Animal Husbandry, Prescribing Practices and the Control of Veterinary Medicines and AMR in Colombia's 'Livestock Revolution'

Lead Research Organisation: King's College London
Department Name: Geography


In common with many low- and middle-income countries, Colombia has seen sharp rises in livestock production in response to rapidly growing domestic demand for food of animal origins. While this 'livestock revolution' promises to enhance food security, reduce poverty, and improve rural livelihoods, there are also questions about its sustainability and wider implications for human and environmental health. Expanding livestock production is associated with a host of negative impacts on biodiversity, carbon emissions, water availability and quality. As livestock numbers have risen globally, so too has the use of antibiotics and other veterinary medicines (VM) in animal husbandry. VM has been instrumental in reducing the global burden of livestock disease and delivering the productivity increases necessary to meet the rising demand for food globally, but the World Health Organization (2012) warns that the scale and nature of antibiotic usage in livestock production poses major risks to both human and animal health. As well as undermining food safety and environmental quality through residue contamination, the pervasive use of antibiotics in agriculture creates strong selective pressures favouring the emergence of bacteria that are resistant to antibiotic drugs used for treating disease. Such anti-microbial resistance (AMR) threatens to cast us back into the dark ages of medicine without effective antibiotic treatments.

The aim of this proposal is to support international efforts to address the AMR crisis and support poverty alleviation in low- and middle-income countries like Colombia by improving understanding of the behavioural factors influencing the control and use of VM, which is a major contributing factor in the emergence of AMR. To that end it will combine interview, observational, survey, and documentary analysis methods to achieve these more specific research objectives (ROs):

RO1. Explore animal husbandry practices and their implications for animal health, farm incomes, use of VM, and AMR risk across two different milk production systems (extensive, dual-purpose, i.e. meat and milk, and intensive & specialised, i.e. milk only)

RO2. Analyse prescribing practices and the formal and informal networks through which VMs are sourced, circulate, administered and then accounted by veterinary professionals and by food and pharmaceutical markets

RO3. Evaluate the regulatory systems in Colombia for ensuring animal health, food safety, and appropriate prescription and use of VM

RO4. Build a wider network to support behavioural change interventions in Colombia and across Latin America for improving the control and use of VM

Planned Impact

This project will provide vital evidence about the behavioural factors shaping the control and appropriate use of veterinary medicines, which is important for the emergence of AMR as well as for ensuring food safety and environmental quality more generally.

As detailed in our Pathways to Impact plan, research is designed to make a tangible impact on 3 major groups of beneficiaries that we will engage with in different ways:

1) We will support regulators in Columbia and Latin America in discharging their duties to manage animal health, ensure food safety, and prevent AMR. The project will also support wider networking activities across Latin America to share best practice and build capacity for improving the control and use of VM. A kick-off event in Bogotá (WP4.1) will build local awareness of the project and the problems it is addressing among regulatory agencies in Colombia, with whom we will then engage further through the interviews and fieldwork conducted with them as part of WP1.2. International networking with the Pan-American Dairy Federation will help learn and share lessons from across Latin America and facilitate international participation in the closing expert workshop (WP4.3), which will seek to develop a road-map for improving usage of VM and develop a series of Spanish-language policy briefs (WP4.4) outlining key recommendations for improving regulatory effectiveness.

2) We will support dairy farmers and producer associations in Colombia by identifying the behaviour factors shaping (non)compliance with regulatory requirements and best practice recommendations. As well as reducing AMR, animal health, and food safety risks, this also promises to increase farmer incomes by improving the efficacy of often expensive veterinary treatments. The kick-off event in Bogotá (WP4.1) will help build awareness of the project among key producer associations with whom we will work to disseminate key project findings to farmers. As well as Spanish language materials, our project website will also include several short informational videos, to be produced by the new media experts at Corporacion Alotropia, distilling key project findings. Their experience shows that videos provide a more engaging and locally appropriate vehicle for reaching farmers whose literacy and appetite for wading through technical documents is often limited.

3) The veterinary profession in Colombia also stands to benefit from an improved understanding of the behavioural factors shaping whether and how farmers seek their advice and follow protocols for obtaining and using veterinary medicines. To deepen our relationships with the relevant veterinary professional associations, we will solicit their participation in our project kick-off event and then engage them further through interviews and fieldwork conducted with them as part of WP3.1 and through participation in our closing expert workshop (WP4.3).

4) Although the primary beneficiaries of our ODA-eligible project are in Colombia, our project has taken on new importance for the UK government with the recent Brexit vote. In this context our findings about the efficacy of regulatory systems in Colombia and elsewhere in Latin America for controlling veterinary medicine usage and ensuring food safety and preventing AMR will be of particular importance for Defra and the Food Standards Agency, as the lead government agencies involved in food import controls and in negotiating new free trade deals with Latin America.


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Description We are still analysing data from the project, but several findings are already clear:
1. There is low awareness of and limited concern about AMR among policymakers or farmers in Colombia
2. Awareness is higher among veterinary professionals, but AMR is not a priority for them relative to concerns with animal health, productivity, and food residues
3. Rapid adoption of national AMR control strategies in Colombia reflects a mimetic desire of policymakers there to follow best practice from the EU, which is seen as a sign of national prestige and promises to improve prospects for food exports from Colombia
4. Compared to the UK, the veterinary profession is much less able to serve as gatekeepers controlling access to and use of veterinary medicines, which are available from multiple sources
5. Farmers in Colombia rely on a variety of sources of advice about animal health and use of veterinary medicines, including neighbors, local knowledge; 'farm shop' retailers selling drugs and food processors, as well as vets
6. Therapeutic usage of veterinary medicines in Colombia is relatively low because of farmer concerns about cost and ignorance of treatment options in a sector dominated by small holders with herds <10 head. Usage is increasing fastest in areas where production is specialised and geared towards sale to food processors. Usage is lowest in dual-purpose regions where milk is a sideline to extensive grazing for beef.
7. The models of AMR control promulgated by the O'Neill report based on UK conditions is unsuitable for Colombia where the veterinary medical profession is not the central gatekeeper controlling access to medicine and the regulatory capacity of the state and private market actors is much less well developed.
Exploitation Route UKRI funded campaigns to control AMR need to recognise that conditions elsewhere are very different and that assumptions based on UK experience often travel poorly
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink



Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology

Description Colombia is currently revising its national strategy for responding to anti-microbial resistance. In April 2024 we made a presentation (entitled: "Abordando la Resistencia Antimicrobiana en Colombia y Argentina: implementación de Planes de Acción Nacional"[Addressing Antimicrobial Resistance in Colombia and Argentina: implementation of National Action Plans]) to 35 high-level representatives from government institutions involved in drafting the strategy, including the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Ministry of Information and Communications Technologies, National Health Institute, Colombian Agricultural Research Corporation (Agrosavia), National Food and Drug Surveillance Institute (INVIMA), and the Colombian Agricultural Institute (ICA). They were particularly taken with some of our findings about barriers to implementation and it is likely that the new strategy, which is still being formulated, will reflect some of our findings
First Year Of Impact 2024
Sector Agriculture, Food and Drink,Healthcare
Impact Types Policy & public services

Description FARMS-SAFE: Future-proofing Antibacterial resistance Risk Management Surveillance and Stewardship in the Argentinian Farming Environment
Amount £989,327 (GBP)
Funding ID BB/T004592/1 
Organisation Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 07/2019 
End 05/2024
Description brochure for farmers in Colombia 
Form Of Engagement Activity A magazine, newsletter or online publication
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact we produced a Spanish language leaflet and infographic for farmers on the proper use and disposal of veterinary medicines so as to reduce the risk of AMR. We printed 500 copies and distributed it through an agricultural advisory service in Colombia
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018