FINESSE NanoBio (Fabrication and Imaging of Neon-Etched Structures and Surfaces for Engineering, Nanoscience and Biotechnology)

Lead Research Organisation: University of Cambridge
Department Name: Engineering


The FINESSE NanoBio team is proposing a new UK capability in imaging, cross-sectioning and patterning materials that are traditionally very difficult to examine at the nano and sub-nanometre scale without seriously effecting their structure or behaviour. It is important that the UK is placed at the forefront of this research, enabling start-ups, SMEs and large companies to drive innovation and growth with stronger underpinning scientific understanding. To address this, the team is requesting funding for a customised Zeiss NanoFab tool that consists of:
1. An ultra-high precision imaging capability (sub 0.5 nm) of conductive and non-conductive samples
2. An ultra-high precision patterning and TEM sample preparation capability (2 nm) of the same range of samples
3. A cryogenic sample handling system to enable imaging of biological materials and biological or fluid interfaces with materials and structures.

The tool achieves this revolutionary performance by focusing a stream of helium ions onto the surface and measuring the subsequently released secondary electrons. Ions can also be used to remove material in their path for patterning or cross-sectioning materials. This system has three ion options, gallium for bulk removal, neon for additional polishing and cutting and helium for very careful polishing. This difference in behaviour is due to the lower mass of the ions.

Direct writing of metals in 10nm feature sizes is also feasible with this system, which will enable electrical contacts to be fabricated to advanced functional materials to test, for example, their conductivity or electrochemical behaviour when making sensors.

The requested support will have far-reaching impact through the projects and industrial partners of almost 50 research groups actively supporting this proposal in Cambridge, across 10 different Departments and 4 different Schools. This sphere of scientific influence is amplified by the strong support from 5 universities, 2 catapult organisations and 3 industrial network organisations, who represent an estimated 1500 companies.

This incredible response by academics and industrial researchers means the facility will also drive new engagement and collaborations between these partiers and will foster collaboration, through for example the planned symposium and engagement events.

The commissioning, access, outreach and management will be delivered by a small committee of experienced researchers and microscopy suite managers, with review and guidance from a larger steering group of EPSRC, industrial and academic partners to ensure fair access, an environment that fosters collaborations and postgraduate education.

Planned Impact

This project will have specific impact at (at least) four levels.

1. Stimulation of Academic Activity: As noted in the Academic Beneficiaries section, the project addresses a significant need in the UK scientific and engineering research landscape, to image, pattern and cross-section materials that are normally extremely challenging to handle and with this tool can be imaged at incredible levels of detail with minimal damage to the surfaces. The cross-discipline support and research highlights there are multiple routes for spin-off projects between industry and academic partners.

2. Economic Benefit through Industrial Engagement: This project will deliver a new research capability to the region, which is already a hub of innovation, start-ups and high-tech SMEs. This capability will be a key enabler when developing nanotechnology and biotechnology products and so the team has reached out to Cambridge Network, the Cambridge Science Park, the Wellcome Genome Campus and the Norwich Science Park to ensure targeted communication about the machine's capability and routes of access within the University.

3. Wider Societal Benefits: The project will have wider societal benefits, such as firstly embedding this cutting-edge research tool into postgraduate education in collaboration with the EPSRC Centres for Doctoral Training in Sensors, Ultra-Precision Engineering, Graphene and Nanoscience. This is strengthened by the support from the vendor, in sponsoring PhD students over the coming 3.5 years in research linked to the proposed machine. Secondly, this equipment will enable immersive and captivating outreach activities by coupling with the Department of Engineering's activities in virtual mapping of labs for interactive demonstrations to inform about science and engineering. Finally, there is a real benefit to the broader society in developing the next generation in diagnostics, drug delivery and tissue engineering applications, which are the focus of many of the researchers supporting this proposal.

4. Wider Benefits to Industry and Practice: The team will ensure the insights generated through this equipment grant flow to the wider academic and industrial communities to foster collaborations that will lead to further breakthroughs. Through strong links with the Cell and Gene Therapy Catapult and the Centre for Process Innovation, the research tool will eventually become a standard facility that is used to help identify the underpinning science to enable scale-up to new products and devices.

More broadly, we expect the network of organisations involved in our engagement activities to grow as we develop and disseminate key research and application insights. Already several industrial collaborators have highlighted how crucial the new capability will be to the future of their firm's competitiveness. This diversity of disciplines working with this facility creates a unique opportunity to ensure that the insights delivered are disseminated widely across an intellectually diverse community outside the host University or Cambridge region.


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Description Initial Research Fish submission, March 2019:
This grant is funding the purchase and installation of a modified Zeiss NanoFab, a unique R&D capability to pattern by additive and subtractive techniques at a high resolution and image a broader range of materials at higher resolutions than was previously possible. This will be a world-leading capability tackling a wide breadth of research challenges across the UK science and engineering landscape. The grant also facilitates the collaborations across university and industry to ensure a broad benefit to this new research capability. This grant is currently active and is entirely funding the new equipment noted above. To-date the equipment purchasing process has been completed, the bulk of the equipment has been manufactured, tested in the manufacturing facility, transported to the UK and installed. The installation has been progressing over 5 months with initial imaging and patterning training taking place in February 2019 as these elements of the equipment came online. This training was for the key technicians and researchers responsible for delivering the grant and enabled a better understanding to start to develop user protocols and access protocols . The final equipment sign-off process and transfer of full ownership to the University has not yet been carried out and is expected to occur in two sessions, firstly in April 2019 and secondly in August 2019. The element of this grant that is a global first, the cryogenic capability, will be key for research into biological materials, such as those found in medical implants, drug delivery, tissue engineering and cancer research. This additional large add-on has been designed and final discussions are being held between Zeiss and Cambridge prior to fabrication and testing of this new unit. This grant is ongoing, and as an equipment-focused grant the Impact-related communications and activities, including industrial, academic and outreach activities, will take place as soon as the NanoFab is signed off, with ownership fully transferred to the University. The team looks forward to updating on these activities as the grant progresses.

Update as of March 2020 Research Fish submission:
There were significant additional challenges in the final assembly of components, both due to availability when faults were identified and also due to unforeseen complexity requiring additional design and fabrication by the supplier. This is the first time globally that this combination of tools has been brought together and when the design challenges were identified there was significant additional time and effort by the supplier to test out the system fully at their factory site prior to shipping and installation in Cambridge. This delayed the final arrival of parts until December 2019, with additional installation required in January 2020 and March 2020. The final stages of installation and sign off are now scheduled for the end of March 2020. As noted previously, the planned impact activities have to occur once the NanoFab is signed off and owndership is transferred to the University.

Update as of March 2021 Research Fish submission:
The delayed final installation and sign-off checks were started in March 2020. The first week was extremely successful, and we demonstrated the first ever cryogenic imaging of hydrated and natural materials using helium ion microscopy, one of the main capabilities of this new tool. This was a wonderful result but the second week with the final sign off was cancelled as this was when the first national lockdown was implemented. The facility was closed down with no access possible throughout the spring and summer. There was a further delay upon re-opening to ensure availability of the two firms involved, with the enormous disruption to their work as a whole, and completion of the correct risk assessments. The final sign off occurred in November 2020. Strict and necessary restrictions with the local COVID safety procedures in the facility currently prevent access for training. The time is being used by the local technicians and the PI to develop operational protocols, record training videos, record outreach material and set up the access as planned within the grant. The impact of the pandemic will be a year-long delay in implementing the planned capability but this capability and grant is expected to still deliver the planned impact upon return to normal working schedules.

Update as of March 2022 Research Fish submission:
The continued lockdowns and access restrictions led to significant challenges in training and further access. With the easing of restrictions at this time we have started increasing the numbers of users being trained, started engaging with industry users and we have engaged with international tool owners about shared protocol development.
Exploitation Route The team looks forward to providing details of the impact for others now that access and training are feasible.
Sectors Aerospace

Defence and Marine


Food and Drink


Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)





including Industrial Biotechology



Museums and Collections

Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology

Description New patterning and and analysis capability is proving very useful to a wide range of fundamental and applied research. The particular novelty noted for this tool is the cryogenic capability and we demonstrated for the first time helium ion imaging of biological and hydrated samples under cryogenic conditions. This has outstanding results that enable more rapid assessment of samples than other cryogenic high resolution imaging techniques and with improved material contrast. This has led to new activities analysing biological and functional hydrated materials. This has also led to other researchers globally looking into the capability and will ultimately lead to a bigger community in this new areas of research and capability. Training, workshops and hands-on activities have embedded the cutting-edge research tool into postgraduate education in collaboration with EPSRC Centres for Doctoral Training. Non-CDT postgraduate and postdoctoral training is also taking place for a wider range of researchers, with support from super-users. The impact of the Covid pandemic on installation, availability of expert personnel, training development, trouble-shooting, facility access and training roll-out was very significant over an extended period of this grant and after its conclusion, as with many state-of-the-art facilities. The tool development, upskilling of super users, training development, access and management through a new booking system, and links to the international network of Orion tool users has over 2022/23 been delivered and continued to be developed over 2023/24. The next steps are to widen access nationally and specifically fair access across Universities and Industry. The PI is now part of a team improving sharing of equipment across the University, and is leading a team to improve access for industry to this and other equipment across the campus. The PI is also working with others to finalise additional new capabilities that will extend the tool capabilities to battery research through allowing transfer of materials that are sensitive to oxygen. This is based on requests from multiple researchers in this important area.
First Year Of Impact 2022
Sector Agriculture, Food and Drink,Education,Electronics,Environment,Healthcare,Manufacturing, including Industrial Biotechology,Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology
Impact Types Societal

Description Direct industry funding to support research students
Amount £115,000 (GBP)
Organisation Carl Zeiss AG 
Sector Private
Country Germany
Start 06/2020 
End 05/2023
Description A website was created to enable communication about the tool upon its availability 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact While the pandemic has significantly delayed full sign off on this tool, and prevented training on the tool due to lab safety / social distancing protocols, this website was set up as a place to centre our communications as soon as the tool is available again for use.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description CAMatNet workshop - Imaging structure and properties of materials across length scales 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact The event brought together scientists in Cambridge who are imaging the structure and properties of materials across different length scales using many forms of radiation and microscopies. The central themes of the meeting was to see how complementary and novel techniques can reveal previously hidden structure and functionality, how machine learning and compressed sensing methods are transforming the way imaging data is analysed and how new instrumentation is enabling new materials and new devices to be studied for the first time. Speakers were from across Cambridge departments with a mix of established and early-career researchers. The meeting was an opportunity to make new contacts, re-kindle existing ones and to network with others in the field.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Development and sharing of training materials, coupled with development of hands-on training exercises for postgraduate level development 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact The training and upskilling of researchers to enable them to use the HIM Orion tool has been on a 1 to 1 basis as it developed. This set of exercises, training documentation, and a hands-on workshop was developed to allow the acceleration of the translation of this tool to a broader research community, to accelerate research.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022,2023,2024
Description Invited presentation to the Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact While the pandemic prevented the sign-off and training of new users, this talk was invited to describe the capabilities that will soon be available to researchers and postgraduate students.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Invited to present at the launch of Cambridge Technology Platforms Network - Working Together Across Disciplines 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact A new network for technology platforms and core facilities in Cambridge was launched on 24th May 2018 at the CRUK Cambridge Institute, Cambridge Biomedical Campus. The mission of the CTPN is to connect scientific research facilities around Cambridge that have capacity and can support technology services and development of technology for further research. Through CTPN, scientists are able to identify multidisciplinary opportunities for scientific collaborations. CTPN acts as a point of contact for companies in need of such facilities also. The launch event aimed to connect technology experts, core platform managers, scientists, clinicians, postdocs and students. The presentation, discussion and networking enabled us to inform the regional community about the incoming equipment and its capabilities.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Microscopy Outreach Workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Hands-on workshop, mostly for the younger audiences (6+) but also for young adults and adults. We set up a set of 3 optical microscopes with a wide range of samples to look at from everyday life, biological samples that are pre-prepared from a commercial source, and with the option of looking at things they find throughout the day visiting the Institute for Manufacturing. While the workshop demonstrates how to use a microscope and allows the academic members of staff and postdoctoral and postgraduate demonstrators to explain how microscopy works, it also allows us then to explain how electron and ion microscopy works as we explain the importance of the wavelength in determining how small a sample we can 'see'. This has proven to be a very popular outreach workshop within the Cambridge Festival.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description University of Cambridge Science Festival Microscopy Workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an open day or visit at my research institution
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact I ran a microscopy workshop with members of my research group and supported by Carl Zeiss to communicate both the importance of microscopy and metrology in Engineering and also to give members of the public (mostly primary and secondary school level students) experience of using microscopes to study a wide range of samples, from biological to food and electronic devices. This is an important step to then introduce concepts such as the advanced microscopy covered by the research grant.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Workshop: Advances in Microscopy for Materials Science 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact The workshop promoted learning about how advances in microscopy are helping to build the future of materials science.

Discussions included exploring new dimensions with 2D, 3D, and 4D microscopy techniques, available around the University of Cambridge. Light, X-ray, electron, and ion microscopes were presented and the appropriate scales of resolution presented as well as correlations between modalities, length scales, and instruments.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018