Improving Community Resilience and Sustainability Through Operational Research Capacity Building in Southeast Asia (CREST-OR)

Lead Research Organisation: University of Kent
Department Name: Kent Business School


Operational Research (OR) has significant potential to contribute to meeting Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and disaster risk management (DRM) objectives of developing countries. However, most ODA countries lack the research capacity to develop and apply relevant OR methodologies.
The CREST-OR project is a collaboration between three of the UK's leading universities in the field of OR - Kent, Lancaster, and Southampton - and prominent universities in four Southeast Asian (SEA) countries - Vietnam, Indonesia, Laos, and Cambodia. CREST-OR will establish a long-term UK-SEA partnership to build research capacity in OR methodologies, improve community resilience to natural disasters, and achieve national SDGs and DRM objectives. SEA partners will benefit from advancing their OR research capabilities, and the formation of new institutional links among project partners. UK partners will benefit from increasing knowledge in the application of OR to international development and disaster management challenges. The project will support longstanding initiatives in SEA countries through engagement of policy-makers and practitioners at national and local levels (e.g. emergency response agencies, local authorities, and development NGOs).

CREST-OR will build capacity in the use of OR for solving challenges in four focal areas: disaster management, food security, resilient transport infrastructure and smart cities. These areas were identified with the SEA partners based on existing collaborations within the UK researchers and, most importantly, on development priorities of their respective countries. In SEA countries, rapid economic growth and infrastructural development has not been supported by sufficiently robust planning. Social and environmental priorities have been regularly forfeited, while population growth has intensified development challenges. Climate change is now raising disaster risks and threatening to derail development achievements, with the greatest effect felt by the poorest and most vulnerable segments of society. OR offers a powerful set of tools to support more informed, evidence-based decision-making by government agencies and NGOs to address challenges related to disaster risk and its impact on food supplies, infrastructure and cities development. By building OR research capacity in these areas, CREST-OR will contribute to address several UN SDGs: SDG2 (Zero Hunger), SDG9 (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure), SDG11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities), SDG13 (Climate Action) and Priority-2 (Strengthening Disaster Risk Governance) of the Sendai Framework.

The project will undertake the following capacity building activities:
- Capacity assessments to identify educational and research gaps in the knowledge and use of OR methodologies, especially in relation to the SDGs, and understand the policy landscape in which CREST-OR will operate.
- Three workshops, including: a Scoping Workshop to develop a prioritised list of relevant research projects, which will form the basis of CREST-OR research agenda; an Academic Workshop with specialised research training sessions for SEA researchers at different career stages; a Final Workshop to share developed research project proposals, receive end-user feedback and plan future research strategy.
- Secondment of SEA Early Career Researcher in UK partner universities to develop research proposals, take part in research activites, and receive training in advanced and contextualised OR methods (e.g. simulation, optimisation).
- Short visits of UK academics to SEA institutions to consolidate understanding of local context, run short training workshops, and support the development of OR curricula and research units.
- Attendance of SEA researchers to the UK OR Society annual conference to facilitate their engagement in international debates and integrate them into a wider research community.
- Development of a website for research networking and knowledge exchange.

Planned Impact

CREST-OR will build capacity in Operational Research (OR) in South East Asia (SEA) for solving practical challenges in four focal areas: disaster management, food security, resilient transport infrastructure and smart cities. Realising the full impact of capacity building in OR at community level, in terms of better development and disaster management interventions, and changed lives, will follow a multi-year collaboration between UK and the SEA university partners. The CREST-OR project, lasting one year, is the first and most vital of three steps on the pathway to that impact. The anticipated impact of CREST-OR includes the following.

Seven Early Career Researchers (ECRs) from four target countries will have capacity to research and develop OR methods for application to context-specific development challenges in four focal areas. Three UK universities (Kent, Lancaster, Southampton) will also have enhanced their OR research capacity, being able to integrate contextual information and data from SEA into mathematical models. The combined developed research capacity of the ECRs and UK universities will be shown by the quality and potential of seven research proposals developed by the ECRs with support from UK universities during the project.

Seven national universities in Vietnam, Indonesia, Cambodia and Laos will have realistic strategies for integrating the new research capacity of their ECRs to address specific national development challenges, enabling them to impact on their communities beyond the lifetime of CREST-OR. Relevant government agencies in the four target countries will have a better understanding of how OR research can benefit them, demonstrating their willingness to cooperate by sharing relevant data and expertise. Development agencies, which will have been engaged at project workshops, including potential funders such as the Newton Fund in Vietnam and Indonesia, and international financing institutions such as the Asian Development Bank, the International Fund for Agriculture & Development, and the Japan International Cooperation Agency, will demonstrate their stakeholder interest in the future role of OR by information-sharing for the development of the seven research proposals. National research capacity in OR and initial results from the ECR projects will enable these stakeholders to increase efficiency and effectiveness of their development interventions.

Existing national and international OR societies will benefit from their support to this new UK-SEA community of research practitioners. For example, the aims of the Asia-Pacific OR Society (APORS) include promotion of OR as a highly-valued discipline and profession; encouraging multi-country projects and initiatives; and assisting to set up national OR societies. The UK OR Society is a CREST-OR project partner, and the project's Advisory Board includes high-level representation from both APORS and the International Federation of OR Societies (IFORS).

Beyond the lifetime of the funding, in the second step along the pathway to impact, the seven research proposals will be realised, enabling research capacities to be applied and further improved, while OR demonstrates its effectiveness in context, with tangible impacts on SEA communities. Simultaneously, the seven universities will develop national OR courses.

In the third step, the strength of OR will be fully recognised by national government and development agencies, and research capacity will be harnessed to scale up the use of OR, in pursuit of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): SDG2 (Zero Hunger), SDG9 (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure), SDG11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities), SDG 13 (Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts) and Priority-2 of the Sendai Framework (Strengthening Disaster Risk Governance). At this stage, research capacity in OR will be impacting local communities in SEA on a significant scale.


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Description CREST-OR is a research capacity-building project, primarily to build research capacity of academics in the field of Operational Research in Southeast Asia. Findings and achievements were as follows.

1. FINDING: Assessment of OR capacity and OR demand in four Southeast Asian countries led to identification of the needs and gaps in OR capacity which need to be filled, in order for the discipline to be utilised for effective impact on the achievement of SDGs.

2. ACHIEVEMENT: OR research capacity has been developed among leading academics and Early Career Researchers (ECRs) in the four Southeast Asian partner countries, with specific reference to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This capacity development is an ongoing process which has reached different stages in each of the partner countries due to pre-existing capacities and conditions, and requires ongoing provision of technical expertise from the international OR community.

3. FINDING AND ACHIEVEMENT: The project identified pressing sustainable development challenges, which can be tackled using analytics and OR tools, in each of the four Southeast Asia partner country. These challenges include forest management in Vietnam, vegetable crop optimisation in Cambodia, flood mitigation in Laos, disaster relief operation optimisation in Indonesia, and multi-modal transport infrastructure development in the Mekong Delta. The ECRs, who undertook OR and research skill training through the project, developed research proposals around these challenges and presented them at the final project workshop as a call for action for the regional and international OR community.

4. ACHIEVEMENT: the CREST-OR project led to the establishment of the Southeast Asia Operations Research Network (SEAORN), a platform for supporting OR growth and collaborations between academics and practitioners in SEA countries. SEAORN currently includes 30 SEA institutions and supports the formation of National OR Societies in the region, thus strengthening the Asia-Pacific regional grouping (APORS) of the International Federation of OR Societies (IFORS). As a result of this project, the Indonesia Operations Research Association (IORA) submitted an application to IFORS to become a National Society.
Exploitation Route Referring to the 4 findings & achievements highlighted above:

1. The needs and gaps in OR capacity in the four Southeast Asian partner countries, which were identified by the CREST-OR Project, should be filled by support from the international community of OR academics and practitioners

2. There is significant potential for longer-term partnerships to build on the interest generated by the CREST-OR Project, to continue building OR research capacity within academic programmes and for practical application in the pursuit of the SDGs in Southeast Asia. Such partnerships are likely to be led by academic institutions, but should include government agencies, private sector stakeholders and/or international development agencies when possible.

3. The 5 Southeast Asian ECRs' Research Proposals should find financial support for implementation, and should be funded and implemented in order to showcase how OR can be effective in practice in Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos and Vietnam.

4. UK academic institutions should take opportunity to nurture the new Southeast Asian OR Network (SEAORN) and support its development until it becomes fully self-sustaining.
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink



Description The overarching aim of CREST-OR was to establish a long-term UK-SEA partnership to build research capacity in mathematical OR tools. The ultimate impact of greater OR research capacity in SEA countries is more efficient, effective, and sustainable development outcomes for communities and vulnerable groups, initially in the sectors identified during the project, and eventually also in other sectors. The project succeeded in building OR research capacity among academics at different career stages and connecting them through the establishment of the SEA OR Network (SEAORN). CREST-OR, therefore, generated significant impact within the academic community of the four countries, by stimulating the growth of the OR discipline, encouraging the development of OR programmes and creating a regional Community of Practice for OR research linked to the main OR international learning societies. Tangible economic and social impacts beyond academia will require more time to appear, but the way has been paved through the development of the 5 project proposals, co-designed with stakeholders and policy makers. If future funds can be obtained to fully develop and implement these project ideas, then the outputs of CREST-OR will begin to generate impacts in a variety of sectors, including agriculture, transport and disaster management.
First Year Of Impact 2022
Sector Education
Impact Types Societal

Description International Science Partnerships Fund, Early Career Fellowships programme
Amount £138,168 (GBP)
Organisation British Council 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country United Kingdom
Start 08/2024 
End 08/2026
Title Online facilitation for rapid capacity building 
Description As online workshop facilitation became increasingly necessary during the early stages of the COVID19 pandemic, there was a growing need to understand how to rapidly develop online workshop facilitators. We developed a process to support novice facilitators in rapidly developing their online facilitation skills in the absence of prior experience. Additionally we developed a framework/questionnaire to support the evaluation of the online facilitation workshop that we tested with actual workshop participants. We describe a case study involving several countries in South East Asia (SEA) in which face-to-face workshops planned before the pandemic were rapidly moved online, requiring many inexperienced online facilitators to deliver online facilitation for the first time following a short training programme. Our findings suggest that facilitators may be rapidly trained in considerably shorter timeframes than previous reported. 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Impact is difficult to establish at this early stage but we can report the following. A number of SEA collaborators have: 1) extended their skillset to online facilitation and facilitation in general which is necessary in real life applications involving groups of stakeholders; 2) a subset of these participated in the development of the academic paper describing the study which in turn is about gaining capacity in OR research. The approach once published can be used by other OR practitioners seeking to evaluate their online workshops with groups of stakeholders regardless of the location of the stakeholder group. 
Description Capacity building for Operational Research in Cambodia 
Organisation Royal University of Phnom Penh
Country Cambodia 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Time and expertise in research capacity development for Operational Research methods, and implementing those methods in practice, especially in relation to Cambodia's achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Collaborator Contribution Time and experience of the Cambodia development context including knowledge of national and regional needs, capacities, resources, socio-political opportunities and constraints. This knowledge has been valuable in complementing the expert knowledge of research in the field of OR provided by the universities of Kent, Southampton and Lancaster in the CREST-OR Project, to achieve effective, tangible outputs.
Impact 1. Survey to assess capacity for Operational Research in Cambodia 2. Research proposal: Vegetable crops optimisation to improve production planning for small household farmers in Cambodia.
Start Year 2020
Description Capacity building for Operational Research in Indonesia 
Organisation Padjadjaran University
Country Indonesia 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Time and expertise in research capacity development for Operational Research methods, and implementing those methods in practice, especially in relation to Indonesia's achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Collaborator Contribution Time and experience of the Indonesian development context including knowledge of national and regional needs, capacites, resources, socio-political opportunities and constraints. This knowledge has been valuable in complementing the expert knowledge of research in the field of OR provided by the universities of Kent, Southampton and Lancaster in the CREST-OR Project, to achieve effective, tangible outputs.
Impact 1. Survey to assess capacity for Operational Research in Indonesia 2. Research proposal: Enhancing disaster inventory systems in West Java province, Indonesia.
Start Year 2020
Description Capacity building for Operational Research in Laos 
Organisation National University of Laos
Country Lao People's Democratic Republic 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Time and expertise in research capacity development for Operational Research methods, and implementing those methods in practice, especially in relation to Lao achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Collaborator Contribution Time and experience of the Lao development context including knowledge of national and regional needs, capacities, resources, socio-political opportunities and constraints. This knowledge has been valuable in complementing the expert knowledge of research in the field of OR provided by the universities of Kent, Southampton and Lancaster in the CREST-OR Project, to achieve effective, tangible outputs.
Impact 1. Contributions to survey of academic institutions in Southeast Asia to assess capacity for Operational Research 2. Research proposal: Using OR to improve wastewater and drainage system resilience to climate change in Pakse, Laos
Start Year 2020
Description Capacity building for Operational Research in Vietnam 
Organisation Vietnam National University
Country Viet Nam 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Time and expertise in research capacity development for Operational Research methods, and implementing those methods in practice, especially in relation to Vietnam's achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Collaborator Contribution Time and experience of the Vietnam development context including knowledge of national and regional needs, capacities, resources, socio-political opportunities and constraints. This knowledge has been valuable in complementing the expert knowledge of research in the field of OR provided by the universities of Kent, Southampton and Lancaster in the CREST-OR Project, to achieve effective, tangible outputs.
Impact 1. Survey to assess capacity for Operational Research in Vietnam 2. Research proposal: Optimisation Issues in Forest Management in Vietnam
Start Year 2020
Description Blog about Operational Research for the Sustainable Development Goals 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact This blog aimed at raising awareness about the huge potential of Operational Research and Analytics tools to find innovative solutions to climate change and environmental challenges. It also offered a list of actions to continue developing OR capacity in Southeast Asia and in other developing countries facing similar climate and development issues.
The blog received positive feedback from academic colleagues and OR researchers working in developing countries.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Blog about the CREST-OR project 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact This blog aimed at generating visibility about the CREST-OR capacity building project and highlighting the benefits that the project brought to both academic and practitioner communities in Southeast Asia.
The blog stimulated interest in running OR projects in developing countries and is likely to have led to the invitations received by the project PI to give plenary talks at international conferences.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description CREST-OR Inception Workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact The Scoping Workshop was the project's first activity to connect with all its stakeholders. Due to COVID, the workshop was was unable to be a single event with all stakeholders together. It became a hybrid event, with national workshops in Vietnam, Indonesia and Laos, linking up to individual participants working remotely in UK and Cambodia, with additional invited participants from Myanmar. The stated objectives of the workshop were:

1. To define a timely and relevant OR research agenda, focused on how existing and new bespoke OR methodologies can be used to support SDGs in the areas of disaster management, resilient transport infrastructure, food supply security, and smart cities.
2. To identify research gaps in the use of mathematical OR tools in SEA partner countries, taking into account their respective research landscape, technical proficiencies, and developmental needs.
3. To provide the opportunity to national and international researchers and experts to showcase the OR capabilities and potential for addressing critical SDG issues through the collaboration and involvement of academics, policy-makers, and practitioners.
4. To give the opportunity to early career researchers to understand the value of engaging with stakeholders in working on impactful real-world problems that will enable them to develop their research capabilities.

The other significant but less tangible aim was to stimulate interest in Operational Research and its potential to address the SDGs in the participating Southeast Asian countries - that is, interest not only among academics but also among government, private sector and third sector stakeholders. Such interest among a broad range of stakeholders would then be satisfied by the subsequent project activities, and would be the basis for longer-term capacity building and development of OR methods in the Southeast Asian context.

The workshop lasted two full days in Southeast Asia, while UK participants joined during the two UK mornings (Southeast Asia afternoons). Southeast Asian country groups identified main national challenges which could be supported by OR, with special focus on national-level SDGs, and identified possible intervention points for OR for potentially improving the efficiency of national programmes. Presentations were given which demonstrated OR applications operating internationally. Then national groups selected one key national challenge for CREST-OR to develop a new OR application. Southeast Asian academics reviewed and reaffirmed the identified key national challenge(s), considering potential barriers, enablers and overall feasibility. Then participants documented their resource needs such as data, training and other technical support. Inter-country discussions focussed on key sectoral challenge for OR, laying a foundation for inter-country research collaboration. Overall the workshop was successful in meeting all its objectives.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Dissemination activity at the University of Iowa (April 2022) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact The CREST-OR PI, Prof Scaparra, was invited to give a talk at the University of Iowa as part of the research seminar series of the Department of Business Analytics. The aim of the talk, titled "How can analytics support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?" was to disseminate the CREST-OR findings and demonstrate how analytics can contribute to the achievement of the sustainable development goals. The talk sparked some interesting questions from the audience, especially early career researchers who wanted to find out more about the SDGs and potential OR projects related to them.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Final workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact The project's Final Workshop took place on 29th March 2022 in Siem Reap, Cambodia. Simultaneous workshops were held in Indonesia and Vietnam. Those workshops linked virtually to the Siem Reap workshop. Other individual participants also joined virtually. The workshop was an opportunity for the project's Early Career Researchers from Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos and Vietnam, to present the design of their research projects which they prepared during CREST-OR. The presentations demonstrated to a range of stakeholders how OR can be applied to address SDGs in the four Southeast Asian countries, and promoted further networking and interest in applying OR in the Southeast Asian region. The second half of the workshop discussed and finalised decisions on the formal establishment of a Southeast Asian Operational Research Network ("SEAORN"). One of the key purposes of the network is to provide a framework for further OR research capacity development in Southeast Asia after CREST-OR. Key representatives of the International Federation of OR Societies (IFORS), including current and past presidents, joined this part of the workshop and provided important information about the possibility of SEAORN and national SEA OR associations to become members of IFORS. Following the workshop, the Indonesian OR Association started the process to join IFORS. The application has now been submitted.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Prof Onggo gave a talk on Agrifood supply chain management: Modelling and simulation (14 Jan 2023) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Prof Onggo presented a talk on Agrifood supply chain management: Modelling and simulation at the Annual Meeting of Indonesian Scholars Association (14 Jan 2023). The objective was to raise awareness and interest to learn more about simulation modelling for agrifood supply chain management. The event also featurrd keynotes by:
Dr. Laksana Tri Handoko (Kepala Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional - BRIN / Chairperson - National Research and Innovation Agency) and Prof. Ir. Nizam, DIC, Ph.D., IPU, ASEAN.Eng (Direktur Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi, Riset, dan Teknologi / Director General of Higher Education, Research and Technology).
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Prof Onggo gave a talk on simulation modelling for humanitarian logistics (26 May 2022) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Prof Onggo was invited to give a talk on simulation modelling for humanitarian logistics at the international workshop on the Integration of Digital Technologies in Disaster Preparedness hosted by Digital University Kerala and University of Southampton in association with United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) and sponsored by British Council concluded at DUK campus on Friday. The 10-day workshop had experts from the fields of disaster management, science and technology, telecommunications and humanitarian services handling sessions on relevant topics. This included Paula Padrino Vilela of Disasters and Conflicts Branch, UNEP and Gabriel Nocito of Nobel Peace Prize winning organization Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF). Officials of various government agencies such as the police, the fire and rescue services and town planning people working in private sector related to disaster management and risk reduction attended the workshop.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Prof Onggo gave a talk on simulation modelling for humanitarian logistics (28 August 2022) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact Pro Onggo gave a tutorial on simulation modelling for humanitarian logistics to members of Indonesian International Scientists Association ( and Young Indonesian Scientists Academy ( at the 2022 World Class Scholars Forum. The session was attended by approximately 30 early career researchers.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description UK OR Society Lightening Talk (28 April 2022) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact The CREST-OR PI, Prof Scaparra, featured as one of 6 female speakers at the Lightening Talk event "Women making a difference in OR and Analytics" organised by the Women in OR and Analytics Network (WORAN) of the UK OR Society.

Around 50 participants attended Prof Scaparra's talk, titled "Empowering Southeast Asia communities with Operational Research", including several Early Career Researchers (ECR) from developing countries. The aim of the talk was to inspire future generations of OR researchers to develop new OR tools which can address global development challenges, create more equitable and inclusive societies, and support vulnerable communities in the developing world.
Some ECR women who attended the event reported that they had been inspired by the talk and were keen to pursue a career in OR to address sustainable development challenges in their countries.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Webinar for the Analytics for a Better World institute 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Prof Scaparra gave a webinar as part of the seminar series of the Analytics for a Better World (ABW) institute. The webinar was attended by about 40 participants from all over the world, including academics and practinioners with an interest in using analytics to address SDG-related challenges.
Following the talk, Prof Scaparra received numerous requests for participation in her projects in developing countries from the webinar attendees. As a result, she is currently collaborating on papers, projects and grant proposals with ABW researchers and with researchers in Spain.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023