Maths DTP 2020 University of Warwick

Lead Research Organisation: University of Warwick
Department Name: Physics


Doctoral Training Partnerships: a range of postgraduate training is funded by the Research Councils. For information on current funding routes, see the common terminology at Training grants may be to one organisation or to a consortia of research organisations. This portal will show the lead organisation only.


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Studentship Projects

Project Reference Relationship Related To Start End Student Name
EP/V520226/1 30/09/2020 31/10/2025
2443915 Studentship EP/V520226/1 04/10/2020 30/07/2024 Ryan Acosta Babb
2443755 Studentship EP/V520226/1 04/10/2020 04/10/2024 Vanthana Ganeshalingam
2440893 Studentship EP/V520226/1 04/10/2020 18/06/2023 Claudia Viaro
2443930 Studentship EP/V520226/1 04/10/2020 04/10/2024 Georgios Athanasopoulos
2443761 Studentship EP/V520226/1 04/10/2020 30/07/2024 Sunny Sood
2443924 Studentship EP/V520226/1 04/10/2020 04/10/2024 Marco La Vecchia
2443753 Studentship EP/V520226/1 04/10/2020 03/07/2024 Muhammad Manji
2435811 Studentship EP/V520226/1 04/10/2020 08/01/2025 Hannah Bensoussane
2443749 Studentship EP/V520226/1 04/10/2020 03/09/2024 Lucas LAVOYER DE MIRANDA
2435813 Studentship EP/V520226/1 04/10/2020 04/10/2024 Alicia Gill
2441146 Studentship EP/V520226/1 04/10/2020 04/10/2024 Robin VISSER
2443857 Studentship EP/V520226/1 04/10/2020 04/10/2024 Aria Ahari
2440874 Studentship EP/V520226/1 04/10/2020 04/10/2024 Conor Hughes
2443767 Studentship EP/V520226/1 04/10/2020 03/07/2024 William O'Regan
2733781 Studentship EP/V520226/1 02/10/2022 29/09/2026 Julia Krasnowska