Orexinergic projections to neocortex: potential role in arousal, stress and anxiety-related disorders.

Lead Research Organisation: UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD
Department Name: Physiology Anatomy and Genetics


Stress exacerbates many psychiatric conditions, and repeated stress contributes to the pathogenesis of disorders such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Panic and Major Depressive Disorder. The mammalian cerebral cortex is responsible for our higher cognitive functions such as language, episodic memory, and complex perception. It interacts with various other structures, such as the thalamus, a large group of neurons that either relay sensory input to the cortex or mediate cortico-cortical interactions through these neurons. Our brain is not always paying attention to all details, and it does not always analyse detailed contexts. Its state is regulated by neuroendocrine factors. These are small molecules, such as orexin (hypocretin). Orexin is exclusively produced in neurons of the lateral hypothalamus. The orexin system is highly reactive to stress and regulates many physiological processes that are altered in stress-related mental illness, including sleep/wake patterns, appetite, and cognition. Changes in orexin levels have been reported in major depression and anxiety disorders, and genetic defects in the sensitivity to orexin (orexin 1 receptor polymorphism) have been associated with anxiety spectrum disorders, particularly in women who are twice as likely as men to suffer from stress-related mental illness.
Orexinergic neurons have wide projection targets across the entire central nervous system, including to other local (hypothalamic) neurons that are important for modulating arousal, appetite, and neuroendocrine functions. However, the role of projections to cortical circuits remains less well understood, although they may be involved in regulating cortical arousal and the cognitive responses to stress. Thus, they could represent promising targets for drug development that selectively target cortical, but not subcortical mechanisms involved in generating anxiety. Resolving the anatomical and functional connectivity between orexinergic neurons and cortical circuits, as well as the gender differences in this system, will be critical for starting to design orexinergic treatments for anxiety.
Within sensory cortex, layer 6b is the only orexin-sensitive layer. These neurons can be selectively labelled using Ctgf-/Drd1a-Cre transgenic mice, and we have very considerable expertise in studying this cell population. We demonstrated that there is a direct link between lateral hypothalamic orexin neurons and these cells. We also demonstrated that some of the orexin-sensitive layer 6b neurons selectively project to thalamic nuclei that are involved in higher cognitive functions. Sensory layer 6b neurons might therefore function as an orexin-gated circuit that amplifies feedback via cortico-thalamo-cortical loops and play an important role in regulating brain state and cognition.
In our preliminary experiments we genetically silenced a selected population of Drd1a-Cre neurons across the entire cerebral cortex and observed the behaviour of these Snap25 cKO mice. This manipulation did not influence circadian rhythms or locomotor activity when mice were exposed to a novel environment. However, it led to a strong reduction in anxiety-like behaviour, as measured in three different behavioural tasks. This suggests that some of the Drd1a-Cre neurons may act as a key component in the cortex for regulating emotional behaviours. We shall examine i) functional connectivity between orexin neurons and their cortical targets, ii) physiological responses of Ctgf-/Drd1a-Cre neurons to stress and arousal, and how this is modulated by orexin, and ii) involvement of these cells in anxiety and fear learning. The selective manipulation of these circuits presents unique therapeutic avenues for the intervention against anxiety, while not influencing autonomous functions. Our proposed experiments will dissect key components, cell type and gender differences of these circuits and shall test the molecular mechanisms that could be exploited in therapy.

Technical Summary

Stress exacerbates many psychiatric conditions and repeated stress contributes to the pathogenesis of mental health disorders. Orexinergic neurons are highly reactive to stress and regulate many physiological processes altered in stress-related mental illness, including sleep/wake patterns, appetite and cognition. They project widely across the CNS, including hypothalamus, thalamus, brain stem, and cerebral cortex. The projections to other hypothalamic neurons and subcortical centres are important for modulating arousal, appetite and endocrine activity. The roles of projections to cortical circuits are poorly understood. They may be involved in regulating cortical arousal and cognitive responses.

We build on our expertise in cortical layer 6b (L6b) neurons, the only orexin sensitive cells in sensory cortex. We demonstrated that the Drd1a-Cre+ subgroup of L6b neurons selectively target higher order thalamic nuclei. 'Silencing' these neurons by Cre-mediated Snap25 cKO did not influence locomotor or circadian activity, but it reduced anxiety-like behaviour in the elevated plus maze and light-dark box (distinct from Rbp-4Cre neurons, Krone et al., 2021). This suggests Drd1a-Cre neurons regulate emotional behaviours as an orexin-gated cortico-thalamo-cortical circuit, most likely involving prefrontal cortex.

Here, we aim to resolve the functional connectivity between orexinergic neurons and cortical circuits including their inputs to Drd1a-Cre/Ctgf-Cre+ cortical cells, using optogenetics and calcium imaging ex vivo. Next, we will use high-density Neuropixel arrays to determine the involvement of orexin-sensitive cortical cells in sex specific responses to stress and arousal. Finally, we determine how silencing these neurons affects sex differences in anxiety-related behaviours. Our experiments will dissect key components, cell-type and gender differences of these circuits, and shall pave the way to identify molecular mechanisms that could be exploited in therapy.


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Title Winning the image competition - Florina Szabo (Molnar Lab) 
Description A department-wide image competition has yielded a range of stunning images showcasing the diversity and breadth of DPAG's science. Congratulations to DPhil student Florina Szabo of the Molnár Group on winning the first prize, to postdoctoral fellow Dr Richard Tyser of the Srinivas Group on winning second prize, and to DPhil student Judy Sayers of the Riley Group on winning third prize. Their pictures will be framed and displayed in the Department. 
Type Of Art Image 
Year Produced 2022 
Impact A department-wide image competition has yielded a range of stunning images showcasing the diversity and breadth of DPAG's science. Congratulations to DPhil student Florina Szabo of the Molnár Group on winning the first prize, to postdoctoral fellow Dr Richard Tyser of the Srinivas Group on winning second prize, and to DPhil student Judy Sayers of the Riley Group on winning third prize. Their pictures will be framed and displayed in the Department. 
URL https://www.dpag.ox.ac.uk/news/winners-of-dpag-image-competition-announced
Description How desk jobs alter your brain - and why they're so tiring?
Geographic Reach Multiple continents/international 
Policy Influence Type Contribution to new or improved professional practice
URL https://www.dpag.ox.ac.uk/news/how-desk-jobs-alter-your-brain-and-why-theyre-so-tiring
Description Cellular and molecular interactions between neurons and microglia in normal and altered cerebral cortical development
Amount £20,000 (GBP)
Organisation University of Oxford 
Department St John's College Oxford
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2023 
End 03/2025
Title Improvements in 3D printing methods to produce cortical columns from human iPCs - https://www.oxfordmartin.ox.ac.uk/brain-repair/ 
Description Improvements in 3D printing methods to produce cortical columns from human iPCs - https://www.oxfordmartin.ox.ac.uk/brain-repair/ Brain damage, whether through disease or trauma, can be devastating for patients and their families. To date, pharmaceuticals and biotherapeutics have failed to effectively treat brain damage, and alternative approaches are urgently required. This programme is pioneering a radical new approach in which the brain is repaired with 3D-printed neural tissues. Looking initially at traumatic brain injury, which affects 5.3 million people globally, the research will lay the groundwork for tackling brain repair with personalised neural implants, produced by 3D printing with the patients' own stem cells. The project aims to create cortical tissue by generating neurons and support cells from human stem cells, "pre organising" the cells in three dimensions and then culturing the cells in-vitro to prepare them for implantation, initially in animal models. The programme will also need to perfect the microsurgical skills required to implant the cortical tissue, and establish the critical time window for implantation. Assessment of integration, electrical activity and behavioural recovery post-implantation will also be required. Even five years ago 3D printing brain implants from human stem cells would have been considered science fiction. Now we have the means to make it a reality, and to generate a low-cost medical technology to address the growing global catastrophe of brain damage through trauma and disease. https://www.oxfordmartin.ox.ac.uk/publications/integration-of-3d-printed-cerebral-cortical-tissue-into-an-ex-vivo-lesioned-brain-slice/ https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-023-41356-w 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-023-41356-w The presented approach might be used for the evaluation of drugs and nutrients that promote tissue integration. Importantly, our methodology offers a technical reservoir for future personalized implantation treatments that use 3D tissues derived from a patient's own induced pluripotent stem cells. 
URL https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-023-41356-w
Title Normative spatiotemporal fetal brain maturation with satisfactory development at 2 years 
Description Abstract Maturation of the human fetal brain should follow precisely scheduled structural growth and folding of the cerebral cortex for optimal postnatal function1. We present a normative digital atlas of fetal brain maturation based on a prospective international cohort of healthy pregnant women2, selected using World Health Organization recommendations for growth standards3. Their fetuses were accurately dated in the first trimester, with satisfactory growth and neurodevelopment from early pregnancy to 2 years of age4,5. The atlas was produced using 1,059 optimal quality, three-dimensional ultrasound brain volumes from 899 of the fetuses and an automated analysis pipeline6,7,8. The atlas corresponds structurally to published magnetic resonance images9, but with finer anatomical details in deep grey matter. The between-study site variability represented less than 8.0% of the total variance of all brain measures, supporting pooling data from the eight study sites to produce patterns of normative maturation. We have thereby generated an average representation of each cerebral hemisphere between 14 and 31 weeks' gestation with quantification of intracranial volume variability and growth patterns. Emergent asymmetries were detectable from as early as 14 weeks, with peak asymmetries in regions associated with language development and functional lateralization between 20 and 26 weeks' gestation. These patterns were validated in 1,487 three-dimensional brain volumes from 1,295 different fetuses in the same cohort. We provide a unique spatiotemporal benchmark of fetal brain maturation from a large cohort with normative postnatal growth and neurodevelopment. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Our atlas provides unique insights into the spatiotemporal patterns of brain maturation in a normative fetal cohort that had satisfactory growth and neurodevelopment from the first trimester of pregnancy up to 2 years of age. We have characterized those processes before 20 weeks' gestation. Our atlas will be useful as a research tool to investigate the fetal origins of neurodevelopmental disorders47. By helping to characterize the extent of deviation from healthy structural maturation and lateralization at critical times during pregnancy, our work will allow more detailed investigation into factors that modify fetal brain maturation and can affect cognitive function in childhood28. 
URL https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-06630-3
Description RENEWAL of the Einstein Visiting Fellowship awarded to Zoltán Molnár from Einstein Stiftung, Germany (2024 - 2026) 
Organisation Charité - University of Medicine Berlin
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Professor Zoltán Molnár's Einstein Visiting Fellowship at the Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin was renewed for a further two years. Zoltán Molnár has been conducting collaborative research as an Einstein Visiting Fellow at the Charité - Universitätsmedizin in association to Professor Britta Eickholt's neuromedical research group at the NeuroCure Cluster of Excellence since 2020 (https://www.dpag.ox.ac.uk/news/einstein-visiting-fellowship-awarded-to-zoltan-molnar). Einstein Foundation has renewed his fellowship for a further two years from Jan 2024 until the end of 2025. Britta Eickholt's and Zoltán Molnár's groups together with collaborators from the Larkum, Rosemund, Mann, Vyazovskiy and Lak groups combine the strengths of various research areas in order to better understand early cortical developmental processes. The collaborative work serves to better understand the abnormalities of early cortical circuit formation by the earliest generated and largely transient neurons of layer 6b in schizophrenia, autism and epileptic conditions and disorders. The groups have recently published on 'Layer 6b controls brain state via apical dendrites and the higher-order thalamocortical system' (https://www.dpag.ox.ac.uk/news/new-paper-on-layer-6b-published-by-professor-zoltan-molnar-and-colleagues-in-neuron). During development these cells play crucial roles in the thalamocortical axon guidance and cortical circuit assembly. After development, a large portion of them die through preferential cell death, but some cells remain as layer 6b in mouse and interstitial white matter cells in primates, including human. These cells are also unique, because they are the only cortical layer responsive to the neuropeptide orexin1 (also known as hypocretin), a vital neuropeptide that is produced in the lateral hypothalamus and regulates the brain's arousal system, attention, and brain state. Our hypothesis is that miswiring of the earliest generated largely transient neurons of cortical subplate induced by dysregulation of apoptosis and synaptic re-wiring by overactivated mTOR leads to a hypersensitive, overactive, and hyperexcitatory layer 6b in the mature brain. This fundamental anatomical (i.e., subplate/layer 6b), molecular (i.e., mTOR pathway), and electrophysiological substrate (i.e., tuned layer 6b cortical excitation) could underlie some cases of autism and epilepsy, and may be central to the comorbidity of these conditions. The collaborative research tests an important hypothesis about the involvement of subplate/layer 6b in autism and epilepsy. There is a very strong case for the idea that these disorders may result from over growth of the subplate/layer 6b induced by overactivity of the mTOR pathway in subplate neurons during development. The collaborative work directly examines whether the miswiring of the subplate induced by dysregulation of subplate apoptosis and synaptic re-wiring by over activated mTOR and whether mTOR over activation will lead to a hypersensitive, overactive, and hyperexcitatory layer 6b in the mature brain. The consortium shall also test whether the miswiring of the subplate induced by dysregulation of subplate apoptosis and synaptic re-wiring can be prevented by over activated mTOR by administering the mTOR antagonist, rapamycin, during the first two weeks of development, a period during which the subplate neurons undergo apoptosis and connectivity changes. The proposed work is in basic circuit analysis, but it has very general biological and clinical implications in the understanding and possible treatment of autism and epilepsy.
Collaborator Contribution Britta Eickholt's and Zoltán Molnár's groups together with collaborators from the Larkum, Rosemund, Mann, Vyazovskiy and Lak groups combine the strengths of various research areas in order to better understand early cortical developmental processes. The collaborative work serves to better understand the abnormalities of early cortical circuit formation by the earliest generated and largely transient neurons of layer 6b in schizophrenia, autism and epileptic conditions and disorders. The groups have recently published on 'Layer 6b controls brain state via apical dendrites and the higher-order thalamocortical system' (https://www.dpag.ox.ac.uk/news/new-paper-on-layer-6b-published-by-professor-zoltan-molnar-and-colleagues-in-neuron). During development these cells play crucial roles in the thalamocortical axon guidance and cortical circuit assembly. After development, a large portion of them die through preferential cell death, but some cells remain as layer 6b in mouse and interstitial white matter cells in primates, including human. These cells are also unique, because they are the only cortical layer responsive to the neuropeptide orexin1 (also known as hypocretin), a vital neuropeptide that is produced in the lateral hypothalamus and regulates the brain's arousal system, attention, and brain state.
Impact Multidisciplinary collaboration, including mouse genetics, anatomy, behavioural neuroscience, proteomics, transcriptomics. Layer 6b controls brain state via apical dendrites and the higher-order thalamocortical system Timothy Adam Zolnik, Anna Bronec, Annemarie Ross, Marcel Staab, Robert NS Sachdev, Zoltán Molnár, Britta Johanna Eickholt, Matthew Evan Larkum Neuron Published:December 14, 2023DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuron.2023.11.021
Start Year 2020
Description Mental Health Awareness Week Hungary - 15-21 May 2023 Radio Interview with Zoltán Molnár with Alexandra Balázs - EURÓPA RÁDIÓ 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact Mental Health Awareness Week Hungary - 15-21 May 2023 - Radio Interview with Zoltán Molnár with Alexandra Balázs - EURÓPA RÁDIÓ and Margó Petz KARC FM (from 28 minutes) in Hungarian.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
URL https://europaradio.hu/tallozo/fejlodo-agy?fbclid=IwAR2gpVuryXH0tJNUy4qWlv-WaNMdSfOzJKU-HORy8ZT6D3ek...
Description Mental Health Awareness Week Hungary - 15-21 May 2023 Radio Interview with Zoltán Molnár with Alexandra Balázs - EURÓPA RÁDIÓ and Margó Petz KARC FM (from 28 minutes) in Hungarian. 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Mental Health Awareness Week Hungary - 15-21 May 2023 - Radio Interview with Zoltán Molnár with Alexandra Balázs - EURÓPA RÁDIÓ and Margó Petz KARC FM (from 28 minutes) in Hungarian.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
URL https://app.researchfish.com/portfolio/0/dissemination-to-non-academic-audiences?action=add&zone=por...
Description Professor Zoltán Molnár gave three lectures at the University of Debrecen to second year medical students on brain development at part of NeurotechEU. 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Undergraduate students
Results and Impact Professor Zoltán Molnár gave three lectures at the University of Debrecen to second year medical students on brain development at part of NeurotechEU.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
URL https://hirek.unideb.hu/node/16542?fbclid=IwAR1G0tHRIII5AOsA-0ms3vaTpDlNWsqLbSVlvLOAngye-Bs0ekOQNdQn...
Description Professor Zoltán Molnár talks about his research, teaching and hobbies in an interview to NeurotechEU at University of Debrecen in English and in Hungarian. 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Undergraduate students
Results and Impact Professor Zoltán Molnár talks about his research, teaching and hobbies in an interview to NeurotechEU at University of Debrecen in English and in Hungarian.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
URL https://neurotecheu.unideb.hu/node/286