Coping with the Urban Environment? Gender Disadvantage, Social Inequalities and Wellbeing of Economic Migrants in China

Lead Research Organisation: University of Southampton
Department Name: Statistical Sciences Research institute


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Description The analyses using data the 2010 Migrant Survey by Min (Co-I) et al. showed evidence of significant gender disadvantage in the type of employment and wage outcomes amongst new economic migrants which varied substantially by cities across geographic regions. Low education levels, poor life-skills, marital, family and household registration status had a negative influence on employment and wage outcomes of female migrants. This findings of this paper were disseminated at the special ESRC China-South Africa Pathfinder Project session entitled 'Internal migration and wellbeing in China' at the 2012 annual conference of the British Society of Population Studies (BSPS) held at the University of Nottingham (10-12 Sep, 2012). This session was proposed to the BSPS and coordinated by Padmadas (PI). Using data from the 2011 National Migration Survey, Jianan (CPDRC researcher) et al. from the project replicated the same analysis with a comparison of migrants and non-migrants and concluded that migrants were relatively better-off than non-migrants in terms of employment and wage outcomes, after accounting for selection effects and duration of migration (drafting under progress). Padmadas et al. analysed the Shenzhen migration survey data which revealed wide inequalities in living and work environment of especially female migrants which had a negative impact on reported health status and healthcare behaviour (drafting under progress). The analyses showed evidence that young female migrants were particularly disadvantaged in terms of social integration and unmet need for healthcare. Using the RH/FP survey conducted by the UNFPA, Padmadas et al. found that recent migrant (defined on the basis of duration of migration between counties) females had better knowledge and use of reproductive health and family planning services, including proper knowledge of STI and HIV transmission routes (analyses completed).

As part of strengthening the research network and stakeholder involvement, a two day ESRC Pathfinder inception workshop entitled "Gender Disadvantage, Social Inequalities and Wellbeing of Economic Migrants in China" was held at CPDRC in Beijing (28-29 March, 2012) along with a three day ESRC research training on "Introduction to modelling types of longitudinal and multilevel data" (30-31 March, 1 April, 2012). The inception workshop engaged stakeholders and academic researchers and confirmed the methods, analysis strategies, literature and policy gaps and dissemination plans. The project engaged 27 early career and doctoral researchers from China and the UK who were given opportunities to interact with the project team and to take part in the data analyses activities. The research training included two half-day sessions on 'Mixed methods approach integrating quantitative and qualitative data for policy development' and 'Dealing with endogeneity in modelling retrospective cross-sectional data'. A final workshop entitled 'Urbanisation, wellbeing of migrants and the impact on the left-behind' held in Southampton (4-6 Sep, 2012) discussed the main project findings and finalised the dissemination plans including publication in peer-reviewed international journals.
Exploitation Route The results obtained so far are under peer-review and the team anticipates producing further analyses within the next few months. The team will prepare research communications in the format of policy briefs after establishing feedback from independent peer-reviewers from international journals. The team is aware that the 12 months project has been only completed recently and it will take time for the project to generate social and economic impact outlined in the impact plan. The project will continue to liaise with relevant target groups, including stakeholders and policymakers at the Chinese ministries and the UN agencies, and share policy briefs, as well as implement a short questionnaire which will include questions on user benefit, action plans and impact evaluation. The project findings will be communicated to the newly formed National Health and Family Planning Commission, National Development and Reforms Commission, Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, Ministry of Housing and Rural-Urban Development, Chinese Women Federation and the Panyu Organisation of Legal Services for Migrants.
Sectors Communities and Social Services/Policy



Democracy and Justice

Description Introduction to modelling types of longitudinal data 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact The research training included two day sessions on 'Mixed methods approach integrating quantitative and qualitative data for policy development' and 'Dealing with endogeneity in modelling retrospective cross-sectional data'. The aim of this research training was to Introduce participants to methods for analysing types of longitudinal data covering both the timing of events and repeated measurement of an outcome. The meeting was held at the China Population and Development Research Center (CPDRC) in Beijing during 30-31 March 2012. The participants included postgraduate researchers from Peking and Renmin University, early-career researchers who were also members of the project, policy experts from the UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund) China Office, and also members of the China-South Africa Pathfinder programme. The training focused on the importance of understanding and interpreting correlation structures when modelling longitudinal data and how complex structures can be incorporated within a multilevel framework, and discussed the endogeneity issues when considering the impact of an event on an outcome and some of the econometric approaches for dealing with this. The training included practice sessions using real data from the project workshop enabling participants to use STATA and MLwiN computer packages. The feedback was highly positive especially for the researchers and policy experts to understand, appreciate and opportunity to analyse panel and pseudo panel data. The training also helped the project team to better understand and conceptualise the research problems addressed as part of the project. The event also generated interests for further follow-up research training workshops.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2012