GCRF Clean Environment and Planetary Health in Asia (CEPHA) Network

Lead Research Organisation: Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Department Name: Civil Engineering


Pollution of the air, water and soil is the largest environmental cause of non-communicable disease and death worldwide, responsible for around 9 million premature deaths annually. The greatest increases in non-communicable diseases are seen in low- and middle-income countries now experiencing epidemics of obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. Outdoor and indoor air pollution combined account for around 7 million of these deaths, predominantly in developing countries of Asia, particularly India and China.
Environmental pollution affects everyone in society creating a heavy burden on quality of life, productivity and school performance. The underprivileged, including female and children, living and working in polluted environments are more at risk and unable to avoid exposure. Greenhouse gases emitted from the same sources (e.g. motorised transport, waste burning) have an impact on climate, increasing the risk of extreme weather events such as floods and heatwaves. Asian countries are urbanising rapidly and unsustainably, locking their populations in polluting behaviours through inefficient land use planning and poorly designed transport and housing infrastructure.
Environmental pollution is a drain on development, disproportionately affecting underprivileged communities, for example those living in informal settlements, and vulnerable individuals, for example those with respiratory illness. For too long the relationship between prosperity and environment has been seen as a trade-off. Tackling pollution was considered a handicap to economic growth. Growing evidence now shows sustainable development can help improve not only health and the environment, but also the economy. The drive towards cleaner environments and low carbon development, provides a compelling opportunity to realise multiple societal benefits: to improve health and the environment, innovate and become more competitive.
To address the huge development challenge of environmental pollution and non-communicable diseases in Asia, and harness opportunities provided by sustainable development, we propose the engagement network on Clean Environment and Planetary Health in Asia (CEPHA): to catalyse technological and societal innovation through deep engagement across disciplines and sectors that will stimulate transformative changes to business models, government policies and public health practice in Asia. Network outcomes will include long-lasting partnerships, enhanced knowledge exchange and capacity building, and co-creation of projects and resources focusing on actionable solutions to the challenges of improving the environment, decarbonising the economy, and reducing the burden on non-communicable diseases in Asia.
We will identify and promote best practice that has the greatest potential to reduce pollution from different sources (transport, household energy, waste) and related non-communicable diseases, particularly in vulnerable groups (children, female, informal workers). This will be achieved through deep engagement with key stakeholders and communities, awareness raising, capacity building, and generation of income for research and innovation in key areas.
The network will create long-term opportunities for inter-sectoral collaboration and knowledge transfer between and within low and middle-income countries in Asia and the UK. We have assembled an outstanding, well-balanced and integrated team of researchers, policy makers, public health practitioners, industry and the third sector to address this challenge. Importantly, the network will be open to new members and aim to develop a generation of well-connected local champions that will enable the transition to cleaner, more sustainable environments and better health in Asia.

Planned Impact

Who will benefit from this network?
Over 95% of people worldwide live in places where air pollution is over the World Health Organization's guidelines, with exposures to harmful pollutants being the highest in fast growing Asian cities. GCRF Clean Environment & Planetary Health (CEPHA) Network will address the intractable challenge of environmental pollution, compounded by poverty, inequalities, and climate change in low and middle-income countries (LMICs) in Asia. The network will focus on India, China, Thailand, and Malaysia, which will directly benefit from enhanced engagement between researchers, regulators, industry, health professionals, and local communities to tackle environmental pollution and reduce their burden on non-communicable diseases. The primary beneficiaries of this network are:
Citizens living in these polluted environments. Health benefits will be realised from lowered emissions from the most polluting sectors (e.g. transport, industry, waste), and reduced personal exposure. Benefits will be proportionately greater among more disadvantaged people; those in informal settlements and those suffering from respiratory illness, and young children who currently cannot realise their full lung growth potential as they live in very polluted environments. Benefits will reach beyond these 4 countries which will act as exemplars in Asia, potentially benefiting the entire region.
Decision Makers from Local Government, Environmental Protection Agencies, who will be fully engaged in identifying evidence gaps and co-developing actionable solutions that have the greatest potential to protect the environment and provide multiple health and economic co-benefits.
The Health Sector, who are at the receiving end of the emerging epidemic of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in Asia exacerbated by environmental pollution and climate change.
Industry and business, who will co-develop innovative technologies and services for environmental and health protection.
Wider Stakeholders, such as service providers, the private and third sectors, who are currently hampered by high pollution levels, traffic congestion, noise, road accidents, all related to the fundamental problem of unsustainable development.
The Research Community at all career stages involved in this network, including physical/social scientists, engineers, and public and environmental health researchers.
How might they benefit from this research?
The population of the core CEPHA countries will greatly benefit from clean air initiatives and more sustainable, low carbon development. Cleaner air (indoor & outdoor) will directly improve people's health, and reduce chronic illness/NCDs, e.g. acute asthma and other lung and heart, and improve quality of life and life expectancy.
Employers, service providers, and businesses will benefit from improved productivity and reductions in lost days due to illness associated with poor air quality. Children and students will benefit from improved educational performance which is linked to healthier environments. The entire population in these LMICs and beyond will benefit by addressing the upstream causes of environmental pollution, through better urban planning, cleaner technologies, and more sustainable patterns of production and consumption.
Females, the very young and elderly people in particular will greatly benefit from improved indoor air quality from using cleaner household fuels and cooking technologies, as they typically spend more time indoors. We will translate and disseminate findings to diverse audiences using a range of approaches/languages, to reach citizens with varying literacy skills, particularly those in informal settlements.
Researchers and practitioners in Asia and UK will benefit from shared learning, training, secondments, workshops, eLearning, eNetworking, and opportunities to publish, attend international conferences, build collaborations and attract funding to progress careers and maximise impact.


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Kuppili S (2021) Characteristics of real-world gaseous exhaust emissions from cars in heterogeneous traffic conditions in Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment

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Kolluru SSR (2023) Did unprecedented air pollution levels cause spike in Delhi's COVID cases during second wave? in Stochastic environmental research and risk assessment : research journal

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Peter AE (2021) Dynamics of PM2.5 pollution in the vicinity of the old municipal solid waste dumpsite. in Environmental monitoring and assessment

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Narayana M (2023) EEATC: A Novel Calibration Approach for Low-Cost Sensors in IEEE Sensors Journal

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Passi A (2022) Evaluation of comfort perception of passengers in urban underground metro stations in Energy for Sustainable Development

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Vardoulakis S (2019) Grand Challenges in Sustainable Cities and Health in Frontiers in Sustainable Cities

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Dharmasastha K (2023) Hydronic flow path analysis on the thermal comfort performance of radiant cooling system in Thermal Science and Engineering Progress

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Kumar P (2022) In-kitchen aerosol exposure in twelve cities across the globe. in Environment international

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Aswin Giri J (2022) Lockdown Effects on Air Quality in Megacities During the First and Second Waves of COVID-19 Pandemic in Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series A

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M S (2022) Particulate matter exposure analysis in 12 critical urban zones of Chennai, India. in Environmental monitoring and assessment

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Narayana M (2022) Quantitative Analysis for Application Specific Calibration Approaches for Low-Cost Sensors for Air Quality Monitoring in IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems

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Mahesh S (2019) Real-world emissions of gaseous pollutants from motorcycles on Indian urban arterials in Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment

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Arumugam J (2020) Thermal Comfort Assessment of Tropically Acclimatized Occupants in an Air Conditioned Microenvironment in Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series A

Title Community event and exhibition of Creative posters, Essays and Creative Drawings from school children and college undergraduates 
Description We conducted a community event in the world environment day (5th June 2020) with a topic of Conservation of Biodiversity for school children, undergraduates and postgraduates. The total number of participants was 156 Category I: Creative Drawing (Up to 12 years) ; Total Number of participants: 26 Category II: Essay Writing (12-16 years); Total Number of participants: 33 Category III: Creative Poster (Bachelors, Masters and PhD); Total Number of participants: 97 We conducted a community event on the topic of Air Quality Management for school children, undergraduates and postgraduates. The total number of participants was 182 Category I: Creative Drawing (Up to 12 years) • Total Number of participants: 112 Category II: Essay writing (12-16 years) • Total Number of participants: 61 Category III: Creative Poster (Bachelors, Masters and PhD) • Total Number of participants: 9 
Type Of Art Artistic/Creative Exhibition 
Year Produced 2020 
Impact Involvement of school students and college under graduates in the discussions on pressing environmental issues. Spreading awareness and knowledge to the younger minds and encouraging them to participate and raise their voices in all matters through artistic and creative means. 
URL http://cepha.in/world-environment-day-2020/
Title Community event and exhibition of Creative posters, documentaries and Creative Drawings from school children and college undergraduates 
Description 1. We conducted a community event in the world environment day (5th June 2021) with a topic of "Ecosystem Conservation" for school children, undergraduates and postgraduates. The total number of 150 participants from Category I: Creative Drawing (Up to 14 years) ; 50 in Category II: 1 minute Vedio submission(14-19 years); and 37 in Category III: Technical Poster (Bachelors, Masters and PhD) were participated. 2. We conducted a community event on the topic of Air Quality Management for school children, undergraduates and postgraduates. Category I: Creative Drawing (Up to 12 years) • Total Number of participants: 50 Category II: One min video (12-16 years) • Total Number of participants: 16 Category III: Technical Poster (Bachelors, Masters and PhD) • Total Number of participants: 14• Category IV : Essay writing (12-16 years).Total Number of participants: 48. 
Type Of Art Artistic/Creative Exhibition 
Year Produced 2021 
Impact Involvement of school students and college under graduates, postgraduates, researchers in the discussions on pressing environmental issues. It encourages the students participants for initiating a little contribution for environmental protection. 
URL http://cepha.in/
Title Exhibition of Creative Paintings 
Description 1. We organized half day exhibition as a part of creative art workshop. 2. Paintings on Canvas board were displayed. 3. 67 Participants from three different categories a)CATEGORY 1: 13 - 17 YEARS b) CATEGORY 2: 18 TO 22 YEARS c) CATEGORY 3: POSTGRADUATES AND TEACHERS were participated 
Type Of Art Artistic/Creative Exhibition 
Year Produced 2022 
Impact 1. Imaginations of students related to environmental awareness was converted into beautiful paintings. 2. Creative paintings are spreading awareness and participation among common public. 
Description VASUNDHARA is a polyresin mural that aims to encourage individual and group effort towards right action for environmental protection. 
Type Of Art Artwork 
Year Produced 2022 
Impact The artwork is displayed at IIT Madras, which has encouraged discussions and conversation on clean environment and sustainability among the faculty and students. 
Description • We have engaged researchers, citizens, policy makers, the health sector, industry, and other stakeholders through three Indian International Conference on Air Quality Management (IICAQM) during the year 2019 to 2021. These conference includes 44 keynote speakers from national and international institutes, and industries.
• CEPHA network conducted five community events and identify challenges for environmental managements. Prioritizing awareness and engagement activities with special focus on the younger generation and innovative solution like creative art workshop to express the environmental awareness in the form of painting has been organized.
• Innovative community engagement events also included organization of different competitions (quiz, drawing, painting and documentary) for school children and college students on the Occasion of world environment day 5th June 2020 and 5th June 2021. More than 100 students participated in the competitions.
• Short term and long term exposure studies have been carried out to assess acute and chronic health impacts of air pollution at metro stations, Chennai city. It included 457 respondents with female to male ratio of 22:78.
• Multiple awareness campaign had been conducted for school and college students as well as general public.
• To strengthen international co-operation and knowledge exchange on environmental pollution control and planetary health across Asia, CEPHA network has initiated the unique kind of lecture series "Air Quality Monthly Lecture series"(AQML) from October 2020 which covers the different environmental issues, air quality monitoring, modelling, air pollution control technologies, impact on health and role of citizen to control air pollutions. Eighteen AQM lectures were organized virtually and eminent speakers have been invited for knowledge exchange, namely, Dr. B. Sengupta, Central Pollution Control Board, Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change; Prof. Nguyen Thi Kim Oanh, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand; Prof. Mukesh Sharma, , Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur; Prof. Mukesh Khare, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India; Prof. Margaret C Bell, Newcastle University; Professor Enda Hayes, University of the West of England, Bristol, United Kingdom; Dr. Sotiris Vardoulakis, The Australian National university; Prof. Chandra Sekhar, National University of Singapore; Dr. Prasad Modak, Environmental Management Centre LLP; Prof. Kraichat Tantrakarnapa, Mahidol University, Thailand; Shri S. K. Gupta , M/S Envirotech Instruments Pvt Ltd; Prof. Dr. Uwe Schlink, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ; Prof. Arun Kr. Sharma, ICMR-NIIRNCD Jodhpur; Dr. Rakesh Kumar, Former Director, CSIR NEERI, Nagpur, Maharashtra; Prof. (Dr.) Gufran Beig , NIAS, IISc Campus, Bangalore; Dr. Peter Orris, Occupational and Environmental Medicine, UI Health, Wolcott, Chicago; Prof. Prabhakaran Dorairaj, Centre for Chronic Disease Control, PHFI, India Prof. Akula Venkatram, University of California, Riverside.
• For building capacity and widen participation across sectors and socioeconomic groups, we have organized series of workshop which is unique initiative, where strong interaction among students and eminent scientist/professor/experts in this field is envisaged.
• Workshop aim is to catalyze technological and societal innovation through deep involvement of students to reduce pollution and adopt best practices at individual levels.
• Nine workshop on various aspects including, sustainable development, role of youth in environmental conservation, citizen participation for monitoring air quality were conducted during 2019 to 2022.
• CEPHA provided platform to Generate resources and research income through joint new research project on Clean Energy for Healthy Environments and Lives in Central Australia and South India: The CE4HEAL project. In this project IIT Madras is working in collaboration with National Centre for Epidemiology & Population Health, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.
Exploitation Route CEPHA Network is an interdisciplinary/inter-sectoral network comprising partners from academia, public health, industry, government, local authorities, NGOs and local communities with expertise in: (1) Environmental Science and Engineering; (2) Human and Planetary Health & Wellbeing (3) Social Sciences, Economics and Participatory Arts; and (4) Environmental Health Education, Literacy and Advocacy. We will expand on previous efforts to enhance interdisciplinary aspects (particularly social science) and provide a platform for deeper engagement with industry, regulators, practitioners and local communities, including disadvantaged groups.
• Dissemination of information to the public and students through developed website, documentaries on solid waste management, newsletters, handouts on "Mitigation measures to exposure to traffic pollution" will continue the legacy of awareness to next generation.
• A unified data management system for air quality observatories installed in networking partners universities. It will be accessible by all the stakeholders, researchers and scientists. A dashboard of the observed readings will also be developed to disseminate data and publications.
• CEPHA lead to development of partnership with more than 500 coauthors from various international institutes which will continue for the exchange of knowledge and research.
• Resource personas from DAC list countries have been invited for the 18 Monthly Air Quality Management Lecture series, which resulted in awareness at the national and international levels.
Sectors Communities and Social Services/Policy

Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)





Democracy and Justice

URL http://cepha.in
Description 1. Narrative Impact 1.1 Societal and economic impact • Clean Environment & Planetary Health in Asia (CEPHA) Network website has been launched on 13th November 2020. • Short video on Solid Waste Management for school children has been prepared by GCRF - CEPHA Network with the cooperation of UK Research and Innovation and Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Madras, Chennai, INDIA. • Manual on "Meeting exposure to traffic pollution I and around school" in local languages i.e. Tamil and Malayalam has been released and available freely on CEPHA websites for students reference. • Different online competitions organized for students lead to take the first steps in environmental conservation by the society, during the year 2021. • CEPHA Project's aim is not directly related to economic development. 1.2 Sustainable Development Goals • Partnership with academia, public health, industry, government, local authorities, NGOs, and local communities to enhance interdisciplinary aspects and provide a platform for deeper engagement from 19th September 2019 to date. • More than 20 the Global Engagement Networks has been working for CEPHA to develop practical solutions to address issues such as the prevalence of single-use plastic in Kenya, hurricane recovery in the Caribbean and water management across Africa. • Each network representative and team is working on problems and solutions identified within the countries themselves to bring together a diverse range of organizations and skillsets. • Environment impact and related health issues has been communicated and fruitful discussion carried out among networking partners from London, Chicago,UFZ, Bristol, India etc. 1.3 Impacts on gender • All the CEPHA activities were not gender biased. We followed all guidelines of UKRI to maintain gender equality throughout the project. 75 % female candidates employed under project to promote role of women in research filed. • Gender equality in the research team associated with CEPHA activities also maintained. • We encouraged the participation of female students in the school competition. 165 participants in IICAQM 2021 and more than 300 hundred in other compititions has been participated and and 15 girls won the prizes. • Assessment and awareness for woman using biomass fuels for cooking in rural Mysore, Karnataka has been conducted • Monitoring and assessment of biomass fuel usage and associated air pollutants emitted in low-income rural households in selected villages (Madahalli and Anagalli) in Mysore, Karnataka. ? Awareness campaigns to inform the villagers about the adverse health effects from the traditional methods and introducing good cooking practices for a better tomorrow. ? Health camps to access the current health conditions of the women and give health related awareness, distribute medicines to treat common diseases and refer, as the case may be for further treatment. ? Women are the primary cooks in all the rural households, thus, providing them with required knowledge and support to uplift their way of living and achieve gender equity. • 2 doctoral and 2 postdoctoral research scholars benefitted in research work and received a fellowship. Out of four 3 researchers were the female researchers. • Gender neutrality was observed and followed for participants and speakers of all the events like international conference, workshop, panel discussion and community events.
First Year Of Impact 2019
Sector Communities and Social Services/Policy,Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software),Education,Environment,Healthcare,Government, Democracy and Justice
Impact Types Cultural


Policy & public services

Description Non attainment cities
Geographic Reach Local/Municipal/Regional 
Policy Influence Type Participation in a guidance/advisory committee
Impact CEPHA Network is working along with policy makers of the nation such as, Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), Central Ministry for Environment and Forest. Indian Institute of Technology (IITM) being a knowledge partner along with CEPHA network aims at improving the Non-attainment cities in India to comply with national standards. The collaboration is expected to improve the air quality nation-wide.
Title Development of a framework for indoor air quality management in subway stations. 
Description 1. The management of indoor air quality (IAQ) was very crucial for a healthy metro environment and the betterment of humankind. 2. For the health risk assessment the airborne particles (aerosol and bio-aerosol) deposition doses in the respiratory tract of subway passengers and workers were calculated. 3. 3. WHO's HIA tool has been used to identify the likelihood of various acute and chronic health consequences was used. 4. For the health risk assessment the airborne particles (aerosol and bio-aerosol) deposition doses in the respiratory tract of subway passengers and workers were calculated. 5. The characteristics of various indoor air pollutants, namely PM10, PM2.5, PM1, TVOC, CO, CO2, bacteria, and fungi, on metro platforms and inside metro trains were studied. 6. Various factors controlling IAQ in subway metro stations were identified. 7. Thermal comfort was investigated in metro station platforms and inside trains. Thermal indicators, namely temperature, relative humidity, air velocity, wet bulb temperature, mean radiant temperature, and operative temperature, were studied. The thermal indices PMV and PPD were reported. Further, the comfort perception of passengers in urban UG metro stations was evaluated. 8. The health risk assessment was conducted for subway passengers and workers. The human respiratory system was simulated using MPPD modelling. The airborne particles (aerosol and bio-aerosol) deposition doses in the respiratory tract of subway passengers and workers were calculated. 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact 1. This research method is newly developed for subways. 2. There were no studies conducted in the past for the development of IAQ management framework. 3. It's implementation in the subways will be helpful to manage overall indoor environmental quality and maintain healthy metro environment. 4. This research study is conducted in India. The research method can be used for the management of IAQ in subway stations worldwide. 
Title Sample survey methodology for indoor air quality assessment in rural household kitchens 
Description Questionnaire survey was developed 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact the survey is being progress is being assessed 
Title Establishing A Sustainable Low-Cost Air Quality Monitoring Setup: A Survey of the State-of-the-Art 
Description Low-cost sensors (LCS) are becoming popular for air quality monitoring (AQM). They promise high spatial and temporal resolutions at low-cost. In addition, citizen science applications such as personal exposure monitoring can be implemented effortlessly. However, the reliability of the data is questionable due to various error sources involved in the LCS measurement. Furthermore, sensor performance drift over time is another issue. Hence, the adoption of LCS by regulatory agencies is still evolving. Several studies have been conducted to improve the performance of low-cost sensors. This article summarizes the existing studies on the state-of-the-art of LCS for AQM. We conceptualize a step by step procedure to establish a sustainable AQM setup with LCS that can produce reliable data. The selection of sensors, calibration and evaluation, hardware setup, evaluation metrics and inferences, and end user-specific applications are various stages in the LCS-based AQM setup we propose. We present a critical analysis at every step of the AQM setup to obtain reliable data from the low-cost measurement. Finally, we conclude this study with future scope to improve the availability of air quality data. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact LCS made a significant improvement in air quality monitoring at a fine scale. LCS data can be used as a supplement to the conventional methods of AQM. However, policymakers have not adopted this method due to poor data reliability. One of the reasons for this is the lack of long-duration evaluation and exact quantification of errors. Even though there are studies on LCS evaluation for AQM only a few reported adequate accuracy levels. Lack of standard protocols for calibration and performance evaluation also hinder the adoption of LCS. AQM framework and critical analysis at each step in this study make LCS users' task easy. In the case of sensor selection, the procedure we propose can help end-user to make a proper selection effortlessly. MOS have higher power consumption than EC. However, they can work at higher temperatures. At the same time, MOS have a higher response time compared to EC. Existing PMS on optical principle are not suitable for particles of diameter less than 0.3 µm. Advanced sensors mentioned in the selection of sensors can be explored for this application. Present LCS have an operational lifetime of one to one and a half years. Hence there is a need for the development of sensors with a high operational lifetime. Sensor performance is location and application dependent. Finding a model that suits every scenario is impossible. Hence, users need to identify the possible error sources in their application and counter them with calibration and frequent re-calibration. Performance evaluation of sensors and calibration models are unavoidable to achieve higher accuracy. Adopting QA and QC can further improve data reliability that builds users' trust in air quality measurement with LCS. Fitting a universal calibration model is not possible due to heterogeneity in the environmental conditions and sensors. There is a lack of mass calibration procedures to calibrate and evaluate higher volumes of sensors in the field. Only a few studies have explored calibration methods for post-deployment calibration when reference stations are not available. Hence, post-deployment calibration methods need to be developed to calibrate an entire network without dislocating the sensor devices. A combination of data-driven approaches and statistical models may be suitable in this regard. Calibration at regular intervals addresses the sensor's drift over time. However, regular interval calibration at remote areas is cumbersome. Remote calibration methods may be another potential area to work to reduce the tedious procedure of re-calibration. Since there is no harmonization of performance criteria, LCS needs to be evaluated with at least one reliable metric in each scenario mentioned in the evaluation metrics before use in real-time. Prior QA/QC is needed to release LCS data in real time. 
URL https://www.mdpi.com/1424-8220/22/1/394/htm
Description 5th Indian International Conference on Air Quality Management (IICAQM 2020) 
Organisation Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Country India 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Conducted a half-day workshop and a panel discussion on 'Planetary Health and Clean Environment in Asia -Special focus on Air Pollution' in collaboration with IICAQM 2020. In this event, both delegates and participants had shared their views and experience on air pollution causes and controlling strategies.
Collaborator Contribution The IICAQM Conference aimed to bring together leading academicians, scientists, engineers, and research scholars exchange and share their experiences and research results related to all aspects of air pollution health and exposure assessment and its management. With this aim, IICAQM conference shared a platform with CEPHA network for the half- day workshop and panel discussion.
Impact Activities were planned as the result of this collaboration with IICAQM 2020 in the future
Start Year 2020
Description 6th Indian International Conference on Air Quality Management (IICAQM 2021) 
Organisation Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Country India 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution 1. CEPHA conducted a workshop on " Indoor Air Quality Management" in collaboration with IICAQM 2021. It included one key note address and two invited talks. 2. Panel discussion on "Recent WHO guidelines for air quality standards implementation challenges in developing countries". Ten experts , industrialist, researchers and health experts and community helpers shared their views during the discussion. 3. In this event, researchers, delegates and participants had shared their views and experience on different air quality management activities. How the industrialist
Collaborator Contribution The IICAQM Conference aimed to bring together leading academicians, scientists, engineers, and research scholars exchange and share their experiences and research results related to all aspects of air pollution health and exposure assessment and its management. With this aim, IICAQM conference shared a platform with CEPHA network for the half- day workshop and panel discussion. Collaborators from IIT Madras, IIT Guwahati, University of California, Riverside (USA), University of Bath (UK), and UFZ Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (Germany) jointly organized this event.
Impact Activities were planned as the result of this collaboration with IICAQM 2021 in the future
Start Year 2021
Description 7th Indian International Conference on Air Quality Management (IICAQM 2022) 
Organisation Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Country India 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution CEPHA was a collaborator and organiser of the 7th Indian International Conference on Air Quality Management (IICAQM 2022) held at IIT Madras Chennai during 27 Nov to 01 Dec 2023.
Collaborator Contribution The partners from CEPHA network have been collaborators and invited speakers during the conference.
Impact Activities were planned as the result of this collaboration with IICAQM 2022 for the future
Start Year 2022
Description 8th Indian International Conference on Air Quality Management (IICAQM 2023) 
Organisation Indian Institute of Science Bangalore
Country India 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution CEPHA was a collaborator and organiser of the 8th Indian International Conference on Air Quality Management (IICAQM 2023) held at IISc Bengaluru, during 04-08 Dec 2023.
Collaborator Contribution The partners from CEPHA network have been collaborators and invited speakers during the conference.
Impact Activities were planned as the result of this collaboration with IICAQM 2023 for the future
Start Year 2023
Description Clean Energy for Healthy Environment and Lives (CE4HEAL) 
Organisation Australian National University (ANU)
Department National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health
Country Australia 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Investigating the potential to generate affordable clean electricity from solar energy systems for South India. Identifying the barriers and enablers for solar energy adoption.
Collaborator Contribution Investigating the potential to generate affordable clean electricity from solar energy systems for Central Australia. Identifying the barriers and enablers for solar energy adoption.
Impact This project helped increase access and adoption of domestic solar systems and reduce polluting fuel use in rural and remote Australia and India, contributing to cleaner air, affordable and improved energy security, and better health outcomes for rural, remote and Indigenous communities in both countries.
Start Year 2021
Description HEAL Conference: Healthy Environment and Lives 
Organisation Australian National University (ANU)
Department National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health
Country Australia 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution CEPHA collaborators namely, IIT Madras, Clean Air Asia and Australian National University (ANU) were part of the conference on "HEAL 2021 Healthy Environment and Lives". Break out session on "Clean energy solutions for healthy environments and lives" was held , where scientists and experts were involved.
Collaborator Contribution ANU contributed in the discussion on sustainable solutions to protect human health from climate change, air pollution, temperature extremes, and other environmental and occupational hazards.
Impact We are planning for the future activities through CE4HEAL.
Start Year 2021
Organisation JSS Medical College and Hospital
Country India 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The research collaboration involved the development of an IAP questionnaire survey and monitoring campaign in selected villages in Mysore, Karnataka.
Collaborator Contribution JSSHER collaborated and organized the monitoring and accompanying awareness campaign at the village locations in Mysore.
Impact The collaboration resulted in scientific data on IAP in rural kitchens from biomass used for cooking and heating activities, which further led to future collaborations and publications
Start Year 2021
Description Joint International Tropical Medicine Meeting (JITMM) 
Organisation Mahidol University
Country Thailand 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Three invited talk were delivered by eminent speakers. In the symposium project director, codirector and one researcher presented and shared their views on sustainable development goals.
Collaborator Contribution Symposium on "Sustainable development goals; clean environment and planetary health approach" was conducted as a part of JITMM. Mahidol University organized in collaboration with IIT Madras and ANU .
Impact Collaboration was multi-disciplinary and Mahidol university is focusing on health aspect and planning for future activities related to health impacts of air pollutants.
Start Year 2021
Description Accordingly, embodiments herein disclose an air pollution control system (100) comprises an air quality monitoring device (102) configured to measure a quality of air in an area, a wind direction monitoring device (104) configured to determine a direction of wind, an air purification device (106) configured to purify the air by removing dust particles from the air, wherein the air purification device is automatically activated based on the measured quality of the air; and a pulse jet bag house (108) to collect the dust particles from the air purification device (106) and release the purified air in the determined direction of the wind. 
IP Reference WO2020065671 
Protection Patent / Patent application
Year Protection Granted 2020
Licensed Commercial In Confidence
Impact The device helps with ambient air quality monitoring and control.
Description 1. Multi-stage air purification system with hemispherical discharge is designed for indoor air pollution control. 
IP Reference 202041027119 
Protection Patent granted
Year Protection Granted 2021
Licensed No
Impact This system will help to reduce bioaerosol, VOC's and particulates matters in indoor pollution.
Description A road dust collector device (100) mounted on a wheeled assembly and a method of collecting dust using the device thereof is provided. The device (100) is configured to sweep dust from a surface using a sweeping arrangement, suck the dust into a cyclone separator (105) and separate the dust from clean air. The sweeping arrangement includes a plurality of rotatable adjustable brush assemblies (103) that is configured to pick up dust by mechanical agitation created by rotation of the self-adjusting brush assembly (103) that adjusts height via a spring-loaded link mechanism. The dust is separated from the air at the cyclone separator (105) and is collected at the dust collector (109). The device may be used in the management of dust emissions and can be manufactured at low cost. 
IP Reference WO2020026265 
Protection Patent / Patent application
Year Protection Granted 2020
Licensed Commercial In Confidence
Impact The road dust collector is a major milestone in particulate pollutant reduction for the busy roads of India.
Description This present invention has a design of power efficient low cost sensor based real time air quality sensor network. The said sensor module has gaseous pollutant sensors like NOx, SOx, O3, CO, and optical image based PM2.5 and PM10 sensors for particulate matter, integrated with microcontroller based embedded electronics technology with specially designed air sampling medium to ensure the measurement accuracy and GSM/Wi-Fi based wireless platform in order to collect the air quality data through the wireless networking of sensor nodes. The pollution monitoring data can be uploaded to the secure server for data collection and forecasting of air pollution data and information. The real time monitoring of the present application will help in calculating air quality index to issue health advisories as well as for formulation of control measures to ensure compliance. 
IP Reference WO2023042222 
Protection Patent / Patent application
Year Protection Granted 2023
Licensed No
Impact The sensor-based air qualtiy monitoring network helps collect much needed data at a lower cost with ease.
Title Spiral Baffled Cyclone Separator for Particulate Emission Control 
Description Spiral Baffled Cyclone Separator was developed for Particulate Emission Control 
IP Reference 201741026356 
Protection Patent granted
Year Protection Granted 2021
Licensed No
Impact It will help to control particulates emissions from vehicle engines.
Title Air Pollution Control Technologies 
Description Various air pollution control technologies have been developed as part of the research group and two start-up companies have been formed to market them to the public. 
Type Of Technology New/Improved Technique/Technology 
Year Produced 2022 
Impact Air pollution control of indoor and outdoor spaces. Monitoring and data collection equipment for air quality parameters Low-cost sensor based equipments 
Description SENSurAir Private Limited start up company established to develop low-cost air quality monitoring and personal exposure monitoring solutions. Main aim is to democratize air quality data and make it accessible to the public, enabling them to make better decisions and create a better environment. 
Year Established 2021 
Impact • This low cost sensors will help to people manage air pollution by providing economical solution for monitoring air quality in Urban, Rural and Industrial areas, and disseminating data to the community. • To enhance the understanding of the science behind air quality we have established "Air quality Management Association". It will provide the oppurtinity and platform to young rserachers and experts to achieve the goal related to air quality and human welfare.
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact 1.This workshop was organized by GCRF-Clean Environment and Planetary Health in Asia (CEPHA) Network, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IITM).
2.Two days art workshop and competition had been conducted to make purposeful expression more effective by imparting artistic methods and techniques of expressing ourselves through the medium of paint.
3.There were talks and short films screened on Environmental issues and for further artistic inspiration by professional artist to create an artwork on the theme during the event .
4.This art workshop not only aimed at creating an awareness on environmental issues but also provide new artistic techniques and ways of expressing ourselves even more effectively using colours and form, text and emotion.
5. Artistic way was used for creating an awareness and pressing environmental issues of our times and underlining possible steps or directions for the betterment of society.
6. 67 students and teacher participated in the events.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
URL http://cepha.in/
Description Air Quality Management Lecture (AQML) series 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact 1. To strengthen international co-operation and knowledge exchange on environmental pollution control and planetary health across Asia, CEPHA network has initiated the unique kind of lecture series "Air Quality Monthly Lecture series"(AQML) from October 2020 which covers the different environmental issues, air quality monitoring, modelling, air pollution control technologies, impact on health and role of citizen to control air pollutions.
2. Fourty-one AQM lectures were organized virtually and eminent speakers have been invited for knowledge exchange, namely, Dr. B. Sengupta (CPCB), Prof. Nguyen Thi Kim Oanh (AIT Thailand), Prof. Mukesh Sharma (IIT Kanpur), Prof. Mukesh Khare (IIT Delhi), Prof. Margaret C Bell (Newcastle University, UK), Prof. Enda Hayes (University of the West of England, UK), Prof. Sotiris Vardoulakis (ANU, Australia), Prof. Chandra Sekhar (NUS, Singapore), Dr. Prasad Modak (EMC LLP, India), Prof. Kraichat Tantrakarnapa (Mahidol University, Thailand), Shri S. K. Gupta (M/S Envirotech Instruments Pvt Ltd, India), Prof. Dr. Uwe Schlink (UFZ Germany), Prof. Arun Kr. Sharma (ICMR-NIIRNCD Jodhpur, India) Dr. Rakesh Kumar (CSIR NEERI, Nagpur, India), Prof. (Dr.) Gufran Beig (NIAS, India), Dr. Peter Orris (UI Health, Chicago, USA), Prof. Prabhakaran Dorairaj (CCDC, PHFI, India), Prof. Akula Venkatram (UC Riverside, USA), Prof. Kuruvilla John (UNT, USA), Prof. S N Tripathi (IIT Kanpur, India), Dr. Srinivasalu IFS (KSPCB, India), Prof. Kalpana Balakrishnan (SRIHER, India), Prof. Mohd Talib Latif (UKM Malaysia), Prof. Prateek Sharma (TERI SAS, India), Prof. Virendra Sethi (IIT Bombay, India), Dr. Richard J Ball (University of Bath, UK), Dr. Ajay Deshpande (IIT Bombay, India), Prof. Denise L Mauzerall (Princeton University, USA), Dr. Mahesh P A (JSSAHER, India), Prof. Arsen Melikov (DTU, Denmark), Dr. Krystal Pollitt (Yale SPH, USA), Dr. Johan C.I. Kuylenstierna (University of York, UK), Dr. Richard D. Webster (NTU, Singapore), Mr. Prashant Kokil (Tata Power, India), Prof. Simon Haberle (ANU, Australia), Prof. Arvind K Nema (IIT Delhi, India), Mr. Parthaa Bosu (EPIC India), Prof. Anil Namdeo (Northumbria University Newcastle, UK), Dr.Arul Veerappan (New York University, USA), Prof. Priya Rajagopalan (RMIT Australia), and Prof. Dr. Chitra Ramesh (Madras Medical College, India)
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020,2021,2022,2023,2024
URL http://cepha.in/
Description Clean Environment and Planetary Health in Asia 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact A pre-conference event at the 16th International Conference on Urban Health (ICUH) and a half day workshop was organized by Prof Sotiris Vardoulakis (ANU), Prof. Cunrui Huang (Sun Yat-Sen University) andProf. Qiyong Liu (China CDC). The 6th Annual Healthy-Polis Workshop by Clean Environment and Planetary Health in Asia (CEPHA) was organized at 5th November 2019 in Xiamen, China. The presentations of all the speakers were mainly about:
1.The CEPHA network - strengthening urban environmental health research and practice in Asia.
2. Climate change, air pollution and health co-benefits of low carbon transition in China.
3. Independent and combined effects of heatwaves and PM2.5 on premature birth in Guangzhou, China.
4. Complex Urban Systems for Sustainability and Health (CUSSH).
5. Shaping cities for health: governance and urban policies for improved air quality.
6. The role of the health sector for better urban environments.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Community Events for School Children on the topics of Conservation of Biodiversity and Air Quality Management through Creative Drawing, Essay Writing and Creative Poster 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact Community events were carried out twice every year (June and December) as part of the World Environment Day celebration and the Indian International Conference on Air Quality Management (IICAQM). The events were designed to involve and generate interest in school and college students through online competitions (creative drawings, essays, videos and posters). The competitions had 200+ participants and the top three entries in each category were awarded with cash prizes.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020,2021,2022,2023
URL http://cepha.in/world-environment-day-2020/
Description Prakriti Newsletters 
Form Of Engagement Activity A magazine, newsletter or online publication
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact 1. CEPHA newsletter, "PRAKRITI", voice of Clean Environment and Planetary Health in Asia. We launched the first volume of this quarterly newsletter for 2021
2. The newsletters provides information on various environmental matters, air quality management, planetary issues, policies and actions to safeguard the Mother Nature.
3. The newsletters are focuses on multi-dimensions of the concurrent issues and research based findings.
4. The newsletters gives comprehensive views, making it a valuable source of information.
5. The objectives are to learn, educate and enlighten readers on the matters concerning Environment aiming for its safeguard.
6. We have messages and articles from the steering group members and other distinguished people from the field of environment & allied areas.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021,2022,2023,2024
URL http://cepha.in/
Description Sustainable Development Initiatives for the Asian Countries 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact IIT Madras in collaboration with Prakruthi Institute of Environmental Studies organized this workshop for young generation.
More than 300 students were benefitted through the invited talk speakers covering various aspects of air pollution, soil pollution, solid waste management and industrial waste water treatments.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description WORKSHOP ON The Adaptability of Citizen Science in Asian Countries 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact 1.Using UK and European case studies, the workshop explored the principles of citizen science; how to build communities of citizen scientists; practical tips for sensor deployment; data analysis and interpretation; and supporting the transition from citizen scientists to citizen advocates.
2. The workshop is supported by the CEPHA Network, UKRI, the CADTIME project, Ministry of Earth Sciences Government of India, NERC and the WeCount Project. It was delivered by Prof Enda Hayes and Dr Ben Williams from University of the West of England.
3. Around 50 participants were participated in the workshop.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Webinar on Clean Environment Transition Towards a Sustainable Planetary Health 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact Online Webinar on GCRF - Clean Environment and Planetary Health in Asia (CEPHA) Network about "Clean Environment Transition Towards a Sustainable Planetary Health" under the guidance of Prof. Shiva Nagendra SM and Prof. Sotiris Vardoulakis was organized on Friday 15th May 2020 (02:30-5:30 pm) (Indian Standard Time, GMT +5:30). Major issues discussed were:
1.The far-reaching effects of wildfires, air pollution and climate change: from health communication to effective action
2.Environmental Pollution Exposure and Respiratory Health
3.Sustainable Water Management
4.Solid Waste Management Strategies and Sustainable Planetary Health in the Urban Area
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Workshop on Air pollution and its impact on Human health and Environment 2nd December 2021 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact 1. This was a unique event, where strong interaction among undergraduate and postgraduate students and eminent scientist/professor/experts in air pollution and human health was envisaged.
2. Three excellent speakers delivered talks in this workshop.
3. Direct interaction was held on the different queries arises by the participants.
4. Open discussion was held at the end of workshop for future opportunities of the students.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
URL http://cepha.in/
Description Workshop on Urban air pollution and role of citizen 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact 1. Three speakers presented and delivered talks.
2. Retired regional officer CPCB and Professor of environmental studies participated in the discussion with experts.
3. Students got the platform form for the direct communications with the experts
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022