Sustainable Agricultural Intensification and the Nexus in Brazil (SAIN)

Lead Research Organisation: University of Edinburgh
Department Name: The Roslin Institute


Brazil is an important player in the international debate about food security, food production and the need to develop production methods that minimise climate impacts, land use changes and loss of tropical forests and biodiversity. These sometimes competing objectives and the damaging role of some forms of livestock production in particular, have led some commentators to suggest that a process of sustainable agricultural intensification is necessary to produce more outputs from less inputs, especially land, which has traditionally been abundant in Brazil. This new sustainable intensification agenda is an important element of a wider green growth debate in the UK and increasingly in Brazil and other emerging economies. This project considers the nexus of trade-offs inherent in the need for Brazil to sustainably intensify agricultural production to avoid local and global external costs in terms of greenhouse gas emissions from livestock production and direct and indirect land use change (by deforestation) and associated loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services. The wider context for this imperative is the increasing global demand for food production and Brazil's ambition to maintain its pre-eminent status as a global food commodity exporter, while maintaining domestic food security and social equality. Global climate change creates an additional stressor, with a need for Brazil to understand impacts and to make incremental or transformative adaptations to allow the agricultural systems to be more resilient to climate scenarios. The project adopts a quantitative approach to understanding the interaction between these elements. We identify a number of sustainable intensification measures that can be accommodated within farming systems of different scale across the variety of Brazilian environments (or biomes). These measures include livestock feeding, grassland improvement and housing options. We then develop a numerical optimisation model that describes different production systems and allows us to illustrate the economic and environmental trade-offs in a way that helps to inform the design of policies such as those focused on greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural production and land use change (including deforestation). The project addresses the more general question of where production is appropriate and where it is not, by modelling the responses in each biome. We will also be able to address more contentious issues such as the consequences of reducing global demand (or consumption) for livestock products, which is increasingly discussed in academic and policy circles.
The project combines expertise from key agricultural research institutions in Scotland (SRUC) and Brazil (Embrapa), and a key civil society organisation (Imaflora) focussed on agricultural development and sustainability in Brazil. Our proposal builds on an existing collaboration between the scientific team members and an existing model framework that we aim to improve using additional data and qualitative research of smallholder systems. A range of different stakeholders from the public, private and civil society will be involved to help develop our model structure and comment on results. The work builds on existing experience of providing evidence to the Secretary for Agricultural Policy for the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (SPA/MAPA). This advice has been used for policy development for Brazil's offer as Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) from the agricultural sector. NAMAs are voluntary emissions reduction commitments to be offered under the United Nations Framework on Climate Change. Finally the project will target significant knowledge exchange to facilitate Brazil's ambition to inform the intensification debate in other countries in the global south.

Planned Impact

The project will help to clarify the wider debates on land sparing, sharing, sustainable agricultural intensification and green growth. We identify direct beneficiaries in academic, public (i.e. government), private and civil society. Public sector beneficiaries include the Secretary for Agricultural Policy for the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (SPA/MAPA) charged with Brazil's climate negotiations and the development of Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAS) and Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) to be tentatively offered by countries (UNFCCC COP21) in Paris in December 2015. INDCs are targets as post-2020 mitigation commitments and will largely determine whether the world achieves an ambitious 2015 agreement for a low-carbon future. Our initial model has already been used to inform Brazil's agricultural contribution to this effort and we aim to continue refining this in WP3 to deliver cost-effective analysis in meeting the NAMAs and INDCs for the Ministry of Agriculture.
Beyond the climate contribution, we suggest that the model will provide a further insight into the relationship between agriculture and deforestation and hence a contribution to Brazil's zero net deforestation and biodiversity conservation commitments. Indirectly it is also possible to link this benefit to the growing debate about the link between Amazon deforestation and precipitation in southern Brazil. In this regard, the modelling will provide more substantive evidence for research prioritisation within EMBRAPA, which is the national body charged with providing for advice to government on agricultural development and innovation. We are also furthering the objective of promoting inter-disciplinary collaboration inside EMBRAPA, which is still rare.
Our research will be of interest to the livestock and soya production industries who are seeking to improve their environmental footprint including guidance on both production and consumption externalities. In this regard we have sought the collaboration of key industry groups GTPS, IMS, McDonalds Europe.
We suggest that like Nexus, the concepts of sustainable intensification and Climate Smart Agriculture need to be substantiated with quantitative evidence. In this regard our contribution is convergent with the objectives targeted by multilateral donors and international initiatives including the Climate Smart work program of CCAFS, the CGIAR focal point for Climate Smart Agriculture. Similarly we are aligned with The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB, which is currently developing case studies in a specific TEEB agriculture & Food initiative. We have received support and a commitment of time from TEEB secretariat (Dr Salman Hussain) and the coordinator of this initiative (Dr Peter May). Both CCAFS and TEEB are under close scrutiny from both UNDP and many governments seeking guidance on sustainable intensification.
Our research complements work by inter governmental development think tanks such as the OECD and World Bank, who periodically sponsor meetings and workshops (and their own research) into related topics. More immediately we will offer seminars in key development agencies including DFID, SIDA, GIZ Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation's Department for Civil Society under the Norwegian Forest and Climate Initiative. Further we add value to work of other NGOs and philanthropic groups such as the Betty Moore Foundation and Gates Foundations. These bodies are seeking technically effective, cost-effective and acceptable measures to recommend in their funding portfolios.
Finally and most generally, we see a global impact in terms of the projects influence on the conservation of global public goods (biodiversity and climate change). Conceptually we move the nexus topic from the conceptual to the practical and provide quantitative evidence


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publication icon
De Oliveira Silva R (2021) Fire, deforestation, and livestock: When the smoke clears in Land Use Policy

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Marques JGO (2020) An improved algorithm for solving profit-maximizing cattle diet problems. in Animal : an international journal of animal bioscience

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Moran D (2021) Review: Sustainable livestock systems: anticipating demand-side challenges. in Animal : an international journal of animal bioscience

Description ES/N013255/2 generated research evidence that speaks to the broader global agenda on the links between agriculture, land use change and GHG emissions. Sustainable agricultural intensification (SAI) is the term for systems seeking to balance production impacts.
In the context of Brazilian agriculture, the focus is on livestock systems and their impacts on extensive land use. We showed how it is possible to maintain levels of beef production while minimising GHGs and reducing (land) extensive production and deforestation. The latter therefore obviates the loss of globally significant ecosystem services.
The focus of this UK-Brazil collaboration has been on the development of a bio economic optimisation model to evaluate SAI trade-offs at relevant scales (e.g. farm to regional). The work also links beef demand scenarios with levels of intensification through the restoration of degraded pastures, animal feedlot finishing and feed supplementation, and how these factors influence overall emissions management and deforestation scenarios.
The model EAGGLE (Economic Analysis of Greenhouse Gas from Livestock Emissions), was used to develop a clear policy strategy to determine the potential to reduce related GHGs and associated policy costs. This is important because emissions reductions from this sector are a central pillar of Brazil's international commitments made at the Paris Climate Agreement in 2016.
Our peer-reviewed outputs substantiate the scientific basis of the current proposal. The work has also been featured on>100 blog and environmental web sites.
ODA relevance
Agricultural development is central to Brazil's national economic growth objective. However, the country is struggling with the tension between the need for economic growth in the sector (and livestock production in particular) and environmental commitments including the conservation of biodiversity-rich biomes in the Amazon and the Cerrado. The global and domestic consequences of Brazilian deforestation is receiving significant recent media attention. This global public good element is relevant to the ODA DAC justification of the funding and the study offers resource management lessons to other DAC list countries (e.g. Colombia).
Exploitation Route Initial model results were used by the MoA to provide analysis supporting the calculation of the livestock sector contribution to Brazil's Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). The model is also informing the key domestic policy to incentivise pasture restoration by extension of low cost credit to farmers (The ABC rural credit Program).
A reflection of the importance of our contribution is that our papers are cited in the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report on Climate Change and Land (2019), which now takes a more balanced view of this issue, and states: "Mitigation potential of diet shifts (less meat-dependent) may be lower than often considered due to "rebound effects". Furthermore, in specific systems when soil organic carbon sequestration is taken into account, variations in GHGs as a response to demand can be negligible." [5.9]. The IPCC was created by the UN to provide global policymakers with regular and objective scientific assessments on climate change; thus, IPCC's views on the GHG effects of reducing meat consumption will have significant influence in the global discussion on the issue.
ODA relevance
As noted above the Brazilian case offers lessons for other DAC countries and we have began to explore model applications in Colombia.
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink



Democracy and Justice

Description As noted in the previous section we have demonstrable demand (and use) of our modelling by the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture, specifically to develop their position on greenhouse gas mitigation commitments. Our papers are also cited in the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report on Climate Change and Land (2019), which now takes a more balanced view of this issue, and states: "Mitigation potential of diet shifts (less meat-dependent) may be lower than often considered due to "rebound effects". Furthermore, in specific systems when soil organic carbon sequestration is taken into account, variations in GHGs as a response to demand can be negligible.". The IPCC was created by the UN to provide global policymakers with regular and objective scientific assessments on climate change; thus, IPCC's views on the GHG effects of reducing meat consumption will have significant influence in the global discussion on the issue. ODA relevance and impact The research has helped Brazil develop a clear picture on the sustainable role of livestock agriculture in relation to competing objectives of avoided land use change (deforestation in particular), avoided GHG emissions and biodiversity loss. Th research has deonstrably furthered progress in SDGs 12,13,15. There was no initial gender statement requirement, but we are also developing a variant ofv our model to consider the distributional impacts of our work, and this will include an analysis of gender impacts.
First Year Of Impact 2018
Sector Agriculture, Food and Drink,Environment,Government, Democracy and Justice,Manufacturing, including Industrial Biotechology
Impact Types Societal


Policy & public services

Title Demand Constrained Restored Area model 
Description Demand Constrained Restored Area model (DCRA) is a single equation model explaining restoration area as a function of a predicted increase in demand, increasing animal efficiency, and total pasture area variation. This is an open access model and can be found here: 10.1016/j.agsy.2018.01.003 
Type Of Material Data analysis technique 
Year Produced 2018 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact The model was derived to complement a analysis that was requested by the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture. The objective was to determined the extend, and costs of pasture restoration compatible to a plan of sustainable intensification of Brazilian agriculture. 
Title Life cycle assessment (LCA) emission factors for beef cattle, soybeans and maize for representative systems in Brazil 
Description The data set consists of LCA, in tonnes of CO2-equivalent per kg of 49 inputs and farm operations used in representative agricultural systems in Brazil. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2018 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact The LCA data allowed for the estimation of the environmental impacts (in GHGs) of the beef cattle supply chain in Brazil. LCA emission for inputs used in the farm, e.g., feed ingredients are important for exploring the trade-offs between a set of key intensification measures supported by the Brazilian ministry of agriculture.