The Application of Micro-Mechanical Research on Coarse Grained Soils to Create an "Avatar" Railway Ballast

Lead Research Organisation: University College London
Department Name: Civil Environmental and Geomatic Eng


The engineering analysis of geotechnical structures such as building foundations, tunnels or embankments, is usually made assuming that the soil acts as a continuous material, as if it were, for example, a metal. The tests that we carry out to characterise soil therefore utilise samples that have a representative number of particles, often millions, within them. The problem with this approach is that the soil behaviour is extremely complex, much more so than most other materials, resulting from the soil actually consisting of discrete particles with water filled voids between, and also the fact that these particles have a natural rather than man made origin, which can affect their shape, strength and arrangement. The extreme complexity of the equations we might use to characterise soil then means that our research understanding of soil behaviour is rarely fully implemented in engineering design.

In recent years increased computing power has led to the increasing use of discrete approaches in the analysis of soils, in which individual soil particles are modelled. In such an analysis it is important to model accurately the key characteristics of the particles that will influence the overall behaviour of the soil mass; their shapes, strengths, the arrangement that they have relative to each other and how they behave when they touch. Advances have been made in all of these areas, with the exception of the particle contact behaviour, which in recent years has been the special interest of Professor Coop, who has developed a new apparatus with which to investigate this aspect.

Having understood the contact behaviour, we will be in a good position to create a virtual or "Avatar" model of soil particles, at least for sands size and above, and this is the aim of this research. The vehicle for doing this is to address the practical engineering problem of modelling particles of railway ballast used to support rail track, the ballast in this sense being regarded as a large grained sand. Collaborating with noted experts on ballast behaviour at Nottingham University (Professor McDowell) and Southampton University (Dr. Zervos), and with contributions on soil particle shape description from Dr Baudet of UCL, the research will create a virtual model of several typical ballasts, capturing their shapes, arrangement, any damage that occurs during loading by the trains as well as, most crucially, the contact behaviour between particles. Such a model could then be used both in research and engineering design, but the first step will be to validate that it is successful. This can only be done by comparing the output of discrete numerical analyses using the model particles with "real events". The most convenient real events are "triaxial" tests, which are conventional continuum type tests in which a cylindrical sample of many particles is loaded and the response monitored. These are difficult tests and ultimately the aim of this type of research would be to render them obsolete as we then rely only on the new particle scale tests and modelling.

Planned Impact

This is blue skies research and the more direct economic and societal benefits will only be revealed over a scale of decades. The more immediate benefits will be to researchers and this in itself has an economic benefit through better focussed research. For example, there are many hundreds of researchers using DEM analyses of problems in coarse grained soils but who have little idea of the correct contact mechanics to use. The output from his work will be invaluable to them not only in choosing more realistic parameter values, but also in identifying which aspects of the mechanics it is important to model in DEM and how that should be done.

Ballast remains overwhelmingly the most common means of supporting existing rail tracks, but problems with its degradation are being exacerbated by higher axle loads, faster speeds and more frequent trains. Around 3 million tonnes of ballast are consumed annually, almost all of which has to be excavated from UK quarries, the nature of the rocks meaning that these are frequently in the areas of the country that are more sensitive to such an impact. The decision of whether to use a ballasted or concrete system for new track is often quite marginal, so while HS2 will utilise concrete slab track for phase one from London to Birmingham, phase two is likely to be ballasted (New Civil Engineer, Sept., 2016). Ballast tends to be cheaper in the construction phase but one of the major arguments against using it is the issue of long-term maintenance. This is not helped by current design being largely empirical in nature, leading to a high degree of uncertainty about future performance. At Nottingham University Kiani and Parry (2008) found that, for a full life cycle, ballast is currently actually no better environmentally than track slab in terms of global warming potential or embodied energy, while at Southampton Powrie has highlighted that the choice is also marginal in terms of whole-life cost, depending often on other construction related issues (Rail Tech. Mag., Aug/Sep, 2017). However, these conclusions might easily be changed if ballast design were more reliable, maintenance more predictable and/or easier and its longevity were improved. Network Rail currently spends about £3.5b per annum on infrastructure maintenance and renewal,. Even modest savings on ballast maintenance could be very significant and improve the resilience of our infrastructure and cause less spent ballast going to landfill. There will also be direct benefits to rail customers through improved service reliability and ride quality.

It is, however, the wider research aim of bringing more realistic contact mechanics into DEM modelling that will have the more profound benefits, but over a long time frame. The ability to model more reliably coarse soils, with the possibility that an Avatar model could be created, will have benefits in many areas of geotechnical, geological or petroleum engineering problems that require a particulate approach. For example, more realistic modelling of debris flow behaviour could lead to significant reduction in risk, which is a problem that Matthew and Béatrice are already collaborating on with researchers in Hong Kong. Other examples are the better prediction of oil well performance or design of rock fill dams. It is difficult to predict how our science will develop over the coming years. Given the progress in DEM over the last couple of decades from tens of two-dimensional disc shaped particles to tens of thousands of realistically shaped particles, there is the possibility that there will be a major shift in geotechnical engineering from continuum based approaches to discrete approaches, not just for specialised problems but for routine engineering. In this case the benefits would be incalculable.

Kiani, M. & Parry, A. (2008) Environmental life cycle assessment of railway track beds. Engineering Sustainability, 161(2):135-142.
Description Laboratory tests were carried out on various railway ballasts, one the standard UK granite ballast and one the standard Australian basalt ballast. Tests were also carried out on the UK ballast that had been used in a rail track and so was contaminated with dirt and oil. A new apparatus at UCL that is unique in the world was used for these tests, which investigated the behaviour at the contacts between two particles.
The experimental work highlighted a number of important findings and that were often contrary to expectations. Firstly, the coefficient of friction between the ballast grains actually increases with wear, rather than decreasing as had been expected. Another unexpected result is that in contrast to smaller grained sand particles, the friction between ballast particles is sensitive to the presence of water, and the friction decreases when the ballast is wet. The work also highlighted that a considerable amount of abrasion and grinding goes on at the particle contacts, so that a relatively large amount of fine material is created that may foul the ballast and degrade its performance.
The stiffnesses of the contacts were also an important part of experimental programme. In normal loading the stiffness was highly non-linear as expected and was strongly affected by the roughness of the ballast and by the curvature of the contacts. The process of creating a ballast by crushing a rock meant that the contacts tend to be angular and very rough so the contact stiffnesses are low and more similar to those of a much finer material like a sand than might have been expected. Current models available from tribology were able to predict the contact behaviour only when account was taken of the fact that much of the displacement on loading a contact was non-recoverable. While at low contact loads these non-recoverable deformations could be attributed to damage and yielding within the asperities of roughness, at large loads it appeared that the bulk of the particle was yielding at the contact and this was promoted by the sharpness of the contacts. In tangential loading at the contact the behaviour was very much softer than any current understanding or model predicted which has a major implication for how our numerical analyses of such materials are done. Applying a constant load at the contacts gave creep displacements that took several weeks to stabilise, this again being accentuated by the sharp contacts.
In addition to the contact tests, a large "triaxial" was used to obtain the continuum behaviour testing a large cylindrical sample of the ballast containing many particles and applying combinations of axial and radial stresses. This apparatus was modified with a new system to measure the strains that the sample experienced to an accuracy at least ten times smaller than had previously been achieved for ballasts. These tests revealed that the presence or absence of water did not affect the stiffness of the ballast at the large or continuum scale and it was confirmed that at the contact scale the stiffnesses were not affected by water either, even if the friction coefficient was.
A comparison of the behaviour of the Australian and UK ballasts highlighted how the UK ballast was subject to much less damage and abrasion than the Australian, highlighting how we should probably consider more carefully which rock is used for a ballast and how we prepare it.
An immediate practical implication of the experimental work was that it calls into question the current practice of "tamping" or "recompacting" ballast periodically, because although that would make it denser, the intention being that would be stiffer and stronger, new particle contacts would be created and the additional strength and stiffness caused at the contacts by repeated cyclic loading and creep at one location would be lost. So in fact the ballast may get softer overall leading to more settlement not less, which others have observed in practice but now we know why.
The principal academic aim of the research was to create an "Avatar" or digital twin ballast. To this end the triaxial ballast samples were scanned in very large scale and high-resolution X-Ray CT scanners at Southampton University and in Germany. From these scans we were able to determine with accuracy the ballast particle shapes and their arrangement relative to each other, their fabric.
Traditionally, soils with coarse grains, such as ballast are numerically modelled as a continuum using finite element analyses and using complex equations to represent the stress-stain behaviour at the macro scale. Discrete analyses in which each individual particle is modelled have so far been rather simplistic in nature and our aim was to make the first proper Avatar model. Largely we have achieved this aim, implementing in a DEM model not only the correct behaviour at the particle contacts as measured in our lab tests, but also modelling the shapes and fabric we measured in the CT scans. We could then use the Avatar DEM model to try to recreate the measured behaviour in our continuum tests on the triaxial apparatus.
The DEM analyses that were carried out at Nottingham University highlighted that using the correct particle shapes was crucial. A common current means to model shape by using polyhedra was not adequate but overlapping clumps of spheres of various sizes were able to reproduce the particle shapes that often had concave sections that polyhedra could not capture and this had a significant effect on the overall behaviour. Another common technique of using only a library of a few similar particles repeated many times to represent a material also was found not to be adequate, and it is necessary to capture the wide diversity of particle shapes in a ballast. All aspects of the contact behaviour measured in the lab tests were found to influence significantly the behaviour at the full scale, notably the coefficient of friction and the lower than expected normal and tangential contact stiffnesses. While DEM cannot model directly the small-scale shape of a particle, its roughness, the effects of the roughness on the contact stiffness must be accounted for and the non-recoverable nature of those displacements was especially important. Overall the project led to an Avatar of the real railway ballast that is very close to the real thing, a unique achievement in soil mechanics.
Exploitation Route The results of the laboratory tests on the cyclic loading of ballast contacts have highlighted that the current practice of tamping or compacting ballast periodically may not be as beneficial as previously thought. Also, the work indicates that cycles of rainfall may have a significant effect on ballast behaviour that has not previously been considered. The comparison between different ballasts emphasises how we should take greater care choosing our standard ballast in each country, not following tradition or basing our choices on traditional crude tests and that we should make local decisions balancing availability, transportation costs and durability.
Our numerical analyses, while carried out on simulated ballast particles, have implications for the analyses of all sands, rock fills and other coarse-grained materials. These showed that the effects of capturing the accurate behaviour at particle contacts, which is currently not done, is vital to obtain accurate macro-scale predictions. Similarly using accurate representations of the particle shapes is crucial, and it is particularly important to capture any concavity of the particle surfaces.
Sectors Construction


Description This was blue skies research and so the benefits are almost entirely academic but research has had a significant impact on the perception of discrete mechanics within the geotechnical sector, encouraging a move away from traditional continuum mechanics.
First Year Of Impact 2023
Sector Other
Impact Types Economic

Description Reuniting Micro And Macro Mechanics In Sands: A Systematic Approach
Amount £666,079 (GBP)
Funding ID EP/W000563/1 
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 12/2021 
End 11/2024