Revealing the 3D nanoscale structure and composition of healthy and diseased bone and teeth

Lead Research Organisation: University of York
Department Name: Physics


A central goal of this Overseas Travel Grant proposal is the establishment of a network of leading researchers with expertise in bone and tooth formation who share the believe that a comprehensive understanding of the nanoscale organization of both mineral and organic phase is at the heart of the development of new approaches for medical treatments. The proposed methodology is making use of the advancement of high-resolution electron imaging and spectroscopy to gain insights into the 3D structure and composition on the nanoscale. This approach is of great importance for a full understanding of the mechanisms behind structure formation and potential failure mechanisms in bones and teeth.
In a recent publication (Reznikov et al., Science 2018) we were able to identify 12 levels of organisation in bone from the nano- to the macroscopic scale with a self-similar organisation pattern emerging across the different length-scales. These findings indicate the importance to understand the structure of mineralised tissue on the nanoscale.
Based on this work I aim to explore the application of nanoscale imaging using advanced electron microscopy and spectroscopy to mineralised tissue such as bone cells and teeth.
In both cases it is highly exciting to gain a full image of the mineral/organic assembly in healthy and disease affected tissues.
The complex interplay between the mineral and the organic phases in bones and teeth appears to strongly affect the properties of the resulting biomineral with significant effects of disruptions on the nanoscale due to mineralisation affecting diseases (e.g. osteogenesis imperfecta or amelogenesis imperfecta, osteoporosis, arthritis). Hence, this work will provide a platform for future collaboration with leading life scientists and clinicians and will enable to link the high-resolution information gained by the chosen approaches with diagnostic observations.
Both hosts at McGill University in Montreal and University of Connecticut in Hartford provide ideal conditions for both training and research since they have an excellent international reputation on health related materials research and provide access to an outstanding set of experimental techniques to achieve the goals of this proposal.

Planned Impact

Diseases affecting mineralising tissue such as bone and teeth are important and are becoming increasingly common in our ageing society, resulting in significant costs for the NHS and reduced quality of life for affected individuals. These diseases modify the structural and mechanical properties of bone (e.g. arthritis or osteporosis) and teeth (e.g. amelogenesis imperfecta or chalky teeth), which depend on the nanoscale structure and composition of mineralised collagen. This project will develop novel approaches to assess the tissue structure and composition with ultimate spatial resolution. Thus it has strong potential for impact on academic and industrial researchers working in the area of musculo-skeletal and dental disorders, on the wider public, and also on the UK economy.
The relevance of this work is highlighted by the fact that both institutions involved, McGill University and University of Connecticut, highly reputable organisations with a long tradition in researching mineralising tissue and cells, will provide full and free access to state-of-the-art research facilities to enable the applicant to develop new skills in biomineralisation related electron microscopy and spectroscopy, to make use of his long track-record of the physical-sciences based materials characterisation and to establish novel interdisciplinary and international links at the Physical Sciences/Life Science interface.

Immediate impact will be obtained through the training of the applicant and other researchers involved at the involved institutions. The highly interdisciplinary nature of this research area will encourage scientists to develop a flexible approach to problems and skills in working with people in different fields towards a common goal. New methods of working together developed during this grant. The knowledge gained throughout this work will be made available to the academic and industrial communities through conferences, websites and networks.

This project lends itself to impact through public engagement and outreach. York have well-established outreach programmes. These include an annual Festival of Sciences (where local schools take part in educational workshops related to science and engineering); presentations for teachers and sixth formers and highlight seminars.


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Buss DJ (2022) Hierarchical organization of bone in three dimensions: A twist of twists. in Journal of structural biology: X

Description The overall three months research stays at McGill University in Montreal and UConn Health at the University of Connecticut in 2022 focused on the use of advanced characterisation of bone using high-resolution tomography in scanning transmission electron microscopy of the initial stage of bone mineralisation (also called "foci") at McGill and Raman mapping of the dentine/enamel junction in teeth at UConn.
Supported by my collaborators Prof. Marc McKee and Dr Natalie Reznikov at McGill we could obtain an impressive three-dimensional data set with sub-nanometer resolution of the initial stage of mineralisation in mural (mouse derived) bone clearly identifying regions of increased mineralisation at the mineralisation front, allowing to identify how the mineral phase formation is guided by the collagen based matrix, which is formed by bone cells at the initial stage of bone formation. These findings pave the wave for a detailed understanding of the fractal-like (or self-similar) organisation of the mineral phase at different length scales from the nanometer to the millimeter level. These studied were accompanied by element analysis using energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy which confirm the higher concentration of calcium and phosphorous in the mineralised regions.
Currently, myself and my collaborators at McGill are preparing a manuscript reporting on the high-resolution imaging of foci, positions of initial mineralisation in bone using scanning transmission electron tomography.
At UConn I undertook, supported by my collaborator Dr Alix Deymier, Raman spectral imaging of the interface between dentin and enamel in murine teeth to analyse this interface with respect to the changes in the calcium phosphate phases, which is possible by quantitatively study the phosphate related Raman peak using a software code developed by myself. A key finding here was that the transition region from the highly mineralised enamel to the bone-like dentine shows clear differences in the peak position (related to the type of phosphate phase) across the junction in comparison to the full-width half-maximum of this peak (related to the degree of crystallinity) and the peak intensity. This is important since it indicates a significantly larger region of phosphate phase transition from the dentine to the enamel compared to the increase of the amount of mineral across the same regions shedding light on the dynamics of this transition and its impact on the stability of the dentine-enamel junction. The latter is of significant importance for the understanding of diseases such as amelogenesis imperfectis, a genetic condition leading to poor enamel generation and adhesion.
A manuscript is currently prepared by Dr Deymier and myself reporting on the analysis of the calcium phosphate across the dentin-enamel junction in mural and human bone.
Exploitation Route The outcomes of the research stays at McGill and UConn are currently processed for publication with one conference abstract for the 2023 Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering and Biotransport Conference (SB3C 2023) having been already submitted by Alix Deymier including myself as coauthor, which is based on our findings. Publications are currently in preparation.
Further, I am exploring pathways to funding a more extensive research in both fields focusing on systematic studies of the initial formation of bone and the character of the dentine-enamel junction either via UK-US co-funded schemes, EPSRC or Leverhulme with the aim to extend these collaborations and include other academics working in this field who use complementary techniques such as synchrotron based characterisation methods. Our finding can be used to inspire new approaches to understand the initial phase of bone mineralisation and potentially will inform biomedical research and clinicians working on bone and teeth related diseases, their prevention and treatment.
Sectors Healthcare


including Industrial Biotechology