Prebunking: Psychological "vaccines" against online misinformation, extremist recruitment and vaccine hesitancy.

Lead Research Organisation: University of Cambridge
Department Name: Psychology


Online misinformation is recognised by many as one of the most important challenges of the 21st century. In a novel attempt to address this problem, my research has focused on developing psychological "vaccines" against misinformation, by building on an existing framework from social psychology called "inoculation theory", which focuses on how to build resistance against unwanted persuasion. It posits that it is possible to confer psychological resistance against manipulation attempts by pre-emptively exposing people to a weakened version of a deceptive argument, much like a real vaccine confers resistance against a pathogen after being injected with a severely weakened version of it.
In my research, I theorised that inoculation theory could be used to build general resistance against the strategies commonly used in the production of misinformation, as opposed to specific resistance against individual arguments as is the standard in inoculation research. To achieve this, I proposed a combination of active experiential learning and perspective-taking (an approach called "active inoculation" or "pre-bunking"). Gamification proved an excellent fit for this purpose.

After a promising pilot study with a "fake news card game" that I built, I developed a free online social impact game, Bad News, in which players become a fake news "tycoon", rooted in insights from social psychology and media studies. The game has since been translated to 15 languages and has so far been played by more than a million people. To test the effectiveness of Bad News as an anti-misinformation "vaccine", I created a "fake news detection scale" and developed a system for collecting survey data within the game to test if people's ability to spot misinformation improved after playing. The results were highly robust and replicated in randomised controlled trials as well as in 4 other language versions of the game. This work has so far resulted in 6 peer-reviewed publications.

During this fellowship, I will finalise a number of papers that explore important unanswered questions about inoculation theory in the context of misinformation: how long do the inoculation effects last, how strong are the effects when exposing people to various types of misinformation, and can we detect so-called "post-inoculation" effects? I will also co-develop a psychometrically validated "fake news detection" scale, to be used in misinformation research.

The second goal of this fellowship is to explore whether the above approach of using "active" inoculation interventions can be applied in other domains in which online misinformation is a threat. Concretely, I will investigate this question in three key issue domains: online extremist recruitment, vaccine hesitancy, and misinformation surrounding the recent Coronavirus epidemic. This fellowship will thus allow me to investigate whether inoculation theory can be leveraged as a scalable solution to the pervasive problem of misinformation across issue domains: can we create "broad-spectrum vaccines" against misinformation, and how can we scale these "vaccines" so as to maximise their uptake?

This fellowship thus presents an excellent opportunity to expand on my current work, both academically and in practice. I anticipate that by the end of this fellowship, I will be in an excellent position to become a leading researcher within the domain of online misinformation and persuasion research. After this fellowship, I hope to find a position as university lecturer. In addition, I will collaborate and engage with external partners (e.g. social media companies such as WhatsApp) to ensure that the insights developed during this fellowship will be applied in practice, much like we did previously with the Bad News game. After all, a vaccine only works if many people make use of it.


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Description The research under this award looked at how to leverage psychological "inoculations" (in the form of online games) against misinformation in three key issue domains: 1) COVID-19 misinformation, 2) vaccine misinformation, and 3) recruitment efforts by extremist organisations. I designed three gamified interventions that serve as "inoculations" against misinformation strategies and manipulation tactics commonly used to mislead people online: Go Viral (, about COVID-19 misinformation, Bad Vaxx (, about vaccine misinformation, and Radicalise (, about extremist recruitment. I then tested these interventions in terms of whether they improve people's ability to spot misinformation in each of these domains. This has so far led to two peer-reviewed publications (Basol, Roozenbeek et al., 2021, Big Data and Society, and Saleh, Roozenbeek et al., Behavioural Public Policy) and one publication that is currently in the write-up stage and due to be submitted (Appel et al., in preparation). For all three interventions, we found that playing a short online game 1) significantly improves people's ability to spot misinformation in social media content within the core issue domain, and 2) significantly improves people's confidence in their ability to do so. With respect to the Go Viral! game (Basol, Roozenbeek et al., 2021) and the Bad Vaxx game (Appel et al., in preparation), we also found that playing the game significantly reduces people's willingness to share such misinformation with people in their network. In addition, we have replicated the results from the Radicalise game (Saleh, Roozenbeek et al., 2021) in Iraq, with a sample of Iraqi refugees in Mosul province, highlighting the cross-cultural applicability of the findings. Overall, this research not only brings significant new insight into how resistance against unwanted persuasion can be conferred in a variety of issue domains, it has also produced three novel, evidence-based interventions in the form of short online games. One, Go Viral (, has been played more than 1.5 million times since its launch, and has been translated into numerous languages.
Exploitation Route The outcomes of this funding are very practical: three short, online games that were tested in a series of randomised controlled trials as part of this research project. The first game (Go Viral, is online and publicly accessible; the other two games (Bad Vaxx and Radicalise) are still in development and will be launched soon. These games are public-facing and are accessible to anyone with access to an internet browser. The interventions may be used as part of educational workshops or media literacy courses. In addition, the Go Viral game has been promoted by the WHO, the UK government, and the United Nations (for example see The Radicalise game is currently being implemented as part of a series of workshops in Iraq (Mosul province) as part of efforts to prevent violent extremism.
Sectors Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)

Description The Go Viral! game ( that was tested as part of this research has been promoted by the UK government, the United Nations, and the WHO ( The game has been played more than 1.5 million times since its launch, and is used widely as an educational intervention to combat COVID-19 misinformation. The Radicalise game is currently being used as part of a series of workshops in Mosul, Iraq, aimed at preventing violent extremism in the region. Alongside other "prebunking"/inoculation interventions that we developed (for an overview, see, the games that were developed as part of this project are currently instrumental tools for combating misinformation online, and are used by a large number of universities, schools, media literacy organisations, and social media companies as part of their anti-misinformation efforts.
First Year Of Impact 2021
Sector Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software),Education
Impact Types Societal

Policy & public services

Title Go Viral game 
Description Go Viral, a 5-minute online game where you learn to spot COVID-19 misinformation. 
Type Of Technology Webtool/Application 
Year Produced 2021 
Open Source License? Yes  
Impact The game is freely accessible in any browser. It has been played 1.5 million times since launch and has been translated into 13 languages. It was promoted by the WHO, the UN and the UK government: