Governing Inclusive Green Growth in Africa

Lead Research Organisation: University of Reading
Department Name: Geography and Environmental Sciences


The green economy has significant potential for delivering inclusive economic development in Africa; however the dynamics of this potentially paradigm-shifting phenomenon are poorly understood (Borel-Saladin & Turok 2013, Mudombi 2013, Death 2014, ECA 2016). Comprising researchers from multiple disciplines, (from UK, Africa, and India), African think tanks, civil society organisations and government departments, the proposed Network aims to lay the foundation for a robust assessment and understanding of the dynamics of green growth governance in Africa and the implications for sustainable economic transformation in the continent. Particular attention will be paid to understanding key challenges for leveraging green growth as a means to tackle inequality and poverty plus interventions that can be honed to transcend existing barriers to deliver results at scale and enhance sustainability.

Prompted by national circumstances and their international development partners, many African countries have started to embrace the concept of green growth. Countries such as Rwanda, Ethiopia, Kenya and South Africa have sketched ambitious plans to decouple economic growth from environmental pressures and 'leapfrog' to green, sustainable economies. For example, Ethiopia's ambitious, multi-sectoral Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP) to bring the country to a middle-income status within 10 years, runs alongside the Climate Resilient Green Economy (CRGE) strategy. The CRGE's principal aim is to achieve a high rate of economic growth without increasing the country's GHG emissions. However, till date, very little study has examined green growth in Africa with the result that significant questions need to be asked. For example: (i) what are the current greening activities taking place in Africa? (ii) in what ways do putative green economy activities represent a significant departure from 'business as usual'?; (iii) are green growth activities displacing, being mainstreamed or co-existing with 'brown' development?; (iv) what is the impact of national green growth strategies on inequality and poverty in Africa?; (v) what are the key motivations of African leaders and governments seeking to be front-runners in this area; and what are the reasons for reluctance among the slow or non-movers?; (vi) what are the environmental, technology, innovation, and ethical implications of greening? (vii) what is the local and international political economy of greening in Africa and who are the key actors?; (viii) what are the capacity needs required to achieve scale?; (vii) what are the successes, challenges, synergies and trade-offs associated with greening in Africa, how do these differ across countries, and what lessons can Africa learn from other developing countries?

Through a series of collaborative activities including: (i) workshops, (ii) mapping of existing green growth initiatives in Africa, (iii) initial political economy and socio-technical analysis; and (iv) an initial technology and capacity gap assessment, the network will lay a foundation for future research work in understanding the dynamics, prospects and limits of the green economy in Africa. Capacity will be built through collaborative planning, mentoring, and peer networks. Partnership with a leading research and policy think tank in India will promote South-South cooperation. Although our work will address issues on a continent-wide basis, our primary focus will be the following three countries: (i) Ethiopia, which is pursuing an ambitious growth agenda and greening strategy, simultaneously; (ii) Kenya, which has also made notable attempts to embrace the concept of greening development and is currently the first and only African country that has signed a national legislation on climate change; and (iii) Nigeria, the most populous and biggest economy in Africa, which has made some efforts at greening but is generally considered a laggard in this area (Okonkwo & Uwazie 2016).

Planned Impact

The positive impact of GIGGA will come in many forms including better understanding of: (i) current activities and patterns of greening in Africa and the implications for poverty reduction and sustainable development; (ii) the motivation of key actors, (iii) enabling and constraining political economy factors; key institutions and governance approaches; (iv) existing challenges, capacity needs/gaps; barriers and opportunities; (v) potential lessons that can be learned from other developing countries, especially India; and (iii) identification of potential solutions and cutting-edge research agenda in the area.

We have identified at least eight sets of beneficiaries of our research: (1) Central governments in Africa especially Ethiopia, Nigeria, and Kenya which form the primary case studies for this initial phase of the research (2) Local and sub-national governments (3) International Development Partners active in the area of sustainability, poverty alleviation and green economy including The World Bank, IMF, CDKN, Green Growth Institute (GGI), and African Development Bank (AfDB), which has the Green Economy as one of its 10-year strategic foci; (4) local government associations and cities networks working to promote resilient and low carbon cities such as ICLEI, (5) Civil Society organisations (CSO) in Africa such as Women's and Men's Traders associations, (6) Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) such as Oxfam, (7) National and International Research Institutes most of which are in need of more robust data and evidence to enhance the quality of their work (8) Private Sector of different shapes and sizes; big, medium and small-scale industries whose works have implications for the green economy.

Our network includes many beneficiaries as key partners including national government agencies (e.g. Nigerian National Planning Commission); and city governments (e.g. Addis Ababa City Council). Hence, the key first impact pathway is through co-design and co-production of knowledge with end users. Second, we will promote ownership by adopting a co-communication approach our network activities and output using the websites of member and partner organisations. Third our network comprises dynamic activist civil society groups (e.g. Pan African Climate Justice Alliance) who are renowned for influencing change through evidence-based advocacy. Fourth, the commitment to build the capacity of partners will strengthen relationships and enable ongoing communication and impact. Collaborative activities include joint planning, writing and mentoring. All the partners will be involved and given ample opportunity to help shape the work of the Network. Needs analysis will form a key aspect of the initial workshop. Fifth, we will carefully target potential end-users and widely disseminate outputs using online platforms. Special attention will be paid to involving the local media, to seek active ways of promoting the work and uptake of project. Feedback will be encouraged in all communications issued by the project team whether they be oral, digital or in printed form. Sixth, we will invite relevant officials from some of the target beneficiary organisations (CDKN, World Bank, AfDB) to serve on our advisory board and attend our workshops to facilitate engagement and uptake.

The stakeholders mentioned above will gain information from the mapping of existing green growth initiatives in Africa. The date-base will include information on focus, stated objectives funding agency and arrangement, key stakeholders, successes, challenges, lessons learned and options for scale up. The capacity gap assessment and political economy review will cover among others, technology, human resources, and institutions. Reports and policy briefs will help to identify what is working well, redundancies, overlaps, and offer guidance for coordination, better linkages and capacity building - all of which should be valuable to the above-named beneficiaries.


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Description Based on systematic analysis involving 960 Scopus index literature on green economy in Africa we found that only 48% of authors publishing on green growth in Africa were from African countries and that 52% of publications were from authors outside the African continent. Of this, UK-based authors account for 16% of the publications while authors based in the US account for 13% of publications. East and Southern Africa are the most active in publishing on the inclusive green growth in Africa and South Africa is the most prolific individual country, linked to 32% of the citations in the database. The analysis revealed a strong focus on Development, Policy and Environment. Process and governance aspects also featured - Government, Policy, and Politics were among the most common terms. Figure 3 shows the distribution of terms grouped by GIGG areas. A range of important terms such as energy security, natural capital and social enterprise featured not at all or only very infrequently in African focused green economy publications. There is hence an urgent need to invest more into capacity-building for green economy research in Africa.
Evidence from the rapid assessment suggests that many African countries have ambitious green growth strategies and policies that can reduce negative environmental externalities while promoting socially inclusive growth. However with the exception of South Africa Sub-Saharan African countries are not systematically documenting their green growth activities and investments. This lack of systematic documentation hinders the ability to ensure coordination, measure progress, and learn lessons from best practice. While the number of green economy projects and investments are increasing, the majority of these are small investments at under USD 100 million. Moreover, there is a sense that these projects are not sufficiently integrated into national economic development plans. Mainstreaming of green economy will help to increase the size of investment and the mobilization of funding from both domestic and internal sources. Given the imperative for rapid economic growth in order to reduce pervasive poverty, greening industrialization needs to be given higher priority by African countries. At the moment the number and size of green investment in the industrial sector are meager.
There is on-going debate whether green policies add costs and slow down productivity growth in the short term and therefore affect the competitiveness of economic sectors especially if the stringency of policies differs across countries. Those of contrary opinion indicate that green policies may foster innovation in environmentally friendly technologies in the long term which may help regulated sectors achieve technological leadership and boost broader economic growth. Despite signs of a strong commitment to embracing the green economy, green financing investment remains a considerable challenge to African countries. The bulk of green economy projects are domestically funded, and despite the positive rhetoric, international development partners have not risen to the challenge of financing green economy in Africa to the extent that is required to induce radical transformative change.
There is a huge capacity gap for green economy planning and implementation among policymakers in in Africa. Finally the project identified five interconnected key areas (the 5 "I"s where substantial research is needed to better understand the current state, dynamics, prospects and limits of the green growth governance in Africa. These include:
(i) Infrastructure Investment: What infrastructural investment will most facilitate equitable green economy transformation and what are the most effective means of mobilising finance and political will for scaling-up green infrastructural investment in Africa?
(ii) Institutions: What kinds of institutional arrangements can best serve the purpose of defining and facilitating a distinctively African-type inclusive green growth transformation and how may the required reforms be best achieved?
(iii) Incentives: What are the most effective regulatory frameworks, mix of incentives, and fiscal reforms that can spur inclusive and transformational green growth in Africa?
(iv) Innovation: What are the most effective mechanisms for design, delivering and sustaining national and private innovation system, capacities and culture that can drive the transition to greening in Africa? and
(v) Inclusivity: What are the equity and distributional implications of green growth programs in Africa? Who is making decisions, on whose behalf and to whet ends? What are the options for leveraging growth to tackle lack of accountability, poverty and inequality in Africa?
Exploitation Route Findings on the current coverage of green growth research, capacity challenges, projects spread and key research challenges for inclusive green growth in Africa, Africa provide a solid basis for future funding and investment by African governments, African researchers, universities and international development partners.
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink




Description The Federal Ministry of Science and Technology in Nigeria has invested resources in building capacity for inclusive green green transition based on the capacity framework development from the project. So far over 250 staff from the ministry and its agencies has been exposed to some training using the the framework developed from the research.
First Year Of Impact 2018
Sector Communities and Social Services/Policy,Education,Environment,Other
Impact Types Policy & public services

Description GCRF Extension Fund
Amount £15,000 (GBP)
Funding ID Code E3584205 
Organisation University of Reading 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 01/2018 
End 07/2018
Description Interview for national news 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact I gave four prime-time TV interviews on two leading national TV channels in Nigeria describing the project including the aims, objectives, plan of work, intended output and potential impact. These interviews have sparked widespread interest from policy makers and the general public. The one is National Television Authority (NTA) and the other is the Channels TV. These interviews were mostly pitched at politicians and policy makers. However, the general public (over 50 million) would have watched the interviews. I have been told that one of the interviews was cited by a Senator in the National House of Parliament although I have not seen a proof. However, I have received personal commendation and compliments from the Deputy Senate President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. The youtube link to the interviews show that hundreds have watched the clips with quite a number of likes. Several people have approached me to enquire more about the green economy and how Nigeria can best take advantage of the opportunities it presents.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017,2018