GCRF_NF143 Barcoding Galapagos: Recording and mitigating Covid-19 impacts using key-workers in eco-tourism

Lead Research Organisation: UNIVERSITY OF EXETER
Department Name: Biosciences


The diversity of life in a given area, its biodiversity, is fundamental to the stability and function of the ecosystem within that area, as well as to the services it can provide, including eco-tourism. However, we generally have limited knowledge of the constituents of biodiversity, with implications for our understanding of ecology and evolution, and the implementation of conservation. For example, even for conspicuous animals, such as birds, history has taught us that it is difficult to define a species based on traditional methods of grouping around morphology or song. By revealing hidden variation, molecular genetics has, more recently, exposed hundreds of new species of birds, and there are thought to be hundreds more to be discovered. In addition, molecular methods allow us to detect connectivity between populations, identify sub-species or races and uncover the genetic signature of individuals within a specific area. In turn, these allow us to study speciation in action, recognise threats to population viability, inform captive breeding programmes and even spot individuals that are illegally trafficked or caught. Finally, molecular tools are the fastest method of identifying plankton, the engine of our seas, and are the only viable means of estimating the number and signatures of species at the base of the tree of life (e.g., microbes). We propose to barcode the unique biodiversity of Galapagos, the inspiration for amongst the greatest scientific revolutions in history - Charles Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection.

Today, this Natural World Heritage site (est.1976) and UNESCO Biosphere Reserve (est.1984) not only continues to help us understand the process of evolution by natural selection, but also inspires pioneering models of sustainability, conservation and ecotourism. Such models are celebrated for their long-term solutions to existing tensions between the preservation of biodiversity and the social-economic well-being of local inhabitants. However, the Covid-19 pandemic has revealed their vulnerability to short-term perturbation. The consequence of this vulnerability is obviously far-reaching for a community wherein 80% are reliant on tourism. This not only means that the biodiversity from which we have learned so much and upon which the Galapagos' relies for its ecotourism industry, is under imminent threat from harvesting, but also that the naturalist guides, who are the 'eyes' of the park and disseminate Darwin's legacy to the 275,000 tourists annually, have lost their income.

Our vision is to train and employ 84 naturalist guides to catalogue the biodiversity of Galapagos, from microbe to mammal, using 21st century genetic barcoding approaches. This 'Barcode of Life' project will ensure that: (1) the genetic profile of Galapagos is documented and curated so that the direct and indirect impacts of environmental perturbations can be quantified; and (2) naturalist guides, who are central to economic recovery for a population almost entirely reliant on ecotourism, receive immediate capacity-building employment. Throughout, we will (3) record the socio-economic consequences of our approach at the level of individuals and the community in order to guide future attempts at using locally-driven research to improve the socio-economic well-being and resilience of key workers in the ecotourism industry. Our project partner, the Galapagos Conservation Trust, will ensure that our initiative is widely publicised and discussed in schools, in the local community and with the numerous stakeholders (including National Parks, Biocontrol Agency, and the numerous NGO's working in the Galapagos). This novel initiative to barcode an ecosystem puts science at the forefront of socio-economic well-being, and acts as an important reminder of the long-term benefits of sustainable natural resources for employment and education.


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Description Our primary objectives were to employ and train local inhabitants of the Galapagos in capacity-building research aimed at using the latest genetics methods to catalogue the biodiversity of Galapagos. We successfully trained 84 locals whose livelihoods had been particularly impacted by the pandemic, mainly in sampling, curation and genetics. This included a representative gender-balance and age range, and included naturalist guides, farmers, fishers, and tourism operatives. Overall, we obtained 1700 samples from water and soil, invasive plants and native plants, as well as invertebrates and vertebrates, all from across three islands. We have so far sequenced 502 of these. We thus were able to confirm our vision of using science as a means of short-term mitigation against environmental perturbations in the eco-tourism industry. We further demonstrated that inexperienced personnel could be trained through a mixture of online and face-to-face mediums. However, unfortunately, because the funding was withdrawn mid-way through the work, we were not able to complete the sequencing or subsequent analyses. Critically, we have not been able to undertake the significant task of identifying species through the genetic barcodes obtained, which is central to quantifying biodiversity, and so the generation of publishable data-bases and papers. We endeavour to obtain further funding in order to replace the retracted funds and finish this work.
Exploitation Route We need to secure the funds that were to be allocated to the final critical phase of the work that married the genetic results with known sequences to generate the barcodes of the life of Galapagos.
Sectors Communities and Social Services/Policy

Creative Economy



Description Unfortunately, due to the withdrawal of funds during the study, we were not able to generate the key results that could lead to impact. However, anecdotally, the naturalist guides that outreach to >200,000 tourisms annually have disseminated their experiences and the project more generally, whilst others have chosen to go on to do Masters, or use their new genetic skills to work in hospitals or with the biocontrol agency on Galapagos.
First Year Of Impact 2021
Sector Education,Environment,Leisure Activities, including Sports, Recreation and Tourism
Impact Types Societal