Higher-order interactions and heteroclinic network dynamics

Lead Research Organisation: VU Amsterdam
Department Name: Faculty of Science


Networks of coupled dynamical nodes are ubiquitous in science and technology and influence many parts of our everyday lives. Indeed, ecological networks of interacting species, neurons in the brain and coupled rotors as a model for a power grid are examples of networks of coupled oscillatory nodes. Such networks can give rise to a wide range of collective dynamics - the joint dynamics of the coupled nodes - such as synchrony. Crucially, the network function or dysfunction often depends on the collective dynamics. For example, neurological diseases, such as Parkinson's disease, have long been associated with excessive neural synchronization.

The collective dynamics of a network, that is, whether the nodes synchronize or show other dynamical behaviour, depends on the network structure and interactions. The network structure determines whether a node influences other nodes. The network interactions determine how a node influences other nodes. In many real-world networks, the network interactions include "higher-order" coupling, for example, the influence of one node onto another may depend on the state of a third node. However, such interactions are often omitted in commonly studied networks.

The proposed project will elucidate the collective dynamics of coupled oscillator networks. The main question we address here is how network structure and interactions - with a particular focus on higher-order interactions - shape the collective dynamics. We will investigate objects called heteroclinic structures and elucidate how they organize the dynamics for interactions that are relevant for real-world networks.

The project will yield new results in dynamical systems theory and their application. Moreover, we will investigate how the results can lead to new ways to control dynamics. Insights into how network structure and interactions shape the dynamics can be employed to understand what part of the network one has to tune to get oscillators to synchronize (or not). Since Parkinson's disease has been associated with excessive synchrony, this could eventually lead to new ways to tune network parameter to restore healthy brain functionality.

Planned Impact

The proposed project will create mathematical knowledge, that is relevant to understand, design, and control real-world networks of interacting dynamical systems, and thus creates societal impact in the long term. Specifically, the potential beneficiaries of this research are
(*) mathematicians working in dynamical systems theory and network science,
(*) scientists studying coupled oscillatory processes, including neuroscientists,
(*) the research staff on this project,
(*) STEM students and the general public.

First, the proposed research will have an impact on researchers in the mathematical sciences. This includes primarily mathematicians in the dynamical systems community: The anticipated results on network dynamical systems with continuous symmetries will drive new developments in the dynamical systems community, both theoretical and applied. Moreover, impact will extend to the network science community: Networks with higher-order interactions - as considered in the proposed project - have only recently caught attention in the network science community. Hence, communicating the results to the network science community will lead to new perspectives and collaborations between the dynamical systems and the network science communities. Importantly, the proposed project will bridge dynamical systems and network science through a planned workshop.

Second, the proposed research will generate impact beyond the mathematical sciences. The theoretical results will link to neuroscience modelling. Through a workshop to bring together mathematicians and (theoretical and clinical) neuroscientists, we will explore new directions how to exploit dynamical insights to work towards new treatment approaches for neurological disease. This includes Parkinson's disease, which affects 127,000 people in the UK according to the NHS. In the longer term, the proposed research thus has the potential to increase the quality of life in the UK.

Third, the researchers funded by the project will benefit. Delivering the project will be a crucial step for the PI to establish his own research group and further develop his skills needed as a future leader in mathematical sciences in the UK. The project will also generate impact on the career of the PDRA who will be involved in the project. Apart from the mathematical skills that will be developed during the project, the PDRA will have the opportunity to develop organizational, leadership, and writing skills that will be crucial for her/his future career.

Finally, through teaching and outreach activities, the project will impact not only students but also the general public. These activities will stimulate interest in the mathematical challenges that underlie the functioning of networks of interacting dynamical systems we take for granted every day. Importantly, communicating these challenges and the solution approaches that are part of the proposed project will inspire a future generation of mathematicians and scientists.
Description The collective dynamics of networks of interconnected nodes-such as synchronization dynamics in the brain that consists of millions of interconnected neural cells-governs crucial aspects of our lives. The research performed aspart of this award has given crucial insights how "higher-order" interactions between three or more nodes shape the network dynamics. Here, the focus was not simply on synchronization but more complicated "global" dynamics that have found applications in neuroscience modeling; this includes synchrony patterns that can change over time. On the one hand, we gained new insights into synchronization dynamics in coupled oscillator networks and showed how they behave under symmetry-breaking perturbations. On the other hand, we analyzed fundamental obstructions to the emergence of global "heteroclinic" dynamics in networks of interacting dynamical systems with higher-order interactions.
Exploitation Route The research has opened up new lines of research to understand how higher-order interactions shape the dynamics in networks of interconnected units. While the research outcomes include reusable research data (such as code to analyze symmetry breaking bifurcations for relative equilibria), the research has also been able to connect different distinct research communities such as network science and dynamical systems theory. The project has also produced a recent survey article on higher-order networks for a general applied mathematics audience and provided a seed for an EU-funded follow-up project.
Sectors Other

Description The award was integral on the road to forming and funding a consortium to develop an integrated approach to understand higher-order interaction network and apply them to real-world problems and data. Importantly, this consortium includes non-academic small/medium enterprise partners as well as an industrial partner. Within this follow-up project, the theoretical aspects of this award will be developed further and, in collaboration with the non-academic partners, applied to real-world scenarios.
First Year Of Impact 2023
Sector Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)
Impact Types Economic

Description BeyondTheEdge: Higher-Order Networks and Dynamics
Amount € 2,553,739 (EUR)
Funding ID 101120085 
Organisation European Commission 
Sector Public
Country European Union (EU)
Start 01/2024 
End 12/2027
Description Advances in Mathematical Neuroscience: Data, Models, and Dynamics 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact This workshop brought together mathematicians and neuroscientists to communicate across disciplinary boundaries. This in-person workshop was joined with the OneWorldDynamics Seminar, a worldwide online seminar series on dynamical systems theory. On the one hand, neuroscientists learned about mathematics, on the other hand, mathematicians learned about neuroscience-motivated problems.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Lorentz Center Workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact Workshop at the Lorentz Center bridging between brain dynamics and brain mechanics.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Micro-Workshop on Heteroclinic Dynamics 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact In conjunction with the One World Dynamics seminar (worldwide), we organized a workshop on heteroclinic dynamics related to the project. The talks were from a general didactic introduction to a specialist talk. In this format, we were able to bridge an audience from graduate students to experts in dynamical systems experts dynamical systems theory. The impact was to expose the PDRA to a national and international audience.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Network Pages Contribution 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact Expository piece to general audience.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
URL https://www.networkpages.nl/oscillators-and-alzheimers/
Description Session at conference 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact A thematic session (Minisymposium) within the international conference on Dynamical Systems, Dynamics Days Europe 2022. The tittle of the MS was 'Global Features of Coupled Systems' and the aim of the mini-symposium was to set a bridge between experts from theory and numerical methods to discuss contemporary ideas and recent developments along the line of global features that organise complex dynamics in coupled systems.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
URL https://www.abdn.ac.uk/events/conferences/dynamics-days-2022