Embedding Sustainability in the Hairdressing Curriculum - Sustainable Solutions for the Hair & Beauty Sector

Lead Research Organisation: University of Southampton
Department Name: Southampton Management School


Despite efforts to raise awareness of the challenges of sustainable development and environmental issues, individual behaviour has been slow to change. The proposed Knowledge Exchange study is based on the results of a previous study that explored the efficacy of an innovative bottom-up social marketing approach to encourage pro-environmental behaviour, using hairdressers as 'catalytic individuals' to diffuse knowledge relating to responsible chemical, energy and water use across their social networks. Social psychological research and research into behaviour change indicate that a key driver of behaviour is social norms. However even when people are aware of what they should do (injunctive norms) a stronger driver of behaviour is descriptive norms i.e. what everyone else is doing. Therefore, attempts to change behaviour need to take into account social norms. In our original study we targeted hairdressers on the basis that they talk to more people than almost any other occupation and therefore are in a strong position to affect norms relating to hair care.
Hairdressers use a lot of energy, water and chemicals, but our research last year indicated that, despite the increased concerns and public pronouncements on the importance of sustainability, little awareness has filtered into the hairdressing sector. This lack of attention to environmental issues by hairdressers then constitutes a social norm that is antagonistic to sustainability awareness, especially hair-washing, drying and colouring, which are activities that are carried out at home. In our original study we found that once their awareness had been raised, hairdressers were motivated to adapt their practices to reduce energy, water and product use and decrease waste. There was also a demonstrated increase in the awareness of environmentally friendly hair care practices among the customers of hairdressers that participated in our study. Thus our research indicated that raising awareness of more environmentally friendly hair care practices can not only reduce the environmental impact of the hairdressing sector as a whole, but also presents a powerful means of developing more pro-environmental social norms relating to use of energy, water and toxic chemicals for the general population.
As part of our original research, we ran a number of 'Green Salon Makeover' workshops for hairdressers. Key issues identified from these workshops included: the potential to make resource efficiency savings within the salon, ideas on products and practices that can enable salons to reduce their energy, water and product use, and how to engage, incorporate and promote sustainability aspects to clients and across the sector more generally. Although our original study demonstrated the efficacy of engaging hairdressers in pro-environmental behaviours, its impact was limited due to the relatively small sample size we were able to access. Thus to maximise impact and embed relevant environmental knowledge across the sector, the proposed knowledge exchange scheme aims to train the trainers. Specifically, to pass on the knowledge gained to trainers in UK hairdressing colleges, trainers for large salon chains and at industry events. This will involve working with organisations that develop and award hairdressing qualifications such as VTCT and City and Guilds.
Such knowledge exchange activities will benefit VTCT and City and Guilds by helping them to adapt their current hairdressing courses and awards to include environmental aspects. Salons who have been trained to consider environmental aspects can gain cost benefits from reduced resource use, and health benefits from reduced use of toxic chemicals. Similarly, clients exposed to more efficient hair care practices (e.g. washing just once, using less shampoo/dry shampoo, drying less, more easy care hairstyles etc.) make energy and cost savings. The corresponding reductions in energy use also helps the government meets its emissions targets.

Planned Impact

Direct beneficiaries will include trainers, colleges, salon chains and hairdressers. The knowledge exchange activities will provide the knowledge and skills required by this sector to incorporate sustainability issues into their teaching, training and work practices.

As one training college can affect thousands of hairdressers, and one hairdresser can affect thousands of customers, such knowledge exchange activities ensure cascading of knowledge and information on environmental issues to apprentices and future salon owners, and onto their clients leading to behaviour change within this sector (and in domestic practices) towards a low carbon economy. Statistics provided by HABIA (2011/12) provide an indication of the size of the targeted audience for the GSM project: the hair and beauty industry represents 5% of UK GDP, with approximately 55,000 salons and 420 million client visits per annum.

-Hairdressing salons will benefit as follows:
-Cost savings due to reduced electricity usage, water consumption, and hair products.
-Health benefits from switching to greener products, for example salons that switched to organic products in our original study reported immediate cessation of problems such as dermatitis.
-Access to eco-friendly innovations (e.g.biodegradable towels, thermal caps that replace the need for blow drying, organic products, water-flow restrictors, efficient shower heads).
-Learning new skills, such as speed blow-drying that minimise energy use, and sharing expertise related to easy care hairstyles that minimise need for product use and blow-drying/hair straightening.
-Increased publicity and clientele confidence for businesses with green credentials. The hairdressers in our original study welcomed the opportunity to gain environmental certification, not just to publicise their commitment in this area, but also as a means to raise the status of the profession as a whole. Being seen as a professional adds to the perceived value of the service hairdressers provide with corresponding business benefits.

The project partners, VTCT, City and Guilds and My HairDressers.com (MHD) will benefit as follows:
VTCT and City and Guilds perceive a growing market need for qualifications and continuous professional development relating to environmental issues within the sector and thus perceive benefits to partnering with the University to build upon the knowledge outcomes of our original study. MHD perceive marketing benefits and benefits to brand reputation from being involved with a government funded University led project. This proposal also benefits the key industry bodies, (HABIA, The Hairdressing Council and NHF) in their efforts to raise the legitimacy of the hairdressing sector by establishing more responsible standards of practice.

General public: Our research showed that informing hairdressers about pro-environmental behaviours affects the advice they pass onto their clients and their clients' subsequent behaviours. Thus there is potential for this project to develop norms of hair care that are much less resource intensive. Hair products and heat are generally bad for the hair, energy bills and the environment, so developing hair-care practices that use less product, less energy and less water benefits clients hair condition, clients' energy bills and the environment.
Government: This research also helps the Government meet carbon-reduction targets by enabling the hairdressing sector to reduce their environmental impact and perpetuating more pro-environmental norms to the general population. For example, the energy costs of hairdryers are typically 10-20 times that of appliances such as televisions and computers, and water heaters are typically 50 times more than such appliances. Therefore the reductions in energy use achievable from encouraging less frequent hair-washing, one rather than two shampoos, less hair drying/straightening and alternatives such as dry shampoo are enormous.
Title Film made by Association of Business Schools to demonstrate how Business Schools create impact 
Description This is a 4 min 30 sec video talking about the impact of the hairdressing sector and how the sustainable hair project has helped to reduce its environmental impact 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2018 
Impact This has been a useful promotional tool to raise awareness of sustainable hairdressing 
URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kmslLpYQQgQ&t=3s
Title Film produced to support ESRC impact prize 
Description A 4 minute film describing the sustainable hair project 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2018 
Impact This has generally helped to promote the project and has led to several articles about the project 
URL https://youtu.be/cr-tJ5TqoM4
Title promotional video for virtual salon training and associated sustainable stylist/salon certification 
Description This is a 3 minute promo video capturing the positive reactions of hair salons, training providers, policy makers and the public to the virtual salon training tool and associated sustainable stylist and sustainable salon certification http://ecohairandbeauty.com/sustainablesaloncertificate/ 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2017 
Impact This has increased awareness of our certification and interest in becoming certified 
URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iM6UXh9gzlk&feature=youtu.be
Title video training resource 
Description As a resource for hairdressing trainers we filmed a series of videos about sustainable hair products and how to pass on sustainable hair care advice to clients. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2015 
Impact We extend our impact to the whole UK population by showing role-play videos to demonstrate how to give advice to clients, and how to suggest products/practices that reduce energy/water/product use to them in typical client conversations (e.g. on camping holiday, try dry shampoo, short of time, try leave-in conditioner, saves extra rinse, short of money, reduce hot water use by shampooing just once etc) http://ecohairandbeauty.com/videos/ 
URL https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvt5Fa3n-1Qd-Ni4sYnTlJQ
Title virtual salon online training tool 
Description This is a virtual salon training tool. It takes about 30-45 minutes to complete and is designed like a game. It is aimed at hairdressers and they click on different items in the salon such as lights products, taps etc. and each time it will come up with the most sustainable options e.g. ecoheads to reduce water use, LED lights to reduce energy use etc. As they browse they also come across key sustainability concepts and what they mean such as 'carbon footprint'. After each section they are presented with some questions to check they have understood. Once completed, they are emailed a sustainable stylist certificate. Once each salon has had their stylists certified, they are eligible for a sustainable salon certificate. 
Type Of Art Artefact (including digital) 
Year Produced 2016 
Impact We have issued over 700 sustainable stylist certificates since we launched the virtual salon in October 2016. 
URL http://ecohairandbeauty.com/virtual-salon/
Description 1. New knowledge generated: in the post-workshop surveys completed by trainers who had been to our eco-hair workshops and presentations, we asked them what was the most motivating factor to adopt more sustainable practices. Their responses contribute useful new knowledge on key motivators for pro-environmental behaviour. We also asked about their pre-existing environmental values which enables us to separate results so we can see if the key motivators for those who were already had pro-environmental values differ from those who did not hold strong pro-environmental values. Our results indicate that the best motivators overall (N= 157) are cost (M=1.62), and joint second: dislike of waste, effects on the environment and desire to adopt professional standards (M=1.69) (M=1.71), third was effects on hair condition (M=1.75), then health and safety aspects (M=1.77) complying with Habia standards (M= 1.82), time-saving (M=1.93), and feeling empowered to make a difference (M=1.98).
But the most useful knowledge is what motivates those who are not already eco-minded. When we run the analysis just using those who did not already have sustainable values, then we find that all motivators are less powerful than for the eco-minded respondents, but the most important motivators for sustainable hairdressing were desire to hold professional standards (M=1.75), effects on the environment (M =1.82) and cost savings (M=1.86).

Additionally we have drawn on secondary sources to identify the carbon footprint of various hair-care practices and used this information to show hairdressers how various behavioural changes or new products/technologies can save electricity, water, waste, time and money. This information is fed into our other resources (see http://ecohairandbeauty.com/resources/) such as our carbon footprint of haircare report, virtual salon, quiz and PowerPoint presentation (e.g. http://ecohairandbeauty.com/carbon-footprint-calculator).

2. New skills developed: results from our survey of trainers (N=273) indicates that a substantial minority of trainers did not currently teach sustainability in theory lessons (31%) or practical lessons (22%). Nearly half believed their learners leave unaware of broad environmental issues or those relevant to the hairdressing sector (38%) upon completion of current hair qualifications. Only half believed that trainees qualify with the understanding to repeat pro-environmental behaviour in the salon. Thus our workshops were useful to give trainers the skills and knowledge to incorporate sustainability into their teaching. Our post-workshop feedback survey indicates that over 93% said they will give greater focus to sustainability as a result of our workshop (41% substantial increase, 53% some increase, 6% no change).

3. New networks/research collaborations: in the course of our project we have collaborated with Boots, Unilever and Severn Water Board to share knowledge on hair-care and showering practices and carbon footprint calculations. We have also worked with industry bodies such as VTCT, City & Guilds, My hairdressers.com (MHD), the Hair Council and National Hair Federation to seek their input into our suggestions and materials and also to disseminate our materials via their networks.
4. Interviews with salon owners and hairdressers in 2017 revealed that hairdressers felt stigmatised as a profession and especially welcomed our sustainability certification as a means to demonstrate their professional knowledge and show they were helping to address key global issues rather than being part of the problem see: Baden, D.: 2017, 'Professional identity as an unexplored motivator for sustainable practices'. 6th International Conference on Social Responsibility, Ethics and Sustainable Business, Berlin.
Exploitation Route Over the last 30 months we have been building up the resources on our website www.ecohairandbeauty.com so it provides a complete source of educational materials for hairdressing colleges to draw upon to integrate sustainability into their teaching. The website includes a carbon footprint of hair-care calculator, a quiz, a short and long PowerPoint presentation, links to training videos, articles, reports etc.

VTCT is a market leader for the hairdressing industry and a leading Government approved awarding organisation offering vocationally related qualifications within the Hair & Beauty sector. They supported the project with a donation of £12000 and staff time and may take over management of the website once the project ends.

We have created a bespoke certificate for sustainable hairdressing based on completion of an online training course - the virtual salon, plus (for salons) a sustainable salon certificate indicating what sustainable practices they currently engage in see http://ecohairandbeauty.com/virtual-salon.

Davines plan to adapt our virtual salon and sustainable salon project for salons that stock ther products across 70 countries.
Sectors Chemicals

Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)






Democracy and Justice



URL http://www.ecohairandbeauty.com
Description Funding details • Grant reference number ES/M004031/1 Embedding sustainability in the hairdressing curriculum - sustainable solutions for hair and beauty sector.Amount awarded: £118,709 + matched funding by VTCT of £12k. Knowledge Exchange Scheme. 2014-2016 • Impact Acceleration grant awarded by University of Southampton 1/3/2017 - 28/2/2018 'Promotion of Sustainable Hairdressing practices' Research upon which your impact application is based. We researched the financial and environmental costs and savings associated with various haircare practices and products (http://ecohairandbeauty.com/the-carbon-footprint-and-energy-costs-of-shampoo-and-hair-care-routines/) and integrated these into our virtual salon training programme in 2016. A key finding was that running hot water is the most energy-intensive domestic activity and hair-care constitutes a significant proportion of hot water use: the difference between high and low haircare routines is enormous - over 2000%. The annual carbon-footprint of shampooing hair daily with two shampoos and rinsed-out conditioner is about 500kg, 14222 litres of water, 1252kWh energy and costing around £245. Whereas the annual carbon-footprint of shampooing twice a week with one shampoo and leave-in conditioner supplemented by one dry shampoo is 25kg CO2e, 613 litres of water, 55kWh and £27. New Certification: In Oct 2016 we launched the virtual salon training programme which is a fun educational programme that exposes hairdressers to key sustainability concepts, sustainable practices, products and technologies, allowing them to see at each point how they save money, benefit hair condition and reduce energy/water use. A key focus is showing hairdressers how to advise clients on more sustainable practice, for example by highlighting benefits of water saving products such as dry shampoo (convenience, easier to style, low cost) and leave-in rather than rinse-out conditioner (time saving, easy to style, less colour fade). It takes about 45 minutes to complete and completion leads to the awarding of our new sustainable stylist certification - see http://ecohairandbeauty.com/virtual-salon/. We launched the sustainable salon certification scheme in April 2017, for which salons can self-certify once their staff have the sustainable stylist certification. Certified salons are then promoted by us and other industry bodies. We have issued 34 sustainable salon certificates to date and 726 sustainable stylist certificates to date. Responses of hairdressers, industry experts and the public to this new certification are captured in our video http://ecohairandbeauty.com/sustainablesaloncertificate/ Salon savings We asked colleges, suppliers and hair salons to quantify the financial and environmental savings/benefits obtained as a result of our collaboration. From this research we worked out that a small 4 seater salon that adopted our suggestions would save 286,000 litres of water, 24150 kWh energy and £5300 per year. Responses of hairdressers, industry experts and the public to this new certification are captured in the video http://ecohairandbeauty.com/sustainablesaloncertificate/ Interview data Interviews with salon owners and hairdressers revealed that hairdressers felt stigmatised as a profession and especially welcomed our sustainability certification as a means to demonstrate their professional knowledge and show they were helping to address key global issues rather than being part of the problem see: Baden, D.: 2017, 'Professional identity as an unexplored motivator for sustainable practices'. 6th International Conference on Social Responsibility, Ethics and Sustainable Business, Berlin. Events: We targeted trainers and training colleges and held bespoke sustainability workshops and also tagged onto existing CPD events and industry events to educate the sector about more sustainable products and practices. (Fife College letter) •City and Guilds: 14 events: 400 trainers •VTCT CPD 8 events: 460 trainers •Tea with Habia 3 events: 75 trainers •34 Ecohair workshops: 1000+ attendees (trainers/trainees) •Large events for industry professionals: Pro-Beauty, Pro-hair live, Scottish Beauty, Natural Beauty, Hair and Beauty. Survey Feedback from hairdressers Results from post-workshop feedback surveys (N=205) indicate that environmental sustainability was a significantly more important value to trainers after they attended the workshop (M = 1.66) than before (M = 2.55), p < .001. Also teaching sustainable hairdressing practices was a significantly more important priority after trainers attended the workshop (M = 1.77) than before (M = 2.92), p < .001. Results from surveys after completing the virtual salon training programme (n=704) indicate that environmental sustainability was a significantly more important value to trainees/hairdressers after the training programme (M = 1.56, SD = .72) than before (M = 2.42, SD = 1.05), p < .001. Also adopting sustainable hairdressing practices was a significantly more important priority after training (M = 1.54) than before (M = 2.39), p < .001. Customer data Our survey of customers of salons before and after hairdressers participated in our research (N = 776) found that customers who completed the survey after the intervention were significantly more likely to consider environmental issues in relation to hair-care than customers before. Engagement feedback: festivals We reached thousands of members of the public via stands at festivals. For Glastonbury we asked those who had tried out our dry shampoo and eco-products and done the carbon footprint quiz to indicate their opinion of our advice by putting counters in relevant boxes: 85% agreed that 'Reducing the use of heated appliances such as hair straighteners, curlers and blow dryers is better for hair condition, your bills and the planet' and 86% agreed that 'Dry Shampoo is good for your hair, your bills and the planet' (N=792). Impacts Economic competitiveness: is improved through more efficient use of resources; policy engagement via our input into an all-party-political-group (APPG) on hairdressing; enhanced quality of life and health through promotion of less toxic chemicals in hair-care, better hair condition, cost savings and, through the ripple effect, substantially reducing the carbon footprint of haircare across the UK. Instrumental impacts: Habia occupational standards: Though working with industry bodies and training providers we have influenced the national occupational standards in hairdressing so that sustainability is now embedded throughout e.g. changing default shampooing advice to shampooing once, rather than rinse and repeat. Policy level: We also input into the all-party political group (APPG) chaired by John McNally MP on professionalization of the hair sector. Training materials: VTCT now include sustainability in their NVQs. Extent and value of impact Impacts affect trainers, salons, hairdressers, their clients and the general public. Habia estimate there are 420 million client visits p.a. By our focus on teaching trainees the impact their advice can have on the public, we substantially increase the reach of our impact e.g. see our advice to clients video http://ecohairandbeauty.com/videos/ We have calculated impacts in terms of a triple bottom line approach taking into account social, environmental and economic value. Environmental value: This research helps meet carbon-reduction targets by enabling the hairdressing sector to reduce environmental impact and promote sustainable hair-care to clients. Our post-workshop surveys indicate that trainers teach an average of 113 trainees pa. We have reached over 1500 trainers and thousands of trainees via this route and 692 trainees and hairdressers directly via our virtual salon training programme. If each trainee goes on to advise 500 clients a year, this affects over a million clients each year. Shifting just 10% of clients from a high resource to low resource hair care routines would save 1360 million litres of water, 119.7 million kWh energy, 47.5 million kgCO2e and £21.8 million. See http://ecohairandbeauty.com/the-carbon-footprint-and-energy-costs-of-shampoo-and-hair-care-routines/ for assumptions. Climate change: This project alone is making a substantial contribution to the reductions required as part of our climate change commitment. As per the Climate Change act, we need to reduce emissions by 3% each year = 14.871 million tonnes CO2e https://www.theccc.org.uk/tackling-climate-change/reducing-carbon-emissions/carbon-budgets-and-targets/ Residential emission constitute about 27% of total emissions, of these about a quarter are due to heating water, meaning we need to save about one million tonnes of CO2e from hot water use. We estimate impacts from our project constitute about 5% of this, with projected savings likely to increase substantially over time as sustainability training works its way into salon practices and culture. Social Value: Well-being: Using less heat, water and product improves hair condition. Health benefits from switching to greener products: e.g. salons that switched to organic products reported cessation of problems such as dermatitis. The eco-brand Davines are collaborating with us to adapt our training programme for use in salons across the globe that use their brand. Their scheme also includes community engagement, with salons as a central hub for social initiatives Economic value: We expect individuals taking up our suggestion will save about £200 pa and small salons about £5300 pa. Salons with the Sustainable Salon Certification also have a competitive advantage. Suppliers of eco-friendly products (e.g. HDS, Davines, Ecoheads) have benefitted from increased exposure and sales. Impacts on Hairdressing salons: •Cost savings due to reduced electricity usage, water consumption, and hair products. •Access to eco-friendly innovations (e.g. hair drying solution that suck water from hair, thermal caps that replace blow drying, water-flow restrictors, efficient shower heads). •Learning new skills, such as speed blow-drying that minimise energy use, and sharing expertise related to easy-care hairstyles that minimise need for product use and blow-drying/hair straightening. •Increased publicity for businesses with green credentials. Salons welcomed the opportunity to gain environmental certification to publicise their commitment in this area and also to raise the status of the profession as a whole. Being seen as a professional adds to the perceived value of the service hairdressers provide with corresponding business benefits. Thus an important outcome for the salons has been the professionalization of their practice via their engagement with these standards and issues. Our Sustainable Salon Certification creates a competitive advantage for certified sustainable salons. Impacts on trainers: 97% of hairdressing trainers who attended these sessions said it had resulted in an increase in the amount of focus given to sustainable practices, with half reporting a substantial increase. Impacts on project partners. VTCT and City and Guilds perceive a growing market need for qualifications and continuous professional development relating to environmental issues within the sector and benefited from partnering with the University to integrate knowledge outcomes into their training materials. MHD perceive marketing benefits and benefits to brand reputation from being involved with a government funded University led project. Impacts on Suppliers: This project has helped to introduce innovative new services and products that increase sustainability and resource efficiency, for example, innovative shower heads that save water in a salon, pumps that dispense less shampoo, portable thermal caps that replace large hood dryers at salons, etc. This has paved the way for new companies and new inward investment. Although suppliers were reluctant to give exact figures due to confidentiality issues, since we began there has been an influx of more sustainable hair-care products and brands. Batiste has significantly expanded their range of dry shampoo - a product we have promoted due to the reduced need for water and electricity. Organic colour systems report an increased customer spend of 31% over the last 5 years and sales of eco-towels continue to grow. HDS: Working with suppliers and end-users we calculated the relative energy, water and financial costs of washing towels, versus disposable towels, versus brand new technologies such as the Scirocco Smooth by Hair Drying Solutions Ltd which suck water from the hair thus removing the need to launder towels. We found the latter made by far the greatest savings so we integrated product details and benefits of the Scirocco Smooth into the virtual salon training programme. Hair Drying Solutions Ltd. benefitted from inclusion in our virtual salon training programme which informs hairdressers about the savings that can be made using their new hair-drying technology. Our events also helped them identify new markets - for example drying of dreadlocks is much easier using the Scirocco Smooth to suck water from the hair than spending hours with a hair-dryer. Davines: The eco-supplier Davines are also adapting our resources to develop a sustainability training scheme for the salons that stock their brands in 70 countries EasyDry and Curlformers both promote our website and certification as they are included in our materials.
First Year Of Impact 2014
Sector Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software),Education,Energy,Environment,Healthcare,Government, Democracy and Justice,Retail,Other
Impact Types Cultural



Policy & public services

Description All party political group on the hair industry
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Contribution to a national consultation/review
Impact There is an All Party Political Group including John McNally (MP) as Chair, and Vice Chairs Christina Rees (MP), Jeremy Lefroy (MP) Liz Saville Roberts (MP) and Liz McInnes MP which meets regularly with industry stakeholders to discuss professionalisation and regulation of the hair industry. Our research was referred to in previous meetings and I was a key speaker at the last meeting on 1st March 2016 which focussed specifically on sustainability in the hair industry and included a talk also by Doug Clarke (Growth and Water-efficiency manager) Severn Trent Water, and attendees from key industry bodies such as the directors of the Hair Council, the National Hair Federation, VTCT and eco-suppliers in the field. We discussed our proposed sustainable salon/stylist certification and how our research and materials can be used to encourage less resource-intensive washing and hair-care practices. Key questions on the agenda were: ? How can these ideas work in practice? ? What can the Government do to promote these ideas? ? How can hairdressers reconcile these environmental priorities with profitability? ? How can hairdressers ensure quality and sustainability? ? How might registration help sustainability?
Description Development of sustainable stylist and sustainable salon certification
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Influenced training of practitioners or researchers
Impact We have had over 500 stylists/trainees complete our virtual salon. A small 4 seater salon that adopted our suggestions would save over £5000 year, save 24150 kWh energy and 143 thousand litres of water. An analysis of feedback of those who completed the virtual salon gives more information: SUSTAINABLE STYLIST SURVEY. SUMMARY OF RESULTS OF FEEDBACK FROM THE VIRTUAL SALON 1.2.2017 Sample: 324 respondents, mostly trainees (n = 177) and trainers (n = 70) with a mix of others (salon owners, hairdressers, unspecified). Training: Most of these had little (n= 158) or no (n= 74) training in sustainability of hair-care. 64 had attended a training event at college and 11 had attended one of our eco-workshops ECOTIPS What eco-tips had most useful information/advice. Which aspects were most inspirational? (we added up text responses and summarised in table below) Disposable Towels 24 comments Laundering towels as this is a big problem within the college. Broken machines, funding for washing powder, labour to maintain towels etc. Interesting that disposable towels were a much cheaper option. This is something I will pass on to the college management. Water saving e.g. technologies etc. 23 comments The different shower head and cleansing conditioner are useful things to know. Wash hair less 18 comments I learned to not wash your hair every day and to wash it every other day. Also, I learned to wash your hair with one shampoo and not two. All Useful 18 comments One wash not two 17 comments I found the washing tips most useful to inform clients. The fact they may not need a second shampoo or that they may not need to use conditioner all the time, and that leave in conditioner is just as good. Energy Saving 15 comments advice on LED Lightbulbs Money 14 comments Dry Shampoo 13 comments Palm Oil 12 comments Leave-in conditioner 12 comments Not washing your hair as much and using dry shampoos and leave in conditioners Organic/eco-friendly products 10 comments Less Shampoo 9 comments Tepid Water 7 comments Carbon Footprint 7 comments Star Rated Electricals 5 comments Advice to clients 2 comments I found that the video of 8 minutes was very helpful and it makes me understand about the environment more. The ones about washing the hair and how to save water and to reduce the energy bills are very helpful and I will put these tips to use when I am in my house. I will also try to use the tips on dry shampoo and the leave in conditioner because I colour my hair very frequently and I will find these helpful for me Using the correct amount of product 2 comments Using the correct amount of product Product wastage 1 comments Reducing waste 1 comments Cleaning 1 comments ADVICE TO CLIENTS Please watch the video showing how you can pass on sustainable haircare advice to clients. We'd love to know which tips you liked and would pass on to your clients, or any you wouldn't. (1 = already do, 2 = will do, 3 = not sure, 4 = unlikely, 5 = definitely not) Tip mean The benefits of shampooing less often 1.59 How to make colour last longer 1.64 Using temporary hair colour 1.64 How to reduce blow-dry time 1.73 The benefits of leave-in conditioner 1.78 The benefits of dry shampoo 1.81 Reducing/omitting conditioner 2.00 Using cleansing/co conditioner 2.06 Were there any eco-tips that you disagreed with or wouldn't use? (please say which and why. (we added up text responses and summarised in table below) Tip Frequency Typical quote No 109 comments No there weren't any eco tips that I disagreed on and wouldn't use. Disposable Towels 14 comments disposable towels - clients do not like them One wash not two 5 comments Shampooing is an enjoyable, relaxing experience and is part of the service. I would worry that my clients would feel I am rushing them through the service. I would certainly offer them a massage as an alternative if it is suitable for the client's hair type. Often it is evident that two shampoos are not required and in this case I would be prepared to only offer one. Dry Shampoo 5 comments Leave- in conditioner / dry shampoo not suitable for all hair types and can themselves cause more hair problems if used too often or incorrectly Leave-in conditioner 4 Not sure on the use of only leave in conditioners as I have always understood that combing through conditioner close down the cuticle to help make it shiny. Colouring tips 2 Cleansing Conditioner 2 Wash hair less 1 Advice to clients 1 Reducing waste 1 The section on wasted left over colouring products. Stating the correct method of disposal. But it clearly states the benefits. Washing up less frequently 1 Curling without heat 1 Hair Chalk 1 Palm Oil 1 I would say that it is best to advise against the use of palm oil completely, as the plantations are just ones in areas where the deforestation has already occurred, and so are preventing the deforestation of that area Tepid Water 1
Description Integration of sustainability into National Occupational Standards for Hair and Beauty sector
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Influenced training of practitioners or researchers
Impact Sustainability practices have been included in all technical units within the new National Occupational Standards for hairdressing and beauty (2015). For example as a result of our research and input they now no longer recommend shampooing twice as the default recommendation, and now recommend shampooing once as the default, and twice only if the hair type/condition demands it. This effectively cuts the carbon footprint, energy and water consumption associated with hair-washing by almost half, saving time and money and reducing water pollution as well as energy and water savings. This also has positive health and safety implications as many shampoos contain harsh, toxic ingredients so reduced shampoo use reduces risk of skin complaints and improves hair condition in most cases.
URL http://www.habia.org/standards-qualifications/national-occupational-standards-nos
Description On panel for All Party Political Group for Beauty Aesthetics and Wellbeing 11/2/2020
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Participation in a guidance/advisory committee
URL https://baw-appg.com/meetings/
Description development of sustainable salon locator map
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Influenced training of practitioners or researchers
Impact As salons see that more salons are sustainable and that the public are more aware of how t find a certified salon, there is increased interest in getting certified, this helping to embed sustainable practices across the sector, and across hair care behaviour more generally.
URL http://ecohairandbeauty.com/salon-locator/
Description helped design the sustainable salon toolkit
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Influenced training of practitioners or researchers
Impact Thi sis a sustainable salon toolkit devised by Anne Veck hair, to which I contributed advice and guidance
URL https://mailchi.mp/5fc62cb972bd/salonresourceuk?fbclid=IwAR2FIOvNAcfaQwVScFD2YxptBsbiwvgMnju8TWNcgK-...
Description new sustainability units in hairdresser training
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Influenced training of practitioners or researchers
Impact VTCT is one the leading awarding organisation for the hair and beauty sector and as a result of this project now include sustainability in their NVQs. The shampooing and conditioning unit content/indicative list that supports the unit within the VTCT record of assessment books now makes reference to only shampooing once as the default (changed from shampooing twice 2014/5). During training events that VTCT deliver with educators from the hair and beauty sector they now always draw their attention to our website www.ecohairandbeauty.com and the resources available on it to help them deliver sustainable hairdressing training to their learners. VTCT are currently drawing on our findings and resources to provide learners with a qualification certificate that has a sustainability kitemark for those who have achieved an NVQ qualification in hair or beauty. Since 2015 VTCT now also insist that learners studying for an NVQ have to demonstrate sustainability practices as they work and achieve their qualification. Similarly City and Guilds now include sustainability and environmental awareness as a key aspect trainers now have to integrate into their teaching. They use the sustainability video we developed with MyHairdressers.com as part of this process.
Description Impact Acceleration Grant
Amount £2,750 (GBP)
Organisation University of Southampton 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 08/2018 
End 03/2019
Description Impact acceleration Fund
Amount £9,383 (GBP)
Organisation University of Southampton 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 02/2017 
End 02/2018
Description All Party Political Group on the Hairdressing sector 
Organisation House of Commons
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution We have attended events and shared best practice with industry partners
Collaborator Contribution Habia, Hair Council, VTCT and NHF all attend the APPG events and contribute to discussions
Impact In discussion at events we developed sustainable stylist and sustainable salon certification. Stylist can attain a sustainable stylist certificate by working through our virtual salon. This takes about 30-60 minutes to work through and is designed to expose trainees and hairdressers to key aspects of sustainable hair care, showing at the same time how these can benefit hair condition, save money, save water, save energy and reduce waste. Here is what one of our first users had to say: "the virtual salon is surprisingly simple. It is designed like a game, which made it fun. I learnt a lot without really realising it. Loved the puppy!" Once the majority of a salon's staff have obtained a Sustainable Stylist Certificate theycan complete a quick and easy form to obtain a Sustainable Salon Certificate and select what sustainable behaviours they are using in your salon. This form should be completed by the salon manager and gathers information about the salon's sustainable best practice to generate a certificate. The practices we promote are chosen to be good for clients' hair, the planet and bills. Hairdressers are in a unique position, at the heart of the community, in what is a both intimate and influential role. The practices they model in the salon and the message they give to their clients about 'greener' behaviour has the potential to make the world of difference - quite literally - in helping to ensure the future sustainability of the planet - and also save money for both salons and clients. A small 4 seater salon that adopted our suggestions would save over £5000 year, save 24150 kWh energy and 143 thousand litres of water! We already have had certified over 500 stylists since we launched the sustainable stylist certificate in Oct 2016 and we are just launching the sustainable salon certificate now - see http://ecohairandbeauty.com/virtual-salon/
Start Year 2015
Description City and Guilds 
Organisation City & Guilds of London Institute
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We have made our resources and training materials freely available to City and Guilds to use in their training. We have also provided them with material for their regular e-newsletters
Collaborator Contribution City and Guilds allowed us to incorporate our Eco-hair workshop into 14 of their CPD events with trainers and covered the costs of the venue, refreshments and publicity. We reached 500 trainers through these events. They have also allowed us to disseminate our materials via their networks.
Impact 14 CPD events and numerous publications
Start Year 2014
Description Collaboration with Centre de Formation Aroma 
Organisation Centre de Formation Aroma
Country Mauritius 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution I gave a talk on sustainable hairdressing to 65 hairdressers and the charity's trainers, which was covered by the island's main television and radio stations
Collaborator Contribution Organised event/talk
Impact Aroma Charity shifted to eco towels Aroma charity now work with hair salons to encourage more sustainable practices and products e.g. low ammonia products, low power equipment, solar energy, provide VTCT approved bespoke course in ecohair and beauty based on the ecohair material
Start Year 2019
Description Collaboration with Haird Drying Solutions to promote virtual salon 
Organisation Hair Drying Solutions Ltd
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Hair Drying Solutions have produced a new water extraction technology that saves water by vacuuming water from hair so no need to launder towels.
Collaborator Contribution As we include details of their new product on our website and virtual salon, they are promoting our virtual salon and sustainable stylist/salon certification across their marketing efforts.
Impact wider awareness of our website and sustainable salon certification
Start Year 2017
Description Collaboration with MyHairdressers.com to create video on sustainable hairdressing 
Organisation MHD (MyHairDressers) Productions Ltd
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Our research provided useful material for MHD to integrate into their sustainability for hairdressing video
Collaborator Contribution MHD covered the cost of video production relating to environmental practices in hairdressing in order to support our project. They have allowed us to show this video freely. They also disseminate our materials via their network
Impact Sustainability video
Start Year 2014
Description Collaboration with Natural health Malta and Climate Kic Malta 
Organisation Natural Health Malta
Country Malta 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Visited Malta to give talk to local hairdressers. Worked with natural health Malta to help them adapt the Virtual Salon for their use. Help with launch of Go Green Salon project launch in Malta
Collaborator Contribution Natural health Malta and Climate Kic hosted talk for hairdressers.
Impact Outcomes as a result of collaboration - Virtual salon adapted for Malta - Go Green salon project launch in Malta (any idea of dates?) - Research project devised to test effect on clients' of posting green tips on mirrors in salons. - Resulting savings in water, energy, waste, costs and product use from salons and their clients adopting more sustainable hair care practices
Start Year 2019
Description Hair Council 
Organisation The Hair Council
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution We have provided the intellectual capital into development of the materials necessary to deliver the sustainable stylist certificate.
Collaborator Contribution They have disseminated our materials via their website and e-newsletters. The Hair Council have also provided inputs into development of our sustainable stylist certificate.
Impact Publicity and dissemination of materials. Sustainable stylist certification
Start Year 2013
Description Hair and Beauty Industry Authority (habia) 
Organisation Hair and Beauty Industry Authority (habia)
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution We have shaped the national occupational standards for the hair and beauty sector delivered by Habia and provided material for their regular e-newsletters.
Collaborator Contribution They allowed us to present our ecohair and beauty workshops at their 'tea with Habia' events which invite hairdressers and hairdresser trainers to learn about developments in the hairdressing sector. Habia covered the cost of the venue, refreshments and publicity for these events. Habia helped us to disseminate our eco-tips and products via their regular e-newsletter. Habia advise us on which tips, practices, products and technologies to focus on and how to pitch to appeal to salons. Habia have also allowed us to use their stand at hair events (e.g. Pro-Beauty, Pro-hair live, Scottish Beauty, Natural Beauty, Hair and Beauty) to disseminate our materials
Impact 3 Tea with Habia events: 75 trainers integrated sustainability into Habia skill straining and national occupational standards. In 2016 and 2017 Habia are partnering with us to support and promote our new sustainable salon and sustainable stylist certification.
Start Year 2012
Description Knowledge Exchange with VTCT 
Organisation Vocational Training Charitable Trust
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution A collaborative project between University of Southampton and VTCT, UK's leading qualifications awarding agency to look at developing bespoke Environmental Sustainability modules for this sector and to train the trainers in achieving successful delivery of these modules to future hairdressers. We have developed training resources and content suitable for VTCT to integrate into its modules and also to help VTCT create a bespoke sustainable hairdressing module
Collaborator Contribution VTCT are providing some funds £12000), and also premises and help in the form of staff time and resources to support this project. They provided the venue, refreshments and publicity of 8 CPD Eco-hair workshops for hairdressing trainers to attend - total of 460 trainers. VTCT have disseminated our materials via their regular e-newsletters and social media In 2016 and 2017 VTCT are partnering with us to support and promote our new sustainable salon and sustainable stylist certification.
Impact We now have received ESRC Knowledge Exchange funding to work with industry bodies such as VTCT and City & Guilds - the two main awarding organisations for the Hair and Beauty Sector to embed learning outcomes into hairdresser training running from Nov 2014 for 12 months.
Start Year 2013
Description National Association of Eco-friendly Salons & Spas 
Organisation National Association of Eco-Friendly Salons and Spas (NAEFSS)
Country United States 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution We make available our resources for them to promote via their networks We will provide them with details of Salons that have attained sustainable salon certificate and they will promote it.
Collaborator Contribution As above - they promote our resources and will provide details of sustainable salons
Impact Just started
Start Year 2016
Description National Hair Federation 
Organisation National Kidney Federation
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution We have provided the intellectual capital into development of the materials necessary to deliver the sustainable salon certificate.
Collaborator Contribution They have disseminated our materials via their website and e-newsletters. The NHF have also provided inputs into development of our sustainable salon certificate.
Impact Publicity and dissemination of materials. Sustainable Salon certification
Start Year 2012
Description Partnership with L'Oreal 
Organisation L'Oreal (Paris)
Country France 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution We will analyse L'Oréal's Consumer Insights data to identify possible interventions for measureable improvements in waste reduction and energy and water usage in order for salons and L'Oréal to track savings and impacts. Also key is informing how L'Oréal's Sustainability Program can progress the market forward at a sector level including providing a message to the trade media.We will produce an Executive Report including an executive summary reflecting why the data is important and how they ladder up to the overarching goals for the company. The report also needs to contextualise the hairdressing industry in relation to the economy generally and to other industries - e.g. comparing and contrasting to the retail industry to benchmark sustainability levels. Denise Baden to inform design of content for online sustainability course to take the form of 4 short videos covering a) waste management/ recycling; b) energy usage; c) water usage; d) talking to customers about sustainability. Denise to appear in guest slot in each video as voice of authority. Denise to design and deliver a workshop to train L'Oréal's sales and education team so they can act as Sustainability Ambassadors and provide in-salon training workshops to salon teams (Autumn 2020)
Collaborator Contribution L'Oréal's Consumer Insights Team will gather the data using approx. 500 internal salons from a pool of 1,000 to gain a snapshot of the sector. This will include a mix of quantitative (through access to billing info - e.g. electricity usage/ costs) and qualitative data (sustainability awareness and understanding). This will occur over a 12 week period with an estimated start date in Spring 2020 with results envisaged in Summer 2020.
Impact Collaboration just beginning
Start Year 2020
Description partnership with eco supplier Davines 
Organisation Davines S.p.A
Country Italy 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The eco-supplier Davines who supply eco-friendly hair products are adapting our resources (i.e. our virtual salon) to develop a sustainability training scheme for the salons that stock their brands in 70 countries
Collaborator Contribution Davines plan is going to bring our ideas to the public and the hair industry during a large event in summer 2018 encompassing around 3000 salons. The collaboration presents a win-win opportunity for both parties to maximise impact. Our research has informed Davines' practices and plans, and having our expertise further legitimizes their brand's aspirations. In return, Davines' reach across 85 countries gives our work a much, much larger audience. Our mutual goal is to push salons and the hair care industry forward on a far more comprehensive path towards sustainability defined by an equal balance of social and environmental sustainability. The resources we have developed (i.e. the virtual salon and other educational resources on the website www.ecohairandbeauty.com) need little adaptation to address Davines' environmental goals, and Davines include an additional social component that encourages salons to address the needs of their local communities, becoming a social hub for local issues.
Impact We expect to see outcomes later in 2018
Start Year 2017
Title Virtual salon 
Description This is a virtual salon training tool. It takes about 30-45 minutes to complete and is designed like a game. It is aimed at hairdressers and they click on different items in the salon such as lights products, taps etc. and each time it will come up with the most sustainable options e.g. ecoheads to reduce water use, LED lights to reduce energy use etc. As they browse they also come across key sustainability concepts and what they mean such as 'carbon footprint'. After each section they are presented with some questions to check they have understood. Once completed, they are emailed a sustainable stylist certificate. Once each salon has had their stylists certified, they are eligible for a sustainable salon certificate.It is a virtual online salon to be used as an online training tool to educate hairdressers and trainees about sustainable hairdressing practices - will form part of sustainable stylist certificate. 
Type Of Technology Software 
Year Produced 2016 
Impact A small 4 seater salon that adopted the suggestions given in our virtual salon would save over £5000 year, save 24150 kWh energy and 143 thousand litres of water.Impacts in terms of changed attitudes and behaviours are covered in engagement section. Since we made this available in September 2016 we have issued over 700 sustainable stylist certificates awarded on completion of the virtual salon training tool. 
URL http://ecohairandbeauty.com/virtual-salon
Description Article for Ethical Consumer on sustainable hair products 
Form Of Engagement Activity A magazine, newsletter or online publication
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact November 2020: Article for Ethical Consumer on sustainable hair products
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
URL https://www.ethicalconsumer.org/health-beauty/how-reduce-carbon-footprint-your-hair-care
Description Comedy gig for Bright Club - making our research funny 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Bright Club were set up as a public engagement initiative to challenge stereotypes about academics and also give academics a chance to talk about their research in a more engaging way using comedy.
minutes 5:21 to 6:25 relate to the hairdressing project https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vd6PnsPe6sE
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015
URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vd6PnsPe6sE
Description Conscious Hair & Beauty 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Conscious Hair & Beauty event 3rd November 2019 at OXO2 level 2, Bargehouse Street, London SE1 9PH.
Talk by Professor Denise Baden on sustainable salon practices to salon owners.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
URL https://www.facebook.com/events/oxo2/conscious-hair-beauty-event/662003854225378/
Description Ecohair and Beauty Facebook page 
Form Of Engagement Activity A magazine, newsletter or online publication
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Facebook page to disseminate articles, information, event details etc
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2014,2015,2016
URL https://www.facebook.com/ecohairandbeautysoton
Description Glastonbury Festival 2015 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact We visited Glastonbury music festival as part of University of Southampton's Roadshow team. We asked, those who tried out our eco products, dry shampoo and done the carbon footprint quiz to indicate their opinion of our advice by putting counters in relevant boxes: 85% agreed that 'Reducing the use of heated appliances such as hair straighteners, curlers and blow dryers is better for hair condition, your bills and the planet' and 86% agreed that 'Dry Shampoo' is good for your hair, your bills and the planet' (N=792).
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015
URL https://twitter.com/UoS_Roadshow/status/624953205894565888
Description Hair and Beauty events 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Large events for industry professionals: Pro-Beauty, Pro-hair live, Scottish Beauty, Natural Beauty, Hair and Beauty. We shared Habia's stands at these events and used the opportunity to talk to suppliers, hairdressers, trainers, etc. We also promoted our eco-samples and materials (leaflets, quiz, carbon footprint calculator etc)at the stand.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2012,2013,2014,2015,2016
Description Interactive Workshop on sustainable hairdressing with Dr Denise Baden from Ecohair and Beauty and Virendra Beeknoo from Centre De Formation Aroma, Mauritius 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Audience learned about dry shampoo and sustainable products and practices. Interviews related to event were broadcast on the local tv and radio stations:
CONNECT on 5th May 2019 at 8.50 pm and LE DEFI 10th May 2019 and also on TV Creole.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Launching of New Sustainable Salon certificate 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact This is scheduled for 5/4/2017 and is designed to raise awareness of our new sustainable salon certificate. The local press ( and hopefully tv) will cover it.
see http:///www.eventbrite.com/e/sustainable-salon-launch-event-tickets-32720056570
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description National Hairdressers Federation article on Eco Hair and Beauty - 7 ways of being energy efficient can help salons save money 
Form Of Engagement Activity A magazine, newsletter or online publication
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact NHF published one of Eco Hair and Beauty's article - "7 ways of how becoming more energy efficient can help your salon save money" on their website. This led to a high number of unique users visit our Eco Hair and Beauty project website.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015
URL http://www.nhf.info/top-tips/top-5/energy-efficient-in-salon/
Description News article in popular hairdresser magazine - Professional Hairdresser 
Form Of Engagement Activity A magazine, newsletter or online publication
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Online magazine Professional Hairdresser published an article about the laugh of Eco Hair and Beauty project website. This increased unique visitors our the Eco Hair and Beauty website.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015
URL http://professionalhairdresser.co.uk/news/eco-hair-and-beauty-launches-website/
Description Online Publication - Huffington Post 
Form Of Engagement Activity A magazine, newsletter or online publication
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact An article entitled " How Hairdressers could be a secret weapon against Climate Change" was published by the Huffington post, an online publication with well over 80 million unique visits per month, generating over one billion page views (Source:http://advertising.aol.com/properties).
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
URL http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/hair-care-hairdressers-climate-change-carbon-footprint_us_56b268...
Description Presentation by Dr Denise Baden on sustainable hairdressing at Naxxar, Malta hosted by Natural Health Malta 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact 18th June 2019 Presentation by Dr Denise Baden on sustainable hairdressing at Naxxar, Malta hosted by Natural Health Malta - helped to share information on sustainable hairdressing practices. Led to local hairdresser adopting eco tips on mirrors.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
URL https://www.facebook.com/HilltopGardensMalta/photos/a.1410402305921221/2064547297173382/?type=1&thea...
Description Radio Interview - Wave 105 Regional Radio station 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact An interview on the regional radio station - Wave 105 - about hairdressers and sustainability was aired on Tuesday 19th January 2016. The story played out at least three times on the afternoon/evening of Tuesday, 19 January, 2016 during the news broadcasts at 3.00pm, 4.00pm, 5.00pm, 5.30pm, 6.00pm and 7.00pm. The station attracts 382,000 listeners each day, therefore the news would have reached an estimated 3.2 million potential listeners (across the 6 news broadcasts) across the four hour time period.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Roadshows at Festivals: Camp Bestival, Hat Fair, South Downs Green Fair, and many more see http://www.southampton.ac.uk/per/university/roadshow.page 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact This was an event run by Southampton University Roadshow team to engage the public in our research activities. We had our leaflets, samples, r carbon footprint of hair quiz and calculator on a stand and talked to public - a good opportunity to promote dry shampoo.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2009,2015
URL http://www.southampton.ac.uk/per/university/roadshow.page
Description Southampton Climate Change conversations 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact This was an event run by Southampton University to engage the public in climate change. We promoted our carbon footprint of hair quiz and calculator and spoke and offered samples of eco-friendly products and leaflets. There were several events associated with this such as the climate change event in town in Southampton where I distributed information
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Sponsorship of Salon Business Awards (Green salon category) 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact This was a high profile gala award event hosted by Salon Business attened by hairdressers and salon owners. I presented the award for the Green Salon category and gave a short talk about the Ecohair project. The sponsorship package included the following:Single page advert in June/July issue of Salon Business
Banner advert on homepage of www.salonbusiness.co.uk for one month
Our promo video on homepage of www.salonbusiness.co.uk for one month
5 minutes onstage at Salon Business Awards to introduce certification and present promo video
Presentation of Green Salon of the Year award
Logo on all magazine coverage, promo material before and at the awards
Imagery for your own coverage of the awards
Inclusion in social media coverage of the awards
Flyers were put in all attendees bags
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
URL http://www.salonbusiness.co.uk/invitation-london-launch-of-the-new-sustainable-salon-certification/
Description Sustainable living guide 
Form Of Engagement Activity A magazine, newsletter or online publication
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Our tips for sustainable hairdressing re listed in the Sustainable Living Guide published and promoted widely by Transition
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
URL http://transitionsouthampton.org/index.php/tips-advice
Description Tedx talk on project published on several websites (WINACC, transition, HABIA etc) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A magazine, newsletter or online publication
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Increased awareness of sustainable hair care practices

Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2013,2014
Description Television interview 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact increase awareness of benefits of sustainable hair-care practices

Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2014
Description Twitter 
Form Of Engagement Activity A magazine, newsletter or online publication
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact We are active on twitter and have 160 followers
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2014,2015,2016
URL https://twitter.com/EcoHairBeauty
Description VTCT News article - online and print publication 
Form Of Engagement Activity A magazine, newsletter or online publication
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact VTCT, one of our project partners, published an article on the Eco Hair and Beauty project in their VTCT News magazine, which has a membership of over 500 teachers and assessors, training colleges across the UK and abroad, a key sector in this study.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015
URL http://www.glasgowbeautycourseacademy.co.uk/images/pdf/vtct_news_feb_2014.pdf
Description article in the Guardian on sustainable hairdressing Oct 2020 
Form Of Engagement Activity A magazine, newsletter or online publication
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact article on sustainable hair care
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
URL https://www.theguardian.com/innovative-sustainability/2020/oct/08/our-customers-want-us-to-go-green-...
Description celebration of first salon to get sustainable salon certificate in London: media event in Soho at Karine Jackson salon 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact This was an event at Karine Jackson salon in soho to celebrate them getting the sustainable salon certification. Lot of salon owners, suppliers, hair and beauty bloggers and hair press attended. There was food and wine, demonstrations of new green technologies and a speech from my self about the ecohair project and by Karine Jackson about how her salon is becoming more sustainable. This was written up widely in the industry press and in general hair and beauty blogs.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
URL http://www.salonbusiness.co.uk/invitation-london-launch-of-the-new-sustainable-salon-certification/
Description event to celebrate first sustainable salon in Wales 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact This was an event at Bauhaus salon in Cardiff to celebrate them getting the sustainable salon certification. Lot of salon owners, suppliers, hair and beauty bloggers and hair press attended. There was food and wine, demonstrations of new green technologies and a speech from my self about the Ecohair project and by Scott the owner about how Bauhaus is becoming more sustainable. This was written up widely in the industry press and in general hair and beauty blogs.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
URL http://ecohairandbeauty.com/event/
Description launch event for first Sustainable Salon Certification, Southampton 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact We launched the sustainable salon certificate at Shine Salon, University of Southampton and invited salon owners, trainers, trainees, suppliers of eco products, clients and press. We provided wine, food, free samples, a demo of a new green technology and had a talk and networking. The local press took photos and write it up in the local news.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
URL https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sustainable-salon-launch-event-tickets-32720056570
Description launch of first sustainable salon in Scotland 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact This was an event at the hair salon at Fife College, Scotland to celebrate them getting the sustainable salon certification in Scotland. Lot of salon owners, suppliers, hair and beauty bloggers and hair press attended. There was food and wine, demonstrations of new green technologies and a speech from my self about the ecohair project and by the salon owner about how their salon is becoming more sustainable and how they are embedding sustainable practices into their teaching. This was written up widely in the industry press and in general hair and beauty blogs.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
URL http://ecohairandbeauty.com/event/
Description numerous articles in industry press and general press about our sustainable stylist/salon certification 
Form Of Engagement Activity A magazine, newsletter or online publication
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact THREE E shot to the Habia database which is a targeted audience - the e shot has a call to action so that customers can click through to our site> Habia also give out paper copies of our flyer out at three Habia events ; paper copies of our flyers in the reception area at Habia HO, and Habia include our sustainability certificate on their web site
Article in Creative Head magazine (mailing list of 17000 salon owners UK) and promotion via their social media;
Article in Hair Magazine;
Article in Salon Focus magazine;
Article in website 'Layered';
Article in https://journal.ethicalconsumer.org/;
Article in health and fitness magazine;
Article on Just means: http://www.justmeans.com/blogs/britains-hairdressing-sector-has-potential-to-drive-sustainability-in-communities
Flyers and eco-product samples handed out to 60 attendees at Pint of Science festival, Southampton;
Social media promotion from Curlformers;
Promotion of sustainable salon certification via Transition network newsletter;
Participation in Big Hair-Do event;
Flyers and eco-product samples handed out at Green Futures field, Glastonbury;
Numerous councils have referenced our sustainable salon certification on the business section of their websites e.g. Suffolk council feature in their newsletter;
Promotion via Centre for Understanding Sustainable Prosperity social media;
Coverage of launch events in local papers (e.g. Daily Echo, Southampton) and the Scottish Launch was covered in Dunfermline Press, Fife Free Press, Courier, East Fife Mail and Glenrothes Gazette.
Promotion via Good Salon Guide;
Promotion on Earth day at community event;
Promotion via NUS sustainability team;
Published on EthicalCorp.com and then distributed to the wider Ethical Corp audience.
• Published announcement on EthicalCorp.com - 40,000+ unique visitors per month
• Featured in the weekly newsletter - 27,000+ opt-in subscribers
• A link to the report tweeted from the Ethical Corp twitter account - 26,000+ followers
• Promoted in weekly LinkedIn announcement - 20,000+ members
• Posted to Facebook page - 3,000+ followers
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017,2018
Description numerous workshops at hairdressing colleges across the UK see http://ecohairandbeauty.com/event/ 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Analysis of the post workshop feedback (N = 205) indicates that environmental sustainability was a much more important value to attendees after they attended the workshop (M=1.66, SD = .84) than before they attended the workshop (M = 2.55, SD = 1.14) F (1,204) = 216.26, p < .001

Analysis of the post workshop feedback (N = 205) indicates that it was a more important priority to teach/practice sustainable hairdressing practices after they attended the workshop (M=1.77, SD = .85) than before they attended the workshop (M = 2.92, SD = 1.25) F (1,202) = 254.01, p < .001
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2014,2015,2016,2017
URL http://ecohairandbeauty.com/event/
Description training workshops at hair colleges on integrating sustainability into curriculum 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Undergraduate students
Results and Impact training days at City College, Southampton; Highbury College, Portsmouth; Riverside College and South Devon College. Bedofr College and East Surrey College over 2017
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
URL http://ecohairandbeauty.com/event/
Description virtual salon training tool 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact Trainee hairdressers and hairdressers were encouraged to complete our online virtual salon which is a fun way to learn about sustainable hair- care practices. Completion entitles them to a sustainable stylist certificate.
Based on feedback which many completed (N=301) after completing the training there was a change in attitudes and behavioural intentions. Results indicate that environmental sustainability was a much more important value to attendees after they attended the workshop (M=1.61, SD = .74) than before they attended the workshop (M = 2.49, SD = 1.05) F (1,298) = 301.51, p < .001
Also that it was a more important priority to teach/practice sustainable hairdressing practices after they attended the workshop M=1.58, SD = .70) than before they attended the workshop (M = 2.47, SD = 1.04) F (1,300) = 302.76, p < .001
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016,2017
URL http://ecohairandbeauty.com/virtual-salon/
Description website 
Form Of Engagement Activity A magazine, newsletter or online publication
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Our website is a resource for mostly hairdresser trainers but also trainees, hairdressers and barbers, and general public to learn mor eabout sustainable haircare.
We only got Google analytics in July 2015 so only have data from then
Since July 2015 - till Feb 2016
Sessions - 2487
Users - 2158
Pageviews - 3695
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2014,2015,2016
URL http://www.ecohairandbeauty.com