A New Spin On Atomic Logic

Lead Research Organisation: University of Nottingham
Department Name: Sch of Physics & Astronomy


The last decade has seen staggering advances in our ability to acquire and process information at the single atom and single molecule levels. Both the scanning tunnelling microscope (STM) and its slightly younger sibling, the atomic force microscope (AFM), now enable individual atoms to be probed, positioned, and, in essence, programmed by exploiting control of an impressively wide variety of physicochemical processes and properties right down to the single chemical bond limit.

In recent work by Andreas Heinrich's team at IBM Research Labs, the worlds of quantum information processing and not just nanotechnology, but atomtech, have excitingly been bridged. This opens up entirely new approaches to not just quantum computing* but much more energy-efficient classical information processing via spin control in solid state devices (whose power consumption is increasingly unsustainable for many applications.)

Although exceptionally impressive, the single atom qubits achieved by the IBM team are fabricated and manipulated on a bespoke material system involving a thin oxide film on a metal substrate. This is unfortunately not the most technologically relevant or scalable of architectures. Our New Horizons application instead involves information processing, logic, and spin control at the single atom level in silicon, a material that remains at the very core of our information society and will likely remain there for quite some time to come. We will exploit recent advancements in the fabrication of atomic-scale Boolean gates by Bob Wolkow's team at the University of Alberta to develop a new spin logic architecture based on the surprising "innate" magnetism of electron orbitals created on an atomically sculpted silicon surface.


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Description We are a year into this project. Based on adaptations of previously reported "recipes" in the literature, we have developed methods to prepare hydrogen-covered silicon surfaces and selectively remove individual hydrogen atoms with the tip of a scanning tunnelling microscope (STM). This has been achieved within a high magnetic field STM-atomic force microscope system. We are now at the point where we can start to study the magnetic/spin characteristics of these structures.

Update March 14 2024: We are focussed strongly on achieving spin-polarised tunnelling. The key hurdle is to create tips that have a well-controlled spin state. This is exceptionally challenging. Attempts over many months to acquire reproducible spin contrast using bulk chromium tips have not provided reliable, compelling data. Recent discussions with a number of world leading researchers in the field have supported our observations of the level of difficulty involved in securing and then maintaining spin polarisation. We are switching to a different strategy at the time of writing: functionalising the STM tip with a magnetic molecule.
Exploitation Route It's too early to say but if we succeed (in the next year) in measuring the spin characteristics of the dangling bond structures we have fabricated then this would be the first observation of magnetism at a silicon surface (involving no other elements except silicon itself and the absence of hydrogen.)
Sectors Electronics


URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YI9Zz2HRlhQ