Tackling human dental caries by multi-modal correlative microscopy and multi-physics modelling

Lead Research Organisation: UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD
Department Name: Engineering Science


Human mineralised dental tissues are the hardest tissues in the human body that represent an intriguing example of nature's hierarchical engineering across the scales, from the atomic level assembly of naturally grown hydroxyapatite crystals during amelo- and dentino-genesis to their incorporation into organic matrix nano-composite and the growth into macroscopic teeth that fulfil a complex long-term role crucial to the existence and well-being of every human being on the planet. It is a shining example of nature's design fit for purpose. However, in the instance of human dental caries, the combination of modern sugar-rich diet, plaque-forming bacteria and demineralisation caused by the acidic environment they produce defeats the intricate evolutionary process. In industrialized countries, dental caries affects 60-90% of schoolchildren and the vast majority of adults, remaining one of the most persistent and challenging diseases causing pain, suffering and upset. Although progress in controlling this disease by water fluoridation is well documented, in most cases dentist's instructions focus on recommendations for changes in the lifestyle and oral hygiene, in practice turning out to have limited efficiency. According to the latest (2016) report of the UK's Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC), tooth decay in English children has been steadily rising for four years in a row. These alarming figures reported in national news headlines (www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-35672775) bring this research topic into sharp focus, meaning that the outcomes of the proposed project are likely to make notable scientific and societal impact.
In this proposal we wish to tackle the caries challenge by undertaking a systematic, coordinated, multi-scale microscopic investigation, coupled with numerical disease modelling to move towards better diagnosis, and proactive intervention and treatment of caries. By applying this joined-up, cross-correlated analytical approach to the same samples by the specialists in nano-scale multi-modal microscopy and modeling (Oxford) and dental research and teaching (Birmingham), we will establish a tight connection between ultrastructural, chemical and compositional changes seen by FIB-SEM and advanced X-ray methods, and the patterns, colours, signals and signs observable by conventional dentistry techniques. The proposers have extensive partnership links with university and large facility research groups, dental companies and practicing dentists across the globe. Involvement of OHI Ltd. and Specialists Dental Group as partners, and the secured support from Tescan and Diamond Light Source (DLS) will increase and accelerate impact. This will pave a practical and efficient way to new interpretative approaches and treatment routines. We will bridge the insights from nano-scale characterization to conventional dentistry techniques (X-ray radiography and histology). We will build a multi-scale model that will serve as a predictive tool to guide the formulation of the most promising strategies for overcoming caries.
The project objectives are closely aligned with all aspects of EPSRC Healthcare Technologies Grand Challenges, answering the topics of developing future therapies, controlling the amount of physical intervention required, optimizing treatment, and transforming community health and care. In parallel, we shall contribute to the advancement of Cross-Cutting Research Capabilities that are essential for delivering these Grand Challenges. In particular, this research will develop novel imaging technologies employing multi-modal microscopy, and use the insights obtained to create novel approaches in computational and mathematical sciences through the formulation and validation of sophisticated numerical models of disease and treatment. The work will also benefit the areas of advanced materials and disruptive technologies for sensing and analysis.

Planned Impact

In terms of the economic and societal impact, the principal project outcomes will have far-reaching implications in health and lifestyle, social policy and commerce, leading to drastic improvements in the quality of life and state of health, and contributing to personal happiness of many people. UK enjoys a leading position in many aspects of medical research, with therapies and approaches developed here successfully adopted across the globe. Each new major advance taken up by UK practitioners and health technology companies gets progressively accepted and used in Singapore Australia, US, Japan, and many other countries. Leading new treatment development brings tangible economic benefits to UK. Outcomes of this project will change the formulation of dental rinses and toothpastes (global market of ~$12.5bn, topping dental implants market of ~$8bn). Also affected will be the dental consumables market including filling restorative materials and adhesives approaches ~$20bn worldwide. Overall, long-term emphasis shift will be from routine caries treatment to prosthodontics and functional restoration procedures.
For knowledge impact, the integrative paradigm of tight combination of cutting edge characterisation techniques with advanced multi-physics modelling will elucidate the course of disease and treatment across the scales, and deliver crucial understanding and ability to control the disease in a targeted and bespoke fashion. Cross-fertilisation between disciplines of multi-modal microscopy and dental therapy will attract more researchers with physical sciences background to the study of biological tissues and treatments. Advancing novel approaches to structural and compositional analysis of human tissues will be used to study other mineralised tissues, such as bone; Advances in microscopy (X-ray) techniques will benefit major partners and collaborators active in the field, such as Tescan and Oxford Instruments, DLS and RCaH, and smaller entities (Deben Research, Alemnis and WITec). These connections will ensure that progress achieved in experimental technique development will become embodied in publicly and commercially available setups and instruments, benefitting numerous researchers in the field; Dissemination of outcomes to industrial and academic researchers of modelling activities will enhance the general level of awareness and understanding in the field, and become available in the form of software packages, such as Matlab, Mathematica, and Abaqus.
For translation from research into practice, it will put new insights from nano-scale imaging into the context of evidence from more widespread methods of oral histology, radiography and spectral imaging, making them directly accessible to practitioners such as project partners: Specialists Dental Group, Singapore, Oral Health Innovation Ltd in Birmingham, UK. In addition, the links with dental supplies companies, such as Ivoclar Vivadent, GSK Oral Healthcare will be maintained and developed. Patent applications will be made through Oxford and Birmingham university IPR companies.
For human capital, this project will educate post-doctoral researchers in a complex, multi-faceted, multi-disciplinary project. Dr Tan Sui already fulfils the role of manager for the group electron microscopy (MBLEM) and X-ray diffraction and imaging (HEX) facilities. This project will contribute to her experience, and provide an excellent foundation for her to seek a permanent post in academia. Final year undergraduate students of BMedSc (Birm) and MEng (Ox) will benefit from being exposed to cutting edge research challenges, and may continue towards doctoral study. We will welcome visiting students from collaborating institutions across Europe.
Broader dissemination of our scientific results will take place through specialised workshops and active publication in periodicals such as Nature Communications, Acta Biomaterialia, J Dental Research, and Materials & Design that PI and RCI co-edit.


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Abdusatorov B. (2019) On the prospects of using Biogenic Silica for MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems) in Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science

Description Key findings are:

- the development of experimental procedures for in vitro, in situ synchrotron analysis of enamel erosion

- the development of the initial 'whole disease' multi-physics model

- the development of procedures for model tuning and cross-validation against experiments, including with some time-lapse observation of evolution

This has been advanced and extended significantly over the reporting period, with several experiments conducted, results interpreted, and some already published.
Exploitation Route Through publication and dissemination of results and methods, they become available to UK and international community.
Follow-on grant application is being prepared.
Sectors Healthcare

URL https://www.dentalreview.news/people/58-dentistry-interviews/3084-professor-korsunky-explores-the-potential-reversal-of-tooth-decay
Description Prof Korsunsky's initial interest in studying dental tissues arose from his wish to explore the mechanics of these materials - starting with how enamel and dentine respond to chewing forces. He was also keen to understand their structure and composition, and how they enable these tissues to perform a complex range of demanding functions under extreme conditions in the oral cavity for decades on end. Enamel is an example of a hierarchically structured (complex multi-level) material built by nature by bonding together with organic 'glue' of brittle ceramic component (hydroxyapatite) nanoparticles of various shapes and orientations into micron-sized directed features ("prisms"), ultimately forming a tissue with fascinating overall properties. Early studies of mineralized dental tissues showed that they are remarkably resilient and resistant to failure, unless afflicted with construction flaws caused by genetic disorders, or attacked by acids in the course of caries. In fact, it was the recognition of the tremendous destructive impact of caries that led Prof Korsunsky to embark on this project. It quickly became apparent that nanoscale events during the damage evolution process were difficult to visualise and understand using traditional dental techniques such as X-ray radiography and surface examination, but they could be elucidated by advanced microscopy and synchrotron X-ray techniques. To study the evolution of caries at all levels, the Oxford team continued their established collaboration with the colleagues from the School of Dentistry at the University of Birmingham. "We were particularly eager to link our research with practical dentistry, so that our findings made at finer scales had a good chance of being passed on into practice," Prof Korsunsky explained. "We wanted to be fully aware of the practicalities and the range of tools available to dentists in a surgery, to ensure that our work is transferable." "Now we can cross-correlate our findings with the data obtained using well-trusted and established techniques, such as histology and laboratory X-ray tomography. One of our aims is to see if we can learn to read the signs of caries progression with conventional dental methods." When a caries lesion first forms on the surface and propagates sub-surface into the enamel, hydroxyapatite is dissolved, and the mineral density is reduced. "Human saliva contains calcium and phosphate ions needed to re-build hydroxyapatite, so the saliva-facing surface of the enamel gets remineralized - but it is not structured in the same way as the original surface," warned Prof Korsunsky. "Once a surface is repaired in this way, the sub-surface layers of the lesion become harder to reach for the ions and remain compromised, until eventually the lesion collapses to expose a cavity. We wanted to know if we could intervene in this process to help remineralization from the bottom up, instead of top down." Upon the completion of this long-term project, two things became apparent: (a) that Prof Korsunsky and his team made significant headway in developing new methods and understanding the caries process, and (b) that their work opened up new prospects for non-surgical repair of early caries through guided remineralisation. The proposal to pursue item (b) was prepared and funded as a follow-on project. Diamond Light Source Some of the key experimental studies are being conducted at the synchrotron facility in Oxfordshire called Diamond Light Source (top). The synchrotron acts like a giant microscope, firing electrons at almost the speed of light around a large ring, and utilising powerful light emitted by them as they travel. Prof Korsunsky described the importance of this advanced research tool: "Synchrotron light has the advantage that it allows one to perform most complex in vitro experiments. We can adjust the resolution, going from fractions of a millimetre down to sub-micron beams to probe what is happening across the scales. The beam brings out a variety of information pertaining to the structure and mechanics of the tissue, so we can look at the changes in the crystal size, orientation, and composition of the mineral and organic fractions over time. "We are particularly lucky to receive great support from colleagues at beamline B16 and the Optics and Metrology group at Diamond, which allows us to continue trying out new experimental configurations and obtaining fresh insights." Prof Korsunsky's team found correlations between acidity levels and the rate of lesion progression into the tissue, and how the concentration and type of acid affect the reformation of enamel. The team are now working towards setting up an 'artificial mouth', a device that can reproduce the bacterial, chemical and mechanical effects to mimic the process of caries. "We are carrying out experiments that attempt to reverse demineralization. Our ultimate goal is to understand at the microbial, chemical and nano-mechanical levels how we can guide remineralization so that caries lesions are repaired by natural processes. By understanding the conditions needed to reverse caries, we hope to figure out ultimately how to make this happen in vivo," clarified Prof Korsunsky. "The work at Diamond is already helping us improve our understanding of tooth decay. With the input from dentistry specialists, favourable conditions will be sought that can to stave off decay, or even reverse it. Could the dentist's drill become a thing of the past if nature's inclination to repair can be encouraged?" Professor Alexander Korsunsky has an established track record in gaining insights into the strains and stresses in complex natural and engineered materials, from advanced metallic aerospace alloys to polymers, ceramics, and composites. Several years ago he turned his attention to human dental tissues, enamel and dentine. Together with his team of researchers working at University of Oxford and Diamond Light Source (Harwell, Oxfordshire), he has been able to shed some light on the way in which these hierarchically structured materials respond to mechanical and thermal loading. The team continue their progress towards the goal of figuring out how to prevent or reverse tooth decay by relying on the natural ability of our bodies for self-repair.
First Year Of Impact 2018
Sector Healthcare
Impact Types Societal


Policy & public services

Description Opinion expressed in an interview on the most promising directions for treatment of dental caries
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Influenced training of practitioners or researchers
URL https://www.dentalreview.news/people/58-dentistry-interviews/3084-professor-korsunky-explores-the-po...
Description Elucidating the pathways for human tooth enamel mineralisation by 4D microscopy and microfluidics
Amount £2,310,796 (GBP)
Funding ID EP/W009412/1 
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2023 
End 03/2027
Description MT15981-1 Demineralisation in human dentinal tubules analysis by in situ X-ray scattering
Amount £100,000 (GBP)
Funding ID MT15981-1 
Organisation Diamond Light Source 
Sector Private
Country United Kingdom
Start 05/2017 
End 06/2017
Description MT19192-1 Operando SAXS/WAXS characterization of demineralisation front in human dental enamel
Amount £100,000 (GBP)
Funding ID MT19192-1 
Organisation Diamond Light Source 
Sector Private
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2018 
End 05/2018
Title In situ, in vitro observation of enamel erosion using synchrotron X-ray beam 
Description We developed the approach - previously not found in the literature - to set up in vitro enamel erosion on synchrotron beam line at Diamond, with simultaneous X-ray imaging and small/wide angle scattering (SAXS/WAXS). 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact This approach was described in publicly available beamtime report on DLS system. It was also presented in the User Working Group meeting at DLS devoted to the design and building of the next generation instrument. 
Description Birmingham Dental School 
Organisation University of Birmingham
Department School of Dentistry
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We advise colleagues at Birmingham School of Dentistry on modern nanoscale characterisation techniques, and implications of these novel approaches for clinical, diagnostic, therapeutic and prosthetic dentistry.
Collaborator Contribution We work closely with Birmingham School of Dentistry who provide access to expertise in clinical, diagnostic, therapeutic and prosthetic dentistry, and supply samples for our microscopy and X-ray studies.
Impact Multiple publications, joint designs of experiments
Description Specialist Dental Group, Singapore 
Organisation Specialist Dental Group
Country Singapore 
Sector Hospitals 
PI Contribution Presentations were made by AMK (PI) at events and meetings in Singapore during which the details of the insights into caries processes obtained in the course of the project were presented.
Collaborator Contribution During mutual visits of TKN to UK, and AMK (PI) to Singapore; joint preparation of publications was undertaken, as well as exchange of knowledge and expertise. In particular, advice was received from NTK on caries therapy procedures in Singapore.
Impact Publications as found in the literature, preparation of patent applications
Start Year 2010
Description Interview with a popular online magazine "Dental Reviews" - https://www.dentalreview.news/people/58-dentistry-interviews/3084-professor-korsunky-explores-the-potential-reversal-of-tooth-decay 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact AMK (PI) was interviewed by a science writer and an article produced: https://www.dentalreview.news/people/58-dentistry-interviews/3084-professor-korsunky-explores-the-potential-reversal-of-tooth-decay
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
URL https://www.dentalreview.news/people/58-dentistry-interviews/3084-professor-korsunky-explores-the-po...
Description Public Engagement with Research (PER) Seed Fund 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact Public outreach - modern dentistry for healthier teeth
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020