Data CAMPP (Innovative Training in Data Capture, Analysis and Management for Plant Phenotyping)
Lead Research Organisation:
University of Nottingham
Department Name: Sch of Biosciences
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionising agriculture and agronomy. As an example, John Deere is a near 200-year-old agriculture company which has recently transformed its business, capitalizing on automation and AI [1]. So great is its capability to collect and manage huge quantities of data that the firm now considers itself a software company [2]. The ability to use sensors for collecting data in the field, glasshouse and/or polytunnel, and to act on that data via automated analysis, shows huge potential. However, taking advantage of these capabilities requires technical prowess that is currently lacking in the majority of UK bioscientists. The widespread ability to use and, indeed, develop AI systems exhibiting these functionalities, deployed for practical use in day-to-day bioscience settings, is sadly absent from both academia and industry.
Yet there is a compelling imperative nationally to provide bioscientists with the skills that enable them to realise this exciting potential. In last year's UK AI Sector Deal, agriculture and life sciences was identified as a key investment area where AI can boost productivity in the UK economy. But without access to a knowledgeable and skilled workforce, this initiative is doomed to fail; and without access to appropriate training, bioscientists will be unable to lead the global agriculture and life science revolution toward new AI-driven solutions.
Images are ubiquitous in the biosciences and are a key source of objective, quantitative data. Recent developments in AI-combined with robot-assisted image and other data capture, as well as the availability of small-footprint, relatively low-cost computing devices enable high-throughput acquisition and analysis of data in real-world settings, beyond academic research labs. While the technical facilities exist, the practical knowledge to design and implement them is also required. This is particularly relevant for bioscientists, who must answer key questions in order to select and implement effective solutions: How are AI-driven methods designed? How can they be adapted to new domains in the biosciences? How can we utilise them in our lab or field research? What consideration should be given to the resulting datasets? Without appropriate training and skills, bioscientists are ill-equipped to address these questions.
The Data CAMPP project, therefore, provides an innovative training course with flexible, hands-on learning opportunities spanning key aspects of an automated data gathering pipeline for the critical bioscience setting. "Data CAMPP" refers to the automated Capture, Analysis and Management of data. The course will deliver units covering fundamental and advanced aspects of image analysis, machine learning and data handling applied to Plant Phenotyping. Training units are accompanied by downloadable software tools, exercises and datasets, and novel "lab-by-post" project kits (physical hardware and plants) to enable hands-on learning experiences via remote participation. The course will also offer complementary in-person activities. This unique mode of mixed delivery promotes accessibility for a broad cohort, to support participants from a range of education backgrounds and skill sets, at diverse career stages, and with varied personal constraints that might limit travel and/or regular daytime attendance.
The overarching goal of Data CAMPP is to create a unique and timely learning experience for the bioscience community, covering topics from development and placement of robotics in the field, through to management of phenotyping image sets, and good experimental practices for, and ethics of, machine learning. Data CAMPP will prepare today's bioscientists to lead tomorrow's AI-driven innovations.
Yet there is a compelling imperative nationally to provide bioscientists with the skills that enable them to realise this exciting potential. In last year's UK AI Sector Deal, agriculture and life sciences was identified as a key investment area where AI can boost productivity in the UK economy. But without access to a knowledgeable and skilled workforce, this initiative is doomed to fail; and without access to appropriate training, bioscientists will be unable to lead the global agriculture and life science revolution toward new AI-driven solutions.
Images are ubiquitous in the biosciences and are a key source of objective, quantitative data. Recent developments in AI-combined with robot-assisted image and other data capture, as well as the availability of small-footprint, relatively low-cost computing devices enable high-throughput acquisition and analysis of data in real-world settings, beyond academic research labs. While the technical facilities exist, the practical knowledge to design and implement them is also required. This is particularly relevant for bioscientists, who must answer key questions in order to select and implement effective solutions: How are AI-driven methods designed? How can they be adapted to new domains in the biosciences? How can we utilise them in our lab or field research? What consideration should be given to the resulting datasets? Without appropriate training and skills, bioscientists are ill-equipped to address these questions.
The Data CAMPP project, therefore, provides an innovative training course with flexible, hands-on learning opportunities spanning key aspects of an automated data gathering pipeline for the critical bioscience setting. "Data CAMPP" refers to the automated Capture, Analysis and Management of data. The course will deliver units covering fundamental and advanced aspects of image analysis, machine learning and data handling applied to Plant Phenotyping. Training units are accompanied by downloadable software tools, exercises and datasets, and novel "lab-by-post" project kits (physical hardware and plants) to enable hands-on learning experiences via remote participation. The course will also offer complementary in-person activities. This unique mode of mixed delivery promotes accessibility for a broad cohort, to support participants from a range of education backgrounds and skill sets, at diverse career stages, and with varied personal constraints that might limit travel and/or regular daytime attendance.
The overarching goal of Data CAMPP is to create a unique and timely learning experience for the bioscience community, covering topics from development and placement of robotics in the field, through to management of phenotyping image sets, and good experimental practices for, and ethics of, machine learning. Data CAMPP will prepare today's bioscientists to lead tomorrow's AI-driven innovations.
Technical Summary
Data CAMPP provides an innovative training course with 12 learning units, as below. Each is led by two investigators. Delivery is either: online (OL), blended (BL) or face2face (F2F). Learning is enhanced by: software exercises (SW), hardware labs (HW) or group discussion (GD). HW labs can be sent as lab-by-post kits for remote participants.
Plant Phenotyping
- Intro to Plant Phenotyping Technologies (RG/JA; OL, SW): Current tools and methods that facilitate collecting data about plants.
- Affordable Phenotyping (RG/TP; OL, GD): Data collection in Lower-Middle Income Countries, e.g. Cassava phenotyping using low-cost sensors and ML.
- Case Studies Workshop (TP/SP; F2F, GD): Discussion around attendees' workplace challenges.
Image Analysis and Machine Learning
- Intro to Image Analysis (TP/AF; OL, SW): Computer vision techniques used in the biosciences.
- ML for Image Data (AF/SP; BL, SW): Machine learning methods for bioscience, identification and ethical use of appropriate approaches.
- Deep Learning Internals (MP/TP; OL, SW): Deep Learning is no longer a black box, understanding components and development of new approaches.
- Experiment Design for ML (MP/ES; OL, SW): Data requirements, strategies for training and testing algorithms.
Data Capture and Management
- Intro to Robotics for Bioscientists (ES/SP; BL, HW): Robotic components and control.
- Coding for Robotics & Data Capture (SP/AF; OL, SW): Industry-standard programming languages and tools (e.g. Python, Labview, Matlab).
- Data Management (ES/SP; OL, SW): Formats and standards, storage and backup, software tools, hardware terms, sharing mechanisms, licensing, GDPR.
- Data Capture in the Lab (DW/JA; BL, HW): Sensors for gathering data in controlled environments, lab-by-post with low-cost and 3D printed components.
- Data Capture in the Field (ES/RG; F2F, HW): Mechanisms for intelligent data collection in uncontrolled environments, field robotics, data transfer, reliability, robustness.
Plant Phenotyping
- Intro to Plant Phenotyping Technologies (RG/JA; OL, SW): Current tools and methods that facilitate collecting data about plants.
- Affordable Phenotyping (RG/TP; OL, GD): Data collection in Lower-Middle Income Countries, e.g. Cassava phenotyping using low-cost sensors and ML.
- Case Studies Workshop (TP/SP; F2F, GD): Discussion around attendees' workplace challenges.
Image Analysis and Machine Learning
- Intro to Image Analysis (TP/AF; OL, SW): Computer vision techniques used in the biosciences.
- ML for Image Data (AF/SP; BL, SW): Machine learning methods for bioscience, identification and ethical use of appropriate approaches.
- Deep Learning Internals (MP/TP; OL, SW): Deep Learning is no longer a black box, understanding components and development of new approaches.
- Experiment Design for ML (MP/ES; OL, SW): Data requirements, strategies for training and testing algorithms.
Data Capture and Management
- Intro to Robotics for Bioscientists (ES/SP; BL, HW): Robotic components and control.
- Coding for Robotics & Data Capture (SP/AF; OL, SW): Industry-standard programming languages and tools (e.g. Python, Labview, Matlab).
- Data Management (ES/SP; OL, SW): Formats and standards, storage and backup, software tools, hardware terms, sharing mechanisms, licensing, GDPR.
- Data Capture in the Lab (DW/JA; BL, HW): Sensors for gathering data in controlled environments, lab-by-post with low-cost and 3D printed components.
- Data Capture in the Field (ES/RG; F2F, HW): Mechanisms for intelligent data collection in uncontrolled environments, field robotics, data transfer, reliability, robustness.
Title | GitHub repository of code to support the DataCAMPP units |
Description | GitHub repository of code to support the DataCAMPP units Source of practical examples to support the units |
Type Of Technology | Software |
Year Produced | 2022 |
Open Source License? | Yes |
Impact | Assisting learning of machine learning, image analysis and robotics on the DataCAMPP courses |
URL | |
Description | Data CAMPP - Data Capture in the Field Workshop |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Professional Practitioners |
Results and Impact | The purpose of this workshop was to provide training for professional bioscientists, PhD students and postdoctoral researchers on how to capture data in the field and process it with Python. The target audience for the workshop was a non-technical audience with interests in data/plant science. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2023 |
URL | |
Description | Data CAMPP - Introduction to machine learning workshop |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Other audiences |
Results and Impact | An in-person workshop to support the online Machine learning unit. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2023 |
Description | Data CAMPP Data Capture in the Field Workshop |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Postgraduate students |
Results and Impact | The purpose of the workshop was to provide training for bio-science students and researchers on how to capture plant phenotyping data in the field and use Python to process it. A two-day event, the workshop was held in two sessions: outdoor data capture and indoor coding demonstration. The first part of the workshop was focused on data collection involving various crops at the Riseholme Farm campus at the University of Lincoln and included multispectral data capture with a MicaSense camera and chlorophyll concentration measurements with a SPAD chlorophyll meter. In the second part of the workshop, participants were trained to use MicaSense Python libraries to process the captured multispectral images (e.g. visualisation, alignment, export). Participants were invited to take part in the event as part of the Lincoln Agri-Robotics Summer Camp. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2022 |
Description | Data CAMPP Robot Platforms Workshop |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Regional |
Primary Audience | Postgraduate students |
Results and Impact | The purpose of the workshop was to help us collect information from participants about specific robot hardware platforms and their suitability for the Data CAMPP audience---bioscientists. Participants were recruited via email and joined this special hands-on workshop in which they attempted to build an educational robot from one of 4 different commercial kits. Participants completed a survey asking for feedback about their views of the kit they worked with. The results will be used to inform the development of training materials for bioscientists in the areas of data science and automated technologies (robotics) applied to plant phenotyping---i.e. the primary Data CAMPP outputs. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2022 |
Description | Online course unit: Introduction to Image Analysis for Plant Phenotyping |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Other audiences |
Results and Impact | This was a primary output for the award: an online course unit on Introduction to Image Analysis for Plant Phenotyping. Some summary statistics, based on exit survey: 504 enrolments to date. 94% of learners found the course met or exceeded expectations 94% of learners gained new skills |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2022,2023,2024 |
URL | |
Description | Online course unit: Introduction to Plant Phenotyping Technologies |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Other audiences |
Results and Impact | Online course unit which is a primary output for this award. 94% of learners say course met or exceeded expectations 100% gained new skills from taking the course. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2022,2023,2024 |
URL | |
Description | Online course unit: Machine learning for image data |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Other audiences |
Results and Impact | This is an online unit, part of the DataCAMPP set of courses, and a primary output for this award. 100% of learners said the course met or exceeded expectations. 100% said they gained new knowledge from the course. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2023,2024 |
URL | |