AISEC: AI Secure and Explainable by Construction

Lead Research Organisation: Heriot-Watt University
Department Name: S of Mathematical and Computer Sciences


AI applications have become pervasive: from mobile phones and home appliances to stock markets, autonomous cars, robots and drones. As AI takes over a wider range of tasks, we gradually approach the times when security laws, or policies, ultimately akin to Isaac Asimov's "3 laws of robotics" will need to be established for all working AI systems. A homonym of Asimov's first name, the project AISEC (``Artificial Intelligence Secure and Explainable by Construction"), aims to build a sustainable, general purpose, and multidomain methodology and development environment for policy-to-property secure and explainable by construction development of complex AI systems.

We will create and deploy a novel framework for documenting, implementing and developing policies for complex deep learning systems by using types as a unifying language to embed security and safety contracts directly into programs that implement AI. The project will produce a development tool AISEC with infrastructure (user interface, verifier, compiler) to cater for different domain experts: from lawyers working with security experts to verification experts and
system engineers designing complex AI systems. AISEC will be built, tested and used in collaboration with industrial partners in two key AI application areas: autonomous vehicles and natural language interfaces.

AISEC will catalyse a step change from pervasive use of deep learning in AI to pervasive use of methods for deep understanding of intended policies and latent properties of complex AI systems, and deep verification of such systems.

Planned Impact

We will maximise the impact of our research by industrial exploitation, collaboration with other academics, engaging with industry and government stakeholders, and public engagement activities. Activities are planned as follows.

1. Building a working Demonstrator tool, AISEC. This will be co-designed with our industrial partners and developed during the project, as well as used for "in-the-wild" experiments in the third year.

2. Open-source community building around our technology. We will make the AISEC platform freely available on an open-source platform such as Github (the largest worldwide repository of software used by many companies following an Open Innovation model).

3. Direct application of our research in industry, during and after the project. The research has been designed to fit closely with the industrial goals of our partners, who see security and verification of AI as vital to their future business. We are engaging with a range of companies, from start-up through SMEs to large industry. By establishing a regular board meeting, we will support and extend our engagement.

4. To foster the direct impact of our work and conduct in-the-wild experiments, we plan that the third year of the project will have a significant portion of time with our researchers embedded in industry. Our project partners have dedicated resource to support this, and we will pursue additional partnerships during the project.

5. Public engagement. Drawing on experience and expertise in public engagement of the investigatory team, we plan a series of events and online activities which will appeal to the broader public, in particular, to help raise awareness of emerging solutions to the challenge of trustworthy and secure AI.

6. Government and policy-making engagement. We will continue existing engagements with Scottish Government, the Scottish National Cyber Resilience Advisory Board, Police Scotland, as well as UK government contacts in DCMS and NCSC, to discuss future policy and regulation impacts of AI technology and security.

7. Skills and training. The research will contribute both to direct training, of the employed RAs and associated PhD researchers in the project, but also indirectly to educational materials being delivered across our Universities and the wider Scottish education landscape, through connections with Skills Development Scotland, Graduate Apprenticeships in Cyber Security, and the Edinburgh and Glasgow City-Region Deal initiatives.

8. Research community building and Knowledge exchange. Using networking funds available to Scottish Universities through SICSA, we will take part and organise meetings to showcase AISEC research. For AISEC itself, we will organise a specialised annual workshop open to academia and industrial researchers, bringing together partners and researchers from related areas to draw on the excitement and importance of the research topic.

9. Academic networking among associated UK flagship projects. Besides the usual channels for academic dissemination of our research in international conferences and journals, we will network with other significant research activities in the area. Specifically in the UK, we have connections to TIPS, the Cyber Security Research Institutes VeTTS, RITICS and RISCS, the new TIPS Network+ SPRITE, the IoT PETRAS 2.0 Hub, PaCCS as well as smaller responsive mode funded EPSRC projects. We expect to connect to the ISCF initiative in Digital Security by Design. We have recently started a small exploratory research project with NCSC on Security and AI. Through these connections, we expect AISEC will bring additional impact from further routes, and broader networks of interest across industry and government.

All of the above impact activities will be conducted within the ORBIT framework for Responsible Research and Innovation, and activities monitored regularly during the project to ensure delivery on each pathway.


10 25 50
Description The project investigated how legal, security and safety concerns for AI-driven systems can be formalised, with a view of verification.
The main outcome was the novel methodology for specification, verification and re-training of Neural networks, given by the language Vehicle.
Exploitation Route It can be taken forward as part of verification methodology for complex systems based on AI
Sectors Aerospace

Defence and Marine

Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)


Financial Services

and Management Consultancy



including Industrial Biotechology

Description AI4People ethics guidelines for the use of AI by the legal profession
Geographic Reach Europe 
Policy Influence Type Participation in a guidance/advisory committee
Description DATAIA scientific advisory board
Geographic Reach Europe 
Policy Influence Type Participation in a guidance/advisory committee
Description Independent Advisory Group on Emerging Technologies report
Geographic Reach Local/Municipal/Regional 
Policy Influence Type Contribution to a national consultation/review
Description Legislating for AVs in Dubai
Geographic Reach Asia 
Policy Influence Type Participation in a guidance/advisory committee
Description Submission to the UK Governemnt co nsultation on Self-driving vehicles: new safety ambitions
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Contribution to a national consultation/review
Description appointed to the Independent advisory group on emerging technologies in policing (Scotland)
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Membership of a guideline committee
Description AISEC: AI Secure and Explainable by Construction
Amount £2,200,000 (GBP)
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 08/2020 
End 08/2023
Description Austrian Standards Senior Fellowship
Amount € 3,000 (EUR)
Organisation University of Graz 
Sector Academic/University
Country Austria
Start 09/2023 
End 11/2023
Description Continuous Verification of Neural Networks
Amount £90,848 (GBP)
Organisation Defence Science & Technology Laboratory (DSTL) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2020 
End 03/2021
Description ICASE Scholarship
Amount £118,483 (GBP)
Organisation United Kingdom Research and Innovation 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 08/2022 
End 09/2026
Description Leverhulme Trust Senior Research Fellowship 2020
Amount £47,000 (GBP)
Funding ID SRF\R1\201100 
Organisation The Royal Society 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country United Kingdom
Start 08/2020 
End 08/2021
Description Neural Network Verification: in Search of the Missing Spec
Amount £100,000 (GBP)
Organisation National Cyber Security Centre 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2021 
End 03/2022
Description PhD studentship "Verification of Neural Networks in Imandra"
Amount £176,946 (GBP)
Organisation Imandra Inc 
Sector Private
Country United States
Start 08/2022 
End 09/2026
Description PhD studentship from the Edinburgh Center for Robotics
Amount £176,946 (GBP)
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 08/2023 
End 09/2027
Description Safer aviation from ethical Autonomous Intelligence Regulation (SafeAIR)
Amount £200,000 (GBP)
Funding ID Dr Scott McLachlan 
Organisation Royal Academy of Engineering 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country United Kingdom
Start 12/2021 
End 12/2023
Description The law and policy dimension of automated vehicles in the United Arab Emirates.
Amount 300,000 د.إ.‏ (AED)
Organisation University of Dubai 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Arab Emirates
Start 02/2023 
End 01/2024
Description UKRI AI Centre for Doctoral Training in Dependable and Deployable Artificial Intelligence for Robotics (CDT-D2AIR)
Amount £9,534,199 (GBP)
Funding ID EP/Y030834/1 
Organisation United Kingdom Research and Innovation 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 06/2024 
End 12/2032
Description Verification Properties in Neural Network Verification: Exploration of the Design Space
Amount £108,000 (GBP)
Funding ID 2616531 
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 08/2021 
End 02/2025
Description Verification of Neural Networks for Natural Language Processing: James Watt Scholarship
Amount £108,000 (GBP)
Funding ID James Watt Scholarship 
Organisation Heriot-Watt University 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 08/2021 
End 09/2024
Title BLOOM Large Language Model 
Description We created BLOOM the first publicly available large language model. This was a year-long collaboration as part of the BigScience workshop with several hundred of international scientists. I co-led one of the working groups. BLOOM stands for BigScience Large Open-science Open-access Multilingual Language Model. 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact First publicly available "foundational model". Widely used and compared in the community. The ambition is to boost academic research and public benefits in competition to privately owned models, e.g. ChatGPT etc,. 
Title Tutorial on Neural Network Verification with Vehicle 
Description Machine learning components, such as neural networks, gradually make their way into software; and, when the software is critically safe, the machine learning components must be verifiably safe. This gives rise to the problem of neural network verification. The community has been making rapid progress in developing methods for incorporating logical specifications into neural networks, both in training and verification. However, to truly unlock the ability to verify real-world neural network-enhanced systems we believe the following is necessary: 1. The specification should be written once and should automatically work with training and verification tools. 2. The specification should be written in a manner independent of any particular neural network training/inference platform. 3. The specification should be able to be written as a high-level property over the problem space, rather than a property over the input space (of the neural network). 4. After verification the specification should be exportable to general interactive theorem provers so that its proof can be incorporated into proofs about the larger systems around the neural network. In this tutorial we presented Vehicle, a tool that allows users to do all of this. We provided an introduction to the Vehicle specification language, and then walked attendees through using it to express a variety of famous and not-so-famous specifications. Subsequently we demonstrate how a specification can be compiled down to i) queries for network verifiers, ii) Tensorflow graphs to be used as loss functions during training and iii) cross-compiled to Agda, a main-stream interactive theorem prover. Finally we discussed some of the technical challenges in the implementation as well as some of the outstanding problems. 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact This tutorial has been run live and adapted for different audiences at: FOMLAS'23 the 6th Workshop on Formal Methods for ML-Enabled Autonomous Systems co-allocated with CAV'23 in Paris, France; 18 July 2023; VETSS Summer School at the University of Surrey, UK; 23 August 2023; Youtube recording available; ICFP'23 the International Conference on Functional Programming in Seattle, USA; 08 September 2023. 
Title Explainable ML-driven Strategy for Automated Trading Pattern Extraction - Reproducibility Package 
Description Financial markets are a source of non-stationary multidimensional time series which has been drawing attention for decades. Each financial instrument has its specific changing over time properties, making their analysis a complex task. Improvement of understanding and development of methods for financial time series analysis is essential for successful operation on financial markets. In this study we propose a volume-based data pre-processing method for making financial time series more suitable for machine learning pipelines. We use a statistical approach for assessing the performance of the method. Namely, we formally state the hypotheses, set up associated classification tasks, compute effect sizes with confidence intervals, and run statistical tests to validate the hypotheses. We additionally assess the trading performance of the proposed method on historical data and compare it to a previously published approach. Our analysis shows that the proposed volume-based method allows successful classification of the financial time series patterns, and also leads to better classification performance than a price action-based method, excelling specifically on more liquid financial instruments. Finally, we propose an approach for obtaining feature interactions directly from tree-based models on example of CatBoost estimator, as well as formally assess the relatedness of the proposed approach and SHAP feature interactions with a positive outcome. In this code repository you will find datasets and a notebook to reproduce experiments from our paper 
Type Of Material Data analysis technique 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact in progress 
Title Machine Learning Classification of Price Extrema Based on Market Microstructure and Price Action Features. A Case Study of S&P500 E-mini Futures. Reproducibility Package. 
Description The study introduces an automated trading system for S&P500 E-mini futures (ES) based on state-of-the-art machine learning. Concretely: we extract a set of scenarios from the tick market data to train the models and further use the predictions to statistically assess the soundness of the approach. We define the scenarios from the local extrema of the price action. Price extrema is a commonly traded pattern, however, to the best of our knowledge, there is no study presenting a pipeline for automated classification and profitability evaluation. Additionally, we evaluate the approach in the simulated trading environment on the historical data. Our study is filling this gap by presenting a broad evaluation of the approach supported by statistical tools which make it generalisable to unseen data and comparable to other approaches. By Artur Sokolovsky; Luca Arnaboldi 
Type Of Material Computer model/algorithm 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact in process 
Description Amazon SimBot Challenge 
Department Amazon UK
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution My student team was selected to participate in the Amazon SimBot challenge.
Collaborator Contribution Our entry is supported with a grant from Amazon and in-kind contributions such as an invited visit to Amazon headquarters in Seattle as well as 2 days of workshops with Amazon staff.
Impact We expect a number of outcomes, including publications, student internships, and raising the international profile of our lab and university in this research area.
Start Year 2021
Description Apple NLU research award 
Organisation Apple
Country United States 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution This research gift supports research on low-resource Natural Language Generation.
Collaborator Contribution Research gift and monthly meetings.
Impact not yet
Start Year 2021
Description Collaboration with Airborne Robotics group, Ignazio Viola 
Organisation University of Edinburgh
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Joint supervision of a PhD student from the Edinburgh Center for Robotics, Colin Kessler. Project ``Verification of Airborne Robots". Second supervisor Prof. Ignazio Viola, School of Engineering, Edinburgh University. 2023- 2027 (\pounds 176,946)
Collaborator Contribution Second supervision of a PhD student, lab resources
Impact in progress
Start Year 2023
Description Collaboration with Hebrew University Jerusalem (HUJI) and Guy Katz 
Organisation Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Department School of Computer Science and Engineering
Country Israel 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Joint work on research papers and software (Vehicle).
Collaborator Contribution The partner consulted the AISEC team on internals of Marabou, a neural network verifier.
Impact The software Vehicle. Publication: Marco Casadio, Ekaterina Komendantskaya, Matthew L. Daggitt, Wen Kokke, Guy Katz, Guy Amir, Idan Refaeli: Neural Network Robustness as a Verification Property: A Principled Case Study. CAV (1) 2022: 219-231
Start Year 2021
Description Collaboration with Imandra and Grant Passmore 
Organisation Imandra Inc
Country United States 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Research papers and Software Neural networks are increasingly relied upon as components of complex safety-critical systems such as autonomous vehicles. There is high demand for tools and methods that embed neural network verification in a larger verification cycle. However, neural network verification is problematic due to a wide range of verification properties of interest, each so far being amenable to verification only in specialised solvers. In this paper we show how Imandra, a functional programming language and a theorem prover originally designed for verification, validation and simulation of FinTech systems can offer a holistic infrastructure for neural network verification. To showcase Imandra's potential as a single code base, we developed a novel library that formalises convolutional neural networks in Imandra, and covers different important facets of neural network verification.
Collaborator Contribution Imandra consulted the research team on internals of Imandra Software, and is sponsoring a PhD studentship.
Impact PhD scholarship paid by Imandra to R.Desmartin Papers: Remi Desmartin, Grant O. Passmore, Ekaterina Komendantskaya, Matthew Daggit: CheckINN: Wide Range Neural Network Verification in Imandra. PPDP 2022: 3:1-3:14 Remi Desmartin, Grant O. Passmore, Ekaterina Komendantskaya: Neural Networks in Imandra: Matrix Representation as a Verification Choice. NSV/FoMLAS@CAV 2022: 78-95
Start Year 2021
Description Collaboration with Microsoft Research (J.Protzenko), Law Formalisation 
Organisation Microsoft Corporation
Country United States 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Law formalisation in Catala
Collaborator Contribution Research collaboration, consultancy
Impact Luca Arnaboldi, David Aspinall, Ronny Bogani, Burkhard Schafer, Scott Herman, Jonathan Protzenko, Ekaterina Komendantskaya, Yue Li , Remi Desmartin. Formalising Criminal Law in Catala. PRoLaLa, POPL Workshop on Programming Languages and the Law 2023
Start Year 2023
Description Collaboration with Microsoft Research (J.Protzenko), Law Formalisation 
Organisation Microsoft Research
Country Global 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Law formalisation in Catala
Collaborator Contribution Research collaboration, consultancy
Impact Luca Arnaboldi, David Aspinall, Ronny Bogani, Burkhard Schafer, Scott Herman, Jonathan Protzenko, Ekaterina Komendantskaya, Yue Li , Remi Desmartin. Formalising Criminal Law in Catala. PRoLaLa, POPL Workshop on Programming Languages and the Law 2023
Start Year 2023
Description Collaboration with Schlumberger Cambridge (Michael John Williams) 
Organisation Schlumberger Limited
Department Schlumberger Cambridge Research
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution iCASE Scholarship was funded to investigate applications of AISEC results in Schlumberger diagnostics.
Collaborator Contribution Consultancy, cosupervision of PhD student
Impact Just started
Start Year 2022
Description Google Dialog and NLU research award 
Organisation Google
Country United States 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution This research gifts supports an informal collaboration between Google Zurich and my group on topics related to dialogue systems and Natural Language Understanding.
Collaborator Contribution We received a research gift from Google to support research expenses.
Impact The award has supported my group with hardware, travel and data services (such as transcriptions and crowdsourcing)
Start Year 2020
Title Amethyst - an Agda library for NN verification 
Description Amethyst is an Agda library for neural network verification. Using Agda's expressive dependent type system, Amethyst is capable of specifying the desired properties of the neural network as a type. If your neural network doesn't have the right input/output behaviour, it won't even type-check! Amethyst is superseded by Vehicle in many ways. 
Type Of Technology Webtool/Application 
Year Produced 2020 
Open Source License? Yes  
Impact Led to creation of the tool Vehicle. Produced by Wen Kokke 
Title Neural Network Library in IMANDRA 
Description Neural networks are increasingly relied upon as components of complex safety-critical systems such as autonomous vehicles. There is high demand for tools and methods that embed neural network verification in a larger verification cycle. However, neural network verification is problematic due to a wide range of verification properties of interest, each so far being amenable to verification only in specialised solvers. In this paper we show how Imandra, a functional programming language and a theorem prover originally designed for verification, validation and simulation of FinTech systems can offer a holistic infrastructure for neural network verification. To showcase Imandra's potential as a single code base, we developed a novel library that formalises convolutional neural networks in Imandra, and covers different important facets of neural network verification. 
Type Of Technology Webtool/Application 
Year Produced 2022 
Open Source License? Yes  
Impact The software is used as part of industrial collaboration, with Industry Imanra ( 
Title Vehicle 
Description The application provides an Interface for Neural Network Verifiers with Interactive Theorem Provers. Verification of neural networks is currently a hot topic in automated theorem proving. Progress has been rapid and there are now a wide range of tools available that can verify properties of networks with hundreds of thousands of nodes. In theory this opens the door to the verification of larger control systems that make use of neural network components. However, although work has managed to incorporate the results of these verifiers to prove larger properties of individual systems, there is currently no general methodology for bridging the gap between verifiers and interactive theorem provers (ITPs). In this paper we present Vehicle, our solution to this problem. Vehicle is equipped with an expressive domain specific language for stating neural network specifications which can be compiled to both verifiers and ITPs. It overcomes previous issues with maintainability and scalability in similar ITP formalisations by using a standard ONNX file as the single canonical representation of the network. We demonstrate its utility by using it to connect the neural network verifier Marabou to Agda and then formally verifying that a car steered by a neural network never leaves the road, even in the face of an unpredictable cross wind and imperfect sensors. The network has over 20,000 nodes, and therefore this proof represents an improvement of 3 orders of magnitude over prior proofs about neural network enhanced systems in ITPs. 
Type Of Technology Webtool/Application 
Year Produced 2022 
Open Source License? Yes  
Impact The software is used as a working tool in collaboration with HUJI and Stanford (researchers developing Marabou) 
Title agda-setup 
Description Set up Agda, the standard library, or any Git-hosted library, for use in GitHub Actions. This action can install Agda from binary distributions or build Agda from source. 
Type Of Technology Webtool/Application 
Year Produced 2022 
Open Source License? Yes  
Impact This tool has been used by several high profile Agda libraries for Continuous Integration testing, listed at 
Description AISEC webpage and AISEC YouTube Channel 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact AISEC Youtube contains recordings of research and educational seminars, for various audiences.
AISEC webpage records other activities, including open source software.

AISEC Youtube:
AISEC Webpage:
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description CNBC Interview 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact Interview with CNBC on AI trends/ research predictions for 2022
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Demo at Science Festival, Edinburgh, April 2022 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Presentation of Autonomous Car at Science Festival in Edinburgh
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Invited talk at the First Annual LAST-JD-RIOE Conference of the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action program "Rights in Internet of Everything" 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact The event was part of the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action program "Rights in Internet of Everything", a EU project that sponsors a 3 year PhD program involving 15 European Universities It was attended by past and current students on the program, and also other PhD and Master students from participating institutions. I received several expressions of interest to come to the UK for a PhD in this field
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description New Scientist article on LLMs 2023 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact Interview about pruning large language models based on my expertise from participating in the BigScience BLOOM modelling collaboration: "Huge AI models can be halved in size without degrading performance
A way to cut the scale of artificial intelligence models by 60 per cent could save huge amounts of energy and make them more accessible"
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Participating in ReMeP workshop as invited particpant on roundtable on "Computational Law" 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Participated in a panel discussion on computational law as part of ReMeP - research meets practice. The aim was to introduce governments and legislators to the potential of computational law, and industry on the business opportunities to support this new form of lawmaking. The panel was attended by 140 participants A follow up request from the Austrian government to explore the possibility of a computational version of the GDPR
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Seminar on legal ontologies given at ReMeP: Research Meets Practice 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact ReMeP is an annual event to bring research in law and technology to practice. It is attended mainly by representatives from industry, legal practice and government Chaired panel and gave keynote talk on Legal Ontologies. 470 participants, lead to extended questions and discussions, and 2 follow up invitations Recordings of the talks are made available as training tools
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description The Conversation Article 
Form Of Engagement Activity A magazine, newsletter or online publication
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact E.Komendantskaya, L.Arnaboldi, M.Daggitt "Perfecting self-driving cars - can it be done?". The Conversation, 6 April 2021.
A paper explaining challenges in verification of autonomous cars
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021