Change in alcohol and tobacco availability, population health and the lived experience

Lead Research Organisation: University of Edinburgh
Department Name: Sch of Geosciences


This research project will measure change in the availability of alcohol and tobacco in Scottish neighbourhoods over time. We will explore how this change relates to health outcomes and how residents experience the availability of alcohol and tobacco in their neighbourhoods. The findings will be important because smoking and alcohol consumption are leading causes of illness and death. In Scotland smoking causes one in every 5 deaths and one in 20 deaths is related to alcohol. This harm is not equally shared; those on the lowest incomes suffer the greatest harm. These illnesses and deaths are preventable. The World Health Organisation recommends that nations prioritise interventions that reduce the supply of alcohol and tobacco.

Why might neighbourhood supply of alcohol and tobacco matter? Research suggests that when there are a lot of outlets in a neighbourhood this impacts upon consumption in three ways. 1. The outlets may be more competitive and drive prices down to attract customers. 2. Oversupply may normalise the products when they are sold alongside everyday commodities, such as bread and milk. 3. Tobacco and alcohol may simply be easier to buy in areas where there are more outlets.

In order to explore the relationship between supply, behaviour and harm we need data on the location of every outlet in Scotland selling tobacco and/or alcohol. Ideally, to be able to say something about whether the relationship may be causal, we need this data over time. We have already collected data on the specific location of every outlet selling tobacco and licensed to sell alcohol over multiple time periods (2012 and 2016 (nationwide alcohol and tobacco) and 2008 (alcohol in four cities)). As part of this project we will collect updated data for 2019/20. This will allow us to measure this change over time. Using an approach called trajectory modelling we will group neighbourhoods that have had a similar degree of change; some neighbourhoods may have lost, or gained, local shops or pubs, whereas some may not have changed at all. We will then identify features of these neighbourhoods that may be driving this change, for example the age profile of the population or poverty levels. This will help policy makers understand the drivers of change in our neighbourhoods.

To measure the relationship between changing supply and harm we will link these trajectories, and our measures of availability at each time point, to alcohol and tobacco health outcomes (behaviour, illness and death). We will use statistical models to see whether areas experiencing an increase or decrease in outlets have seen a corresponding increase or decrease in these outcomes. This will allow us to get a better understanding of whether an over supply of alcohol and tobacco is related to smoking and alcohol consumption and harm. These findings will provide important evidence related to the provision of such commodities in our neighbourhoods.

Although these statistics are important to report we also need to understand why an oversupply of alcohol and tobacco may influence behaviour and harm. Whilst the literature suggests the pathways listed above, we know little about the experiences of individuals living in neighbourhoods with contrasting availability. We don't understand the individual experience of these pathways. We will meet with groups of individuals, in neighbourhoods of contrasting trajectories, to talk to them about the supply of alcohol and tobacco. We will explore their experiences of neighbourhood and assess how their perceived notions of their neighbourhood availability contrast with our statistical measures. Finally, we will meet with residents, retailers and policy stake-holders to explore potential interventions related to supply. Policies at this level require public, retailer and political support. We will discuss the priorities held by various groups, present our empirical results and gauge attitudes towards potential interventions.

Planned Impact

Impact goals of this research are to:
1. Inform future alcohol and tobacco-related availability policy.
2. Influence the political and public discourse regarding tobacco and alcohol availability.
Our pathways to impact plan has been co-produced with our research partners, Alcohol Focus Scotland (AFS) and Action on Smoking and Health Scotland (ASH). We will also be supported by an Advisory Group, including representatives from AFS, ASH, Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems (SHAAP), NHS Health Scotland, the wider public and experienced researchers in the field. The Advisory Group will meet annually to review, and advise on, the projects progress and support the team in impact related activities.

Who might benefit from this research and how might they benefit?
The research findings will form important evidence for key audiences. Our pathway activities (summarised in the Pathways to Impact document) are wide and varied, including infographics, policy briefs, science festival event, road shows, mapping and data sharing web tool and end of project workshop. This reflects our need to engage with multiple and diverse audiences. The stakeholders who may benefit can be broadly grouped into four audiences: Policy makers, politicians, decision makers and aligned groups; organisations tackling alcohol and tobacco related harm; the wider public and; academic and non-academic researchers and students interested in health-place relationships.

1. Policymakers, politicians, decision makers and aligned groups: Alcohol Licensing Boards, Alcohol and Drug Partnerships, Scottish Government, Members of the Scottish Parliament and NHS Scotland.
Alcohol and tobacco sales are regulated in different ways. Alcohol is subject to a licensing regime, with five underpinning objectives. One of these objectives is Protecting and Improving Public Health. To date there is little evidence of the implementation of this, potentially due to a lack of area specific research. In contrast, for tobacco, there is no licensing system with all registered retailers permitted to sell tobacco products. The findings, qualitative and quantitative, from the proposed research will provide evidence to underpin the public health objective and benefit key decision makers regarding current licensing of alcohol. The evidence will also inform current debates on the potential of a tobacco licensing system.
2. Organisations tackling alcohol and tobacco related harm: Alcohol Focus Scotland (AFS), Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems (SHAAP) and Action on Smoking and Health Scotland (ASH).
Alcohol and tobacco related harm are key drivers of mortality and morbidity in Scotland and there are many groups dedicated to reducing this harm. Evidence of the longitudinal association, or lack of, between availability and harm has been identified as a research priority amongst this group of key stakeholders. In particular, research that brings together qualitative and quantitative evidence can be used by these organisations to influence key decision makers listed above.
3. The Public.
The wider public are an important audience and their experience of local environments is often excluded from decision-making. We will merge their voices, on both their experience and attitudes towards policy options, with the quantitative results. We will use this evidence to influence the public discourse guiding decision makers. The public will then benefit through improved representation in the policy making process. We will engage the wider public in all stages of this research and listen to their voices in shaping our dissemination strategies.
4. Academic and non-academic researchers and students.
The data generated in this project can be used for related research (e.g. the association between alcohol and crime, or tobacco availability and childhood smoking). It can also be used in teaching statistics and mapping to students.
Description The project explored both quantitative and qualitative aspects in the association between alcohol/tobacco availability and related health outcomes over time in Scotland.

Both on- and off-trade alcohol outlets increased across time, though the growth in off-trade outlets was greater. The presence of tobacco outlets otherwise increased from 2012 to 2016 but fell by a similar quantity in 2020. Growth in the overall alcohol outlet density was substantively attributable to the relative growth in off-trade alcohol density. Conversely, relative growth in tobacco density declined from 2012 to 2020. Relatively, on-trade alcohol outlet densities were some two times greater in the most deprived as compared to the least deprived neighbourhoods. This inequity persisted across time. The widest inequities in availability by levels of deprivation for tobacco outlets. This inequity in tobacco availability by deprivation status widened across time as declines in availability were estimated in the least deprived areas but not in the most deprived. We are currently writing up results exploring the association between this changing availability and alcohol hospitalisations.

We developed a novel method to explore whether the relationship between tobacco/alcohol availability and deprivation is demand or supply driven. Using the method we found that the cross-sectional association between availability and behaviour appears to be driven, at least in part, by the supply-side (i.e. that greater supply drives patterns of demand) and secondly that this relationship is likely to be an important contributor for both absolute and relative health inequalities.

In a scoping review of qualitative studies exploring alcohol availability and drinking norms and practices we found that the physical availability of alcohol and proximity to local amenities and temporal aspects, like late night opening hours, may be linked to social factors, such as normalisation of drinking and permissive drinking environments. The review highlights the importance of social and cultural factors in shaping interactions with local alcohol environments.

In stakeholder interviews we found that stakeholders believe that alcohol and tobacco availability have not received as much policy attention as pricing and marketing. Stakeholders highlighted the importance of public support and having sufficient evidence to inform policy. Key considerations for future policies include: drawing on lessons from tobacco control policies to address alcohol availability, reflect their local context, considering the impact of policies on children, and managing retailers' involvement in the policy process. We also explored the relative consensus between public and professional stakeholders regarding alcohol advertising and availability policies. There was general consensus among both groups of participants that regulation of alcohol advertising is an important policy priority. While professional stakeholders were in favour of regulating alcohol availability, public stakeholders had misgivings about potential policy feasibility and effectiveness. Despite these misgivings, when prompted to discuss specific interventions, similar views about the importance of protecting children and achieving cultural change in attitudes towards alcohol emerged. This study highlights the importance of public health actors to consider public stakeholders' opinions on alcohol policy and understand that their views may be influenced by competitive framings of alcohol problems.
Exploitation Route This study has been used as a building block for a successful ESRC 1+3 studentship and the data collected and processed will be used to build further research in this studentship. The team are also exploring further funding to develop this work in the future. The availability data has been processed, subject to data agreements, and made public on a webmapper to allow others to use the data.
Sectors Communities and Social Services/Policy



Democracy and Justice

Description Scottish Government Working Group: Scotland's 5 year Tobacco Control Action Plan.
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Participation in a guidance/advisory committee
Description A longitudinal study of changes in tobacco and alcohol retail availability and maternal health behaviours
Amount £70,392 (GBP)
Organisation Economic and Social Research Council 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 08/2024 
End 08/2028
Description Alcohol Focus Scotland Alcohol Data Workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact A presentation on alcohol data to Alcohol Focus Scotland. Audience included those working on alcohol licensing. There were many questions about the data and a discussion of how the data could be used to support alcohol licensing decisions.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Creating Healthier Communities: The Availability of Harmful Products 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact This workshop on 'Health Harming Products: Public Health Action Beyond COVID-19' was attended by around 120 participants primarily working in related policy areas, leading to questions and debate, and various invitations to subsequent events.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Health Harming Products and Non-Communicable Disease Prevention in Scotland: Presentation 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact This event brought representatives from Scotland's main political parties together with stakeholders working across the public and third sectors to consider the public health emergency and what needs to be done next.

There were contributions from all five major parties, as well as experts from Obesity Action Scotland, Food Standards Scotland, Public Health Scotland, and others. Niamh Shortt delivered one of the presentations including data on alcohol and tobacco in Scotland and change over time.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Keynote Address: Alcohol Action Ireland 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact This was a keynote address at an online event held by Alcohol Action Ireland to mark the implementation of the Public Health (Alcohol) Act in Ireland. The keynote addressed an audience of almost 200 people drawing people in from politics, third sector organisations and other researchers.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Policy opportunities for reducing the density of tobacco retailers in Scotland 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact This workshop contribution was attended by around 100 policymakers, academics and practitioners across the United States examining policy opportunities to address tobacco availability led to questions and discussion afterwards, and new collaborative opportunities subsequently
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Presentation at Kettil Bruin Workshop Symposium. Exploring the influence of local alcohol environments on drinking norms and practices: A qualitative scoping review. 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact A presentation at the KBS workshop. A draft paper was sumitted in advance, presented at the workshop and then responded to by discussants.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Spectrum Alcohol Workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact This was a Spectrum Alcohol Knowledge Exchange workshop. I presented some results from our ESRC study and discussed the methods of measuring alcohol change through time. There was a general discussion about alcohol data and the changing nature of availability in Scotland.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description UKPRP Webinar: Commercial Determinants of Health 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Third sector organisations
Results and Impact The aim of these webinars is to share some of the emerging findings from the work of the consortia and explore what the learning so far might mean for public health as we recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. We will discuss the importance of generating evidence on non-communicable disease (NCD) prevention challenges in the UK. The webinars will also examine the importance of the wider determinants of health and complex systems approaches to addressing these. This particular webinar focussed on 'Commercial determinants of health and health inequalities'.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Workshop with Tobacco and Alcohol Crime Regulation Forum 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Around 80 practitioners and policymakers attended a workshop hosted by the Tobacco and Alcohol Crime Regulation Forum which sparked questions and discussion afterwards, and led to ongoing correspondence about future research needs subsequently
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023