Multi-scale dynamics at the turbulent/non-turbulent interface of jets and plumes

Lead Research Organisation: Imperial College London
Department Name: Civil & Environmental Engineering


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Van Reeuwijk M (2020) Unified description of turbulent entrainment in Journal of Fluid Mechanics

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Neamtu-Halic M (2020) Connecting the time evolution of the turbulence interface to coherent structures in Journal of Fluid Mechanics

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Cimarelli A (2021) Spatially evolving cascades in temporal planar jets in Journal of Fluid Mechanics

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Brizzolara S (2021) Transition from shear-dominated to Rayleigh-Taylor turbulence in Journal of Fluid Mechanics

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Brizzolara S (2023) Entrainment at multi-scales in shear-dominated and Rayleigh-Taylor turbulence in European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids

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Fenton D., (2024) Countergradient transport in a turbulent plume in a crossflow in Environmental Fluid Mechanics

Description The aim of this project was to improve our understanding of turbulent entrainment and use this to improve its parameterisation. Entrainment is a key component to many environmental and industrial flows, but is subject to substantial uncertainty. We pursued a three-pronged approach: 1) to study multi-scale properties from the Reynolds-averaged perspective; 2) to study the behaviour of the TNTI from an instantaneous and local perspective; and 3) develop new and improved turbulence parameterisations and test these for realistic flows. For approach 1, we provided the DNS data which was analysed by our colleagues from Cardiff. Approach 2 was the main topic of this part of the project. Approach 3 is led by our colleagues in Cardiff, and is still in progress.

To date, one journal paper has appeared from approach 1, with one further publication under review and one in preparation. The first paper (Cimarelli et al, 2021) performs a multi-scale analysis on the interface of a turbulent jet, and shows reverse cascade mechanisms near the turbulent-nonturbulent interface (TNTI) that are found to be responsible for the generation of long and wide structures in the interface region. This simulation creates important understanding that can be used to model turbulence near the TNTI. The papers that are under review consider the coherent structures that form in the temporal jet, and how entrainment is affected by heat, i.e. the extension to a turbulent plume.

Four papers have been published on approach 2. We did some fundamental work to be able to describe global and local entrainment in a single framework (Van Reeuwijk, 2021). The second paper, which is in collaboration with ETH Zurich, looks at creation mechanisms for surface area near the TNTI and how these are related to coherent structures near the interface (Neamtu-Halic et al, 2020, 2021). The creation of surface area is intimately connected to the rate at which plumes and jets entrain. The entrainment rate is an important parameter to understand, since it it is directly associated with energy loss and dilution. We considered several flow types: unsteady jets/plumes, inclined gravity currents and Rayleigh-Taylor flow (Brizzolara et al. 2021). There is currently one paper in preparation that focuses on two-point correlations relative to the TNTI for the temporal jet.

For approach 3, we created a dataset for plumes in cross-flow that is currently being analysed by our colleagues in Cardiff and will be used to study LES parameterisations for TNTIs. The first paper on this topic is imminent for submission.
Exploitation Route The unified description of turbulent entrainment will be useful to people working in different fields, and will be of use to quantify entrainment in more complex environments, e.g. those with wind, turbulence or both.

The multi-scale analysis that was conducted by our colleagues in Cardiff provides important new information into the behaviour of turbulence near TNTIs. This approach can be and should be applied to other canonical flows, as it is a versatile tool to understand multi-scale interactions in non-homogeneous flows.

The work on TNTIs demonstrates new approaches to analyse the TNTI and we expect that other researchers will apply these methods to other problems.
Sectors Aerospace

Defence and Marine


Title A unified model that links local and global entrainment 
Description Turbulence is characterized by a large range of active scales, ranging from large integral length scales to small dissipative scales. In this theoretical paper, we connect global (large-scale) entrainment to local (small-scale) entrainment in a single framework. The significance of the work is that it provides a universal definition of entrainment and a quantitative manner to calculate its magnitude. 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact The theory provides new insight into unsteady plumes and has since been instrumental to study turbulent plumes in cross-flow (Jordan et al, 2021). It highlights the complexities of environments that are turbulent, and this work has provided the framework necessary to explore turbulent-turbulent entrainment e.g. in the context of turbulent fountains and clouds. Jordan, O.H., Rooney, G.G., Devenish, B.J., Van Reeuwijk, M. (2021) Under pressure: turbulent plumes in a uniform crosswind. J. Fluid Mech. 932, A47 
Title Database for the unsteady turbulent planar jet 
Description We created a large database of 3D snapshots that document the evolution of a temporal line jet that develops in time. We have performed three independent realisations of this flow with different initial conditions in order to improve the statistical accuracy of this flow. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact This rich dataset provides fully resolved flow-fields of a temporally evolving planar jet. It has been used to study the two-point correlation budgets, allowing detailed analysis of the turbulent-nonturbulent interface. The work forms the basis of two other papers that are currently under review. 
Title Database for the unsteady turbulent plume 
Description We created a large database of 3D snapshots that document the evolution of a temporal planar plume. We have performed three independent realisations of this flow with different initial conditions in order to improve the statistical accuracy of this flow. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact We are currently preparing a paper that analyses the two-point correlation budgets of this flow, similar to the jet. The novelty in this work is that the buoyancy is two-way coupled with the velocity field, substantially complicating the flow physics. 
Description Prof. Markus Holzner 
Organisation Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research
Country Switzerland 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution We provided datasets of turbulent-nonturbulent interfaces, which were analysed by the Swiss team using their unique analyses. The papers were written jointly
Collaborator Contribution The Swiss team used their work on exact coherent structures to provide new insights into the flow physics near turbulent-nonturbulent interfaces.
Impact It has led to a number of publications, some of which have appeared, some of which are still in the pipeline.
Start Year 2019