Placement Fellowship in the DCMS working on Climate Change

Lead Research Organisation: The Open University
Department Name: Geography


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Description One of the key findings of my research for DCMS was that there were many strategies and actions already implemented for tackling sustainability and carbon emissions with DCMS sectors. My research documented many of these. However, I also highlighted that while DCMS had shown an engagement with the topic of climate change in the past, its efforts on this topic had reduced drastically and that this was apparent to organisations within its sectors.

I advised that DCMS needed to take a more active role in overseeing, and preferably evaluating, the measures being taken by organisations across its sectors.
Exploitation Route I am continuing to work with organisations across the policy, academic and cultural sectors, drawing on my findings and experiences from this fellowship to further develop the way that cultural organisations in particular can help sustain the debates around sustainability and climate change.

While DCMS engagement with the topic of climate change has regressed since the time of my award, many of the organisations in its sectors continue to make progress in this area, and I continue to build partnerships with these organisations.
Sectors Creative Economy





Museums and Collections

Description A key part of my role in this Placement Fellowship was to act as a connection between three different communities on the issue of climate change and sustainability. As a Fellow within the Dept for Culture Media and Sport I participated in Future Strategy and Evidence and Analysis meetings to highlight the importance of sustainability for the Department. I also engaged actively with Non-departmental Governing Bodies, and with institutions across the cultural, media and sports sectors to gather information on sustainability measures and strategies for DCMS. An important part of this gathering process was also to demonstrate the engagement of DCMS with the issue. Finally, I was also able to connect both of these communities with the academic community - both by feeding back some of the results of my research, but as importantly by drawing together organisations and individuals that would not else have met. My report to DCMS, with interviews, extensive bibliography and overviews of a number of sectors and individual case studies, and recommendations was circulated within DCMS. Through contacts established during this placement, I continue to work with representatives in Whitehall, especially in DECC, and also in City Hall on the issue of climate change. In particular, as part of my current role on the AHRC Stories of Change project, I am drawing on these contacts to continue to bridge the gap between academia and the policy world.
Sector Environment,Leisure Activities, including Sports, Recreation and Tourism
Impact Types Cultural

Description DECC partnership 
Organisation Department of Energy and Climate Change
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution As a result of contacts made during this fellowship, I am now working on a project in which we will partner with DECC over the next 3 years.
Collaborator Contribution DECC have agreed to work with the current AHRC Stories of Change project, to help develop and sustain a more plural account of energy and climate change, drawing on connections between policy, academia and the arts.
Impact As a result of contacts made during the placement, I was able to secure the partcipation of senior policy officers from DECC and City Hall in the Stories of Change - Energy Generation project, which I led. This project also secured further funding under the Connected Communities festival call for.
Start Year 2013