Unveiling the injection dynamics of cryogenic energy carriers for zero-emission high-efficiency systems

Lead Research Organisation: University of Brighton
Department Name: Sch of Computing, Engineering & Maths


The project aims to create new fundamental knowledge and advanced numerical tools regarding the atomisation, heating and evaporation characteristics of liquefied gases, in order to significantly advance the technology required to efficiently control cryogenic injection. Liquid gases such as air, nitrogen or natural gas can serve as cost-effective energy vectors within power production units as well as transport "fuels" with zero emissions. For example, energy coming from renewables can be used in order to "cool" air or nitrogen, up to the point that they become liquids. Follow up injection of these liquids to a higher temperature environment causes rapid re-gasification and a 700-fold expansion in volume, which can drive a turbine or piston engine even without combustion. Most importantly, because of the low boiling point of cryogenic liquids, low-grade or ambient heat can be used as a heat source, which otherwise is wasted. A better understanding and control of the injection dynamics of the cryogenic fluids could boost the efficiency of hybrid combustion systems to 60% (Ricardo's Cryopowder split-cycle engine), and achieve zero emissions when used for work generation through isothermal expansion without the need of combustion (Dearman Engine and Libertine Free Piston Engine). Recently, there has been an increased interest towards cryogenic technologies, however this has been focused mostly on the liquefaction processes (such as the £6m EPSRC grant to the Birmingham Centre for Cryogenic Energy Storage). Within the suggested project the attention is shifted towords the injection process of the cryogenics in real life industrial applications. Dr Vogiatzaki with the support from two leading UK companies in the field of innovative energy system solutions (Ricardo Ltd and Libertine Ltd) aspires to provide new knowledge and robust modelling tools to unlock the dynamics of cryogenic energy carrier's atomisation and heat transfer dynamics.

Planned Impact

The social, environmental and economic importance of maximising energy efficiency and minimising emissions from the use of cryogenic energy carriers in the power generation and transportation fields is significant.

- Impact on UK energy sector in terms of cheap and clean energy: If cryogenic energy carriers are efficiently integrated into modern energy systems, they can help speed up the transformation of the energy infrastructure from a centralised system to a flexible decentralised dynamic system. Liquid nitrogen is already produced in various local units for use in food processing, fire suppression etc and currently gets wasted. In the UK alone there is spare liquid nitrogen production capacity to fuel a third of the urban bus fleet, as diesel-liquid air 'heat hybrids'. Liquid air is not yet produced in large scale, however liquid nitrogen, can store off-peak low or zero carbon electricity, which can then be used to displace high-carbon coal or gas in electricity generation at local units, as well as to replace polluting petrol and diesel in vehicles. New liquefiers could be integrated with renewable energy generation such as wind to produce effectively zero carbon liquid energy carriers from excess energy.

Using the RCUK Typology, this project has also impact in the three more general fields outlined below:

- Commercialisation & Exploitation: This project will take an innovative modelling approach to unveil the mechanism of the transition of sub to super-critical injection of cryogenic fluids, pushing forward towards novel, energy efficient future engines. While seeking to unlock the physics of a very complex fluid dynamics problem at a fundamental research level, the proposal has been formulated to also address the current needs of the automotive and power generation industry. The code to be developed aims to model realistic pressure and temperature scenarios, currently unsatisfactorily modelled by existing methodologies. Two leading companies in the field, Ricardo UK and Libertine Ltd UK, as well as an innovative company in the field of linear machines for power a motion, have indicated through their communication with the Principal Investigator (PI) the various ways in which this project could impact their design and manufacturing process.

- Healthcare: Away from the automotive and energy sector, this proposal has the potential for a wider impact in various other fields that cryogenic sprays are involved in, especially healthcare since it is expected that some of the results will be directly applicable to the modelling for the development of medical sprays for use to treat skin related medical conditions, for example.

- The Environment and sustainability: Environmental sustainability and improving social welfare are key development areas for the UK in particular the effects of air quality on health and social well-being. A large number of deaths are currently linked to air pollution according to the World Health Organisation. Moreover, pollution and environmental degradation is negatively affecting people's overall quality of life. Considering that by some estimates, the total number of vehicles worldwide could reach 2.5 billion by 2050, there is a pressing need for zero emission transportation and power generation systems. This project aims to make a significant contribution to the design of a new generation of computational tools resulting in a technology with the potential to provide clean energy systems

- Evidence based policy making & influencing public policies: Pushing the technology frontiers in terms of engine
manufacturing indirectly affects the way that policies are made. If the technology is available that allows minimum emissions then a greater pressure can be put to industries to reduce their emissions.


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Loureiro D (2021) Droplet size distributions in cryogenic flash atomization in International Journal of Multiphase Flow

Description My work during this project has set the foundations of creating a holistic numerical approach valid for a range of operating conditions to support new cryogenic technologies development. The developed numerical tools during the project have helped to unveil intriguing physical phenomena relevant to cryogenic fluids such as how they behave when they contact with solid surfaces or how they transition from sub to supercritical conditions. More specifically the key outcomes of the project can be summarised as following. The key achievements of the project can be summarised as following:

Outcome 1: Develop novel, open source numerical tools specifically tailored for low temperatures to link in a computationally robust manner cryogenic processes occurring in a range of scales and involving multiple phases. Towards this direction a new open source code "CoolFOAM" was created.

Outcome 2: Use of the numerical tools to provide novel insight into the intriguing behaviour of cryogens at molecular, nano, micro and macro scale in terms of (i) thermophysical properties and phase change mechanisms (ii) jet dynamics.(iii) interaction of cryogenic fluids with surfaces.

Outcome 3: Support the inclusion of the digital technologies in the design of future cryogenic systems by disseminating of successful advances produced by the project widely and rapidly, to academia and industry. Important findings both in terms of new tools and understanding have been presented (and in some cases featured at the cover) in high impact journals such as Scientific Reports and Physics of Fluids

More details regarding the exact work performed to succeed these outcomes are provided in the next section.
Exploitation Route The key outcomes of the project and how they can be put in use by others can be summarised as following:

Outcome 1: Develop novel, open-source numerical tools specifically tailored for low temperatures to link -in a computationally robust manner- cryogenic processes occurring in a range of scales and involving multiple phases. Towards this direction "CoolFOAM" code was created. It is based on a Volume of Fluid approach modified in order to be able to account for the diffusive transport of mass and energy (in areas of the flows that surface tension tends to zero, like supercritical regimes) as well as phase changes at sub and supercritical conditions. CoolFOAM code is unique in the sense that to my knowledge is one of the very few advanced numerical codes specifically tailored for low temperatures. It is also open source which allows me to build further collaborations and the code being accessible to a wider user base. Our work was presented in various journals with the most notable our recent article in Physics of Fluids that was selected as the journal cover investigating LN2 jet injections into a chamber filled with gaseous N2, using our in-house developed compressible CoolFOAM solver. Real fluid thermodynamics were modelled using a polynomial fitting approach developed by my group.

Currently the potential new routes that are explored by my team and teams in other universities using this code is through an EPSRC funded follow up project in collaboration with the University of Brighton and three key industrial partners in the field of cryogenic energy storage, Project Ttitle: "Stored Up-valued Concentrated Cold Energy System" EP/W027712/1, 2022-2025. This new project will allow to work on the further code enhancement with libraries appropriate for the interaction of cryogens with surfaces and the enhancement of the thermophysical properties modelling. The CoolFOAM code initially developed in my fellowship will be used to support industries improving technologies relating to cryogenic energy storage

Outcome 2: Use of the numerical tools to provide novel insight into the intriguing behaviour of cryogens at nano, micro and macro scale in terms of (i) thermophysical properties and phase change mechanisms (ii) jet dynamics (iii) interaction with surfaces. Some key outcomes from my work towards this direction that helped the scientific community progress the understanding of low temperature dynamics include the introduction of a new phase characterization framework based on the association of fluid phases with specific temperature ranges (rather than using a single line like the Widom line), which allows to better identify the similarity effects between the various conditions. Through the project, my team and I also delivered a critical analysis of the inter-dependence of the underlying phenomena: density gradient and diffusive mass transport (molecular and thermos (Soret)-diffusion) and turbulence present in cryogenic jet injections. We compared supercritical N2 with subcritical liquid and gas jets and highlight differences with respect to how these jets behave. We found that the jet dynamics are largely dictated by the thermodynamic transition of the injected fluid and the associated variation in thermophysical properties. The above contribution summarise the main outcomes from WP1-3.

Important findings from my work towards understanding the interaction of cryogens with surfaces (which was the goal of WP5) were also produced during the project. Preliminary findings of the modified code were presented in my recent publication in Scientific Reports (Unveiling the dynamics of ultra-high velocity droplet impact on solid surfaces. Scientific Reports, 12:2045-2322, 2022). The paper addressed the gap of understanding relevant to the role of the compressibility during droplet impact and how the dynamics change when moving from an incompressible to a compressible regime. It is first simulation of ultra-fast droplet impact dynamics (up to 500m/s impact velocity). These outcomes will be used in exploring -through future collaborations and proposals- the use of the CoolFOAM solver to a range of disciplines involving cryogenic fluids: To exemplify potential areas, the use of cryogenic fluids can be beneficial to cancerous tissue treatment. Cryosurgery uses the extreme cold produced by LN2 to destroy abnormal tissue. LN2 is applied directly to the cancer cells with a spraying device. The modelling tools developed within this proposal can be of use to improve the design of such new cryosurgery spraying devices.

Outcome 3: Support the inclusion of the digital technologies in the design of future cryogenic systems by disseminating of successful advances produced by the project widely and rapidly, to academia and industry. This last outcome was limited by the COVID pandemic consequences which reduced the interaction with the wider scientific and industrial community. Nevertheless, I have delivered a number of invited talks with most notable one an invited talk to MIT in July 2020 which has opened new route of collaboration towards cryogenic carbon capture. Also, in June I will deliver a talk as part of the Maurice Lubbock Memorial Lecture which is the most prestigious showcase event of the Department of Engineering Science in the University of Oxford. Moreover, I have worked in close collaboration with Dolphin N2 (a growing company formed to deliver game-changing engine technology to market, acquired by FPT Industrial in 2019 in using the CFD tools developed as part of this fellowship to support the design of one of their products namely the (CryoPower Engine). CryoPower engines are ideally suited for application in heavy-duty trucks, agricultural vehicles and stationary distributed power generation systems due to their high efficiency. More details of this work delivered as part of WP4 will be presented in the Narrative section which focuses on the non-academic impact of the project.
Sectors Aerospace

Defence and Marine



Description The versatile nature of the code deveoped during the project extends beyond academia, offering practical applications for industries dealing with fluids and environemnts at ultra low temepratures, seeking to enhance their safety protocols. By harnessing this innovative tool, industries can bolster their safety measures by gaining invaluable insights into the behavior of cryogenic fluids, thereby mitigating risks and ensuring optimal operational conditions As an example we have recently aquired industrial funding to investigate refueling hydrogen dynamics and support industries to establish edueling protocoles
First Year Of Impact 2024
Sector Aerospace, Defence and Marine,Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software),Energy,Environment,Manufacturing, including Industrial Biotechology,Transport
Impact Types Societal


Description Plasma drilling technology for geothermal energy utilisation supporting decarbonisation of UK energy sector
Amount £417,599 (GBP)
Organisation Innovate UK 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2020 
End 07/2021
Description SUCCES (Stored Up-valued Concentrated Cold Energy System)
Amount £492,287 (GBP)
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2022 
End 03/2025
Title Linking CFD data and ML alogirthms 
Description We have created a post processing tool in order to create ready to use in ML algorithms databases relvant to hydrogen jet dynamics produced from CFD simulations 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2024 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact This is the first tool that allows linking data coming from CFD simulations to the input of Machine Learning Algorithms specifically tailored for hydrogen safety scenarios. The tool can be fundamental in order to automate predicitons for hydrogen leaks and improve hydrogen safety protocols 
Title Cryogenic jet dynamics at conditions relevant to Split Cycle 
Description We have created a database that includes information of the the dynamics of cryogenic LN2 at various pressures environments (5MPa-17MPa) that correspond to the compression pressures present at the Split Cycle 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Part of the work that resulted from the on going collaboration with Ricardo in terms of the development of Cryopower 
Title Dataset of Supercritical Liquid Nitrogen 
Description A new data set has been gerated including data from supercritical cryogenic liquid nitrogen at a range of supercritical pressures. Results have been presented in: M.J. Vignesh Madana Gopal, G. Tretola, R. Morgan, G. De Sercey, G. Lamanna, and K. Vogiatzaki. Unpicking the interplay of turbulence, di?usion and thermophysics in cryogenic jets at supercritical pressures. Physics of Fluids, 33:077106, 2021. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact The first comprehensive database including a rnage of pressure data 
Title Direct Numerical Simulaitons of Flash Evaporaiton 
Description Currently a new data base is under development (in collaboration with the University of Stuttgart) that records the behavior of bubble expansion and merging under various Weber numbers in order to shed light to flashing atomisation processes taking place at cryogenic fluids. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact Although the data base in not currently published this will happen soon and will benefit modellers in deriving more accurate sub-grid-scale models to model bubble dynamics. 
Title Real Fluid Thermodynamics Modelling Relevant to Cryogenic Fluids 
Description An algorithm has been suggested based on polynomial fitting from NIST data base in order to calculate the isobaric properties of various cryogenic fluids. The model has been implemented in openFOAM. Acomprehensive dataset of comparison of other commonly used models has also been produced. The model has been presented in the following publicaitons J. Madana Gopal, G. Tretola, R. Morgan, G. de Sercey, A. Atkins and K. Vogiatzaki, Understanding Sub and Supercritical Cryogenic Fluid Dynamics in Conditions Relevant to Novel Ultra Low Emission Engines, Energies, 13(12), 3038; https://doi.org/10.3390/en13123038 2020, Selected as the Journal Cover for Vol 13 2020 M. Jaya Vignesha, G.Tretola, R.Morgan, G. De Sercey, K. Vogiatzaki "Numerical simulations of cryogenic jets at supercritical pressure conditions", ICLASS, 30 August - 2 September, Edinburgh, Scotland UK 2021 JVM Gopal, R Morgan, G De Sercey, K Vogiatzaki , Overview of Common Thermophysical Property Modelling Approaches for Cryogenic Fluid Simulations at Supercritical Conditions, Energies, 2023, 16(2), 885; https://doi.org/10.3390/en16020885 
Type Of Material Computer model/algorithm 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact This is the first simlified but yet equaly (if better) accurate approach to model thermodynamics of cryogenic fluids in the literature. Our paper presenting the approach has been selected as the the Journal Cover for Vol 13 in "Energies" journal 
Description Collaboration with Ricardo Lrd on the development of split cycle (CryoPower) 
Organisation Ricardo UK Ltd
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Through this project as well as previous projects we have developed a strong collaboration with Ricardo Ltd. Ricardo is currently benefiting from this collaboration from the development of fundamental knowledge and models from our group that shed light to the complex fluid interactions taking place at the compression and combustion chamber of the the split cycle engine currently under development within the CryoPower project Ricardo has undertaken
Collaborator Contribution Ricardo is offering a) Access to the extensive experimental data base of the CryoPoewer project that help us validate our numerical models b) Access to VECTIS (the Ricardo commercial code) c) Access to the Ricardo technical library of Riccardo Innovation. d) technical advise in terms of the the operating conditions and challenges arising in the split cycle engine.
Impact Although the collaboration within this project is at its initial steps a paper has been published (F. Khalid, S. Harvey, R. Morgan, K. Vogiatzaki, A. Atkins, D. Mason, M. Heikal, Towards zero emission engines through the adoption of combustion lead engine design realised through a split cycle topology, will appear at the Proceedings of the Conference on Thermo-and Fluid Dynamic Processes in Direct Injection Engines (THIESEL) 2018 )
Start Year 2019
Description Collaboration with the University of Stuttgart 
Organisation University of Stuttgart
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution An important component of this project is the collaboration of a leading German university (Stuttgart). The Stuttgart Group currently is performing pioneering work in collaboration with DLR in the field of cryogenic fuels for space propulsion. The work is mostly focusing on DNS methodologies. We explore how these data can be used in order to derive sub-grid scale models for the LES methodology we are working on. The work of the two groups is complimentary and can lead to better numerical tools for modelling cryogenic fluids In February 2020 Mr Giovanni Tretola (the post doc working on the project) and myself perforemd a visit to Stuttgart team to work on the code we co-develop for flash boiling. We have helped them understand better the prcinciples of a new model we have developed (S-?) that they will use in their code.
Collaborator Contribution The group in Stuttgart during the last 5 years (http://www.itv.uni-stuttgart.de) has been working intensively on the better understanding of cryogenic fuel injection for space propulsion applications which can help us diversify the applicability of our research currently mostly focusing on hybrid engines and power generation systems. The have offered us access to the detailed DNS data set they have developed in order to use them as SGS models in our LES framework. As mentioned above in February 2020 Mr Giovanni Tretola (the post doc working on the project) and myself performed a visit to Stuttgart team and they shared their experience with us in terms of the modelling of the temperature equation in OpenFoam when non constant fluid properties are considered. Their experience has helped us a lot in a follow up publication we currently prepare for energies
Impact We are currently in the process of developing together a new modelling framewrok to shed light to the mechanisms of flash evaporation in cryogenic fluids.
Start Year 2018
Title CoolFOAM - Fluid Solid Interaction Library (Part 1) 
Description A new solver has been developed for treating the interaction of cryogenic fluids with surfaces. This software update is relevant to a new library added to the code relevant to the interface treatment of fluid structures interacting with solid surfaces. The code has been under development the year 2020-2023 and this update was published in the followin publications : G. Tretola and K. Vogiatzaki. Unpicking the interplay of turbulence, diffusion and thermophysics in cryogenic jets at supercritical pressures. Scientific Reports, 12:2045-2322, 2022 G. Tretola and K. Vogiatzaki, Numerical treatment of the interface in two phase flows using a compressible framework in OpenFOAM: Demonstration on a high velocity droplet impact case, Fluids 6(2), 78; https://doi.org/10.3390/fluids6020078, 2021 G. Tretola, K. Vogiatzaki, "Comparison of cryogenic and non-cryogenic droplet impact dynamics at low velocities using OpenFOAM", ICLASS, 30 August - 2 September, Edinburgh, Scotland UK 2021 The sofware is cabable of dealing with wetability problems but without heat trasnfer which is the focus on our current work and will be published as Paert 2 
Type Of Technology Software 
Year Produced 2021 
Open Source License? Yes  
Impact The software has just been made public through the three publicaitons mentioned above. We have already received a number of requests to share our code with other groups 
URL https://doi.org/10.3390/fluids6020078
Title CoolFOAM: Three Phase Solver (Compressible), including Real Fluid Thermodynamics 
Description A new solver has been under development under my lab for generalised modelling of cryogenic fluids with various functionalitis including supercritcal fluids, real fluid themrodynamics compressibility, heat tranfer and fluid solid interactions 
Type Of Technology Software 
Year Produced 2022 
Open Source License? Yes  
Impact The first unified modelling software with the extent of capabilities described above 
Title CoolFOAM: Three Phase Solver (Incompressible) Library 
Description In this study, a new three-fluid volume of fluid framework is presented in order to be used as a tool for providing physical insight-in a unified manner-to cavitating sprays and other complex multi-fluid, multiphase fluid flows. The framework accounts for phase change across a sharp interface between two fluids (gas and liquid) including miscibility between the fluid generated due to phase change (liquid vapor due to cavitation in the investigated cases) and one of the existent fluids (gaseous air). Systematic validation of the framework was performed over three cases. The first case is a bubble rising test case that an analytical solution for a two-phase system is available. Comparisons based on previous results from other interface tracking solvers and against the analytical solution are presented. This test case was then expanded by the authors so that a third non-condensable gas phase with a free-surface interface over a rising bubble was present. This second test case was used to further validate the three-fluid system behavior. Finally, experimental comparisons were made with a more realistic orthogonal spray geometry that captures different cavitation characteristics over a range of flow intensities. Publication: P. McGinn, G. Tretola, and K. Vogiatzaki, Unified modeling of cavitating sprays using a three-component volume of fluid method accounting for phase change and phase miscibility Physics of Fluids 34, 082108 (2022); https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0094196 
Type Of Technology Software 
Year Produced 2022 
Open Source License? Yes  
Impact Three phase solver that can be used to modell the multiscale injection process in cases that a fluid is injected in a large domain through a small orfice. 
URL https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0094196
Title Real fluid Thermodynamics Modelling 
Description We have developed withn OpenFoam (OpenSource) a new method to model the real fluid thermodynamics of cryogenic fluids at a range of temperatures and pressures based on polynomial fitting of NIST data base. Some initial results are presented in 2. M.Jaya Vignesh, S. Harvey A. Atkins, P. Atkins1, G. De Sercey, M.Heikal, R. Morgan,, K. Vogiatzaki, Use of cryogenic fluids for zero toxic emission hybrid engines, IMechE, Internal Combustion Engines and Powertrain Systems for Future Transport Conference, 2019. One more paper (currently invited for publicaiton at Energies) is under preparation 
Type Of Technology Software 
Year Produced 2020 
Open Source License? Yes  
Impact This will enable us to further develop the new tool that we plan to create relevant to cryogenic jet dynamics especially for the modelling of the jet at sueprcritical conditions 
Description 8th of December 2023 - Combustion Institute British Section (CIBS) and the Institute of Physics Hydrogen Meeting 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Hydrogen is the trending green fuel for decarbonisation. Interest in hydrogen as a fuel for combustion applications has rapidly increased with the release of the government targets for net-zero by 2050. Low carbon hydrogen could be a versatile replacement for high-carbon fuels used today either with power generation gas turbines or civil aviation, helping to reduce pollutant emissions in vital UK industrial sectors and providing flexible energy for power, heat, and transport. Combustion Institute British Section (CIBS) and the Institute of Physics - Combustion Physics Group (IOP-CPG) jointly held their one-day meeting on 'Hydrogen Combustion - Current and Future Research' on the 8th December 2023.

The event was organised under the auspices of CIBS and IOP. The event was held at LT1, Inglis Building, Engineering Department, Cambridge University, Trumpington Street, Cambridge, CB2 1PZ.

The meeting brought together experts in the field of hydrogen combustion as a route to decarbonisation of energy production and sustainable transport. Researchers into the fundamental aspects of hydrogen combustion as well as those developing of solutions for industrial, energy storage, hydrogen safety and transport applications participated in this one-day meeting.

I was one of the keynote speakers talking about the challenges for storage and transportation of hydrogen
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Invited Talk at BP 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact I gave a talk entitled "An overview of the modelling capabilities of multi-phase flows at the University of Brighton" November 2018 at BP, UK. The focus of the talk was to demonstrate the tools that have been developed within my group and explore the possibilities for potential new collaborations. My talk attracted their interest and we are currently in discussions for a follow up project relevant to gasoline injection dynamics.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Invited Talk at Caterpillar 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact I gave a talk entitled " Complex flows modelling capabilities: Droplets, Sprays • Microfluidics, Combustion" October 2018 at Cterpillar UK in front of people from the R&D department in UK but in US as well (through skype). The focus of the talk was to demonstrate the tools that have been developed within my group and explore the possibilities for potential new collaborations
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Invited Talk at MIT entitled "Cool Fluid Dynamics: Unpicking the dynamics of cryogenic fluids under sub and supercritical conditions for energy and transportation applications" 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact The title of the talk was "Cool Fluid Dynamics: Unpicking the dynamics of cryogenic fluids under sub and supercritical conditions for energy and transportation applications", 16th of October 2020 (via Zoom) and if focused on presenting on an audience of approx 50 people major findings from my two EPSRC grants relevant to supercritical fluids and how their dynamics can affect the performance and effciency of future transportation systems. The important aspect of this talk was that the audience didn not only include accademics but also people from the industrial sector and policy maker which helped me gain a more internaitona perspective of various eenrgy and transporation issues through the follow up questions.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Lubbock Talk 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact The Maurice Lubbock Memorial Event is on of the most prestegious events of the Department of Engineering Science at the University of Oxford.

Engineers have always pushed the boundaries of the possible, and this year's event will showcase Engineering at the Extremes. The 2023 Lubbock lecturer was Sir Ian Chapman, CEO of the UK Atomic Energy Authority and world expert on the extreme engineering involved in making fusion power a reality, where the fusion material is as hot as the sun. Ian will discuss how engineering is creating solutions even in these most extreme environments, helping to bring us closer to the transformation fusion can bring about, providing abundant, cheap, clean power.

The Lubbock supporting lectures covered a breadth of Oxford Engineering Science:

Dr Chiara Falsetti will talk about challenges and opportunities related to sustainable aviation.
Professor Konstantina Vogiatzaki takes us to the other extreme of the temperature scale, talking about her work to understand the weird world of fluids at temperatures hundreds of degrees below zero.
Finally, Professor Dan Eakins will present research which explores the limits of a material's strength beyond the sound barrier.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6u55EJl0_8
Description Talk: Developing numerical models for sub and supercritical cryogenic fluid dynamics 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact I performed a talk for the UK Fluid Network with the SIG of Sprays (Sprays in engineering applications: modelling and experimental studies ) relevant to the recent progress on cryogenics field. The uadience was colleagues as well some industrial representatives. Discussions I had afterwords indicated that the talk motivated other people to consider how they use cryogenics at their research as well as we identified areas of future collaboration.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description University of Brighton Open Days 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an open day or visit at my research institution
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact I participate regularly at the Open Days of our University with interactive talks relevant to Flight Simulators. I do equipment demonstration allowing the students to try our simulators (Plane and Flying Oculus platform) while I explain them the basic Fluid and Programming knowledge they need in order to build such simulators. I also discuss with them the basics of aeronautical gas turbines and how our research in sprays can help manufacturers improve fuel efficiency and safety. This gives me the opportunity to reach a wide audience and promote the understanding of parents and future students regarding the subject area of aeronautical engineering from the perspective of multiphase flows.

The feedback we got after these Open Days was that the students seemed very enthusiastic learning about the research activities of my group (as well as other groups)
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017,2018