NDE, DEsign and Engineering Critical Assessments (NDECA): Bridging the gaps

Lead Research Organisation: University of Bristol
Department Name: Mechanical Engineering


The NDECA project aims to extend the applicability of fracture mechanics methods for predicting the behaviour of structures/components containing non-sharp flaws.

Many defects formed during manufacture or in service (e.g. porosity, dents or corrosion pits, weld defects, etc.) and certain design features (e.g. crevices in partial penetration welds) are not sharp i.e, have non-zero crack tip radius.
Common structural integrity assessment procedures- such as R6 [1] and BS7910 [2]- use fracture mechanics principles for the assessment of flaws that are assumed to be infinitely sharp. While this approach is appropriate for planar (2D) flaws, such as fatigue cracks, it can be excessively conservative for non-sharp defects, leading to erroneous decisions (replace/repair/re-inspect), thus reducing assets cost-effectiveness (through increasing operating costs and/or reducing service life).

Several assessment methods have been proposed in the literature to quantify the additional margins of safety of non-sharps defects compared to the margins that would be calculated if the defects were assumed to be sharp cracks. Unfortunately, the validation and application of these methods is currently limited by the lack of both credible non-destructive evaluation (NDE) techniques to distinguish between sharp and non-sharp flaws and; representative and reproducible effective fracture toughness testing procedures.

Therefore, this proposal will focus in the:
-Development and validation of novel NDE methodologies for accurate notch-tip acuity characterisation;
-Development of recommendations for future fracture mechanics-based test methods to account for the defect topology on the resistance to failure.

This multidisciplinary effort - it cuts across multiple academic fields, i.e. ultrasonics and NDT, mathematical modelling, engineering structural integrity, finite element analysis, and engineering design - will produce a step change improvement in damage tolerance methods for the next generation of design (by analysis) and structural integrity procedures of high integrity structures, allowing enhanced efficiency of assets. The project is supported by TWI, Wood, RCNDE, University of Cantabria and BP.

NDECA takes advantage of the UK's leadership and experience on the development of structural integrity assessment procedures (TWI, Wood, BP), the application of NDE methods for defect characterisation (University of Bristol Ultrasonics and NDT group, TWI and RCNDE members) and experience with FEA damage simulation and testing of non-sharp defects (Larrosa [PI], Wood, University of Cantabria).
The timeliness and critical needs for this project are reflected in requirement for more precise methods in life extension programmes for in-service nuclear power plants and Oil and Gas high integrity assets which are currently at (or close to) the end of the design life.

1. R6 - Revision 4, Assessment of the Integrity of Structures Containing Defects, Latest Updates: March 2015. EDF Energy, Gloucester, UK.
2. BS7910: 2013+A1:2015, incorporating Corrigenda Nos.1 and 2, 2016. Guide to Methods for Assessing the Acceptability of Flaws in MetalliMetallic Structures. British Standards Institution, London.

Planned Impact

The major ambition of this research is to introduce a paradigm shift in fracture mechanics principles. The novelty in this proposal is the development of non-destructive evaluation (NDE) methods for accurate flaw acuity measurement and fracture mechanics testing protocols for non-sharp defects.

The mechanistic understanding gained through the research programme will facilitate the development and widespread adoption of less conservative (but safe) methods for non-sharp defects and modifications to UK fracture assessment methods (R6, BS7910) to be made, reducing the number of unplanned outages and the amount of material to be used through less repairs/replacements of in-service structures and through more efficient designs.

The project outcomes will be of benefit to a range of industrial sectors - oil and gas, nuclear, aerospace and wind energy sectors- that will make significant savings in maintenance activities and also to manufacturers in learning how their design of products could be improved. Results and new understanding obtained during the work programme will be used to influence the planned 2020 version of BS7910 through links with TWI and the new R6 section on blunt defect assessment through the membership of TWI and Wood on the R6 Panel.

The project will also have positive impacts on the environment, through reduced use of natural resources and energy; and the elimination of carbon dioxide and pollutant emissions resulting from less manufacturing processes. The new procedures will assist in reducing reliance on foreign sources of energy (nuclear and oil and gas mainly) by maintaining current power plants in operation and through the design of more efficient plants with higher design lives (70+ years).

The project aims to be a platform to inspire the next generation of researchers and engineers with new skills across NDECA fields. The development of new expertise in these fields would have demonstrable positive impacts on the economy, through contributing to extending the life of high integrity assets, continued energy supply, maintaining jobs in operating plants and creating new job opportunities.

The project offers the ability to further strengthen UK's position by extending the applicability of current procedures with a prospect of far-reaching consequences. In recognition of this, this project is supported by key UK players in NDE and structural integrity, such as RCNDE, TWI, Wood (previously AMEC Foster Wheeler) and BP.


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Dobson T (2024) The role of corrosion pit topography on stress concentration in Engineering Failure Analysis

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Hadley I (2023) Knowledge gaps in fitness-for-service assessment procedures; summary of the 2nd 'mind the gap' workshop in International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping

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Balbín J (2020) An iterative technique to assess the fatigue strength of notched components in Procedia Structural Integrity

Description * The effect of non-sharp defects on the hability of the material to resist fracture of a structural steel S355 was characterised experimentally (cleavage notch fracture toughness)
* A methodology to estimate cleavage notch fracture toughness based on comparising stress fields ahead notches and stresses was developed
* The sizing limitation and accuracy of ultrasonic array image-based techniques for non-sharp defects (surface breaking u-notches) was investigated investigate and linked to how these measurements would affect the structural integrity assessment of components. For the cases under analysis, resolving non-sharp defects led up to benefits of 5× and 3× in effective fracture toughness and fatigue strength, respectively. A 30 % uncertainty in semi-notch width sizing would result in a 30 % and 20 % error in fatigue strength and fracture toughness estimations, respectively.
Exploitation Route The outcomes of this work should be used to develop large scale testing of components containing non-sharp defects that would allow to test the methods developed and enhance current practice in industry.
The outcomes of this funding will be incorportated in the UK nuclear structural integrity procedure R6 and the Bristish standard BS 7910.
Sectors Aerospace

Defence and Marine




including Industrial Biotechology

Description The outcomes of the project are intender to influence a new section of the R6 nuclear structural integrity procedure and British Standard BS 7910. The proposed approaches for sizing non sharp defects and estimating notch toughness will be used.
First Year Of Impact 2023
Sector Energy
Impact Types Economic

Description Development of Fracture Toughness Testing echniques for Non-sharp Defects
Amount £72,000 (GBP)
Funding ID 2128249 
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2018 
End 03/2022
Description NAMRC and UKAEA partnership on porosity of AM fusion materials 
Organisation Nuclear Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution This work will result in the 3 deliverables: D1: Report with results (imaging and testing) considering AM process, processing parameters, orientation, etc. and comparisons with reported data on CM materials. D2: Simple engineering go/no-go rules to define the suitability of samples based on location, density and size distributions of defects. D3: Computational algorithms that use imaging data to estimate whether samples are acceptable for service or not using damage tolerance arguments.
Collaborator Contribution Access was granted by NAMRC to the additive manufacturing facilities. A total of 72 samples were printed for the whole testing programme. NAMRC has committed to supporting the project by providing £20,000 per fiscal year to get access to their facilities and samples as required
Impact The collaboration is active but we are still performing analysis of the results so there are not yet results to report. it is multi-disciplinary as it involved manufacturing, structural engineering and materials science.
Start Year 2019
Description TWI- Development of fracture toughness testing methods for non-shapr defects. 
Organisation TWI The Welding Institue
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution This is part of our join interest in understanding non-sharp defects. My role is to work on the modelling side and fracture mechancis analysis.
Collaborator Contribution The role of TWI is to support with testing data
Impact There are no outputs yet.
Start Year 2018
Description Mind the Gap 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact This workshop focuses on identifying 'knowledge gaps' in fitness for services assessments and recent research advances developed to narrow these gaps. Presentations discuss subjects such as environmentally assisted cracking mechanisms, creep, corrosion, fatigue and fracture mechanics covering both the theoretical and experimental perspectives. We dig into the developments, new areas of research and effort that need to be addressed for bridging those gaps, based on the views of experts in industrial and academic organisations.
In the 2020 session of the workshop, aligned with the aims of this grant, we are focusing on new topics such as fracture and NDT of non-sharp defects.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020