Insecurity and Uncertainty: Marginalised young people's living rights in fragile and conflict affected situations in Nepal and Ethiopia

Lead Research Organisation: Goldsmiths University of London
Department Name: Anthropology


The research will generate new knowledge about youth understandings of uncertainty, violence, poverty and rights. It will provide insights into how to support and sustain pathways out of poverty for street connected and marginalised youth. The research is timely as it will inform the implementation of the UN's sustainable development goals, in which inequality is a key theme.

The overall aim of the research is to generate new knowledge about how marginalised youth perceive, navigate, negotiate and respond to uncertainty and how this may affect their rights and pathways out of poverty in impoverished fragile and conflict affected communities, which may also be prone to natural disasters.

The relationship between poverty and uncertainty will be examined in Ethiopia and Nepal in partnership with CHADET and ActionAid Nepal, organisations that have demonstrated their local expertise in working with the most marginalised children and youth on poverty, rights and participation.

The objectives of the research are informed by Bauman's theories about communities and autonomy that that have not previously been applied to conceptualise how marginalised youth experience uncertainty, poverty and their rights in fragile and conflict affected developing country contexts. The objectives will enable the project to produce new knowledge about the way vulnerable and marginalised street connected youth experience poverty as they grow up, and how this is affected by conflict, violence, instability, peer groups and migration. The new insights will have direct impact on the practices of policy organisations that address poverty through initiatives for youth education and rights.

Detailed research questions explore how vulnerability, agency, and rights affect young people's daily coping strategies, sense of security, belonging and autonomy and how their dreams and identities change as they grow up in settings from busy urban centres to remote rural settings in Nepal and Ethiopia. The project will advance our understandings of why - in times of conflict and in post-conflict and fragile environmental and social settings, youth reject traditional norms, form new social norms and seek support and leadership in alternative groupings and forms of peer support, such as gangs and extremist groups.

Creative innovative methods, such as mapping, rivers of life, photo narrative, network and support diagrams, will help to reveal youth perspectives on the complexities of their lives. Through working with 1,000 youth and 320 adults and 80 key stakeholders, the international research team will analyse how thinking and strategies differ between genders and generations. 250 detailed case studies in each country will be collected to provide stories from young men, women and youth of the third gender, aged 15-24 years, which will also help to understand how marginalised youth experiences of poverty and perceptions of and strategies in the face of uncertainty change depending on intersecting aspects ethnicity, caste, religion, disability, education and socio-economic status.

New evidence about poverty, uncertainty and children's living rights will be presented to policy makers and providers of youth services, including government and non-government representatives, in national reference groups in Nepal and Ethiopia. In the conflict affected locations, detailed evidence on local policies and interventions that support youth to deal with uncertainty will include poverty alleviation, peacebuilding and education. Through dialogue with decision-makers about the complex realities for marginalised and street connected youth and what has made a positive difference to their lives, re-conceptualisation of youth policy and programmes will be encouraged and monitored.

Planned Impact

Impact mechanisms:
1. Re-conceptualisation of youth policy and programmes of intervention in research locations will be encouraged and monitored by partners. In these impoverished and conflict affected areas, detailed evidence on what supports youth to deal with uncertainty will include family support, poverty alleviation and social policy interventions, peacebuilding and formal/ informal education. Through dialogue with youth, adults and decision-makers about the complex lives of marginalised and street connected youth, an assessment will be made of what has made a positive difference to their lives.
2. New empirical evidence will be presented to national policy makers with a remit for poverty alleviation and providers of youth services. National Reference Groups will be facilitated in Ethiopia and Nepal by partners to discuss implications of findings and national research uptake, and will consist of government representatives, INGOs, donors and academics.
3. Research dissemination and uptake will be the focus of international and national seminars on youth uncertainty in fragile and conflict-affected communities and pathways out of poverty for marginalised and street connected youth.
4. Through co-construction of methodology, including team analysis and joint authored research publications, research capacity of academic and national based organisations will be increased.
5. Ethical protocols for positive impact across contexts will include locally agreed child protection procedures, and informed consent from youth and guardians. Researchers will engage with the most marginalised youth, treating them with respect as active participants and avoiding risks associated with the research processes by signposting to services and counselling.
6. Youth involved in the research will have the opportunity to be involved in ongoing interventions and advocacy through partner initiatives after the period of the research.

Impact beneficiaries:
1. Immediate and ongoing impact: Street connected and marginalised youth in the research will be encouraged to examine what has helped them with uncertainty as part of their involvement in the project and can continue to join advocacy initiatives. Vulnerable participants will be signposted to appropriate services if they are at any risk or if they have identified issues not previously known to partners.
2. Medium-term impact: Government departments, non-governmental and community-based organisations that have responsibility for provision of youth rights, including child protection and youth participation. Impact on policy and practice will be achieved through the international and national reports/outputs and dialogue with local stakeholders and national reference groups.
3. Long-term impact: National and international inter-sectorial policy makers relevant to youth poverty alleviation, social policy, peacebuilidng and education, and officials responsible for policies for street connected children, reporting to the Commission on the Rights of the Child, and for implementation of SDGs regarding youth and inequalities, INGOs and donors. Research findings will enhance and underpin local, national and international policy initiatives and practice in partners.
4. Academic impact: Academic/ practitioner researchers in Ethiopia, Nepal, and the UK team. Research capacity will be developed through co-construction of the methodology, conducting methodology workshops for local postgraduate students and academics, facilitating reference groups and co-authoring findings/research outputs.

Dissemination of research evidence and research uptake internationally will be informed by an advisory group: Prof R Chambers (IDS); Dr G Crivello (Young Lives, Oxford); Prof K Hanson (Geneva); Prof A Robinson-Pant (UEA); Dr S Thomas de Benitez (Consortium for Street Children); Prof F Hardman (York); J Healey (ChildHope UK); D Walker (ODI); Prof M Benedicte-Dembour, Prof A Church, Prof D Stephens (UoB).
Title Photographic exhibition with short films 
Description Photographs of youth realities and uncertainty in Ethiopia and Nepal were shown at the two art schools/ gallery spaces at Goldsmiths and the University of Brighton during the presentations of international findings by the full team in May 2020. The exhibition was accompanied by short films made by Ethiopian and Nepalese film makers who worked with researchers to edit footage from Phase 4 of the research. Also a film supported by the ESRC's Impact Iniative documenting the process that YOUR World Research ran to connect marginalised youth from YOUR World Research to government representatives developing youth policy in the Ministry of Women, Children and Youth in Ethiopia (see link below). These films provided a forum for youth voices to be heard and for short stories to be told about their living rights. 
Type Of Art Artistic/Creative Exhibition 
Year Produced 2019 
Impact Having seen these visuals, team members have been invited to talk about how youth voice can feed into national policy development. For example Vicky Johnson has been invited to attend a meeting called by the Prime Minister of Cape Verde, 'Democracy, Migration and Employment: Young people's commitment to a democratic, peaceful, prosporous and inclusvie Africa'. Dr Johnson will present the ESRC-DFID funded research and creative methodology and outputs from YOUR World Research. This will be during a workshop about youth action and civic participation that she is co-leading at the event in March 2020. There is also collaboration with the group from Loughborough funded through ESRC-DFID to work on issues of youth and sports (PI Richard Guillianoti). Links to films and films are have also been sent to the participatory research group working at RGS. The research has also gained more profile from the films clips being shared through You Tube to members of global networks as part of the REJUVENATE project funded by the Wellspring Philanthropic Foundation (Academic Lead for Phase 1 Dr Johnson). 
Description What follows are the key findings from this youth centred research, carried out with over 1000 marginalised youth aged 15 -25 years, across eight sites in Ethiopia and Nepal.

Listening and responding to marginalised youth:
We need to challenge the notion that adults know what children and youth need and want. All adults were children, but they were young at a different time and in a different context. Children and young people are all experts of their own lives and their developing and shifting identities. They experience many unique processes of marginalisation and intersecting aspects of exclusion and inclusion.

Intergenerational and peer relationships and power dynamics:
These are important to getting policy and practice to be sustainable, but understanding this complexity takes time. Detailed qualitative data will continue to help to explain youth realities and young people's innovative strategies to addresses structural inequalities and individual processes of marginalisation. If adults can support youth agency and creativity, then young people's expertise and strategies can help to develop youth policy and more youth friendly practices. Organisations and authorities need to avoid past and current mistakes where youth are suspected of anti-social behaviour and are criminalised even when they are just working hard, trying to survive and support their families. There are social norms and traditional practices with embedded gendered and generational discrimination. To break intergenerational transmission of poverty it is necessary to convince adults in communities and families that we need youth centred research and new ways to listen to young people

Youth agency:
Child and youth rights in reality are embedded in family and community power dynamics and relational agency, but in order to also respect child and youth agency, we have to unblock our cultural negative assumptions about youth. Young people can teach us how to negotiate and reverse processes of marginalisation and deal with uncertainty positively. If more qualitative research is commissioned to understand complex young lives, and people in positions of power listen to and support their strategies, then youth may be able to translate more of their rights into realities and to and also contribute to, and motivate, transformational societal change.

Youth clubs or societies:
Spaces for youth to interact with each other can build confidence. Young people interviewed in YOUR World Research want to be involved and contribute to policy making and societal transformation.

Meeting expectations:
Youth interviewed want to be able to fulfil expectations to support their families, but also to follow their own aspirations that may depart from traditional practices. Far from trying to reject social bonds with families and communities, youth sometimes have to temporarily break them in order to deal with insecurity and to embrace positive uncertainty. They then want to find a sense of belonging in destination communities or in new working or street situations, and also back in their communities of origin with their families and peers.

Inclusive policy making:
Many policy makers locally, nationally and internationally have the will and the mechanisms to develop youth policies, especially with new government processes in place in Ethiopia and Nepal. When engaging with YOUR World Research, government officials have in this project recognised that they have often not reached the most marginalised. In civil society organisations great advances have been made in child and youth participation, but there can be capacity and capability issues.

Youth centred large scale creative qualitative research:
The YOUR World Research project followed a change-scape youth centred approach that links youth agency to cultural, political and environmental context. The process built mechanisms such as spaces for peer to peer communication and for dialogue between youth and adults and policy makers. Building capacity of the national teams of researchers and practitioners to take youth views seriously, whilst following ethical protocols and procedures for the research, was important. This also involved choosing engaging creative methods and media whilst ensuring that large scale qualitative research was convincing to policy makers and participants in the research.
Exploitation Route The youth centred 'Change-scape' provides a framework for academic partnership research through the following mechanisms.

Strong National Leadership and Ownership through Collaborative Research

National teams are led by experienced researchers with links with Addis Ababa University in Ethiopia and the Research Centre for Educational Innovation and Development at Tribhuvan University in Nepal. This provides strong national team ownership. The PI, Dr. Johnson, has co-constructed YOUR World Research with teams and partners in-country from the outset of the project. The national research lead provides support for the two younger team members and the UK based PI, Co-researcher and Research Officer provide remote support and in-country training and mentoring. Full team meetings to co-construct methodology and frameworks and processes for analysis have been held in Nepal and Ethiopia and provide forums for dialogue, sharing south-south learning and continued collaborative review and planning. The national researchers feel they have gained skills and experience in: participatory methods of data collection, documentation and recording, data management, thematic analysis, report and academic writing.

Strong national non-governmental organisations, CHADET in Ethiopia, Director Anannia Admasu Sahle, and ActionAid Nepal, Director Bimal Kumar Phnuyal until 2017 and then Sujeeta Mathema, are fully involved as research partners. This means important access to the most marginalised youth and that findings from YOUR World Research can directly inform design and implementation of new programmes that address youth access to resources and services and address their rights from the basis of understanding the complex realities for marginalised youth. National leads and partner organisations have established relationships locally and nationally with relevant decision-makers in government, non-government organisations and civil society including with media and youth forums or movements.

Filling Gaps in Youth Policy and Service Provision

The national teams are working with policy makers and service providers locally in the research sites and nationally through the National Reference Groups which include line Ministries responsible for youth, non-governmental organisations, funders and academics, and in Nepal media and youth movements. (See narrative on impact).

Young people - through pro-poor policies, programs focused on marginalized young people; for example a policy in Nepal that will support marginalized young people to access quality public services including vocational and technical education, girl's education programs, youth information centres, local employment and entrepreneurship opportunities.

Partner Organizations - adopting innovative strategies to focus interventions on marginalized young people, adapting interventions to respond to findings from the research.

In Ethiopia, CHADET are currently implementing the second phase of a programme with over 3,800 girls to help them to access education, stay in school and transition from primary to secondary school. CHADET are keen to learn from the findings of YOUR World Research in order to access the most marginalised and vulnerable girls and to understand intergenerational dynamics and the transitions they may face as they grow up. in addition, they would like to develop a new programme bid for marginalised youth across Ethiopia in order to implement youth informed interventions to improve their future in the face of uncertainty and high levels of migration.

In Nepal, partners and collaborators such as ActionAid Nepal, HomeNet Nepal, Nepal Mahila Ekta Samaj, and Community Self Reliance Centre have been meeting with the team regularly to get updates on how to reach the most marginalised youth and to understand how the findings from the research can directly inform pro-poor programmes across Nepal. Action Aid Nepal and HomeNet Nepal have both incorporated findings from YOUR World research into their new five year Strategic Plans.

Academic institutions/ Academicians - through methodological innovations and guidelines and specifically participatory visual, moving and narrative methods

In Nepal, CERID will be conducting seminars to disseminate and reflect on the methods applied in the research to encourage other academicians to follow the participatory research with young people)

Researchers/ Students - through the new knowledge and information related to marginalized young people (for example, the concept of uncertainty in the context of Nepal; different dimensions of uncertainty, intersecting aspects of conflict and fragility, co-construction of methodology etc will help new researchers and students to carry on their research and studies to fill the gaps observed in the area of study)

Policy Makers and Service Providers - including identification of new areas of intervention based on understanding youth strategies and youth informed interventions. In Ethiopia, YOUR World Research have been invited to feed into the development of a new National Youth Policy, based on findings from the research. In Nepal, National and Regional Government representatives have committed to include young people's views and concerns through signing declarations drawn up by young research participants, based on findings from the research, at youth seminars set up by the research team in Nepal

In Ethiopia the team has presented at the Child Research into Practice Forum at the Ministry of Women and Children's Affairs on the innovative co-construction of YOUR World Research that embraces youth understandings of uncertainty and the tools they most enjoy using. They are planning to also set up a new seminar series and to run a National Youth Seminar at the end of YOUR World Research, in collaboration with the Ministry of Youth and Sports also involving other key national players including the Technical and Vocational Education and Training Agency (TVET) working to support youth vocational skills and development of small businesses.

In Nepal, the team is working with the line Ministries with responsibility for Education and Youth, the National Youth Council, the Central Child Welfare Board. They will also work with national NGOs and youth movements nationally on how to implement youth ideas relating to interventions aimed at improving migration experiences and to inform youth decision-making in migration, as well as service provision to address the gaps in vocational education, employment and skills oriented educational programs, and gender and caste-based discrimination.

New evidence about poverty, uncertainty and children's living rights will continue to be presented to policy makers and providers of youth services, including government and non-government representatives, in national reference groups in Nepal and Ethiopia. In the conflict affected locations, detailed evidence on local policies and interventions that support youth to deal with uncertainty will include poverty alleviation, peace-building and education. Through dialogue at provincial and national youth seminars, connecting marginalised youth with decision-makers about the complex realities of their lives and what has made a positive difference. This has fed into development of youth policy and programmes at national and international NGO level, provincial and national governmental level.

Evidence is provided in the impact section.
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink

Communities and Social Services/Policy




Democracy and Justice

Description The change towards youth-centred thinking has inspired ActionAid Nepal to establish YOUTH HUBs across 6 districts, with over 500 youth volunteers, 70 per cent young women. These volunteers played a vital role in responding to the pandemic, including awareness-raising through social media, digital campaigns and supporting distribution of food and hygiene kits. They work with regional government on delivery of accessible health and education services for the most marginalised. An example is the youth-led campaign against child marriage and the dowery system, issues raised in YOUR World Research. This involved 210 adolescent girls in Parsa and Siraha Districts who carried out creative research to understand categories of risks and girls' strategies to enrol and continue in school. YOUTH HUBs focus on youth leadership, democratic and communication skills necessary to develop campaigns and government policy dialogues. Team leader, Tuladhar, uses her learning to provide expert advice on education to the British Council. The Ethiopian National Youth Seminar, organised by YOUR World research team and the Ministry of Women, Children and Youth, was attended by over 50 marginalised youth, 100 civil servants, policy-makers, researchers and civil society staff. YOUR World research has inspired the methodology for youth policy implementation evaluation research including Getu in 2021 and findings are informing the inclusion of marginalised young men and women. Policy research workshops, held in 2022 with the Ministry of Women and Social Affairs and the Consortium of Reproductive Health Associations, were attended by over 200 participants from youth associations, government and civil society organisations working with youth across Ethiopia. This policy implementation evaluation is informing development of new national youth policy and programmes. In partner CHADET, research capacity-building includes doctoral completion by Director, Admassu, on Argobba childhoods. Team members Getachew (Goldsmiths) and Ahmed (Addis Ababa) are undertaking doctorates on migration using YOUR World data. Youth definitions of marginalization, situated and relational agency and how this fits with a reconceptualization of child rights, and the notion of Positive Uncertainty are concepts emerging from YOUR World Research that are contributing to new knowledge. The PhD students attached to YOUR World research are also exploring innovative ideas on resilience, migration and imagined communities from the perspectives of children and youth in fragile and conflict affected areas. A new student is in consultation with the Nepal research lead to develop a doctoral proposal on Youth Uncertainties in Buddhist Education and the Ethiopia research assistant has also started a PhD at Addis Ababa University on chain migration building on the research data. Internationally the PI and doctoral students from Ethiopia and Nepal have presented at the ESA, DSA, RGS and various specialist seminars such as on the Geographies of Education. The PI has taken up a position to be the Director of the Centre for Remote and Rural Communities at the University of the Highlands and Islands and will be working with YOUR World Research partners on follow on. The Research Centre for Educational Innovation and Development (CERID) based at the university of Tribhuvan in Nepal has completed a series of eight academic dialogue sessions on youth and uncertainty. The national lead for YOUR World Research initiated the series conducted in partnership with ActionAid Nepal, and she has also been invited to sit on the board of CERID. This seminar/ dialogue series brought together academics, government officials, development workers, university students, and practitioners, raising interest in marginalised youth. CERID is planning to publish a peer-review journal (as an anthology of these eight papers which were presented in the Dialogue Sessions) as a special issue of Education and Development on Youth Uncertainties. In Ethiopia the national team lead, based at Addis Ababa University was invited to lead a series of seminars on youth research for the Ministry of Youth and Sports. With the change in Prime Minister, the Ministries merged so the existing Research into Practice forum held with the Ministry for Women and Children has extended to include youth, in consultation with YOUR World Research lead Dr Getu and CHADET's Director, Dr. Adamasu. The PI trained postgraduate students at Addis Ababa university in creative and participatory methods with youth. In Ethiopia, the regional representative from the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs in Bahir Dar has requested advice on training for marginalised youth. At national level, the new Ministry of Women, Children and Youth revised the draft 2018 National Youth Status Report and Indicators of Ethiopia based on our research findings. Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) asked the team to inform national curriculum development for training marginalised youth. Representatives from the Ethiopian ministries and TVET attended the YOUR World Research National Youth Seminar held in March 2019 in partnership with the Ministry for Women, Children and Youth to inform the development of the national youth policy. 52 street connected and disabled youth from YOUR World Research participated in policy dialogue with policy makers, practitioners and academics. Matiyas Assefa Chefa, Director-General for Youth Participation at the Ministry said, 'This research will change the lives of youth across the country in years to come'. Further quotes and evidence can be accessed on a film on You Tube: In Nepal elected provincial government representatives in Kathmandu, Sindhupalchowk, and Kapilvastu are developing programmes targeting youth based on findings. The Under-Secretary of the Ministry of Youth and Sports and the Child Welfare Board have pledged to develop strategy and programmes targeting marginalised youth. Successful Youth Seminars were held in each of the research locations informing policy. At each site event, over 20 marginalised youth participated with high level municipality officials and politicians, alongside service providers. Commitments to continuing work with marginalised youth directly, and to integrating the evidence from YOUR World Research is captured in a film made with ActionAid Nepal, available from the PI. Impact on NGO partner policy and practice is strong. In Ethiopia, findings are informing CHADET programmes including DFID funded implementation on inclusive secondary school education. They have also developed a skill and vocational training center for marginalized youth in YOUR World research site, Addis Ketema subcity (proposal submitted to call from Kuwait Development Bank, on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. For ActionAid Nepal and HomeNet, findings have informed strategies to focus on youth definitions of marginalisation that include experiences of poverty and abuse and extend beyond gender, caste, and ethnicity. The PI and Director of CHADET were invited to participate, with DFID, ESRC and UKRI, in a high-level seminar on impact at the invitation of ESRC's Impact Initiative in July 2019.
First Year Of Impact 2018
Sector Agriculture, Food and Drink,Communities and Social Services/Policy,Creative Economy,Education,Environment,Government, Democracy and Justice
Impact Types Cultural



Policy & public services

Description Input to the draft of National Plan of Action provided by Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security (MoLESS)
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Contribution to a national consultation/review
Description International Seminar on Impact Lessons: Engaging Marginalised Communities in National Policy Formation evidence of national policy change in Ethiopia and Nepal
Geographic Reach Africa 
Policy Influence Type Contribution to a national consultation/review
Impact Matiyas Assefa Chefa, Director-General for Youth Participation in the Ministry of Women, Children and Youth (MOWCY), interacts with and listens to marginalised youth, academics, and civil society organisations in Ethiopia in order to inform the processes and review of the National Youth Policy that is being coordinated by the MOWCY. Matiyas said at the National Youth Seminar: 'We strongly believe that the outcome of this research will help a lot, especially in the policy design process of the National Youth Policy'. Matiyas Assefa Chefa, MOWCY, speaking about the impact of research and the National Youth Seminar on developing youth policy in the Ethiopian government, emphasised the importance of supporting youth groups and associations. Researchers should seek to build capacity of organisations that represent marginalised groups to engage in policy processes, he said, and others agreed that working together helps give a stronger, united voice: Young people can come together and speak about their views and aspirations in this case [the National Youth Seminar] young people have shared their experience in areas of enhancing their personal development and their skills development. It enabled social as well as political issues to be main-staged in programmes and policy development [it demonstrated] their commitment to development issues in the country development that leaves no one behind. Risks of not including young people and their concerns may create conflict, misunderstanding or uprising so it is important not to ignore basic concerns and issues of young people and neglected segments of the population. In Nepal, Sumon Kamal Tuladhar described how YOUR World Research invited local government officials to seminars and the way this helped to acquire longer-term benefits: "in Nepal recently more emphasis was placed on provincial government than on federal government. They are more powerful and they are more active these days. So make their own plan. And they can also do the budgeting of themselves. We [had] already engaged them. And it's really interesting to see in education policy as well as in their local policies, how government has included the voices of youth." She also pointed to the financial benefits of engaging policymakers with marginalised young people through research seminars: Also in the budget that's the budget this year, we can see a lot of youth activities and especially focused on marginalised young people. The national youth seminar in Nepal enabled the Speaker of the House of Representatives to engage with marginalised youth, although Sumon suggested that "follow-up is needed to understand what this means in practice and the impact it has made on the lives of youth."
Description International Youth Conference, "Democracy, Migration and Employment" - Young people's commitment to a democratic, peaceful, prosperous and inclusive Africa "
Geographic Reach Africa 
Policy Influence Type Contribution to a national consultation/review
Description Ministry of Women, Children and Youth National Youth Seminar in collaboration with YOUR World Research
Geographic Reach Africa 
Policy Influence Type Contribution to a national consultation/review
Impact The new government of Ethiopia required input to policy development during 2018/2019. The Ministry of Women, Children and Youth approached YOUR World Research to run a national youth seminar with help from our national NGO partners CHADET. They interacted with street connected youth, youth with disabilities and youth in the criminal justice system and this has been stated by the Director General of Youth Participation to have fed directly into their new youth policy nationally. Partners are continuing to work with the Ministry directly to ensure marginalised youth continue to be considered in the roll out of this policy. The video includes an interview with Matyias
Description Signing of youth delcalrations by ministries and provicial mayors and leaders in Nepal
Geographic Reach Asia 
Policy Influence Type Contribution to a national consultation/review
Impact Marginalised youth nationally developed a 12-point declaration and presented it to the Rt. Honorable Chair of the National Assembly who provided his solidarity to the young people's voices and asked for a commitment in policy and law-making processes from the under-secretary of the Ministry of Youth and Sports. The Chair of Youth Advocacy Nepal, and the Executive Director of ActionAid Nepal also amplified the declaration and committed to working with marginalised young people to implement the declaration. The event was covered by many national media including the online news agencies. Provincial youth seminars had similar ceremonies of the signing youth declarations by mayors and representatives of rural municipalities.
Description Accelerator Scheme for International Networks and Impact - ASINI
Amount £9,800 (GBP)
Organisation United Kingdom Research and Innovation 
Department Global Challenges Research Fund
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 01/2019 
End 07/2019
Description Goldsmiths Anthropology Department
Amount £33,000 (GBP)
Organisation Goldsmiths, University of London 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 01/2018 
End 12/2019
Description Strategic partnership with ActionAid Nepal focusing on youth, funded by ActionAid Denmark (Note funder and type of funding not in the lists provided)
Amount 900,000 kr. (DKK)
Funding ID This is strategic funding from ActionAid Denmark to ActionAid Nepal to focus on youth but the option of ActionAid Denmark was not available on the list 
Organisation ActionAid 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country Global
Start 08/2019 
Description Towards Brown Gold?: Reimagining off-grid sanitation in rapidly urbanising areas in Asia and Africa
Amount £1,779,077 (GBP)
Funding ID ES/T008113/1 
Organisation Economic and Social Research Council 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2020 
End 09/2024
Description YOUR World Research National Youth Seminar in Ethiopia
Amount £15,000 (GBP)
Organisation Impact Initiative 
Sector Public
Start 01/2019 
End 06/2019
Description Youth centred programming (using the evidence of the research as needs assessment and to develop plans and indicators - type of funding not on the list)
Amount £500,000 (GBP)
Funding ID 50,000 annually from ActionAid sponsorship funding for 10 years 
Organisation ActionAid 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country Global
Start 01/2022 
Title YOUR World Research Database on Reshare 
Description This includes on NVivo database of 300 detailed youth case studies with youth profiles for analysis. It also includes a selection of films and visuals from the YOUR World Research. This is at present for use by team members, NGO partners and academic champions so that there can be continued bid writing for implementation for the national NGOs and outputs with co-authorship with researchers from the global South. The database is currently embargoed and held by PI at until the publication of the following book: Johnson, V., and West, A. (eds.) (forthcoming 2021), Youth and Positive Uncertainty: Negotiating life in post conflict and fragile environments, Warwickshire: Practical Action Publishing (with chapters co-authored by team members). 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact Conceptual: 5 outputs in the form of book chapters and journal articles are forthcoming in 2020 and early 2021. 
Description Action Aid Nepal 
Organisation ActionAid International Nepal
Country Nepal 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution The Research Team works closely with the ActionAid Nepal. ActionAid is well established in the four research locations in Nepal. The YOUR World Research team in Nepal has shared findings from the research with ActionAid Nepal (AAN) throughout the research period, and exchanged insights into conditions for vulnerable and marginalised youth in different parts of Nepal on an ongoing basis through monthly team meetings. During this period, AAN developed a new five year strategy, to which the YOUR World Research in Nepal contributed significantly. As a result of this partnership, AAN Nepal is shifted it's focus to include working with marginalised youth. AAN's new Strategy 2023 states: "The young people are the driving force and energy to bring the changes in out community. Therefore, we will work with young people, while keeping women and girls at the centre among the people living in poverty and exclusion."
Collaborator Contribution ActionAid Nepal has helped the research team in Nepal to gain access to vulnerable and marginalised young people in the research areas through its well established connections and trust in the local communities. ActionAid Nepal also shared insights from their work with vulnerable and marginalised youth in the research areas with the research team as part of a collaboration of ongoing mutual exchange.
Impact Access to research participants and background insight into the conditions in the research areas, along with support with transport and building relationships with key people in the local community.
Start Year 2016
Description Addis Ababa University 
Organisation Addis Ababa University
Department School of Social Work
Country Ethiopia 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The research lead on the YOUR World research in Ethiopia is Dr Melese Getu from Addis Ababa University. A PhD student, Milki Getachew, is also connected to the research project, as well as Addis Ababa University. Through these two team members, opportunities to share findings from the research project, and gain valuable feedback and input, are maximised. In addition, the Ethiopian research team initiated and provided a participatory research methods workshop for postgraduate students of the School of Social Work, Addis Ababa University.
Collaborator Contribution The PhD student is supported through Addis Ababa University, and the team has access to university resources including the library, lectures, seminars training halls and other logistics in support of carrying out the research and disseminating findings.
Impact This collaboration is multi-disciplinary, covering anthropology and sociology, and as such helps broaden the research scope, and impact, with particular attention to the local context.
Start Year 2016
Description Blue Diamond Society 
Organisation Blue Diamond Society
Country Nepal 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution The YOUR World Research team in Nepal shared and discussed findings with Blue Diamond Society in Kathmandu while carrying out research in the area.
Collaborator Contribution The research was carried out in Kathmandu in partnership with Blue Diamond, an organisation that has demonstrated their local expertise in working with the most marginalised children and youth on poverty, rights and participation. Blue Diamond Society helped YOUR World Research gain access to some of the most marginalised young people in the area, LGBTI+Q youth in particular.
Impact The partnership between YOUR World Research and Blue Diamond Society has led to increased engagement of marginalised young people in Kathmandu, culminating in a verification workshop attended by young people, policy makers and practitioners. The young people produced a 14 point declaration, outlining ideas for policy and practice as to how their lives could be improved. This declaration was signed by local policy makers.
Start Year 2017
Description CHADET Ethiopia 
Organisation Organisation for Child Development and Transformation
Country Ethiopia 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution The Research Team works closely with the Organisation for Child Development and Transformation, CHADET, in Ethiopia. CHADET is well established in the research locations in Ethiopia. The YOUR World Research team in Nepal has shared early findings from the research and exchanged insights into conditions for vulnerable and marginalised youth in different parts of Ethiopia. Since the end of the research the approach and data from working with marginlaised youth has continued to feed into the FCDO GEC programme phases 1 and 2 that CHADET in partnership with ChildHope implemented across Ethiopia specifically on the issues of getting more marginalised girls into school and trying to avoid high drop out.
Collaborator Contribution CHADET has helped the research team in Ethiopia to gain access to vulnerable and marginalised young people in the research areas through its well established connections and trust in the local communities. CHADET also shared insights from their work with vulnerable and marginalised youth in the research areas with the research team as part of a collaboration of mutual exchange. CHADET has been leading important inclusive educational programmes such as GEC across Ethiopia and has further built the research capacity of the organisation.
Impact Access to research participants and background insight into the conditions in the research areas, along with support with transport and building relationships with key people in the local community.
Start Year 2016
Description CWIN Nepal - Kathmandu 
Organisation Child Workers in Nepal
Country Nepal 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution The YOUR World Research team in Nepal shared and discussed findings with CWIN in Kathmandu while carrying out research in the area.
Collaborator Contribution The research was carried out in Kathmandu in partnership with CWIN, an organisation that has demonstrated their local expertise in working with some of the most marginalised children and youth in Kathmandu. CWIN helped YOUR World Research gain access to some of the most marginalised young people in the area, child workers in particular.
Impact The partnership between YOUR World Research and CWIN has led to increased engagement of marginalised young people in Kathmandu, culminating in a verification workshop attended by young people, policy makers and practitioners. The young people produced a 14 point declaration, outlining ideas for policy and practice as to how their lives could be improved. This declaration was signed by local policy makers. The event was broadcast on national television.
Start Year 2017
Description Child Watabaran Center, Nepal (CWCN) 
Organisation Child Watabaran Center
Country Nepal 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution Child Watabaran Center, Nepal (CWCN) is a non-profit, non-government organization working to reintegrate and rehabilitate street children in Kathmandu. The YOUR World Research team in Nepal has worked with CWCN to exchange insights from working with vulnerable street connected youth in Kathmandu.
Collaborator Contribution Child Watabaran Center, Nepal (CWCN) is a non-profit, non-government organization working to reintegrate and rehabilitate street children in Kathmandu. The YOUR World Research team in Nepal has worked with CWCN to gain better access to street connected youth in Kathmandu, ensuring that this hard to reach group is fully represented in the research.
Impact The YOUR World research team has gained access to young street connected research participants in Kathmandu for the research.
Start Year 2018
Description ChildHope UK 
Organisation ChildHope UK
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution ChildHope UK is a longstanding partner of CHADET in Ethiopia. They provide project management support, including managing and paying the national team's salaries in Ethiopia, and logistics support to manage and organise international travel and subsistence for international team members and the Ethiopian Doctoral student visiting the UK. They also provide additional support for the Director of CHADET to complete his studies and the Director of ChildHope to attend International Reference Group Meetings.
Collaborator Contribution CHADET regularly corresponds and meets with ChildHope to coordinate the research logistics and compliance with national policy and legislation. CHADET and ChildHope have continued to work on programmes to address education of girls across Ethiopia, for example GEC phase 2 and are still working with the PI on proposals for FCDO and UKRI funding to follow up on the research. The PI also got ChildHope involved in consortia on child labour and modern slavery inclusing CLARISA funded by FCDO through IDS. ChildHope provide all of the child protection and safeguarding across this partnership working in Nepal, Bangladesh and Myanmar.
Impact Effective and efficient running of the research in Ethiopia, even during States of Emergency, and the effective collaboration with the Universties of Brighton and Goldsmiths for the two Doctoral students. Jointly authored briefing papers with ChildHope. Evidence of YOUR World Research approaches influencing the implementation of the GEC programme for the most marginalised girls. A proposal led by the PI, also working with CHADET and Ethiopian researchers to apply for follow up funding from the Rapid Research Fund for GEC, to explore education for the most marginalised girls in Ethiopia. Involvement in the international remote Impact Initiative seminar on 'Impact Lessons: Engaging Marginalised Communities in National Policy Formation' with contribution by the Director Jill Healey on inclusion of children and youth in policy formulation.
Start Year 2016
Description Community Self Reliance Centre (CSRC) - Sindhupalchowk 
Organisation Community Self Reliance Centre
Country Nepal 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution The YOUR World Research team in Nepal shared and discussed findings with Community Self Reliance Centre (CSRC) in Sindhupalchowk while carrying out research in the area.
Collaborator Contribution The research was carried out in the rural areas of Sindhupalchowk, Nepal in partnership with local organisation- Community Self Reliance Centre (CSRC) that have demonstrated their local expertise in working with the most marginalised children and youth on poverty, rights and participation. CSRC helped YOUR World Research gain access to some of the most marginalised young people in the area.
Impact The partnership between YOUR World Research and CSRC has led to increased engagement of marginalised young people in Sindhupalchowk, culminating in a verification workshop attended by young people, policy makers and practitioners. The young people produced a 14 point declaration, outlining ideas for policy and practice as to how their lives could be improved. This declaration was signed by local policy makers.
Start Year 2017
Description DTP with University of Free State and University of Venda 
Organisation University of Free State, Bloemfontein
Country South Africa 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The PI has been included in the South African DTP programme due to her knowledge of youth in remote environments and of dealing with uncertainty - evidenced by the research on the grant
Collaborator Contribution Doctoral training at a workshop in Limpopo in South Africa with students and supervisors from the University of the Free State and University of Venda, followed up with remote training and supervision
Impact Workshop on doctoral training in Kruger in Limpopo with follow up at University of Venda then University of the Free State. Attended by students and supervisors. Dr Johnson led the doctoral training at the workshop and focused on community and youth driven research in the face of uncertainty and methodological training.
Start Year 2020
Description DTP with University of Free State and University of Venda 
Organisation University of Venda
Country South Africa 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The PI has been included in the South African DTP programme due to her knowledge of youth in remote environments and of dealing with uncertainty - evidenced by the research on the grant
Collaborator Contribution Doctoral training at a workshop in Limpopo in South Africa with students and supervisors from the University of the Free State and University of Venda, followed up with remote training and supervision
Impact Workshop on doctoral training in Kruger in Limpopo with follow up at University of Venda then University of the Free State. Attended by students and supervisors. Dr Johnson led the doctoral training at the workshop and focused on community and youth driven research in the face of uncertainty and methodological training.
Start Year 2020
Description HomeNet Nepal 
Organisation Homenet Nepal Ltd
Country Nepal 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Nepal Research Team works closely with HomeNet in Kathmandu, where they are well established. The YOUR World Research team in Nepal has shared findings from the research throughout, exchanged insights into conditions for vulnerable and marginalised youth in different parts of Nepal and has fed into a continuing conversation about how best to reach and include the most marginalised young people. HomeNet's current strategic plan, which covers 2019 - 2023, was developed during this partnership. YOUR World Research fed into the development of this strategy, which introduces a focus on marginalised youth new to HomeNet's work. HomeNet has also developed policies for working with youth and designed methods for working with the most marginalised youth, directly inspired by the methodology from YOUR World Research.
Collaborator Contribution HomeNet has helped the research team in Nepal to gain access to vulnerable and marginalised young people in the research areas through its well established connections and trust in the local communities. HomeNet also shared insights from their work with vulnerable and marginalised youth in the research areas with the research team as part of a collaboration of mutual exchange.
Impact Access to research participants and background insight into the conditions in the research areas, along with support with transport and building relationships with key people in the local community
Start Year 2016
Description International Reference Group 
Organisation Consortium for Street Children
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution Outputs from workshops with young people (co-construction of methodology) were shared with reference group to solicit advice and input. In addition to advice on the methodology guide, this increases ownership and interest amongst policy makers and senior civil society representatives.
Collaborator Contribution The international reference group, consisting of 15 academics and NGO representatives with relevant expertise, met and discussed the use of participatory methods alongside other methods, as well as links between theory and practice. This has been fed back to the construction of the methodology guide.
Impact Planning of the inception meetings in Nepal and Ethiopia, conception of the youth workshops for co-construction of methodology, and considerations to include in the methodology guide
Start Year 2016
Description International Reference Group 
Organisation Institute of Development Studies
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Outputs from workshops with young people (co-construction of methodology) were shared with reference group to solicit advice and input. In addition to advice on the methodology guide, this increases ownership and interest amongst policy makers and senior civil society representatives.
Collaborator Contribution The international reference group, consisting of 15 academics and NGO representatives with relevant expertise, met and discussed the use of participatory methods alongside other methods, as well as links between theory and practice. This has been fed back to the construction of the methodology guide.
Impact Planning of the inception meetings in Nepal and Ethiopia, conception of the youth workshops for co-construction of methodology, and considerations to include in the methodology guide
Start Year 2016
Description International Reference Group 
Organisation University of Brighton
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Outputs from workshops with young people (co-construction of methodology) were shared with reference group to solicit advice and input. In addition to advice on the methodology guide, this increases ownership and interest amongst policy makers and senior civil society representatives.
Collaborator Contribution The international reference group, consisting of 15 academics and NGO representatives with relevant expertise, met and discussed the use of participatory methods alongside other methods, as well as links between theory and practice. This has been fed back to the construction of the methodology guide.
Impact Planning of the inception meetings in Nepal and Ethiopia, conception of the youth workshops for co-construction of methodology, and considerations to include in the methodology guide
Start Year 2016
Description International Reference Group 
Organisation University of East Anglia
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Outputs from workshops with young people (co-construction of methodology) were shared with reference group to solicit advice and input. In addition to advice on the methodology guide, this increases ownership and interest amongst policy makers and senior civil society representatives.
Collaborator Contribution The international reference group, consisting of 15 academics and NGO representatives with relevant expertise, met and discussed the use of participatory methods alongside other methods, as well as links between theory and practice. This has been fed back to the construction of the methodology guide.
Impact Planning of the inception meetings in Nepal and Ethiopia, conception of the youth workshops for co-construction of methodology, and considerations to include in the methodology guide
Start Year 2016
Description International Reference Group 
Organisation University of Oxford
Department Department of Physics
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Outputs from workshops with young people (co-construction of methodology) were shared with reference group to solicit advice and input. In addition to advice on the methodology guide, this increases ownership and interest amongst policy makers and senior civil society representatives.
Collaborator Contribution The international reference group, consisting of 15 academics and NGO representatives with relevant expertise, met and discussed the use of participatory methods alongside other methods, as well as links between theory and practice. This has been fed back to the construction of the methodology guide.
Impact Planning of the inception meetings in Nepal and Ethiopia, conception of the youth workshops for co-construction of methodology, and considerations to include in the methodology guide
Start Year 2016
Description MCMDO Ethiopia 
Organisation MCMDO
Country Ethiopia 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution The YOUR World research team has established a partnership with MCMDO (Mothers and Children Multisectoral Development Organization), an organisation that has demonstrated its local expertise in working with some of the most vulnerable and marginalised young people in Ethiopia. The research team has shared research findings from the project, which will feed into MCMDO's future project planning, including revising training manuals so that the most marginalized street connected youth are considered.
Collaborator Contribution MCMDO helped the research team gain access to street connected youth in Addis Ababa.
Impact The partnership between YOUR World Research and MCMDO has led to increased engagement of street connected young people in Addis Ababa. A verification workshop, to be attended by street connected and other marginalised young people, policy makers and practitioners is currently being planned in collaboration with MCMDO. This will take take place towards the end of the current month.
Start Year 2018
Description National Reference Group - Ethiopia 
Organisation Addis Ababa University
Department Department of Social Anthropology
Country Ethiopia 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The reference group met and discussed the output and contributed research context, changing organisational practices, changing political, social and physical environment and provided critical questions about the relevance of the research sites for national policies, and the type of evidence which would influence their policy making in practice. This has been fed back to the national team and the construction of the methodology guide.
Collaborator Contribution Presentation about the underlying theory for the research , the co-construction of the methodology with the team and with young people in the research sites, rationale for the selection of sites and for the identification of marginalised and street connected youth, facilitation of the reference group in order to provide analysis of context.
Impact The reference group is multi-disciplinary including social work, sociology, anthropology and researchers working for research institutions and policy makers from relevant government ministries. The group provided input for the methodology guide and analysis of the context and relevance of the sites and the evidence that would emerge from the research for national policy and practice.
Start Year 2017
Description National Reference Group - Ethiopia 
Organisation Addis Ababa University
Department School of Social Work
Country Ethiopia 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The reference group met and discussed the output and contributed research context, changing organisational practices, changing political, social and physical environment and provided critical questions about the relevance of the research sites for national policies, and the type of evidence which would influence their policy making in practice. This has been fed back to the national team and the construction of the methodology guide.
Collaborator Contribution Presentation about the underlying theory for the research , the co-construction of the methodology with the team and with young people in the research sites, rationale for the selection of sites and for the identification of marginalised and street connected youth, facilitation of the reference group in order to provide analysis of context.
Impact The reference group is multi-disciplinary including social work, sociology, anthropology and researchers working for research institutions and policy makers from relevant government ministries. The group provided input for the methodology guide and analysis of the context and relevance of the sites and the evidence that would emerge from the research for national policy and practice.
Start Year 2017
Description National Reference Group - Ethiopia 
Organisation Addis Ababa University
Department Sociology
Country Ethiopia 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The reference group met and discussed the output and contributed research context, changing organisational practices, changing political, social and physical environment and provided critical questions about the relevance of the research sites for national policies, and the type of evidence which would influence their policy making in practice. This has been fed back to the national team and the construction of the methodology guide.
Collaborator Contribution Presentation about the underlying theory for the research , the co-construction of the methodology with the team and with young people in the research sites, rationale for the selection of sites and for the identification of marginalised and street connected youth, facilitation of the reference group in order to provide analysis of context.
Impact The reference group is multi-disciplinary including social work, sociology, anthropology and researchers working for research institutions and policy makers from relevant government ministries. The group provided input for the methodology guide and analysis of the context and relevance of the sites and the evidence that would emerge from the research for national policy and practice.
Start Year 2017
Description National Reference Group - Ethiopia 
Organisation International Organization for Migration
Country Switzerland 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution The reference group met and discussed the output and contributed research context, changing organisational practices, changing political, social and physical environment and provided critical questions about the relevance of the research sites for national policies, and the type of evidence which would influence their policy making in practice. This has been fed back to the national team and the construction of the methodology guide.
Collaborator Contribution Presentation about the underlying theory for the research , the co-construction of the methodology with the team and with young people in the research sites, rationale for the selection of sites and for the identification of marginalised and street connected youth, facilitation of the reference group in order to provide analysis of context.
Impact The reference group is multi-disciplinary including social work, sociology, anthropology and researchers working for research institutions and policy makers from relevant government ministries. The group provided input for the methodology guide and analysis of the context and relevance of the sites and the evidence that would emerge from the research for national policy and practice.
Start Year 2017
Description National Reference Group - Ethiopia 
Organisation Ministry of Youth and Sport
Country Ethiopia 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution The reference group met and discussed the output and contributed research context, changing organisational practices, changing political, social and physical environment and provided critical questions about the relevance of the research sites for national policies, and the type of evidence which would influence their policy making in practice. This has been fed back to the national team and the construction of the methodology guide.
Collaborator Contribution Presentation about the underlying theory for the research , the co-construction of the methodology with the team and with young people in the research sites, rationale for the selection of sites and for the identification of marginalised and street connected youth, facilitation of the reference group in order to provide analysis of context.
Impact The reference group is multi-disciplinary including social work, sociology, anthropology and researchers working for research institutions and policy makers from relevant government ministries. The group provided input for the methodology guide and analysis of the context and relevance of the sites and the evidence that would emerge from the research for national policy and practice.
Start Year 2017
Description National Reference Group - Ethiopia 
Organisation University of Oxford
Department Young Lives
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The reference group met and discussed the output and contributed research context, changing organisational practices, changing political, social and physical environment and provided critical questions about the relevance of the research sites for national policies, and the type of evidence which would influence their policy making in practice. This has been fed back to the national team and the construction of the methodology guide.
Collaborator Contribution Presentation about the underlying theory for the research , the co-construction of the methodology with the team and with young people in the research sites, rationale for the selection of sites and for the identification of marginalised and street connected youth, facilitation of the reference group in order to provide analysis of context.
Impact The reference group is multi-disciplinary including social work, sociology, anthropology and researchers working for research institutions and policy makers from relevant government ministries. The group provided input for the methodology guide and analysis of the context and relevance of the sites and the evidence that would emerge from the research for national policy and practice.
Start Year 2017
Description National Reference Group - Nepal 
Organisation Government of Nepal
Department Ministry of Education
Country Nepal 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Presentation about the underlying theory for the research , the co-construction of the methodology with the team and with young people in the research sites, rationale for the selection of sites and for the identification of marginalised and street connected youth, facilitation of the reference group in order to provide analysis of context.
Collaborator Contribution The reference group met and discussed the output and contributed research context, changing organisational practices, changing political, social and physical environment and provided critical questions about the relevance of the research sites for national policies, and the type of evidence which would influence their policy making in practice. This has been fed back to the national team and the construction of the methodology guide.
Impact This collaboration is multi-disciplinary and includes social work, sociology, anthropology, political and social policy and practitioners from government and non-government organisations. The outputs are: the analysis of context by the reference group including reference to particular research projects, policies affecting youth. Members of the Nepal Reference Group fed learning from YOUR World Research into national development of Inclusive Education Policy in Nepal.
Start Year 2016
Description National Reference Group - Nepal 
Organisation Government of Nepal
Country Nepal 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Presentation about the underlying theory for the research , the co-construction of the methodology with the team and with young people in the research sites, rationale for the selection of sites and for the identification of marginalised and street connected youth, facilitation of the reference group in order to provide analysis of context.
Collaborator Contribution The reference group met and discussed the output and contributed research context, changing organisational practices, changing political, social and physical environment and provided critical questions about the relevance of the research sites for national policies, and the type of evidence which would influence their policy making in practice. This has been fed back to the national team and the construction of the methodology guide.
Impact This collaboration is multi-disciplinary and includes social work, sociology, anthropology, political and social policy and practitioners from government and non-government organisations. The outputs are: the analysis of context by the reference group including reference to particular research projects, policies affecting youth. Members of the Nepal Reference Group fed learning from YOUR World Research into national development of Inclusive Education Policy in Nepal.
Start Year 2016
Description National Reference Group - Nepal 
Organisation Government of Nepal
Country Nepal 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Presentation about the underlying theory for the research , the co-construction of the methodology with the team and with young people in the research sites, rationale for the selection of sites and for the identification of marginalised and street connected youth, facilitation of the reference group in order to provide analysis of context.
Collaborator Contribution The reference group met and discussed the output and contributed research context, changing organisational practices, changing political, social and physical environment and provided critical questions about the relevance of the research sites for national policies, and the type of evidence which would influence their policy making in practice. This has been fed back to the national team and the construction of the methodology guide.
Impact This collaboration is multi-disciplinary and includes social work, sociology, anthropology, political and social policy and practitioners from government and non-government organisations. The outputs are: the analysis of context by the reference group including reference to particular research projects, policies affecting youth. Members of the Nepal Reference Group fed learning from YOUR World Research into national development of Inclusive Education Policy in Nepal.
Start Year 2016
Description National Reference Group - Nepal 
Organisation Kathmandu University
Country Nepal 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Presentation about the underlying theory for the research , the co-construction of the methodology with the team and with young people in the research sites, rationale for the selection of sites and for the identification of marginalised and street connected youth, facilitation of the reference group in order to provide analysis of context.
Collaborator Contribution The reference group met and discussed the output and contributed research context, changing organisational practices, changing political, social and physical environment and provided critical questions about the relevance of the research sites for national policies, and the type of evidence which would influence their policy making in practice. This has been fed back to the national team and the construction of the methodology guide.
Impact This collaboration is multi-disciplinary and includes social work, sociology, anthropology, political and social policy and practitioners from government and non-government organisations. The outputs are: the analysis of context by the reference group including reference to particular research projects, policies affecting youth. Members of the Nepal Reference Group fed learning from YOUR World Research into national development of Inclusive Education Policy in Nepal.
Start Year 2016
Description National Reference Group - Nepal 
Organisation Tribhuvan University of Nepal
Country Nepal 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Presentation about the underlying theory for the research , the co-construction of the methodology with the team and with young people in the research sites, rationale for the selection of sites and for the identification of marginalised and street connected youth, facilitation of the reference group in order to provide analysis of context.
Collaborator Contribution The reference group met and discussed the output and contributed research context, changing organisational practices, changing political, social and physical environment and provided critical questions about the relevance of the research sites for national policies, and the type of evidence which would influence their policy making in practice. This has been fed back to the national team and the construction of the methodology guide.
Impact This collaboration is multi-disciplinary and includes social work, sociology, anthropology, political and social policy and practitioners from government and non-government organisations. The outputs are: the analysis of context by the reference group including reference to particular research projects, policies affecting youth. Members of the Nepal Reference Group fed learning from YOUR World Research into national development of Inclusive Education Policy in Nepal.
Start Year 2016
Description Nepal Mahila Ekata Samaj (NMES) 
Organisation Nepal Mahila Ekata Samaj
Country Nepal 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution Nepal Mahila Ekata Samaj (NMES) is a network organization of landless (Squatter & informal settlement) women scattered throughout 40 districts of Nepal. As a result of YOUR World Research team in Nepal sharing findings and exchanged insights into conditions for youth in squatter settlements with NMES, NMES has decided to include a youth focus to their work. NMES participated in the youth seminar in Kathmandu, where 21 young people verified research findings and developed a 14 point declaration, stipulating the improvements they would like to see to policy and programming for young people. The Director of NMES co-signed the declaration, with the young people, thereby committing to working towards the implementation of the declaration.
Collaborator Contribution Nepal Mahila Ekata Samaj (NMES) works with squatter & informal settlements in Kathmandu. Through working with NMES, the YOUR World research team in Nepal has gained access to young people living in informal settlements in Kathmandu. These young people are some of the most vulnerable and hard to reach. It is important their voices are also heard as part of this reseacrh.
Impact The YOUR World research team has gained access to young research participants from squatter and informal settlements in Kathmandu for the research.
Start Year 2018
Description Partnership with CERID/Tribhuvan University and Action Aid Nepal 
Organisation ActionAid International Nepal
Country Nepal 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution The research team in Nepal set up a partnership between the YOUR World Research team, Action Aid Nepal and CERID, with the purpose of creating a seminar series of eight seminars for academics and practitioners to discuss issues related to youth and uncertainty. This will be a forum for the YOUR World Research team in Nepal to share ideas and disseminate findings from the research project.
Collaborator Contribution Action Aid Nepal has committed to provide £4,700 to pay for the organization of the seminars between January 2018 and June 2019.
Impact Establishing a partnership that will enable the YOUR World Research team to disseminate findings from the research in a forum that can directly influence policy and practice at Action Aid Nepal and CERID (Research Centre for Educational Innovation and Development).
Start Year 2018
Description Partnership with CERID/Tribhuvan University and Action Aid Nepal 
Organisation Tribhuvan University of Nepal
Department Research Centre for Educational Innovation and Development
Country Nepal 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The research team in Nepal set up a partnership between the YOUR World Research team, Action Aid Nepal and CERID, with the purpose of creating a seminar series of eight seminars for academics and practitioners to discuss issues related to youth and uncertainty. This will be a forum for the YOUR World Research team in Nepal to share ideas and disseminate findings from the research project.
Collaborator Contribution Action Aid Nepal has committed to provide £4,700 to pay for the organization of the seminars between January 2018 and June 2019.
Impact Establishing a partnership that will enable the YOUR World Research team to disseminate findings from the research in a forum that can directly influence policy and practice at Action Aid Nepal and CERID (Research Centre for Educational Innovation and Development).
Start Year 2018
Description REJUVENATE based at IDS in partnership with UHI 
Organisation Institute of Development Studies
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution I was academic lead for the Phase 1 which was the conceptualisation of REJUVENATE, funded by Wellspring Philanthropic Foundation through the Institute of Development Studies. I lead authored the working paper that forms the basis of the approach and builds on youth centred approaches applied and developed in YOUR World Research. This led to Phase 2 which remains at IDS but in partnership with UHI where I am now based. There is a website for international networking on child and youth rights and methods that are child/ youth focused and led which can help to include young people in community development.
Collaborator Contribution The REJUVENATE project included a Living Archive including YOUR World Research as a case study and a best practice approach for inclusion of youth in research, interviews with field experts including Nepalese and Ethiopian researchers and partners in the project and led to a working paper that references key documents produced from the research, co-authored by the research team and partners.
Impact A working paper - see publications A website for international living archive and networking on child and youth rights This is transdisciplinary so includes multiple academic disciplines and also practitioners and policy makers from outside academia
Start Year 2019
Description SOBER Recovery - Kathmandu 
Organisation Sober Recovery Treatment and Rehabilitation Center
Country Nepal 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution The YOUR World Research team in Nepal shared and discussed findings with SOBER Recovery in Kathmandu while carrying out research in the area.
Collaborator Contribution The research was carried out in Kathmandu in partnership with SOBER Recovery, and organisation that has demonstrated their local expertise in working with the most marginalised children and youth on poverty, rights and participation. SOBER Recovery helped YOUR World Research gain access to some of the most marginalised young people in the area, in particular young people affected by drugs and alcohol abuse.
Impact The partnership between YOUR World Research and SOBER Recoveryhas led to increased engagement of marginalised young people in Kathmandu, culminating in a verification workshop attended by young people, policy makers and practitioners. The young people produced a 14 point declaration, outlining ideas for policy and practice as to how their lives could be improved. This declaration was signed by local policy makers.
Start Year 2018
Description Sahaj Nepal - Kapilvastu 
Organisation Sahaj
Country Nepal 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution The research was carried out in the rural and urban areas of Kapilvastu, Nepal in partnership with local organisation - Sahaj Nepal who have demonstrated their local expertise in working with the most marginalised children and youth on poverty, rights and participation. Sahaj Nepal helped the team gain access to some of the most marginalised yougn people in the area.
Collaborator Contribution YOUR World Research shared and discussed finding from the research in Kapilvastu rural and urban with Sahaj Nepal, an organisation that works with the most marginalised children and youth on poverty, rights and participation.
Impact The partnership between YOUR World Research and Sahaj Nepal has led to increased engagement of marginalised young people in rural and urban Kapilvastu, culminating in a verification workshop attended by young people, policy makers and practitioners. The young people produced a 16 point declaration, outlining ideas for policy and practice as to how their lives could be improved. This declaration was signed by local policy makers.
Start Year 2017
Description 10th Human Rights Magna Meet 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact HomeNet Nepal, in collaboration with Youth Advocacy Nepal, hosted a dialogue session, convening 25 NGOs working on human rights in Kathmandu Valley. YOUR World Research was invited to share findings relating to youth, employability and human rights. The event was also attended by representatives from different work sectors and young people from the Kathmandu Valley. The contribution sparked a discussion, instigated by young people, regarding labour policy and provision relating to youth.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description 11th Child Research and Practice Forum (CRPF) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact The Child Research and Practice Forum (CRPF) was created in 2010 with the main objectives of linking Ethiopian research, practice, and policy. The Forum holds a monthly afternoon seminar where research on children is presented for a number of participants followed by debates and discussion. The Ethiopian Research team attended the 11th Child Research and Practice Forum to deliver a presentation with the title "Girls escaping exploitative Domestic Work: How does their experience relate to research findings?". Participants were very receptive and included representatives from UNICEF, Ministry of Women and Children Affairs, Save the Children, African Child Policy Forum, MOLSA, World Vision, Ethiopian Development Research Institute (EDRI) and Ethiopian Centre for Child Research (ECCR).
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description 1st Child Research and Pratice Forum (CRPF) on Early Childhood Care and Education: Challenges and opportunities of O class education by Young Lives Ethiopia 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact The Child Research and Practice Forum (CRPF) was created in 2010 with the main objectives of linking Ethiopian research, practice, and policy. The Forum holds a monthly afternoon seminar where research on children is presented for a number of participants followed by debates and discussion. The Ethiopian Research team attended the 1st Child Research and Practice Forum on Early Childhood Care and Education: Challenges and opportunities of O class education by Young Lives Ethiopia. Sharing early findings from the YOUR World Research Project with the participants sparked widespread interest. Participants included representatives from UNICEF, Ministry of Women and Children Affairs, Save the Children, African Child Policy Forum, MOLSA, World Vision, Ethiopian Development Research Institute (EDRI) and Ethiopian Centre for Child Research (ECCR).
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Addis Ababa City and Addis Ketema Sub-City Local Government 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact The YOUR World Research team in Ethiopia convened a meeting of Local Government Officials from Addis Ketema Sub-City Woreda, an impoverished inner-city area where research was carried out. This meeting included the Youth and Sport Office, the Labour and Social Affairs Office, the Economic Planning Office, the Education Office, the Small and Medium Scale Enterprises Office, and the Health Office. The team presented research findings and discussed the strategies employed by marginalised youth in the research site to move out of poverty, and opportunities for action and support at the Local Government level. The Local Government representatives were enthusiastic to learn more about the findings of YOUR World research and committed to inform their projects and programs based on the findings from the research. They showed particular interest in addressing the limited access to basic public services many street-connected and marginalised young people in Addis Ketema have due to their lack of official ID papers, a key finding from the research in the area.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Amhara Region, South Gondar Zone, Fogera Woreda and Woreta Town Local Government 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact The YOUR World Research team in Ethiopia convened a meeting of Local Government Officials from Amhara Region South Gondar Zone Fogera Woreda and Woreta Town, which covers two of the research sites, one rural and one urban. This meeting included the Office of Labour and Social Affairs, the Education Office, the Job Creation and Food Security Office, and the Women and Children Office. The team presented research findings and discussed the strategies employed by marginalised youth in the two research sites to move out of poverty, and opportunities for action and support at the Local Government level. The Local Government representatives were enthusiastic to learn more about the findings of YOUR World research and committed to inform their projects and programs based on the findings from the research. To this end, the Amhara Regional Bureau of Labour and Social Affairs extended an invitation for the research team to participate in a consultative workshop, aimed at identifying socio-economic problems and strategies, in Bahir Dar, 16 and 17 March 2019.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Brains at the Bevy 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Researchers and youth workers presented stories about uncertainty in the lives of young people growing up in Ethiopia, Nepal and Brighton. Questions were asked about support young people in Brighton and internationally receive to respond to pressures and expectations in our insecure world. The PI, Vicky Johnson, was joined by team members and the Trust for Developing Communities, a UK based charity working with marginalised young people. The event was also attended by the Director of CHADET from Ethiopia and the Director of the Community University Partnership Programme of Brighton University.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Capacity Building Meeting with Sudhodan Rural Municipality in Kapilvastu, Nepal 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact NCE (National Campaign for Education) invited the Nepal Research Lead to write an article on the Role of Local Government in the Education of the children. Based on the article, the National Lead of the Research was invited to be a Resource Person in Capacity Building meeting of the local government to improve their educational environment in the community. NCE is continuously engaging with the federal as well as local government to improve the educational environment based on the CRC (Convention on Rights of the Children) 1991.

The Research Lead for Nepal shared related findings from Kapilvastu, highlighting that the future education program activities need to focus more on the children and young people who are out of school, although those who are in school also need to be equipped with livelihood skills, and requested that the Sudhodan Rural Municipality develop an action plan with Vision, Mission and Activities.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description First National Citizens' Conference on Right to Education in Nepal 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact The National Education Conference is action suggested by previous researches and seminars on right to education in Nepal to discuss and come up with concrete recommendations for reforming education system in Nepal in the light of State Restructuring context, nationwide democratization and sustaining republic regime and SDGs and Post SSDP scenario.
The National Education Conference is a National Civil Society forum designed to have open and independent discussion among education practitioners, activists, academia, beneficiary and people from various sectors and levels.

The Nepal Research Team Leader was designated as a Commentator in the Thematic Round Table Discussion, aiming to produce Civil Society recommendations based on empirical data and anecdotal experience of participants to provide guidance and advice on factors that restrict access to education for marginalised children and youth, aiming to ensure the right to education for all.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Gender, Social Inequalities and Uncertainties of Youths in Nepal 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Research Centre for Educational Innovation and Development (CERID), based at Tribhuvan University, hosted a seminar convening academics, post graduate students, policy makers and practitioners to discuss and share findings regarding youth uncertainties related to gender and social inequalities. YOUR World Research was invited to present findings from the research to an audience of approximately 45 stakeholders. The presentation was very well received, including further invitations to present findings from the YOUR World Research. In addition to the findings, the presentation sparked interest in the research methodology used, ensuring that young people were able to speak for themselves. The National lead of YOUR World research Nepal was awarded a certificate of appreciation, signed by the Honorable Minister for Education, Science and Technology.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Kapilvastu - Stakeholder meeting 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact The research team in Nepal attended a consultation meeting in Kapilvastu, attended by representatives from NGOs, the media, Chamber of Commerce and local political leaders. The team shared findings and discussed the issues young people are facing in the municipality. The audience was receptive, and political leaders expressed willingness to develop programs for young people, influenced by the research findings. They expressed a keen interest in being kept informed of future research findings. Inspired by the presentation and following discussion, the Chamber of Commerce expressed willingness to develop training and employment programs targeting youth.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Meeting - CWIN, Voice of Children Nepal, CWCN, CCWB and Concern Nepal 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Third sector organisations
Results and Impact The research team in Nepal convened a meeting with CWIN (Child Workers in Nepal), Voice of Children Nepal, CWCN (Child Watawaran Centre Nepal), CCWB (Centre for Child Development Welfare Board) and Concern Nepal to share and discuss research findings from YOUR World Research. Potential for future programmes for the most marginalised youth was discussed, based on research findings. In addition, it was discussed how these organisations can support the local government where they work to include marginalised youth in their programming and policy development.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Meeting - Kathmandu University 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Following the Conference in Delhi, the research team in Nepal forged a relationship with Kathmandu University through the Dean of Arts. A follow up meeting was set up by the research team, also including the Director of Action Aid Nepal, to discuss how to increase the voice of the most marginalised youth in Nepal and potential for future collaboration between students from Kathmandu University and Action Aid Nepal, building on the research findings from YOUR World Research.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Meeting with NGOs - Blue Diamond and Federation of People with Disability 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Third sector organisations
Results and Impact The research team in Nepal held a consultation meeting with professional practitioners from two NGOs - The Blue Diamond Society and the Federation of People with Disability - in order to discuss the best ways to incorporate the voices of young people with disabilities and young people of the third gender. Representatives from the two organizations were keen to learn from current and future research findings so as to improve their programs and strategies.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Meeting with South Asia Regional Director of Aflatoun an Samunnat Nepal 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Samunnat Nepal had worked with the CDC (Curriculum Development Center) in Ministry of Education and Sports to integrate Child Social and Financial Education (CSFE) in grades 9-10, which was adopted from the Aflatoun global curriculum. This was targeted to the children who are in the school.

In reference to the YOUR World Research findings, the street-connected youth has clearly said that lifeskills education is extremely useful for them. Nepal Research Lead shared some of the related findings like,
1. Young people in Kapilvastu are interested to earn but just to meet their immediate need. Once their immediate need is fulfilled, they stop going to work.
2. Young people lacking social skills to deal with the service providers, or even with their own family members.
3. Young people who are out of school do not get any opportunity to engaged in learning activities, except in some places where CBOs are active.
4. Even those young people who are in school has directly rejected the value of school education, as this is very theory oriented.

With these findings, the Research Lead advocated to the policy makers and the professional practitioners that the future program activities need to focus more on the children and young people who are out of school, although those who are in school also need to be equipped with this curriculum. Besides, the school curriculum is already condemned being not very lifeskills oriented.

The Nepal Research Lead also briefed on some relevant components from the Nepal government's School Sector Development Plan - 2016-2023 (SSDP) and pointed out that there are plenty of places to work with young people in formal or non-formal sectors. The team's effort need to focus on the marginalized youth rather than 'business as usual'.

One of the perfect match with the SSDP is the support to the Community Learning Centers (CLCs). This can be a crucial hub for the young people to come and develop their capacity. The government has to provide a simple directive how these centers can attract the marginalized young people for their capacity development in these centers.

The Nepal Research Team Leader also appealed to the Asia Director that Nepal needs some technical support from the Aflatoun to target to marginalized young people, with special focus to the marginalized youth.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Meeting with the National Reference Group - Ethiopia 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact The YOUR World research team presented and discussed findings from the research to the National Reference Group members in Ethiopia. The National Reference Group consists of 12 members drawn from higher learning and research institutions and practitioners from civil society organizations. Members of the National Reference Group have committed to use the research findings in their respective constituencies and provide ongoing feedback and support for the duration of the research project. A particular concern raised at this meeting was how to gain access to marginalised female street-connected youth, making sure that their views and experiences are added to policy and practice recommendations.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Meeting with the National Reference Group - Nepal 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact The YOUR World research team presented and discussed findings from the research to the National Reference Group members. The National Reference Group includes two Under-Secretaries from the Ministry for Youth and Sports, the former Executive Director from the Central Child Welfare Board, the Executive Director of CERID (Centre for Educational Research, Innovation and Development), and the Director of Action Aid Nepal, among others. Members of the National Reference Group have committed to use the research findings in their respective constituencies, including one of the Under-Secretaries who committed to work towards implementing the findings nationally. The other Under-Secretary from the Ministry for Youth and Sports, who is moving from Kathmandu to Chitwan District, was inspired by the model used at the Youth Seminar to get young people's voices heard by producing a declaration, and committed to bringing young people together to produce declarations in Chitwan District.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Migrating out of Poverty Seminar 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact The PI and the PhD students attached to the project were invited to give a seminar as part of the Migration Seminar Series at the Sussex Centre for Migration Research, Sussex University in the UK, with the title 'Understanding uncertainty in migration in Ethiopia and Nepal'. The team shared early findings from the research as well as insights into how to reach the most vulnerable and marginalised to an audience of post graduate students and academics.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description National Reference Group 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact A National Reference Group (NRG) was formed to engage the wider circle of stakeholders on research uptake. Particular attention was given to ensuring academics, practitioners and policy-makers are balanced in gender, discipline and policy area.

A meeting with the National Reference Group including research partners and key stakeholders was held on 3rd July 2019 at Kathmandu. Research team shared the major findings of the research and its impact with wider group and also seek support for future action. Participants appreciated the work and findings of the research as well as provided some key suggestions with commitment in the open session.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description National Youth Seminar - Nepal 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact YOUR World Research convened a National Youth Seminar in Kathmandu to verify the collected data and to ensure the voice of marginalised young people feed directly into policy and practice in Nepal. The seminar was attended by 54 young people (including three who are gender fluid), the Rt. Honourable Chair of National Assembly (Upper House), officials from the Ministry of Youth and Sports, Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security, the National Youth Council, practitioners, youth rights advocates, civil society leaders, academics and journalists from local and national media. The young people helped verify findings from the research and came up with a 12-point declaration, outlining their suggested policy and practice interventions. The young people signed this declaration, presented it, and handed it over to the Rt. Honourable Chair of the National Assembly who provided his solidarity with the young people and gave the declaration to the under-secretary of the Ministry of Youth and Sports to sign. The under-secretary of the Ministry of Youth and Sports committed to reflect these declarations into policy and law-making processes. The Chair of Youth Advocacy Nepal, and the Executive Director of ActionAid Nepal also amplified the declaration and committed to working with marginalised young people to implement the declaration. The event was well covered by national media, including online news agencies.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Oromia Region, Arsi Zone, Hetosa Woreda Local Government 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact The YOUR World Research team in Ethiopia convened a meeting of Local Government Officials from Oromia Region Arsi Zone Hetosa Woreda, a drought prone area which includes one of the research sites. This meeting included the Office of Labour and Social Affairs, the Education Office, the Youth and Sports Office, the Job Creation and Food Security Office, and the Women and Children Office. The team presented research findings and discussed the strategies employed by marginalised youth in the drought prone Kebeles to move out of poverty, and opportunities for action and support at the Local Government level. The Local Government representatives were enthusiastic to learn more about the findings of YOUR World research, committed to inform their projects and programs based on the findings from the research. They further agreed that improved collaboration across stakeholders at all levels, including young people, was needed to ensure the best outcomes for marginalised youth.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Participation in AHRC expert workshop on Intergenerational Justice 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Papers on the research lens of intergenerational justice for AHRC.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Personally, asked to present about youth uncertainty and resilience as an expert. 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Research Centre for Educational Innovation and Development (CERID), Tribhuvan University in Nepal invited PhD student as a research team member of YOUR WORLD Research in Nepal to present about youth uncertainty and resilience building. The audience were highly interested in the methodologies used in this research for instance, co-constructing research with marginalised young people, creative and moving methods, Team thematic analysis and finding the 'meaning' of uncertainty from the perspective of marginalised young people.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Presentation of the research project for the National Reference Group 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact The research team in Ethiopia presented the research project to the National Reference Group. Participants included representatives from Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa Technical and Vocational Training Agency (TVET), Ministry of Youth and Sports, International Organization for Migration, Young Lives Ethiopia and Population Council Ethiopia.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Programme Reflection and Learning - Action Aid Nepal 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Third sector organisations
Results and Impact The YOUR World Research team in Nepal was invited to present findings to the staff of Action Aid Nepal at their Programme Reflection and Learning Meeting - a 6 monthly review meeting where all Action Aid Nepal staff come together to review and reflect on progress and challenges. At this meeting, held in Bhaktapur, 45 staff members were present, representing different departments and functions of the organisation. The presentation was extremely well received. The leadership team at Action Aid Nepal has committed to design future programmmes and strategies for working with marginalised youth by Action Aid in Nepal, with reference to research findings and recommendations from the YOUR World research team.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Programme Reflection and Learning Meeting (PRLM) - Action Aid Nepal 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact The YOUR World Research team in Nepal was invited to present early findings to the staff of Action Aid Nepal at their Programme Reflection and Learning Meeting - a 6 monthly review meeting where all Action Aid Nepal staff come together to review and reflect on progress and challenges. At this meeting, held in Dhulikhel, 41 staff members were present, representing different departments and functions of the organisation. The presentation was extremely well received. The leadership team at Action Aid Nepal has since thanked the research team, saying that future programmmes and strategies for working with marginalised youth by Action Aid in Nepal will be informed research findings and recommendations from the YOUR World research team.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Sindhupalchowk - Stakeholder meeting 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact The research team lead and the PhD student in Nepal met with the Chair, Vice-chair and Chief executive from Helambu Rural Municipality in Sindhupalchowk to discuss the issues young people are facing in the municipality. The research team members shared findings from the research in the area, including young people's dreams and aspirations, using the words of the young participants from the area. During the one and a half our discussion, the Chair also shared his plans for young people in the municipality and all three stakeholders showed great enthusiasm and interest. After the recent restructuring of Nepal's administrative units, the municipalities - bot rural and urban - with recently elected representatives, have increased responsibility for delivering services at local level. This has been constitutionally enshrined.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact 10 young people (3 male, 7 female) attended workshop in Sindu-rural, Nepal, to help develop a methodology guide for the project. Using local partners' understanding of context and well established relationships, marginalised youth were identified and invited to join the workshop.
Through group discussions, and using participatory tools such as time lines, young people helped give in-depth local knowledge to the methodology guide. This included how to translate key words in local languages, and the range of words that could be used for different key words in English, helping to refine research questions to suit the local context. Discussions extended to how to use these translations and words in key questions about uncertainty and insecurity. Young people's perspective is central to the team's understanding of how to address uncertainty in the research.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact Research data was collected from 22 young people (12 female, 10 male) attending a workshop in Kapilbastu (urban), Nepal. Through group discussions, and using participatory tools including photo story and satisfaction ranking, young people gave their view on Uncertainty, Insecurity, Violence and Marginalization. Data was collected and coded for anonymity, and stored for further analysis, cross-referencing with other research data. Key observations were recorded and will be used to continually improve future data collection exercises.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact Research data was collected from 10 young people (7 female, 3 male) attending a workshop in Sindupalchowk, Nepal. Through group discussions, and using participatory tools including timelines, young people gave their view on Uncertainty, Insecurity, Violence and Marginalization and discussed transition. Data was collected and coded for anonymity, and stored for further analysis, cross-referencing with other research data. Key observations were recorded and will be used to continually improve future data collection exercises.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact Research data was collected from 37 young people (28 female, 9 male) attending a workshop in Sindupalchowk, Nepal. Through group discussions, and using participatory tools including community mapping, young people gave their view on Uncertainty, Insecurity, Violence and Marginalization. Data was collected and coded for anonymity, and stored for further analysis, cross-referencing with other research data. Key observations were recorded and will be used to continually improve future data collection exercises.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact 26 young people (7 male, 19 female) attended workshop in Kathmandu-urban, Nepal, to help develop a methodology guide for the project. Using local partners' understanding of context and well established relationships, marginalised youth were identified and invited to join the workshop.
Through group discussions, and using participatory tools such as mobility diagrams, young people helped give in-depth local knowledge to the methodology guide. This included how to translate key words in local languages, and the range of words that could be used for different key words in English, helping to refine research questions to suit the local context. Discussions extended to how to use these translations and words in key questions about uncertainty and insecurity. Young people's perspective is central to the team understanding of how to address uncertainty in the research.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact 21 young people (10 male, 11 female) attended workshop in Kapilbastu-rural, Nepal, to help develop a methodology guide for the project. Using local partners' understanding of context and well established relationships, marginalised youth were identified and invited to join the workshop.
Through group discussions, and using participatory tools such as photo story, young people helped give in-depth local knowledge to the methodology guide. This included how to translate key words in local languages, and the range of words that could be used for different key words in English, helping to refine research questions to suit the local context. Discussions extended to how to use these translations and words in key questions about uncertainty and insecurity. Young people's perspective is central to the team understanding of how to address uncertainty in the research.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact Young people attended workshop in Hetosa, Ethiopia, to help develop a methodology guide for the project. Using local partners' understanding of context and well established relationships, marginalised youth were identified and invited to join the workshop.
Through group discussions, and using participatory tools, young people helped give in-depth local knowledge to the methodology guide. This included how to translate key words in local languages, and the range of words that could be used for different key words in English, helping to refine research questions to suit the local context. Discussions extended to how to use these translations and words in key questions about uncertainty and insecurity. Young people's perspective is central to the team understanding of how to address uncertainty in the research.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact Young people attended workshop in Woreta Town, Ethiopia, to help develop a methodology guide for the project. Using local partners' understanding of context and well established relationships, marginalised youth were identified and invited to join the workshop.
Through group discussions, and using participatory tools, young people helped give in-depth local knowledge to the methodology guide. This included how to translate key words in local languages, and the range of words that could be used for different key words in English, helping to refine research questions to suit the local context. Discussions extended to how to use these translations and words in key questions about uncertainty and insecurity. Young people's perspective is central to the team understanding of how to address uncertainty in the research.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact Young people attended workshop in Kombolcha, Ethiopia, to help develop a methodology guide for the project. Using local partners' understanding of context and well established relationships, marginalised youth were identified and invited to join the workshop.
Through group discussions, and using participatory tools, young people helped give in-depth local knowledge to the methodology guide. This included how to translate key words in local languages, and the range of words that could be used for different key words in English, helping to refine research questions to suit the local context. Discussions extended to how to use these translations and words in key questions about uncertainty and insecurity. Young people's perspective is central to the team understanding of how to address uncertainty in the research.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact 24 young people (12 male, 12 female) attended workshop in Kapilbastu-urban, Nepal, to help develop a methodology guide for the project. Using local partners' understanding of context and well established relationships, marginalised youth were identified and invited to join the workshop.
Through group discussions, and using participatory tools such as network diagrams, young people helped give in-depth local knowledge to the methodology guide. This included how to translate key words in local languages, and the range of words that could be used for different key words in English, helping to refine research questions to suit the local context. Discussions extended to how to use these translations and words in key questions about uncertainty and insecurity. Young people's perspective is central to the team understanding of how to address uncertainty in the research.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact Young people attended workshop in Addis Ketema, Ethiopia, to help develop a methodology guide for the project. Using local partners' understanding of context and well established relationships, marginalised youth were identified and invited to join the workshop.
Through group discussions, and using participatory tools, young people helped give in-depth local knowledge to the methodology guide. This included how to translate key words in local languages, and the range of words that could be used for different key words in English, helping to refine research questions to suit the local context. Discussions extended to how to use these translations and words in key questions about uncertainty and insecurity. Young people's perspective is central to the team understanding of how to address uncertainty in the research.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact Research data was collected from 24 young people (13 female, 11 male) attending a workshop in Kapilbastu (urban), Nepal. Through group discussions, and using participatory tools including network diagram, young people gave their view on Uncertainty, Insecurity, Violence and Marginalization. Data was collected and coded for anonymity, and stored for further analysis, cross-referencing with other research data. Key observations were recorded and will be used to continually improve future data collection exercises.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact 37 young people (27 male, 10 female) attended workshop in Sindu-rural, Nepal, to help develop a methodology guide for the project. Using local partners' understanding of context and well established relationships, marginalised youth were identified and invited to join the workshop.
Through group discussions, and using participatory tools such as community mapping, young people helped give in-depth local knowledge to the methodology guide. This included how to translate key words in local languages, and the range of words that could be used for different key words in English, helping to refine research questions to suit the local context. Discussions extended to how to use these translations and words in key questions about uncertainty and insecurity. Young people's perspective is central to the team understanding of how to address uncertainty in the research.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description YOUR World Research Launch of Findings 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact The Youth Uncertainty Rights (YOUR) World Research team from Goldsmiths, University of London, invited stakeholders, researchers, partners, funders and practicioners to a launch event, presenting findings from the three year ESRC/DFID funded research into youth and uncertainty in Ethiopia and Nepal.

The Pro-Warden for Research and Enterprise at Goldsmiths and the lead for the ESRC-DFID Joint Fund for Poverty Alleviation Research opened the event and national team members and partners from Ethiopia and Nepal presented findings and discussed impact in roundtables. We were joined by discussants who partnered with us in-country including from UCL, Loughborough and Kathmandu University. The closing panel was chaired by the PI for another innovative Goldsmiths programme of creative research GlobalGrace also addressing issues of equality.

YOUR World Research carried out qualitative and participatory research with some of the most marginalised young people across eight fragile environments in Ethiopia and Nepal. In each country, national teams worked with around 500 youth, conducting detailed, focused case studies with 250 marginalised young people across four research sites.

The research generated new knowledge about how marginalised youth perceive, navigate, negotiate and respond to uncertainty. At the launch we presented findings from the research, bringing marginalised young research participants' words into policy debates, and facilitated discussion among researchers and practitioners.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description YOUR World Research Launch of Findings and Partnership Event 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact The Youth Uncertainty Rights (YOUR) World Research team invited stakeholders, researchers, partners, funders and practitioners to a launch event, presenting findings from the three year ESRC/DFID funded research into youth and uncertainty in Ethiopia and Nepal, with a particular focus on partnership for impact, marginalised youth with disability, youth who are street connected and youth experiences and strategies of migration

YOUR World Research has carried out qualitative and participatory research with some of the most marginalised young people across eight fragile environments in Ethiopia and Nepal. In each country, national teams worked with around 500 youth, conducting detailed, focused case studies with 250 marginalised young people across four research sites.

The research generated new knowledge about how marginalised youth perceive, navigate, negotiate and respond to uncertainty. At the launch in Brighton, we presented findings from the research, bringing marginalised young research participants' words into policy debates, and facilitated discussion among researchers and practitioners.

The event drew out challenges facing research partnerships and how to conduct research that leads to impact for marginalised youth. The national teams and partners from Ethiopia and Nepal presented findings followed by roundtables with expert discussants to draw out learning with a focus on 1) marginalised youth with disability, 2) youth who are street connected and 3) youth experiences and strategies of migration.

Discussants joined us from Cambridge University, University College London, University of Sussex, the Consortium for Street Children, Young Lives, CHADET, ActionAid Nepal and ChildHope UK. The Director of Postgraduate Studies from the Doctoral College for Research and the Head of Education Research from DFID opened the event.

The event closed with a panel discussion, chaired by the APVC for Research and Enterprise from the University of Brighton, with input from the Director of ESRC's Impact Initiative and our DFID representative.

The event offered the opportunity be among the first to hear the findings YOUR World, meet with colleagues from across institutions and organisations working to improve the lives and outcomes for the most marginalised youth, and be part of a discussion about impact and new initiatives based on the latest detailed research in the regions and internationally.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Youth Organising in Chapagaun - Kathmandu 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact In partnership with HomeNet Nepal, the research team in Nepal brought together 29 marginalized young people from Chapagaun, Kathmandu, to discuss their needs and views on access to services. The young people discussed how best to present this to policy makers so as to improve services for young people, and received skill development training from HomeNet Nepal, certified by CTEVT.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Youth Seminar - Kapilvastu 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact YOUR World Research convened a Youth Seminar in Kapilvastu to verify the collected data and to ensure the voice of marginalised young people feed directly into policy and practice in rural and urban Kapilvastu. The seminar was attended by 37 young people, policy makers and practitioners, and journalists from local and regional media. The young people helped verify findings from the research and came up with a 14 point declaration, outlining their suggested policy and practice interventions. The young people signed this declaration, presented it, and handed it over to policy makers and practitioners for them to sign. The declaration was signed by 12 policy makers and NGO practitioners, including the Deputy Mayor of Shivaraj Municipality (urban Kapilvastu), the Honorable Vice Chair of Province number 5, and a member of parliament of Province number 5, who committed to working with young people to implement the declaration. The Deputy Mayor extended her commitment to develop and expand the local youth programme to focus more on marginalised youth, including increasing the budget. The event was covered and reported on in local and regional newspapers and on a local radio station.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Youth Seminar - Kathmandu 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact YOUR World Research convened a Youth Seminar in Kathmandu to verify the collected data and to ensure the voice of marginalised young people feed directly into policy and practice in the capital. The seminar was attended by 21 young people (including three who are gender fluid), the Honorable Parliamentary Member for Province 3, practitioners and journalists from local and national media. The young people helped verify findings from the research and came up with a 14 point declaration, outlining their suggested policy and practice interventions. The young people signed this declaration, presented it, and handed it over to the Honorable Parliamentary Member for Province 3 for him to sign, who committed to presenting the declaration to parliament. The Chairs of HomeNet Nepal and Nepal Mahila Ekata Samaj (NMES), two local CSOs and partners also signed the declaration, committing to working with marginalised young people to implement the declaration. The event was covered by national television (News 24).
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Youth Seminar - Sindhupalchowk 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact YOUR World Research convened a Youth Seminar in Sindhupalchowk to verify the collected data and to ensure the voice of marginalised young people feed directly into policy and practice in the region. The seminar was attended by 27 young people, 3 policy makers (the Mayor of Melamchi Municipality, an Honorable Member of the Provincial Parliament and the Chair of the Helambu Village Municipality) as well as practitioners, and journalists from local and regional media. The young people helped verify findings from the research and came up with a 16 point declaration, outlining their suggested policy and practice interventions. The young people signed this declaration, presented it, and handed it over to the policy makers and practitioners for them to sign. The declaration was then signed by the three policy makers as well as NGO practitioners. They committed to working with young people to implement the declaration. The event was covered and reported on in local and regional newspapers, and on local radio.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019