Intelligent Structures for Low Noise Environments

Lead Research Organisation: University of Southampton
Department Name: Sch of Engineering


Increasing international trade is leading to an explosion in the amount of shipping worldwide, which in turn is increasing the levels of noise pollution in our oceans. This is exacerbated by the large scale of the vessels used with low frequency acoustic radiation from vibrating structures propagating over long distances. The elevated noise and its detrimental impact on sea-life is a significant environmental concern. The power needed to propel such large container vessels is also leading to significant internal habitability issues with associated health and safety concerns. More generally, dwindling natural fuel reserves together with concern over greenhouse gas emissions is leading to a proliferation of offshore and land-based renewable energy generating installations. Such projects are all contributing to increasing noise pollution that in many cases radiates as infrasound (i.e. at frequencies below the threshold of human hearing) that causes unique physiological effects and discomfort in humans. In the automotive sector, similar environmental pressures are leading to lighter material construction and the increasing use of electric power. These trends lead to similar challenges for sound control and in the case of electric vehicles, this involves consideration of the unique psychological effects that cause annoyance that are not present or masked in vehicles powered by internal combustion engines.

The primary vision of the work proposed here is to address the low frequency noise mitigation requirement with an ambitious programme of research aimed at the development of a range of energy efficient novel intelligent structures through the holistic combination of tools and techniques from the key distinct disciplines of active and semi-active control, fluid structure interaction, acoustic modeling, signal processing and numerical optimization and additive layer manufacture. An Intelligent Structure is defined here as a structure that integrates structural elements that encompass novel sensors, actuation including morphing materials, energy scavenging and energy storage, printed electronics, data storage, computing and communications; not only as discrete embedded devices but also printed using advanced additive manufacturing techniques. In combination the components deliver behavior and performance that satisfy multiple objectives that could include energy efficiency, fault tolerance, low noise, low vibration and light weight.

The proposed partnership will be led by the Noise and Vibration Engineering Department of BAE Systems Maritime and the Institute of Sound and Vibration Research at the University of Southampton (UoS) which brings together a well-established and world leading grouping of expertise in maritime noise and vibration mitigation technologies. Working together with Lloyd's Register (LR), UoS leading expertise in fluid structure interaction and electromechanical design and the world renowned EPSRC Centre for Additive Manufacturing at the University of Nottingham this represents a formidable partnership that will deliver intelligent, energy efficient low noise structures and machines to improve the environment and enhance security and safety across a wide domain of applications.

Planned Impact

The Impact Summary should cover potential economic and societal impacts. The questions you should address here are: Who might benefit from this research and how?

In today's society, noise is all pervasive and problematic in working and domestic settings, where it has significant detrimental environmental, safety and health impacts. The control of noise is, therefore, of a high importance due to its impact on both humans and the environment more broadly. For example, the World Health Organisation indicates that noise can lead to effects such as sleep disturbance, cardiovascular disease, reduced performance at work or school and hearing impairment [1], and a recent study estimates that around 1 million healthy life-years are lost each year from traffic noise alone [2]. In the maritime environment, industrial noise due to shipping and offshore industries not only has an impact on humans, but also on marine life that rely on sound for communication, orientation, and locating prey [3]. The development of Intelligent Structures for Low Noise Environments, therefore, has the potential to have a significant impact in a broad range of areas.

Reducing noise, or more importantly, reducing the impacts of noise on humans and the environment, will have a positive impact on both the population's health and the environment. Although a variety of advanced noise control treatments are available, they do not generally offer the adaptability or the multifunctional capabilities of the intelligent structures that will be developed within this programme. In particular, the optimised structures incorporating active elements will enable adaptation to the environmental and human requirements. For example, structures that reduce the subjective impact of the noise rather than simply the sound pressure level will have a positive impact on human's through application in marine working environments, aerospace and automotive applications.

In addition to the benefits on human health of reducing environmental noise, the developed low noise technologies will also provide a lightweight solution compared to traditional high performance noise and vibration control treatments. This will provide a performance advantage in the maritime, aerospace, and automotive sectors, where there is an increasing requirement to use lightweight materials to reduce the carbon footprint through increased fuel efficiency. For example, a 7% increase in fuel efficiency has been predicted for every 10% reduction in a car's weight [4]. This increase in fuel efficiency, which may be facilitated by the research into lightweight control solutions in this programme, has the potential to support a reduction in CO2 emissions and, therefore, make a further positive contribution towards both a healthy nation and a resilient nation.

Finally, in addition to the positive impacts on health and resilience, the outputs of the research programme will have significant economic impact through the commercial exploitation of the developed technologies. This large-scale programme, which is founded on strong partnerships between academia and industry, will provide direct routes to exploitation of the world-leading technologies and manufacturing processes. This commercial exploitation will not only contribute to future UK GDP, but will also provide new opportunities for the UK workforce in a technically advanced area and thus support the productive nation prosperity outcome.

[3] Peng, Chao, Xinguo Zhao, and Guangxu Liu. "Noise in the sea and its impacts on marine organisms." International journal of environmental research and public health 12.10 (2015): 12304-12323
[4] Cheah, Lynette, et al. Factor of two: halving the fuel consumption of new US automobiles by 2035. Springer Netherlands, 2008.


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Austin B. (2022) Design of a multi-material acoustic black hole in Internoise 2022 - 51st International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering

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Cheer J (2019) Active control of plane waves: Transmission, reflection, absorption and steering in The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America

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Cheer J. (2020) On the potential of a functionally graded acoustic black hole using multi-material additive manufacturing in Proceedings of 2020 International Congress on Noise Control Engineering, INTER-NOISE 2020

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Hendijanizadeh M (2022) An actuator with tuneable resonant frequency for active vibration damping in Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures

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Hook K (2019) A parametric study of an acoustic black hole on a beam in The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America

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Hook K (2022) Active control of an acoustic black hole using a feedback strategy in Journal of Sound and Vibration

Description The overall objective of this programme is to create new low-noise intelligent structures that can be used to reduce anthropogenic noise in a range of sectors. Key findings are: 1) Geometrical features in engineering structures can be used to dramatically reduce the sound that radiates when they vibrate. Such "acoustic black holes" can be combined with smart active materials to reduce further the noise that is radiated and enable greater structural integrity in the resulting composite structure. The holistic combination of the best active and passive features leads to a significantly lower energy requirement than using solely traditional active noise control approaches. 2) A practical methodology has been developed for reducing the far-field radiated sound power of a vibrating structure using only sensors and actuators embedded within the structure. The significance of this is that the approach can be used for any complex structure and can be calibrated in any environment so enabling its use in full-scale systems across many industrial sectors. 3) As an extension to the finding described in 2 it has also been shown that such embedded structural actuators can be used to reduce the acoustic scattering that occurs at the surface of the structure in response to an incident sound wave. The occurrence of such scattering is, for example, the reason that noise levels within a train are significantly elevated when it travels through a tunnel.
4) Embedding active components within a structure can also reduce both vibration and hydrodynamic noise in underwater environments. Moreover such control measures reduce the severity of the fluid structure interaction forcing mechanisms, such as vortex shedding. This could have application beyond maritime noise suppression such as enhanced fatigue life of offshore oil and gas production facilities.
Exploitation Route The findings could be exploited within many industrial sectors. The focus of the research has been on alleviating noise in the maritime sector and so the findings could be exploited to reduce both internal noise for enhanced passenger and crew comfort but also exterior noise to reduce the detrimental effects of shipping noise on marine life. Although centred on the maritime sector the work has very broad application potential and could be used to deal with the attendant noise challenges in the automotive sector resulting from the increasing use of lightweight panels to increase fuel efficiency and extend battery life. Recent developments have also shown the potential for extended fatigue life of underwater structures and so have exploitation potential in the offshore oil and gas production sector.
Sectors Aerospace

Defence and Marine




Description IN-NOVA - Active reduction of noise transmitted into and from enclosures through encapsulated structures
Amount £530,503 (GBP)
Funding ID EP/X027767/1 
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2022 
End 09/2026
Description BAE - ISVR 
Organisation BAE Systems
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution ISVR have worked with BAE Systems for a considerable length of time to jointly develop novel technologies for noise and vibration control.
Collaborator Contribution BAE Systems have worked with ISVR for a considerable length of time to jointly develop novel technologies for noise and vibration control.
Impact The partnership has resulted in a large number of significant outputs and outcomes. This includes the publications associated with this grant, the patent applications associated with this grant . It also includes new technologies jointly developed prior to this grant that are now at a higher technology readiness level and making significant impact to the BAE Systems business.
Description LR - Southampton 
Organisation Lloyd's Register
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution UoS is developing novel technologies for low noise structures for application in the maritime environment. The partnership with LR is helping to steer this research towards areas and applications that will have significant benefit in a wide variety of maritime applications.
Collaborator Contribution LR is providing domain specific expertise to help guide the research direction. They are also providing technical support in specific areas to further develop the novel technologies developed at UoS.
Impact Aside from this grant itself, there have been no tangible outputs from this collaboration to-date. It is expected that these will come over the remaining years of the ISLNE grant.
Start Year 2019
Description University of Nottingham (CfAM) - University of Southampton (ISVR) 
Organisation University of Nottingham
Department Centre for Additive Manufacturing
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The ISVR members of the ISLNE programme have been developing a variety of lightweight noise and vibration control technologies that require new approaches to manufacture. ISVR have thus been providing these new system designs to the Centre for Additive Manufacturing at the University of Nottingham in order to raise challenges in terms of the manufacturing processes currently available. This will result in the realisation of both new advanced noise and vibration control technologies, but also the advancement of new manufacturing processes.
Collaborator Contribution The University of Nottingham's Centre for Additive Manufacturing has been contributing to this partnership by providing expertise in additive manufacturing technologies and also developing new manufacturing methods and materials to enable the realisation of the new noise and vibration control technologies being developed by ISVR.
Impact The collaboration is multi-disciplinary - it involves noise, vibration, control and electromechanical engineering expertise from Southampton and materials and additive manufacturing expertise from Nottingham. The collaboration has been running officially since the start of the ISLNE programme, however, there have been no outputs to date. This is mainly because the core technical collaboration has begun properly around December 2020, when two postdoctoral researchers were appointed at Nottingham to support the collaboration. The main outcome to-date, therefore, is the generation of two new research fellow posts.
Start Year 2019
Description There is provided an acoustic black hole comprising: in a first axis, a variation from a first characteristic to a second characteristic, along a line; in a second axis different to the first axis, a variation from a first characteristic to a second characteristic, along the second axis. 
IP Reference WO2023209339 
Protection Patent / Patent application
Year Protection Granted 2023
Licensed No
Impact BAE Systems exploitation
Description There is provided an acoustic black hole comprising: in a first axis, along a line, a variation from a first characteristic to a second characteristic to a third characteristic, wherein the acoustic black hole comprises a taper from the first characteristic to the third characteristic, and wherein the second characteristic is a deviation from the taper. 
IP Reference WO2023209337 
Protection Patent / Patent application
Year Protection Granted 2023
Licensed No
Impact BAE Systems exploitation
Description There is provided an acoustic black hole comprising: in a first axis, a taper from a first thickness to a second thickness, along a line; in a second axis perpendicular to the first axis, and away from the line, one or more regions of different spatial property relative to a spatial property of the ABH at the line. 
IP Reference WO2023209338 
Protection Patent / Patent application
Year Protection Granted 2023
Licensed No
Impact BAE Systems exploitation
Description According to the present disclosure there is provided an active acoustic control system for controlling an acoustic signal propagating along a propagation path, the system comprising: an active control unit configured to: receive information from a first sensor arrangement, the information related to the acoustic signal propagating along the propagation path; generate a control signal for controlling the acoustic signal based on the information from the first sensor arrangement, by being arranged to independently control: a first control source arrangement for generating a first control signal to control a first component of the acoustic signal; and a second control source arrangement for generating a second control signal to control a second component of the acoustic signal. 
IP Reference WO2023089301 
Protection Patent / Patent application
Year Protection Granted 2023
Licensed No
Impact BAE Systems exploitation
Description The present disclosure relates to an active acoustic control system comprising: a first sensor arrangement arranged to sense an acoustic signal in the region of an object, the acoustic signal having a scattered acoustic pressure component and a total acoustic pressure, the first sensor arrangement being arranged to sense the total acoustic pressure of the acoustic signal; a processor configured to: apply a filter to filter the total acoustic pressure and provide a filtered output signal; and estimate the scattered acoustic pressure component based on the filtered output signal from the filter; and a control source arrangement operable to control the scattered acoustic pressure component based on the estimation and a regularisation parameter determined based on a relationship between: level of control of the scattered acoustic pressure component of the acoustic signal when controlled using the control source arrangement of the system using a set of test regularisation parameters. 
IP Reference WO2023199026 
Protection Patent / Patent application
Year Protection Granted 2023
Licensed No
Impact BAE Systems exploitation
Title Active acoustic control systems and methods 
Description The active acoustic control system 300 comprises a first sensor arrangement 310 sensing an acoustic signal in the region of an object 350. The acoustic signal has a scattered acoustic pressure component and a total acoustic pressure, and the first sensor arrangement 350 is arranged to sense the total acoustic pressure of the acoustic signal. A processor 320 is configured to apply a filter to the total acoustic pressure signal and provide an estimate of the scattered acoustic pressure component. A sound control sound source arrangement 370 operates to control the scattered acoustic pressure component based on the estimation and a regularisation parameter determined 200 based on a relationship between the level of control of the scattered acoustic pressure component of the acoustic signal when controlled using the control source arrangement of the system using a set of test regularisation parameters. Cancelling the scattered sound component is said to provide an acoustic cloak for the object 350. 
IP Reference GB2617560 
Protection Patent / Patent application
Year Protection Granted 2023
Licensed No
Impact BAE Systems exploitation.
Title Improved acoustic black hole, structural damper, structurally damped structure, and method 
Description Disclosed is an acoustic black hole 200 comprising a first region of taper 210 in a first tapering direction 212 along a line of maximal tapering 214 of the first region, the first tapering direction being parallel to an axis 226 of the acoustic black hole. The acoustic black hole also has a second region of taper 220 in a second tapering direction 222 along a line of maximal tapering 224 of the second region, the second tapering direction being different to the first tapering direction. 
IP Reference GB2618113 
Protection Patent / Patent application
Year Protection Granted 2023
Licensed No
Impact BAE Systems exploitation
Title Resonator, resonator array, vibration control system and method 
Description A vibration control system including a resonator 1 or resonator array is provided. The vibration control system comprises: a resonator 1 comprising: a base 10 attachable to an external body; a control element 20; and one or more connection elements 30 each having a resilient portion 32 in which the control element 20 is resiliently connected to the base 10 by the one or more connection elements 30 such that relative movement between the control element 20 and the base 10 is facilitated by the one or more connection elements 30; and a driving mechanism. The resonator 1 comprises at least a part of the driving mechanism. A method of controlling vibration, and a method of manufacturing a vibration control system are also disclosed. 
IP Reference GB2612183 
Protection Patent / Patent application
Year Protection Granted 2023
Licensed No
Impact BAE Systems exploitation.
Description A structural damper(2) having an acoustic black hole (5), at least one sensor (7), a damper structure (4), an actuator (8) configured to apply an actuating force to the damper structure (4) and a controller (H) configured to control the actuator in dependence on a signal from the at least one sensor so as to provide structural damping of a primary structure (3). 
IP Reference WO2020201711 
Protection Patent application published
Year Protection Granted 2020
Licensed Commercial In Confidence
Impact World-wide patent application held by BAE Systems. Describes technology that combines active control with an acoustic black hole feature to provide high levels of noise and vibration control within a lightweight form factor.
Description According to the present disclosure, there is provided a structural damper for providing damping of a primary structure, the structural damper comprising: a first acoustic black hole, ABH; a second ABH; and an actuator provided in contact with the first ABH and second ABH, wherein the actuator is configured to apply an actuating force to the first ABH and the second ABH. 
IP Reference WO2024009059 
Protection Patent / Patent application
Year Protection Granted 2024
Licensed No
Impact Exploitation by BAE Systems
Description According to the present disclosure there is provided an active acoustic control system for controlling an acoustic signal propagating along a propagation path, the system comprising: an active control unit configured to: receive information from a first sensor arrangement, the information related to the acoustic signal propagating along the propagation path; generate a control signal for controlling the acoustic signal based on the information from the first sensor arrangement, by being arranged to control: a first control source arrangement comprising a finite 2D array of first control sources for generating a first control signal for controlling a first component of the acoustic signal. 
IP Reference WO2023089300 
Protection Patent / Patent application
Year Protection Granted 2023
Licensed No
Impact BAE Systems exploitation
Description BAE Systems AGM 2019 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Supporters
Results and Impact The BAE Systems AGM was an opportunity to present my work on acoustic black holes to an audience that included company investors, politicians and industrial partners.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description IOA Bulletin 
Form Of Engagement Activity A magazine, newsletter or online publication
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact This is a magazine published by the Institute of Acoustics, aiming to inspire young people to consider a career in acoustics. I wrote a featured article (Page 28) on my experience studying acoustics at the University of Southampton.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description New Scientist Live 2019 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact I was part of a team that ran a range of scientific demonstrations as part of New Scientist Live 2019. The event was attended by thousands of people over the 4 days, and I'm estimating that we must have seen over 500 people through our stand over that time.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description New Scientist Live 2019 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact A huge public event where people from all backgrounds with an interest in cutting edge science and engineering come for a day of talks and demonstrations. I was one of two PhD students presenting work in association with the BAE Systems. It was a fantastic experience and I thoroughly enjoyed engaging with a diversity of people.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description SOTSEF 2019 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact The University of Southampton's Science & Engineering Day is an annual festival, celebrating the cutting-edge STEM research taking place at the University. I was involved with designing and supervising a number of demonstrations, including

* An Active Vibration Control demonstration, showing a potential earthquake protection system
* A binaural dummy head, used to expain how the human brain interprets the audio it recieves from our ears
* A loudspeaker array for cars, which is capable of playing different music to the driver and front passenger at the same time
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description VentureFest South 2022 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact During November 2022, ISLNE researchers again attended the VentureFest South Festival of Innovation ( that was held at the Ageas Bowl in Southampton (Figure 5). VentureFest is an annual event that showcases the innovation and research capabilities within the South by bringing together: innovators, entrepreneurs and funders. More than a thousand of the South's business leaders, innovators, investors and entrepreneurs attended the event including the event partners BAE Systems and DSTL.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Venturefest South 2021 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact The Intelligent Structures for Low Noise Environments Research team were present at VentureFest 2021, showcasing our research to a collective of innovators, entrepreneurs and companies.

Two of our researchers attended VentureFest 2021 at The Ageas Bowl, Southampton. VentureFest is an annual event that showcases the innovation and research capabilities within the South by bringing together: innovators, entrepreneurs and funders.

More than a thousand of the South's business leaders, innovators, investors and entrepreneurs attended the event including the event partners BAE Systems and Defence Science and Technology Labs (DSTL).

Our team were demonstrating their current research in Active Sound Radiaton Control and Acoustic Black Holes at the event.

The research on Acoustic Black Holes won the Early Innovators Award at VentureFest 2021.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021