Stoichiometric rare-earth crystals for novel integrated quantum memories

Lead Research Organisation: Heriot-Watt University
Department Name: Sch of Engineering and Physical Science


Quantum information science is the field of research that studies the information present in a quantum system. A number of new technological applications can be envisaged thanks to exquisitely quantum phenomena. While classical information encoding relies on bits, which can be either 0s and 1s, the quantum bits (or qubits) are associated to the state of quantum objects, e.g. single atoms, single spins, or single photons. Because of the quantum superposition principle, the qubits can then be 0s, 1s, or coherent superposition of both, thus giving access to an exceptionally richer alphabet. Quantum information science also exploits quantum entanglement, i.e. strong correlation between quantum objects, as a resource for fast and secure quantum communication protocols.
In view of realising networks for quantum communication, quantum memories are fundamental devices as they act as interfaces between the photons, used as information carriers, and atoms, exploited for information storage and processing. To be useful in quantum networks, the quantum memories must fulfil specific requirements, as on-demand read-out, high efficiency and fidelity, long storage time, and multimodality. While atomic gases enabled the first remarkable quantum storage experiments, solid-state systems also offer interesting perspectives.
Among these, the rare-earth doped crystals recently emerged as attractive candidates because they are ensembles of optically active ions naturally trapped in inert media, which do not require external trapping fields and ultra-high vacuum chambers. They have already featured performances equalising or overcoming those of trapped atoms or cold atomic ensembles in terms of efficiency and storage times. These crystals exhibit transitions both in the optical and in the radio- and micro-wave range, thus they could serve as photonic or microwave memories, but also as interfaces between optical and microwave frequencies, thus opening the way to hybrid systems employing superconducting devices.
Despite their very promising performances and the milestone experiments realised in the last decade, a unique rare-earth doped crystal that fulfils all the requirements of an ideal photonic quantum memory does not yet exist.
This project exactly tackles this problem and aims at developing a novel platform for telecom-compatible integrated quantum devices, containing solid-state quantum memories with unprecedented functionalities. The central idea is to employ not rare-earth doped crystals but stoichiometric crystals, i.e. where the rare-earth ions fully substitute one element of the crystal matrix, with the two-fold aim of increasing the absorption of light and narrowing the inhomogeneous linewidth of the electronic transitions, thanks to a lower local mechanical stress.
The challenges addressed are:
- the optimisation of the coherence properties of bulk crystals that will enable the implementation of quantum storage protocols, never demonstrated in these kind of materials;
- the exploration of confined environment, i.e. laser written waveguides, for the realisation of integrated quantum memories.
We expect the waveguide fabrication to facilitate the realisation of fibre-coupled devices and the efficient manipulation of the atomic transitions by means of electric fields, and to boost the interaction strength between the light and the rare-earth ions. This might give access to the storage of telecom light exploiting optical transitions that in diluted bulk samples would be too weak. Therefore, the proposed platform might permit the simultaneous demonstration of efficient, long-lived and multiplexed storage devices, which are also compatible with existing telecom fibre network. Such quantum memories would outperform the existing quantum storage devices, and their demonstration would open new avenues for the use of solid-state technologies for real quantum information applications.

Planned Impact

The material platforms proposed in this project have the potential to be converted in solid-state quantum storage devices with unprecedented capabilities. The perspective of waveguide fabrication will open the way to compact and scalable quantum memories readily compatible with the current telecom fibre network. The demonstration of such quantum memories would open new avenues for the use of solid-state technologies for real quantum information applications. The proposed research plan will thus be beneficial to different people and entities, e.g., society, industry, and students.
For example, a short-term impact of this project will be on the crystal growth industry. This project will improve the understanding of the mechanisms affecting the optical properties of the crystals characterised, thus our continuous feedback will contribute optimising the growth processes and to maximising the quality of the final products.
In the medium term, one application of this project is the so-called quantum internet, i.e. a large-scale network for the secure transfer of massive amount of data. Its implementation will be beneficial to whoever deals with the transfer of huge quantities of vulnerable information, e.g. governments, businesses and individuals. By helping the UK consolidate its unique world leading position in quantum technology, this project will contribute to the future UK economic and industrial development. The commercialisation of the final research output of this project, e.g. fibre pigtailed waveguides, or accessory tools developed in the lab, as fast and reliable mechanical switches, can have great impact not only on quantum communication but also in the classical telecommunication and photonics industry.
State-of-the-art scientific research as that outlined in this project can drive industrial development in the construction of software and hardware that can boost the progresses of other fields. For example:
- biomedical industry could benefit from more efficient and compact cryogenics systems for the cryo-preservation of biological tissues,
- ultra-low noise photon counters will be fundamental in pre-clinical and clinical bio-medicine for the non-invasive optical monitoring and tomography of deep tissues,
- sophisticated arbitrary waveform generators can be employed in the classical telecommunication industry for efficient and fast manipulation and transfer of data through light pulses.
For the first time, we will complement fs-laser waveguides for light with electrical contacts at the micro-scale and optical fibres. This will require facing several technical challenges and finding affordable and reliable solutions that will find applications in classical photonics and micro-electronics.
One important impact of this work will be the training of the PDRA and the PhD and MSc students involved in it in important scientific fields like quantum technology, solid-state physics, and photonics. At the same time, they will develop additional skills in complementary fields like optical and radio-frequency engineering, cryogenics and vacuum technology, electronics and programming, important not only in academia but for high-tech industry. They will also be exposed to frontier science and inspired by world-leading scientists. Now that the time has come to move from proof-of-principle demonstrations to real world realisation of quantum technologies, it is of paramount importance the training of the next generation of scientists and technologists who will make this new quantum revolution happen. Lastly, the award of this grant would have a crucial impact on my professional development, as it would provide me the necessary support to establish an independent activity and a leading research group in quantum photonics at Heriot-Watt University.


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Zhou Z (2023) Photonic Integrated Quantum Memory in Rare-Earth Doped Solids in Laser & Photonics Reviews

Description Collaboration for the fabrication of laser written waveguides for an integrated gradient echo memory 
Organisation Institute Of Photonics And Nanotechnologies
Country Italy 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution In the framework of this collaboration we have initially provided the YSO samples to our collaborators such that they could fabricate the laser written waveguides. To be sure that the fabrication process is carried out in the optimal conditions, we have performed initial simulations to understand the most convenient orientation of the waveguides with respect to the crystalline axes of the samples. The waveguides will be exploited to demonstrate a gradient echo memory, for which the manipulation of atomic transitions by means of electric fields is required. For this reason, we have evaluated the Stark shift as a function of the light polarisation and the electric field orientation. Once a maximum has been found, we have run simulations of the efficiency and the storage time of the gradient echo memory for various parameters, as the optical depths and the electric field gradient. This allowed us to determine the best fabrication conditions for the waveguide and the best contact configuration before proceeding with the deposition. We then went on to develop a novel design to integrate electric field gradients, instead of homogeneous electric fields. This requires the shaping of the crystal into a trapezoid, which we are confident can be achieved with water assisted laser ablation. We performed simulations to optimise the dimensions of the chip and the electrodes to maximise the electric field gradient while minimising the heat exchange with the environment. We then fed these parameters to our colleagues for the fabrication and feedback on the feasibility. Currently we are working on the third generation of design.
Collaborator Contribution Our partners have fabricated the first waveguide prototypes in YSO crystals with praseodymium, optimised both for telecom and for visible light. The most important aspect to highlight is that, with respect to previously demonstrated laser written waveguides in this kind of crystals, the optimised process is now providing better Gaussian guiding modes which supports orthogonal light polarisation with wavelengths that spans from 600 to 1550 nm. Our partners have also made initial simulations with COMSOL of the optimal design of electric contacts for the manipulation of atomic excitations by mean of DC Stark shift. Following our new design suggestion, our partners performed the first tests of water assisted laser ablation, which confirmed that the technique is effective in our crystals. As they encountered a few technical challenges in the microfabrication, a few rounds of adjustments of our initial design were necessary.
Impact This collaboration has not resulted in any scientific paper yet, yet as the fabrication of the final device is still ongoing. However, we presented our preliminary results at several conferences in form of a poster, and two invited talks. This collaboration has resulted in one European project being submitted in early 2023 and one national fellowship proposal submitted to UKRI in early 2023. The collaboration is multidisciplinary as our partners are expert in fabrication of laser written waveguides, while we are focused on optical spectroscopy and implementation of quantum storage devices.
Start Year 2021
Description Collaboration for the growth of both praseodymium doped samples and stroichiometric crystals by means of flux techniques. 
Organisation University of Verona
Country Italy 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution This collaboration was born with the aim of finding crystalline matrices alternative to the known YSO for the realisation of photonic quantum memories. We aim at finding a crystal doped or stochoimetric in praseodymium that feasures a strong transition in the telecom range, connected to a long lived excited state in the visible range to perform large bandwidth quantum memory protocols based on cascaded absorption. We thus contacted our collaborators at the University of Verona and commissioned some phosphate and vanadate samples with praseodymium. Our contribution in this collaboration is to perform optical coherent and incoherent spectroscopy and implement quantum storage protocols. We provide expertise and equipment for the optical spectroscopy of the grown samples. We already analysed the phosphate samples doped with praseodymium at different concentrations, but unfortunately found out after thorough investigation of the spectra vs temperature and light polarisation, that the telecom transition exists but it is not strong enough, and that the transition to the excited state level at 600nm, which would be necessary for the cascaded absorption, is not allowed by selection rules. Next we will measure a stoichiometric sample, which is likely to feature a slightly different local environment, so allowed transitions. In order to do this, we have acquired a pellet press, because the sample is in form of powder. The press, previously placed in a teaching facility at Heriot-Watt, has been re-serviced to get rid of contaminants and now is fully operational. Spectroscopic analysis of the pellets is on going.
Collaborator Contribution The partner provided samples for spectroscopy. Specifically, transparent phosphate crystals, both weakly doped and stoichiometric in Praseodymium.
Impact This collaboration has not resulted in a measurable outcome yet, as the investigation of the stoichiometric crystals grown by our partners in the framework of this project is still ongoing. The collaboration is multidisciplinary, in fact our partner is an expert of crystal growth and material science, while our group is mostly focused on optical spectroscopy and implementation of quantum storage protocols.
Start Year 2021
Description Collaboration for the growth of praseodymium doped or stoichiometric vanadate 
Organisation University of Parma
Country Italy 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Before the submission of the grant proposal, we had reached an agreement with an industrial supplier for the growth of stoichiometric praseodymium silicate. However, after the award of the project, the industrial supplier withdrew their availability, so we had to develop a new plan. We thus contacted a former collaborator in Italy, and commissioned the growth of vanadate crystals both weakly doped and stoichiometric in praseodymium. These types of crystals are faster to growth than silicate, although they come is smaller dimensions. Our contribution in the collaboration is to investigate the coherent and incoherent spectral properties of the samples provided to assess their potential as quantum memory platforms. We have so far performed optical spectroscopy on one type of crystal, i.e. vanadate crystals doped with praseodymium, obtaining very promising results. We have identified two optical transitions, one in the telecom range and one in the visible, that could be exploited to implement a cascaded absorption protocol for the storage of telecom photons. Coherent spectroscopy is ongoing.
Collaborator Contribution Our partners have provided transparent crystals of vanadate, both weakly doped and stoichiometric in praseodymium.
Impact The collaboration has not produced any scientific paper yet, because the investigation of the samples is still ongoing. However, we have presented preliminary results at conferences, in the form of one poster and two invited talks. We expect that at least one paper on the optical spectroscopy and coherent properties of vanadate samples will be produced within the next year. The collaboration is multidisciplinary, we our colleagues in Parma are expert in crystal growth, while we focus more on the optical spectroscopy and the implementation of quantum storage protocols.
Start Year 2021
Description Collaboration for the study of telecom transitions at low temperature of phosphate crystals with praseodymium 
Organisation Imperial College London
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution In the effort of demonstrating a quantum memory that is able to store large bandwidth single photons at telecom wavelength, we have decided to study the telecom transitions of praseodymium in YPO4 sample. However, since at the beginning of the project we didn't have yet a cryostat to cool down our samples, in late 2021 we brought our light sources and samples to ICL to perform optical spectroscopy of crystals at low temperatures in one of the cryostats available in the Ultrafast Quantum Optics group. Beside equipment, we also provided man power to perform the experiments. After the visit, which lasted one week, we took care of the data analysis and the literature search. Now that we have a new cryostat in our lab, purchased within this project, we are carrying out spectroscopy in our lab, although with continuous feedback from ICL.
Collaborator Contribution Our partners put at our disposal their closed cycle cryostat and detectors, such that we could measure our samples at low temperatures. They also supported us with personnel who assisted our RA in the experiment.
Impact The collaboration has not resulted in any scientific paper yet, as the investigation of the samples is still ongoing. However, we have presented the preliminary results at several conferences in form of one poster and two invited talks. This collaboration is not multi-disciplinary. It was established based on the fact that the Ultrafast Quantum Optics group shares our interest for the demonstration of a large bandwidth quantum memory at telecom wavelength. The rationale was that, since this is a very challenging task, joining forces and sharing ideas would increase the chances of success.
Start Year 2021
Description 2022 Edition of the Rare Earth for Quantum Information workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact We organised in Edinburgh the 2022 edition of the European workshop on Rare Earth for Quantum Information. The workshop lasted three days and hosted more than 150 participants. We also attracted 4 industrial sponsors, that presented their products in dedicated stands and engaged with the researchers attending the conference.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description 2023 Edition of the Rare Earth for Quantum Information workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact The activity is a scientific workshop where experts in the field of rare earth materials for quantum information processing gather to present their latest achievements. The event was held in Lund, Sweden, but attended by researchers from all Europe, the UK, North America and China.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Edinburgh Science festival 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact We participated to the Edinburgh Science Festival with a stand especially dedicated to the activity of the Quantum Photonics lab, called the Atomic Architects. A few hundreds of people visited the stand and could engage with members of the group explaining in simple terms and with the aid of pictures, videos, or bands-on activities their research projects.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description OUTREACH TALK on photonics quantum memories and quantum repeaters on the online platform abclive - the pleasure of learning ( 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact This was an OUTREACH TALK on photonics quantum memories and quantum repeaters on the online platform abclive - the pleasure of learning ( The title was "How to use quantum coherence to store photons: the lazy person's guide to USB drivers of the future". The talk was held on the online platform Zoom, but simultaneously streamed on the facebook page of the association. The audience could ask questions both about the science and about the academic life through the Zoom chat. The feedback was very positive, both during the event, but also afterwards, when people left messages under the video recording in the facebook page.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Participation in the M4QN roadmap workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact The Materials for Quantum Network (M4QN) brought together the quantum technologies and materials research communities to create a roadmap that identifies the challenges and future needs of quantum in the UK over the next 10 years. This was in partnership with the Henry Royce Institute and facilitated by the Institute for Manufacturing (IfM).
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2024
Description Physics research article on Watt Magazine 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact The article on the Watt magazine was intended to highlight high level research carried out at the Institute of Photonics and Quantum Sciences, thus a limited number of successful researchers with international profiles have been selected to describe their current research interests.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description SUPA engagement forum 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact I was invited to give a talk at the SUPA engagement forum in the section dedicated to SUPA exemplars, where I talked about an engagement activity, carried out in collaboration with the TEDxCesena team and addressed at the general public and high school students. This activity consisted in the construction with very simple items shipped to the participants in advance (fragment of DVD, some coloured LEDs, a black cartboard tube) of an optical spectrometer. Before the hands-on activity, the PI gave a lecture on light, spectroscopy, how spectrometers are built, and their uses in science and technology.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Talk at Cambridge 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact Invited talk, NEW PLATFORMS FOR INTEGRATED SOLID-STATE QUANTUM MEMORIES, QAMSS SRI (Strategic Research Initiative on Quantum and Advanced Materials for a Sustainable Society) Advanced Technology Lectures, University of Cambridge, June 9th, 2023
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Talk at M4QN early career workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact Strategies and challenges for integrated photonic quantum memories using rare earth doped crystals, INVITED TALK, M4QN Horizon Scanning UK Conference for Early Career Researchers, Cambridge, 20-21 November, 2023
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Talk at Strathclyde 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Talk at the University of Strathclyde
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Talk at the SUPA postgrad welcome event 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact The activity was aimed at highlighting the high level research performed at Scottish university to an audience composed of 1st year PhD students starting their project at SUPA affiliated Universities.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description University open days 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an open day or visit at my research institution
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact The activity had the purpose of showcasing the advanced research facilities at the Institute of Photonics and Quantum Sciences during the applicants open days. High school pupils and their families could have a glance at how a real state-of-the-art research lab looks like.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Webinar on the online platform of the RAISIN - Roadmap for Applications of Implanted Single Impurities Network 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact The purpose of the activity was to update the scientific community working on ion implantation on the possible applications of their techniques in the field of quantum photonics using defects in solid state systems. More than 100 researchers attended the online talk, which was then posted in the network webpage, so it is expected that the video had more views in the following months. The feedback was very positive and I have ever since been contacted by several researchers with the aim of starting new projects.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022