ESRC The UK in a Changing Europe Initiative Research Coordinator

Lead Research Organisation: King's College London
Department Name: War Studies


A first task would be to monitor research on the EU and on EU-UK relations in UK universities and research institutes with a view to identifying what areas are covered and which have been neglected or under-investigated. A series of 9 scoping studies will be commissioned to provide a state of the art survey of social scientific research in crucial areas of EU activity. A second strand of work will involve liaison with researchers and research teams engaged in work on the EU with the aim of encouraging an interchange between teams or individuals working on related questions. Finally, the coordinator will help academics to achieve greater impact for their research through numerous activities intended to promote interaction and the exchange of ideas between academics, policy makers and other stakeholders.

Planned Impact

The project will enhance the impact of social scientific research on the EU, and UK relations with the EU, amongst key use communities. Research findings will be more easily accessible to these communities, and will thus be drawn on more systematically in ongoing public and political debates about the EU.
Description As ours is not, properly speaking a research grant, key findings are not readily applicable; our primary aim is the dissemination of high-quality research and engagement with a wide cross range of different stakeholder groups. In this context, we have nevertheless produced findings that are reported here including, several MPs Survey with Ipsos MORI's over the last three years; academic reports which were picked up by the media, findings which were reported widely; our experts have given written and verbal evidence in parliament. We also have an extensive website which is updated daily with new content and analysis which then goes on to be featured or included in other major news outlet's publications.

In general- and more important from our vantage point- our research and work has uncovered and interrogated critical areas of complexity and contestation surrounding the UKs relationship with the EU and disseminated these results to a wide audience. In doing so, we have developed a dynamic and flexible model for the development of research. Our network of fellows and researchers (Commissioning Fund, Brexit Priority Grant holders and the recent addition of the Governance After Brexit programme) have enabled us to engage as wide an audience as possible.
Exploitation Route The focus of our project has always been to disseminate research outside the academic world. Over the last few years we have done this by working with a wide range of groups and stakeholders and trailing new forms of engagement - e.g. podcasts with MPs, academics and business leaders; partnering with other organisations to host Facebook live sessions and by pioneering the informal 'Beer and Brexit' series. Our researchers and fellows have continued to give evidence which in turn has informed government policy. Our public events have provided opportunity for informed discussion and debate about what the future may hold for the UK after leaving the European Union which allowed members of the public to ask questions to our experts. Our Brexit Policy Panel survey over 100 academics and monitor attitudes around the Brexit process. Our reports are disseminated on our website and sent to members of parliament and the civil service to inform them of key issues such as the Costs of No Deal and The Brexit Endgame (which looks at what processes parliament might have to implement as a result of Brexit). All of these activities has enabled us to reach, engage with and inform a diverse of stakeholders who can then take our findings forward.
Sectors Aerospace

Defence and Marine


Food and Drink

Communities and Social Services/Policy

Creative Economy




Financial Services

and Management Consultancy



Democracy and Justice



Museums and Collections


Security and Diplomacy


Description Our project is aimed at the dissemination of high quality research and engagement and it is in these terms that we measure and evaluate our impact. In this context, our findings-the research and expertise of our researchers and our diverse publications- have been used in a wide variety of ways. Members of the government, civil servants, politicians and campaigners have been impacted through the targeted distribution of flagship reports; attendance and participation at our events; briefings given the Cabinet Office and major political parties; and evidence presented by our fellows to Parliamentary Committees. We have presented research findings at a number of professional associations including accountants and fund managers. Business groups like PwC and KPMG have received our reports and attended many of our events and report launches. Our findings- broadly defined- are and continue to be used to inform public debate. Our fellows and research are widely cited and used by broadcast, print and digital media outlets. Public events and engagement through new media have led to the direct communication of our research and public engagement with a very broad range of groups including students, schoolchildren, professionals, public sector workers, prisoners, campaigners, activists and members of the public at large. At the majority of our events participants have commented that their view on the referendum and its consequences has been shaped by our input.
First Year Of Impact 2015
Sector Creative Economy,Education,Energy,Environment,Financial Services, and Management Consultancy,Healthcare,Government, Democracy and Justice,Security and Diplomacy
Impact Types Policy & public services

Description 'Ask the expert' seminar on Brexit and Ireland, London 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Details: At this lunchtime seminar hosted by the Social Market Foundation, sponsored by the ESRC, Professor Colin Harvey addressed the consequences of Brexit for Northern
Ireland, the peace process and the possibility of a hard intra-Irish border.

Feedback: The audience of around 40-50 packed the room, with a further 2,000 views watching the SMF's Twitter livestream.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description 'Seven Brexit endgame scenarios' report released 
Form Of Engagement Activity A magazine, newsletter or online publication
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact The report is a guide to seven of the different possible parliamentary scenarios that might occur between now and exit day. This report explains how each of these scenarios
could play out, and highlights the problems each faces.

Feedback: The report was covered in Huffington Post and received positive feedback from a number of peers and parliamentary staff.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description 01 October 2019, What next for the Conservative Party and Brexit? 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact For this event David Gauke talked to Anand Menon about what will happen next with the Conservative Party and Brexit.
• Anand Menon, Professor of European Politics and Foreign Affairs and Director of The UK in a Changing Europe
• RT Hon David Gauke MP, South West Hertfordshire

A packed room saw Anand and David Gauke engage in a very frank and honest one-to-one in conversation event. 2000 views on Periscope
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description 04 September 2019 - Briefing to the media on the issues, impacts and implications of "no deal". 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact We held a briefing to mark the launch on the 4th September. Representatives came from: AFP, Jiji Press, Business Insider, Le Figaro, Le Monde, SRF, Politico, ITN, Daily Express, ARD, New York Times.
We had a few pieces in the media about the report including:
• Don't buy the bluff. Here's the truth about no-deal Brexit by Anand Menon, originally in the Guardian
• How will a no-deal Brexit affect EU nationals living in the UK? By Jonathan Portes, originally in the New Statesman
• The polling that shows why Boris Johnson's no-deal Brexit strategy is a major risk by Alan Wager and Anand Menon, originally in the New Statesman
• A no-deal Brexit would just be the beginning by Catherine Barnard, in the FT
• Hussein Kassim delves into the challenges of negotiating after a no deal Brexit.
Here's some of the media coverage of the report: Channel 4, LBC, FT, Politico, CNBC, Irish News, Research Live, Express, Voice of America, Huffington Post.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description 05 October, Podcast Live 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact For the second year in a row, Brexit Breakdown will be hosting a live show at the Podcast live all day event.

• Jonathan Faull, former British official in the European Commission
• Jill Rutter, senior research fellow, The UK in a Changing Europe
• Professor Catherine Barnard, senior fellow, The UK in a Changing Europe
• Peter Foster, Europe editor, Telegraph
• James Millar, author, commentator and podcaster

Around 40 people in attendance
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description 1 May 2019, Livechat with Professor John Curtice 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact This livechat was chaired by Bloomberg's Robert Hutton and featured James Kirkup and UK in a Changing Europe's Senior fellow Professor Sir John Curtice. This discussion focused on the local and European elections taking place later in the month. Feedback: 2,200 people watched it on Twitter.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description 10 February 2020 - Britain in the world 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Hosted in partnership with the Royal United Services Institute, this even looked at the UK's foreign policy priorities post-Brexit and examines its new role in the world.

The event also answered questions around how Britain's, after Brexit, foreign policy will have to explore how Britain fits into a new competitive and more state-based international system. It is also vital to look into potential ways for cooperation in defence and how both sides will restructure their policies and resources post-Brexit.

It also looked at how will the British diplomacy machinery counteract future security threats, how will new bonds be formed, and emerging challenges be met? Are the diplomatic processes enough to deal with the UK's new position.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description 10 March 2020 - Parliament and Brexit 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Following the UK's departure from the European Union on 31 January 2020, the UK in a Changing Europe held a full day conference on Parliament and Brexit. The event assembled leading politicians, experts, academics and journalists to reflect on the role Parliament played in Brexit between 2016 and 2019 and its role in UK's future relationship with the European Union.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description 10 October, Brexit and the Media 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact We held a major conference with Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism on Brexit and the media. Watch the panels:
• Keynote by Adam Boulton, Sky News
• Has Brexit broken the media? With Jill Rutter, David Bond (FT), Meera Selva, Damian Collins MP, and chair: Daniel Capurro (Telegraph)
• Brexit and the international media: Mark Landler (NYT), Eric Albert, (Le Monde), Jakub Krupa (former Polish Press Agency), Professor Rasmus Nielsen and chair: Stefanie Bolzen (Welt)
• Are there lessons learned from reporting on Brexit? James Blitz, (FT), Will Moy, Professor Suzanne Franks and Chair: Mark Di Stefano (Buzzfeed)
• Tortoise Media ThinkIn led by Matthew d'Ancona
FEEDBACK: Most of our attendees have come to our events before and are aged over 50. We had some people attend who had heard about the event from our website and from word of mouth but for the most part they had received an invitation directly from us. People found the event either very or fairly informative, enjoyable, interesting and accessible and thought the discussions were detailed. We were complimented on our use of the venue (Broadway House) as well as Adam Boulton's keynote
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description 10.06.16 UK in a Changing Europe annual conference: Get informed. Get the facts 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact With less than a month before the referendum, the objective of our one day flagship conference at the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre was to reach and inform as many people as possible about the key issues of the campaign. Speakers from both sides of the debate presented their cases for remaining or leaving the EU, while experts provided insights into the debate and the implications of different outcomes in 13 parallel panel sessions that took place throughout the day. The keynote speeches were made by Rt Hon Ed Miliband MP (former leader of the Labour Party), Rt Hon Iain Duncan Smith MP (former Work and Pensions Secretary) and Professor John Curtice FRSA FRSE FBA (UK in a Changing Europe and University of Strathclyde). The full list of sessions and panellists can be found here:

Reach and impact: More than 300 people attended throughout the day and the majority of the panel sessions reached (or over-reached) their room capacity. It was a huge success with overwhelmingly positive feedback, with several speakers commending the effectiveness of the running of the event (e.g. Lord McNally and Professor Vernon Bogdanor). The event received lots of media coverage with mentions in the Guardian and footage appearing on the BBC. Attendees came from business, academia, the civil service, government, embassies and the general public.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description 100 days to Brexit, King's College London 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact This evening event marked 100 days until the UK's planned exit from the European Union with a panel discussion from Chris Wilkins, Claire Fox, Rafael Behr, Lucy Harris and
Professor Anand Menon.

Feedback: This event was extremely popular, with the venue reaching its full capacity of 110 attendees. A further 8623 people viewed the video of the event on our website.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description 11 May 2020 - Live webinar: Populism and the pandemic 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact The second in our 'Isolation Insight' series. Our deputy director Tim Bale was joined by Professor Matt Goodwin (University of Kent, former UKICE fellow), Professor Paul Taggart (University of Sussex) and Dr Catherine Fieschi (Global Policy Institute, Queen Mary University London) to discuss what populist leaders are doing in the Covid-19 crisis, how they are exploiting it, and the impact this is likely to have on politics. We had 350 viewers on Zoom, with an additional 35 watching it on YouTube, from across the UK, Europe and further afield.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description 12 April 2019, International Women's Forum 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Third sector organisations
Results and Impact Anand Menon spoke on a panel at the International Women's Forum conference in Barcelona, speaking on the panel 'Euro Vision: The Future of the Union,' discussing the vision for Europe in the wake of Brexit and political upheaval across the continent. In a discussion moderated by Ainhoa Paredes, Professor Menon was joined by Cathryn Clüver Ashbrook, Executive Director of The Future of Diplomacy Project and Grégoire Gathem, Associate Professor at the Universitat de Barcelona.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description 12 March 2020 - Negotiating the future EU-UK relationship. What is at stake? 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Following the UK's departure from the European Union on 31 January 2020, the UK in a Changing Europe held a full day conference on the second phase of negotiations between the UK and the EU. The event assembled leading politicians, experts, academics and journalists to reflect on these negotiations. The event attracted considerable interest with up to 300 registering for the event. The room was full and had a capacity of 125. The feedback both from speakers and attendees was overwhelmingly positive. The quality of the speakers, chairs and keynotes was particularly commented on.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description 13 March 2019, Beer and Brexit with Rory Stewart, London 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Filmed just after a hectic night in which Pariament voted to rule out leaving the EU with no deal, Rory Stewart, Conservative MP and prisons minister spoke to The UK in a Changing Europe Director Anand Menon about how he voted, why he doesn't feel happy about it, and how he has become one of the most high profile proponents of the Withdrawal Agreement.
More than 80 attendees.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description 14 June 2019 - Tedx Glasgow 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact Professor Anand Menon, director of the UK in a Changing Europe, is among the lineup of speakers at TEDxGlasgow 2019. Other speakers included Annie Lennox, Baroness Helena Kennedy, and Amar Latif. Anand spoke about how politics has changed and some issues are now in sharper focus since the referendum, including regional inequality and the divide between some towns and cities.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description 14 May 2019, Beer & Brexit with Heidi Allen MP 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Our guest for our Beer & Brexit in May was Change UK's Interim Leader Heidi Allen, MP for South Cambridgeshire, who discussed Brexit, the possible fate of her breakaway party and their ability to fight the European elections. Over 100 people attended this event, with almost 1,000 more viewing it on Twitter. There was also pick up of some of Heidi Allen's comments about Tony Blair in the Daily Express and a broader review of the event in the Economist.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description 14 October, Scotland and Brexit: what next 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact For this event at the Scottish National Party Conference, Anand Menon talked to politicians and academics about what's next for Scotland and Brexit.
• Stephen Gethins MP, North East Fife
• Michael Russell MSP, Argyll and Bute
• Nicola McEwen, Professor of Territorial Politics at University of Edinburgh and senior research fellow at The UK in a Changing Europe
• Anand Menon, Professor of European Politics and Foreign Affairs and Director of The UK in a Changing Europe
• Chair: Russell Gunson, Director, IPPR Scotland

70-80 people in attendance. 922 views on periscope
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description 14.06.16 UK and EU: Ask the Experts - Leeds 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact The aim of our town hall event in Leeds was to offer the people of West Yorkshire the opportunity to put their questions to leading specialists and get more information and impartial analysis of the key issues surrounding the vote. Anand Menon, Catherine Barnard, Cristina Leston-Bandeira (University of Leeds) and Andrew Geddes (University of Sheffield) also spoke and Len Tingle (BBC Yorkshire) chaired the event.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description 15 October, Making sense of Brexit 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact The evening talk looked at what is going on with Brexit ahead of the EU summit and the looming Brexit deadline. This is part of Making Sense of Society, a series of events by the Faculty of Social Science and Public Policy at King's College London.
• Professor Anand Menon, director of the UK in a Changing Europe and Professor of European Politics and Foreign Affairs.
• Evan Davies, BBC Radio 4 presenter

FEEDBACK: The event was sold out - we had 395 people in attendance. We sent out a feedback survey for the event (17 responses): our audience for this event was more diverse - we had a mixture of age groups (evenly spread between categories 18-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, and over 60). Attendees heard about the event also heard about the event from a mixture of different sources including from the university newsletter. Respondents found the event interesting and detailed (despite the interruption on stage). On the whole most respondents think the event was well organised, there was a good report between Evan and Anand and that it was facilitated well.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description 16 April 2019, The National Education Union (NEU) Annual Conference 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Anand Menon speaking on panel: "Brexit: What does the future hold for workers' rights?" with the subject matter covering Brexit, and its impact on employment rights including issues such as automation and the gig economy, alongside Emma Hardy MP.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description 16 October, Brexit's unfolding future: in conversation with Anand Menon and Jonathan Portes 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Undergraduate students
Results and Impact This discussion was hosted by King's College London Faculty of Social Science and Public Policy, looking at the importance of understanding the long-term impacts of the unfolding Brexit process.
• Professor Anand Menon, director of the UK in a Changing Europe and Professor of European Politics and Foreign Affairs.
• Professor Jonathan Portes, senior fellow at The UK in a Changing Europe and Professor of Economics and Public Policy.

FEEDBACK: about 50 attendees came, mostly students. 563 views on Periscope.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description 16 September 2019 - What now for the Liberal Democrats on Brexit? 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Speakers included:
• Rt Hon Tom Brake MP, Carshalton and Wallington
• Catherine Bearder MEP
• Miranda Green, Deputy Opinion Editor, Financial Times
• Professor Tim Bale, deputy director The UK in a Changing Europe
• Chair: Phoebe Griffith, Deputy Director, IPPR

The event was absolutely packed out with standing room only. There was an audience of 100 which generated a lot of questions - all friendly - although the suggestion that the Lib Dems might not be pursuing a particularly smart policy by deciding to revoke Article 50 which drew a negative response from the audience, the vast majority of whom were Lib Dem activists
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description 17 September 2019 - Understanding the impact of Brexit beyond the UK 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact 17 September 2019, Understanding the impact of Brexit beyond the UK
As the UK moves towards the hard end of making decisions about Brexit, it is timely to consider the economic impacts on the various types of Brexit on the UK, the EU and beyond. With this in mind, we are pleased to be able to bring together several of the leading economic analysts in the EU on this very subject.
The half-day event will offer a range of perspectives on the modelling of Brexit in soft, hard and no-deal scenarios, highlighting the extent to which this will be a Europe-wide phenomenon and the depth of the interlinkage of the European economy.
This event will be of interest to all those working on Brexit, especially for those seeking to understand the dynamics of economic factors and how it relates to the choices that the UK and EU are making.
Panel 1: The view from Belgium
• Hylke Vandenbussche (University of Leuven)
• Patrick Bisciari (National Bank of Belgium)
Panel 2: The view from Ireland and the Netherlands
• Adele Bergin (Economic and Social Research Institute, Ireland)
• Gerien Meijerink (CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis)

It was a well attended half-day conference with around 65 attendees. We organised this event with Simon Usherwood and both he and the speakers were pleased with the turnout and engagement from attendees.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description 18 December, The General Election and Brexit media briefing 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact Held in collaborating with the Foreign Press Association. Speakers included:
• Professor Anand Menon, who spoke about what will happen next with Brexit
• Professor Tim Bale, who dissected what happened in the general election
• Professor Catherine Barnard, who provided details about the following stages in the Brexit process
• Professor Jonathan Portes, who outlined the latest economic implications of Brexit
• Jill Rutter, who discussed what will happen next with the UK's departure from the EU
• Chair: Bénédicte Paviot, President of the Foreign Press Association in London
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description 19 February 2019, Beer and Brexit with Stefaan De Rynck, King's College London 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact This month's Beer and Brexit event saw Stefaan De Rynck, senior adviser to Michel Barnier and head of unit, Article 50 task force, in conversation with Professor Anand Menon, discussing the Brexit negotiations from the EU perspective. Over 100 people attended this packed out event, with a further 11,000 watching the livestream, 8000 watching back on YouTube and 1000 listening to the podcast version of the event.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description 2 December 2019 - General election 2019: separating fact from fiction 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact We held a joint briefing with Institute for Fiscal Studies and Institute for Government which looked at what was promised during the election campaign, what challenges would face the new government (whatever its complexion), and where next for Brexit.
Speakers included:
• Professor Anand Menon, the UK in a Changing Europe
• Paul Johnson, Institute for Fiscal Studies
• Bronwen Maddox, Institute for Government
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description 2 May 2019, Anand delivering the Hayward lecture 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact Anand delivered the Hayward Lecture in Hull, entitled "Brexit: What happened and where do we go from here?" Reports by the UK in a Changing Europe were delivered to the event for attendees to take.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description 2/3 November, Battle of Ideas 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact For this festival we helped with a 'stream' of their events by assisting with the organising of several panels:
• From referendums to citizens' assemblies: does democracy need a makeover?
Dr Roslyn Fuller, Solonian Democracy Institute
Dr James Panton, Magdalen College School
Polly Mackenzie, chief executive, Demos
Alan Renwick, Constitution Unit, University College London
• Immigration after Brexit
Dr Jim Butcher, Canterbury Christ Church University
Alp Mehmet, Migration Watch UK
Madeleine Sumption, Migration Observatory, University of Oxford
Patrick Vernon OBE, 100 Great Black Britons
• Brexit: a revolution by or against the establishment?
Lisa Mckenzie, Durham University
Professor Anand Menon, UK in a Changing Europe
Daniel Moylan, Urban Design London
Bruno Waterfield, The Times
• After Brexit: the new political faultlines
Lord Maurice Glasman, Common Good Foundation and Labour life peer
Joan Hoey, The Economist Intelligence Unit
Professor Anand Menon, UK in a Changing Europe

FEEDBACK: We didn't live stream for this event but on average it was around 80-120 people in attendance for each panel. The audience was very engaged and from a predominantly pro-Leave background which is an audience we do not tend to have as much access too.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description 21 January 2020 - Early career researcher workshop: Political economy of Brexit 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact This is part of a series of ECR workshops we are holding. The workshop was organised for early career researchers (ECRs) by Sarah Hall and David Bailey, both senior research fellows at the UK in a Changing Europe.
The workshop intended to provide early career researchers with the opportunity to share and discuss their work on the political economy of Brexit and to forge links to disseminate and publicise their research with the ESRC's UK in a Changing Europe initiative.
It was also to help build a community of younger scholars who can contribute to our work on an ongoing basis while benefiting from the opportunities for engagement and impact that such collaboration will afford.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description 21 March 2019, 'Brexit what next?' media briefing, London 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact A briefing on the European Council summit, delivered by Professors Anand Menon, Sara Hobolt and Steve Peers.
44 journalists in attendance, many from publications based in EU27 nations.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description 21 November, Britain's angriest election? 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact In partnership with British Future, we held an event to discuss the tone and conduct of this election amidst an unsettled and polarised debate about Brexit and to ask - does this risk being Britain's angriest election yet?

Is this election a threat to our foundational democratic norms and social cohesion - or is this risk being exaggerated? What expectations do we have of politicians and political parties to engage in robust but civil debate?

Who will shape the tone of the political discourse? How far do public voices outside party politics - the media, civic society and voters - have a role to play? And beyond this election, how can divisions be bridged and healed after the votes are counted?

Speakers were:
• Mike Graham, TalkRADIO
• Professor Maria Sobolewska, University of Manchester
• Sunder Katwala, British Future
• Professor Tim Bale, UK in a Changing Europe

FEEDBACK: We held this event in partnership with British Future, to look at the tone of political discourse ahead of the election. Talk Radio's Mike Graham also spoke to Professor Tim Bale on his radio show, ahead of the event, to promote it. It was featured on BBC Parliament the following week. The event attracted around 90 attendees.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description 22 May 2019, The European Elections and Brexit 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact An event co-sponsored by the UK in a Changing Europe and the Social Market Foundation. Speakers were Professor Sir John Curtice, and, Professor Anand Menon, and Professor Sara Hobolt, , with James Kirkup, Director of the Social Market Foundation chairing the discussion. This event was held at Edelman offices in central London.
Feedback: Over 100 people attended this event, and over 3,500 have viewed it on YouTube. Some of Professor Hobolt's comments were featured in Euronews and Professor Curtice's remarks were featured in the Irish Times.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description 22 September 2019 - What Labour wants from Brexit 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Undergraduate students
Results and Impact Anand Menon in conversation with Barry Gardiner MP about the Labour Party and Brexit.
• Anand Menon, Director of The UK in a Changing Europe and Professor of European Politics and Foreign Affairs
• Barry Gardiner MP, Brent North
100 people in attendance
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description 23 April 2020 - Live webinar: How does Labour oppose during a national crisis? 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact This was our first in the series of 'Isolation Insight' webinars we are holding throughout lockdown. Our deputy director Tim Bale was joined by Nigel Fletcher (Teaching Fellow in Politics and Contemporary History at King's College London); Sienna Rogers (Editor, Labour List) and Robert Saunders (Reader in History at Queen Mary University) to discuss how Labour should oppose the government during the Covid-19 crisis. 230 viewers in total.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description 23 January 2020 - oral evidence to Scottish Parliament 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Professor Anand Menon gave evidence to a Scottish Parliament inquiry which is monitoring and scrutinising the negotiations of the future relationship between the European Union and the UK Government and their implications for Scotland. The UK in a Changing Europe team also submitted written evidence to the inquiry.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description 23 October 2019 - Featured in article 'Beware the UK government's Brexit promises' in nature research journal 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact The UK in a Changing Europe features in this article. The article talks positively about the UK in a Changing Europe and the ESRC.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description 23 September 2019 - Brexit and public services: threat or opportunity? 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact This event was made up of talking to leading academics and politicians about whether Brexit presents a threat or an opportunity for the United Kingdom's public services.
• Stephen Kinnock MP, Aberavon
• Professor Tim Bale, deputy director The UK in a Changing Europe
• Sonia Sodha, deputy opinion editor at the Guardian
• Chair: Mary Ann Sieghart, Social Market Foundation
Hosted in partnership with Social Market Foundation.

The event was absolutely packed out with standing room only. There was an audience of 150 which included some journalists and observers, too - and there was good interaction between the Policy Institute (Bobby) and UKICE (Anand Menon).
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description 23 September 2019 - Divided Britain? looking at the growing sense of social and political polarisation in our country, reinforced by Brexit 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact This event had leading academics and politicians discuss the social and political polarisation of the UK, which has been strengthened by Brexit.
• Anand Menon, Professor of European Politics and Foreign Affairs and Director of The UK in a Changing Europe
• Bobby Duffy, Professor of Public Policy and Director of the Policy Institute at King's College London
• Lisa Nandy MP, Wigan
• Professor Sara Hobolt, Department of Government and Sutherland Chair in European Institutions
• Chair - Pippa Crerar, Political Editor - Daily Mirror

120 people in attendance and 2.3k views on periscope
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description 24 June 2019 - The Brexit vote: three years on 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Panellists were Tim Montgomerie, Conservative Party writer and the founder of Conservative Home website; Miranda Green, FT journalist and former Lib Dem press secretary; Philip Collins, columnist and leader writer for The Times and former chief speechwriter for Tony Blair; and our director Professor Anand Menon, with the hour-and-ahalf discussion at Bush House chaired by Jo Coburn, presenter of BBC Politics Live. The panellists discussed what we have learned in the three years since the referendum, how the Brexit process has unravelled and where it'll go from here.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description 24 September 2019 - New Statesman event: in conversation with Emily Thornberry MP 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Join us for this event in partnership with the New Statesman, where Anand Menon will be in conversation with Emily Thornberry MP.
• Anand Menon, Professor of European Politics and Foreign Affairs and Director of The UK in a Changing Europe
• Emily Thornberry MP, Islington South and Finsbury
More than 100 people attended this event, which included journalists, diplomats, business people. On periscope it got 639 viewers
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description 25 April 2019, EU in the making conference in Brussels 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Anand Menon at the European School of Administration conference on "Public policies, crisis, administrations and actors" - giving a talk entitled "Brexit: What's happened, what happens next"?
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description 25 June 2019 - Beer & Brexit with Kwasi Kwarteng MP 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Our June Beer and Brexit featured Kwasi Kwarteng MP, a minister in the Department for Exiting the European Union, in conversation with our director Professor Anand Menon. Kwasi and Anand discussed the prospect of no deal, the Conservative Party leadership race, defeating the Brexit Party, and much more besides.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description 27 February 2019, Immigration after Brexit: law, policy, and economics, Central London 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact A one-day conference on immigration after Brexit examining the implications from a variety of perspectives - law, policy, and economics, with a variety of discussants drawn from policy-makers and the private sector. The event was attended by over 80 specially invited stakeholders from relevant professions and industries.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description 27 March 2019, Facebook Live with Henry Newman 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Chaired by the Spectator's Katy Balls, a live discussion between Anand Menon and Open Europe Director Henry Newman on indicative votes and the next steps in the Brexit process, two days before what had been scheduled as the Brexit date and a third vote on the withdrawal agreement.

Over 3,000 views on Twitter; 455 views on Facebook.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description 27 May 2020 - Live webinar: Brexit: the state of the negotiations 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Our Director was joined by Katya Adler (BBC Europe Editor), Iain Martin (columnist for The Times and editor of Reaction), Professor Catherine Barnard (senior fellow at the UK in a Changing Europe and University of Cambridge) and the event was chaired by our Senior Research Fellow Jill Rutter. The panel discussed the state of the Brexit negotiations, considering where they are, what's happening and where the talks might go, especially in light of the coronavirus pandemic. We had 500 viewers on Zoom, with an additional 60 watching it on YouTube. Our viewers were from a range of different regions of the UK and countries including Belgium, Germany, Iceland, Poland and Turkey. Of the 132 survey responses, 44% had never attended one of our events before. All those that have responded said they were likely to attend another UKICE event.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description 27 November, Beer and Brexit with Sir John Curtice 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact This Beer and Brexit will saw the UK's renowned polling expert, and our senior fellow, Sir John Curtice in conversation with our director Professor Anand Menon.
John and Anand discussed Brexit, the upcoming general election and much more besides.
Sir John Curtice is widely seen as nation's leading election expert and is the BBC's election night pollster.

FEEDBACK: This Beer and Brexit attracted around 100 attendees and thanks to Sir John Curtice, provided guests with an in-depth look at what the polls were signalling for the upcoming election, as well as an insight into the impact of polling and how it works. Our livestream of the event had 2.6k viewers.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description 27.6.16 'Post referendum press briefing' 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact This was a morning briefing for journalists and members of the media to come and ask questions to a panel including Anand Menon, John Curtice, Catherine Bernard, Matthew Goodwin, Sara Hagemann and Simon Usherwood the Monday following the vote. The event went well with 50 journalists and attended by people from The Sun, The Economist and other prominent foreign media such as Le Monde.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description 28+ perspectives on Brexit: a guide to the negotiations, London 21.11.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Our research leader Professor Helen Drake was the expert at the Ask the Expert event with the Social Market Foundation. The event was designed to inform the audience the project Helen is responsible for and the research conducted. Feedback: 40 people attended the event with a mix of academics, general public and staff from other European think tanks. The event was a success doing well on social media with hashtag #AsktheExpert
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description 29 June 2019 - Debate on Brexit at Glastonbury's Left Field stage 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Anand Menon spoke at Glastonbury, alongside Lisa Nandy MP, the Guardian's John Domokos and Labour candidate Fazia Shaheen. The panellists discussed 'Brexit - how do we put Britain back together?'
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description 29 March 2019, ANNUAL CONFERENCE: Atricle 50 two years on 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact The UK in a Changing Europe held its annual conference to mark two years on from the triggering of Article 50. The event reflected on the negotiations, the implications for British politics and the future of UK-EU relations.

400 tickets sold and about 220 people attended. Feedback forms sent out, and with 50 responses, 85% said the conference was 'very informative' and 94% they would be 'very likely' to attend another UK in a Changing Europe event in future.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description 3 April 2019, All-Party Manufacturing Group 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Anand Menon and Professor Philip McCann presented a Brexit Briefing to the All-Party Manufacturing Group, focusing on the likely impact of the different types and particularly no-deal Brexit on the manufacturing sector.

Ben Carpenter, who runs the group, told us: It was an absolutely fantastic session, and the members were extremely pleased to hear from both Philip and Anand."
Barry Sheerman, Chair of the APMG added in the Commons the following day: "Yesterday, the all-party parliamentary manufacturing group, which I chair, was told by a leading professor from the business schools of both Sheffield and Birmingham that, however we leave Europe, we will have a 4% to 5% drop in GDP, but that GDP in the constituencies and towns that voted to leave will drop by a crippling 17% to 20%. That may not include Spelthorne, where I grew up, but it will devastate this country's manufacturing base."
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description 3 March 2020 - 'Dream to Reality: 16 years on the road to Brexit' with Gawain Towler 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Tim Bale organised this event in partnership with the Mile End Institute. Dr Robert Saunders was in conversation with Gawain Towler (Director of Communications for the Brexit Party and previously Head of Press for UKIP).
The event had 119 attendees and live streamed to the Mile End Institute's YouTube channel, which had 624 views. Attendee's included Brexit Party MEPs who had been invited personally by Gawain, QMUL students and engaged members of the Mile End Institute who regularly attend their events.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description 3 May 2019, debate at the Durham Union 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact Anand Menon took part at a debate at the Durham Union, opposing the motion 'This House Believes the European Union is Doomed to Fail' alongside Change UK European Parliament candidate Frances Weetman and OFOC campaigner Will Dry, arguing against Cllr. Stephen Canning, Christopher Page and Cllr. John Tennant.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description 30 January 2020 - Beer and Brexit with Sir David Lidington 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact The latest in our Beer and Brexit series was with former cabinet minister Sir David Lidington in conversation with Anand Menon. Sir David and Anand discussed Brexit, the recent general election and his time spent as a government minister in the lead up to the EU referendum and in the three and half years that followed.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description 30 September 2019, Dividing Britain? polarisation and fragmentation trends in the UK 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact For this event, Anand Menon spoke to Conservative politicians and journalists about whether or not they think the UK needs to leave the EU with a deal, and why.
• Stephen Crabb MP, Preseli Pembrokeshire and member of the Brexit select committee
• Maria Caulfield MP, Lewes
• Anand Menon, Professor of European Politics and Foreign Affairs and Director of The UK in a Changing Europe
• James Kirkup, Director, Social Market Foundation (chair)

FEEDBACK: A very well attended event with more than 70 people, with some great questions from the audience. 847 views on Periscope
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description 30 September 2019, Does Britain need a deal with the EU? 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact In this event, where Anand Menon spoke to Conservative politicians and journalists about whether or not they think the UK needs to leave the EU with a deal, and why.
• Stephen Crabb MP, Preseli Pembrokeshire and member of the Brexit select committee
• Maria Caulfield MP, Lewes
• Anand Menon, Professor of European Politics and Foreign Affairs and Director of The UK in a Changing Europe
• James Kirkup, Director, Social Market Foundation (chair)

Packed room with more than 40 people, including Conservative party activists, which had some passionate and lively discussions.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description 31 January - Brexit: third time lucky? 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact This panel was held jointly with LSE and UKICE and was organised as an evening 'Brexit event. The panel brought together a range of areas of expertise including covering British politics, knowledge of Whitehall, the economy, and UK-EU law as well as looked at implications for the UK going forward. Catherine Barnard and Anand Menon joined Vicky Pryce (Chief Economic Advisor, Centre for Economics and Business Research and former Joint Head of the UK Government Economic Service), Ivan Rogers (former UK Permanent Representative to the EU) and Tony Travers (Associate Dean of the School of Public Policy, LSE).
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description 31 October, Brexit: what next? 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact This was a 'Brexit: what next?' event on Thursday 31 October at Bush House, to look at Brexit as it currently stands, the deadline at the end of the month, and what will happen next.
Speakers are:
• Professor Helen Thompson, Professor of Political Economy at the University of Cambridge
• Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform
• Stephen Bush, Political Editor at the New Statesman
• Professor Anand Menon, director of the UK in a Changing Europe
• Chair: Shelagh Fogarty, LBC Presenter

FEEDBACK: We sent out a feedback survey for the event (9 responses): most attendees were over 50 and heard about the event from one of our invitations. Respondents found it informative, enjoyable and interesting. There were some complaints about visibility (pillars) and the sound system but we received compliments for the chair and the nuanced discussion and the open discussion.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description 4 December 2019 - Brexit and British voters conference 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact This one-day conference held in partnership with the British Election Sturdy was comprised of an assembly of leading analysts and commentators, who provided unique insights and impartial analysis and perspectives on the election campaign, and what to look out for on the day of the results.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description 4 February 2020 - Brexit: what next? (media briefing) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact This media briefing was to launch our 'Brexit - what next?' report. Speakers included:

• Dr Katy Hayward, senior fellow The UK in a Changing Europe, expert on Northern Ireland
• Professor David Bailey, senior fellow The UK in a Changing Europe, expert on manufacturing, especially automotive
• Professor Sarah Hall, senior fellow The UK in a Changing Europe, expert on services, in particular UK financial services
• Professor Jonathan Portes, senior fellow The UK in a Changing Europe, expert on economics and immigration
• Chair: Professor Anand Menon, director The UK in a Changing Europe
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description 5 December 2019, The Brexit Quiz 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact The event was attended by a mixture of journalists, civil servants, embassies .
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description 5 February 2020 - TikTok Video with Sir John Curtice 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Following the UK in a Changing Europe's 'Brexit: What Next?' report in which Sir John Curtice wrote about public opinion, the UK in a Changing Europe released a TikTok video where Sir John Curtice briefly explained what the British public thinks about immigration. This video has had over 23 thousand views and has been shared over 100 times.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description 6 February 2019, Brexit: what happened and what happens next? (Leeds) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Special lecture on Brexit by Professor Anand Menon, organised by the school of politics and international studies at the University of Leeds. The event 'sold-out' in advance with positive feedback from audience members.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description 6 March 2019, Media briefing with the Foreign Press Association, London 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact A media briefing primarily for journalists working for international press organisations. Chaired by Benedicte Paviot, FPA chair and featuring Professor Jonathan Portes, Professor Adam Cygan and Professor Anand Menon. 45 journalists in attendance from international press.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description 6.6.16 Town Hall Event 'UK and EU: Ask the Experts - Oxford' 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact At this town hall event members of the public in Oxford were given the opportunity to ask their questions about UK-EU relations to a panel of experts. Anand Menon, Angus Armstrong, Catherine Barnard and Damian Chalmers spoke. Bill Heine (BBC Radio Oxford) chaired the event. The event was a big success with 120 people attending. Attendees appreciated the impartiality of the answers and the event was reported the day after in the Oxford Mail.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description 7 April 2019, Podcast Live 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact In a special live episode of the Brexit Breakdown podcast at the PodcastLive festival, James Millar hosted to Mike Gapes, The Independent Group MP for Ilford South, Chris Wilkins, former speechwriter for Theresa May, Cambridge Law Professor Catherine Barnard and our Director Anand Menon. Panellists discussed May's speeches and how they are dividing Parliament, the legal implications of extending Article 50 and what the future holds for British politics.

Event attended by nearly 100 people - it now has over 1,000 listens on Soundcloud.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description 7 February 2020 - Brexit and Comedy 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact The synopsis of the event was: On 31 January 2020, the UK will cease to be a member of the EU, and to reflect on this, we're hosting a panel event looking at what Brexit has meant for comedians and satirists in the UK.

This was an evening panel event with the following speakers:
Nish Kumar, stand-up comedian and host of the BBC's The Mash Report
Andy Zaltzman, comedian, author and co-creator of The Bugle podcast
Marina Hyde, Guardian columnist
Chair: Professor Anand Menon, director of The UK in a Changing Europe
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description 7 March 2019, Intelligence Squared: On the brink of a no-deal Brexit, London 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact This event organised by Intelligence Squared staged a special town hall meeting with some of the country's most prominent political leaders and Brexit experts. The event featured Professor Anand Menon, alongside MPs Ken Clarke, Jess Phillips, Douglas Carswell and Ian Paisley Jr, with the event chaired by Jonathan Freedland.
Over 150 attendees.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description 7 March 2019, The NHS and Brexit: implications for health law and policy in Wales 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact This lunchtime seminar was on the implications of Brexit for the NHS, health law and policy in Wales. It focused on the impact of Brexit for patients, healthcare professionals, medicines and medical devices and public health featuring Jean McHale, Elizabeth Speakman, University of Birmingham, Tamara Hervey and Mark Flear, senior lecturer in law, Queens University Belfast.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description 7 May 2019, European Parliament elections: report launch and media briefing 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact A media briefing to coincide with the launch of our report, 'The European elections and Brexit'. Professor Sara Hobolt, Dr Sara Hagemann, Dr Simon Usherwood and Anand Menon all spoke about different aspects of the upcoming elections. Over 35 journalists in attendance, mainly from the London-based international media.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description 7.6.16 'UK and EU: Ask the Experts - Belfast' 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact At this town hall event members of the public in Belfast were given the opportunity to ask their questions about UK-EU relations to a panel of experts. Anand Menon, Angus Armstrong, Catherine Barnard, Lee McGowan (Queen's University Belfast) and Dagmar Schiek (Queen's University Belfast) spoke. Declan Lawn (BBC) chaired the event. Around 60 people attended the event including students, civil servants, academics and members of the general public and we received positive feedback overall.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description 9 December 2019 - Brexit: a pre-election stock-take, making sense of Brexit 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Fellows Hussein Kassim and John Curtice both spoke on a panel that looked at making sense of Brexit ahead of the general election. They were joined by Allie Renison, Head of EU and Trade Policy, Institute of Directors.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description 99 Days: UK-EU Relations under Theresa May's Government - 19.10.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact This was an open lecture with University of Warwick with one of our commissioning funds Tatiana Coutto chairing the event assessing 99 days of Theresa May's government and the challenges to UK-EU relations brought about by Brexit. Issues covered were single market access, voting behaviour in the referendum and the role of the media in shaping public attitudes towards the EU. The lecture is organised by the Department of Economics and Warwick Policy Lab.

Speakers included:
- Vera Troeger, PPE Co-Director. Department of Economics, University of Warwick.
- Ben Farrand, Faculty of Law, University of Warwick.
- Andreas Murr, Department of Politics and International Relations (PAIS) and Warwick Q-Step Centre.
- Davide Morisi, Journalist and researcher at the Centre for Media Pluralism and Freedom (CMPF), European University Institute.
- Anna Wilson, Communications Officer, Young European Movement (YEM)
Chair: Tatiana Coutto, Department of Economics and Warwick Policy Lab (WPL), University of Warwick
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description A press briefing about the deal after was announced on 28 December 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact Our senior fellows Jonathan Portes, Catherine Barnard and Katy Hayward as well as Senior research fellow Jill Rutter joined Anand for this event which looked at the deal and what it meant for governance structures, economic impact, mobility, security and the implications for the NI protocol. Participants came from over 14 countries including the USA, Sweden, Singapore and Austria and from outlets such as the Daily Mirror, BBC, Associated Press, The Economist, The Times, Ashahi Shimbum, the Guardian and the Telegraph.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description A successful Brexit: Four Economic Tests - 30.01.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact A press conference to mark the launch of our latest publication on the 'Four economic tests'. Contribution was made by our senior fellows Anand Menon, Catherine Barnard, Iain Begg, Angus Armstrong and Jonathan Portes. The reports is designed to inform the public on how to judge whether the government will pursue a coherent strategy after Article 50 is triggered. The four economic tests set out a guideline on what 'works' and what constitutes a 'success'.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Aberdeen business breakfast briefing on the EU - 20.05.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact This event was organised together with Michael Keating, the Centre on Constitutional Change and Aberdeen and Grampian Chamber of Commerce. It took place in the form of a breakfast meeting with panel and Q&A.

Michael Keating spoke at this event. James Bream (Research and Policy Director, Aberdeen and Grampian Chamber of Commerce) spoke as well.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Accountancy Profession European Research Launch - 02.02.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Anand Menon was invited to chair this event
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Alcuin Theatre: Brexit what happened and where do we go from here? 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact Organised by the department of politics and international studies at Cambridge University, this lecture was hosted by Professor Anand Menon. This event explores what is happening with Brexit and what to look forward to you in the remaining months until we leave.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description All Party Group - European Referendum 2016 - 14.03.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Anand Menon talked at this event which looked at the European Referendum 2016 - British Electoral Behaviour All-Party Parliamentary Group for Social Science and Policy.
Approximately 60 people attended.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Analysing the possible impact of Brexit on government policies and processes - 29.09.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact This two day conference looked ways to understand the potential impacts of Brexit on Government policies, processes, and legislation, and examined the possible processes for the UK leaving the EU and the role of the Civil Service. Fellow Richard Whitman organised the event.

Attendees included: Jo Wilson, Department of Justice, Stuart Connick, Export Control Organisation, Fran Spawls, Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy, Briony Thompson, Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy, Usama Edoo, Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy, Adam Barnes, Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy, Clare Maclver, Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy, Dimitra Tennakoon, Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy, Chris Koch, London School of Economics & Social Science, Lisa Hashemi, Department for Health, Susan Harrison, Department for Transport, Clare Kerr, Department for Work & Pensions, Dr Simon Usherwood, University of Surrey, Professor Allison Harcourt, University of Exeter, Prof Adam Lazowski, Westminster University, Dr Andrew Blick, King's College University, Sir Jeremy Greenstock, Gatehouse Advisory Partners Ltd.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Annual Asia Trip 20.03.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact This is a Kings College London annual Asia trip organised by the Alumni Office. Professor Anand Menon spoke at various alumni events, which took place in Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore. The description for the talks given: "Brexit, Britain and the World - Professor Anand will share his expert analysis on the wider political implications of the vote to leave the European Union and how the still unfolding Brexit process may impact the UK's foreign and international trade policy.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Annual Conference: After Article 50: What next? Westminister 03.04.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact This was an all day event consisting of two keynote speakers and three panels discussing economics, politics and the perceptions of other member states as Brexit negotiations begin. Our guest speakers included Hilary Benn MP, Liz Kendall MP, Vince Cable and Douglas Carswell. We had an array of media outlets:
? Channel 4,
? New Statesman
? Guardian
? Prospect magazine
? Conservative Home
? BuzzFeed
? Labour List
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Annual survey of MPs views on Brexit released 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact This is the fourth annual survey of MPs' attitudes to Brexit from The UK in a Changing Europe and the Mile End Institute at Queen Mary University of London. This year's
survey was conducted by Ipsos MORI in November and December 2018

Feedback: The survey results showed the House of Commons has become even more polarised in the last 12 months. They were featured in The Sun, Daily Express, Evening
Standard, City AM, Politico and Huffington Post.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Are expectations of Brexit changing? 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact Join Sir John Curtice, senior fellow at The UK in a Changing Europe, as he goes through the latest data on how voters' hopes for and expectations of Brexit have changed since the process began. He will also examine how these changes are influencing voters' views of the merits of leaving the EU overall.

The data behind this event comes from NatCen's unique, mixed mode, random probability panel, and have been collected as part of the project. The project has been periodically tracking voters' reactions to the Brexit process, initially focusing on what voters wanted to be included in the agreements between the UK and the EU. More recently the project has broadened its scope to examine how well the public think the Brexit process is developing.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Ask the Experts - Kent - 31.05.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact 'Ask the Experts' event. This town hall style event hosted by The UK in a Changing Europe initiative in cooperation with the University of Kent and offered the people of Canterbury and the South East an opportunity to put their questions about the upcoming EU Referendum to a panel of leading specialists.

Panelists included: Richard G Whitman, Professor of Politics and International Relations, University of Kent, Simon Hix, Professor of European and Comparative Politics, LSE, Angus Armstrong, Director of Macroeconomics, National Institute of Social and Economic Research, Catherine Barnard, Professor of EU Law and Employment Law, Cambridge, Matthew Goodwin, Professor of Politics and International Relations, University of Kent.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Ask the expert event: Brexit - What's going on?! 19.10.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact This event took place in Birmingham, and aimed to clarify questions the general public may have around the confusion of the Brexit process. This is an outline of the event: Confused by Brexit? Why haven't we left yet? Why is it taking so long to do a deal with the EU? What is a 'transitional deal'? What might Brexit mean for immigration, the cost of food, holidays and jobs? To hear informed and engaged answers to these questions, and any others you may have, come along to The UK in a Changing Europe's Ask The Expert event, chaired by BBC presenter Adrian Chiles. The speakers included: Professor Anand Menon, Professor Catherine Barnard and Thomas Sampson.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Ask the expert: Brexit - a pyrrhic victory for Euroscepticism? London 23.05.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact The Social Market Foundation hosted its 'Ask the expert' series with our former senior fellow Simon Usherwood as guest speaker discussing the issue of Euroscepticism and their future post general election.
The event was a success with more than 30 people in attendance. The event did particularly well on social media on Twitter and Facebook. A few trade media outlets were present.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2009,2017
Description Ask the expert: Brexit and worker's rights - Social Market Foundation 06.07.15 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact This was in a series of events held between SMF and ESRC. Catherine Barnard spoke at this seminar, which discussed the possible impact of Brexit on workers' rights. The event was chaired by Nigel Keohane, Research Director, Social Market Foundation
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Ask the expert: analysing the EU referendum polls- 11.04.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Anand Menon and Matthew Goodwin spoke at this event which was chaired by Matthew d'Ancona (columnist and SMF Trustee) and took place at the Social Market Foundation. Anand Menon and Matthew Goodwin gave an analysis of the latest opinion polls for the EU referendum and commented on the campaigns.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Assessing the Assessing the consequences of the Brexit vote for British politics and society, London 24.01.18 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Speaking at King's College London as part of the public series workshops, Matt Goodwin, Brexit research leader at The UK in a Changing Europe, discussed the consequences of the Brexit vote for UK politics and society. The event was chaired by Lord Jay from House of Lords.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description BBC News Channel Report: Brexit gives rise to new political identities 23.06.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact The following was a BBC News Channel report based around Brexit. The topic covered by Anand Menon was "Brexit gives rise to new political identities - a new report, one year on from the EU referendum findings".
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description BBC Radio Interview with Vanessa Feltz 15.03.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Professor Anand Menon spoke on BBC Radio London with Vanessa Feltz about the topic of EU Nationals and Brexit.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description BBC Radio Scotland Interview 23.06.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact The following was a BBC Scotland Radio Interview. The story was titled "Brexit: Juncker says UK rights offer 'not sufficient', which was discussed with Professor Menon.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description BBC World TV News Channel Broadcast 29.03.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Professor Anand spoke on the BBC World TV news channel at the Broadcasting House for a special broadcast on College Green to mark the triggering of Article 50 to mark the significance of the event.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description BEIS Research: Find out about cutting-edge research on the EU Exit impacts from "UK in a Changing Europe" team 27.04.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact This was the BEIS (Energy and Industrial Strategy) Policy Research Event held by the UK in a Changing Europe team (UKCE). The format for the session was as follows. The session involved a Welcome and Introduction to set the policy context fro EU exit analysis and current XWH "ways of working" and information sharing. This is followed by Professor Anand and key colleagues speaking about suggestions for future research based on insights to date, as well as how academic research can support policy making on EU exit and future trading arrangements. The event ended with a session on 'Effective cooperation between academics and policy makers & analysts.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Bahrain Institutional Investor Summit 10.05.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact This event was titled the 'Bahrain Institutional Investor Summit' which aimed to explore the topic of: "Globalisation in Crisis, Digital Disruption, and Geopolitical Unrest: How Should Investors Respond?" Professor Anand Menon took part in a panel on 'Globalisation in Crisis: Who Will be the Winners and Losers?" This was an international event and included speakers from industry, academics and political experts.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Beer & Brexit with Caroline Flint MP, King's College London 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact This month's 'Beer and Brexit' event hosted the Rt Hon Caroline Flint MP in conversation with Anand Menon. Caroline gave her take on the UK leaving the EU, the negotiations and the Labour Party's position on Brexit.

Feedback: For the first time, we trialed a Twitter Q&A in response to feedback from attendees at previous events that stated that they were disappointed at the lack of
opportunity to ask questions. We found this was a good way to engage the audience staying within the time restraints and will likely replicate the Q&A at future events. There were more than 100 attendees
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Beer & Brexit with Jacob Rees-Mogg, King's College London 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact For the next event in the series, Jacob-Rees Mogg joined Prof Anand Menon to discuss the Brexit negotiations and lay out his vision for post-Brexit Britain.

Feedback: The event ran smoothly, with around 90 stakeholders from the worlds of business, politics and media. 100% of those who responded to a request for feedback found the event informative and said they were 'very likely' to come to future events by The UK in a Changing Europe. To date, the video of the event has received over 30,000 views on
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Beer & Brexit with Nicky Morgan MP 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact For the second event in our 'Beer & Brexit' in-conversation evening series, Professor Anand Menon was joined by the Rt Hon Nicky Morgan MP to discuss her perspective on Brexit and what it means for Parliament and the Conservative Party, in a relaxed, informal setting
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Beer & Brexit with Richard Tice, Leave Means Leave, London 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact The fourth event in the series saw Anand in conversation with Richard Tice, chair of Leave Means Leave.

Feedback: The event was a great success, with over 100 attendees, the overwhelming majority of which we had not reached before. 95% of those who left feedback had not previously attended an event by The UK in a Changing Europe, with 90% indicating that they were likely to attend a future event. We also had several comments about the lack of opportunity for questions after the conversation, which is something that has also featured in previous feedback. We will consider this for future events.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Beyond Brexit Live with Lisa Nandy, 29 September 2020 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact The first in our relaunched Beer and Brexit series Anand was in conversation with Lisa Nandy MP.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Book launch: Brexit and British Politics by Geoff Evans and Anand Menon, London 14.11.18 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact Geoff Evans and Anand Menon's new book 'Brexit and British Politics' will be launched on Tuesday 14 November at 6.40pm at the London Review of Books.

A wide ranging discussion of the factors that led to the referendum outcome and the ongoing implications of that for British Politics will take place.

Speakers are:

Adam Boulton, Sky news presenter
Heather Stewart, Guardian's political editor
Peter Foster, Telegraph's Europe editor
Professor Anand Menon, director The UK in a Changing Europe and Kings College London
Professor Geoff Evans, University of Oxford
Professor Tim Bale (chair) Queen Mary, University of London
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Book launch: Brexit and British Politics, Central London 14.11.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact To commemorate the launch of Anand Menon's book with Geoff Evans, we hosted a book launch with panellists Peter Foster Telegraph, Heather Stewart, Guardian and Professor Tim Bale from Queen Mary University
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Book launch: Brexit and British politics, Oxford 29.11.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact Join us for our upcoming book launch on Brexit and British politics by Professor Anand Menon and Geoff Evans.

Geoffrey Evans, Professor of the Sociology of Politics at Nuffield College, Oxford. (Also co-director of the ESRC-funded British Election Study and director of the EU Referendum Study. Also editor of the journal Electoral Studies)
Ian Dunt - editor of
Chris Morris, British broadcast journalist who regularly contributes to BBC News
Anand Menon, Director of The UK in a Changing Europe
Kalypso Nicolaidis, St Antony's college, (chair)
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Boris Johnson and Parliament, 21 January 2021 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Mark Harper(Conservative MP for Forest of Dean and former Chief Whip and Minister for Political and Constitutional Reform), Lord Young of Cookham (Conservative Life peer and formerly Chief Whip and Leader of the House of Commons) and (senior fellow) Professor Meg Russell FBA (Director of the UCL Constitution Unit) reflected on the unlawful prorogation of 2019 to the controversies over parliament's role during the COVID-19 pandemic as well as to why Boris Johnson's relationship with parliament has been more tumultuous than most.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Brakes on Brexit? National Union of Journalists 10.07.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact This event was part of a series of events run by Byline and it looked at questions on: Where is Brexit now Theresa May failed to secure a big majority for her plans? How are negotiations going? Are we staying in the single market or the customs union? What will happen to EU citizens in the UK, and UK citizens in the EU? Is Article 50 reversible? Are the sunlit uplands now appearing? Or is inflation and a fall in living standards now looming?
Speakers included: ? Ian Dunt - editor of and author of 'Brexit: What the Hell Happens Now?' ? Monique Hawkins - Dutch born woman told to leave the UK after 24 years residency ? Jolyon Maugham QC - tax lawyer and campaigner challenging Brexit in the Irish High Court ? Anand Menon - Professor of European Politics and Foreign Affairs at King's College London
Feedback: About 80 people attended the event and the attendees were made up of predominantly journalists, media professionals and the general public. The event was extensively covered by the NUG and the main impact the event had was to introduce different speakers to one another for future events/activities with each other.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Breakfast Briefing Event at KCL - 03.03.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact Anand Menon spoke at this event as part of a panel which consisted of experts in various areas relating to Brexit. Alongside Anand, Andrew Blick (Lecturer in Politics and Contemporary History, Institute of Contemporary British History) chaired the Q&A with Vernon Bogdanor (Research Professor, Institute of Contemporary British History).
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Breakfast Briefing: Brexit and Immigration - 12.10.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact Brexit briefing held at the KCL Policy Institute. The panel included Jonathan Portes and Catherine Barnard.

Around 70 journalists, we reached our capacity and the room was full. Some of the organisations that attended were: JP Morgan, Panorama, Daily Express, Sky, The Times, France 24, Telegraph, Business Insider.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Brexit & Fisheries, King's College London 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Full-day workshop and presentations looking at fisheries policy post-Brexit.

Feedback: 13 academics and other stakeholders from around the country gathered for a productive exchange.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Brexit Briefing room 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Hosted by the Cambridge Literary festival, this event was organised by the New Statesman inviting Anand to speak on the panel alongside Angela Eagle MP, Lisa Nandy MP, Lord Maurice Glasman and chaired by Jonn Elledge. The topic of discussion was why Brexit happened and what the future holds.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Brexit Briefing with the BBC - 18.04.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Professor Anand and The UK in a Changing Europe team met with Claire Hix (Development Producer) and Sophie Donovan (Assistant Producer) at the BBC for a Brexit briefing with the development team from BBC's current affairs unit.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Brexit Briefing: Economics of Brexit - 28.09.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact The second of four Brexit Briefings including speakers Dr Angus Armstrong and Professor Iain Begg. Dr Armstrong spoke about the challenges and possible solutions to international trade in services and looked at how the UK can protect both its interests and sovereignty when dealing with other major trading blocs. Professor Begg talked of the likely effects of Brexit on public finances in the UK and EU; he discussed the effects on recipients on funding from EU initiatives within the UK and explained some of the resulting challenges for economic development post-Brexit in the UK.

The event was well attended with around 50 attendees including: AP, ARD German Radio, Banca d'Italia, UK Representative Office, BASF, BBC, BEIS, Berlingske Media (Danish Daily), Business Insider, CBI, Department for Business, Energy and Industrial strategy, DFID, Economic Adviser, HM Treasury, Economist, Embassy of Italy, Embassy of Latvia, Embassy of Romania, Embassy of Slovenia, Embassy of the Republic of Korea, Embassy of the Republic of Poland in London, Embassy of USA, ERT, EU Internal Market Sub Committee, House of Lords, EU Policy and Strategy, Bank of England, Express, FairFax Media, France 24, FullFact, General Manager for Europe & Chief Representative in London Bank of Japan, Guangming Daily, Head International Policy, BBC, Il Sole, Japan Bank for International Cooperation, JP Morgan, Kauppalehti Finnish Business Paper, Le Monde, Legal & General, Les Echos, National Audit Office, NDTV, Senior Economic Adviser, HMTl, Telegraph, Wall Street Journal, Xinhua News Agency.

The event was also featured in The Express and Xinhua paper.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Brexit Briefing: Legal Aspects of Brexit 05.10.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact Brexit Breakfast briefings held at KCL Policy Institute. The panel included Anand Menon, and senior fellows Catherine Barnard and Jo Hunt.

Aound 50 guests mostly journalists and businesses, we reached our capacity and the room was full. Live tweeting increased our followers. Some of the organisations that attended included: Telegraph, Panorama, JP Morgan, CBI, The economist, BBC, Business Insider, Sky.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Brexit Briefing: Public Opinion and the EU - 21.09.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact The first of four Brexit briefings in which two fellows spoke, Professor John Curtice who discussed the public's attitudes towards what Brexit means to them, and Professor Matthew Goodwin who presented new data from the referendum and explained what we have learned from the leave vote.

the event was well attended and the room was full. We had a broad cross range of people who attended and were oversubscribed. Below is a list of some of the organisations that attended: 1-Media Japan, AFP, Basque Public Broadcast EITB, BBC, BBC Radio Current Affairs, BEIS, Berliner Zeitung, Bloomberg, Business Insider UK, CBI, Daily Mirror, Danish Daily, DIE Welt, Embassy of Latvia, Embassy of Romania, Embassy of Slovenia, Embassy of the Netherlands, Embassy of the Republic of Korea, Express, FairFax Media, France 24, Guangming Daily, Head of Campaigns, Electoral Reform Society, Hungarian Daily, IEU Group, HMT, International Business Times, Le Monde, Les Echos, NDTV, Nikkei, Nikkei business magazine, Parliament, Press and Journal, RUSI, Stern, Sunday Times, Telegraph, The Conversation, The Economist, Wall Street Journal.

We received positive feedback from attendees and received several mentions in different newspapers including the Telegraph, The Express and The Sun.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Brexit Christmas pub quiz, London 05.12.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact A fun and informal event, this was an opportunity to test your knowledge on Brexit, we hosted a pub quiz for all Brexit correspondents, think tanks and MPs. Split into 7 teams, attendees were asked questions on a range of categories from sports to politics. Our Pub quiz master was Owen Bennett from Huff Post. Feedback: 45 people came to the quiz including Labour and Tory MPs, members from various organisations/think tanks such as Open Britain, Hansard society, Brexit Central, British Influence, IFG. Diplomats from the Irish embassy and our Brexit research team.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Brexit Divisions I: What you ought to know about EU referendums and the UK- 08.03.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact This was an event in which Simon Usherwood spoke alongside: Will Straw, (Executive Director Britain Stronger in Europe), Matthew Elliott (Chief Executive Vote Leave) and Sunder Katwala (British Future).
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Brexit Experts Panel - Held by The Directors Drinks Club 29.06.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact This event was held by The Directors Drinks Club - a networking organisation based in London. This event took the form of a debate, those for Brexit on one side of a room and those against on another. The audience consisted of approximately 50 Directors and CEOs. Professor Menon acted as an impartial expert on the panel to discuss the topic of Brexit, other panelists included Mike Ingram (BGS Partners), Stuart Thomson (Bircham Dyson Bell), Jennifer Jackson-Preece (London School of Economics) and Takis Tridimas (Kings College, London).
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Brexit Q&A: Facebook Lives with 38 Degrees 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact At the end of the month, several UK in a Changing Europe fellows joined 38 Degrees for Facebook lives for Brexit Q&As on their area of expertise, answering questions from a
live audience.

Feedback: The sessions were extremely successful, with tens of thousands of viewers. 16,500 people watched Jonathan Portes on the economy, 30,282 watched Jonathan Portes on immigration, 8,499 people watched Thomas Sampson talking about the economy, 20,784 watched Simon Usherwood and 17,725 Jean McHale talking about Brexit and the NHS.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Brexit Week 18.10.16 - 22.10.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Collaboration event with UK in a Changing Europe and Cambridge University with our senior fellow, Catherine Barnard including a series of workshops and events looking at topics, among others, such as: the UK's relationship with the EU post-Brexit, the process and politics of the UK leaving the EU, Global Britain? The future of British trade after Brexit.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Brexit after the election, London 13.06.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Partnered with the Institute for Government, this event's main purpose was to discuss what the election result means for Brexit and how the EU member states might interpret the outcome and how this could shape the negotiations. We had a great line up of speakers, with one of our Brexit research leaders and chaired by the director. Our panel included:
? Tim Bale, Professor of Politics, Queen Mary University ? Jill Rutter, Programme Director, Institute for Government ? Helen Drake, Professor of French and European Studies, Loughborough University ? Tom McTague, Chief UK Political Correspondent, Politico ? Chaired by Professor Anand Menon, Director of the UK in a Changing Europe
Feedback: More than 50 people attended the event, a mix of academics, business men and media.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Brexit and Beyond - Traquair House Scotland 27.04.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact This event was part of the Beyond Borders International Festival 2017 guest will be able to examine the future of the UK and Scotland in the wake of the Brexit Vote. Associate fellow Professor John Curtice spoke at the event as well as Lord Karan Bilimoria (British Indian entrepreneur and a life peer), Bonnie Greer (American-British playwright, novelist, critic and broadcaster) and Steve Richards (political columnist writing for the Guardian, Independent, New Statesman and Spectator).
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Brexit and British Politics Session at Christs College, Cambridge 16.05.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact A talk given at Christ's College for students which aimed to broaden their horizons to political discussions due to the recent political shifts. Professor Anand Menon gave a speech to students at the school which attracted around 70 students. It enabled students to learn about Brexit and the effect it may have on Britain.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Brexit and British politics, Regent's Park 11.05.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact The Chartered Management Institute organised a seminar with Anand Menon as the guest speaker. The event involved a presentation and questions from the floor. Main topics discussed were the contrasting views from different generations and indeed from EU nationals amongst our delegates. A small private seminar involving only 15 attendees. A lively discussion involving everyone in the seminar who all got a chance to speak to Anand and raise their concerns on the upcoming negotiations. Positive feedback from everyone who attended.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Brexit and British politics, Washington 13.02.18 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact The SAIS European and Eurasian Studies (EES) Program cordially invites you to the Spring 2018 David P. Calleo Seminar Series. In tribute to his many contributions and support, the series is named in honor of Professor David P. Calleo, who continues to inspire scholars through his research and engagement.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Brexit and Gender 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact The conference will explore gendered perspectives on Brexit including its political and economic dimensions and differential implications for various groups and across different places in the UK.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Brexit and Intra European Investment/Trade with Risk Advisory Group - 03.03.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Anand Menon talked at this event
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Brexit and Public Opinion conference, London 31.01.18 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact This was a one-day conference hosted by The UK in a Changing Europe with keynote speaker Sir John Curtice and Chris Wilkins, former No.10 Strategy Director. Panellists included academics, MPs and journalists such as Emily Maitlis (Newsnight), Jo Coburn (Daily Politics) and Adam Boulton (Sky News), Politicians such as Liz Kendall and John Mills as well as leading experts from our Brexit research team. Audience consisted of civil servants from DExEU, academics, members of the public and representatives from CBI. The event was widely publicised in both national and international media outlets; Daily Express, Huffington Post, The Atlantic, New Delhi Times, The Sunday Times, Daily Mail, Independent, Voice of America. We handed out more than 200 copies of the report which coincided with the event and widely publicised it over social media. The event was watched by more than 1000 people both on our Facebook and Twitter together. The videos of all keynotes and panels have been added to our website and youtube channel.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Brexit and equality 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Third sector organisations
Results and Impact The event was to discuss the most important issues for the protection of the rights to equality post Brexit and how they should be addressed. The event was split into two with an off the record roundtable in the morning followed by a public event in the afternoon with speakers Catherine Barnard, Schona Jolly QC and Dan Roberts, Brexit policy editor from The Guardian.Our keynote speaker was Baroness Jenny Jones a Green Party peer. The event coincided with our equality rights report.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Brexit and public opinion 2019, Central London 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Full day conference to launch the report of the same name which explored how public opinion has influenced British politics since the referendum and what political divisions and identities have been created and exposed.

Feedback: The event was attended by 160 stakeholders, with videos of the panel collectively receiving over 5000 views. The report was featured on Sky, TalkRadio, Guardian, Express,
Mirror and PoliticsHome.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Brexit and the EFTA Court, London 06.02.18 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact This IPPR event will hear Professor Carl Baudenbacher, Senior Judge and Former President of the EFTA Court, explore the options for the legal framework guiding the UK's future relationship with the EU post-Brexit and discuss the idea of 'docking' to the EFTA Court. Professor of EU law Catherine Barnard will then reflect on the keynote address and its implications for the Brexit negotiation.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Brexit and the Future of Cities 20.10.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact The following event took place in Bristol and was titled "Brexit and the Future of Cities", which formed as part of the "Bristol Festival of the Future City". Background of the session: "Nearly 52% of people in the UK voted to leave the EU in the referendum of 2016. However, most major cities voted to remain. What caused this split between major cities and the rest of the country? And how can UK cities post-Brexit retain good relationships with other European cities and the EU as well as operate effectively within a cohesive UK?". Speakers included: Anna Lisa Boni, Andrew Cater, Margaret Heffernan, and Anand Menon.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Brexit and the NHS 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact Brexit and the NHS conference.

The conference covers healthcare and healthcare policy, including the implications of Brexit for NHS staff and patients; impacts on medical research and the pharmaceutical industry, and issues surrounding devolution and the Northern Irish border.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Brexit and the North of England: public debate in Manchester - 15.06.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact This public debate discussed the impact of Brexit in the North of England, such as the industry, public services and everyday lives. Speakers included Lisa Nandy MP (Shadow Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change), Will Hutton (The Observer), Graham Stringer MP (MP for Blackley and Broughton), Katie Fanning (Vote Leave), Mike Emmerich (Metro Dynamics). Danni Hewson (BBC Look North) chaired the debate.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Brexit and the border, Edinburgh 18.05.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact The Universities of Heriot-Watt, Cumbria and Northumbria hosted a series of one-day seminars to look at the implications of Brexit for the regions that adjoin the Anglo-Scottish Border.
Feedback: The event attracted more than 70 people throughout the event, with a mix of academics, Members of the Scottish Parliament, students and members of the general public. The purpose of the event was to highlight the economic development in Scotland and the changes in public and private sectors across the border. General feedback was positive from audience members.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Brexit and the environment: EU and UK environmental policies - 23.05.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact In connection with the Commissioning Fund, this Policy Forum provided an opportunity to debate a new expert review of the academic evidence on topics concerning the environment and climate change and what might change in the UK and at EU level in the event of a British vote to Remain in or Leave the European Union on 23 June.

Speakers included: Charlotte Burns, University of York, Viviane Gravey, University of East Anglia, Mike Childs, Friend of the Earth (EWNI), Tony Long, Global Governance Institute. Sebastian Oberthür, Institute for European Studies, VUB (chair).
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Brexit and the future for UK business - 24.11.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Organised by one of our senior fellows Hussein Kassim, this event looked at the UK's future outside the EU. What is at stake? What are the options? What are the likely consequences?

- Jonathan Portes, NIESR and Fellow, 'UK in a Changing Europe'
- Angus Armstrong, NIESR and Fellow, 'UK in a Changing Europe'
- Luke Morris, chartered accountant
- Thomas Sampson, LSE

About 160 people attended, and most were from outside the University. There was excellent feedback, including from the leader of Norfolk County Council. Due to popular demand, videos of the panels will be circulated.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Brexit and the island of Ireland conference 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact An all-day conference looking at the key topical issues concerning Brexit and Northern Ireland with panellist discussing the border question, Good Friday Agreement, the Ireland economy and the future for Ireland. Key speakers and keynotes included Hilary Benn MP, Owen Paterson MP and John Bruton, Taoiseach 1994-1997.The event was heavily featured in the media as it coincided with our report 'Brexit and the island of Ireland' in the Guardian, Independent, Irish Examiner and Daily Express. 27 people replied to our feedback form, all of whom had positive responses to our event.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Brexit and the social sciences workshop: early researchers, Manchester 21.11.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact Hosted by our Brexit research team on public opinion - Matthew Goodwin, Rob Ford and Maria Sobolweska used the event to provide a forum for PhD students, post-doctoral fellows and lecturers working on Brexit related issues, including but not limited to dynamics of the referendum vote, party politics and public opinion, Socio-demographics of Brexit vote and opinion on related issues, Brexit negotiations and policy areas (e.g. agriculture, trade, etc.) Our director Anand Menon opened the event and spoke with many of the participants. Feedback: 30 people attended the event. Feedback was overall positive with interest in what we do and useful advice on how to progress in their early careers
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Brexit and trade, London 02.11.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact This was an all - day conference held at the British Academy to discuss trade, the economic effects of trade and our future trading relationship after Brexit. Speakers included academics, civil servants from DExEU, European think tanks and MPs.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Brexit and your future as consumer, taxpayer and citizen - 01.12.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact These series of discussions, in connection with the Commissioning Fund brought together specialists and practitioners to debate key questions concerning the UK's future outside the EU. It asked: What is at stake? What are the options? What are the likely consequences?

Speakers included: Amelia Fletcher, UEA, Andreas Stephan, UEA, Andy Jordan, UEA, Catherine Waddams, UEA.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Brexit briefing - public opinion and the EU referendum - 21.09.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact The UK in a Changing Europe has held a series of Brexit briefings to analyse the issues arising from the EU referendum and consider the future of UK-EU relations.

Speakers included: Professor John Curtice will discuss the public's attitudes towards what Brexit means to them and Professor Matthew Goodwin will be presenting new data from the referendum and explain what we have learned about the vote to leave the EU.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Brexit cafe with Nicky Morgan MP 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact The 28+ Perspectives on Brexit team organised a "Brexit Café", a common conversation following the well-known world café format, as an opportunity to discuss opinions about the effects of Brexit. Participants were invited to discuss re about their concerns on Brexit, the future relationship with the EU and the possible impact of Brexit in the East Midlands region in an informal and relaxed atmosphere. The guest speaker to open the Brexit café was Rt. Hon. Nicky Morgan MP
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Brexit could result in longer waiting times, increased pressure on staffing levels and a reduction in rights when travelling new report finds 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Brexit will pose serious challenges to the NHS and healthcare in the UK including: longer waiting times, increased pressure on staffing levels, a reduction in rights when travelling and delays in the approvals of medicines, a new report by academic think tank The UK in a Changing Europe finds.

The report, Brexit and the NHS, argues that while the NHS already faces funding pressures, these might increase as a result of the impact of leaving the EU. This might reduce the funds available for healthcare, which will have direct knock-on effects on waiting times, recovery rates and quality of care.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Brexit deal media briefing, King's College London 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact Six of our experts gave their political, legal and economic analysis of the Withdrawal Agreement and the political declaration and what might happen next. The event was also used to launch our report on the economic implications of the deal.

Feedback: Over 50 national and international journalists attended, from media outlets such as The Washington Post, Le Monde, BBC Westminster, The Telegraph, ITV Peston, The
Economist and the New York Times.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Brexit how did we get here and where are we headed, London 06.12.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact Hosted by the Jean Monnet Centre at the World in Kings, Anand Menon was invited to host a lecture on Brexit. Feedback: 70/80 people attended mostly academics and students.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Brexit masterclass with the FCO- economic impacts, Whitehall 20.09.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact As part of masterclass series with the FCO, UKICE have organised workshops with our Brexit research leaders and fellows. The masterclass on Economic impacts was to discuss trade, the impact of Brexit on the economy as well as changes in the market. This is an off the record confidential class. Our speakers for this class was Dr Swati Dhingra and Dr Thomas Sampson. Feedback: 50-70 people attended the masterclass with civil servants representing the FCO, DExEU, BEIS, Dep of Education and the Home office.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Brexit means Brexit? but what does that mean? The future of migration, immigration and Brits abroad - 09.02.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact On 23 June 2016, the UK voted by 52 to 48 per cent to leave the EU. The aim of this series was to explore what happens next. It asked: What is at stake? What are the options? What kind of Britain do we want? This series focused mainly on the future of migration, immigration and Brits abroad.

Join specialists and practitioners to discuss the key questions concerning the UK's future outside the EU.

Speakers included: The Rt Hon Professor Charles Clarke, UEA, Dr Heather Rolfe, NIESR.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Brexit means brexit' but what does that mean? the future of the United Kingdom - 19.01.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact What is at stake? What are the options? What kind of Britain do we want? Join specialists and practitioners to discuss the key questions concerning the UK's future outside the EU. We ask: What is at stake? What are the options? What are the likely consequences? This event was organised by one of our senior fellows Hussein Kassim. Michael Keating, Jo Hunt and John Curtice spoke at the event.

160 people attended, around 80% were interested citizens from outside the University. Was quite popular on social media, on both Facebook and Twitter with podcasts available due to demand.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Brexit misperceptions and predictions, King's College London 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Research shows that the British public are wrong on key facts about Brexit and the impact of EU membership. This event saw Anand Menon, Bobby Duffy, Madeleine Sumption and Ben Page discuss public opinion on Brexit and how this might shape what comes next.

Feedback: The event packed out the auditorium with more than 200 attendees.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Brexit report launch press briefing: how the UK might leave the EU - 02.11.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact A press launch for the UK in a Changing Europe's new detailed report 'Brexit and process of leaving the European Union' at a press conference at the Institute for Government. It investigates the triggering of Article 50 and discusses how the process might unfold, who might be involved and how, and what any longer term deal between the UK and its European partners might look like.

Contributors included our senior fellows; Catherine Barnard, Anand Menon, Damian Chalmers, Sara Hagemann, Joanne Hunt, Michael Keating, Martin Lodge, Iain Begg, Simon Usherwood, Richard Whitman

Journalists: Al Jazeera, The Guardian, Daily Express, ITV, BBC, Irish Times, Business Insider, Bloomberg, The Independent.

Around 40 journalists attended the launch with the room at full capacity. As a result of the launch we were able to circulate more than 3000 copies of the report.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Brexit where are we and where are we headed 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Hosted by the Sciences Po University this conference discussed the Brexit process both in terms of negotiations between the UK and the EU and within the UK itself. Panellists discussed how this process might unfold and with what consequences. Speakers included Herman Von Rompuy, Sir Ivan Rodgers, Anand Menon and Catherine Barnard chaired by Tom Nuttall, Economist. We distributed plenty of our materials and engaged with policy makers who were invested in learning more about our work.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Brexit, agriculture, environment and fisheries in the UK: a new dawn? One Birdcage Walk 03.07.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Details: The purpose of this even was to debate the findings of two independent reports on the implications of a 'Brexit' for the UK's Agri-Environment and Fisheries Sectors.
Speakers included:
? Dr Charlotte Burns (University of York)
? Dr Bryce Stewart (University of York)
? Dr Viviane Gravey (Queens University Belfast)
? Rodney Anderson (Chair of the North Sea Marine Cluster and former Director of Marine and Fisheries at Defra)
? Charles Clover (Executive Director of the Blue Marine Foundation and Environment Editor of The Daily Telegraph for 20 years)
? Baroness Young (Chair of the Woodland Trust, former Chief Executive of the Environment Agency and RSPB, former Chair of English Nature)
? Tom Lancaster (Senior Policy Officer (Agriculture) RSPB)
? Lord Teverson (Former MEP and Chair of the House of Lords EU EU Energy and Environment Sub-Committee)
Event details: 100 attendees
Expert panel:
Rodney Anderson (Chair of the North Sea Marine Cluster and former Director of Marine and Fisheries at Defra)
Charles Clover (Executive Director of the Blue Marine Foundation and Environment Editor of The Daily Telegraph for 20 years)
Baroness Young (Chair of the Woodland Trust, former Chief Executive of the Environment Agency and RSPB, former Chair of English Nature)
Tom Lancaster (Senior Policy Officer (Agriculture) RSPB)
Chaired by Lord Teverson (Former MEP and Chair of the House of Lords EU EU Energy and Environment Sub-Committee)
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Brexit: How might UK agriculture survive or thrive? 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact At this event hosted by the Agriculture & Horticulture Development Board and Newcastle University, researchers from The UK in a Changing Europe's ESRC-funded research project 'Brexit: How might UK Agriculture survive or thrive?' unveil their findings based on possible Brexit scenarios and explore on-farm impact in a post-Brexit environment.

The workshop will bring together academics, AHDB, policy-makers from Defra and the devolved administrations, farmers and representatives of farming organisations to share and discuss the project's findings.

Morning presentations will focus on the economic implications for the UK agriculture sector following Brexit. They will be followed by a networking lunch and an afternoon of small-group discussions to maximise opportunities for exchanging views and ideas.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Brexit: Its Consequences for the EU's Political System - 05.05.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact This event considered the consequences Brexit might pose to the EU's political system, including UK MEPs, the 2017 UK Presidency and voting rights in the Council of Ministers.
Simon Hix spoke at this event, alongside with Dr Christine Reh (UCL), Professor Kenneth Armstrong (Cambridge University) and Sir Stephen Wall (Cabinet Office and former UKRep).

The event went well and 110 people attended.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Brexit: The Endgame 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact This autumn is crunchpoint for Brexit. The government has to tread a difficult line between the EU, Westminster and its own backbenchers. A new report from The UK in a Changing Europe and the Bingham School of Law charts the way, and at this seminar the authors will explain the many institutional and political hurdles.

How many days' debate will the Brexit legislation require? How many votes will Theresa May need to stave off confidence motions? What counts as a confidence motion under the new rules of the Fixed Term Parliaments Act? These are only a few of the questions to be explored, under the guidance of experts on the institutional rulebooks, and the complex political dynamics.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Brexit: The UK in a Changing Europe - 18.07.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact Prof Menon spoke alongside Ken Endo (Hokkaido University) and Prof Tamio Nakamura (Waseda University) on the topic of Brexit to an audience of Japanese students, lecturers, journalists and media

The event was attended by 200 people.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Brexit: The final deal, Guardian Live, London 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Anand Menon joined Alison McGovern, Member of Parliament for Wirral South; Adrian O'Neill, Ambassador of Ireland to the UK; Henry Newman, director of Open Europe; and chair Heather Stewart, joint political editor at the Guardian, to discuss the Brexit deal and the key things to take away as it unfolds.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Brexit: The law and migration - 15.04.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact This Commissioning Fund event, as part of the 'Brexit? Breakfast Briefings series 6: Migration implications of EU withdrawal' deals with the questions of what the legal implications would be in the field of migration of withdrawing from the EU? And whether the EU is trying to expand its remit and legislate in areas outside of its competence?

Speakers included Adrian Berry, Barrister, Garden Court Chambers.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Brexit: a degree of clarity, Manchester 25.01.18 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Key questions discussed at the event were how Brexit might impact immigration policy on UK institutions, will British universities have access to European research funding, and would the current tuition fee-system withstand Brexit. Key speakers include Professor Helen Drake, one of our Brexit research leaders.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Brexit: an academic conference - 10.11.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact Anand Menon spoke at this event aimed at academics. This conference brought together parliamentary researchers and academics to consider some of the key policy areas affected by the UK's decision to leave the EU. It was co-hosted by POST, the House of Commons Library and Parliament's Universities Programme in collaboration with Research Councils UK (RCUK). The purpose of the day was to discuss the effect of Brexit on different policy areas and help researchers and academics connect, network and share expertise and ideas.

The keynote was given by Professor Anand Menon. Attendees also heard from Phil Sooben, Director for Policy and Research and Deputy Chief Executive, ESRC, Patrick Vollmer, Director of Library Services, House of Lords and Penny Young, Librarian and Head of Participation, Research and Information at the House of Commons.

Approximately 200 people attended.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Brexit: local and devolved government 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact 'Brexit: local and devolved government' conference, in partnership with LSE's Institute of Public Affairs.

The event will provide an opportunity to assess the impact of Brexit on the existing institutional settlement, exploring ways to promote the civic and economic empowerment of Britain's cities and regions in the post-Brexit political landscape.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Brexit: one year on, Westminster 22.06.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact The purpose of the event was to commemorate the one year anniversary by discussing what a soft or hard Brexit means, the deportation of EU nationals and the expected outcome of trading relationships. Speakers included Director Professor Anand Menon and Gina Miller, founder of Best for Britain. Feedback: 100 to 150 people attended the event with a mix of businesses, civil servants and representatives from several think tanks. Social Media Outreach:
Total reach: 7, 854
Total likes: 56
Page views: 170
Total engagements: 1113
New followers: 460
Profile visits: 12.8k
Impression: 870k
Mentions: 829
Sessions: 42,859
Users: 34,312
Page Views: 67,748
% New Sessions: 73.77%
Last month's website stats (May)
Sessions: 48,565
Users: 39,405
Page Views: 71,202
% New Sessions: 72.96%
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Brexit: possible futures and impact on EU/UK AID, London 20.02.18 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Join this lunchtime session for a lively debate discussing the future of Brexit negotiation and the impact on EU/UK development and humanitarian policies.


Professor Anand Menon, Director of The UK in a changing Europe
Mikaela Gavas, Head of Development Strategy and Finance at the Overseas Development Institute
José Manuel Roche, Chief Researcher in SCUK (chair)
Colleagues from the Save the Children Partnerships and Advocacy office in Brussels will also be sharing their thoughts as well as other INGO staff attending the talk.

This talk is organized as part of our strategic foresight and horizon scanning work at Save the Children UK.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Brexit: six months of stalemate, 16 September 2020 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Anand was joined by David O'Sullivan(former Commission Sec-Gen and Ambassador to Washington), Katya Adler (Europe Editor, BBC), Bruno Waterfield (Brussels Correspondent, The Times) and our Senior research fellow, Jill Rutter. They examined the latest state of play of the Brexit negotiations and the challenges that lay ahead for it.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Brexit: the decision has been made but the debate continues - 23.01.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Undergraduate students
Results and Impact Our senior fellow Jonathan Portes was given the Question Time treatment from students at the University of Essex.

More than 60 people attended, it was mainly targeted at students and university staff. The university were impressed and are likely to ask more of our fellows to participate in future events.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Brexit: the public's half time verdict, Westminster 06.12.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact 18 months in, Professor John Curtice shared his latest results on people's attitudes towards Brexit. This event was sponsored by Ian Austin MP and chaired by Stephen Kinnock MP.
Feedback: 120 people attended the event with a mix of parliamentarians, staff members, Lords and MPs. Insightful discussion and interesting questions were given at the event.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Brexit: the transition phase 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact This half day conference will explore the implications of the Brexit transition phase.
Dr Mary C. Murphy, University College Cork
Dr Holger Hestermeyer, King's College London
David Henig, European Centre for International Political Economy
Dr Simon Usherwood, The UK in a Changing Europe
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Brexit: unravelling and reimagining the UK's relationship with the EU - 25.01.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact This was organised with the University of Cambridge with our senior fellow Professor Catherine Barnard exploring responses to the EU referendum outcome and identifying key issues to be addressed in the UK's future relationship with the EU moving forward.

There was a strong turnout. Most participants were members of the general public. General feedback was positive on the event and on the discussion.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Brexit: what it means for European security and defence - 09.11.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact This event was organised by one of our commissioning fundees Benjamin Kiezle with the new School of Security Studies and the Regional Security Research Centre. The half day event involved a number of panel discussions looking at Brexit and European security in long-term perspective and European security after Brexit: what role for the EU and the UK? Professor Richard Whitman, one of our senior fellows was a panellist.

Around 50 people came to the event, which meant that the room was full. Also all panellists came, so there was a good mix of junior/senior/university/think tank/researchers. It was a good opportunity to showcase all the rigorous policy research that is currently being carried out in the area of security & defence. It was a good networking opportunity for all the different institutions involved (KCL, KPI, IRSEM, LSE, University of Kent, University of Birmingham, IISS, ECFR, CER, RAND Europe, RUSI). There was a wide variety of people in the audience, including students, senior MoD officials and Gijs De Vries, the former Counter-Terrorism Co-ordinator of the European Union.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Brexit: what next for the UK and Scotland? Inverness 31.05.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Undergraduate students
Results and Impact Details: The Centre for Constitutional Change (CCC) hosted a seminar on Scotland's future relationship with Europe looking at key issues on whether Scotland should remain in the European single market.
Feedback: More than 40 people attended the event with a mix of students, academics and members of the general public. More than a 100 people viewed the event online. The CCC received good feedback from audience members praising the interesting discussions on the panel. Social media outreach: Social media
Total reach: 2,011
Total likes: 1,194
Page views: 108
Total engagements: 615
New followers: 958
Profile visits: 5,482
Impression: 600k
Mentions: 283
Sessions: 48,565
Users: 39,405
Page Views: 71,202
% New Sessions: 72.96%
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Brexit: what next? - 04.07.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Intelligence Squared are staging an emergency event to discuss the ramifications discussing key questions such as who will be the next prime minister to steer us through the rocky negotiations with the EU that lie ahead and what kind of deal can we expect to get. As well as Prof Menon other speakers included: Douglas Carswell MP (UKIP), Josef Janning (Head of European Council on Foreign Relations in Germany), Liz Kendall MP (Labour), Adair Turner (Chairman of the Institute for New Economics Thinking) and Jonathan Freedland (Guardian).

The event was attended by 400 people.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Brexit: what now? what next?, Edinburgh 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact The Centre on Constitutional Change held this full day event in partnership with the UK in a Changing Europe to examine the latest Brexit developments and what they mean for
Scotland and the UK.

Feedback: Over 100 attendees were present at this packed event, with hundreds of viewers watching a livestream of the event on Twitter.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Brexit: where are we now? - 08.12.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact As 2016 draws to a close, researchers from Cardiff University's Wales Governance Centre reflected on the question, Brexit: Where are we now? The event covered some of the legal, political and financial issues attached to Brexit, and considered Welsh, British and European dimensions.

The event was open to the public with around 70 people attending, mostly members of the public and academia.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Brexit: where do we go from here? Oxford 01.12.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Discussing in depth the state of Brexit, what the future holds and what strategy should pro leave and remain groups use up until Brexit. Director Anand Menon spoke alongside Annelise Dodds, MP for Oxford, Iain Dunt, editor of and Chris Morris, Correspondent at the BBC. Feedback: More than 200 people attended the event. A mix of students, professionals and general public. The event was both engaging and enjoyable bringing together a host of academics and members of the public who asked insightful questions.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Brexit? Breakfast Briefing series: The law and migration - 15.04.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact This session discussed what the legal implications in the field of migration would be in the event of a 'Brexit'. Adrian Berry, a barrister from Garden Court Chambers, spoke at the event.

The convener only received 8 feedback forms. The respondents were, however, generally positive and left the event feeling more aware of law and migration in the context of a 'Brexit'.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Brexplanations in the dock, Westminster - 07.12.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Third sector organisations
Results and Impact Key questions asked during this debate included what were the real reasons behind the Brexit vote? And what does this mean for the landscape of UK politics? This event was designed to help charities and interest groups understand how to reframe their policy positions and messaging in order to better reach both the public and major political parties. Also discussed was what kind of Brexit might be acceptable to the public in the light of their voting motivations. The key panellists for this debate included leading psephologists and our senior fellow John Curtice.

60 capacity venue and was completely full. NatCen did an evaluation feedback email of which 100% rated it as a good event. Key audience was campaigning groups such as: Attendees from DEXEU.

• John Curtice (NatCen Social Research)
• Chuka Umunna (MP for Streatham),
• Roger Harding (Shelter)
• James Ball (Buzzfeed)
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Briefing for Labour MPs - 06.04.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Anand Menon talked at this event which was a briefing for Labour MPs in which approximately 15 people talked at.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Briefing for SNP - 12.09.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Anand Menon spoke at this event which addressed 30 SNP MPs.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Britain's EU referendum: state of the race - part two - 25.05.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact This morning briefing took place at Chatham House and assessed the latest data and trends that relate to Britain's upcoming referendum on EU membership. The briefing intended to present academic analysis of how the polls are changing, where the campaigns are targeting and how voters are responding to political editors, journalists, observers and researchers.

Matthew Goodwin and John Curtice spoke. Isabel Hardman (The Spectator) also spoke and Robin Niblett (Chatham House) chaired the event.
Feedback: The event was really successful and received lots of media coverage both nationally (The Telegraph, The Sun) and internationally (e.g. French Le Point and L'Express, Swiss Le Matin). The audience consisted of mostly journalists from both national and international media outlets, but also from the EU, the government, embassies, think tanks, trade unions, and business groups.

Journalists included:
National media- Daily Telegraph, ITV, Bloomberg, The Independent, BBC, The Economist, The Sun, Financial Times.
International media- Agence France Presse, Asahi Shimbun, Die Welt, Nationen, Jiji Press, Les Echos, Le Figaro, Nikkei Business Publicaitons, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Dagens Nyheter, NRC Handelsblad, Ta Kung Pao newspaper, Kristeligt Dagblad, Telecinco, Phoenix Satellite Television, EITB, O Globo, UKpolitics po polsku, Kauppalehti (Finnish Business Daily), China Business Network Media

EU institutions/UK government/UK political groups/Embassies - European Commission, European Parliament, Cabinet Office, Italian Embassy, Norwegian Embassy, Liberal Democrat European Group.

Business- McKinsey & Co, The Economist Intelligence Unit, VERTIC, Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research, Standard Chartered Bank, JETRO London, BT Group plc, Citi, Maurent Public Relations.

Think tanks- Policy Network, Chatham House.

Trade unions- TUC.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Britain's membership renegotiation - 19.04.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact This event considered the UK's renegotiations discussing both the short-term and the long-term consequences of either possible outcome of the referendum. Catherine Barnard held the keynote speech followed by a Q&A session. Other speakers included four MEPs: Timothy Kirkhope MEP (ECR/UK), Richard Corbett MEP (S&D/UK), Danuta Maria Hubner MEP (EPP/PL) and David McAllister MEP (EPP/DE).
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description British Chamber of Commerce in Belgium Annual Conference - 25.11.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Anand Menon spoke at this event run by the British Chamber of Commerce in Belgium as part of their annual London visit which focused on the implications of the UK's vote to leave the EU on companies with business and policy interests in the EU and UK and the work being undertaken in the UK in response. This annual visit offered participants opportunities to meet and interact with business leaders, academics, thought leaders and policy-makers in London and Westminster. Past years have seen delegates from companies including BMW, Hitachi, Siemens, Orange, BT, Facebook and Microsoft, as well as Belux companies with strong UK operations such as Soudal, Barco, Arcelor Mittal and Desso. The programme for the visit consisted of a number of speeches, roundtable lunches and policy discussions and a session on the UK-EU negotiations process and what Brexit will ultimately look like with politicians and academics.

Approximately 15 people attended.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description British Media, EU Membership and the Referendum Conference with Warwick University - 19.01.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact Anand Menon spoke at this event aimed at academics and organised by the Dept of Economics, University of Warwick. The conference provided an opportunity to discuss the relationship between (British) media and political attitudes from an interdisciplinary perspective. The conference was supported by the ESRC/UK in an Changing Europe initiative. Speakers included Emran Mian (Social Market Foundation), Mark English (European Commission), Simon Hix (LSE), Will Moy (Full Fact), Kenny Imafiadon (Bite the Ballot), Alson Harcout (Exeter), Claes de Vreese (Amsterdam), Laura Cram (Edinburgh), Paul Taggart (Sussex) and Oliver Daddow (Nottingham).

Approximately 45 people attended
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description British media, EU membership and the referendum - 19.01.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Undergraduate students
Results and Impact The event was organised by Warwick Business School, looking at the complex relationship between British media and different strands of Euroscepticism, and the potential impact of social media and new technologies on political engagement in general. A range of universities were invited to speak at the event - Edinburgh, LSE, Aston, Nottingham, Sussex and Amsterdam as well as youth organisations looking into Brexit from My Life My Say and Bite the Ballot.

Audiences consisted of academics, students, members of youth organisations, and general public. Overall, 90 people attended the event at various points during the conference. It was great publicity for Warwick and the ukandeu in terms of engaging with the public, other universities and youth organisations who are keen on working with us and appreciating our expert knowledge.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description CIPFA annual conference - 03.07.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Anand spoke at this event in which approximately 55 people attended.
The event looked at the referendum result in the UK, and it whatever the relationship with the EU, there will inevitably be significant consequences for public service management, resourcing, demand, supply chain and funding. The G20 commitment to the OECD's BEPS proposals on corporate profit shifting, the exposure of Lux-leaks and Panama papers, are all adding to society's growing demand for greater transparency and good governance. IFAC as the global voice of the profession is tackling this issue head on through its Accountability Now initiative.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description COMPAS Breakfast Briefing series: BREXIT? Changing Patterns - 06.05.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact This breakfast briefing was organised by COMPAS, Oxford University (commissioning fund) and discussed if a withdrawal from the EU would see a shift in patterns of migration.
Madeleine Sumption spoke at this event.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description COMPAS Breakfast Briefing series: BREXIT? Security - 20.05.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact This event was organised by COMPAS (commissioning fund) and was moved from March due to illness and discussed how Brexit would affect security and border control in the UK.
James Kearny (Institute of Strategic Dialogue) spoke at this event.

20 people attended the event. The organisers received 7 feedback forms, of which all were positive and happy with the event. Most of them were from attendees 50-60 years of age, one who was in their 20s and another one in their 40s. They were from 4 females, 2 males and 1 'other'.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Cafe Europe with MLMS - Sheffield 18.05.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Undergraduate students
Results and Impact The Cafe Europe with MLMS took place in Sheffield and involved Brexit discussions to students. The MLMS aimed to involve young people in the EU negotiation process. The session involved 4 key rounds of discussions, topics included: are you optimistic about Brexit? Do you feel the country and your community is more divided since the EU referendum? Do you think that there should be control on migration to the UK? Nick Clegg concluded the session with a question and answer session with participants.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Centre for Science and Policy Fellows Discussion 14.09.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact The following event was organised by the Centre for Science and Policy Fellows which involved a lunch time discussion led by Professor Menon. The aim of the event was for the CSaP to draw upon relevant academic expertise from across the UK's universities, in order to mobilise the expertise of the Brexity Priority research and substantially increase the likelihood of it achieving impact.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Citizen's Assembly on Brexit: what kind of Brexit do people want, London 13.12.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact This is a part of our Brexit research leader Alan Renwick's project. Co -chaired with the Centre for the Study of Democracy, speakers at the event including Anand Menon, Catherine
Barnard and Alan Renwick looking at the results of their findings and the significance of the Assembly. Feedback: 70 people attended. Members of the public. Engaging question from the audience. Mix of retirees and students
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Citizens' rights and beyond 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Jonathan Portes testified before the European Parliament joint committee hearing on Thursday 1 February discussing citizen's rights in the UK.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description City University Law and Brexit Event - 02.12.15 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Anand Menon spoke at this event at the City Law School, University of London. The talk looked at the Legal Implications of the Referendum on EU membership.
Approximately 200 people attended.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015
Description Comfortable Leavers report launch, 19 April 2021 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact A new report by UK in a Changing Europe and NatCen sheds a light on 'Comfortable Leavers' - Leave voters with comparatively high incomes, based in relatively affluent places - and what they hope and expect from British politics and the economy after leaving the European Union.

At this event, the authors of the report, those involved in conducting the eight deliberative workshops and political commentators discussed the findings and their implications.


Dan Wincott, Director, Governance after Brexit
Ceri Davies, Director, NatCen Centre for Deliberative Research
Matt Holehouse, British political correspondent, The Economist
Chaired by Paula Surridge, Deputy Director, UK in a Changing Europe
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Commissioning Fund event- The Referendum in 1975 and now - 09.11.15 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact An event commissioned by the UK in a Changing Europe. Anand Menon spoke at this event. This was an event organised by Michael Kenney from Queen Mary which which looked at the referendum in 1975 and now.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015
Description Conservative Party Conference 2017 in Manchester 01.10.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Professor Menon participated in the Conservative Party Conference which took place in Manchester. Discussions throughout the Sunday session included: What sort of Brexit does the Conservative Party want? This particular discussion was held by Professor Menon and Jacob Rees-Mogg (MP).
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Conservative party conference: Rt Hon David Davis MP in conversation with Professor Anand Menon 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact The event 'Delivering a successful Brexit: a conversation' at the Conservative Party conference is hosted by The UK in a Changing Europe and ConservativeHome.

Welcome and introduction from Paul Goodman, ConservativeHome followed by the Rt Hon David Davis MP in conversation with Professor Anand Menon, Director of The UK in a Changing Europe.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Constitutional Implications of the British Referendum on the European Union and the Reforms proposed by the UK Government - 01.03.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Anand Menon talked at this event.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Countdown to Brexit: what does leaving the EU mean for you? 19.01.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact An event organised by the UK in a Changing Europe and The Conversation. As part of the town hall debate series, we held our first town hall debate in Leicester with senior fellows Catherine Barnard, Jonathan Portes and Anand Menon together with Dr Oxana Golynker from the University of Leicester.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description DEXEU Briefing - Financial Sector 08.03.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact The following was a private session which involved a presentation on the financial sector, the City and capital markets by Dr Angus Armstrong. The audience consisted of directors and academic professors.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Department of European & International Studies: Roundtable on Brexit - 09.11.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact The roundtable discussion included three members of the Department of European and International Studies at King's looking at the significance of Brexit.
Speaker included; Dr Isabelle Hertner - focus on the role of the Labour Party and the Liberal Democrats in the referendum Prof Alex Callinicos - how the vote has destabilised both the EU and British capitalism Prof Anand Menon, - looking at broader implications of Brexit.

About 45 people attended. Mainly members of staff and students from the Departments of European and International Studies and of Political Economy at KCL. There also was a group of academics from Universidade Federal Fluminense and UFABC, and members of the public. Positive feedback was given from students and members of staff.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Dexeu Away Day - 07.02.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Anand Menon spoke at this event as part of an Away day for the Trade and Partnerships directorate in the Department for Exiting the European Union. Anand Menon delivered a deliver a 45 minutes informal lecture on matters of the EU, with a 15 minutes Q&A from the staff to follow.

Approximately 50 people attended.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description EIS Roundtable on Brexit (EIS Department Research Seminar) - 09.11.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact Anand Menon spoke at this event which provided a round-table event on Britain's vote to leave the European Union. Three members of the Department of European and International Studies at King's discussed the significance of Brexit. Dr Isabelle Hertner focussed on the role of the Labour Party and the Liberal Democrats during and after the referendum, Prof Alex Callinicos stressed how the vote has destabilised both the EU and British capitalism, and Prof Anand Menon, Director of the UK in a Changing Europe Initiative, reflected on the broader implications of Brexit and the prospects for the future.
Approximately 40 people attended.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description ESRC Council - 29.04.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Anand Menon spoke at this event.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description ESRC: Negotiating Brexit: What Do Our Partners Want? 20.10.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact The following event was organised by the Economic and Social Research Council (ECSR) and was titled "Negotiating Brexit: What Do Our Partners Want?". A session during this event discussed "The State of the Negotiations", and was chaired by Allegra Stratton (National Editor of ITV News). Speakers included, Anand Menon and Steefan de Rynck (Advisor to Chief Brexit Negotiator Michel Barnier), this was a panel which highlighted 'the state of negotiations'.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description EU Exchange Wales - 27.04.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact This session was discussing the mid-term report for the project 'EU Exchange Wales' with academics from Cardiff University and representatives from the Welsh Government. In total, 18 people attended the session and despite three cancellations went well.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description EU Exchange Wales - Juncker's 2016 State of the Union address- 19.09.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Organised by Rachel Minto (Commissioning Fund) as part of her EU Exchange Wales seminar series at Cardiff University and including a discussion of the panel.

Attendees to the closed group discussion included: Welsh Government: Jeff Andrews, Rob Donovan, Chrishan Kamalan, Victoria Minshall-Jones, Eleanor Vaughan; Cardiff University: Dr Rachel Minto, Dr Nick Parsons, Dr Tom Prosser, Prof. Roger Scully; Additional: Ryan Murphy (Aston University). The group enjoyed a lively and engaging exchange and it was 'useful to spend some time focusing on the EU'.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description EU Exchange Wales - The EU and Environmental Law - 01.03.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact This session was run by Rachel Minto, as part of the Commissioning fund for academics and Welsh Government policy-makers to discuss the EU and environmental law and was open to Welsh Government policy-makers and academics.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description EU Referendum polling event: can we believe the EU referendum polls? - 25.05.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact This event discussed the issues around polling and provided an update on the latest polling evidence. It was sponsored by Ian Austin MP.

John Curtice spoke at the event together with Peter Kellner (Commentator, formerly at YouGov) and Tom Mludzinski (ComRes).
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description EU Withdrawal Bill Press Briefing, King's College London 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact Catherine Barnard, Adam Cygan, Sam Lowe and Anand Menon spoke at our Press briefing on the ins and outs of the EU Withdrawal Bill, trade and devolved powers. Feedback: 51 journalists attended our press briefing from the Sun, Mirror, Guardian, Daily Japanese, Daily Express and EDF.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description EU and UK Public Services with Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) - 14.10.15 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Anand Menon spoke at a Council meeting at the CIPFA's London office. The Council had representatives primarily from across the UK, in upper echelons of public services, local government, health and central government. The working group was led by Michael Heartythe Director General, Finance and Corporate Services the Welsh Government.
Approximately 50 people attended.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2012,2015
Description EU referendum debate: to remain or to leave? - 16.06.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact This major debate visited all the issues raised by the EU referendum, with contributions from both campaigns and academic experts.

Anand Menon and Simon Usherwood spoke. Other speakers included Dr Swati Dhingra (LSE), Chuka Umunna MP (MP for Streatham), Laura Sandys (European Movement) and Jacob Rees-Mogg MP (MP for North East Somerset). Meg Russell (Constitution Unit) chaired the event.

Due to the sad event of the death of Jo Cox MP earlier that day, the politicians who were due to speak at this event cancelled their participation. However, 600 people still attended and despite the incident the event was very successful and received positive feedback.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description EU referendum: who will win women's vote? - 17.06.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact This debate discussed the impact on women's lives in the event of Brexit. Speakers included Martin Boon (ICM), Natalie Bennett (Leader of the Green Party of England and Wales), Caroline Criado-Perez (Stronger In) and Dreda Say-Mitchell (Vote Leave).

*This event was cancelled due to the death of Jo Cox MP.*
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description EU's economic prospects: challenges for economic policy until the end of the decade - 23.09.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact Iain Begg gave a keynote at this two day academic conference in Dusseldorf Germany on the topic of "European economic governance in the aftermath of Brexit: Integrating or disintegrating?".
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Economics and Migration after Brexit: British Academy - 07.12.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact A full day conference to discuss the EU budget, public finances and social policy. Some of the panel topics included, amongst other things: Free Movement and Location decisions, Redistribution and spending and Regulation. Senior fellows Professor Catherine Barnard and Jonathan Portes spoke on various panels discussing their respective areas of expertise.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Establishing firmer links between the UK in a Changing Europe and ESRC Brexit Priority Grants 27.06.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact This event was organised by the Parliamentary Office of Science at Technology (POST). Moreover, this was an event in parliament to establish firmer links between the UK in a Changing Europe and ESRC (Economic and Social Research Council) Brexit priority grants. The aim of the event at Parliament was to inform staff across both the Houses about the UK in a Changing Europe initiative and the 25 new short projects that the ESRC is funding. The purpose was also to encourage staff to contribute thoughts as to how best to develop ongoing links between the projects and parliament. This event was mainly based around discussions.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description EurActiv in the UK - 30.11.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Anand Menon was invited to talk on a panel at the heart of a unique exercise related to 'Brexit'. EurActiv was convening the panel to identify the 50 most influential people on the Brexit negotiations. The final ranking was to be revealed publicly at a reception/discussion at Europe House, Westminster.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description European Central Bank Presentation in Frankfurt 28.08.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Professor Menon presented analysis on the state of the Brexit debate in the UK, and presented his report on the cost of no deal and also explained the current political dynamics in the UK. This event was organised by the European Central Bank (ECB). This event was an internal seminar with the ECB staff, wh
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description European Policy Centre- 16.03.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact This event was managed by the EPC events team. Due to data protection reasons relating to storage of contact details, we were not able to follow up with these individuals to conduct an evaluation.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description European Referendum 2016- British electoral behaviour- 14.03.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact John Curtice and Anand Menon spoke at this event which was held at the House of Commons. Kelvin Hopkins MP and Peter Bottomley MP chaired the meeting for a full audience of roughly 40 people.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Event at Francis Holland School - 23.11.15 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact Anand Menon spoke to 100 sixth form students about the referendum and answered students' questions after giving a talk.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015
Description Exeter Town Hall event - 25.04.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Members of the public in Exeter were invited to this town hall event where Catherine Barnard, Alison Harcourt, Iain Begg, Claudio Radaelli (Exeter University), Susan Banducci (Exeter Q-Step Centre) and James Devenney (Exeter University) were speaking.

Approximately 450 people attended. The audience consisted of a mix of all age groups from the public (30%), students (30%) and staff/alumni of Exeter University (30%). The event was live streamed in Penryn, Cornwall, which 20 people attended. A further 98 people were watching it through the periscope stream. The event went really well and the audience was very engaged, with several follow-up inquiries to the organiser.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Experts devise tests of Brexit's impact on UK foreign and security policies 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact The report, 'A successful Brexit: three foreign and security policy tests' from academic group The UK in a Changing Europe, provides a framework for assessing what Brexit might mean for the UK's international role.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description FCO Brexit masterclass 'Negotiating a trade deal' 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact As part of our Brexit masterclass series with the FCO and across Whitehall, we kicked off the spring series with Professor Alan Winters to discuss the elements of a future trade deal post Brexit. Format usually involves a presentation followed by questions from the floor.70 civil servants attended the workshop across Whitehall including DExEU, FCO, Treasury and Cabinet.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description FCO Brexit masterclass - Party politics, Whitehall 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact As part of the FCO Brexit masterclasses, Professors Tim Bale and Anand Menon spoke at our party politics workshop. This is an hour workshop involving a presentation followed by questions from the audience. Feedback: Audience consisted of 55 civil servants engaged in a lively and informed discussion
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description FCO Brexit masterclass public opinion, Whitehall 07.11.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact As part of the FCO Brexit masterclasses, Professor John Curtice and Maria Sobolewska from our Brexit research team spoke at the public opinion class. This is an hour workshop involving a presentation followed by questions from the audience. The aim of the workshop is not to outline the basics but to give further detailed analysis and insight to an audience that are already quite informed and engaged.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description FCO Brexit masterclass- EU after Brexit, FCO 22.11.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Our senior fellows Sara Hagemann and Deputy Director Dr Simon Usherwood were guest speakers for this workshop at the FCO. Feedback: 40 civil servants attended the workshop. Feedback from the FCO was overall positive.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description FCO event - 07.10.15 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Anand Menon spoke at this event. The aim was for Anand to dicuss what his top tips for the HMG were.
The talk covered Ireland, Denmark, France and the Netherlands. The audience was composed of civil servants from four key government offices and departments: the Foreign Office (especially the Referendum Unit); the Cabinet Office; HM Treasury; and, No. 10.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015
Description FSB Lunch and Learn - 08.09.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Anand Menon spoke at this event. Following the EU referendum, FSB is busy assessing the impact on our policy priorities across the entire organisation. After Anand's presentation at Regional Conference went down a storm with the members, he was asked to speak at a lunch and learn series for their entire policy staff. It provided an opportunity for external stakeholders to meet the policy team and senior leadership and for FSB to hear from leading commenters, academics, civil servants and politicians on the areas we are currently exploring.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description FSB Regional Policy Conference (England) 2016 - Manchester - 07.07.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Anand spoke at this event in which members asked questions about the EU referendum and what it means for small businesses.
Ananad was joined in the Q&A session by: David Geary, EU Public Affairs and Policy Advisor; Sietske De Groot, Senior Policy Advisor (EU & international policy) and Martin McTague, Policy Director.
Approximately 70 people attended.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description FSB Strategy Meeting - 02.02.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Anand Menon spoke which consisted of a strategy morning for FSB's elected leadership for 1/2 trusted external contacts, to thank them for helping FBS and to chat informally (and privately) about what FSB should be doing in future.

Approximately 6 people participated.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description FT Europe Breakfast Summit- 14.04.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact This was a small summit which took place at the Financial Times headquarters and the audience consisted of eight (8) business leaders. Anand Menon and Matthew Goodwin spoke at the event.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description FT Future of Europe Summit: Achieving Stability, Security and Prosperity - 14.04.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Anand Menon spoke at this event.

Modern Europe has been a powerhouse of innovation, job creation and connectivity. But with the European Union itself now in a state of crisis, clouds of uncertainty hang over the continent. The legacy of the global financial crisis lingers as the eurozone struggles to survive. The influx of refugees and economic migrants has fuelled the debate on immigration. Terrorism has led to demands for stricter border controls and a more coordinated security strategy. In the midst of these challenges, the UK's status as an EU member state hangs in the balance. The FT Future of Europe Summit was organised a range of views from leaders in business and government on how to address these challenges.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Facebook live with Huffington Post, London 29.01.18 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Simon Usherwood and Anand Menon joined Owen Bennett, political editor of the Huff Post at their offices to record a live stream via Facebook to answer questions on Brexit from the public. The event was a huge success. Huff Post suggested another live event. The total number of views: 3,519.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Federal Chancellery Workshop - Brexit State of Play (Berlin) 06.07.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact The following was a workshop which took place in Berlin, organised by the 'Brexit in the European Directorate General of the Federal Chancellery in Berlin'. The workshop included participants from the European Policy and Foreign Policy as well as Domestic Policy DGs. Professor Menon took part as well as Nicolas Veron (from Bruegel in Brussels) and Nicolai von Ondarza (From SWP Berlin) who also joined the workshop as external guests. All external guests including Professor Menon presented a short introduction on the current Brexit state of play from their perspective. Following this, there was a Q&A session and open discussion on the issues raised and any other questions participants may have.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Finance and Brexit Forum at WeWork Moorgate 27.06.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact This was a non-political event which involved a panel discussion which was organised by WeWork. Professor Menon aimed to outline potential Brexit scenarios and legal ramifications. Other speakers included Gurpreet Manku (Assistant Director General and Director of Policy at the British Private Equity & Venture Capital Association, BVCA). The audience for this event was for those who work in finance and related professions in the City, there were around 250 attendees.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description First minister of Wales Brexit speech 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact First Minister of Wales, Carwyn Jones, gave a speech marking two years since the referendum and nine months until the UK leaves the EU. The First Minister set out the case for the UK Government to use its upcoming White Paper to change direction and to put the national interest first. The First Minister called for a change of substance and tone to secure a positive partnership with the EU.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Foreign and Commonwealth Office: Brexit Masterclass on Agriculture 06.10.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact The following was a private event which was organised by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) and involved Professors Wyn Grant and Carmen Hubbard presenting to audiences on a "Brexit Masterclass on Agriculture", and was followed by a Q&A session from the audience.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Foreign and Commonwealth office after Brexit 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact Hosted with the Institute for Government, the discussion was how the FCO can best deploy its expertise in the civil service. On the panel was Sir Simon McDonald, Permanent Under Secretary at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office with Anand Menon, Gideon Rachman, Financial Times and Bronwen Maddox, Director IFG.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Free Movement Round Table with Yvette Cooper MP 12.10.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact This was a round table event which took place with Yvette Cooper MP and Jonathan Portes from the UK in a Changing Europe. This involved a briefing to MPs around key issues.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Free Movement of People and the new Legal Order - a Roundtable Discussion - 15.09.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact Anand Menon spoke at this event organised by Senior Fellow Catherine Barnard. The event consisted of an academic workshop in which 12 people took part.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Free movement of people and the new legal order - 15.09.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact In the wake of Brexit this roundtable brings together experts to consider 'what next' for free movement of persons between the UK and EU. A wide variety of different models of cooperation will be explored, including the European Economic Area, EU association agreements, the World Trade Organisation, the ASEAN Free Trade Area, and the North American Free Trade Agreement. Other speakers included Charles Clarke (Former Home Secretary), Steve Peers (Essex).

Participants included: Charlotte O'Brien (York University), Philipp Speitler, (EFTA Court), Steve Peers, (Essex University), Damian Chalmers, (LSE), Steve Griffin, (Leeds University), Simon Cox, (Open Society Foundations), Andrew Duff, (European Parliament), Jonathan Vorss-Millins, (East of England), Tim Beyer Helm, (European Parliament), Barbara Belgrano, (Pump Court Tax lawyers), Dirk Hazell, (4 Freedoms Party), Julian Ghosh, Konrad Schiemann, (Migration Museum), Colleagues from UKICE (Anand Menon, Catherin Barnard and Damian Chalmers) and colleagues from Cambridge.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description French Senators Lunch - 07.02.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Anand Menon spoke at this event alongside a delegation of French Senators members of the Senate on "the withdrawal of the UK and the refoundation of Europe". This specific ad hoc senatorial group was composed by 20 members of the French Senate and worked on the implications of Brexit.

Approximately 12 people participated.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description French senators lunch meeting - 18.01.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Anand Menon spoke at this event in which 5 people were present.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Fringe Event at Scottish National Party Annual Conference in Glasgow 09.10.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact This Fringe Event was held by the UK in a Changing Europe which took place at the SNP Annual Conference in Glasgow. The speakers included Professor Anand Menon who presented the topic of "Do we know yet what Brexit means?" which also covered an overview of the negotiations. Other speakers included Fiona Hyslop (Cabinet Seretary for Culture) who covered Scotland's Relationship with the EU. Nicola McEwen covered 'Brexit and devolution', Stephen Gethins MP spoke on 'influencing the EU Withdrawal Bill', and lastly Iain Macwhirter who also covered the Withdrawal Bill and chaired the event.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description From mobile citizens to migrants: BrExpats and euro children 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact A roundtable discussing migration and citizenship, looking at key questions such as 'who is a migrant?' and the lives of citizens. It explores the processes and practices of making migrants and citizens in the present day. This roundtable included our Brexit research leaders Dr Nando Sigona and Dr Michael Benson.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Gibraltar and Britain: Sustaining Common Values During Times of Change 24.09.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact The following event was part of the Annual Conference 2017 - The Labour Party, which aimed to identify how the Labour Party can support Gibraltar during the current difficult changing times, "upholding our common values which represent the fundamentals of The European Union". Moreover, the event explored the case for self-determination, fluid borders, and protecting the rights of EU workers in Gibraltar. This event was chaired by Helen Lewis (New Statesman Deputy Editor). Speakers included: Professor Anand Menon (Director, UK in a Changing Europe), Hon Fabian Picardo MP (Chief Minister of Gibraltar) and Rt Hon Hilary Benn MP Former Shadow Foreign Secretary).
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Global Britain: life after Brexit- Conservative Party Conference 04.10.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact Fringe event organised by UK in a Changing Europe and Conservative Home at the 2016 Conservative Party Conference in Birmingham. It was an interview with Anand and Rt Hon Dr Liam Fox (MP), Secretary of State for International Trade and President of the Board of Trade.

There were 200 plus attendees. The event went really well a mix of journalists and Civil Servants. Liam is keen to work with us and our fellows on Brexit.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Global Economic and Political Landscape of Post Brexit Era (Washington, DC) 24.04.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact This event titled 'Executive Forum for Policy Makers and Senior Officials' was held by The World Bank (Treasury) Professor Anand presented the implications of Brexit on the integrity of the European Union from the UK's and EU's view points respectively. This section of the event was titled the "Global economic and political landscape of post-Brexit era, and included discussions on 'what is the long term economic impact of Brexit on the global economy?' and 'what is the impact on emerging markets?' The panel was moderated by Jingdong Hua (Vice President, IFC).
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Greater Manchester and Brexit: prospects for industry, growth and local economic resilience - 15.06.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact This event provided a forum for business representatives, policymakers and academics to discuss the EU's role in local and regional northern economic development strategies. It considered the immediate consequences of Brexit for the Manchester city-region economy, but also the long-term challenges facing the Northern economy and how the North achieves long-term sustainable economic growth, whatever the outcome of the vote on June 23. Colin Talbot (University of Manchester), Thomas Aubrey (Centre for Progressive Capitalism and founder of Credit Capital Advisory) and Christian Spence (Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce).
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Guardian newsroom: halfway through article 50 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact Join the Guardian political debate with Professor Anand Menon, looking at Article 50 and how the biggest questions still remain unresolved on the customs union, single market and immigration.

Professor Anand Menon, Director of The UK in a Changing Europe
Dan Roberts, The Guardian policy editor
Anne Perkins, The Guardian's deputy policy editor (Chair)
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Health in changing times, 9 November 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact The event was held as part of the ESRC's Festival of Social Science 2020 in partnership with the University of Sheffield, Queen's University Belfast and Shout Out UK. In the debate health policy experts and political scientists discussed the impact of Brexit on the NHS and public health. The event was watched by over 100 people (including Counsellors and NHS Trust governors)
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description House of Commons Committee Staff Training Session 20.07.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact This was an off the record, private seminar session which involved a training programme for House of Commons staff which educated the staff around the following areas: Brexit - the scrutiny so far, how does Britain actually exit?, and the Parliament post-Brexit.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description House of Lords EU committee - 24.11.15 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Anand Menon presented evidence at this event. The European Union Select Committee met with academic experts from King's College London and the London School of Economics to hear their views on the UK Government's vision for EU reform. This followed the publication of the Prime Minister's letter to the President of the European Council, Donald Tusk, outlining the Government's priorities.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015
Description How did we get here? the political economy of immigration to the United Kingdom, King's College London 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Undergraduate students
Results and Impact Details: This inaugural lecture by Professor Jonathan Portes presented a brief history of immigration policy and the immigration debate; set out what we know about the impacts of immigration; and discussed the way forward for UK immigration policy in the context of Brexit.

Feedback: The 395 capacity venue was full, with a further 660 people listening to the audio recording of the lecture.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description How has the EU shaped the environment in the UK? - 14.06.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Third sector organisations
Results and Impact This round table, in connection with the Commission Fund, discussed the findings of a major, impartial ESRC-funded review 'The EU referendum and the UK environment.' The review investigated how EU membership has affected the environment in the UK, and what can be expected after a vote to Remain or Leave.

This event aimed at assessing the scientific evidence collected on these issues, by bringing together academics from different backgrounds to discuss the environmental dimensions of the EU referendum debate.

Speakers included: Viviane Gravey, University of East Anglia, Neil Carter, University of York, Nathalie Berny, Centre Emile Durkheim & Maison française d'Oxford, Liz Fisher, University of Oxford, Claudia Havranek, University of Oxford.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description How might different trade arrangements impact different UK industries, regions and workers? London 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact This event showcased new IFS research - funded by The UK in a Changing Europeon the potential impacts of new trading arrangements with the EU on different industries, workers and regions. Presentations covered questions such as: How important is the EU as a source of exports and imports for different UK industries? How important is the EU as hub through which UK output is exported to China, the US and other major economies?
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description How to Academy: The Brexit Effect: How Brexit Will Change Life, Work, Politics and Business in the UK - 02.12.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Anand Menon spoke at the event: 'What happens next?' in Brexit.
The event consisted of a Q&A session with Anand about the bluster of the politicians and the press, after Menon weighed up our choices for trade deals, and gave the inside track on the probability of adopting agreements pioneered by Norway, Switzerland, Canada and the World Trade Organisation.

Walking us through the probable outcomes as Brexit proceeds, he shareda realistic timeframe for exit, identify whether businesses are likely to move their headquarters, and explore what might happen to Scotland and the UK.

Approximately 125 people attended.
If you want to know what happens next in Brexit, book now to hear Anand Menon at the how to: Academy.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Human rights in transition: impact for the UK in a changing Europe - 17.05.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact This roundtable workshop was organised together with Katie Boyle (commissioning fund, University of Roehampton). It aimed to facilitate discussion on the current and future status of human rights in the UK and Europe.

Catherine Barnard spoke at this event. Other speakers included Professor Lynn Dobbs (Deputy Vice-Chancellor, University of Roehampton), Dr Giles Proctor (Head of Law School, University of Roehampton), Dr Katie Boyle (Senior lecturer, University of Roehampton), Professor Gordon Anthony (Bar of Northern Ireland), Marina Wheeler QC (One Crown Office Row), Dr Sara Drake (Cardiff University), Les Allamby (The Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission), Kavita Chetty (Scottish Human Rights Commission), Professor Lorna McGregor (University of Essex) and Baroness Helena Kennedy QC (Doughty Street Chambers).
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description ITV Filming - Article 50 16.03.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Professor Anand Menon took part in an ITV shoot for a series of reports in preparation of Article 50 being triggered. This also involved discussing the assessment of what the final bill may be and what the challenges may arise in negotiations regarding this.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Identities, democracy and Brexit 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact Since the referendum, there has been very little change in aggregate level attitudes to Brexit - or even individual level churn. Are Leave and Remain being consolidated as social and political identities? How is the politics of Brexit playing out in relation to British, English, Scottish and Welsh identities?

How well do party dynamics in House of Commons reflect and respond to social divisions across Britain? What is the relationship between the UK-level and devolved democratic institutions over Brexit. What is the scope for experimentalist forms of democracy, including democratic minipublics, to address these issues?
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Immigration: what do voters really want, and what does Britain need? 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact Is the sort of migration policy that would be required by EEA membership still just about sellable to a significant number of voters? Could some of the political energy currently being devoted to "stop-Brexit" campaigns be better spent on making a more positive and nuanced case for an open immigration policy?

Broadly, how can the UK economy respond to a future with fewer EEA migrants: if UK nationals need higher wages to draw them into low-skill jobs, what are the implications of that? Or will employers automate instead of hiring more expensive Brits?
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description In or out? Debating Britain's EU membership - 21.04.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Catherine Barnard spoke at this event which was organised by Adrian Pabst (Kent). Other speakers included Baroness Julie Smith (Cambridge), Sir William Cash MP (Conservative), Lord Bernard Donoughue (Labour), John Erik Fossum (Oslo), Richard Corbett MEP (Labour), Bill Etheridge MEP (UKIP), Agata Gostynska-Jakubowska (Centre for European Reform) and Timothy Kirkhope MEP (Conservative).
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description India Today TV Filming 20.04.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Professor Anand took part in an India TV broadcast which involved discussions around the topic of Brexit and what this means for the UK and international relations. Other guests included: Dhimant Trivedi - Chairman Bank of Baroda ,UK-Europe - Sarosh Zaiwalla - Chairman, Zaiwalla and Zaiwalla solicitors, Lance Foreman - Chairman, foreman and sons.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Institute of ideas debating matter competition - 16.06.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact In a special one-off event by the University of East London (UEL) and Nottingham Trent University (NTU) and co-organised by the Institute of Ideas' Debating Matters Competition, a public debate was organised on whether the UK should leave the EU, exactly one week before the referendum. The debate saw two teams of sixth-formers battle it out using the challenging and unique Debating Matters format to discuss both sides of EU membership. The teams were put under additional pressure to get to the heart of the EU debate with a panel of esteemed judges and audience questions but had an opportunity to fully research the motion in advance with the help of one of Debating Matters' acclaimed Topic Guides.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Insurance Times's Brexit Forum - 19.09.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Anand Menon spoke at this event called the Brexit Forum which took place at the Hilton London Tower Bridge. It provided the first opportunity for the insurance industry to come together to discuss the implications of the EU referendum vote for their sector.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description International trade arrangements after Brexit: establishing the facts - 09.12.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact A one-day conference examining the implications of UK trade arrangements outside of the EU for tariffs, market access and the harmonisation of standards and regulations. The goal was to help participants gain a better understanding of their economic costs and benefits in light of Brexit.

The audience was a mix of researchers, policy and political advisers, journalists, public servants and practitioners from the private sector. Approximately 60 people attended in the first half with more than 80 in the afternoon. The event was heavily tweeted about throughout with contributions from Surrey, Sussex, LSE and Kings live tweeting.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Isolation Insight: 'Global Britain', 20 January 2021 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Our panellists Lisa Nandy (Shadow Foreign Secretary and Labour MP for Wigan), Tom Tugendhat (Conservative MP for Tonbridge and Malling and Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee), Sir Lawrence Freedman KCMG CBE PC FBA (Emeritus Professor of War Studies, King's College London) and Rana Mitter OBE FBA (Professor of the History and Politics of Modern China, and fellow of St Cross College at the University of Oxford) discussed British foreign policy after Brexit.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Isolation Insight: Covid-19 and post-Brexit migration 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact This Isolation Insight event reflected on what the UK's post Brexit immigration regime could look like considering public opinion on immigration and the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. Our deputy director Tim Bale was joined by Alberto Costa (Conservative MP for South Leicestershire), our senior fellow Jonathan Portes, Professor Lauren McLaren (University of Leicester) and Marina Fernandez Reino (Migration Observatory).
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Isolation Insight: Devolution: change, continuity and crisis, 25 March 2021 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact Brexit's impact on UK devolution has been a major issue since the EU referendum.

How has the UK's departure from the EU impacted the devolved administrations in Scotland and Wales? Is devolution in crisis after Brexit and Covid-19? And what do the public think about devolution?

At this Isolation Insight event, speakers discussed.


Professor Sir John Curtice, Senior Fellow at UK in a Changing Europe and Professor of Politics, University of Strathclyde
Professor Ailsa Henderson, Principal Investigator for the ESRC-funded Scottish Election Study
Professor Richard Wyn Jones, Director of Cardiff University's Wales Governance Centre and Principal Investigator for the ESRC-funded Welsh Election Study
Philip Rycroft, former Head of UK Governance Group, Cabinet Office
Chair: Dan Wincott, Director, Governance after Brexit
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Isolation Insight: Economics of Covid-19 and Brexit, revisited, 22 July 2021 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact At this Isolation Insight event, speakers discussed the economics of Brexit and Covid-19, shortly after England ended coronavirus restrictions.


Ben Chu, economics editor, BBC Newsnight
Meredith Crowley, senior fellow, UK in a Changing Europe
Gemma Tetlow, chief economist, Institute for Government
Jonathan Portes, senior fellow, UK in a Changing Europe
Chair: Anand Menon, director, UK in a Changing Europe
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Isolation Insight: Four years since the referendum: the state of public opinion, 23 June 2020 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact This Isolation Insight event marked four years since the EU referendum, where our speakers discussed how public opinion has changed since the vote, how values have evolved and shaped politics, trust in government and leaders, and more. Our Director Anand Menon was joined by Paula Surridge (political sociologist, University of Bristol), Professor Will Jennings (professor of political science and public policy, University of Southampton), James Johnson (co-founder of J.L. Partners) and our senior fellow Sir John Curtice.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Isolation Insight: The Scottish Parliament election, 29 April 2021 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact The upcoming Scottish Parliament election could have a critical impact on the future of the Union, with the issue of independence dominating the election campaign, alongside Covid-19 recovery. Currently, polls suggest there will be another pro-independence majority in the parliament.

At this event, hosted in partnership with the Centre on Constitutional Change, the panel discussed.


Professor Nicola McEwen, Co-Director, Centre on Constitutional Change and Senior Fellow, UK in a Changing Europe
Professor John Curtice, Senior Fellow, UK in a Changing Europe
Kenny Farquharson, Columnist, The Times
Professor Ailsa Henderson, Principal Investigator for the Scottish Election Study
Chair: Paula Surridge, Deputy Director, UK in a Changing Europe
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Isolation Insight: The economics of Brexit and Covid-19, 12 June 2020 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact This Isolation Insight event discussed the economics of the coronavirus pandemic and the UK's departure from the EU. Our Director Anand Menon was joined by Ben Chu (economics editor at the Independent), Dr Gemma Tetlow (chief economist, Institute for Government) and our fellows Professor Jonathan Portes and Dr Meredith Crowley.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Isolation Insight: the future of the EU, 3 February 2021 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Speakers discussed the future of the European Union and what the United Kingdom's departure might mean for the bloc.

Speakers are:

Lisa O'Carroll, Brexit Correspondent, The Guardian
Helen Thompson, Professor of Political Economy, University of Cambridge
Simon Hix, Professor of Political Science and Pro-Director (Research), London School of Economics and Political Science
Loukas Tsoukalis, Professor, Paris School of International Affairs, Sciences Po, and President of the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy, Athens
Chair: Anand Menon, Director, UK in a Changing Europe
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description JP Morgan Philanthropy Forum (Cambodia) 29.04.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact J.P Morgan Philanthropy Forum which aims to inspire collaboration and systematic change, within the overarching themes of values, innovation and leadership. The forum was structured into key note speeches, panel discussions, networking sessions and a curate field visit. Professor Anand Menon gave a plenary session on values, innovation and leadership.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Journalist Dinner 18.04.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact Discussions over dinner with various journalists discussing Brexit implications.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description KCL Schools Event - 18.04.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact Anand Menon talked at this event which consisted of a Q&A session with approximately 200 students.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Keele World Affairs Lecture: Britain and the EU - The Referendum 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact Professor Anand Menon gave a key note speech at the Keele World Affairs event which is an international event where a wide range of distinguished speakers give their views on international political topics. The Key note was titled "Britain and the EU: The Referendum and Beyond". Members of the House of Lords and Commons speak as well as ambassadors and academics from UK universities also speak at this event.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description LSE's Referendum Night 2016 - 23.06.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact This evening of panel debates between LSE academics and external experts as well as expert commentaries as the first results were reported from across the nation. Anand Menon, Matthew Goodwin, Simon Hix, Jo Hunt, Damian Chalmers, Catherine Barnard, Angus Armstrong and Iain Begg spoke. Other speakers included Craig Calhoun (LSE), Kevin Featherstone (LSE), Conor Gearty (LSE), Sara Hobolt (LSE), Anthony Wells (YouGov), Tony Travers (LSE), Sue Cameron (Telegraph), Claus Grube (Danish Ambassador to the UK), Michel Petite (Clifford Chance), Vicky Pryce (Centre for Economics and Business Research), John Van Reenen (LSE), Danuta Hubner MEP (MEP and former European Commissioner of Regional Policy), Quentin Peel (Chatham House), Luis Garicano (LSE) and Sylvie Bermann (French Ambassador to the UK).

The event went really well and saw around 500 people attending the event throughout the night.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Labour MP briefing 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Anand Menon spoke at a Labour MP briefing to both MPs and peers.
Approximately 20 MPs and peers attended.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Labour party conference: What Labour wants from Brexit 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Panel discussion on 'What Labour wants from Brexit' hosted by The UK in a Changing Europe.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description LabourList: Labour's Brexit policy, 6 October 2020 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact For our first event held in conjunction LabourList Anand was joined by Rachel Reeves (Shadow Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster and Shadow Minister for the Cabinet Office, Labour Party), Stephen Bush (Political Editor, New Statesman) and Sienna Rodgers (Editor, LabourList). At the event the panelists looked at Labour's Brexit policy and the negotiations.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description LabourList: Labour: a year after the election, 15 December 2020 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Our second event with LabourList Anand and Sienna were joined by Bell Ribeiro-Addy (MP for Streatham, Labour Party), Lucy Powell (Shadow Minister for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy and MP for Manchester Central, Labour Party), and Sir John Curtice (senior fellow, UK in a Changing Europe). The event was held a year after the last general election and examined how the party has changed in the last 12 months and what it will need to do to win in 2024.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Liberal Democrat party conference: What next for Brexit? 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact The UK in a Changing Europe with IPPR will host 'What Next for Brexit?, a panel discussion at the Liberal Democrat party conference.


Rt Hon Tom Brake MP, Liberal Democrat Spokesperson for Exiting the European Union and International Trade
Baroness Sarah Ludford, Liberal Democrat Lords spokesman on Europe
Catherine Bearder MEP
Dr Simon Usherwood, Deputy Director, The UK in a Changing Europe
Chair: Tom Kibasi, Director, IPPR
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Live webinar: Economics of Covid-19 and Brexit, revisited, 15 October 2020 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Anand chaired the event along with panelists Ben Chu (economics editor, Independent), senior fellows Professor Jonathan Portes and Dr Meredith Crowley, (senior fellow, UK in a Changing Europe) and Dr Gemma Tetlow (chief economist, Institute for Government). The event looked at the economics of the coronavirus pandemic and the UK-EU negotiations.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Live webinar: Transatlantic relations after the US election, 3 November 2020 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Held on the day of the US Election and examining what the outcome of the vote might mean for transatlantic relations. The event featured Gideon Rachman (Chief Foreign Affairs Commentator, Financial Times), Jeremy Shapiro (Research Director, European Council on Foreign Relations), Kate McNamara (Professor of Government and Foreign Service, Georgetown University) and Anand.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description May local elections: what's at stake? 20 April 2021 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact On Thursday 6 May, England will head to the polls to vote in the 2021 set of local elections, taking place against a backdrop of Covid-19 and the impact of Brexit. But why are these elections important?

At our recent Isolation Insight event, speakers discussed.


Professor Jane Green, Director, Nuffield Politics Research Centre and Co-Director, British Election Study
Professor Michael Thrasher, Elections Analyst, Sky News and Associate Member, Nuffield College
Kate Proctor, Political Editor, Dods Group
Paula Surridge, Deputy Director, UK in a Changing Europe
Chair: Professor Anand Menon, Director, UK in a Changing Europe
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Me, you and Brexit, Hay- on- wye 01.06.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Details: Catherine Barnard one of our senior fellows spoke at the Hay Festival to discuss the legal complexities surrounding the Brexit negotiations.
Feedback: More than 40 people attended the session with a mix of attendees students, members of the public and academics.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Media Briefing with the Political Studies Association, King's College London 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact This media briefing addressed what will be happening in the upcoming EU Council Summit. The expert panel was made up of Simon Usherwood, Katy Hayward & Catherine Barnard. 40 national and international journalists attended, from media outlets such as The Telegraph, ITV Good Morning Britain, Channel 5 and The Economist, as well as French, German & Japanese broadsheets.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Meeting with New Zealand PM - 13.01.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact The NZ Priminister had a meeting scheduled with Prime Minister Teresa May on the 13.01.17. As part of his programme the Priminister asked for a group of opinion leaders and experts for an informal discussion on what Brexit means and the UK outlook. New Zealand is closely following the Brexit process and the potential implication for our own economy and relationship with the UK and we have already established a dialogue process as it relates to trade issues.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Moving on: A Labour approach to the post-Brexit economy ahead of the Autumn Statement - 18.11.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Anand Menon spoke on the panel at this event held by SMF which dealt with Labour's approach to the post-Brexit economy ahead of the Autumn Statement.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description NHS Future Leaders Forum - Brexit - 16.11.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Anand Menon spoke at this event. The themes of the forum included: workforce, regulation, funding and finance, cross-border cooperation and patient access. The event consisted of a Q&A with Anand and a representative from Deloitte.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Navigating Brexit - labour mobility between the UK and the EU, London 02.05.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact A discussion on the future of labour mobility between the UK and the EU with senior fellow Jonathan Portes and former Conservative party leader Iain Duncan Smith. The purpose of the discussion was to focus on examining the role of labour mobility and migration in trade policy, what role a skills threshold should play (if any) under any new migration scheme and what steps businesses should be taking now to prepare for the end of free movement between the UK and EU
Feedback: 80 people attended mostly from the business sector. Positive feedback overall from businesses who felt the event was highly informative and productive.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Negotiating Brexit: where now? London 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact In the wake of the decisive October European Council, this one-day conference, convened by Professor Hussein Kassim, UEA, and Dr Simon Usherwood, University of Surrey,
took stock of the negotiations, considering the outstanding obstacles, including the Irish border, trade, financial services and other key sectors, ultimately looking towards the endgame.

Feedback: Around 200 people attended, with another 70 watching the livestream Audience feedback indicated it was a high-quality event: "It was an excellent conference. The best on Brexit I've been to." "I am pleased that this important issue has attracted such attention." There will be a report with video links shortly on the "Negotiating Brexit" project website
and "The UK in a Changing Europe" website.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description New appointments for The UK in a Changing Europe and governance after Brexit programmes 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact The Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) is delighted to announce two new appointments to the UK in a Changing Europe and the Governance after Brexit programmes. ESRC has appointed the University of Surrey's Dr Simon Usherwood as Deputy Director of The UK in a Changing Europe. Cardiff University's Professor Daniel Wincott has been appointed as Leadership Coordinator, Governance and Brexit Research, for 25 recently commissioned Brexit priority grants.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description New report on Brexit and public opinion reveals profound divisions in the UK 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Nineteen months on from the EU referendum, the report 'Brexit and public opinion' by The UK in a Changing Europe, underlines the divisions in UK society
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description New report shows Brexit creating significant tensions between Westminster and devolved and local government 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact The report - Brexit: local and devolved government - underlines tensions between London and the devolved administrations.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description New report warns of danger of Brexit security 'cliff-edge' 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact The report - Post-Brexit law enforcement cooperation: negotiations and future options - argues the UK Government has provided little in the way of specifics concerning what future security cooperation with the EU will look like, despite the very complex nature of this relationship and the likely need for trade-offs on both sides. Negotiations will be hugely time-consuming, and cannot be left until the last minute to resolve.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description New research shows it may be possible to restrict free movement while staying in the single market 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact The research, by Professor Portes at King's College London and senior fellow at The UK in a Changing Europe, finds a new system could be designed that preserves the principle that European Economic Area (EEA) citizens could move to the UK to look for, and take up, work while giving the UK public greater assurance that migration from the rest of the EEA was monitored and, where appropriate, controlled.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description No Deal Report launch, 23 September 2020 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact Our senior fellows Jonathan Portes, Catherine Barnard and Katy Hayward as well as Senior research fellow Jill Rutter joined Anand for this event which marked the launch of the most recent edition of our No Deal report. The report looked at everything from trade to connectivity to foreign policy to cooperation in policing, and how a failure to strike an agreement with the EU will impact on us. We had participants from predominantly EU countries and journalists from The Telegraph, the BBC, Les Echos and Australian Financial Review as well as many others.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Northern Ireland at the edge: What's next after Brexit - 15.09.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Organised by Commissioning fund holders Lee McGowan and Daniel Phinnemore at the University of Belfast. Part of a series of talks themed around Brexit under Chatham House Rules.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Northern Irish external affairs post-Brexit: between Stormont, Westminster and Brussels - 08.11.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact This event was held as part of a series of workshops on the future of the UK's foreign and security policy post-Brexit, organised in cooperation between the UK in a Changing Europe and Chatham House. The main themes of the event, among other things, concerned: what role will the devolved administration play in the Brexit negotiations, what form might the post-Brexit relationship between Northern Ireland and the European Union take?
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Overcoming the challenges of Brexit at local level 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact This is a fringe event at the Conservative Party Conference.

Please note that this event will be held outside the secure zone and will be open to both delegates and the public.


Andrew Carter, Chief Executive, Centre for Cities
Professor Anand Menon, Director, UK in a Changing Europe
Professor Raquel Ortega-Argilés, City-REDI
Professor Anne Green, City-REDI
Jeremy Lefroy MP, Member of the Exiting the EU Select Committee
Andy Street, Mayor of the West Midlands
Chair: Professor Simon Collinson, Deputy Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Regional Economic Engagement
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Panel Session Five: 5C Managing Transboundary Crisis: The Evolving Role of The European Union 05.05.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Professor Anand Menon chaired the discussion on 'Managing Transboundary Crisis: The Evolvong Role of the European Union' (European Union Studies Association in Miami, Florida).
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Panel discussion on 'views from the EU-27: paths to pursuing Brexit - 12.12.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact This panel discussion on 'Views from the EU-27: Paths to pursuing Brexit' was organised by our senior fellow Dr Simon Usherwood from Surrey University. The speakers gave their thoughts on the positions of other member-states, reflecting on the priorities that national governments will seek to promote and defend in negotiations with the UK, as well as the future path of the EU.

70+ attendees were present, ranging from MPs, civil servants, economists and members of the public. Other thinks tanks such as Centre for European Reform and Open Europe attended. The hashtag #eu27views was so popular due to the excessive live tweeting that it started trending.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Parliament & Brexit, London 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact Details: This half-day conference, hosted in partnership with the Legal Education Foundation, looked at how Brexit has affected the constitutional set-up of Parliament, its
procedural workings and the politics inside both Houses.

Feedback: Over 60 people attended, filling the room, including national and international journalists.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Pint of Science Event 17.05.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact Pint of Science talks aim to convey the latest issues being tackled and questions being answered in laboratories and universities. Professor Anand Menon delivered an expert talk on "Implications of Brexit: Changing UK-EU relations", this was organised by the Department of European and International Studies.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Planning for the Unknown: How Brexit Might Affect your Business - 12.01.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Anand Menon spoke at this event as part of a series of events that bring together senior investment officials at pension funds and insurers with asset management firms. At the time, many people were interested in scenario analysis and how this can be used for planning for the unknown - with a prominent example being the current Brexit negotiations

Approximately 125 people attended.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016,2017
Description Podcast: Brexit And Beyond with Chris Bickerton 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Kicking off the new year, Professor Anand Menon talks to Dr Chris Bickerton, politics lecturer and official fellow at Queens' College, Cambridge.

They discuss European integration, the UK's role after Brexit and the reasons behind his scepticism of the UK's EU membership.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Podcast: Brexit And Beyond with Paula Surridge 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact In this episode, Paula Surridge from the university of Bristol discusses her research on social values and the effect they may have on people's preferences when it comes to Brexit. As tomorrow is the one year anniversary of the general election they also discuss voting, polling and focus groups.

This episode was hosted by Professor Tim Bale, Deputy Director of the UK in Changing Europe.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Podcast: Brexit And Beyond with Professor Cas Mudde 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Cas Mudde, professor at the School of Public and International Affairs at the University of Athens in Georgia and Guardian US columnist, speaks to our Deputy Director Professor Tim Bale.

They discuss his thoughts on populism, euroscepticism, the US election and how academics should use the media to communicate to wider audiences.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Podcast: Brexit And Beyond with Professor Danny Dorling 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact In this episode, Danny Dorling, social geographer and professor of geography at the University of Oxford talks to host Professor Anand Menon about the wealth and inequality gap in this country, how academics should communicate their findings to the wider world and the importance of using experts in a pandemic.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Podcast: Brexit And Beyond with Professor Ngaire Woods 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact In this episode, our guest Ngaire Woods, founding dean of the Blavatnik School of Government and Professor of Global Economic Governance at the University of Oxford speaks to host Professor Anand Menon.

They discuss the aim of the Blavatnik School of Government, how to communicate between academia and the world of policy and what impact the result of the US elections could mean for the concept of a Global Britain.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Podcast: Brexit And Beyond with Professor Nicola McEwen 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact In this episode of the Brexit and Beyond podcast, Professor Anand Menon speaks to Nicola McEwen, senior fellow at the UK in a Changing Europe and professor of territorial politics at the University of Edinburgh.

They discuss the Internal Market Bill and it's impact on devolution and the union as well the possibility of another Scottish independence referendum.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Podcast: Brexit And Beyond with Professor Peter A. Hall 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact In this episode, our special guest is Peter A. Hall,Professor of European Studies at Harvard university.

They discuss populism in the USA and in Europe, how former US president Donald Trump gained the respect from white working class voters and why academics should do more to engage in political and public debates. The episode was hosted by Professor Anand Menon, director of the UK in a Changing Europe.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Podcast: Brexit And Beyond with Professor Will Jennings 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Professor Will Jennings, Professor of Political Science and Public Policy at the University of Southampton, talks to deputy director Professor Tim Bale about his latest report 'Will getting Brexit done restore political trust?', what voters really think about our politicians and how academics can communicate to wider audiences.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Podcast: Brexit And Beyond with Professors Maria Sobolewska and Rob Ford 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact In this episode, our guests Maria Sobolewska, Professor of political science at the University of Manchester and Rob Ford, professor of politics at the University of Manchester speak to deputy director, Professor Tim Bale.

They discuss their latest book Brexitland: Identity, Diversity and the Reshaping of British Politics, looking at Brexit from a historical perspective, and describing how the UK electorate has changed, socially and in terms of values, in the decades leading up to the EU referendum in 2016.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Podcast: Brexit And Beyond with Professors Matt Goodwin and Jonathan Portes 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact To kick off the new academic year, our host and director of the UK in a Changing Europe speaks to our former fellow and professor at Kent university Matthew Goodwin and our senior fellow and professor of political economy, Jonathan Portes on whether social media is a hindrance or a help to academics and whether debates should be played out on Twitter.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Podcast: Brexit and Beyond with Professor Catherine Barnard 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact In this episode, Deputy Director of UK in a Changing Europe, Catherine Barnard, Professor of European Union and Labour Law at Cambridge University speaks to host Professor Anand Menon.

They discuss the Trade and Cooperation Agreement, what it means and how it will impact the country's future trade and the importance of having UK in a Changing Europe as a voice for social scientists.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Podcast: Brexit and Beyond with Professor Diane Coyle 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Professor Diane Coyle, former adviser to UK Treasury and co-director of the Bennett Institute for Public Policy at Cambridge University, discusses everything from whether we can measure the size of an economy, and how much we still get wrong, to the economic impact of Covid-19 to whether economists can and should do more to explain the economy to non-economists.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Podcast: Brexit and Beyond with Professor Jane Green 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact In this episode, Jane Green, professor of political science at the University of Oxford and co-director of the British Election Study, talks to Professor Anand Menon about why elections are so hard to predict, what kind of electoral shock the pandemic might turn out to be and why communication to non-experts is essential.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Podcast: Brexit and Beyond with Professor Loukas Tsoukalis 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact In this episode, special guest Loukas Tsoukalis, Professor of European Integration at the University of Athens speaks to host Professor Anand Menon.

They discuss lessons learned about Britain from the experience of the referendum and its aftermath, UK's relationship with the EU and the need for greater flexibility for the future of EU integration.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Podcast: Brexit and Beyond with Professor Margaret MacMillan 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact In this first episode of the Brexit and Beyond podcast, Margaret Macmillan, Professor of International History at Oxford University talks to host Professor Anand Menon, director of The UK in a Changing Europe about what the pandemic has shown us and why she is relatively optimistic about what the future might hold. How leaders can regain the trust of those they lead and whether we can really learn the lessons of history.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Policy workshop - implications of Brexit for EU migrants - 10.05.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact This workshop was for policy-makers and practitioners to discuss the Centre for Population Change's latest research on EU migrants living in the UK, migrants' attitudes to the forthcoming referendum and the resulting social policy implications.

Jonathan Portes spoke at this workshop. Other speakers included Professor Jane Falkingham OBE, FAcSS (University of Southampton), Professor Maria Evandrou (University of Southampton), Professor Helga de Valk (Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute), Professor Derek McGhee (University of Southampton), Professor Anne White (UCL), Professor Paul Bridge (University of Southampton), Professor Traute Meyer (University of Southampton), Dr Ann Morissens (University College Leuven) and Andreas Edel (Population Europe).
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Political Associations Conference - Perspectives on Brexit 10.04.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact This event was the 67th Annual Conference of the Political Studies Association (PSA). The conference highlighted Brexit plans and discussions around the consequences of life post-Brexit. Professor Anand gave a speech during a plenary session on the Perspectives on Brexit, along with Anneliese Dodds MEP and Professor Michael Keating (University of Aberdeen). This was chaired by Professor Janice Morphet (University College London).
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Political attitudes in Northern Ireland: Katy Hayward on Joe Biden, 10 June 2021 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact In light of the G7 summit, Senior Fellow Professor Katy Hayward, shares her thoughts on the UK-US special relationship, Joe Biden's view on the Northern Ireland Protocol and Good Friday Agreement at our 'Political attitudes in Northern Ireland' event.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Post Referendum press briefing 27.06.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact This morning briefing for journalists and members of the media to ask questions to a panel including Anand Menon, John Curtice, Catherine Bernard, Matthew Goodwin, Sarah Hagemann and Simon Usherwood on the Monday following the referendum vote.

The event went well with 50 journalists and attended by people from The Sun, The Economist and other prominent foreign media such as Le Monde.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Press Briefing on Customs Union, King's College London 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact The panel consisted of Professor Steve Peers, Professor Anand Menon, Pete Levell and Dr Thomas Sampson discussing customs borders, trade, tariffs and the customs arrangements. 70 journalists attended the briefing, including journalists from Daily Express, Guardian, ITV, Channel 5 and a range of international media.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Press Briefing, King's College London 13.12.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact The purpose of the briefing was to give journalists a summary of 2017 and what to look out for in the year ahead. Experts on the panel included Catherine Barnard, Anand Menon and Simon Usherwood. Feedback: 75 Journalists in attendance. List of media outlets including:
Daily Express
The Telegraph
The Atlantic
El Mundo
Le Figaro
Tokyo Newspaper
The Conversation
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Press Conference for our Brexit: Six months on - 21.12.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact The launching of our report put together by all the senior fellows who outlined what had happened since the referendum vote, and what to expect in 2017 and beyond. The report, compiled with the Political Studies Association, was embargoed until the 23rd December, exactly 6 months after the EU referendum. Introductions were included from Jo Hunt, Matthew Goodwin, Catherine Barnard and Anand Menon.

50 journalists attended. Wide media coverage with reporters and journalists from: Guardian, The Times, Telegraph, Mirror, Financial Times, ITV, BBC, Sky news, Channel 4.

It also received international coverage from German, Swiss, Japanese, Polish and Ukrainian TV and radio stations. The report was continuously highlighted on both our Twitter and Facebook accounts with it being promoted throughout the Christmas break this contributed to our increase in followers in that period.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Priority Brexit Grant Event - Institute for Government 22.06.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact This was an IfG event based around (Brexit, devolution and IGR). This involved discussions around this area of interest. The audience included attendees from the Cabinet office, BEIS, Treasury, Scottish Govt, Welsh Govt, and the Northern Ireland Executive.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Professor Anand Menon on BBC Question Time 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Professor Anand Menon appeared on BBC Question Time from Derby gaining around 2000 additional followers for The UK in a Changing Europe on Twitter.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Public attitudes to Brexit, London 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Our Brexit coordinator Thomas Leeper spoke at the National Council Voluntary Organisations event looking at public opinion across the mass media and political elites. Particularly assessing behavioural patterns, social identities and psychological traits. The discussion was live streamed via our periscope which has been viewed more than 600 times.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Public panel debate - implications of Brexit for EU migrants - 10.05.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact This public panel debate followed the abovementioned workshop. It discussed the wider issues around the Centre for Population Change's research on EU migrants living in the UK, migrants' attitude to the forthcoming referendum and the resulting social policy implications.

Mark Mardell (BBC), Professor Jane Falkingham OBE, FAcSS (University of Southampton), Don Flynn (Migrants' Rights Network), Professor Derek McGhee (University of Southampton), Professor Traute Meyer (University of Southampton) and Dr Athina Vlachantoni (University of Southampton) spoke.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Putting Brexit into perspective: Day 1 - 19.04.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact This was part 1 of a two-day workshop considering the impact of Brexit on the UK's defence, security and foreign policy. It took place at King's College London with the welcoming remarks made by Anand Menon.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Putting Brexit into perspective: Day 2 - 20.04.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact This was part 2 of a two-day workshop considering the impact of Brexit on the UK's defence, security and foreign policy.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Question Time Panel at Portcullis House with FSB - 26.10.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Anand Menon spoke at this event which consisted of approximately 150 MPs. Hartley-Brewer chaired the panel which also consisted of Chris Philp MP, Croydon South, Nick Andrews MD of a Compliance Co and Board Member of an International Bank and Antonio Falco, FSB Regional Chairman and Surrey Business Consultant.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description RSA Brexit Event 22.06.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact This event was a panel discussion which involved Professor Anand Menon to coincide with the Brexit Vote Anniversary and to reflect on where the UK is now. This session formed as part of RSA's regular lunchtime series which aims to make ideas as accessible as possible to the general public.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Reddit Ask Me Anything with the Independent 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Professor Anand Menon answered commenter's questions on Brexit, Britain's future in Europe, and what happens between now and March 29.

Feedback: The thread received 179 comments and 261 'upvotes'.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Referendum reflections: one year on 19.06.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Details: This involved key participants looking back at the EU referendum, and reflecting on both what has transpired since and what the future might hold. Speakers included;
? Matthew Elliott, former CEO of Vote Leave, senior fellow Legatum Institute and editor-at-large of BrexitCentral ? Will Straw, former executive director of Britain Stronger In Europe, campaign consultant and founder of Left Foot Forward ? Heather Stewart, political editor at The Guardian, and former economics editor of The Observer ? Director Professor Anand Menon (chair) Feedback: 259 people attended (Men: 149 Women: 91) with a mix of students, retired, young professionals and academics. The results of our feedback forms (over 50 responded) showed an overwhelming satisfaction rate over the organisation, interest and discussion describing it as 'very interesting' 'very accessible' and 'very enjoyable'. The majority of attendees were aged between 30-50 year olds. A number of media outlets were present both to film the event and to interview the speakers such as BBC Parliament.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Remain or leave? Local, national and international perspectives on the EU referendum - 08.06.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact This event brought together politicians, academics and members of the public to discuss the EU referendum and the campaign. Speakers included David Coburn (MEP for Scotland, UKIP), Ronald Granieri (Foreign Policy Research Institute, Philadelphia and University of Pennsylvania), Vonnie Sandlan (NUS Scotland President). Andrew Glencross (Commissioning fund, University of Stirling) chaired the event.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Report launch: UK Regulation after Brexit, 26 February 2021 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact The event discussed the 'UK Regulation after Brexit' report's key findings including how UK regulation has changed since the transition period ended on 31 December 2020. It looked at the UK's readiness to assume regulatory responsibility from the EU, the extent the UK has diverged from EU policy, and the long-term prospects for UK alignment or divergence.


Peter Foster, Public Policy Editor, Financial Times
Professor Catherine Barnard, Deputy Director, UK in a Changing Europe
Professor Charlotte Burns, University of Sheffield
Professor Sarah Hall, Senior Fellow, UK in a Changing Europe
Chaired by Professor Hussein Kassim, Senior Fellow, UK in a Changing Europe
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Report launch: governing UK fisheries policy after Brexit 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Brexit research leader Dr Craig McAngus together with his colleagues launched their latest report on fisheries and Brexit. They presented their findings from research into how other non-EU coastal states govern their fisheries policies. 25 people attended the report launch including the Norwegian and Icelandic Ambassador, Researchers from the New Economic foundation, Department for Trade, Open Europe, Department for food and rural affairs. Craig's report featured in the press and journal.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Reporting the road to Brexit 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Third sector organisations
Results and Impact To launch his latest book on 'Reporting the road to Brexit' Professor Anthony Ridge Newman together with a group of panellists discussed Brexit, EU-UK politics and the media.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Researching Brexit: between activism, engagement and the perils of neutrality 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact The discussion surrounding the UK's exit from the European Union has become increasingly contentious. Its presentation in public discourse has created a polarising debate with seemingly decreasing space for informed engagement from experts. The perils of such engagement, particularly on social media, can be stark.

This round table brings together scholars researching, or actively engaged in discussion and debate, on Brexit to consider the place of academic neutrality. In so doing, the participants will reflect on their own personal experiences and consider how we as a community of European Studies scholars can do better to support our colleagues and ensure salient research is able to inform public discussion both on and off social media.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Roundtable: Gender and the Brexit debate - 14.06.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact The Centre for the Advancement of Women in Politics (CAWP) at Queen's University Belfast hosted a Roundtable entitled Gender and the Brexit Debate. Despite much discussion about a potential Brexit, gender was overlooked in this debate. This roundtable event provided an opportunity to engage with the question of whether the UK should remain or leave the EU from the gender perspective.

The panel discussion, in connection with the Commissioning Fund, was an a opportunity for people to engage with members from the academic, trade union and community & voluntary sectors, and provided an excellent opportunity to ask questions and reflect on gender, the EU and the implications of a potential Brexit.

Roundtable speakers included: Roberta Guerrina, University of Surrey, Annick Masselot, University of Canterbury, New Zealand, Lee McGowan, Queen's University Belfast,
Clare Moore, Irish Congress of Trade Unions and others.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Royal Society Event: 'Brexit Begins: How To Avoid Disaster and Make The Best of it for Both Sides'. 27.06.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact This was a workshop which took place at the Royal Society which aimed to discuss strategy around "how to get a clean Brexit". Below is an overview of some of the questions which were discussed during the conference:
What are the main obstacles to a successful Brexit and how can they be avoided? What can the European People's Party do to facilitate a fruitful conclusion of the negotiations and the emergence of a viable framework for the future relationship? This topic was introduced by Baroness Smith of Newham, Cambridge University, Prof. Anand Menon, Kings College London and Gunnar Hökmark, MEP
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Rule Britannia or rue Britannia? The UK's foreign and security policy after Brexit - 31.10.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact This lecture was held by our senior fellow Richard Whitman at Cardiff University. The objectives of the event looked at how Brexit would affect National and security policy.

Around 40 attendees were present including a good mix of students, local organisations and general members of the public
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description SNP conference: Scotland, the UK and Brexit: what happens now? 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact The UK in a Changing Europe with IPPR hosted this panel discussion at the SNP Conference, with Stephen Gethins MP, Michael Russell MSP, Professor Nicola McEwen and Professor Anand Menon.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Sceptics in the Pub event - 11.05.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Anand Menon talked at this event which discussed the EU Referendum in May 2016 where Dr Phil Daniels (Newcastle) and Professor Anand Menon (Kings College London) partook in a chaired discussion on the positive and negatives of the EU, with the aim to bring extra clarity and insist to a difficult and hard to follow political campaign.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Schools event with Hussein Kassim at UEA - 07.03.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact Anand Menon talked at this event which was aimed at school children to discuss the upcoming Referendum.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Scotland and Brexit- 20.09.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Fellows Michael Keating and Laura Cram spoke at this. The event looked at implications of the UK's vote to leave the European Union are still emerging. However, it is clear that the relationships between Scotland, the rest of the UK and the EU will change dramatically over the next few years.

Speakers included: Laura Cram, Professor of European Politics (University of Edinburgh), David Bell, Professor of Economics (University of Stirling), Christina Boswell, Professor of Politics (University of Edinburgh), David Heald, Professor of Public Sector Accounting (Glasgow), Ailsa Henderson, Professor of Politics (University of Edinburgh), Nicola McEwen, Professor of Territorial Politics (University of Edinburgh) and Associate Director of the Centre on Constitutional Change, Alan Page, Professor of Public Law (Dundee).
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Scotland and the future of the Union, 26 May 2021 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Four our second event in partnership with ConservativeHome and shortly after the Scottish Parliament election, our panel analysed the outcome and the consequences for the Conservatives, Scotland and the Union.


Douglas Ross MP MSP, Leader of the Scottish Conservatives
Mandy Rhodes, Editor, Holyrood Magazine
Professor Nicola McEwen, Senior Fellow, UK in a Changing Europe
Chair: Henry Hill, News Editor, ConservativeHome
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Security Tests Report Launch, London 26.02.18 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact The report, 'A successful Brexit: three foreign and security policy tests' from academic group The UK in a Changing Europe, provides a framework for assessing what Brexit might mean for the UK's international role.

Tom Tugendhat MP, Chairman of the House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee, will be launching the report at 12.30pm on Monday 26 February
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Sheffield City Region and Brexit: prospects for industry, growth and local economic resilience - 09.06.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact This event provided a forum for business representatives, policymakers and academics to discuss the EU's role in local and regional northern economic development strategies. It considered the immediate consequences of Brexit for the Sheffield city region economy, but also the long-term challenges facing the Northern economy and how the North achieves long-term sustainable economic growth. Speakers included Linda McAvan MEP (MEP for Yorkshire and the Humber), Richard Wright (Sheffield Chamber of Commerce and Industry). Danni Hewson (BBC Look North Yorkshire) chaired the event.

We had an excellent mix of academics and practitioners, particularly private sector and local authority representatives, but also trade unions. There were around 35-40 people. People in attendance included: members of the city council, various lecturers from the university, business leaders and members of the Yorkshire & Humber TUC.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Sir Roger Memorial lecture delivered by Professor Anand Menon 30.05.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Delivering the prestigious fourth annual lecture in memory of Professor Sir Roger Jowell discussing what the vote for Brexit means for the UK and its relationship with the countries who remain a part of the union.
Feedback: 100 people attended the event mostly made up of academics and members of the general public. The event received positive feedback.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Spinoza Foundation event - 16.01.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Anand Menon spoke at the conference hosted in Geneva on 16th January 2017. The event was a prestigious invitation-only event of which only 30-40 guests are invited to attend.

During the conference Anand was required to speak for 30-40 minutes and answer a Q&A in front of a small audience of around forty people that was moderated by Mr Martin Wolf. The format was that of an all-day conference followed by an evening dinner. Former speakers for this conference have been Professor Mearsheimer, Professor Joseph Nye, Professor Jeremy Stein, Professor Norman Ornstein, Professor Kenneth Rogoff, Professor Hamada, Professor Marvin Goodfriend and other distinguished thinkers and decision makers.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Spotlight on British Politics, 17 May 2021 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact The second UK in a Changing Europe Spotlight series examines the future of British politics, covering areas such as the May election results, lessons for the political parties, national identities and the UK constitution.

Attendees can register for four individual sessions, as well as a Q&A with our experts, where you'll have the chance to ask your burning politics questions.

Full programme

Monday 17 May, 12noon - 1.15pm

2021 elections - what have we learned?

Sir John Curtice, Senior Fellow, UK in a Changing Europe and Professor of Politics, University of Strathclyde
James Forsyth, Political Editor, The Spectator
Rob Ford, Professor of Political Science, University of Manchester
Paula Surridge, Deputy Director, UK in a Changing Europe
Chair: Anand Menon, Director, UK in a Changing Europe
Tuesday 18 May, 12noon - 1.15pm

National identities and British politics

John Denham, Director, Centre for English Identity and Politics and former Labour MP for Southampton Itchen
Sunder Katwala, Director, British Future
Ailsa Henderson, Principal Investigator for the Scottish Election Study
Mike Kenny, Director, Institute of Public Policy, Cambridge University
Chair: Paula Surridge, Deputy Director, UK in a Changing Europe
Wednesday 19 May, 12noon - 1.15pm

Can the constitution hold?

Nicola McEwen, Co-Director, Centre on Constitutional Change and Senior Fellow, UK in a Changing Europe
Meg Russell, Director, Constitution Unit and Senior Fellow, UK in a Changing Europe
Tony Travers, Director, LSE
Catherine Barnard, Deputy Director, UK in a Changing Europe
Chair: Jill Rutter, Senior Research Fellow, UK in a Changing Europe
Thursday 20 May, 12noon - 1.15pm

Lessons for the political parties

Paul Goodman, Editor, ConservativeHome
Tim Bale, Professor of Politics, Queen Mary University London
Paula Surridge, Deputy Director, UK in a Changing Europe
Sara Hobolt, Professor of European Politics, LSE
Chair: Anand Menon, Director, UK in a Changing Europe
Friday 21 May, 12noon - 1.15pm

Ask our experts

Paula Surridge, Deputy Director, UK in a Changing Europe
Dan Wincott, Director, Governance After Brexit
Nicola McEwen, Co-Director, Centre on Constitutional Change and Senior Fellow, UK in a Changing Europe
Sir John Curtice, Senior Fellow, UK in a Changing Europe and Professor of Politics, University of Strathclyde
Chair: Anand Menon, Director, UK in a Changing Europe
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Spotlight on Economics week long series, 8 March 2021 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact Join us for this week-long series of events, looking at economics. Panels will cover Brexit, Covid-19, business, and economic inequality.
About this event
The UK in a Changing Europe's Spotlight series will allow registrants to watch a series of events over the course of a week, exploring a range of topics under a broad theme.

The first in the series will take place from 8 - 12 March, and will examine economics, covering areas such as economic inequality, the economics of populism, business after Brexit and Covid-19 and more.

Registering for the series will grant you access to each daily event, as well as blogs by panellists, and a Q&A session with four of our experts, where you'll have the chance to ask your burning economics questions at the end of the week.

Full programme

Monday 8 March, 12pm - 1.15pm

Economics of Brexit and Covid-19, revisited

Ben Chu, Economics Editor, The Independent
Gemma Tetlow, Chief Economist, Institute for Government
Meredith Crowley, Senior Fellow, UK in a Changing Europe
Jonathan Portes, Senior Fellow, UK in a Changing Europe
Chair: Anand Menon, Director, UK in a Changing Europe
Tuesday 9 March, 12pm - 1.15pm

Business after Brexit and Covid-19

Sarah Hall, Senior Fellow, UK in a Changing Europe
David Bailey, Senior Fellow, UK in a Changing Europe
Nicole Sykes, External Affairs Director, Pro Bono Economics
Allie Renison, Head of EU and Trade Policy, The Institute of Directors
Chair: Catherine Barnard, Deputy Director, UK in a Changing Europe
Wednesday 10 March, 12pm - 1.15pm

The economics of populism

Martin Sandbu, European Economics Commentator, Financial Times
Paula Surridge, Deputy Director, UK in a Changing Europe
Matt Goodwin, Director, Legatum Institute's Centre for UK Prosperity
Chair: Anand Menon, Director, UK in a Changing Europe
Thursday 11 March, 12pm - 1.15pm

Tackling inequality after Brexit and Covid-19, with Resolution Foundation

Mike Brewer, Deputy Chief Executive and Chief Economist, Resolution Foundation
Katie Schmuecker, Deputy Director of Policy & Partnerships, Joseph Rowntree Foundation
Omar Khan, Director, TASO
Chair: Anand Menon, Director, UK in a Changing Europe
Friday 12 March, 12pm - 1.15pm

Ask the experts

Sarah Hall, Senior Fellow, UK in a Changing Europe
Jonathan Portes, Senior Fellow, UK in a Changing Europe
Meredith Crowley, Senior Fellow, UK in a Changing Europe
David Bailey, Senior Fellow, UK in a Changing Europe
Chair: Paula Surridge, Deputy Director, UK in a Changing Europe
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Spotlight on the G7 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact The third UK in a Changing Europe Spotlight mini-series takes place either side of the G7 meeting, examining two of the UK's key priorities for the summit - UK foreign policy and climate change.

Attendees can register for either or both of the sessions.

Full programme

Friday 11 June, 2.30pm - 3.45pm

The G7 and foreign policy

Fiona Hill, Senior Fellow and Director, Center on the United States and Europe, The Brookings Institution
Sir Lawrence Freedman, Emeritus Professor of War Studies, King's College London
Rana Mitter, Professor of the History and Politics of Modern China, University of Oxford
Chair: Anand Menon, Director, UK in a Changing Europe
Monday 14 June, 1pm - 2.15pm

Climate change and COP26

Andy Jordan, Professor of Environmental Policy, University of East Anglia
Bernice Lee, Hoffmann Distinguished Fellow for Sustainability and Research Director - Futures, Chatham House
Elisabetta Cornago, Research Fellow, Centre for European Reform
Johannes Urpelainen, Director and Prince Sultan bin Abdulaziz Professor of Energy, Resources and Environment, John Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies
Nav Dubash, Professor at Centre for Policy Research
Chair: Jill Rutter, Senior Research Fellow, UK in a Changing Europe
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description St Cuthbert's School event - 11.05.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact Anand Menon talked to a number of school children about the upcoming referendum.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description State of the Union speech of President Jean - Claude Juncker - 14.09.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact Breakfast Broadcast organised by the European Commission which Anand spoke at. After his speech there was a panel debate and Q&A of his speech by Anand, Raol Ruparel (Open Europe), Ian Bond (CER) and Suren Thiru (BCC).

The event went really well with 50 people attending including journalists and Lord Boswell.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Staying in the Fast Lane? Britain's auto industry in Europe - 12.11.15 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Anand Menon spoke at this event. Caroyln Rowe organised this event which was as part of the Commissioning Fund. Approximately 45 people will attend.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015
Description Survey of MPs reveals Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn face significant political challenges over Brexit 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn face significant challenges within their own parliamentary parties over Brexit, a new survey of MPs has found.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Swissotel Berlin - 17.03.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact 79 people registered for this event and 57 attended on the day, including 10 'walk-ins'. People who attended this included: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik , Deutsch-Britische Gesellschaft, & Marketing CDU Deutschlands and people from various German Universities.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Tales of migration: citizenship, benefits and identity in Brexit Britain, Westminster 24.04.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact An invite only policy roundtable organised by the University of Southampton, to discuss the issues surrounding migration, the use of our public services and EU migrant's intentions. The purpose of the roundtable was to highlight the new research findings put together by some of the most well renowned academics across the country. Our senior fellow Jonathan Portes was invited to speak at this roundtable to discuss the benefits of migration flow. The roundtable was hosted by Hilary Benn, chair of the exiting the EU committee.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Talk at Batley School QT - 02.12.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact Anand Menon spoke at an event at Batley School alongside Tracy Brabin - Labour Member of Parliament for Batley and Spen, , Hawa Patel - Batley Girls' High School Student Political Ambassador, Baroness Pinnock - Liberal Democrat Life Peer and Kirklees Councillor Cleckheaton Ward and Craig Whittaker - Conservative Member of Parliament for Calder Valley.

The event provided students the opportunity to have a Q&A session with the panelists.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Talk at Batley School, North England - 13.06.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact Anand Menon talked to school children about the upcoming election.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Talk at Graveney School, Tooting, London - 16.11.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact Anand Menon spoke to approximately 100 students at Graveney School in Tooting about Brexit and its consequences.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Talk at Oratory school - 09.03.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact Anand Menon talked to school children in London about the upcoming Referendum.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Talk at Queen Elizabeth Grammar School, Wakefield - 14.06.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact Anand Menon talked to school children about the upcoming referendum.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Talk at Waseda Campus, Tokyo - 18.07.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact Anand Menon spoke at this event to approximately 180 people as part of the University's EU-Japan Friendship Week 2016.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description The 2017 UK General Election: Earthquake or Politics as usual? (University of Glasgow) Talk 13.07.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact The following event was a round table which considered the key issues concerning the causes and consequences of this dramatic election outcome. This included discussions on the following questions: what explains the surprising success of the Labour Party and its embattled leader, Jeremy Corbyn? How will the election result influence the UK's Brexit negotiations? What does the election result mean for devolution and the future of social policy. The participants involved were: Jonathan Hopkin (London School of Economics) Anand Menon (Kings College London) Jane Gingrich (Oxford University).
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description The APPG on a Better Brexit for Young People Report Launch 18.10.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Undergraduate students
Results and Impact Organised by the My Life My Say (MLMS), the APPG on a Better Brexit for Young People (APPG-BBYP) and
the London School of Economics (LSE), the following event was a launch which aimed to bring together young people and decision makers to celebrate a body of research that is truly representative of what young people want to see from Brexit. As a panel member, Professor Anand Menon discussed:
? The findings of the report
? The recommendations outlined by LSE, MLMS and APPG-BBYP
? How we can use the report and recommendations to inform future policy
? The importance of moving forward and trying to achieve the best Brexit
possible on behalf of young people
? Any ideas for future reports or areas of research
? Questions posed from the floor Other speakers included Stephen Kinnock (who chaired the event), Andrew Rosindale, Paul Blomfield, Amy Longland and Cat Smith.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description The Annual Fast Stream Conference - 09.02.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Anand Menon spoke at this event. The event saw the Civil Service 'fast streamers' hear from a range of senior civil servants and expert speakers to discuss important political issues. The Fast Stream Conference is an event run annually by fast streamers for fast streamers. The 2016 conference theme was 'Europe: In, Out, Shake It All About?' and addressed questions around renegotiation, referendum and the UK presidency of the EU.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description The Brexit Negotiations: make or break? London 02.11.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Undergraduate students
Results and Impact Our public opinion Brexit research team hosted an event looking at the intricacies surrounding the negotiations. The risks, benefits and the likely deals at the LSE chaired by John
Rentoul from the Independent.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description The Brexit question: should Britain leave the EU? - 13.06.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact This event presented the opportunity for members of the public in Newcastle to ask a panel of experts any questions they may have on UK-EU relations. Anand Menon, Catherine Barnard, Richard Whitman and Angus Armstrong spoke. Dr Alistair Clark (Newcastle University) also spoke, whilst Tony Baker (former BBC Political Editor) chaired the event.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description The Brexit vote, Westminster 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact This media briefing, held in partnership with the Political Studies Association, looked at what might happen next after the cancellation of the planned meaningful vote on the 11 December 2018. Panellists included Professor Tim Bale, Professor Meg Russell Professor Feargal Cochrane and Dr Alan Wager.

Feedback: The briefing was originally attended to address the outcome of the Brexit vote, which did not happen. However, it still gathered an audience of around 45 journalists who had the opportunity for one-on-one interviews following the panel.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description The Capitals Programme at the Policy Institute 14.09.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact This event took place at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and was organised by the Policy Institute at Kings College London. During the event, Professor Menon spoke about "The Challenges of Brexit to the British State". The audience for the event consisted of approximately 20 civil servants (identified as future leaders) from a range of European administrations, including the UK. The session then moved onto a Q&A session with closing remarks from each panelist and a brief summary from the chair.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description The Convention on Brexit and the Political Crash - Is Politics Broken? Panel 12.05.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact The following event was titled "The Convention on Brexit and the Political Crash" which took place in Westminister. Speakers for this event included Gina Miller, Nick Clegg, Bernie Sanders, and Nicola Sturgeon. There was approximately 2,000 attendees for the convention. Professor Anand Menon discussed the topic of 'Will Europe make it? - Can the EU meet the challenges of Brexit and populism to reinvent itself? This discussion also included panelists: Richard Corbett, Joseph Garcia, Frederic Martel, Laurent Pech and Louise Rowntree. Chair: Charles Grant.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description The Dutch referendum on the EU-Ukraine Association agreement: what lessons for Brexit? - 14.04.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Undergraduate students
Results and Impact Sara Hagemann chaired this session with Anand Menon, Sara Hobolt (LSE), Michiel van Hulten (LSE) and Matt Steinglass (The Economist) speaking on the Ukraine Association agreement which took place in April in the Netherlands. There were only a handful of audience members, mostly students from LSE.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description The EU & the UK: External perspectives on UK membership of the EU - past, present and future - 26.04.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact This conference was convened by Hussein Kassim and took place at King's College London. It explored how the UK's membership of the EU and the possible outcomes of the UK referendum are seen from abroad. Anand Menon and Hussein Kassim made the introductory remarks.

The keynote speakers were Bernard Jenkin MP (Vote Leave), Enrico Letta (Prime Minister of Italy 2013-14) and Jose Manuel Barroso (President of the European Commission 2004-10, Prime Minister of Portugal, 2002-04). Speakers included Nick Robinson (BBC), John Curtice, Brigid Laffan (Robert Schuman Centre, European University Institute), Peter Foster (Daily Telegraph), Stephen Castle (New York Times), Christian Lequesne (Sciences Po), Markus Jachtenfuchs (Hertie School of Governance), Adriaan Schout (Clingendael), Agata Gostynska-Jakubowska (Centre for European Reform), Quentin Peel (Financial Times), John Peet (The Economist), Jeremy Shapiro (ECFR), Margaret MacMillan (Oxford University) and Jonathan Fenby (writer and journalist).

The attendance was poor, with only 90-100 people attending on the day despite having been fully subscribed with 250 registrations. Participants came from, amongst others, the Danish Embassy, Portuguese Embassy, Italian Embassy, the European Commission, Japanese media, House of Lords and King's College London.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description The EU (Withdrawal) Bill: principles, powers and parliaments - London 12.09.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Jo Hunt, one of our associate fellows organised a one - day conference on the Withdrawal Bill together with Cardiff University and the Hansard Society. The event was designed to discuss the critical issues raised by the Bill and its prospects in the UK's parliaments and assemblies. Feedback: More than 120 attendees throughout the day. The event included academics from various universities, civil servants from DExEU, researchers and staffers from Parliament as well as the general public.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description The EU Referendum in the United Kingdom - the view from the nations and regions - 12.05.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact This private roundtable event took place at the British Academy and discussed the issues of the devolved administrations would face in the event of Brexit and their wider European repercussions with a panel of academic specialists from Scotland, Wales and Ireland.

Michael Keating and Rachel Minto spoke at this event. Others speakers included Professor Jan Wouters (Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies) and Dr Mary Murphy (University College, Cork).

The event went well with 20-25 people attending. Most of them were academics but UK and Scottish civil servants also attended.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description The EU Referendum in the United Kingdom - the view from the nations and regions - 12.05.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact In this seminar we will discuss these issues and their wider European repercussions with a panel of academic specialists from Scotland, Wales and Ireland. The seminar is open to all but please register in advance.

The event was chaired by Professor Jan Wouters, Director, Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies, and speakers included: Professor Michael Keating, Director, Centre on Constitutional Change and Senior Fellow, The UK in a Changing Europe, Dr Mary Murphy, University College, Cork and Dr Rachel Minto, Cardiff University.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description The EU Referendum: Five Years On series, 23 June 2021 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact To mark the 5th anniversary of the EU referendum, UK in a Changing Europe are hosting two panel events, looking at how public opinion has changed since the vote, and the future of the UK-EU relationship, as well as an in-conversation event with Lord David Frost CMG.

Attendees can register for one or all of the sessions.

Wednesday 23 June, 1.45pm - 3pm

Public opinion and Brexit

Kelly Beaver, Managing Director, Ipsos MORI Public Affairs
Rob Ford, Professor of Political Science, University of Manchester
Paula Surridge, Deputy Director, UK in a Changing Europe
Bobby Duffy, Director, The Policy Institute, King's College London
Chair: Anand Menon, Director, UK in a Changing Europe
Thursday 24 June, 11.30am - 12.45pm

The future of the UK-EU relationship

Hussein Kassim, Senior Fellow, UK in a Changing Europe
Katya Adler, Europe Editor, BBC
Georgina Wright, Head of the Europe Programme, Institut Montaigne
Lindsay Croisdale-Appleby CMG, Head of the UK Mission to the European Union
Chair: Anand Menon, Director, UK in a Changing Europe
Thursday 24 June, 6pm - 7pm

In conversation with Lord David Frost CMG

Lord David Frost CMG, Minister of State, Cabinet Office
Chair: Anand Menon, Director, UK in a Changing Europe
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description The EU and the UK: the wrong kind of regulation? - 24.05.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact This day-long conference was organised by Hussein Kassim, UAE, and was held at the British Academy. It brought together distinguished figures from business, campaign groups and academia to address the question of the impact of EU regulation in the single market and beyond.

Hussein Kassim, Alison Harcourt, Catherine Barnard and Anand Menon spoke. Other speakers included Allie Renison (IoD), Andy Bagnall (CBI), Richard Patient (Business for Britain), Piet Eeckhout (UCL), John Fingleton (Fingleton Associates), Kai-Uwe Kuhn (UEA), Catherine Waddams (Centre for Competition Policy & UEA), Niamh Moloney (LSE), Andrew Lilico (Europe Economics), Martin Lodge (LSE), Nina Schick (Open Europe), Wyn Grant (Warwick University), David Baldock (Institute for European Environmental Policy), Vicky McDermott (Papworth Trust & Care and Support Alliance), John Peet (The Economist), Swati Dhingra (LSE), Maurits Dolmans (Clearly Gottleib Steen and Hamilton LLP), Phillip Souta (Clifford Chance). Keynotes were delivered by Martin Sandbu (Financial Times) and Raoul Ruparel (Open Europe).

The event was very successful with around 50-60 people attended (room capacity 80 people) representing academia (e.g. LSE, KCL, UEA), media (FUJI TV Japan, The Economist, The Telegraph), embassies (Norwegian Embassy) and business (London Chamber of Commerce). Only three feedback forms were returned - positive feedback, although one criticised the gender balance of the panels.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description The EU referendum: Risks and opportunities for the UK environment- 11.04.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact This event was run by Charlotte Burns, University of York, as part of the Commissioning fund. It brought together leading academics and practitioners within environmental issues to debate the findings of a landmark independent report on the implications of a 'Brexit' for the UK's environment. Anand Menon gave the introductory remarks. Other speakers included Dr Charlotte Burns (University of York), Professor Andrew Jordan (University of East Anglia), Mike Clark (Chief Executive, RSPB), Nick Molho (Executive Director, Aldersgate Trust), Melissa Moore (Head of Policy, Marine Conservation Society), Philip Rothwell (Head of Corporate and Public Affairs, Wildlife Trust).

61 participants represented a number of organisations: UEA, Institute for European Environmental Policy, Euractiv, Green Alliance, DEFRA, CIRIA, German Embassy, E3G, Parliament, Waterman Group, Friends of the Earth, RSPB, Bite the Ballot, Dundee University, FCO, UCL, York University, Dentons, New Economics Foundation, Carbon brief, ESRC.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description The EU referendum: What does it mean for Sheffield? - 20.04.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact At this event, the main questions were debated and the effects of theses for Sheffield and the region. Michael Keating spoke at the event. Other speakers included Susan White (Voluntary Action Sheffield, European Strategic Investment Fund Board), Gary Bell (ASSIST), Julie Kenny (Pyronix, Local Economic Partnership), Simon Bulmer (University of Sheffield) and Matthew Wood (Crick Centre, University of Sheffield).

200 people attended this event. Two polls took place: 'If the referendum was tonight, do you know how you would vote' - with 75% responding 'Yes' before the session and 84% responding 'Yes' at the end of the session.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2012,2016
Description The EU referendum: want the facts, not the fiction? - 11.06.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact This event presented the opportunity for members of the general public in Norwich to ask a panel of experts questions on migration, trade, security, the environment and the economy. Catherine Barnard and Hussein Kassim spoke. Andy Jordan (UEA) also spoke at the event.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description The EU referendum: what happened? what next? Aberdare, 12.01.18 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Organised by Wales for Europe, Anand Menon was invited to speak on his latest book 'Brexit and British politics' to give insightful analysis on Brexit and beyond. Other speakers included the local Cynon Valley constituency MP Ann Clywd.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description The European referendum: British and local perspectives - 17.03.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact This event was run by Michael Keating at the Central Library, Liverpool. Speakers included: Richard Gillespie (Europe and the World Centre), Michael Parkinson (Author of report on The State of Liverpool City Region), Jenny Stewart (Liverpool and Sefton Chambers of Commerce) and was chaired by Erika Harris (Europe and the World Centre). Areas covered included: the effects of EU membership on the economy and jobs, immigration, European and national security, the wider political implications of Europe, the impact on our region, the Government's renegotiation and its outcome.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description The Final Brexit deal: which way will Labour vote? 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact 'The Final Brexit Deal: which way will Labour vote?' hosted by The UK in a Changing Europe and New Statesman will see Professor Anand Menon, Director of The UK in a Changing Europe discuss Brexit with a leading Labour politician.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description The Future of Britain in Europe - 05.10.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Anand Menon talked at this event with Simon Hix. Approximately 150 people were present, and the talk aimed to discuss the future of Britain within Europe.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015
Description The Guardian: a review of the political year, London 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Leading journalists and academics shared a platform on their review of the political year of 2017. Speakers included Guardian's political correspondent Heather Stewart, Professor Anand Menon and Diane Abbott, Labour MP. Feedback: 150 people attended the event, a mix of high level professional, students, academics and members of the public.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description The NHS and UK health law: where now after Brexit?, Brussels 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact The event examined the state of play in relation to the impact of Brexit on the law and regulation of the NHS and health care delivery post Brexit, drawing upon a report
published in December.

Feedback: The 24 attendees included representatives from the Standing Committee of European Doctors, European Hospital and Healthcare Federation, Lower Saxony Ministry of
Social Affairs, Eurodiaconia ( European Federation of Health and Care organisations) Mayor of London Brussels office, Northern Ireland Brussels office
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description The NHS and health law post Brexit: views from stakeholders and the devolved jurisdictions, Houses of Parliament 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact This event launched the report "Health Law outside the EU: immediate, intermediate and long-term impacts", which critically examines the state of play in relation to the impact of Brexit on the law and regulation of the NHS and health care delivery, post Brexit.

Feedback: The event was attended by parliamentary staff.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description The Reality of a WTO Brexit 19.04.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Spoke at the Backbench Departmental Group at Parliament on Brexit about what a WTO Brexit would mean. Professor Catherine Bernard and Professor Anand Menon briefed the group on the implications of exiting the European Union on WTO terms.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description The Times and The Sunday Times Cheltenham Literature Festival 08.10.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact The following event was titled "The Europe We are Leaving" and was part of the, The Times and The Sunday Times Cheltenham Literature Festival in October 2017. Details of this event: Does Spain want a different Brexit from Poland? What about France and Germany? As the Brexit Negotiations continue our Guest Director Robin Niblett of Chatham House begins together an expert panel to cast a knowledgeable eye over the European political scene. Who are the key players and personalities in the 27? Speakers: Professor Anand Menon, Sylke Tempel and Dominique Moisi
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description The UK in Europe. In or Out? - 22.03.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Speakers at this event included Paul Beaumont FRSE (University of Aberdeen), Professor Claire Wallace (University of Aberdeen), Professor Justin Greenwood (Robert Gordon University) and Professor Keating.
Areas covered during the event: The impact of the EU on the economy and jobs, Immigration, European and national security, The political implications of Europe, National sovereignty, Impact on the North East of Scotland region.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description The UK in Europe: In or Out? - Birmingham - 26.05.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact This event was organised together with the Centre on Constitutional Change and the University of Birmingham. This town hall event offered the people of Birmingham the opportunity to put their questions about the EU referendum to leading specialists.

Michael Keating spoke at this event. Other speakers included Professor John Fender (University of Birmingham) and Amanda Gearing (GMB West Midlands). Dr Isabelle Hertner (University of Birmingham) chaired the event.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description The UK in Europe: in or out? Inverness - 31.05.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact This Ask the Experts event offered the members of the public in Kent the opportunity to put forward their questions on the EU referendum to a panel of leading academics.
Richard Whitman, Simon Hix, Angus Armstrong, Catherine Barnard and Matthew Goodwin spoke at this event.

The event went very well with 130 people turning up on the day. It was an older audience, but the organiser was given positive feedback and the 'Leave/Remain: The facts behind the claims' were distributed to the audience members.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description The UK in a Changing Europe Brexit pub quiz, Westminster 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact This informal networking evening gathered together contacts the UK in a Changing Europe has built over the years.

Feedback: The evening was well attended by around 50 high-profile attendees, including civil servants, prominent journalists, diplomats and other think tanks. Feedback received in
person, over email and on Twitter was very positive.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description The UK's place in the world and EU membership- 03.05.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact This day-long conference was organised by Richard G. Whitman. It brought together leading analysts working on the questions related to UK and international relations to present their latest findings on the costs and benefits of EU membership for the UK's diplomacy and foreign, security and defence policies.

Anand Menon and Richard G. Whitman spoke at this conference. Other speakers included Dr Jonathan Eyal (RUSI), Allegra Stratton (ITV News), Sir Robert Cooper (European External Action Service), Sir Simon Fraser (former Permanent Under-Secretary of State and Head of the Diplomatic Service), Crispin Blunt MP (Foreign Affairs Committee), Professor Karen Smith (LSE), Professor Andrew Dorman (KCL), Professor Malcolm Chalmers (RUSI), Rt Hon Andrew Mitchell MP (former Secretary of State for Overseas Development), Dr Simon Lightfoot (University of Leeds), Mark Leonard (ECFR), Charles Grant (Centre for European Reform), Philip Stephens (Financial Times) and Rt Hon Sir Malcolm Rifkind (former Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and Secretary of State for Defence). Rt Hon Dr Liam Fox MP (former Secretary of State for Defence) held the keynote speech.

The event was very successful with 85 people attending (maximum capacity). Audience members represented various organisations, including embassies, the military, media (The Economist, Japanese media), European Commission, European Ministries of Foreign Affairs, universities and RUSI.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description The Wales debate - 08.06.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact This event featured three panel discussions focusing on the impact of EU membership on jobs and economy, society and law, and the UK and international relations. Across the panels was a mix of politicians, business people, academics and others with a balance between 'in', 'out' and 'neutral' voices.
Each discussion included a Q&A, which provided an opportunity for the audience to ask questions to the speakers. Speakers included Jo Hunt, Rachel Minto (Commissioning fund, Cardiff University), Lord Dafydd Wigley (Plaid Cymru), Berwyn Davies (Business consultant), Nathan Gill AM and MEP (UKIP), Alex Moscovici (student, Cardiff University). Roger Scully (Cardiff University) chaired the event.

More than 100 people attended the event.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description The big security debate - 08.06.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact This event was co-hosted with the Quilliam Foundation, CoVi and CIPFA and presented a high-profile debate exploring the impact of EU membership on security and safety in the UK. It saw representatives from both sides of the campaign as well as independent experts who provided facts behind the claims. Anand Menon spoke at this event.
Other speakers included Dominic Greeve QC MP (Chair of the Intelligence and Security Committee), Julian Brazier MP (PUS at MoD), Rt Hon Damian Green MP (former Minister of State for Policing and Criminal Justice), Dominic Raab MP (PUS at MoJ), Marina Wheeler QC (1 Crown Office Row), Keir Starmer QC MP (former Head of the Crown Prosecution Service), Rob Whiteman (CIPFA), Julia Ebner (Quilliam) and Maajid Nawaz (Quilliam). Caroline Macfarland (CoVi) chaired the event.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description The economic consequences of Brexit 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact This one-day conference will bring together researchers and policymakers working on the economic consequences of Brexit. Hosted by the Centre for Economic Performance at the London School of Economics, it is part of a series of events funded by the ESRC-sponsored UK in a Changing Europe initiative.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description The economic consequences of leaving the EU' - 27.05.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact This day-long conference organised by NIESR discussed the economic consequences of leaving the EU and brought together academics, practitioners and campaign groups.
Professor Jagjit Chadha (NIESR), Dr Monique Ebell (NIESR), PwC representatives, Professor Patrick Minford (Cardiff University & Economists for Brexit), Professor John van Reenen (CEP & LSE), Simon Kirby (NIESR), Dr Jack Meaning (NIESR), Oxford Economics representatives, Elena Rusticelli (OECD), Simon Tilford (CER) and Dr Swati Dhingra (CEP & LSE) spoke at this event.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description The economic impacts of Brexit on the UK 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact A one -day conference with City-REDI, the Scottish Government, Policy Scotland and The UK in a Changing EU hosted a devolved administrations summit to bring together political and business leaders, together with academics and civil society organisations to discuss the likely impact of Brexit on the devolved administrations and to discuss the types of actions that need to be taken in the crucial months ahead.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description The economics of Britain - 20.10.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact A discussion exploring the economic aspects of global migration, impact of immigration on labour markets as well as the impact of migration on migrant-sending countries and the business community. Senior fellow Jonathan Portes was one of the panellists on this debate.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description The future of UK borders after Brexit 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Third sector organisations
Results and Impact Shanker Singham, Institute of Economic Affairs and Tony Smith, Fortinus Global will join Dr Katy Hayward for a public seminar on The Future of UK Borders after Brexit at Queen's University Belfast.

The event is hosted by the Centre for International Borders Research with funding support from The UK in a Changing Europe.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description The future of climate change post Brexit, Westminster 05.12.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Our Brexit research leader on environment and Brexit, Professor Charlotte Burns spoke at the event organised by the Industry and Parliament Trust (IPT), discussing the impact on what Brexit could have on UK's environment policies alongside Labour's Angela Smith MP. The event was an opportunity to showcase the Brexit and environment project at the UKandEU. Feedback: The event was attended by more than 100 guests including 10 MPs, several academics and peers. IPT received positive feedback from guests who all felt the discussion was both engaging and informative
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description The future of environmental governance in Northern Ireland 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Third sector organisations
Results and Impact The workshop, hosted by Dr. Mary Dobbs and Dr. Viviane Gravey at Queen's University Belfast, looked at environmental governance in Northern Ireland in the context of the challenges and opportunities posed by Brexit. The aim of the workshop will be to gather views on the proposed environmental governance arrangements as set out by UK Department for Environment and Rural Affairs (DEFRA).
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description The great realignment: Britain's political identity crisis - Central London 13.09.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact The event organised by Intelligence Squared, assembled together a panel to discuss the current political crisis, looking specifically at the rise of the left, the gentrification of the UK and Brexit's impact on politics and people for the future. Feedback: More than 200 in attendance, mostly members of the general public.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description The great sovereignty debate - 06.06.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact This half-day conference brought together leading campaigners and academics from both sides of the debate to understand the key concept of sovereignty. The following speakers and chairs participated: Helen McCarthy (QMUL, Chair), John Redwood MP (MP for Wokingham), Sir Stephen Wall (Former UK Ambassador to the EU), John Charmley (UEA), James Ellison (QMUL), Sionaidh Douglas-Scott (QMUL, Chair), Marina Wheeler QC (One Crown Office Row), Martin Wolf (Financial Times), David Willetts (Resolution Foundation), Robert Saunders (QMUL), Tim Bale (QMUL, Chair), Sir Robert Worcester (KCL/LSE/founder of MORI), Philip Cowley (QMUL), Jane Green (Manchester University).
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description The interrelation of UK and EU foreign policy: costs and benefits - 09.03.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact This discussion focused on the key themes in the UK EU referendum to-date and included an extended discussion on how existing evidence could be provided to publics and opinion formers to facilitate the most extensive possible understanding of the costs and benefits to the UK's foreign, security and defence policy that derives from EU membership.

Feedback from the participants stressed the strength of the 'food for thought', prepared by the Senior Fellow, in greatly assisting the structure of the discussion and allowing the focus group to organise its discussion in an effective and efficient manner.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description To EU or not to EU - 30.06.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Anand spoke at this event in which approximately 25 people attended.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description UACES Annual Conference - 05.09.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact Anand Menon spoke at this event which was aimed primarily at academics.
The conference consisted of two topical issues. One of the dedicated plenary sessions was on the topic of Britain's renegotiation with the EU and the referendum.
Approximately 55 people attended.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description UCL Constitution Unit and the UCL European Institute Talk - 16.06.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Anand Menon spoke at this event as part of an academic panel, and was asked at several points during the evening to comment as objectively as possible on the quality and veracity of the evidence cited by the speakers on both sides.
Approximately 180 people attended.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description UEA town hall event with fellow Hussein Kassim - 27.01.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Anand Menon spoke at this event. Epic Studios was packed for this town hall event, which offered the people of Norwich the chance to put their questions on the UK and the EU. In anticipation of the battle between 'Ins' and 'Outs', audience members were able to put questions on diverse topics that ranged from the EU and democracy to the audit of EU accounts and the international impact of a Brexit to a non-partisan panel of experts. The event was organised by UEA Professor and ESRC Senior Fellow, Hussein Kassim, as part of the 'The UK in a Changing Europe'.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description UK Cyber Security & Brexit, King's College London 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact The event saw around 20 stakeholders from policy, practice, industry and academia discussing the risks, benefits, constraints and opportunities presented by this unique shift in European political and economic order. The findings were then summarised in this blog.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description UK EU facilitation forum, Brussels - 16.12.15 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Anand Menon spoke at this event in which approximately 150 people attended.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015
Description UK and EU: Ask the Experts - Belfast - 07.06.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact This event, rather close to the referendum itself, aimed to provide information on the potential consequences of the referendum's outcomes. Information was therefore given on the relevance of EU membership and an eventual decision of the UK to withdraw from the EU, mainly answering questions by life and virtual audiences. To start the event, each of the experts gave a short "taster" in the form of a 3 minute statement max - which meant that we had a 15 - 20 minutes introductory "slot". Our chair provided a lively introduction to this, and which lead to direct specific questions to the appropriate expert.

Panel included: Professor Anand Menon, King's College London, specialty in EU membership and the UK, Professor Catherine Barnard, Cambridge University speaking on EU membership and rights of people, Dr Lee McGowan, Queen's University Belfast speaking on EU membership and Northern Ireland, Angus Armstrong, National Institute of Economic and Social Research, will be discussing EU Membership and the economic situation of the UK, Professor Dagmar Schiek, Queen's University Belfast speaking on EU membership and Northern Ireland - legal issues deriving from EU law, and agreements between the UK and Republic of Ireland on Northern Ireland

Chaired by: Declan Lawn, BBC Reporter.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description UK and EU: Ask the Experts - Cardiff - 18.15.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact The event was organised together with Jo Hunt and Cardiff University's 'Wales and the EU Hub'. It gave local people the chance to ask any questions they may have about the referendum.

Anand Menon, Angus Armstrong and Jo Hunt spoke at this event. Other speakers included Professor Fiona Wishlade (Director of European Policies Research Centre, University of Cardiff) and Dr Paul James Cardwell (Reader in EU External Relations Law, University of Sheffield).
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description UK and EU: Ask the Experts - Norwich - 14.05.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact This town hall event was organised by Hussein Kassim (UEA). It offered the public in Norwich to ask questions about the EU referendum to leading academics.

Hussein Kassim, Anand Menon, Angus Armstrong and Catherine Barnard. Ian Hodge (Cambridge University) and Heather Rolfe (NIESR) also spoke at the event. Alan Finlayson (UEA) chaired it.

The event went well. 90 people attended it, all were members of the public (however, older rather than younger) and gave positive feedback. All copies of 'Leave/Remain: The facts behind the claims' were distributed.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description UK and EU: Ask the Experts - Oxford - 06.06.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact At this town hall event members of the public in Oxford were given the opportunity to ask their questions about UK-EU relations to a panel of experts. Anand Menon, Angus Armstrong, Catherine Barnard and Damian Chalmers spoke. Bill Heine (BBC Radio Oxford) chaired the event.
The event was a big success with 120 people attending. Attendees appreciated the impartiality of the answers and the event was reported the day after in the Oxford Mail.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description UK and EU: Ask the Experts - York - 12.05.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact This event was organised together with Sofia Vasilopoulou (commissioning fund, University of York). The debate examined the pros and cons of staying in the EU with members of the public.

Angus Armstrong, Simon Usherwood, Catherine Barnard and Sofia Vasilopoulou spoke together with Dr Charlotte O'Brien (University of York). Len Tingle (BBC Political Editor in Yorkshire) chaired the event.

The event went well. At the end of the event several people had changed their minds in how they will vote in the referendum.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Understanding and mitigating the risks of Brexit at local level 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact This is a fringe event at the Labour Party Conference.

Please note that this event will be open to conference delegates and members of the public.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Unravelling and reimagining the UK's Relationship with the EU, Cambridge 22.05.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Organised by our senior fellow Catherine Barnard, the event was a showcase for their latest research and short film which engaged with the public about Brexit in the East of England.
Feedback: 40 people attended. It led to coverage on Anglia TV and Cambridge News as well as an article from the University's Communications Office and an LSE Brexit blog post.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Us vs them: how the left wins back ground lost to the populists - 06.12.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact This event was organised by The Fabian Society International Policy Group and Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, examining the rise of populism. What are the drivers of rising populism and are they common across countries in Europe? How can Labour forge greater alliances with sister parties to stem the growth in populism across Europe? Key panellists included our senior fellow Matthew Goodwin and Hilary Benn MP, chair of the Brexit committee.

Well attended approximately 150 people. Parliamentarians, MPs and members of the public. This was also live streamed on Twitter and Facebook.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description WORKSHOP: Media and new technologies in the Brexit referendum - 19.10.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact The media and the use of new communication technologies were a key factor in debate around the Brexit referendum. The link between media, information and political attitudes has been widely explored in the social sciences. Nevertheless, knowledge tends to remain restricted to specific domains such as political economy, political science, and communication & media studies.

The workshop organised by the Department of Economics and Warwick Policy Lab (WPL) sought to narrow this gap by bringing together academics from different backgrounds to discuss the role the media and the provision of information about the EU to the general public, as well as relations between the UK and the EU in the run-up of the Brexit referendum. The workshop was followed by an open lecture about the "100 days of Theresa May's government."

Speakers included: Anna Wambach The School of Geography, Politics and Sociology, Newcastle University, Claudia Zucca VOTEADVICE project, University of Exeter, Alex Dobson Department of Economics, University of Warwick, Sofia Vasilopoulou, Department of Politics, University of York, Carolyn Rowe Aston Centre for Europe, Aston University, Andrew Glencross, University of Stirling, Tatiana Coutto Department of Economics, University of Warwick.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Wales and Brexit, taking stock and looking forward, Cardiff 15.12.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact The event saw the launch of the report on Wales and The UK's withdrawal from the EU, looking at key policy areas from researchers at Cardiff university's Wales Governance centre. A
series of short presentations were given by senior fellow Dr Jo Hunt and Rachel Minto. Feedback: The event was a huge success with more than 80 attendees present. It was an opportunity to highlight the work produced by our senior fellow Dr Jo Hunt. Much of the content in these presentations were also used at select committees in Parliament given by Dr Hunt.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Wales and Brexit: two years on from the Referendum 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Third sector organisations
Results and Impact Researchers from Cardiff University's Wales Governance Centre marked two years since the referendum by exploring some of the legal and political issues attached to Brexit. As negotiations between the UK and EU are about to enter their most critical period, they considered the Welsh, UK and European dimensions of the Brexit process.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Washington DC event on UK-EU relations 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact A series of panels dealing with aspects of the UK-EU relationship that led to lively discussions with the audience.

Increased awareness of the issue amongst senior American policy makers and representatives of the business community.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2014
Description Welsh External Affairs post-Brexit- 01.11.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Event was organised by the Welsh Governance Centre as a workshop in a series on the 'interrelationship of UK and EU foreign policy: costs and benefits' led by our senior fellow Professor Richard Whitman. Attendees were given the opportunity to discuss the main risks and opportunities involved in negotiating Brexit for Wales, including future models for trade relations and investment with Wales and its role in post Brexit Britain.

Around 40 attendees were present, a mix of students and members of the public. Overall positive feedback from the attendees.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Westminster pulse breakfast briefing event 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Undergraduate students
Results and Impact Professor Anand Menon joined the IPPR's Progressive Brexit reports to analyse the progress of Brexit negotiations, from trade to immigration, in light of the European Council Summit. Discussion looked at the ongoing implications of Brexit for our politics, the economy and business - and what the government must do to ensure stability for all.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description What do young people need to think about when deciding how to vote in the referendum? - 18.04.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact This event was aimed at 6th form pupils who were were presented key issues in the referendum debate. It took place in the format of an open Q&A session with a voting session in the beginning. Due to the Treasury analysis on the long-term economic impact of a 'Brexit', Evan Davies was unable to attend. Anand Menon, Catherine Barnard and Simon Usherwood participated.

Approximately 200 6th form pupils attended. The pupils enjoyed the event and particularly the interactive quiz followed by Anand Menon's presentation.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description What does Brexit mean for the regional economies and industries? - 21.07.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact This event, in connection with the Commissioning Fund dealt with the question of 'What does Brexit mean for the regional economies and industries?'. It consisted of two expert panels including Anneliese Dodds, MEP and member, Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee, Lee Hopley, Chief Economist, EEF, the Manufacturers' Organisation, Stephanie Wall, Senior Policy and Patronage Advisor, Greater Birmingham Chambers of Commerce, Paul Forrest, West Midlands Economic Forum and Les Budd, Reader in Social Enterprise, Open University Business School who dealt with the first panel: Panel 1: The referendum outcome and Britain's economic development: what can we expect for the the regions?. The second panel: Panel 2 The referendum outcome and workers' rights in the UK: regional implications in the West Midlands and beyond, included speakers: Tony Burke, Assistant General Secretary, Unite the Union, Sion Simon MEP, Employment and Social Affairs Committee, European Parliament, David Bailey, Professor of Industry, Aston Business School and analyst of the West Midlands economy and Lee Barron, Regional Secretary of the TUC in the Midlands.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description What does Britain owe Europe? - 10.03.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact This event was held at The Royal Institution of Great Britain. Damian Chalmers and Laura Cram spoke alongside: Stephen Booth (Open Europe) and the event was chaired by Sewell Chan(International news editor, The New York Times).
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description What does Britain want from Brexit? - 16.11.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact This seminar, in connection with the Commissioning Fund looked at the latest findings of the NatCen Social Research "What UK Thinks: EU" project. NatCen has carried out a new survey of the British public seeking to understand what they want from Brexit. The survey uncovered how the public viewed Britain's membership of the single market, free movement of people, what should happen to EU nationals already in Britain and whether Britain should continue to abide by certain EU regulations. Sponsored by Ian Austin MP, NatCen Social Research also held a seminar at Westminster to discuss new research into what the British public want from Brexit.

Speakers included: Professor John Curtice, Senior Research Fellow, NatCen and UK in a Changing Europe.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description What does Leave mean? Half day conference - British Academy - 28.11.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Half day conference including two keynote speakers- Matthew Elliot, CEO of Vote Leave and Rt Hon Nicky Morgan (MP), former Education Secretary. The panel discussion looked at Brexit and public opinion, and included talks from two senior fellows Professor Matthew Goodwin and Professor John Curtice explaining what we have learned about the leave vote and the public's attitudes towards Brexit subsequently.

We had more than 80 people at one point during the event with the room at full capacity and people standing at the back. We had a mix of students, politicians from a wide range of parties, civil servants, MEPs, journalists and youth members aged 18-24 yrs old from organisations such as My Life My Say, UpRising and Common Vision.
Journalists included: The Times, BBC News, Channel 4, Le Monde, ARD German TV, Reuters, Independent, Le Soir - Belgium newspaper.

Attendees were given the opportunity to give us feedback which was overall positive with a few comments outlining the lack of female representation on the panel.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description What does the EU mean for you? - 23.05.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact This event was an opportunity for members of the public to ask questions about EU membership and the referendum.

Anand Menon, Angus Armstrong, Catherine Barnard, Simon Hix and Jonathan Portes spoke. Other speakers included George Smid (Remain) and Dr Lee Rotherham (Leave).
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description What people in other member states think about the UK's EU referendum- 10.03.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact This was an event run by Jan Eichorn as part of the Commissioning Fund. 69 people registered, however 36 attended. Speakers included Jan Eichorn, Dr Daniel Kenealy (UoE) and Christine Huber(d|part).There were representatives from the following organisations: Spanish National Radio (RNE), Le Monde, European Parliament, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung London, Les Echos, BBC, Xinhua News Agency, Demos, Electoral Reform Society, Kyodo News, Flint Global Ltd, Komatsu Research and Advisory, Social Sciences in China Press, Asagumo newspaper, University of Paris Sorbonne, National Radio Television Slovenia, mks news, UCL, TKP Newspaper HK, The Yomiuri Shimbun, Millbank Partners Limited, The Economist, Citizens Advice, Millward Brown, Royal Holloway University of London, Kyodo News London Bureau, Embassy of Romania in London, The Asahi Shimbun, Polish Embassy in London.

Unfortunately, there was a low response rate to our evaluation (4 respondents) so we are unable to evaluate fully, however on the day itself, there was good, positive feedback, the audience were lively and engaged and most of them even returned after we were evacuated due to a fire alarm.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description What people in other member states think about the UK's EU referendum- 15.03.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact This was an event run by Jan Eichorn as part of the Commissioning Fund in Edinburgh.
Speakers included Jan Eichorn, Professor John Curtice and Christine Hubner(d|part). Representatives from the following organisations attended: Scottish Government, Scottish Office, Member of the public, Retired University of Edinburgh, The City of Edinburgh Council, Third sector, On sabbatical, European Parliament,
K Construction, Consulate General of Japan, Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service, Scottish Government, ScotCen, Office of Alyn Smith MEP, Scott Porter Research, McCarthy & Forbes Ltd, Scottish Parliament, German Consulate General, Scottish Parliament European Committee, RSA Scotland & RSA MCICH Network, CEC, IoD, The Democratic Society, Spanish Consulate Edinburgh, Scottish Tourist Guide Association.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description What should Labour demand from Brexit? Brighton 25.09.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Details: Panellist included the shadow Home Secretary Diane Abbott and Chair of the Home Affairs Committee Yvette Cooper along with Anand Menon and George Eaton, political editor from the New Statesman with whom we collaborated with for this event. Feedback: The event was a huge success, with around 90 people in attendance.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description What would trading on 'WTO' terms mean? report release 
Form Of Engagement Activity A magazine, newsletter or online publication
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact The aim of this report was to explain - in the simplest possible terms - what is the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and to address some of the (mis)conceptions about what 'falling back on the WTO' actually means in the event of a no deal Brexit.

Feedback: The report was extremely well received, gaining an exclusive in the Independent and coverage in the Financial Times Brexit briefing, as well as positive comments from a
number of MPs, Lords and prominent journalists over Twitter and email.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Where does politics go from here? 8 September 2020 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Anand was joined by Professor Helen Thompson (professor of political economy, University of Cambridge), Professor David Runciman (professor of politics, University of Cambridge) and Katy Balls (deputy political editor, The Spectator). They discussed where politics is heading after the Covid-19 lockdown and the end of the Brexit transition period.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Where next for Britain? 26.09.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact An event which was co-organised between UK in a Changing Europe and IPPR at the Labour party conference. Anand spoke alongside Chuka Umunna (MP), Graham Stringer (MP), Tom Kibasi (IPPR) and was chaired by Helen Lewis (New Statesman).

There was a room capacity of between 60-70 and were turning people away and received a warm reception from attendees.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Where next for the UK and the EU after the referendum? - 28.06.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact This public discussion considered the aftermath of the vote on 23 June and its implications for the country and the rest of Europe. Simon Hix, Anand Menon and Angus Armstrong spoke. Patrick Dunleavy (LSE) also spoke at this event.

220 people attended this event with positive feedback, many people appreciated the organisation of this event.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Where next for the UK and the Liberal Democrats? Bournemouth 18.09.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Details - Panellists included the former Lib Dem leader Paddy Ashdown and high - profile journalists at the Liberal Democrat conference. Feedback: The event was well attended with a mix of journalists, parliamentarians and members of the Lib Dem party.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Whitehall in Brussels: the UK permanent representation to the EU, 18 March 2021 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact The UK has left the European Union but the two sides, as neighbours, partners and competitors, will need to continue to work with each other. How this happens matters.

In this launch event, Matt Bevington shares the key points from the report looking at how the UK interacted with the EU in the past, and what role the UK mission might play in those interactions going forward.


Matt Bevington, report author and former researcher at the UK in a Changing Europe
Katrina Williams - former UK Deputy Permanent Representative to the EU
Stephen Wall - former British diplomat who served as Britain's ambassador to Portugal and Permanent Representative to the European Union.
Ulf Sverdrop - Director of the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI)
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Why Britain voted to Leave and what it might mean for the General Election, LSE 27.04.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Undergraduate students
Results and Impact Hosted by LSE Brexit, our senior fellow Matthew Goodwin discussed the key issues outlined his new book 'Why Britain voted to leave the EU' Speaker on the panel included James Ball, news correspondent from Buzzfeed and Tony Travers, Chair of LSE London. Debate concerned the reason why UK voted to leave, will leavers be happy with the outcome of the negotiations and how are they likely to vote in the snap general election.
Social media reach:
Total reach: 70,346
Total likes: 1,160
Page views: 400
Total engagements: 5,300
New followers: 434
Profile visits: 10,900
Impression: 562k
Mentions: 656
Sessions: 44,122
Users: 35,694
Page Views: 66,837
% New Sessions: 73%
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Why Britain voted to leave the EU, King's College 04.05.17 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Undergraduate students
Results and Impact To mark the launch of Brexit: Why Britain voted to Leave the European Union by one of our senior fellows Matthew Goodwin, gave a short presentation of the book's key findings and a panel discussion on 'Where did Remain go wrong? Reflections on the 2016 referendum'. The panellists include those who played leading roles in the 2016 referendum campaign. Overall positive feedback from the audience on the organisation to the discussions on the panel. Very informative and engaging. More than 80 people attended with copies of the book being sold. A general mix of audience members such as academics, students and general public.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Why are politicians finding it so hard to deal with Brexit? video release 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact This one-minute Brexit challenge video looked at how MPs (the majority of whom voted to remain) are struggling to catch-up with public opinion and the divisions this has
created in Parliament.

Feedback: The video received over 4000 views on Twitter and 718 views on YouTube.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Will the EU survive? - 01.12.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Undergraduate students
Results and Impact The event was organised by LSE Europp, looking at the wide ranging possibilities that could affect the EU in 2017. From problems in the Eurozone to the refugee situation. The event discussed the prospects for the EU in 2017, including expert perspectives from Germany, The Netherlands, France, Central & Eastern Europe and the UK.

It was a public event on a first come first serve basis. Around 160 people attended. Majority of the attendees were students, Teachers and members of the public. It was heavily promoted on the LSE and UKandEU social media (Facebook and twitter).

Panellists included our senior fellows, Director and commissioning fundees:

• Anand Menon, Professor of European Politics and Director of the UK in a Changing Europe
• Sara Hagemann, senior fellow at The UK in a Changing Europe
• Agata Gostynska-Jakubowska, Research Fellow at the Centre for European Reform
• Philippe Marlière, Professor of French and European politics at UCL
• Bojan Pancevski, EU Correspondent for the Sunday Times
• Michiel van Hulten, Visiting Senior Fellow at the LSE European Institute and was a Member of the European Parliament (1999-2004)
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Will the EU survive? 01.12.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact Anand Menon spoke at this event organised by Sara Hagemann. The event dealt with how 2016 has been a difficult year for the European Union (EU), and how while the EU member states will have to find collective answers to continuing problems in the Eurozone, to the refugee situation and other pressing issues, a number of key member countries will hold important elections which could well alter the political picture in Europe. This event will also discuss the prospects for the EU in 2017, including expert perspectives from Germany, The Netherlands, France and the Czech Republic.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Wilton Park Meeting: International Leaders Programme - 13.06.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Anand Menon spoke at this event in which delegates from Ghana, Serbia, Australia etc attended.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Working with the EU: Britons and Brussels - 31.05.16 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact This day-long conference was organised by Hussein Kassim (UEA) and was held at the British Academy. It brought together UK politicians, civil servants, MEPs who have worked in Brussels to discuss how their experience has affected their views of the UK and the EU and how the UK can best achieve its interests.

Hussein Kassim, Anand Menon and Sara Hagemann spoke at this event. Piers Ludlow (LSE), Dr Katja Seidel (University of Westminster), Sir Andrew Cahn (former UK civil servant and member of the Cockfield and Kinnock cabinets), Peter Pooley (former DG, European Commission), Robert Hull (former Director, European Commission), Jonathan Scheele (former Head of Delegation, European Commission), David White (former Director, European Commission), Mark Mardell (BBC), Jean Lambert (Green Party MEP), Baroness Ludford (London MEP), Michael Shackleton (former General Secretariat), Francis Jacobs (former General Secretariat), Robert Nisbet (Sky News), Lord Hannay of Chiswick (former UK Permanent Representative to the EEC), Sir Simon Fraser (former Permanent Under-Secretary, FCO), Andy Lebrecht (former UK civil servant & former UK Deputy Permanent Representative to the EU), Peter Foster (The Telegraph), Sir David Bostock (former Deputy Permanent Representative to the EU and European Court of Auditors), The Rt Hon Sir David Edward (former judge of the Court of Justice of the European Communities), Sir Brian Crowe (former DG for External Relations, Council of the European Union).

Keynote speeches were given by Daniel Hannan (MEP for South East of England), The Rt Hon Charles Clarke (former Home Secretary and Education Secretary) and Lord Howard of Lympne (former Home Secretary, Secretary of State for the Environment and Secretary of State for Employment).

The event was very successful with around 70 people attending (room capacity 80 people). The audience consisted of former officials, academics, business representatives, media and embassy representatives. All copies of 'Leave/Remain: The facts behind the claims' were distributed.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016