021 
End 08/2024
Title New mechanism of magnetosensitivity of radical reactions 
Description We have suggested a hitherto unknown, mechanism explaining the magnetosensitivity of radical reactions. According to the new mechanism magnetic field effects can arise from the mutual electron-electron dipolar coupling in radical encounters in the presence of a, possibly remote, third radical. In contrast to the conventional radical pair mechanism, this process elicits magnetosensitivity even in the absence of hyperfine interactions. We have demonstrated that the third radical, to some degree, immunizes the magnetic field effect to large exchange interactions and can give rise to a novel low-field effect. Our results provide a more complete picture of the spin dynamical processes that underpin the remarkable magnetosensitivity of radical reactions, in general, and those relevant to lipid autoxidation, in particular. The new three-radical process has further-more the unique property of an intrinsic concentration dependence of the magnetic field effects, which is so far unheard of in the field. 
Type Of Material Model of mechanisms or symptoms - in vitro 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact We are not aware of impacts that may have arisen from applying the mechanism so far. However, we rest assured that new studies will be instigated based on our predictive tools. 
Title New model of magnetosensitivity in three-radical systems 
Description The Radical Pair Mechanism is a canonical model for the magnetosensitivity of chemical reaction processes. The key ingredient of this model is the hyperfine interaction that induces a coherent mixing of singlet and triplet electron spin states in pairs of radicals, thereby facilitating magnetic field effects (MFEs) on reaction yields through spin-selective reaction channels. We have developed an alternative model that demonstrates that the hyperfine interaction is not a categorical requirement to realize the sensitivity of radical reactions to weak magnetic fields. In systems comprising three instead of two radicals, dipolar interactions provide an alternative pathway for MFEs. 
Type Of Material Computer model/algorithm 
Year Produced 2018 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Our model furthers the current understanding of the effects of weak magnetic fields on chemical reactions, could pave the way to a clearer understanding of the mysteries of magnetoreception and other biological MFEs and motivate the design of quantum sensors. 
Description Molecular dynamics simulations to inform spin dyanamic calculations 
Organisation University of Southern Denmark
Country Denmark 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Our research team has contributed a new graph based analysis of structural changes observed in long-time molecular dynamic trajectories and principal component analysis. We have also generated new molecular dynamics data based on protocols provided by our partners at the University of Southern Denmark.
Collaborator Contribution We have partnered with the group of Prof. Ilia A. Solov'yov to infer dynamics properties from molecular dynamics data. The Solov'yov group has contributed with computational resources (~£15.3k in-kind contribution) and intellectual input. In particular, they have provided molecular dynamics parametrisations of lipid radicals and molecular dynamics data for the dark state of cryptochrome 4 from the European robin.
Impact We have so far published a joint publication and are working towards further publications.
Start Year 2018
Description Reoxidation of cryptochromes discerned by HDX mass spectrometry 
Organisation University of Exeter
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution In collaboration with Dr Jonathan Phillips we have managed to recombinantly express cryptochrome 4 from the European robin. We intent to use this protein in further studies on the reoxidation reaction with oxygen, which has been implicated with magnetoreception. In particular, we plan to submit a grant application aimed at the magnetic field effects and the structural dynamics of the protein upon reoxidation.
Collaborator Contribution Dr Jonathan Phillips lab has managed to express the protein in E. coli and established its identity by mass spectrometry and Western blotting.
Impact This is a multi-disciplinary collaboration at an early stage. It combines physics and biology.
Start Year 2019
Title A framwork for spin dynmaics calculations of n radicals 
Description We have develop a versatile Python framework for the simulation of magnetic field effects resulting from the interaction of several, i.e. more than two, radicals. The program solves the Liouville von-Neumann equation of the spin density operator, augmented by terms accounting for the chemical reactivity and decoherence processes. The program is completely general and, for the first time, allows the simulation of magnetic field effects originating from the interaction of more than two radicals. It is delightfully user-friendly and also comes with a detailed manual. 
Type Of Technology Software 
Year Produced 2018 
Impact This program is essential for the realization of this research project, as it provides us with a versatile simulation platform that underpins our research. It has not yet been released to the public domain as we are in the process of expanding its scope and optimizing the underlying numerical methods. We plan to release the program subject to an open source license in the near future. 
Description Open day activities 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an open day or visit at my research institution
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Undergraduate students
Results and Impact We delivered an interactive presentation aimed at undergraduate students and the general public at the University of Exeter to disseminate our research and enhance the accessibility for non-experts. Approximately 20 % of the audience comprised members of the general public. We believe to have enticed our listeners and received positive feedback.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018,2019,2020
Description Pint of Science 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact A presentation on magnetic field effects due to radical pair reactions has been delivered by Robert Keens, a PhD student working on three-radical effects, to an audience comprising mainly members from the general public at a Pint of Science event in Exeter. Pint of Science is a science festival that aims to communicate contemporary scientific developments to the public in an interesting, engaging and approachable way by bringing scientists to the pub and other accessible places.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019