CLOSER GCRF Senior Research Associate Post

Lead Research Organisation: University College London
Department Name: Social Science


The UK is world leading in the collection, curation, storage and analysis of complex social data, and UCL is one of a small number of UK Research Organisations with broad ranging capability in this area. This post seeks to harness and expand UK expertise through working in partnership with other Research Councils, in-country organisations (e.g. research organisations, UK Department for International Development, policy actors, communities and charities), international organisations (e.g. Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, the United Nations, World Bank, US National Institute of Aging) and existing investments (e.g. MRC's existing units, the Wellcome Trust and NIA's existing cohort studies in developing countries) to build capacity for data collection, research and analysis within and between countries and regions to enable better targeted development initiatives.

There are three key elements to this post:
1. To develop a strategic understanding of the issues and opportunities offered by this research, and help plan and execute appropriate subsequent activities to strengthen capacity in this area.
2. To play an active role in CLOSER's UK activities through, for example, research activity, communication and impact or assistance with training and capacity building.
3. To carry out high-quality research based on quantitative analysis of longitudinal studies in a development context.

The post holder and their GCRF work will be guided by, and report to, a small steering group of senior academics. They will be a member of the CLOSER team based at UCL's Institute of Education and will managed by CLOSER's Director, Professor Alison Park. Some overseas travel will be expected as part of the role.

Planned Impact

The GCRF Senior Research Associate will need to engage with a wide range of stakeholders as part of their development of a strategic understanding of the issues and opportunities involved in longitudinal research in an international development context. They will need to identify possible strategies to overcome key barriers to this sort of work, and where appropriate implement these.

Consequently, a range of the Research Associate's activities will relate to impact, and will require working with a wide range of stakeholders, both within and outwith the UK.

Example activities include:
* Working effectively with stakeholders within the UK and overseas, engaging with other relevant activities funded through the GCRF or of relevance to international development. Key stakeholders will include longitudinal studies (the CLOSER studies in particular) and research funders (including the ESRC, MRC and Wellcome)
* Developing a programme of activities aimed at building capacity (eg training workshops), and promoting impact, in relation to longitudinal research within developing countries
* Identifying and promoting opportunities for greater engagement between CLOSER and relevant UK-based and international longitudinal studies
* Developing lasting relationships, including generating proposals and exploring future collaboration between the UK and international studies
* Horizon scanning and promoting for opportunities to apply for GCRF funding, identifying networks of relevance to longitudinal studies.
* Reflecting on the effectiveness of the existing GCRF longitudinal fellowships scheme, and share learning with the ESRC and other relevant actors in the longitudinal studies' environment.
* Contributing where required to activities that promote the value of longitudinal studies. Areas where contributions would be particularly useful include promoting CLOSER's work and developing training and capacity building materials.
Description Using rainfall data linked to longitudinal data from the Young Lives study, we found that rainfall shocks in utero were linked to poorer cognitive skills in the children when aged 5. These findings highlight a need to reduce inequalities in the impact of shocks in utero.
Using data from seven countries in Latin America and Caribbean, we found that numeracy and literacy skills, extraversion and educational aspirations were related to risk of being not in education, employment or training in 15-24 year-olds.
Exploitation Route Discussions have been held with ESRC regarding the future of the ATLAS catalogue of longitudinal studies from LMICs.
Sectors Communities and Social Services/Policy



Description Discussions with policymakers in LMICs e.g. Peru during COVID about data collection. Online conference on longitudinal studies and data collection in LMICs and learning from data collection during COVID-19.
First Year Of Impact 2021
Sector Other
Impact Types Societal

Policy & public services

Title Atlas catalogue 
Description The Atlas catalogue is a unique platform for exploring longitudinal studies in the context of developing countries. Atlas aims at providing academics, policymakers, and other users with an extensive catalogue of studies, regardless of where these are hosted, and includes granular, variable-level information about each study. Atlas contains information from more than 200 studies across several LMICs. 
Type Of Material Data handling & control 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact The ATLAS Catalogue is a unique search platform aiming at enabling users to explore detailed information about more than 200 longitudinal studies in low and middle-income countries. The catalogue aims to promote high-quality, open-access studies, and to provide a platform for researchers and policymakers in this field. However, at the moment, the catalogue has not had any measurable impact yet. 
Description Advanced Courses and Scientific Conferences- Longitudinal Studies Conference Scientific Organising Committee 
Organisation Wellcome Genome Campus
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Rebecca Hardy is an invited member of the Scientific Organising Committee for the scientific conference in collaboration with the Wellcome Genome Campus Advanced Courses and Scientific Conferences. This has involved selecting topics, speakers and marking and selecting contributed abstracts as well as chairing and moderating sessions at the virtual conference.
Collaborator Contribution The team at Wellcome organised the logistics of the conference, supporting the Scientific Programme Committee in delivering the conference programme. They organised the technology for the virtual event.
Impact The conference took place 9-12th March 2021.
Start Year 2020
Description CLOSER International Advisory Group 
Organisation Economic and Social Research Council
Department ESRC Centre for Economic and Social Aspects of Genomics (Cesagen)
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Established a diverse team of senior experts to help us guide the CLOSER International project. Conducted the first meeting on November 27th and planned the next for March 18th, 2019. Members of the AG: ESRC Pamela Mason MRC Gavin Malloch Wellcome Trust Erica Pufall DfID Kerstin Hinds UNICEF, GLORI Network Prerna Banati DataFirst Andrew Kerr Centre for Longitudinal Studies Emla Fitzsimons University of Oxford, links with CSAE Stefan Dercon (Kagera HDS) IFS-EDePo Sonya Krutikova University of Southampton; COHORTS group Caroline Fall UK Data Service Louise Corti
Collaborator Contribution Members of the AG commit to attending AG meetings on an academic term-basis, and provide input into the direction of the project. Propose new directions of work, point towards weak spots in the plan, and suggest points of contact in other institutions that we should be in contact with.
Impact First AG Meeting
Start Year 2018
Description CLOSER International Advisory Group 
Organisation Government of the UK
Department Department for International Development (DfID)
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Established a diverse team of senior experts to help us guide the CLOSER International project. Conducted the first meeting on November 27th and planned the next for March 18th, 2019. Members of the AG: ESRC Pamela Mason MRC Gavin Malloch Wellcome Trust Erica Pufall DfID Kerstin Hinds UNICEF, GLORI Network Prerna Banati DataFirst Andrew Kerr Centre for Longitudinal Studies Emla Fitzsimons University of Oxford, links with CSAE Stefan Dercon (Kagera HDS) IFS-EDePo Sonya Krutikova University of Southampton; COHORTS group Caroline Fall UK Data Service Louise Corti
Collaborator Contribution Members of the AG commit to attending AG meetings on an academic term-basis, and provide input into the direction of the project. Propose new directions of work, point towards weak spots in the plan, and suggest points of contact in other institutions that we should be in contact with.
Impact First AG Meeting
Start Year 2018
Description CLOSER International Advisory Group 
Organisation Institute for Fiscal Studies
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution Established a diverse team of senior experts to help us guide the CLOSER International project. Conducted the first meeting on November 27th and planned the next for March 18th, 2019. Members of the AG: ESRC Pamela Mason MRC Gavin Malloch Wellcome Trust Erica Pufall DfID Kerstin Hinds UNICEF, GLORI Network Prerna Banati DataFirst Andrew Kerr Centre for Longitudinal Studies Emla Fitzsimons University of Oxford, links with CSAE Stefan Dercon (Kagera HDS) IFS-EDePo Sonya Krutikova University of Southampton; COHORTS group Caroline Fall UK Data Service Louise Corti
Collaborator Contribution Members of the AG commit to attending AG meetings on an academic term-basis, and provide input into the direction of the project. Propose new directions of work, point towards weak spots in the plan, and suggest points of contact in other institutions that we should be in contact with.
Impact First AG Meeting
Start Year 2018
Description CLOSER International Advisory Group 
Organisation Medical Research Council (MRC)
Department MRC/UVRI and LSHTM Research Unit Uganda
Country Uganda 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Established a diverse team of senior experts to help us guide the CLOSER International project. Conducted the first meeting on November 27th and planned the next for March 18th, 2019. Members of the AG: ESRC Pamela Mason MRC Gavin Malloch Wellcome Trust Erica Pufall DfID Kerstin Hinds UNICEF, GLORI Network Prerna Banati DataFirst Andrew Kerr Centre for Longitudinal Studies Emla Fitzsimons University of Oxford, links with CSAE Stefan Dercon (Kagera HDS) IFS-EDePo Sonya Krutikova University of Southampton; COHORTS group Caroline Fall UK Data Service Louise Corti
Collaborator Contribution Members of the AG commit to attending AG meetings on an academic term-basis, and provide input into the direction of the project. Propose new directions of work, point towards weak spots in the plan, and suggest points of contact in other institutions that we should be in contact with.
Impact First AG Meeting
Start Year 2018
Description CLOSER International Advisory Group 
Organisation UK Data Service
Department Health and Lifestyle Survey
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution Established a diverse team of senior experts to help us guide the CLOSER International project. Conducted the first meeting on November 27th and planned the next for March 18th, 2019. Members of the AG: ESRC Pamela Mason MRC Gavin Malloch Wellcome Trust Erica Pufall DfID Kerstin Hinds UNICEF, GLORI Network Prerna Banati DataFirst Andrew Kerr Centre for Longitudinal Studies Emla Fitzsimons University of Oxford, links with CSAE Stefan Dercon (Kagera HDS) IFS-EDePo Sonya Krutikova University of Southampton; COHORTS group Caroline Fall UK Data Service Louise Corti
Collaborator Contribution Members of the AG commit to attending AG meetings on an academic term-basis, and provide input into the direction of the project. Propose new directions of work, point towards weak spots in the plan, and suggest points of contact in other institutions that we should be in contact with.
Impact First AG Meeting
Start Year 2018
Description CLOSER International Advisory Group 
Organisation UNICEF
Department UNICEF UK BabyFriendly Initiative
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution Established a diverse team of senior experts to help us guide the CLOSER International project. Conducted the first meeting on November 27th and planned the next for March 18th, 2019. Members of the AG: ESRC Pamela Mason MRC Gavin Malloch Wellcome Trust Erica Pufall DfID Kerstin Hinds UNICEF, GLORI Network Prerna Banati DataFirst Andrew Kerr Centre for Longitudinal Studies Emla Fitzsimons University of Oxford, links with CSAE Stefan Dercon (Kagera HDS) IFS-EDePo Sonya Krutikova University of Southampton; COHORTS group Caroline Fall UK Data Service Louise Corti
Collaborator Contribution Members of the AG commit to attending AG meetings on an academic term-basis, and provide input into the direction of the project. Propose new directions of work, point towards weak spots in the plan, and suggest points of contact in other institutions that we should be in contact with.
Impact First AG Meeting
Start Year 2018
Description CLOSER International Advisory Group 
Organisation University College London
Department Centre for Longitudinal Studies
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Established a diverse team of senior experts to help us guide the CLOSER International project. Conducted the first meeting on November 27th and planned the next for March 18th, 2019. Members of the AG: ESRC Pamela Mason MRC Gavin Malloch Wellcome Trust Erica Pufall DfID Kerstin Hinds UNICEF, GLORI Network Prerna Banati DataFirst Andrew Kerr Centre for Longitudinal Studies Emla Fitzsimons University of Oxford, links with CSAE Stefan Dercon (Kagera HDS) IFS-EDePo Sonya Krutikova University of Southampton; COHORTS group Caroline Fall UK Data Service Louise Corti
Collaborator Contribution Members of the AG commit to attending AG meetings on an academic term-basis, and provide input into the direction of the project. Propose new directions of work, point towards weak spots in the plan, and suggest points of contact in other institutions that we should be in contact with.
Impact First AG Meeting
Start Year 2018
Description CLOSER International Advisory Group 
Organisation University of Cape Town
Department Centre for Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Research
Country South Africa 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Established a diverse team of senior experts to help us guide the CLOSER International project. Conducted the first meeting on November 27th and planned the next for March 18th, 2019. Members of the AG: ESRC Pamela Mason MRC Gavin Malloch Wellcome Trust Erica Pufall DfID Kerstin Hinds UNICEF, GLORI Network Prerna Banati DataFirst Andrew Kerr Centre for Longitudinal Studies Emla Fitzsimons University of Oxford, links with CSAE Stefan Dercon (Kagera HDS) IFS-EDePo Sonya Krutikova University of Southampton; COHORTS group Caroline Fall UK Data Service Louise Corti
Collaborator Contribution Members of the AG commit to attending AG meetings on an academic term-basis, and provide input into the direction of the project. Propose new directions of work, point towards weak spots in the plan, and suggest points of contact in other institutions that we should be in contact with.
Impact First AG Meeting
Start Year 2018
Description CLOSER International Advisory Group 
Organisation University of Oxford
Department Oxford University Clinical Academic Graduate School (OUCAGS)
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Established a diverse team of senior experts to help us guide the CLOSER International project. Conducted the first meeting on November 27th and planned the next for March 18th, 2019. Members of the AG: ESRC Pamela Mason MRC Gavin Malloch Wellcome Trust Erica Pufall DfID Kerstin Hinds UNICEF, GLORI Network Prerna Banati DataFirst Andrew Kerr Centre for Longitudinal Studies Emla Fitzsimons University of Oxford, links with CSAE Stefan Dercon (Kagera HDS) IFS-EDePo Sonya Krutikova University of Southampton; COHORTS group Caroline Fall UK Data Service Louise Corti
Collaborator Contribution Members of the AG commit to attending AG meetings on an academic term-basis, and provide input into the direction of the project. Propose new directions of work, point towards weak spots in the plan, and suggest points of contact in other institutions that we should be in contact with.
Impact First AG Meeting
Start Year 2018
Description CLOSER International Advisory Group 
Organisation University of Southampton
Department University of Southampton Clinical Trials Unit
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Established a diverse team of senior experts to help us guide the CLOSER International project. Conducted the first meeting on November 27th and planned the next for March 18th, 2019. Members of the AG: ESRC Pamela Mason MRC Gavin Malloch Wellcome Trust Erica Pufall DfID Kerstin Hinds UNICEF, GLORI Network Prerna Banati DataFirst Andrew Kerr Centre for Longitudinal Studies Emla Fitzsimons University of Oxford, links with CSAE Stefan Dercon (Kagera HDS) IFS-EDePo Sonya Krutikova University of Southampton; COHORTS group Caroline Fall UK Data Service Louise Corti
Collaborator Contribution Members of the AG commit to attending AG meetings on an academic term-basis, and provide input into the direction of the project. Propose new directions of work, point towards weak spots in the plan, and suggest points of contact in other institutions that we should be in contact with.
Impact First AG Meeting
Start Year 2018
Description CLOSER International Advisory Group 
Organisation Wellcome Trust
Department Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Facility (Cambridge)
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Established a diverse team of senior experts to help us guide the CLOSER International project. Conducted the first meeting on November 27th and planned the next for March 18th, 2019. Members of the AG: ESRC Pamela Mason MRC Gavin Malloch Wellcome Trust Erica Pufall DfID Kerstin Hinds UNICEF, GLORI Network Prerna Banati DataFirst Andrew Kerr Centre for Longitudinal Studies Emla Fitzsimons University of Oxford, links with CSAE Stefan Dercon (Kagera HDS) IFS-EDePo Sonya Krutikova University of Southampton; COHORTS group Caroline Fall UK Data Service Louise Corti
Collaborator Contribution Members of the AG commit to attending AG meetings on an academic term-basis, and provide input into the direction of the project. Propose new directions of work, point towards weak spots in the plan, and suggest points of contact in other institutions that we should be in contact with.
Impact First AG Meeting
Start Year 2018
Description Conference on the opportunities and challenges of conducting longitudinal research in low and middle income countries 
Organisation Economic and Social Research Council
Department ESRC Centre for Economic and Social Aspects of Genomics (Cesagen)
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution CLOSER International contributed to the brainstorming and planning of the conference, the design of the panels, and suggested speakers. We also will take part of the conference itself (due for late March) and present in at least two panels.
Collaborator Contribution RSS is taking the lead on the organisation and preparation of the bid to the ESRC for funding. LSHTM will provide a venue for the conference. Young Lives contributed to the planning of the conference and will provide speakers.
Impact The partnership has been established but the main output, which will be a conference to be had in late March, has not happened yet. CLOSER International is behind the organization of the conference and will also present in at least two panels.
Start Year 2019
Description Conference on the opportunities and challenges of conducting longitudinal research in low and middle income countries 
Organisation London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM)
Department School for Public Health Research @ LSHTM (SPHR@L)
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution CLOSER International contributed to the brainstorming and planning of the conference, the design of the panels, and suggested speakers. We also will take part of the conference itself (due for late March) and present in at least two panels.
Collaborator Contribution RSS is taking the lead on the organisation and preparation of the bid to the ESRC for funding. LSHTM will provide a venue for the conference. Young Lives contributed to the planning of the conference and will provide speakers.
Impact The partnership has been established but the main output, which will be a conference to be had in late March, has not happened yet. CLOSER International is behind the organization of the conference and will also present in at least two panels.
Start Year 2019
Description Conference on the opportunities and challenges of conducting longitudinal research in low and middle income countries 
Organisation Royal Statistical Society
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution CLOSER International contributed to the brainstorming and planning of the conference, the design of the panels, and suggested speakers. We also will take part of the conference itself (due for late March) and present in at least two panels.
Collaborator Contribution RSS is taking the lead on the organisation and preparation of the bid to the ESRC for funding. LSHTM will provide a venue for the conference. Young Lives contributed to the planning of the conference and will provide speakers.
Impact The partnership has been established but the main output, which will be a conference to be had in late March, has not happened yet. CLOSER International is behind the organization of the conference and will also present in at least two panels.
Start Year 2019
Description Conference on the opportunities and challenges of conducting longitudinal research in low and middle income countries 
Organisation University of Oxford
Department Young Lives
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution CLOSER International contributed to the brainstorming and planning of the conference, the design of the panels, and suggested speakers. We also will take part of the conference itself (due for late March) and present in at least two panels.
Collaborator Contribution RSS is taking the lead on the organisation and preparation of the bid to the ESRC for funding. LSHTM will provide a venue for the conference. Young Lives contributed to the planning of the conference and will provide speakers.
Impact The partnership has been established but the main output, which will be a conference to be had in late March, has not happened yet. CLOSER International is behind the organization of the conference and will also present in at least two panels.
Start Year 2019
Description LMIC COVID-19 Core Questionnaire 
Organisation Wellcome Trust
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution I collaborated in the design of the IHCC COVID-19 Questionnaire aimed at assisting in assessing the impact of COVID-19 across countries. It includes measures of physical and mental health, as well as the behavioral, economic, societal, and environmental impact of the pandemic on individuals and households. Specifically, I contributed to the design of questions related to the economic \ labour impacts of COVID-19 on individuals and households.
Collaborator Contribution Designing the questionnaire was a collaborative effort led by the IHCC and Wellcome Trust. Researchers from different institutions collaborate in including measures of the behavioral, economic, societal, and environmental impact of the pandemic on individuals and households.
Impact We produced a questionnaire that is freely available to population health researchers to download:
Start Year 2020
Description Learning from longitudinal studies in LMICs - before, during and after Covid-19 
Organisation Lancaster University
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution CLOSER teamed up with Young Lives and Lancaster University Management School to run a four-day conference exploring longitudinal studies in low- and middle-income countries before, during, and after the COVID-19 pandemic. The aim of this conference was to dive into the challenges and opportunities of longitudinal research in low- and middle-income countries (LMISc), learning from researchers' diverse experiences across a variety of international longitudinal studies.
Collaborator Contribution In collaboration with researchers from Young Lives (University of Oxford) and Lancaster University, we design a 3-days workshop and identify key topics and speakers who could present their experience collecting data in low and middle-income countries. Additionally, I chaired the second-day session on "Innovations in longitudinal research" and Rebecca Hardy presented on the third-day session on "Doing and Adapting Longitudinal Research: What have we learned?".
Impact Presentations and recordings of the workshop are available at
Start Year 2021
Description Learning from longitudinal studies in LMICs - before, during and after Covid-19 
Organisation University of Oxford
Department Young Lives
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution CLOSER teamed up with Young Lives and Lancaster University Management School to run a four-day conference exploring longitudinal studies in low- and middle-income countries before, during, and after the COVID-19 pandemic. The aim of this conference was to dive into the challenges and opportunities of longitudinal research in low- and middle-income countries (LMISc), learning from researchers' diverse experiences across a variety of international longitudinal studies.
Collaborator Contribution In collaboration with researchers from Young Lives (University of Oxford) and Lancaster University, we design a 3-days workshop and identify key topics and speakers who could present their experience collecting data in low and middle-income countries. Additionally, I chaired the second-day session on "Innovations in longitudinal research" and Rebecca Hardy presented on the third-day session on "Doing and Adapting Longitudinal Research: What have we learned?".
Impact Presentations and recordings of the workshop are available at
Start Year 2021
Description Mapping innovations and research using longitudinal data in low- and middle-income countries 
Organisation Lancaster University
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution In collaboration with Catherine Porter (Lancaster University) and Gina Crivello (University of Oxford\Young Lives), we have mapped recent advances in longitudinal research and challenges that COVID-19 brings. As a result of this exercise, we are organizing a workshop to be launch in the first half of 2021.
Collaborator Contribution Catherine Porter (Lancaster University) and Gina Crivello (University of Oxford\Young Lives) have contributed to mapping recent advances in longitudinal research, challenges that COVID-19 brings, and future options for longitudinal research in LMICs.
Impact /We are launching a virtual workshop in april\may 2021. The workshop will involve presentations from economists, anthropologists, epidemiologists, among others.
Start Year 2020
Description Mapping innovations and research using longitudinal data in low- and middle-income countries 
Organisation University of Oxford
Department Department of International Development
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution In collaboration with Catherine Porter (Lancaster University) and Gina Crivello (University of Oxford\Young Lives), we have mapped recent advances in longitudinal research and challenges that COVID-19 brings. As a result of this exercise, we are organizing a workshop to be launch in the first half of 2021.
Collaborator Contribution Catherine Porter (Lancaster University) and Gina Crivello (University of Oxford\Young Lives) have contributed to mapping recent advances in longitudinal research, challenges that COVID-19 brings, and future options for longitudinal research in LMICs.
Impact /We are launching a virtual workshop in april\may 2021. The workshop will involve presentations from economists, anthropologists, epidemiologists, among others.
Start Year 2020
Description Scientific committee for selecting research proposals aiming at improving labour market outcomes in Peru 
Organisation Ministry of Labor and Employment Promotion
Country Peru 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution I have been invited to be part of the scientific committee that will select research proposals in a new launched Labour Market Observatory within the Ministry of Employment and Labor of Peru.
Collaborator Contribution The Ministry of Employment and Labor of Peru has recently launched a Labour Market Observatory and has opened a call for research proposals. They have invited me to be part of the scientific committee that will select the proposals that are better aligned with the objective of the Observatory and the labour market needs in the country.
Impact Participation in scientific committee.
Start Year 2021
Description The COVID-19 effects on tertiary education students in Peru 
Organisation Ministry of Education
Country Peru 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution In collaboration with researchers from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the University of California, Santa Cruz, we have designed and collected data aiming at understanding the effect of COVID-19 on a sample of tertiary education students in Peru. Students in the sample are recipients of a national scholarship programme. We are producing a report with the main findings of the survey and linking the data with administrative records from students.
Collaborator Contribution The Ministry gave us access to the administrative records of scholarships recipients. Together with researchers from the IDB and the University of California, Santa Cruz, we designed the questionnaire, supervise the data collection, and are analyzing the data to inform the Ministry.
Impact We will produce a report for the Ministry, a technical note to be published as an IDB document, and potentially a research paper.
Start Year 2020
Description Blog introducing the CLOSER International project hosted on the CLOSER website 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact A blog reporting on the plans for CLOSER International, and the general importance of data discoverability. Introduced the plans for the Atlas Catalogue, so it also set the scene for future developments in the project and the CLOSER website.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Evening Lecture: Learning from longitudinal studies in the UK and Low and Middle income countries 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact The UK has a long history of conducting longitudinal cohort studies which have given insights into social change and how health, wealth, education, family and employment combine to influence outcomes and achievements. A growing number of longitudinal cohorts are being conducted in low and middle income countries. These cohorts have the potential to give insights into the lives of individuals all around the world producing evidence which can be converted into global policy.

The speakers shared their experiences of the impact and potential of longitudinal cohort data in various settings, and discussed their efforts to maximise their reach. The lecture was followed by a networking reception funded by the ESRC in the lower ground floor cafe. The event was co-hosted by the LSHTM centre for maternal, adolescent, reproductive and child health (MARCH).
Jo Boydon - Oxford University, Director of Young Lives
Jim Todd - LSHTM, ALPHA network
Alissa Goodman - UCL, Director of Centre for Longitudinal Studies
Francisco Oteiza - CLOSER
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Learning from longitudinal studies in LMICs - before, during and after Covid-19 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact CLOSER teamed up with Young Lives (University of Oxford) and Lancaster University Management School to run a four-day conference exploring longitudinal studies in low- and middle-income countries before, during, and after the COVID-19 pandemic. The aim of this conference was to dive into the challenges and opportunities of longitudinal research in low- and middle-income countries (LMISc), learning from researchers' diverse experiences across a variety of international longitudinal studies.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Longitudinal studies in low and middle income countries: International showcase (CLOSER & SLLS workshop) 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact CLOSER ran a post-SLLS conference workshop showcasing longitudinal studies in low- and middle-income countries, in collaboration with SLLS. The aim of the workshop was to showcase longitudinal research resources around the world and give attendees a chance to find out more about a number of longitudinal studies in low and middle-income countries (LMICs). We identified and invited 10 speakers working on key studies in LMICs to explain the methodological challenges in collecting longitudinal data.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Moderation of a session about the effectiveness of Social Impact Bonds for youth employment in Colombia 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Fundación Corona and Social Impact Bonds in Colombia invited me to moderate a session where the results of an impact evaluation about the first Social Impact Bond (SIB) in Colombia were presented. The session includes a presentation from the authors of the evaluation, followed by a discussion with professionals from international organizations (Inter-American Development Bank), the public sector (Ministry of Labor of Colombia), and third-sector (Fundación Corona). Around 150 participants, mainly policymakers and researchers attended the 1.5 hours session. This evaluation is the first showing results of the effectiveness of SIB in a developing country.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Presentation at the European Association of Labour Economics (EALE) annual conference 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact I presented my paper on "The Long-Term Effects of Job Training on Labor Market and Skills Outcomes in Chile" at the "Labour Market Policies and Welfare Programs" of the 2021 European Association of Labour Economics.

Also, I chaired a session on "Labour Market Policies Targeting Youth" at the same conference.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Presentation at the International Conference in Development Economics 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact I presented my paper on "Active Labor Market Policies in a context of high informality: The effect of PAE in Bolivia". Also, I was the discussant of another paper presented in the same session.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Presentation at the North East Universities Development Consortium (NEUDC) Conference at Cornell Univesity 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact 30 people attended the presentation of my paper "Climate Change and Agriculture: Farmer Adaptation to Extreme Heat" at the 2018 NEUDC Conference at Cornell. This lead several additional conversations regarding my research and CLOSER International's work.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Talk: El Desarrollo Infantil en América Latina: Desafíos para la Medición y Respuestas de Política 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Presentation in Uruguay on CLOSER International and ATLAS.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Twitter thread on the value and impact of longitudinal research in low and middle income countries 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact We kick-started a bi-weekly section in CLOSER's twitter web presence, where Francisco Oteiza presents examples of the value and impact of longitudinal studies from low and middle income countries. The plan is to take a research paper and summarise it in 4-6 tweets, pointing towards the valuable insights raised and the data used.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019