GEMdev: Grounded Energy Modelling for equitable urban planning development in the global South

Lead Research Organisation: University College London
Department Name: Bartlett Sch of Env, Energy & Resources


Grounded Energy Modelling for equitable urban planning in the global South (GEMDev) is a partnership between UCL (London), FCPV and PUCP (Lima) and CDRF-CEPT (Ahmedabad), which aims to create new knowledge to ground energy planning tools in the realities of everyday life and energy practices of off-grid communities.

Insecure and informal access to energy impacts on all aspects of life for poor communities living in sub-standard housing in the global South. Access to affordable, reliable and safe forms of energy services has particularly profound effects on health and economic opportunities. However, the ways in which these communities access and use energy in their day-to-day lives are poorly understood. The ways in which those practices change when informal settlements are upgraded or relocated are equally poorly understood.

As data-driven approaches to energy planning, such as Urban Building Energy Models (UBEMs), gain increasing importance as planning tools, this lack of understanding risks further marginalising the most vulnerable communities as their needs are either entirely overlooked or planned solutions fail to address their needs. UBEMs have been developed in, and widely applied to, cities in the global North to model urban energy consumption on a building by building basis, allowing the assessment of impacts of different energy conservation measures and policies. Such tools are highly attractive to energy planners in the global South, but the complexity of informal settlements is wholly absent from these models at present.

GEMDev will use participatory research methods to co-create datasets with marginalised communities to ensure that they are represented in the UBEMs of the future. Engaging these communities in the creation of the knowledge and datasets in order to represent them in energy planning tools is a highly novel approach which not only ensures meaningful recognition, but, through the research process itself, increases communities' capacity and skills, amplifying their voice in the planning processes that have profound impacts on their lives.

Lima and Ahmedabad have been selected as the cases for application of the GEMDev project for both methodological and practical reasons. From a methodological perspective, both are global cities characterised by significant inequalities in access to energy and other services but with very different histories of development and policies for addressing the needs of the urban poor. From a practical perspective, we will build on strong existing research partnerships in both cities. The UCL/FCPV partnership in Lima contributes expertise in participatory methods and strong engagement with municipal authorities, while capacity in building energy modelling will be built through an innovative approach between private and public universities, PUCP and UNI. The UCL/CDRF-CEPT partnership in Ahmedabad contributes expertise in energy modelling and the project will build capacity in participatory methods. The strong focus on South-South knowledge transfer is a key example of the equitable partnerships which underpin this project.

GEMDev will deliver a robust, co-produced evidence base on energy practices, use of space and urban form in Lima and Ahmedabad. This will be used to not only support the local development of UBEMs for these cities, but also to co-create alternative archetypes of the off-grid city. These findings can inform city, national and regional policies that support the delivery of multiple Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), including SDG7 on energy, SDG11 on sustainable cities and communities, and beyond. The inclusion of partners and stakeholders in developing this proposal will help to ensure the project delivers real and long-lasting change for marginalised, off-grid communities in the global South.

Planned Impact

GEMDev aims to enable inclusive decision-making towards dignified housing and habitat for all through the co-production of methodologies and tools to inform energy alternative futures and concrete possibility at three different scales - individual, neighbourhood and city - in Lima and Ahmedabad. The project will produce:
- Locally-owned models of communities, mapping their shared spaces, energy and social practices and physical risks and potential for renewable technologies;
- Open-source models and data sets of energy use in informal settlements;
- Archetypes for redevelopment and upgrading of off-grid communities, which are optimised to the needs of communities, including safe and adequate housing with thermal comfort, reduced energy consumption and enabling adequate habitat for all;
- Open negotiation and dialogue spaces to build synergies between actors from different spheres (national and local government, academia, civil society groups, NGOs).

Our aim is to use the data co-generated by the project to address the lack of representation of the urban poor in energy models, informing pathways towards dignified housing and habitat for all within a sustainable energy future. The approach taken by GEMDev embeds engagement and impact throughout the life of the project and will have the following beneficiaries:
- Inhabitants of off-grid settlements in Lima and Ahmedabad will be empowered through engagement in the research process (I1), leading to the co-production of information and knowledge for energy access and inclusive urban planning (I2). A public exhibition in each city that documents alternative development archetypes and transition stories will be used to engage with citizens beyond those in the selected off-grid settlements (I3). Inhabitants of off-grid settlements will also benefit from improved awareness and knowledge of: safe, clean energy alternatives; trade-offs in investments to improve living conditions; environmental-related health hazards; energy efficiency leading to lower energy bills (I12).
- Energy assessors. Inhabitants of off-grid settlements will be trained as energy assessors, training them in data collection and enabling them to provide advice on energy efficiency and safety as well as risk identification thus enhancing employability (I4).
- National and regional research institutions will benefit from the creation of open-source models and datasets on energy and buildings (I5). Capacity building activities will strengthen the capabilities of the research team and other researchers working in energy and urban planning, and ensure research outputs are used beyond the project lifetime (I6).
- NGOs working in off-grid settlements will benefit from an improved understanding of the linkages between energy and housing, leading to better informed policies and programmes (I7). The creation of dialogue spaces will open up opportunities for greater collaboration with other stakeholders (I8).
- Policymakers and international organisations will benefit from the creation of new tools and technologies for managing the territory and informing decision making (I13), and production of a robust evidence on energy needs and inclusive urban planning in off-grid settlements (I9). Policy briefs (I10), exhibitions (I3) and a project website (I11) will ensure outputs are tailored to the evidence needs of policymakers in both settings and beyond. Research outputs will inform the development of policies and programmes to support the delivery of local and national social and economic development and achievement of the SDGs.


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publication icon
Miranda Sara, L (2021) Panorama del sector energetica (electricidad/ gas) y vivienda en Lima in Actualidad Gubermental

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Lambert, R (2021) GEMDev Project Context video

Description Grounded Energy Modelling for equitable urban planning in the global South (GEMDev) aims to enable inclusive decision making towards dignified housing and habitat for all through the co-production of methodologies and tools to inform alternative energy futures and concrete possibility at three different scales - individual, neighbourhood and city - in Lima and Ahmedabad. The project will address the following research question: How can the co-production of knowledge inform alternative energy futures and enable inclusive decision-making towards dignified housing and habitat for all?
To answer this overarching research question, the project is structured into four work packages (WP) each with its own specific objectives:
WP1 will analyse the governance and planning processes that have underpinned access to housing and space in Lima and
Ahmedabad over time.
WP2 seeks to understand the everyday practices of inhabitants with regards to energy access and consumption, the economic, social, environmental and political impacts, and the consequences for the production of risk at the household and neighbourhood levels
WP3 aims to address the invisibility of informal settlements in existing energy models.
WP4 explores how the knowledge generated in WPs1-3 can inform actionable strategies for future redevelopment to ensure dignified housing and habitat for all.
Exploitation Route Our aim is to use the data co-generated by the project to address the lack of representation of the urban poor in energy models, informing pathways towards dignified housing and habitat for all within a sustainable energy future. The approach taken by GEMDev embeds engagement and impact throughout the life of the project and will have the following
- Inhabitants of off-grid settlements in Lima and Ahmedabad will be empowered through engagement in the research process, leading to the co-production of information and knowledge for energy access and inclusive urban planning. A public exhibition in each city that documents alternative development archetypes and transition stories will be used to engage with citizens beyond those in the selected off-grid settlements. Inhabitants of off-grid settlements will also benefit from improved awareness and knowledge of: safe, clean energy alternatives; trade-offs in investments to improve living conditions; environmental-related health hazards; energy efficiency leading to lower energy bills.
- Energy assessors. Inhabitants of off-grid settlements will be trained as energy assessors, training them in data collection and enabling them to provide advice on energy efficiency and safety as well as risk identification thus enhancing employability.
- National and regional research institutions will benefit from the creation of open-source models and datasets on energy and buildings. Capacity building activities will strengthen the capabilities of the research team and other researchers working in energy and urban planning, and ensure research outputs are used beyond the project lifetime.
- NGOs working in off-grid settlements will benefit from an improved understanding of the linkages between energy and housing, leading to better informed policies and programmes. The creation of dialogue spaces will open up opportunities for greater collaboration with other stakeholders.
- Policymakers and international organisations will benefit from the creation of new tools and technologies for managing the territory and informing decision making, and production of a robust evidence on energy needs and inclusive urban planning in off-grid settlements. Policy briefs, exhibitions and a project website will ensure outputs are tailored to the evidence needs of policymakers in both settings and beyond. Research outputs will inform the development of policies and programmes to support the delivery of local and national social and economic development and achievement of the SDGs.
Sectors Communities and Social Services/Policy


Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)



Democracy and Justice

Description As indicated in the Engagement section the outcomes of the award have been influential on practitioners and policy makes in Ahmedabad and Lima. There have also been direct benefits to the communities inhabiting the informal settlements.
First Year Of Impact 2023
Sector Energy,Environment,Government, Democracy and Justice
Impact Types Societal

Policy & public services

Description Postgraduate taught course on Urban Building Energy Modelling
Geographic Reach Local/Municipal/Regional 
Policy Influence Type Influenced training of practitioners or researchers
Description Global Research COVID mitigation
Amount £40,000 (GBP)
Organisation University College London 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 01/2021 
End 07/2021
Description UCL IITD Strategic Partnership funding
Amount £10,000 (GBP)
Organisation University College London 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 01/2022 
End 12/2022
Title SimStock plug-in for QGIS 
Description A plug-in tool has been developed for QGIS, an opensource GIS which allows urban building energy models to be created from a range of datasets. It is intended that this tool be made available for public access before the end of the project. 
Type Of Technology Webtool/Application 
Year Produced 2023 
Open Source License? Yes  
Impact None at present 
Description Ahmedabad Dissemination Activities 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact A half-day workshop was held in December 2023 ahead of the CATE2023 conference to engage policy-makers and property developers, encourage active participation, and facilitate the translation of research findings into actionable outcomes. It included a mix of presentations, panel discussions, group activities, and opportunities for networking and collaboration. The ultimate goal was to develop a list of changes to design, policy and engagement practices that can improve energy efficiency and thermal comfort and garner commitment from participants to implement these changes.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description GCSE and A-level Geography Masterclass 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact Masterclass presentation to GCSE and A-Level students at Cranbrook Schoool Kent in support of the geography curriculum.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description GEMDev inaurguración 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact An online launch event was held via zoom and livestreamed via youtube and facebook. The event featured presentations introducing the project and each of the work packages followed by questions and answers. The event was held in Spanish with simulataneous translation into english. The event reached a live audience of 55 with 247 views on YouTube. 350 people signed up to the project mailing list folloiwng the event.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description GEMDev launch 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact An online launch event was held via zoom and live streamed via youtube and facebook. A series of presentations introduced the project and the work packages followed by questions and answers from the audience. The event was simulataneously translated into Spanish. 35 participants attended the live session and the video has had 31 views. Following the event 300 people signed up to the project mailing list.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Lima Dissemination activities 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact GEMDev Lima dissemination activities (27th November- 8th December 2023)
• Seminario
This Seminar was organised by PUCP university (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú) on the 29th November 2023 between 8am and 1pm. The audience included senior academics, members of the public, community leaders from the districts of Barrios Altos as well as local policy makers and officials from local municipalities. The GEMDev Team presented their work in each of the work packages (WP1-4). The modelling output from WP3 received very positive comments in light of its findings regarding housing and thermal comfort in the informal settlements in Lima. Following the talks we were invited to speak to local media covering news in Lima and the peripheries.
• Workshop
The Workshop was organised by Foro Ciudades para la Vida, one of the project's partners in Lima, on 5th December 2023 between 1pm-7pm. The audience in this instance was more diverse, including students, and professionals from the fields of architecture, engineering, public health, senior national figures in academia, authors of IPCC reports, community leaders from the districts of Barrios Altos, Jose Carlos Mariategui and El Agustino. Officials from the municipalities in Lima and from the Ministry of Housing were also present. The presentations of each work package were followed by a panel discussion which would then open to questions from the audience. The modelling work in WP3 attracted a lot of attention and interest with long discussions with various stakeholders. As a result of these discussions the team was invited to present our modelling work at the Ministry of Housing the next day.
• Ministry of Housing
The meeting at the Ministry of Housing took place on the morning of 6th December 2023. We presented the modelling work in Jose Carlos Mariateqgui, indicating the size of the thermal stress experienced by the local population, with extremes indoor temperatures lasting long enough to result in adverse health impacts. The retrofit suggestions, coupled with technical pilots as well as the economic and studies on the vulnerable population groups at risk if such housing improvement initiatives are not taken forward grabbed the attention of senior officials who promised to provide extensive health related data from across districts in Lima.
• PUCP lecture
The lecture at PUCP university followed the Seminar on the 29th November 2023. It was delivered in the Architectural Department at PUCP to undergraduates and postgraduate students of the department. It focused on the methods for measuring and modelling energy and thermal comfort as well as modelling tools for urban building energy modelling, having as core the UCL developed SimStock open access software and its plugin for QGIS. The students showed great interest in both the methods of analysis and the open access tool, which they can take forward in their studies and work.

• Community engagement in JCM and Barrios Altos
The engagement with the local communities in Barrios Altos and Jose Carlos Mariategui took place locally in the individual districts on 30th November and 4th December separately. Findings from particularly the measurement and modelling work were presented to families and members of the communities. Local knowledge was shared and grounded experiences were discussed in detail. We received extensive gratitude for the work that we did and were invited to visit their homes to continue discussions further.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023